THE MORXIXG OREGOXTAX. WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 19 10. 15 REAL ESTATE. For Sale lots. I HAVB SOME CHOICE RIVERFRONT PROPERTY FOR A HOMB; CLOSE IN. ON THE EAST SIDES. NO FIXER VIEW IN CITY. 10 MTNtTBS- CAR RIDE TO SD AXD MORRISON. FOR A FINE BUILJ3ING SITE TOU CAN'T BEAT IT. ASK FOR MR. GUTHRIE COLUMBIA TRUST CO.. &i 4th. Board of Trade BMg. BARGAINS IN IOTS DIRECT FROM OWNER. Fine lot on E. 18th st., 1 block north from Hawthorn av. : elegant .apartment site; price $2500. term. $700 Fine lot on East 24th ,U; ha. T large cherry treee; easy terms. 450 Lot in rood neighborhood; $10 cash nd $5 per mo. ; 1 block trom car. MOO Lot on East 80th near Gladstone; e&sy terms. F. J. STHIN1IETZ, Owner, 113 Morrison St. SNAP. HOLLADAY ADDITION. 3 LOTS CORNER 22D AND HALSEY. 142x100 FT. $6300 PART CASH. BALANCE TO SUIT. This ia the Best Buy IN THIS LOCATION. COLUMBIA TRUST CO.. 84 4th. Board of Trade Bldg. TRACT 48x170 only $425: almost TWO lots. ON TERMS TO SUIT YOU; 15-mlnute ride, near 41st and Richmond car; small payment down, small monthly payments; rich garden soil; sishtly plane for home; 2 blocks to car; costs you nothing to see It. Another adjoining It desired- Only chance for salaried man to get started. close In; nowhere etee so close in can you l-tiy tract for this price with best soil Oregon. Call or phone today. JAS. C. LOGAN. Wash. St., R. 404. DO YOU WANT A HOME? Let your money earn It. S Int. paid on check accounts. 2i4 Int. paid on 10-day call certificates. Int. paid on 30-day call certificates. Int. paid on 00-day call certificates. Small check accounts received. 23 years' banking experience in Portland. We will help you buy a home. PORTLAJ.D TRUST COMPANY BANK. Third and Oak StB. LAUKBLHORST. Lots at original prices In that part of the addition where houses are already built and the pavement is now actually being laid; splendid view. within one block of Montavllla car. Prices from $12oO to $1700. Theae original prices are 20 per cent lower than the Company's prices on lots similarly located in adjoining blocks. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. 22D AND HALSEY. 3 CORNER LOTS. 142x100. FINE HOME SITE. MUST BE SOLD TODAY". $6300 Part cash will handle. COLUMBIA TRUST CO.. 64 4th. Board of Trade Bldg. 22D jlND HALSEY. 8 CORN'UR LOTS. 142x100. FINE HOME SITE. MUST BE SOLD TODAY. $W0 Part cash will handle. COLUMBIA TRUST CO.. 84 4th. Board of Trade Bldg. FINE LOT, E. SALMON ST. 110x71 corner, in a fine residence dis trict, close in; street Improvements in and paid; price, a snap for a few days, $2400; must have $1400 cash, balance at 7 per cent. See this today. GRUS9I & ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. NOB HILL. 100x100, near 26th St.. a beautiful building site; price will be raised after May 7; at present price $S0O0. with, terms. ZIMMERMAN. 621 Board of Trade Bldg. NEW MAPS. 1. Latest map of Portland, Or., giving new additions, electric lines, etc 2. 23-m!le circle of Portland's surround ing, giving townships, ranges and section numbers, new electric lines and railroads, etc. Price 50 cents each. Send stamps. The Crossley Co.. 7O0 Corbett bldg. 22D AND HALSEY. 3 CORNER LOTS 142x100. FINE HOME SITE. MUST BE SOLD TODAY. $U3no Part cash will handle. COLUMBIA TRUST CO.. S4 4th. Board of Trade Bldg. LOT BARGAINS. 40x100 near Alblna carline; trrla Is a corner and a fine lot, 4550, easy -terms. 50x100, beautiful lot, one block from good car service, located on East 8th. close In. a bure snap at $2100; $700 cash. GOODNOUGH & SEITZ. . 718 Board of Trade. LOT. 60x100. near 39th and Rraiee, with ce ment walk, parking, cement curb, graded street and city water in and paid, and in cluded In the price of $o50. on easy terms; adjoining lots selling for $1000 without im provements; to see this today, phone Mar shall 468. ALAMEDA PARK LOT. One of the prettiest view lots In this high-class addition; improvements in and paid for; for quick sale, only $1500; s cash. REPASS & WOOD YARD, 300 Henry Bldg. 6NAP Warehouse site, 100x100. S. B. cor. Reed and Blakestone sts; only $2500. cash or trade, to handle, balance $20,000 at 6 per cent. Will lease. Bargain in lot on Overton near 23d st. Cheapest lot on Union near Sktdmore st. Three acres near Base Line road. Owner, 87 5th St. IRVINGTON. 85x100 on East 24th street, between Tillamook and Thompson sts.; faces east. All Improvements paid; price $3500; terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. APARTMENT-SITE. Corner lot; few minutes' walk to P. O. ; a decided bargain for few days more. Never can be had so cheap again. You had better hurry. Vanduyn & Walton 515 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE. Two lots in Berkeley, one block from O. W. P. R. R station; cheap, as owner needs monev quick. MERCHANTS REALTY XX. 2U7-22S Abington Bldg. ALAMEDA PARK LOTS. Are hlgti and sightly, overlooking Irving" ton; near Broadway' carline; best city Im provements; priced 25 per cent below the market. Inquire Alameda Land Company 822 Corbett bldg. ". LARGS LOTS. EASY TERMS. TABOR 191ft. FINE 100x100 corner on East 37th 2 blocks from Gladstone ave. and W-W carlinea; need the money and will sell for $900. which is far below market price. AF 933. Oregonlan. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. I have lot fiOxSO on Portland Heights, on carline; Ravensview Drive. Price. $1500 20 per cent down. 2 per cent per month. Box AD 907, Oregonlan. CANNON BEACH LOTS. Swell Cannon Beach lots, best location, full size. $125 and up. your own terms, no interest. 171 Third st. THREE lots, facing east, on Rodney ave. bet Mason and . Skidmore; all street im provements paid. Phone Woodiawn 61 for terms. WHY buy a lot when you can get a half acre inside the city with all the advan tages for the same price? 420 Lumber mans Bldg.. cevr. 5th and gtark. LOWER HEIGHTS lot. with beautiful un obstructed view of entire city. Main 3998. For (sale Houses. FOR SALE Modern 5-room bungalow lot 103x104; also 3-room furnished house or will rent to reliable party. Owner leavlne city. AM 925. Oregonian. NEW modern 6-room house In Nob Hill district; will sell at a sacrifice. Phone A 4S29. A REAL BARGAIN. Owner must sell 7-room modem home 2 lots, choice, restricted, fine view, Irv ington. Phone Exchange 1, house 17 Owner. FINE bungalow. 7 rooms, new and up to date; fireplace, large porches, c-a. .t,h electric liKhts. improved streets, near the car, closer in (nan J-.aureinurst ; $4000, terms to suit. Owner. K 939. Oregon t a n . FOR SALE CHEAP. lOOxlOO on corner, all street tmprovemsnts and sewerage in. good five-room house Ap ply at grocery store, 21st and Clinton. FOR SALE by owner, new modern 7-room house, full cement basement; lot 75x100; corner 6th and Going. Phone C 2078 JSTftO SNAP: Ninth near Tillamook; finish ing, handsome modern house. Owner, East 2227. 6-ROOM modern house on Eugene st-, near Williams ave.: bargain if sold soon. G. A. Kaaper. Phone East Q'.3. JL VERY pretty home la Sunnyaide, East Morrison st- $aaoO; worth 4250O. jSTfrBTTK- ir ftTHV.JTTa ASS Thli-k.CTt REAL ESTATE. For Sale 858 HALSEY. Last chance; leaving: until Wednesday offer this $5000, elegant rental or resi dence property for $4400. $800 to 1000 down, balance easiest of terms; house comfortable and modern, extra large bath roc m, 3 good bedrooms each containing closet with window, one used as a sewing room, large attic; down stairs, good re ception hall a fine large dining-room with alcove and lattice windows: lot in fruit and flowers: even the garden dug ready for vegetables and still room for a gar age; of course, a furnace and fireplace; after Wednesday to lease to right parties with proper references; elegantly fur nished, also piano. $2350 BUNGALOW. On a graded street, cement walks In; o-room, nicely finished, attic floored, good plumbing, fine bath and toilet, wired for electricity: the lot is 50x115 feet, nicely Improved with cement walks, terrace, high grounds and a fine view, east front, good garden and a beautiful lawn. Call and see us and have us show yon this comfortabie home. Terms. HOLT-JONES REAL ESTATE CO, 822 Board of Trade Bide. Marshall 849. A 7234. BUILDING 13 OUR BUSINESS. We have from 10 to 15 Jobs going at one time. We can afford IeB profit on a single contract than the small contractor. You also get Just what you order and take no risk. Plans and estimates free. If you own lot we will furnish the money. PORTLAND REALTY & CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. 902-9O3 Lewis Bldg., 4th and Oak Sts. ELEGANT HOME, HOLLADAY; Nice modern two-story, large 7-room . house, furnace and fireplace, gas and elec tric; cement basement; laundry trays, ex tra large rooms; lot 50x100, on Wasco Btreet; sidewalk and street improvements paid; in the midst of fine homes; owner must have money; price $7000; $2000 cash, balance easy terms. , GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. 6 ROOMS. NEW. CLOSE IN. Terms will be arranged to suit; $3660; all modem, cement walks and basement; im proved street, close to 4 carllnes; tinted, artis tic fixtures, wood hoist, clothes chute, pan eled dining room, with 10-foot bay, 2 large windows in every room; fine locality; fumed oak finish; oiled floors; shades; piped for furnace. The owner must sell for business reasons. Call 210 Failing St.. near Halgbt. Phone C 1444. GOING TO BUILD 7 WE ARE BUILDING MORE HOUSES THAN ANY CONTRACTOR IN THE CITY. THERE ARE GOOD REASONS. OUR CUSTOMERS SAVE MONEY AND GET BETTER WORK, ON TERMS TO SUIT. IF YOU OWN YOUR LOT. WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY TO BUILD. PLANS AND ESTIMATES FREE OREGON BUILDING & TRUST CO., 309 HENRY BLDG. BEAUTIFUL PORTSMOUTH BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, bath and pantry, large front porch, screened porch at back door; lot 30x100, one block from car; full cement basement, wash trays, beat of plumbing; everything is modern throughout: first class material and work; nothing better in Portland for the prloe; $750 will handle it. Neal Brown, 709 Swetland. bldg.. Fifth and Washington sts. 1 WILL sell for $3300; $1000 cash, bal ance $50 quarterly, a thoroughly modern o-room bungalow on E. Washington st. j this place has every convenience, in- room, and is within 200 f-aet of the mosrtf exclusive section of Laurelhurst; hero is a sure snap for someone, as I positively must sell at once. Call M. 2828. NICE 7-ROOM HOUSE, $1000 CASH. Modem 7-room house, gas and electric: fine plumbing, on a lot 40x100: improved street, cement sidewalk, fine lawn, on B. Yamhill st.; walking distance: price $4500; $1000 cash and $25 per month. See this today. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. $3200 FINE, sightly comer and up-to-date cottage. East 13th and Mason sts. Only ?7oO cash, balance monthly paymenta $2100 Cottage and fractional lot. East 11th St., near Hawthorne ave. $3000 6-room cottage and fractional lot. East Salmon, near 18th. I. G. DAVIDSON. 819 Chamber of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL HOME. New 8-room bungalow, full basement and modem in every particular: fine lot, cement walks, street Improvements made; 20 min utes' walk from center business district price $310u, $800 cash, balance to suit; there is nothing better In Portland for the price. INVESTMENT CORPORATION, LTD 286 Washington St.. room 12. FOR SALE BY OWNER. $3850 for a modern, up-to-date 7-room house; full basement, furnace, wash trays fireplace, lawn, roses, etc.; lots alone are selling for $2300 In this vicinity; $1800 cash. 88 East Main, near 29th. Sunny side car. Two blocks north of Hawthorne ave. IRVINGTON A fine large 6-room house on full 50x100 lot within walking distance from business center; modern plumbing basement, etc. At only $3500. This is a snap if anything, and brings good inter est, while values grow. C. F. Pfluger A Co.. room 5 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Mor rison sts. - MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. 6-room modern, elegantly furnished house, including 5 choice lots, on Willam ette blvd.. overlooking river; fenced, barn fruit trees, roses and other shrubbery price $6000, without furniture; $i0O0 with furniture; worth $10,000. Room 8 362 Washington st. $50 BUNGALOW. 6 rooms, on Oregon City carllna, 6 rooms, on Woodstock carline. wl v . y carline. With furniture if preferred; payments $15 . . ...... t-wwucu ii anv jc i rUatt Jo . 326H Waah. at., room 616. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. 6 new, moderfi 5 and 6-room bungalows beautiful view, select neighborhoods very easy terms, ranging In price from '$3500 to $57o0. J. W. CROSSLBT, 1053 Vaughn St. Phone A C5T9. A 6XAP. Strictly modern 7-room house on fine corner of 28th street. In Sunnyside 4 bedrooms, fireplace, furnace, gas and electric; $3750; terms. Lot alone worth $2000. Kauffman & Moore, 325 Lumber Exchange. I AM GOING TO SEr.T. New house. 6 rooms, large bath, full baee- uiviik. uax.j.uo iul, mwii, on, grand view. u J" car. a want some Oregonlan. NOB HILL HOME. Beautiful 12-room house on 24th street in the finest residence district of the city ; faces east; price $15,000 H. P. PALMER-JOXES CO 212-213 Commercial Club Bid- WEST SIDE A large 8-room house on -.. n.w aia.i j. inn ana uuimbv sts. Will sell at a bargain If taken wLthln a few days. Price $5500 Best Investment section of the city. 4drii-Qa L 930, Oregonlan- 7-ROOM modern house on corner; splendid neighborhood, large closets, hardwood fin ish, including magnificent furniture now rented ; can give Immediate possession price $3600; terms. Room S, 362 Wash ington st. 6-ROOM modern house, white enameled bathroom, large porches, full concrete basement, fine roses, fruits, built by day labor for good home; must sell; one block from car; cheap; payment down, terms- line currier, .imuvi muuoa, jvit Scott car Phone Tabor 939. ' $1275 WILL buy a $1600 home if sold at once; 4 large rooms, closet and unfinished bath; electric lights, full basement, cor ner lot, well built, no contract job- take Mt Scott car, get off at Sd ave.. 6o west who buulq one block. FOR SALE One of the finest fi-room TACi. dences in the best part of Irvinsrton with all the latest improvements. fyt- nnrtiA. ulars call on Alex Shires. 517 Board of i ratie cua s- BIG SXAP. 6-room modern house on East 27th st. fine location; 3 blocks from Morrison car price $2400; half cash; owner leavinar modern 11-room house, lot inni rw hard-surface streets, Irvlngton ; also other houses and vacant lots. R. B. & J. P Rice, office 16th and Braze eta. East 5o, res, cast o. 8SO EAST 10TH N. N. W. corner lot. an ,Tifd- B-room modern house. V-atTia. , 16x30, with cement floor; chlcken-houae ex a. wmi iichiiis , ti:i.-B BSAUTIFT'L 8-room modern house, same as new. with fine furnace, on sightly cor ner oi'XH'u. oeiweea - canines; price S000, A BAROAIX Near I'nion. large modern 5 room bungalow, full lot. $30O cash. 900 ijarpeiQ, o net. AY HEN' moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co.. M 1618, A 19S4; all covered waon and vw.w hunralow. furnished readv toF tm keepVng; 600 down. $20 month. ' Tabor FOR SALE By owner the handsomeat bungalow in iniueiun, .cast aoth st., MUST sell; small house, 2 lots, chicken house, woodshed, fruit tree?, fenced, near car; TSoQ- noom a, wasnington bzdg. 500 7 room s, H 1 1 ad ay Parity REAL ESTATE. T-KOOM HOUSE and LOT 60x104. . East 30th and Taylor, X. E. corner. 3700. Residence can be turned around and an other house built on the corner. Values have risen greatly since the nojj-resident owner gave us our contract of sale. No section of the city has made greater ad vancement. An inside lot near this sold recently for 1&K. This is only 8 minutes out on the most direct line of cars, with a car every three minutes. This house has been very recently painted and is in splen did condition. You don't have to be a real estate wizard to recognize in this an ex ceptionally flae investment. WTNU JOHXSOX CO., Room 20 Gerlinger bldg., 2d and Alder, Phone Marshall 1948. THIS IS A SXAP. . $3200. Large 2-story 7-room. residence, 45x100, corner lot. built of the very best material throughout. The house cost the owner.,,... . $3100 The lot Is valued at. . . S00 The furniture la worths ........ 1600 Total $5500 This beautiful home, completely fur nished with the best mission oak furni ture, will be sold at $3200. This Is a bargain that you cannot pick tip every day. Location, Mt. Scott car line, 25-minute ride. Terms about $1800 cash. Xo Information given over the phone. Those who mean business please call. Ask for Staples. M. E. THOMPSON CO. Henry Building. Fourth and Pair Sts. A BARGAIN. We have bad placed in our hands for a quick aale one of the best bargains offered for a long time. 8-room 1-story bungalow. 1 block from Mount Tabor car. Has been built and occupied less than 5 anon t ha and is Just like new. The arrangement of the rooms, finish and fixtures are everything that can be desired in a high-class home. This la on a 50x100 oot lot. paved street, cement walk and 6 ewer, water and gas ar all in. The price is $520o, with terms. If you are looking for a fine home in a swell neighbor hood, you will lose no time In looking this up, as it will go quickly. Remember, It will satlafy the most par ticular. It will be a pleasure to how this to you. CHAPIX & HERLOW, "J" 833 Chamber of Commerce. FINE 6-room house in Sunnyaide; modern; MARTIN J. HIGLEY, 132 THIRD ST. Business Property. BUSINESS CORNER. 60x80. 24th and A Lb eft a streets, 5Ox0. a fln location for stores and flats; small build ing on it now. bringing $15 per month. For a quick sale, price $1700; $400 cash, balance terms. See us. REPASS & WOODTARDi 300 Henry Bldg. $20,000 Takes 100x100 corner, well located in warehouse district ; sidetrack passes through property. This is very cheap for the looatlon; buildings alone worth $0000 buildings rented. For particulars address K 935, Oregonlan. IMPROVED business corner. 66x100 feet: Sunnyside district, $5700 ; a good buy. Bloch Realty Co., 231 Lumbermen bldg. Acreage. BARGAINS IN ACREAGE. 1 acre, all in cultivation; 3-room house, chicken-house, etc.; young fruit, berries, etc.; between 2 carllnes; 5c fare. Price $1600. 4 acres, set out in fruit anri Rntrii.h walnuts; few bearing fruit trees; 3-room house, barn, etc; this is mile from S. P. station and 1H miles from electric car; 10 miles from Portland; an exceptional bargain m v-touv. carina. F. J. STEINMETZ & CO., 193 Morrison St. CHOICE ACREAGE AT COURTNEY. Most beautiful suburb, Courtney station on Oregon City electric car line. 4 tracts of one acre each; price SHOO. 1 tract of 2 acres each; price $3000. 1 tract of 1 acre; price $1000. AU overlooking Portland, with abund ant water for irrigation. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. HOOD RIVER. 10 ACRES $125. 10 acres, about T miles out in thu vi ley; was all in cultivation a fow years ago; can be easily cleared; fine spring, enough water for irrigating; gradual oiwuc, il 13 worxn T.-w an acre, but will sell it for $125. See us. REPASS & W OOD YARD, 300 Henry Bldg. COUNTRY HOME. Nothing prettier or a greater snap In Multnomah County than this choice 20-acre piece. All in highest state of cultivation; 8 acrea in fine fruit trees; large 10-room modern house and Immense barn ; beauti ful view of mountains ; 6 miles from the center of Portland on Oregon Electrio, Call 410 Failing bulldg. PRIMROSE ACRES. At Multnomah station, on the Oregon Electric Railway, 20 minutes from the heart of Portland; this tract offers the best for the money in this diMrict; selling now as low as $560 per acre; 10 per cent down and 4 years to pay balance; if you want a choice country home for .the price of a city lot, see the Trustee, 410 Falling bldg. HERE'S AN EXCEPTIONAL BUY: 10 acres, lying just north of Russell School, between Base Line road and Villa avenue: the survey of the Mount Hood line runs tnrough tne run length of the place. May be bought now at $750 jer acre COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Board of Trade Bldg. 2TRUIT AND GARDEN TRACTS Do you want a 5, 10 or 20-acre tract of uregon a finest land, convenient to railroad and electric line Into Portland, on 1 v ia miles away? A country home near the big irjs. AUrtJi.a. jasy terms. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce bldg. A SXAP. 18 Vi acres. 1 mile from Tl-arrl fltnHnn all cleared, part in crop; price $150 per wo , V t. a i i . oH.ia.nce jl ana 2 years. Foreign Department, UNION BANK & TRUST CO.. 235 Stark Su Phones: Main 902, A 2669. 10 ACRES, beautifully located, all in high state of cultivation, with 3 acres of full bearine orchard : old house, cnoi, wpI i. terries, 12 miles from Portland, 10 blocks from electric station ; beautiful view; lies on macadamized road. Prioe &20O0, $600 CUB 11. CHAPIX & HERLOW. S3 '2 Chamber of Commerce. BARGAIN IX ACREAGE. $7800 A choice home of 9 acres in For est Grove: all in cultivation: 9-room house, with all modern conveniences; fine barn, fruit ; will take in exchange Port land property to -im'u. W. Q. WADDELL, 309 Lumber Exchange. ONE ACRE AND INDEPENDFATR Buckingham Heights acre tracts are less than one mile from city limits on county road, . convenient to carline and steam roaa; iana ciearea, Dest soil, fine view; easy terms. 2o2 Chamber of Commerce, desk 8. SUBURBAN ACREAGE Fractional 80 acres, close in on Salem j&ieotric rarity improved; only $1:00 per VANDUYN & WALTON. 515 Chamber of Commerce. BARGAIN IN ACREAGE. Owner must have cash and offers for sale a cnoice 10-acre tract, all in culti vation, on Powell Valley road, at a great oargain. v . v. w auueu, ;juj Lumber Ex change. - 204 ACRES at $S5 per acre, at edge of city. I414 acres at $60; near city. Two 25-acre tract. $160; near Beaver ton. lo-acre tracts on Oregon Electric at $150. t,nijJi, t-t J n lug. FINE PLATTING PROPOSITION. 80 acres, within 5 miles from eom-t. house; 5000 cords of wood on 40 acres; price $250 per acre; terms. Call 417 Board of Trade. 160 ACRES with crops. 2 miles from station and. 3H miles from river town, where boats go In. for $20 an acre; 25 acres un der cultivation. L. Rasmussen. Toledo, IfinCOlll wicBUii. LET me sell you a half acre or more In side the city; Bull Run water, paved street, building restrictions. etc. 420 Lumber- mans ttiag-, cor.. Jj-n ana erark 5 ACRES 8 miles from Vancouver; enough of a city lot. Owner, H.' M. Greene, Medical bldg. price 15 ACRES, 5 acres in cultivation, no rrwir fine soil, close in, only $350 per acre. 7is S5 acres for $R7.50O; best proposition in city limits; exceptional opportunity; less for casn. jiatteo. al ki, oregonian. lu ACRES, good for suburban home: terms Purse. 818 Chamber of Commerce. Main 2 . ACRES adjoining land platted in lots $17 OO if Fold in 2 weeks. G. A. Kasper. Phone East 6263. ,A SNAP Two tracts. 30 and A creL -G-w- SEAL ESTATE. Acreage. 5 ACRES BEAVERDAJI $5700. V Tn the town of Beaverton, 11 miles from Portland, on the West Side, train and elec tric line. This is genuine beaverdam land and cost the owner as much as he is ask ing you. WYNN JOHNSON CO.. Room 209 Gerlinger bldg., 2d and Alder. Phone Marshall 1948. LITTLE FARMS. 8 1 000 2 acres unimproved but easily cleared; finest soil; easy terms; 10c fare; on electric $2500 8 acres. cleared, good soil, on electric, 1-3 down, balanco 6 per cent. $900 acres. gravelly. fine soil, creek, all clear and cultivated; $90 down. $2000 2 acres. H cleared, fruit and garden, fine soil, mile from electric, 7c fare, good house and chicken corral; terms. $550 per acre; 2 -acre tract, 20 minutes out on electric; $55 down; fine soil. $1200 2 acres meadow and fruit, no buildings; at station, lOo fare; finest soil; terms. OREGON LAND COMPANY, Cor. 4th and Oak Sts.. 215 Henry Bldg. SUBURBAN HOME AND POULTRY FARM. Half mile from Oregon Electric, 30 minutes from Portland; good house, newly painted; 5 rooms downstairs, freshly plas tered and tinted; second lloor can be made into four rooms; fine well; big barn, four stalls, compartments for lOOO chickens; two separate chicken-houses; three acres under cultivation, inclosed with chicken wire fence; good garden, IS apple and one pear tree in full bearing; ideal home and poultry farm ; price $4500, on easy terms. We will show the property. B CHAPIN & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. A SNAP. 0 acres, near city limits, on Section Line road: almost all under cultivation, good 4-room house, large barn, roothouse, chicken-house, plenty of water, all fenced, ground nice and level; owner must sell; price $3950, terms. Apply owner, 171 Third street, near Yamhill. Homesteads. LAND IS ICING. Let us place you on a Central Oregon free hom-astead; 320 acres of choicest agricultural land in the West; in a valley traversed by new railway lines of survey and nearest railroads now building; our two locators are men of wide experience; they have spent weeks on the land and know it thoroughly; they can locate you most favorably now, but wait and it will be too late ; deep, rich, lake-bed soil, mostly level, some gently rolling, free from rock and alkali ; cold, clear water; 6 to 30 feet; good fuel supply and fenoe posts from Government reserve nearby. We don't want a mortgage on your life for locating you; ride in our' automo biles ; our weekly excursions leave every Thursday. Call or write THE SPAN TON COMPANY, 269 Oak St., Lewis Bldg. 2 HOMESTEADS under irrigation ditch, 160 acres eacn; special lot rates for Crook, Lake and Harney Counties; 5 homesteads on the coast; 2 timber claims. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON 82-page book explaining what each of th wuiii uzf. tLcuLpieu ior; give amount of government land open to homestead in each county; map attached. 21x28 showing new R. R. end towns, including Eastern and Central Oregon; counties in different colors drawn to March 1, 1910; latest map in U, S. ; price 25c Nimmo & Runey, 13 Hamil ton bldg. RELINQUISHMENT, 160 acres, all fenced. wirt anil, ueuw puaia; u to ou acres in cui tivation and young orchard; good build ings, all new; story and a half house, barn, chicken-house and outbuildings; 10 miles from R. R. town, 1 mile to P. O. and small town 'and school; good roads; this Is a great snan If taken at nnce Relinquishment, close to Portland; 147 m.Two, ua.uiu uii etiiiie; eat oi iruit ana bottom land; a big bargain. TELE DAVIS HANNA REALTY CO. 504 Pekum Bldg. HOMESTEADS. We can locate you on S20 acres of rich Government land in Southeastern Oregon, In the section about to be opened ud bv . i T.TI11 DTirl T-l jri-lTTldn ltnA -I K. J mo wiu anora- ine the best opportunity left in th tt a to s:et a homestead. Our agent hn hwn living in the neighborhood of these claims ior tne pawt i-jur jcti, turn is wen posted on cuiiuinuLB iu iuw uio cuuairy well For further particulars call at rv- ' flee. THE HART LAND CO., 146 2d' st. FOR reliable information about the Deschutes vauey nomeaieaas, aesen ciaima ana deeded lrrigu-ieu miiu van uu tsi:nuLerf valley Land & Investment Co.. 301-302 Buchanan bldg., on Washington, near 5th. W'e leave weekly witn nomeaeeKera. HOMESTEADS Eastern Oregon; we are on the ground: come to headquarters we locate nearly every homesteader in the district. Oregon .Homestead Co., 217 Ab- ington mag. DO you want desert or homestead claim in Sunny Southern Idaho? Idaho Locating L-o., nuittc uy joanK, jpoiBe. laano, ALBERTA HOMESTEADS -tiocatloris made C.Vt Vitr m cm who hlrH aimraifc . For gale Fruit Lands. SEB THESE BEFORE1 YOU BUY. 5 and 10-acre fruit orchards, with 2 and 8-year-old trees. In the famous Hood River district between Mosier and The Dalles on the O. R. & N. main line; station and boat landing on tne ground; price $lo0 per acre; one-third cash, balance 5 yearsi 5, 10 and 20-acre tracts garden land, all in cultivation ; only 7 miles from a town with 20.000 population, with station and boat landing on the ground; price $10O per acre; one-tnxra casn, oaiance o yearly in stallments. C and 10-acre vineyards, ready for plant ing; only 2 miles from railroad and river transportation; price $100 per acre, with one fourth cash, and the balance in $10 monthly payments. FOREIGN DEPARTMENT. U N ION BANK St TRUST COMPANY, 235 Stark st., Portland, Or. Phone Main 902. A 2669. ROGUE RIVER FRUIT LANDS. The best proposition on the market to day; ideal location, fine deep soil, proper drainage, in the famous Rogue River Val ley, planted or unplanted, on easy terms and lowest prices for short time only. Also few men wanted to take small tracts and work out. Will pay part cash, bal ance to apply on land. Apply H. L. CHAPIX REALTY CO-, 203 Corbett Bldg. 40 ACRES OREGON CITY 40 ACRES. 25 MINUTES' WALK FROM TOWN. No rocks, no gravel, fine spring; $1000 worth of wood; lies broadside county road; it is all splendid land, especially for fruit, and is level;. IF SOLD THIS WEEK, price $3O00. 1-3 cash, balance to Bruit. INVESTMENT CORPORATION, LTD. 286 Washington St.. room 612. "SOUTH HITHER HOOD." $15 per acre; go with us and we will show you choice applo land ranging from $15 to $65 per acre; some small tracts and some 40 and SO-acre tracts; condi tions are right; call and see us. Mount Hood Land Company, 712 Rothchild bldg. Main 3510. "HITHER HOOD." 60 acres op-en land, well located, 14 acres in young standard orchard, con siderable" easily cleared, running water; price $4000 if taken soon. Mount Hood Land Company. 712 Rothchild bldg. Main 3 5 10. 280 ACRES Of fine soil, especially adapted to fruit, in Washington County, 2 14 mi les from rail road and within SO miles of Portland; price only $20 per acre; $3500 cash. KaufXmann & Moore, 325 Lumber Exchange. SACRIFICE SO acres irrigated fruit land on the Columbia River In district noted for Its fruit; part or all must be sold at once; if Interested, call or write Goetz & Goetx, 612 Henry bldg. & ACRES, Yamhill County; fruit land, ua- developed; $25 per acre. HYLAND, JOXES CO.. 409 Gerlinger Bldg. HOOD RIVER. $75. Apple land; 45 acres near railroad; $75 acre; easy terms. AH 936. Oregonlan. 40-ACRE fruit and nut farm for sal by owner; would divide; fine locality, fine soli. Address R- L. Austin, Vancouver. ' Wash. A FARM suitable for dairy in Yamhill or Washington counties. Purse, 818 Chamber A SXAP 10 acres in choice apples, trees a vftfl.ra 01a: nrice uuu: 417 Board of Trade Bldg. 160 ACRES, Hood River, apple land; $80; will divide: easy terms. D 935, Oregon lan. For SaleFarms. HOOD RIVER RANCH. The cheaoest ranch in Hood River oountv. on the river; partially improved. C. Van Duin & waitnn. 510 t. nam per or commerce. SEND for our list of Willamette Valley farms before buying; land shown -free. EE.1L ESTATE. For Sale -Farms. FORT GEORGE AND CENTRAL BRIT - ISH COLUMBIA FARM LANDS. $8.00 PER ACRE DOWN. BALANCE! IX fi YEARS. 6 PER CENT DE FERRED PAYMENTS. There Is but one more new country, the last of the untraveled regions of fertil ity. THE NEW BRITISH COLUMBIA. Already the noisy advance of progress, the chum of the steam shovels, and con struction locomotives can almost be heard in the virgin fields as the work of build ing the GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC TRANSCONTINENTAL Railroad Is pushed on through the land of richness, that Is being found in the great valleys of New British Columbia. FORT GEORGE Ts the geographical and stragetlc commer cial center of British Columbia. On the line of the Grand-Trunk Pacific, and three other lines of railways building and pro jected. Fort George is at the Junction of 10O0 miles of navigable waterways. The climate is all that could be wished for. no extremes, the days during the Sum mer months, though warm, are never un comfortably so. During the W.inter, the snowfall is light and the climate mlid, the average rainfall being 26 to 28 inches annually. Settlers Inform us that they rever think of feeding their cattle until about Christmas, and that in March, as a general rule, they could be turned out again. FORT GEORGE Is not the beginning of a. town. It Is the beginning of a city. It is destined to be come the metropolis inland city of the Northwest. The farm lands we own are on the Grand Trunk Pacific Railroad. None of it being farther than eight miles from the railroad. We own this land, and therefor can sell at a price that will make you In dependent; $3.0O per acre cash, balance in 5 annual instalment at 6 per cent on deferred payments. - Our titles are clear and are backed by the Government. At a very conservative estimate) this land will double in value within the next two years. This opportunity will not last long. Call at once, bring this with you. See our . maps and pictures of the Fort George re gion, and let us tell you about the "LAST BEST WEST." NORTH COAST LAND CO, Paid-up Capital $625,000. General Office, Winch Bldg., . Vancouver. B. C. RUT AX & ADAMS, Selling Agents. 200 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. Open evenings 7 to 9 P. M. SALE OR TRADE FOR PORTLAND PROPERTY. 134 acres, Lane County, near S. P. R R- well improved; $40 per acre. 20O acres, near S. P. R. R., Benton Co.; well improved; $35 per acre. 200 acres, near railroad. Benton Co well improved. $7000. 104O acres, Sherman county, 800 acres, seeded to wheat; well improved; $30 per acre. 320 acres, Clackamas County, Improved, eood buildings; $45 per acre. 160 acres of timber, Josephine County, near railway; cruise 3 M. ; $20OO, Three lots, house, barn, chicken-house, fenced, fruit trees; tracl for team or small ranch. W. H. CATER CO.. 006 Board of Trade Bldg. 12.300 ACRES. $12.50 PER ACRE ONLY. Best GRAIN, CATTLE, HOG and SHEEP land in the Upper Sacramento Valley, Cali fornia; well watered, well located; good railroad and steamship transportation fa cilities; over 4000 acres grain land, 600 acres alfalfa land, balance land covered with oak timber; excellent hog land; tim ber worth considerable: ranch fenM and cross-fenced ; necessary corrals ; residence of eight rooms, fair condition, cottage for help, two large barns, good well and plenty of living water for all purposes; about 250 cattle Included in cale price; only $12.50 per acre; terms one-third cash, balance to C. M. WOOSTER COMPANY. 702 Market St San Francisco, caL BIG OPPORTUNITY IN NEW SOUTHERN TOWN Of Alpha, Ala., firtit to be opened on the Washington & Choctaw Railway, in midst of thousands of acres of magnolia lan da, recently oold, now thrown open; settlers now coming In; development will advance prices wonderfully; climate Ideal; whole blocks in town can now be purchased at farm land prices; people contemplating buy ing Southern lands should Investigate this: the opportunity of living - in town and trucking, fruit growing or poultry raising beats any small farm proposition any one could offer; early purohasers get in at half price; easy terms, small payments; Dig op portunity for agents; write for plat and complete details. Washington & Choctaw Lang va, ow 'limes olag., fct. Louis, MO. WHEAT LANDS. $13 to $18 per 'acre, 10 years time, virgin soil, and close to railway; the production is the largest of any wheat i anas in America; climate mild nut in vigorating : water Dure and nlentlf ul schools, high grade; markets good. The Canadian Northwest is now drawino- 100.- 000 of America's best farm population an nually to these lands. Alberta is being developed. Illustrated booklets upon, re IDE-M'CARTHY LAND COMPANY, Colonization Agents Canadian Pacific Railway. 425-26-27-28 Lumb-armena Bldg. CAN'T BE DUPLICATED. 200 acres, 1 mite from R. R. station, 6 miles from Salem; 175 acres under culti vation; 20 acres In apples. 6 acres in granes: 7-room house, well, barn KnrKn Price $75 per acre; cash, balance easy Foreign Department, UNION BANK & TRUST CO.. 235 Stark St. Phone Main 902, A 2669. 190 ACRES, 45 acres cleared, orchard of 40 trees, o-room nouse, large Darn and other outbuildings, on county road, with tele phone line, place Is fenced, electrio line Just surveyed through place; 15 milch cows, 2 horses, 4 heifers, 2 calves, 1 bull, 2 wagons, 6 milch cows, 2 plows and household furniture, for $4500. This is another of Tillamook's famous dairy ranches, and you can handle it with $2500 cash. CHITTENDEN, OTTO & NEILL, Both Phones. 210 Oak St. NO. 35. IDEAL COUNTRY HOME. 26 -acres, all under cultivation, 84 miles from city if you are looking- for a bar gain don't miss this; miie from elec tric line ; S-room house, barn, chicken house, etc.; 5 acres of young trees, 4 acres of bearing fruit trees; berries of various varieties; 3 fine wells and a never-go-dry spring; $7000 cash, balance to suit. Call early. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Board of Trade. A SNAP FOR SUBDTVISION, 183.80 acres at station on O. W. P. electric car line, 10 miles from court house; 95 acres in high state of cultiva tion; improvements cost $5000; if platted would quickly sell at a large profit; price $350 per acre, one-quarter cash, balance terms to suit, 6 per cent. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. $160 ACRES, $3200. $3200 160 acres, 8 miles from Toledo, on good county road; 25 acres- under culti vation and 25 more about ready to plow; fair fruit orchard; enough wood on the place to pay for it. Can you beat this for a farm proposition? - S-49 THE CARD REALTY & INVESTMENT CO 110 2d St. Phone Marshall 1567., A 1667. 20-ACRE) tracts, unimproved, 25 miles by pail from Portland; suitable for fruit-raising and obicken ranches; well watered, plenty of timber for all purposes, best ot oil, no rock or gravel; $15 to $25 an acre; easy terms. These are the cheapest tracts on the market and will bear inspection. Call and arrange to go and see them. $ia and 311 Corbett bldg. 1 OF the best alfalfa and stock ranches la Eastern Oregon; 800 acres; alfalfa bottom land;- 960 acres yeilow pine and 3000 aores range land; out range for 14,000 sheep; un- s limited free water for irrigation; gravity system; elevation 1600 fset. Inquire of . C. Fowler, Shanlko, Or. Cars K. o. Bank ipg Company. 160 ACP-ES fine apple land as good aa any Hood River fruit land; 2 miles from Ka lama; good level road all the way to town rich soli; price only $25 v" acre. No agents or traders need apply. Matt Gaasch. owner. Kalama. Wash. " 160 ACRES, $2500. 120 acres cleared, one mile from R R good buildings, running water; price $50 Dar acre; $2500 down, rest at 6 per cent. HYLAND, JONES & CO.. 409 Gerlinger Bldg. 5 ACRES NEAR BEAVERTON. $1125. Rich black soil. 300 yards to S. p. sta tion. 10 miles from Portland; half cash this is a splendid bargain; land across road held for $650 acre, w. J. Bake " 519 Ttoard of Trade. FOR SALE iO acres, 12 now in crops, -room house, barn. 24x44; other buiidinsrs. team of mares, two cows with calves, farm tools and only 2 miles from electric line Good terms; $2850. C. M. Crittenden. Hufl bard. Or. . LINCOLN County Is the place to own a comfortable home at a small price; mild climate, pure water, orchsrd and dairy - farms, Call on O. G. Dalaba, Elk --City jOregon REAL ESTATE. For Sale- Farms. NOTHING BETTER. 6160 acrea In Gin lam County, 4 Villes couth from Shutler's station; 1900 acres seeded to wheat, 900 acrea plowed and ready to seed; 90 head of good horses and mules; harness for 75 head of horses; 9 14-in. plows, S 25-ft. iron harrows. 4 wood barrows, 6 grain drills, 2 fanning mills; 14 good wagons and racks. 1 of 20-H. P. Pttts engine, 1 32 lnch cylinder separator, 3 spring hacks, 2 sets of blacksmith's tools, 4 14-ft. headers and boxes ; good new house, good barns, sheds and bunkhouse; first-class water plant cost ing $6000. All but a very few acres of this land can bo cultivated. Price $30 per acre. Including above horses and mules, all Im plements and tools, wagons and harness and all crops. $60,000 cash, balance long time, 1 per cent. 480 acres in Sherman County. H miles east of Grass Valley and 4V, miles north east of Bourbon station; good new 6-room house, wood fiber plastered, piped for hot and cold water; fair barn with good ma chine shed; good well, never goes dry; wind mill cistern that holds 30,000 gallons of water; half mile from school, half mile from church ; all in cultivation; on main traveled road; a very desirable place; price $35 per acre, half cash, balance on term. FOREIGN DEPARTMENT, UNION BANK & TRUST COMPANY. 235 Stark su, Portland, Or. Phone Mala 902. A 2669. INVESTIGATION INVITED. 42 Vj acres, best of soil, lies well, no rocks; all ex cept few acres of timber in high state of cultivation. Good fences and cross fences. One acre fine ber ries and fruit. Good new 2-story residence, fine barn and other outbuildings. On, fine road and 16 miles t Portland, and within 10 minutes' walk of station, stocked with 9 fine Jersey cows, 3 horses, new wagon, new hack, buggy, farming tools and implements in fine condition. 65 chickens, 2 good wells and pumps, also running water. This place is now bringing in more than $10O per month in ad dition to making fine living for owner. It can be had for $750O and, time on part It Is the best place, the most desirable in evry way. , that can be had at any price, in any direction. Call and ask me to prove all the above statements. J. E. Smith, 613 Chamber Com merce, Portland, Or. CLARK COUNTY, WASHINGTON. FARMS. (No. 98.) 310 acres choice land, three fourths cleared ; good large house and barn, running water, half mile to church, school and store, R. K. D. and milk route; a. l-i n rpaln if tnkf n snnn - 5 miles to rail- hoard. 10 miles to Vancouver; price $100 per acre: terms. No. 62.) 70 acres, 10 acres timber, 45 cultivated ; gooa large orcnara, prune, pears. aDnles. small fruits, good house and barn; everything on the place except household goods and furniture; old age reason for selling; price $12,000; terms. btjcj J.T belore buying. fNn. fi2 XL .AO arrM In same section. 60 acres cleared. Aft acres beaverdam: 1 bull, 7 cows and separator; good family orchard, some white walnut trees, all in bearing; both places near store, scnooi ana church; nine miles to Vancouver; price (No. 91.) 85 acres, 24 miles from Washougal; 1300 prune, 25 apple, 25 pear and a few cherry trees; running water; house and barn; also a three-ton prune drier; price $4500; terms. For the size cf the place this is one of the best places J. nave. I nave some more Dargains. J. S. HUNT. 105 Vancouver, Wash. FLORIDA LANDS PHRAP Would Vou Invest in a 5, 10, 20 or 40- acre fruit, vegetable, poultry, pecan or truck farm In Florida's best agricultural district if you could get it for $7.50 per acre under market price 7 We are J ust opening new tract in Columbia County, and while constructing the campaign will sell a few tracts on cash or easy pay ments of $5 per month. We have Just is sued a beautiful 20-page book, showing natures of fields and dwellings in our lo cality, all in artistic colors. We will mall vou this book free, and send you such other advertising matter as will give you a good laea ot our proposition, uur land ia convenient to three railroads, and we have Lake City, a modern county seat of 6000 people in our midst. People who know Florida consider our tract one ot the very best. It is indorsed by bankers. Congressmen, farmers and the Board of Trade. Prices very low; easy buying plan. Write for maps and book giving truthful description. Columbia-Florida Land Co., 4tiu 'limes piog., au iKuis. mo. NO. 45. 1 DAIRY FARM. 80 acres,14 miles from Portland, on good county road; 70 acres in cultivation; 1 0 acres timber ; 8-room house, barn 60x 80; 2 head horses. 17 head cattle, hog. ducks and chickens, 1 wagon, 1 spring wagon. 1 selfbinder. l mower, l nayrake. all kinds, plows, harrows, etc., 1 cream Separator. This ia a bargain for $11,000, or $6500 cash, balance to suit. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Board of Trade. $60 80-ACRE farm, bottom land, 4 miles out, su acres ciearec ana rarmea ; gooa buildings, stream and spring; tnis old bach don't kpow values, or $90 per acre would not get it; terms. $85 85 acres; all cultivated; buildings; wll; 2 acres fine orchard; 20-minute walk to electrio station; easy terms; great bargain, compared with rough land adjoining; deal with owner. OREGON LAXD COMPANY. Cor. 4th and Oak. 215 Henry Bldg. FARM BARGAINS. 38 acres, all fine soil; 33 acres under cultivation, balance good timber; house and bam, 3 cows, team, 7 pigs, 50 chick ens, household furniture and all farm im plements; 22 miles from Portland, 4 mile to Willamette River. 2 miles to Salem electric line; price $7000; easy terms. GOODNOUGH & SEITZ, 718 Board of Trade. FINE DAIRY FARM. 312 acres within 3 miles of 2 railroads 100 acres in cultivation, ample family or chard, nice 6-room house. 2 fine barns, splendid creek, unlimited outrange, farm ing implements included; price $30 per acre, $2000 cash, balance long time; all good land. 286 Washington St., room 612. WHEAT RANCH. Ttnv 1280-acre wheat ranch near Tone. Or., at $27.50 per acre. This Is $10 to $12 per acre less than value for quick sale; three never-failing springs, 600 acres now in wheat; will pay purchaser's expenses from Portland and return; will meet in terested parties any place named in Port land at any time. Address W. A. Scruby, pox J.A. Lieoiie. 10 ACRES, beautifully located, all in high state of cultivation, with 3 aores of full bearing orchard ; old house, good well, berries, 12 miles from Portland, 10 blocks from electric station; beautiful view; lies on macadamized road. Price $2000, $600 casn. CHAPIX & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. a . -w orchard tracts. unlmnrovM n- ,i ,oad, 25 miles from Portland; best soil; n rock; $40 an acre, easy terms; arrange with us to go and make election; round trio game day. 310-311 Corbett bldg. . p 62 ACRES on coast at mouth of navigable river; 40 acres level, rest hillside; pasture r" HYLAND, JOXES & CO. 409 Gerlinger Bldg. 80 ACRES, well improved on Columbia River. 6 miles from Portland; suitable for garucui i-.un, " ' j , oov per acre. part. -- - u, jregO' 6 ACRES. 1 mile from HUleboro. suitable for chicken ranch ; small new house, good chicken house, good well, cheap if taken at once; terms or casn. inquire Hall st 160 ACRES, 40 cleared, rest fir timber (a,uw,uw ieet). rice i3 per acre. HYLAND, JOXES & CO.. 409 Gerlinger Bldg. $35X Small fruit farm on new electric line, 9ee owner. Frank Cain. 827 East 11th North. Miscellaneous. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR Close-in acreage, a wheat ranch or small, well-improved farm, at low price and on xnost liberal terms, see ma X bandla my uwn pruyoriiea, J. O. ELROD. 520 Corbett Bldg. A SMALL amount of money invested each montn win soon Dring you a substantial in come. Let us give you particulars. Purse & Co.. i unamwr or commerce. TO EXCHANGE. 160 ACRES timber land, Josephine County, valued at $3500, for house and lot in city. East 5820; 8 to 9:30 A. M. EXCHANGE City property for forma Farms for city property, or anything you want, at -J ADingmn pmg. COUNTRY STORE for sale or exchange for soutnern uregon property. Aaarees Ah. 934, oregonian. HAVE 160 acres, 2.000,000 feet of timber, to trade for rooming-house .automobile or vacant property. 417 Board of Trad e. WANT cheap bicycle, gent or lady, fo sometmng eise. rnone (J lia.'. CONFECTIONERY, cigar, ice cream, etc iocnt Tena juvuigv-xoonx. xuiaseii bu TO EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE. 2 acres, all cleared and under cultiva tion, fine new house, barn and chicken house, good -orchard: $7000. 35 acres orchard land. Hood River dis trict; all cleared, part bearing orchard; good spring; a fine proposition; will take city property up to $-S000, balance can run; price $11.0001. . We have several other bargains in wheat and fruit farms for city property. It will pay you to see us. GOODNOUGH & SEITZ, 718 Board of Trade. WE have six acres 4 blocks from Tlgard station on the Oregon Electric; is all un der cultivation and fenced; produced - tons of hay in 3009; will trade for 10 acres at Gilbert Station on O. W. P. Ry. ; prefer something with some improve ments. If your price is right will pay cash difference. What have you to offer. COLUMBIA TRUST CO., Board of Trade Bldg.. 84 Fourth St. FINE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY at Eu gene, Oregon. A store in central lo cation, fronting on two streets; doimc frontable business; good clean stock, aIII nvolce about $4000; low rental, 3 years lease. Owner making change on account of death in family. Want Portland prop erty, or small place, close in, well, im prove d. J. H. SHIELDS. 205 Gerlinger Bldg. Al a in S430 . 1400 ACRES, fine wheat ranch; 1OO0 acres in wneat tnis year; wen equipped with stoctv and machinery; all fine land, close to rail road station. Will bring in more than 20,000 bushels wheat this year. Every thing Included at $25 per acre. Will ex change for part Portland or other good property and time on balance. This is a chance to make a large sum of money. Call 513 Chamber Commerce. , EXCHANGE Hood River orchard, 10 aores; l mile xrom town; a acres in trees; a acrea pasture. Barn and all tools; 1 acre of berries between trees. Value $7500. Trees average 4 years old also 20 acres, close in, 6 acres in 4-year-old orchard, balance first-class and easy to improve. Value $S50O one or both for Portland property. Address owner. Box 173, Hood River. Or. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. "'Read" I wiii to get a house built on my city lot in exchange for 5 acrea of fin land near the electric line; So fare. Call, phone or write HAWTHORNE REALTY CO., Corner E. 34th and Hawthorne ave. Phones B 2967. Tabor 616. WILL trade Union ave. property for a moaern resiaence. jsast or west siae; will pay or take difference. L. A, Patterson, 311 Henry bldg. 20 ACRES. 11 miles from city, on fine road. jifitr urn tea nauways ; nne iana, ail covered with large fir timber; want city property. Owner. 414 Couch bldg. WISH to trade close in city property valued jjj.uuu, for acreage suitable tor platting. AM 941. Oregoni an.- 160 ACRES timber land. Lane county; vaiue sjuuu, ior nouse ana lot in Port land. 411 Swetland Bldg. H a r 1 1 e y . $1500 EQUITY in 5-room cottage, 2 lots. beautiiui location, exchange for acreage within 12 miles of city. L 13S. Oregonlan. CANNON Beach lots, nicely located, for suburban lots or acreage, see owner, iti Third st. I WILL exchange high-claps gents' tailoring ior groceries or meat account. Aj imi, ore goman. YOU oan trade any kind of property at WANTED REAL ESTATE. WB have several customers who want mod erate-priced homes, ranging from $iU to $35O0, that can be bought on easy terms. They will pay from $o00 to $0i0 cash, balance monthly payments, with in terest. Mr. Owner, if you have anything to offer, let us hear from you. Address 11 522. care Oregonlan. WE have a buyer for a piece of West Side business property up to $300,000 ; give us full particulars at once; owners only. . GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade, 4th and Oak. REAL ESTATE or equities in same bought ana eoia. iist witn us. GRAY-CUNNINGHAM-GRAY. 722-723 Electric Bldg. WANTED Large body of land in Oregon. suitable ior i arming: can pay fou.owi; best offer net. Address Donald Fletcher. 917 Pacific ave.. Tacoma. Wash. RESIDENCE PROPERTY WANTED. Are having constant calls ; make prlca right; we will get results. Hitch & Slo cum. 402 Commercial block. WANT 5 or 10 acres in the city limits, or close in, for platting purposes ; prices mufc be right. H 937, Oregonlan. FOR grocery on West Side, invoice about $11,000; monthly sales $t300. L 039, Oie gonlan WANTED Neat little home not higher than $2300 cash; nothing but a real good buy considered. F. Fuchs. 221 .Morrison st. I HAVE $10,000 to Invest in city real es tate; your proposition must be goou. w uat have you? B 939. Oregonlan. WANTED Irvlngton home; will exchange 2 lots in Broadway Addition and pay dif ference. Phone mornings. Main 142. WANTED To buy cottage of 4 to 8 rooms from owner, for cash; no agents. Call 1026 3d St.. room 507. ACREAGE, -lots or equities bought and sold. I have buyers for your property. W. B. HARTLEY. 411 Swetland bldg. LOT between Hawthorne and Davis; corner preferred; not over $550C. J 36, Ore gontan. A FEW good buys that can be handled with a reasonable amount or casn. rurse, ia Chamber of Commerce. Main 7309. WANTED Water front loti? and acreage for ho mes. Price, etc. am. ttd. uregunian. WANT vacant lots suitable for cottages, on easy terms. A 1215. WANTED Farm or acreage; must be rea- sonable. 626 y Washington St. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. $"10,000 , ". Buys $25,000 worth of property. An Al mill in first-class condition. . . 9.000,000 feet of timber. 104 acres of deeded land. $4tt00 worth of sawed lumber. Teams, tools, etc., too numerous to men- -tlon. Near a live valley town. See "Montgomery.' M. E. THOMPSON CO.. 4th and Oak. QUARTER SECTION of fine Siletz timber of about 5,00 0,000 feet, consisting of yellow and red fir, cedar and piling. This is on a good logging stream and is a bargain at $1800. It will pay you to investigate th is. J. G. Sanders, 42 7 Lumbermen' s bldg. 6,000.000 FEET yellow fir and cedar, well situated, $3000 ; 4.000.000 feet yellow tir, 3 miles from R. R.. $1500. HYLAND. JONES & CO., 409 Gerlinger Bldg. TIMBER LANDS. BOUGHT AND SOLD. C J. M' CRACKS X. 804 McKay Bldg. FARMS WANTED. I WISH to gat in touch with the owner of a good farm, well improved, not over 15 to 20 mi lee from the city; soil must be good and price right; give me a descrip tion of what you have, lowest price and terms; prefer something from E0 to 100 acres. S 929. Oregonlan. WANTED on Willamette River farm; will lease or buy 1 acre for Summer home ; must have river front. State price and . location. Between Salem and Oswego pre - f erred. AC 929, Oregonian. WE have a small farm for rent, close to ' carline, small house, some fruit and fine garden soil. Oregon Land Co 215 Henry bldg. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. FARMS AND OTHER PROPERTY WANTED. Can sell rapidly If price Is right; send particulars. Hatch 8c Slocura, 402 Com mercial block. TIMBER landa wanted. 4 Mc Kay bldg. C. J". McCracken. FOR SALE. Horses Vehicles and Harness. MULES for sale 20 head of Missouri mules from 4 to 7 years old, weight from 12H) to 14O0 lbs. each; the best lot ever brought to Portland. At the Model Stables, 295 Davis st. H. M. Billingg. FOR SALE Up-to-date grading outfit, 4 teams horses, 4 dump wagons, scrapers and plows; can be seen at 7th and East Taylor at work, or 1028 East Alder. FIRST-CLASS heavy draft and driving horses always on hand; sold with guarantee ad represented. U. S. Stables. 24S Front. U- S. FEED AND TRANSIENT STABLES. Best accommodations for travelers; ladies' waiting-room; prices moderate. 248 Front. ONE small riding and driving mare for sale; also 1 all-purpose team of mares, sound, and gentle. 343 Williams ave. PHAETON for sale, in good repair, at Tuck- ers Wagonj-shop, 174 Union ave. DR." l7G. STICKNEY, V. S. Office 409 E Burnslde. E. 655; residence E. 171. FIVE heavy teams at the transfer barns. Flemmlng & Thompson. Gresham. PAIR good farm grays, weight 2430. with, new harness; bargain. S34 Front tt. ONE new lumber wagon and harness for sale XUhand -ioyt