Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 06, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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Most Sensational Friday Bargains Ever Offered in Portland.
This announcement is made with the full knowledge of its importance. This store is prepared to assume the
w responsibility of meeting the public's expectations. -n
500 Hats, Values to $10.00 at $2.95
The entire month's accumulation of our popular priced trimmed hats remaining from' the
largest month's business in the history- of our store is offered in this sale. This promises to be
the most phenomenal selling event in Portland.
their purpose in helping build up the greatest millinery business in the city. These wonderful
hat bargains offered in this sale will only help TO ENTRENCH US STRONGER AS THE
Hats of every description, in every size, and in every fashionable shade. Trimmed in styles
"Right up to the minute." THE GREATEST FRIDAY MILLINERY SPECIAL ever
STYLISH, FASCINATING, NEW MILLINERY. Not hats that have run the gauntlet
of the entire season's business without finding a buyer.
Just Received 200 More Elegant Leghorn Hats
$8.00, $10.00 to $14.00 Values, Special Price Friday $3,45
Four Special Values in Muslin Gowns
$1.25 Cambric Gowns 89 Cents 1 $1.75 Nainsook Gowns at $1.10
Ladies' Cambric Gowns. Circular or square Ladies' Fine Nainsook or Longcloth
neck.'t Trimmed with lace, insertion, embroid- Gowns. Dainty trimmings of fine laces, inser-
ery, beading and ribbons. Open front or slip- tions, embroidery, headings and ribbons. High
over styles. or low neck and slip-over styles.
$1.50 Long Cloth Gowns at 98c $2.25 Nainsook Gowns at $1.59
Ladies' Gowns, made of either cambric or Ladies' Extra Fine Nainsook Gowns,
longcloth. Square or round neck. Prettily trimmed with medallions, fancy design of lace
trimmed with lace, insertion, embroidery, insertions, embroidery, headings and ribbons,
beading and ribbon. Low or high neck, long or short sleeves.
Wash Goods Sp'ls
That command the atten
tion of economical and
shrewd shoppers.
Friday 1 8c a Yard
Regular Price 25c
ITY plaids and stripes. White
and tinted grounds, self plaids
and stripes over which are
printed dainty floral designs.
Most nobby Summer dress ma
terial. Friday 29c a Yard
SUITING. A beautiful mer
cerized linen material 27 inches
wide. Solid colors, also hair
line stripes. Medium weight.
An ideal cloth for one piece as
well as coat suits. Fifty dif
ferent desirable shades.
Friday 1 2 1 -2c Yard
A most remarkable cotton
dress fabric ever produced at
the price. 27 inches wide. Soft,
silky permanent finish. All
the standard and new shades.
$ I .25 German Linen
Table Cloths
Actual size 76 inches lone.
oo incnes wiae. Assorted pat
terns. .Border on four
Already hemmed.
60c Scarfs and A C
Squares, Friday
Austrian linen Scarfs and
Squares. The scarfs are 18 by
54 inches and have 10 rows
drawn work besides being hem
stitched. The squares are 30
inches square and have 5 rows
of drawn work; also hem
stitched. Values to 35c 1 Q
White Goods I SC.
2000 yards of white dress and
waist goods, consisting of
crinkled crepes, English ma
dras and imported novelty
checks and stripes.
$ 1 .25 Crochet Bedspreads98c
Full size, all white Marseilles
patterns and hemmed.
$1.25 Ladies Silk QC
Stockings, Special 7 JC
Pure thread Silk Stockings.
Made with lisle soles and lisle
garter tops. Full fashioned
and guaranteed fast colors. All
shades and black.
50 c Ladies Lisle Q C
Thread Stockings
Fine imported Lisle Stock
ings, with lace boots or em
broidered insteps. Real Herms
dorf dye. 3 for Sl.OO.
50c Ladies Gauze
Lisle Stockings . .
Very sheer gauze lisle thread
Stockings, tan or black. All
this season's importations. 3
for Sl.OO or 35$ pair.
20c Children's Ribbed 1 -7
Cotton Stockings . ... IV C
Children's ribbed black cot
ton Stockings. Spliced knee,
heels and toes. Seamless foot
and leg. 3 for Sl.OO or 35$.
78c Swiss Ribbed I C
Vests, Special ... O J C
Kayser Swiss ribbed Vests.
Plain or trimmed yokes.
43c Ladies Lisle Q C
Thread Vests . . JJC
Ladies fine lisle thread
Vests. . Low, no sleeves. .Plain
or trimmed yokes.
Ladies Union I C
Suits Special . vJ JC
Ladies Swiss ribbed Union
Suits. Low neck, tight knees
or umbrella style. Lace
$ 1 .25 Ladies Union Q C
Suits, Special J-C
Ladies extra fine Swiss
ribbed Union Suits. Trimmed
yokes, tight knee, also loose
knee, lace trimmed.
Hair Goods
Friday $2.69
$3.75 REAL WAVY trans
: formations made from choice
hair used to produce that de
sired fullness. Come, in all
$5. 00 Switches $2. 95
$15 Switches $9.95
$22.50 Switches at $14.95
Real Wavy Switches, made
from choice hair, extra long
and heavy. Come in all shades.
Friday 25c
75c REAL HAIR Turbans,
light and comfortable. Come
in all shades.
Friday 14c
25c and 35c TURBANS,
made from sanitary floss over
a covered wire 'frame. Come
in all shades and various sizes.
Friday 19c
RETTES, in , either shell or
amber, various styles and sizes
to select from. Values to 65c.
20c HAIR NETS. Extra
large, fringe. Made from strong
fiber. Blonde, assorted browns,
auburn and black. Friday two
for 25$.
The Lipman-Wolfe Owl Drug Sale
We Meet Every Drug Gut in the City
60c Sal Hepatica 36$
75c Beef, Iron and Wine 43$
50c Hays' Hair Health 27$
$1.00 Hays' Hair Health .57$
$1.00 Graham's Hair Restorer. 73$
$L00 Goldman's Hair Restorer. 63$
$1.00 King's New Discovery. .69$
15c Pears Unscented Soap 11$
25c Powder Book 1G$
10c Peroxide Bath Soap 8$
25c box 3 cakes of imported Cas
tile Soap . . 16$
25c Bathasweet 13$
10c Fluffs Moquet 8$
25c Chalk and Orris Tooth Powder,
2 for 25$
25c Rose Leaf Complexion Cream,
2 for 25$
35c Red Cross Tooth Powder. .24$
10c package Moth Balls. ..... . 5$
25c Denatured Alcohol, pint. .:10$
25c Turpentine, pint ... .14$
50c Rubber Gloves 29$
25c Genuine Malt Extract 19$
25c Apenta Water... ...-.18$
35c Vichy Celestine 26$
25c bottle Glycerine and Rose
Water ...17$.
10c package Cascara Bark 4$
10c Sassafras Bark. . . . . . 5$
25c Rose Spray, pint bottle. Sale
pint bottle and pump. ...... .25$
Kerolene Inhaler ... ..$1.00
26c Kolorene for straw hats... 19$
25c Tiz for tender feet. 16$
10c Charcoal Tablets . 6$
25c Riveris Talcum Powder. ..16$
25c Ammoniated Sea Salt, 2 for.25$
50c Sempre Glovine ....33$
5c cake Lifebuoy Soap, 3 for. ..10$
50c Santiseptic Lotion ,.29$
60c Wakefield's Camelline 26$
100 Steamer- Rugs and Auto
Robes, in a large variety of new pat
terns, in Scotch plaid designs, in
rich colors; come with reversible
patterns or plain on one side and
figured on the other. 72x80, full
weight. .
Sea Island Moss at 9c
Air Plants, suitable for table dec
oration or hanging baskets. Will keep
green all the year around. We are
selling immense quantities at 9c
$3 5 Tailored Suits
That embody the best tailoring,
the choicest fabrics, the newest styles,
perfect fit and the finest quality of
silk and satin linings.
The most extraordinary offering of
high-class tailormade suits ever sold in
Friday $13.75
Made of the
50c lb. jar Theatrical Cream. . .37$
25c Tooth Brushes 15$
Hand Scrub Brushes 4$
15c Nail Brushes 8$
25c Whisk Brooms 15$
25c Creme de Meridor 19$
10c pkg. Cocoabutter, 1-oz 6$
25c Cucumber and Witch Hazel
Jelly, 2 for 25$
25c box Toilet Soap, all odors, 3
cakes in box... ......... .19$
25c Packer's Tar Soap 14$
25c Sozodont Tooth Paste 14$
15c Flash ... 8$
10c Jap Rose Soap . . 7$
$1.50 Traveling Cases,- assorted
backs, rubber lined ...... . ... . 98$
$1.50 Hair Brushes 98$
25c Dressing Combs. ......... 9$
35c Celluloid Dressing Combs. 26$
$1.00 Ideal Hair Brushes 69$
$1.75 Hair Brushes $1.29
$1.00 Vaucaire Gelega Tablets. 79$
$1.00 Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound 57$
$1.00 Dioxogen, lb. bottle 57$
$1.00 Herpicide 57$
$1.00 Pinkham's Blood Purifier.63$
$L00 Hood's Sarsaparilla 63$
$1.25 Effervescing Sodium Phos
phate, 1-lb; bottle 89$
50c size Borden's Malted Milk. 26$
50c California Syrup Figs 29$
25c Peroxide Hydrogen..... 9$
25c Witch Hazel, pint 16$
25c Bay Rum ...16$
25c Seidlitz Powders . ..16$
25c Carter's Liver Pills, 2 for. .25$
50c Doan's Kidney Pills 33$
25c Bromo Quinine, 2 for. ....25$
10c Soda Bicarbonate......... 3$
60c Cream Tartar, 1-lb .29$
5c pkg. Epsom Salts, 2 for . 5$
W. B. Nuform
Reg. $3, Friday $1.95
New coat model of striped
coutiL Has medium bust, ex
treme long hips and back. Three
pairs hose supporters attached.
Wide lace, beading and ribbon
Rogers 1847 Ware
finest all-wool serges,
homespuns, French serges, worsteds
and fancy mixed materials. The
Jackets are made in the popular 30 and 32
inch lengths in plain tailored and fancy
braided styles, lined with taffeta or peau de
cygne silk. The shirts are mude in the new
est plaited models.
The manufacturer from whom these
tailored suits come, also makes fine
silk and linen gowns. His season in
cloth suits being practically over, we
closed out his remaining stock.
them, in fact at any other time it
would be utterly impossible to secure
such distinctive suits, at such a radical
Art Needlecraft, Values to 69c, Friday 33c
pillow shams and tray cloths. These linens are
stamped ready for working in simple artistic
Seal Hand Bags
Friday $1.59
Regular Values to $3.00
Made of imported seal grain
leather, some with double han
dles," others with straps. Moire
or leather lined, Avenue shape;
riveted frame, coin, purse in
side. Leather Suit Cases
Friday $5.95
Regular $7.00 and $7.50
These Suit cases are made
with very heavy stock leather,
straps all around, hand rivet
ed, reinforced leather corners,
with brass pins, imported
English locks and catches,
shirt folds, linen lined and
hand sewed.
Cut Glass Bowls O A X
Friday Special . . POJ
S-inch bowl in pin wheel or
chrysanthemum pattern. The
best value we have ever of
fered. Friday Notion Specials
25c Net Shopping Bags.. 18$
5c Hat Pins, 3 for 10$
25c Combination Tan Shoe
Polish, large size 19$
3c Carpet Tacks, 3 pkgs.. . 5$
15c Carpet Beaters '. 9$
10c Damascus Safety Pins 8$
8c Gilt Safety Pins '5$
5c Asbestos Stove Polish. 3$
8c Cube Colored Pins. . . . 5$
10c Enameline Liquid Stove
Polish .. 8$
10c Curling Irons ' 8$
$2.00 . Electric Curling Irons
only $1.59
10c box Black Pins 8$
75c Fancy Gas Globes. . .39$
50c Thermometers . .39$
50c Fancy Round Garters.38$
Brass Bed Sale
Every refined style in brass
beds is shown here. The fash-,
ion now-a-days is for plain Co
lonial styles, simple but rich.
We have them and can save
you money. Glance over this
list of prices ; it surely must be
interesting to you if you are in
heed of a bed. .
$25.00 Beds, Special $13.75
$30.00 Beds, Special $ 1 8.75
- $40.00 Beds, Special $24.85
$45.00 Beds, Special $27.45
$50.00 Beds, Special $29.85
$75.00 Beds, Special $46.85
Enameled Beds
$ 4.50 Beds, Special $2.95
$ 5.50 Beds, Special $3.95
$ 7.50 Beds, Special $4.75
$10.00 Beds, Special $6.85
$12.00 Beds, Special $7.95
$15.00 Beds, Special $9.95
Mattress Sale
$25.00 Hair
Mattress . .
35-pound silver gray hair
Mattresses, made of superior
quality of drawings; absolute
ly sanitary; satisfaction guar
anteed. Full weight and size.
Covered with best quality of
A. C. A. ticking.
$14.00 Felt
Mattress . .
New felt Mattresses, built
with layers of felt (not stuffed)
and guaranteed to satisfy the
most critical buyer. Covered
with good quality of fancy art
ticking; 42 pounds. '
$18 Silk Floss b 1 1 7 T
Mattresses . . 4 I I . 3
35-pound pure silk floss Mat
tresses, made with "Imperial
roll edge." The ideal mattress
for the bed. Covered with best
quality of art tick. Full size
and weight.
$6.50 Cotton
Mattress . . .
100 combination cotton Mat
tresses, made of selected qual
ity of cotton and three layers
of superior excelsior. Covered
with good quality of striped or
fancy ticking.