Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 04, 1910, Page 16, Image 16

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Homi. Vehicle and HaraeM.
!Wfny buy second-hand vehicles when y5U
can get a new one from an old-established
'wholesale house, 44 years In Oregon, at
almost the same cost ? We are located
outside the high-rent district, own our
'building, and can make the price. Ex
clusive agents for the old reliable line of
Michigan Bujsy Co. . fine vehicles, deliv
ery waff on a, top 'buggies, runabouts and
farm wagons. He sure and see us before
you buy. It may save you money.
322 Hawthorne Ave., bet. East 1st and 2d.
On new buggies, harness and wagons:
the second largest stock: in the city to
elect from. New, guaranteed, well-known
buggies with leather trimmings. fine
leather quarter tops, for $58.50. Big sales
and small profits.
C L. BOSS & CO.,
FOR SALE. Portland Stabkw. 2 North 15th
st. 4 teams of horses, 2 single horses,
weights 11.0 to 1350 lbs. per horse. I
will refund the money on any horse I
sell If not as represented. The Portland
Trust Co., whei3 I bank, will tell you
it I am reliable, also references given on
the best business firms in Portland. R.
I. Evans.
FOR SALE Horses, harness and wagons.
Remember, we sell guaranteed horses and
mares. If not as represented they can be
returned. We also have on hand several
delivery, farm, vegetable and milk wagons
for sale. Hawthorne-ave. Stables. 420
Hawthorne ave.
A 6-passenger Studebaker bus. harness used
1 month, very cheap, or trade for real
estate. 870 Garfield avenue.
Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments.
1 HAVE a $125 certificate on Portland's
leading piano house. How much am I
offered? A K 944. Oregonian.
$400 EMERSON-CRAMER upright grand
piano; price- $185; terms. 446 3d. Main
S7S3, A 1725.
And see it soon, or you'll nilsst a big bar
gain; this car has been driven less than
l'wv miles and is in excellent condition; looks
aftnost like new; priced to jell quick.
OWNER going East, offers his $,'00 equity
in a new 5-passenger, 3i-horsepower E. M.
F. ; run It Km miles, bought 7 weeks ago.
for $250. Balance can he paid at rate of
$lo0 yer month. Phone Woodlawn, 2517;
C 2220.
$67o NEARLY new Humpmobile runabout,
top. storm front and curtains, gas lights
and Prest-to-lite tank; cx'.ra and tools;
snap. Room 515, 320 4 Washington st.
. Phone Marshall 775.
A RUNABOUT cheap for quick sale. West-
em uto Co.. 513 Alder st.
Birds. Ixgg, Pet Stock.
2S HEAD of Government-inspected cattle
and milk route. Write R. D. No. 2,
Box 124.
FULL-BLOOD Spitz dog. two months old,
$5. &U3 E. 36th st. B 2807.
TWO montlis' old Angora goat. $3. B 2te97.
SEWING MACHINES We have a large va
riety of drophead slightly used machines
Singers, New Homes, Whites, etc.. also al
most any make of excellent box covers, all
g ua ra n t eed . Pri ce 5 an d up. Nearl y ne w
6 and 7 -drawer drophead Singers $15 for
the &-drawer and $2o for seven.
53rt Williams ave.
Hardwood lumber (kd) Mahogany
4464 jA 84 27 c JOc; E. Maple 44
64 64 lOc; E. -4d. Oak. 17c; Walnut
Wc. Philippine Mahogany 25c; Aider 7c;
Maple 7c : Oak. 44 64 84 10c; tjd.
44 54 12-c; Maple Dowel 34 58
12716 3H 5lti 14 3o luc. B. F.
Mfg. Co.. 12th and Hoyt.
lO-foot counter with shelves, and 6
doors, top 18 inches wide, 12-foot rail with
base, posts; two gates, 6-foot rail, 20-inch
top. Address American Life & Accident
Co.. 615 Beck bldg. Telephone Main
SEWING machinei Do not fail to visit the
W-hlte sewing machine store THIS WEEK.
SPECIAL SALES 120 drop-head machine.,
ellghtly marred ; all standard makes ma
chines for rent, and repairing. H. D. Jones,
Prop., 420 Washington at., corner 11th.
200 feet frontage on East Morrison St.,
close in; present income $143 per month;
price $2o.oim. terms. W. O. Waddell. 309
T, limber Exchange.
12S-vlt. 1M-K. W. General EHectric
generator; belt type, complete with panel
and rail base. Address Room 201, Ore
gonian. 9FROIA Ij prices on factory re-hull t machines;
very liberal terms; $lo to $60. 'Northwest
Typewriter Co., M 8870. 222 Ablngton
FOR SALE Hart-Parr traction gasoline en
gine, good as new. R. T. Cox, 250W 3d st..
Portland. Or.
50. Ask for catalog. RebuilTs $15 up. N
M. Hayter Co., ftp 5th st. Main 5528.
FOR SALE Show on sw, wallcaiaps, counters
cheap. No. 2L'2 Grand ave. Phone East fi38.
80- FOOT launch, seats 20 people, with
4-cycle engine, new, at a bargain. H 934
FOR SAI ,E cheap. Ind ian M otorc vcle, 1 908
model; $75 will handle same. 264 3d. Call
between 7 and 8 evenings.
FOR SALE Plumbing and tinning tools.
. Theo. Voge. Kalama. Wash.
FOR SALE Counter, showcases and shelv-
ing. second-hand. 1026 Hawthorne ave.
A S450 SODA FOUNTAIN for sale very cheap.
Call up Main 1869 or A 4860.
4 FRESH Jersey cows and 2 horses1 for sale
cheap. 520 Coltimhla Boulevard.
SHOWCASES, new and second-hand. 312
Everett, cvt th. Also fixtures.
FINE insulated cooler for sale cheap. Alex
Friedman. 2H5 1st.
ftOO BUSINESS CARDS $1 if you bring this ad
Rose City Prtntery, 12 3d. near Taylor.
BLACKSMITH shop, doing fine business Fr
particulars. H. Watfun, Skamokawa, Wash.
POSTAGE stamp collection, catalogties $SOO;
make, me an offer. Evenings. Main 570S.
VIOLINS, banjoc. mandolins, guitars at half
regular prices. Uncle Myerg. 71 6th st.
231 Stark St. Main 1407.
HALL safe. 12x16x22 inches $65 Ore
gon Brass Works. 2d and Everett.
W"ANTEr Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal." Phone East 4fV3,
WANTED Clothing. best price paid for
ladies and gents' second-hand clothing
and shoes and bicycles. Ma it. 20S0. 290 1st.
HIGHEST price paid for mens cast-off
clothing, shoes, bicycle and all second
hand gooda. 71 North 3d. Marshall HPS
OLD coins wanted; send list of what vou
haie, address and phone No. to B 935,
Oreyonian. ;
ELL your second-hand furniture to the
Ford Auction Co. or vou'U get less.
Phones: ,y 244T: Main SP-.m,
OATJ. up Marshall 1929 if you have sec-
mid-hand clothes to soil.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
, attention always given. Ph ne East lo67.
WANTEI Men's cast-off clothing shoe for
highest price. Phone Main 4640.
ErbRl K.NCJCD grocery delivery man want
ed. Ben A. Bellamy, Grocery. 401 Haw
thorn e ave.
WANTED Men who have had experience in
industrial life insurance Call at 1S-O20
Commercial Ciub bldg. cor 5th and Oak.
WA N T El Well experi e.nced book keeper ; ap
ply, stating age, references, salary expected,
al.o telephone address. F P3t, Oregonian.
WANTED Partner In brokerage business
experience unnecessary. 326 A Washington
St.. room 41 7.
WANTED Young men to act aa news
agents aboard railroad trans. Cole News
Co.. 3;2 Johnson st-
"WANTED First-class bushelman steady
work. Apply at Crown Tailor Chop. 4th
and Stark sts.
WANTED Sailors for Europe, wages 130. In
quire Sal lors" Home, corner Second nrd
Cli5-rtn sts.
FIRST-CLASS salesman; big wages; pnn&.
npt 215 Commercial feldg.
WANTED Automobile washer; none but
flrst-cUus need apply. Studebaker Qarage
AN office boy. about 36 years old Call
Wadham A Kerr Bros.
WANTED-Two boys with wheels; good
wages. Apply 131 Tenth st.
TELEGRAPHY taught, operators in demand
gvd pay, telegraph school. 290 3d st.
Phone Tabor t7S.
WANTED A glasler. Portland S&rtx & Door
o.. 23 FTont t.
FIRST-CLASS shoemaker for repair work.
22 Grand ave.
WANTED A boy for warehouse, 16 to CO.
Main 1?8.
, WANTED At once, two carpenter finishers.
2th eo4 3. Morrison sta.
The Columbia Life & Trust Com
pany have an opening for one or
two flnst-class solicitor. If you
have not had experience in selling
lif insurance you will be schooled
and rendered assistance in finding
prospects and closing business.
Come in and talk it over. Ask
for S. P. Lock wood, Vlce-Pres.
and Gen'l Manager, or Harry
Richey, City Manager,
214 Lumber Exchange bldg.
(Spalding bldg. when completed.)
E ERT young man seeking employment, or
qualified for better position, should rake
advantage of the Special Employment
Membership and get in quick touch with
the Advisory and Employment Secretary
of the Y. M. C. A Strangers our specialty.
Good fellowship, good advice, good position
await you. Constant demand for young
men who can do something. Think twice
and then again beforo you invest money.
WANTED Able-bodied men for the U. S
Marine Corps, between the ages of 19 and
35. Must be na tive born or have first
papers; monthly pay $15 to $6: additional
compensation possible ; food, clothing, quar
ters and medicinal attendance free;
after 30 years" eervice can retire with 76
per cent of pay and allowances; service on
' board ship and ashore In alt part of the
world. Apply at 4 and 10 Breeden bldg.,
Portland, Or.
1000 white laborers for surfacing and
general railroad construction work. Wages
$3.85 per day. Fare from Seattle to the
work $15. Weekly shipment begin about
May 16.
M. J. HENBT, Pier 2, Seattle, Wash.
SALESMEN for Portland and every city in
Oregon and Washington to sell the stock
of what will be the greatest manufactur
ing enterprise In the United States. The
number of shares to be placed on the
market is limited and they will treble in
value within 60 days. Now is the time,
Mr. Salesman, to earn our big commission.
AG 932. Oregon ian.
YOUNG MEN -We want to enlist about 20
young men. who are holding responsible
positions, to represent the HEIMBACH
IDEA of a "New 9ult for every week.'
We will clothe you for the entire year, and
you can pay for the clothes by telling your
friends about us after hours. National
Tailoring Co.. 291 Stark art.
WANTED Ten educated men. 20 to 50
years old, who wish to earn $50 per week
in absolutely reliable honest soliciting,
not real estate, not insurance, not stocks,
no samples; a success everywhere for
clients, for agents and for employers. Call
at 027 Hoard of Trade bldg., ask for Mr.
WANTED Men by large contracting com
pany; can learn trade of plumbing, elec
tricity, bricklaying, automobiles in few
months ; no apprentice or helpers' work
and no expense; $20,000 contract work go
ing; catalogue free. United Trade School
n Contracting Company. Los Angeles.
MEN Wanted for firemen and brakemen on
nearby railroads; age 18 to 35; experience
unnecessary; no strike; permanent employ
ment; firemen $100 monthly, brakemen $75;
promotion to engineers, conductors; 400 men
cent to positions monthly. State age; aend
stamp. Railway Association, care Oregonian.
MEN'S high-grade clothing Samples and
cancellation orders from leading New
York houses. 1000 models in men's suits for
selection; $35 to $40 values. $18.75, $25
to im values." $14.75; $18 to 22.50 values.
$12.75. Jimmie Dunn, 31 Oregonian
WIDEAWAKE, steady man wanted; will
pay you $125 monthly clear; clean work;
easy to learn; short hours; experience not
necessary; only requires an investment
pf$25Q. Call 102 & 3d st.. room 507.
MAN for ranch work on coast; all Summer
job; no milking nor chores; wages $2.50
day. board $4.50 week. Call room 2 hum
bermens bldg., 9 to 10 A. M. and 12 to
. 1 P. M. Mc A d ams.
SOLICITORS to sell treasury stock of estab
lished manufacturing enterprise, dividends
better than 20 per cent last 10 years; ob
ject to increase capacity. Call 806 Lewis
bidg. Phone A 4038.
WANTED An experienced man to operate
a typewriter; penmanship must be neat;
good salary; answer in handwriting, stat
ing lines of business in which have been
employed. AN 94 2, Oregonian.
WE require the service of an experienced
janitor for night work, must be able to
furnieh bonds, no others need to apply
Eastern Outfitting Com pa ny.
QUICK, accurate draughtsman on simple de
signs for earnings! two or three weeks work
Write immediately, giving experience and
per diem expected. E t39, Oregonian.
WANTED Young man with $200 cash as
partner to show property and work in
office; owner la tired, of hired help. 242
Fifth st.
YOUNG man to buy half interest in small
job printing business and act as solicitor,
for $150; easy terms. Phone Tabor 1022,
or address Box 88, Arleta, Or.
WANTED A logging-road brakeman, $4
per day: fireman for oil-burning locomo
tive, $3.50.
C. R. Hansen & Co., 26 N. 2d St.
WANTED Machine operators, harness cut
ters, harness-makers and apprentices for
saddle and harness factories; steady em
plo-ment. John Clark Saddlery Co.
WANTED Steady man able to check good,
etc. ; pay $25 week now ; can be Increased
with Interested help; small investment re-
quired. Particulars 248 Stark st.
WANTED Boys, over 16. to work as check
clerks and to learn telegraphy. Apply
chief operator. W. U. Tel. Co., fith floor
Worcester block.
A COMPETENT tailor for repairing; also a
good proposition for a driver and solicitor
on salary, open, at The Wardrobe.
BARBER. experienced. guarantee $18;
steady Job. Loveall & Simpson, Lebanon,
BARBER Want to buy half interest In a
good barber shop ? Good money-maker;
guarantee $30. W 08. Oregonian.
BEST selling proposition on Coast ; sales
manager wanted for city office; one able
to mako investment. Telephone B 1131.
A GOOD live salesman and collector for city;
good position for right party. Call A. M.,
402 Wash lngton.
EXPERIENCED helper on coat, also ex
perienced man for cleaning and pressing.
National Tailoring Co., 21 Stark st.
WANTED Young man who is willing to
work. Willamette Tent & Awning Co.,
Front and Burnside.
WANTED Experienced driver for grocery
delivery wagon: must furnish references.
Apply at L. Mayer & Co., 148 3d Street.
WANTED An experienced grocery clerk ;
must furnish Al references; not over 35
years old. AM 943, Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced refrigerating engin
eer. Address supt. Trading Co., care P.
O. Box 53. Tacoma Wash.
AN operator for Fisher-Bllllng machine, one
experienced in dry goods preferred. Ap
ply Lowengart A Co.
CHAMBER M AIDS, housekeepers, cooks. St.
Louis Agency, 303 Washington. Main
2u39. 1
WANTED Experienced grocery office as
sistant; mus: be good -at figures and pen
manship. AN 941. Oregonian.
WANTED Several good solicitors. Apply
between 8 and 9 in the morning and 4
anu . ui iim ovemng at -o MOnawK bldg.
WANTED First-class horseshoer or floor
m q r TV. T Morris. Phunn Rai q i
bany. Or.
WANTED A first class ad and job printer.
Married man preferred. Address Citizen,
OFFICE boy wanted. Apply chwarMehiid A
Sulzberger, cor. Macadam Road and Sey
raour ave.
SHOEMAKER See J as. Kantler. 1565 Base
Line road ; take Mount Tabor car to
W'est eve-
SALESMEN wanted to sell 1910 census map
$30 to $50 per w-aek cleared by hustlers.
32tH Stark st.
OFFICE-BOY, over 16 years old; give ref
erences In own handwriting, a 937. Ore-
WANTED A first-class machinist; must be
an all around man; none other need appy
PANTRTMAN for Portland Restaurant. 305
BOY to work in optical store,
back. 173 4th.
J H, Du-
DRIVERS for single and double team
wagon. A 936. Oregonian.
WANT to let contract to clear land. Walter
515 Chamber of Commerce. wu"
IF you have $300 you can make $io Hftii"
Motion Picture Co.. 526 H Washington y
AN experienced vinegar maker; referent.
Mount Fickle Co.. Salt Lake City. TTtTh
MOVING picture operators earn $35 weelri7
Moving Picture School, 526H Wah '
MAN with $50 makes $4 to $6 day "
506 Goodnough. ltoom
WANTED Solicitor, good propoaitlon Ml
try or commission, 61T Worcester bid 7
BO TS of 16 vears of age and over to work
In factor v. Applv at once. Ameg-Harrls-NevlUe
Co . 5th and Davis.
WANTED Sawmill machinist, $3.75 up, city.
Millwrights. $4.0rt.
Yard tallymen. $2.75.
Two signal boys, camp, $2.00.
Headwaiter, $40.00.
Waiter for country hotel, $35-00. v
Hand riveters, $5.00 day.
The above are only a few of our many
jobs we have every day.
Main Office 12 North 2nd st.
Richest land on earth now selling; we
are dyking and draining 13,000 acres of
the renowned Tule Lake bed garden land
near Klamath Falls; we want 5 good men
2S6 Oak St.
TWO bellboys: also young man to attend
coatroom. Apply Commercial Club, 5 th
and Oak sts., superintendent's office, be
tween 10 and 11 A, M.
10,000 POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men and women to learn bai ber trade in
8 weeks, help to secure promotion; gradu
ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly: expert
instructors; tools free; write for cata
logues. Mohler System of Colleges, 35
North 4th st., Portland. OV
& Company. 5 Lumbermens building, are
desirous of securing active, capable sales
men; unequaled financial prospects. See
Monroe Goldstein, sales manager, between
10 an d 1 2 A. M.
AT once, reliable man. work on ranch ; 1
cow ; excellent board and good wages to
a good, industrious man; ranch 3 miles
from Beaver ton. Inquire at Cady's store
for direction, at Beaverton. Or., or ad
dress E. M. HanWnson, route 1.
SALESMEN 2 A-l, high-grade, clean-cut
men for a high-class proposition; I will
pay good money to the right parties;
don't apply imlees you consider yourself
a high-grade salesman ; ask for sales
manager. 820 Chamber of Commerce.
IF you are not making $20O a month and
you have any ability as a salesman, call
at 219-220 Commercial Club bldg., corner
5th and Oak.
WANTED A night watchman; must know
something about cooking short orders;
wages $tH per month and board. Answer
Watchman. P 938. Oregonian.
YOUNG MEN wanted to prepare for railway
mall clerks, postofftce clerks, carriers, etc.
Write or call for Book 30. it's free. Pacitic
States School. McKay bldg.. Portland, Or
YOUNG MAN. stenographer; lumber, ex
perienced preferred; situated near city. AI
914. Oregonian.
$18 TO $35 week, few months only learning;
situations guaranteed. Watchmaklng-En-.
graving School. Box 182, Ashland. Or.
TWO salesmen wanted for gilt-edged resi
dence real estate. Inquire 9 to 12 A. M.,
822 Corbett bldg.
WANTED Carpet cutter and layer; $25
per week; steady job. Queen City Furni
ture Co., Baker City, Or.
BOYS WITH WHEEL wanted at once.
WANTED Men and boys to fit and drive up
turned chairs. Oregon Chair Co., 1190
Macadam st.
TAILORS, also PRESSERS on ladles suits.
Apply to
WHITE or Jap boy to wash dishes for board.
129 14th st.
FIRST-CLASS ladies' tailor wanted at 447
Union ave.. North.
WANTED Refined, educated woman, over 30
years, for companion to elderly lady; must
understand plain sewing and have some
knowledge of music; give phone number.
Address U 939. Oregonian.
WANTED Good, steady woman to work in
country hotel; good wages to the right
one ; no objection to child 7 or 8 years
old. Cail 2:30 P. M. Hood Hotel, ask
for Lehorn.
EXPERIENCED girl for ceneral housework;
wages f.'to. Phone A 2420- 1131 Franklin
st.. Willamette Heights.
GIRL for general housework in small fam
ily. Call at 309 East 39tU st.. North, near
Halsey. Phone C -'047.
COMPETENT girl for general housework,
small family, wages ?ao. 620 East An
keny st.
WANTED Experienced cook, good wages,
small family. Main 4-114. 610 Myrtle st.,
Portland Heights; carfare paid.
$30 EXPERIENCED woman for general
housework and cooking, family of 3. B
134. Tabor 1763.
GIRL for general housework, suburban home,
family of 2; must be good cook; wages $;S5.
Phone Main 3598. A 7734.
WANTED Girl to help with housework and.
care of baby in 3-room apartment; wages
?15. 695 Love joy st., apartment 42.
WANTED Experienced salesladies for
cloaks, suits . and waists. Grand Leader,
5th and Alder.
COMPETENT girl for cooking and general
housework; good wages. 161 Fourteenth
street, corner Morrison.
GIRL WANTED General housework. light
and easy, good wages. W. M. Guile. 14S7
Fern at.. Woodlawn.
GIRL for general housework. Apply 248 N.
TWO dining-room girls wanted, at 53 N
18 th St.. corner Davis.
YOUNG giri for general housework; small
family. Call mornings. 321 6th, cor. C lay.
WANTED First-class chambermaid. Grand
Ho t el. 456 North Thi rd gt.
YOUNG girl to assist with general house
work; small family. East 1 866.
PRESSBR and skirt hands in alteration room.
Apply Silver-field's. 4th and Morrison sts.
GOOD girl for general housework and. cook
ing. family of 3. 711 Hoyt st.
GIRL for general housework. Inquire at
267 3d -St.
WANTED Girl to cook, good position, light
work, salary $3' per month. 603 Wawo at.
WANTED Girl for general housework, wages
$25 per month. Phone Main 577.
COOK and helper. $100;. Howe's Ladies'
Agency. Room 307, 32tf Washington st.
WANTED Clean woman for general houee
work. 414 4th St.
WANTED First-class seamstress at Miss
Hofmister's dressmaking parlors. 234 llth.
GIRL for housework. 241 North 22d, cor.
GIRL to assist with housework. 655 Irv-
ing st.
GIRL for general housework. 1054 Quimby
st. Main 47S2, A 3fl2S.
WANTED Good woman for general house
work. 725 Weldler m.
WANTED Waitress, good wages. Call at 283
Grand ave.. near Hawthorne.
WANTED A reliable girl to assist with
general housework. 745 Northrup.
GIRL to assist with housework. 709 Mar-
shall, near 22d.
GIRL for general housework, small family:
wages $35. 1Q22 Raleigh, near 29t h.
WANT girT for general housework.
283 N 24th m., 1 block from "W"
WANTED Girl for general housework. 569
Johnson St.
GIRL to assist in housework, small family;
good home. 5'4 Davis st.
NEAT woman, housework for two; good cook
$20. 437 Marguerite. W-R car.
NEAT, quick waitress wanted. Stein' restau
rant, 122 14th st.
WANTED Girl to help in boarding-house.
533 Morrison st.. Morrison Hotel.
189 7th at. Main
WANTED Experienced operators on over
alls; also learners. 75 1st st.
690 COUCH Wanted, middle-aged woman,
no cooking, go home nights.
GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory
No. 2. G ran d ave. an d East Taylor.
HELPER to work on vests. Room 206
Commonwealth bldg. '
EXPERT individual shorthand instruction;
15 years, experience. AJ 943. Oregonian.
GIRL for general housework; $o per week.
360 13th st.
GIRL for gerceral housework and cooking.
595 Marshall st.
GIRL for shooting gallery in Alblna. Call
at 33 North 2d at. ,
"WANTED Good girl for housework, good
home. 565 5th st.
WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap-
piy aei
LESSONS in shorthand and typewriting by
expert i $6 ta month. 269 14th. .Main &o93v
GIRLS over 16 to work in bag factory.
Apply Ames. Harris, NevtUe Co., fito. And
WANTED Cook for hotel, in citv. $60.00.
Three restaurant waitresses. $7 to $8 week.
Four hotel waitresses, out of city, $25 up.
Two waitresses for hotels, out of city,
$30. fare paid.
Chambermaid, citv. $30.
Housekeeper. $18 up.
Housekeeper for rooming house, $22.50,
Pantry woman, city, $25.
Kitchen helper. $25.
Girls for general housework, $23 to $35-
Large number of new places every day.
Ladles Dept.. 205 Morrison sL
wmu Ave. ana Ji.asx .stark sis,
SALESWOMEN, first-class, in a number
of our departments.
V. tnroughly experienced hands.
IRLS, 16 years of age and over, who
will have an opportunity to learn the
business if bright and active.
MAN and wife, cook and garden, $60.
Cook, country hotel, $40.
2 chambermaids, $40; 2, $30 and board
Camp waitress. ? :iO.
Restaurant waitress, 39 week.
Hotel waitresses, in and out of city, $25.
Family cook, $35.
Family cook and nurse girl, $45. '
2 second girls, $25 and S30.
wn Wash. St., R 7.
SOCIETY editor to represent weekly paper
in your city; social standing and some
business ability required. Address Hotel
Topics, Hotel Society Journal of the Pa
cific Northwest, 508 pioneer bldg., Seattle,
WANTED Girl to work to refreshment
stand at Exposition Rink; must be bright
and of neat appearance. Aek for Gene Gal
letti, 332 Washington at, Bonboniere, be-
W A.N TED Intelligent midd ie-aged woman,
widow preferred; light work, good permanent
place. Give phone number. Address- F
03o, Oregonian.
WANTED A girl for general housework,
competent plain cook for two people; a
good home to the right party. 795 Irving
st.. corner 24th
COMPETENT woman for cooking and
housework, second girl kept. Apply 315
East 16th, N., take Irvlngton car.
ENERGETIC, sensible woman, over 25. for
position in wholesale house; experience un
necegsary. H t)25, Oregonian.
COMPETENT girl wanted, general house
work, $25 per month, good home. 466 loth
near Jarkson.
JOIN the Working Girls' , Literary Circle;
best literature studied in interesting way.
A H 931. Oregon ian . 4
Gil RL to assist with cook ing and general
housework; three in family. 243 Cornell
road, head of Marshall at.
GOOD bookkeeper wanted for city; state full
particulars, experience, salary, etc. ID 35,
WANTED Two experienced girls to work
on shirt line. U. S. Laundry Co., Grand
ave. and East Yamhill.
GIRL or woman for general housework, fam
ily three, good wages. Broadway car. 4s3
EaJt 25 1 h Nort h .
WANTED Girl or woman to do general
housework in the country. Phone Wood
lawn Hft9.
W A XT ED Office girl; stenographer and
bookkeeper preferred; must live at home.
Apply 1020 Board of Trade. 11 to 12 A. M.
32o4 Washington St., Room 307.
Main S836 or A 32G6.
WANTED Competent girl for general house
work in family of three; good wages. Call
mornings, 812 Kearney st.
GIRL for general housework about May 20;
family 3 adults. SOI Hancock st. Phone C
YOUNG women between ages of 21 and 35
to enter training school for nurses. AG 930,
343 Washington St., Cor. 7th, Upstairs.
Phone Main 2602.
WANTED Girl for general housework,
must be a good plain cook; 2 in family.
Apply mornings 331 6th.
WANTED Girl for general housework, for
family of four; references. Apply 230 N.
24th st.
WANTED Girl for general housework ; good
home and wages. Apply 485 Ainsworth or
phone Woodlawn 1 91 3
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework;
wages $35. Phone A 2420. 1131 Franklin
St.. Willamette Heights.
WANTED Bookkeeper department store;
experience and references required. Grand
Leader, 5th and Alder.
HELP wanted at Hood River for thinn ing
apples and picking strawberries, about May
15. Employers wil furnish fuel and camp
ing location. Free transportation to and
from Hood River depot or steamboat landing.
Mail your application to Hood River Apple
growers' Union. .
PRIVATB lessons in shorthand, evenings, by
shorthand teacher. 553 E. Alder. Phone
East 2Q54.
positions to A-l instructors. 611 S wetland.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
EMrLOTERS We are constantly enrolling
high-grade young men. honest, competent,
experienced, in mercantile and technical
lines. Records thoroughly investigated.
Call us when you need such a man; no
charge. Advisory and Employment De
portment Y. AL C A.
WANTED To be associated with a reput
able business Institution ; ' party desiring
same is 2$ ''years old. married, of good,
morals and a salesman; can give the bext
of references and requires the same from
any person answering this. E 937, Ore
gohlan. EXECUTIVE accountant, extensive experi
ance. mercantile and corporation methods,
is open for engagement as auditor or other
confidential position; first-class references.
Will go anywhere on Coast. H 926, Ore
gonian. BOOKK EEPERS. stenographer, general of
fice man. 10 years' experience, high-class.
K 93S. Oregonian.
A WELL-ED UC ATED young man would like
position; references1. M. S. Hughes, 164 k
12th st.
WANTED Position as office assistant, young
man of 23, good, references. N 35, Ore
gonlan. 31 iscellaneo us.
RENTS COLLECTED at $1 per month per ten
ant and monthly accounts at 5 per cent com
mission. A 939, Oregonian.
WAITED Position as kitchen helper; can
work at short orders. A 938, Oregonian.
JAJPANESE boy wants position as bellboy;
speaks good. AH 031, Oregonian. ,
YOUNG MAN wants work afternoons for room
an d boa rd . AD 930, Oregon lan .
YOUNG German boy would like garden work
and he!p In house. AF 934, Oregonian.
JAPANESE good cook- wants position in
private family. AJ 941. Oregonian.
PAINTING and papering; best work; prices
reasonable. Phone C 1759.
JAPANESE) Employment Co. will finnl
iLels. slain 4659, A 4072. 263 Everett
A YOUNG man, painter by occupation,
vould like to take charge of office build
ing, hotel or apart men '-house ; can fur
nish best references and cash bond If
necessary. Address AH 133. Oregonian.
MARRIED man of 25, neat and honest, like
to learn bartending; sober. AF l31, Ore-
EXPERIENCED Japanese cook wants place
on the West Side, wages $35 upward. AF
So''. Oregonian.
BARTENDER wants steady position, city;
country experience; A-l references. G. A.
Berg. 472 Yamhill. A 3248. Main 6S05.
YOUNG married man wants work of any
kind, or will work small frm on shares.
N 939. Oregonian.
ENGINEER Experienced in steam, electric
and refrigeration ; married ; wants posi
tion. AC 90S. Oregonian.
GOOD boy. over 16 years, wants any kind of
work, including board and room. B 938,
HANDY young man. well educated wants
work: is willing worker and speaks German.
Address AL 944, Oreg-nian.
JAPANESE boy wanted ; position as porter
from 6 to 9 o'clock A. M.. and between 2
to 10 o'leock P. M. AE 931. cregonian.
JAPANESE cook wants position at board ing-
house. K. F, 24 North 4th St.
Bookkeepers and Stenographer.
YOUNG lady capable of managing office or
act as private secretary is open for posi
tion; is stenographer and bookkeeper; can
handle responsible position. T 944, Ore
gonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer want per
manent position; references; salary rea
sonable. AK 942. Oregonian.
YOUNG iady with references wishes position
as bookkeeper or cashier. D 93, Ore
gonlan. FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper and stenographer
wants position ; references. L 935, Ore
w gonian.
WANTED By reliable woman, a position of
trust with a reliable firm. Y 931, Ore
gonian STENOGRAPHER, beginner, wants pjsitlon,
wages $30. AK 943, Oregonian.
EXPERT stenographer desires position.
Phone A 5209.
STENOGRAPHER, experienced in law work.
desires position, p 922, Oregonian.
GOWNS, plain sewing, shirtwaist suits, chil
dren's garments and underwear. Main
Alterations, specialty on ladies suits. Mrs,
Muckler, 430 Columbia, Apt. 21. A 4709.
AN GELS S Dressmakrng Parlors. 320 H Waih
Ington st.. suite 216. Main 933, A 5381.
Ho use keepers.
NEAT housekeeper, girl 5. St. Louis Agency,
303 Va Wash. Main 2'39.
MIDDLE-AGED Swedish woman at once;
easy place; small family; $20 month. 167
E. 63d st.; Montavllla car. Phone Tabor
SITUATION wanted by good girl as second
glrl In private family. E 938, Oregon 1 aru
X arses.
MIDDLE-AGED, practical nurse, all kinds
cases; doctor's references. A 2618.
Mi seel laneous.
WANTS position as German governess;
willing to take care of children; young
German lady, talks good English. Ad
dress L. N.. 246 Grant st.. Portland, Or.
EMBROIDERING in all Its branches; per
fect work, reasonable prices, free lessons.
462V2 Wrashlngton st.
CURTAINS washed and stretched, 40c
pair: called for and delivered. Phone Ta
bor 55.
GOOD woman desires light housekeeping ;
low wages if good, place. AK 933, Ore
gonian. WANTED Position to take care of child
and assist with light housework. AM 944,
FREE lessons in embroidering rose cushions
for the carnival. 402 Washington st.
LACE curtains washed and stretched, 40o a
pair. M 5723 or A 5514.
EXPERIENCED woman wants day work;
vashing. Ironing. Main 32"0.
NORWEGIAN woman wants day work.
Phone Main S687.
COMPETENT woman wants work by the
day. Phone Main SS31.
WOMAN wants day work by hour. Phone
Main 5117. or A 3271.
JAPANESE woman with school girl wants
general housework. V 922, Oregonian.
salesmen wanted to take our cash.
weekly selling choice nursery stock; out
fit free. Capital City Nursery Company.
haiem, uregon.
LADY agents wanted to sell high grade spe
cialties; no talking needed; sells on sight;
catalogue free. P. O. Box 205, Portland,
CAPABLE woman cook, crew men; house
keeper gentlemen's club; good wages. S t.
Louis Agency, 303 Washington.' .Main 2039.
WE'VE the hottest 25c seller yet; rarely
less than 3 sales to a home. Wolferean Co.,
rittsnurg. i-a.
AGENTS to sell ironing boards, stepladders,
etc. Call between 7 and 8 P. M., 2t7 2d st.
SMALL office; ground floor; both phones.
90 5th st.
I WANT to rent a 7 or 8-room furnished
house, near Irvlngton School preferred.
But terworth. Main 8529.
WANTEB 5-room modern cottage , near
carline, with yard; $15 to J20. A 935, Ore
gonlan. Housekeeping Roomr.
WANTED 3 housekeeping rooms; easy
walking distance; West Side preferred;
private family; trustworthy references.
AJ 943, Oregonian.
Rooms WltH Hoard.
A -SINGLE gentleman wants two nice, well
furnished rooms (drawing-room and bed
room with pertaining bathroom) and
board, breakfast and supper, either in a
private family or in an absolutely first
class boarding-house. Please address,
stating price. AH 932. Oregonian.
GENTLEMAN desires furnished room with
private family, residing in house with
modern conveniences; 5 minutes' walk
from Postoffice. Address AH 940, Ore
gonian; HOM E for elderly lady, suburbs preferred;
will pay $30 per month. A J 940, Ore
gonian. RESPECTABLE young lady wishes room
and board in nice quiet private family for
the Summer. AL 942, Oregonian.
TWO business men want room and board In
private family. AX 943. Oregonian.
iiuooa paqMiqjnjnj,
Cor. Grand ave. and Hawthorne. Phone
East 291 connecting every room. Private
baths, elevator, first-class grill. Special rates
by week or month, American or European
Transients solicited.
422 Washington, cor. llth.
Steam neat, hot and cold water, baths,
nicely furnished, rooms, $3 per weafc u&i
transient rates. 75c up.
OUTSIDE room in brick building, nicely fur
nished, for one or two people; private
bath attached, steam heat, hot and cold
water; $S weekly. 422 Washington st.
Cor. 13th and Washington sts. ; modern
and good .location; special low rates for
the Summer.
HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main sttu,
furnished rooms, single or en suite, at rea
sonable prices, modern conveniences. Op-
posite the Plaxa.
Washington and 17th, tirst-ciass furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modern con
venienccs; $3 woekiy up. A 2647. M. 5647.
THE MANSION Elegantly furnished rooms,
hot and cold water, laundry and house-
keeping privileges. 5th and Jefferson.
HOTEL ALEXANDER, 13l 10th st; nicely
furnished rooms by the day or week or
month; rent reasonable.
KICE furnished room with hot and, cold
water, steam heat, bath; $4 weekly; brick
building. 422 Washington st.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; nsw
furniture, telephone and baths free. 327
fit ark, corner tttb. Mrs. Maud J. Estea
NICELY furnished rooms at 490 Burnside
street, $2 per week, and upwards. Phone
Main 65.13.
The Mercedes, 20th and Washington; ele
gantly furnished rooms; hot and cold run
ning water, modern conveniences; $12 up.
THE LANDORE, 2S8 10th, near Jefferson;
large front room, newly furnished, suitable
for two.
FL" RN 1SH ED rooms. Etm Place, formerly
Elton. Court Annex. 414 Yamhill and llth.
THE RSX Modern rooms, $2.50 to $$ per
week. 548 Washington at.
.NICE- unfurniasd. rooms, 413 Taylor si.
Ktirabibed Booms.
ANGELA HOTEL 625 Washington street,
between 39th and 1:0th. J ust completed,
the cosiest, completest and up-to-datest
residence hotel in the city. The ground
floor office is finished in real mahogany,
marble and tile, is spacious and handsome;
elevator service, private telephone ex
change, steam heat, hot and cold water
in all rooms, many with baths and wall
beds, and is splendidly furnished. The
rent ,i very moderate, rooms from $15
per month up. Why not get the best for
your money? Now open, rooms by the day,
week or month.
140 ROOMS.
New, modern, fireproof building, steam
heated, hot and cold running water In ail
rooms, ' richly furnished, finest beds that
money can buy, and it doesn't cost any
more than some cheap lodging-house; nlc
large of nee on ground, floor; everything
first-class ; rates, tOc, 76 c and $ 1 per
day; $3.50 and up per week. Call and
see ua 123 6th sc North,
Homelike. Homelike Homelike.
7th and Ankeny sts.
Free was their oepot carriage,
I took it oa the spot;
There may be otner nouses Just as good.
A yulet home for quiet people.
208 3d su, cor. Jefferson.
New fireproof building and furnishings
throughout. Desirable neighborhood, close
to business section. Rooms large, light
and airy; hot and cold water, steam heat,
gas and electric lights ; call bells ; free
phones. Rate $3 to $ti per week. 1' hones,
A 7731; M 6639.
404 Washington, corner 10th.
Modern brick building, steam heated,
private bat lis, running water In rooms,
electric light, free phone; special rates by
week or month ; the most convenient lo
cation in the city; transient trad solicited
at $1 up.
83 North 5th St.. S. E. Cor. Flanders.
New brick building, steam heated, por
celain batns, fine large oiiice on ground
floor, elegant beds, everything absolutely
new and clean ; rates only $2.50 and up
per week; 50c and 75o per day. 2 blocks
irom Union Depot.
710 Washington, near K.lng; bath, not
and cold water; phone, steam heat la
every room; strictly modern; fine large
office, ground floor; by far the best la tne
city for tne money; room $25 per month
and up. Call and Inspect.
THE BARTON. 13th and Alder, is now
undergoing a thorough renovation ; 70
team heated, electric-lighted rooms, all
outside. Rates 75c day; $10 month up.
Suites with running water $20 month ua.
Phones and bath free.
131 Eleventh, Street.
NEW. modern brick building; 6TEAM
HEATED, private baths, running water
ROOM ; special rates by the week and
month; TRANSIENT TRADE a oil cited.
Fifth St., opposite City Hall.
New, beautifully furnished; neam heat
hot, cold water in every room ; public
and private baths. Permanent; transient.
ATTRACTIVE single rooms, close in, reason
abie; free phones and bath. 490 M orrison.
Furnihhcd Kooins In Private Families.
WELL-FURNISHED large front room, suit
able for two. with tine shaded porch, 10
blocks from. Postofftce ; also two smaller
ones; prices reasonable; everything modern -
Urivate family. Phone , Marshall 1240.
TWO elegantly furnished rooms, hot cold
running water, bath, phone, sleeping porch,
beautirul grounds; board optional, uu East
bth St., corner Washington. East 1390.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished large front room,
suitable for two or three gentlemen; bath,
electric light and phone; references re
qulred. 334 Mill, corner 7th.
46 A MONTH for a nice furnished front
room, phone and bath; one block irom
. llth-st. carline. 427 Harrison. Main 2831.
LARGE unfurnished front room in private
family, modern conveniences; reasonable.
548 Flanders, near 10th.
LARGE front room, gas, bath and phone;
choice location, walking distance; rent
reasonable. 407 Holladay ave.
ATTRACTIVE room or suite; no other
roomers; strictly private family. Main
5-SU1TE room, gas, bath and phone, choice
location, walking distance, rent reason -able.
407 Holladay ave.
FURNISHED rooms and board In private
home on East Side. Home phone C 1963,
293 Vz Wreilder st.
XEWLY furnished rooms in private home,
walking distance, telephone. 7iii Irving
$12 LARGE room in modem steam-heated
apartment, 2d floor, Uat D, 409 Jefferson
et. Ma-lQ 7594.
FOR RENT Single ' room for gentleman,
or lady; all conveniences. 195 13th. cor
ner Taylor.
268 1 13TH ST., nicely furnished rooms,
house new, every convenience; gentlemen
141 13th ST. Nicely furnished room, gas,
bath, furnace.
PLEASANT room In private family. 389
FIRST-CLASS furnished large single rooms;
no j cajjna uic. Til tui su
NICELY furnished bedroom, $9 per month
NICE room $10 per month ; walking dls
tance. Ib6 Halsey st, near Steel bridge.
NICELY new furnished room, suitable for
2. Phone East 2410. 44 East 7th st.
LARGE airy room, modern; no other room
ers. 160 North 21st.
FURNISHED rooms, private family. 248
N. 20th. Main 3649.
Rooms Wit h Board.
THE -STERLING. 535 Couch St. After a
thorougti cleaning me sterling is ready
for occupancy; all outside airy rooms,
within walking distance.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 22d year, room
witn Doara, use 01 aewiug-room ana library.
610 Flanders st. Miss Frances N Heath.
33 17TH, North, one block off Washington,
well-furnished corner suite ; also single
room, with or without board.
LAMBERSON 554 Couch St., oor. 17th, one
block from Washington; desirable rooms jr
gentlemen, uooa r-ome cooiting.
THE COLONIAL, 105 and 167 10th, St.. cor
ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason
able rates.
NICK rooms with excellent board. The Mani-
tou, 201 latn st. Moderate p r 1 ees .
Rooms With Board in Private Family.
A NICELY furnished front room, homo oriv
lieges, two meals; furnace heat, both
phones, one oiock rrom streetcar, walking
distance of postoffice; gentlemen, nreier-
red but would rent to two ladies employed
Curing day ana wno can play piano.
Phone B 1745.
LARGE front bay-window room, with al
cove, private balcony, suitable for 2; all
modern conveniences; will serve break'
fast and eve-iing dinner. Main 7785.
BOARD and room, bath, phone, use of
piano, home cooking ; $6 per week. 191
ntn. l'none Aiain oito.. .
SINGLE room, with board, in modern pri
vate noine; references requirea. z4
FRONT room, suitable for gentleman; free
phone and bath; walking distance. o
West Park st.
LARGE f urn ished room with board : nnm
cooking; phones, bath, all conveniences. lo7
Ittth st., near r lancers.
ROOMS and board for one or two gentkv
men, two blocks from W'aehington st
5913 Davis st.
TWO-ROOM suite, also single room; choice
board ; business peopie. n jj.oyt st
HOARD and room, home privileges, $6 a
week. A 7104. 321 West Park st.
DESIRABLE room and board, home cooking.
' B 2031.
NICE room in private family; good board;
re a sonable rates. Main 701ti.
IN private family, room and board, near
Steel bridge. C 2790.
FURNISHED ROOMS, with board. 230 10th
st. ; references.
TABLE board for one or two; private home,
near Ladd School. Main 4504.
YOUNG man wants roomrate. A 7104.
Aatomob i les.
For housekeeping in suites, $12 and up;
hot water, free baths, first-class. 6314
Washington, cor. 2Qth.
475 SALMON, corner 14th; nicely furnished
apartments, under new management; elec
tric elevator: private bath and phone.
WAUNITA. 325 llth st- Very nicely fur
nished 2-room apartments; steam heat;
modern walking distance.
&-HOOM corner apartment, every conveni
ence. Braintree Apartments, 295 12th st.
Main 7741.
NEATLY furnished 4-roorn apartment. 171
King. Kings Hill Apartments.
THE CHE TOP A modern 4-room unfurnished
srartmnv Apply to Janitor. Both, phones.
HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia.
4 blocks from Morrison sl ; new brlcK
building, completely lirst-class, furnished
In 2, 3 and 4 -room family apartments, pri
vate catn. reception hall, steam heat, hot
water, elevator, free phone; some unfur
nished: janitor service; rent reasonable.
between 19;h and 20th sts.. near Washing
ton; 2, 3 or 4-room apartments, new pressed
brick building just completed; every modern
convenience including telephone exchange
and ei-va.or; close to business centers; very prices and exct-lient service.
$25 TO $35 For rent. West Side, 5 3 and 4
room very modern apartments in the new
brick building just being furnished at llth
and Hall.
At premlsota or 121 Board Trade Bldg.
THB SHEFFIELD, 7th and Jefferson sta .
Unfurnished apartment, wiln bail). All out
Side rooms; modern, every convenience, and
only 5 minutes walk from P. O. Very rea-
sonable rent. Main 20jp, A 3149.
Strictly modern, large rooms and three
closets to every apartment; cool and airy
for Summer. Lovejoy su Take W
HAMOVKK Apartments, corner King and
Washington sta, 3-room apartments, have
every modern convenience, including tteam
heat, tot water, private bath, frA phones
and janitor service; rent very reasonable.
62 Ciranu Ave., S. L'. oor. K. Siark.
Beautifully furnished 3-isoiu apartments;
modern ; to $35 per month. East 3tx.
"ONEONTA" APARTMENTS, 167 17th, near
Yamhill iw car at depot). 2, 3 and 4 -room,
furnished suites; hot and cold, phones and
baths free; $20 per month, ta per week;
iind up. Main 46U7. A 473!j.
Til E W ass 1 1 Apartments. 4 and 5 room ;
steam-heated, janitor service, easy walk
inn distance to West Side business center,
tounnyskie car; rent $30 to 32.0O. l'none
East tbl.
2. 3 OH 4 -room apartments, up to date
in every respect, walking distance from
business center; furnished and unfurnished,
loth and Everett sta. Phone Main 1245.
Corner of Tenth and Hall jts. one 3
and 4-rooxn; strictly first-class; $2 7.0V
and S32.o0. A 2105.
FURNISHED 3-room apartments, sink iu
kitchen, telephone, ua-th, furnace heat,
clean and modern; rent $2." and $;0. The
Jelttrsunian, lt3th and Jefferson, st.
STEAM-HEATED 5-room apartment, mod
ern and desirable; 635 Everett at- Apply
Morgan, i'leidner & Boyce, 603 Abingioa
FOR RENT- Modern 4 -room apartment.
King's Heights Apartment House, cor.
Kins and Wayne sts.; furnished. 96ft; uu
furnished, $40. AppLy Janitor.
THE LAN LORE, 2bS 10th, near Jefferson;
perfectly new a-room suite, compietely
furnished for housekeeping; sleeping
por c h. '
FIVE-ROOM, Bteamheated, modern apart
ment with Janitor service (.partial base
ment), finest in city for the money, Ap
ply to janitor, 21st and Kearney.
THE MERCEDES Elegantly furnished I
room apartments, hot and cold running
water and all modern conveniences; $lel
to tap. Corner 2Qth and V ashington ts
HARRISON COURT. 5th and Harrison--.
Unfurnished apartment, 1 rooms and batn,
all modern improvements. .Phone Mala
5148, A 7303.
EURN1SHJE1 apartment.
Washington and Kiu .
The Morton,
THH MORTON, tU7 Washington, su, 3-room,
apartment all outgide.
FOR RENT 4ast Side, close in; very hand
some o-room liat, built-in china closets,
laundry trays, large porches, every mod
ern convenience; this is the only one left
and should go today; rent $25; would cost
So on the West Side. Call up Main 6'J74.
FOR RENT 1-room lilat, close to Steel
bridge, on East Side; water included.
7-room modern house, lOOxLUO, East Mad
ison St., near 24th, $35.
A. H. B1RRELL CO.. 202 McKay Bldg.,
Third and Stark Sts.
$22 1-ROOM upper flat, built-in china, clos
et, excellent iurnace and all modern con
veniences ; price includes water ; location
328 Ross st. R. i. .Blossom, 31d Cham
bcr of Commerce.
FOR RENT New and strictly modern ft
room, flats on 20th and Laurel sts., Port
land Heights, rent $40. Apply
So Fourth at.
LOWER fiat. 5 large light rooms, newly
tinted, modern, across Steel bridge. 40
Ross. cor. Lixon; one block north of
FOR RENT "Upper flat, 6 rooms, modern ;
new ; at t ic rvom, sleeping; porch; 2 blocks
West tii-de High School. Inquire 175 ltth
corner Yamhill.
UPPER 4-room flat; extra sleeping rooms;
near 23d and Washington, sts. Phone fore
noon and evening. M. fe&SS.
WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer
Co. Main 16 IS, A 19S4. All covered W4g-
on 3. all experienced m en.
ONE new 6-room modern nt; "S" and 'B"
carline. Inauire at drugstore. Front and,
Oibba ets.
$16 MONTH New modem 4-room flat; also
store, $15 month; walking distance. Cher
ry and Vancouver. jhone A 3376.
PLEASANT 3-roomed flat, walking distance;
adults only. 239 Hall St.. $15.
NEW 5-room flat, modern. 473 Park mU In-
quire 408 Park st.
KEW 4-room fiat, 5 minutes P. O., reasonable
to adults. Inquire 3t7 10th St.
5-ROOM furnished flat. 452 H Weidler SU
Call evenings. Phone C 1Q7 any time.
MODERN upper and lower flat; choice lo
cal ionOvertxjniTear
MODERN 5-room flat, 5th, near Jackson,
West Side; 10 minutes' walk. M or A 3 223.
MODERN 4-room flat. Inquire tS28 Wil-
liamsave.PhoneC 16& 7
UPPER flat, five rooms, between lfth and
llth. on Yamhill. Apply 407 Yamhill.
MODERN 5-room lower corner flat. 475
7th st.
5-ROOM upper flat, newly tinted. 22d and
Kearney sts. Key 712 Kearney.
MODERN flat, 6 rooms and bath. 731 Hoyt
st. Inquire 132 0th st. Main 627S.
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts. Fur
nished for housekeeping. Including gas
ranges, electric lights, hot water, bath,
laundry, all free; 15 per month up; best
in the city for money; short distance from
Union Depot. Take S" ' or 16t h-st. cars
north, get on at Marshall st. No dogs.
WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 2 $8
month, 3 for $12; cottage 4 rooms, $20; 3t4
26th N. (West Side), W car from depot, 3d
or Morrison to 2'jth, block north.
$1.25 TO $2.00 week, clean, furnished house
keeping rooms; laundry, bath, phone, gas.
furnace heat. 400 Vancouver ave.
SOME nice single and en suite housekeep
ing rooms. Cambridge bldg., 3d and Mor
rison. Room No. 30.
DESIRABLE two and three-room unfur
nished suites. Fifth st.. 305 hit Jefferson
Beautiful central location.
UNFUKNISHED 3, outside, ground floor;
full kitchen ; stoves furnished. 567 Everett.
THE COLLINS 503 Alder St., furnished
housekeeping rooms, with all conveniences.
THE ELMS 2 and 3-room apartments; fur
nished. 191 14th st.
FOR RENT A suite of 2 nicely furnished
.housekeeping rooms. 420 Main st.
461 E. MORRISON, cor. Sth. Completely
furnished housekeep-tng suites; reasonable.
$1.25 week, clean fur. housekeeping room.
heat, laundry, bath. 203 Stanton. "TJ" car,
$1.50 week, large, clean furn. housekeeping
rooms: laundry, bath.' gas. 1&4 Sherman.
OR 3 very nice large modern housekeep-
int? rooms. 403 2nd st.
NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms. 175
N. 17th yt.. cor. Johnson.
$i.o0 to $2 week, clean furnished housckeep
Ing rooms. Peseta House. 291 Second st.
Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family.
THREE completely furnished housekeeping
rooms, gas. bath, basement. $14; one fur
nished room, with part use of kitchen,
$7.50; walking distance; no children. 52a
TWO rooms in most desirable section; all
modern conveniences; gas, phone, etc.
Phone Main 7331.
FOUR unfurnished rooms with fireplace f"r
light housekeeping, with modern conveoi
ences. Phone East 6381.
HOUSEKEEPING- rooms., first floor, steam
heat hot water, free phone, down town.
350S Alder st.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, in 2 and 3-room
suites; ais-o single; running water, light and
phone; very reasonable. 173 N. 17th.
DOUBLE and single housekeeping rooms,
yard, bath and phone. 450 Y'amhll).
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. In
quire 91 Va 1st St., near Stark.
1 FURNISHED room with email kitchen.
212 North lrtth st. Main 4Q23.
NICELY furnish-sd housekeeping rooms. In
puire 91 H Is St., near Stark.
A SUITE of housekeeping rooms $10 per
month. f.Sg Pcttygrove st.
M'lTR of housekeeping rooms, reasonable.
13 Eafc-t 7th st. Phone East
FURNISHED or unfurnished ; In suburbs;
on car line, phone Sell wood 36.