Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 03, 1910, Page 13, Image 13

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Carter's and M erode Underwear Onyx Store "Will Not Open Until 9 o'ClocK THis Mornina in Order to Give Oxir Salesoeoole a Chance to Get
Hose Ladies Home J ournal Patterns !
tKe StocK in Shape for Today's Trading The Tremendous Rush. Yesterday Caused Some Few Delays
"Which "Will Be Overcome Today by Having Added Greatly to Ovtr Forces in Every Department
Removal Sale of
Xratire StocK of
qui era's Sxiits
Coats, Costumes
Waists , Hiirao rao s
Millira'ry, Corsets
Aradl CKildrera's
Apparel, Ktc, Etc.
Entire stock of Draperies at greatly reduced prices.
Entire stock of Bedding at greatly reduced prices.
Entire stock of Rugs now on sale at reduced prices.
Entire stock of China now greatly reduced in price.
Entire stock of Silverware now at reduced prices.
Entire stock of Glassware on sale at reduced prices.
Entire stock of Hardware also at reduced prices.
Entire stock of Kitchen Goods at reduced prices.
Entire stock of Cut Glass at much reduced prices.
Entire stock of Hosiery offered at reduced prices.
Entire stock of Underwear also at reduced prices.
r Entire stock of Neckwear at greatly reduced prices.
Entire stock of Gloves is on sale at reduced prices.
: Entire stock of Notions at much reduced prices.
Entire stock of Drug Sundries at reduced prices.
Entire stock of Shoes now on sale at reduced prices.
Entire stock of Men's Goods now at reduced prices.
Entire stock of Trunks at greatly reduced prices.
Entire stock of Suitcases at greatly reduced prices.
Entire stock of Jewelry at greatly reduced prices.
Entire stock of Umbrellas now at reduced prices.
Entire stock of Dress Goods now at reduced prices.
Entire stock of Silks now at greatly reduced prices.
Entire stock of Linings offered at reduced prices.
Entire stock of Wash Goods now at reduced prices.
Entire stock of Linens on sale at reduced prices.
Help Wanted
500 Experienced Salespeople.
50 Experienced Floor Men.
50 Extra Cashiers.
100 Extra Wrappers.
100 Girls, 16 years and over.
10 Extra Delivery Lien.
25 Extra Messengers.
First of May Passes Without
Any Men Quitting.
Carpenters Strengthening Organiza
tion and "Will Ask for Wage In
crease at Later Tte 5fo
Trouble Is Expected.
Yeeterrtay. the day scheduled for the
materialisation of such labor troubles in
Portland as might have been brewed dur
ing the past three months, passed with
out any happenings to disturb the seren
ity of the city's industrial life.
9o peaceful was the day that it
amounted to a rebuke to those self-appointed
leaders of the unions and those
who were termed "calamity howlers."
Instead of strikes or -walkouts, predicted
some weeks ago. the men continued their
work as if the subject of troubles had
never been discussed.
In the building trades, which were most
discussed during the agitation of the
past three months, operations continued
smoothly. From the most skilled me
chanics down to the humblest and least
Important laborers, all were on their Jobs
throughout the day.
Calm Prevails.
At the Iabor Temple, where the busi
ness offices of the various trades unions
are maintained, the same calm pre
vailed. The very Idea of trouble was
hooted at by no less than half a dozen
labor leaders. That there have been
discussed propositions that might have
resulted in serious injury to building ac
tivities, was not denied. This, however,
was conditionally stated. As one labor
leader put it: "We do not want any
trouble and we are sure the employers
do not. With that condition aa an hy
pothesis, there is no reason why we could
not reach an amicable agreement on all
our differences."
Charges of unfairness on the part of
the Oregon Employers Association were
frequently and vehemently made at labor
headquarters yesterday, where it was de
clared there never has been occasion for
the mueh-talked-of troubles. The em
ployers are charged with circulating this
rumor for ulterior purposes- "They want
to rlace us in a had light before the
public as being agitators." said a union
man. "We are not- All we want and
have asked for is a square deal. We are
always ready to submit any of our dis
putes with the employers to arbitration
and no unfair demands have been made
this year as we see them."
Question Will Be Arbitrated.
In the case of the Journeymen Plumb
ers' Union, which three months ago
gave notice of a demand for an Increase
in wages of 1 per day. the employers
nave onerea an increase or oo cents per
day. The matter will be settled by arbi
The electrical workers yesterday con
tinued as usual. It is understood there
still remains some difference, which will
be settled today.
Owing to their disorganized condition
the building laborers will not strike, ac
cording to Information from an authori
tative source. In fact, though the matter
has been generally discussed, there has
never been much likelihood of it, bo it
was stated.
In the case of the carpenters, the situa
tion has slightly changed. During the
past three months, the carpenters have
been strengthening the organization.
and until recently had not contemplated
making any demands.
Carpenters Confident.
With the addition of several hundred
new members confidence has been gained
and the carpenters will meet tonight to
discuss again the wage question. In
Portland their scale Is $3.50 per day. In
Spokane, they say. it is $4.50, and in all
other Pacific Coast cities as much. To
increase the scale here to at least $4 per
day is the plan, wnetner a specific de
mand to this effect is made remains to
be seen.
The carpenters Is considered the most
conservative of all the building trades
unions. It is not likely, aay those well
acquainted with the situation, that they
will give any serious trouble. In the
event any demands are made they will
at least be submitted to arbitration or
three months given the employers in
which to answer.
"The situation as we see it is all that
could be wanted," said M. C. Ban field.
president of the Oregon Qnployers' Asso
ciation. "We are not expecting any
trouble whatever.
Lion Kondlea A Child.
In Pittsburg a savage lion fondled the
hand that a child thrust into his race.
Danger to a child Is sometimes great
when least regarded. Often it comes
through Colds, Croup, and Whooping
Cough. They slay thousands that Dr.
King's New Discovery could have saved.
"A few doses cured our baby of a very
bad case of Croup," writes Mrs. George
B. Davis, of Flat Rock. N. C. "We al
ways give it to him when he takes cold.
It's a wonderful medicine for babies."
Best for Coughs. Colds, LaGrlppe, Asth
ma, nemorrnages, veaK Lungi. 50c
9i-uu. i ni noiue iree- guaranteed by
ait ui ugiais. -
A Healthful Hint.
A bottle of the Hood Brewing Com.
pany's famous Bock Beer to ward off
that tired feeling. Phone EX. 139, B 1&19.
Salesmen and Saleswomen, first-class, in a num
ber of our departments. , Jacket, Skirt and Gown
Workers, thoroughly experienced hands. Girls,
16 years and over, for cashiers, wrappers, mes
sengers, etc, who will be given a chance to learn
the business. Apply at once for these positions.
1,000,000 Eemova;
B. "-irun- - "" 11 'nii iiiii id iimiiirf
I Sale
AH Muslin
Is Reduced
Fine hand-made French garments, all do
mestic hand-made and moderately priced
machine made garments. Reduced for
quick selling. Dont fail to see them.
A Gigantic
Sale of All
All onr fine imported French Pattern
Hats, dress, street and all hand-made
tailored Hats are to be completely closed
out during this great Removal Bale.
Sale of All
Dress Goods
The largest and best stock of dress goods
in all Portland is being sacrificed. Not
one thing will be moved which, comes
within our power to sell. See them.
All Worn ns
Waists Are
An elaborate collection of the very best
made, best-styled waises we could possi
bly find. Selected with great care. Now
sacrificed during our great Removal sale.
In o e s
$5 Values at $1.4Q
$5 Values at $1.98
$5 Values at $2.49
LOT 1 An assortment of 1600 pairs of
patents, kid and calf leathers; about
1200 pairs of these are odds and ends,
short lines and irregular sizes; styles for
dress and styles for street; A Q
all sizes; values to $5, pair P"
LOT 2 Women's Pumps and Oxfords,
ma le in the new patterns, with or with
out straps; some have twin straps; also
oxfords and pumps in tan, Russian colt,
brown kid and black leath- Gt't QQ
ers; all sizes; vals. to $5, pr. P aSO
LOT 3 Women's Pumps and Oxfords,
made on hand-turn and welt-sewed soles,
tan, brown, patent kid and gnnmetal
leather. A very nice quality in this as
sortment, which includes 150 pairs of
samples in very high grade lines; $3.50,
$4.00 and $5.00 grades in this (PO A Q
lot; Removal sale price, pair P'
Sale Prices on All
Wash Goods
15c Cotton Pongee at 8c
15c Printed Batiste at 9c
$50Tailored Suits $19.65
$6.5Q Coats at $3.87
$45 Coats at $33.75
Particular attention is directed to this most remarkable an
nouncement. It means a great loss to ns and a great gain
to you. Every style which New York's master designers
could think of. Every wanted fabric, every color now in
vogue. Sale prices will range from $3.87 to $33.75.
Only white serges are excluded from this list. Rich wool
coats, lined or faced with foulard silk. Long shawl collar,
Russian effects, belted styles, richly trimmed coats, plain,
semi or tight styles. All must be sold. Not one will be movecL
$6.5Q VaUies for $3.87
$20.00 Valties at $15.00
$30.00 Values at $22.5Q
Not within the present generation's mem
ory has such opportunities for enormous
savings been offered to the people of
Oregon and Washington. Here 's 70 bolts
of cotton pongee, natural ground, with
patterns of plaids, stripes, dots and con
ventional designs, 27-inch; regular Q
values up to 15c, special at, yard
Batiste in printed jacquard effects, me
dium and dark colors; some with new
6ide bands for self trimming; our Q
regular 15c values, special at, yard
Removal Sale of 12QO
A most advantageous purchase of 1200 Broad French Male
Stock Plumes; Willow Plumes with large, gracefully droop
ing heads; Fancy Plumes of carefully selected stock. .The
grandest collection ever shown on the Coast by any retail
store at such prices. Purchased from one of New York's
most exclusive importers of high-grade ostrich goods. They
have just been received by express, but they must submit to
the tremendous and unparalleled price-cutting that is now
In order throughout this store. Take advantage of the sale.
$40.00 Values $30.00
$42.50 Values for $31.37
$45.QO Values at $33.75
People from all parts of Oregon and Washington will come to this
gigantic sale. Every ready-to-wear garment in the store will be
sacrificed; don't let us move a single one. Here's an assortment
of 300 suits, high-class, exclusive styles, in serges, panamas, wide
wales, diagonals, sackcloths, mannish materials and fancy worst
eds. Jackets in the two, three or four-button styles, with fancy
trimmed shawl collars or plain, semi and tight-fitting backs ; 28 to
32-inch coats. Some are fancy trimmed with braids or novelty
buttons; skirts are the new plaited 6tyles; all the new C 1 Ck
wanted shades and white serges; values to $50.00 P 7JJ
Ladies 5Qc Hose at 29c
Ladies 35c Hose at 18c
Infants 35c SocKs 18c
5000. pairs of ladies' Spring and Sum
mer lisle Hose, plain fast black, seamless,
black boot lace, allover lace and tan,
pink, sky and navy boot, lace, also fast
black with maco split foot; our "1 Q
regular values up to 35c, at, pr. OC
Ladies' fast black mercerized lisle Hose,
reinforced heels and toes; ourOQ
regular 50c values, special at, pr.
Socks for infants and children; plain
mercerized and plaid tops; sizes 42 to
6; white, black, pink, sky, tan; 1
values up to 35c; sale price, pair AOfw
Child's 25c Hose at 11c
Boys 25c Hose, Pair 14-c
Misses' and boys' fast black ribbed cot
ton Hose, good medium weight, rein
forced heels and toes, double knee; sizes
5 to 9; our best regular 20c 11
values, special Removal price, pr. A C
Misses' and boys' fast black ribbed cot
ton Hose, medium and heavy weight,
sizes 5 to 9V our regular values "I yl
to 25c, and ready sellers, the pair AC
Removal Sale of
2000 Boys' Wash
5000 Petticoats
$12.00 Values at $4.98
Not one Petticoat will be here on moving day if we can
possibly help it. Every one in onr stock from the
cheapest to the best will be on sale at a greatJy reduced
price. Here is a lot of 5000 assorted styles grouped in
one lot and priced for speedy closing. There's rich
lustrous taffetas, in every wanted color; also plaids and
fancy stripes, made with deep flounces, trimmed in
tailored bands, tucks, plaits, etc. Actual ft m ry
values to $12.00; removal sale price is u)r."0
Another lot selected from the regular stock will be
grouped at one price for easy choosing. All well made,
with deep flounces, trimmed in tailored bands, tucks,
plaits, etc., with mercerized dust ruffles ;
black and colors ; values to $7.50 in the lot
Ve i 1 i n g
Special lOc
3000 yards of this
season's good de
signs in tuxedo mesh
veiling; black, white,
navy, brown, gray,
tan, red and novelty
shades; our regular
stock values to 35c,
on special salel Cg
for, the yard lut
$7 Handbags $3.98
$5 Handbags $2.39
A lot of 900 Handbags, in genuine seal, wal
rus and morocco leathers, medium and large
sizes; black, brown, blue, tan and green;
the newest styles, strap han- CJO QQ
dies, etc.; values to $7, at, ea. PO70
Goat Seal Bags, in black, double or single
strap handles, leather-lined, some wiih Ger
man silver frames; values to $5, tO OQ
special Removal sale price, ea. P"""'
Assorted Bags, all colors, all shapes, all
sizes, almost any kind of a handle or frame
of brass, silver or leather;-we group 500 '
these in one lot; values up to Ej I O ,
$3.50, and price them at, each vl'V
$1.25 SilK Sere 69c
$1.25 Taffeta at 77c
Black Taffeta Silk, in the rich, lustrous
quality, full yard wide; a good, serviceable
fabric for tailored suits, one-piece dresses,
waists, petticoats, for trimmings, linings,
etc.; the kind that sells readily at $1.25 the
yard, priced special for speedy sell- 77
ing; buy all you want of it at, yard
Rich Tussah Silk Serge, an ideal fabric for
Summer wear, suitable for many purposes;
full 27 inches wide; 17 different colors to
choose from; a regular $1.25 value. CQ
Our special Removal sale price, yard
Hundreds of thousands of yards of foreign
and domestic silksto be offered in this sale.
$4 Corsets at $1.Q&
$5 Corsets at $3.29
The largest and most complete stock of
Corsets in the city, at, removal sale prices.
Pequot stripe or fine batiste Corset, me
dium or low bust, lace or ribbon-trimmed;
extreme long skirt; the latest djl QQ
Spring model, on sale for, pair P A.SO
A line of Pequot stripe or fine batiste Cor
sets, with medium low bust, lace or ribbon
trim'd, extreme long skirt, lat- CJO OQ
est Spring model; onr $5 value pO
A line of regular models in Corset Gir
dles, made of good quality jeans material;
black and gray colors only ; regular O T
$1.25 value, special Removal price w C
Regular $5
Sp'c'l $2.48
Excellent quality of
taffeta silk, for rain
or shine, fitted over
heavy steel frames,
mounted with broad
range of fancy han
dles; brown, green,
red, navy, lavender,
etc., val- fcO AO
ues to $5 P-.C
Take an automobile rid. with us and
see Going Street Addition.
Many Improvements to Be Made.
New Galleries and Registry Room
to Aid Greatly in Work.
Keeping- pace with the steady In
crease which has been a marked fea
ture of each of the past several months
in the Portland Postofflee, the receipts
for April, 1910. are much heavier than
for the corresponding month of 1909.
Assistant Postmaster Williamson an
nounces that improvements made nec
essary by new businees will be speed
ily, undertaken. Contracts have been
let for makeshift galleries to be run
around the distribution-room in the
main office. Preparations for building;
a registry-room in the basement were
begun yesterday, when several wagon
loads of old records and registry cards
were removed and sold to the paper
mills at. Seattle.
The statement of receipts for April
Is as follows:
Receipts for April, 1810.
Receipts for April, 1809.....
Increase . . .
Increase per
-. 80.287.97
Assistant Secretary in. Portland. Will
Visit Principal Y. M. C A.s.
C. X. Wonacott, assistant general sec
retary of the Portland Young Men's
Christian Association, left last night for
a trip through the Bast and Europe. He
wUl visit associations In the largest
Eastern cities and will make a study of
methods employed in their work for the
purpose of securing suggestions that may
be of value here.
The Portland association prides itself
on being one of the most progressive T.
M. C A. organizations in the United
States, and its light to this distinction
is generally recognized. An effort is
made to keep in touch with any new
methods that are adopted elsewhere, and
for this reason frequent visits are ex
changed with other associations and
T. M. C. A. literature is received. In
the past, however, the Portland associa
tion has been one of the most active in
suggesting improvements and innova
tions in its various departments, many of
these suggestions being widely adopted.
At Atlantic City, Mr.- Wonacott will
attend the assembly of Presbyterian
Churches as a delegate from the First
Presbyterian Church of Portland. Dr. W.
H. Foulkes and Dr. Henry Marcotte will
also represent this city. The three will
then travel to Europe together and will
witness the Passion Play at Oberam
All the machinery In the Indian govern
ment mint at Calcutta is electrically driven.
Remedies are Needed
Were we perfect, which we are not, medicines would
not often be needed. Hut since our systems have be
come weakened, impaired and broken down through
indiscretions which have gone on from the early ages,
through countless generations, remedies or needed to
aid Nature in correcting our inherited and otherwise
acquired weaknesses. To reach the seat of stomach
weakness and consequent digestive troubles, there is
nothing to good as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov
ery, a glyceric compound, extracted from native medic
inal roots sold for over forty years with great satisfaction to all users.
Special 25c
A remarkable closing out of 2000 good
quality zephyr gingham and percale
Waists for boys from 6 to 14 years of
age; all wanted patterns, in light and
medium shades; the best value OCi,
ever shown; Removal sale price
Sale of 2Q.OOO Yards
of Pongee SilK
HAND-LOOM PONGEE SILKS, the kind that wash and
wear so well. The strongest and best; 28 and 34 inches wide;
natural color only; light weights, for children's dresses,
shirtwaist suits and one-piece dresses. Heavy fabrics for
tailored suits and some numbers particularly adapted for
auto coats. A Removal sale special you should not miss
26-inch, regular $1.00 quality, on special sale at, yd., 81
26-inch, regular $1.25 quality, on special sale at, yd., 1.05
34-inch, regular $1.23 quality, on special sale at, yd., 1.05
34-inch, regular $1.50 quality, on special sale at, yd., S1.23
34-inch, regular $1.75 quality, on special sale at, yd., Jj1.30
26-inch heavy Coating Pongee, $2.50. quality, yard, $1.98
34-inch heavy Coating Pongee, $2.50 quality, yard, SJ51.98
26-inch heavy Coating Pongee, $3.50 qualitj-, yard, SS.69
34-inch heavy Coating Pongee, $3.00 quality, yard, S2.49
$3.50 quality, yard, $2.89 $5.00 quality, yard, S4.19
Weak Stomach, Biliousness. Liver Gomnlaint. Pain in the Stomach after eatimf.
Heartburn, Bad Breath, Belching of food, Chronic Diarrhea and other Intestinal
Derangements, the '"Discovery" is a time-proven and most efficient remedy.
The genuine has on its
outside wrapper the
Yon can't afford to accept a secret nostrum as a substitute for this non-aloo-holic,
medicine of known composition, not even though the urgent dealer may
thereby make a little bigger profit.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and
novels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy to take as candy.