THE MORXIXG OREGONIAN. WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1910. 1 FOB RENT. Housekeeping Roomi in Private Family. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms in private family; 15 minutes walk from P. O. ; feas, .electric lights, bath and laun dry furnished. $25 a month adults only. C. S. preferred. Call A 70a2. 3'J2 ttth. $11 Two furnished housekeeping rooms, West phone; no Side, walking distance, oain, children. 144 Porter Ft. Phone A 4004. TWO, three, four-room suites, swell fur nished housekeeping rooms: gas range, sink; beautiful location; walking distance, C56 Glisan. ; TWO nicely furnished suites of housekeep llght and ing rooms; also single room heat furnished. 453 K. Pine Bt. TWO housekeeping rooms, clean, conven ient, ground rioor, walking distance, $4 per weak. 411 th st. i SUITES, lower floor, sink, bay window, free bath, light, phone, choice neighbor hood ; walking distance. 4.1 2 10th st- 8 F1JRXISHED housekeeping rooms1, modern. 195 14th St., corner of Taylor at. Houses. WHEN you move you'll eed new furniture. Jiuy It Judiciously and the savings will ex ceed your moving expenses. Our NOREjNT FK1CES made us one ot the largest furniture house In the cityt ia two years. Lookers shown same courtesy as buyers, MORGAN-ATCHLEY PUKXITURB CO. 6b-75 Grand Ave., Cor. East Star St. EaL Ankeny and K usee 11 -Shaver carline pass our door. CALX at our office (do not phone), make your wants known and we will do our best to please you. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Rent Dept.. Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT New, strictly modern 6-room house, sleeping porch, etc.; ready for oc cupancy May 7; Irvington district, $32.50. Call 4:i5 E ?th. N., cor of Tillamook. 11-ROOM house, good condition, suitable one. large or two small families; gas, baths, hot and cold water. 9th E. Ankeny. Phone East GU35. WHLN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co. Main lulS, A 1984. All covered wag oni. all experienced men. S-KOOM modern house, close in. 292 East 22d st. and Hawthorne ave. Call 314 Sal mon. A 432. NEW $-room house, one block from two car lines; excellent locality. 135 E. 20 to, St.. north, cor. Hoyt. NICE 5 room cottage on South avenue and East 17 th st- Win. S. Gibson, llbO Mil wankie ave. HOL'E 1 RENT. 7-KOoM HOL'S E 208 14th.. nearJ eft arson. SWELL new apartment, t rooms and sleep In g-porch. oOJ Laxld ave. , near 12th and Hawthorne. i FOR BENT 5-room modern fiat. 15th and Lnvejoy sts. Key 2 doors west. MODERN 6-room house, East 2d, near East Gllsun, $23.50. Phone East 4 19 7. SIX-ROOM house, bath, gas. electric light basement. 43Q Harrison. Apply at 4'2s. 8-ROOM house on Johnson St., between 23d and 24th. Phone Main 4134. 7-ROOM house for rent .$20. 849 E. Stark St., near 2Sth. 7-ROOM modern house at 75 East 10th st., north- Inquire at 73 East 10th. north. I'umlHhcd House. A NEW, handsomely furnishel 7-room h( use with all modem conveniences, fireplace and furnace ; Mt. Tabor; line view ; between 2 carllnes; price $0O per month. Inquire 224 Eaet 53d at. NEW modern 8-room house in Nob Hill district, will rent 'furnished or unfur nished, reasonable rent to right party. Phone A 4S2H. m COTTAGES, well furnished, $17.60, $20; house keeping suites, furnished, IS to $12 month. Apply 304 N. 26th; W car from depot, on 3d or Morrison to 2Qth. block nurth. ATTRACTIVE bungalow, handsomely fur nished, delightful location; $75 month. 1048 Thurman. FOR RENT For three months from June 20; furnished house and1 'juarter block Irvington. Address J 034. Oregonlan. KURMSHED apartments, fine central loca tion, hajidy to business; moderate rent. Main 2,119. 5-ROOM cottajre. well furnished, modern, nice yard . Phone Main 8382. FURNISHED houpe for rent. 103S East Main st. Call Tabor 075. B 2312. HOUSE, furnished, S. B. 74th e-w Call 546 & Washington st. FOR RENT 7-room furnished house. on Portland Heights. Main 5017. FURNISHED flat. 00th and King st.. North; $75; strictly modern. NICELY furnished flats at Front and Mar ket sts. lnqufre S-iO hit Front St. MODERN 6-room house, nicely furnished. East 5913. FURNISHED 7-room house with garage. E. Everett, near 20th. Phone A 4047. Houses for Rent. Furniture for Sale, 6-ROOM FLAT. Modern 6-room Hut. rent $35, with 2 rooms rented for $35; very fine furniture and for sale at a bargain, $500, $275 cash, balance can be paid moihly; this flat Is on Kith, near Couch. MORRISON ST. HOUSE. 1 5-room house, rent only $05, with $160 worth of rooms rented; furniture is first class and for sale for $14O0, part cash, balance $J5 per month; on Morrison St.; tine location. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. SEVERAL modern cottages for rent for sea son; some may be occupied at once for the same price; also cottages and other properties tor sale at reasonable prices. Alex Gilbert & Son, Seaside, Or. FOR SALE "-One solid oak dining suit, one mahogany bod room suit, one parlor suit, ami four Smith Axminster rugs ; good as new. S-'2 Capital ave. mhumh for Kent. Furniture for Hale. COMPLETE furnish iiiks of modern 6-room house for sate, house for rent; close in; two rooms now rented almost pay rent of house. 889 Gltsan. Phone A 3066. T-HOOM house with alcove, furnished 6 months ago: upstairs pays all expenses; rent only 25; fcood location. Call Main a sr. 4. 0-HOO.M house, arranged In housekeeping suites; good Income, good furniture and carpets; very reasonable. 173 X. 17th. -ROOM cottage for rent, furniture for sale; three permanent boarders; owner going K a s t . East MIS. . FL RN1TI" RE for sale. 5-room cottage for rent Call ;!71 3d st. FURNITURE of 5 rooms for sale. $100; flnt for rent. $14. Call 521 Mill st. Main 5024. . Summer Resorts. FOR RENT My log cabin. Seaside: well furnished, electric lights, city water, etc K. B. Piper. Tho Oregonlan. Store. 6TEAM-KEATED. well-lighted and ventilated vt ore Ik new building, Washington St., near 19th. suitable lor groceries, drugs or delicat essen. Arrangements can be mads which would assure splenuLd trade. Rent very reasonable to couiiuenoe. Might help finance capable people. W. MOKQAN, N'3 Ablngtop bldg. FOR RENT B-story brick: building, 2d and Ash; also large brick building suitable for automobile garage. Apply R. T Cox Main 422. LARGH STORE All or part. 184-180 Pecond sr., near business center, out of high rent and high water distxiot. Morgan, S20W Washing ton, room FOR RENT 4-story and basement brick store building. 100x105, S. E. corner Frost and Pine sts. Apply O. A. Dolph, Mohawk blcg. FOR RENT until June 15, space for stani. beet location during Koe Festival. Call 127 6th su. cigar store. ONF3 new storeroom. 25xt. left la new block. Apply at drugstore. ttoO Front a. Either "F' or "B" car. Offices. FLOOR space. 40x60. suitable for light manufacturing or print in office; also well office rooms for rent. Inquire of A. O. Churchley. photographer, 145 h 8d St. FOR RENT A few offices in Couch bid APPy Lewis bldg. rKK ROOM for rent. 4QS-410 Couch bldg. BALLROOM, good location. In good condi tion, reasonable. B. F. Jones. 800 Front. TO LEASE. LOOK HERE. The General German Aid Society will entertain bids for leasing Its property, 100x100 feet, southeast corner Morrison and Eleventh sts.. for a term not to ex ceed 50 years. Will deal with principals only. Apply to H. C. BOHLMAN. Secretary, 46 North Ninth St. IOfcT AND FOUND. LOST, or taken by mistake, raincoat and gloves, from Grand Lodge Hall. Masonic Temple. Party having the same will please return to janitor of Temple. (sTRAlED Bay pony, white on forehead and brand 06 on hip: reward. Phone Main 27H7 or Sellwood HQ. JO.-r or stolen, an sccrdfn. with hx, S.-it-f urday night. FinJer will plese return and i f aoaiv jewarA Xxoca o&&r a iior tik d lost ani rotyp. FOUND Where yoa can buy genuine hair mattresses retail at wholesale prices; wa renovate mattresses and return same day. Portland Curled Hair Factory, H. Metzger, 228 Front Phone Main 474. A 1374. LOST Black: Australian swan, last seen in .the "Willamette at Rock Island; liberal re ward. O. F. Witte. Costal Laka Park. . Milwaukee. Phone Red 222. FOUND Where watches, diamonds and jew elry are sold for amount loaned and one month's Interest. Uncle Myers Collateral Bank, 71 6th St.. near Oak st. LOST A ladies' brooch; c pearl and red enamel, with small diamond 1n center. Leave at 501 Dekum bldg. and receive re ward. LOST 3-stone diamond ring. Tuesday, between- Wheedon Apartments and Meier Frank store. Reward if returned to the Wheidon. apartment 23. SPECIAL, NOTICES. Proposals Invited. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Seal&d proposals will be received by the Water Commission of the City of St. Helens. Oregon, up to May 12, 8 P. M., 110. for the material and labor required in the installation of proposed water sys tem of said city, according to the plans and specifications now on file at the Secre tary of the Water Commission at St. Helens, Oregon. Proposals will be considered for the whole or any part of the work and ma terial. Proposals must be made upon the blank forms furnished by the city and obtainable from the Secretary of the Com mission, and all required formalities must be complied with, in order to secure con sideration. Plans may be seen at the office of the Secretary, or the office of Elliott & Scog gin. Portland, Oregon. All proposals must be addressed to the Water Commission of the City of St. Hel ens, Oregon, and must bo accompanied by a certified check for 10 pr cent of the amount of the bid, check to be made pay able to the order of the Chairman of the "Water Commission of St. Helens. Oregon, as a guarantee that contract will be en tered into if the proposal is accepted. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. ST. HELENS BOARD OF WATER COM MISSION. By H. F. McCormick, President. A T. Laws. Secretary. NOTICE of sale of state lands Notice . is hereby given that the State Laad Board will receive sealed bid until lO o'clock A. M., June 2, 1&10, for the following-described school lands, to-wit: All of section 16, T. 29 Si, R. 9 W.; all of section 36, T. 31 S., R. 2 W. ; the southwest , west H of south east 4. and lots 3 and 4. section 16. T. 82 S.. R. 13 W.; all of section 16, T. 39 S.. R. 13 W. ; the north of south and lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of section 16, T. 41 S., R. 12 W. ; the northwest a of northwest 4, northeast 14 and northeast of southeast of sec tion 16, T. 3S S.. R. 22 E-; lots 1, 2. 3 end 4, and southeast of southwest i. and south 1 of southeast 34 of section 16, T. 9 S., R. 13 E. ; loLs L 2. 3. 4, and the west of east y, east of west V. southwest of northwest and west of southwest V of section 30, T. 39 R. 11 E. All bids must be accompanied by a regularly exe cuted application to purchase and at least one-fifth of the amount offered. No bldV of less than S.50 per acre will be considered. Tne riht is reserved to reject any and all bids. Applications and bitia Hould be ad dressed to C O. Brown, Clerk State Land Board, Salem, Oregon, and marked "Appli cation and bid for purchase state lands." C. G. Brown, Clerk S late Land Board. Datel March 24. 1910. . - SEA LED bide will be received at the office of the School Clerk. City Hall, up to 12 o'clock noon on Friday. May 6, lUlO, for the erection of the following school build ings, viz. : The Woodstock school building and the Lents school building. Separate . bids will be received as follows: First, plumbing and drainage; second, glass and glazing; third, the balance of the work to be done under one contract. Plans and specifications for same can be ee'en at the architect's office. City Hall. A certified check for lv per cent of the amount of bid must accompany each proposal. The Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any and all bids. T. J. JONES. Architect. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMAS TER, 4S2 Arcade Annex. Seattje. Wash., May 2, 1910 Sealed proposals In tripli cate) for the construction of a water sys tem, including construction of building, engine-pump, etc., two reinforced concrete reservoirs, one catch-basin, one settling tank and distributing system at Fort Ward. Washington, will be received here until 11 A. M.. May 2$. 1910, and then publicly opened. Information, plans, spe ciiications and proposal blanks furnished on applicatln to Capt- E. C. Long, Con s true ting Quartermaster. ' ' CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMASTER'S OF FICE, Vancouver Barracks, Wash., May 2. 1910 Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received at this office until 11 A. M. May 27, 1910, and then publicly opened, fur remodeling of plumbing in S barracks and 4 water closet buildings at this post." plans and specifications can be seen at this office, or will be loaned on deposit of $5 to insure safe return. The United States reserves the right to reject or ac cept any or all bids or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be Indorsed "Proposals for Plumbing" and ad dressed to the Constructing Quartermaster. M iscel lan eous. . STATE TREASURER'S FIRST NOTICE). Treasury Department, SHate of Oregon. Salem, May 1, 1910. Notice Is hereby given that there are funds in the State Treasury with which to redeem all outstanding mate warrants drawn on the general fund, Indorsed "Presented and not paid for want of funds" prior to this date. All such warrants, if properly in dorsed, will be paid upon presentation at this office. Interest thereon ceasing from and alter this date. GEO. A. STEEL, State Treasurer. HEIRS OF CECILIA BROCK, " The heirs of Cecilia Brock, who lived In Portland many years, and died about the 3d of July, 1909, will learn something to their advantage by communicating with W. O. Alvord, 41S Failing bldg.. Portland. Or. My wife having left my bed and board, I will not be responsible for any debts con tracted by her after April 30. - Geo. F. Sheran. FAIR DEAL will move to 62 N. 3d st. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. COMM1SION BUSINESS Live man, used to eggs, poultry, etc.. can purchase interest; good salary and excellent investment. Don't answer unless you mean business. AF 932, uregonlan. REAL ESTATE man wants partner at once to show land; good chance for young man; no experience necessary; little money re quired. See me tooay. National Realty, JiJO1- Wash, st., room 510. FOR SALE General merchandise store, close to Portland, doing $100 per day. P. O. in store pays rent; Invoice 945O0; will stand investigation. Phone Wood lawir 2434. MOTION picture theaters bought, sold or ex changed; interests purchased or sold; thea ters financed; sketches furnished; plana drawn. Call or write, 0I8 Koihchlld bldg.. Portland. $170 MADE a million In California otL Our free booklet tells the story; mailed upon request. Wo offer nothing formal in this booklet. Sagar-Loomls Company, Phelan bldg., San Francisco. FINE cigar store for sale,, heart of city, clearing $125 monthly; splendid fixtures, fresh stock, cheap rent; price only $2i0; really worth $400. . Call 320 Washing ton sL. room S14. CASH store Partner wanteds to wait on customers, etc; pay $4 to S3 per day; $250 required. Particulars 417 .Board of Trade. RESPONSIBLE real estate owner with too much business for one has fine opening for steady, sober man as partner. Call 417 Board of Trade. $150 TAKES fully-equipped real estate of rice; good list on hand ; cheap nent; owner leaving city. Call 314 Hamilton bldg. for particulars, FO R S A LB -Oi gar and con fee tion ery st ore, gaod business and long lease- will sell at wcMflce, only $f50; this month's rent paid. 201 '-a Morrison mt. I must leave the cltv. Be tor BUYING or BELLING any MIMING. OIL WIRELESS or INDUSTRIAL, took, get our prices. Davidson A Cu., Lewis bldg. Phono Marshall 778. COMPLETE furnishings of modern 6-room house for sale, house for rent; close In; two rooms now rented almost pay rent of house. CS Ollsan. Phone A 3i6g. BAKERY, confectionery and Ice cream parlor; will guarantee a net profit of $200 a month. Investigate. Trial given. R t24, Oregonlan. WANTED Young man with $200 cash as partner to show property and work In office, owner is tired of hired help. 342 Fitth st. $9X BUYS a 60-foot corner more. 20x30. two stories, stock, fixtures and furniture. Owner, M. C. Cray. 431 Salmon st. BUTCHER shop, close in, doing good busi ness, cheap rent; living-room, tit a bar gain it taken at once. M 937, Qregonian. FOR SALE Half interest in retail lumber business, close to Portland ; good oppor tunity. small capital. AK M1, Oregonlan. OF.OCERT. confectionery and bakery, all com bined, for sale or lease, or would trade for city property. 64rl 1st st. FOR SALE Home bakery and dairy lunch; good business and good stand; no agents. 44t2 Washington st. WANTED Hotel, cigar nd news stand; price a;-.d particular. AF fi-'TS. Oregonlan. $& BUYS stock, fixture and f uj-niture. Ctw&ar M, C Cray, 131 fcaJ-ha BUSXNESS OPPORTUNITIES. GILT-EDGE OPPORTUNITY. An unusual opportunity presents Itself whereby man or woman can act as active or silent partner in large, well-established, manufacturing lumber mills; capacity. 70. 000 feet daily; located on R &0 miles from Portland, and owning over tiO.OOO. 000 feet of timber, mostly white pine, and 347 acres of deeded lands on mill site which can be sold at $30 per acre. -For reasons which will be thoroughly ex plained owners require immediately a few thousand dollars in exchange of which a I one-third Interest in company's - Interests and holdings will be turned over. This Is a bona fide proposition and will stand the strictest investigation. Highest bank ing references. Investor will be shown every detail in connection with this busi ness proposition. Company runs Its own store, boarding-house, residences, etc. with above properties. This is an excep tional opportunity for investment, and one which will yield immediate and large re turns. F 925. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN! STRANGER I Make careful Investigation at expense of seller before you invest money In any proposition. Advisory Department. Y. M, C A. PERPETUAL UNCOME ASSUBJED. "We offer a safe, gilt-edged iifvestment, based on lines of inheritance, whereby per petual incomes may be assured; by in vesting $1000 to $10,000 NOW. TODAY, you can become Independent. This propo sition is limited and will be closed quick ly. For particulars apply at 402 Oregonlan bldg.. fourth floor. 10O PER CENT profit I have a choice tract of apple land lh miles from Mosier, which can be set to apples and sold to yield 10O per cent profit in a year; would require 10.O0O to buy and set to trees, but will stand thorough investiga tion; Is being- done largely. 1-41 First st.. room 10- OIL. AND GASOLINE BUSINESS. Young, active partner wanted in tn wholesal and retail oil and gasoline busi ness; established 17 years; pays over J800 per month clear profit; 8 days trial given before buying. Price $1600 cajh. For sale by owner, 410 E. Market St, East 5 313. LET GEORGE DO IT. "If you, want to be located In business In Portland or otherwise, call in end let George show you. his list of business chances. I have got some nice openings; rooming houses, grocery, confectionery, poolrooms, sa loons, hardware, paints and grocery and no tlon store. 221 Henry. Ask for George. STRANGERS, ATTENTION. "We Invite you to call at our office and get our printed list of high-class business opportunities; they are .ppen to the fullest investigation ; any business we recommend we are willing to loan you half the monev. Particulars call room 523 Lumber Exchange. WE CAN SELL' YOUR. BUSINESS QUICKLY AND QUIETLY. Have tash customers waiting. Confi dential matters handled with tact and discretion. HATCH & SLOCUM. 403 Commercial Block. WANTED Partner, young man who Is thoroughly posted In clothing business In Portland; must have from J3O0O to $5000 capital; advertiser will furnish all neces sary balance of capi tal ; referenc11. re quired and given. ' See Parrish, Watklns fc Co.. 230 Alder st. CONSTRUCTION engineer, "factory doctor" will prescribe methods and means which, if adhered to, will Increase the product In quantity and quality; man skilled and practical; consultation free; references. D tt."t. Oretro n i an. OWNER must sell Nicely located suburban confectionery and ice cream parlor will be sold at a sacrifice on account of owner be ing unable to attend to the business; living rooms in connection with bath. AD 028, Oregonlan. SALOON THE BEST OPPORTUNITY IN PORTLAND. PARTICULARS 2St "WASH INGTON ST., ROOM 612. THE Ames Mercantile Agency have the latest information on business opportun ities; parties desiring to engage in busi ness in this city or state are requested to call. The Ames Mercantile Agency, Ablngton bldg. Established 1S95. SOLID MANUFACTURING BUSINESS Owner will take partner,' as he cannot de pend on hired help; pay salary of $125 monthly, besides profits, which, will be guax onteed. Particulars 523 Lumber Exchange. PORTLAND representative capable of earning $1000 a month to handle the sale of most attractive stock proposition on the market. Rare opportunity, Address Pacific Chemical Co., Fay bldg-. Log Angeles. Cal. DELICATESSEN Business center; receipts 15 to $20 daily; 4 newly furnished rooms upstairs and 2 downstairs; entire rent $35 per month; 2-year lease: reasons for selling; cheap. 617 Board of Trade. SA LOON Partner wan ted ; can' t depend on hired help: fine, central place doing over $100 day business; chance seldom, offered. Call 248',$ Stark st. FOR SALE Country merchandise store doing a business $35,000 yearly; to settle up an estate can be bought at invoice. Call room 523 Lumber Exchange. "WHY do we sell all kinds of rooming-houses and other business Investments? Ask us. REED & LOCK HART. 617 Board of Trade. COMPLETELY furnished hotel and large brick annex in connection, best location, Lewiston, Idaho. Apply 810 Board of Trade. Phone Marshall 88. $lO0 TO $2000 for an exclusive business that will show a value of $SO00 to $10, 000 in 60 days; local investment. AN 940, Qregonian. A v GOOD location for a small business, living rooms in connection: $12.50 per month. Mc Kenna & Waidt, 11D5 Belmont, cor. 38th. Tabor S65. ONE storeroom. 20x60, In new block, suit able for confectionery, ice cream and fruit. Apply at drugstore. Front and Qlbbs st. CONTROLLING interest in new established brewery located in the Orient; good, reason for selling. Address Kalmukl Land Corn pan y. Ltd.. Honolulu. T. ii. WOOD-WORKING plant; good business; own property; fine opening for live man. Hall Bowers, 321 Lumbermens bldg. 5, lO, 15-Cent store, clean stock, good lo cation and doing good business. Bloch Realty Co., 221 Lumbermens bidg. PARTNER wanted to help in store; will pay energetic man $30 week; requires very lit- tle money. Call 248 1 Stark st. MILLINERY and hair store. Wash, st- loca tion, good lease; swell stock. Hall St Bowers. 321 Lumbermens bldg. UPON investment of $20W you start to work at $25 a week. For particulars write F 936, Oregonlan. RESTAURANT, 3 years', good loca tion. Bloch Realty Co, 221 Lumbermens Mdg. RESTAURANT on "Wash, st., doing good business, $700. Hall & Bowers, il21 Lum bermens bldg. PARTNER wanted used to farm produce; owner will guarantee good salary and share Of profits. Call g434 tslBTK. St. FOR SALI3 Best cash grocery proposition for sale in Portland; well equipped. p 037 Qregonian. CONFECTIONERY, no rent, 0 years' leanei sales $25 a day. Hall & Bowers. 321 Luxn bermens bldg. PARTNER wanted for cash grocery; pay you $150 month: need not pay one cent before you try It. Call 2434 Stark st. PARTNER in quick-finish postal card studio; good money maker; no experience required. 6S6 Hood st. GROCERY store, 3 living rooms; leasei trade $23 a day; $7r.O. Hall & Bowers,- 321 Lumbermens bldg. GROCERY store. 8 years' lease; near High School. Bloch Realty Co.. 221 Lumber mans bldg. $3TiO Partner wanted, not afraid to work; pay you $0 a day; experleno not necessary. Cafl room 523 Lumber Exchange-. HARDWARE store We have three to choose from; all good buys. Hall At Bow ers. 821 Lumbermens bldg. klMNQ AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Telephone and other bonds bought ana sold Fletcher Inr Co.. 225 Ab lng ton. SOLID STORE Partner wanted; prefer office man; clears $00 month; money fully se- cured. Call Z4Sfr fetaric st. ROOM 1 NO-H OUSE. 3 S rooms ; rent $55 a month; $9K0. Hal I & Bowers. 321 Lum- bermens bldg. PLA NINO-MILL, best located in Portland, doing excellent business, for sale at In- volce. about $8000. V 921. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Corner cash grocery, no deliv ery; can't be beat. See this before yju buy. 520 Washington st. iENT3" furnishing goods store in beat coun try town: will Invoice about $150; chance seldom offered. Call 24S1,! Stark st. MOVING PICTURE THEATER For sale; fine established movlng-p!c-ture theater. Portland; 026 Washington. FOR SALE, cheap completely equipped' theater. Newman Motion Picture Co., ftrjrt Washington st. CIGAR and confectionery, fine location. :t00 Ploch Realty Co.. 221 Lumbermen's b i d g. FFED STORE at actual invoice; clears $3iH month. Call 24b Stark st B-CSTNESa OPPORTUNITIES. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE. Fine clean stock of groceries, dry goods, clothing, shoes, notions and hardware- In one of Portland's best suburbs; sales $18, OOO per year; guaranteed; stock and fix tures will Invoice about $9000; nice large glass front; store can be bought for $30ih or leased at $26 per month; S-roora resi dence anal -acre ground can be -had for $3000 or leased for $15 per month; freight unloaded right at door; electric line 2 blocks away ; if you want a fine business on a paying basis, this one will bear strict est Investigation. GRUSSI A ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. HAIR-DRESSING PARLORS. One of the finest hair-dressing and manicuring parlors In the city, in a brick building, with a two years lease; rent only $75 per month ; clearing $300 per month above all expenses ; owner has other business Interests and Is forced to sell; price 93600; part cash, balance good terms, GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. LIFE; INCOME -ASSURED. We offer a safe, gilt-edged investment, based on lines of inheritance, whereby per petual incomes may be assured: by invest ing $1000 to $10,000 NOW, TODAY, you can become independent. This proposition is limited and will be closed quickly. For par Hculars apply at 402 Oregonlan bldg.. fourth L floor.'- Norman Inv. Co. A PAYINO BUSINESS. A nice clean business on a paying basis. In a brick building, in one of the best business districts in the city; established 6 years and .clearing $250 per month; price $1500. We guarantee this business to be bona fide. GRUSSI & - ZADOW. S17 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. FOR SALE Business. Good dry cleaning and pressing establishment. New ma chinery, wagon, etc. Good location and doing a fine business. Well established. "Am going away." $930 will buy it. For further particulars, write P. O, Box 157, Eugene, Oregon. PARTNER wanted to help manage estab lished business, experience not necessary; must be sober and reliable; excellent op portunity for right man. It's the man we want, not hia money. Room S, S62 Washington. MOVING-PICTURE films, machines; every thing for moving-picture business for rent or sale. If you ana planning to open a how we are ready to assist you. Write for our best offer. Laeramle Film Serv loe. Pantages bldg.. . Portland. Or. PROMOTER wanted to incorporate and finance company for manufacturing pat-ent-ed mining machine; plant in operation; will stand closest investigation. 2&3 K. Morrison st.. room 1. HOTEL. This place clears over $500- per month 7 years' lease, low rent. If you mean business stay a month to investigate. Par tlculars 315 Lumber Exchange bldg. GROCERY AND MEAT SHOP. One of the best small businesses In town; turns Itself monthly; invoice $2000 to $250O; no bonus. Call room-' 315 Lum t ber Exchange bldg. THE best investment In the United States -or the small Investor; safety and rapidly increasing value can be shown; value has doubled In past 30 days. Investigate this. AE 834 Oregonlan. RESTAURANT Sell cheap; . nice little place; good location and business; $300 cash. $150 easy; will trade; investment for two partners or man and wife. AJ 844, Oregonlan. CIGAR and confectionery store with poolroom and living-rooms in rear; good-location and old stand; will cell cheap if taken at oncej owner must leave the city In May. Address V. R., '682 Commercial St.. Astoria, Or. CIGAR , and confectionery ; long lease ; owner has other business. 375 East Morrison. DRUG STORE, long established, good loca tion ; good buslnesa. AJ 917, Oregon lam FOR SALE Bakery; a lucky stand; will bear Investigation. 383 B. Clay st. ROOMING-HOUSES. PRICE" REDUCED, DON'T WAIT. 32 rooms, all an one floor, in business block, only few squares from this office. FURNITURE and CARPETS EXTRA GOOD; one of the BEST TRANSIENT houses In the city; rent only $1 Oo; LEASE 4 YEARS; proiits $150 a month, and can be greatly increased. Price $2750 for Qufck ale. We have OTHERS, all sizes and prices. O. C. R, ELLIS & CO.. 326v&. Washington St., Rooms 201-202, WHY NOT SEE THIS? 24 rooms. In BEST WEST SIDE NEIGH BORHOOD; completely and well furnished in 2 and 3-room housekeeping suites; fur nace, gas, 4 baths; rent only $85, with lease: and clearing $100 a month over all expenses. Price only $1800, time on part, or take clear lot as part. O. C. R. ELLIS Sr. CO.. 320. Washington SU, Rooms 201-202. SEE IT AND YOU WILL BUY. This MODERN 35-room NEW BRICK; running HOT and COLD WATER in EVERY ROOM; fine baths, gas and elec tric lights, steam heat; excellent loca tion; receipts from rooms $4.!0; rent $170; LEASE G years. Price 5000, part cash. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO., 326 Washington St., Rooms 201-202. LOOK ROOMING-HOUSES LOQK. $550, 7 rooms, close in; a dandy. 12 rooms, rent $40; clean, good location, $850 and you can't beat it. APARTM ENT HOUSES. If you are looking for one see us. We have them, all sizes. NEVISON-FOSTER, 319 Board of Trade Bldg. SEE THIS AND YOU WILL LOOK NO FURTHER. 32 rooms, corner brick; steam heat; all on one floor; fine for steady and tran sient; furniture, everything the very best and house easily -worth $5000; price for quick sale, $i0O0. Particulars, 417 Board of Trade. 89 ROOMS, .housekeeping. Washington st.; best renting location, clearing $3oO monthly- a bargain; small amofrnt of cash needed. 30 rooms, brick, business center; cheap rent, lease, terms. 58 rooms, a main business street; 8-year lease; none better; $4200. terms. 9 rooms. $25 rent; a snap. -Main 4675. 617 Board f Trade, SNAP FOR $050. -room flat. In business block, right down town; furniture hardwood; good carpets. neaMy new, rent only $35; clears $00 over all expenses; $UiO handles iU O. -C. R. ELLIS & CO.. S'JGH "Washington St.. Rooms 201-202. 22 BOOMS, apartments, close In; house de sirable In every respect; furniture very fine and can't be beat for price asked; house clears over $100 every month; price S150O; $800 cash. Particulars 417 Board of Trade. OWNER SICK, MUST SACRIFICE. Fine furniture of 12-room house, near City Hall; rent $30; house modern and full of roomers; clears $50 a month; price 3 GOO, terms. Call417 Board of Trade. KOOMIXG-HOUSES and apartment houses, all sizes,' bought, sold and exchanged PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO., 313 Henry Building. COMPLETELY furnished hotel and large brick annex in connection, best location, Lewiston. Idaho. Apply 610 BoarsA. Trade. Phone Marshall 8S. OWNER must -sell family hotel clearing $250 per month, terms. AE 039. Qregonian. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan Keal Estate, MONEY to loan on real estate, any amount, at lowest rates, quickly furnished. Hatch & S locum, 403 Commercial block. PRIVATE and Eastern funds to loan; any amo.unt ; some 6 per cent, Henry C. Prud homme Co., 636 Chamber -of Commerce. MONEY to loan at reasonable rates, in sums from $500 up. -Xhe Dunn-Lawrence Co. 24S Alder st. MONEY loaned, building purposes. If con- suited before building begins. 309 Henry bid, MONEY to loan, any amount. 6 to 8 per cent. Goodnougfa & Seitz. 718 Board of MONEY to loan; mortgages bought. Wm. Hoil. 9 Washington bJdg.. 4th and Wash. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort gages. H- Miley. room 204 Gerlinger bldg. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mortgages, wara. AtisKy mag. $200, .000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty: building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck, S12 Falling biag. WILL loan $250O or less on real estate. Hitchcock. 610 Rothchildbldg. MONEY to loan- on improved city and farm property- 4Q6 Henry bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON. 2S3 STARK ST. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat- eral .security. C. W. Pallett. 308-9 Fenton. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. F. H. LEWIS. 3 LEWIS BLDG. LOANS ON INSIDE CITY PROPERTY, 5 TO 7 PER CENT. 814 LEWIS BLDQ. WILL loan $5000 or less, real estate. Far rington. 41S Commercial Club bldg. WE BUY back accounts, securities, foroign ,mony loans, F. JbL Lewis, 3 .Lewi bld. FtNANCIAL. Money to Loan- -Keal Estate. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes; 3 to 5 years' time; liberal repayment privileges; money advanced as buiidfca progresses. The Equitable Sav in cs & Loan Association, 240 Sxaxk st. MONEY to loan on improved city prop erty and farms in amounts of l00u up. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. MORTGAGE loans on Portland real estate and Oregon farms for borrower or lend er. Gibson o Holliday, 304 and ft Ger- linger bldg. PLENTY of money to loan at 6 and 7 per cent on real estate security. EDW. P. MALL COMPANY, , 309-10 ALingtoa Bldg. $500,000 ON improved city or farm "property ; building or small loans at lowest rates; large loans a specialty. J. M. McKeuzie Co.. 514-15-ltf Gerlinger bldg. FIRST and second mortgages and contracts fmrchased on Oregon and Washington ands. E. L. Devureaux. -Fenton bldg. ti6 ttth st. I BUY for cash either first or second moi gages or seller's equity in contracts of sale on real estate in Oregon or Washing ton. H. E. Noble. Lumbermens bidg. IMMEDIATE loans from 5 to $500, on all securities. W. A. Hathaway, room 10, Washington bldg. Phone Main S02. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rate. A H. Birrell Co., 202 McKay bldg-, lird and Stark. i m State funds loaned, 6 per cent. W. E. Thom . as, state agent. Multnomah. Co.. 400 C. C. LOANS on city property, 5 to 8 per cent. Hickson, 517 Board Trade. Money to Loan. Chattels and Salaries; -$$$$ $ $$$$$$$ $$$ If you would know how easy our terms are you would not be short of money. Don't be bothered with a lot of small debts; let us furnish the money to settle them. WE LOAN ON .Real Estate, Furniture and Pianos (with out removal). Storage Receipts, Life In surance Policies. Horses, Jewelry, Dia monds, and all kinds of securies, on oasy weekly or monthly payments. We Buy First and Second Mortgages. All Business Strictly Confidential. U. S. REAL ESTATE & BROKERAGE CO. 12 Hamilton Bids-, 131 3d. Main 20S4. $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ 3OXiY! MONEY! MONEY! LET US BE YOUR BAN KERS. CALL AND SEE US. . FOR A CONFIDENTIAL LOAN ON YOUR SALARY. CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY JEVEKY $1 PAID OFF REDUCES COST. CALL. TELEPHONE, WRITE. STATE S EC U KIT Y CO., Sot FAILING BLDG. HOURS, 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. WEUS. AND SATS., UNTIL 8 P. M. WE loan money on watches, diamonds, seal skins,' mink, overcoats, trunks, dress suit cases and musical Instruments. UNCLE MY. ERS, 71 blxtli su. Between Oak and Pine sts. Main UIO. $75,000, We want to loan tifis amount on pianos, furniture, horses, warehouse receipts, real estate mortgages, or any good collateral. A special low rate to get the money out. We want your patronage, and are making . a rate to get It. The King Loan & Invest ment Co., room 610. Buchanan bldg. CHATTEL LOANS. "Installment loans on pianos, furniture, warehouse receipts, horses, insurance poli cies and all kinua of securities; REAL INS TATE Loans from $yo up. NEW ERA LOAN A M'iG. CO., 410 Abington. Blug. MONEY advanced salaried people, house keepers and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices in 06 principal cities; save yourself money by getting my terms first. ToLMAN, 317 Lumb e riixcliang e. WE loan money on diamonds and Jewelry, reasonable interest; long or short time; A & M. Delovage, 26t Washington at. LOANS negotiated on a good security, GKAI-C UNNLVOaAM-GiUr, 732-73$ Electric Bldg. SALARY loans, confidential, easy to get. easyto pay. F. A. Newton, 515 Henry bt u g. LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds and Jewelry. Marx & Bloch, 74 ad st. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. MONEY to loan on diamonds, watches and Jewelry. Bernhardt's Loan Office, 93 0th. Loans Wanted. WILL SELL 3 first mortgages, two for $1000 each and one for $12uu, drawing 8 per cent quarterly and secured by three homes worth more than double tho mort gages. &ell separately or together. AM WANTED $2000 three years, highly im proved ranch, conservatively worth $7000. Will pay 8 per cent. B. E. Youmans, Tuy Corbettbldg. FOR SAIE Two 7 per cent mortgages, 3 years one $2000, 1 $1200; will discount these to make them lO per cent. Need money. AE 9o0, Oregonlan. I HAVE several applications for first mort gage loans, ranging from $200 to $1500; good security; merchantable abstracts. 208 Couch bldg. - WANTED First mortgage loan of $5000 from private party ; central income prop erty; no agents. 203 Couch bldg. I DESIRE to borrow $1400 for & years on Morrow Co. farm; land worth $5o00; will pay 8 per cent. Addreag F 938. Oregonlan. I WANT to borrow $2000 for 2 years at 10 per cent; will give first-class and sufficient security. Address V t!i7. Qregonian. LOAN WANTED $lSOO, three years, resi dence security, restricted district. G Qregonian. $3000 WANTED from private party; Irv ington residence; three years. IT UUO, Ore gonian. WANTED $2000 or $3000 for 2 or 3 years; good security. D 9S9. Oregonlan I WANT $r200 loan, new modern bungalow, three years. G 933. Qregonian. PERSONAL. LADIES, now is the time to attend to your furs. Remodeled, repaired and stored, free of charge, when work is ordered. Re-dyeing sealskin garments a specialty. Get my esti mates. Have large assortment of fine skins to select from. Ladies placing orders now will get the "pick." also save money. Sat isfaction assured. Adolph Reiner, practical furrier and expert fitter. 129 11th st- Phones A 3oo3, M &U10. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and. children, sur gery; chronic and nervous diseases treated according to . the latest methods, up-to-date electrical appliances, private hospital accommodations ; confinement cared for; consultation free.' Room 10, Grand Tbea ter bldg. Main 302S, A 5 007 SWEDISH TRAINEI NURSE Helslngfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments, under physician's directions; baths. No. 7 East Eleventh street, second door south from East Ankeny carline. Phone East 200, B 1S03. . CLEARANCE SALE hair goods, barrettes and combs ; special prices on all work ; latest styles in hair dressing; school or hairdresslng, manicuring and hospital In connection with parlors. Aza H. Ribbecke, Grand Leader, Fifth and Alder. D.R. D. L. LEWIS. JDlseases of women, and children; el ec trio treatment of nervous ailments; private hos pital. Rooms o05-504 Commonwealth bldg., th and Ankeny. phones Main 4047, A 24 1 1. HAIR. HAIR. All shades in best quality at cost. Closing out sto--k; scientific face and scalp treatments; expert hair-dressing- and manicuring taught. Aza 11. Ribttecke. orana Leaaer. otn ana Aiaer THE prettiest lot In a brand new addition. $37.50 cash, balance $5 per month; Mount Scott carline; get in on the ground floor. MARTIN J. HIGLEY, 132 Third St. DR. WALKER, specialist for men, quickly cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and bladder ailments and piles. 181 fct St., Port land. A - ' WE cure cancer and all kinds of eczema, ul cers in stomach, etc Mr. and Mrs. Jurvas .Finnish masseurs, 195 Union ave. N. East 6Q42, C 1758. MRS. G. SWANSON, medium and spiritual adviser, room 63 Blumauer bldg., 4th and Morrison; readings daily. A SPIRITUAL test reading free with every dozen photos taken at Swanson's Foto Studio, 4th and Morrison. FAMOUS Battle CreeiTBath. better than medicine, day or night. B. L. Turnev, 221 DrexeL 2d and Yamhill. M. or A 1933- DR. LORENS NERVE TONIC CABLETS, 25c box, restore lost vitality. Stipe, lay lor Drug Company, 2S9 Morrison st. YOUNG rancher wishes to correspond with country lady; object matrimony. E 9i0, oregonian. THERAPEUTIC treatments given by grad uate nurse. Room 10, The St. Elmo, 410 Washington st. phone Main 4155. Mme. Courtwright, skin and scalp treat ments, facial deformities corrected, plas tlc surgery. 311 Fliedner bldg. M. 5042. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed Mrs. M. D. Hill, 420 Fliedner ' bldg. M. 047.;- BALM OF FIQP Remedies for diseases of women. 623 Belmont st. East 240S. DR. KETCHUM treats women's maladies. 179 i Sd.. corner lamhUL rmoxAu RADIUM.. People afflicted with cancer, lupus, ro dent ulcers, eczema, touberculous joints, tumors or glands, X-Ray burns, scar tis sue, kelokis, nevus, port wine stains (mother marltsj, moles of every kind, warts, bladder or kidney ailments, gran ulated eyelids and many other diseases have been permanently cured with, radium light- i have the only radium on the Pacific Coast. Address or call at $13 Rothchild blag., Portland. Or. Dr. W. L Mallory. radium specialist. DRESS suits for rent, all sixes. $1.50 month keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, but tons sewed on, rips repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries. lniu.ue Tailoring Ctx, 309 . Stark su BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. L H. CQLLIS & CO.. ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial, County and Municipal. Auditing, Investigating and SysLeinatiztng. Worcester iiiock. Phone Alain tkti7. Attorneys at Law. H R. RID DELL, attorney-at-iaw, 735 Cham ber cf Commerce. Main 4Tt4, A Jtoil. Assay er and Analyst. MONTANA ASAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. l&O Morrison st. Wella & Proehstel, mining engineers, chem lsis and assay ers. 2o4 Wasmngton at. Awnings and Xenia. PACIFIC Tent & Awning Co., tents; awnings and sails. 27 N. lot. Main and A 1961. Awnings and Tents. PACIFIC Tent & Awning Co., tents, awn ings and sails. 7 N. 1st, Main and A lQtl. Bicycles ami Moiorcy c. We buy, sell, exchange or repair. Hummer Bicycle Ex.. laa 10th st. Mam lOoS, Brass and Machine Works. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass castings ami machine work. loO N. 5th. Main 3i02- Chiropractors. DR. T1CKNER. suite tJOO Columbia bldg. Chronic ana nervous diseases. Hours 12-A. Chiropody. WM. ES TELLE and Flosai Deveney, the only scientiiic chiropodufta in the city. Pallors 302 Gerlinger biag., S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Aialn lool. ; CHIROPODY, manicuring 'and scalp. Mrs. D union, 549 Washington. Mai'snall lo2J. Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 429 Fliedner blag. Phone Main 37 a. Collections and Law. NETH & CO.. COLLECTORS COLLECT EVERYWHERE; NO COLLECTION. NO CHARGE. 55 Worcester blOg., Portland. Commission Merchants. TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO., ship brokers, oom- m i aaiu a me re han ta. Sherlock biO. Curios. SUN SOON HU1B, CHINESE GOODS', MAT TING. SILK. AND CURIOS. 70 ttTH ST. Dancing. WALTZ, two-step, three-step and stage dancing lessons, 2oc. Prof. Waiter Willson School, BsO'ra Washington bu, between W. Park and loth sts. WESTERN ACADEMY, dancing dept.. Prof. Klngler, principal; 2a. Morrison; lessvns dally. Dog and Horse Mqupita i. DR. BROWN, D. V. D. C, M. Office 324 Flanders st. Main 4ubo. A 4l SO. laectrio Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO Motors for rent or sale. 213 2d st. Liectric Works. GENERAL repairing, electric motors, etc. Parr Electric Worksy 200 3d , reedbtore. ZIGLER & MISNER, hay, grain, feed, ce rtieat, shingle. 24 G raadate. B. 462. Janitor Supplies. THE WESTERN Sales Co.. 44 2d at. Janitor and building supplies. phone Main t753. Launches. 16-FT. 3-H P., i50; 18-FT., S-H. P., 2o0w Relerson Macb. -Co., 182 Morrison at. Leather and I Ln dings. CHAU. I. MASTIC K. & CO., 74 Front, leather of every description, taps, mfra. findings. J. A. BTROWBRiDOa LEATHER CO taulisheq lbZti. 1 SO Front gt. Machinery. b! T REN KM AN & CO. Hydraulic and spe cial uiDes. screens, lugging, mining ma chinery. All kinds of repairs. 1J4 N. 4th. Motion Picture Supplies. WE start you ln business on easy terms. New ma nMotionPictm-eCJ52 Musical. HAND and orchestra instruments', musical sundries, Victor talking machines, records. Saiberling-Lucas M utfi cal Co., 134 2d st. EM1L THEILHORN', violin teacher, pupil of Bevcik. tKX-ol Marquam bldg. A 4100. Osteopat bio Phystcjang. DR. R. B. NORTHRUP. 415-16-17 Dekum bldg.. Third and Wash ington sts. Phone, oft ice. Main 310; resi- derice. Eaat or B 1028. Tjr . Arnold Llndsey, specialist on rheuma tism, stomach troubles and all female - diseases. Hotel Franklin. Main 7100. DR. LE ROT SMITH, graduate Kirksville. Mo., 1SUS, post grad. I0o7. 318 Sweland bldtf. Pointers. PAINTING, tinting and paper-hanging done; reasonable; first-clatga work.-- Main 150. Paints, Oils and Glass. RASMU6SEN & CO., Jobbers paints, oils. g 1 ass, aaah and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Patent Attorneys. r. C WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents. Infringement cases. Ou4 Dekum. Paving. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company, 605 H Electrio bldg. Oscar Huber, Portland. jj fieCLim vi-,- -tai. H,n r-k CtMa WARKK-N viurti.i uliiuu -. uutoi iHLVing, uiewalka and crosswalks. 317 Beck bldg. pawnbrokers. rvCLE MYERS Collateral Hank. 40 years in C Portland. 71 8th flt. Main DIP. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th N. and York sts. M. 3ta. rrmioi . r-H AI SSE-PRUDHOMMB CO. Book,, Cata loKue and commercial. 142, th st. Main WHITE & CO.. com merciai printers : work E tiLE Printing company; letter and bill 'heads. 6o3 Qoodnough bldg. Main. 4121. WATSON Printing Co., flne commercial and color printing. Goodnough bldg. Main 7743. Jt IttOU jcnciurj, C So mme r & Co.. established 1896; general repair work; tuning. 247 5th. Marshai:i571 Rubber Stamps. jlSO seals, stencilas office stationery, etc. Cunningham's. 21 Stark. Main 14Q7. Saes. THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. 10S 2d st. Safes at Ia" J ' MM-ca. Showcases, Bank sfrnd Store Fixtures. THE LL y-' uinncn BE IiLikJS jwirr. orancn Urand Kaplds Showcase Ox, 6th and Hoyt. ii. T.utke. aicr. Kew and second-hand J. L M. Mfg. Co., ta and Couch. Main 2703. Cabinet work. Storage and Transfers. PORTLAND VAN STORAGE CO., corner 13th and Everett sts. Just opened newest and most modern storage warehouse in city: every convenience for safts and prop er handling of goods; lowest Insurance rate in Northwest; free trackage; vans for moving, -aa-ain ur j- C. O. PICIC, Transfer & Storage Co., office and commodious four-story brick ware- house, separate iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables- N. W. cor. 2d and Pine ets. Pianos and furniture moved and packed tor snipping. -nam oo, a lwa, OLSEX-ROB TRANSFER CO. r,pneral transferring and storage: safes. pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. 2'9 Oak st., bet. Front and jt Teiepnone aiain oi or -a. zh. OREGON TRANSFER CO., established 1870. Transfer and Forwarding Agents Storage. OfQce 310 Hoyt st., between 6th and 6th. phones Main 69. A 1160. WHEN moving, call up Van Horn Transfer Co. Alain loia, a iwo. aii covered wagons, all experienced men. STOVES connected and repaired. mo. 614 Front. (SAFES. THE MOSLER SAFE CO., 108 2d St. Safes at factory prices. Second-hand safes. Tip writ ers. WE ARE the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; Investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex change. 2P7H Washington st. NKW. rebuilts. second-hand, rentals at cut rates. P P. C. Co.. 231 Stark. M HOT. Therapeutic Physicians. DR. FOSTER, master mechanic of the humaa machine; chiropractic, vibration, maesage, electrical and others combined. 418 Fliedner. Rug Weavers. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS Rugs from old "carpets, colonial rag rugs, silk, por tieres, 133 Union, ave., near Ev Atorrlson. BUSINESS DIRECTOM. Furs. ORDE11S taken for curing season. Furs ar tlstically remodeled, repaired and stored at reasonable rates now. N. M. Ungar. 40tt Merchants Trust bldg. Phone Marsha.;! 7&J. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS, ail makes. $20 to $00 fully guaranteed; easy payments; rentals, $S per month. Pacific stationary & Printins Co.. 203 2d st. Wall Paper. ERNEST MILLER CO.. 172 1st St., Whole le and retail Samples mailed free. GKA30 CENTRAL STATION-. Southern 1'acitic. Leaving Portland Ashland Passenger . Roseburg Passenger Shasta Limited .......... Siiyerton Passenger I California Express . ........ San Francisco Express. . 1 West Side Corvailis Passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger........ Forest Grove Passenger. ........ Forest Grove Passenger...... . Arriving Portland Oregon Exm-en 8:30 a. 4:15 p. o:W p. 0:0 p. 7:45 p. m, m. m. x:tu p. i 7:20 a. l 4:00 p. a.:o a. i 1:IMJ p. i 5:40 p. j 7:30 a. Ashland Passenger ..... Roseburg Passenger Portland. Express Shasta Luuited .... . Silverton Local ...1. 11" West Slde ...10:00 p a:tu p. ll:0O a. 2:30 p. U:oU a. m. m. v-orvaais Passenger 1 6:20 p. ouenuan Passenger lO:0 a. . uiuvo x-assenger. ......... i o:00 a. Forest Grove Passenger ll;.u a, m. m. . . j 4 p. m. Northern. Paclllc. Leaving Portland I North Coast Limited via Pugetl bound 10:00 a. ortn, Coat Limited via North! Hank I 7:qo p. Atlantic Express via Puget Sound12:lo a. Atlantic, Epress. via North Bankl ;00 a. J-wm City Express via Pugetl Sound I 3;30 p. Twin City Express via North! Hank 7:00 p. Eastern Express via Puget Sound12:15 a. m. m. in. m. m. " .i cm va in or i u uanK Missouri stiver Express via Pugetl ' Sound Missouri River Express Via North Hank Portland. Tacoma and Seattle Ex press, Grays Harbor. Oiympia and South Bend branches 10:00 a. 7:00 p. orttand- ancouver Special jlu:uo a. .uv uimneu, urayg iiar-i Oar and tooiith Hand branches. .1 3:30 p. Yacolt Passenger .. .1 4;00 d. Arriving Portland j North Coast Limited via North! Hank 8:15 p. North Coast Limited via Pugetl - Sound 4 . .7; 7-30 a. Northern Pacific Express vial North Bank i 8:00 a. Northern Pacinc Express via Puget Sound I 8:35 p. Pacinc Coast Express via, North! itank 8:15 p. Pacitic Coast Express via Pugetl Sound 7:3o a. W estern Express via North Bank 8:15 p. Western Express via. Puget SoundilOlO p. Missouri .River Express via Northl i 8;O0a. Missouri River Express via Pugetl Sound 4:00 p. Portland-Tacoma-Seattle Express! and from oiympia. south -tiend. and Grays Harbor 4:00 p. Puget Sound Limited s:35 d. m. xu. m. m. m. nu m. m. m. in. hi. Special. ... .ilu:J0 p. rassenger u : 00 a. Oregon liailroad &, Navigation Co. Leaving Portland . , 1 Pendleton. Passenger 7:40a. Oregon-Wasningtou Limited. ,...lo:O0 a. The laUes Local i 4:OOp. Soo-Spokane-ortland 7;U0 p. Fast Mali Coach Portland to The! .Dalles; ....... 7:00 p. Oregon Express ..... 8:00 p. Arriving Portland Fast Mau no passengers) ........ 7:OOa- The Luiiea Local .lo:lo a. Oregon Express ..(10:30 a. Soo-Spokaue-Portland D:uua. Pendleton Local Passenger......! ti:30 p. Oregon-Washington Limited 8:uop. m. m. m. xn. m. m. xix. nu m. nu nu Astoria it Columbia Kivcr. Leaving Portland Seaside Express ................ 8:00a.m. Astoria Express ............... , 0:30 p.m. icaiuier Passenger ...... 1:15 p. nu Rainier Passenger ....... 0:10 p. xn. Arri vingtf Portland j Portland Express 112 : 15 p. m. Portland Express . l U:UO p. m, Kaiuwr ana Portland Passenger. .ilo:26 a. nu t liaiiiier and Portland Passenger, .j 5:2Qp. nu Canadian IJacilio Itaiiway Co. Leaving Portland C. P. It. Short Line via Spokane) 7:00 p.m. Via Seattle ..... ll2:lo a. nu. Arriving Portland j C P. R. Short Line via Spokane 0:00 a. m. Via Sea tile 1 Oregon Jb Washington Railroad Company, Leaving Portland SeaLtle Paastmgtir 9:00a.m. Shasta Limiteu ........ 3:O0 p. m. Owl (11:45 p. in. Arriving Portland i Owl .... 7:15a.m. Shasta Limited . j 5:20p. nu Portland Passenger - 2:45 p. m. JLFFFKSON-SXRKIlT teTATlON. Southern Pacitic. Leaving Portland Dallas passenger . . . Dallas Passenger Arriving Portland Dallas Passenger ..... ..I 7:40 a- m. . .j 4:30 p. iu. I . .(10:15 a. nu . . 5:0G p. m. D alias .fasse n er JKLEVINXII ANU HOYT STKLE'lS PAS- Spokane. Portland JteSeatUe Railway Co, Leaving Portland Inland Empire Express. 9:00 a. nu For Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Billiugs, Spokane. Cheney, Lamont. Washtucna, Kahiotus, Pasco. Roosevelt, Grand dalles, Goldendale, Llye, White Salmon, Stevenson. Vancouver and intermediate stations. Columbia River Local 4:30 p. rrv. Nor tii Bank Limited 7:O0 p. m. For Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Billings, Spokane, Cheney. Lamont, Washtucna, Kahiotus, Pasco. Roosevelt, Granddalles, Lyle. White Salmon, Uteveoson, Vancouver and intermediate sta Uous. Arriving Portland North Bank Limited 8:00 a.m. From Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Billings, Spokane, Cheney, Lamont. W"ashtucna, Kahiotus. Pasdo, Roose velt, Granddaliea, Llye, White Salmon, Ste venson, Vancouver and intermediate sta tions. . Columbia River Local ........... -12:2o p. m. Inland Empire Express 8:10 p. nu From Chicago, St. Paul. Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis. Billings, Spokane, Cneney, Lauiont. Washtucna. Kahiotus, Pasco, Roose velu Granddalles. Lyle. White Salmon. Ste venson, Vancouver 1 and intermediate .sla tlons. Time Card Oregon Klectrie Railway Co. Leaving Portland for Salem and Int. Stations 0:30n 7:0, 11:00 A. M. ; 2:00, 3:50 -30 8:40 P. M. Limited for Tualatin and Salem :16 A. M. Local for Wilsonvllie and Int. stations 5:10 P. M. Daily except Sunday for points on the Salem, falls City fc western Ry. via Salem, 0:30 A. M.. 2:00 P. M. Sunday only, 11:00 A M- Leaving Portland for Forest Grove and Int. stations 7:05. 8:30. 10:20 A. M. ; . 12:10, 2:10, 3:30. 5:30, 8:25 P. M. Saturday opl. 11:30 P. M. Arriving at Portland from Salem and Int. stations 8:40, ll:0U A M.; 1.15. 4:00, 0:O0. 8'0 10:60 P. M. Local from Wilson villa and Int. stations, 6:40 A. M. Daily except Sunday, 7:35 A. M. ' Arriving Portland from Forest Grove and Int. stations 8:00, 6iO. 12:40 A. M. 3 l:3o, 2:50. 6:20, 8:10 P. M. Saturday only. 11;0U P. M. Sunday only, 4:40 P. M. Portland Railway, Light A Power Company Cars Leave Ticket Office and Wal ting-Room, First and Alder and East Water and East Morrison Streets. CARS LEAVE EAST WATER AN C MOKK1SON STREETS. Oregon City 4:0o. 6:30 A. M. and ever 30 minutes to and including 9 P. M.. then 10:00. ll:O0 P. M. ; last car' midnight. Gresham and intermediate points 6?53 7 45 8:45, :43. 10:4a A. M 12:45. 2:45 8-4a. 4:45; 5:45, 6:45, 11:35 P. M. Fairview and Troutdale 6:05, 7:4 8:45. 0:45, 10:45 A. M.. 12:45, 2:45, 345, 4:45. 6:45. 0:45 P- M. Cazadero and intermediate points 6:55, 8:45 1045 A. M.. 12:45. 2:45. 4:45, 6:46 P. M. For Vancouver Ticket office and waiting-room. Second and Washington streets. A. M. 6:15. 1S:50. 7:25, 8:00, 8:35. :10. 9:50, 10:30. 11:10. 11:50. p. M. 12:30, 1:10. 1:50, 2:30, 3:10, 8:S; 4:30. 5:10. 5:50. 6:30, 7:05, 7:40. 8:15, 0:25. 10:35, 11:45. On third Monday In every month the last car leaves at 7:05 P. M. Dally except Sunday. Daily except Monday. '. " BANKS. w FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Portland, Oregon. . CAPITAL AND SURPLUS L6O0,OOO. GERMAN AMERICAN BANK ('OR. SIXTH AND WASHINGTON "STS. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BAXKI.N'O BUSINESS. ISSUES DRAFTS AVAIL-' ABLE IX ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES OP" THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE: 4 .PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON SAV INGS ACCOUNTS SAFET Y DEPOA133