18 THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, MAY -6, 1910, FOR SALB. Hores Vehicles and HaroeH. Why buy second-hand vehicles when you can net a new one from an old-established wholesale house. 44 years In Oregon, at almost the same cost? We are located outside the high-rent district, own our building, and can make the price. Ex clusive agents for the old reliable line of Michigan Buggy Co. fine vehicles, deliv ery wagons, top buggies, runabouts and farm wagons. Be sure and see us before you buy. It may save you money. R- M. WADE & CO.. 322 Hawthorne Ave., bet. East 1st and 2d. DISSOLVING partnership; must sell at once one 2900-Lb. team of mares, true w oncers, $400 ; one 13u0-lb. work horse, suitable for any work, $125; one 1500-lb. sound work horse, 9225; one 1000-lb. driv ing or delivery mare, $75 ; one rubber tired top buggy. $2a ; two sets of single harness $10 up: ten sets double harness, light and heavy, $15 up; two good sad dlers; all must go this week. Call 351 Mill St., cor. Park. CUT PRICES. On new buggies, harness and wagons; the second largest stock in the city to select from. New. guaranteed, well-known buggies with leather trimmings, fine leather quarter tops, for $58.50. .Big sales and small profits. C. I.. BOSS & CO., 320-3''S EAST MORRISON STREET. FOR SALE Portland Stables, 26 North 15th St., 2 teams of horses, 1 single horse, weights 1150 to l5o lbs. per horse. I will refund the money on any horse I sell if not as represented. The Portland Trust Co.. where I bank, will tell you if I am reliable, also references given on the best business firms in Portland. R. L. Evans. M Alt E and gelding, ages 6 and 7, weight 2f lbs., chunky-built, suitable for most any purpose; also their harness, almost new; price $:Kt; can be seen by calling at my residence. 874 Savier st. Take W car or Irtth-wt. or S car, get off at 20th st. $2o BUYS my driving outfit consisting of 5-year-old horse, extra free roadster, safe and fearless, custom-made harness and rubber-tired buggy, almost new. 874 Savier St.. Inquire for Mrs. Bixby. Automob lies. B-PASSENGER auto. 35 h. p.. 4-cylinrter; top. shield and lamps. thoroughly over hauled, in good condition. Room lo Wash ington bldg. $fi00. 30 -HORSE POWER auto top. glass front, in good running order. Call 21 E. 12th st. ONE four-cylinder automobile, newly paint ed and in nrst-class condition. Phone East 393. A RUNABOUT cheap for quick sale. West ern Auto Co.. 513 Alder st. 4-C Y ( 'ad iliac, in good condition. $&50. Western Auto Co.. 531 Alder st. Birds. Dog. Iet Stock. WANTED -Setting White Orpington eggs. E. G. Eleker. Milwaukie, Or. Phone Sell wood 1007. 28 HEAD of Government-inspected cattle and milk route. Write li. D. No. 2, Box 124. A FRESH cow for sale; very gentle and de . . nfrable for either family or dairy. 758 Hast Pine. FOR SALE Canary birds; fine singers. 6S0 Sandy road, corner lath. Mincellaneoas. SEWING MACHINES We have a large va rlety of drophead slightly used machines Singer. New Homes, Whites, etc.. also al most any make of excellent box covers, all guaranteed. Price $5 and up. Nearly new 5 and 7-drawer drophead Singers $15 for the -drawer and $20 for seven. SINGER STORE, 530 Williams ave. OFFICE FURNITURE. 10-foot counter with shelves, and 6 doors, top 18 Inches wide. 12-foot rail with base, pnjts, two gates, 6-foot rail, 20-lnch top. Address American Life & Accident Co., 615 Keck bldg. Telephone Main 6552. SEWING machines Do not fail to visit the White sewing machine store THIS WEEK. SPECIAL SALES 12o drp-head machine, slightly marred ; all mamiard makes ma chines for rent, and repairing. H. D. Jones. Prop.. 42Q Washington at., corner 11th. FOR SALE 28-foot fjasolino launch, with boathouse; equipped with 25 h. p. Smally engine; speed is miles per hour; every thing In first-class condition. Inquire at H. & E. Von Drr Werth. eat end of Mor- rlson-st. bridge, or phone Main 1022. FOR SALE. 125-volt, 150-K. W. General Electric generator; belt type, complete with panel and rail base. Address Room 201, Ore gonfaji. SPECIAL prices on factory rehuilt machines; very liberal terms; $10 to $60. Northwest Typewriter Co., M 8870. 222 Ablngton hidg. INTERIOR player-piano, almost new, ma hogany case, cost $S0; exchange for team logging horses, harness and wagon. T 941. Oregonian. WILL sell beautiful, white, perfect, 2-carat diamond, finest in city, for price $330 to someone that really wants bargain. Owner, S"l Dekum hidg. NOTES AND MORTGAGES BOUGHT AND SOLD NATIONAL CREDIT ASSN.. OUT WORCESTER BLDG.. 3d and Oak. FOR. SAUE Hart-Parr traction gasoline en gine, g-od as new. R. T. Cox, 250a 3d St., Portland, Or. HOUSE for sale to be removed from -66 East 7th st.. North, at once. Phone Main rsfit4. A 3:t:i3. BLICKENSDERFKR TYPEWRITERS. $40 $50. Ask for catalog. Rebuilt; $15 up. N. M. Hayter Co-.. i 5th st. Main 5528. "FOR SALE Showcase, wallcases,, counters. cheap. No. 222 Grand ave. Phone East 538. WHITE sewing machine, almost new, cost $50; will sell for $30. Phone Main 7054 or A 537o. SO-FOOT launch, seats 20 people, with 4-cycle engine, new, at a bargain. H 034 Qregoniar.. FOUR-H. P.. 2rt-ft. gasoline launch, com plete with boathouse and free handv lo- cation, cheap for cash. N 942. Oregonian. FOR SALE rounter, showcases and shelv ing. second-hand. 1 020 Hawthorne av e . A $450 SODA FOUNTAIN for sale very cheap. Call up Main 1M'0 or A 4S69. A FIRST-CLASS sewing machine cheap. Phones A 1'.'.6. Marshall 105. BRAND new $65 52-Inch roll-top desk; will sell for $5Q. Phone East 3302. 4 FRESH Jersey wwa and 2 horses for sale cheap. 521 Columbia Boulevard. SHOWCASES, new and second-hand. 312 Everett, cor 0th. Also fixtures. FO R S.Ci7eCH E A P. nrst-elasslng-ma"-chine of standard make. or0 Columbia st. MI LK Pasteurizing outfit for sale. Address T. F. Moseley. Vanrouver. Vasli FOR SALE A large Hall safe with inner d o or, v e ry cheap. Call 313 Water st. FINE insulated cooler for sale cheap. Alex Friedman. 295 1st. BLACKSMITH shop, doing fine business. For particular H. Watson, Skamokawa. Wash. VIOLINS, ban joe, niJndollnf, guitars at half regular prices. Uncle M vers. 71 ttt h s t . T Y P E W RITEH F A RG A I N S. 23 1 Stark St. Main 1407. 500 BUSINESS CARDS $1 if you bring this ad. Rose City Primary, 1924 3d, near Taylor. WANTED MIWELL.WEOIS. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings; hi ghost prices paid. Call at the "Fair Ieal," 6 N. 3d st. Main 9272 WANTED Clothing. best price paid for mines viu Kcnm Bunina-nanii c lot. Ting and shoes and bicycles. Malt. 2tt(0. 20 1st. WANTED One medium-sized second -h-und of fice safe. Portland Land Co., E, end Mor- rison-st. bridge. R 2l9o. W A N'T ED Second-hand factory elevator for three floors. Capacity, 1500 pounds. Phono Main St"t4 : A 33 39. OLD coins wanted; send list of what you hae. address and phone No. to B 935. Oregon ian. SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co. or vou 11 get less. Phones: A 2445; Main S95L CALL up Marshall 1929 if you have sec- ond-hand clothes to sell SPOT cash paid for your furniture; jirompt . attention always given. Ph ne East 1067. TWO second-hand maple butcher blocks and scales. AH 141. Oregonian. WANTET Men s cast-off clothing shoe for . highest price. Phone Mam 4fi40. BOOKCASE : state size and prie3. Becker, ? ?fi Grand ave. North. WANTED Second-hand automobiles. Phone Tabor 52$. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Sailors for Europe. wagei$30."" Tn qulr Sailors' Home, corner Second and GMsan sts. W ANTED Rough carpenters. East Pine and 12th sts. TELEGRAPHY taught, operators in demand, gJd pay, telegraph school. 290 3d st. "WASH ER wanted at once. State Laundry, 3. Broadway. M ATTRESSM AKERS wanted by the King Fisher Mattress Co.. 478 Albina ave. BARBER, wanted Saturday. 165 N. 8th street. KELP WANTED MALE. SALESM3N. The Columbia Life & Trust Com pany have an -opening for one or two flit-clas solicitors. If you have not had experience in selling life insurance you will be schooled and rendered assistance In finding prospects and closing business. Come In and talk it over. Ask for S. P. Lock wood, Vice-Pres. and Gen"l Manager, or Harry Rlchey, City Manager. 2-14 Lumber Exchange bldg. (Spalding bldg. when completed.) EVERT young man seeking employment, or qualified for better position, should take advantage of the Special Employment Membership and get in quick touch with the Advisory and Employment Secretary of the Y. M. C. A. Strangers our specialty. Good fellowship, good advice, good position await you. Constant demand for young men who can do something. Think twice and then again before you invest money. WANTED Able-bodied- men for the U. 8. Marine Corps, between the ages of 10 and 35. Must be native born or have first papers; monthly pay $15 to $69; additional compensation possible; food, clothjng, quar ters and medicinal attendance free; after 30 years' eerv ice can retire with 75 per cent of pay and allowances; service on board ship and ashore In all parts of the world. Apply at 4 and 10 Breeden hidg.. Portland, Or. FOR THE COPPER RIVER ft N. W. R- R CORDOVA, ALASKA. 1000, white laborers for surfacing and general railroad construction work.Wages $3.S5 per day. Fare from Seattle to the work $15. Weekly shipments begin about May 16. . M. J. HENEY, Pier 2. Seattle, Wash. HIGHLY remunerative position for a hustler who is willing to learn a svstem we are now Installing that has sold millions of dollars' worth of property In the East and which will pay several hundred dollars a "onlh to salesmen while learning. Splen did opportunity for advancement. Stop drifting; get in a business with a future. Call this morning before 10 o'clock. 404 C ouch bldg. WANTED Men by large contracting com pany; can learn trade of plumbing, elec tricity, bricklaying, automobiles in few months; no apprentice or helpers work and no expense; $20,000 contract work go ing; catalogue free. United Trade School Contracting Company, Lob Angeles. MEN Wanted for firemen and brakemen on nearby railroads; age IS to 35; experience unnecessary; no strike; permanent employ ment; firemen $10o monthly, brakemen $75; promotion to engineers, conductors; 40 "men cent to positions monthly. State age ; send stamp. Railway Association, care Oregonlan. MEN'S high-grade clothing Samples and cancellation orders from leading New lork houaes. looo models in men's suits for selection; $35 to $40 values, $1S.75, $25 1, values. $14.75; $18 to $-22.50 values. "M2.7o. Jimmie Dunn, 315 Oregonian blag. THE MEIER & FRANK stores require four additional salesmen for their men's cloth ing department; also two for boys cloth ing; permanent positions with good pay for competent num. Apply to Supt's of- nee. 6th floor, annex, & to 10. WB want 15 young men to prepare mailing Hts of their acquaintances who are particu lar about dress. The HEIMBACH 1DE U t new Bult for ver- week." will inter est them and bring money to you. NATION- aua'iu.mt iju.. ii Stark st. WANTED A bookkeeper for a manufacturing plant who can also operate a typewriter penmanship murt be neat; good salary an swer in handwriting, stating lines of busi ness heretofore engaged In. O 844, Ore- gonian. GOOD livo man for rotafl tea and coffee route, partially established, wagon fur nished; salary and commission; refer ence required. Apply at once. Grand 1 nion Tea Co., 44S Washington st WANTED Steady man, able to check goods etc. ; pays $lt week now, can 1 e In creased with Interested helD: small in- vestment requireo. particulars 245 Vs Stark st. W 1DEAWAKE. steady man wanted; will pay you $123 monthly clear; clean work; easy to learn; short hours; experience not necessary; only requires an investment of$25Q. Call 102 'fr Sd St.. room 507. SOLICITORS to sell treasury stock of estab lished manufacturing enterprise, dividends better than per cent last 10 years; ob i;0,1 to Increase capacity. Call 806 Lewis bldg. Pho ne A 4038. WANTED Machine operators, harness cut ters harness-makers and apprentices for saddle and harness factories; steady em ployment. John ClarkSaddlerv Co. WANTED A first-class experienced circula- .... scuri, wnn oest or, references; a good chance for a hustler. Livestock Reporter. in Stockyards. SALESMAN Steady position for first-class clothing salesman. LION CLOTHING CO., 106 Third St. STENOGRAPHER Yo"unman-niing" to help about store (commission business) state speed and wages wanted. p 4i Oregonian. GOVERNMENT employes wanted Write for Portland examination schedule. Prepara tion free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 21K Rochester. N. Y. FIRST -CLASS clothing clerk for out of town; must understand trimming windows and writing cards; permanent job for good man. w 043. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED man to take charge of print shop; $oO per week; small capital required Hates. 42Q' Morrison. WANTED An elderly V, n;. r, " o. .-.-.. nuuia saiary small. AE 042. Oregonian. WANTED Bookkeeper for permanent city position; apply, with full particulars, stat ing age, salary, etc. w i42. Oregonian. W XT Boy for light mtesenper and of nVe work. Address own hand wri tins X w l'.HOregonian. WANTED Bright boy. 16 years old or over fc with wheel for messenger service. AdoIv room 1-oi WpIIc Par wu -A-ppiy FINE opening for young man; experience un necessary; small capital required. Call 320 W atfhington st., room 417. 73 SLV ERAL young men to become structural draftsmen. Lessons, evenings, by structural engineer. Inquire 310 Henrv bide. YOUNG man for grocery delivery. East Sidey1 .... - "- cw. i y-u, ore- gonian. WANTED First-class sticker-nan for planing mill; permanent position: good salarv 4 m Hansen. Salem. Or. ' BARBER Want to buy half interest in a good barber shop? Good monev-maker guarantee $30. W 038. Oregoninn ' BEST selling proposition on Coast; sales manager wanted for city office; one able to make investment. Telephone B 1131. WANTED A doughnut maker. who can turn out high grade goods. Phone Main ouhj ; A 333 y. WANTED Office man, one experienced with material accounts preferred, t d38 Ore gonian. ' A GOOD live salesman and collector for clv good position for right party. Call a i ' 4t2 Washington. M- WANTED Experienced driver- for grocer delivery wagon; must furnish references. Apply at L. Mayer ft Co.. 148 3d Street. WANTED First-class specialty Tman for kto" cery line. Kelley-Clarke Co.. Blake-McFall bldg AN operator Tor Fisher-Billing machine, one experienced In dry goods preferred. Au ply Lowengart ft Co. WANTED Experrenced grocery office as sistant; musL be good at figures and pen manshlp. AN fl41. Oregonian. WANTED First-class horseshoer or floor man. W. P. Morris. Phone Red Al baxiy. Or. OFFICE boy wanted. Apply 6chwarchild ft Sulzherg-er, cor. Macadam Road and Sev mour ave. SALESMEN wanted to sell l&io census man $30 to $50 per wek cleared by hustlerV 822 S Stark st. ' ers BOY wanted, about ift years of &Ke office work. AE 940. Oregonian. SHOEMAKER S?e K. H. Wandell, 2S2- Grand ave. . near Haw thome. CABINETMAKER wanted ; must be first class; good wages. 222 Grand ave. WANTED A boy to work in librarv. xi ply at Public Library. 7th and Stark. W ANTED Fir-n-claFs bridge carpenter. East 12th and Irving sts. HIGH-C1ASS commercial salesman wanted. 2 1 r Commercial bldg. MOVING picture operators earn $35 weekly. . Moving Picture School. 526 H Wash. EXPERIENCED wringerman. State Laun dry Co.. 395 Broadway st. BARBER wanted. 221 Madison st. bet. 1st and 2d. WANTED Good cabinetmaker. Apply L Gevurtz ft Son. 1st and Yamhill. DISHWASHER for private boarding-house. 735 Hoyt a. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Man and wif on stock ranch In East ern Oregon, Jttoo per year. Man and wife as wait?r and chamber maid. Eastern Oregon. $65 month, room and board; fare paid. Cook for 6 or 8 men; camp; $50. - Two millwrights, city, $4. Ratchet-setter, small mill, $3. Edgerman. one saw table edger, $3. Carriage-rider, large mill, $2.75. Mill hands, $2.75 up. Stick-arman, $3.25 up. Night watchman, small mill, $75. "Blacksmith. $3.50. Head loader. logging camp, $3.75. Two signal boys, camp. $2. Janitors, porters, etc., city, $20 t $50. Boys for box factory and planing mills, $1.75 to $2. Ten farmhands. S30 to $40. Three young men to help carpenters, $2.25. Hundreds of other jobs. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Main Office. 12 North Second St. WANTED Hustling men of ability to sell pianos; city 100,000; best territory in New England; business established 20 years; 10 makes of pianos: 5 makes of player pianos; rather pay $75 than $25 a week ; send references and salary expected in first kftter ; good men write, cheap men save your postage. Address pianos, box 132. Hartford. Conn. W A NTED. A young man and wife, who understands genera! farming; must be neat, clean and industrious and have some funds to start with; none other need apply; must be able to give references. Apply 12th and . Davis sts. Pacific Coast Biscuit "o. 10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn bai ber trade in S weeks, help to secure promotion; gradu ates earn from $15 to $25 weeklv; expert instructors; tools free; write for cata logues. Mohler System of Colleges, 35 Nort h 4th St.. Portland, Or. SALESMEN 2 A-l, high-grade, clean-cut men for a high-class proposition; I will pay good money to the right parties; don't apply unless you consider yourself a high-grade salesman; ask for sales manager. 820 Chamber of Commerce. BOOKKEEPERS, stenographers, cl-erks. sales - men. to advertise our LI BERAL CREDIT method; three suit made to your order, kept In repair and pressed for 1 vear. all for a small amount monthly. NATIONAl,TAI LORING CO., 2Q1 Stark st. IF you are not making $200 & month and you have any ability as a balesman, call at 210-220 Commercial Club bldg.. corner 5th and Oak. SALESMAN for gasoline marine stationary engines and launch supplies; state age, ex perience and salary expected. AB 041, Ore gonian. YOUNG MEN wanted to prepare for railway mail clerks, postoffice clerks, carriers, etc. Write or call for Book 30, It's free. Pacific States School, McKay bldg., Portland. Or ) FTRST-CLAS3 clothing salesman; steady po sition, good wage. Lion Clothing Co., 166 170 Third st. WANTED A competent bookkeeper and stenographer for Eastern Oregon; refer ences required. Call Room' 505 Hotel Port land. between 10 and 12:30. WANTED at once, three bright young men to act as news agents on railroads. Call or address Bark alow Bros. News Co., 326 Johnson st:. Portland. Or. WANTED Bright boy, about 16, willing to learn the business; good chance fcr ad vancement. Apply Mr. Winters, 15th and Pettygrove sta. W ANTE D Boy s over IS to act as check clerks and learn telegraphy. Apply chief operator. Western Union. 5th floor, Wor cester block. YOUNG man for office work: some collect ing; $15 per week; chance to advance; $150 cash necessary. See Mr. Spead, 204 7 Lumbermens bldg. WANTED Men who have had experience in industrial life Insurance. Call at 219-220 Commercial Club bldg. cor 5th and Oak. W ANTED 2 flrrt-class machinists. lathe hand a for heavy work; give phone number and address. AB 043,Oregonian. EXPERIENCED carriage and wagonmakers. steady work. Columbia Carriage and Wagon Works. 330 Wrafcar st. BRIGHT, energetic young man to work in bathhouse; learn masseuring. Peters. 15 N. 5th st. YOUNG MAN, stenographer; lumber, ex perienced preferred; situated near city. M H14, Oregonian. $18 TO $35 week, few months only learning; situations guaranteed. Watt-h making-En-graving School. Box 1S2. Ashland. Or. $10 TO $100 madNa daily In the moving picture business: will start vou in busi- new for $150. Call 526 Washington st. WANTED Strong boy in cake department; night work. Royal Bakery, llth and Everett. TWO salesmen wanted for gilt-edged resi dence real estate. Inquire 0 to 12 A. M., 322 Corbett bldg. WANTED Men and boys to fit and drive up turned chairs. Oregon Chair Co., 11U0 Macadam st. W A N T E D First-class bushelman; steady work. Apply at Crown Tailor Shop, 4th and Stark sts. WANTED Boy. about 17 years of age. Mt nuuu r amui j , V our n St. BARBER for Saturday. 266 1st st. HELP WANTED FEM. CJE. YOUNG women between ages of 21 and 35 to enter training school for nurses. AG 930, Oregonian. WANTED First-class skirt hands. Apply to ladies' apparel department, I. Gevurta & Son, cor. 2d and Yamhill. WANTED- Girl for housework and care of child week-days, 9 to 5. Call mornings. Rasmussen. 165 King St., Apt. 26. WANTED Girl to do general, housework good cook. Call 281 E. llthfcst., N., cor. Wasco. COOK and waiters for small hotel, Eastern Oregon; prefer mother and daughter, or two sisters. Appi 325 llth st. MIDDLE-AGED lady for general housework. 3 In family. 1GU East 13th st., S. Phone Sellwowd 424. WANTED A girl to do general housework; German preferred. Inquire 601 Schuy ler st. WANTED Two experienced waitresses and a pantry girl. Address Bex tlol. Hood River. Or. WANTED Experienced lady presser at Wil lamette Dye Works, good wages. 266 3d st. Main 7322. WANTED Competent woman to care for small child and assist with housework" references. 20 1 N. 22d st. ' WANTED Good girl for housework; good home. 565 5th au TWO dining-room girls wanted, at 53 N 18th st.. corner Davis. WANTED Cook in private family. 626 Everett St. WANTED First-class chambermaid. Hotel. 45 ',S North Third st. GOOD, plain cook. Riverside Hotel, St. Johns. Phone Jersey 01 1. WANTED Girl for general housework. Main 584 3. 332 N. 23d st. WANTED An experienced girl at Blaney'a confectionery store. 121 1st St. THREE good hand ironers and one st archer. State Laundry Co.. 395 Broadway st. YOUNG girl for general housework; small family. Call mornin&s.321 6th. cor. Clay. GIRL to assist in housework; small family"; good home. 504 Davis st. APPRENTICE girl to learn dressmaking. 310 loth st. LADY presser on ladies' garments, and re pairer, am u-ranq ave.. Hegal Cleaners. WANTED Clean woman for general bourn work. 414 4th mt. WANTED A competent girl for general house work: a good home. 4rtft loth tn. WANTED Girl for general housework. 569 Johnson St. WA NTED Girl to help in boarding-house. 533 Morrison St.. Morrison Hotel. ASSISTANT chambermaid wanted at the Hotel Hart, cor. 5th and Burnslde sts. WANTED Girl to do housework. 702 Northrup st. WANTED Woman to make beds at 233. comer 2d and Burasldg sts.; good wages. APPRENTICES wanted. 2334 169 7th au Main WANTED Competent girl for housework wagea $30 4M Hafsaio st. WANT ED Experienced operator on over alls; also learners. 75 1st st. GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory No. 2. Grand ave. and East Taylor. COMPETENT gir! for general housework; in family. 752 East Burnslde st. NEAT woman, house work for two; good cook: 2o. 437 Marguerite. W-R car. GIRL for general housework; $5 per week S60 13th st. GIRL for genoral housework and cooking 595 Marshall st. WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap- ply 3S1 10th st. GIRL to assist with housework- 635 Irv ing et. HELP WAXTt-P FEMALB. GIRLS over 16 to work in bar factory. Apply Ames, Harris, Neville Co., 5th and Davis. WANTED. Cook. $40 up. Waitress, $25 to $35. ' hambermalds. $25 to $35. Pastry cook. $25. Companion for lady, $30 up. Nurse girl for two children, $30. Girls for general housework, $25 to $35. Large number of other places. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., Ladies Dept. 205 Morrison. WANTED Several bright young women to learn telephone operating; students paid $20 per month while learning; a thor ough training given each student before assignment to position; this Is an excep tional opportunity for such applicants that qualify. Apply to school principal at our east office. East Ankeny and 6th st., be tween S A. M. and 5 P. M., week-days. The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. FIRST-CLASS waistmaker. H. B. Litt, 351 Washington st. SOCIETY editor to represent weeklv paper in your city; social standing and some business ability required. Address Hotel Topics, Hotel Society Journal of the Pa cific Northwest, 50S Pioneer bldg., Seattle, WANTED A thoroughly competent fitter to take charge of alteration department of a cloak and suit house; state ex perience and give city references. Apply R 943. Oregonian. WANTED EXPERIENCED IRONERS; STEADY POSITION; GOOD WAGES. APPLY TROY LAUNDRY CO.. 201 E. WATER. COMPETENT woman for cooking and housework, second girl kept. Apply 315 East 16th. N., take Irvlngton car. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. 326 Washington St., Room 3o7. , Main b36 or A 3266. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 3434 Washington St., Cor. 7th, Upstairs. Phone Main 2602. WANTED Girl foi general housework, must be a good plain cook; 2 in family. Apply mornings 331 6th. WANTED Girl for general housework ; good ihome and wages. Apply 485 Ainsworth or puone vvooaiawn lit id, EXPERIENCED fitter on women's garments, permanent position and good salary to COn oetent TKrB10ri. "V" QO nrnonnlc T-, COMPETENT girl for general housework, small family, wages $30. 620 East An keny st. WANTED Experienced cook, good wages, small family. Main 4514. 610 Myrtle st., Portland Heights; carfare paid. WANTED Women and girls to make shirts and overalls. Mt. Hood Factory. 233 Couch st. Inexperienced girls paid while learning. THREE ladies, married preferred, between 20 and 35 years; wages $10 to $20 per week. Apply at 49 3d. Sh3otlng gallery. WANTED Girl for general housework, for family of four; references. Apply 230 N. 24th st. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. No washing, small family, good wages. Appiy tu Jucretia st. $30 EXPERIENCED woman for general housework and cooking, family of 3. B 1634. Tabor 176S. GIRL for general housework, suburban home, family of 2; must be good cook; wages $35. Phone Main 3598. A 7734. W A NTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavl Co., 600 Roth- cniid blag.. 4th and Washington. COMPETENT girl for cooking and general housework; good wages. 161 Fourteenth, street, corner Morrison. WOMAN for general housework: must be good cook ; good wages. Phone C 159 7, or call ifornlngs. 1129 Williams ave. COMPETENT girl for general housework ana cooKing. in new uat, tamiiy or tw references required. Phone B 2613. EXPERIENCED coat and skirt hands for al teration room. Silverfleid's. 4th and Morri son. WANTED Competent girl for general house work in family of three; good wages. Call mornings, aiz K.earney at, EXPERIENCED operators ' on caps and shirts; also apprentice. Apply at once. 571-573 First st. EXPERIENCED, capable housekeeper; good cook ; family of 3; good wages. Main 6548. A 3505. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; small family and good wages. Apply 735 Broadway St. WANTED Bright young lady for office; must be good bookkeeper; state salary, ex- perience and age, yy 4L oregonian. LADY to run rooming-house on Wash. st. See Peters. 15 N. 5th st. LESSONS in shorthand and typewriting by expert; $5 a month. 260 14th. Main 3393. HELP WANTBD-fc-MAUE OR FEMALE. HELP wanted at Hood River for thinning apples and picking strawberries, about May 15. Employers wll furnish fuel and camp ing location. Free transportation to and from Hood River depot or steamboat landing. Mail your application to Hood River Apple growers' Union. WANTED Strawberry pickers; good money, combined with healthful occupation. Ad dress Manager Fruitgrowers' Union, White Salmon, Wash. WANTED Man and wife for fruit ranch; good wages, steady work. Y 944, Orego nian. MAN and wife wanted in Institution janitor and chambermaid. Inquire Young omen s c nristian Association. FISK TEACHERS AGENCY offer good positions to A-l instructors. 611 Swetland, SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. EMFLOYERS We are constantly enrolling high-grade young men. honest, competent, experienced, in mercantile and technical lines. Records thoroughly investigated. Call us when you need such a man; no charge. Advisory and Employment De partment Y. M. C. A. WANTED -To be associated with a reput able business institution ; party desiring same is 2S years old, married, of good morals and a salesman; can give the best of references and requires the same from any person answering this. 037, Ore gonian. YOUNG MAN from the East wishes posi tion as salesman; have worked in gen eral merchandise; prefer shoes. G. G. Beeler, 29th and Holgate sts. Phone Sell wood S25. THOROUGHLY experienced advertising man wants position with department store or manufacturer; New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles refere noes. f 4J. ore go n la n . WORK wanted from 5 to 8 o'clock evenings by experienced bookkeeper. T 843, Ore- gonian. TOTING man stenographer, wants position. At present employed. AF 942. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. JAPANESE cook wants position, private family or boaramg-nouse. AN 944, Ore gonian. PRI NTER High-class printer. pressman. machinist-operator, desires position South- ern Oregon. Aggress tt. O. thrown. ?-aJem. MARRIED man of 25, neat and honest, like to leara bartending; sober. AF 931, Ore- gonian. COM PETENT young Japanese. position, housework: speaks English; experienced M 04:t. Oregonian. WANTED Position as kitchen helper; can work at snort orders. A ,sh. tfregonian. jAl-ANfcSJS iancy cook, wants job; no washing. H. J- bhigo. 4H 4th st. North. YOUNG German boy .would like garden work and neip in nouse. Af h-v. oregonian. PAPER-HANGER; first-class, wants work. Main t-'3 i. JAPANESE Employment Co. will furnish '1 neip. aain a 4ua. zy, Everett. GENERAL housocleaning by day or hour. Phone Main 5569, Thompson. SITUATION WANTED MALfi. Miscellaneous. YOUNG man. 25. wishes position at any- mmg; expenencea meat cutter, delivery driver or any clerical work. Rudolph Fleck. 42.4 Vs Jefferson, phone Main 5421. WANTED Position with good chance for ad vancement oy young civil engineer with three yeacs' experience. Address M 941, Ore gonian. ' WANTED Janitor work and window clean ing by contract new houses, offices, etc.. Phone A 4763. Expert Window Cleaners, 272, Burnside st. CARPENTER foreman wants to build house for owner. Wages 4. Address F. L. B-. room 221 Harrison Hotel, cor. Harrison and Front sts. AS manager of ranch, experienced stock. jruit. general iarmmg; unaerstand gasoline engines. Highest references. L 944, Ore gon ian. YOUNG MAN wants responsible position in mechanical line; technical training; expe- nence; ability. K. G.. Room 519 Y. M. C. A. JAPANESE boy wants, any kind of a job and between 2 to 10 P. M. O 042. Orego nian. ABLE-BODIED young man. good carpenter, some experience with gas and fltfam en gines, wants position. N 944. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED, good Japanese cook wants work in private family ; $S week upward. O 043, Oregonian. WANTED Position by handy young German, married; hotel or residence. N 941, Ore gonian. RENTS COLLECTED at $1 per month per ten ant and monthly accounts at 5 per cent com mission. A 939, Oregonian. YOUNG German wants to work on fruit or truck farm, would like good home. R 944. Oregonian. -JAPANESE boy wants position, garden work win ao, with housework. M 940. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. POSITION as stenographer wanted by young lady, four years' experience, good local references; work rapid and accurate. Phone Woodlawn 956. YOUNG lady with references wishes position as bookkeeper or cashier. SJ 03, Ore gonlan. POSITION as first-class stenographer; East ern experience ; pest oi references; can fill any posit ion. A E 941 , Oregon i a n. COMPETENT bookkeeper and stenographer desires position. Several, vears experience. References. AF 941, Oregonian. WANTED By young lady of experience, position in office of physician or dentist. Call Main 4220. FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper and stenographer wants position; references. L 035. Ore- gonian. EXPERT stenographer desires position. Phone A 5209. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants position. Phone Main 3895. MrMsmssfre. Alterations. specialty on ladles' suits. Mrs. Muckler, 430 Columbia, Apt. 2L A 4709. ANGELES Dressmaking Parlors. 326 Who. Ington t.. suite 216. Main 983, A B38L N times. WANTED Situation y elderly lady to take care of baby or Invalid. Miss A. Burnett, Borli.g. Qr. Home phone Damascus 1Q7. Housekeepers. keeping; small wages. If good home. V 940. Oregonian. Domestics. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants position as second girl, chambermaid or kitchen help. 466 Irving st. Miscellaneous. GOOD all around cook wants position in hotel, restaurant, cafeteria or delicatessen. Phone Main 5462. CURTAINS washed and stretched, 40o pair; called for and delivered. Phone Ta bor 55. SINGER, good soprano, wishes position as singer in motion-picture show In city; ex perienced. p 94Q. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED laundress, Scotch, wants laundry work or housecleaning by the day. R 940, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED woman wants washing, ironing, cleaning; no half days. Phone Main 4598. PANTRY woman, experienced, good worker, wants position. Phone Main 5462. CAPABLE cook desires situation, family, club; Ftrlctly cooking. Main 2o39. A 4775. WOMAN wants work by day or hour. Phone Sellwood H0. AN elderly woman wants situation in small family. 180 E. 30th. WANTED AGENTS. SALESMEN WANTED to taka our cash weekly selling choice nursery stock; out fit free. Capital City Nursery Company. balem. Oregon. WANTED TO RENT. I WANT to rent a 7 or 8-room furnished house, near Irvlngton School preferred. Butterworth, Main 8529. WANTED 8 to 10-room house, good loca tion. West Side, walking distance. Ad dress R 942, Oregonian. WANTED 12 or 14-room boarding-house on West Sidi E. S., TOO Quimby st. MODERN house. 6 or 7 rooms ; references ; state rent, location. W 944. Oregonian. Booms. WANTED 3 completely furnished house keeping rooms, or 2 bedrooms and use of kitcnen ; Wrest Side ; moderate price ; pri vate family. B 942, Oregonian. WAN! ED Comfortable large furnished room or small room with sleeping porch; close in; reasonable; by young business lady for Summer. M 942. Oregonian. ROOM In good location ; state price, etc. , by letter to F. W. Shepard. Imperial Hotel. Rooms Witlt board. TWO business men want room and board in private family. AN 943, Oregonian. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. THE WEAVER. 710 Washington st, near King. A cheerful, niouern home. Bath, hot and cold water and phon-a in every room. in the finest part of the city. The maxi mum of convenience, the minimum of expense. We make you feel at home. Dining-room In connection. B-ast In the city lor the money. THE MOODY HOUSE, 26S 3d su, cor. Jefferson. New fireproof building and furnishings throughout Desirable neighborhood, close to business section. Rooms large, light and airy; hot and cold water, steam heat, gas and electric lights; call bells; free p nones. Rate $3 to $6 per week. Phone. A 7731; M b639. HOTEL ANTLERS. 404b Washington, corner 10th. Modern brick building, steam heated, private baths, running water In rooms, electric light, free phone; special rates toy week or month; the - most convenient lo cation in the city; transient trad solicited at $1 up. HOTEL MINNESOTA. 8S North 5th SU, S. E. Cor. F land arm. New brick building, steam heated, por celain baths, line large office on ground floor, elegant beds, everything absolutely new ana clean ; i ates only $2.5u and up per week; Sue and 75c per day. 3 blocks Xrom Union Depot.' HOTEL BAKER, Fifth St., opposite City Hall. New, beautifully furnished; stam heat; hot. cold water In every room; public and private oaths. Permanent; transient. HOTEL SARGENT. Cor. Grand ave. and Hawthorne. Phone East 91 connecting every room. Prvate baths, elevator, first class grill. Special rates by ween or month, American or European Transients solicited. HOTEL BR&SL1N. 422 Washington, cor. llth. Steam heat, hot and cold water, baths, aicly furnished rooms, S per wlc ujt transient, rates. 75c up. THE HART, rooms and apartments, 494 Morrison, elegantly furnished bay-window rooms, suitable for two; also single rooms. rceasonaoie. HOILL LNOX, cor. Ad and Main sta. furnished rooms, single or en suite, at rea sonable prices, modern conveniences. Op posits the Plasa. HOTEL BUSH MARK. Washington and 17th. nrst-cias furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern oom venienoes; $3 weekly up. A 2647, M. 5647. The Mercedes, 20th and Washington ; ele gantly furnished rooms; hot and cold run nlng water, modern conveniences; $12 up. THE LANDORE. 2Sfc 10th, near Jefferson; large front room, newly furnished, suitable for two- FURNISHED rooms. Elm Place, formerly jon Loun AnuflA, i ismniii ana J. 1 ttx. IhS RSX Modern rooms, $2.50 to $5 per week. 54g y Washington st. - THE St. Nicholas Hotel. 125 6th St. ; finest furnished rooms In city. FOR RENT. Kurnlshed Rooms. LNGELA HOTEL 625 Washington street, between 19th and 20th. Just completed, the cosiest, completest and up-to-datest residence hotel In the city. The ground floor office is -finished In real mahogany, marble and tile, is spacious and handsome; elevator service, private telephone ex change, steam heat, hot and cold water in all rooms, many with baths and wall beds, and is splendidly furnished. The rent is vry moderate, rooms from $15 per month up. W hy not get the best for your money ? Now open, rooms by the day, . week or month. HOI EL RAINIER. 140 ROOMS. 1 BLOCK. FROM DEPOT. New, modern, fireproof building, steam neat ed, hot and cold running water In all rooms, richly furnished, finest beds that money can buy, and it doesn't cost any more than some cheaj lodging-house; nice large office on ground floor; everything first-class ; ra tea, COc. 75c and $ 1 per day; $3.50 and up per week. Call and see us. 1 23 6th su North. Homelike. Homelike Homelike. "IN THE HEART OS THfl CITY." KEW SCOTT HOTEL 7th and Ankeny sts. Free waa their depot carriage. I took it oa the spot; There may he other houses Just aa good. But X gueaa DOC A yuiet pome for quiet peopi THE BARTON. 13th and Alder, ts now undergoing a thorough renovation ; 70 steam, heated, electric -lighted rooms, all outside. Rates 75o day; $10 month up. Suites wltn running water $20 month, up. . Phones and bath free. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and batns free. 32. Stark, corner oth. Mrs. Maud J. Estwa I'urniahed Koouib In Private families. WELL-FURNISHED large front room, suit able for two, with line snaded porch; 10 blocks from Postoffice; also two smaller ones; prices rcasmabK: ; everything mod ern; private family. 330 Mill st. VERY difirable rooms for business men In a private home ; i rtwh air. quiet, first-class in all respect; $3, $4 and $5 per wk. Prospect drive and 2lst st. Portlanu Heights. Phone Main 1057. LARGE front room, newly furnished, gas, bath, phone, with housekeeping and laun ury privileges, reasonable, walking dis tance. Phone East i2ia. 556 East Alder. 5-SUITE room, gas, bath and phone, choice location, walking distance, rent reason able. 407 Hollauay ave. NICELY furnished, large, front room; every modern convenience; suitable lor onis or two. 533 Everett, corner 16th ATTRACTIVE room or suite; no other roomers; strictly private family. Mam 90U2. ONE nicely furnished front room for two gentlemen or ladies; every convenience. 428 Mill St. Main 4673. NEWLY furnished rooms In private home, walking distance, telephone. 7ul Irving 258 13TH ST., nicely furnished rooms, house new, every convenience; gentlemen only. 141 13th ST. Nicely furnished room, gas, bath, furnace. ATTIC room for one or two young men cheap. 511 Morrison st. KIRST-CLASS furnished large single rooms; price rtuftjr.able. 414 4th st. $3 FOR front room; suitable for 2. llth st. FOR RENT 4 nice, new furnished rooms. 614 Pettygrove. near liith. ROOM and board, 653 Washington St.; large room, suitable for two gentlemen. LA DY wishes hour or day work. Phone A 1522. F U RX IsHKD room for rent. 3 E. 9th and Ankney; price $10. N ICELY furnished rouros for rent, reason able. 125 12th st. TWO furnished rooms. West Side. 505 4th st. gas, etc ; pottage. NEWLY furnished rooms with all modern conveniences. 564 Flanders st. FURNISHED rooms.- private family. N. 20th. Main 364a. 248 NEWLY furnished parlor and bedrooms; also small room; all conveniences. 563 Irving. TWO bedrooms, $6 and $7 per month. Phone East 1S0. Unfurnished. Rooms. 3 NICE unfurnished rooms. 413 Taylor st. Rooms With Hoard. THE STERLING, 535 Couch St. After a thorough cleaning the Sterling is ready for occupancy ; all outside airy rooms, within walking distance. PORTLAND Women's Union. 22d year, room with board, use of sewing-room and library. 610 Flail dera su Miss Frances N. Heath, supt, 33 17TH, North, one block off Washington, well-furnished corner suite; also single room, with or without board. LAM BER SON 554 Couch at., cor. 17th, one block from Washington; desirable rooms for gentlemen, oooq nome cooaing. THE COLONIAL, 165 and 167 10th st., cor ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason able rates NICE roomy with excellent board. The Mani tou, 261 13th st. Moderate prices. Rooms With Hoard In Private lami ly . TWO nicely-furnished rooms; hot and cold water; sleeping porch; beautiful grounds; exceptional good home cooking. 00 E. tsth, cor. of Washington. Phone East 13y0. VERY desirable vacancy, for gentlemen only; newly f urnisheu ; home cooking; East Side, walking distance to town. PhoneJB294S: PLEASANT furnished rooms, board if de sired. 149 15th st., between Morrison and Alder. . SINGLE room, with board, in modern pri vate home; references required. 24 Park. 166 10TH ST. Large nearly furnished front room, with or without board; suit able for two. BEAUTIFUL PAGE APARTMENTS now finished. East 3th and Burnside. Phone B 101$. FRONT , room, suitable for gentleman; free phone and bath ; walking distance. 32-7 West Park at. LARGE furnished room with board; home cooking; phones, bath, all conveniences. lo7 ' 16th st.. near Flanders. TWO-ROOM suite, also single room; choice board ; business people. 712 Hoyt St. BOARD and room, home privileges, $6 a week. A 7104. 321 West Park st. NICE room in private family; good board; reasonable rates. Main 701tj. IN private family, room and board, near Steel bridge. C 2790. FRONT parlor, nicely furnished, $h; board optional. Main 7364 FURNISHED ROOMS, with board. 230 10th st. ; references. GOOD room and board for gentleman; rea sonable. A 3S75. 540 Yamhill. TWO cozy rooms; choice board; reasonable, 761 Marshall st. YOUNG man wants roomrate. A 7104. Apartments. WELLINGTON COURT. 2, 3 OR 4 -room apartments, up to date in every respect, walking' distance from business center; furnishea and unfurnished. 15tfa and Everett sts. Phone Main 1245. THE SOUTHAMPTON. Corner of Tenth and Hall sts.. one 3 and 4 -room ; strictly first-class; $27. 50 and $32.5Q. A 2105. FURNISHED 3-room apartments, sink in kitchen, telephone, bath, furnace heat, clean and modern; rent $25 and $30. Tne Jeffersonian, 10th and Je ff. ergon st . FOR RENT Modern 4-room apartment. King's Heights Apartment House, oor. King and Wayne sta; furnished, $55; un furnished. $4U. Apply Janitor. THE LANDORE. 2tS 10th, near Jefferson; perfectly new 3-room suite, completely xurnished for housekeeping; sleeping porch. FIVE-ROOM, steamheated, modern apart ment with janitor service (partial base ment), finest In city for the money. Ap ply to Janitor, 21st and Kearney. THE MERCEDES Elegantly furnished X room apartments, hot and cold running water and all modern conveniences; $ia to $30. Corner 20th and Washington sta, HARRISON COURT, 5th and Harrison Unfurnished apartment. 2 rooms &nd Datn. all moaern improvements. Phone Main D149, -A. idOo. HOW LAND APARTMENTS. For housekeeping in suites. $12 and up hot water, free batns, nrst-clasa 631 jL Washington, cor. "Joth. WAUNITA, 325 llth st. Very nicely fur nished 2 -room apartments; steam heat modern walking distance. " i-ROOM corner apartment, every convenience- Braintree Apartments, 295 12th st Main 77 41. 475 SALMON, corner 14th; nicely furnished apartments, unaer new management; elec trie elevator; private bath and phone. FURNISHED apartment. The Morton, Washington and King. NEATLY furnished 4-room apartment. 171 King. Kings Hill Apartments. FOR RENT. Apartments. THE RB-l'KAX APARTMENTS. New concrete building with elaborately furnished 3-room apartments, all modern conveniences, largo shady lawn, cool e randas and janitor service; rents reason able, walking distance 6l'4 Murhali St.; take "W" car. Main b-32 or A 3iyi. AN G El. A APARTMENTS 30 Trinity Place, between 10th and 20th sts.. near Washing ton; 2, 8 or 4-room apartments, new pressed brick building just completed; every modern convenience inciuaing telephone exchange and elevator; close to business centers; very reasonable prices anii excellent st-r v i ce. TH K EE-ROOM apartment, just newly fur nished ; private bath, private phone. Kas, cold and hot water; in the handsome new apartment-hou. The Altamont, 6th and College sta. Apply at apartment 15 or phone Main 676S. Kent reasonable. $25 TO $35 For lent. West Side, 5 3 and 4 rvom very modern apartments in the new brick building just being furnished at llth and Hall. DAMMEIER INVEST. CO.. At premises or 121 Bi-ard Trade Bldg. THE SHEFFIELD. 7th and Jefferson sta Unfurnished apartment, with bath. All out side rooms; modern, every convenience, and only 5 minutes' walk from P. O. Very rea ammble rent. Main 25t6. A 3149. THE BERYLE APARTMENTS. Strictly modern, large rooms and three closets to every apartment; cool and airy lor Summer. 605 Lovejoy su Take W car. HANOVER Apartments, corner King and Washington sta. 3-room aparimenu, have every modern convenience, including steam heat, hot water, private bath, free phonea and janitor service; rent very reasonable. ORDELEIGH APARTMENTS. 83 Graiui Ave-, S. L- cor. E. Stark. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Beaut it ully furnished 3-room apartments; modern; $2s to $35 per mo nth. East 3uu. "ONEO.NTA" APARTMENTS, 1ST 17th, near Yamhill (W car at depot). 2, 3 and 4-room. furnished suites; hot and cold, phonea ana baths free; $20 per month, $5 per week and up. Main 46H7. A 4730. ST. CROIX Apartments. i',0 St. Clair, near Washington ; new brick building, two and three-room apartments, all modern con veniences; line residence location; reason able -rent. THE Wassell Apartments. 4 and 5 room; steam-heated, janitor service, easy walk ing distance tu West Side business center, fcunnyside car; rent $30 to 32.5U. Prion a East 6361. STEAM-HEATED 5-room apartment, mod ern ana uesiraDie; t fc,vervtt at. Apply Morgan, Fleidner & Boyce, 503 Abingtoa bldg. ESPECIALLY select, completely furnished apartment, oiock irom car; riouaday Ad dition; excellent chance lor couple; refer ences. Phone East 5733. THE MORTON, 607 Washington St., 3-room, apartment all outride. FOR RENT East Side close in; very hand some 5-room liat, mult-in china closets, laundry trayj. large porches, every mod ern convenience; tnis is the only one leit and should go today; rent $25; would cost $45 on the West Side. Call up Main 674. $22 4-ROOM upper flat, built-in china clos et, excellent turnace and all modern con veniences; price includes water; location 32S'-, Ross st. R. H. Blossom, 316 Cham ber of Commerce. FOR RENT New and strictly modern 6 room fiats on 20th and Laurel sta. Port land Height, rent $J.u. Apply WAK 'FIELD, FRIES 6t CO- S5 Fourth st. FOR RENT 6-room corner flat, 2i Grand ave,, north corner E. Ankeny; price $01. lnu.uire 4oO Concord bldg. A l2Ub; Main 906. LOWER flat, 5 large light rooms, newly tinted, modern, across Steel bridge. 40O Ross. cor. Dixon; one block north of Broadway. UPPER 4-room flat ; extra sleeping rooms; near 23d and Washington sts. Phone fore noon and evening. M. b0h8. WHS moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co. Main 1618, A 1934. AH covered wag ops, all experienced men. 6-ROOM flat, Holladay Addition; new. mod ern, steam heat. Address 335 E. 13 th N. Phone East1137. SWELL new apartments. 9 rooms and eleep-ing-purch. 553 Ladd ave., near 12th and Hawthorne. ONE new 6-room modern tlat; "S" and "F" carllne. Inauire at drugstore. Front and Qlbba sta. $16 MONTH New modern 4-room flat; also store, $16 month ; walking distance. Cher ry and Vancouver. Phone A 3 3 76. 4i5 BENTON ST. 5 rooms, strictly new and modern. Columbia Trust Co., Board of Trade bld. MODERN 4-room flat, light, clean, good location.26 East 13ih St.. near E. Ash. , FOR RENT Modern 5-room lower flat, just tinting, or 5-room upper. 300-102 Knott st. NEW 4-room flat, 5 minutes P. O.. reasonable toadults. Inquire 367 10th st. MODERN 5-room flat, beautiful view. 1010 Savier st. Phone A 2?s5o. 6-ROOM modern flat; corner llth and Hail; no children. Apply 323 7th. MODERN upper and lower flat; choice lo cation. Overton, near 23d. Main b59. MODERN 5-room flat, 5th, near Jackson, West Side; 10 minutes' y a Ik. M or A 1223. NEW five-room modern flat, 19th and E. Burnside. Phone East 5733. UPPER flat, Ave rooms, between 10th and llth, on Yamhill. Apply 4o7 Yamhill. MODERN 5-room lower corner fiat. 475 7th st. MODERN flat. 6 rooms and bath. 731 14 Hoyt st. Inquire 132 6th St. Main 6278. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts. Fur nished for housekeeping. including gas ranges, electric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, all free; 15 per month up; best in the city for money; short distance from Union Depot. Take "S" or 16th-st. cars north, get off at Marshall st. No dogs. WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 2 $8 month, 3 for $12; cottage 4 rooms, $20; 364 26th N. (West Side), W car from depot, 3d or Morrison to 26th. block north. $1.25 TO $2.00 week, clean, furnished house keeping rooms; laundry, bath, phone, gaa, furnace heat. 406 Vancouverave. TWO large front finely furnished housekeep ing rooms, first floor; large lawn. Main Sti43. 35312th at. : SOME nice single and en suite housekeep ing rooms, Cambridge bldg., 3d and Mor rison. Room No. 36. DESIRABLE two and three-room unfur nished suites. Fifth st., 305 & Jefferson. Beautiful central location. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms, reason able. Wendhurst, 545 1,3 Washington, near 16th. UNFURNISHED 3, outside, ground floor; full kitchen ; stoves furnished. 667 Everett. THE COLLINS 505 Alder St., furnished nouseKeeping rooms, witn au conveniences. TU ITl Jf 1 F Urt-'D J-JI.L 'VTsi-f on n jui. Tlovl, nitneu or umur. apis. , n 11 con., uesi joca.1101.. THE ELMS 2 and 3-room apartments; fur- nlshed. 191 14th st. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, $3. Washington, room 20. 461 E. MORRISON, cor. 8th. Completely furnished housekeeping suites; reasonable. $1.25 week, clean fur. housekeeping rooms, heat, laundry, bath. 203 Stanton. "U" car. $1.50 wek, large, clean turn, housekeeping rooms ; laundry, bath, gas. 184 Sherman. $1.50 to $2 week, clean furnished housekeep ing rooms. Deaota House. 201 Second st. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. NICELY furnished 2 and 3-room suites housekeeping rooms, clean and convenient; reasonable. 135 14th st. Main 4557. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, $14 ; 1 furnished room, with use of kitchen, $7.5Q. No children. 526 Kearney st. TWO nicely furnished rooms for housekeep ing; gas, bath, phone, rent, reasonable; no children. 620 E. Morrison st. $16 TWO large rooms completely furnished, with sink and gas stove, hot baths when wanted. 41 10th st. NICELY furnished housekeeping suite ; good neighborhood ; walking distance. 315 12th THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, mod ern : adults. 195 1 4th st.. cor. Taylor st. THREE well furnished housekeeping rooms. Rent reduced to $22.50. 347 Hall. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms; sin- gle or en suite, with kitchen. 563 Irving. NICELY furnished housekeeping room a In quire 91 1st st near Stark. CLEAN, light, well-furnished housekeeping rooms reasonable. 395 ftth. FINELY furnished housekeeping suite. 211 llth st. ( FOR RENT 3 nicely furnished rooms for housekeeping; rent $15. 401 1st st.. flat P. THREE cosy rooms, electricity, gas, bath and phone. 695 GHsan, near 21st. LA RGB room with alcove, kitchen, gas range: $15. 535 Johnson st. ONE very desirable housekeeping-room, fur nished ; adults. 347 Market st. SINGLES housekeeping room; yard, bath end phone. 450 Yamhill ft. TWO furnished front housekeeping; private toilet, bath, sink, pantry. 211 Sherman Jt. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 149 13lh st. phone Main 6063. BARBER for Saturday. 292" First st.