16 THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, SATURDAY, 3IAT 7, 1910. FOR fiALK TIMBER LANDS. QUARTER SECTION of fine Siletz timber of about 6.000,000 feet, consisting of yellow and red Jir. cedar and piling. This la on a food logging stream and is a bargain at $1SO0. It will pay you to investigate this. J. G. Sanders, 421 Lumbermen' PiQg. 4 0,000 WANTED to complete purchase of iimoer ianai ; win sen outrigtit ana buy back on turn page basis; liberal bo nus given, also chance to Invest In best mill proposition In Southern Oregon. In- , quire oi J. J. waxier, ijoiq Hill, Or. 00.000 FEET yellow fir and cedar, well situated, $.i000; 4.O00.0'O feet yellow fir. o muea i ro:n xi. n.., i i nj HYLAXD, JONES & CO., m 400 Gerlinger Bldg. ftlEXJCO For wale, large tracts of yellow and white pine, cedar and oak: prices riirht: quick action needed. Kent, 132-4 S. Hope ex. . jjoB Angeies, jai. MUM BEK claim for sale or trade by own?r ; cruising 2,000.000 cedar and 4,000,000 nr. .a. .Nfriaon. 144 4tn. TIMBER LANDS. BOUGHT AND SOLD. M'CRACKEN: 804 McKay Bldg. C J. "FARMS WANTED. "WANTED t-mall farm, 15 to 20 acres, close in, on car, partly improved; prefer to trade In email home in city; state price and location; no agents. BUYER, 415 lamnui st. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER lamls wanted. 34 McKay bldg. C. J. McCracken, FOR SALE. Horses Vehicles and Harness. Why buy second-hand vehicles when you can get a new one from an oid-estabiished wholesale house. 44 years in Oregon, at almost the same cost? We are located outside the high-rent district, own our building, and can make the price. Ex clusive agents for the old reliable line of jnicnigan iuggy Co. line vehicles, aenv- ery wagons, tun huvcips. runabouts and farm wagons. Be sure and see us before you Duy. it may save you money. R. M. WADE & CO.. 322 Hawthorne Ave., bet. East 1st and 2d. CUT PRICES. On new butriries. harness and wagons: the second largest stock in the city to select from. New, guaranteed, well-known buggies with leather trimmings, fine leather quarter tops, for $58.50. Big sales anu small pronts. C L. BOSS & CO.. 320-32S EAST MORRISON STREET. FOR SALE Portland Stables. 26 North loth st.. 2 teams of horses, 1 single horse, weights 1150 to 3350 lbs. per horse. I will refund the monoy on any horse I sell if not as represented. The Portland Trust Co., where I bank, will tell you if I am reliable, also references given on the best business firms In Portland. R. L. Evans. you SALE Horses, harness and wagons. Remember, we sell guaranteed horses and mares. If not as represented they can be returned. We also have on hand several delivery, farm, vegetable and milk wagons for sale. Hawthorne-ave. Stables. 420 . Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE A fine saddle horse, 6 years old, city broke, nicely edited, a kind dispo sition and high life; is a thoroughbred, with a full pedigree of his breeding. Ad dress H. G. Gouldstone, I 330 East 47th and Hawthorne. Phone Tabor 1615. WARE and gelding, a?es 6 and 7. weight 27K lb?., chunky-built, suitable for most any purpose; also their harness. almost new; price $300; can be seen by calling at my residence, 874 Savier st. Take W car or . lbth-st. or to car, get off at 26th st. GOOD, gentle, sound driving mare, gentle xor any lauy, witn almost new u.p con cord buggy, rubber lined ; harness com plete, 145. 'Ask for collector's rig. 204 Montgomery. MULES for sale 20 head of Missouri mules from 4 to 7 years old. weight from 12oo to 1400 lb, each; the best lot ever brought to Portland. At the Model Stables. 205 Davis Bt. . m. Biningf. GENTLE driving bay mare, with harness. Stanhope and surrey; any lady or child can drive this mare; cheap for cash. See same at Portland Riding Academy, 701 Johnson st.. or phone A 3441. THE finest Shetland pony and cart in Ore gon for sale; broke to ride and drive; gentle for womun and children. Phone Main 2218. JUST sold my ranch In Southern Oregon. I have 4 big mares, 2 with foal, 1 big horse weighs from 1300 to 1500, from 7 to 9 years old. 407 Hawthorne ave. THREE horses left and will sell at a sac rincH to close out; 5-year-old mare. $275; gelding. 7 years, lOtiO; bay mare, a little thin, :15. 5th and Mont g ornery. A TEAM of driving horses for sale; will sell separate; also rubber-tire buggy and harness. Call Frazier & McClain. 6th and Jefferson. MARES Three 4-year-olds and one 6-year-old with colt. 270 East 6th, block north Hawthorne stabkss. FIRST-CLASS heavy draft and driving horses always on hand: sold with guarantee as U. 8. FEED AND TRANSIENT STABLES. Beat accommodations for travelers; ladies" waiting-room; prices moderate. 248 Front. PHAETON for sale. In good repair, at Tuck- er a Wagon-shop. 174 Union ave. DR. L. G. STICK NET, V. SOfrice 409 E. Burn side. E. 555; residence E. 1 7 1 . J-TVE heavy teams at the transfer barns. Flemmlng & Thompson. Oresham. BUGGY and hack for sale. Mrs. Purser, Beavcrton. FAIR good farm grays, weight 2430, with new harness; bargain. 3S4 Front st. Automobiles. OWNER going East, will sacrifice his $500 equity in a new E. M. F. touring car, run HoO miles, 7 weeks old, for $250, balance lOl0 can be paid ot rate of 4150 per month. Woodlawn 2517, C 2220. Address A L 95s. O re go n 1 an. -PA SSEtNGER auto. 35 h. p 4-cylinder; top, shield and lamps. thoroughly over hauled, in good condition. Room 10 Waah Ington bldg. $600. 30-HORSE POWER auto top. glass front, in good running order. Call 21 E 13th su 0-H. P. Thomas Flyer, 7-passenger car, for sale or trade on home or lots. AL 900. Ore ironian, ONE four-cylinder automobile, newly paint ed and in first-class condition. Phone East SS93. 6-PASSEN'GER automobile in good condi tion; $:.'00 down. $i.O per month. M. 6361 Room 417. 36 Washington st. ,'VA.VTED 1909 4 or 5-passenger auto. Cash ' 4 1 Commercial Club bldg. A RUNABOUT cheap for quick sale. West ern Auto Co.. 513 Alder st. 4 -CYLINDER Cadillac, In good condition, 850. Western Auto Co.. 531 Alder st. Pianos, Organs and Music! Instrument. 4350 I AT EST style upright piano, price $16o; Jio down. $7 month payments. 446 Sd St. Main S753, A 17l5. Bird. Dogs, pet Stook. WANTED Setting White Orpington eggs E. G. Elekur, Mtlwaukie, Or. Phone Seli wood 1007. CS HEAD of Government-inspected cattle and mtlk route. Write R. D No. 2 124. A FRESH cow for sale; very gentle and de sirable for either family or dairy. 768 East Pine. iFOR SALE Canary' birds; fine singers. 6S0 Sandy road, corner 19th. M 1 wellaneoua. ULTCKENSPERFER TYPEWRITERS, $40 450. Ask for catalog. Rebuilt $L5 up. N M. 111 ter Co.. 9t 6th st. Main 6528. 1TR SALE Showcase. wsUcases, counters - cheap. No. 222 Grand ave. Phone East &3sl WHITE sewing machine, almost new cost SfiO; will sell tor $30. Phone Main 7U54 or A 5370. B0-FOOT launch, scats 0 people, with 4-cycle engine, new, at a bargain. H 934 Oregonian. FOVR-H. P.. 20-ft. gasoline launch, com plete with boathouse and free handy lo a cation, cheap for cash. N 942. Oregonian. A $450 tODA FOUNTAIN for sale very chean Call up Main 180P or A 4869. BRAND new $06 62-inch roll-top desk will sell for $50. Phone East 3302; 4 FRESH Jersey oown and 2 (horse for sale cheap. 529 Columbia Bouleva rd. SHOWCASES, new and second-band. 813 Everett, cor 6th. Also fixtures. FOR-SALE CHEAP, flmt-class sewing ma chine of standard make. 350 Columbia st. MILK Pasteurizing outfit for sale. Address T. F. Moseley, Vancouver. Wash FIND insulated cooler for saie cheap. Aiex Friedman. 1'5 1st. NEW 20-foot gasoline launch for sale cheap. . fall 12t3 Delaware ave,, St. Johns carline. lSLACK!M ITH shop, doing fine business. For particulars. H. Watson, Skamokawa. Wash. VXOlUNS, banjoc. mandolin, guitars at half regular prKew. L'ncle Myers, 71 ih st. TYPEWRITER B A RG A I N 3 . 231 Stark St. Main 1407. HOUSEBOAT for sale cheap; niust sell qulck. SS Texas st.; take the Fulti-n car. Ikoo business cards si if vmi hrin v. FOR BALfc. Miscellaneous. 6 E WING MACHINES We have a large va riety of drophead slightly used machtnee Singers, New Homes, Whites, etc., also al most any make of excellent box covers, all guaranteed. Price $5 and up. Nearly new 5 and 7 -drawer drophead S 1 ngers $lfi for wo -uitter ana ior jseven. SINGER STORE, . , 63ti Williams ave. OFFICE FXJRNTTUREv 10-foot counter with shelves, and 6 doors, top 18 Inches wide. 12-foot rail with base, posts, two gates. 6-foot raJL 20-Inch top. Address American Life & Accident Co., 615 Beck bldg. Telephone Main CS52. SEWING machines Do not fail to visit the White sewing machine store THIS WEEK SPECIAL SALES 120 drop-hea-d machines, slightly marred; all standard makes ma chines for rent, and repairing. H. D. Jones, Prop., 420 Washington at., corner 11th. FOR SALE: 2S-foot gasoline launch, with boathouse; equipped with 25 h. p. Smally engine; speed. IS miles per hour; every thing In first-class condition. Inquire at H. & E. Von Der Werth. east end of Mor- rison-st. bridge, or phone Main 1922. FOR SALE. 125-volt. 150-K. W. General Electric generator; belt type, complete with panel and rail base. Address Room 201, Ore gonian. TENT-HOUSE, 16rl 8, partly furnished. Free ground; price $50. St. Johns car to Peninsula, half block west, half north. 1597 Foster st. SPECIAL prices on factory rebuilt machines; very liberal terms; 10 to $60. Northwest Typewriter Co.. M 8870. 222 Ablngton bldg. NOTES AND MORTGAGES BOUGHT AND -na iiu.NAh CREDIT ASSN., 001 ii l k niDij., ,iq ana uaK. FOR SALE Child's plavhouse for outdoors cost 50O. will sell for S150. Inquire 343 West Park. FOR SALE Hart-Parr traction gasoline en gine, good as new. R, T. Cox. 250i 3d St., Portland. Or. HOUSE for sale to be removed from 6f East 7th st.. North, at once. Phone Main ofit. A 3339. V ANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and snoes; we also buy household furnishings; highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," 62. N. 3d st. Main 9272 W AN1 ED Clothing, best price paid for ladies' and gents' second-hand clothing and shoes and bicycles. Mali. 20S0. 2:0 1st. W A NT ED One medium-sized second-hand of fte safe. Portland Land Co., E. end Mor-rison-st. bridge. B 26. WANTED Second-hand factory elevator for three floors. Capacity, 1500 pounds. i- lUJiiK-i jiain oddi ; A naS'J SELL your second-hand furniture to th Ford Auction Co. or you' 11 get less jr-nones: A 45; Main SU.1. CALL up Marshall 1029 if you have sec- ond-hand clothes to sell. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt . aiways given. ijn ne East 1057. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing shoes for nignest price, rnone Main 4H40. BOOKCASE ; state size and prioe. Becker, - - o irrunq ave. rsortn. WANTED Second-hand automobiles. Prlon j aDor u2-. ROU.ER top desk and typewriter desk; must oe cneap. u a 41. Oregonian. HELP WANTED MALE. THE MEIER & FRANK stores require four ouuiiiuimi salesmen ior their men s cloth ing department; also two for bovg cloth ing; permanent positions with good pay for competent mx-ii. Apply to Supt's of- ilee, 6th floor, annex. 3 to 10. WFJ want 15 young men to prepare mailing ' iiitir acquaintances wno are particu lar about dreas. The HE1.MBACH IDEA, or a new suit for every week." will inter est them and bring money to you. NATION AL 'FA 1 LOR IN G CO.. 291 Stark st. WANTED By an old school teacher, to In- 011 "-. '"en or advanced age whose edu cation has been neglected in early lie; terms moderate. Address T. P., 990 E. GOOD lie man for retail tea and coffee route, partially established, wagon fur nished : Rfl In rv onH ml.nU . r ence required. Apply at once.' Grand Union Tea Co.. 44S Washington at. PRESSERS : good workmen wanted at once. SOLICITORS to sell treasury stock of e3tab- nsnea manuracturing enterprise, dividends better than 20 per cent last 10 years; ob ject to increase capacity. Call 806 Lewis bldg. Phone A 4038. WANTED Machine operators, harness cut lets. uaniBas-mnKers ana apprentices for saddle and harneBS factories; steady em ployment. John Clark Saddlery Co WANTED Salesman to make Eastern Ore- e;'ii wnn jme una ui canaiee; give ref erences, state experience. Address E 940. Oregonian. THOROUGHLY experienced clothing sales- ma.u, jiPiuiiuicni posiiion. Appiv browns ville Woolen Mill Store, Third "and Stark streets. WANTED Strong young woman to learn carpet sewing; wages to start 6 per week. Apply to Mr. Wheeler. carp-?t department, I. Gevurtz & Sons. 173-5 First st. TWO bookkeepers, stenographer, book- KKupHr anu Kienograpner, city; salesman general store, country. 313 Washing ton at., room 18. SALESMAN Steady position for first-class doming salesman. LION CLOTHING CO., 160 Third St. GOVERNMENT employes wanted Write for Portland examination schedule. Prepara tion free. Franklin Institute, Dept.. 2490, Rochester. N. Y. EXPERIENCED man to take charge of print !"- v-1 w-urv, iuui fjapiiai reauired. Bates, 420 MorrUon. WANTED An elderly man as messenger; Y f"vl wui; satary small. AE 042. Oregon Ian. WANTED Bookkeeper for permanent city j.n.vru, "w. ivi auii xiiirncuiars, stat- mg age, salary, etc. y U42, Oregonian. MOLDKRS Two or 3 flrst-clas3 non-union """"'--lo wttiuou. AuuresH a H4i:, Orego nian. BOY or tobacco stripper to learn trade. H. ter st. WANTED Boy for light moeenRer aod of- "(tr. Auaien own nanawntlng. XXX 999. Oregonian. YOUNG man of good habits to take care "I cieanmg, etc. ; dii month, with room and board. 308 Stark. FINE opening for young man; experience un- iicirawij , e?iiittii vkpiuli requireu. Call 82t5Va "ashlngton st., room 417. WANTED Expert salesman or broker to Ben groceries on commission, a. U43, Ore gonian. SEVERAL young men to become structural aransmen. wessons, evenings, by structural engineer. Inquire 319 Henry bldg. YOUNG man for grocery delivery. East Side. pome eipcrieuua required. X 942, Ore gonian. WANTED First-class stiekerman for placing mm. ii iimuciii diuvh; gooa salary. A. M Hansen, Salem. Or. BARBER Want to buy half Interest In a good barber shop? Good money-maker; guarantee v uoo, oregonian. BEST selling proposition on Coast; sales manager wantea ior cuy ornce ; one able to mak-a investment. Telephone B 1131. WANTED Office man, one experienced with material bwuuuw .prtrierreu. X yS, Ore gonian. AN operator for Fisher-Billing machine, one expenenireu m uiy guuus preierred. Ap ply Lowengart A Co. WANTED First-class horses ho er or floor- man. v . tr. Jiuui. i iiujib ilea y62," Al b any. Or. OFFICE boy wanted. Apply echwarzschild A tnour ave. WANTED Sailors for Europe, wages $30. In quire oanora nom, corner second and t.nsttn sis. TELEGRAPHY taught, operators in demand, good pay. telegraph school. 260 3d 6t. 6Y;OOD grocery clerks at once. Call early Pemy Cash Store. 148 3d st. BOY wanted, about 16 years of ages, for office work. AE 940. Oregonian. BERBER wanted, steady work. End of Woodlawn carline. WT. M. Guile. CLERK: wanted. Inquire Frank's Coffee house BH N. 2d st. HIGH-CLASS commercial salesman wanted. 215 Commercial bldg. WANTE D A m an I n real estate business. Room 9. 32 W ashington st. BARBER for today, bring your tools; come carl y. 292 H 1st. WANTED Experienced building laborer metal lathers. E. Pine and 12:h. BARBER wanted at 266 Madison st. Money guaranteed. EXPERIENCED shoe man wanted. 27 Mor risn st. MOVING picture operators earn $55 weekly. Alovint? Picture SchooL 26 & .Wash, HELP WANTED MALE. SALESMEN. The Columbia Life & Trust Com pany have an opening for one or two firet-claas solicitors. If you have not had experience In selling life insurance you will be schooled, and rendered assistance in finding prospects and closing business. Come in and tal k it over. Ask for S. P. Lock wood. Vice-Pres. and Gen'l Manager, or Harry Richey. City Manager, 214 Lumber Exchange bldg. (Spalding bldg. when completed.) SALESMEN WANTED. No dead ones, none who think that they can't do something besides just earn enough to pay room rent and board, but men with live, red blond in their veins, an ambition to be something and do some thing; to such men I can- oner a con nection that will pay them a large income in commissions: this is no salary job. If you haven't enough confidence In your self to work on a commission basis. I have no time to waste on you. No books, insurance, jewelrv or real estate to handle. Call suite 410-11-12 Lumber mens bldg.. from 9 to 11:30 A. M. ; ask ior saies manager. EVERY vounir mnn KMlrtncr employment. Of qualified for better position, should take advantage of the Special Employment Memhmhin an 4.. nnlnlr tSlllVl with the Advisory and Employment Secretary of the Y. M. C. A. Strangers our specialty. Good fellowship, good advice, good position await you. Constant demand for young men who can do something. Think twice and then again before you invest money. WANTED Second cook, camp, $50. Three ca m p f 1 unk ays, $o5. Married man to work on ranch, $45 to $50; house furnished to live in. Three young men to work on nursery; $30. room and board. Donkey engineer, $3. New jobs all the time. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Main Office 12 N. 2d St. WANTED Able-bodied men for the TJ. S. Marine Corps, between the ages of 19 and o5. Must be native born or have first papers; monthly pay $15 to $69; additional compensation possible; food, clotbjng, quar ters and medicinal attendance free; after SO years' service can retire with 75 per cent of pay and allowances; service o board ship and ashore in all parts of the world. Apply at 4 and 10 Breeden bldg.. Portland, Or. FOR THE COPPER RIVER & N. W. R. R. CORDOVA, ALASKA. 3000 white laborers for surfacing and general railroad construction work. Wages $3.85 per day. Fare from Seattle to the work 115. Weekly shipments begin about May 16. M. J. flENET, Pier 2, Seattle, Wash. WANTED Hustling men of ability to sell pianos; city 100,000; best territory In New England ; business, established 0 years ; 10 makes of pianos; 5 makes of player pianos; rather pay $76 than $25 a week; send references and salary expected In first letter; good men write, cheap men save your postage. Address pianos, box 132, Hartford, Conn. YOUNG men to learn automobile business by mall and prepare for positions as chaf feurs and repair men ; we make you expert in ten weeks; assist vou to secure position; pay big. work pleasant, demand for men great, reasonable ; write for par ticulars and sample lesson. Empire Auto mobile Institute. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Men by large contracting com pany; can learn trade of plumbing, elec tricity, bricklaying, automobiles in few months; no apprentice or helpers' work and no expense; $O,O00 contract work go ing; catalogue free. United Trade School i ontractlng Company, Los Angeles. WANTED. A young man and wife, who understands general farming; must be neat, clean and industrious and have some funds to start with; none other need appiv; must be ahle to give references. A pply 12th and . Davis sts. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co. 10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn bai ber trade In 8 weeks, help to -secure promotion; gradu ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert instructors; tools free; write for cata logues. Mohler Svstem of Colleges, 35 North 4th St., Portland. Or. MEN wanted for firemen and brakemen on nearby railroads; age 18 to 35; experience unnecessary; no strike; permanent employ ment; firemen $10O monthly, brakemen $75; promotion to engineers, conductors; 400 men sent to positions monthly. State age; eend stamp. Railway Association, care Oregon i an. BOOKKEEPERS, stenographers, clerks, sales men, to advertUe our LIBERAL CREDIT method; three suits made to your order, kept in repair and pressed for 1 veer, all for a small amount monthly. .NATIONAL TAI LOR1NG CO.. 291 Stark st. IF you are not making $200 a month and you have any ability as a salesman, call at 219-220 Commercial Club bldg.. corner 5th and Oak. SALESMAN for gasoline marine stationary engines and launch supplies; state age, ex pedience and salary expected. AB 941, Ore gonian. YOUNG MEN wanted to prepare for railway mail clerks, postoffice clerks, carriers, etc. Write or call for Book ao. it's free. Pacific States School, McKay bldg.. Portland. Or BOYS 16 years and over. Good, bright boys will have an opportunity to learn the business. m OLDS, WORTMAN & KING. WANTED Bright boy, about 16, willing to learn the business- good chance fcr ad vancement. Apply Mr. Winters, 15th and Fettygrove sts. WANTED Boys over 16 to act as check clerks and learn telegraphy. Apply oh let operator. Western Union, 6th floor, Wor cester block. WANTED Young man for office work; some collecting; $20 per week; chance to ad vance; $150 necessary. Call 2o5-6 Lum hcrmens bldg. WANTED Men who have had experience in industrial life insurance. Call at 219-220 Commercial Club bldg. cor 5th and Oak. WANTED 2 first-class machinist, lathe hands for heavy work; give phone number andad dress. AB943, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED carriageand w apron makers, steady work. Columbia Carriage and Wagon Works. 330 Water st. $18 TO $35 week, few months onlv learning situations guaranteed. Watchmaking-Eu-gravlng School, Box 1S2. Ashland, Or. $10 TO $100 mado daily In the moving picture business; will start you In busi- . ness for $150. Call 526 Washington st. TWO salesmen wanted for gilt-edged resi dence real estate. Inquire 9 to 12 A. M 322 Corbett bldg. WANTED Men and boys to fit and drive up turned chairs. Oregon Chair Co., 1190 Macadam st. WANT man who understands tin work; aiso plumbing. Apply Stove Lept., Honeyman Hardware Co. SOLICITOR for commercial photographer; no coupon proposition. Call between 8 and 10 A. M.. 31Q McKay bldg. WANTED Reliable man to help in store; will pay $25 week; small investment re rjulred. Particulars 24S Stark st. BOY. with wheel, wanted to d Oliver pack Rges. Robinson & Co.. 29-2il Wash, st. BARBER wanted for Saturday. 165 N. 6th street. WAITER wanted; Auto Restaurant, 523 Wash. BOYS wanted, with wheels. 273 Salmon; $40 per month. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED 5 girls to work at Council Crest Tavern. WANTED Girl to work in restaurant. 162 1st st. Oregon Oyster House. MOTHER, Christian woman, at once. Main 2900, A 2903. WANTED Good cook In small family 769 Northrup st. Main 2105. WANTED Competent girl for housework wagea $30. 461 Ha.sm.lo st. ' WANTED Experienced operator on over alls; also learners. 75 1st st. GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory No. 2. Grand ave. and East Taylor. COMPETENT girl for general housework H in family. 752 East Burnstde st. WANTED Cashier for moving-picture show 69 S North 3d st. . " NEAT woman, house work for two- BOod ' "iv car GIRL for general housework; $5 per w.ir" 360 13th st. weeic GIRL for general housework. 104 East iQrh st.. near Alder. Phone B 1612. WANTED Hand Ironers at the l S Laun dry Co.. Grand ave. and East Yamhill st. GIRL to assist with housework. 655 Irv ing st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRLS over 1 A nri, i v. Apply Ames, Harris, Neville Co., &ta and OLDS, WORTMAN & KING fS,hE?WOMEX- st-class, n a number lrn CK?T' SKIRT AND GOWN' WORK V.V,J1i.or?uShly experienced hands. "irV15' years of Rue and over, wno ;i. f. ?n, opportunity to learn tho uugac ana active. OLDS. WORTMAN & KIXG. tTL ?T T"STa-1 br,s:ht young women to i?. telephone operating; atudenta paid - per month -while learning; s thor ough training given each student before assignment tn Maitin. i o,?iVJr opDOrtunlty tor such applicants that 5"f; ry,V, AP'y o school principal at our ftJL f5ce: EaJ!t Ankeny and 6th st., be Thto. - M- and 5 p- M- week-days. The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Oo. V, ANTED Experienced saleswoman for Thl t department; permanent position, street. Cu- 400 Washington ivranTTVt yeai?. and over " messengers. S ?S casnle-s. etc. An opportunity for advancement for good, competent girls. OLDS. WORTMAN & KING WIT?D??"J Sweaiali. German or Nor wegian girl for general housework In fm'inMr5 to.?'n Ior Summer; good wages, email family, no children. AL 57, Ore- gon i an. A thoroushly competent fitter to tat, charge of alteration department Of a cloak and suit house; state ex- K lTCooti city Tte' At GO,?P wa?ei' and good home for woman to neip with general housework In small fam i,y.,ii Saf?la.'',; every city convenience in ho"se- C 209 Gerlinger bldg.. cor. Alder v. yiiune Jiaranau ,iy-ts WATED EXPERIENCED IRONERS; STEADY POSITION; GOOD WGES. WATER TRT LM CO.,WiSrS GIRLS In our mangle department; also ma chine and hand ironers; can use one girl lor flannel and fine woolen washing. Yale Laundry. East 10th and Morrison. YOUNG women between ages of 21 and 35 to enter training school for nurses. AG 930 Oregonian. WANTED Girl to do general housework: good cook. Call 281 E. 11th st.. N.. cor WANTED Lady stenographer and clerk; "ato experience and salary expected. F COOh. and waiters for small hotel. Eastern Oregon; prefer mother and daughter, or .two sisters. Apply 32B nth t WANTED Competent girl for general house--ti sma" family and good wages. Apply CHILD'S nurse. 30: family cook. 40- cook orew. S3o; housekeeper. St. Louis Agency! T7 A VTPn . . - 1 . . .... . mpcicni woman ior general housework; small family; wages SHU 620 East Ankeny st. WANT a steady lady to assist in housework' will pay good wages to right party; in suburbs of city. Call 449 11th St. GIRL for general housework, family of '2; &0 di was"es- -'all forenoons. Flat '2. 36- WANTED Girl to sew on power machine. Carmen Manufacturing. Co.. 18th and Up shur sts. WANTED Experienced girl for g"S housework for family of three. 708 Love- j.'j p.. lurenoons. COMPETENT woman for cooking and housework, second girl kept. Apply S15 -v.t, irvingion car. YOUNG lady to answer phone calls and work in photo studio; $6 per week. AL 005. Ore Konlan. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. Jl'oVa Washington St., Room 307. Moin SUA O Oor 3434 Washinston St.. Cor. 7th, Upstairs. T'hntin Afaln '(rtQ1) EXPERIENCED litter on women's garments. Derm an en t nnxltinn n h 1 con.petent Derson. Y 040. Oreeonlan WANTED Experienced cook. Rood wases. Portl.mrl P rrltn- aWat-A WAN FED Girl for general housework, for 24th at. " WANTED Refined, capable woman for re- djjuuoiuib puniuun. v lavi 10., 6ui Roth child Mdg., 4th and Washington. COMPETENT girl for cooking and general "'-. ruuu witges. j. ox fourteenth street, corner Morrison. WOMAN for general housework; must be 6"" wageg. none C 1597 or call mornings. 1129 William av. COMPETENT girl for general housework ".f3. jnr nai, mmuy or two; references required. Phone B 261S. EXPERIENCED coat and skirt hands for al- win. oinw ueiu 9. and .Morri son. WANTED Competent girl for general ho net work in family of three; good wages. Call jiim iniiga. 01 ivearn ey st. EXPEiRIENCED operators on caps and K-i 7' w " vv ppiy at once. 6 1 1-573 First st. EXPERIENCED, capable housekeeper; good ciiT a i-A- ' w wages. Main 6548. A 80O0. WANTED Bright young lady for office; must be good bookkeeper; state salary ex- perience and, age. W 941, Oregonian. WANTED A girl to do general housework German preferred. Inquire 601 Schuy- ler st. WANTED Cook in private family. 628 Everett st. J WAITRESS wanted, one who understands the work. Apply 227 Alder st. WANTED Girl or woman, small family. 1104 Rodney ave. Phone C 178. GIRL for general housework and cookinc. 50r. Marshall st. . GIRL wanted for light housework. a5S lath street. YOUNG girl for general housework; small family. Gall mornings. 321 6th. cor. Clay. A DINING room cook at once. Morrison 'Hotel. 17th and Morrison. West glde. GOOD, plain cook. Riverside Hotel, St. Johns. Phone Jersey tlL WANTED Girl at the u! S. Laundry Co., Grandave. and East Yamhill st. APPRENTICE girl to learn dressmaking. 310 10th st. WANTED A competent girl for general house- work; a good home. 46d loth st. WANTED Girl for general housework. 569 Johnson st. WANTED Girl Northrup St. to do housework. 702 APPRENTICES wanted. 189 7th st. Main 2B34. GIRL wanted, good penman. Apply Boyd Tea Co.. 209 Salmon St- YOUNG girl to assist with general house work ; small family. East 1366. WAITRESS wanted. Stein's Restaurant, 122 14th st. . GIRL to assist in housework; small family; good home. 504 Davis st. LESSONS in shorthand and typewriting by expert; 5 a month. 269 14th. Main 3393. HELP WANTED MALE OR FECATTg HELP wanted at Hood River for thinning apples and picking straw berries, about May 1. Employers wil furnish fuel and camp ing location. Free transportation to and from Hood River depot or steamboat landing. Mall your application to Hood River Apple g row era' Union. WANTED Strawberry pickers; good money, combined with healthful occupation. Ad dress Manager Fruitgrowers' Union, White Salmon. Wash. TWO experienced salesmen with references and ability for positions in city. Call 228 Ablngton bldg. riSK TEACHERS' AGENCY offers good XMoitton t JL-X instructors, fill BweUaad SITUATION WAyTED--MATK Bookkeepers and Clerks. EMFLOTFRS We are constantly enrolling high-grade young men, honest, competent, experienced, in mercantile and technical lines. Records thoroughly investigated. Call us when you need such a man; no charge. Advisory and. Employment De partment Y. M. C A. WANTED To be associated with a reput able business institution; party desiring same is 2S years old, married, of good, morals and a salesman; can give the best of references and requires the same from any j crson answering this. E 937, Ore goni&r.. YOUNG man stenographer, wants position. At present employed. AF 942. Oregonian. M i seelianeoua. WANTED Janitor work and window clean ing; by contract (new houses, offices, etc.). Phone A 4763. Expert Window Cleaners, 272 Burnslde st. AS manager of ranch, experienced stock, fruit, general farming; understand gasoline engines. Highest references. L 944, One- gonian. YOUNG MAN wants responsible position In mechanical line; technical training; expe rience; ability. R. G., Room 519 Y. M. C. A. JAPANESE boy wants any kind of a job except cook, from 6 to 9 o'clock A. M. and between 2 to 10 P. M. O 942. Orego nlan. ABLE-BODIED young man, good carpenter, some experience with gas and we&m en- gir.es. wants position. N 944. Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR, experienced Japanese, un derstands keeping any gasoline machine in best condition, making repairs, good reference. Matsunaga. 121 15th st.. North. AN exnert accountant has spare hours each day and would like a set of books to keep or any kind of accounting work; price rea- sonable. Address B 943, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPING, competent accountant will write small sots of books daily or period ically; charges moderate. K 941, Ore- . g nlan. CLAIM department expert, ten years' ex perience, mostly wholesale; bonds and refcrences. AddressK. 940, Oregonian. YOUNG man with technical experience wishes to 1-B.m to drive automobile evenings and Sundays. B 941. Oregonian. JAPANESE cook wants . position, private family or boarding-house. AN 944, Ore gonian. YOUNG Japanese wants position, housework; experienced; willing to do any kind work; talk good English. AM 955. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED, good Japanese cook wants work in private family; $3 week upward. O 943. Oregonian. WANTED Position by handy young German, married; hotel or residence. N 941, Oregonian. YOUNG Japanese wishes a position at house work in city or in the country. AM 958, Oregonian. POSITION as assistant engineer wanted; Scandinavian; married; I. O. S. student. D 942. Oregonian. PRINTER High-class printer. yressman. machinist-operator, desires position South- ern Oregon. Address H. O. Brown. Salem. JAPANESE fancy cook, wants job- no washing. H. J. Shigo, 46fe 4th st. North. PAPER-HANGER; first-class, wants work. Main 631. STEADY German wants ranch work; can milk. L 943. Oregonian. JAPANESE wants to work as a gardener. WANTED Position by handy man wanted; Invest $700 or $S0O. AN 959, Oregonian. WANTED To rent 12 or 14-room boarding- house on Wert Side. B 94. Oregonian. JAPANESE Employment Co. will furnL-h 7l JAPANESE boy wants position, garden work w-111 do, with housework. M 94o. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. SITUATION wanted; young woman, experi enced as cashier and mail clerk in large Chicago of rice desires position where abil-"y-1" accuracy are needed; references. D944, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER with some experience de sires a position; reasonable salary. Phone A o4 46. POSITION as first-class stenographer- East-ei-n experience; best of references; can nil any position. ae 941. Oregonian. lressmaaerm. Alterations, specialty on ladies' suits. Mrs. Murklpr PniiTmkin . n-, . . - ' -wwammjjn, At,. Jj. t)U3. ANrJELGS Dressmaking parlors. 3264 V. &sh ineton -at mlrA o 1 -w 1- no - ilinm OOJg, A Q.a . LADY wishes plain sewing to take home, ool East 21st st., S. Nurses. "WANTED Situation by elderly lady to take care of baby or Invalid. Miss A. Burnett. Boring, or. Home phone Damascus 107. Housekeepers. YOUNG lady wishes position as housekeeper Call 314 Nonh 20th. Domestics. JAPANESE lady wants general housework. Mlscellaneoua. CURTAINS washed and stretched, 40o pair; called for and delivered. Phone Ta bor 55. SINGER, good soprano, wishes position as singer In motion-picture show in city ex peiienced. P 94Q, Oregonian. GOOD, all-around cook wants position In hotel, restaurant, cafeteria, delicatessen or bakery. Phone Main 0402 EXPERIENCED laundress. Scotch, wants y wora or nousecieaning by the day R 940, Oregonian. WOMAN wants day work bv hour; wash- vwcucu. a or Main oil 7. EXPERIENCED pantry woman. good worker, wants position. Phone Main 5462. WOMAN, good worker, wants day's work, 25 cents hour. C 1S94. Sunday or evening. CAPABLE housekeepers desire situations. ci. iuma AKencyd, wash. Main 2031. WORK by half day or hour; German wo man, rnone tu. oU4. WANTED- AGENTS. SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash weekly selling choice nursery stock- out fit free. Capital City Nursery Company, bale m. Oregon. AGENTS WANTED All parts of city and Diaic' "w uiLiuio; easy seller. Call or address F. J. B.. 2lT Mohawk Bldg., Port land, Or. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT. We furnish the renter, collect the rent, pay taxes, insurance and keep up repairs the same for you as though the property was our own; references, any bank in Portland. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 245 H Stark St. Phones A 3500. Main 35. Houses. WANTED By man and wife. for- June. .juiy ana August, furnished house or good sized apartments; must be on West Side well located, finely furnished and strictly first-class in every respect. Address P O. Box 105. WANTED 8 to 10-room house, good loca- ,V aiilv' w,i.ng aistance. Ad dress R 942, Oregonian. W A NT ED By a young woman , roo m an d Doara in private family in Irvington or Holiaday Park. Phone E. 395. WANTED To rent six or seven-room house. unrurmshed. modern, West Side. Ai 955. Oregonian. ' MODERN house, 6 or 7 rooms; references - n-a-Lc rem.. location. w 44, Oregonian. SMALL bungalow. large yard, with stable. Rooms. WANTED 3 completely furnished house- ticciiniK rouuiB, or oearooms ana use of kitchen ; West Side; moderate price; pri- FOB RENT. Furnlihed Roprtj BAY window, rooms, bath? and .telephone r. : . . v- vci wee. 2-12 7th st. THE LANDORE. 2S8 10th. near Jefferson; .urge rront room, newiy furnished, suitable for two THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts.. wen iurnisna sleeping rooms $.60 per week; electric lights, hot baths free. The Mercedes, 20th and Washington ; ele- b""7 lumwueu iwius, xiot ana cola Tun ning water, modern conveniences; $12 up. FURNISHED rooms. Sim Place, formerly Elton Court Annex. 414 Yamhill and 11th, TH E REX Modern rooms. 2.50 to S5 per week 548 Washington st. NICELY furnished and unfurnished rooms. liMi r.. 1 1 t ii. near Kearney. THE St. Nicholas Hotel, 125 6th mUl finest FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms, ANGELA HOTEL 625 Washington street, between 19th and 20th. Just completed, the cosiest, completest and up-to-datest residence hotel in the city. The ground floor office is finished in real mahogany, marble and tile, is spacious and handsome; elevator service, private telephone ex change, steam heat, hot and cold water in all rooms, many with, baths and wall beds, and is splendidly furnished. The rent is very moderate, rooms from $ 15 per month up. Why not get the best for your money ' Now open, rooms by the day, week or month. HOI E L RAIN I ER. 140 ROOMJ3. 1 BLOCK. FROM DEPOT. New, modern, fireproof building, tteam heated hot and cold running water in ail rooms, richly furnished, finest beds that money can buy. and It doesn't cost any more than some cheap lodging-house; nice large office on ground floor ; everything first-class; rates. COc, 73c and $1 per day ; $3.50 and up per week. Call and . see ci 12S tith at. North. Homellke. Homelike Homelike. LN THIS HEART OF THfl CITY.' NEW SCOTT HOTEL, 7th and Ankeny sts. Free was their depot carriage. I took it oa the spot; There may be olhx houses lust as good. But X guess x A yulet borne for quiet peop I e. THE WEAVER. 710 Washington St., near King. A cheerful, moaern home. Bath, hot and cold water and phona in every room. in the finest part of the city. The maxi mum of convenience, the minimum of expense. We make you feci at home. Dining-room in connection. Best in the city ior the money. THE MOODY HOUSE, 268 3d su, cor. Jefferson. New fireproof building anu furnishings throughout. Desirable neighborhood, close to business section. Rooms large, light and airy; hot and cold water, steam heat, gas and electric lights; call bells; free phones. Rate $3 to ti per week. Phones. A 7131; M &63tf. HOTEL ANTLERS. 404 W asmngtun, corner 10th Moaern brick uuilalng. sieam heated, private baths, running water in rooms, electrio light, free phone; special rates by week or inonta; the must convenient lo cation in tue city; transient trad solicited at 41 up. HOTEL MINNESOTA. 88 North 5th St., 3. K. cor. Flanders. New brick building, steam heated nor-e-iaiu bains, fine large otnee on ground floor, elegant beds, everything absolutely new ana clean; lates only a.54 na Uo per wee:; ouc and 75c per Lay. a biock THE BARTON. 13th and Alder, is now undergoing a thorougn renovation: 70 steam heated. eieotnc-lighta rooms, all outside. Rates 75c day; lo month uo! Suites witn running water 20 montn un! Phones and bath tree. HOTEL BAKER, Fifth St., opposite city Hall. New, beautifully furnished; steam he.'vt hot cold water in every room; pu'jllo and private baths. Permanent; transient. HOTEL SARGENT. Cor. Grand ave. and Hawthorne. Phone East 291 connecting every room Prsvate baths, elevator, nrst-classt grill, special rates by week or month. Americau or Kurouean Iransients solicited. HOTEL BRM3L1N. 22 Waanington, cor. nth. Steam heat, hot and cold water, baths. Bicely furnished rooms, 4 per wees, u, irana.ent rates, 75c up. THE HART, rooms and apartments, 494 Morrison, elegantly f urnisned bay-window rooms, suitaoie for two; alto single looms. Reasonable. HOTEL LENOX, cor. i and Main sta. furnished rooms, single or en suite, at rea sonable prices, modern conveniences, Oo poslte the Plaza, HOTEL BUSHMARK, Washington and. 17th, first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern oun venlences; 3 weekly up. A 2647. M. 5647. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free. 32.7. Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estea Furnished Rooms in Private Families. WELL-FURNISHED large front room, suit able for two, with nne snuded porch; 10 blocks from Postoffice; also two smaller ones; prices reasonable ; everything mod . ern; private family. 330 Mill st. VERY desirable rooms for business men in a private home; fresh air, quiet, first-class in all reepecLs; 3, $4 and $5 per week Prospect drive and 2lst st. Portland Heignts. P noneM aln lyOT. LARGE front room, newly furnished, gas, bath, phone, with housekeeping and laun dry privileges, reasonable, walking dis tance. Phone East 224B. 556 East Alder. ACCOMMODATIONS to gentlemen; desirable furnished room; location and apartment flrst-cla.33. 163 17th. cor. Morrison st. Mar shall 1284. 10 MONTH Pleasant sunny room; every thing convenient; suitable for two. 475 Clay street. LARGE, light front room; ten minutes' ride; one blcck to two cars; private family. 2-14 24th St., N. 5-SU1TE room, gas, bath and phone, choice location, walking distance, rent reason able. 407 Hullaaay ave. FRONT Room in modern steam-heated apartment; second floor, iiat D. 461 Jef ferson street. Pnone Main 75i4. ATTRACTIVE room or suiu;; no other roomers; sLrictly private family. Main ONE nicely furnished front room for two gentlemen or ladies; every convenience 48 Mill st. Main 4573. NEWLY furnished rooms In private home, walking distance, telephone. Vol Irving FIRST-CLASS furnished large single rooms: price reasonable. 414 4th st. (3 FOR front room ; suitabka for 2. FURNISHED room for rent. 3 E. 9th and AnKiiey; price 233 11TH. Handsomely furnished rooms in private family ; for men. NICELY furnished room, $6 per month. 67 i. 14th. gt., between Davis and Everett. NICELY furnished rooms for rent, reason able. 125 12th st. NEWLY furnished rooms with all modern tmiciiiein.t)ii. 00 j lanaers st. FURNISHED room, $2 per week; free bath. um.Tj aim ncm. - -" j.. m, near baimon. FURNISHED rooms, private family ITik N.20th.Main3649: FOR 2 newly furnished single rooms call up A 731'Q. L'nfnrniaheA Rooms. 8 NICE unfurnished rooms. 41 3 Taylor st- Kqoh) a With Board. THE STERLING. 535 Couch St. After a thorough cleaning the sterling is ready for occupancy ; all outside airy rooms, within walking distance. POKTLAND Women's Union, 23d year, room with board, use of sewing-room and library 610 Flanders st. Miss Fiances N. Heath supt. ' LAM BER SON 554 Couch st., cor. 17th one block from Washington; desirable rooms for gentlemen. Good home cooking. THE COLONIAL. 163 and 167 10th St. cor ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason able rates. NICE rooms with excellent board. The Mani- im. m ni. jiuucj cuutj yi lCcl. Rooms With Board In Private J amliv TWO nicely-furnished rooms; hot and cold water; sleeping porch; beautiful grounds; exceptional good home cooking. 9u E. sth' cor. of Washington. Phnnn Knct- -nu ' VERY desirable vacancy, for gentlemen only; newly furnishea ; home cooking East Side, walking distance to ion, Phone B 2948. PLEASANT furnished rooms, board if de sired. 149 16th st., between Morrison and Alder. LARGE furnished room with board ; home cooking; phoney bath, all conveniences. lo7 TWO-ROOM suite, also single room; choice BOARD and room, home privileges, $6 a TTctv. xt- -t. pax weet irark St. ROOMS with board ior 2 young men soi V. Davis st, ' 79 TWO cosy rooms, choice board; reasonable. 761 Marshall st. A 4920. ROOM and board, 653 Washington st.; large room, suitable for two gentlemen. IN private family, room and board near 8teel bridge. C 2780. VERY desirable room and board, home cook ing. B 203L 644 East Aider at. YOUNG man wants roomrate. A 7104. Apartments. BEAUTIFUL PAGE APARTMENTS now finished. East 8th and Burnslde. Phona B lUlfc. 475 SALMON, corner 14th; nicely furnished apartments, under new management- eiec tric elevator; private bath and phone. FURNISHED apartment. Tbm JMortorL Wasiiiugtoa A&d. Jbllng FOR RENT. Apartments. THE RE-UKAN APARTMENTS. New concrete building with elaborately furnished S-roora apartments, all modern conveniences, large shady lawn, cool ve randas and Janitor service; rents reason abje, walking distance. 64 "Marhall St.; take "W" car. Main 6 J 3 J or A oil. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia. 4 blocks from Morrison st. New buck building, completely first class, furnished in 2. 3 and 4 -room xamily apartments; pri vate bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone ; some unfur nished; janitor service; rentretisonable. ANGELA APARTMENTS 39 Trinity" Place, between 19th snd 20th sts.. new Washing ton; 2, 3 or 4-room apartments, new pressed brick building just completed; every motivrn convenience incluaing telephone exchange and elevator; close to business centers; very " reasonable prices and excellent evrv 1 te. THREE-ROOM apartment, just newly fur nished; private bath, private phone. g3, cold and hot wa t r ; in : he ha nu some lie w apartment-house. Tne Altamont, 5Ui and College sta. Apply at apartment 15 or phone Main 676S. . Kent reasonable. THRFE apartments. 25 to S3.", West Sid, cunsisting of 3 to 4 rooms, furnished with beustead. spring and dresser, dining-room table, ice box, gas stove, fixtures and shades; fine new tnck building. Call jan- itor,414 11th st. $25 TO 435 For rent. West Side, 5 3 and 4 room very modern apartments in the new brick building just being 1 uruished at 11th and Hail. DAMMEIER INVEST. CO.. At premises or M21 Beard Trade Bldg. THE SH13FFIELD. 7th andJef feiaon sta L nfurnUhed apartment, with bath. All out side rooms ; mouern, every convenience and only 5 minutes' walk from 1. o. Very rea . sonabie rent. Main 2506. A 314U. THE BERYLE APARTMENTS. Strictly modern, large rooms and three closets to every apartment; cool and airy for Summer. 65 Lovejoy ml. Take W car. HANOVER Apartments, corner King and Washington sta, 3-room kpurcmenca, have every modern convenience, including steam heat, hot w ater. private bath, tree phones and janitor service ; rent very reaonaole. ORDELEIGH APARTMENTS " 82 Grand Ave., S. E. cor. E. Stark. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Beautifully furnished 3-room apartments; modern; 32s to $00 per month. East 3ou. "OSKONTA" APARTMENTS, 1S7 17th, near Yamhill .w car at depot). 2, 3 and 4-room furnished suites; hot and cold, phones and baths free; io per month, per waek and up. Main 46U7. A 4739. ST. CROIX Apartments. 10 St. Clair, near Washington; new brick building, two and three-room apartments, all modern con veniences; fine reti 1 a ence location; re as on -able rent. THE Wasscll Apartments, 4 and 5 roonu; steam-heated, janitor service, easy walk ing distance to West Sia business center, founnyside car; rent $30 to j-ou. I'hone &U.SL 608L WELLINGTON COURT. 2, 3 OR 4-room apartments, up to date in every respect, -walking distance from business center; furnished aud unfurnished. 15th and Everett sta Phone Main 1245. YOUNG couple wish to rent newly and beau tifully furnished 5-room apartment, hue location. Ceil between 2 anu 0. 454 11th St., corner Jackson. Apartment E, bXEAM-HKATED 5-room aparuutrnt, mod ern and desirable; 526 Everett st. Apply Morgan. Fleidner & Boyce, 6U3 AbingLoa bldg. ESPECL4.LLY select, completely furnished apartment, block from car; Holiaday Ad dition; excellent chance for couple; refer eiices. Phone East 5733. THE SOUTHAMPTON. Corner of Tenth and Hall sts.. one 8 and 4-room; strictly first-class; 50 and $32.5i. A 2-105. FOR RENT Modern 4-room apartment. King's Heights Apartment House, cor. King and Wayne sta; furnished, $55; un furnished, $4u. Apply janitor. FIVE-ROOM, steamheated, modern apart ment with janitor service tpartial base ment), finest in city for the money, ab ply to janitor, 21st and Kearney. THE MERCEDES Elegantly furnished room apartments, not and cold running water and all modern conveniences; 214 to 1 30. Corner 2oth and Wasnmgton sls HARRISON COURT, bth and Harrison-. Unfurnished apartment, 2 rooms and batn. all mouern improvements. Phone Main. 6148, A 7363. HOWL AND APARTMENTS. For housekeeping in suites, iia and up; hot water, free batns, nrBi-ciass. 631 , " ashing ton, cor. 2Dth. WAUN1TA. 325 11th st- Very nicely fur nished 2 -room apartments; steam heat modern walking distance. 6-ROOM corner apartment, every conveni ence. Braintree Apartments. 285 12th st. Mam 7741. THE LANDORE. 288 10th. near Jefferson; new 3-room suite, completely furnished forhousekeeping; sleeping porch. THE MORTON, 697 Washington st,. 3-roojn apartment ail ouuride. NEATLY furnished 4-room apartment. 171 King. Kings Hiil Apartments. FOR RENT East Side, close in; very hand some 6-room flat, built-in china clo&et3, laundry trays, large purcn.es, every mod ern convenience; this is the only one left and should go today; rent 25; would coat w ?4o on the West Side. Call up Main 674. 22 4-ROOM upper flat, built-in china clos et, excellent turnace and. all modern con veniences ; price includes water ; locat ioff 328 Ross st. R. H. Blossom. 316 Cham ber of Commerce. FOR RENT New and strictly modern 6 room flats on 20th and Laurel sts.. Port land Heights, rent 440. Apply WAKEFIELD, FRIES fc CO, 85 Fourth st. FIVE-ROOM flat, all modern improvements lSi Whitaker st.. one block from S and F cars. 4-ROOM strictly modern lower corner rlat, finely furnished; piano; no children; ref erences. ti. E. cor. E. 15th and Burnside. UPPER 4-room flat; extra sleeping rooms; near 23d and Washington sts. phone lore- jiouii aim evening, ai. yfetfoa. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co. Main 1618, A 1964. All covered wag- . ops, all experienced men. . 6-ROOM flat. Holiaday Addition; new. mod ern, steam heat. Address a5 E. 11th N. Phone East 1137. NEW, modern, upper 6-room flat, 2 block! la 16th St.. cor. Yamhill. SWELL new apartments, 9 rooms and sleep- iv0 'rt" "uu .. near i-ia ano Hawthorne. ONE new 6-room modern list: "S" and 'F carline. Inauire at drugstore. Front and Qi bbs sta. $16 MONTH New modern 4-room flat; alsa store, $15 month; walking distance. Cher ry and Vancouver. Phone A 3376. 405 BENTON ST. 5 rooms, strictly new and modern. Columbia Trust Co.. Board oi Trade bldg. FOR RENT Modern 5-room lower flat, just tinting, or 5-room upper. iuu-l2 Knott su MODERN 4-room llat. Inquire 628 Wil- llama ave. Phone C 1697. ' NEW 4-room flat, & minutes P. O., reasonabl to adults. Inquire 367 loth st. NKTE 5-room flat, close in. Inquire reaJ cottage. 230 Hall st. MODERN six rooms, five blocks from P. O. Inq uire 327 Mohawk bid g . MO D ER N 5-room flat, beaut i ful view. 1014 Sivier st. Phone A a&Qo. MODERN upper and lower flat; choice lo cation. Overton, near 23d. Main 859. UPPER flat, five rooms, between 10th and 11th. on Yamhill. A p p 1 y 407 Yamhill. NEW five-room modern flat, 19th and E. Burnside. Phone East 6733. MODERN 5-room fiat, 5th, near Jackson, West Side; 10 min. walk. Main or Al::'3. MODERN 5-room lower corner flat. 475 7th st. ' MODERN flat, 6 rooms and bath. 731 Hoyt su Inquire 132 0th st. Main 6278. Housekeeping Rooms. 41.25 TO $2.00 week, clean, furnished house keeping rooms; laundry, bath, phone, gas. furnace heat. 406 Vancouver ave. TWO large front finely furnished housekeep ing rooms, first floor; large lawn. Main 8643. 353 12th St. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, walk ing distance, gas, electricity, bath and phone included. 560 E. Main st. B 2596. SOME nice single and en suite housekeep ing rooms. Cambridge bldg.. 3d and Mor- rison. Room No. 30. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms, reajyon able. Wendhurst, 645 Washington near 10th. " UNFURNISHED 3, outside, ground floor; full kitchen; stoves furnished. 667 Evere tt. THE COLLINS 5034 Alder st.. furnished housekeeping rooms, with all conveniences. THE M1LNER, 350 Morrison, cor. Park, fur- nlshed or unfur. apts.; all con., best location. THE ELMS 2 and 3-room apartments- fur- nished. 191 14 th st. " 461 E. MORRISON, cor. 8th. Completely furnished housekeeping suites; reasonable. $1.25 week, clean fur. housekeeping rooms, heat, laundry, bath. 203 Stanton. "U" car. $l.oO w-ek. large, clean furn. housekeeping rooms; laundry, bath, gas. 184 Sherman, $L60 to $2 week, clean furnished housekeep ing rooms. Xsota House, 291, Second sU,