8 THE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, MAT 3, 1910. H. H0G1 AND HIS PLAYERS ARRIVE Portland Team Will Begin Se ries of Six Games Here With Vernon. M'CREDIE MEN CONFIDENT llapplcus Has Klock of Hard Hit ters and Some Interesting Con tests Are Expected by Fans During the Week. BY "W. J. PETRAIX. ' This afternoon, weather permitting, Happicus Hogran and his Vernon Hooli gans beg pardon, we should say Brew ers in deference to Happy's request will engage Walter McCredie and his erstwhile league leaders in the third home Beries of slx games, and to hear the Portland players relate the possi bilities, the Beaver band 13 going to get back into first place. In making the boast, the Portland players say it will not be necessary to consult Hogan's idea of the fitness of things, for it is the intention of the home guard to trim the Villagers, or Brewers, as Happy wants it, to a frazzle. However, Vernon has some mighty good baseball talent shuffled Into the combination headed by the ec centric Hogan, and it may be that an other crimp will be put into the aspira tions of the boys who don the white uniforms. How Ioes Hogan Stand? Then again, no one knows just how Umpire Hildehrand stands with Hap picus Hogan, for if the leader of the Vernon squad is as close to the "umps" as Mohler seemed to be, judging by Sunday's exhibition, there is no telling what will happen. "When George Hildebrand was a play er he was one of the most insistant um pire baiters the game ever knew. There never was a dispute over any old kind of play in which he failed to rush from left field. Because Buddy Ryan did what Hildebrand did in prac tically every game he played, the "umps" fired Buddy out of the game. If the same justice had been meted out to Hildebrand when he was a player, he would hardly have played a full game during his career. However, as had as were Hildebrand's decisions Sunday, the Portland team fell down hard whenever opportunity knocked at the door, and unless the home guard gets rhl of the apparent stage fright noticeable in the San Fran cisco series, the "Brewers" are likely to repeat the dose. Vernon Xo Mean Team. Hogan has no mean team by any means, for the new blood he lias in jected into that Vernon band has re juvenated the club wonderfully. From a despised tall-end aggregation of last season. Happicus seems to have round ed out a club that is likely to be in the running all the way. Hogan has a bet ter bunch of reliable batsmen than has any of the other clubs, but his pitching staff does not compare in reliability with the twirlers of the San Francisco and Portland clubs. "When Vernon wins it is because the Vernonites are hitting the ball, but when Portland wins it is because the McCredie pitchers are working better than the other fellow, and if Mac's twirlers are on edge this week. Portland should take the series. This afternoon, "Big Six" Steen or Tom Seaton will handle the shoots for Portland, while Vernon will depend on Sohaefer or Willett to capture the open ing game. Happicus Hogan will introduce an entirely new infield to the Portland fans this afternoon, for his new third sacker, Burrell, is back in the game, and Instead of Norman Brashear at first, Haley at second and "Truck" Kagan at short, the men in those posi tions are William Fisher, Roy Brash ear and Lindsay. It is a corking good infield, accorying to the fans who have seen the Vernon bunch in action. Today's game will start promptly at 3:30 o'clock, and there will be a big crowd of fans on hand to welcome Hap picus and his new band. NORTH WESTERN LEAGUE. Won. Lost. Pet. Tacoma . . Vancouver Seftttl Spokane 6 .HOll . . 5 .ROO TIGERS SHOW SPOKAXE TRICK Errorless Ball of Indians Fails to Win 5 to 1 Score. SPOKAXE. Wash., May 2. Though playing errorless bail. Spokane was un able to do anything with the Tigers to day, losing 5 to 1. Butler, for the Tigers, pitched a line game and held the Indians to four scattered hits. The only tally, made in the ninth, was made on bases on balls given by Butler to N'ordyke, Flood and Brooks. Nordyke scored on a throw by the ritchtr to first on a scratch hit by Davis. Keener pitched a steady game, going in after Tacoma had scored three runs in the second.. The score: R- H. B. R. H. E. Tacoma ... 5 5 l5pokane ..1 4 0 Batteries Butler. Hall and Blanken ship; Cowins, Keener and Brooks. Seattle 2; Vancouver 1. SEATTLE. Wash.. May 2. Seattle won from Vancouver by a score of S to 1 in the greatest game of the sea eon. tretchko and Chinault had a real pitchers' battle and were superblv sup ported. James tied the score in the ninth with a home run. In the last of the Inning Seattle got the bases full and Eennot drove in the winning run with a terrific line hit. Chinault struck out H men. Up to the eighth inning Van couver got only one hit off Dretchko. but the situations were often dramatic. The score: Seattle ... 2 9 ljVancouver. 15 2 Batteries Hretchko and Shea; Chi nault and Lewis. AMERICAN' LEAGUE. Won. Lost. Pot. Philadelphia rti on .... New York . Cleveland . Boston ..... Chicago . . . Washington St. Louis . . .tWS .615 .r.Tl .".on ,5'n .. 5 .. S .. S to s PHILLIES RALLY IN' NINTH Beaneaters Cio Down to Defeat After Having; Game Won. PHILADELPHIA, May 2 Boston was defeated here today by a ninth Inning rally by Philadelphia, the latter scoring five runs on five hits and an error, mak ing the game 7 to 2. Wood, who suc ceeded Cicotte in the ninth, pitched to only one batsman. Collins sending In two runs with a single. Score: R H El R H H Boston 2 6 3 Philadelphia.. 7 14 3 Batteries Cicotte. Wood and Carrlgan; Plank and Thomas. N'ew York 3; Washington 2. NEW YORK. May 2. JlciBride's muff of Laporte's fly in the ninth today enabled Xew York to tie the score and in the tenth the locals won out, 3 to 2, on Hep hill's triple and Chase's single. Score: R H E!New York..:.. 3 7 2 Washington.. 2 3 3 RHH Batteries Johnson and Street; Vaughn, Warhop, Sweeney and Mitchell. Cleveland 2; St. Louis 1. ST. LOUTS, May 2. Cleveland made It three straight today by defeating St. Louis 2 to 1 in 11 innings. A base on balls to Lajoie Easterly's single and or Happicus Hogan. Excitable Leader of the Vernon Team, and His Players Hook Up With McCredie This After noon. Lord's double brought In the winning rup. Link allowed but three hits. Score: RHE R H H St. Louis 1 3 2 Cleveland 2 9 0 Batteries Stremmell and Stephens; Link and Easterly. FOR TUFT WAGNER MAKES BRILLIANT SHOWING BEFORE PRESIDENT. Pittsburg Champions, Watched by Government Officials, Defeat Chicago Cubs Easily. Won. Lost. Pet. New York ..11 S .7S Pittsburg; . . . Philadelphia chicapro Cincinnati .. Brooklyn . . . Boston St. Louis .. 8 .. 8 .. .. 5 .. 4 .. 4 .. 4 3 5 B it 10 10 .727 .6ir, .545 .r.oo .308 .2S .286 PITTSBURG, May 2. President Taft, Secretary Knox and Count von Bern storff, the German ambassador, were guests of the Pittsburg Club at Forbes Field today at a game In which the world's champions defeated Chicago 5 to 2. The distinguished guests kept their eyes always on the ball and hardly passed a remark during'the game. That they were quick to see the fine points was evinced by the fact they were first to applaud a brilliant play. Wagner, who is said to he the Presi dent's favorite, made a brilliant show ing, scoring two runs, making a two bagger and a double-play. Before the game, the President wrote his best wishes and signature on two baseballs and presented them to Wag ner and Manager Clarke of the Pitts burg club. Score: R. H. E. Pittsburg ..5 6 o;Chicago . Batteries Adams. Leifield son; Mclntyre, Pfeiffer and Umpires, O'Day and Brennan. R. H. E. ...2 10 4 and Gib Needham. GAME, FARCE, IS PROTESTED Cincinnati and St. Louis Players Make Burlesque of Sport. CINCIJTNATI. May 2. At the conclusion of the game in which Cincinnati de feated St. Louis here today 9 to 4, two protests were filed with President Lynch of the Xational League. The first came from Manager Bresna han, who protested the game,, alleging Umpire McGinnis was incompetent and his decisions were unfair and made the game a farce. Directly following this came a protest from President August Herrmann of the Cincinnati team against Manager Brcanahan's actions in making the game the ridiculous exhibition it was. Shortly after Cincinnati had scored five runs in the first inning, Bresnahan switched his team around to unaccus tomed positions. Score: RHBt RHE St. Louis 4 8 lClnclnnatl 9 13 4 Batteries Konetchy. Corridon, O'Hara, Berger, Phelps, Kelly and Bresnahan; Kowan, McLean and Clarke. Umpire Mc Ginnis. Philadelphia 9; Boston 8. BOSTON. May 2. Each team used three pitchers in the exciting game Philadel phia won from Boston today, 9 to 8. Bos ton tied the score in the first inning, when Moran stole home. In the second, Col lins hit a home run with the bases full. Score: Boston S 16 2 Philadelphia.. 9 12 1 Batteries (Brown, Mattern, Frock and Graham: McQuillan, Moore, Moren and Looin. "Umpires Johnstone and Moran. N'ew Tork 6 ; Brooklyn 0. BROOKLYN. May 2. Mathewson got a near no-hit game, a scratch hit by Mc Blven in the eighth inning spoiling an otherwise clean pitching record. Devlin made a one-handed stop of the ball, but threw low while off his balance and a hit was scored. Score: New York 6 8 4 Brooklyn 0 13 Batteries Mathewson. Myers and Wil son: Scanlon and Bergen. Umpires Rig ler and iinslie. U , ; -its I 'i ' J. -' t m vi ! f Vt JEFF SAYS HE IS FULL OF GINGER Ex-Champion Refrains From Overheating Blood and Getting Setback. BOB ARMSTRONG HARD HIT Full Day's Work at Training Camp Accomplished Before Noon, After Which Big Fellow Goes Boat ingBrother Jack on Way. KEN' LOMOND, Col.. May 2. Jeffries started the week at his training camp with a rush, accomplishing a full day's work before noon. He went at the vari ous lines of indoor stunts in a more busi nesslike manner, showing snap and life in every move. This was especially no ticeable in four rounds of boxing with Bob Armstrong. Jeffries had the negro on the run most, of the time and gave him quite a pummeltng with right-arm Jabs to the neck in the third round. More boxing was announced for the afternoon session, Jeffries declaring he would go a few rounds with Joe Choynskl and: Bill Papke. When the time came to put on the gloves, however, Jeffries had changed his mind. The boxing was left to Choynskl and Papke, .while Jeffries went for a boat ride. Jeffries said he wanted to do more, but considering the amount of work he had gone through earlier in the day he was afraid he would overheat his blood and set himself back. "I felt full of ginger this morning," said Jeffries. "I think I could have gone on for another hour or two without tiring. I wired a friend of mine in New York this morning that if I felt any better I would not know what to do with myself. It was all I could do to keep out of the gymna sium this afternoon, but I will be better off tomorrow for it." Jeffries received a telegram today from his brother Jack, in .which the latter said that he would Join the camp the first of next week. In reply Jeffries told him to come as soon as possible. Jack always has helped Jim train for hi? battles and the ex-champion likes to have his brother around. JOHXSON SPURNS ACTIVITY Negro Enjoys Life in Bay City; Rides in Auto; Crowds Gather. SAN FRANCISCO. May 2. Following his sojourn in Chicago during the cold spell of an Eastern Winter, Jack John son, the champion heavyweight, is spending his time becoming acclimated and spurns anything that suggests ac tive training. Johnson has shunned the gymnasium and has given notice that his appear ance in his working togs will not be made before the end of the week. Johnson arose early this morning, and after breakfast took a stroll along the' beach, returning to camp in time for lunch. When the meal had been fin ished he ordered his touring car and sped away to the downtown district All afternoon he was a conspicuous fig ure on the streets and wherever he stopped his machine crowds gathered. COLUMBIA OUT FOR 1ST PLACE Confident Over Last Saturday's Vic tory, Next Game Promises Fast. Supremely confident because of last Saturday's 6 to 2 victory over Cass Camp bell's fast Multnomah Club baseball team, "Dolly" Gray's well-drilled Columbia Uni versity nine will try and wrest first place in the Interscholastic League from the Washington High School tomorrow after noon on Multnomah Field at 3:30 o'clock. Washington High School is just as con fident of winning as are the university boys, for last Saturday they defeated the Chemawa Indian School team, 4 to 1. Should Columbia win tomorrow's battle. all five of the teams in the league will Comfort and pride in your shoes are what make them satisfactory. You will always be conscious of that well dressed feeling when wearing THE; SHOE and you will experience foot comfort, too. PACKARDS are superior to the higher cost shoes, but are sold at moderate prices. You can't be shod any better for any price. PACKARDS are made in Brockton, Mass., the home of the world's best m a k e r s the men behind them have spent 30 vears turning (PACKftRJjMboMPANYl ill ft" 8571 53 years is a long time to do one thing in one way. Probably we shall be doing this same tning sj years trom now, rorwe are pretty well satisfied with Good old Bottled In Bono "Write for a free copy of "Making; the Standard Bye Whiskey of America". m .1 A-Guckenheimer Since 1857. 1910 be tied for first place, each would then have a percentage of .300. The following players will participate in -the game: Washington High. "Position. Columbia Univ. Wilson ........ ....e... MaJarkey. F "PBrklna Houck ......P ..K.irk. Fltajerald Moreland It-. Harris Cornell 2b Davis Cobb ............ .-3b .....Devera, Finnegan Jones (Capt.) ss Gakey. Haywood Aanusen If V. Perkins George ....cf C. "Perkina Stannard rf .."Fltajerald. Flnnegna Fandom at Random WITH Happicus Hogan a visitor at the Vaughn-etreet lot this after noon, the facetious bugs" will nave a chance to get into action in earnest. Hap picus is something of a comedian him self, and misery loves company. . Roy Willett. the former "Portland pitcher now doing duty as one of the star pitchers of the Happicus tribe, may be delegated to open the series against the Beavers this afternoon. "Willett has been most effective this season. "Muggsy" McGraw'a New York Giants have started off the National League season In whirlwind fashion, and if their present gait Is maintained, Pittsburg and Chicago will be eclipsed. However, the Giants have only beaten Brooklyn. Bos ton and Philadelphia, none of them very strong clubs. r If the Beavers get into the game in earnest and don't become too anxious, Portland may expect to regain the lead ing position before going on the road at the end. of this series. MoCredle's band should take four out of six. while San Francisco will do well to break even with, the Angels at Los Angeles. Wonder , what's the matter with that Invincible Seattle World's champion team this season? Last week the despised Ta coma Tigers trimmed the Dugdalian crew out of the majority of the nine games played. Can it be that the world's cham pions have gone back? Count Sassey, the pudgy little out fielder who formerly played for Port land, but who Is now doing duty for Tacoma, was a great factor In beating the Seattle bunch last week. Bassey se cured one or two or more bingles . in almost every game, and several of the clouts were for the circuit. - The Vernon Club, which meets Port land here, this afternoon, has vertical lettering on the shirt fronts of the players, which Idea, is after the style of the Chicago National League team. Ac cording to Happicus Hogan, the Vernon ites have nothing on Chicago or it is the reverse. How about it, Hap? (Buddy Ryan went fishing yesterday, and according to Brother Dan, that is all he did do. Dan says Buddy's bait was all to the "Dutch" for the fish absolutely refused to bite, and the "big brudder" is mourning the loss of an anticipated feast. Buddy spent seven hours dallying by the festive brook to no purpose. George Ort was seen mounting the streetcars at intervals of two hours yes terday, and each time he was "loaded to the guards" with bundles. George recently rented a flat out Sixteenth street way, and rumor has it that "Mrs. George" is due from the East in the very near future. allies Netzel Is anxious to get Into the game every day, and Manager McCredie is likely to send the speedy youngster into right field for awhile, as Big1 Mac is not feeling in the best of health Just at present. Springfield Cluh Leads. ALBANY, Or.. May 2. (Special.) As a result of yesterday's games the standing of the teams in the Willamette Valley Baseball League is now as fol lows: Won. Lost. Pot. 3 o 1.000 1 1 .66S 1 2 .333 0 3 .000 Springfield ... Cottage Qrove Albany ....... Eugene Hubbard 6; St. Paul 4. HUBBARD, Or., May 2. (Special.) The Hubbard baseball nine defeated the St. Paul team Sunday, 6 to 4. The feature of the game was a one-handed catch by Berens in center field fpr the Hubbard team. Batteries Jones and Whitney for Hubbard, and Coleman, Coyle and Lam bert for St. Paul. Steel Company Nine Wins. The Columbia Steel Company team visit ed Cascade Locks Sunday and defeated the team representing that place by the shoe- , and 17 W 4 out footwear for men. Get the benefit of this experience and workmanship. 45 New Styles. $4 and $5 PHILLIPS SHOE CO. 109 Sixth Street 18551 r86218 66 187(T IS71 1875 Q Cn: toot i o o -r i o -r , ouo i ouxj , 10 u i in i 1876 861 1865 1869 1873 1877. 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1883 1889 1890 1891; 1892 1893 1894 Sc. Bros-, Distillers, Pittsburg aaaIIaIIaIaIaM iyOt 1902 1898 1907 1903 1899 1895 1908 1904 1900 1896 190919051901.189T s 1 tad m.im.' , Speedy Sure Gentle NATURAL LAXATIVE v Recommended by Physicians Refuse Substitutes Glass on arising for I CONSTIPATION 1 On Candy The Seal of Purity ti& a Guarantee r -r- a? jf in Quality and Flavor B . Patronise the "Modern Dealer" 1 1 Modem Confectionary Co., Mf rt., Portlsnd, Oreroa GONCORD EVANSTON wtm. Arsi-Hetoh wQ BouooJuels THE NEW Arrow COLLARS FOR SUMMER. ' High enough for looks low enough for comfort and plenty of room for the tie to slide in. Me. each, S for 9Eo. Cteett. Pftahodr & Co- Arrow Cntls,ge. HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH. FtBsrers) roaKkeiieel by meedlewerlc catch every stain and loolc hopelessly dirty. Hand Sapolio removes not only the dirt, but also the loosened, injured cuticle, and restores the iagen to thl mataral beauty. AX.li GROCERS AJTD DRUGGISTS. score of 7 to 4. Jerry Ryan's pitching; was too much for the Cascade lads, and the fielding; of Evers, Carney and Cooper of the Portland team was sensational. Teams desiring games with the Columbia Steel Company team should address Ed ward Mutton, manager, care Columbia Steel Company, Portland. Homer in STinth Wins. DAYTON, "Wash., May 2. Special.) In the ninth inning in yesterday's ball game, Smith, of Waitsburg, knocked a home run, scoring two and winning for Waitsburg 6 to 4. Hammer hit a homer for Dayton in the seventh with the bases empty. F!"TSSll-'',!r,,J,,!ll1 INTERESTING DEMONSTRATION American Railway Brake GERLINGER Albina Yards, Tuesday, May 3 3 P.M. Experts From Different Rail roads Will Be Present The public are cordially invited to the demon stration and to see this remarkable invention to insure the safety of life and property This is the only Automatic Safety Appliance to prevent wrecks on railroads 1,-5 K 'ffSii i- icfcfr :. L'.sffi-- :;viiAt;v:'r '-'- r:' For over 128, years this whiskey has been the standard which all otherswere judged. Once you try Old James E. Pepper Whiskey Bottled in Bond Established 1 780 Put up In full quarts, fu'il fives, full pints and half pints. Order from your druggist. DISTRIBUTORS BLIMUER-FRA1 DRUG CO. 8th and Everett Sta Portland Or. Pitchers' honors were evenly divided. Clancy, of Dayton, striking out seven, Automatic PATENT ; - , iv'."'"; -hJ by Bateman, six. Clancy allowed four hits, Bateman, five. ' .uiw .. ,. ii,U iliiii.,Mw.i.,iWjin ,ii i.i ,n iiu ii I,..:-. - ' .""irr A i arar