Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 29, 1910, Page 12, Image 12

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ItRXIAT, PMDAT, A.1-KI I. 29, 1810.
"Non-partisan Judiciary" means, if
Anything, that partisanship should dis
qualify a man from election to the
high office of judge. This would fill
the bench with spineless handshakers;
j;o-as-you-please politicians without
allegiance to any doctrine around
which earnest citizens can array them
selves; men who have no political
opinions on great and important ques
tions and who are not proved by the
testa that try men's souls and by their
fitness to build upon a great political
dea for the people's good.
A judge who would separate himself
for the sake of office, from the peo
ple's endeavor, as they express It In
politics and they have no other way
and would confess no opinions on
policies affecting their welfare, or
would not raise his voice against what
he considered bad or Injurious policies
Is not fit for the people's trust as mag
istrate. Right political considerations
should rule the - pinions of a judge on
the bench. A man whose beliefs are
at variance with the political con
eclence of the Nation, or of a State,
Should not wield the law-making -power
of the judiciary. But for Federalist
and Republican partisans on the bench
of the United States, another record of
National existence would be written.
'-:The text for these remarks is con
tained in a letter from Martin L.
pipes, printed in another column. Mr.
Pipes makes the customary specious
argument for non-political Judiciary.
" ,A judiciary that would be free from
political obligations would be' inde
pendent of the people's will, and that
is: manifestly unthinkable. Mr. Pipes
confuses the people's politics, which is
the constant care of an able judge,
with "get-even" or "boss" or ring poli
tics. Yet Mr. Pipes would probably
'not admit that any Oregon judge ever
was a partisan of the latter kind of
politics. It is not the kind of politics
that the electorate wishes in any office
whatever. If this is what Mr. Pipes
means by non-political judiciary, well
and good, but he ought not to confine
his doctrine to the bench.
Good partisanship has been the best
qualification of the Nation's ablest
jurists. Their principles of political
jurisprudence have been vindicated
successively by partisan vote of the ,
people. When they have sought re
election, they have done so as parti
sans that is, as spokesmen of the in
tensity of conviction of the voters and
as Interpreters of their political will
w unout sucn partisan support, a
judge's work will come to naught.
Partisanship has not given the judi
ciary of Oregon to members of one
party, nor has non-partisanship ad
mitted to the judiciary any of its rrfem
bers. Each judge is a partisan, in
tense enough on his own side, though
for the exigencies of the moment,
sometimes of lessened fervor in the
presence of members of .a rival party.
Right here is where the non-political
hoax comes in.
Politics is the most precious herit
age of the people- A man who is not
B politician in the good sense deserves
not to be voter or Judge. His ideals
make him a member of a group, or of
a party and he necessarily becomes a
partisan. Right principles should
guide a citizen In the election booth
and on the bench. The history of this
country proves that one party often
stands for right and the other ' for
wrong, and that the Nation's bulwark
has been .the partisans of the right.
The efforts of Portland business
men to show the Government that
there really is no necessity for wast
ing several thousands of dollars every
time a lumber contract is let axe not
meeting with much encouragement at
Washington. Nearly a month ago
bids were opened for delivery to the
Government of 2,488,000 feet of lum
ber for Manila. Balfour. Guthrie &
Co., of this city, submitted a bid,
agreeing to deliver the lumber at Ma
nila, cost, insurance and freight paid,
for $46,739.52. The lowest bid sub
mitted by a Puget Sound firm was
J49.072.40. Here was a direct sav
ing of more than $3000 on this one
contract. On account of the Govern
ment's alleged retrenchment policy,
supposed to . be in effeit, it would
seem that the bid should have been
Unfortunately for Portland, the
Government always has on hand for
fsuch emergencies a liberal stock of
red tape, and the awarding of the bid
'has been delayed because the Port
landers, in accordance with the re
quirements of the bids, stated that
they intended $7 per thousand feet
to represent the freight portion of
the bid. To any ordinary business
man it would have made no difference
how much or how little the freight
charge"' might be, so long as the lum
ber was delivered where it was
wanted at a lower price than
any other firm offered to deliver
it. But Balfour, Guthrie & Co. have
not been awarded the contract. Af
ter, nearly a month's delay advices
were received in this city yesterday
m Liie oecremry ox war nad grant
ed the request of Frank Waterhouse,
t Seattle, to submit new bids on the
transportation of the lumber.
.'As the freight charge made by Mr.
Waterhouse on lumber shipped from
Portland to Manila has always been
$10 per thousand, the $7 per thousand
rate named by Balfour, Guthrie &
Co. ought to be considered. It would
seem that this Is a matter that de
mands something more than the usual
protest against such discrimination.
There will be no incentive for Port
land exporters to Bubmit bids if the
bids are to be held up for the benefit
of, some unsuccessful bidder who had
ample time and opportunity to offer
bids when others were bidding. This
is a case which the Chamber of Com
merce should have thoroughly inves
Another big railroad contract in
this state will, of course, necessitate
the immediate employment of many
thousands, of men. At no time in the
history of the. Pacific Northwest has
there been such widespread demand
for labor as this year. Under such
conditions it is somewhat surprising
to find many of the streets in the
North End thronged with idle men.
The number of these men who seem
tp be always seeking work, and at
ttie same time escape finding It, Is so
great that the street corner orators
can always find an audience day or
Scarcity of men will, of course, de
lay .the completion of some of these
big railroad projects, but a mighty
roar would arise If someone proposed
to bring in a few thousand of the de
pendable coolies who built many
miles of Western railroads, two or
three decades ago.
A Forestry Commission of twelve
members has been named iby Gover
nor Hay of Washington, to devise
means of conserving resources and to
report findings to the Legislature next
Winter. This Commission will study
preventives or forest rires and meth
ods of reforestation. Should it as
sert state conservation of stream
waters, against usurpation of Pinchot
bureaus In the National Capital, that
will' be a natural and proper act. Just
as the Colorado Conservation' Com
mission has lately done. The mem
bers of the Washington Commission
George S. Long, Tacoraa, President
Washington Forest Fire Association
and representative of the Weyer
haueser Timber Company; E. G.
Ames, Port Gamble, trustee of the
Forest Fire Association; D. P. Sim
mons, Jr., Seattle, Chief Fire Warden
of that association; J. J. Donovan,
Bellingham, president Washington
Logged-off Land Association; George
Boos, secretary of that association;
Professor F. JKL. Benson, University
of Washington; A. G. Avery, Spokane,
lawyer; J. J. Browne, Spokane, presi
dent Western Conservation League;
Professor E. G. Miller, dean of For
estry School, University of Washing
ton; R. W. Douglas, executive secre
tary Washington Conservation Associ
ation; Professor R. W. Thatcher,
dean of the school of agriculture.
State College at Pullman; Frank H.
Lamb, Hoquiam, secretary Western
Forestry and Conservation Associa
tion. ' Several conservation associations
are represented; on Governor Hay's
Commission, each of 'them concerned
in the preservation of Washington's
forests and water powers. Their rec
ommendations should be valuable to
the state and to the cause of home
conservation. Success to the members
and their works.
The - effort, based upon . sta
tistics of disaster due to the indis
criminate use of explosives In cele
brating the Fourth of July, will bear
fruit, it Is said, but "not this year."
Agitation of this subject has revealed
the fact that the loss in killed and In
jured throughout the country each and
every year from what Is very justly
termed the "insane" use of explosives
of various nerve-racking, noise-producing
kinds and the ill-smelling,
tetanus-causing, death-dealing cali
ber on the Republic's natal day
Is equal to the battle loss in
more than one war. To pre
vent this loss, and at the same
time teach lessons of patriotism to the
young by means of music, flag-drills,
excursions and marches, the use of the
National colors everywhere for decor-
, ative purposes, recitals of battle ' tri
umphs and of sufferings endured in
the name of liberty, etc., etc., Is the
object of this agitation.
This object is very generally In
dorsed by prudent people, who see In
its triumph, the abatement of a great
danger and universal annoyance and
also the possibility that children will
be taught why the Fourth of -July Is
and should, be observed as a day of
National rejoiclnc;.
Some weeks ago the edict went
forth in New York against the sale of
fireworks in that city. The unsuper
vised, promiscuous explosion of fire
crackers has grown from small begin,
gings to be a public nuisance and an
individual menace in that city. The
interdiction was given early as a warn
ing to dealers that would prevent
financial loss. In this city, though
such interdiction has .been before the
Common Council for some time with
the unqualified approval of the Mayor,
it Is announced that action thereon
will be deferred another year In order
to save frrm financial loss, dealers
who, are already stocked up with these
explosives. That Is to say chances on
life and limb and the destruction of
property are to be taken again this
year in order to save a financial loss
on goods in stock of an estimated
value of $100,000, divided among a
small army of wholesale and retail
dealers. .
Perhaps this is "fair."- It certainly
Is fair to the dealers. Whether to the
public or not whether to individuals
or not remains to be seen.
Oregon will ,be torn again next elec
tion by prohibition war. And why?
Because misguided foes of liquor ex
cess think to curtail intemperate use
of intoxicants by ordaining that no
person shall buy them and-none shall
sell. They would make this com
monwealth conform with their own
narrow idea of conduct and turn it
Into one of the "cranky" spots of the
earth's surface, where men shall be
denied enlightened freedom and
where hypocrisy and deceit shall en
ter into the daily relations of citizens
with each other.
If prohibition stopped the vice of
drunkenness there might tie little rea
son to oppose it. But in the score of
counties where prohibition Is sup
posed to be in force, it doea not cvire
the liquor evil and taxpayers are put
to heavy expense to carry on the pre
tense of enforcing the law, whereas
their tax burdens would be diminished
and the vice could be regulated un-.
der the license system. From Pendle
ton recently came announcements of
many indictments for violation of the
law. The Roseburg Leader says of
drunkenness In its "dry" town:
The Leader will willingly testify that
the prosecuting attorney, Sheriff, Constable,
City Marshal, night officer and night watch
man have all performed their duty, but
In spite of their efforts the whisky Is re
celved in the city and men and boys drink
it and get drunk. The fact stands: The
pffense is committed, the city receives
nothing In the way of lloense, and yet the
county and city- are put to expense and
worry without Just remuneration.
Oregon la Just beginning an era
that will be most progressive and
should be most enlightened. Prohibi
tion will probably neither impair nor
stimulate activities. Liquor is not eS'
sential to these activities but will ac
company them .one way or another.
Then why the sham and makebelieve
of prohibition? Oregon, amid its
growing prosperity, ought not to be
a narrow-minded, provincial commu
nity with neighbors spying one an
other's habits. "Visitors ought not to
have to break the law in Portland or
go to Seattle to get what every great
city allows them to buy. Walla Walla
and Pendleton are near-by cities from
which the lesson may be drawn.
To an outside observer the most in
teresting feature of the Sunday School
Convention which has Just been held
In Portland was the insistence of the
speakers upon the desirability of em
ploying trained teachers. One per
son who addressed the convention has
a method of teaching pedagogy by
mail. Others spoke of the need for
Summer courses. The entire trend of
the meetings was toward better "in
struction for the young In sacred af
fairs, of course particularly including
the Bible.
The Indifferent qualifications of
those who teach t: i classes has been
one of the great hindrances to the
usefulness of the Sunday school. There
are Instances of children who had at
tended regularly Sunday after Sun
day for years, and ;-et In the end
they went out Into the world with no
genuine, knowledge of the ethics or the
literary merits of the Scriptures. They
had learned the names of the patri
archs, what Balaam's ass said and
how many disciples there were, but
of the really important Biblical facts
they were as Ignorant when they left
Sunday school as when they entered
the infant class. i
There is no escaping the conclusion
tnat this Is the teachers' fault. Many
or Chose who undertake to lead Sun
day school classes are quite unfitted
for the task by their -lack of knowl
edge. They know little or nothing of
the results of modern study of the
Bible. All they can teach the chil
dren is bald tradition, the most life
less and unimproving matter in the
world. Much of this tradition contra
dicts what the children learn at home
and at the public schools, so that it
is not only a dead loss to them, but
it tends to prejudice their minds
against all Scriptural study. They
conclude that it Is worthless because
what they nave gained from it has no
value. This is exceedingly unfor
tunate, for the Bible lies at the root
or our democratic ethics, while Its
literary style has been the model. In
whole or part, for the principal monu
ments of English literature. Neglect
of Biblical studies means almost
necessarily a decadence of morals as
well as a decline in literary taste; but
in order to become fruitful the study
must be conducted with courage, can
dor ana with due reference to the re
suits of modern Investigation.
An ignorant person is no better
qualified to teach in a Sunday school
than In a public school. The uncandid
suppression of established facts is just
as immoral in a Sunday school class
as In a municipal government. The
determination to t ignore modern
studies results simply in brineine the
Sunday school into contempt. The
true way to remedy these defects,
when they exist, is to provide the
classes of children with teachers who
not only know how to teach, but who
have something to Impart which is
worth while.
irade 'between the United States
and the Philippines, since the passage
of the act removing tariff duties on
uvmwin: mei-;iiaiiuise, nas made a
very satisfactory Increase. The act
became effective August 6th. 1909
and according to a statement just Is
sued- py the Bureau of Statistics, im
ports from this country into the Phll-
liplnes, from July 1st. 1909, to March
1st, 1910, reached a total of $10,151,
276, compared with $6,871,764, for the
corresponding period in the preceding
nscai year, imports into the United
States from the Philippines for the
same eight months were valued at
$11420,475, compared with $7,070,122
for the same period In 1908-09.
The greater portion of the Increase
In shipments to the Philippines was in
cotton goods, although there was a
substantial increase in flour, Iron
sheets and plates, and automobiles.
The commodities shipped to the United
States that showed the greatest gains
were sugar, hemp, cocoanut meat and
The showing made for the first
seven months after the tariff duties
were removed was so satisfactory that
It is a certainty that there will be a
much greater percentage of increase
next year when trade relations under
the new regulations are more firmly
established. The great American pub
lic, which for years has paid such
enormous tribute to the sugar trust,
will hardly view with apprehension
this increase In sugar imports and we
can also use to advantage the hemp
Imports. By making this tariff con
cession to the Philippines, we have not
only opened up new markers for our
exports, but we have also given the
American consumers the advantage of
new markets in which to purchase
staple necessities.
Senator Owen's arguments for a
National health department were not
all equally valid. One of them was
that the proper prevention of disease
in the Federal Army during the CivH
War would have saved the Nation
immense sums In pensions. The truth
of the matter is that it would have
made our pension outlay heavier, for
the very plain reason that every sol
dier, sick or well, gets a pension
sooner or later If he cares to ask for
It, and the better his health the longer
he will live and the more checks he
will cash. Senator Owen did not illus
trate the logic of the Oklahoma in
tellect very brilliantly by this par
ticular argument, but his speech upon
the whole was sound and sensible.
It has often been remarked that the
Federal Government shows a queer
lack of taste in spending the vast sums
it does to protect the health of pigs
and catt,le, while it neglects human
beings, not entirely, but almost en
tirely. The necessity for a National
health bureau is so evident that It
needs very little argument to convince
any unprejudiced person that we
ought to have one. Of course this
does not imply that a new Cabinet
officer is needed. The business could
be transacted well enough by
bureau under one of the present Sec
retaries. '
The power of the states is insuf
ficient to control such diseases as yel
low fever, cholera and bubonic plague,
Nothing less than the authority of th
Federal Government, which can cross
state ' lines and co-ordinate efforts as
wide as the whole country, will suf
fice. Many diseases are propagated by
shipments In interstate commerce
The states have no authority over
these. To be sure, their police regula
tions apply after the shipments have
been delivered, but then it Is often
too late. The mischief has been, done
The entire subject of quarantine and
National prophylaxis ought to be un
der the systematic control of the Fed
eral Government and this control can
only be exercised through a depart
ment, or bureau, of health. It would
cost some money of course to carry
out Senator Owen's idea, but how
could a few millions be better spent?
The Harriman lines have awarded
a contract for 424 all-steel cars for
delivery this year. This will bring
the number of passenger cars of this
type in service on the Harriman lines
up to 925. Since the all-steel car
came Into use on the railroads, there
have been no unusually bad wrecks
in which they have figured. For that
reason it is not definitely known to
what extent they can be depended
on to protect the passengers. It has
been determined, however, that the
danger from fire which In the past
has been the worst feature of most
wrecks, has been practically el lml
nated. It will also require a much
heavier impact to crush a steel car
than was necessary to make kindling
wooer of the old-style car. As a safe
guard for the traveling public, the
all-steel car is one of . the best in
ventions in modern railroading.
The head of Mayor McCarthy's San
Francisco police commission is ac
cused of supplying protection to
gang of wire-tappers. There has been
real reform in San Francisco since
Ruef and Schmitz were in charge, or
the report Is incorrect, for it states
that Flannery, the president of the
police commission, received, but 12
per cent of the profits. It seems pre
posterous to believe that a San Fran
cisco Police Commissioner would ac
cept any such "cut'1 as that, after
Ruef and Schmitz had established
standard which had fifty per cent as
the minimum and frequently ran so
high that the promoting beneficiaries
of the graft got little more than salary
and - expenses. Mayor McCarthy
promises a searching Investigation of
the charges and assures the public
that he will do the right, thing.
The Kansas wheat crop must have
more lives than a cat, for it has been
destroyed with, great regularity on an
average of about twice a week since
the March crop report appeared.
Most of it was swept out of existence
by the blizzard early in the week, and
in consequence there was a hilarious
market Monday. Tuesday the sun
shone, and the Chicago crop-killers
restored the crop to life, and prices
went down with a rush. Wednesday
came another Winter of discontent
for the 'bears, and prices went up like
a rocket. Yesterday, Kansas must
have thought there was a chance to
get the seed back, for prices slumped
One of the Interesting facts about
Evangelist Oliver is his Intimacy with
the personage whom . he calls "the
devil." It has been noticed that he
refers to this individual in his ser
mons many times to one mention of the
Lord. This looks singular In a
preacher of the gospel, but it seems
to account pretty well for Oliver's
personal character and also for the
language he uses In the pulpit. Evil
communications corrupt good man
ners, according to the Bible, a book
which It were much t be wished that
Brother Oliver would occasionally
look Into for the good of his soul.
The sweeping measure proposed for
renaming and renumbering the streets
of Portland has passed to a quiet
bourn, where it Is hoped it will
slumber indefinitely. It is not at all
probable that It will be resuscitated
and presented for public favor In its
present form. The names of some of
the older streets stand for more than
the simple designation of thorough
fares; they stand for the history of
Portland In its beginnings.
After thirty-seven years of connubial
complications, more or less blissful.
a Portland woman Is suing another
for $25,000 for alienation of her hus
band's affection. That valuation
should make the base villain swell
with pride.
In the good time " coming by and
by, every crossroad In Oregon will
be a county seat. Oregon is an old
bird that needs carving.
The French government thought It
had to protect the Colonel from an
archists, but It might .have spared It
self the trouble.
It would seem that a Tiersnn nmrhi
to get Just as fighting mad on this
uL-caoiuii a on any otner, ior not be
ing counted.
Governor Hughes would rather be
Supreme Justice In Washington than
Animated Feather Duster in New
We suppose strawberry boxes this
year will be the same size, although
the bottom may be higher up.
Possibly it is time to cut out cele
brating the Fourth since Daniel Mc
Allen thinks he is getting old.
This fine weather Is preparing
things for the Festival rosebuds and
the June brides.
The comet has a tail 15,000.000
mHes long. No wonder It takes a long
while to get here.
All who survive the coming Fourth
will appreciate the sane celebrations
that follow.
Those were insurgent elephants at
Danville, the home of Uncle Joe.
Ruth, "believes In the Bryan family
Protective Duties Treat That Part of
Country Better Than Any Other.
Washington Star.
Representative McKlnley, of Califor
nia, who has Just returned from a long
trip, is quoted as saying that only In
the South did he find "the people
satisfied with the new tariff law."
Well, the people of that section
should be satisfied. The new law Is
good to them. Their Industries are
all well protected, and, what Is more,
the favorable schedules were supported
by their Senators and Representatives.
It is true that after the bill was com
pleted with their aid. all of them,
with but a few exceptions, voted no
on the final' roll call. But that was
politics. They felt sure of the pas
sage, of the measure, and that if It
justified itself, the South, "with the
rest of the country, would profit. Their
opposition at the end was largely a
flourish, as they were associated with
some of the most pronouncedly pro
tective features of the bill.
This same thing, by the way, hap
pened 20 years ago. The McKlnley
bill was very kind to the South, tak
ing care of her raw materials and man
ufactures, and encouraging especially
her cotton spinners and sugar planters.
Other sections complained of the bill.
but the South had no quarrel.
At the polls, shortly after its pas
sage, the McKlnley law was over
whelmlngly condemned. The nex
.House had a Iemocratlc majority so
large it was unwieldy. And the South
swelled the size. Her Senators and
Representatives had helped to shape
the bill in those features In which she
was directly Interested, but, to save
their faces, had voted no on the final
roll call. So that at the polls In No
vember . that year the South voted
against the law which was carrying
benefit to all of her Industries.
We shall see the South next Novem
ber vote against the Payne law, and
In favor of a tariff for revenue only.
The popularity of the law which Mr.
McKlnley favored and remarks upon
Is no assurance of support at the poll
in the contest between the two par
ties. In all such contests, regardless
of the Issue or Issues, the South, be
low the border states, Is solidly Demo
cratic. The party label alone carries
the ticket and the platform.
Demand Is Large and Supply Will Not
Have Big Increase.
Dayton (Wash.) Chronicle.
Because so many thousand apple trees
are being set out in the West, many peo
ple predict that the time will come when
there will be no market for them. This
is a logical prediction at first thought, but
experience teaches that this is a mis
taken Idea.
In the first place, there are not too
many apples grown now to supply the
demand. Secondly, you may count on a
least that half the Orchards being set out
will never come to maturity, because it Is
only a fad with some people and a specu
lation with others, who, when they find
that they can not double on their invest
ment In a year, will let the trees die and
fade away for want of care. The great
est evidence that there will never be too
many apples raised is found in the fact
that every portion of the United States
Is not going to raise apples every year.
Frosts will sometimes visit the Eastern,
Southern and Middle Western states, as
it has this season. Another year the
Western states will be stricken and so It
will be from year to year. The fruit crop
Is not a sure crop In any state every year.
This can be counted upon absolutely.
So taking into account all the mishaps
that may befall the fruit crop there Is no
immediate or future danger of an over
production of good Winter apples.
Another thing that should encourage
the Western grower to set out orchards is
the fact that many Eastern orchards are
old and worn out and are being de
stroyed. Set out all the apple trees that you
can possibly. The West will have more
fruit crops to sell than any other portion
of the United States, and you can de
pend upon it.
The Pinchot Conspiracy
Roseburg Leader.
It Is being developed through the
Bollinger-Pinchot Investigation, which
Is now drawing to the end of a long
and tedious examination, that from the
beginning the matter commenced on
the part of Pinchot and his army of for
estry officials with a preconcerted plan
to down the Secretary of the Interior.
All the charges against Secretary Bal-
linger were manufactured to this end,
and every one In a subordinate position
that could be used from Glavla down to
Jones was brought In to use with the
hope that a showing could be made that
would reflect detrimentally to the char
acter of that member of the President's
Cabinet who opposed Plnchot's usurpa
tions of law, and mismanagement of
public funds. This is the startling ad
mission of one. of the witnesses under
late cross-examination, and It Is further
proof of what an unscrupulous neat of
plotters the Plnchot-Cabal must have
been from top to bottom.
A Census Question.
Columbus Dispatch.
Here is a sample of one of the tests
given to me men wno iook tne exami
nation to be census enumerators. The
test is not exactly as It appears on the
question sheets, but Is given from the
memory of one of the men who took
the examination:
Sarah oreen and Jim Brown were
married in London, England. They lived
there four years, one child was born to
them, then they emigrated to the United
btaies. a cniia was Dorn to them on
the ocean. They lived In New York for
nine years, during which time three
more children were born. Then they
moved to Ohio and another child was
born. Then Sarah and Jim disagreed
and were divorced, and Sarah married
another man and a child was born to
the new union. Jim meantime was
The problem was to place the various
facts on the enumeration blank as they
should appear when the census Is taken.
Explaining; the Cause.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
There were Introductions all around.
The big man stared in a puzzled way
at the club guest.
'You look like a man I've seen
somewhere, Mr. Blinker," he said. "Your
face seems very familiar. I fancy you
have a double. And a funny thing about
it Is that I remember I formed a strong
prejudice against the man who looks
like you although I'm quite sure we
never met."
The little guest softly laughed.
"I'm the man," he answered, "and I
know why you formed the prejudice. I
passed the contribution plate for two
years In the church you attended."
We Turn the Other Cheek.
From a Report of Evangelist Oliver's
Address, Medford, April 26.
The best indorsement I have had since
came to Oregon is the opposition of The
Oregonlan. I would not consider myself
a decent gentleman if that paper Indorsed
me or my work. The Oregonlan Is the
dirtiest, rottenest, degenerated type of
ellow Journalism in America today. Some
years ago Charles Sheldon tnied to op
erate the Topeka Capitol as Christ would
run it. The paper was a success. If you
should take a copy of The Oregonlan to
the devil and ask him for any sugges
tions in order that it might be made to
suit . him. he would doubtless answer:
Boys. It beats me; I have no suggestion
to offer. It is my official organ."
Conservation Disuse Has No Justification, and Fears of Fuel Exhanstlon Are
Result of Senseless Hysteria Besides, There Are Other Sources of
Energy Alfred H. Brooks, Long Time Expert of Geological Survey,
Gives Testimony Before Balllnger Committee.
Stenographic Report. April 8, 1910.
Mr. Brooks We have in the United
States, according to. the most recent
estimates, an area of 509,000 square
miles of coal fields. In England that
Is. In the United Kingdom there are
12.000 square miles of coal fields.
Mr. Graham Have you figures show
ing how much of that is worked and
how much is not worked out?
Mr. Brooks I can express that In
tonnage; that is. of the total tonnage
1 four-tenths of 1 per cent of our
has been worked out. And in Eng
land it is somewhat less than that; a
smaller percentage of the tonnage has
been worked out. I would not want to
give the exact figures as to that.
Mr. Graham Do I understand you to
mean that less than four-tenths of 1
per cent of the coal in Great Britain
nas been worked out?
Mr. Brooks Yes, sir.
Mr. Graham Ninety-nine and six
tenths remain in the ground'
Mr. Brooks Yes. sir; remain in the
ground; that is. approximately. I have
not got the exact figures.
Senator Sutherland Is that in Eng-
w. umitru estates 7
Mr. Brooks That in In rD-i,.j t-u
have 12.000 square miles of coal. It to take the present consumption, and
might be of interest to state that we tne other 18 take tne increase in con
have about 60 to 70 per cent of the sumPtIor- The present rate of Increase
known coal of the world. I ,n consumption that has been figured
Mr. McCall Does that i, i
than 100 square miles of the English
coal has been worked out If they have
12.000 square miles and only four
tenths of 1 per cent worked out?
Mr. Brooks In mining coal, of course,
you start -with the most accessible
seam, and In England the tonnage per
acre is very large Indeed, so that It
will be impossible, I think, to work out
the exhaustion per acre, because they
would start on the most accessible seam
and go down and work there. They
are working now, I think, to a depth
of, perhaps. 8000 feet or more.
Mr. Madison Can you give us any
Idea as to the percentage of the ac
cessible coal, the available coal, that
has been worked out in England?
Mr. Brooks The figures I am giving
you Include the coal which was re
garded as available by the royal com
mission which investigated that sub
ject about four or five years ago.
Senator Sutherland If f understood
you correctly, you said after this in
vestigation of the royal commission
that the English policy with reference
to broadening Its markets was
Mr. Brooks They had at that time
an export tax of 1 shilling a ton,
which, I think, was put on at the time
of the Boer war, and I think one of the
purposes of the Investigation of the
coal supply was to determine whether
they were Justified In removing that
export tax; and after going into the
matter carefully they took off the ex
port tax. and, of course. In that way It
increased their exports very materially.
I think, my recollection is, that about
20 per cent of the coal production of
England Is exported.
Senator Sutherlandy-I snderstood you
to say that while we had SO or 70 per
cent of the world's supply in this coun
try that Great Britain had only 1 or 2
per cent.
Mr. Brooks I have not figured that
out. but the total of Europe the area
Is about 4 per cent and the tonnage
about 6 per cent.
Senator Sutherland Now, can you
give us any Idea as to the relative ton
nage extracted In Great Britain as com
pared with this country?
Mr. Brooks The percentage; well. I
think it. is about the ratio of 6 to 10,
ours being 6 and Great Britain 10.
Senator Sutherland That is, for
every 6 tons we extract Great Britain
Is extracting 10 tons?
Mr. Brooks Yes, sir; has extracted.
Senator Sutherland That has been
the case?
Mr. Brooks Yes, sir. Of course,
our production now, I think, is some
thing like nearly double that of Great
Britain, but I cannot recall the exact
Senator Sutherland Notwithstanding
the fact that Great Britain has been
working these mines and extracting
the coal for hundreds of years. It has
only succeeded In using about four
tenths of 1 per cent of the entire sup
ply? Mr. Brooks That is true.
Mr. Madison Is It not generally re
garded as one of the economic ques
tions to-be faced in Great Britain In
the future; that is. this question of
the coal supply, and that they. really
regard it at the present time, notwith
standing they have only exhausted
four-tenths of 1 per cent taking your
figures to be true as a very serious
economic question?
Mr. Brooks I think that is borne
out by the facts that they have had
two commissions within SO years to go
Into that subject exhaustively, and of
course the future of Great Britain as
manufacturing center depends, and
her export trade depends, on her coal.
If she did not have the coal, sue could
not manufacture, and If she was not
exporting coal, she probably could not
keen up her snipping.
Mr. Madison And nave mey not. as
a matter of fact, come to the con
elusion that they now face a serious
question, a serious situation I mean,
on account of the fact that they must
now ro to such great depths for their
coal, and that the difficulty In getting
it and the cost of It when obtained is
such that they feel that the economic
situation Is very serious? Now, I Just
ask you if that is not true?
Mr. Brooks if tney nan thougnt
there was any reason for holding their
ooal and keeping It at home they prob
ably would not have repealed that ex
port tax. That export tax undoubtedly
decreased the exportation of coal, and
if they thought that there was not
enough for their own use for the lm
medlate future, or that coal was going
to Increase In price very much, it seems
to me that they would not have re
pealed that tax.
Mr. Denby Did they discuss that
specific point In their report? -
Mr. Brooks Yes, sir; to a certain
extent; that 4s, It Is Included In the
evidence I think In the summary. They
did not dwell on that so very much.
As I stated yesterday, they appeared
to have been very chary that is, the
second commission about making any
statements. ' The first commission of
1872 gave definite figures of. I think.
from two to perhaps 700 years as the
time which the coal would last.
Mr. Madison From 200 to 700 years?
Mr. Brooks I think that is it, as I
recall It, but the second commission
discussed all of the evidence and finally
said that they could not decide how
long the coal would last.
Mr. Madison Lia tney give a guess
at It?
Mr. Brooks No, sir.
Mr. Madison They did not make any
Mr. Brooks They went into an elab
orate argument as to probable popula
tion, and they said something about
per capita consumption, but they were
apparently a little bit doubtful about
the matter, because tne previous com
mission had made an estimate as to
what the per capita consumption would
be, and it was round that they had
overestimated It; that the per capita
consumption was less In 1903 than it
would have been estimated for by the
commission of 1873: so it looked as If
the per capita consumption might be
on the decline, which would of course
have upset most of their figures.
Mr. Madison I understand you to
say that the accessible coal In this
country and Alaska is- sufficient to
furnish this country with all Its needs
at the present rate of consumption for
a period of approximately 6000 years.
Mr. Brooks I made that statement
In reply to a question as to how long
our coal would last at the present rate
of consumption.
Mr. Madison That is, accessible
Mr. Brooks That is accessible; yes,
Mr. Madison Then you mean to have
us1 draw the conclusion from that and
but of necessltV that is the natural
conclusion from the bald statement
that the conservation of coal in this
country Is at the present time a pure
myth; that we are not at all at the
present time face to face with It, nor
could we think of It for 2000 or 8000
years at the present rate of consump
tion. Now, do you want us to under
stand that, and that you do regard the
question Of the conservation of the
coal In this country as not at all a
serious question?
Mr. Brooks There are two ways of
getting at the coal; estimating the
,-coal consumption of the future. One Is
out Is that our coal would 'be ex
haused in the matter of a century or
two; I do not remember the exact fig
ures. Now, somewhere between those
two extremes lies the truth that is,
between this 5000-year period and thl
200 period.
Senator Sutherland If you kept on
doubling up the consumption of coal,
as Indicated by the present rate of
consumption, of course you would soon
reach a point where your figures would
indicate more than possibly could be
consumed In the United States.
Mr. Brooks As a matter of fact,
that leaves out to make that Involved
statement leaves out one very Import
ant element Indeed, and that is that
we are improving our methods of con
sumption, the technology of the use
of coal by which we get more out of
a ton of coal than we ever did before.
That is an unknown factor In this, but,
of course. It Is a very Important one,
so that 'that should also be taken into
account. Moreover, there are other
sources of energy besides the coal.
Senator Sutherland What I was go
ing to say was that we are all the
time developing and making use of
substitutes for coal, as, for instance,
the water power.
Mr. Brooks Yes, sir.
Senator Sutherland Making experi
ments in the direction of utilizing the
energy of the tides, are we not?
Mr. Brooks Yes. sir.
Senator Sutherland And making
some headway In that direction?
Mr. Brooks I do not know; I am
not familiar with that. I presume so.
Senator Sutherland I understand
that there are some experiments of
that kind that are proving fairly suc
cessful; at any rate, so far as the de
velopment along that line extends
Mr. Brooks May ' I propose
Senator Sutherland (continuing)
They would tend to conserve the coal
supply, would they not?
Mr. Brooks They certainly would,
and then with the increased cost of
coal of course the price goes up and
that always tends toward economy.
That apparently is the "condition we
have in England, that the price of coal
has gone up, so that people do not use
as much of It; they are more economi
cal. There are so many unknown fac
tors in the problem. I think the Rofral
Commission of England did pretty well
whei they decided they would not
make any statement at all as to how
long the coal would last.
Mr. Denby I would like to as
whether you, yourself, as a scientific
Investigator, studying the conditions as
you see them, find any cause for alarm
as to the diminishing of the coal sup
ply of the United States under present
or prospective future conditions?
Mr. Brooks I would say as to that
that I think the alarm has been very
much exaggerated, because I believe
that with the improvements in the
method of utilizing coal, that we can
get so much more out of our coal that
It will last a great deal longer, even
with our Increased population and In
creased Industries; and then there are
these other possible sources' of power.
Of course we have water power, and
we have the tide, and we have the
sun, and we have the wind. Now,
there might be some way beyond any
thing we are considering now. But
we are talking about something in the
future. In the centuries to come. If
those other sources of power are util
ized, we can save on our coal.
Senator Sutherland Then in the
course of a few mqre centuries we may
discover the secret of gravitation, and
be able to utilize that energy.
Keeping; the Mobs Busy.
Chicago Record-Herald.
Weddings of heiresses In New York
and streetcar strikes In Philadelphia
keep the mobs busy.
Copenhagen Examines
Roosevelt's Records
The Japanese Schoolboy tells
all about it in his own artless way.
Togograms from T. R. (sent in ad
vance of the events) for next Sun
day deal with receptions in Nor
way, Sweden and Denmark.
Harvesters of the
Oregon Wool Crop
Experts with hand shears and
machine clippers, who travel from
Texas to Canada every season.
Men Who "Run"
the President
Side lights on several unpromi
nent folk who live close to Taft,
direct his movements and serve
When Jeffries Fought
Tom Sharkey.
The winner 's version of a rdugh-and-tumble
fight with the sailor;
how Fitzsimmons was tricked into
a contest for the -world's cham