: THE aiORXrXt OREGOXIA FRIDAY, MAY G, 1910. 1 FOB RENT. Housekeeping Rooms in Private family. TWO nicely furniahed housekeeping rooms; running: hot and cold water, bath, phone, laundry; beautiful grounds. 90 East 8th et.. comer Washington. Ka5t 1390. TWO housekeeping rooms, completely fur nished In nice, new private apartment; light, heat and phone. Very reasonable to right party. Call East 452. TWO. three, four-room suites, swell fur nished housekeeping " rooms; gas range, sink; beautiful location; walking distance. Glian. SUITE of 3 completely furnished rooms, bath, large closet, telephone, gas range, private porch and yard. To responsible couple, SJ2.50. 4ti8 Hall. FOUR unfurnished rooms with fireplace for liglit housekeeping, with modern conveni ences, phone East 61i8l. $11 Two furnished housekeeping rooms. Vert Side, walking distance, bath, phone; no children. 144 Porter st. Phone A 4004. TWO nicely furnished suites of housekeep ing rooms; also single room; light and heat furnlshed. 453 E. Pine St. FURNISHED housekeeping-rooms; with gaa range; private entrance. 511 Morrison at. Houses. WHEN" you move you'll need new furniture. Buy It Judiciously and the saving will ex ceed your moving expense. Our NO-RENT PRICED made na one of the largest furniture houw&e ia the cttyt la two years. Lookers shown same courtesy a buyerm. MORGAN-ATCH LEY FUKMTLKB CO. ttfr-76 Grand Ave., Cor. East Starjt St. Eut Ankany and Runs li-Shaver carline pass our (jiior. , FOR RFNT. , 6-room house, on Mt. Scott and Haw thorne lines; fruit trios, garden spot and chicken park; $1T. THE JSHAW-KEAR COMPANY, 1M5', Stark St. Main 35; A 3500. ' . FOR RENT. $40 a month, a U-rour.i, modern home, East Side, walking distance, on carline; line lawn, river iew. M. K. THOM PSON CO.. Fourth and Oak Sts.. Henry Bldg. t Main tjt4; A Xli'tll. 11-ROOM house, good condition, suitable one large or two small families; gas, baths, hot and cold water. Otn E. Ankeny. . Phone East 50115. FOR RENT Modern 8-room house, com pletely furnished, on carline, walking dis tance; fruit trees and flowers; references. Phone East 201. , SWELL new apartment, 9 rooms and sleeping-porch. 553 LadU ave., near 12th and Hawthorne. r ft-ROOM hoiwe, 73 Hassa.lt st., near Steel bridge. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand av-. and Multnomah at. FOR KENT Modern 5-roora cottage to re sponsible parties; only $16 per month. In- nun e E. St ar k st. 1IOUSHJ TO RKNT. 7-ROOM HOI'S H3. 2S 14th, near Jefferson. 6-ROOM cottage ; 7il- Kearney st; electrio light, cheap rent. Phono Main 4S4 or A i:."7. WHH.N moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co. Main 1618. A 1U64. All covered wag ons, an experienced men. NEW ft-room house, one block from two car-line-. : excellent locality. 15 E. 29th et., north, cor. Hoyt. 6-ROOM modern house, 1 block to car, -$i:00; JR:o cash, $1T. per month. E. Ep ton. Phone Tabor 570. 61X and neVen-room houses, Grand ave. and Skidmore, I (j and $l.vb respectively. J. L. O'Oonnell. 401 Board of Trade bldg. MODERN 5-room cottage, juat completed. 514 F,. 21st st. fcilX rooms, gas. bath, $::&; a good family house. 6oO Flanders. MODERN 8-room house. 1172 Belmont. Apply week days at 94 East 35th st. Furnished Houses. A X EV, handsomely furnished 7 -room house with alt modern conveniences, fireplace and furnace ; M t. Tabor; fine view ; bet ween 2 carline.'; price iu per month. Inquire 224 Earn 53d at. NEW modern ti-room house la Nob Hill district, will rent furnished or unfur nished, reasonable rent to right party. f Phone A. 4S!. ; 1S. SIX-ROOM house, furnished. fruit, flowers, larf;: garden, chh-ken-house and ynrd. 877 Oberiin st., Portsmouth. St. Johns car. CWrAliES, well furnished, $17.50, $20; house keeping suites, furnished. $8 to $12 month. Apply 3iH N. 26th; W car from depot, on Sd or Morrison to 2ttth. block north. COMPLETELY furnished bunpalow; modern; gas, electric lights; 20 minutes from P. O. ; Phone Exchange t5. FURNISH EO apartments handy. West Side; cheap. Room 5u:;, Marquam bldg. Main 2"lt. ATTRACTIVE bun.Ra.lnw, handsomely fur nished. dellRhttul location ; $73 month. - 1U48 Thuinutn. 6-ROOM cottage, well furnished, modern, nice y ard. Phone Main 8382. MODERN. 5-room cottage, juat completed. 514 E. '-'1st st. MODERN 3-room furnished flat for rent. 3y;t Mh st. FURNISHED flat. tiOth and King at.. North; $75; strictly modern. Fl'RNISHED 4-room cottage for rent. 485 East ('lay st. HfiHKes for Rent, Kuxnlturc for Sale. 6-ROOM FLAT. Modern 6-room flat; rent $35, with 2 rooms rt?ntf-d for $:;r; very fine furniture, and for Ue at a barKain, KVU0; $275 cajsh, balance can be paid monthly ; this flat is on lOlti, near Courli. MORRlSuN-ST. HOL'SB. 15-room house, rent only $ti5, with $160 worth of rooms rented: furniture is flr.t clasa and for sa.le for $140 part cash, bal ance $5 per month, un Morrison st. ; line location. GRITS-SI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Tra de. 4th and Oak. 7-ROOM, $6"0. Dandy money maker; few minutes from Post off ice; nice rugs, beautiful buffet, dishes, 60 towels, plenty bed linen; gas range gas hcator; rent, $40; clears $25. ("all today. 'MM Henry bldtj. FOR SALE Elegant furniture of 8-room flat complete, sleeping-porch, fine loca tion, West Side; flat rents for $35, in cluding water; terms. Phone East 1714, owner, for particulars till Tuesday next. COMPLETE furnlehinus of modern 6-room house for sale, house for rent ; close In ; two rooms now rented almost pay rent of house, Oilsan. Phone A K6. 6-ROOM cottage for rent, furniture for sale; three permanent boarders; owner going East. East MIS. Fl'R.MTl'KE of 4 rooms. Including sew ing machine, for sale cheap; house for rent If desired. E. 2!th st. North. F'L'RNIXI'KE for sale. 5-room cottage for rent Cail :71 :td st. PARTY leaving city must sacrifice furniture of 6-room house; rent $2. lo 17th, N. Hammer Ksorts. SEVERAL modern cottages for rent for sea son; some may be occupied at once for the same price; also cottages and" other properties for suit at reasonable prices. A) ex Gilbert & Son, Seaside. Or. 6UVERAL modern cottages for rent for a rn; some may bo occupied at once for the warn price; also cotiagos and other prop erties for sale at reasonable prices. Alex OUrtert & Son. Seaside, or. J'OR RENT Webb cottage. Seaside, Or. ; modern with tineplace, porcelain bath, totlei. city water, electric liehts and com pletel" f urnlwheil. 1'lione East 1 1 9. FOR RENT My log cabin. Seaside; well furnished, electric lights, city water, etc E. H. Piper. Tho Ort.goiiian. AT SEASIDE Nice furnished 7-roora house for rent. phone Main 4lX5. 6-ROOM cottage. Seaslda. East STEAM-HEATED, well-lighted and ventilated tore in new building. Washington near lVth, suitable for groceries, drugs or dellcat cskl Arrangements can be mtds which would a sure plend Id trade. Rent very reasonable to cummence. Mighl help finanoe cpable people. W. L. MOROAX. S03 AMngtffn bldg. FOR RENT 5-story brick building, 2d and Ash; also large brick building suitable for automobile garage. Apply R. T. Cox. Alain 422- LARGE STOKE All or part. 164-lSt5 Second mt . near business center, out of high rent and high water dimriot. Morgan, S2tJVa Washington, room 4-Q. FOR RENT 4-story sad basement brick tore building. 100x165. S. E. cornsr Front and Pine ata Apply C. A, Dolph, Mohawk blOg. ONE new storeroom. 25xtV, left to new black. Apply at drugstore. tocO Front sx. Either "F" or "S" car. Offices. JTLOOR spaca, 40x60, suitable for light manufacturing or printing office: also swell office rooms for rmt Inquire of A O. Churchley. photogra p h e r. 145 V 3d t. JH OTOGRAP HERS. ATTENT TO N Com - plete Quarters with large skylight room frr rent. Apply 146 Second st. Phone Marshall 355. TCR RENT a few offices la Couch bldg. Apply 603 Lewis bldg. jpyVLCTS pacv ground floor; both phone. FOR RENT. DB3K ROOM for rent. 4OS-410 Couch bldg. Halls. BALLROOM, good location. In good eondl tion. reasonable. B- P. Jones. 9O0 Front. Mlacelianeons. FOR RENT Only hotel in Gresham. Or.; partly furnished; rent reasonable. Inquire of John Thomas. Gresham. TO LEASE. LOOK HERE. The General German Aid Society will entertain bids for leasing Jts property, 100x100 feet, southeast corner Morrison and Eleventh sts.. for a term not to ex ceed 50 years. Will deal with principal only. Apply to H. C. BOHLMAN, Secretary, 46 North Ninth St. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. VALUABLE BUSINESS INFORMATION. This agency is in a position to furnisH reliable information regarding business openings, city or country. Parties seeking locations here, or desir ing to purchase an established business, should examine our list. Only legitimate propositions considered. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. Ablngton Bldg. Established liW5. TOUNO MAN I STRANGER! Make careful Investigation at expense of sel ler before you invest money in any proposition. Advisory Department. T. M. C A. MILLINERY STORE, $1600. Nice clean stock of millinery, ladies' and children's furnishings, on a paying bais, clearing about $160 per month; rent is only $20 per month with lease, in a fine busi ness location on the East Side; will sell at invoice, about $16o0, or will trade for kt or residence. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade, 4th and Oak. SALOON THE BEST OPPORTUNITY IN PORTLAND. PARTICULARS 286 'i WASHINGTON ST., ROOM Olli. 100 PER CENT profit I have & choice tract of apple land 14 miles from Mosier, which can be set to apples and sold to yield 3(H per cent profit In a year; would lequire 30.000 to buy and to treear-but will stand thorough investiga tion; is being- done largely. 141 First St., room 10. LET GEORGE DO IT. If you want to be located In business In Portland or otherwise, call in and let George show you his list of business chances. I have got some nice openings; rooming houses, grocery, confectionery, poolrooms, a loons, hardware, paints and grocery and no . tlon store. 221 Henry. Ask for George. NEW BRICK APARTMENTS. Less than six months old. 5 minutes walk Xrom business center, thoroughly modern, completely furnished; this has positively never been offered for sale be fore and 1b the best in the city; come quick. 617 Board of Trade WE CAN SELL YOUR BUSINESS QUICKLY AND QUIETLY. Have cash custom-era waiting. Confi dential matters handled with tact and discretion. HATCH & SLOCUM, 402 Commercial Block. WANTED Partner, young man who ie thoroughly posted In clothing business in Portland; must have from $3000 to $5000 capital ; advertiser will furnish all neces sary balance of capital; references re quired and given. See Parrish, Watkina & Co.. 230 Alder st. CONSTRUCTION engineer, "factory doctor" will prescribe methods and means which. If adhered to, will Increase the product In quantity and quality; man skilled and practical; consultation free; references. D 936. Oreronian. OWN ER must 11 Nicely located suburbaa confectionery and ice cream parlor will be sld at a sacrifice on account of owner be ing unable to attend to the business; living rooms in connection with bath. AD 628. Oregonlan. DYE WORKS. Nice cleanlne: and dve works, established 6 years and clearing $100 per month; rent $10 per montii; price JfdoO; in Vancouver, w ash. GRUSSI & ZADOW, S17 Board of Trade, 4th and Oak. CONFECTIONERY and ice cream, doing $10 to $15 daily; good location; must sell, as owner cannot attend to business; come in and make us an offer. 617 Board of Trade. ' TRANSFER and storage business; partner wanted to look after hined help; pay you salary of $150 monthly, besides .large profits, which will be guaranteed. Call room 523 Lumber Exchange. SUCCESSFUL real estate operator will dis pose of half interest to acceptable man; one of the best opportunities in Port land. Particulars 2&0'a Washington st., room 612. FOR SALE Interest In first -cj ass garage nd repair shop; also S seven-passenger cars; 1 rive-passenger car, and 2 run abouts. Apply Geo. F. Brlce, 402 Corbett bldg. PARTNER in small cash business, will make you $26 a week to start; too much work; can't handle alone; a snap If taken at once; $75 cash required. Call between 10 and 4 today. 181 Madison st. MANUFACTURING business; real estate; buildings and machinery; good trade; money-maker. Hall & Bowers, 321 Lum berman s bldg. RESPONSIBLE real estate dealer has more work than he can attend to and wants steady, sober man as perlnor to . join hfm. Call 417 Board of Trade. COMPLETELY furnished hotel and large DriCK annex in coiinwiijun, oosi location, Lewiston, Idaho. Apply 810 Board of Trade. l'hone .aiarsr.au aa. A GOOD location for a small business, living rooms in connection; $12.50 per month. Mo- Kenna A Waldt, lloo Belmont, cor. ISth. Tabor St&. ONE storeroom. 20x00. in new block, suit able for confectionery. Ice cream and fruit. Apply at drugstore. Front and GlbbaBt. RELIABLE merchant wants partner: ure ter office man; clears t0o month net profits; $ouoi requtrea. uau 24S stark b z reet. AM witling to go with $1000 or more as rartner in a strictly honest real estate or engineering proposition. Established business preferreq. Af a. uregonian. SOL1D manufacturing business, owner wants reliable partner to see stores, collect, etc, pays salary and profits. Call 417 Board or iraae. SNAP for cigarmaker; factory and store In one of tn oest towns, not iar rmia .fort l:nd; established trade; price $300. 224 ltenrybldg. BUSINESS AT A BARGAIN. Grocery, confectionery and bakery all combined, for sale at a bargain. 280 2d gt. Phone Mam tw. COUNTRY HOTEL In manufacturine dis trict, clearing $350 monthly; trial given before you buy. Particulars S23 Lumber Exchange. CONTROLLING Interest in new established brewery locates in tne unent; good reason for selling. Aaaress Kaimuti Lana com' pany. Ltd.. Honolulu. T. H. fivvni P. a T K forminsr to take over about 200 acres Oregon ajple land ; subscriptions from $10 up wantea. rite a. 4 3, ure- Konlan. GENTS FURNISHING More; clean stock, fine Iration ; modern store. nocn itealty Co., 2-1 Lumbermens bldg. H ARDWARDE STORE, center of city, fine location and good trade at Invoice. Hail A Bowers. 3-1 Lumpermern oiQg. FOR SALE Best cash grocery proposition for sale In Portland; well equipped. P 97 Oregoman. 6, 10 AND 1R-CBNT store: clean stock, good location; paying businejs. Bloch Realty t o., airi L.unii)priwnfl ciog. PARTNER wanted to help in store; will pay energetic man u ween; requires very Uttie money, lau v a tar it st. PA RTNER wanted In small cash business pay you $25 weekly: very little money re- quirea. an room oa iumoer .xcnange W ANTED A good live neal estate man to take interest in an automobile company. Aggress auiq oregoman oiag. GOOD location for A 1 hairdresser, mani cure, etc.. to establish a business. Phone East 3440. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Telephone and ether bonds bought J soid Fletcher Inv Co.. 225 Ablngton. RESTAURANT for sale by owner, choioa lo cation on Washington st. Price $400. AG 14 1. oregoman. BUTCHER shop, close in. doing good bust ress; cheap rent; living-room; at a bargain i r taken at once. -i at. uregonian. GROCERY Doing good business; cheap rent. Will sell at invoice. ' X 942. Ore- gonian. CASH store In best country town; invoice $1500. can zMarit si. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. ON ACCOUNT OP OTHER INTERESTS. A COMPETENT AND RESPONSIBLE MAN WITH $10,000 CAN SECURE CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OP MY BUSINESS. FOR OVER A YEAR I HAVE OPER ATED THE ONLY BUSINESS OF ITS KIND IN THIS CITY. PROTECTED BY CONTRACTS ASSURING ABSOLUTE MONOPOLY. BUSINESS REQUIRES NO HIGH-SALARIED HELP, IS STRICTLY CASH. AND PAYS BIG PROFITS. A SPLENDID FIELD IS OFFERED FOR EXPANSION" OR INCORPORATION. ANY INTERESTED PARTY WILL BE GIVEN AN OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE THE MOST RIGID INVESTIGATION. V 941, OREGOMAN. LIFE INCOME ASSURED. We offer a safe, gilt-edged Investment, based on lines of Inheritance, whereby per petual incomes may be assured ; by Invest ing $1000 to 10,OUO NOW. TODAY, you can become independent. This proposition is limited and will be closed quickly. For par ticulars apply at 402 Oregonlan bldg., fourth floor. Norman Inv. Co. . REAL ESTATE Rare chance to buy half interest in old-established business; owner will give bank references tnd show his books so you will know what the busi ness Is doing; experience not necessary beyond ability to show land, etc. Par t leu Iar IMS j Stark st. FOR SALE Business. Good dry cleaning ana pressing estabusnment. isew ma chinery, wagon, etc. Good location and doing a fine business. Well established. Am going away." $950 will buy it. For further . particulars, write P. O. Box 157. Eugene, uregon. STORE for sale, confectionery, ice cream. cation, 2 carlines, cheap rent, good busi ness; will sell cheap; must go to Hood ' River to take care of my berries. S41 Mississippi ave. MOVING picture films, machines Every- tning ror moving picture business for rent or sale. If you are planning to open a show we are ready to assist you. Write for our best offer. Laemmle Film 6erv lce. pantsgea bldg.. Portland, Or. BARBER SHOP. Invoice $1275. Washington st. ; price $700; investigate this. HATCH & SLOCUM, 402 Commercial Block. THE beet investment in the United States for the small investor; safety and rapidly increasing value can be shown; value has doubled In past 30 days. Investigate this. AE 934 Oregonlan. CIGAR and confectionery store with poolroom ana living-rooms n rear; good location and old stand: will sell chean if taken at once: owner must leave the city In May. Address v. ., Commercial at., Astoria. Or. REAL ESTATE man wants partner at once to show land; good chance for young man; no experience necessary; little money re quired. See me today. Natloiwl Realty, ooi wasn. st., room oio. MOTION picture theaters bought, sold or ex changed ; Interests purchased or sold; thea ters financed; sketches furnished; plans drawn. Call or write, MS Rothchild bldg., Portland. FOR SALE. $350 takes tailor shop doing good dye ing and cleaning business; fine location on Washington St.; $15 rent; no agents. Address V 943. Oregonlan. $170 MADE a million In California olL Our free booklet tells the story; mailed upon request. Wo offer nothing for sale In this booklet. Sagar-Loomis Company, P he Ian bldg., San Francisco. PARTNER wanted to manage branch of our fast-growing business; must be sober and a hustler; to the right one a good propo sition ; it's the man we want, not his money. Suite 8. 3ft2 Washington. GROCERY STORE for sale below invoice; 9 living-rooms; 6 rooms rented pay rent of store; cash business; a great snap; $1000 cash will handle it; family affairs com pel this place to be sold. Call 191 4th st. WHY WORK FOR OTHERS? Wanted, honest man with $200 cash, as partner, to show property and work in office. Owner is tired of hired h-elp. 242 Fifth st. FOR RENT Storeroom. West Side, suitable for butcher ehap, bakery, delicatessen or dry goods; good location, rent reasonable. Apply 8924 6th sr. STRICTLY cash groceries, doing a fine business, one at $650. $800, $1500; all money-makers and good locations. Call 417 Board of Trade. DELICATESSEN and lunchroom for Bale cheap; line location, near 2 schools, on carline; no competition; make me an of fer. Main 2059. SALOON for sale, good paying saloon In fine location, rent very reasonable, long lease. Call for A. Lei hammer. East 139 or B 1319. A SNAP Cleaning and pressing shop for sale; parties are leaving city; only shop in district. Phone Tabor 30O, between d and 8 P. M. $is0 BEST small investment in Portland; good value cigars, tobaccos, tc. ; busiest locality in city for the rent. 193 Burnside st. Owner; no agents. CASH store, owner wants good man as partner, who is willing to wait on custo mers, .etc., pays $4 to $6 a day; $250 re qulred, secured. Call 417 Board of Trade. LIVERY business In a thriving town of 320O; doing a good business. Sickness cause for selling. Price $ 1850. AH 94X Oregonlan. Jaelore BUYING or SELLING any Ml.N'i.MJ. OIL, WIRELESS or INDUSTRIAL stock, get our prices. Davidson & Co.. Lewis bldg. Phone Marshall 7TK. COMPLETE furnishings of modern- 6-room house for sale, house for rent; close In; two rooms now rented almost pay rent of house 689 GUsan. Phone A 3066w $1900 BUYS a 0-foot comer store, 20x3O, two stories, stock, fixtures and furniture. Owner. M. C. Cray, 431 Salmon st. CONFECTIONERY No rent; good trade, long lease ; transfer point. Hall A Bow ers, 321 Lumbermens bldg. $10 TO $100 made daily In the movlng-plc-ture business; will start you in business . for $150. Call 626 Washington st. GROCERY, confectionery and bakery, all com bined, for sale or lease, or would trade for city property. 646 1st st. FOR SALE Home bakery and dairy lunch; good business and good stand ; no agents. 402 Washington st. RESTAURANT On Washington st.; lease; trade $36 a day; $7O0. Hall & Bowers, S21 Lumbermens bldg. SUBURB AN grocery with corner lot, 65x100, and good building; in fine district; easy terms Call 248 V Stark sr. GOOD paying restaurant in Woodburn, only one In town of 2J00: must sell on account of sickness. S. C. Mills. Woodburn, Or. WANTED To buy bakery in good country town ; give particulars, terms ; no agents. P 934. Oregonlan. GROCERY STORE, trade $25 a day; 3 liv ing rooms; lease 2 years; $700. Hall & Boweft, 321 Lumbermens bldg. PAR T N ER. wanted used to farm produce; owner will guarantee good salary and Fhare of profits. Call 24Sj Stark st. FLANTNG-MILL, best located In Portland, doing excellent business, for sale at in- voice, &DQUI v urcgonian FOR SALE Corner cash grocery, no deliv ery; can't be beat. See this before yuu buy. 020 Washington st. REAL ESTATE Half interest In good of fice, closest Investigation solicited. Hall &- Bowers. 3Ui LiimoermenB bldg- GENERAL STORE, close to Portland, clean stock at Invoice. Hall & Bowers, 31 1 iimKArmani ilriar GROCERY stock, near h 1 gh school . Bloch R.nltt.- CVv. 221 Lumbermen m hlr?- DRUG STORE, long established, good loca tlon; good business. AJ 917. Oregonian. $200 CASH Delicatessen store with, living rooms. 228 N. 16th. Main 555S. $600 BUYS stock, fixtures and furniture. Owner M. C. Cray. 431 Salmon st. FEED store at actual invoice: clears over i'.lOO month. Call 24S1- Stark st. POOLROOM for sale. Come and see for yourself, owner, t- v imams ave. i: car. BEST restaurant in Eugene for sale rea sonable. 4-S6 Willamette st., Eugene. Or. BARBER shop. 2 chairs, must be sold this week. 413 Morrison st. CIGAR and confectionery; fine location; cha.p. Bloch Realty Co.. 221 Lumbermens bldg. ROOMING-ftOrSES. CLEANEST IN THE CITY. 12 rooms, rent $40, lease $200; this has no equal In the city for the price. See it and be convinced. NEVISON & FOSTER. 319 Bf ard of Trade. L2-ROOM house, well-f urnlshed, good loca tion, 2-year lease, rooms all full; rent $50; price $750; $400 cash. Room 8, 362 Washington. ROOMING-HOUSE, 10 rooms, fino location, west Side. $400 will handle it; well fur nished and clean rooms; all rented; clears $ 5 0 per month. Call 191 4th st. LOVELY 10-room lodging-house, very choice location, worth $1000: mv nrice- s fi - terms to suit. Goddard, 613 Board of '1 raoe. tjertajniy a snap. COMPLETELY furnished hotel and large enex annex in connection, oest location, Lewiston. Idaho. Apply 810 Board of Trade. Phone Marshall S. ROOMING-HOUSE, rent $:;A: furniture for sale ; fine location. st) 1 ltn st. WANTED To rent 8 to 1 5 furnished room-ing-house: close in. Y S41. Oregonlan. WILL exchange small rooming-house for lot; pleas state valus of lot. 3 4M3. -Oregonian. ROOMTXG-HOtJSES. ' FOR SALE. New 23-room rooming-house, with furni ture, brussels carpet, gas ranges, electrio lights, all new, within S minutes" walk from Third and Morrison, located on East Side, net ting owner over $ 100 per month ; land lady's parents health requires her to sell; the price is very low and with terms-. Handling of this is done by a friend and not by a graKping real estate agent. Address S 941. Oregonian 39 ROOMS'; nearly all steady roomers; some transient; ho housekeeping; only $150 rent; new building, steam heat, new furniture; $4000, some terms. 22 rooms, part housekeeping: one floor; good business street; lea?e; $2oOO, terms. 13 rooms, transient ; brick ; Morrison st. ; $14V0. term?. COMET REALTY CO., 6t'2 Swetland Bldg . I WANT a thoroughly modern rooming house of 50 to 75 rooms; must have satls factcry lease and worth the price; please give particulars; will deal with owner only. S 42, Oregonian. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. Hotel of 3-1 rooms, steam heated, with large dining-room accommodations for transient -boar tiers, located in the center of town; good lease: will sacrifice for $4250; worth $7000; a splendid bargain. See us at once. It won't last long. The Standard Realty Co.. 421 Moha.wk bldg. Phones M. 1980. A 3334. SEE THIS AND YOU WILL LOOK NO FURTHER. 32 rooms, corner brick; steam heat; all on one floor; fine for steady and tran sient; furniture, everything the very best and house easily worth $5000; price for quick sale, $3000. Particulars, 417 Board of Trade. . 22 ROOMS, apartments, close in; house de sirable In every respect; furniture very fine and can't be beat for price asked; house clears over $100 every month; price $1500; SSOO cash. Particulars 417 Board of Trade. 10-ROOM. beautiful residence, everything modern, near 16th on Everett. Fine fur niture, good carpets, upstairs rented; clears $50 a month above expenses; $300 cash handles this. Call 417 Board of Trade. SNAP. For sale or lease, 50-room house, good location, cheap rent; if you want some thing good, look this up. GOODNOUGH t SEITZ. 718 Board of Trade. OWNER SICK, MUST SACRIFICE Fine furniture of 12-room house, near City Hall; rent $30; house modern and full of roomers; clears $50 a month; price 1600, terms. Call 417 Board of Trade. FOR SALE: By owner, rooming-house. 330 West Taylor st. $350. LOST AND FOUND. LOST. Valuable papers, including a large note, a contract, and an Insurance policy. These papers are of no value to anybody but myself. I will be glad to pay reward. W. T. Burney, 316 Alieky bldg. LOST Sunday afternoon, large black and white female St. Bernard dog; leather col lar with Oregon City license; will give reward to party returning or information leaaing 10 tne return. xztv iaignt et. Phone C 2053. FOUND Where you can buy genuine hair mattresses retail at wnoiesaie prices; we renovate mattresses and return same aay. Portland Curled Hair Factory, H. Metzger, 228 Front Phone Main 474. A 1374. FOUND Where watches, diamonds and jew elry are sold for amount loaned and one month's interest. ' Uncle Myers Collateral Bank. 71 6th st.. near Oak st. LOST A ladles brooch; pearl and red enamel, . with small diamond In center. Leavo at 01 Dekum. bldg. and receive re- warj. LOST Gold watch and chain on Grand ave. and Hawthorne, late Thursday afternoon. Finder return to &S3 East Taylor st. Re ward. LOST Bo me where on street, pocketbook con taining about $500; $50 reward if returned to onice or Hotel 1'orttanq. LOST Wednesday evening, roll papers con taining inventory Finder kindly return to a arc 33 indicated thereon or phone luast LOST or stolen, an aocordeon. with bog, Sat urday night. Finder will please return and receive reward from owner, bo Nortn ixi st, SPECIAL KOTICES. Proposals Invited. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received by the v ater commission of tne city of ot. ItilO, for the material and labor required in the installation, of proposed water sys tem of said city, according to the plans and specifications now on nie at tne becre tary of the Water Commission at St. Helens. Oregon. Proposals will be considered, for the whole or any part of the work and ma terial. Proposals must be made upon the oi&nic forms tumisnea oy tne city ana obtainable from the Secretary of the Com mission, and all required formalities must be complied witn. in oraer to secure con Sideration. Plans may be seen at the office of the Secretary, or the office of Elliott & Scog gin. Portland. Oregon. All proposals must be addressed to the water commission or tne jny -or at. nei ens. Oreeon. and must be accompanied by a certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the bid, check to be made pay able to the order of the Chairman of the Water Commission of at. Helens, Oregon, as a guarantee that contract will be en tered into If the tiro no sal is accented. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. ST. HELENS BOARD OF WATER COM MISSION. By H. F. McCormick, President. A. T. Laws. Secretary. Notice is hereby given by the District School Board of School District No. 1 (La Grande. Union County, Oregon, that bids will be received up to 12 o'clock noon of Monday, May 23, 1!01, for the furnishing material and erection of a two-story and basement brick high school building ac cording to plans and specifications on file with school clerk and Architect Newton C. Gauntt, also for the plumbing, heat lntr and ventilating for said building. Al bids to be accompanied by a certified check of 5 per cent of amount of bid. The board reserves the right to accept or reject ony or all bids or any portion of any bid submitted. Contractor to figure building with and without plumbing, heat ing and ventilating. Contractor whose bid is accepted to give approval bond in amount satisfactory to school board. Con tractors taking plans and specifications from office must deposit $10 to insure re turn of same within 10 days. Bids to be presented to school clerk. La Grande, Ore gon- .Dy oruci 01 i-i iuli otnuui xuuru. Artnur j. w mmma, ociiuui uiern. NOTICE OF SALE OF SEIZED GOODS. Notice Is hereby given that on the 30th day of May. 1910, at 2 o'clock P. M., there will be sold at public auction at the U. S. Appraiser's store, corner 8 th and Davis sts., Portland, Or., to the highest bid dor for gold rfoin : 8 boxes cigars. 1 lot silk and embroidery. 3 lacquered wood boxes, which have been seized for violation of the U, S. customs and revenue laws. P. S. Malcolm, Collector of Customs. Miscellaneous. STATE TREASURER'S FIRST NOTICBL Treasury Department, State of Oregon. TCVitlM Is hereby given that there &ra funds in the State Treasury with which to redeem all outstanding elate warrants di-awn on the sreneral fund. Indorsed "Presented and not paid for want of funds" prior to this date. Ail sucn warrants, n properly in dorsed, will be paid upon .presentation at this omce, interest mereon ceasing from and after mis oaie. GEO. A. STEEL, State Treasurer. THE PORTLAND WIRE & IRON WORKS is now located at Second and Columbia streets, in tne most moaern ana com plete plant on the coast. FAIR DEAL will move to 62 N. 3d st. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan Real Estate. money loaned, building purposes, if con suited before building begins. 309 Henry bid. MONEY to loan, any amount. 6 to 8 per cent. Gooanougn oc 1x0 ooarq or xraae. MONEY to loan; mortgages bought. "Wm. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort gages, xl. amey, roum -u uerunger Diag; PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mortgage- v a-i u. a. lj mug. $200,000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty; tulluing loans, wwoii ruivi, vv. c. Oiecic, X12 Falling fciag. . $2UOO TO $2500 at 7 per cent on a good re sicence; no acim. m it, ure g o 11 1 u.n . WILL loan $250 or less on real estate. Hitchcock. 610 Rothchild bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT, LOUIa bALUiu.. aiAHK ST. LOAN'S on rtaL nersonal. chattel or collat eral security. C. W. Pallett. 308-9 Fenton. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. Sr. XX. 3 LEWIS BLDG, 1 LOANS ON INSIDE CITY PROPERTY, S TO 7 PER CENT. 814 LEW IS BLDG. WILL loan $5000 or less, real estate. Far- rlngton. 16 commercial uiuD Diag. W E. BUY bank accounts, securities, foreign money, mfcm. x . a. jwr, jucw uiu- FINANCIAL. Money to Loan Real Estate. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes; 3 to it years- ume; repayment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Sav lugs & Loan Association, 240 Stark st. MONEY to loan on improved city prop erty and farms in amounts n ox xuuu up. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. MORTGAGE loans on Portland rea estate and Oregon farms for borrower or ieija r. Gibson 4k Hoiliaay. iiu4 and 4 Ger linger bidg. PLENTY of money to loan at . 6 and 7 per cent on real estate security. EUW. P. MALL COMPANY. 309-10 APinb'ton Bidg. $000,000 ON improved city or farm property; buliaing or small iouns at ioesi ia.t large loans a specialty. J. M. McKenxie Co.. 514-13-10 Gerlinger bldg. F1K&T and second mortgages and contracts purcaasta on Oregon uu tton'B- lands. E. L. Devereaux, Fenton, bldg, SO ttth st. I BUY for cash either first or second mort gages or sellers equity in connects sale on real estate In Oregon or W ashing ton. H. E. Noble. Lumbermens bldg. IMMEDIATE loans from $3 to $500. on all securities. w. A. Hathaway, room iu, Washington bldg. phone Main 3u2. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A. ri. Birrell CO., -U- jactvay uiu&. 3rd and Stark. ilU.NEY to loan on real estate, any amount. at lowest rates, quickly tumisnea. naiuu A Slocum, 4U2 Commercial blook $50oO 7 oer cent, to loan on Income prop erty. M. E. Thompson Co., 4tn ana wan. streets. PRIVATE and Eastern funds to loan; any amount; some J per cent. Henry L. rrua honime Co., t36 Chamber of commerce. State funds loaned, 6 per cent. W. E. Thom as. state agent. Muitnoxuah Co., WO C. C. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ARE YOU LOOKING FOR MONEY T If you would know how easy our terms are you would not be short of money. Don't be bothered with a lot of email debts; let us furnish tins money to setLle them. WE LOAN ON Real Estate. Furniture and Pianos (with out removal). Storage Receipts, Life In surance Policies. Horses, Jewelry, Dia monds, and all kinds of sewuries, on easy weekly or monthly payments. We Buy First and second Mortgages. All Business Strictly Confidential. U. S. REAL ESTATE & BKUKEUAGE CO. 12 Hamilton BldK.. 131 3d. Main 2U84. $$$$$$$$$$ MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! LET US BE YOUR BAN K.EKS. CALL AND 6EE L'S. FOR A CON I'lUB.N T 1 AL LOAN ON YOUR SALARY. CHEAPEST AND BiXoT PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY No SECURITY. EVERY 41 PAID OFF REDUCES COST. CALL, TELEPHONE, W KlTEV. bTATE feECUKlTlf CO., 3o8 FAILING BLDG. HOURS, b A. M. TO o P. M. WEDS, AND SATS., UNTIL S P. M. WE loan money on watches, diamonds, seal skins, mink, overcoats, trunks, dress suit castas ana musicai instruments. UNCJuE M X ERSi 71 Sixth at-. Between Oak and Pine sts. Main yio. $75,000. We want to loan this amount on pianos, furniture, hordes, warehouse receipts, real estate mortgages, or any goo a ouiiaterai. A sueclal low rate to set tne money out. We want your patronage, axid axe making a rate to get It. The iving Loan tin luvesw- ment Co.. room 010. jjucnaiian piag. CHATTEL LOANS. Installment loans on pianos, furniture, warehouse receipts, horses, insurance poli cies and all kinus of cecunties; KuiAL ES TATE LOANS from U0U0 up. NEW ERA LOAN A ill G. CO.. 41o Abington Biag. MONEY advanced salaried people, house keepers and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest uavmenti: ofhees in ott principal cities save yourself money by getting my terms first, j.olmajn, tu Lumper iixcnan g c. WE loan money on diamonds and jewelry, reasonable interest; long or short time. A. A M. Delovage, 269 Washington st. LOANS negotiated on a good security, GRAl-CUNNINGHAil-GhAI, 732-724 Electrio Blag. SALARY loans, confidential, easy to get, pumv rn tb v v. A. Newton. 515 Henry bldx. LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co.. 414 Den.um biag. MONEY to loan on diamonds, watches and jewelry. Bernhardt s Loan uince. tun. Loans Wanted. $40,000 WANTED to complete purchase of timber lands; will sell outright and buy back, on stumpage basis; liberal bonus given; also chance to invest In best mill proposition In Southern Oregon. inquire or J . a. naiter, uia xiiii. Kjr. WILL SELL 3 first mortgages, two for $1000 each and one for $11:00, drawing 8 per cent quarterly and secured by three Jiomes worm more man uuuuiu ijm mort gages. Sell separately or together. AM 94u. oregonian. FOR SALE; Two 7 per cent morteaices. years; one $2000, 1 $1200; will discount these to make them lO per cent. Need money. AE ao. uregonian. $6000 WANTED Real estate security and a guaranty Ol pt;i wul uu uivhcj in v ca icu you handle your own money and hold title no speculation. 302 Swetland bidg. PRIVATE party wants loan of $500 on 160 acres I ana; win pay jw per cent inLtr- est; title perrect.- kj vii, uregonian. PLENTY OF MONEY to loan on first niort gages. Columbia TruBt Co., Board of 1 rade bldg. wavt to borrow SHOO on house and two lots. to be repaid in monthly installments. Ad dress Ai v-f, uregonian, WANTED $2000 or $3000 for 2 or 3 years; gooa ccuni. go, ji fmiiau PERSONAL. RADIUM. PaodIa afflicted with cancer, lupus, ro dent ulcers, eczema; touberculous joints, tumnm or sr lands. X-Ray burns, scar tis sue, keloids, nevus, port wine stains (moth-er mar)ts, motes oi every ttinu., wnr-f s bladder or kidney ailments, gran ulated eyelids and many other diseases have been permanently cured with radium light. I have the only radium on the Pacinc i;oasut auuivbb ttin at i Rothchild Diag.. roruanu, jr. xjv. vv . j. Mallory, radium specialist. LADIES, now is the time to attend to your furs. Remodeled, repaired and stored, free of charge, when work is ordered. Re-dyeing MPaiMkin carmen ta a specialty. Get my esti mates. Have large assortment of fine skins to select from. Laaies placing uruera now will get the "pick," also sava money. Sat isfaction assured. Adolph Reiner, practical furrier and expert fitter, 120 Ilia st. Phones A 3553, M BOH). - DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. rtlRssses of women and children, sur gery; chronic and nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods, tip-to- date electrical appliances, private -nospitat accommodations ; connnemeni care a ior consultation free. Room 10, Grand Thea ter bldg. Main S923. A 6607. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslngfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments, under physician's directions; baths. No. T East Eleventh street, second door south from East Ankeny carline. phone East 2O0, 1HUJ. HAIR- HAIR- All shades in best quality at cost. Closing out stock; scientific face and scalp treatments; expen uair-uress-ing and . manicuring taught. Aza H. rtlDDPC KG. branu Ajr-txum . qui a-tm lUgr, DR. D. L. LEWIS, Diseases of women and children; electrio treatment or nervous anmenis; private nos pital. Rooms 503-5O6 Commonwealth bldg., tittl ana Anneuj. x uuuv. a. i-i ttji, a DR. WALKER, specialist for men, quickly -i i J n at Itnanta UMni.ii n . cures vi "u nu.ij cuiu ii nllna 1(11 fat or T.., WE cure cancer and all kinds of eczema, ul cers in stomach, etc. Mr. and Mrs. Jurvas Finnish masseurs, 195 Union ave. N. East MRS G. SWANSOK. medium and spiritual adviser, room 63 Blumauer bldg., 4th and Morrison; readings aaiiy. )R LORENS NbKVK TABLETS 25o box, restore lost vitality. Stipe, lay i t-t-ii . "rm nan v. Morrlnrtn YOUNG rancher wishes to correspond with country lady; object matrimony. . E 936, Oregonlan. THERAPEUTIC treatments given by grad uate nurse. Koom iu, ine t. tirao, 4103 washlncton st. rnone M.am 41jo. Mm Courtwrleht, skin and scaln treat merits, facial deformities corrected, plas- tic surgery, an r neoner Diag. ja.. &Q4S. WEJUST treatment for female ailments; $2 KSW BOOK I-w of Financial Success, 50c Jones' Book Storfe. 284 Oak st. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed Mrs. M. D. Hill, 429 FUedner bldg. M. 347:J. BALM OF FIGS Remedies for diseases of women, -29 Belmont st. ast 2498. DR. KETCH I'M treats women's maladies. 179 H tL, corner 1 ammu. PERSONAL DRESS suits for rent, all slses. $1.50 month keeps your clothes cleaned, pressea. out tons sewed on, rips repaired, prompt crs and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark st. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. E. H. COLLIS & CO., ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial, County and Municipal. Auditing, Investigating and Systematizing. 34 Worcester Block. Phone Main 656T. Attorneys at Law. H. R. RIDDELL, attorney-at-Iaw. 735 Ch.m- ber of Commerce. Main4ib4. A aol. Assayer and Analyst. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and t--t.fgi.iKy W OI K. IOO jaw ia"U an.. Wella & ProehsteU mining engineers, chem- ists and assayers. 2V4 Washington t- Awnings and Tents. PACIFIC Tent & Awning Co., tents. '"in8" ana satis. 27 N. 1st. Main anu jv Bicycles and Motorcycles We buy. sen exchange or repair Hummer Bicycle Ex.. i: 10th . Jhlnj,. Brass and Machine Works. HARPERS BRASS WORKS Brass castings and machine work. 108 N. pin. Cement Contractors. CHAS. H. CARTER, cement con tractor. Foundations, sidewalks, floors. a Ington. Main 5697. Chiropractors. DR. TICKNER. suite 600 Columbia bldg. Lnronic ana nervous Qisgmwa. " - C'liiropody. WM. E3STELLB and FlosMie Deveney, the onlv scientific chiropodists in ii Parlors S02 Gerlinger bldg.. S. W. cor. -a and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY, manicuring and scalp. Mrs. Dunton. MO Washington. Marshall l-J- Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. p. Hill. room 4 9 PI led ner bid g. rnone Civil Engineers. R. F. SCOTT, civil engineer and urYeor- !17 Lewis bldg. Phone Marsnan in.. Collections and. Law. NETH & CO., COIAECTORS-COl' EVERYWHERE: NO COLLbv - iy- CHARGE. 535 Worcester blt'.g.. Portlana. Collection Specialist. PHYSICIANS' and dentists" collections only 1 ni 1 li V. It rt lVToln Eifll4: A 1 PHYSICIANS' and dentists' collections only ij. t'mcKney nire. - Commission Merchants TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO., ship brokers, com- miag:on mercnanig. w. Curios. SUN SOON HU1EJ. CHINESE! GOOPS MAT- TIM i. K1.HS. A - L tL-lMuj, v - Dancing. WALTZ, two-step, three-step 1ndf.t1 . . a.- -lra 1 1 tr WlllSOn aancmjr lessons, xov. - w School, Washington st-. between W. rarK anq iotn Bt- WESTERN" ACADEMY, dancing dept. Prof. i i- 1. o j xr-T-i Jin lessons dally. rtnK'c princip-i. -'- Pog and Horse Hospital. DR. BROWN, D. V. S-. D. C M- Office 3-T4 Flanders st. Alain a Electrio Motors PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO unrnrs ror rei 1 ui rwc- ""Electric Works. GENERAL repairing, electric motors, etc i HIT t,;eciric m v-J- -" Feed Store. ZIGLER & MISNER, bay, grain, feed ce- Furs. OKDEV.S taken for curing season. Furs ar- at reasonable rates now. N. M. nea.T. '6 M-rchanta Trust bldg. Phone Marshall i5. Janitor Supplies. THE WESTERN' Sales Co.. 44 24 it. Jir and bujiainfr supplies. iri.i Launches. 16-FT. 8-H P.. 150; 18-FT.. 3-H. P.. J00. Relerson Mch. Co.. is jnorriaun .1- ttather nd findings. CHAfl. I. MASTICK & CO.. 74 Front, leather of every Qeacnpiwu. j. A. 6TROW BRIDGE LEATHER CO.- Js. tabUFhea jsts. j.vj... ... Machinery. B TREXKMAN & CO. Hydraulic and spe cial Dices, screens, logging, mining ma 35!..JS.P ill klnda of repairs. 104 N. 4th. Motion Ilcturo Supplies. wm atATt too In business on easy terms. New o Moflon Picture Co.. 526V4 Wash. Musical. RAND and: orchestra Instruments, musical sundries. Victor taking machines, records. B-M1T. THEILHORN. violin teacher, pupil of Osteopathlo Physicians. DR. R. B. NORTHRUP. ... iRi7 Dekum bldg.. Third and Wash tartSn. rt Phone, office. Mala 310; resl- dence. East or B IlttS. . 1 t.indsev. sneclalist on rheuma- 4. stomach troubles and all femalo diseases. Hotel Franklin. Main 7105. t.e ROY SMITH, graduate Klrksvllle. Mo.. Painters. TiiTKTlNG tinting and paper-hanging done; vi . ir.i.pUM work. Main 1.10a Tpnuoname. ...... : Paints. Oils and Glss. . ...rTpepv Sr CO.. jobbers paints, oils. Elais. d doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor- Patent Attorneys. r" 7; WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat- l iTifrincement cases. 6u4 Dekum. paving. THH Barber Asphalt Paving Company. 605 irlJ!J. Atr Oscar Huber. PonlnnH s r.icLn - . miRRKX Construction Co. Street paving, ,ide"aTks and crosswalks. 317 Beck bldg. S liecLi m .p. : pa wnbro Iters. iiTI.E MYERS Collateral Bank. 40 years in "fSL 71 6th et. Main 810. Pipe. inRTLAKD "WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and po!.u'A"... 4th N. and York sts. M a.na ornce Printers. OHAUSSE-PRWDHOMME CO; Book.. Cata logua" aid commercial. 1424 4th st. Main 810. A IMS-, WHITE & CO.. commercial printers; work guaranteed. luW; - A Mis neaai. " w.T0v Printing Co., fine commercial an ' " " ting. Goodnough bldg. Main 7743 irirts. W'i " -"il. epair woro.. - ""'J"a" ' "I t ori als7 sienciis, office stationery, .y.n'.. 231 Stark. Main 1407. Safes. toe MOSLER SAFKCO., 108 2d at. Bales at f.torv prices. oeconq-nand safes. " cl,.finH. Bank and Store rliturei rrjjr luTKHI CO.. branch Grand Rapios on"" - - T.utke. Mgr. ; ; JJIr and second-hand J. I. M. Mfg. Co., tn nnd Couch. Main 2703. Cabinet work. m a n TranifaM PORTI-AND VAN- STORAGE CO.. corner r iV.h and Everett sts. Just opened newest ink most modern storage warehouse In iitv- every convenience for sate and prop er handling of goods; lowest Insurance rate in Northwest; iree iracaage; vans for " nvlnir. Mam or A iai. r n PICK, Transfer A Storage Co., office imi. f rnr-storv 1..1. and coiiiii.j'" . .v ware- house, separate iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables. . W. cor. 2d and Pine eta. Pianos and furniture moved and pnpked for snippniK. main fcwo, A lVVa. General transferring and storage; safes, .n furniture moved and nani,. for shipment. 29 Oak St.. bet. Front and lit Telephone Main 547 or A 2247. Transfer and Forwarding Agent, Storage, nrflee 310 Hoyt St., between 5th and 6th. (J iv... Vf.ln fi A 11 WHEN moving, call up Van Horn Transfer Co. Main ll. a ivi. ah ooverea wagons, all eirioiu ...w. grroVES connected and repaired. HIP. 614 Front. Tlpc writers. WE ARE the exchange for the largest type, writer concern on this Coast; Investigate: all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex- Chanre. ZSTH wasnington NKW. rebuilts. second-hand, rentals at cut rates. r u- ' m i.m. Therapentlo Physicians. DR. FOSTER, nvaeter mechanic of the human machine: cntropractic. viDration. massage, el?ctral and others combined. 418 Flledner. Rng Weavers. NORTHWEST RUO WORKS Rugs from old carpets, colonial rag rugs, silk por- ueres. lud i. nion ave., near j. Aorrison. BUSINESS DIRCTORT. Typewrltera. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $20 to $40, tally guaranteed; easy payments; rentals, $4 per month. Pacific stationary 4k Printing Co.. 203 2d st. Wall Paper. ERNEST MILLER CO., 172 1st St., hlf sale and retail. Samples mailed freev - 1 GRAND CENTRAL STATtOX. Sonthern Facifto. Ashland Passenger Roseburg Passenger Shasta Limited Silverton Passenger California Express ....... San Francisco Express..... West Side Corvallis Passenger ....... Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger.... Forest Grove Passenger... Forest ftrove Passenger.... Arriving Portland Oregon Express ........... Ashiand Passenger ........ Roseburg Passenger ...... Portland B:80 a. m. 4:1ft p. m. 6 :00 p. m. 6:20 p. ro. T:45 p. rn. 1:80 p. m. 7:20 a- m. 4:00 p. m. 8:ft0 a. m. 1:00 p. m. 5:40 p. m. 7:80 a. n. 10:00 p rn. &:du p. m. 11:00 a. m. Shasta Llmiiwi .""'" Z :30 p. m. :30 a. m. 4:20 p. m. 10:80 a. rru 8:00 a- m. Silverton Local .......... West Side Corvallis passenger iUn passenger Forest Grove Passenger..., Forest Grove Passenger.... Forest Grove r.isn w 11:50 s nr. 4:40 p. m. Northern Paclfle. Leavinr Pm-tlan I iortn coast Limited via Puetl bound North Coast Limited via. North Bank Atlantic Express via Puget Sound Atlantic Epress via North Bank Twin City Express via Pugst Sound ........................ Twin City Express " "via " North 10:00 a. m. 7:00 p. m, 12:13 a. m. 9:00 a. m. 8 :80 p. m. Bank Eastern Exnrem .1. T,i,t nmmd 00 p. 12:15 a. rn rn. Eastern Express via North Bank Missouri River Express via Puget Sound Missouri River Express via North 9:00 a. 10:00 a. : T:00p. 1 Portland. Tacoina'and" Seat'tie Ex press. Grays Harbor, Olympla nim fouin Kena ftrananea 6:4S a, l 10:00 a, l Portland-Vancouver Specia! .Mst oouiiu ijimitea. (irays HST' 1 auum feua praaciiM. Yacolt Passenger Arriving Portland 3:30 p. 4:00 p. m. m. North Coast Limited via North! Bank North Coast Limited via Puget 8:15 p. l 70 a. i 8:00 a 1 8:8S p. i S:1S p. l 1"UUU ......... Northern Pacinc North Bank Express vlaj Northern Paclflo Express vii Pucet Sound Pacific Coast Express via North Bank Pacific Coast Express via Pugeti ouuna .... ..... 7:80 a. 8:15 p. W'estern Express via North Bank1 Western Express via Pueet Sound m. 10:80 p. Aiissouri stiver .Express via Norlh Bank 8:00 a, m. 4:00 p. m. Missouri River Express via Pugeti souna Portland-Tacoma-Seattle Express ana irom uiympia. tiouth uena ana uravi laroor ... 4:00 p. 8:35 D. TTt. m. Puget Sound Limited Vancouver-Portland Special. 10:30 p. 0:OO a. i acoit rasBenger Oregon Railroad A Navigation Co. Leaving Portland Pendleton Passenger ....... 7:40 a. m. 10:00 a. m. 4:00 p. ra. 7:00 p. m. 7:00 p. m. 8:00 p. m. Oregon-Washington Limited. The Lalles Local Soo-Spokane-Portland ....... ast Mail (Coach Portland to Dalles J Oregon Express ............ Arriving Portland Fast Mall (no passengers).... The Dalles Local Oregon Express Soo-Spokanu-Portland ....... Pendleton Local Passenger. . Oregon-Washington Limited. The! . . . . I 7 :00 a. m. ,...110:15 a. ra. .... 110:30 a m. . ...j 8:00 a. in. .. ..I 6:30 p. m. 1 8:00 p. m. Astoria Columbia River. Leaving Portland Seaside Express Astoria Express Rainier Passenger .............. Rainier Passenger . ............. Arriving Portland Portland Express ....... H. ... . Portland Express Rainier and Portland Passenger. . Rainier and Portland Passenger. . 8:00 6:30 1:15 p. m. p. m. 6:10- p. m. 12:18 10:00 10:15 5:20 p. m. p. m a. m. p. m. Canadian Pacific Railway Co. Leaving Portland 1 C. P. R. Short Line via Spokane Via Seattle Arriving Portland C. P. K. Short Line via Spokane Via Seattle 7 K0 p. m. 12:15 a. m. 0:00 a. m. 7:00 a. m. Oregon A Washington Railroad Company. Leaving Portland Seattle Passenger .... Shasta Limited Owl Arriving Portland Owl Shasta Limited . . . Portland Passenger 8:00 a. m. 3 :00 p. m. ,11:45 p. m. 7:15 a. m. S:2u d. m. I 2:46 p. m. JKrFBSON-STKKET STATION. Southern Pacinc Leaving Portland Dallas Passenger .... Dallas Passenger .... Arriving Portland Dallas Passenger .... Dallas Passenger . 7:40 a. m. 4:30 p. m. 10:15 a. m. 5:55 p. m. ELEVENTH AND HOYT STREETS PAS SENliEB STATION. Spokane. Portland St Seattle Railway Co. Leaving Portland -Inland Empire Express 9:00 a. m. For Chicago. St. Paul. Omaha. Kansas City SU Louia, Billings. Spokane, Cheney, Lament Washtucna, Kahlotus, Pasco, Roosevelt. Granddalles, Goldendale, Llye. White Salmon. Stevenson, Vancouver ana Intermediate stations. Columbia River Local. ........... .4:30 p. m. North Bank Limited ,.7:0p. m. For Chicago, Su Paul, Omaha, Kansas Cltv St. Louis, Billings, Spokane. Cheney. Lamont. Washtucna, Kahlotus. Pasco. Roosevelt, Granddalles. Lyle, White Salmon, Stevenson, Vancouver and Intermedlata ata tlons. . Arriving Portland North Bank Limited 8:00 a.m. From Chicago. St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City St. Louia, Billings, Spokane, Cheney, Lamont Washtucna, Kahlotus, Pasco. Roose velt. Granddalles. Llye, White Salmon, Ste venson, Vancouver and intermediate, sla tiona. , . Columbia River Local ...12:25p.m. Inland Empire Express 8:15 p. m. From Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City St. Louis. Billings, Spokane, Cheney. Lamont. Washtucna, Kahlotus. Pasco, Roose velt. Granddalles. Lyle. Whits Salmon. Ste venson, Vancouver and intermediate sta tions. , Time Card Oregon Electric Railway Co. Leaving Portland for Salem and Int. stations 6:30. 7:50. 11:00 A. ii.; 2:ou, 3:60 6-30 b40 P. M. Limited lor Tualatin and Salem :15 A. M. Local for Wllsonvilla and Int. stations 5:10 P. M. Daily exoept Sunday for points on the Salem. Falls City i Western Ky. via Salem. 6U10 M-. 2:00 p M Sunday only, 11:00 A. M. T-ivlng Portland for Forest Grove and Invitations 7:03. 8:30. 10:20 A. M. i 12:10. 2:10. 3:30, 5:30. 8:25 P. M- Saturday only. ilAiprivin"at Portland from Salera and Int. stations 8:40, ll:oo A. M-; 1.15, 4:00. 6:00. 8-20 10'50 P. M. Local from WUsonville and 'int. stations. 6:4u A. M. Dally except Sunday, 7 :35 A. M. Arriving Portland from Forest Grora and IntT stations 8:0O. 9:50. 11:40 Jl. M.; l:8o. i-50 5:2U. 8:10 P. M. Saturday only. ll;Oo Y. M. Sunday only, 4:40 P. M. Portland Railway. Light Power Company. Cars Leave Ticket Office and Waltlng-Room. First and Alder and East Water and East Morrison streets. CARS LEAVE EAST WATER AND MORRISON STREETS. Oregon City 4:00, 6:30 A. M. and .ever 30 minutes to and Including 9 P. M.. them 10 00 ll:O0 P. M.: last car midnight. i'.rMham and intermediate points 6:55. 745 8-45. 9:48, 10:45 A. M.. 12:45, 2:45. 3- 45 4 45. 6:45, 6:45. 11:83 P. M. 'Fan-view and Troutdale 6:55, 7:45, 8:45, 9:40. 10:45 A. M-. 12:45. 2:45. 3:45. 4:45, 5r-Aadero and Intermediate points 6:55, 8:45 W-45 A. M.. 12:45. 2:45. 4:45. 6:49 P. M. . For Vancouver .... Ticket office and waiting-room, Eecend and Washington streets. i. M. 8:15. 6:50. 7:25. 8:00. 8:85. 9:10. 9:.:i(). 10:3O. 11:10. 11:00. j m 12:30. 1:10, 1:50. 2:30. 3:10. 3:60, 4- 30 5:10. .".:"". 6:30, 7:05, 7:40, 8:16, 9:25, 10:35. 11:45. On third Monday In every month the last car leaves at 7:05 P. M. Daily except Sunday. Daily - except Monday. ' BANKS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. . Portland, Oregon. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS J.60.00. GERMAN" AMERICAN BANTC COR. SIXTH AND WASHINGTON STS. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANK1NO-Hl-SISESS. ISSUES DRAFTS avail able IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES Of THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE; 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON SAV INGS ACCOUNTS. SAFE! T .DEPOSIT VAULTS.