THE MORNING . OltEGONIAN. FRIDAY, APRIIi 29, 1910. 13 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OBEOQXIAU TELEPHONES. Pacific States. Horns Conntlnr-room Main VOTO A 6093 City Circulation Main 7070 A fl95 Mansglnc Editor Main 7070 A 6093 Sunday Editor..... Main 7070 A 6095 CompoRlnjr-room ........ .Main 7070 A 6095 Olty Editor Main 707O A 6005 Eupt. Buildings Main 7070 A 6095 AM US EM EMS. OBPHEUM THEATER (Morrison, bstweeu 8lxth and Seventh) Vaudeville. Thl afternoon at 2:15. and tonight at 8:13. BAKER THSATBR (Third, between Tamhlll and Taylor) "The Gingerbread Man." Tonight at 8:15. GRAND THEATER (Park and Wahtngton Vaudeville. This afternoon at 2:15; to night at 7:30 and A. STAR THEATER (Park and Washington) Motion pictures. Continuous, from 1:30 to 10:80 p. M. Rev. H 9. Bollinger Elected Moderator. At the meetinior of the Portland ConsTeKational Association Tuesday and "Wednesday in the St. Johns , Congregational Church. Rev. E. S. Bol linger of the Highland Congregational , Church was elected moderator, Charles Dean, a layman, assistant moderator; and Rev. W. H. Meyers, clerk. Four new members were elected Dr. W. C Kantner, recently of Seattle, now pastor of University Park Church; Rev. Guy L. Dick, Pilgrim Church, Portland: Rev. R. J. Knodell, superintendent of the Anti Saloon League, and Rev. Mr. Adams, recently assistant pastor of First Church, of Portland. Rev. II. V. Romlger, of Rainier, who was to deliver an address on "The Labor Problems," could not at tend and sent In his address in the form of a letter. The association closed 'Wed nesday night with a popular platform meeting, at which Rev. R. J. Knodell was principal speaker, the subject being "The Power Applied to the Liquor Business." H. W. Stonh Home From Olympia. H. W. Stone, general secretary of the Port land Young Men's Christian Association, returned last night from Olympia, where lie participated In the dedication of a new Y. M. C. A. building. An entire week is being given to the opening exer cises there, but the main programme was given on Tuesday night, when Mr. Stone delivered the dedicatory address. The Olympia building Is of reinforced con crete and was erected at a cost of $25,000. According to Mr. Stone, the Association there has secured a better building for the money Invested than any other similar organization he knows of. The Olympia Y. M. C. A. has a small mem bership, but with the completion of its building the enrollment is growing rapidly. Belgian (Block Trust Broken. Mayor Blmon announced yesterday that the "Belgian block trust" will be broken up through the activity of City Engineer Morris in locating two places not con trolled by the "combine," where this material may be had. Both are easy of access. The National Construction Company, which has a contract for paving Fourth, from Burnslde to Glisan etreets, with this kind .of material, com plained of being unable, because of "trust" manipulation, to secure any rock for this work. "Two places have been discovered where this rock may be had," Baid the Mayor. "City Engineer Morris (has examined the material and has pro nounced it to be first class. There is no doubt but we will break the 'trust'." A. M. E. Church Will Raise) Cash. To raise $30tX) to pay off a mortgage on the church building, the African Metho dist Church will hold a platform meeting t 3 P. M., a week from next Sunday. Prominent Portland people are to take part and T. S. McDaniel will preside. Among those who have been Invited to be on the platform are B. Lee Paget, Dr. E. C. Brown, Hon. E. C. Bronaugh, Hon. R. G. Morrow, Rabbi Jonah B. avtse, B. S. Josslyn, E. C. Giltner, Ben Belling. D. A. Pattullo, Robert Living stone, A. H. Kerr and Frederick Eggert. Dr. Kantner Accepts. Dr. W. C. Kantner has accepted the call of the University Park Congregational Church and has entered on his work there: Dr. Kantner was formerly pastor of the Balem Congregational Church and for, four years was pastor of the First Con- - gregational Church of Seattle, Wash. He succeeds Rev. G. W. Brings, who died suddenly several months ago. Newspapers Topic of Lecture. How a newspaper Is made and the demands made upon the youth who would enter the profession of Journalism will be dis cussed Sunday night, at the Church of Good Tidings, Broadway and Eitst Twenty-fourth streets, when Paul Chamborlin, news editor of the Evening Telegram, will speak on "Journalism as a Field for Serving Humanity." Milwaukie Street in Bad Condition. Residents on Milwaukie street, which has not yet been oiled, are complaining - of a continuous cloud of dust, which is wafted Into their homes with every pass ing car. Herefore the streetcar company lias run its pprlnkler over Milwaukie street out to the Crematorium, but the sprinkler has not been used this season. Dr. E. A. Pierce to Speak. Dr. E. A. Pierce, of the Open-Air Sanitarium at Milwaukie, will speak tonight in the South Mount Tabor United - Brethren Church on "Tuberculosis the Duty of the People." Meeting will be held under the auspices of the Mothers' and Teach ers' Association of South Mount Tabor. lAdmlssion will be free. Mat Day at ., Library. On Saturday afternoon, April SO. at 2 o'clock, weather permitting, the children's department of the Public Library will celebrate May day with a May pole dance to be given on the library lawn by the children of the Arleta school. A cordial invitation to be present Is extended to all children interested. Quarantine Station Ready. The city's new quarantine station has been com pleted, and Is said to be the best in the (Northwest, but there Is no smallpox case to be placed within its commodious walls. It is equipped with everything for the care, of those who may be so unfor tunate as to be forced to sojourn there. Minstrels to Rehearse) Today. The Monday Musical Club and the Daughters of the Confederacy will rehearse this afternoon at the Armory for the Ameri can -Beauty MlnlstrelS, which will be a big local attraction at the Bungalow Theater. May 20 and 21 for the benefit of the Portland auditorium fund. Sellwood SrREKTS May Be Oiled. The Sellwood Commercial Club has asked the city to oil East Thirteenth and sev eral of the principal streets of the suburb. A general meeting of the club will be held next Tuesday night to take up the question of oiling streets and other subjects. Including paving. State Miners' Association to Meet. There will be a meeting of the State Minors' Association at the 'rooms of the Commercial Club this evening. All per sons holding stock or those interested in the mining business of the state are requested to be present. For Sals. 125-volt, 130-IC W. General Electric Gen. erator, belt type; complete, with panel and rail base. Address room. 201 Orego nian bids'. Ready for Business. During the past week my Turkish bath parlors have been entirely renovated and I am now ready for business. Friedman's Turkish Baths, Corbott bldg., Fif th and Morrison. Observation Car will make regular trips leaving Second and Washington sts., at 10 A. M. and 3 P. M. daily, com mencing Monday, May 2, 1910. Sale of English Teapots. All new shapes and designs, at Bailey & Co., 424 Washington St., bet. 11th and 12th sts. ' Real Bargains In monumental work. Otto Schumann, Third and East Pine. DR. E. De Witt Coxngll returned; office Oregonlan bldg. Dr. Wendt, electro-therapeutics, 405 Rothchlld bldg- Dr. E. II. Parker has returned. YOUR DUTY. . This is a call to duty your duty as a citizen of Portland. If your ears' have been open during the past several days, you have heard many people say that they have not been counted in the census. Why don't you report their names to the census office or to- the Commercial Club or to the Chamber of Com merce? That is not enough. You ought to make it your busi ness to find people .who have been missed or who think they have been missed. Duplications will do no harm. They will be weeded out by the census au thorities. But even more important and imperative is the RESPONSI BILITY OF THE EMPLOY ERS AND MANAGERS OF BUSINESS HOUSES AND. ' MANUFACTURING ESTAB LISHMENTS in Portland. Many of them have already made a canvass of their employes, and the results have been startling. In every instance reports show that a very large percentage of such employes have not been counted. Every employer or manager of a large business or factory in Portland should un dertake PERSONALLY TO DAY to go through his estab lishment with the proper cen sus blanks and make his own enumeration. It must' be done if people are to be counted here. Where are those volunteers that were going to count Port land block by block ? Some of them should undertake this work. Let one person on each Portland block find out for him self if every one in that block has been counted. Don't wait for the wholesale volunteer can vass tomorrow. Go ahead and do it anyway. DO IT NOW. Do it thoroughly. Do it enthu siastically. Two more days remain for the count. That's all. If the missing residents of Portland are not found in these two days, they never will be found, and Portland will suffer from their loss. Street Cleaning Rushed. "People must have patience," said Superintendent Donaldson, of the Street-Cleaning . De partment, yesterday, when asked why on some of the streets oil has been left. "On .Taylor street, after oiling, we put up red lanterns at night to keep people from driving over the oil and carrying It onto the adjoining hard-surfaced por tion, and the teamsters drove right over the lights and knocked them down. I don't know what the department Is going to do with such persons as those. As to the dusty streets In some sections, I will say that we are doing our best and we will have to ask the public to be a little more patient until we can get around." IvE.vroN' Substation Ready. F. B. Whitney, assistant superintendent of the local railway mail - service, has turned over to Assistant Postmaster William son his requisition for supplies at Ken ton Station. This substation will have two deliveries: from the start If the Government favors Mr. Whitney's sug gestion. The station is to be . opened May 16. Kenton Station will serve the stockyard district, between Portland and St. Johns. The North Portland station now serves that district to a large extent, but It Is , independent of the Portland Postofflce, being outside the city limits. Chief Acts as Judge. Judge Bennett of the Municipal Court was absent yes terday and Chief of Police Cox officiated in that capacity. The Chief of Police held his court in the police station and took care of the drunks and vagrants, 16 of whom he ordered out of the city. He was merciful in his administration of Justice to the ' "routine" cases and re leased them all, with the caution that tbey would be sent to the rockptle if they were caught intoxicated again. Habitual cases were ordered out of the city. Feast to Bb Concluded. Concluding services for the feast of Passover will be celebrated at Beth Israel tonight at 8 o'clock and tomorrow morning at 10:30 o'clock. Rabbi Jonah B. Wise will preach at both services. The choir will be under the direction of Mrs. Rose Blooh Bauer. The services at Beth Israel are at all times free, to all men and women. Final Passover Services. Service of the conclusion of the Passover will be held in Congregation Ahaval Sholom, Park and Clay streets, tonight at 8 o'clock, Saturday evening at 8 o'clock and Saturday morning at 9:30 o'clock. Memorial service will be held Sunday morning at 9:30 o'clock. Rabbi R. Abra hamson will officiate. Post to Celebrate) 27th Anniversary. Sumner Post, No. 12, G. A. R., will cele brate its 27th anniversary at its hall, on the corner of Ea6t Pine street and Union avenue, Saturday night- It will be an open meeting, and all will be welcome. An appropriate programme will be given. Including short talks and reminiscences. Notice. Prices in Ladd's Addition will advance 10 per cent May 1, only two days more to buy at the old prices; you cannot make $200 any easier than to buy your lot this week. For full particulars see F. W. Torgler, 106 Sherlock building; Strong & Co.. 605 Concord building; also, agents on ground. WHERET0 DINE. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland Restaurant. Fine private apart ments for ladies, 305 Wash., near 6th st. Change in Time Northern. Pacific Railway. On and after May 1 Taeoma-Seattle Ear press will leave Portland at 6:45 A. M. in stead of 7:00 P. M. A Hint in Time. Order the Mount Hood Brewing Com pany's famous Bock Beer now; to be de livered at your home. Phone East 139 or B 1319. Council Crest, Amusements open evenings, weather permitting;. . Plant Slbson's Rosea Phona Sellwood K&. I The savers of To day are the wealthy i men of Tomorrow. Are you saving so as to be ready when your opportun ity comes? This STRONG RANK" will help you by paying in- terest on your money. I Portland Trust Company BANK S. E. CORNER THIRD AND OAK STREETS KEN J. X. COIUiM President IT. V. CAJtrEXTEB. .Vice-President B. LEE PAGET... Secretary Free "With every purchase of 35cf or over we will give you a good, durable fan. F.P.YOUNG 290 Morrison St., Between 4th and 5th, Corbett Bldg. Does Quality Count With You? $2.00 real Kid Gloves, spe cial, per pair. . s $1.48 All colors and black. Best in the market. 65c Silk Gloves, spc'l, pr.50c Keiser's ohamoisettte or all silk. 45c Moire Ribbon, special, per yard 25c 50c Initialed Handkerchiefs, special, 3 for .$1.00 Ail pure linen, hand emb'd.. 75c Neckwear, special ... 48c Stock Collars, washable and Fancy Stocks, in silk, 75c to $1.50 values 48c $5.00 Parasols, special. .$2.98 An assortment of beauties. Keiser's Wash Belts 35c L MAYER 8 CO. Portland's Oldest Grocers. 148 Third Street Pacific Phone Main l432 Home Phone A 4432. Weekly Grocery Bulletin We Give You Only "Pure Food'.' and Value for Every Cent You Spend With Us. For Friday and Saturday, April 29th and 30th, we offer you : Ghirardelli Ground Chocolate, regular 35c, per can 30 First Choice Mushrooms, regular 35c, at 30 Per dozen $3.25 "Our Own" California Olive Oil, regular $1.00, per qtiart 90 Pim Olas, stuffed olives, regular 25c, at 20 Knox Gelatine, regular 12V2c, per package 10 Manhattan Cocktails, "Pacific," per bottle $1.00 NEW ARRIVALS Frou Frou and Trie Trac Sugar Wafers. Karlsbad Diabetical Biscuits. Educator Crackers, "full line." Huntley & Palmer's Biscuits. "The Store That Treats You Right." You can make a home run without trouble if you wear WALK OVER SHOES Knight's Washington, near Second. Fred Prehn. D.D.S. Removed to 407 CerUnser Bide, 2d and Alder Sts. Phones: Main 2202, A 2202. Residence Phone. Main 4237. KCHVYAB PRINTING CO OSOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE 247i STARK. STREET BROOK PEER OF ALL $3 HATS AL, 4 i IGURE Out how much 10 per cent of your earnings, plus 4 per cent in terest, will amount to in 52 weeks. Then begin NOW to save by open-. ing an account with a dollar with us and watch your money grow. We pay 4 per cent interest. Cheeking accounts also invited. We furnish every banking ac commodation. Open 8 A. M. to 5:30 P. M.; Saturdays until 8 P. M. Portland, Oregon. Hducationau The Only Woman's College on th Pacific Coast Exclnsively for Young Women Located among the beautiful lulls near Oakland, California, dose to San Francisco and the great Universities of the West, Full collegiate course leading to degree. Entrance and graduation requirements equivalent to those of Stanford and University of California. Training fits students for teaching regular lines of academic work, and oners special advantages for music, art, library study and home economics. Well equipped laboratories for science. Special attention to health of students. Modern gymnasium thoroughly equipped. Out door life and amusements in the ideal California cli mate. Alumnae in every city on the Pacific Coast. For Catalogue, Address President Luella Clay Carson LL. D. Mills College P. O.. California. TRVLRS CHEQUES oft fie American Bankcrst association! ABM Always and Everywhere 608D They arm Self-Identifying We shall be glad to sell you a book of assorted denominations for your next trip. - Merchants savings & trust . COMPANY Portland. Orrsron. HOTEL STEWART SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Square Just opposite Hotel St. Francis European Plan $1.50 a day up American Plan $3.00 a day up Hew steel and brick structure. Furnished at cost of f 200,000. Every comfort and con venience. On carlines transferring all over city. Omnibus meets trains and steamers. Send for Booklet with map of San Francisco FIFE 1SKPAIBIMO Oi every description by nuUi. Amber, brier ma d meerschaum. Artificial eolorfcns. Bis 8ebel A M d st, rortlaad. M OST It seems to us, would be satisfied to wear the suits and overcoats we sell at $20, $25 and $30. They're remarkable values at these prices; quality in every stitch and thread; style quality in designing, and the quality-look in the way they fit. They're our Ju special hand-tailored garments (look for J?- .jg signature; it is your guarantee.) Made in the latest models. Young men's snappy styles. New dressy models for quieter tastes It We are exclusive sellers of these fine clothes in Portland and vicinity. Priced from $25 to $40 See pur mammoth display of men's clothes shown in our Morrison-street windows --100 feet of window space shows but a small part of our Spring exhibit. 5G00 Complete, full-page, personal, form letters, with different name and address, "filled in" on each one, done in one day by one office boy or girl on Equipped with its new address ing or "filling in" attachment. That's what you can do with-, out the use of a single stenog rapher or typewriter. Each name on your mailing list has a possible yearly value to you of hundreds, or perhaps thousands of dollars. At the cost of a few cents each you can get a ,Vriterpress arvi all necessary equipment to send a perfect, personal, form letter to every name on your list as often as you like and exactly at the right time. No waiting for your stenographer to "fill in" the names and address the envel opes. The AVriterpress does t all. Prints from metal type, a moving ribbon and rubber plat en, letters and all kinds of of-' fice forms. Ask for samples and cata logue. STATIONERY & PRINTING CO. Fifth and Oak Sts. SEALY-LOWELL CO. We received yesterday a small shipment of Seville oranges from McvVard at Sierra Madre. This is first lot of Seville oranges ever of fered in Portland. The only kind used in Europe for marmalade, only 35c dozen. The usual large supply of French pastry today and tomorrow Bolas, Krautit, Racetrack, Neapolitans, Mocha Squares Gold Cake, Silver Cake, Potato Cake, Checkerboard Cake, etc New sage cheece per lb. 35c. Gorgonzola cheece per lb. 60c. We are demonstrating- Royal Salad Dressing. Step in and try It three sizes, 10c, 25c and 45c It 1b very good. We now offer Nlcelle olive oil in all sizes. It is the best oil in the world, and is especially easy to take in a medicinal way because of its purity and light quality. We are giving away a Japanese teapot with teaball attachment, to each purchaser of one or more packages of our "Cingalese brand Ceylon Tea. Three qualities 60c, 76c and St. 00 per pound. Everybody knows Beechnut Bacon. We now have Beechnut catsup, 15c and 25c. Like the bacon, it has no equal. -' Oregon walnuts, a few left at 26c per pound. Blanched almonds ready for salt ing. 1U NTLY & PALMER'S BISCUITS, New Arrival. Breakfast, Albert, thin arrow root, salt, wheat meal, oaten. Ice Cream Freezers, ail sizes, from $2.00 up. Try our Turkish coffee. Corner Fifth and Stork Streets. ANY M Pe Spend the Day at Estacada SUNDAY, MAY 1, 1910 75 Cents Tralna Leave Here 6:50 A. 7iSO A. M.. 81BO A. M 9:50 A. M., 10:5O A. lltSO A. 31., 12:50 I. SI., 1:30 P. M., 2:50 P. 3:50 P. M 4(50 P. M., 5:50 P. 31.. 6:50 P. M. Return Leave Estacada 7 A. 8 A. M., 9 A. M., 10 A. !!., 11 A. 12 A. M.. 1 P. M.. S P. M., 3 P. M., 4 P. 31, 5 P. 6 P. 31, 7 P. M, 8 P. M. and 9 P. M. Portland Ry., Light & Power Co. May 2, 9 gif June 2, 17, 24 July 5, Z A August 3 September 8, 22 EASTERN EXCURSION RATES Chlrseo and Return. a 72.50 St. LouIm and HfrarD.i 67.50 evr l'ork and lie turn S10S.50 Boston and Hrlurn. .llft.OO For further particulars, vations, can Great Northern 123 Third Street, II. DK'KSOX, C P X. A. IX A. JACKSON", A. G. V. & I. A. Puonea Alain 6 HO; A 2286. TO? !5w 1 . 1 Till OUR SERVICE The strictest attention to each individual account is the principle goveining the management of this bank in respect to the serv ice which it renders for its patrons. Our complete equipment, moreover, affords every con venience for the proirvpt and accurate transaction of any financial business. -KEEP YOUR BUNKETS NEW" WE HAVE A PROCESS BY WHICH WE CLEAN BLANKETS THOROUGHLY KEEPING THEM SOFT AND FLUFFY WV AIM TO PLEASE City Laundry Company PHONE MAIN HOLEPROOF HOSE FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN A Round Trip III ' T ...' In- ill St. Paul. Minneapo lis, Duluth, Winn I. pesr. Omaha, St. Jottpph, Kansas Illy and Return.. a en. 00 folders and sleeping-car reser or address City Ticket Cff ice Portland, Oregon. 429 OR A 5773. N i. I : ; fu n i .1 hit., u : ,i i ;n ;.: i i r 111 m i W Mtw iilfirri Tl.HHV.lli illil-W ii if I I