13 AMT SEMICXTS. Bungalow " THEATER and Morrison. Dhnno. v.ln 117 azu A. 4224. Tonight. Tomorrow, Wednesday. Soeeial Price Matinee Saturday. HENRY WOODBITF In the Musical Comedy, "The Prince of Tonight." KvenlnifS. $l.so to S"c. Matinee. $1 to S5c PORTLAND THEATER WashlnKton nd Fourteenth. Phones: Main 443: A 7085. Tonight All V-k. AH) A HEIn AND NATIONAL OPERA CO., Presenting "BOCCACCIO." "The only Musical Attraction In Town." Prices $1.75. 50c and 2ftc. THEATER Main 2, A D36U .Geo. L. Baker, Manaser Tonight, all week, bargain Mat. Wed. 25c. BON1TA, In the Oorgeous Musical Comedy, "Wine, Woman and Sons;." Fifty people, grand chorus, 2t song nits. Season's biggest attraction. Bargain Mat. Wed., 25c. Sat. Mat. 25c, SOC Evenings, 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00. Next Week Baker stock Company In "Old Heidelberg." GRAN D Week May 2, 191Q HitlnH Mrv 2:30: any Mat. too. Kvening performance. 7:80. 0:15: balcony. 16". lower floor. Z3c; dox seats, out MR. ROBERT Lew and Nellie Shaw KILU1KI) PKtSENTS MISS ANNIE BLANCHE AND COMPANY IN "FRECKLES." Yelde Trio Iainty M attic Locket te Corcoran A I 1 ion Grandascone AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Baker's auction house. 3 52 Park st. Stock of high-class new furniture, for posi tive sale at 10 o'clock. Baker & Son. auc tioneers. At Wilson's auction house, corner Second mnd Yamhill; sale at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. CLASSIFIES ADVi VTCSING BAXE Daily or tounday. Far Lbe. One Urn 1 &ame ad two consecutive tlmea. ........ .224 (jaine ad three consecutive time 80s baiue aul six or Mvea consecutive times. .060 fcilx nurdi count a one line on cah ad vertisement, and no ad counted lor leae than two line. When an advertisement is not run consec utive times the one-time rate applies. On charge or book jMiverticuusnts the charge will be based on Uie actual number of lines appearing: tn the paper, regwdioM 41 the number of nurds in tuui line. In New Today ail advertisements are charged by meamire only, 14 lines to the inch. The above rates apply to advertisements nnuor "ew Today" and ail other classuUca liout excepting the fullowiiig; Situations Wanted, Male. situations Wanted, k eiuale. ior Kent, Kooms, Private Families. Booms and Board, Private if ami lies. Housekeeping Kooms, private FamiUea. The rate of the above chMMiXlcatiua Is 1 uents a line each insertion. TO OUT-OF-TOWN PATRONS The Ore gonian will receive copy by mail, provided sufficient remittance for a definite number of issues Is sent. Acknowledgment of such Bemlttance will be turwarded promptly. In case box office address Is required, use regular form given, and count this as part of the ad. Answers to advertisements will be forwarded to patrons, provided self-addressed stamped envelopes are furnished. If you have either telephone in your house ne will accept your ad over the phone and send you the bill the next day. Phone Want Ad. Iept., Main 7070 or A 6095. Hit nation Wanted and Personal advertisements not accepted over the phone. Errors are more easily made In telephoning advertise ments, therefore The Oregonlan will not hold Itself responsible for such errors. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY fIUUUENT. Main tlX. SECRETARY, Main 59ft. HUMANE ObFlCEK. East 471. NEW TODAY. To Lease October 1st, for a term of years, the Second ! loor of the Elks' Temple Inquire at the Secretary's Office. 4 DANDY FARM 61 ACRES fil acres farm, onlv 10 mites from Port- lend. 2 miles from Clackamas and on the banks of the Clackamas River, bot tom land which never overflows, -5 acres in hljrh state of cultivation, pro duced 300 sacks of potatoes per acre, last year, pood ynuns apple and peach orchard and oth-r fruits, well fenced and cross-fenced, prood 9-room house, grood barn, includes 3 cows, 2 horses, wagon, mower, rnke, spring-tooth, har row, cultivator nd other implements and other tools. This Is a fine farm and for sale at a bargain $7r.OO; $3500 cash, balance to puit. "rSSI 8 ZAW SI 7 Board of Trade Bids.. 4th and Oak. A CHOICE BITTVCH OF 11 BeautifuILargeLots Close to two -ar1ines. nice homes around them, ntreetsi k-r4rii, na(r In and .idevr.lkii ilnnn. Will srive you a good money-maker if you get to our offh-e. quli'k enougrh. , Easy terms. BROG-STEEI,E CO, ironnd Floor, I. mis Building- $9500 TODAY CNIY Oft the Boards Tomorrow 12th- Near Main GOOD INCOME 253V3 WASHINGTON ROOM 5 A NICELY furnished front room, home priv ileges, two meals; furnace heat, both phones, one block from streetcar, walking distance of Foptoffi.-e; genilfmen prefer red but would rent to two ladles employed during day and who can play piano. NEW TODAY. WHAT IS YOUR OPINION ? !Does it pay to-buy a house and lot In the suburbs, pay a big: price for it, contend with poor car service, depend on truck gardeners for vour fruit and vegetables, buy milk from indifferent dairymen, have a little 2x4 flower gar den and your children have to borrow some of the neighbors lawn to get to play on the ground? Or Buy for the same price 24 acres In high state of cultivation, a fine young bearing orchard of 75 trees. Including apples, pears, prunes, plums, cherries, walnuts, butternuts, quinces and straw berries, logans, raspberries, currants, etc; 214 vines of Concord, Worden and Niagara grapes, all in fine condition, trees pruned, and sprayed and all cul tivated, and flowers and shade trees. A good 6 -room bouse, stone founda tion and cellar; a good little barn and chicken yard; all fenced; one acre in vetch and oats. Say, the view Is great. Price is only $5500, with easy terms. This is at Oak Grove; fare, 8c. Two blocks from stores, churches and school. Thirty minutes out of Portland. Good car service and right on the carllne. Chapin&Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. From $40 to $60 per acre; on good county road, less than two miles of R. R. sta tion. Finest of soil, splen did hill land for apples. Come in if you want something good for little money. Easy payments to assist you to get a home. BRONG- STEELE GO. Ground Floor, Lewis Bldg:. Phones: Main 1743, A 1743. West Park Quarter Very choice apartment site. The cheapest corner left on this fine park way. Buy now, before the advance from present low price. Vanduyn & Walton 515 Chamber of Commerce. 160 Acres On account of poor health I offer my farm near Milwaukie for sale in whole or in part; also 10 acres near city and car, all improved; house, barn, fruits of all kinds; can be made an ideal home or subdivided. Call on or address W. A. GARNER Milwaukie, Or. Phone, Milwaukie, Black 502. GAIN Corner lot, 24th and East Couch, modern 7-room dwelling and auto garage, in first-class condition, $4500 ; terms reasonable. CLARK-COOK COMPANY, Boom 6 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 5407, A 3252. Rodney Ave. Home Kt rirt 1 v m rii prn . In re-A t wn.strtrv fi room house, gas and electric, full ce ment basement, laundry tra ys, includes $i'j0 worth of carpets, on a fine corner lUxfco, line lawn, truit trees, shrubbery and roses, streets are improved and ce ment sidewalk, corner of Rodnev ave nue and Tillamook street. a few minutes walk from the West Side. This is a real bargain, at $6o00, one half casn. GRUSSI S ZAD0W 317 Board of Trade .Bldg.. 4th and Oak. or A beautiful home site, large grounds, good dwelling, fine laree fruit trees and shrubbery. This prop- ertv can be had at a bargain or would trade for unimproved property. CLARK-COOK COMPANY, Room 6 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 5407, A 3252. 50 Acres For Platting N ear car on the PEM St LA, where great values are going on. Can make you two hnnAred per cent on money invested. Brong-Steele Co. Ground Floor, Lewis Bldg. 6 Mortgage Loans UORGAX. fLlEDXER BOYCE, BOa-BOC Ahlpcton Untitling. INVESTORS Call on owner's Realty Ass'n for timber, acreage, business, residence ana aparcxnent properties. aoa Arlington A BAR Mt. Tab XEW TODAT, Half block on East Yamhill, facing O. R. & N. track. . This is $7500 less than any- other half block in the East Side w a r e h ouse district. Half cash. W. H. Grindstaf 510 Commercial Block. Phone Main 6009. Willamette Heights New house for sale on Wilson st. : 5 rooms, hardwood floors; everything modern and up to date; full lot. Price $4250, and terms. RUSSELL Sc BLYTH Commonwealth Building:. DID VOU EVER UK AH OK SUCH A BARGAIN AS THISt 145 ACRES OF FUU, BEARING Prune Orchard Near R- R- station, sure of a big: crop this year; a large fruit dryer on place. Fair buildings. $6000 cash will handle It. .Price $20,000. Brong-Steele Co. Ground Floor, Lewis Building'. GEORGE) BLA-CBL. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branches.) 823 Worcester Bids;. Phocti Main 8371. A. 4011. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. F. ABRAHAM Rooms 217-213-219 Lumber Exchange bldg, 2d and btark sts. Tele phones, Main 2279. A 2279. Andrews. F.V. & Co.M.3349. 30 Hamilton bids Beck. William G.. 312 Falling: bldg. Birrell, A. H. Co.. 202-3 McKay bldg. Real estate. Insurance, morteaees. loans, etc. Brubaker & Benedict. 502 McKay bids- M. 549 CARD REALTY & INVESTMENT CO., 110 SECOND ST. MARSHALL 1567. A 157. Chapin & Herlow. 332 Chamber Commerce. Cook, B. S. & Co., 603 Corbett bids;. Jennlrss & Co.. Main 183. 206 Oreg-onlan. JONES & SHERMAN, 3u2-3 Lewis bldg. PALMER-JONES CO-. S. P-. 213 Commer cial Club bids;. Echalk. Gpo.D.. 228 Stark st. Main 392. A 2392 BHIMJLER & HALL. 205 Abington big. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ave. and Axuunoman rt. ttiouaaay Aaaitionj. M. E- Thompson Cow cor. 4th and. Oak, sts Walker. S. T., 604 Corbett bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. EAST PORTLAND HEIGHTS LOT. Nice lot. 60x100, east front, between two nice houses, lnu feet from car. on East 33d and Clinton; a fine place to Duna or & gooa speculation ; price ? mmi, terms. GRUSSI & ZADOW, S17 Board of Trade Bldp.. 4th and Oak. BUILDING SITES. Several view sites on west slon of Mt, Tabor, near new city park; beautiful un obstructed view ; restricted district ; hard surface streets and other improvements going in now, owner, a '..iJ. Oregon lan. CLOSE TO UNION AND ALBERTA. TWO LOTS. $700 EACH. . Only 120 feet from car; It will be money In your pocket to buy them; good terms. See the owner, L. W. Matthews, 722 Cham, of Com. COMMISSIONS PAID. To agents selling my vacant residence property on East Side. Do not answer unless you have bona fide purchasers for high-grade property, with $4000; building restrictions. S 931, Oregonian. APARTMENT-SITE. Corner lot; few minutes walk to P. O.; a decided bargain for few days more. Never can be had so cheap again. You had better hurry. Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Chamber of Commerce. ELEVEN lots. In Peninsula; pell 2 or the 11, easy terms. BOnGESS & CO.. 221 Vz Morrison, Room 5. LARGE LOTS, EAST TERMS. TABOR 1916. 9 C AN N O N BEACH LOTS. Swell Cannon Beach lots, best location, full size, $125 and up. your own terms, no interest. 171 Third st. lOOxlOO' On Kerby et., close to Russell st., 2500 ; easy terms ; this is a bargain on close-in property. See Attorney, 410 Fail- Ing bldg. WEST PARK STREET LOT. The only cheap lot left on this desir able street. Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Chamber of Commerce. $1250 BUYS . 60100-ft. lot on Wert Side; view of city and river; easy terms; 20 min utes' walk from P. O. This lot is worth Siv iV. O JH"-6. Oresonlan. MT. TABOR Home sites at a bargain, be tween Stark. Burnside, 61st and G2d sts., high, dry and sightly; easy terms, by D. W. Walker, SOth and Belmont. IRVINGTON SNAP. S1B00 buys choice corner lot. one block to Broadway car; fine for home or lnvewment MORGAN, 326H Washington, room 409. FOR SALE Very choice lot on Columbia Beach; owner will sell very reasonable if bought at once. Address 624 East Mor rison st. Phone B 1552. r VTHY bLV lot when you can get a. half acre inside the city with all the advan tages tor the same price? 420 Lumber mans Bldg. cor. 5th and Stark. IRVINGTON. $1000 will handle close-in ?a-n-front lot near Broadway car. balanoe east terms. Mor- gan. S26 Yv3shlrgton. room 4"9. . -BLOCK. high and sightly, on 52d and E. Gleason, $16iK. This is worth $2nou. A. R Ritter. 226 Lumber Exchange Bldg. WEST SIDE view lot; blocks to car; 6 minutes' ride to center of town; $1500- terms. Box AE 909. Oregonian. TREMOXT PARK. Two lots at a bargain. Grimstad, 235 Worcester bldg. IF you have some money, will build on your lot. Eastman Co., Inc., 303 Abington bldg. Main 3236. $12.ROC QUARTER block, close in, income, terms. Qwr,T, 7uhr. E. Burnside. CORNER lot in best locaTion in Iaurelhurst. O wne r. A o re.sg J ftS;. Oreg- n i a n . $2 50 Lot in Hil'sboro. t!2xlrt; clear title. Roy Crowpon. :'1 First gt., Portland, Or. CH E A P $50 check, god applied any lot in Othello. Wash. Phone Sell. 10j. LOWER HEIGHTS lot. with beautiful un obstructed view of entire city. Main 399S HEAL ESTATE. For Sale -Lots. DO YOU WANT A BOMET Let your money ear, it. 2 Int. paid on check accounts. 2"4rt int. paid on 10-day call certificates. 34 Int. paid on 30-day call certificates. 4 Int. paid, on 90-day call certificates. Small check accounts received. 23 years' bankinjr experience in Portland. We will help vou buv a home. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY BANK. Third and Oak Sts. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS I own jots on 34th, near Hawthorne; tn. near Gladstone ave. : also lots In Monta vilia, St. Johns and Rose City Park, whih I offer as the cheapest lots in these dis tricts; they are real bargains; do you need them? Terms. Address AL 926. Ore- gonlan. SNAP Warehouse site, 100x100, S. E. cor. Keed and Blakeistone sts; only S2."0), c.ish or trade, to handle, balance $20,000 at 0 per cent. Will lease. Bargain in lot on Overton near 23d st. Cheapest lot on Union near Skidmore st. Three acres near Base Line road. Owner, ST 5th st. $750 CASH. Large lot, 50x100. East Madison, West 46th st., one short block north Haw thorne ave.. this is cheap. BRUBAKER & BENEDICT. 502 McKay Bldg.. 3d and Stark. Phone Main 549. ALAMEDA PARK LOTS. Are high and sightly, overlooking Irrlng ton; near Broadway carline; best city im provements; priced 25 per cent hf low the market. Inquire Alameda Land 9jmp, Z22 Ccrbett bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. I have lot 50x90 on Portland H-elghts, on carline; Ravensview Drive. Price, $1500; 20 per cent down, 2 per cent per month. Box AD 90 7, Oregonian. SIX DAYS ONLY. 6 lots left; $20 cah, $10 monthly: $600. Property 2 blocks away they get $100u to $150O. Sightly view; 2 blocks to car. Pricei will advance $15o May 1. Eat 2741. THREE lots, facing east, on Rodney ave., bet Mason and Skidmore; all street im provements paid. Phone Woodlawn SI for terms. HILLSIDE view lot; walking distance; re stricted district; $1S00; terms to suit. Box AC 909, Orogonian. F"or Pale Houses. 7-ROOM house, modern, almost new, lot 50x 100, good view, Michigan ave., near Fre mont; price, $4200; $2200 cash, balance terms. 6- room house, lot 50x100. modern, Wasco St., near 24th; price, $360u; $1000 cash, balance terms. 7- room modern' house, built Vz year ago, near Alberta carline; price, $3700; terms. 4-room house, lot 100x100. $1950, part cash, part terms. Swiss chalet 6 rooms, modern in every respect, West Side. walking distance, $0000; $3000 cash, terms on balance. 7-room house, modern, in Irvington; $4600, part cash. We have houses In all parts of the city, at all prices and any kind of terms. MAGINNIS LAND & INVESTMENT CO., 316-17 Lewis Bldg.. 4th and Oak. 658 HALSEY. Last chance; leaving ; until Wednesday offer this $5(100, elegant rental or resi dence property for $4400, SSoo to $ltoO down, balance easiest of terms; house comfortable and modern, extra, large bath roc m, 3 good bedrooms each containing closet with window, one used as a sewing room, large attic; down stairs, good re . ceptlon hall a fine large dining-room with alcove and lattice windows; lot in fruit and flowers; even the garden dug ready for vegetables and still room for a car aee: of course, a furnace and nrtspl&oe; after Wednesday to lease to right parties with proper references; elegantly iur njghed. also piano. BUILDING IS OUR BUSINESS. i We have from 10 to 15 Jobs golni? at one time.. We can afford less profit on. a single contract than the small contractor. You also get Just what you order and take no risk. Plans and estimates free. If you own lot we will furnish the money. PORTLAND REALTY & CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. 002-903 Lewis Bldg.. 4th and Oak Sts. SWELL 6-ROOM HOUSE. $1000 CASH. Nice two-story, 6-room, modern house, cas and electric, full cement basement, cement floor, laundry trays, built-in china closet, very fine fixtures, on a corner lot, east front; street improved and cement idewark oald : on E. ;7th. corner of Lin coln; price $o750; $lO0O cash and $20 per monta. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Tra.de Bldg.. 4th and Oak. WE ARE BUILDING MORE HOUSES THAN ANY CONTRACTOR IN THE CITY. THERE IS A REASON:-WE SAVE OUR CUSTOMERS MONEY. BUILD WELL. BUILD TERMS TO SUIT. IF YOU OWN THE LOT WE WILL FURNISH TH MONEY TO BUILD. PLANS AND ESTI MATES FREE. OREGON BUILDING & TRUST CO., 30S-9-10 Henry bldg.. 4th and Oak. YOUR LAST CHANCE. A brand-new 5-room bunpralow. laree re ceptlon hall, full cement basement. Very best plumbing. Dutch kitchen, large bath room ; lot 50x100. east front. Must sell this and will make the price $2250, half casn, balance good terms. REPASS & WOODYARD. 3M Henry Bldg". E. TAYLOR-ST. HOUSE, $:iOO. Good S-room house, with 4 sleenin rooms up stairs, on E. Taylor St., near 34th; street improvements and cement sidewalks paid, price only $2500, 3o0 cash, balance $20 per month; beats paying rent. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trado "Bidg., 4th and Oak. $:ioo Secures modern 5-room bungalow, 100 ft. from carline. within 3-mile circle; cement sidewalks; price $2400. BRUBAKER & BENEDICT. 502 McKay Bids.. 3d and Stark. Phone Main 549. $50 BUNGALOW. 6 room?, on Oregon City carline. 6 rooms, on Woodstock carline. 5 rooms, on Ro.ie City carllne. With furniture if preferrod; payments $15 per month. . National Realty & Trust Co., 326V Wash. 5t. . ro. m 516. SPbBXDID 9-ROOM houw. full basement, block from FirPt on Hancock. Newberg. Fur nished, new furniture and modern, furnace heftted, all Improvements included. Price with furniture, except piano, $3950. Terms on good security. White & Nichols, Real Efrtate Co.. Newberg. Or. 6-ROOM , modern house, white enameled bathroom, large porches. full concrete basement, fine roses, fruits, built by day labor for good home: muKt sell; one block from car; cheap; payment down, terms ; f-ne corner. Annbel station, Mt Scott car. Phone Tabor 93'.. 100x1 OO. In terminal grounds, big modern 8-room house, with barn, one block from era-tine, 5fMt feet from sidetrack ; big snap ; must have money. Call 615 Couch bldg. FOR SALE 3 highly improved lots, corner, fruit, berries, garden, chickens. 4-room bungalow; streets graded; $3000; terms. 76 S E. 39 th, cor. Francis. 8S0 EAST 10TH N. N. W. -corner lot. all fenced, 5-room modern house. 24x34. barn 16x30. with cement floor; chicken-house 6xS. with netting; price ?2S0O. FOR SALE Modern 5-room bungalow: lot 103xl4; also 3-room furnished house, or will rent to reliable party. Owner leaving city. AM 925. Oregonian. WHY PAY RENT ? New frame house painted, for only $550 teims. Take Mt. Scott car. inquire for Klise. at cigar store, Trptnont station $7O0O WILL BUY new modern 16-room flat over $70 monthly income. E. 22d, near Stark. Inquire Owner, 127 B. I6:h, near Morrison. STRICTLY modern si:;-room hous just completed ; ac joins Laurelhurst on the west. Inquire of owner, 915 Oregon st.r or pnone .Hitm " --j jumuay FOR SALE Modern home, 6 rooms, lot Sd IOO : walking diFtan-e. nr Broadwav WHEN moving cali up Van Horn Transfer to.; --"'-' " - ., i.w vcica wagons and experienced men. 30O Fur-room hou.w and larjre lot two blocks from Mt.Swtt car: $Ioo down month. Lents. Or. FOR SALE- By owner, the handsomest bungalow In Irvington. 496 East 20th t North. Call and see it. NEW. modern bungalow, beautifully fur nished. S rooms; prlre $550ii. terms; you must see this. Phone C 242Q. FOR SALE by owner, new modem 7-roora house, full cement basement; lot 75xlo0 corner 6th and Gning. Phop.e C 2078. ' $2- K.-:iHr.g.wort h ave.. corner lot : 6-room hou??, fine o-n-llti-n ; modern plumbing, ce ment ba serpen t. 427 Worcester bldg. LET us phow you a few plans before you build; easy terms. Jno. P. Sharkey Co. A FEW hundred will secu a lot and house in Waverly. Jno. P. Sharkey Co. A FEW desirable building lots left In Waverly. Jno. P. Sharkey Co. BUNGALOWS built term? in Waverly. o suit you on easv jno. P. Sharkey Co. WAVERLY is on two carlins and improved. Fine fr building. Jno. P. Sharkey Co. WE helo our clients to build In Waverly Heights. Jno. P. Sharkey Co. BEFORE building, see us. Plans and estl mates free. Jno. P. Sharkey Co. $4500 7 rooms, Holladay Park; terms. Phone roomings. East 5958. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -House. BEAUTIFUL HOME. RIVER DALE. One of the handsomest homes In the Fiversid-a district; seven beautifully ie signed and artistically finished rooms, a reception hall, a full-length living-room, with large fireplace, built-in bookcases, casement and French windows, paneled and beamed dining-room, with artistic bufTVit, convenient kitchen, 3 bedrooms, each In separate color scheme; large bath, attic space for 3 rooms, full cement base ment, extra large furnace, private water system undsr heavy pressure. The grounds cover about acre in extent and command a sweeping view of the city, river and mountains. If you are seeking a real home in the most exclusiv-e residence dis trict, see R. F. BRYAN. A 1227. 505 Chamber of Com. Main 1963. 6 ROOMS. NEW. CLOSE IN. Terms will be arranged to suit; $3650; all modern, cement walks and basement; im proved street, clos-e to 4 carhnes; tinted, artis tic fixtures, wood hoist, clothes chute, pan eled dining room, with K-foot bay, 2 large windows m every room; fine locality: fumed oak finish; oiled floors; shades; piped for furnace. The owner must sell for business reas.,r.a. Call 10 Failing at., near Haight. I-hone C 1444. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. By owner New nine-room residence, 2 fireplaces, large sleeping porch, hardwood fioonB, hot water heat, modern and up to date in every particular; unexcelled view of city and mountain?; price $13,000; easy terms, p X,2. Oregonian. FOR SALE-- New modern 6-room house, full I'usement, Dutch Kitcnen, msn ana sightly; $100 down, balance easy terms. Phone owner. St'llwood &lo. MODERN 6-room house, partly furnished; Jot; izd t-ast i'lin near irvington anq Broadway cars; $'J:;QQ; terms. Acreage. 12 ACRES, near Gresham: best land in state; SIOIO. 5 acres, near Gresham; no "gravel, best of land; $4S5. Eighty-two acres, near Gresham; terms. 20 320 acres, house and barn; 40 acres clear ; near Lebanon; bst land, in state; terms. $00 215 acres, on O. W. P., with 15,000 cords of wood ; terms. FREDERICK C. FORBES CO. Lumbermen's, 5th St. Phone A 72 u 7. FRUIT LANDS CHEAP. Broadmead offers an unparalleled oppor tunity to the man who wants to possess him2lf of a never-failing Income; we are selling this matchless fruit land at from $lu0 to 150 per acre on easy terms; we are planting tracts to good commercial varieties of apples and caring for them for a term of yearn at cost. This is your chance. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPAJNY, Board of Trade Bldg. 3 ACRES AT COURTNEY. 3 acres of No. 1 land,- all In small fruit, raspberries, blackberries, gooseberries, strawberries and currants; land lies high, with beautiful view of Portland; only 4 blocks from electric car, at Courtney sta tion; price $1100 per acre, one-half cash, (balance to suit at 6 per cent. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 "Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. FRUIT AS:D oardrv tpipt.q Do you want a 5. 10 or 20-acre tract of Orfgor.'s finest land, convenient to railroad and electric 11ns into Portland, only 15 milee away? A country home near the big city. Come and look at TUALATIN VAL- j.iiix alkil3. Easy terms. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce bldg. A SNAP. 18 H acres. 1 rrile from Tcnrrf Statlnn ell cloared, part in crop; price $150 per u 73 Las 11, L-tiiiiijce x ana years. Foreign Department, UNION BANK & TRUST CO., 235 Stark St. Phones: Main 502, A 2669. A SNAP. o acres, near city limits, on Section j-jne roaa ; almost an under cultivation, good 4-room house, large barn, root house, chicken-house, plenty of water, all fenced, erOUIld lllCft nnd IpvpI n-nor Ynner faII - price $3.95o, terms. Apply owner, 171 Third street, near 1 amniu. BEAUTIFUL 10 acres near city, close to electric line: all in cultivation- m,o land; fine to subdivide; you can double or treble your money on this in the next year B RON G -ST E E LB CO., Ground Floor Lewis Bidg. 10 CITY ACRES You can buy 10 acres inside the city limits, near the Country Club, for $1000 per t, lot atues adjoining are $4Gu to 500. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Board of Trade Bldg. RT'RTTTJTJ A XT A rVU' rT Fractional SO acres, close In" on Salem .riectric artiy improved; only $200 per acre. VANDUYN & WALTON. " M5 Chamber of Commerce. 5 ACRES. Fronting on Foster road, east of Lents Junction; price $1300; cheapest piece of uncleared acreage on Foster road ; 10c car fare, hourly service. Owner, 5u2 Mc Kay bitig-., 3d and Stark. 2u4 ACRES at per acre, at edge of city. 14 Vj acres at 3ti0: near city. Two 25-acre tracts, $10O; near Beaver- ton. 10-acre tracts on Oregon Electric at $150 CH1SM, 015 Couch Bidg. HOOD RIVER. $750 J. Apple land; 45 acres near railroad; $75 acre , y u-iing. aii ;,n, uregonian. LET me sell you a half acre or mora In e:do the city; Bull Run water, paved street, building restrictions, etc 42t LuilDemsana jzt:ag.. cor. Etn and Stark. 2000 ACRES. $16 per acre, on R. R.. Southern Oregon. j.-t Lumper n,xcnange itjdg., A. R. Ritte A SNAP Two tracts, 3o and 8 acres. Own er. Sail Worcester bldg. FOR SALE Cheap, o acres near carline. Good terms. A wj$. Oregonian. Hoiuestetads. 2 HOMESTEADS under irrigation ditch, 160 acres each; special lot ratea for Crook, Lak and Harney counties; 5 fine homesteads on tne coaet: z timoer claims. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. S2-pas book explaining what each of the 84 counties is best adapted for; gives amount of Government land open to homestead in each county ; map attached, 21x2S, showing new R. R. and towns, including Eastern and Lentrai urtgon; counties in dirrerent colors; araw n 10 Jiarcn 1, iuiu; latest map in Li. S. ; price 25c Nimiuo & Kuney. 13 Hamil- ton bldg. HOMESTEADS IN ALBERTA. We furnish free information to anr Der- son interested in Alberta homesteads; no one should pay more than actual expenses; we are in touch with government land locaters who look after your wants and reduce your expenses to the minimum; we are Oregon colonization agents for Alberta lands and can furnish you reliable information; don't be fooled by would-be land companies and taose wiio cnarge a lee. Write or call H. Moores, Colonization Agent for Aioerta, lan aw, care U hlie Nichols, .Newberg. Or. HOMESTEADS. We can locate you on 320 acres of rich Government land in Southeastern Oregon, la the section about to be opened up by the Hill and Harrlman lines, and afford ing the best opportunity left In the U. 3. to tret a homestead. Our axent has been living In the neighborhood of these claims xor tne past xour years, and ia well posted on conditions and knows the country welL t or lurtner particulars can at our of fice. THE HART LAND CO.. 146 2d St. FOR reliable Information about the Deschutes Valley homesteads, desert claims and deeded irrigated lano. can on I'cscnutee valley Land & Investment Co., 301-302 Buchanan bldg. . on Waphi ng ton . n ear 5th. We leave weekly with nominee iters. HOMESTEADS Eastern Oregon: we are on the ground; come to head.-uarters; we locate nearly everv homesteader in the district. Oregon Homestead Co., 217 Ab- Jngi'n bldg. DO you want desert or homestead claim In Sunny Southern Idaho ? Idaho Locating LP.. jrtuie uy ruitK. .TiOtse. iuano. For P al o i'rui t Lan cig . ROGUB RIVER FRUIT LANDS. I have the best proposition on the market today. Ideal location, fine deep soil, proper drainage. In the famous Rogue River Val h. Planted or unplanted, on eaey terms and lowest prices for shnrt time only. Also fow men wanted to take small tracts and work out. Will pay rait cash, balance to si ply on land. Will make you independent. Give name and address for Interview. AC 10 CITY ACRES. You can buy 10 acres Jnside the city limits, near the Country Club, for $1000 per acre; lot values adjoining are $40O to $500. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Board of Trade Bldg. SACRIFICES SO acres irrigated fruit land on the Columbia River In c.iptrict noted for its fruit; part or all mut be sold at once; if Interesttd. call or write Goetz & Goetz. 612 Henry bldg. FOR SALE 160 acres on wagon road, 24 inilps from railroad station and four miles from county seat in. Lincoln County Good fruit land, cheap. Address Box 584 Albany. Or. 5 ACRES. Yamh'H County! fruit land, un-devek-ped ; $25 per arre. HYLAND. .TONES A CO., 4'. 9 Gerlingep Bidg. 40-ACT E fruit and nut farm for sale by owner; would divide; fine locality, fine soil. Address R L. Austin Vancouver. Wash, REAL ESTATE. For Stale Fruit Lands. FEB THESB BEFORE YOU BUT. C and 10-acre fruit orchards, with 2 and 8-year-old trees, in the famous Hood River district between Mosier and The Dallee on the O. R. & N. main line; station and boat landing on the ground; price $160 per acre; one-third cash, balance 5 years. 5, 10 and 20-acre tracts garden land, all In cultivation; only 7 miles from a town with 20.ik population, with elation and boat landing en the ground; price $100 per acre: one-third cash, balance 6 yearly In stallments. 5 and 10-acre vineyards, ready for plant ing; only 2 miles from railroad- and river transportation; price $100 per acre, with one fourth cash and the balance in $10 monthly payments. FOREIGN DEPARTMENT. UNION BANK & TRUST COMPANY. 235 Stark st., Portland, Or. Phone Main 902. A 26G0. BEAUTIFUL 10-ACRE FRUIT TRACTS. In Yamhill County, near 1 amhill sta tion, all under cultivation, ready for the trees; $140 to $150 per acre. 10 per cent cash, balance easy terms; there are no better fruit tracts in Oregon for double the money ; 1 want to satisfy prospective buyers of this fact and I hereby extend an invitation to those interested to be come my guests on a trip to North Yam hill and return. AT NO COST WHAT EVER FOR THE TRIP; you will bo under no obligation to buv property. J. O. ELROD, Owner. 520 Corbett Bldg. Opposite Post office. FRUIT LANDS CHEAP. Broadmead offers an unparalleled oppor tunity to the man who wants to possess nimseiE or a never-iauir.g income ; we are soiling this matchless fruit lar.d at from $100 to $150 'per acre on easy terms; we are plan tine tracts to cood commercial varieties of apples and caring for them for a term of years at cost. This Is your chance. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Board of Trade Bldg. 400 ACRES Rogue River friut land at a oargain near Aleaiora. t-asiiy irrigated. When subdivided will sell for $250 and up per acre. $15. wm) required to handle, rest o per cent interest. s ur. uregonian. For Sale Farms. CLARK. COUNTY. WASHINGTON. FARMS (No. us.) 310 acres choice land, three fourths cleared; good large house nnd barn, running water, half mile to cnurcn, school and store. R. F. D. and milk route; a harcaln if taken soon: 5 miles to rail- hoard, 10 miles to Vancouver; price $100 per acre: terms. iXo. 02.) 70 aeres. 10 acres timber, 45 cultivated ; gooa large orcnara. prunes. Dears, annles. small fruits, -rood house and barn ; everything on the place except household goods and furniture : old age reason for selling; price $12,000; terms. SEE IT before buying. (No. 62 H - SO acres In same section, 60 acres cleared, 35 acres beaverdam : 1 bull, 7 cows and separator; good family orchard, some white walnut trees, all in bearing; both places near store, school and church; cine miles to Vancouver; price $S50O. (No. 91.) 35 acres, 2 y miles from Washougal; 1300 prune, 25 apple, 23 pear and a few cherry trees; running water; house and barn ; also a throe-ton prune drier; price $4500; terms. For the size cf the place this is one of the best places I have. I have some more bargains. J. S. HUNT, 105 Vancouver, Wash. 12,300 ACRES. $12.50 PER ACRE ONLY. Best GRAIN, CATTLE, HOG and SHEEP lend ia the Upper Sacramento Valley, Cali fornia; well watered, well located; good railroad and steamship transportation fa cilities; over 4000 acres grain land, 500 acres alfalfa land, balance land covered with oak timber; excellent hog land; tim ber worth considerable; ranch fenced and cross-fenced; necessary corrals; residence of eight rooms, fair condition, cottage for help, two large barns, good well and plenty of living water for all purposes; about 250 cattle included in sale price; only $12.50 per acre; terms one-third cash, balance to suit. C M- WOOSTER COMPANY, 702 Market St., Pan Francisco. Cat. BIG OPPORTUNITY IN NEW SOUTHERN TOWN Of Alpha, Ala,, first to he opened on the Washington & Choctaw Railway, in midst of thousands of acres of magnolia lands, recently eold, now thrown open; settlers now coming In; development will advance prices wonderfully; climate Ideal; whole blocks tn town can now be purchased at farm land prices; people contemplating buy ing Southern lands should investigate this; the opportunity of living in town and trucking, fruit growing or poultry raising beats any small farm proposition any one could offer; early purchasers get In at half price; easy terms, small payments; big op portunity for agents; write for pla. and complete details. Washington & Choctaw Land Co., 5t0 Times bldg.. St. Louis, Mo. WHEAT LANDS. $12 to $18 per acre, 10 years time, virgin soil, and close to railway; the production ts the largest of any wheat lands in America; climate mild but in vigorating ; water pure and plentiful ; echools. high grade; markets good. The Canadian Northwest Is now drawing 100. 000 of America's best farm population an nually to these lands. Alberta is being developed. Illustrated booklets upon re quest. IDE-M'CARTHT LAND COMPANY. Colonization Agents Canadian Pacific Railway. 425-26-27-2R LumbcrmenB Bldg. CAN'T BE DUPLICATED. 200 acres, 1 mile from R. R. station, G miles from Salem; 17o acres under culti vation; 20 acres in apples, 5 acres in grapes: 7-room house, well, barn 60x50. Price $75 per acre; cash, balance easy terms. Foreign Department. UNION BANK & TRUST CO., 35 Stark St. Phone Main 902, A 2669. GRAIN land, just what you want; 640 acres near Condon, heart of Eastern Oregon wheat belt; 550 acres under cultivation, fenced and cross-fenced. 150 acres in wheat, 225 acres in barley, balance in Summer fallow; 9 room house, good barn, stable, granary, blacksmith shop; plenty of water on place, pumped to house and barn ; 4-year-old or chard; $- an acre, with terme, takes this place, including year's crops, if bought at once. You'll not find a better buy. J. W. Cochran & Co.. Condon, Or. FRUIT LANDS CHEAP. Broadmead offers an unparalleled oppor tunity to the man who wants to possess himself of a never-falling income; we are s-lling this matchless fruit land at from $100 to $150 per acre on easy terms; we are planting tracts to good commercial varieties of applej and caring for them for & term of years at cost. This is vour "chance. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Board of Trade Bldg. SEE US for farms. We have some bar gains in large and small, w?Il improved; prices range from $35 to $100 per acre; some of these farm's situated in the Y'am hlll Valley. Eastern and Southern Ore gon; 6-acre farm to trade for city prop- erLy" J. O. HANTHORN A CO., 540 Chamber of Commerce. " " 160 ACRES. $25t0. " 120 acres cleared, one mile from R R good buildings, running water; price $50 pep acre; $2500 down, rest at 6 per cent. HYLAND. JONES & CO.. 409 Gerllnger Bldg. FOR SALE 20 acres, 12 now in crops, 6 room house, barn, 24x44; other buildings, t-s-am of mares, two cows with calves, farm tools and only 2 miles from electric line. Good terms; $2850. C M. Crittenden, Hui- bard. Or. $4 TO $12.50 PER ACRE. See us for cheap grazing lands ,fn East ern. Central and Southern Oregon ; prices range from 54 to $12.50 per acre. J. O. HANTHORN & CO., 540 Chamber of Commerce. " 10 CITY ACRES. ' " Tou can buy 10 acres inside the city limits, near the Country Club, for $1000 per acre; lot values adjoining are $400 to $500 COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY Board of Trade Bldg. LINCOLN County Is the place to own a comfortable home at a small price; mild climate, pure water, orchard and dairy farms. Call on O. G. Dalaba. Elk City, Oregon. 10-ACRE orchard tracts, unimproved, on rail road, 23 miles from Portland; best soil; no rock; $40 an acre, easy terms; arrange with us to go and make selection; round trio same day. 310-311 Corbett bldg. 52 ACRES on coast at mouth of navigable river; 40 acres level, rest hillside; pasture green the year round: price $2oOO, terms HYLAND. JONES & CO., 409 Gerllnger Bldg. SO ACRES, well improved, on Columbia River. 6 miles from Portland; suitable for garden, fruit or dairy; $350 per acre, part cash, terma to suit. AB 904, Orego nian HOOD RIVER RANCH. The cheapest ranch in Ho-d River county on the river; partially improved. C. Van DulTi & Walton. 515 Chamber of Qomme rce. ' WE LIST AND SELL FARMS. Se Allen or Free burger. M. E. THOMPSON CO. 4th and Oak sts. $35T0 Small fruit farm on new electric line. See owner, Frank Cain, 827 East 11th North. REAL ESTATE. For snip Farms. 10 ACRES, good 7-room house, barn and otner buildings: "-s mile from good town. 2 miles Willamette River boat-landing, 9 acres cleared. 2 acres orchard: the Im provements on this place are worth th whole price asked; $2000, half cash. 15 acres, close to electric line, 10 mile south of Portland, all fenced and every! acre tillable; 5 acres cleared, some goo young trees. 8-room house. This is wher values are high. Price. $175 per acre. 0 acres. o acres cleared, house, barn, hop-house, granary; good, heavy, rich sollj no waste land: 10 acres in hops, old fam Ily orchard : electric line surveyed along end of place; within miles of thre good m-rkets, 25 miles to Portland; price. $7000; $30i)0 cash, up to $1000 in Portland property. $3000 on time, at fi per cent. 104 acres, one mile from good railroad town. 30 miles south of Portland; 90 acre cleared. 14 acres in hops, two-story, eight room brick house, two good barns, granary and other buildings; four acres in orchard; koou living stream; price, $100 per acrei terms. 120 acres, GO acres clear, only three ov four acres, waste land on the place: you ought to see this land: crops go with th place;; price, $11,000; $8600 cash, balance time. 211 acres, one mile from Barton Station, on O. W. P., CO acres cleared, house. Iarg4 barn and granary and other buildings; cleared land on this place is worth $000os price of the who.e 4lace. $13,000. 150 acres. 340 acres, cleared and in cuN tivatlon, creek through place; S mile ta good town, 2 miles Willamette River boat landing; good set of buildings; price, $100 per acre, terms. MAGINNIS LAND & INVESTMENT CO.. 310-17 Lewis Bldg.. 4th and Oak. l NOTHING BETTER. 6160 acres in Gilliam County. 4 mile south from Shutler's station ; ISOo acres seeded to wheat, &iHl acres plowed and ready to seed; 00 head of good horses and mules; harness for 75 head of horses; 9 14-in. plows, 3 25-ft. iron harrows, 4 wood harrows, rt grain drills. 2 fanning mills; 14 good wagons, and racks. 1 of 20-H. P. Pitts engine, 1 32 inch cylinder separator, 3 upring hacks, 2 eel of blacksmith's tools. 4 14-ft. headers ami boxes; good new house, good barns, sheds and bunkhouse; first-class water plant cost ing $00t0. All but a very few acres of thta land can bo cultivated. Price $30 per acre, including above horses and muhe. all im plements and tools, wagons and harness and all crops. $60,000 cash, balance long time, 7 per cent. 4S0 acres in Sherman County. 6-i mile east of Grants Valley and 4- miles north east of Bourbon station: good new 6-room house, wood fiber plastered, piped for hot and cold water; fair barn with good ma chine shed; good well, never goes dry; wind mill cistern that holds 30.(.Hrt gallons of water; half mile from school, half mile from church ; all in cultivation; on main traveled road; a very desirable place; price $35 per acre, half cash, balance on terms. FO REIGN DEPARTMENT, UNION BANK & TRUST COM PA NY. 235 Stark st., Portland, Or. Phone Main 9o2. A 2409. 1300 ACRES in the Willamette Valley, only 2 miles to R. R. station, 8 miles to county seat, on good wagon road; over 600 acres under cultivation. 300 acres free of brush, and In pasture, balance in timber and pas ture; over half nice level land, balance roll ing and hill laud; spring and runing water on land, well fenced and cross-fenced; good buildings; an ideal farm to cut up inta smaller pieces; price $50 per acre, terms. BRONG-STBIH.E CO., Lewis Building, Cor. 4th and Oak Sts. 80 ACRES. CAZADERO. 80-acre farm, 8 miles from Cazadero. 31 miles from Portland, fare $1.25 round trip; good two-story house, barn 45x75. other good outbuildings, poultry-house and yard, fenced, 1 acres bearing orchard, never falling well, several good springs, 35 acres under cultivation, 50 acres fenced, good outrange for cattle, a farm well located and a bargain at S72O0. . GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Qk. 20-ACRB tracts, unimproved, 25 miles br rail from Portland; suitable for frult-raia-ing and ohicken ranches; well watered, plenty of timber for all purposes, beat of soil, no rock or gravel; $15 to $25 an acre; easy terms. These are the cheapest tracts on the market and will bear inspection. Call and arrange to go and see them. 314 and 311 Corbett bldg. 1 OF the best alfalfa and stock ranches In Eastern Oregon; 800 acres; alfalfa bottom land; 960 acres yellow pine and 3000 acres range land; out range for 14,000 sheep; un limited free water for irrigation; gravity, system; elevation 1600 feet. Inquire of J C. Fowler, Shanlko, Or. Care E. O, Bank Ing Companj". 10 ACRES, beautifully improved, all Into crops, fine build ings, V mile from Cen tralia P. O. Price $5000 ; terms. Im proved and unimproved farm lands from $35 per acre and up. Write Dole & Tim merman, 111 South Tower ave.. Centralis Wash. 160 ACRES fine apple land as good as any Hood River fruit land; 2 miles from Ka lama; good level road all the way to townj rich soil; price only $25 per acre. No agent or traders need apply. Matt Gaasch, owner, Kalama. Wash. SEND for our list of Willamette Valley farms before buying: land shown tree,' Olmstead Land Co.. Salem. Or. Miscellaneous. f IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR Cloee-ln acreage, a wheat ranch or small, well-improved farm, at low price and on most liberal terms, see me. I handle my own properties. J. O. ELROD. 520 Corbett Bldg. SEE US for bargains, improved and un improved; we have some splendid sites for factory and warehouses; easy terms and good income; one of the choicest lots in Rose City Park for $1200. ' J. O. HANTHORN & CO.. 540 Chamber of Commerce. SEE us for bargains in residences and va cant lots. We have them in all parts of the city. VALLEY REALTY COMPANY, 41 H North Cth St. rAXTED REAL ESTATE. IF you have FARM LAND. CITY PROPERTY, or BUSINESS OP PORTUNITIES, for sale, lease or trade and are willing to place a fair value on them and give a live agency a contract to move them for you, list them with us. Nothing but fair values considered. THE CA RD REALTY & IN VESTMENT CO., 110 Second Street, Phone Marshall 1567; A 156T. REAL ESTATE or equities in same bought and sold. List with us. GRAY-CUNNINGHAM -GRAY. 722-723 Electric Bldg. m WANTED Large body of land In Oregon, suitable for farming; can pay $50,ottO; best offer net. Address Donald Fletcher, 917 I acjflc ave.. Tacoma. Wash. 5 TO SO acres unimproved; must be neaP carline. within 3i minutes of Portland and suitable for subdividing; give full parti c ulars and lowest price. P r3l. Oregonian. GRUNGSTAD Is the man who can sell your property. List vour timber lands; farms and city realty with him. 235 Worcester bldg. WANTED Irvington home; will exchange 2 lots in Broadway Addition and pay dif ference. Phone mornings. Main 142. ACREAGE, lots or equities bought and sold. I have buyers for your property. W. B. HARTLEY. 411 Swetland bldg. FROM owner, corner lot between Hawthorn and pavis sts. M- 925. Oregonian, WANTED Farm or acreage; must be rea sonable. 626 Vs Washington st. . FARMS WANTED. FRUIT LANDS CHEAP. Broadmead offers an unparalleled oppor tunity to the man who wants to pojssess himself of a never-failing Income; we are selling this matchless fruit land at from $100 to $15o per acre on easy terms; we are planting tracts to good commercial varieties of apples and caring for them for a term of years at cost. This is your chance. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Board of Trade Bldg. . 10 CITY ACRES. You can buy 10 acres inside the city limits, near the Country Club, for $1000 per acre: lot values adjoining are $400 to $500. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Board of Trade Bldg. IRRIGATED LAND. DESCHUTES VALLEY IRRIGATED LAND. We sell deeded improved Irrigated land In the finest section of Central Oregon at prices less than Carey act companies ask for raw land. 10 acres deeded Improved irrigated land on "line of Hill railroad and 3 miles from town; the greatest bargain in Central Oregon; $30 per acre cash. IO and 20-acre tracts In the famous Oloverdale country. $75 per acre. This land i deeded. Improved and irrigated and In a high state of cultivation. DESCHUTES VALLEY LAND & INVEST MENT COMPANY. SOl-302 Buchanan Bldg.. Wash., near gth. WANTED TIMBER LAKD8. TIMBER lands wanted. S64 McKay bids. C J. MoCrackan. m 108.0