t 16 THE MORNING OREGOXIAN, THURSDAY. MAT o, 1910. FOR 8ALB. Mi scells-neons- MACHINES We have a. large va riety of drophead slightly used machines- Singers, New Homes, Whites, etc., alo al most any make of excellent box coven, all gua.rant.eed. Price $5 and tip. Nearly new 6 and 7 -drawer drophead Singer $15 for the 6-drawer anl $2J for seven. S I NGBR STORE), 636 William ave. m bARDWOOD LUMBER (KD) Mahogany 44 64 64 84 27 c 40c; E. Maple 44 414 64 lOc; E. d. Oak. 17c; Walnut 5r, Philippine Mahogany 25c; Alder Tc; Maple 7c: Oak. 44 64 8,4 10c; d 44 54 12e; Maple Dowels 34 58 12 716 38 516 14 3c 10c. B. F. Mfg. Co.. 12th and Hoyt. OFFICE FL'RNITI'RB. 10-foot counter with shelves, and 6 door, top 18 inches wide, 12-foot rail with bane, posts, two gateo. 6-foot rail, 20-ineh top. Addresw Ameri-.-an Life & Accident O. . 615 Beck bldg. Telephone Main easg. SEWING machines Do not fall to vUnt the White sewing machine store THIS WEEK. SPECIAL SALES 120 drop-head machines, slightly marred; all standard makes ma chines for rent, and repairing, H. D. Jones, Prop., 4iy Washington St., comer 11th. ONE Howe floor scale, one safe. One counter scale, large siz.e, Office safe, roll-top and atanding desks. Two hand trucks No. ;t. 246 Salmon St. FOR SALE. 125-volt, lftO-K. W. General Electric generator; belt type, complete with, panel and rail base. Address Room 201, Ore gonian. SPECIAL prices on factory rebuilt machines; very liberal terms; $10 to $60. Northwest Typewriter Co., M 6870. 222 Abington bMg. "WILL sell beautiful, white, perfect. 2-carat diamond, finest in city, for price $33' to Fomeone that really wants bargain. Owner. ftOl Dekum bidg. I'OR SAJ-E Hart-Parr traction gasoline en gin, good as new. R. T. Cox, 250L, 3d St., Portland. Or. BLK'KEXSDKRFER TYPEWRITERS, $40 $70. Ask for catalog. Rebuilts $15 up. N. M. Hayfr Co.. & 5th st. Main 5524. FOR S A LE Sh o w aw wa 11 cases, cou n t ers, chf&p. No. 23 Grand ave. Phone East 538. FOR SALE cheap. Indian Motorcycle. 10OS mrdel; $75 will handle same. 204 3d. CaH lififfpen 7 and 8 evenings. Kort KA LE 500 sacks Burbank seed po-tatof-s, 25 cents per sack. Call 616 Couch bldg. B0-FOOT launch, seats 20 people, with 4-cycle engine, new, at a bargain. H 934 Oregonian. FOR BALE Plumbing and tinning tools. Theo. Voge. Kalama, Wash. FOR SALE (.'ounter, showcases and shelving-, second-hand. 112 Hawthorne ave. A $450 SODA KOrXTAlX for sale very cheap. "aU up Main 1809 or A 489. 4 FRESH Jersey cows and 2 horses for sale cheap. S29 Columbia Boulevard. SHOWCASED, new and second-hand. S12 Everett, cor 6th. Also fixtures. MILK Pasteurizing outfit for sale. Address T. F. Moseley. Vancouver. Wah FOR SA LE A large Hall safe with inner d o or , y cry cheap. Call 3t3 Water st. FIX H insulated cooler for sale cheap. Alex Friedman. 295 1st. 600 BUSINESS CARDS $1 if you bring this ad. Rn City Printery. 192' 3d, near Taylor. W ANTE I MI SUE LI.AN EOUS. WANTED For cash, good work team; must be reliable nn 1 guaranteed by seller to be serviceable for heavy hauling on country roads. Weight about 2400. Don't write unless you have a bargain. AF 944, Oregonian. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and dioes; we also buy household furnishings; highest prli-es paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," G2 N. 3d st. Main 9272. WANTED Clothing, best price paid for ladles' and gents' second-hand clothing and shore and bicycles. Malt. 20SQ. 290 1st. HIUH EST price paid for men's cast-off clothing, shoes, bicycles and all second hand goods. 71 North 3d. Marshall 699. OLD coins wanted : send list of what you hae. address and phone No. to B 935, Oregonian. SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co. or you'll get less. Phones: A 2445; Main 8951. CALL up Marshall 1920 If ou have second-blind clothes to sell SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Fht ne Kast 1067. TWO second-hand maple butcher blocks and St-als. A H 94 1 , Oregonian. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing shoes for highest price. Phone Mam 4rt40. WANTED Second-hand automobiles, phone Tabor 5US. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED. Ship caulkers. $4.50. i.'ar pent ers. $3.5". Man and wife, S70. Camp flunkey. $35. Tunnel men. laborers and tt-a lusters for the South and East. We have johs for everybody ; come to our office and connect with a good Job. C. It. HANSEN CO.. 26 North 2d St. Offices in Portland, Spokane. Sacramento and San Francisco. WW want 15 young men to prepare mailing lists of their acquaintances who are particu lar about dress. The HEIMBACH IDEA, or "a new suit for every wet-k." will Inter ert them and bring money to you. NATION AL TAILORING CO.. 211 Stark st. MEN for ranch work on coast; all Summer Job; no milking nor chores; wages $2-50 day, board $4.50 week. Call room 2 Lum bermens hid p., 9 to 10 A. M. and 12 to 1 P. M. McAdams. BoOKKBEFKKS, stenographers, cterks. sales men, to advertise our LIBERAL CREDIT met hoc; three suns made to our order, kept in repair and pressed for 1 year, all for a small amount monthly. NATIONAL TA1 lyORJNG CD.. 291 Stark St. WA NTED A competent bookkeeper and stenographer for Eastern Oregon; refer ences required. Call Room 505 Hotel Port- land, between 10 and 12 : 30. . WANTED Hoy over 15 to run errands and deliver parcels, etc.; good wages; chance for advancement. Western Ruching Mfg. Co.. 63 5th st. WANTED at once, three bright young men to act as news agents on railroads. Call -r address liarkalow Bros. News Co,, 326 Johnson st.. Portland, O r . EKKA.ND boys wanted; good chance for art xaneejnem. Apply superintendent Mar shall. Wells Hardware Co. EXPERIENCED grocery deMvery man want ed. Bon A- Bellamy, Grocery. 401 Haw thorne ave. WANTED" Men who have had experience in Industrial lifo insurance Call at 219-220 Commercial Club bldg. cor 5th and Oak. W ANTED -w ell experienced bork keeper ; ap ply, stating age. reierenoes. m-ary expected, also telephone address. F 9M9. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS cement finisher; one who un derstands complicated forms and step worn. in:;, uregonian. WANTED Partner in brokerage business; experience unnecessary. 326 v Washington st .. room 4ir WANT El 2 first-class, maehtnbn. 1a the hands for heavy work; give phone number and address. ar 94a, regonlan. EXPERIENCED carriage and wajconmakers. steady work. Columbia Carriage and v agon v orKs. sdu atar st. YOUNG MAN. stenographer: lumber, ex perienced preferred; situated near city. M nn. I'regonian. BOY to drive light delivery wagon; must understand horses and know the city wen. agfi ; per uay. u stars:. $1S TO $35 weok. few months only learning situations guaranteed. Watchmaklng-iL' graving School. Box 182. Ashland. Or. TWO salesmen wanted for gilt-edged resi dence real estate. inquire 9 to 12 A. M., 322 Corbett bldg. WANTED Carpet cutter and layer: $25 per wee; stesay job. Queen City Furnl ture Co.. Baker City, Or. SALES MAN General country store, book keeper, stenographer. city; bookkeeper. WANTED Saltan for Europe, wages $30i In quire bailor turan, corner Second and iii;mn sib. F1KST-C1-ASS salesman; btg wages; perma- ne nt iia i umincrnai ouig. TELEGRAPHY taught, operators In demand. go - ci pay, i : urn r.wt. ..-nj an si. DKUO CLER K W A NTED. Phone Taoor 7S. WANTED Two boyj wi:h bicycle to work a a. 'i-irl Wr'chf .shoo Crt MATTRESSM AKEHS wanted by the King Flshe r Mat tres Co.. 4 1 S A I bin a a ve. WANTED Solicitors, good proposition, sal- ary or commission, oit Worcester bldg STRONO boy over !. King-Fisher Mattress Co., 4 . s Albtna ave. EXPERIENCED wringerman. State Laun dry Co.. 39i Broadway st. WANTED Flrst-cJsps soda dispenser, ply Rebe'a, 810 Washington, mu HTLP WA.VTED-MALE. SALESMEN. The Columbia Ufe A, Trust Com pany have an opening for one or two flret-class solicitors. If you have not had experience In selling life Insurance you will be schooled and rendered assistance In finding prospects and closing business. Come in and talk it over. Asa for S. P. Lock wood. Vlce-Pres. and Gen'l Manager, or Harry P.lchey, City Manager, 214 Lumber Exchange bids;. (Spalding bids;, when completed.) EVERT young man seeking employment, or qualified for better position, should take advantage of the Special Employment Membership and get in quick: touch with the Advisory and Employment Secretary of the Y. M. C. A Strangers our specialty. Good fellowship, good advice, good position await you. Constant demand for young men who can do something. Think: twice and then again beforo, you invest money. WANTED Able-bodied men for the U. 8. Marine Corps, between the ages of 19 and S6. Must be native born or have first papers; monthly pay $16 to $60; additional compensation possible; food, clothing, quar ters and medicinal attendance free; after 30 years' service can retire with To per cent of pay and allowances; service on board ship and ashore In all parts of the world. Apply at 4 and AO Breeden bldg-, Portland. Or. . FOR THE COPPER RIVER & N- W. R- R CORDOVA, ALASKA. 1 OOO white 1 abor ers for surfs c In g and general railroad construction work. Wages $3.85 per day. Fare from Seattle to the work $15. Weekly shipments begin about May 16. M. J. HENET, Pier 2, Seattle, Wash. HIGHLY remunerative position for a hustler who is willing to learn a system we are now installing that has sold millions of dollars' worth of property in the East and which will pay several hundred dollars a month to salesmen while learning. Splen did opportunity for advancement. Stop drifting; get in a business with a future. Call this morning; before 10 o'clock. 404 Couch bldg. SALESMEN for Portland and every city In Oregon and Washington to sell the stock of what will be the greatest manufactur ing enterprise In the United States. The number of shares to be placed on the market Is limited and they will treble in value within 60 days. Now is the time, Mr. Salesman, to earn our big commission. AG 032. Oregonian. . WANTED Ten educated men. 20 to 50 years old, who wish to earn $50 per week In absolutely reliable honest soliciting, not real estate, not insurance, not stocks, no samples; a success everywhere for clients, for agents and for employers, can at 927 Board of Trade bldg., ask for Mr. Humphrey. WANTED Men by large contracting com pany; can learn traae or piumDing. elec tricity, bricklaying, automobiles in few months; no apprentice or helpers' work and no expense; $20,000 contract work go ing; catalogue free. United Trade School Contracting Company, Los Angeles. MEN Wanted for firemen and brakemen on nearny railroads; age 18 to 35; experience unnecessary; no strike; permanent employ ment; firemen $100 monthly, brakemen $75; promotion to engineers, conductors; 400 men sent to positions monthly. State age; send stamp. Railway Association, care Oregonian. MEN'S high-grade clothing Samples and cancellation oraers rrom leading xvew York houses. 1000 models In men's suits for selection; $85 to $40 values, $18.75, $25 to 30 values. $14.75; $18 to 4-22,50 values, $12.75. Jimrale Dunn, 315 Oregonian bldg. WIDEAWAKE, steady man wanted; will pay you $125 monthly clear; clean work ; eaty to learn; short hours; experience not necessary; only requires an investment of$2&0; Call 102 od at., room 507. WANTED Six carpenters on car barn at East Anxeny and 28th sts. ; 40c per hour and free carfare; also 10 laborers on con crete. 30c per hour and carfare. W. S. Barstow & Co- 60LICITORS to sell treasury stock of estab- iisnea manufacturing enterprise, dividends better than 20 per cent last 10 years; ob ject to Increase capacity. Call 80ft Lewis bldg. Phone A 40S8 . WANTED RESPONSIBLE SALESMEN. $50 a week salary, to handle the most attractive stock proposition on the mar ket. J. H. Ormsby, Fay bldg., Los An geles. cal. ' WANTED Young man of ability to act as salesman and learn real estate business; experience unnecessary; no money re quired. Call this morning before 10 o'clock. 404 Couch bldg. WE require the service of an experienced janitor ior nignt worn, must be able to furnish bonds, no others need to apply. FJiiStem Outfitting Company. QUICK, accurate draughtsman on simple de signs ior castings; two or tnree weeks work. Write immediately, giving experience and per diem expected. B 939. Oregonian. WANTED Machine operators, harness cut ters. Harness-makers and apprentices for saddle and harness factories ; steady em ployment. John Clark Saddlery Co. WANT steady man to work on small ranch near city ; must be willing to bach for himself; will pay $40 per month. Call at Uammeler Hall, at 11th and KalL GOVERNMENT employes wanted Write for Portland examination schedule. Prepara tion free. Franklin Institute, Dept.. 2U&0, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED An elderly man as messenger; iignt worK ana snort hours; salary small. AE 942, Oregonian. A COMPETENT tailor for repairing; also a gooa proposition ior a ariver and solicitor on salary, open, at The Wardrobe. BARBER. experienced. guarantee $18; steady job. Loveaii & Simpson, Lebanon. Or. WANTED Boy or young man to work in ramily liquor store. Apply in morning. Brunn & Co., 1st and Alder. WANTED Bright boy, 16 years old or over. wun wneei ror messenger service. Apply room 120l Wells Fargo bldg. SEVERAL young men to become structural draftsmen, i.essons. evenings, by structural engineer. Inquire 319 Henry bldg. BARBFR Want to buy half interest In a good barber shop? Good money-maker; guarantee $30. W 038. Oregonian. BEST selling proposition on Coast ; sales manager wanted ror city office; one able to niako Investment. Telephone B 1131. A GOOD live salesman and collector for aitv go.xi position for rignt party. Call A. M., 442 Washington. WANTED Experienced driver for grocery delivery wagnn; rousi Turnisn rererences. Apply at L. Mayer & Co., 148 8d Street. EXPERIENCED man to take charge of fruit shop: joW per week; small capital re qulred. Bates. 42QS Morrison. WANTED An experienced grocery clerk; m ust f u rn 1 s n A l re re rences ; not over 35 years old. AM 943. Oregonian. WANTED First-class specialty man for gro cery line. jvettey-iarKe co., J3iaKe-Aicaii bldg WANTED Experienced refrigerating engin eer. Address supi. iranmg CO., care . Q. Box 53. Tacoma Wash. AN operator for Fisher-Billing machine, one experienced In dry goods preferred. Ap ply Lowengart & Co. WANTED Experienced grocery office as sistant: niusi be good at figures and pen- n-.anshlp, AN 941, Oregonian. WANTED Several good solicitors. Apply between 8 and 9 in the morning and 4 and 5 in the evening at 433 Mohawk bldg. WANTED Reliable man used to farm pro duce; pay $25 week; small investment re- rea. rariicuiara - MarK et. WANTED First-class horseshoer or floor man. W. P. Morris. Phone Red 962, AJ- WANTED A first class ad and job printer. Married man preferred. Address Citizen. Albany. Or. OFFICE boy wanted. Apply Gchwarzechild A Sulzberger, cor. Macadam Road and Sey mour ave. SALESMEN wanted to sell 1II0 census map; $30 to $50 per week cleared by hustlers. 323 Stark St. SO MEN wanted. J2d and Washington, $2.25. James H. O'Brien. BOY wanted, about 16 years of age, for o ff I c work. AB 940. Oregonian. IF vnu have $300 you can make $10 daily. Mot ion Picture Co.. B26H Wash in gton. WANT Janitor: will pay $30 per month. Call Dammeler, 31th and Hall sts. AN experienced vinegar maker; reference. Mount Pickle Co.. Salt Lake City, Utah. BOY. with some experience feeding Job p'ress. Bates. 42 Morrison. GOOD carpenters -wanted. Apply Gordon A Pearson. East 18th and Ellsworth. 10 MEN wanted. 34th and East Yamhill. ?.?5. James H. O'Brien. WANTED Blacksmith helper at the Inde- penaent rounary to.. J3Q and lorn. MOVING picture operators earn $35 weekly Moving Picture School, 626 Wash. HELP WAX TED MAT.T1 BOYS of 1 years of age and over to work In factorv. Applv &t once. Ames-Harris-Seville Co, 5th and Davis. TWO bellboys; also young man to attend coatroom. Apply Commercial Club. 5th and Oak sts., superintendent's office, be tween 10 and 11 A. M. WANTED Strong young woman to learn carpet sewing; -wages to start $ft per week. Apply to Mr Wheeler, of Carpet Department, I. Gervuta & Son, 173-5 First street. 10;000 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade in 8 weeks, help to secure promotion; gradu ates earn from 15 to $25 weekly; expert instructors; tools free; write for cata logues. Mohier System of Colleges, 3fi North 4th St., Portland. Or. LIVE SALESMEN WANTED P. C. Lavey A Company, 5 Lumbermens building, are desirous of securing active, capable sales men; unequaled financial prospects. See Monroe Goldstein, sales manager, between 10 and 12 A. M. w SALESMEN 2 A-l. high-grade, clean-cut men for a high-class proposition; I will pay good money to the right parties: don't apply unless you consider yourself a high-grade salesman ; ask for sales manager. 820 Chamber of Commerce. IF you are not making $200 a month and you have any ability as a salesman, call at 219-220 Commercial Club bldg., corner 6th and Oak. SALESMAN for gasoline marine stationary engines and Launch supplies; state age, ex perience and salary expected. AB 941. Ore gonlan. YOUNG MEN wanted to prepare for railway mail clerks, postofflce clerks, carriers, etc. Write or call for Book 30, It s free. Pacific States School. McKay bldg., Portland, Or WANTED Good, strong boy for delivery, etc Good chance for bright boy to learn printing trade. Apply room 10, 142 2d st. 1 WANTED A young man, over 18, to help the janitor. Call after 8 ,A. M. on Mr. Heinz, Heinz Apartments, 14th and Co lumbia streets. WANTED Men and boys to fit and drive up turned cnairs. uregon cnair Co., 1190 Macadam st. WA N T ED FI rst -class bush elm an ; stead y work. Apply at Crown Tailor Shop, 4th and Stark sts. WANTED Boy, about 17 years of age. Mt 1 1 uiiu factory, uoucn st. FIRST-CLASS ladies' tailor wanted at 447 Union ave.. North. HELP WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework; wages Phone A 2420 1131 Franklin st.. Willamette Heights. CHAMBERMAIDS, housekeepers, cooks. St. Louis Agency, 303 Washington. Main 2029. GIRL for general housework in small fam ily. Call at 309 East 19tn St., North, near Halsey. Phone C 2047. EXPERIENCED fitter on women's garments, permanent position and good salary to con.petent person, Y 940, Oregonian. COMPETENT girl for general housework, small family, wages $30. 620 East An keny st. WANTED Experienced cook, good wages, small family. Main 4514. 610 Myrtle st., Portland Heights; carfare paid. WANTED Women and giris to make shirts and overalls. Mt. Hood Factory. 233 Couch - st. Inexperienced girls paid while learning. THREE ladles, married preferred, between 20 and 35 years; wages $10 to $20 per week. Apply at 4-9 3d. Shooting gallery. WANTED Girl for general housework, for family of four; references. Aprly 230 N. WANTED A competent girl for general nouseworK. rvo wasning. small family, good wages. Apply 70 Lucretla st. $30 -EXPERIENCED woman for areneral housework and cooking, family of 3. B GIRL for general housework, suburban home, family of 2; must be good cook; wages $;t5. Phone Main 3508. A 7734. WANTED Chambermaid, must be experi enced and reliable. 343 3 Yamhill, cor. 7th st. WANTED Experienced salesladies for cloaks, suits and waists. Grand Leader, 5th and Alder. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavi Co., 600 Roth child bldg.. 4th and Washington. COMPETENT girl for cooking and general housework; good wages 161 Fourteenth street, corner Morrison. WANTED rCompetent girl for Keneral hon. work in family of three; good wages. Call mornings, gja Aeamey st. GIRL for general housework about Mav on- family 3 adults. 801 Hancock st. Phone C YOUNG women between ages of 21 and 35 w tuier iiiiiuijiK wuuui iwr nurses. Ajr v3U, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced lady Dresser at WL1. lamette Dye Works, good wages. 266 3d st . .Main WAN TED Competent woman to care for small child and assist w ith housework; references. 201 N. Z'Z st. MIDDLE-AGED lady for general housework 3 in family. 1661 East 13th L, S. Phone seiiwooa WANTED Girl for housework and care of rhiio. week-days, 9 to o. Call mornings. it asm UBS en. 15a K-ing st. WANTED Bookkeeper department store: experience and references required. Grand ijeaoer, oin ana Aiaer. WANTED Waitress at the Oriental Restau- rant. -i Washington st. WANTED Good girl for housework; good nome. 005 otn st. EXPERIENCED ironers in hand laundry. GIRL to assist in housework, small family. gooo, nome. jjavis a 1. YOLNG girl for general housework; small family. Call mornings. 321 Oth, cor. Clay. WANTED Girl for aeneral housework; plain 1 am 11 j uj. i urge, roone njast yy&. TWO dining-room girls wanted, at 53 N 18th st.. corner Davis. WANTED First-class chambermaid. Grand. iioiei. rx isonn 1 ntm st. GOOD, plain cook. Riverside Hotel, St. Johns, y&ope J ersey vii. WANTED Girl for general housework. Mail 545. 332 N. Z3d St. THREE good hand ironers and one starch er. btate Laundry Co.. 3to Broadway st. YOUNG girl to assist with general house worit ; smau ramny. n.ast i:w&. PRESSER and skirt hands in alteration room. Apply bilverneiQ s, 4th and Morrison sts. GIRL for general housework. Inquire at i:oi na &t. WANTED Girl to cook, good position, light worsi. saiary yov per inunm. oti VV aeco at APPRENTICE girl to learn dressmaking. 010 ivin LADY nresser on Ladies' garments, and r. palrer. 270 Grand ave., RegraJ Cleaners. WANTED Girt for general housework, wage: WANTED Clean woman for general house work. 4-14 4tn ST. WANTED Girl for general housework. 569 jonnson su WANTED Good woman for general house- -.V, -OH TI'aMlap mmT WANTED Waitress, good wages. Call at 2S3 tirano. ave. . neax nawuiome. IS EAT. woman, housework for two; good cook ',-, A XT V areuerltfl. W-R enr GIRL to help' in the kitchen. Call be- I ween a mm & jr. ja.., at ax .n. itth st. WANTED Girl to help In boarding-house. 5:j.3 Morrison st.f Morrison Hotel. APPRENTICES wanted. 18 7th st. Main 2334. WANTED Experienced operators on over alls; also learners. 75 1st st- HELPER to work on vests. Room 306 Commonwealth bldg. 590 COUCH Wanted, middle-aged woman. no cooking, go home nights. GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory No. 2. Grand ave. and East Taylor. WANTED Expert help. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum bldg. COMPETENT girl for general housework; 3 in family. 752 East Burnside st. GIRL for general housework; $5 per week. 36Q 13th st. GIRL for gerveral housework and cooking. 595 Marshall st. WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap ply SSI 10th St. WANTED Two lady ave-, .Nor th is? Union HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRLS over 16 to work to bag factory. Apply Ames, Harris, Neville Co., 5th and Davis. WANTED Cook for restaurant, city, $40. Five waitresses for restaurants, city, $7 to $g week. Three waitresses for country hotel. $25 and $30. Typesetter, country town, $9 week. Girls for general housework, $25 to (35. New places all the time. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladles Dept. 205 Morrison St. SALESPEOPLE WANTED IN THD FOL- 1A)W1.G DEPARTMENTS. GLOVES. NOTIONS. DRUG SUNDRIES. EMBROIDERIES, LACES. HOSIERY. KNIT UNDERWEAR. CLOAKS AND SUITS, CORSETS AND MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. wJP FITTERS FOR SUIT DEPART MENT. MORGAN DEPARTMENT STORE, Grand Ave. and East Stark stsw aiESJ i OLDS. WORTMAN A KING WANT SALESWOMEN, first-class, in a number of our departments. JACKET. SKIRT AND GOWN WORK ERS, thoroughly experienced hands. GIRLS. 16 years of age and over, who will have an opportunity to learn the business if bright and active. OLDS, WORTMAN & KING. WANTED Several bright young women to ' u-i " leiepnone operating; students paid $20 per month while learning ; a thor ough training given each student before assignment to position; this is an excep tional opportunity for such applicants that Qualify. Apply to school principal at our east office. East Ankeny and 6th st.. be tween S A. M. and 5 P. M., week-days. The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. SOCIETY editor to represent weekly paper n your city ; social standing and some business ability required. Address Hotel Topics. Hotel Society Journal of the Pa cific Northwest. 508 Pioneer bldg.. Seattle, Wash. WANTED A stenographer for real ejftate of- wynt easy, out must be accurate; state experience and salary received in last posi tion a must be 2b years of age or older. AM iffegoman. WANTED A girl for general housework. competent plain cook ior two people; a good home to the right party. 795 Irving wu, corner nn. WANTED EXPERIENCED IRONERS; STEADY POSITION; GOOD WAGES. APPLY TROif LAUNDRY CO.. 201 E. WATER. WANTED Neat and reliable irl for aen- erai nouseworK, two in family; Finn or wwedisn preferred ; references required. 71 N 16th st., bet. Davisand Everett sts. WANTED Girl for general housework; con venient to streetcars ; telephone. Apply iw i-ioiiaday ave. COMPETENT woman for cooking and nouseworK, second girl Kept. Apply 313 East 16th, N., take Irvlngton car. GIRL to assist with cooking and general nouseworK ; three in tamiiy. 243 Cornell road, head of Marshall st. GOOD bookkeeper wanted for city ; state full particulars, experience, salary, etc. rj lKk, uregoman. WANTED 6 millinery salesladies for city Appiy Detween it ana 2 r. M. toaay, Elliott Bros. 414 Marquam bldg. WANTED Two experienced girls to work on shirt line. U. S. Laundry Co., Grand ave. ano n-ast lamniii. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. 32li Washington tit., Room 307. Main &36 or A 3206. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343 y Washington St.. Cor. 7th, Upstairs, inone jwain xwa. WANTED Girl for general housework. must be a good plain cook ; 2 in family. Apply mornings 331 6th. WANTED Girl for general housework : good home and waged. Apply 4 so A ins worth or phone W oodiawn 1913. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework wages $33. Phone A 240. 1131 Franklin st., wmameue jrioiE"T-s. GIRL for general housework. 1054 Qulmby st. Main 4iz, a 3t:g. LESSONS in shorthand and typewriting by expert; u a monin. ot iitn. jsaain asya. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. HELP wanted at Hood River for thinning apples and picking atrawberries, about May 15. Employers wil furnish fuel and camp ing location. Free transportation to and from Hood River depot or steamboat landing. Mail your application to Hood River Apple- growers L nlon. PRIVATE lessons in shorthand, evenings, by shorthand teacher. 653 E. Alder. Phone East 2054. WANTED Man and wife for fruit ranch; good wages, steady work. x 44, urego nian. F1SK TEACHERS' AGENCY offers good positions to A-l instructors. 61 1 bwetiana- SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. EMFLOYERS We are constantly enrolling high-grade young men. honest, competent experienced, in mercantile and technical lines. Records thoroughly investigated. Call us when you need such a man; no charge. Advisory ana employment .de partment Y. M. C A. WANTED To be "associated with a reput able business institution ; party desiring same is 28 years old. married, 01 gooa morals and a salesman; can give the best of references and requires the same from any person answering this. E i37 Ore- gonian. BOOKKEEPERS, stenographer, general of fice man, 10 years experience, nign-ciass. K 93S, Oregonian. A WELL-EDUCATED young man would like position; references. M. a. Hughes, lb . 1 n st. WANTED Position as office assistant, young man of 23, good references. N vdo, Ore- gonlan. YOUNG man stenographer, wants position, At present employed. AF 142. Oregonian Miscellaneous. YOUNG man. 25. wishes position at any thing; experienced meatcutter, delivery driver or any clerical work. Rudolph Fleck 424H Jefferson. Phone Main 542L WANTED Janitor work and window clean ing bv contract (new nouses, onices, etc. Phone A 47rt3. Expert Window Cleaners, 272 Burnsioe st. CARPENTER foreman wants to build house for owner. W ages 4. Address i? . l.. h.. room 221 Harrison Hotel, cor. Harrison and Front sts. AS m&naeer of ranch, experienced stock, fruit, general farming; understand gasoline engines. Highest rererences. u 44, ure gonlan. YOUNG MAN wants responsible position in mechanical line; tecnnicai training; expe rience ; ability. R. G.. Room 519 Y. M. C. A. GARDENER, thoroughly competent, lawn, flowers, vegetables, wants permanent po st tionBMtirerene TiRN'TK COLLECTED at $1 oer month per ten ant and monthly accounts at 5 per cent com- mlasrton. A WiM, jregor.ian. PRINTER High-class printer. pressman, Tnobinist-onerator. desires nosltion South- ern Oregon. Address H- O. Brown. Salem. JAPANESE boy wanted; position as porter rom 6 to 9 o clock A. M., and between to 10 o'Icock P. M. AE 931. Oregonian. HANDY young man, good lunch cook, wants Tvork in saloon; is wining worxer ana epeaK German. AC 943, Oregonian. WANTED Position as kitchen helper; oan work at snort ordere. a aw, oregonian YOUNG GermaJi boy would like garden work and help in house, ah- h4. oregonian. JAPANESE good cook wants ' position in private family, aj 341. oregonian. - JAPANESE Employment Co. will furnish all pelp. Mala a -au.a. ai vereit. GENERAL houseoleanlng by day or hour. Pbooe Main 6 56 ft, Thompson. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Misce 11 ane o us. CHAUFFEUR and machinist for 12 years. ooer and reliable, American. Can drive any gasoline car. Address Auto, 61S Delay st. Woodlawn 2552. MARRIED man of 25, neat and honest, like 10 tear bartending ; soDer. Air Woi, ore gonian. YOUNG Japanese boy wants situation, now actenamg sen 001. AM W4, oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographer. YOUNG lady capable of managing office or v u.3 private etiLTeiary is opf n ror yooi tion; is stenographer and bookkeeper; can handle responsible position. T 944, Ore gonian. POSITION as stenographer wanted by young lady, four years experience, good local references; work rapid and accurate. Phone Woodlawn "956. YOUNG lady with references wishes position as dook Keeper or casnier. L (7, ure gon! an. POSITION as first-class stenographer; East ern experience ; best 01 rererences ; can fill any position. AE 041. Oregonlaj-. COMPETENT bookkeeper and stenographer oesires position, several years experience. References. AF 941. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper and stenographer wants position ; rererences. i vio ure- gonlan. EXPERT stenographer desires position. 1 none a o'. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants position. f none jviain tyo. STENOGRAPHER desires position; good be- ginner ana wining worxer. 1'none A. &4n. DreAsmaKers. Alterations, specialty on ladies' suits. Mrs. aiucKier, 43U Columbia, Apt, ai. A 4799. ANGELES Dressmaking Parlors. 326 V W ingtcn -t., suite zip. Main gsa, a. 53u Housekeeper,. POSITION as cook or housekeeper by elder- iy lady. AD 941, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. CAPABLE woman cook, crew men; house keeper gentlemen s club; good wages, bt. Louis Agency. 303 Washington. Main 2039. WOMAN, who is fast worker, desires day work Thursday and Saturday. Phone Woodlawn -1391. CURTAINS washed and stretched, 40o pair; called for and delivered. Phono Ta bor 55. MIDDLE-AGED woman, good cook and ex cellent bread and cake baiter, wants wortc. Monro. 430 Burnside st. AN elderly woman wants situation in small family. ISO E. 3otn, WANTED Housec leaning. Ironing or wash- 1 ng. fcenwood 1 4&r. YOUNG lady gives piano lessons, 60c per les- R-n rfftrrnttt civ-en. Mftin SlKIi CAPABLE cook desires situation, family. club; strictly cooking. Mam 2039. A 47o. WOMAN wants work Fridays; references; no half d ays. Wood law n 1611. EXPERIENCED laundress; day work; no half-days. Main 4598. after 10 A. M. LACE curtains' washed and stretched, 40c a pair. M 5723 or A 5514. WANTED AGENTS. SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash weekly selling cnoice nursery atocK; out fit free. Capital City Nursery Company, fcalem. Oregon. LADY agents wanted to sell high grade spe cialties; no talking needed; sells on sight; catalogue free. p. O. Box 205. Portland, Or. WE'VE the hottest 25c seller yet; rarely less than 3 sates to a home, vvolterean Co., Pittsburg, Pa. WANTED TO RENT. Bouses. WANTED TO RENT. We furnish the renter, collect the rent, pay taxes, insurance and keep up repairs, the same for you as though the property was our own; references, any bank in Portland. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 2454 Stark St. Phones A 35O0. Main 35. I WANT to rent a 7 or -room furnished bouse, near Irvlngton School preferred. Butterworth, Main e'529. Housekeeping Rooms. WANTED 3 housekeeping rooms; easy walking distance; West bide preferred; private family ; trustworthy references. A J 94 2, Oregonian. Rooms With board. RESPECTABLE young lady wishes room and board in nice quiet private ramily lor the S ummer. AL 942. Oregonian. TWO business men want room and board in private family. AN 943, Oregonian. FOB RENT. Furnished Kooma. "IN THE HEART OF THE) CITY." NEW SCOTT HOTEL, Tth and Ankeny aflb. -Tree was their depot carriage I took It oa the spot; There may be othr houses Just as good. Bat X guessi BOI A vaulet home for quiet people. THE WEAVER. 710 Washing-ton St., near King. A cheerful, modern home. Bath, hot and cold water and phono in every room. In the finest part of the city. The maxi mum of convenience, the minimum of expense. We make you feel at home, Dining-room in connection. Best In the city tor the mone y. THE MOODY HOUSE, 268 3d st. cor. Jefferson. New fireproof building and furnishings throughout. Desirable neighborhood, close to business section. Rooms large, light and airy; hot and cold water, steam heat. gas and electric lights; call bells; free phones. Rate $3 to $0 per week. Phones, AJ(3i; id. bt3U. HOTEL ANTLERS. -404 Washinarton. corner 10th. Modern brick building, steam heated. private baths, running water In rooms. electric light, free phone; special rates by week or month; the most convenient lo cation In the city; transient trada solicited an. uy. HOTEL MINNESOTA. 8S North 5th St.. S. E. Cor. Flanders. New brick building, steam heated, dot oelain ba.hs, fine large oirice on ground floor, elegant beds, everything absolutely new and clean; rates only $.50 and up per week; 50c and 75c ptr Uy. 3 blocks xrom union uepou THE BARTON, 18th and Alder, is now undergoing a thorough renovation; TO steam heated, electric-lighted rooms, all outside, states toe aay; $J.u month up. buitea. with running water $20 mouUi up. rnonei ana Dam iree. HOTEL BAKER, Fifth St., opposite City Halt New. beautifully furnished: steam, heat hot, cold water In every room; public and private baths. Permanent; transient. HOTEL SARGENT. Cor. Grand ave. and Hawthorne. Phone East 291 connecting even- room. Private baths, elevator, first-class grill. Special rates by week or month, American or European .transients solicited. HOTEL BR -S LIN. 422 Was nington, cor. 11th. fiteam beat, hot and cold water. bwths xwcely furnished rooms, $ per week ui tr.n.em rates, lac up. OUTSIDE room In brick building, nicely fur nished, for one or two people ; private bath attached, steam heat, hot and cold water; $S weekly. 422 h Washington at. THE HART, rooms and apartments, 4 if 4 Morrison, elegantly furnished bay-window rooms, suitable for two; also single rooms. Reasonable. HOTEL FRANKLIN. Cor. 13th and Washington sts. : modern and good location; special low rates for the bummer. HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main sts.. furnished rooms, single or en suite, at rea sonable prices, modern conveniences. Op- posite tne riaia. THE MANSION Elegantly furnished rooms. hot ana coia water, launary ana nouses keeping privileges. otn ana jerxerson. NICE furnished room with hot and cold water, steam neat. Dam; weeaiy; DricK building. 422 Washington st. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free. 32? Clark, comer tjth. Mrs. Maud J. Eatea NICELY furnished rooms at 490 Burnside street, $2 per week and upwards. Phone Alain oat- The Mercedes, 20th and Washington ; ele gantly furnished rooms; hot and cold run ning water, modern conveniences ; $12 up. THE LANDORE, 2SS 10th, near Jefferson; large front room, newly furnished, suitable fur two. FURNISHED rcome. Eim Place, formerly Elton Court Annex. 414 Yamhill and 1 Ith. IHS REX Modern rooms. $2.50 to $5 per week 548 V. Washington st. ATTRACTIVE single rooms, close rn, reason 1 able; free phone and bath. 490 Morr-soa. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. ANGELA HOTEL 625 Washington street, between 19th and 20th. Just completed, the cosiest, completest and up-to-datest residence hotel in the city. The ground floor office is finished in real mahogany, marble and tile, is spacious and handsome; elevator service, private telephone ex change, steam heat, hot and cold water In all rooms, many with baths and wall beds, and Is splendidly 'furnished. The rent is very moderate, rooms from $ 1 5 per month up. Why not get the best for your money? Now open, rooms by the day. week or month. HOI EL RAINIER. 140 ROOMS. 1 BLOCK FROM DEPOT. New, modern, fireproof bunding, steam heated, hot and cold running water in ail rooms, richly furnished, finest beds that money can buy. and It doesn't cost any more than some cheap lodging-house; nice large office on ground floor; everything first-class; rates, tOc, 75c and $1 per day; $3.50 and up per week. Call and see us. 128 6th at. North. Homelike. Homelike Homelike. HOTEL BUbUMARK, Washington and, 17th, nnt-cla-i furnished rooms, single or en -tulte; all modern co li ven lenoee; $A weeKiy up. A Mt. -o4. Furnished Rooms In Private Families. WELL-FURNISH ED large front room, suit able for two, with fine shaded porch; IO blocks from postofflce; also two smaller ones; prices reasonable; everything mod ern; private family. 330 Mill et. Phone Marshall 1240. VERY deslra-ble room for business men in a private home, fresh air. quiet, nrst-ciass in ail respects, $3, $4 ana $5 per week. Prospect drive and -1st St., Portland Heights. Phone Main lOoT. BEAUTIFULLY furnished large front room. suitable for two or three gentlemen; batn, electric light and phone; references re- ouired. 334 Mill, corner LARGE front room, newly furnished, gas. bath, phone, with housekeeping and laun dry privileges, reasonable, walking dis tance. Phone East ;i-4S. 556 East Alder. 5-SUITE room. gas. bath and phone, choice location. waiKing aisiance, rent reason able. 407 Hoiiaaay ave. NEWLY furnished rooms in private home. F"OR RENT teingle room for gentleman. or lady; ail conveniences. iu Xdtn, cor ner Taylor. LARGE, comfortable room; bath, phone. nice yard, cneap, ior gentlemen. feo Flanders st. 258 y 13TH ST., nicely furnished, rooms. no use new, vx' vuuteoieuue . genLiemexi only. 141 13th ST. Nicely furnished room. gas. bath, furnace. ATTIC room for one or two young men cheap. oil .Morrison st. FIRST-CLASS furnished large single rooms; price rcawnaDie. 414 4in st. riCE room $10 per month; walking dis tance. Ih6 Halsey St., near Steel b rl dg e. NICELY new furnished room, suitable for 2. Phone tiast 4a.u. raet an st. NEWLY furnished rooms with all modern conveniences. t64 i? lanaera st. FURNISHED rooms, private family. N. 20th, Main H'iW. NEWLY furnished parlor and. bedrooms; alo small room; all conveniences, trying. TWO bedrooms, $ and $7 per month. Phone East Unfurnished. Rooms. LARGE unfurnished front room In private family, modern conveniences ; reasonable. 548 Flanders, near iota. 3 NICE unfurnished rooms. 413 Taylor st. Booms With Board. THE STERLING. 535 Couch St. After thorough cleaning tne sterling is ready for occupancy; an outside airy rooms, within walking distance. PORTLAND Women's Union. 22d year, room with boara. use 01 sewing-room ana iiDrary. 610 Flanders st. Miss Frances N. Heath, bupt. S3 17TH. North, one block off Washington. well-furnisbed corner suite; also single room, witn or witnoui poa.ru. LAMBERSGN 554 Couch st., cor. 17th, one block from a-shlngton; desirable rooms for gentlemen, trood nome cooKing, THE COLONIAL, 15 and 167 10ttt St., cor-noi- Morrison. Select family hotel: reason able rates NICE rooms with excellent board. The Man! tou, 261 lain at. jjo aerate prices. Rooms With Board in Private Fa ml 1 y. TWO nicely-furnished rooms; hot and cold water; sleeping porch; beautiful grounds exceptional good home cooking. 90 E. 8th, cor. of Washington. Phone East 1300. BOARD and room, bath, phone, use of Ilth. Phone Main 5k03. PLEASANT furnished rooms, board if de sired. 149 15th St., between Morrison and Alder. LARGE1 room-?, pleasant suburban home, near car, reasonable: infant allowed. 2cv East 52d, cor, ray lo r. Ph. one labor 20 1, SINGLE room, with board, in -modern pri vate home; rererences required. 284 h Park. 168 10TH ST. Large nearly furnished front room, with or without board; suiL- able for two. FRONT room, suitable for gentleman; free phone and bath ; walking distance. 327 west rarK si LARGE furnished room with board; horns .... ..T r- TJ-lonH-lIB ROOMS' and board for one or two gent?-a-men, two blocks from Washington st. yi y pavis st. TWO-ROOM suite, also single room; choice 1 1. k.innc nannla 71' XJrt.tr ct BOARD and room, home privileges, $6 a w ee k. A 11 U4. aj.l w est ra rn s t. DESIRABLE room and board, home cooking. NICE room in private family; good board reasonable rates. Main 7010. IN private family, room and board, near steel priqge. FURNISHED ROOMS, with board. 230 10th st.; references. GOOD room and board for gentleman; rea sonable. A 3875. 549 Yamhill. TWO cozy rooms; choice board; reasonable. 761 Marsnaii st. YOUNG man wants roomrate. A 7104. Apartment a. ST. CROIX Apartments, 17-0 St. Clair, near Washington; new brick building, two and three-room apartments, an moaern con veniencus; fine residence location; reason able rent. THE Wassell Apartments, 4 and 6 rooms t fiam-hcated. ianltor service, easy w aik In distance to West Side business center, tounnyside car; rent 3 to .$32.50. Phone East ootl. WELLINGTON COURT. 2, S OR 4-room, apartments, up to date in every respect, walking distance from business center; lurnutaea anu ujiiuiuwiien. 15th and Everett sts. Phone Main 1245. THE SOUTHAMPTON. Corner of Tenth and Hall sts.. one 3 and 4-room; strictly first-class; $27.50 and $32.50. A U05. FURNISHED 3-room apartments, sink in withpn. telephone, bath, furnace heat, clean and modern; rent $.-5 and $30. The j eftersonian, join an u jenerson s l. rteam-HEATED &-room apartment, mod era and desirable; 525 Everett at. Apply Morgan, Fleldner & Boyce, 503 Abington biag. VOR RENT Modern 4-room apartment. King's Heights Apartment House, cor. King and Wayne sts.; furnished, $55; un furnished, $4U. APPUr jannor. THE LANDORE. 288 10th, near Jefferson perfectly new 3-room suite, completely furnished for housekeeping; sleeping porch. FIVE-ROOM, steamheated. modern apart ment with janitor service (partial base ment), finest in city ior tne money. Ap ply to janitor, aist ana jvearnoy. THH MERCEDES Elegantly furnished 2- room apartments, hot and cold running water uid ail modern con venlunces ; $ 18 to 30. Corner um ana w asnington sta HARRISON COURT, 5th and Harrison Unlurnisned apartment, x rooms and batn. all modern improvements. Phone tain 5148, A 7363. . HOWLAND APARTMENTS. For housekeeping in suites, $12 and ud hot water, free baths, first-class. 031 y asnmgmiii j- worn. WAUNITA. 325 11th st. Very nicely fur nished --room apartments; steam heat modern wanting distance. THE new brick Stanley apartments. Kin and Washington eta ; 3, 4 and & roomi $.7.50 per month and up. t-ROOM corner apartment, every convent ence. Brain tree Apartments, 295 13th st. Main 7741. 475 SALMON, corner 14th; nicely furnished trie eievaior , privuio uuin ana pnone. FtTRNISHED apartment. Washington and Kin st. The Morton, NEATLY furnished 4-room apartment.- 171 King, ivings nm Apartments. NEATLY furnished 4-room apartment. 171 King, Kings uiii Apartments. FOR RENT. Apa rtmPDtft. THE RB-tTKAN APARTMENTS. New concrete building with elaborately furnished 3-room apartments, all latest modern conveniences, large shady lawn, croquet ground, cool verandas and Janitor service; rents reasonable, walking dis tance. 64 .Marshall mi take car Main 6232 or A 3191. ANGELA APARTMENTS 39 Trinity Place. between 19th and 20th sts.. near vv aahing ton; 2, 3 or 4 -room apartments, new pressed brick building lust completed; every modern, convenience including telephone exchange and elevator; close to business centers; very reasonable prices and excellent service. $25 TO $35 For rent. West Side, 5 3 and 4- rootn very modern apanmenis in ine new brick building just being f urnushed at 11th and Ball. DAM MEIER INVEST. CO.. At premises or 921 Board Trade Bldg. THE SHEFFIELD, Tth and Jefferson sts. Unfurnished apartment, with batn. All out side rooms; modern, every convenience, and only 5 minute)' walk from P. O. Very rea feon&ble rent. Main 2500, A 3149. THE BERYLE APARTMENTS. Strictly modern, large rooms and three closets to every apartment; cool and airy for Summer. 695 Loveooy st Take W car. HANOVER Apartments, corner King and asnington ta, O-room apartments, nave every modern convenience, including steam heal, ho t wa ter , pr i v ate ba t h, f re e ph on aad Janitor ser-lc; rent very reasonable. ORDELEIGH APARTMENTS. 82 Grand Ave., S. E. our. E. Stark. UNDER NEW M A-NAGEMEN T. Beautifully furnished 3-room apartments; modern ; $ 8 to $00 per1 nioum. -i-gi ovj. "OXKONTA" APARTMENTS, 187 17th, near Yamhill (W car at depot). 2, 3 and 4-room fiirnishorl -niiftt- hot and cold, nhones and baths free; $20 per month, $5 per weK and up. Main 46b7. A 4733. THE MORTON , 6W 7 Washington s, 3-room e.partment all outside. Futa. FOR RENT. WEST SIDE. Flat S rooms. $7.&0. Hun, furnished, rooms. $60. EAST SIDE. Flat, 7 rooms, $17.60. Flat, 5 rooms. $15. House, 6 rooms, $30. House. 9 rooms. $4 5. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. FOR RENT East Side, close in; very hand some 6 -room nat, built-in cnina ciosets, laundry trays, large porches, every mod ern convenience; tnis Is the only one left and should go today; rent $25; would cost $45 on the West Side, Call up Main 6974. $22 4-ROOM upper flat, built-in china clos et, excellent lurnaoe ana an mou.om wu veniences; price Includes water; location 328 H Ross st. R- ri. BAosaoin, 314 Cham- ber of Commerce. FOR RENT New and strictly modern - room fiats on 20th ana jsvurei cuk, rvrx land Heights, rent $40. Apply WAKEFIELD. FRIES CX 85 Fourth at, FOR RENT 6 -room corner flat, 3 Grand ave.. north corner E. Ankeny; price Inquire 400 Concord bldg. A L98; Mala 908. . LOWER fiat, 6 large light rooms, newly tinted, modern, across oieei Dnage. w Boss, cor. DJjloii; one block north oC Broadwa)-. FOR RENT Upper flat, rooms, modern; new; attic room, sleeping porcn; 4 oiocxs West Side High School. Inquire 176 16th comer Yamhill. UPPER 4-room flat ; extra sleeping rooms; near 23d and v asnington as, jrnon zore- noon and evening, M. 8988. WHEN moving caU up Van Horn Transfer Co. Main Ibis, jl iw4. aii covered wag ons. all experienced men. 4 ROOMS and bath, $15. 464 Larrabee at.. near Steel bridge. Inquire Louis baiamoa & Co., 233 Starkest, n ear2d. 6-ROOM flat, Holladay Addition; new. mod ern, steam heat. Address . inn r. Phone East 1137. ONE new 6-room modern flsrt; "S" and 'F carline. inquire at drugstore, xronx ana Gibbssts. . $16 MONTH New modern 4-room flat; also Store, $ia monin ; wntm, uiiaiii;B. aci ry and Vancouver. Phone A 3376. 405 BENTON ST. 5 rooms, strictly new and modern. Columbia irit Co., Board 0 Trade bldg. PLEASANT 3-roomed Hat, walking distance; aduits only. sa iaii St., jio. NEW 6-room flat, modern. -473 Park st. In quire 40S Park st. m MODERN 4-room flat, light, clean, good 26 East 13th st. . near E. Ash. location. FOR RENT Modern 5-room lower flat. Just tinting, or 5-room upper. itft-i; 'J Kiioit su tt-ROOM modern flat; corner llth and Hall; no children. Apply jzs un. NEW 4-room flat. 5 minutes P. O., reasonable to adults, inquire atw iota st. 6-ROOM furnished flat, 45 Weidler su Call evcninaa. riR'- V- J.vv 4 txny i. mm. MODERN upper and lower flat; choice lo- MODERN 5-room flat, 5th, near Jackson, iiv.t v; ( H r - irt miniitPR' walk. 1 or A MODERN 4-room flat; Inquire 628 Wil liams ave. Phone C 1697. UPPER flat, five rooms, between 10th and llth. on Yamhill. Apply 4Q7 YamhllL MODERN 5-room lower corner flat. 475 7th st. 5-ROOM upper flat, newly tinted. 22d and Kearney sts. jyey i i; wruey. MODERN flat, 6 rooms and bath. 731 Hoyt st. Inquire 132 Oth st. Main 6278. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts. Fur- msned ior nouee;yiii, iuciuuiuj nam raoM, electric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, all free; $15 per month up; beet in the city for money; short distance from Union Depot. Take "S" or 16th-6t. cars north, get off at Marshall st. No dogs. WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 2 $8 monin, ior euiLasw - 26th N. (West Side), W car from depot, 3d or Morrison to 20th, block north. 1.2o TO $2.00 week, clean, furnished house keeping rooms; laundry, bath, phone, gas, furnace heat. 406 Vancouver ave. m TWO large front finely furnished housekeep ing rooms, first tioor; large lawn. Main SG13. 353 12that. SOME nice single and en suite housekeep ing rooms. uamDnaga oiag.,.ou ana m.vtr rison. Room No. 36. UNFURNISHED 3. outside, ground floor; full kitchen; stoves furnished. 567 Everett. THE COLLINS 503 Alder st., furnished housekeeping rooms, witn an convenience-. THE ELMS 2 and 8 -room apartments; fur nished. 14tU Bt. ; TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, $3. 2321, Washington, room 20 4GI E MORRISON, cor. Sth. Completely .furnished housekeeping suites; reasonable. $1.25 week, clean fur. housekeeping rooms. heat, laundry, bath. 203 Stanton. "TJ" car. $1.50 week, large, clean furn. housekeeping rooms : laundry, bath, gas. 184 Sherman. St OR 3 very nice large modern houaekeep Ing rooms. 403 2nd St. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms. 175 N. 17th st.. cor.t Johnson. ; $1.50 to $2 week, clean furnished housekeep ir.g rooms. Desota Houee, 291 Second st. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. SUITE .of 3 completely furnished rooms, hath, large closet, telephone, gas range, private porch and yard. To responsible couple. $22.50. 463 Hall. $1$ 2 LARGE rooms completely furnished, with sink and gas stove, hot baths when, wanted. 412 10th st. FOUR unfurnished rooms with fireplace for light housekeeping, with modern conveni ences, phone East 6381. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, first floor, steam heat hot water, free phone, down town. 3.'0V Alder Bt. m 28 1a N. 16TH ST.. near Wash. St., 2 modern large rooms for light housekeeping, walk ing distance. TWO nicely furnished suites of housekeep ing rooms; also single room ; light and heat furnished. 453 E. Pine st. TWO or three nicely furnished rooms for housekeeping, private family. 333 Mar ket st. m TWO housekeeping rooms, clean, conven ient, ground floor, walking distance, $4 per we3k. 411 4th st. THREE well furnished housekeeping rooms. Rent reduced to $22.50. 347 Hall, NICELY furnished rooms for housekeeping, good location close In. 511 Everett st. SINGLE housekeeping room; yard, bath and phone. 450 Yamhill gt. FURNISHED suite housekeeping rooms, $10 mo nth. 588 Pettygrove st. Main 3423. 8 FURNI S H ED housekeeping rooms, modern, 195 14th St.. corner of Taylor st. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms; sln gle or 'en suite, with kitchen. 563 Irving. LARGE front room, with kitchen; light, phone and bath. 370 7th st. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. In qulre 91 1st St., near Stark. m TWO newly furnished housekeeping rooms in nfw and modern home. E. 1430. FINELY furnished housekeeping suite. 211 llth st. FURNISHED or unfurnished; in suburbs; on car line. Phone Sellwood 36. I)