Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 29, 1910, Page 20, Image 20

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Horses Vehicles and Harness.
2tt North tit.
6-year-old team, weiRht 27-V; Sr.O.
f- 8-year-old team, weight 27oO; $250.
6- year-old team, weight 20tO; ?3."in
S-y car-old team, weight 2iiK; $375.
7- year-old team, weight M ; $375.
10-year-old team, weight a2oO; $200.
-year-old team, weight 2 1M; $275.
-year-old team, weight 2Hm; $250.
1Vyear-old horse, weight 1125; $100.
Will refund the money on any horse I
sail if not as represented.
With the guarantee I give you, I assume
all the risk, so why not buy where you
are protected 7
Ask the Portland Trust Co., where I
bank, as to my reliability.
Will also give the most responsible busi
ness houses In Portland as reference.
, R. L. EVANS.
tVHT buy a second-hand vehicle when you
can get a new one from an old-established
. wholesale house, 44 years In Oregon, at
almost the same cost ? We are located
ous.lde the high-rent district, own our
building, and can make the price. Ex
clusive agents for the old reliable line of
Michigan Buggy Co. fine vehicles, deliv
ery wagons, top buggies, runabouts and
farm wagons. Be sure and see us before
you buy. It may save you money.
R. M. WADE & CO.,
322 Hawthorne Ave., bet. East 1st and 2d.
10 new top buggies.
2 mountain wagons.
1 o-sealed wagon, suitable for stage.
2 carriages.
These rigs are suitable for livery.
2 sets light double harness.
Also 3 line drivers, city broke,
!Uh Hnd Couch sts.
On new buggies, . harness and wagons;
the second largest stock in the city to
select from. New, guaranteed, well-known
bUKgles with leather trimmings, Ano
leather quarter tops, for $56-uO. ig sales
and small profits.
C. L. BOSS & CO..
FOR SALE Horses, harness and wagons.
Hememoer. we sell guaranteed horses and
mares. If not as represented they can be
returned. We also have on hand several
delivery, farm, vegetable and milk wagons
for sale. Hantaorae-Ave. Stables, 420
Hawthorne ave.
NO longer needed so offer for salo span
drafters, weig ht 3160. sound and true ;
Good wagon and harness; price $650 ;
anyone wanting a good team should not
overlook t his opport unity. 310 Oak at.
A gentle driving mare, harness and rubber-tired
buggy, suitable for ladies or
ch Hdren to drive. 413 Dover st.
FOR sale, good, sound. 2 300-1 b. team, mare
and horse, good travelers and true to pull;
gentle and safe for anyone to drive; $175;
also new harness. 351 Mill st., cor Park.
I HA VK contracted for a large quantity of
h igh -grade .auto tops ; I am a curbstone
broker, but' the buyer gets the bone-fit.
Don't pay exorbitan t prices. M 909, ore
gonlan. 61X-CYL1NUKR Thomas Flyer for rale;
thoroughly overhauled and painted; excellent
car for ftage runs or livery work. Cll 150
H:h s-c. H. Recker.
7-passenger car, and one Pope-Hart ford
" 4 pHfsenger. tor tale. Apply 4U3 Corbel t
W A VTKIl A Hrush mi to in PXi-hHiiirf for
some acreage on the Estacada carline :
station on place. 309 Board of Trade
WE have bargains In second-hand cars.
O. K. Motor Machine Co.. !SS and 90 N.
titn st- Phones Marshall 204. A 3321.
D.E four-cylinder automobile, newly paint
ed and in first-class condition. Phone
East 393.
2,500.000 feet of yellow pine to trade for
automobile or city lots. 418 Henry bldg.
Tel. M 75S1. ;
"WANTED 5 to 7-passenger auto, cash,
cheap and Rood order. C H. Piggott, 14
Mulkey bldg. b
M'TOMOBILK, flrst-clas condition, at a snap.
H-iiwood in5.
Pianos. Organs and Musical lnstrorocnt.
FOR sale, . a manufacturer's piano chck,
value $125; accept fair offer. Main
Cull evenings after 6 I. M.
PARTY contemplating purchasing new
piano will save money by calling B 2462
not Inter l nan Saturday.
W A &T K 1 To exf hane piano for painting
and tinting. AK W23. Oregonian.
WANT to exchange piano for carpenter work.
AK 124, OregpTtn.
M i well a neous.
IT-sMFU L Invention for aale Very low-priced,
perfect time recorder, recording visits of
night wati hmim ; a I so for .recording em
ployes' time commencing work; wells wt $5
to $s. Territory tor sale, with right to
manufacture and sell in Oregon and Wash
ington. O. L. Bennett, 1402 Santa
Clara ave., Alameda, Cal., president of Uni
verse I Ti me Recorder "o. , I ncorporated.
Dimensions Length 80 feet, beam 13 ft.
6-in., depth 4 ft. 2 in., gross tons v 71 ; 2
engines Sx8. high pressure of 70-horse-power,
speed 14 miles ; fitted for burning
oil or wood ; oil tanks and all machinery
6 months, old; a strong towboat or suit
able for freight and passengers. Apply An
derson & Crowe. 2 45 Ash st.. Portland.
44 34 O- 27c 4oc; E. Maple 4 4
54 64 10c; E. 4d Oak 17c; Walnut
65c; Philippine Mahogany 25c; Alder 7c;
Maple 7c; Oak 44 54 S4 10c.
, 44 54 1 2 Vz e ; Maple Dowels 34 3S
12 716 38 510 14 3c 10c B. F.
Mfg. Co.. 12th and Ho yt .
10-foot counter with shelves, and
doors, top 18 inches wide, la-foot rail
with base, posts, two gates, 6-foot rail,
20-inch too. Address American Life &.
Accident coH fia iecK oldg. Telephone
'' Main tiSSa.
SEWING machines Do not fail to visit the
White sewing machine store THIS WEEK.
SPECIAL SALES 1-0 drop-head machines,
slightly marred; all standard makes ma
chinos for rent and repairing. H. iJ. Jones,
Prop.. 40 Washington st.. corner 11th.
125 -volt. 150- K. W. General E lee trio
generator; belt type, complete with panel
and rail base. Address Room. 201, Ore
gonlan bldg.
WILL sell two first mortgages, $1000 and
$1200 respectively, drawing 8 per cent
quarterly, secured by two good homes,
worth more- than double the mortgages.
Both or separstely. T 022, Oregonian.
TWO logging engines 9x10, on sleds, com
plete with ail fittings; suitable for logging
or land clearing; good condition; cheap.
F. B. Mallory & Co.. 231-235 Piia at.,
o - r a n ctP; ur fj rt , nors3power, gasoline
launch, complete with good boathouse, for
snle at a sacrifice. Rabb & Patton, 90
Sth st.
SPECIAL prices on factory rebuilt machines;
very liberal terms; $10 to $60. Northwest
Typewriter Co., M. 8870. 222 Abingtoo
(FIRST-CLASS Edison phonograph, with am
berol attachment and 50 records, good as
new. $30. Need money. AD &2o, Qre-
A OOOD work horse cheap, also nice Jersey
heifer soon to be fresh; also 60 head
sheep. Inquire H. G. Starkweather, near
Rlwley Station on Oregon City carline.
i'OR SALE Two new National cash registers
one style 442 E. L., one 444 A. Liberal die
count. B o. Magoon, St. John, Or. Phone
Richmond 71.
HOUSEBOAT . of four rooms for sale at a
bargain. Main 3 ftrta. Kit "ia Hat-
iron SALE 12 Weaco electric desk fans, al
ternating current, used only one season.
till f.a V U'fw - rv 'In a. r,.
r UK bAt art-arr traction KaeoUne en
gine, good as new. R. T. Cox, 250 "A 3d
at., Portland. Or.
, $50. Ask for catalog. Rebullts $15 up N.
M. Hayter Co.. t0 5th st. Main 5528.
FOR 6ALR Showcase, wallcases-. countitm
, cheap. No. 222 Grand ave. Phone East 538.
KOR SALE Flat top office desk, gas stove
complete with water heater. 808 East
Morrison st.
FOR SALE A 4 h. p. engine, good as new
half price if sold this week. C 98. Ore
'' : gonlan.
SHOWCASES new and second-hand. 313
Everett oor. 6th. Also fixtures.
KI N E 1 tumlated cooler for
Friedman, 295 1st.
sale cheap. Alsx
tOO BUSINESS cards $1 If you bring this ad.
reose uny rnniery, ia aa. near Taylor.
SALE cheao. a finst-rlas mandard
ke tewing machine. ;tro Columbia st.
VIOLINS, banjos, mandolins, guitars at half
regular prices. Uncle Myers, 71 Sixth st.
231 Stark St. Main 140T.
FINE soda fountain, complete with glass
holders, spoons, eta 33 N. 3d st.
A $4S0 SODA FOUNTAIN for sale very cheap.
Call up Main 1SH0 or A 460.
WANTED An S8-noto Apollo player-piano.
Tabor 2141.
WANTED Men's castoff clothing, shoes for
highest priee. Phone Main 4640.
WANTED Men's cast-ofT clothing and
shoes ; we also buy household furnishings;
hiphest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal." Phone KaHt 45't.
WANTED :iothing best price 'paid for
ladies' and gents' second-hand clothing
and shoes and bicycles. Main 2080. 290 1st.
HIGHEST price paid for men's cast-off
clothing, shoes, bicycles and all second
hand goods. 71 North 3d. Marshall 699.
SELL your second-hand furniture to the k
r uru Auction uo. or you u k
Phones: A 2445. Main 8951.
FULL set of carpenter's tools1, including chest.
Give price, location and liM. AD t22, Ore
gonlan. CALL up Marshall 3929 if you have sec-
ond-hand clothes to sell.
WANT E D Po ta t e.s. 50 sac k Burba nks or
American Wonders. Phone Main '-2.
W A X TE D Secon d-hand roll -top d eclc and
revolving chair. K 907, Oregonian.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phono East 1067.
WANTED Paper-hanging or painting. AH
922. Oregonian.
WANTED Young man of ability to act as
salesman and learn real estate business.
Experience unnecessary; no money re
Miilred. Call this morning before 10
o'clock. 404 Couch bid.
STEADY position for first-class, experienced
clothing salesman; must be a huntler and be
able to -fell the goods. Apply to The
Brownsville Woolen Mill Store. 3rd and
Stark ts.
WANTED Two live men to do business
among the best people In the city ; sal
ary to start $1S per week Call 4O0 Orego
nian bldg., before 1) A. M. and bet. 4 and
5 P. M.
PHYSICIAN wanted as ajwnitant in doctor's
office; good salary, steady employment for
ma n res toiered in Oregon. Address J 01 2,
WE aid our members to secure employment.
Constant demand for younn men of ability
and integrity. Special employment mem
bersMp. Y. M. C A. .
BOOKKEEPER "We want live, capable man
that can think and v. will pay the price.
Don't answer unless you are first class and
can show us. X i'2'.i4 Oregonian.
WANTED Young man with $200 cash as
partner to show property and work in
office, owner is tired of hired help. 242 i
Fifth st.
IF you are not making $2ox a month and
you have any abilitv as a salesman, call
at 219-220 Commercial Club bldg., corner
5th and Oak.
WANTED Good Japanefe boy for general
housework in small country town ; munt be
competent; good wages, fare paid. Would
consider man and wife. AB 924. Oregonian.
YOU NO man a shipping clerk; must have
had experience with packer or provision
house. Apply with reference-, R. D. Stone,
l."i;h and Marshall.
YOUNG MEN wanted to prepare for railway
mall clerks, postof fice clerks, carriers, eta.
Write or call for Book 30, It's tree. Pacific
States School, McKay Bldg.. Portland. Or.
THREE Jobbers wanted. bench hands,
head department. A pply between 1 0 and
11 A. M.. Royal Bakery. 11th and Everett
FINE opening for young man. experiences
unnecessary ; small capital required. Call
afternoon. 326 Va Washington st., room 417.
WANTED Men who have had experience in
Industrial life insurance Call at 219-220
Commercial Club bldg. cor 5th and Oak.
EXCELLENT proposition for experienced
poatcard novelty salesman. Peterson-Alton
Company, y.3 Fifth.
LOCAL manager for large manufacturing cor
poration; exclusive contract to capable man.
W. F. A. Co.. ltf5 Gough St., San Francisco.
YOUNG MAN stenographer; lumber ex
perience preferred; situated near city.1 M
914. Oregonian. 1
BOOKKEEPER All round man country
store. Call afternoons. -131. Washington.
Room is.
WANTED Laborers on concrete work, 25o
per hour. Apply on waterfront at foot
Eart Lincoln St.. P. R. L. & p. Co.
PRESBERS First-class men wanted at
once. Olds. Wortman & King.
WANTED Acoat maker, pants and vest
man. also a bushel man. Club Tailors,
Kelso, Wash.
MEN anl teams to plow land 12 miles fropi
City Hall. Apply 244 tark st. Main
iS TO $35 wek. few months only learning;
bltuations guaranteed. Watchmaklng-Ea-graving
School, box 182. Ashland. Or.
WANTED High-class solicitor; character and
anility lndUpen.aable. Apply after 5 P. M.
375 Alder st.
SOLICITORS No durt, best sweeping com
pound ; household necessity ; sella on sight'
233 Market ft. Phone Main 1264. "
WANTED Sailors for Europe. Australia
and South Africa. Inquire Sailors' Home,
cor. 2d and Olisam sts.
WANTED Young man to work in grocery
store and drive delivery wagon. 20th and
Thurman st.
WANTED Man to take contract for clear
ing land at coast resort. McAdams, 2
Lumbermen's building.
WANTED General merchandise salesman.
Commercial Abstract Co., 4S Commercial
Club bSlg.
ARCHITECTURAL draughtsmen wanted;
experienced men only. 606 Concord bldg ,
WANTED 6 de?p water sailors for New
Zealand; $30 per month. Apply 9 to 6.
227 -j Washington st. '
WA NTED Experienced window-cleaners; good
wages. Chicago Window-Craning Co., 999
Stelner t.. San Franclsoo.
WANTED First-class butter and Ice cream
maker. Address with references, stating
wages desired, L. B. 626, Roseburg, Or.
WANTED Stock and bond alesman; salary
or commission; permanent position. AB 924,
WANTED First-class horseshoer or floor
man. W. P. Morris. Phone red 962, Al
bany, Or.
WANTED Assistant ice cream maker for
city. Address, stating experience, Y 92U,
FIRST-CDKSS sash and door machine man ;
also a good stock cutter. Oregon Plan
ing Mills.
WANTED Several good cabinetmakers. Ap
ply Oregon Furniture Manufacturing Co..
Macadam road.
WANTED A first class ad and job printer.
Married man preferred. Address Citizen,
Albany, Or.
WANTED Experienced combination shirt
machine operator; good position. Elliott
Buy Laundry. Seattle. Wash. -
WANTED Man and wife to work on farm
and do housework. W. K. Newell, Gaston,
WANTED Live salesmen to sell investment
bonds; big commissions. Strong, Com
panv. 910-931 Lewis bldg.
TAILOR for alteration on men's clothing;
steady place. Call on J. L. Bowman &
Co.. 5th and Alder sts.
WANTED Boy at Standard Factory No. 2,
Grand ave. and East Taylor st.
BOY with wheel. Nau's Pharmacy, Portland
WANTED Bellboy. 163 12th at., cor. Mor
rison st.
WE need another wide-awake solicitor for
office goods. 231 Stark st.
EXPERT seamstress wanted. Portland Tent
& Awning Co., 16 N. Front st.
GOOD bright delivery boy. with references.
P. C- Stamp Works. 270 Alder st.
3 LABORERS wanted. Apply to Marine
Iron Works. St. Johns. Oreeon.
WANTED Shoe salesman for Saturday,
extra help. C. H. Baker. 270 Washington.
WANTED Experienced bookkeeper. Apply at
once. New Golden Eagle, ."id and Y-amhili ts.
BARBER wanted. 221 Madison St., between
First and Second.
MEN wanted for factory near Portland; mar
ried men preferred. 3.t9 Sherlock bldg.
WANTED 2 strictly ftrst-cla? carpenter.
Apply at once. M4 S wet land bldg.
WANTED Experienced retail furniture sales
man. Address A li 92.'t. Oregonian.
BOY To .learn mechanical dentistry. Fair
wages to start. 717 Dokum bldg.
WANTED Experienced drivers for a double
and single wagon. fl Fiont st.
WANTED A first class barber; steady work.
80,4 Burnside.
IAN1S and vest operators wanted. Room
17. Washington street.
WANTED Three first-class clothing sales-
nien. Apply at Parisian Tailors, 841 .Id st.
WANTED Photograph coupon agents; new
offer a m .winner. Cutberth. Dekum bldg.
FIRST-CLA6S salesman; big wages; perma-
npnt. 215 Commercial Bldg."
WANTED Helper, presstn? and mending.
Tailor shop. 267H Everett.
WANTED Photo coupon agents, something
entirely new Davis. 312Vfr Washington st.
BOY for clothing store; must have same
experience. 76 N. 6th st., cor. Everett st.
WANTED Pants and veMmakers; $2.50 and
up- John Oldog. Walla Walla. Wash.
MAN with $50 makes $4 to $S day. Room
hOfi Ooodnouarh.
EXPERT awning men wanted. Portland
Tent & Awning Co., Id North Front eU
26 North Second st., Portland, Or. ,
424 Front ave., Spokane, Wash.
87-89 Fourth St., San Francisco, CaL
Established 1876.
Agents for
, The Utah Construction Co. .
Erlckson & petterson.
Twohy Bros. Company,
l.acific Contract & Con. Co.
Portland Bridge & Building Co.
O. R. & N. and S. P. R, R- Cos.
Pacific Coast Con. Co.
C. A. Smith Lumber Co.
Booth-Kelly Lumber Co.
And other large employer.
Eblp daily.
Free fare.
i To Eastern and Southern Oregon and
California for R. R. construction laborers.
Work guaranteed. Transportation supplied.
A genera! male and female employment
busineas transacted. 4
. 26 North 2d St.
How long would it take you
to put a keen ed ge on your
knife with a sponge? Now, how
long will it take you to become
wealthy in that ".soft Job"?
1 f you put an edge on your
knife, you do it with a grind
stone it takes grit to make the
"Keen Edged' tool.
Now. if you expect to get
ahead in the world, you must
have grit sufficient to do big
things. Get out of the rut!
Lead the procession!
You can find the KEEN
EDGED proposition with good
commissions at
Largest realty operators on the
Pacific Coast.
146 5th yt., Portl.uid.
Call for Mr. Webb.
WANTED Man to take permanent position
with reliable firm; salary - to a hustler
$100 per month. Call after this morn
ing at 820 Chamber of Commerce. Asy
for Patterson.
The Columbia Life & Trust Com
pany have an opening for one or two
flret-claas solicitors. If you have
not had experience la celling life in
surance you will be schooled and
rendered assistance in finding pros
pects and closing business. Come In
an d ta 1 k it over. Ask for S . P.
Lockwood. Vice-Pres. and Gen'l Man
ager, or Harry Riehey, City Manager,
214 Lumber Exchange bldg.
(Spalding bldg. when completed.)
1000 white laborers for surfacing and
general railroad construction work. Wages
$H.85 per day. Fare from Seattle to the
work $15. Weekly shipments begin about
May 16.
M. J. HENRY, Pier 2. Sea 1 1 1 e. Wash.
HIGHLY remunerative position for a hust
ler who Is willing to learn a svstem we are
now Installing that has sold millions of
dollars' worth of property In the East,
and which will pay several hundred dol
lars a month to salesmen while learning.
Splendid opportunity for advancement.
Stop drifting; get in a business with a
future. Call this morning before 10
o'clock. 404 Couch bldg. b
WANTED Able-bodied men for the U. S. Ma
rine Corps, between the agea of 1 and 35.
Musrt be native born or have first papers.
Monthly priy $15 to $6$. Additions'! compensa-.
tion possible. Food, clothing, quarters and
medical attendance free. After 30 years' serv
ice can retire with 75 per cent of pay and al
lowances. Service on board ship and ashore
In aU parts of the world. Apply at Breeden
bldg.. 3d and Washington sts.. Portland. Or.
WE can use 15 first-class salesmen to call
on department and general store trade
in Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho,
Montana, Wyoming and Utah, with a line
of high-grade advertising specialties. Do
not reply unless you are a live wire, with
ciean record. Commission basis, travel-
'"k expenses advanced. C. F. Morphew,
42.-426 Hutton blk., Spokane. Wash.
MEN wanted for firemen and brakemen on
nearby railroads; age 18 to 35; experience
unnecessary; no strike, permanent employ
ment; firemen $100 monthly; brake
men $75; promotion to engineers, con
ductors; 400 men sent to positions monthly,
state age; send stamps. Railway Asso-
- elation, care Oregonian.
BARBERS and apprentices in Oregon, are
hereby notified that their annual cards ex
pire April 30. The Board of Examiners
will be in sossion May 2, 3 and 4. at
167 First st., this city, for the purpose
of renewing said cards. Please give this
your prompt attention. T. . Lea bo,
Secretary. v
YOUNG MAN We want to enlist about 20
young men, who are holding responsible
positions, to represent the HE1MBAOH
IDEA of a "New suit for every week."
We will clothe you for the entire year,
and you can pay for the clothes by tell
ing your friends about us after hours.
National Tailoring Co.. 201 Stark st.
SALESMEN WANTED A few high-class
real estate salesmen wanted for GOING
STREET ADDITION; tract will be opened
for sale Saturday. April 30; we have an
A-l proposition for good "closers."
S20 chamber of Com m ere e.
SALESMEN To handle attractive lots on
small monthly payments In cheapest, best
and easiest-selling addition in Portland.
Names of prospective buyers furnished.
Good commission, better than salary to live
man. 315 Couch bid., 4 st.. near Wash
ington, t
1 0.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men and women to learn barber trade la
S weeks, help to secure promotion; gradu
ates earn from 15 to $25 weekly; expert
instructors; tools free; write for cata
logue. Mohler System of Colleges. 3$
North 4th st., Portland. Or.
AD WRITER WANTED Man who can get
up good, live, original real estate copy.
Salary position to experienced man with
original ideas, who can deliver the goods.
Address AF 922. Oregonian. with your
phone or say how 1 can get to you
WAtNTED General representative for Suc
cess hand vacuum carpet -cleaner. Sells for
$15. The only successful single -per son ma
chine on the market. BtKpejrt kind of
profits. Write for terms. Hutchison Mfg.
Co.. Wilkinshurg, Pa.
WANTHD Salesmen who are hustlers and
can sell; no dead ones need apply. We have
good territory and proposition for the right
paQes. Wo furnish outfit free and pay
cash weekly. Write us. ALBANY NUK'
SERIES. INC.. Albany, Oregon.
BARGAIN For sale, an established paper of
many years standing, with a paid circula
tion. If taken at once; good chance for a
hustler. Call between 5 and 6 P. M today
43t Mohawk bldg.
YOUNG man to Invest $50 where exeperi
ence is unnecessary; best money maker on
Coafet; investigate at once. Call IO A. M.
or '3 P. M., Room 19, Hotel Savon 129
11th st. .
WANTED AT ONCE by large wholesale
house, young man 18 to 20 years of age,
with high school education ; must be will
ing to work. Good opportunity for the
right party. AC 906, Oregonian.
1000 MEN to know of the grand variety of
Spring and Summer sample suits. $35 to
$40. values, $18.75; $25 to $00 values. $14.75;
$18 to $22.5" values. $12-75. Knew Sample
Suit Shop. 315 Oregonian bldg.
WANTED, at once: competent bookkeeper,
about 30 years of age; one who has had
S or more years' experience In a large
wholesale house; state salary- expected. S
t2'., Oregonian.
WANTED Steady man to check goods, etc.;
pay S2." week now; tn be increased with
interested help; small investment required.
Particulars 24Sa Stark st.
WANTED Good strong boy to drive grocery
wugon at $1.25 per day. Apply at once. 79
lTnion ave. X.
OOOD, strong boy; neat and clean, to run
errands. Clarke-Woodward Drug Co.. 6th
and Hoyt. See Mr. Thayer.
WANTED Younfc man about 19 to make
UmSPlf useful in store. Apply 1 Ul 2d st.
WANTED Cook's helper, at Winter's re
staurant. 2'0 First at.
HA KNESS-MAKER wanted by J. F. Fish
wood. Silvertun. Or.
WANTED Transit man. $lOO; 2 level men.
$s5; free fare on this work. 2 sheep
snearers. brakeman. log chain. $4;
steamshovel crane man. $'.; 6 piledrlver
men. $;t.50; cook and dishwasher; 20 city
laborers, $2.."o. 9 hours; '10 tunnelmen, 3
per day, free fare. C. R. Hansen & Co.,
2r, N 27r-st.
oun" man seeking employment or
desiring to better his condition, should
take advantage of the special employ
ment membership, and g-et in quick touch
with the advisory and employment sec
retary of the Y. M C. A. Strangers our
specialty. Good fellowship, good advice,
good position awaits you.
WANTED Man and wife, no children, to
work on farm and housework. Young
English-speaking German preferred. Ad
diess F. P. Roodaway. Rickreall. Or.
WANTED To engage 75 strawberry pickers
and 2o packers; ranch 2 miles from town.
A-pply to Herbert Will lamp. White Salmon,
positions to A-l instructors. 611 Swetland.
NTED A younjf lady, assist general of
fice work; experience unnecessary- $5 per
week to begin. Apply between 9 and lo A.
. M. only. Laemmle Film Service, Pantagea
WANTED First-class operators for ladles
skirts. Highest wages. Take elevator.
03 5th st., cor, pine.
SALESWOMEN First-class, in a number
of our departments.
WANTED Young girl, assist light housework;
no washing, ironing or cooking; small pri
vate family, l child. 604 Market-st. Drive,
Portl and Heights car. Main U 445.
MARRIED lady, without children, can have
H furnished housekeeping rooms for car
ing for rooming-house. A pply 354 North
2irh. "W" car to 2th, block north,
EXPERIENCED girl, general housework,
good wages ; only experienced help need
apply. Mrs. C. D. Brunn, 53 Ella St.,
room 40H.
WANTED Women and girls to make shirts
and overalls. Mt. Hood Factory, 2X3
Conch. Inexperienced girls paid while
GIRT for light housework. 2 in family; no
washing; knowledge of cooking unnecessary.
Apply at department D, 254 N. 25th St., cor
ncr Northrtip.
WANTED Girl for second work and care
infant. German or Scandinavian preferred.
Call, 726 Northrup st. Telephone Main, 2440,
A 5728
WANTED Good girl for general housework;
German preferred. Apply at once. Mrs.
Klapper, The Golden Eagle, 3rd and Yam
hill sts.
HATS, trimmings, coloring. remodeling,
low prices, etc.; try 227 Wash. cor.
Second, room 27. Bring any old material.
4 LADIES for shooting galleries; married pre
ferred, between 20 and 35 years; good wages.
Apydy at 49 3d st.
GIRLS over HJ to work In bag factory.
Apply Ames, Harris. Neville Co., 6th and
Davis. "
GIRL to a si ?t with cooking and general
housework; three in family. 243 Cornell
road, head of Marshall m.
WANTED A good cook, good wages, small
family, references required. 295 West
Park st.
326& Washington St., Room 3o7.
Main bS3tt or A 32&.
YOUNG lady of good appearance for ice
cream and confectionery parlor. Apply 227
43 Washington St., Cor. 7th, Upstairs.
Phone Main 2632.
WANTED Experienced finishers on coats.
213 Wash, st., upstairs. Public Market.
Apply tailor shop.
WANTED A girl for housework in small
family. Plain cooking. . P. O. Box 2020,
Station A.
GOOD cook and assist general housework;
good wages, small family. Main 2231,
morning and evening.
WANTED Girl or woman, cooking, and
general housework; family of three;
wages $25. B 3 04, Tabor 1768.
COMPETENT girl for general housework and
cooking, family of 2; modern flat. Call
9271,! K. Ankeny. corner 3oth.
COMPETENT girl for general housework.
466 10th, near Jackson. Comfortable
WANTED Girl for general housework; no
children; good wages. 381 10th, cor. Mont-
J' i
PRIVATE lessons in shorthand, evenings, by
shorthand teacher. 453 El. Alder. Phone
Eawt 2054. .
GIRL for general housework about May 20;
family 3 adults. Sol Hancock st. Phone C
WANTED A woman for kitchen work from
8 to 6; wagee $25. Address AK 921, Ore
gonian. WANTED Competent young woman to ai-
sist In kitchen and general work. Apply
Waverleigh Sanatorium. Sellwood 9o7
MIDDLE-AGED woman to cook on farm
near th-a city ; references required. Room
206 Board of 'grade bldg.
WANT a good, steady lady, willing to milk
one cow and help in house, in suburbs,
on carline. Call 45Q 11th. up at airs.
WANTED Girl for general housework, two
adults, two small children; wages $:i0 per
month. 471 Broad w ay.
WANTED Girl to sew on power machine.
Carmen Manufacturing Co., 18th and Up
fhur st-g.
WANTED A reKable womsin with some
knowledge of nursing, to finish in training
school. Address AK 922, Oregonian.
WANTED Competent woman for general
housework; good wages. Apply -58 Irving
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework"
wages $35. Phone A 2420. 1131 Franklin
rt.. Willamette Heights.
WANTED Experienced mangle girls, both
feeders and folders. Also body ironer.
Pacific Laundry Co., cor 1st and Arthur.
GI RL for general house work , sm al 1 f am 11 y .
Wages $35. Call in afternoon, 1022 Raleigh,
near 29th. "
WANTED Girl for cook ; good position,
light work; wages $30 per month. En
qulre 693 Wasco st.
WANTED A good clean cook in private
boarding house. 374 Park st.
WANTED Camp waitress. $30. Howe's La
fiies Agency, R. 307-326 -t, Washington.
GIRL for confectionery store. 267 Yamhill
YOI'NG GIRL for general housework In
small family. 175 16th. cor. Yamhill.
WANTED Good telephone operator at once.
Apply Nortonia Hotel.
GIRL to a.slrt with housework in family of
two. 24S N. 20th st. ,
WANTED A girl for the ice cream stand
at 269 Everett st.
WANTED 2 lady pressers at once. Broadway
Dye Worka. 353 Cnlon ave. North.
WANTED Refined woman housekeeper. St.
Ixtuls Agency. 303 H Wash. Main 2033.
GIRL General housework. family three.
Apply mornings. 663 Johnson st.
WANTED Girl for general housework. SSI
Mellnda ave. Phone Main 6313.
EXPERIENCED girl wented to work In con
fectionery jtore. Apply to 73 N. 3d st.
COM PETENT chambermaid wanted at 53 N.
I.Sth. cor. Davis st.
WANTED Experienced girl In confectionery
store. 181 3d st. Call after 11 A. M.
WANTED Waitress at California Oyster
Hon", 106 N. 6th st.
EXPERIENCED waitresses for lunch and
dinner work. 386 Morrison.
GIRL wanted for general housework. Apply
5M0 Couch at.
EXPERIENCED hairdresser and manicure
want ed. 1 4 7 7th st.
GOOD millinery makers. Apply Lowengart
& Co. y
GIRL for general housework, $5 per week.
360 13th St.
JAPANESE girl for general housework.
Phone Main 413S.
tpi rst-CLASS ironers wanted at State
L Laundry, 35 Broadway; good wages.
WANTED A first-class waitress; steady
work. 173 N. 6th. -
WANTED Girl -for general housework. 599
Holly st.. Ladd Addition. Phone East 1557.
GIRL wanted for general housework; 3 in
family; ?25 per month. Phone East 5312.
WANTED Experienced operator on ovr
sir enrrrrs. 75 lt St.
A OIRL to cook and do general housework.
. ... oir. ni t
LESSONS in Shorthand and Typewriting by
expert. $5 a month. 269 14th. Main 3893.
GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory
No. 2. Grand ave. and East Taylor.
GIRL fr general housework. 65S Love
jov. Call after 12.
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
family of 3. 6Q7 eJHamlers st. -
GIRL for general housework. Inquire 43U
Mill st- near 12th.
COMPETENT second girl wanted; good
wages; four in family. Phone Marshall
123. 819 Johnson st.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
COM PETENT stenographer and office man
desires position ; 5 years' experience;
knowledge of bookkeeping. Excellent
references. C 9o5, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stenographer and general of
fice man desires situation; best of references.
AC 922. Oregonian.
HAVE had lo years' experience as private
secretary and stenographer. Can you use
me? J 9"6. Oregonian.
POSITION as stenographer, young man ;
beginner; no previous experience. W 921,
FILST-CLASS machinist. competent to
erect engines, boilers. Understands pip
ing and installment of power plants. P
121. Oregonian.
COMPETENT Japanese, graduated, business
college, desires steady position at any kind
of work in store or factory. AJ 023, Ore
gonian. WA NTED Experienced specialty walejmiun
would like positkm with Portland jobber or
manufacturer; references. AC D23, Cre-
A JAPANESE .boy wants a position in Oregon
as a farmer boy; write kindly to the ad
riress. Mat sol. 302 Couch st.
A CHANCE to learn bartending, by a young
man, 25 years old, .of good habits. AL
1-Q. Oregonian.
position with
reliable man, a legitimate
v responsible firm. p yo5.
ENGINEER Experienced in steam, electric
and refrigeration: married; wants posl
tlon. AC HQS. Oregonian.
YOI'NG souple want position in private serv
ice or as janitors and caretakers; best refer
onoeg. A H 124. Orf-gonlan.
POSITION by steam fitter's helper; 3 years
experience ; stranger. H iHS, Orexoninn.
FATHER and son, good blacksmiths, want
position. B 907. Oregonian. .
SITUATION WANTED by strictly first-class
..all-around baker. P f24. Oregonian,
I STILL like Portland: offer me a legitimate
job and I'll stay. X ft24. Oregonian.
JAPANESE) Employment Co. will furnish all
help. Main 4658, A 4073. 2C3 Everett.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
STENOGRAPHER Good beginner and will
ing . worker, desires position. Phone
A 5446.
STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper desires po
sition; references. Address G 01l, Ore
gonian. STENOGRAPHER, experienced in law work,
desires position. P U22. Oregonian.
RAPID and accurate typewriter operator de
sires office position. AK 024. Oregonian.
t ressm mm. era.
Alterations, speclaltv on ladies' suits. Mrs.
Muckler, 430 Columbia, Apt. 21. A 470.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaker wil go out by
day or take work home. Phone A 7721.
ANGELES Dressmaking parlors. 326 H WtsU
lngton st.. suite 216. Main PS 2. A 5381.
EXPERIENCED nuri wishes to care for In
valid ; bet of references. Inquire Young
Women's Christian Agsnclatlon. hours 10 to4.
UNDERGRADUATE, long-experienced nurse,
with Invalids, elderly, Infant, gentleman,
lady. Main 3388.
CALL A-7162 for nurse. Confinement, chll
dren diseases a specialty. City references.
PRACTICAL nurse wishes engagements. Can
give massage. Telephone East 3372.
A CAPABLE and experienced woman would
like a position as housekeeper on a ranch,
where her two boys, apres 16 and 14. could
fine work, if not at same place, near. by. AJ
122. Oregonian.
A GIRL .. wants housework. in family.
Housekeeping rooms 3. 544 Pettygrove
North. Phone Main 3 ."40.
A GOOD girl wants general housework; no
w a y h In g. AE 92 ; t. Ore gonlan.
LAKE curtains washed and stretched, 40
cents a pair; called for and delivered.
Phone Main 3Q65.
CAMP COOKS, housekeepers, nurses, cham
bermaids, pastrv cook. St. Louis Agency.
303 V, Washington. Main 2039. A 4775.
POSTT ION Girl German ) . good cook. enm
ftress,v take care of grown children, cham
ber or light housework. AD 923, Oregonian.
YOUNG woman wants day work of any
''kind. Please call or write. 23 Mont
Komery st.. basement.
SCANDINAVIAN girl wants washing, iron
ing and cleaning by the day; 25c per
"hour. Phone East 722.
GOOD laundress, take work home or go
out by the day. Call Marsh all 14 62.
YOUNG girl would like to assist with house
work. Call 3W9 M. 12th.
JAPANESE woman with school girl wants
general housework. V 922, Oregonian.
MEN and women to take orders for a house
hold necessity that sells at sight when
- properly presented. Hustlers can easily
average $8 per day. Give your address,
references and phone number in answer
ing for Interview. C 222, Oregonian.
SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash
weekly selling choice nursery stock; out
fit free. Capital City Nursery Company.
Salem. Oregon.
WANTED Reliable men who can sell trees
for largest nursery in the West. For
further particulars address Oregon Nur
sery Co., Orenco, Or.
TH E demand for good places to live still
keeps up; if you have such a place, we
have the tenant.
Rent Dwpt.,
Chamber of Commerce.
WANTED To rent 8 or 9-room modern
house. West Side, small family of adults;
will accept any time from May 1 to Aug.
1. E. 90 6, Oregonian.
SIX or 7-room unfurnished house, with yard;
mus1. be modei n. East Side. Address P.
O. Box 2020, Station A, or phone East
BUSINESSMAN, wife and mother want 6 or
7-room house, flat or apartment, furnished
or unfurnished. West Side. Good neigh
bo rhoodPosiofficBo675;j
WANTEIK-Modern furnished bungalow, or
furnished apartments: must be hrst-class.
Apply mornings, between 10 and 11.
Main., 8101.
WANTED By May 10, small cottage or 3 or
4 unfurnished rooms; gaand yard; close In.
West Side, reasonable. R 910, Oregonian!
WANT to rent a good modern or 7-room
house on West Side. Address 202 23rd st.
Rooms With Board.
WANTED Room and' board by: gentleman
in private house. Neighborhood of 21st
and Irving
WANTED Good home for child of C years,
good pay. C Q7 Oregonian.
TWO rooms, private family, for two gentle
men, centrally located. AK S20, orego
nian. LA 0 Y employed wants housekeeping room,
walking distance. VV 9ott, Oregonian.
I-'urntshed Rooms.
404 M Washington, corner 10th.
Modern brick building, steam heated,
private baths, running water in rooms,
electric light, free phone; special rates by
week or' month; the most convenient lo
cation in the city; transient trade solicited
at $1 up. .
88 North 5th St., S. E. Cor. Flanders.
New brick building, steam heated, por
celain batbs. fine large office on ground
floor, elegant beds, everything absolutely
new and clean; rates only $250 and up
per week; 50c and 75c per day. blocks
from Union Depot.
THE BARTON, 13th and Alder, Is now
undergoing a thorough renovation ; 70
steam heated, electric-lighted rooms, all
outside. Rates 75c day; $10 month up.
Suites with running water $20 month up.
Phones and bath free.
131 Eleventh Street.
NEW. modern brick building: STEAM
HEATED, private baths, running water
in all rooms; TELEPHONES IN EACH
ROOM ; special rates by the week and
l month; TRANSIENT TRADE solicited.
Fifth St., opposite City Hall.
New. beautifully furnished; steam heat;
hot. cold water in every room; public
and private baths. Permanent; translen t.
NICE rooms. $ 1 ..r0 week ; phone and bath.
No. 2 North 34th st.
ATTRACTIVE jingle ivtoms, cle in. nasvm
able; free phones and bath. 490 Morrison.
FOR Kt.Nr.
FumUhcii Rooms.
26S Third St.. Cor. Jefferson St.
New fireproof building and furnishings
throughout; o, irable neighborhood; four
minutes' walk to business center; rooms
and suites: large, light and airy; hot and
cold water; steam heat ; gas and electric
lights; call bells; free baths; clean porce
lain tubs; lavatories convenient. Take "8"
car at depot to AJhird and Jefferson sts.
We aim to satisfy; that is why we pleas
Rates $3. $5, o. $7 per week.
A 7731 PHONES Main S939.
140 ROOMS.
New, modern, fireproof building, steam
heated, hot and cold running water In all
rooms, richly furnished, finest beds that
money can buy. and it doesn't cost any
more than some cheap lodging-house; nice
large office on ground floor ; everything
first-class; rates. COe, 7Sc and Si per
day; $3-00 and up per week. . Call and
see us. 128 tith su North.
Homellke. Homelike Homelike.
7th and Ankeny sts.
Free was their depot o&rrlage,
- I took it oa the spot; v
There may be other houses just as good.
' sues
A ulet home for quiet people.
TlO Washington. r.ear King; bath, hot
and- cold water; phone, steam heat In
every room; strictly modern; fine large
office, ground floor; by far the best in tn
city for the money; rooms $25 per month
and up. Call and inspect.
422 Washington, cor. nth.
Steam heat, hut and cold water, baths,
nicely furnished rooms, $3 per wsefc up;
trans. ent rates. 75c up.
HOTEL LENOX, cor. . id and Main sts
furnished rooms, single or en suite, at rea
sonable prices, modern conveniences. Op
posite the Plasa.
LA RR A BEE HOTEL, 227 Larrabee. near
Holiaday ave. New brick bldg.; every con
venience; reasonable; permanent ana tran
Washington and 17 th, linst-cja furnished
rooms. Mingle or en suite; all modern eon
venlences; $3 weekly up. A 2047. M. 5647.
THE MANSION Elegantly furnished room's,
hot and cold water, laundry and house-
- uiivnrm-a. um Hnci je nerson.
NICELY ' furnished rooms, all conveniences,
close In ; nice yard. $3 and $4 a week.
Astor House. 251 7th St. t
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable- new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 32I W
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes.
THE KING, 3oi Jefferson st. ; nicely fur
nished rooms, modern conveniences, central,
-'' per week and up. including bath.
NICELY furnished rooms at 400 Burnside
street. $2 per week and upwards. Phone
Main HM3.
The Mercedes, 20th and Washington; ele
gantly furnished rooms; hot and cold run
ning water, modern conveniences; $12 up.
FURNISHED' rooms, Eim Place, formerly
Elton Court Annex. 414 Yamhill and 11th.
THE REX Modern rooms, $2.50 ta $6 per
week. 548' Washington st.
Furnished Rooms in Private Family.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished front rooms, sin
gle or en suite; heat, light. bath . and
phone; fine location ; $lo and $ 12 per
month. 3 j 5 Couch st., northe.ast cor. ljjih.
West Side. Telephone A 5280.
VERY nicely furnished room, 3 windows on
the north; larse yard, beautiful surround
ings; 10 minutes' walk; modern. Phone
TWO clean, well-furnished rooms m nat; all
conveniences ; rent reasonable. 547 Yam
Jill ls t Call for Miss Bcrkor. -
TWO bedrooms, one with alcove ; every
modern convenience. 736 East Main st.
Phone East 5047.
PA R LOR on second floor of modern steam
heated apartment. Flat D, 40l Jeflcrson
ct. Phone Main 7504.
ROOMS ; single or en suite, $8 up; house
keeping suite of 2 or 3, with kitchen.
n;3 Irving.
LARGE room, for 2 or more gentlemen,
steepInK porch if desired, fine location,
West Park. Main OouO.
ATTRACTIVE room or suite; no other
roomers; strictly private family. Main
$3.tH PER week newly furnished front room,
suitable for two, bath, telephone, walk
ing distance. 294 1 1 th st reet.
NICELY furnished front room, with piano,
in modern steam heated apartment. Flat
H. 471 JenTerson st. phone A 1070.
NICELY furnished room with steam heat, in
ver y pleasant apart m e n t Ph one A 4O70.
NEATLY furnished bedroom, walking dls
tance. $1.50 per week. 431 Uh st.
LIGHT, sunny rooms, free phone And bath;
walking distance. 327 West Park st.
TWO nicely furnished bedrooms, bath and
gas, at B72 Belmont st. H monthly.
FURNISHED rooms, modern house, walking
distance. 671 Gllsan st.
FURNISHED rooms, private family.
X. 20th. Main 3649.
Williams ave.
private family.
NEWLY furnished rooms st reasonable price.
727 Stark, near 2oth.
SLEEPING room with bath. West
modern and low rent. Phone Main
40 OS-
NEAT furnished rooms in residence with
phone and bath. 151 15th.
NICELY new furnished room, suitable for
2. Phone East 2410. 44 East 7th st.
Rooms With Hoard.
Ideal Summer home, beauLiful grounds,
finest rooms, with best home cooking In
' city ; rooms, with private bath, all mod
ern conveniences; moderate rates.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 22d year, room
with board, use of sewing-room and library.
5lo Flandens st. Miss Frances N. , Heath,
LAMBERSON 554 Couch St., cor. 17th,
one block from Washington. Desirable
rooms single or double for gentlemen.
Good home cooking.
THE COLONIAL, 105 and 167 10th st, cor
ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason
able rates.
LA RG E front room, next to bath; open fire;
$5 a week; also small room, $4 a week.
5th and Jelterson.
LA nJ K airy room, hot and cold water,
fireplace ; rooms for 11 gh t housekeeping ;
single room. 300 Jefferson st.
NICE rooms with excellent' board. The
Mat-itou, 261 13th st. Moderate prices.
THE CALVARD Suites or single." 452 Mor
rison, cor. 13th. Choice accommodations.
Rooms With Hoard kn Private Family.
ROOM and board for one or two in private
home; every mod-am convenience; 7 blocks
from Postofflce; use of piano, eto. Main
' 4504.
FIRST-CLASS room and board for 2 in pri
vate family; all conveniences. 93 17th st.
North. Main 4200.
NICE room in private family; all home
conveniences; board if desired. 32t N.
SINGLE room, with hoard, in modern pri
vate home; references required. 2&4 Vi
PLEASANT room, choice board, business
peoplo. 712 Hoyt st.
LARGE sunny room with board; home cook
Ins; modern. 75 North 14th. r
653 WASHINGTON ST., room and board;
larg-a room, suitable for two gentlemen.
FURNISH KD rooms, suitable for 2, with
board. 230 4th st.
DESIRABLE room and board, home cooking.
B 2u31.
WELL-FURNISHED room suitable for two
men; two meals. Matn207l.
r Apartments. .
Burnside. Open May 1. New, white
pressed brick, beautifully finished, mod
ern in every detail, reception hall, tire
places, laundry, steam drier in basement.
2 and 3-room apartment, elegantly fur
nished, private baths, private telephones,
janitor service. Rent reasonable; a few
unfurnished apartments.
between lwtli and 20th sts.. near Wash
ington : 2 3 or 4-room apartments, new
pressed brick building just completed;
every modern convenience Including tele
phone exchange and elevator; close to
business centers; very reasonable prices
and excellent service.
HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia.
4 blocks from Morrison iU; new brick
building, completely first-class, f urn bed
in 2, 3 and 4-room family apartments, pri
vate catn, reception hall, steam heat, hot
water, elevator, free phone; some unf ur
nished: janitor service; rent reasonable.
WESTFALL. on 5th. between Harrison and
Hfi'l st .. 1 3-room apartment on May 1 .
FOR RENT Furnished apartment. The
Morton. Washington and King.
THE CHETOPA. modern 4-room unfurnished
apartment. Apply to janitor. Both phoned.
82 Grand Ave., S. E. cor. E. Stark.
Beautifully furnished 3-rooiu apart
ments; modern; no objection to children;
$2s to 35 per month. East 300.
THE SHEFFIELD. 7th. and Jm f- ron sts.
Unfurnished apartment, with hnth. AH out
side rooms; modern, every convenience, and
only 5 minute? walk from P. o. Very rei-
gonable rent. Main 2rrO. A 3I4Q.
HANOVER Apartments, corner King and
Washington sts., 3-room apartments, have
every modern convenience, including steam
heat, hot water, private bat 11, free phones
and janitor service; rent very reasonable.
-ONEONTA" APARTMENTS, 1&7 17th. near
Yamhill (W car at depot). 2, 3 and 4-roora
furnished suites; hot and cold, phones and
baths free; $1:0 per month. $5 pr wee
and up. Main 4t't7. A 4730.
2, S OR 4-room apartments, up to date
in every respect, walking distance from
business center; furnished and, unfurnished.
15th and Everett sts. Phone Main 124:.
FOR KENT MAY 1 Swell new apartment.
553 Ladd ave.. modern, living-room, dining-room,
beamed ceilings; den, music -room,
4 bedrooms, screen porch; long
leas:-. Apply contractor, next door.
STEAM-HEATED fl-room apartment, mod
ern and desirable; 525 Everett L Apply
Morgan. Fluidner & Boyce. 503 Abington
FOR RENT Modern 4-room apartment.
King's Heights Apartment House, cor.
King and Wayne sts.; furnished. $55; un
furnished, S4U. Apply janitor.
AN elegantly furnished apartment of three
rooms anu bath in new residence ; mag
nificent view with no climb. R-nt, $ Ja;
West Side, close In. A3bS4, mornings.
KEELER APARTMENTS, 14th and Clay st3.
The finest in Portland. These beautiful -i
and 4-room apartments w ill be ready for
occupancy May 1.
HARRISON COURT. 5th and Harrison. '
Un furnished apartment, 2 rooms and
bath, all inocern improvements. Phone
Main 5145. A 73 03.
FIVE-ROOM, steamheated, modern apart
ment with janitor service 1 partial oase
ment), finest in city for the money. Ap
ply to janitor, 21st and Kearney.
THE MERCEDES Elegantly furnished
room apartments, hot and cold running
water and all modern conveniences; $14
to $30. Corner 20th and Washington sts.
COMPLETELY furnished ji-room coiner
apariment; Janitor. The Marlborough, 2lst
and Fland trs.
475 SA LMON. corner 14th. nicely furnished
apartments, under new management ; elec
tric elevator; private ba th a n d phone.
5- ROOM corner apartment, every conveni
ence. Brain tree Apartiubts, 95 12 th st.
Main 7741.
ST. CROIX Apartments, 170 St- Clair st.
Modern unfurnished 3-room apartments;
fine residence location and reasonable rent.
One front apartment for rent; .very
thlng modern. Love joy st. W car.
6- R0OM steam heated apartments. See jani-
tor. :;r llth st. Main 405-
4-ROOM completely furnished apartment.
King Hili. King st.. near Washington.
THE STANLEY, unfurnished apartments
for rent. 7Q1 Washington tst. Mam 7053.
ROOMS with board in private boarding -house.
;21 10th st., cor. Salmon st.
FOR RENT New and strictly modern d
room flats on 20th. and Laurel sts.. Port
land Heights, rent $40. Apply
S5 Fourth st.
6 rooms, modern, new; attic room, sleep
ing porch ; 2 blocks West Side High School.
Inquire IT3 16th, cor. Yamhill; adulls.
$22 An excellent modern flat at S2SJ4
Ross st. It. li. Blooteoui, 316 Chamber o?
FURNISHED 4-room flat, to reponsibIe par
ties, for 2 or 3 months; no children. 44la
tit h. Rent $3Q.
UPPER 4-room. flat ; extra sleeping room;
near- 23d and Washington sts. Phono foie
noon and "evening. M. MS. -
WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer
Co. Main 161S, A H34. AU covered wag-
on 3. ali experienced men.
MODERN 5-room Hat, Fifth, near Jackson.
West Side, 10 minutes walk. Main or A
ONE new 6-room modern fiat; "S" and F"
carline. Inquire at drugstore. Front and
Ul bbs sts. .
MODERN 5 -room lower corner flat. 475 7th
WEST SIDE SSSV 7th st., 4-room modern
upper nat; $16. Sellwood 13!J0.
NEW lower corner flat, 5 rooms; strictly mo
dern; fine location. 355 Sixth.
3, 4, S-ROOMED. modern flats, furnished,
unfurnished. Cor. I'd and Hall.
MODERN 5-room. downstairs flat, with
small yard. Apply at tHJ4 Front st.
5-ROOM upper flat, newly tinted. 22d and
K earncy sis. Key 712 Ream e y .
STRICTLY modern 6-room upper flat, rent
reasonable; walking distance. 94 N. 16th.
MODERN six rooms, five blocks from Posl
offlce. Inquire 327 Mohawk bldg.
739 OVERTON Modern flat, tf sunny rooms,
references. Main b50.
MODERN flat, 6 rooms and bath. 731 Hoyt
s t. Inquire 132 utn st. Ma 1 n 6278.
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts.
Newly furnished for housekeeping. Includ
ing gas range, electric lights, hot water,
baths, laundry, reception-room, all free;
furnished apartments $15 per month up;
single housekeeping rooms. $2.50 week up;
best in city for money; short distance from
Union Depot. 'S' or 16th-st. cars north,
get off at Marshall st. No dogs allowed.
WiL-FURN ISHED housekeeping rooms, 2 $S
month. 3 lor S12; cottage, 4 rooiim, $2t.;
304 20th N. (West Side), V car from depot,
ad or Morrlrfon to 2Qth, block north.
NEWLY furnidhtMi housekeeping room.-, rea
sonable. Wendhurst, 545 Washington, near
$1.25 TO $2.00 week, clean, furnished house
keeping rooms; laundry, bath, phone, gas.
furnace heat. 400 Vancouver ave.
UNFURNISHED 3, outside, ground floor;
full kitchen; stoves furnished. 50V
THE COLLINS 503 Alder st., furnished
housekeeping rooms, with all conveniences.
THE ELMS 2 and 3-room apartments; fur
nished. 191 14tU st.
NICE furnished housekeeping rooms. $14.
0316 Washington St., cur. 20th.
$1.25 weik. clean fur. housekeeping rooms,
heat, laundry, bath. 2Q3 Stanton. "U" car.
TWO front housekeeping rooms; phone and
bath, close. 4S'7 Washington st.
5i7 TAYLOR, near 14th St., desirable 2-roum
front suite, light housekei-p i n g.
3 UN FURNISH ED roonu over Plummer's
drugstore. 3d and Madison st.j.
SUITE housekeeping rooms, 520 Kearney.
Gas, bath. 10 minutes walk,- $15.
$L50 week, large, clean furn. housekeeping
rooms; laundry, bath, gas. 184 Sherman
Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family.
THREE very pleasant newly furnished
housekeeping rooms. No children. 275 r
Clay st., cor, of 4th.
THREE or" 4 unfurnished rooms, bath, gas
and pantry. In cotUige, 14S East 15th.
NICEUY furnished housekeeping rooms. In
nuire 11 1st st.. ne ar Sta r k.
FLATS of two or three furnished house
kceping rooms; yard. 4 50 Yamhill.
FURNISHED or unfurnished; in suburbs;
on car line. Phone Sellwood 30.
SUITE, completely furnished. $10; gas range,
.walking distance. 140 N . 16th- M a i n 51 7 3
FOUR rooms for rent, bath and phone. 945
Belmont st. Phone Tabor 103.
CLEAN well-furnished housekeeping rooms.
395 6th st.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms;
gas, bath ; $12.50 month. 692 F ron t .
Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms,
private family; 15 minutes' walk from P. O. ;
bath. ga, electric light and laundry fur
nished. $5 month. Adults only. Phone
A 7'S2.
$12.50 A BEAUTIFUL suite of fully fur
nished rooms, for couple ; overlook in?
rir; walking distance, tine neighborhood.
564 East 6th at. Phono Sellwood 1109.
NICE, sunny front room and kitchen with
water and sink; private. -entrance; good
yard. 210 1 Ith. -
TWO larpe. lisht. completely furntencd
rooms : porcelain fink. ga.- stove ; quiet
neighborhood ; bath, light. 412 loth st.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, walk
ing distance. West Side. Bath, phone.
$12- No children. Phone A 4004.
DESI RAELE two and three-room unfur
nished suites. Fifth st., 305 H Jefferson.
Beautiful central location.
TWO or three clean. convenient; bath,
phone, easy walking distance. 41 4 d.
A MODERN li-mom house. East 2nd. neur
K:ist tlisan. S2350. Phone East 40i7.
7-ROOM house, newly tinted, 67o Belmont
su Phone East 6085.