Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 03, 1910, Page 9, Image 9

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Executive Gives His Views on
Delays in Finishing Jobs
for City. .
Request for Kxtenslon of Limit for
. Completing Water Mains Brings
Down Warning That Contrac
tors Must Keep Argeeinents.
Mayor Simon notified C. K. Swigert.
president of the Pacific Bridge Company
ind member of other local contracting
concerns, yesterday at the meeting- of the
Water Board that the city Is going to
require contractors to finish work some
"where near the time limit under pain of
being fined. The Mayor called attention to
many street-paving contract water-main
contracts, the Mount Tabor reservoir con
tract and the Madison-street bridge con
tract, which he said are far behind, and
declared that he does not Intend to tol
erate this much longer.
Mr. Swigert appeared before the board
Bs representative of the Pacific Bridge
Company, and asked for time extension
Aggregating several hundred days on a
batch of water-main contracts. He plead
ed tbe unusual weather of the past Win
ter as an excuse. He defended himself
.nd his companies against the Mayor's
declarations and emphatically declared it
4s not a habit with these various con
cerns In which he is interested to allow
work to lag and that he has a large list
of contracts to his credit which have
been finished on time for the city.
Mr. Simon impressed upon Mr. Swigert
the-executive understanding as to the im
portance of having city work completed
promptly, and called to his attention the
fact that sometimes contractors take
upon themselves the burden of various
emergencies that may arise and that the
city must exact promptness. This Mr.
Swigert acknowledged, but still pleaded
"reasonable excuse," the weather being
3iLs strong- point..
Winter Delays Bridge.
"Aren't you taking more work than you
can do promptly T asked tbe Mayor in a
tern voice.
"I don't think so," -was Mr. Swigert' s
"Are you not interested in the Madison
etreet bridge, which is behind time?"
asked the Mayor.
"Yes, sir; but I don't like to talk about
that, for I have not handled the job,"
was the reply. ""But I will say that, as
you must agree, there never has lie en
eich a Winter on the river; no one could
have worked under the conditions."
"How about the Mount Tabor reser
voirs?" again queried the Mayor. "Are
you going to finish them on time?"
"I hardly think we shall be able to
complete reservoir No. 5 on time," was
the answer in this Instance. "But, Tour
Honor, we have assembled the greatest
plant ever brought into requisition in the
Northwest to do that work and we are
doing- the beet we can. . We did not have
.sufficient time to begin with."
"Well. I am aware of the fact that you
will not flni&h the reservoirs on time,"
said the Mayor, "and I want to tell you
frankly that I don't like this business at
ell. What is the use of the city's sign
ing these contracts unless it compels ob
servance with the provisions-? I say can
didly. I want to be fair, and I don't care
eo much about these water-mains, for I
realize it is difficult to lay them at times,
but I want something finished on time."
Main Kxtensions Granted,
While the Mayor was discussing these
points with Mr. Swigert, Water Commis
sioners Wilcox and Mackay were listen
ing to the conversation, and Mr. Wilcox
was ready to act when the Mayor fin
ished. "I suppose." said Mr. "Wilcox, "that con
tractors In the past have been getting
extensions of time whenever they have
asked for them. But from now on, and
3 include in this statement the Mount
Tabor reservoirs, I favor enforcing the
contracts more rigidly. I do not care so
rnuch about the laying of pipes, but I feel
that we must exact promptness regarding
the reservoirs."
Mr. Wilcox then moved, and Mr.
Mackay seconded, that extensions of time
be granted in regard to the water-mains,
about which Mr. Swigert appeared. The
tnotlon was carried.
Mayor Simon has recently asserted In
public meetings his intention of enforcing
contracts. He cays he wants to be fair,
but that contractors must also be fair.
"The city keeps its contracts to the
letter explained the Mayor, "and we
jnust exact compliance with contracts
from contractors. It is very important
fthat work be completed on time"
Andrew Hemrich's Death Delays
Strike In Washington.
SEATTLE. "Wash., May 2. Andrew
Kemrlcb. the millionaire brewer, died
at a hospital here today, aged 53 years.
Jle was born in Alma. Wis., and came.
87 years ago. to Seattle, -where he
, BJnassed his great fortune. He con
trolled the brewery business of Seat
tle and through it owned a Large num
ber of the saloons.
Tbe death of Mr. Hemrich. has post
poned the strike of the brewery work
men of Western Washington, which
was to have begun today. All the
tireweries were working today except
the one which Mr. Hemrich directed
personally, and that was closed out of
respect to his memory.
Mr. Hemrich was one of the most
energetic and public-spirited citizens
vf Seattle, where he had resided for
ever 20 years. He and his brothers
established the Bayvlew brewery, which
was later absorbed by the Seattle
Brewing' & Malting Company along
with all the other local breweries. For
Several years he had been president
of the new company, which was one
of the largest local industries. Mr.
Hemrich served several terms as a
Republican In the State Senate. He
was interested in banks, of one of
which he was a director, and in mines
ni was one of the original promoters
of the company which filled In the Se
attle tide lands.
Dr. A. K. Led en, a Seattle specialist,
fe in Portland.
A. X. Martin, a lumberman of Uttell,
;U"ash Is in the city.
H. H- Humphrey, an attorney of Kn
ttewlck, is in the city.
Er-Sherlff J. T. Ford, of Dallas, Polk
County, Is at the Lenox.
Frank H. Madden and wife, who re
cently invested in valuable fruit lands at
Medford, is in the city, registering at the
E. P. Ash, a merchant, of Stevenson,
Wash., is a Portland visitor.
A. H. Darling, of Santa Ana, CsX,
is registered at the Portland.
X. X. Boswicke, a prominent rancher
of Roseburg, Or., is in the city.
L. E. MeDaniels. of the Medford Trib
une, is registered at the Nortonia.
J. E. Bell, a prominent mlllman of
Everett, Wash., is at the Imperial.
Charles and H. Kunze, real estate men
of Tillamook, are visiting in the city.
Leland S. Rosener, a constructing en
gineer, -of San Francisco, is at the Port
land. '
John Bagley, vice-president of the Ta
coma & Eastern Railway, is a Portland
William Rea, Jr., and C. M. Bair.
well-known sheepmen of Montana, are
in the city.
Benjamin A. Gifford. photographer of
scenes of the Northwest, is in the city
from The Dalles.
Don C. Riley, a well-known business
man of Manila P. L, is at the Kortonia
while in the city. ,
Herman Wise, ex-Mayor of Astoria
and a prominent merchant. Is in the
city on a brief business trip.
Mrs. Percy P. Brush 'and young son,
of Kelso, who have been visiting in
Portland, will return home tomorrow.
Dr. and Mrs. J. Bloch, who have been
spending the Winter in Southern Call- ,
fornia, returned to Portland yesterday.
Mrs. J. L. Cowan and party, of' Liv
ingston, Mont., are in the city. They are
on a sightseeing trip and will remain in
Portland for a week.
George H. Wycroft, a capitalist of
Vancouver, B. C., Is here. Mr. Wycroft
will probably make several investments !
If not, or if you have any doubt, fill out this coupon and mail to S. C.
Beach, Supervisor of Census, Portland, Oregon.
On April 15, 1910, I was living at the address given below, but
to tfie best of my knowledge I have not been enumerated there or
anywhere else.
Kame .
Street and Number t . . .
City,.... ; ...........
......... ..I... .............. .............. ........4
in Portland realty before leaving the
Mrs. Henry C Hanke. wife of Hen
nepin County's Treasurer, Minnesota,
and mother, are visiting in Portland on
a tour of the Pacific Coast.
Colonel Zeno S. Spalding, owner of the
Spalding building and several other
Portland properties, is at the Perkins,
registering from San Francisco.
William F. Schmidt, general Western
agent of the Missouri Pacific Railway,
with headquarters at San Francisco, is
registered at the Seward Hotel. With
him are John H. Gilhens and Clyde
Hogsett, also connected 'with the same
railroad company.
SAN FRANCISCO. May 2. (Special.)
The following persons from Portland
registered at the Palace Hotel today:
E. W. Dunn, George W. Boschke and
wife. Miss Boschke. L. M. Bent, R, J.
Cash, Jr., O. M. Clark, Lulu M. Mar
quam, L. Marquam, C. C. Shaw. Mrs.
C. V. Hancock.
CHICAGO, May 2. (Special.) North
western people registered today here:
Portland Sanford Lowengaxt, Miss
Lowengart. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Claridge,
at the Congress; C. A. Wooddy, at the
Great Northern.
Baker City A. B. Jacobs, at the Great
Defendant Pleads Poverty and His
Witnesses Are Summoned at
Government Expense.
With the beginning of the May term
of the United States Court, opening Mon
day, May 9, the case of the United
States against J. W. Scriber, ex-cashier
for- the Farmers" & Traders' National
Bank of La Grande, will be taken up
for trial. There are five indictments
against Mr. Scriber, covering the various
steps by which it Is alleged he caused
the wreck of the La Grande bank. Four
of the cases have been consolidated.
Mr. Scriber appeared in the court yes
terday and announced that at the time
the Controller of the Currency had as
sumed possession of the Farmers" & Trad
ers1 ank, the former cashier had turned
over all the property he owned and
that he was at this time penniless-. The
court ordered that the following witnesses
for -the defense be summoned at the ex
pense of the Government:
T. J. Scoggln, J. H. Pearce, C. D.
Goodnough. George Good, J. D. Slater,
F. S. Ivanhoe. J. J. Carr, F. D. Gaskell,
G. W. Ruckman, C. M. Richey. C. J.
Scriber. L. C. Scriber, Mrs. T. M. Murphy
and Dr. Uv. Molitor. all of Union County;
Martin Adams, of Silverton; J. C. Ardray,
John Mlnto and Fred Stanley, of Port
lands The list of Jurors for the May term is
as follows:
Louis Aral, farmer, Gervais.
John A. Borr. farmer. Ciatskanie.
"William Beard, farmer, Oregon City.
Abner Brlgss. Dllley.
Milliard Buchanan. Cornelius.
J. Fred Buchanan, farmer, Corvallls.
O. A. Chapel, farmer. Aumsvilta.
Oeorse oheadle, farmer. Lebanon.
W. E. Collins, merchant. Dallas.
Thomas Cornelius, farmer. Salem.
C. P. A. Crouse. farmer. Houlton.
W. S. Churchill, farmer. Plainview.
O. M. Cumminga. Newberg-.
T. R. Tavles. real estate. Astoria.
f. A. Pawson, capitalist. Albany.
L. rLano. Eugene.
.T. r. Tensmore. merchant. Salem.
I. R. Dfmlck, farmer. Canby.
John Kvenden. McMlnnville.
Fned Erickson, farmer. Mulino.
Squirt Farrar. capitalist. Salem.
W. M. Farrier, farmer. Lyons.
Carl E. Fischer, farmer. Marcola.
Thomas Glaze, farmer. Albany. R. F. D. 4.
. Joseph C Oibson. Portland.
Henry L. Hagey. Dundee.
W. A. Hall, druggist. Ciatskanie.
A. J". Hall, farmer. Buena Vista.
S. Tt. Hardman. farmer. Tallman.
J. W. Harritt. groNryman, Salem.
V.". A. Heater, farmer. Silverton.
Albert Johnson, grocer. Portland.
W. E. Joplin, farmer, Knappa.
H. W. Kemp. Cornelius.
Ellas Keeney, farmer. Brownsvtlla.
"W". J. Kent, real estate agent. Corvallls.
Oonrad Krebs. farmer. Salem.
Thomas Kirby. McMlnnville.
W. A. Latdlaw. captain. Portland.
A. W. Lambert, banker. Portland.
Fred F. Lent. Sherwood.
Charles L.Mastlck. manufacturer. Portland.
M. McFariane. logger. W'eetport.
Andrew Nordstrom, farmer. Vesper.
T. w. Osburn. merchant, Eugene.
G. M. Palty. Amity.
"H. L. Patterson, laborer. Oregon City.
"W. J. Piper, teamster. Corvallis.
A. J. Price, farmer. Kings Valley.
George- H. Plxley. painter. Lents.
"William Riddsll. Jr.. farmer. Monmouth. .
J. P. Sheeley. farmer. Vernonla.
Albert Sheiber. orehardist. Philomath.
James H. Smith, farmer. Elsie.
I. H. Strowbrldge, merchant. Portland.
J. C. Tracy, farmer. Oregon. City.
William Turnbok. Hillsdale.
- S. Walker, painter. Oregon City.
- Eli Williams, laborer, Oregon City.
Supervisor Finds "Yellow Rib
bon" Enumerators Were
Imposed On.
LXong List Believed to Have Been
Overlooked Dwindles to 3000.
Xames May Be Sent in by
Mail r"ntH Wednesday.
With each examination of districts
completed yesterday, the effectiveness
of the "yellow ribbon campaign" for a
correct enumeration of the residents of
Portland continued to dwindle. It was
asserted last night that the entire to
tal of those who had been overlooked,
missed and omitted by the official
enumerators, as developed by the
checking of the returns from the vol
untary effort, would not exceed 3000
names. It may be less.
"We are finding a few persons in al
most every district which my men failed
to get on their regular rounds," said
Supervisor Beach last night. "If
there shall be only a few gained to the
total population of the city through the
work performed by citizens last Sat
urday, it will have been worth while.
"The trouble was that a great many
fakers took advantage of an honest
effort to help Portland. They turned
In names on all sorts of Blips and In
al! conditions, evidently under the Im
pression that this office would count
eivery one of them without investiga
tion. Here is a bunch of 165 Italian
and Swedish names for which not a'
single residence number is given, no
information as to parentage or any
thing else.
Fake Street Xumbers Given.
'X)ne batch of 400 yellow slips came
to me where every item of information
required was given and every blessed
one of the names were located at street
numbers which do not exist. The first
one on top will do for example. Look
at it." It was number 461 Glisan street.
An examination of the maps failed to
locate such a number.
"One of the volunteers brought in
over 700 names as his list of one day's
work," continued the Supervisor, "and
later he went to President Beckwith of
the Commercial Club and asked for pay
for his strenuous efforts. He didn't
get anything, nor did the census. We
had three men checking his list of
names until we became completely sat
isfied that they were bogus.
"Samples of the good work done by
the volunteers can also be shown. In
one district we have found 13 people
who were overlooked, and in another
four were missed."
Enumerators were busy yesterday in
recombing their districts and checking
the volunteer slips. As each of the 127
enumerators reported at the office he
or she was furnished with a bundle of
the yellow slips as sorted out by a se
lected force of 12 experts who worked
without sleep from Saturday night un
til Monday morning".
The enumerator was required to sit
down and check each slip with his list.
If the slip was a duplicate of a name
upon the official" list it was discarded.
If it was found that the slip carried a
name which did not appear on a list it
was referred to an inspector, who im
mediately went out to hunt up the
house and ascertain why the person
had been missed. If the name was
found to be a legally qualified resident
of the city, the enumerator was sent to
list the name.
Rolls Will Show Xo Padding.
Every element of chance is being
eliminated from the census enumera
tion of Portland. In order that there
may be no necessity for a recount or a
possible charge of padding having been
resorted to.
A very few coupons clipped from The
Oregonian by persons who are positive
that they have been overlooked in the
big round-up, were received yesterday
at headquarters. They are being in
vestigated in the same manner as are
the yellow returns from the volunteers.
Coupons will be received at the office
of the census bureau up to Wednesday
night. They must be clipped and sent
through the malls. Coupons will not be
received if delivered in person, for the
reason that the clerks are too busy
tabulating returns, checking lists and
closing out precincts which have been
completed, to give even the scantest
courtesy to callers.
Committees Appointed and Order of
Exercises Made Public.
The joint committee of George Wright
and Lincoln-Garfield G. A. R. posts yes
terday appointed the following officers
for Memorial day exercises to be held
on the West Side:
Commander. IX C. MacDonald: S. V. com
mander. H. A. Severanoe; J. V. commander.
Otis Brooks: chaplain. Rev. C. E. Cline, t.
D. ; officer of the day. T. B. McDovltt: offi
cer of the guard, J. G. rarr: adlatant. R.
T. Chamberlain; chairman of committee,
T. B. McDevitt.
The order of exercises et the Plaxa at
2 P. M. follows:
Prayer. Rev. C. E. Cline, D.D.. chaplain:
ritual service. G. A. R.: ritual service. W. R.
C. : Lincoln's Gettysburg address. W. X.
Morse: vocal selection. Veteran Male Quar
tet; address. Rev. Luther R. Dyott, D T. ;
"America." Veteran Male Quartet and aud
ience: benediotion. by the chaplain.
Details of comrades to visit the public
schools will be made by the adjutants
of all the posts in the city acting in
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets will clear the sour stomach,
sweeten the breath and create a healthy
appetite. They promote the flow of
gastric juice, thereby inducing good
digestion. Sold- by all dealers.
itv - Y!:::;;niiiiil H II H 1"
Our Location on the Map ' '' J
. j : : :
' R PARK I N G . .
i h - Street
ALBttTA ST. CMUA -3? f I II - "
I m&- 1ADD.I V HYDE PARK vvelli :sley
I-" I Gregory
.It g ROSEA CITY I hts. I
"V x 3 PARK, iri.L
cM3!ljLL' V j j !
fT-C ,57- ZAT
V 1 lapps! 7 " " I
I - :
You will note that many popular additions are
from one to two miles further out than GOINGr
. When we' can sell high-class restricted residence
lots at the prices of lots one or two miles further
out, they are bargains, aren't they?
And then again, compare our prices with those
of adjoining high-class residence sections and note
the difference. Our prices: -
Cut Out This Coupon and Mail to Us
820 Chamber, of Commerce
Send me jour handsome two-color
folder of Going Street Addition, the
best investment in Portland today.
Mrs. K. C. Hamack, of 188 Four-tee-ntji
Street, Is Confident
She Seen Great Comet.
May 4 Ha,lley' comet rises at i:43
A. M. Wednesday; Thurs
day. ,Sun rsles at 4:49. Comet's
speed "Wednesday about 173T miles
per minute-.
Vivid Is a. description of Halleys comet
as given by Mrs. F. C. Hamack, of 1S8
Fourteenth street, who reports having
seen the comet at an early hour yester
day morning; from the porch of her house.
Brilliant, appearing like a gorgeous dis
play of fireworks, with a tail streaming
behind it like a whisk-broom and in
every way like the comet as pictured
by the cartoon-makers is the description
given by Mrs. Hamack.
"I surely saw the comet," said Mrs.
Hamack. "It was a beautiful sight. Al.
though it was at first dim. It rapidly
grew brighter until it was so brilliant
that it amazed me and really frightened
me l little). It was at A. M. that I
LOTS 50x100
ONLY $600
$10.00 PER MONTH
saw the comet, just rising over the
horizon and south of a point ,directly
east. It was just below Venus, which
was shining brightly, and was above two
smaller stars whose names I do- not know.
"It appeared like a large circle of light,
with a number of tails or streamers of
light fluting upward and north of it like
a .whisk-broom. It was rather a set of
tails rather than a single tail. It seemed
to be about two feet long, or about twice
as long as the diameter of the full moon.
The sky was fairly clear, although there
were some clouds which shut it from
view so that we saw it. on three different
"It was as gorgeous as any display of
fireworks I ever saw and was really in
spiring. Every ttme it disappeared when
going behind a cloud it would go out like
the blue flame of a gas stove. I know it
wasn't Venus, as It wasn't at all like a
star, and I know that it was not any
thing other than the comet."
Nnmber of Weddings In April
Eclipse Previous Year.
Portland's real estate' business con
tinues to make rapid strides, as shown
by County Clerk - Fields' report for
April. The number of instruments re
corded last month was 3502, while 3026
were recorded In April, 1909.
Two hundred and twenty couples were
married last month. 191 In April, 1909.
There were 38 divorces, as against 30
in the corresponding month last year.
Articles of incorporation numbered
70 last month and 59 a year ago in
April. There were 27 Insane persons
recorded and 12 In April, 1909.
The receipt in County Cleric Fields'
Parked and graded streets, cement sidewalks
and curbs, $2000 building restriction; no stores;
20-foot building line, beautiful' shade trees, superb'
mountain scenery, Bull Bun water and pure air and
sunshine. .
We can assure purchasers of a profit of from
50 to 100 per cent on their investment. Let us show
you the property. .. 4 . -... .e, .,
office last month were $8593.74. and th
expenses $3238.41, $115.01 of which was
for supplies. . Of the receipts, $4497.54
was taken In lor the recording of deeds,
mortgages and like instruments,
$2622.75 In the Circuit Court depart
ment and $1475.45 in the County Court
department. The profit to the county
was $5355.33. A year ago last month
the receipts were $6528.90, expenses
$2887.30, and net profit $3641.60.
Other statistics for last month and
the same month last year are as fol
lows: .
After Reading About the Blizzards in the Middle West
Don't yon think that this condition will brlnK more people to Orfiost
Don't yon think Oregon land, on ncconnt of climatic conditions, la
boil ii, I to gnm In value in the next three years f
Don't you think n Investment in Oregon lands ia bound to nrinsr Die
returns 1 ...
If yon believe this, why not invent your money in Oregsa lsndil Tnei
safest investment in the world that -will brinsr big returns.
to buy up 15,000 .acres of the best selected fruit and wheat lands In Xamhill.
Sherman Morrow and Gilliam Counties. All these lands are moertly Im
proved, 3000 acres in crop, with about twelve million feet of excellent timber.
We can buv these lands for an average price of $19 per acre, which wo will
sell In sma"ll farms from $30 to $50 per acre.
We have 600 applications for small farms and we will sell the entire
tract inside of two years. ,
"Ve will sell you 1. 5. 10, 100, or as many units as you wish at $25.00
per unit. Your monev will be secured by first mortgage on the land, bear
ing 6 per cent interest, and the profits will be divided pro rata every six
months, according to sales. v. .
This proposition should appeaKto rich and poor, to men and women who
want to make a saf investment with big returns on their money.
Foreign Department
Union Bank & Trust Co.
235 Stark Street,
Portland, Oregon.
Phones Main M2, A 2669.
i in ill
.!III!-:":J ll!n
't'!::H;::!::."HI I lihillfl
v. I l :;;;i M.
Cases in Circuit Court last montk
214, April, 1909. 198; probata cases,
67, 45; marginal releases, 541, 4001
nonsupport cases, 14. 3; hungers and
anglers' licenses. 368. 21; anglers'
licenses, 1617, 62; hunters' licenses.
19, 26; liquor licenses, 0, 6; declara
tiofts of Intention, 95, 90; citizens' ad
mitted, 5 8.
"For use in manual trainlns; achoola a
"Wisconsin man has pn. ten ted a tool chest
which may be converted into a, worlc bench
by cla-mpinir it to the top ot two desks.
The number of horses in the "United (jtweg
Union Bank & Trust Co..
Portland, Oregon.
Gentlemen :
Please mail me full particulars about
your Purchasing Syndicate.