TIIE MORXING OREGOXIAN. WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1910. GET THIS BOOK TODAY e FACT ABOUT CO As Am Investment . x a. 'z si is j S N7 f Mix y fe ,LrV7 V ' AS Copper stands today as the most staple of all metals, and its uses are gro-wing greater all of the time. This country is alone using 600,0000,000 pounds of copper every year, and while about 50 per cent of this amount is used in connection with elec trical developments, the other half is being consumed in building materials, art work and hundreds of different articles that were in the past made from wood, steel and iron. The copper wires alone in electric work consume 200,000,000 pounds of copper, while some 150,000,000 pounds are used yearly by this industry in other forms than wire. Thousands of pounds of copper are being used daily in the construction of motor cars and yachts; one Connecticut factory consumes 12,000 pounds daily making eyelets and balls for shoes, while one American watchmaker is stamping out 100,000 brass watch dials every day, and one manufacturer of talcum powder is using 6,000,000 brass cans a year. These figures are taken from statistics and are printed merely to show the amount of this metal that is being used in commercial lines in the United States alone, and it must be remembered that the entire world is looking toward America for its copper. .' ' . i This coupon for those living: out of the city. No books will be mailed in Portland Kupreanof Copper Mining & Smelting Co. 200 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Gentlemen: Please mail me full information and "The Story of Kupreanof." Name , Address. ... The great resources of the Kupreanof Copper Mine that is uow preparing its first shipment to the smelters, are not a matter of guesswork the value is proven. On one of the four claims there lies ready for shipment and being transported to tidewater as this is written, 15,000 tons of copper ore and on the same claim there lies 100,000 tons ot Copper Ore in sight. On March 27 a new rich strike was made on the "Buckhorn" claim, lyins: iust above, another new distinct ore body being discovered, ah assay of this new ore show ing it to run 15VV per cent Copper, or $43.47 a ton. These statements are facts that will be proven when you call at the office. While we have shown you a few figures from statistics on the use of copper in this coun try alone, we have also shown you that the Kupreanof Mine is one of immense proven wealth and unlimited resources. Mining has been going on here for some time and the first smelter shipment is now being pre pared and' will be received at the smelter on June 1. This ore is being taken out over trail, and while it is a slow process of handling this"' first shipment will leave a good margin after paying all the operating expenses on the property. The Treasury Stock that is now being sold is to cover the cost of building a tramway less than two miles in length for the transporta tion of Kupreanof ore from mine to tidewater, the tram being guaranteed to handle 250 tons every day and not costing more than 5 cents a tcnn transportation. Kupreanof Treasury Stock is now offered to you at 25 cents a share, fully paid, non-assessable, with a par value of $1. The price of this stock will go to 50 cents a share on the 1st of June, at which time the first ship ment will be received at the smelter. By investing at this time you make a clear profit of 100 per cent, and this stock will doubtless go to par in six months. When you purchase, stock in the Kupreanof you join a company of the most responsible men in the entire Northwest, you purchase stock in a working mine of known wealth, and one that, is covered by Patents issued by the United States Government. Inves'tigate fully this company, its officers, its properties, and its methods of doing business. When you have done this jrou will agree that this is the best opportunity for investment that you have ever had offered to you. If you will call at the offices, 200 Chamber of Commerce building, every detail will be shown you, and you wip be given a copy of the "The Story of the Kupreanof," a book containing every detail concerning this property. The number of shares to be sold are limited; you should act at once.; reaoof Copper Mining & Smelting Co, Mines on Kupreanof Island, Alaska Offices, 200 Chamber of Commerce Building, Third and Stark, Portland, Oregon Evening Appointments Made by Telephone Main 3143 or A 1312 TODAY LUST CHANCE TO BE ENUMERATED If You Have Been Missed, Send Oregonian Coupon to Supervisor. CHECKING IS NEARLY DONE Of 127 Districts 40 Have Been Gone Over, and Kest Can Be Finished Today Count Outside City Not ' to End Until May 15. When the sun 'goes down tonight the last opportunity to be included in t.-e big Portland family of 1910 will have passed. If you have an uneasy feeling that perhaps you have not been count ed, cut out The Oregonian coupon and mall it with full particulars to Seneca C. Beach. Supervisor of the Census, dumber Exchange building. The agony will be over for another 10 years with the close of business hours today. Through an order of the supervisor the enumeration has been kept open three extra days so that mistakes of commission and omission may be recti fied. With the close of the official work tonight all Portland districts will have been checked in the wake of the "yel low ribbons." and every doubt officially and effectually removed as to the cor rect tabulation of every inhabitant of the city, from Scow Town to Portland Heights. Fourteen days' careful can vass of the various districts were made by the regulars appointed by the Cen sus Bureau and one day by both, regu lars and 700 volunteers. If anybody was missed it Is believed he was dodg ing the Fish Warden and was thus un able to appear in public. Last night the work of checking had progressed far enough to close 40 of the 127 districts, and it Is believed at headquarters that the remainder will be finished during the day. The count in the rest of the Second Congressional restrict will continue un til May 15. except In Astoria and Baker City. In these towns it will end Thurs day. It will require more than a month to secure all the data pertaining to agriculture, mining and stock-growing In Oregon. It is planned by Supervisor Beach to close the headquarters on -une 1. Be fore then it is believed all the blan.is will have been shipped to Washington. Mr. Beach was yesterday In receipt of a letter of thanks from F. P. Bod lnaon. secretary of the Chamber of Commerce at Baker City, In recognition of his action In extending the time for a proper enumeration of that Eastern Oregon town. Among those who have endeavored to keep in close touch with the operation of the Census Bureau it is still pre dicted that the population of Portland proper will reach 200,000. With all the suburban towns added, divided from the parent city by imaginary lines only. the number of Inhabitants Is placed at 230,000. Mr. Beach refuses to be quoted on the subject or to furnish anything In the way of reliable information. OREGON APPLE DAY, PLAN Chamber of Commerce Seeks Cele bration Like "Raisin Day." Oregon is to have an apple day If the plans started by the Chamber of Com merce materialize. At the regular month ly meeting of the board of trustees yes terday. Secretary Glltner was instructed to commence a line of campaign cal culated to have a day set and officially recognized in this state to be known as apple day. The Idea 13 taken from raisin day in California. In that state April 30 has been set apart tor the payment of homage to its principal fruit industry, the raisin. " Every resident of the state la asked to be sure and eat raisins on that day at all events and every other day of the year. If possible. Raisin festi vals are neld in marry of the central markets for the fruit and. instead of using carnival confetti, fun is created by showering raisins on each other by the participants. Apples being the principal fruit product of Oregon, it is thought a like observ ance of that fruit would add much to its popularity and assist in spreading the fame of Oregon apples over the country. Secretary Oiltner will write letters, set ting forth this plan, to the various com mercial organizations of the state. The full details of the plan have not as yet BURDEN MAY SHIFT Fish Warden Would Place Proof on Defendant. JUSTICE POSTPONES CASE Counsel Interprets law to Mean That Daring Closed Season Pos session of Fish Is Evidence of Statute's Violation. That whenever there Is a closed season on salmon In any part of the state any one In any other part is liable to arrest for having fish In his possession; and that the burden is on any such person to prove his fish were not caught in closed waters, is the contention the attorney for Master Fish Warden McAllister is seeking to es tablish in a case now pending before Jus tice of the Peace Olson. The case is that against John Meehan. president of the Portland Fish Co., and against John Kelley, the map-- in charge ' HAVE YOU BEEN ENUMERATED? If not, or if you have any doubt, fill out this coupon and mail to S. O. Beach, Supervisor of Census, Portland, Oregon. t - On 'April 15, 1910, I "was living: at the address given below, but to the best of my knowledge I have not been enumerated there or anywhere else. Name.. ..... . .................... Street and Number . City. . . . " been evolved. The day probably will be set, however, during the Fall months, when apples are being marketed generally. MRS. M. D. WISDOM IS DEAD Woman Well Known Throughout Oregon Mad Been 111 Some Time. Mrs. M. D. Wisdom died early yesterday morning at the home of her sister, Mrs. Samuel White, 610 Weidler- street, after a protracted illness. She was widely known throughout the state. She is sur vived by two sons, Stanton and Preston Wisdom: two step-sons. Layton and Mer ton Wisdom, and two sisters. Mrs. Samuel White and Miss Ella Brown. Funeral services will be held at Trinity Church this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Cooper's Song and Chorus In "Boccaccio:" every night this week at Portland Theater. Fourteenth and Washington. of a shipment of salmon from Oregon City, seized on Ross Island during the re cent war up tne w mamette. It was the contention of the defense that the men were' protected by Judge McBrlde's decision upholding the right of the fishermen at Oregon City to ply tneir iraue. j.o mis the prosecution re Joined that even if the fish were legally caught, they were illegally brought to Portland and that the burden was upon the defense to show that they were not caught out of season. Justice Olson expressed a strong desire to see the fishing laws rigidly enforced, but was In doubt as to the justice of the prosecution's contention. He therefore set tne case over to May 9, and the attorneys will file briefs. CATCHES COXTIXtJE GOOD Water Conditions Not Favorable for Trap Fishing. ASTORIA. Or.. May S. (Special.) The catches of salmon by the gillnetters were excellent again last nigh.t and in soma instances even better hauls were made than on the previous day. It is yet too early to tell whether there is a run of fish entering the river or whether those caught are salmon which have been "loafing", about the bayx for some time before proceeding on their way to the spawning grounds. However, one fisherman caught 600 pounds near the mouth of the river last night, and this is an Indication that the salmon are Just coming In from salt water. The Baker's Bay traps did not make any large catches, but this Is not surprising, as the water conditions are not favorable for trap fishing. Shad are making their appearance in larger num bers than usual for this early In the sea son and are retailing at 4 cents a" pound. MEMBERS WILL TILL SOIL Four Acres on Mount Tabor Put In Potatoes by V. M. C. A. Four acres of land east of Mount Tabor will be used by the Young Men's Chris tian Association this Summer in connec tion with its open-air campaign. The use of the land was donated by the owner, C. F. Fisher, who Is interested in the movement started by Educational Direc tor French and Physical Director Orilley, of the Y. M. C. A. The entire tract wUl be planted to potatoes by members of the association. The planting of this acreage will be ad ditional to the potato-growing contest that is being conducted bj the Y. M. C. A. In the contest, each member of the association, who desires, is planting to potatoes a single lot, in competition for a silver cup, offered for the largest quantity and best quality of potatoes produced. Groups of men will be taken out each Saturday afternoon to the Fisher tract. There they will prepare the land, plant and cultivate the potatoes. . This work will be part of a system originated by Mr. Grllley to Induce men, employed in offices, to spend more of their time in the open air, CHARGE OF PIRACY FAILS B. H. Smith and E. H. BotichAre Acquitted in Police Court. Acquitted by a Jury in the Municipal Court yesterday of a charge which prac tically amounted to river piracy, .B. H. mith and B. H. Botich were also cleared on a charge of violating the harbor regu lations. The men were arrested by Harbor Mas ter Speier for having in their possession two piling belonging to Balfour, Guthrie & Co.. and after an attempt to convict them of the larceny of the piles had failed, they were brought Into court for violating the ordinance which requires that all valuable articles picked up while floating In the river must be turned over to the harbor master. A Jury of five men heard the evidence, the taking of which consumed the whole afternoon, and refused to convict the two accused. Change In Time Northern Pacific Railway. On and after May 1 Tacoma6eatle Ex press will leave "Portland at 6:45 A. M. In stead of 7:00 A. M. m Work to Begin on Sawmill. ASTORIA. Or.. May 3. (Special.) Clark & Robinson, of Portland, who re cently purchased a tract of about 700 acres of land in the vicinity of Weatport. will commence work next Monday with I for the sawmill, which they are to erect I understood that the plant will be ready a large force of men clearing the site there during the coming Summer. It is for operations early in the Fall. -IN A CLASS BY ITSELF" Mm Q em. gold. MADE IN PORTLAND A DRAUGHT BEER THAT IS THE EQUAL OF IMPORTED PILSNER FOR FLAVOR TASTE AND COLOR ON SALE AT The Quelle The Oregon Hotel Grille The Imperial Hotel Grille The Perkins Hotel Grille Edelweis Cafe, 149 Seventh THE HOF BRAU Stutt & Howland, 6th and Wash. Lumbermens Buffet, 5th & Stark National Wine Co., 5th & Stark Doyle's Cafe, 4th and Wash.( Pantheon Saloon, 130 Third Board of Trade Buffet, Fourth and Stark MANUFACTURED BY Henry Weinhard Brewery A-1173 THIRTEENTH AND BURNSIDE Main 72