Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 30, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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Converted Natives Bring News
of Butcheries Near the
Tonga Islands.
Cooks, Society and Solomon Islands
ers Revert to Ways of Fathers.'
" Crater of Volcano Scene of
Weird Celebrations.
SEATTLE, April 29. The barkentlne
Mary E. Winkelman, which has just
arrived at Muktlteo, "Wash., from the
Friendly and Tonga Islands, in the
South Seas, brings details of the mur
der and eating by cannibals on Savage
Island, near the Tongas, of Rev. Hora
tio Hopkins and his - assistant. Rev.
Hector L.aurle McPherson, missionaries
of the Presbyterian Polynesian Mission,
on February 9, as already cabled.
"While the barkentlne lay at Tanga
tabu, in the Tonga Islands, a canoe
load of mission natives from Savage
Island arrived at Eua, bringing news
of the butchery.
Nine Converts Escape.
The natives said that Hopkins and
McPherson were teaching in the mis
sion .building, which stands on the
beach in the little harbor of Savage
Island, when 200 of the unconverted
savages, howling war cries and brand
ishing clubs and spears, descended on
their quarters and took all prisoners.
The missionaries had about 20 converts
undergoing training at the time, and
only nine converts escaped. Both mis
sionaries were bound with thongs and
were left lying on the beach in the
tropical sun several hours while the
savages took the native captives in
land. The cannibals on returning to the
beach carried the missionaries on a lit.
ter to the crater of the extinct vol
cano "Vaniue, in the center, of the isl
and. There for two days and nights
they held a corroboree and at times
could be seen dancing and reveling by
the fugitive mission natives, as they
etole along the shore.
Clergymen Already Eaten.
While most of the cannibals were
Bleeping an opportunity came to the
captive natives to escape. Their going
was hastened by the sight of two of
the cannibal chiefs donning the mis
sionaries clothes. The clergymen al
ready had been eaten.
The "Winkleman brings news of a
general revival of the old-time relig
ious customs in the Tonga, Society.
Solomon and Cook groups. The na
tives are holding dances and feasting
on human flesh as they did in fhe days
before the white man interfered with
their happiness.
Case Against Blan Who Says Ho
' Tried to Scare Friend Dismissed.
SEASIDE, Or., April 29. (Special.)
On trial today on a charge of attempted
.murder of E. B. Brennan, his partner in
the bakery business, T. J. "Williams was
freed by a Jury and the case was dis
missed from Justice Court. After a d's
pute over the conduct of the business,
Williams is alleged to have lain in wait
for Brennan behind a tree and to have
fired a shot at him. Williams said it
was merely with the intention of scar
ing his friend.
At the trial testimony differed as to
the intent, Williams saying he shot into
the ground. He was corroborated by
Ills wife, while R. R. Cole, who was
with Brennan at the time, said the shot
was a deliberate attempt to kul.
Other witnesses testified that they saw
a' bullet hole in the ground three feet
from where Brennan stood, and Wil
liams' wife said Brennan bad rocks in
liis hand when he was shot at and was
in a threatening position.
As the outcome of the trial Brennan
"will drop further prosecution of Wil
liams, and the latter will sue for a
dissolution of the partnership and to
regain the money he is alleged to have
Twenty Miles- to Condon Is Covered
in Iiess Than Two Hours.
CONDON, Or.. April 29. (Special.)
3. Saltman, of Wheeler County, yester
day inaugurated an automobile stage
service between this city and Fossil and
will compete for business with the es
tablished stage which for years has
been handling the mail and passenger
business between the two towns.
The machine leaves Fossil early every
morning and, reurning, leaves this city
late in the afternoon, making connec
tions here with the trains on the Con
don branch of the O. R. & N.
The distance of 20 miles is covered in
less than two hours. Mr. Saltman is
the pioneer of the automobile stage
business in this part of Eastern Ore
gon, having for some time maintained
such a service between Shaniko and
Blaze on Roof of School Building
Produces No Panic.
OREGON" CITT, Or., April 29.
(Special.) A blaze on the roof of the
Eastham School building, where there
are about 400 pupils, was discovered
this morning by two small boys, who
rushed into the building and puHed the
Are bell rope, with the result that the
students marched out of the building
in record time and in perfect order.
Janitor Mars practically extinguished
the fire with the use of the chemical
apparatus, and in the meantime Super
intendent Tooze telephoned the fire de
partment, but the men were not needed.
The blaze was probably due to the
chimney burning out and sparks light
ing on the roof.
Opportunity Association Supported
in Plan for "Boosters' Day."
i CONDON, Or., April 29. (Special.)
i Iri addition to arranging for permanent
Offices, ttaof fleers of the Gilliam Coun
ty Opportunity Association, which was
formally organized this week, already
are arranging for a ''Boosters' Day"
celebration which will be held in. this
city Saturday, June 11.
Secretary Church is working out the
details of the affair, which will "con
sist of an all-day programme, includ
ing addresses by prominent men of the
county, . baseball game in the after
noon, and a grand ball in the evening.
Tom Richardson, of Portland, dean of
the publicity work in this state, will
be requested to deliver th principal
In connection wirh the day's exercises
it is proposed to have a competitive ex
hibition of stock, for which prizes will
be offered.
The organization of a, publicity
agency in Gilliam County has aroused
widespread interest among the residents
of the county. Business men and prom
inent farmers from all sections of tne
county are joining the organization and
contributing to the expense of the vig
orous campaign that has been outlined,'
including the distribution of about 10,
000 pamphlets, descriptive of the coun-
11. M. Crooks.
ALBANY, Or., April 29. (Spe
cial.) H. M. Crooks, president of
Albany College, will leave Mon
day for Atlantic City. N. J., where
he will represent the Willamette
Presbytery at the general assem
bly of the Presbyterian Church of
the United States, and also attend
a meeting of the presidents of all
of the Presbyterian colleges of
the country.
This conference will be held on
May 18. The other representa
tives from Willamette Presbytery
to the general assembly are Rev.
I. G. Knotts, of Albany; Rev. L."
R. Bond, of Florence, and Elder
Kopp, of Newberg.
ty and Its resources, wiilch are being
printed by the Harrlman lines.
Residents of "Umatilla Metropolis
Said to Have Started Agitation
for County Division.
WALLA WALLA, Wash., April 29.
(Special.) A movement to divide Uma
tilla County, said to have started in
Pendleton because the vote in and
around Milton was Instrumental in put
ting Pendleton dry, culminated In a
mass meeting held here by 450 voters
this evening, when the subject of creat
ing a new county was thoroughly gone
over. To a man almost those present
approved of the division, as it was
argued Milton would be the county
seat of the proposed county.
It was decided to start petitions im
mediately, so that the issue may be
put to a vote at the November elec
tion. In order to do this it will be nec
essary to have 9000 names attached to
the petitions before July 2.
D. C. Sanderson was chairman of
the meeting held this evening, while
J. J. Neil, a prominent attorney of
Milton, gave some interesting figures
which go to prove the advantages of
separation. There are 309S square
miles in Umatilla County, or 1,130,010
acres. Of this 466,348 is tillable. It Is
the intention to include the. northern
700 square miles in the new county, a
name for which has" not as yet been
selected. Mr. Nell pointed to Hood
River and Wallowa Counties as ex
amples of the cutting up of the larger
counties. He said Wallowa County,
sin'ce seceding from Union County, had
not only met its portion of the indebt
edness, which was $73,000, but had
contributed county buildings and made
many other improvements.
Attorney E. D. Peterson has Just re
turned from Salem, where he talked
the matter over with Justice Aiken,
the Attorney-General, and Secretary of
State. Each of these Individuals prom
ised the move his hearty support.
When Pendleton, the county seat of
Umatilla County, went dry, it was not
by the. city vote, but by the county.
Had. the vote not been on the county
unit Pendleton would still be wet.
Those living In and around Milton and
Freewater voted against license almost
In, a body, while, in fact, almost the
entire northern portion of the county
Is wet. Pendleton people believe if
they are able to get free from the
northern section of the county they will
again go wet and for this reason they
first talked of the proposed separa
Eastern Washington Beer Produc
tion In Danger of Curtailment.
SEATTLE, April 29. Every brewery
in Western Washington will be closed
by a strike Monday morning unless an
unexpected settlement of differences
between the United Brewery Workmen
and the Northwest Brewers' Association
is reached. A strike would throw
nearly 2000 men out of work, and
would shut breweries in Seattle, Ta
coma, Olympla, Everett, Bellingham
and Aberdeen.
The men demand a flat Increase in
wagesiof $3 a week in all departments,
and point out that the Increase has
been conceded in California, Oregon
and Eastern Washington. The brewers
offer an lnorease of $2 a week. Inter
national Secretary Joseph Probestel, of
Cincinnati, is handling the men's side,
and has full authority to call a strike
when the present scale expires tomor
row at midnight.
Do you shape your head to-fit your
hat, or do you buy one-sixteenth. -Sizes
la the matchless Gordon t
if; f v& it
Idaho State Land Board
Holds Star Chamber
Governor Declares Register of State
Land Board Should Be Dismissed.
Two Witnesses Testify Church
Sought Compensation.
BOISE, Idaho, April 29 (Special.)
The star-chamber probe of alleged
graft on the part of M. JL Church, regis
ter of the State Land Board, will be
concluded tomorrow. Persistent ru
mors, coupled with the action of the
Land Board In- going Into secret ses
sion. Indicates the investigation will be
a whitewash. Church openly states he
is fighting for the board to accept his
resignation. Governor Brady favors his
dismissal In dlBgrace. The members
of the Land Board are calling for the
proof from the Chief Executive.
W. L. David, the attorney mentioned
in the Shaw-Church graft contract, told
his story today. David was formerly
the original prosecutor of the Standard
Oil at Flndlay, Ohio, as County At
torney. He indicted John V. Rockefel
ler. Although implicated In a state
scandal, he has been a resident of Boise
but a comparatively short time.
C. J. Perkins, the third party to the
deal Implicating Church, was on the
stand tonight. He told of improper
propositions made to him by Church,
as originally charged, deolarlng Church,
had attempted, so he considered it, to
secure graft money through his state
office. Relative to Register Church's
connection with the McBrlde project.
Attorney David stated that he had
talked of It and had stated to Church
and also to Shaw, that Church'B con
nection with the matter was not one
of criminal liability, but involved moral
turpitude. David declared In the course
of his testimony before the board that
it was commonly stated the members
of that body were open to improper
propositions. While some of the evi
dence was given to the press for pub
lication, it was necessary for the
papers to have it transcribed by the
stenographer of the Federal Court em
ployed by the board, but before re
leased and afterward transcribed, the
testimony had to have the official
stamp of approval- of that body.
During the session. Register Church
admitted holding a desert entry In the
vicinity of Gooding, he taking the same
after having made an Inspection, in
company with Governor Gooding.
Church also stated that there has
been some suggestion of employment
as attorney by Mason In the event that
the Dubois project should be put
through by the latter, the salary to be
$5000 per annum. There was no def
inite agreement reached relative to
this matter, according to the testimony
of Church, the agreement to be taken
up only-In event of his resignation as
Register of the Land Board. Church
also testified that David had advised
destruction of the Shaw-Church con
tract. F. A. Shaw, the second witness ex
amined, reiterated statements made
from time to time on the street, deny
ing that there was any opposition to
payment of a commission to Church
for his part in the McBrlde project,
but adding that the only difficulty
was over the amount that was to be
paid. It was announced tonight that
all the evidence the board cares to
hear is in, and it will make its find
ings tomorrow morning. Church still
declares the plot Is a political one, and
he has Intimated that it was formed
by state officials who are his bitter
opponents, and who wanted to "get"
Many Burns Maidens Join Lot
With Harney Ranchers.
BURNS, Or.. April 29. (Special.)
Cupid's darts have been flying from the
farms to the city homes In this vicin
ity with precision and persirtence this
week, and three young city belles have
joined fortunes with young farmers.
Miss Agnes, daughter or Deputy County
Clerk J. O. Cawlfleld, wajs married on
Monday evening to Ed W. Stallard, son
of County Commissioner Stallard, of
Drewsey; Miss Frankie, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. Y. King and niece of
Julian Byrd, editor of The Times-Herald,
on Tuesday evening became the
bride of Arthur Turner, a young home
steader; Miss Genet, daughter of ex
Senator Gowan, on Wednesday evening
was married to Ed McCoy, who Is run
ning a big farm a few miles from town
for his father, a wealthy retired capi
talist of Spokane.
The week before. Miss Eha, a daugh
ter of Judge C. A. Sweek, became the
wife of a young rancher named McKln
nls. Back to the chickens and the
dairy, to good air and good exercise,
seems to be the motto of Burns girls.
Alleged AY hi to Slave Owner Awaits
Grand Jury's Action.
AST6RIA, Or., April 29. (Special.)
The preliminary examination of Al Na
than, who was arrested a few days ago
by Immigration Inspector Bonham on a
charge of violating the Federal immi
gration laws, was held before Commis
sioner Hamilton this afternoon, ana the
defendant was remanded to jail in de
fault of $5000, to await the action of
the Federal grand jury.
Nathan Is accused of engaging in the
white slave trade, by bringing Hazel
Morrison, a Canadian girl, to this coun
try for immoral purposes. This prose
cution is the first one brought on the
Pacific Coast under the new law, which
became effective on March 27, and the
maximum penalty for conviction under
it is 10 years' imprisonment and $5000
Five Companies- Incorporate.
SALEM. Or.. April 29. (Special.)
Articles of incorporation have been
filed in the office of the Secretary of
State as follows: '
American-Scandinavian Realty Com
pany Principal office, Portland; capi
tal stock, $10,000; incorporators, E. W.
White, John J. Edgren and Alex.
Benneti-Christofterson. Airship. Com-J
P O Speedy
Pi "Kccomrnenaca oy
S"2."-E.3l rnysicians
For Dyspepsia
You Risk Nothing by Trying
This Remedy
We want every one tiouuiei -.-'! i
digestion and dyspepsia to rome to our
store and ODtain a box of Rexall Dys
pepsia Tablets. They contain Blsmuth
Subnltrate and Pepsin prepared by a
process which develops their greatest
power to overcome digestive disturb
ance. Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets are very
pleasant to take. They soothe the
irritable, weak stomach, strengthen and
Invigorate the digestive organs, relieve
nausea and indigestion, promote nutri
tion and bring about a feeling of com
fort. If you give Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets
a reasonable trial we wil return your
money if you are not satisfied with the
result. Three sizes, 25 cents, 60 cents
and $1.00. Remember you can obtain
Rexall Remedies in Portland only at
our Btore, The Rexall Store Owl Drug
Co.. Inc., cor. 7th and Washington Sts.
pany Principal office, Portland; capital
stock, $3000; Incorporators, .Fred A.
Bennett, Silas Christofferson and Mabel
A. Bennett.
The First Presbyterian Church of
Redmond, Oregon Incorporators, B. A.
Kendall, E. M. Eby, E. C. Park, J. A.
Norwood and G. M. Slocum.
The Keystone Engineering & Con
struction Company Principal office,
Portland; capital stock, $25,000; incor
porators, Arthur S. Holmes, Lawrence
J. Souther and Thomas E. Hulme.
Beaver Construction Company Prin
cipal office, Salem; capital stock, $25,
000; incorporators. M. E. Ingraham, G.
E". Walsh and I. G. Strelt.
Cod fisher Meets Disaster Off Sanak
Island Five Seamen Saved.
SEATTLE, Wash., April 29. A special
cable to the Post-Intelligencer from
Seward, Alaska, gives details of the loss
of the codflshing schooner Stanley, March
28, when the vessel went on the rocks on
Sanak Island. News of the wreck was
brought to Seward by the mail Bteamer
Sera yesterday.
When a rescue party reached the wreck
it found the bodies of Captain Koehler
and Mates Bauers and Williams frozen
stiff in the rigging. The cook was swept
overboard and drowned. Five who sur
vived. Seamen Hart,- Teger, BJornsen,
Kandle and Roberts, jumped overboard
the day after the schooner went on the
reef and were picked up by dories that
put out. from the sfrore. The rescuers
made valiant attempts to save the lives
of the three men who were lashed to the
rigging but they were unsuccessful. Cap
tain Koehler died Just before the rescu
ers reached him. The bodies were burled
on Sanak Island, and the survivors were
taken to Unga.
The vessel and Its cargo wen destroyed,
the loss being $30,000. In addition, the
loss of the season's business will be heavy
at several stations which will be unable
to operate owing to the loss of supplies
aboard the schooner.
Harrlman Line's Action Makes Hill
Counter move Necessary.
WALLA WALLA, Wash., April 29.
(Special.) The first motor car of the Mc
Kean type for use on the Northern Pa
cific lines in the West has been received
and is now in operation on the Roslyn
run, merely as an experiment. It was
announced at the local offices today that
if the experiment Is found to be satis
factory the Northern Pacific Company
will buy several of the motor cars, and
run them on different lines, both In Ore
gon and Washington.
Last Fall the O. R. & N. Co. put a
motor car on between Wallula and Day
ton, via Walla Walla, and It Is under
stood the success of this one was In
strumental In Inducing the Northern Pa
cific to give the type a trial. Probably
the O. R. & N. will put another motor
car on the local run soon. The action
of the Harrlman road makes it neces
sary for the Hill Interests to take some
step to compete in this section and a ear
will soon be put on from Walla Walla
to Pasco and Dayton.
Rich Quartz Is Found, but Exact
Location Is Secret.
BURNS. Or.. April 29. (Special.)
There is considerable excitement in
and around Burns over a rich mineral
discovery reported within ft. few miles
of the town, but nobody yet knows
just where, except the two men who
made the find. A man named Clark,
from Spokane, and another whose
name has not been learned, brought to
town a quantity of dark red rock and
clay, of the nature of decomposed
quartz, which proved rich in gold upon
being pounded and washed.
The discoverers refused to say where
the - deposit is located, but they say
there are great quantities of the ore,
easily reached. Clark has gone to
Spokane, taking samples of the mate
rial with him.
British Budget Becomes Law.
LONDON, April 29. The budget,
which has kept politics in a turmoil
for the last year, received the royal
assent this morning, thus becoming a
law on the anniversary of its- intro
duction. The House of Lords and the
House of Commons met In formal session
today, not more than a dozen members
being present to hear the royal assent
read. Both houses adjourned until
May 26.
Kitchener Is Field Marshal.
LONDON, April 29. King Edward
handed Lord Kitchener the baton of
field marshal at an audience at Buck
ingham Palace yesterday.
Law Commencement Planned.
Or., April Z a. (Special.)-A. class of
: r Hi tij ii ir iji j- f.
'-" "-' '
a. i
1 Corners lOOxlOQ
Inside Lots 50xl00
10 Down, 2 a Month.
Today Tomorrow and Monday
You can buy lots in Irvington cheaper than
you will ever have an opportunity to again.
All of you who come out tomorrow and pick
out your lot or lots will have until Monday
to make your first payment. We will even
allow you to choose a lot as late as Monday.
Tuesday the prices will be $200 higher on
every lot remaining unsold.
This is the first raise in price after the
assurance of the Fifteenth-street extension
of the Irvington carline. Work is under
way; cars will be running this Summer.
Prices will double. This is the first raise.
There will be others. If you buy your lot
during the next three days you will be in
line to make all the profits the Fifteenth
street extension will assure on these lots.
All of the lots we have for sale are in the
blocked-off section of the map. . They are
served on the west by the best service car
line in Portland. This Summer they will
have service on the east. Two carlines, each
running only one block away from this sec
tion. Prices will be high.
The greatest advantage of this section is .
that it is close in. Only a twelve-minute
car ride. Close-in property advances in
value first. Oar service is next. This sec
tion has the best in the city. Schools are
important factors. The Irvington School
is one block away from these lots.
Street improvements which this section has
are the finest of any residence section in
the city. Asphalt-paved streets, cement
sidewalks, wide parkings, sewers, water,
gas, telephones, electric lights everything.
Restrictions call for residences only. Mini
mum cost to be $2500; houses to be set back,
at least 25 feet. Every lot is high eleva
tion, every lot is view property. All desir
able features are centered in this section to
make it the most valuable residence section
of the East Side.
Take Woodlawn, Alberta or any other car
running out Union avenue. 'Get off at
Knott street. Walk one block east and you
are there. Our Irvington office is in charge
of Mr. Mumford. He is there till 6 P. M.
every day.
This is YOUR opportunity. The payments
are so easy you will not notice them. You
are making an investment that will net you
a big profit.
Downtown Office
students will be graduated this year
fronr the Willamette Law School. The
graduation exercises will be held May
20 at the First M. E. Church and the
principal address will be delivered by
Ty. Soils Cohen, of Portland, the charge
to the class by Supreme Court Justice
T. A. McBrlde and the diplomas will be
presented by Dean C. L. McNary of the
law school.
Hood River Apples In- London Lead
to Sale of Uncleared Acres.
HOOD E.IVER, Or.. April 29. (Special.)
One of the most significant land sales
made at Hood River this year was re
Morrison at Sixth Street
Come in Today and Hear the New
Victor Records for May
And Be Sure to Hear the Victrola
Store Open This Evening
-I .
Present Prices. May 1st Prices
S3000 snd.nn
- $1250 $1450
Improvements Bonded
& Diamond
241 Stark St.
corded today when Fred Goss, who has
been away from England only a little
more than a "fortnight," as he terms
it. bought 26 acres of uncleared Hood
River property for J5000. through tha
Devlin & Flrebaugh Company.
Mr. Goes Is accompanied by his wife
and says that he was led to Oregon and
to invest at Hood River by some of the
fruit which he saw in London. Learning
that there was still a large undeveloped
eectlon here, he left England about
April 1. and came on from New York
at once.
The Devlin & (Flrebaugh Company re
ports other salea of orchard land here
during the past few days aggregating
Ten town lots given away. See
page 5.
ay & Co.
Opposite Postoffice
V... & S7 ir 3 ff J -M It -.
They are as
near perfec
tion as care
to details can
make them.
The tobacco
is blended
with consum
mate skill
and rolled in
dainty mais
paper. Learn
the advan
tage of a
Prevent and
Relieve Headache
"It gives me great pleasure to
be able to refer to Dr. Miles'
Anti-Pain Pills as the best rem
edy we have yet had in our
house for the prevention and
cure of headache. My wife who
has been a constant sufferer for
a number of years with above
complaint joins me in the hope
that they may fall into the hands
of all sufferers."
Watervleit, Me.
Used Them Four Years.
"Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills
are the best I ever tried for the
relief of headache. I have used
them for nearly four years and
they never fail to give me relief.
I have trieH many other rem
edies, but have never found any;
854 Trombly Av., Detroit, Mich'.
There is no remedy that will
more quickly relieve any form
of headache than
Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills.
The best feature of this re
markable remedy is the fact that
it does not derange the stomach
or leave any disagreeable after
effects. Druggists everywhere sell them. If
first package falls to benefit, your drug
gist will return your money.
MILES MEDICAL. CO., Elkhart. Ind.
la especially valuable during the Sum
mer season, when outdoor occupations
and sports are most In order.
yield to it. and It is particularly agree
able when used in the bath after vloa
ent exercise.
or Morphine Habit Treated.
frree trial. Cases where other
remedies have failed, specially
desired. Give particulars.
Ir. B. O. CONTBBLL, Suite 581. Ko. too
W. 23d St. Sew York.
San rrancuco g
Ht f.f J