THE MORNING OREGONIAX. FRIDAY, MAT 6, 1910. ,6 POISON IS IGNORED BY HYDE DEFENSE No Mail Orders Filled for Drugs, Toilet Articles or Patent Medicines at These Cut Prices Your Monthly Account Is Desired All Purchases Delivered Free Agents for Cross Gloves Home of the FiIdla.y sum Attempt Made to Show That Deaths of Swopes Was Entirely Natural. d Ssitoirdsiy Ssules "Wood lark" R e m e d i e s Fourth and Washington JURY TO GET CASE SOON v Various Diseases Said to Produce Symptoms Such as Shown in Con vulsions Described Colonel Swope Spoke of Death. KANSAS CITY", May 5. Disregarding the evidence of the scientists that poison caused the deaths of Colonel Thomas H. Swope and Chrisman Swope and the con vulsions of Miss Margaret Swope, the de fense, in openinff Its case today- tried to show that the deaths were natural. Sylvester Spangler, on the stand for Dr. Hyde, accused of the murder of Col onel Swope. testified that the millionaire was so feeble for the year before he died that he fainted several times. Only the day before death came, testified Mr. Spangler, Colonel Hyde told him he might die at any time. From Dr. 1 W. Froehling the de fense elicited the information that either uraemic poisoning, typhoid fever or meningitis would result in the symptoms such as those shown by the three Swopes when convulsions devel oped. On cross-examination, however, the physician admitted the attacks also resembled cases of strychnine poison ing. Trial on Last Lap. The Hyde murder trial entered upon the last lap today when the defense began its presentation of witnesses. Between 15 and 20 persons will testify in behalf of Dr. Hyde, it is paid, end indications are that the case will be in the Jury's hands within a. week. Mrs. Logan O. Swope was the last witness for the prosecution yes terday. She made a calm and straight forward witness. The defense questioned her briefly. "I am well satisfied with the trial thus far," said Dr. Hyde before court today. "I think I shall be acquitted." In an effort to prove that Colonel Swope's physical condition was poor, S. W. Spcnpler, for several years business manager for the millionaire, was called upon to open the defense's case. Mr. Spangler said Mr. Swope drank heavily until 11 months before his death. When Colonel Swope gave up drinking, testified the witness, he became very weak. The millionaire was a user of patent medi cines and remedies containing strych , nine, said Spangler. Swope Predicted Sports. " 'I may be here a day or a week, but I can't last long. I'm liable to die at any minute,' " Mr. Spangler said Colonel Swope told him the day before he died. Prosecutor Conkling made an ineffective attempt to show that Colonel Swope ob jected to Dr.' Hyde marrying Frances 3wope. The testimony was barred. After the marriage, it was shown, the million aire gave property valued at J10.000 to the defendant. Typhoid fever, uraemic poisoning or meningitis, said vr. Jr. w. Froehling, the next witness, often caused convulsions similar to those produced in the cases of 1 homas II., Chrisman and Margaret swope. Kidneys in the same condition as were those of Colonel Swope, especial ly when accompanied bv a weak heart. might cause uraemic poison and result In death at any time, said the physi cian. Camphorated oil, which Dr. Hyde claims he injected into the arm of Jlargaret Swope, often produced in flammation, causincr the natlent much suffering-. Dr. Froehling was of the opinion that this remedy was a good heart stimulant, and in common use. "You would have to know the pulse find temperature before you gave this oil. wouldn't you?" asked Mr. Reed on cross-examination. "Certainly," answered Dr. Froehllng. Margaret Swope's testimony was that Dr. Hyde injected the oil without ex amining her condition. WOMAN, 66, TILLS SOIL Successful Orchardist Is Klickitat County Resident. HUSUM, Wash., May 4. (Special.) One of the successful tillers of the soil and orchardists of central Klickitat Coun ty Is Mrs. H. A. Richardson, 6t years eld. Eight years ago she homesteaded a quarter section northeast of Goldcndale land today has a young bearing orchard, fcer only helper when clearing the land being an old horse. Mrs. Richardson finds . ready market for her fruit, receiving the highest price paid for choice varieties of apples. Sew Corporations I'ormed. SALEM. Or., May 5. (Special.) Ar ticles of Incorporation have been filed In the office of the Secretary of State :aa follows: Washington. Orcpon Investment Company; principal office, Salem: capital stock, ?I0, 00(; Incorporator,. John Bayne, Wra. Stone end O. K. I.ucns. MORsman-McNalr Investment Company; principal office. Portland; capital stock. $10. 100; Incorporators. John H. Soper, George C. Howard and E. P. Mossman. CoqulMe Water Supply Conipanv: princi pal office. Cc(iullle; capital stock. "SIOOO; In corporators. t K. Strung. A. K. Simpson, O. K. Hrewer. J. W. Brlcus. T. R Pointer, M. H. Wickliam. W. H. Rohrer and O. O. Lunii. Bank of Fort Orford; principal office. Port Ortord; capital stock, $li,t0; Incorporators. John P. Louck. C. W. Zumwalt and John W. McKenzic Women Conduct "Booster" Meeting. TUB DALLES. Or.. May 5. (Special.) The most Interesting and widelv at tended "booster" meeting of the year was held at the Vogt Opera-House last night under the auspices of the Women of 'Sorosis. Publicity talks by repre sentative business men of the city were interspersed with music, which includ ed a local ''booster" " song. Booster buttons. "The Dalles Makes Good. were sold and much enthusiasm was aroused. Fountain Pens Filled Free Fourth and Washington America's Largest Popular-Price Drugstore Two Days' Cut Prices on Fine Toilet Soaps 25c cake "White Rose 4711 on sale 11 25c box Yvaltke's Witch Hazel Soap 9 25c box Baker's I. D. L-. Glycerine at 9J 25c box Loussaine Rose, Violet, Helio trope Soap on sale at the low price of 9 25c cake Cuticura Soap on sale for 16 25c box Chimes of Normandy Soap at 9 25c box Rocheau Violette on sale for 9 25c box Helio's Carnation Glycerine 9 25c box. Little's Phenyle Soap only 9 25c box Koumiss Soap on sale for 9S 25c cake Pear's TJnscented Soap at 10 25c box Sapa Cuti Soap on sale for 9 25c box William's Carbolic Soap for 9t 25c box Swift's Glycerine Soap for 9 25c box Velvet Skin Soap for only Qtp 25c box Toyland Soap on sale for 9 25c Woodbury's Facial Soap, cake 15 50e box'Buchan's Soap on sale for 9 25c box Amole Soap on sale for only 9 25c box Jergen's Sandalwood Soap 9 25c box Jergen's Scotch Oatmeal for 9J 25c box Kirk's Violet, Jockey Club, Car nation and Sandalwood on sale for 9J 25c box Armour's Savon Mucha Soap 9 40c box Jergen's Le Beau Monde Gly cerine on sale at the low price of only 9 40c box Armour's Tar, Glycerine and Carbolic Soap on sale ; low price, at 9 75c 12 cakes Jergen's Household Assort ment on sale at the low price of 33 75c 12 cakes Pine Tar and Glycerine 33 Four Castile Cuts $1.00 Jergen's 4-lb. bar Pure Castile Soap, on sale at the low price of T9 $1.25 Lena Spanish 4-lb. bar Castile Soap; our own importation, for 89 $1.00 El Almoda Castile, 4-lb. bar 53 $1.00 Conti Imp. Italian Castile 59 Big Cuts in Wines, Liq uors, Friday fp Saturday $1.00 Cream Rye, full quarts, for 89 $1.00 Old Bourbon on sale for only 69 $1.00 Atherton Bonded on sale for 79 $1.25 Hermitage Rye Bonded $1.05 $1.25 Black and White Scotch $1.09 11.25 Club Cocktails, 6 flavors $1.00 $1.00 Gordon Dry Gin, on sale at 89 fil.50 DeKuyper Gin, full quarts $1.14 $1.00 Buchu Gin on sale for only T9 50c Port, Sherry, Claret, Sauterne, Zin fandel, Burgundy, Riesling, Catawba, Muscatel, Angelica, Tokay, Madeira, on sale at only 34S three for $1.00 A Chance to Save on Fine Bristol Goods Values to $3.50 Clean-up sale of La dies' Hair Brushes, choice of long or short, soft or hard bristles and assorted backs, all standard makes; good values at the regular prices. Choice of entire lot Friday and Saturday at only $1.69 35c Kleanwell Tooth Brush on sale 25(i 35c Prophylactic Tooth Brush, for 25 25c French Tooth Brush, sale price 14 85c Celluloid Comb, long teeth, for 59 35c Rubber and Celluloid Combs, as sorted ; on sale at the low price of 19 $1.50 Ideal Hair Brush No. 2 at $1.18 50c Celluloid Tooth Brush Case at 19 Bags, Suitcases and Reed Luggage on Sale i sit All Trunks at Fourth Off $10.00 Handbags for Ladies A, classy, well-made bag of fine black seal leather on a good strong steel frame with outside trimmings in gunmetal and brass a genuine bargain and worth $10.00 of anyone's money; on sale Friday and Saturday for $7.39 $1.50 Handbags with ooteide pockets, in all shades of leather, just the thing for every day;, each, 79 75c Ladies' Tailored Belts, in fine tan and black leathers, all sizes; good bargain at regular price; on sale Friday and Saturday for low price of 39 $2.50 Men's Collar Bags, with draw string, in all eolors; choice Friday and Saturday at only 79J $6.50 Split Bamboo Suitcase, 24 inches long, well riveted frame, 2 strong straps, brass lock and snaps; special sale Friday and Saturday at only $5.89 $3.50 Kato Woven Suitcase, Laraol binding, leather corners, two straps, brass lock and snap, at $2.85 $6.75 Split Bamboo Suitcase, riveted leather corners, two straps, lined shirt fold, brass snaps and lock; special sale Friday and Saturday at only $5.98 $12.00 Bamboo Reed Suitcase, 26-inch frame, solid leather corners, good straps, brass snaps and lock ; special sale price Friday and Saturday only $9.85 $8.50 All-Leather Suitcase, very strong, 24-inch all steel frame, heavy leather riveted corners, large shirt fold and straps inside, brass snaps and well made; special sale Friday and Saturday at $7.69 $15.00 Solid Sole Leather Suitcase, extra strong, hand-riveted steel frame, 24-inch outside measure, roomy shirt fold, extra heavy snaps and good lock; on special sale Friday and Saturday at $12.98 Your Name Engraved on All Purchases Free. $1000 LIFE INSURANCE POLICY FREE WITH EVERY $5 OR OVER PURCHASE OF LEATHER GOODS. You Can't Tell by the Taste What's in Your Prescription You've got to trust your drug gist. Better pat ronize a store with an estab lished reputation if you value your health. We have 150 feet of open prescription counter no peek holes no mystery right on the ground floor in the best lighted, best ventilated part of our store. You can see your prescription all the time. Plenty of chairs a writing desk with free stationery and the daily papers at your convenience. Phone for our messenger we call -for and deliver prescriptions without extra charge. You're welcome. $5 Garden Hose Only $3.98 5c Flower Seeds for Only lc $5.00 Garden Hose, 50 feet, cotton, -inch, $3.98 $1.25 Revolving Sprinkler on sale at only 88 $28.00 Medicine Cabinet for bath room at $15.50 $6.50 Pedestal Shaving Mirror, 12-in., round $4.48 10c package Vegetable Seeds, Peas, Beans, etc., 6J 5c package Small Flower Seeds on sale at only 1 25c can Floor Varnish during this sale at only 16 FREE Sample Can of Chi-namel 'Varnish FREE Great Sale Rubber Goods t$P7 The Biggest Savings Offered This Yeai $1.25 2-quart Fountain Syringe, 3 hard rubber tubes, rapid tiow, gray rubber, guaranteed, on sale Friday and Saturday for only 69J $1.50 2-quart Combination Water Bottle and Fountain Syringe, white rubber, rapid flow, three hard rubber tubes, on sale for only $1.19 $1.75 Same Grade in 3-quart Syringe, on sale for the low price $1.39 $2.75 3-quart Maroon Combination Water Bottle and Fountain Syringe, best rubber, rapid flow, three hard rubber tubes, at $2.19 $1.50 2-quart Flannel Covered Water Bottle, assorted colors, good quality, on sale Friday and Saturday for the low price of only 83i $1.00 2-quart White Rubber Water Bottle, medium grade, only 69 59c Rubber Gloves, regular length, red rubber, guaranteed, only 29 75c Kleanwell Rubber Sponges, on sale for the very low price of 53 5c Pacifier's Black Rubber Nipple, bone mouth shield, three for 10 25c doz. Rubber Nipples, red, black and white, fit any bottle, 2 for 5 75c Bleached English Bath Towel, 27x50, on sale for this price, 53 Values 5Qc to $12 Framed Pictures at One-Half Price I urare'isaL- h if Jij 0 Special offering for Friday and Saturday of assorted pictures, comprising genuine pastels, carbons, fac simile reproductions of fine subjects in water color and oil. Each properly and artistically framed. 48 pictures, mostly samples. No two alike. Prices rang ing from 50c to $12.00 ONE-HALF PRICE $1.50 Woodlark Fountain Pen. We guarantee satisfaction, for 97 75c Linette Playing Cards. Two dozen Bridge, 500 or Whist score cards free with each package; on sale at the low price of only 42 15c per hundred plain White Napkins, Friday and Saturday, 100, 9J 25c Postcard Album in red, green, blue and black covers, holds 150 cards; .on sale Friday and Saturday at this low price, of only 11 15c Hurd's Linen Tablets, plain, on sale at the low price of only 9 $3.00 pound box assorted Rubber Bands, on sale at only $1.98 75c 4-lb. box assorted Rubber Bands, on sale at this low price, 59 100 Calling Cards, Friday and Saturday, printed for only 25 Printing, Developing and Enlarging at Reduced Rates Developing" 6 exposures up to 4x5, only 10 Developing 12 exposures up to 4x5, only 15c Your picture printed on post card for 4 -.5c SPECIAL PRICES ON ENLARGING Sepia or Black and White, 8x10, only .25 Sepia or Black and White, 11x14, only 50? Full line Cameras and. Photo Supplies. Friday and Saturday Pure Drug Bargains 50c Pure Cream Tartar, pound for 35? 10c Pure Soda Bicarbonate, pound at 5 10c Chloride Lime, during sale at 8? 35c Absorbent Cotton during sale 30 10c Powdered Alum; our sale price 6 10c Epsom Salts, during sale only 5 15c Washing Ammonia, bottle, only 9 10c Sal Soda, Washing Soda, pkg., 5? 15c Borax, pound during this sale at 9i 25c Witch Hazel, pint, on sale for 16J 25c Denatured Alcohol, quart for 22 25c Pure Glycerine, bottle, for only 1S 25c Rose Water, bottle, on sale at 13 25c Bay Rum and Glycerine, bottle 15 25c worth Small Sponges, choice, at 5 10c Moth Balls, package on sale for -4 10c Sewing Machine Oil on sale at 5 40c Insect Powder, best, can for 33 25c Crude Carbolic Acid, bottle at 17? Cut Prices on These Patent Medicines 50c Sloan's Liniment, on sale at 32 50c H. H. H. Liniment on sale at 31? $1.00 Ayer's Sarsaparilla, at only 59 $1.00 Pinkham's Compound, only 5T $1.00 Hood's Sarsaparilla at only 59 $1.00 Scott's Emulsion, on sale at 59 $1.00 Phillip's Emulsion, on sale, 59 jil.OO Pazo Ointment, on sale for 29 50c Doan's Kidney Pills .on sale at 31? 50e Diapepsin on sale for only 29 25c Lyon's Tooth Powder on sale, 10 25c Bathasweet on sale for only 12 50e Grave's Tooth Powder, on sale, 21 $1.00 Moller's Cod Liver Oil, for 61? $1.00 Phospho-Muriate Quinine at 6T $1.00 Waterbury's Cod Liver Oil 65 $1.00 Pond's Extract on sale for 57 25c Euthymol Tooth Paste on sale, 11( 25c D. D. D., during this sale for 12 25c Hire's Root Beer on sale for 11 $1.00 Kutnow's Powder on sale at 71 50o Davis' Pain Killer on sale at 29 $1.00 S. S. S. on sale for only 57? $1.20 Eff. Soda Phosphate on sale, SO 50c Bromo-Seltzer on sale for only 29i $1.00 Maltine and Creasoti on sale, 69 75c Green's August Flower, at only 51 $1.00 Hemaboloids on sale for only 71 $1.00 Malted Milk on sale for only 6S 50c St. Jacob's Oil on sale for 31 $1.00 Steam's Wine Cod Liver Oil 62 ? $1.00 Pe-Ru-Na on sale for only 59 Toilet Articles, Hair and Ornaments 75c Roger & Gallet's Odors, only 57 $2.00 Houbigant's Ideal, on sale, $1.49 75c Pinaud's Lilac Vegetal for 59 75c M. & L. Florida Water for 57 $1.00 Herpicide, on sale for onlv 57 $1.00 Sheffler's Colorine, on sale, 62 $1.00 Coke's Dandruff Cure for 62 25c Euthymol Tooth Paste on sale, 11 50c Pompeian Cream, during sale, 29i 50c Charles' Flesh Food, our price 29 25c Satin Skin Face Powder for 12 50c Sempre Giovine, on sale, only 27 2oc Mumm, on sale for only 2 for 2oc $12.00 $10.00 $ 8.00 $ 7.00 $ 6.00 $ 5.00 Switches Switches Switches Switches Switches Switches on on on on on on sale sale sale sale sale sale for for for for for for $9.78 SS.OO $7.00 S5.78 $5.2o $4.00 25c Turbans during this sale only 19 50c Turbans, during this sale only 37 J 20c Turbans during this sale only 12 35c Turbans during this sale oiilv 22c All Jet Barrettes at ONE-HALF PRICE We Are Open Saturday Nights Until 11 o'Clock Open Sundays lO A. M. to 2 P. M. Only Gold Fish,, Each 25c OHEGONWAYUPHELD Bourne in Senate Defends Selection of Chamberlain. OPPOSITION TO LAW SEEN Vancouver Athenaeum Club Elects. VAXrOUVKR. Wash.. May 5. iSpe clal.t The Vancouver Athenaeum Club elected the following: officers last nisrht: President. Mrs. Frank K. Hodgkin: vice-president. Mrs. A. A. Pompe; sec retary. Mrs. V. J. Kinney: assistant secretary, Mrs. Georpre 1). Toung; treas urer. Mrs. W. E. Carter. Columbia Ilrtdge Bill Passed. OREGON I AX NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, D. C, May 5. The senate today pased Jones" bin, authorizing the Spo kane British Columbia Railroad Com pany to bridge the Columbia River near tho mouth of the San Poll River. Many Republicans Inspired by De sire to Make Statement No. 1 Odious, Says Senator Plot by Enemies Is Alleged. WASHINGTON', May 5. Commending the election system of his state. Senator Rourne. of Oregon, tn an extendea speech in the Senate today aroused a general debate on the question of representative. government which dealt especially wttn the effect on the Southern states of the system of selecting; Federal officials for that section. t Bourne dwelt in terms of admiration on the methods of conducting elections and selecting officeholders in Oregon. He de clared that Oregon had "evolved the best form of popular government in the "world today." and defended the election or his Democratic colleague. Chamberlain, by a Republican Legislature. Republican Majority Overturned. After outlining the contest. Bourne said: "At the general' election in June Sen ator Chamberlain defeated Mr. Cake, notwithstanding the state was over whelmingly Republican, thereby devel oping from the Democratic candidate into the people's choice for United States Senator. The normal Republican majority In Oregon, I think, is from 15.000 to 20,000." Stating that there were no penalties attached to the law, Mr. Bourne said that at the session of the Legislature at which Chamberlain had been elected. an ex-Government official and assistant to the chairman of the Republican Na tional Committee appeared in Oregon and promised Federal appointments to Legislators if they would disregard their pledges. "The effort was'made by the enemies of the law,' he said, 'to create the impression that by reason of this per son's relations with the chairman of the Republican National Committee during the National campaign he would be able to deliver these promised Fed eral appointments in case Statement No. 1 subscribers sold their honor and be trayed their trust." Motive In Vote Detected. xiourne said . that in his opinion Chamberlain received the votes of sev eral thousand Republican enemies of l..e law, wno believed they could pre vent a Republican Legislature from ratifying the choice and who sought to make Statement No. 1 and the primary law odious. He defended the primary system. "Results attained under direct legis lation in Oregon," he said, "compare so favorably with the work of a Legls latlve Assembly that an effort to re peal the initiative and referendum would be overwhelmingly defeated. No effort has been attempted. "Plainly stated, the aim of our law is to destroy the irresponsible political machine and put all elective officers in the state in direct touch with the people, as the real source of authority: in short, to give direct and full force to the ballot of every individual elector in Oregon and to eliminate the domi nance of corporate and corrupt influ ence in the administration xt public af fairs." Bacon of Georgia entered upon a plea for more voice in the appointment of Federal officials for the Southern States. The Georgia Senator's speech evoked extended remarks by Carter of Montana, who advocated taking the postoffice out of politics. Agreeing with the suggestion made by his colleague. Clay, that the Senate should adopt a rule against the con firmation of any Federal appointee not indorsed by the Senators from his state. Bacon made a general condem nation of the referee system prevailing, in the South. Smith of Michigan opposed applica tion of the classified service . law to postmasters. Carter found In the postal commis sion's proposed change of the postal laws a panacea for the ills mentioned. Under that system the postal service would be put upon a business basis, he said, and by the elimination of 59,000 postmasters from politics the difficul ties suggested by Bacon would be overcome. The Carter scheme did not appeal to "Hale. He denounced It as a plan for the obliteration of all state lines and the usurpation of power by the Federal Government. POWER IS LACKING Power Company Changes Rands. HOO DRIVER, Or., May 5. Special.) At a mass meeting of the stockholders today, the transfer of the property of the Hood River Electric Light, Power & Wa ter Company to the Hood River Light & Power Company, was effected. The trans fer includes all the holdings of the first named corporation. Including the city water system. The new company paid $112,000. J. D. Wilcox, Robert Smith and Wirt Minor, of Portland, are its officers. A. S. Hall, also of Portland, la general manager. Mrs. Loretta M. Demaray Dies. GRANTS PASS, Or.. May 5. (Special.) Loretta M. Demaray, 78 years old, died today. She . was born In New York in 1S32. settled tn Iowa in 1ST0 and had lived in Grants Pass two years. She is sur vived by her husband and one son, C. H. Demaray, a local druggist. Gillett's Secretary Says He Can't Prevent Fight. LAW IS TOO AMBIGUOUS In Governor's Absence Clergy Are Advised to Apply to District At torney, But Are Warned of Obstacles In His Way. SACRAMENTO. Cal.. May 5. In re sponse to scores of letters received at the - Governor's office every day since the death of Tommy McCarthy after'his fight with Owen Moran in San Fran cisco last Friday, urging that Governor Gillett prevent the Jeffries-Johnson fight on July 4, E. ForreBt Mitchell, executive secretary to the Governor, sent out answers today saying the Governor is helpless to Interfere. The letters were addressed to relig ious organizations in Alameda County, San Francisco. Santa Clara, Los An geles and Fresno. The copy given out by Mr. Mitchell, which officially makes known the Governor's stand on the matter, is as follows: "This office is in receipt of your let ter inclosing resolutions passed by the Ministerial Union of Fresno relative to suppressing the Jeffries-Johnson prize fight, or contest, July 4, 1910. "Governor Gillett is en route to Washington at the present time, and probably will not return to Sacramento for at least a month. Lieutenant and Acting Governor Porter will not be in this office until a week or ten days from now. Replying to your letter in their absence, permit me to say that Governor Gillett is not in favor of prizefights: that he has never attended one in his life, and says that he never will. However, under the laws of California, I believe he is powerless to prevent or suppress this so-called box ing contest, because the law allows such contests. If the necessary permit to be obtained has been granted by the local authorities. In this instance I understand this permit - has been granted. "I would suggest that you file your complaint with the District Attorney of Alameda County, and if this is a prizefight and not a boxing contest, he has the law in his hands to put a stop to it- In all probability, however, the local authorities will be seriously handicapped until such time as the law is amended by the State Legislature so that a distinction is clearly shown be tween a prizefight and a so-called box ing contest." The annual session of the Oregon con ference of the Free Methodist Church began in Ashland today, with about 80 delegates In attendance. Suction Cleaners DAYTOS SEXDS TRACK TEAM High School Will Compete In Meet at Walla Walla. DAYTON", Wash.. May 5. (Special.) Dayton High School sent six track men to Walla Walla today to enter the state lnterscholastlc field meet to morrow and Saturday. Entries will be made in the sprints, hurdles, long dis tance and hammer throw. The Dayton men are Clancy and Burton, sprints; Harr's, Donahue, McQuarry, discus and hurdles; Johnson, hammer throw. Harold Leatherman, with an oration on the "Death of LaFayette," will en ter the oratorical contest. The baseball team left for Starbuck and Pomeroy to play two games. Free eMthodlsts eMet at Ashland. ASHLAND, Or., May 5. (Special.) After a Shampoo A "Peerless" Suction Cleaner has scores of uses. A few seconds and it is adjusted as a blower, and the strong current of air dries the hair quickly and naturally. It can be placed in the linen or clothes closets and they are aired thoroughly in no time. A "Peerless Suction Cleaner is an absolute essential, and one of the most wisely economical investments that can be made for the home. Illustrated book and address of nearest fBERLBSS store sent on request to Manufacturers Outlet Company, MFgm. FwSakkr 89 Chambers Street, Now York THE EASTERN M W'F'RS CO. Fort In ml, Oregon. fcllsiiililStilliiSY MM.