THE MORNING OKEGONIAN. SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1910. SEW TODAY. TRlfK-DDDfis -COM pan r 31j0 Lewis Bldg., 4th and Oak Sta. 15 100x100 COR. FLANDERS Trackage. $47,500 $5000 Under Value. Have Tenant to Lease $20,000 50x100. Between Armour and Swift. INVESTIGATE 310 Lewis Bldg., 4th and Oak Sts. Marshall 779, A 7155. FRILlrlJUDDs THE DALLES, OREGON 80 acres apple land southwest of The Dalles. Oregon. Crop, team and everything- with place for S0O0. 80 acres. 4 miles from Dalles, on creek, 25 acres under plow. Suitable for fruit. Price $3200. 94 acres 4 miles from Dalles, about 70 acres under plow, 30 acres grain, 6-Toom house, barn, chlclcen Souse, on R. P. D., mile to school. This place suitable for fruit or grain. Prlc $40 per acre with crop, stock, im plements and furniture Included. DOX'T OVERLOOK. 6 acres of young: orchard on edge of town, will bear some this season. Price f 2100. H3d acres grain iana rauea irora R R.. 700 acres under plow, well im proved place. Price t40 per acre. If you are looking for a large ranch this will no doubt suit you. Call on or address W. A. SEXTON Real Estate Act., THE DALLES, OREGOX. $4000 Beautiful view lot on Cornell Road Only available lot in this aristocratic section of the city. ,M KEASEY HUHASONgJEFFERYll g) 14 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Ripe for Platting. Inside the city limits. '"'Make your money work tfor yon." Hartman & Thompson Chamber of Commerce Bldg. LAMBERT CHERRIES. Five acres will make you lndepender Cost you only $181 per acre when bearins:. nt. Payable in small monthly installments. One croD wll lmake the final navment. "We care for orchard until in bearing without extra cost to vou. Only B0 minutes' ride, station on the place. Yill make you a fine country home. .-niB out wnn us on Sunday and see the propertv vourself. SP.EIXK IS BEMEVIXG. THE CIIOSSI.EY COJIPAXY, 70S and 701) Corbett Hide. RIVERA A beautifully-situated tract of five acres on Kiverside Drive: river front age, fine sandy beach, splendid old shade trees. Will subdivide this prop erty to suit purchaser. Geo. D. Schalk 22S Stark Street. Main 302. A 2392. Grand Avenue Quarter Block Near Burnside St. Income. Best Buy on Kast Side. Terms. See II A I, I., 522 Chamber of Commerce. THE HYLANDS OF YAMHILL We invite attention of Interested par ties to one of the best fruit and nut districts in the world. Climate, soil, air sind water drainage unsurpassed An up-to-date organization of scientific horti culturists, practical fruitgrowers and business men is pledged to the develop ment of this district. THS HYI.A-N r FRUITGROWERS OK r. XAMHILI. COISTV. ACREAGE rw TODAY. FIRST PEICE SECOND SOIL THIRD IMPROVEMENTS FOURTH LO CATION FIFTH ROADS These five things you always take into consideration when you start out to buy a farm. Here is a bargain in which, these requisites are attractive. 114-acre farm. Can show the pur chaser 20 per cent on his investment. F. E. Taylor & Co. 402-3 Lewis Building. To Lease October 1st, for a term', of years, the of the Inquire at the Secretary's Office. CHE II AT. IS MOT STAIV ORCHARDS. The finest in Oregon. These orchards, planted to 8PITZE.VBER6 AND VKILOW NEW TOWN" APPLES, cost you ONLY $184 per acre, when beariner. Payable in small monthly Installments. One crop will make the final payment. 9 ture ir urunara until in Dearmif. Come out with us on Sunday and see the orchards. You will enjoy the day, a good dinner and the beautiful- scenery. Only B0 minutes' ride, station on the piace. Be our guest, it costs you nothing, and you are under no obligation to buy. SEEING IS BELIGVIX6. THE CROSSLET COMPANY, 70S and 709 Corbett Bide. 100x200 on Park ave.; hard-surface streets, water, gas, sewer pipes laid to inside lot line. One of the finest building sites in the city. Geo. D. Schalk 228 Stark Street. Main 392. A 2392. Hoiladay's Addition The one BEST place In Portland to buy. GEOGRAPHICAL CENTER and MOST DESIRABLE residence property of the city. SEEING IS BELIEVING BETTER go and see the many CHOICE resi dences under construction and the Im provements going on. The Oregon Real Estate Company GRAND AVE. AND MULTNOMAH ST. 100x200 PORTLAND HEIGHTS, $3500.00. TERMS. CHAPIN & HERLOW 332 Chamber of Commerre, PORTLAND HEIGHTS A 9-room bungalow, sightly location on a corner, one block from car, 20 minutes' walk from postoffice. Address owner, . j. .kox 4u. REAL, ESTATE PFALERS. F. ABRAHAM Rooms 217-218-218 Lumber Exchange omg., xa and stark, sta, Te le ctions, siain zztW, a Andrews, F.V. & C.M.S349. 30 Hamilton bids. Beck. William G., 312 Falling bid. BirreH, A H. & Co., 202-3 McKay bid;. Heal estate, insurance, mortgages, loans, etc Brub&ker & Benedict, 502 McKay bldg. M. 640 CARD REALTY & INVESTMENT CO.. 110 stLXJu t- r. aiAKSHAUL. l&b. A 1567. Chap in & Herlow, o32 Chamber Commerce. Cook, B, S. & Co.. 603 Corbett bldg. Jennings & Co., Main. 188. 2nd Oregonlan. JONES & SHERMAN, Su2-3 LewU bids;. PALMER-JONES CO., H. P.. 213 Commer cial Club bide. Srhalk. Geo.D-, 238 Stark a. Main 392. A 2393 SHIXDLER & HALL. 2-5 Ablngton bldg. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ave. and Multnomah st. (Hoiladay Addition). M. B. Thompson Co., cor 4th and Oak at. Walker. 8. T., 604 Corbett bldg. BEAL ESTATE. ELMHURST. 71x100. between Tillamook and Thompson sts. Phone owner. Tabor 2115, evenlr.RB. LADD'S Addition; Ladd avenue, near Haw thorne. 40xlo. Price, $2300. J. 943. Oregon-Ian. SNAP 3 lots in Berkeley Addition, Joining- Reed Institute, cheap; c.ish or pay nienis. Phone SclTwood 142. MUST sell 40x110 feet lot. East 9th, near Going, $on. terms; need $300 cash. 801 Dekum bldg. IF you have some money, will butld on your lot. Eastman, Co., Inc.. 303 Abington bldg. Main S23Q. 1RVIXGTOX PARK. CVtrv and Atnsworth, corner. 100x107; Si 075. C. F. Wagiier, p. O. Box 745. AT Portsmouth, 2 good building lots; streets improved; $700 for the two. F 943, Ore gonlan. 1RVINGTON PARK Got 3 lots, trws best In the Park and the cheapest. 4t3 Couch bldg. A SS41. $132 EQUITY in Westmoreland lot for $135. G P42. Qregonian. PIEDMONT lt at bargain by owner. Call JJl Air.sworth. Pdmont. $1SS KQl'ITT In Westmoreland corner lot Xos 4140 .AiAL. firiT""" Second Floor Eli 7 I1 B Iks 1 emple REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. I HAVE SOME CHOICE RIVERFRONT PROPERTT FOR A HOME; CLOSE IX ON THE EAST SIDE. NO FINER VIEW IN CITT. lO MIXUTE3 CAR RIDE TO 3D AND MORRISON. FOR A FINE BUILDINO SITE YOU CAN'T BEAT IT. ASK FOR MR. GUTHRIE. COLUMBIA TDUST CO., 64 4tb. Board of Trade Bldg. RIVER FRONTAGE SCARCE xnis will go within a weeic, just ukb the last piece we had, Acauae it's the cheapest and best left on the river today, suitable for residence purposes; It runs 170 feet on the river and 410 feet back on the boulevard; price $3800; 214 acres adjoining can be had for 12500; because of Its exclusiveness it will make an ideal residence site. WYNN JOHNSON CO.. Room 209 Gerlinger bldg.. Alder and 2d. Phone. Marshall 10-i8. DO YOU WANT A HOME T Let your money earn it. 2 Int. paid on check accounts. 2 int. paid on 10-day call certificate. int. paid on 80-day call certificate. 4 int. paid on 90-day call certificate. Email check accounts received. 28 years' banking experience In Portland. We win help you buy a home. PORTLAND TRUST COMPACT BANK, Third and Oak. Sta. LAURBLHURST. Lots at original prices in that part of the addition where houses are already built and the pavement is now actually being laid ; splendid view, within one block of Mont a villa car. Prices from $1250 to $1700. These original prices are 20 per cent lower than the Company's prices on lots similarly located In adjoining blocks. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg- , RIVER FRONTAGE. If you are Interested. In a beautifully wooded Summer home-site 85 feet Wil lamette River frontage by S27 feet deep, run up the river to that sandy beach op posite the- Old Oswego Smelter and see my place, or take Oregon City car to Oak Grove and walk to the foot of Center av enue. It is a snap at $1500; HALF CASH. Phone D. H. M'CLURE. A 3961. LADY leaving the city must sell at a sacrl- on two streets, among swell residences on Portland Heights. Phone Marshall 194S. SNAP Warehouse site, 100x100, S. E cor. Reed and Blakeston sts; only $2500, cash or trade, to handle, balance 1 20,000 at 6 per cent. Will lease. Bargain in lot on Overton near 23d st. Cheapest lot on v. uuu uuiir DKiamura bi. i area icn Base Line road. Owner, 87 5th st. ALAMEDA PARK LOTS. Are high and sightly, overlooking Irving ton ; near Broadway carline; beat olty Im provements; priced 25 per cent below the market. Inquire Alameda Land Company, 822 Corbett bldg. HAVE client for income property south of Washington and west of Sixth street; full description or no attention, no agents. ? MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY, S. W. cor. 6th and Washington Sts. NINE lots on 86th and Holgate, $2300 takes them all ; Westmoreland corner, $025 ; Bella Crest, 1 block from car, $550; equity in -2 lots In Falrport Add., near Kenton, cheap. Brown. 411 Couch bldg. $2200 IRVINOTON CORNER. 60x100 corner 23d and Knott sts. facing south and east. Can arrange terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 812-213 Commercial Club Bldg. SNAP Fine east-facing lot, 60x100 feet, with trees and cement sidewalks; only 100 feet from Alameda ave. and Rose City Park; Is next to fine home on 100x100 corner. H 940. Qregonian. SNAP 2 Irvington Park lota 00x100 each: lots 17. 19, block 17. and lots 22, 24. block 13; 24th and Ains worth; $525 each, or both for $1000 if taken this week. Owner, W. E. Smith, McCormlck, Wash. A FEW lots unsold in tho Alberta district et $50 down, $10 monthly, 6 per cent in terest; no territory bo good or alive., D 940. Qregonian.-' VERY desirable Portland Heights lot. on carline, splendid north and east view. Only $1000. W. J. Smith, 438 Chamber of Commerce. CANNON BEACH LOTS. Swell Cannon Beach lots, best location, full size, $125 and up. your own terms, no interest. 171 Third st. WHY buy a lot when you can get a half- acre msiue tne city witn ail the advan tages for the same price ? 420 Lumber- mans Bldg., cor, otn and gtark. SIX nice larsre lots. 61x123 each. K blocks south Mount Tabor City Park; $2500. Lot eux7U, two moaern, e-room nouses, cor. 10th and E. Couch. Owner. Phone E 2409. PEJNINSULA Sacrifice, 100x112, near Col umbia Park; $600 below surrounding sales; corner on 100-ft. boulevard. AB 942, Ore- Bunian. DOVER ADDITION. Some choice lots in blocks 10 and 15 easy payments. Take Woodstock car. Call this afternoon or bunday. HERE YOU ARE. One, two or three fine lots from owner. Elmhurst. easy terms. XXV. Qregonian. LAURELHURST Can skin the company's price to QBatn. ua uoucn oiag. For Sale -Houses. A BARGAIN. We have had placed in our hands for a quick sale one of the best bargains1 offered for a long time. 8-room 1 5 -story bungalow, 1 block from Mount Tabor car. Has been built and occupied le than 0 months and is just like new. The arrangement of the rooms, finish and fixtures are everything that can be desired in a high-class home. This Is on a 50x100 foot lot, paved street, cement walk and sewer, water and can sta all in. The price Is $5200, with terms. If you are looking for a fine home in a swell neighbor hood, you will lose no time in looking this up, as it will go quickly. Remember, it will satisfy the most par- ULtuiir, It will be a pleasure to show this to you CHAPIN & HERLOW, "D" 332 Chamber of Commerce. BUILDING IS OUR BUSINESS. . We have from lO to 15 1obs coins at one time. We can afford less profit on a single contract than the email contractor. You also get just what you order and take no risk. Plans and estimates free. If you own lot we will furnish the money, PORTLAND REALTY & CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. 902-9Q3 Lewis Bldg.. 4th and Oak Sts. YOUR LAST CHANCE. To get that splendid 5-room bungalow, located on a choice corner lot in Wood- lawn, is near at hand and ater it 1 gone you will be sorry. The price for mis wcck is oniy ihw ana iuoo cash win nanoie it. LAST CALL! FAIR WARNING. AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY. 200 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON HOME G00. 7 rooms and sleeping porch, new and modern, hot water heated, faces east, on paved street, all Improvements in and paid; one block from car; price $6500 on attractive terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS Hrvvtl 8-room modern Queen Anne house, one block from car, on paved street, beautiful view, mi no vcronuus ana sleeping porch; garage; price $75O0; can be handled on 0110-1 11 1 ru cttsii. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. PORTLAND $3000 $500 CASH for a high TRUST class. 6-room. Los Ani. CO. bungalow: let us show you BANK. this. It Is well worth seeing. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. Hfti'SE and lot in Alberta, one nd -r. half blocks north of Alameda Park; must be sold at once; price $2O00; big per cent Oir tor one-nan .hou. W. H. RAY. 995 Glenn Avenue, N. ST. JOHNS HOME. Nice 6-room home and two sightly lots on desirable well improved street, close In $1500. reasonable cash payment, balance fi2.oj a mo mi. jiLAuauis, owner, 2 Lum bermens bldg. VERNON home, $50O takes it- upstairs un- nnisnea; corner wi, price e--uinj. ut E. mZZ a -. -tut"'" -r- 0100. tsTsn sAP: Ninth near Tillamook- nni.h Ing, handsome modern house. Owner, East Everywhere: any price and terms; eot UEW modem 8-room house in Nob Hill district; will sell at a sacrifice. Phone a . FOR SALE By owner. the handsomest bungaiow i ; .iirl B xortn. " Jt- nttt. w fi-room bungalow. 50x100 lot. 1 htnir from car; easy terms. Owner. I433 TTnlon ave. fnon ooqiawn Z 1 73. KOC1TT of SS35 in 6-room modern cotiae 1 block to car; will take lot and some casn. J 3M 1. uregonian FOR SALE 8-room modern house. 654 E. Taylor st. vnone rs liii. IRVINGTON bungalow by owner; everything REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. A HOME FOR YOU . , In beautiful Rose City Park, a restricted district, with cement walks, parked and graded streets, electric lights, both phones, good car service ; circumstances compel ane to dispose of my beautiful 6-room bun galow; cement basement, steps and walks, full plumbing. Dutch kitchen, paneled walls and callings, fine fireplace, built in seats, built-in sideboard in dining-room, all modern conveniences; lot 50x100, graded and seeded. Anyone that can appreciate a well-built home will do well to look this over; $40O cash, balance terms. Take Rose City Park car, get off at 47th st., go one block north, inquire for D. S. Reld, owner. I will be at house all day Sunday. 6 ROOMS. NEW. CLOSE IN. Terms will be arranged to suit; $3660; all modern, cement walks and basement; im proved street, close to 4 car lines; tinted, artis tic fixtures, wood hoist, clothes chute, pan eled dining room, with 10-foot bay, 2 large windows in every room; fine locality; fumed oak finish ; oiled floors ; shades ; piped for furnace. The owner must sell for business reasons. Call 21Q Falling iu, near Halght. Phone C 1444. $6000 3 full lots, large house, fruit end enaae trees; East 38ih -ft., z orocas uiu. unnyslde oar line; terms. $2750 Full lot. comfortable house, near E. 3th st., 3 blocks from Sunnysida car line; easy terms. $2800 Fine, sightly comer, 60x117, and up-to-date cottage. East 30th st 2 blocks from Woodstock carline. I. G. DAVIDSON, 819 Chamber of Commerce. GOING TO BUILD 7 WT9 ARE BUILDING MORE HOUSES THAN ANY CONTRACTOR IN THE CITY. THERE ARE GOOD REASONS. OUR CUSTOMERS SAVE MONEY AND GET BETTER WORK, ON TERMS TO SUIT. IF YOU OWN YOUR LOT, WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY TO BUILD. PLANS AND ESTIMATES FREE OREGON BUILDING &. TRUST CO.. 300 HENRY BLDG. m FINE 6-ROOM HOUSE. Nearly new, fi-room house, with, good, large closets, bullet pantry, electric lights, nice oak finish, best plumbing;! on a lot 60x100 with 5 fruit trees, lots of roses and berry bushes; on E. Market street; price only $23u0, part cash, balance $25 per month. GRUSSI &. ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. LOOK HERE. I'wo 7-room modern houses; lots 43 1-3 xlOO; premises in splendid condition; prices below real value, for these mu.t sell; can give easy terms on one of them; these properties JuBt off East 39th St., be tween Belmont st. and Hawthorne ave. Call 1156 East Salmon st. any day except Sunday. Appointment can be made by phone. B 2U85. HOME FOR SALE, BY OWNER. 16 rooms, hardwood floors on first and second floors ; vapor heat ; 3 fireplaces ; mahogany finished dining-room; nee'j shampoo and spray bath; 2 bathrooms; 1 toilets; large sleeping porch ; excellent neighborhood, near two carlines; hand some grounds lOOcclOO ; must be seen to be appreciated; reasonable terms. Call room 801 Lewis bldg. ELEGANT IRVINGTON HOME o-ur 73X100 FT. AUTOMOBILE GARAGE. Ladles, if you want a strictly up-to-date, splendidly located borne, at a figure fni hftlniV i m ontlla 1 ---t-.t Ank -trill please you; price only $90od, terms. (Built uy vwuw.; C L. BAMBERGER, Main 2438. Room 2. Lum bermens Bl dg. BRAND new Irvington home. 8 rooms, 2 xirepiaces, 2 toilets, built-in bunet, clotnes and dust chutes, hardwood floors, will finish to suit purchaser; very best loca tion, surrounaea by new. beautiful nomes; on wide bltullthic street, 1 block from Irvington car; price $7000. K 942, Qrego nian. SIC. OOO IRVlNflTOV Hf)TF, Twelve-room colonial home. 1 ust com pleted, one block from car; this house is nnisnea in quarter-sawed oak and maooeany ana ces every tning tnat could oe oesirea, uiciuaing garage. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-513 Commercial Club Bldg. WANT A HOME T Bound to sell; nearly ww o-room nouse, s oiocics irom car; Hull Run water; good lot. some street Im provements; will take $400 or less down, balance $15 per month; price cut to $1700 to make quick sale. Ask for MiUl ren. Mount Hood Land Company, 712 rtoinoniiQ oiag. I HAVE just built a modern 6-room bungalow-cot ;age; it is first-class in every re spect, located one block from a good car line,' near the corner of Patton and KH Ungsworth avenues; I must sell this and will du so on easy terms at a sacrifice pgure. owner. s S7. Qregonian. $11,500 Full lot, 10-room house; fair Income; wuij v oiucKS sou 1 11 01 roaiOTiioe. $10,000 Old house and 160x100. or 4 40x 100-ft. lots. South Portland, close to car line ; easy term s. I. G. DAVIDSON, 819 Chamber of Commerce. INCOME 11 PER CENT ON $1100. Must sell home, choice part of Mount Tabor ; decided bargain at $2300 ; need $1100 cash, and wili rent from buyer for a year at a price to net 11 per cent on in vestment, beside Increase In jrroperty. Call 413 Fenton bldg., 84 6th st. 133CO BEAUTIFUL 6-room cottage, new, bath, pantry, closets, piped for furnace, combination fixtures, full cement basement, garden, lawn, etc.; lot 50x103; worth 4000, rents for $25. East 10th St., one block from carline; terms. Hatch &. Slo cum. 403 Commercial blk. $50 BUNGALOW. 6 rooms, on Oregon City carline. 6 rooms, on Woodstock carline. 6 rooms, on Rose City carline. With furniture if preferred; payments $15 per month. National Realty & Trust Co., 3284 Wash. St., room 616. 6-ROOM modern house, white enameled bathroom, large porches, full concrete basement, fine roses, fruits, built by day labor for good home; must sell; one block from car; cheap; payment down, terms; fine corner.! station, Mt Scott car. Phone Tabor 930. A SNAP IF TAKEN AT ONCEfc' 1 BLOCK FROM THE W CAR. New West Side 6-room bungalow, hard wood floors, brick fireplace, sleeping porches, unobstructed view ; lot SOxHJO, street paved. 1043 Vaughn. Phone Main 8286. NOB HILL HOME. Beautiful 12-room hou3e on 24th St., in the beet residence district on the West Bide; faces east; price $15,000. terms. H. P- PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. PORTLAND Get our list of homes today TRUST and see them Sunday. we CO. have a . choice liBt at all BANK. prices. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. HANDSOME, modern 9-room house, corner lot, exclusive East Side district, fruit and roses. House too large for owner's present needs. Will deduct S5O0 and agent's com mission if sold this week. This is a snap. No agents. AG 942. Qregonian. FINE bungalowi 7 rooms, new and up to date; fireplace, large porches, gas and electric lights, improved streets, near the car; closer in than Laurelhurst; the cheapet house in Portland; terms to suit. Owner, K 930. Qregonian. ' HOUSE AND LOT AT A BARGAIN. 7 rooms, complete, f Oil cement base ment; St. Johns carline; $22i"H: terms. HATCH & SLOCUM, 402 Commercial Block. A REAL BUNGALOW BARGAIN With garage, on 60x100 lot. 5 fine large rooms; every first-class bungalow feature in this pretty home; only J2300; terms. 362 Washington St.. Room 4. IRVINGTON Beautiful home in very best location; was not built for sale ; every modern convenience. This will merit the closest investigation and will be sold for actual cost. Owner, W 94Q, Qregonian. NEW modern 11-room house, lot 100x1 0O hard-surface streets, Irvington also other houses and vacant lota. R. B. & F. F Rice, office 16th apd Brazes sts. East 05S, res. East 2432. 880 EAST 10TH N- N. W. corner lot. all fenced. 6-room modern house. 24x34, barn 16x30. with cement floor; chicken-house FOR SALE 5-room cottage, choice corner 75x100. on 11th and Going sts. See ownr 75x100. on 11th and Going sts. See owner after 6 P. M-, 54S Hoyt st. Phone Main 8657. FOR SALE 'House and lot. 731 Bush mark st-. between East 21t and E. 22a ts., Portland. Or. Inquire store, 754 llxt St. $9000 65x107, close-in property, five cot tages, income $i5 a month. Terms. Owner d.. v. TC Burnside Bl. J. ...v.--w. tages, income e5 a month SR7i E. Burnside. WOODSTOCK snap, two-story house, lOOxiOO foot corner lot; will sacrifice. Cash or dt. ments. Phone Sellwood 1462. FOR SALE by owner, new modern 7-room house, full cement basement; lot 7fixl00 corner 6th and Going. Phone C 207H WHEN" moving call up 'Van Horn Transfer Co., M 1618, A 1984; all covered wagons and experienced men. IN Rose City Park, modern. 6-room bunga low, almost new. fireplace and furnace : 12500. F 942. Qregonian. 60x100 LOT, 5-room house. 565 Mail st.. H)0 feet from Sellwood carline. Inquire within; 11200. Acreage. 5 ACRES 8 miles from Vancouver; enough land to make a living on, for $750. price of a city lot. Owner, H. M. Greene. 602 Medical bldg. 6, 10, 15 ACRES unimproved; 18 miles east of Portland. Address M. Newell, Owner, X47 Ualsex a. REAL ESTATE. Acreage. $750 EACH Eight 5-acre tracts right on main line 01 to. f. rt. ... ana astwini en limits of large town; all in high state of cultivation a nri n. llrtlA over SO miles from - Portland, in one of th finest sections of the Willamette Valley; deep, rlcn son; very fine for fruit, berries and small fruits. Terms only $200 cash, balance to suit. $950 each Six 5-acre tracts, all In high state of cultivation, on main line of 6. P. R. R,, and only one mile to Orogon Electric; right at large town and close to another; deep, rich soil vary fine for fru-its, berries and small frulta This .is some of the best land ever offered out of our office. Terms only $250 cash; balance in 4 year a $200 each Nine 1-aere tracts, all in cultivation; right at city limits of large town; deep, rich soil; finest of berry and fruit land. Terms only $100 down and $::5 per year. CHOEiLAKER INVESTMENT COMPANY, 627 Henry Bldg. Main 4b5; A 7434. A FIXE COUNTRY HOME OF 15 ACRES, Surrounded by fine orchards, -room modern house with fireplace, . Barn and good family orchard. 10 acres set out to Bpltzenfcerg and Yellow Newtown apples. Beautiful view; spring water supplied to house by hydraulic ram. 5 minutes walk to R. R. Station. 50 minutes' ride to center of Portland. Electrio line now building will Have station close to the property. , Price $7000; 10 per cent discount for all cash. Could be bought with J2000 cash: balanoe .$500 per year, 6 per cent interest. THE CROSSLEY COMPANY, 708 and 709 Corbett Bldg. 234 ACRES, on Base Line, all cleared; 6- ruom nouse. barn and fruit. 12 acres, on Villa ave., mile from city limits; 5 acres set to Winter armies. 5 acres, all cleared, near Base Line, 2 miles from carline. House and 2 acres, 25 minutes out. for $1500 ; a snap. 10 acres all in cultivation: 4 acres In good bearing orchard; 25 minutes from city, at a bargain. 19 acres, all cleared; 8-room house, barn, henhouse, good water; a perfect farm In every respect; one mile from Clackamas station: $8000; part cash. ROOM 305 ABINGTON BLDG. - Main 4S41. $SOO0 lO acres 1 mile from MontavIUa. All cleared and most of it in fruit. Good 6-room house and other improvements. S53 $4800 13 acres H mile from Trontdale; 12 acres cleared and 6 of them in fruit treea On main county road and Electrio line. g4Q $1000 l.T acres 8 miles from Portland and 1 mile from Electric road. Fair 0 room house and other buildings S-48 THE CARD REALTY INVESTMENT VJO. 110 2d st. Phone Marshall 1567. A 1567. FINB country 'home, on corner of 2 county roads; 7-room house and 5 acres of land, all In cultivation; pler.'.y of fruit, walnut in bearing, berries, of mils to electrio line; beautiful grove of fine large oak trees around the house; price $26o0 $600 cash, balance $10 monthly. If you are looking for a nice little coun try home, see this. You will like it. Owner, p. REIMERS, 700 Corbett Bldg. A SNAP. 6 acres, near city limits, on Section Line road; almost all under cultivation, good 4-room house, large barn, roothouse, chicken-house, plenty of water, all fenced, ground nice and level; owner must sell; price $3950. terms. Apply owner, 171 Third m street, near Yamhill. A SNAP. 18 acres, 1 mile from TIgard. Station, all cleared, part in crop; price $150 per acre; cash, balance 1 and 2 years. Foreign Department. UNION BANK & TRUST CO.. 235 Stark St. Phones: Main 902, A 2669. ACREAGE. 20 acres, on the Rock wood road, at a price that will net the purchaser a quick, certain and satisfactory profit. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak: 1 ACRES, close in, on 36th and Holgate; this Is an exceptional bargain ; $800 ; everything platted and sold besides this t-act; all cleared and. fenced. Brown, 411 Couth bldg. FIVE acres, all in cultivation; $1000, $200 cash, balance $10 per month; on main county road, 16 minutes' walk to electric line, adjoining Hi Us bono; no finer soil any where in Oregon. See owner. 709 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE. I860 acres wheat land, seven miles south Heppner ; price right; reasonable terms. F 941. Qregonian. 10 ACRES. 12 miles from Portland, on elec trte line and close to station; running water; 176 per acre. Brown, 411 Couch bld g. FINE investment; 40-acre tract on Crooked Cre k. Wash.; some bottom, some timber; controls right of way; price $1000. bun Pub. Co.. Cathlamet, Wash. LET me sell you a half acre or more in eide the city; Bull Run water, paved street, building restrictions. etc. 420 Lumber- ' mans Bldg.. cor. 5th and Stark. Homesteads. LAND IS KING. Let us place you on a Central Qregon free homestead ; 320 acres of choicest agri cultural land in the West; in a valley traversed by new railway lines of survey and nearest railroads now building; our two locators are men of wide experience: they have spent weeks on the land and know it tnorougniy; tney can locate you most fa vorably now, but wait and It will ba too late; deep, rich, lakebed soil, mostly level. Home gently rolling, free from rock and al kali: cold, clear water. 6 to 30 feet; good fuel supply and fence posts from Govern men t reserve nearby. We don't want a mortgage on your life for locating you; nee in our automobiles; our weekly excursions leave every Thursday. Call or write THE SP ANTON COMPANY, 2tt9 Oak st. , Lewis Bid g. 2 HOMESTEADS under irrigation ditch, 160 fiacres each : special lot rates for Crook. Lake end Harney Counties; 6 homesteads on the coast ; Z tim oer cia lms. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. 82-page book explaining what each of tbe 84 counties Is best adapted for; gives amount of government land open to homestead in each county; map axiacnea, zixzn showing new R. R. and towns. Including Eastern and Central Oregon; counties In different colors; drawn to March 1, 1910; latest map in U. S. ; price 25c Nimmo & Runey, 13 Hamil- tonpiag. FOR reliable information about the Deschutes Valley homesteads, desert claims and deeded irrigated land call on Deschutes Valley jjanu 11 v "tincw . , .oucnanan bldg., on Washington, near 6th. We leave weekly with homeseekera HOMESTEADS Eastern Oregon; we are on the ground; come to headquarters; we locate nearly everv homesteader in the z district. Oregon Homestead Co., 217 Ab- Jngton oiag. DO you want desert or homestead claim in annv Kmithern Idaho? Idah.-k T.n n. ' r-n o-o Roise City Bank. Boia. iiiahn ALBERTA HOMESTEADS Locations made for $50 by man who helped surveyors. Write William Jl. wauera, -uroect St. HOMESTEAD relinquishment : 7.O0O.000 fet yellow fir; file gt once. Hyland Jones & Co., 409 ueranger oiag. son ACRES level land on new Central Or. con railroads; free booklets. Deshon & Haw K. t liUninei mciio onun Ding. 4.0OO.OOO RELINQUISHMENT on railroad: $400 if taken this week. 733 Marquam bldg. ja. poit. For Sale Fruit Lands. CHEHALEM MOUNTAIN ORCHARDS. The Finest in Oregon. These orchards planted to 6PITZENBERG AND YELLOW NEW TOWN APPLES. Cost you ONLY $184 per acre, when bear- Payable in small monthly Installments One crop will make the final payment. We care for orchard until in bearing. Come out with us Sunday and see the orchards. You will enjoy the day. a good dinner and th beautiful scenery. Only 60 minutes' ride; station on the place, Be our guest; it costs you nothing, and you are under no obligation to buy. SEEING IS BELIEVING. THE CROSSLEY COMPANY, 70S and 700 Corbett Building. 10-ACRE orchard tracts, unimproved, on railroad. 25 miles from Portland; best soil; no rock; $40 an acre, easy terms; ar range with us to go and make selection: round trip same day. 310-311 Corbett bldg. " '. HOOD RIVER. ' $75. Apple land; 45 acres near railroad; $76 acre; easy terms. AH 936, Oregonlan. 40-ACRE "-fruit and nut farm for sals by owner; would divide; fine locality, flue soil. Address R. L. Austin. Vanoonrar. vnmm m , RKAL ESTATE. For Sale Fruit Lands. SEEJ THE SB BEFOREJ YOU BUT. 5 and 10-acre fruit orchards, with 2 and 8-year-old trees. In the famous Hood River district "between Mo si or and The Dalles on the O. R. A N. main line; station and boat landing on the ground; price $150 per acre; one-third cash, balance 6 years. 5. 10 and SO-acre tracts garden land, all in cultivation; only 7 miles from a town with 20,000 population, with etatlon and boat landing on the ground; price $100 per acre ; one-third cash, balance 6 yearly In stallments. 5 and 10-acre vineyards, ready for plant ing; only 2 miles from railroad and river transportation; price $100 per acre, with one fourth cash and the balance in $10 monthly payments. FORDIGX DEPARTMENT, UNION BANK A TRUST COMPANY. 235 Stark su Portland, Or. Phone Main 902. A 2669. FINEST fruit land? In Oregon, near Newburg; right elevation, beautiful view. IO and 2u acre tracts; $luO to $200 per acre, easy pay ments; will contract to plant and car for at a reasonable price. See owner, P. Rel mers. 709 Corbett bldg. For Sale Farms. NOTHING BETTER. 6160 acres In Gilliam County, 4 miles ecu th from Shutler' s stat Ion ; 190O acres seeded to wheat, 900 acres plowed and ready to seed; 90 head of good horses and mules; harness for 75 head of horses; 9 14-in. plows, A 'l?t-ft Irnn hnrmw A wnnH in t-T--w A grain drills, 2 fanning mills; 14 good wagons I and racks. 1 of 20-H. P. Pitts e urine, 1 32- I inch cylinder separator, 8 spring hacks, 2 sets of blacksmith's tools, 4 14-ft. headers and boxes ; good new house, good barns, sheds and bunkhouse; first-class water plant cost ing $6000. All but a very few acres of this land can bo cultivated. Price $30 per acre. Including above horses and mules, all im plements and tools, wagons and harness and all crops. $60,000 cash, balance long time, 7 per cent. 4S0 acres In Sherman County, 6 miles east of Grass Valley and 4 miles north east of Bourbon station; good new 6-room house, wood fiber plastered, piped for hot and cold water; fair . barn with good ma chine shed; good well, never goes dry; wind mill cistern that holds 30,000 gallons of water; half mile from school, half mile from church; all in cultivation; on main traveled road; a very desirable place; price $35 per acre, half cash, balance on terms. FOREIGN DEPARTMENT, UNION BANK & TRUST COMPANY, 235 Stark su, Portland, Or. Phono Main 902. A 2669. ONE OF THE CHOICEST AND NATURAL UAIRY RANCHES IN THE WILLAJl ' ETTE VALLEY. Consisting of 176 acres, of which there are about 100 acres under cultivation, the balance In pasture; has some timber, has a running stream, the land lies almost level and the soil Is excellent ; the im provements on the place are as follows: 1 house of about 7 rooms, also 2 small houses, 1 large barn, large enough for 6O head of stock and a large space for hay; has a nice family orchard; personal property consists of 45 cows, of which 38 are milking at present time; 6 2-year-old heifers. 3 1-year-old heifers, 1 reg istered Jersey male, 6 head of horses, 10 hogs, 2 dozen chickens, 1 steam boiler with separator attachment; also house hold goods, wagons, buggies and all neces sary Implements; in fact, everything to run a first-class dairy; price $14,000. $6000 cash, balance in 6 years at 6 per cent interest; this place Is situated 2 miles from town in Marion County on the county road. OTTO & HARKS ON REALTY CO.. 133 hit First St. BIG OPPORTUNITY IN NEW SOUTHERN TOWN Of Alpha, Ala., first to be opened on the Washington & Choctaw Railway, In midst of thousands of acres of magnolia lands, recently sold, now thrown open; settlers now coming in; development will advance prices wonderfully ; climate ideal ; whole blocks In town can now be purchased at farm land prices; people contemplating buy ing Southern lands should Investigate this; the opportunity of living in town and r trucking, fruit growing or poultry raising beats any small farm proposition any one could offer; early purchasers get In at half price; easy terms, small payments; big op portunity for agents; write for plat and complete details. Washington & Choctaw Land Co., 560 Times bldg., tat. Louis, Mo. DO YOU KNOW A "BARGAIN WHEN YOU SEE ONET 16 acres, all in cultivation, except -acne srreen timber; wood for lifetime: fine family orchard, apples, pears, cherries and quinces; all kinds of small fruits; fine 5-room house, good barn and other outbuildings; finest of soil; 12 mites from Portland; on good county road, 20 min utes' walk from good country town; elec tric line, church and schools ; this Is no old, run-down ranch, but is a dandy, up-to-date place and a bargain at the price. Price $3600; $1400 cash, balance long time. Ask for the owner, Mr. Pvke, Crawford Realty Co., 503 Main st., Van couver. Wash. Phone Main 873. IS-ACRE FARM. 15 MILES FROM PORTLAND, NEAR O- W. P. ELECTRIC LINE 47000 EASY TERMS. TMs fine 18-acre farm. 15 miles from Portland, near a good electric line and only one miie xrom a goo a. live, wide awake" town: this is an ideal countrv place with good roads and the best of improvements, all but about five acres cleared; first-class house, splendid barn, famllv orchard, small fruits: this ninon has been, given the best of care and everytmng aoout it win d found in first class condition. CHAPIN & HERLOW, J. W. M. 832 Chamber of Commerce. CAN'T BE DUPLICATED. 200 acres, 1 mile from R. R. station, 8 miles from Salem; 175 acres under culti vation ; 20 acres in apples, 5 acres In araoes: 7-room house, well, barn toso Price $75 per acre; ft cash, balance easy Foreign Department, UNION BANK & TRUST CO.. 235 Stark St. Phone Main 803, A J669. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 8O0 acres improved wheat land 2 miles from R. R. station; Eastern Oregon; good house, outbuildings and water; will take Improved Portland property or farm near Portland for part or all payment; if cash saie. win arrange liberal terms; extra guou ueai il iHKen at once; you are deal ing with the own3r. E 942, Oregonlan. I YAMHILL-COUNTY FARM. 160 acres. 7 miles from Carlton. "At mil from school and on milk route, 30 acres under cultivation. 7H arres beaverdam, 60 acres logged off, several living springs and good outrange for cattle; 1 million feet of saw timber, orchard1 of 70 fruit trees, 5-room house and good barn; price only $25 per acre, $1200 cash and balanco long time. GRUSSI & ZADOW. T.17 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4tii and Oak $160 ACRES. S3200. $3200160 acres. 3 miles from Toledo on good county road; 25 acres under culti vation and 26 more about readv to niw fair fruit orchard; enough wood on the place to pay for it. Can you beat this for n farm nrODOSitlon? c An THE CARD REALTY & INVESTMENT CO 110 2d St. Phone Marshall 1567., A 1567. ' 20-ACRB tracts; unimproved. 25 miles b rail from Portland; suitable for fruit-rmi. lag and chicken ranches; well watered, plenty of timber for all purposes, best of soil, no npek or gravel; $15 to $25 am acre asy terms. These are the cheapest tracts on the market and will bear Inspection. Call and arrange to go and eee them, 210 and 311 Corbett bldg. I HAVE for sale the finest alfalfa and wheat ranch In Eastern Oregon; &O0 acres bot tom land; creek flowing through: 800 acres wheat, 600 acres rolling; fine house and buildings. Write M. FItsmaurice, Con don, Or. ,, A GOOD farm of 160 acres, one mile from Kalama; 30 acres In cultivation; house barn, outbuildings, fine orchard, stock and farm implements; price only $6000. This is a snap. Imus & Kindorf, Kalama, Wash. , LINCOLN County is the place to own a comfortable home at a small price; mild climate, pure water, orchard and dairy farms. Call on O. G. Daluba, Elk City, Oregon. " 10-ACRE orchard tracts, unimproved, on rail road. 25 mil from Portland; best soil; no rock: $40 an acre, easy terms; arrange wlta us to go and make selection ; round trin OttJ- " w 40 ACRES, good neighborhood, 6 cultivated, new house, some good timber, level. A fine place for home or speculation, $2300. C M- Crittenden. Hubbard Or. a ACRES. 1 mile from HiIlboro. suitable for thicken ranch; small new house, good chicken house, good well, cheap if taken at once; terms or cash. Inquire 346 Hall st. 160 ACRES. 40 cleared, rest fir timber i3.000.0OO feet). Price $13 per acre - HYLAND, JONES A CO 40o " iu& REAL ESTATE. For 8 ale Farms. FORT C EX) RGB AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA FARM LANDS. $3.00 PER ACRE DOWN, BALANCE) TX S YEARS. 6 PER CENT DD- FERRED PAYMENTS. There is but one more new country, the last of the un traveled region of fertility. THE BRITISH COLUMBIA. Already the noiiiy advance of progresi, the churn of the ;eam shovels and construction locomotives can almost be heard in the virgin fields as the work of building the GRAND TRUNK PA CIFIC TRANSCONTI NENTAL Railroad is pushed on through the land of richness, that Is being found In the great valleys of New British Columbia. - FORT GEORGHL L the geopgrapMcal and strategic commercial cen ter of British Columbia, On the line of the Grand Trunk Pacific and three other lines of railways building and projected. Fort George is at the Junction of 1O0O mllesi of navigable waterways. The climate is all that could be wished for. no extremes; the days during the Summer months, though warm, are never unoomfortably so. During the Winter the snowfall is light and the climate mild, the average rainfall being 26 to 2S inches' an nually. Settlers inform us that they never think of feeding their cattle until about Christmas, and that in March, tut a general rule, they could be Mimed out again. FORT GEORGE Is not the beginning of a town, it is the beginning of a city. It is destined to become the metropolis inland city of the North west. The farm lands we own are on the Grand Trunk Paciflo Railroad. None of it being farther than eight miles from the rail road. We own this land, and therefore can sell at a price that will make you independent; $3.00 per . acre cash, balance In 5 annual inM ail ments at 6 per cent on deferrNl pay ments. Our titles are clear and are banked by the Gov ernment. At a very cor. servat 1 ve estimate this land will double in value within the next two years. This opportunity will not last long. Call at once; bring this with yo u . S ee our ma ps and pictures of the Fort George region and let us tell you about the "LAST BEST WEST." NORTH COAST LAND CO, Paid-up Capital $625,000. General Office, Winch Bldg., Vancouver, R. C. RUTAN & ADAMS. Selling Agents. 2CO Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. Open evenings T to 9 P. M. DOUGLAS COUNTY, OR. FOR SALE 1700 acres choice land on good county road, 3 miles from railroad and good town; this land is very suitable for platltng and is at present In good condition ; price $25 per acre. For particulars and terms apply to William MacMaster, 302 Worcester block, Portland, Or. SEND for our list of Willamette Valley farms before buying; land shown free. Olmstead Land Co.. Salem. Or. M iscel laueons. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR Close-in acreage, a wheat ranch or small. well-Improved farm, at low price and on most liberal terms, see me. 1 handle my own properties. J. O. ELROD. C20 Corbett Bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE have customers for all classes of Port land property, ranging from $2500 to $100,000, or mors in value. Give us de scription of what you are willing to sell. Sales made without unnecessary pub licity. - Walker & Reed, S23 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 8535. WE have buyers for income or residence property. West Side or East Side. It will pay you to deal with us if you want re sults. Walker & Reed, 823 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 8535. WE have a buver for a piece of West Side business property up to $30J,oOO; giva us full particulars at once; owners only. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. REAL ESTATE or equities in same bought and sold. List with us. GRAY-CUNNINGHAM-GRAT. 722-723 Electric Bldg. WANTED To buy vacant lot, spot cash; must be cheap and within mile circle East Side. Address, with full particulars first letter, E 94 3, Qregonian. RESIDENCE PROPERTY WANTED. Are having constant calls ; make price right; we will get results. Hatch & Slo cum, 402 Commercial block. HAVE customer for a modern 8-room house on West Side, good neighborhood, with room for garage; price limit $'JOO0. Donald Macleod, b21 Electric bldg. BUNGALOW wanted Someone either to build or sell me a good bungalow and take my equity In 100x100 of $Soo; bal ance cash. AM 957, Oregonlan. INCOME-BEARING, close-in, city property, cost $18,000 to $20,000; no agents. B 930, Oregonlan. WANTED Irvington home; will exchange 2 lots in Broadway Addition and pay dif ference. Phone mornings. Main 1 42. WANT one or more quarter section of cut over land, adapted to fruit. E 941, Ore gonlan. WANTED Site for an apartment-hou?e, some thing that $2000 ysh will handle. AN 957, Oregonlan. WANTED Modern dwelling; $300 to $500 down, balance monthly payments. Own ers only. 402 Commercial block. WANTED Modern home with large lot. costing- not less than $10,000. AF 940. Oregonlan. ACREAGE, lots or equities bought and sold. I have buyers for your property. W. B. HARTLEY. 411 Swetland bldg. WANTED For cash. 6-room modern cot tage. Address T. P. 990 E. Salmon. WANTED Farm or acreage; must be rea sonable. 526 Washington st. - TO EXCHANGE. WHEAT FARM. SALE OR EXCHANOE. ' 440 acres, Central Oregon; near R. R. now tuilding; land all In cultivation; good farmhouse, barn and other outbuildings; 240 acres of farm now in crop; buyer to fret 1-3 of crop; will exchange for Port end property. J . ST R OUD & S O N. 432 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 2840-ACRE farm. 6 miles from R. R. town; nearly all cultivated; 1700 acres of elegant grain, with sale of place; well, windmill, gasoline engine, water piped in house and barn; complete line of machinery; 12 good work horses; price $25 per cere, part will bo taken In Western Oregon property, re mainder to suit- L. K. Moore. The Wheat Land Man, 517 Board of Trade. Portland. I WANT a house in town; will trade my 20-acre fruit and berry ranch, near elec tric line, in Clark County, 5 miles from Vancouver; house, barn, well, windmill; value, $5000. Owner, box 235, St. Johns, Or. FOR SALE or trade for house and lot or lot in Portland, 10 acres of the choicest fruit or berry land,, near Reedville, Or., close to stream and electric line. Call up owner. Main 1922 or East 139. I HAVE 7-passenger Pierce Arrow auto. Just painted and overhauled, new tires, first-class condition. Will trade for acre age or vacant lots. AH 044. Oregonlan. 160 ACRES fine fruit land, close to railroad, Washington Co., $1750, for a trade for cottage or vacant lota A 1215. CANNON Beach lots, nicely located, for suburban lots or acreage. See owner, 171 Third st. EXCHANGE City property for farms. Farms for city property, or anything you want, at 422 Abington bldg. YOU cah trade any kind of property at room 1019 Board of Trade. $-700 Beautiful Laurelhurst lot," will take jUaxnonds- J&.?aymn JiDlSAOegonian, ,