THE MOEimrG OEEGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, MAT 4, 1910. Portland Headquarters for the Famous Nemo Corsets Don't Missv the "Nemo Week" Display Sole Agents for Ostermoor Mattresses See the 54 "Chantecler" Ducks in Fifth-Street Window They'll Please the Children Willamette Sewing Machines $1.00 a Week Try Our 3rd Anniversary Luncheon Today in the Seventh Floor Tea Room Price 50c Special Music by M. & F. Ladies' Orchestra Today Anniversary aRjdl 54 Wo'nder For Third Day of the Sale 'H3S, I... Av Announces in Connection With the Continuation reater -Meier i rim more of All the Bargains Already Listed, the Pays The G C tosses. Sale Rogers9 uiarantee ilverware Buy Giiar'nte'd Silvervre Another great sale of the famous Rogers' flatware In the rich and exquisitely beautiful arbutus pattern, for which the Meier & Frank Store has the sole agency for Portland. All lovers of fine tableware remember our mammoth sale of a few weeks ago, and in this one the values are duplicated, with the quantities from 'two to four times as large in each article.' This last shipment has just been received, and those who failed to secure a supply in the first sale should come promptly before any of the pieces are sold out. The values, were so great and the pattern so original and attractive that in our first sale we were unable to supply the demand. Dont let this second opportunity pass. See Big Fifth-Street Window Display Ttf- Ti ' ii mi I ARE GUARANTEED EXTRA HEAVY PLATE OP PURE SILVER uri inn niisncsi UHAUb NlUKtLSILVbR BASt. INTERNATIONAL SILVER CO..S UCCESSOR. This Guarantee Goes With Every Piece We Sell Why the Price Is So Low The phenomenally low prices quoted on the articles advertised in this sale are made possible on account of the way we buy the goods. They come direct from the factory to us, and the huge quantity we take makes our buying price the lowest. This ware is in French gray finish, heavily silver-plated on a base composed of 18 per cent nickel. Every piece in the lot has the guarantee of the factory, as shown above, back of it. The arbutus patterns is a new one and one of the most dainty and attractive floral designs ever shown. OUR OTJT-Or-TOWTT FRIENDS ARE INVITED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE GREAT SAVINGS FEATURED HERE. MAIL ORDERS WILL RECEIVE PROMPT, CAREFUL ATTENTION. ORDER EARLY; STOCK LIMITED See Big Fifth-Street Window Display 69c v" . -LSfe Each ' - 69c Each Very Handsome Berry Spoons 69c Each Special for This Great Sale at Only Each 69c This Set of 3 Pieces 69c Child's Knife and Fork Sets Three Pieces, Special Price for This Sale, the Set 69c Rogers' Tea Spoons, Set of Six Special, 69 c Set 1' ''V llMMrpJJIUUJMIll"ll 43c 43c acn i?2?rt.!?: j"-" 2acn GREAT SALE STARTS THIS , f DON'T MISS THIS GREATl .-s igj- Q . tr OPPORTUNITY 4. DAYS ONLY Rogers' Table Spoons in the Beautiful Arbutus Pattern and Backed by Rogers Guarantee, Rich and Artistic Set of Six Priced for This Second Sale at Only Rogers' Cold-Meat Forks 43c Each Special at Only Each 43c This Set Is, $3.19 Knives 8l Forks, 6 of Each Special This Sale at $3.19 Dessert Spoons, Set of Six, Special $1.1? Dessert Forks, Set of Six, Special at $ 1 . 1 7 Medium Forks, Set of Six, Special at $1.29 WM. ROGERS & SON : Merihkn, Conn. Hfollo w-HcEitdled Knives Set of 6 Sp'c'l at Fruit Knives, Set of Six, Special at $1.49 Table Knives, Solid Handles, 6 for $1.88 After-Dinner Coffee Spoons, Set 6 for 99c Soup Spoons, Set of Six, Special at $1.63 Oyster Forks, Set of 6, Special at $ 1 .37 Butter Spreaders, Set of 6, Special $1.63 Pie Knives, Sale Price Special Each $1.24 Individual Salad Forks, Set of 6 at $1.63 Butter Knives, Sale Price Special Each 24c Sugar Shells, Sale Price, Special Ea. 21c Gravy Ladles, Sale Price, Special Ea. 53c Soup Ladles, Sale Price, Special Ea. $1.29 Women's New Neckwear eg. Values to 50c, 16c A sale without precedent or equal in the history of this great store. Fully fifty thousand pieces of the trimmest, most attractive styles, and the most popular qualities are assembled here in one huge lot. There are Dutch collars, rabats, jabots, embroidered linen collars. Princess tabs, cascades, stocks, etc. Come and choose from the great assortments and buy enough to last you for weeks ahead. Neckwear that sells regularly at 25c 35c and 50c each, on special sale in this great event for the exceptional low price, each IOC 50,000 Yards Taffeta and Moire Ribbon 50,000 yards Ribbon, fancy warp print, taffeta and moire, 3V to 6 inches wide, black, white and all colors. All new groods, never shown before. Q ' Regoilar 35c to 50 values, on special sale at the vet-y low price, the yard X iG 50,000 Pairs Women's Kid Gloves at 83c 50.000 pairs "Women's Kid Gloves, pique overseams. Mocha, chamois and cape, black, white -and all colors ; sizes 51 to 7. All new, desirable mer- Q o chandise; regular $1.23 and $1.50; on sale at this special low price OOC 50,000 Women's Handkerchiefs 12c Each 50,000 Women's Handkerchiefs, initials, embroidered and all around and em broidered corner effects, all with quarter-inch H. S. ; beautiful new patterns, all linen. This is a lot of goods that we contracted for last September. - ty just for this sale, and are wonderful values; regular 25e and 35c; sp'l X $1 ress Goods '-Wonders Grade at 79c Yar s . Complete line of seasonable shades, all wool chevron striped dress goods, medium weight. Just the fabrics for good, serviceable gowns for misses or women; all new half-tone and pastel shades; $1 values 45 inches, self -stripe Wool Taffeta; full range of colors. For street or home wear. A soft, clinging fabric ; $1 vals. ; special this sale, yd. O C 54-inch light and dark two-tone coloring in diagonal, stripes A and gray mixtures ; regular $1.75 values ; Anniversary price J) J, . 2. 100 pieces of the best grade imported French Challies, new designs and colorings, in Parisian and Escurial design, light, medium and dark color; suitable for kimonos, dressing sacques, house gowns, dresses l3 C Entire stock of Dress Goods at reduced prices. Take advantage of this sale. 50c SUITING, in white and black stripes and small gray checks. O 7 Special for the Anniversary "Wonder Sale at this low price, the yard J C Black and white, tan and. blue, tan and green' and gray check f f Suiting; regular $1 values, special Anniversary Wonder Sale price OiC 54-INCH SHIRTWAIST SUITING in stripes, checks and mixture Q Q effects; regular $1.50 values, special for the Anniversary at, yard Fancy Trimmings at 25 Per Cent Off Our Entire stock of fancy Trimmings, Jets, Pearls, Gold and Silver Spangles, and the very newest in, bands, festoons and garniture effects, reduced ONE-FOURTH Embroidered Net Bands, Edges and Appliques, in all the late colorings a fp and designs, 14 to 8 inches wide. Special for this extraordinary sale Vl Gold, silver, bronze and gnnmetal Bands, Edges and Appliques, all new a tff and dainty patterns, y2 to 6 inches wide. Special price for this sale Vll 1 000 Fine W Mte Waists Values to $5 at Unrivaled values in up-to-date combinations of fine Lawn and Batiste Waists, with machine embroidery and laces. Four different designs to choose from. A very pretty model is made with one side jabot of lace, and imitation baby Irish insertion. The dainty yoke i3 made of a combination of Maltese inser tion and imitation baby Irish, with very effective embroidered dots, finished with pin tucks. . The sleeves and back are prettily trimmed with fine Valen ciennes insertion and pin tucks. Collar made of Valenciennes and Maltese insertion. Other models have yoke effect of applique medallion and embroid ery' design, also alternating square medallions of a pretty pat- t-t A O tern of Venise lace insertion. Values to $5.00, on special sale at Qfa.rO Imported Taiior-Made Suits Imported Rep Tailor-made Suits, with regulation length coat, semi-fitting, single-breasted. Small rever and notch collar, pearl button trimmed. Skirt full pleated, with deep hem. Come in the colors, tan, blue, white & a and lavender. All sizes in the lot. Values up to $10.00, special DO.rJ3 Tailor-made Suits of diagonal serge, Frencn back, seven-eighths fitting, deep shawl collar, braid trimmed, three button front and full pleated skirt. Colors, navy, Copenhagen, black, rose and tan. Sizes to 42 q bust measure. Our regular values to $25.00, special sale at i) X vJ.O3 MRS. ELORRA BUTLER DIES IMoncer Resident of Oregon- Called From Earth. Mj' Elvira. J. Butter, of this ctty. a pioneer of Oregon, died yesterday morn Jni? &t St. Vincent's Hcwpital. aged 78 years. Mrs. Butler was born In Missouri, land was t daughter of the late Tr. James 'ALcBrtde and Mabala Miller McBride. of Yamhill County. With her parents, she crossed the plains to Oregon In 1846, set tling near McMinnvlIle. She was mar ried In 1SS4 to the late Benjamin E Butler, and resided for & number of years at . The Dalles. For the. past 20 years she had made her home at St. Helens and in Portland. Mrs. Butler Is survived by a daughter. Mrs. Walton McNair. of North Yakima, Wash., and a eon. Marion O. Butler, of Portland. She -was a elster of ex-Senator George W. McBride, and Justice T. A. McBride. of the Oregon Supreme Court. The funeral -will be held tomorrow aft ernoon at 2:30 o'clock at the Portland Crematorium. Friends are Invited. Fully nine out of every ten case, of rheumatism is simply rheumatism of the muscles due to cold or damp, or chronic rheumatism, neither of which require atiy Internal treatment. All that Is needed to afford relief is the free application- of Chamberlain's Lini ment. Give it a trial. You are certain to be pleased with the quick relief which It affords. Sold by all dealers. HOME STRAWBERRIES HERE First to Appear In Local Market Are Large, Luscious and Red. Strawberries, big, lucioua and red, grown by C. Tonseth. of the . Tonseth Floral Company, at Mllwaukle, were marketed yesterday in Portland. They -were the first home-grown berries to appear In local markets and owing to their early appearance, much comment was excited. "We have had them at our table more than a week," said Mr. Tonseth. "Thev have as fine a flavor as any I have ever eaten." Change In Time Northern Pacific Rail-way. . ; Effective May 1 Tacoma-Seattle Six press -will leave at 6:46 A. M. Instead of 7:00 A. M. . Smith Wants Dressed Veal and Pork We want dressed vea.1 and pork and live chickens. We do not charge com mifasion. We will pay you promptly. Ship any quantity and ship any day. We will pay a follows for rood .fat stuff: Dressed Veal. 9o to 10c Dressed Pork. Live Hens. 18c. i Egga, 23c Address alt shipments FRANK I. SMITH MEAT CO Flirhtlnsr the Beef Trust.' PORTLAND, OREGON. SMITH'S Norway Creamery Butter I'll tell you the only place you get It is at a. Smith market. It's the best butter in this town or any other town absolutely sweet, fresh Oregon Cream from Jersey cows and It's cheap, cheap, cheap. The best and cheapest butter on earth. Full 2 lbs., only 60T.