Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 28, 1910, Page 20, Image 20

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"WANTED Mill tallyman, city, $3; car tal
lymen, city, $2.75.
(irader on sorting tallies. (3.
Gang edgerman. $4; carriage riders,
$ 2. 7 5 : planer feeders. $2.00 and $2.75.
Millwrights, $4; rough carpenters, $3.
Main office. 12 N. 2d st.
"WANTED AT ONCE by large wholesale
house. younK man 18 to 20 yars of ape.
with high school education: must be will
ing to work. Good" oppottunltv for the
m right party. AC 906. (jngontan.
GENERA L merchandise and dry goods
salesmen for country.
Stenographer-bookkeeper for city.
4Q7-S-0 Commercial Club Bldg.
WANTED Ratchet setter for small mill;
must be first class ; top wages. Apply be
tween 12 and 1 today. 4u2 Lumbermans
EXPERIENCED presser for ladies' gar
ments; must be competent ; no others
need apply. H. B. Lilt, 351 Washington.
ICoO MKN to know of the grand variety of
Spring and Bummer sample suits. $;(5 to
$4n values. $18.75; $25 to $30 values, $14.75;
$18 to $22.59 values. $12.75. Knew Sample
Suit Shop, 315 Oregon! an bldg.
GOOD man for retail city wagon route; teas
coffees, spices, etc; route partially es
tablished; good pay to right party; state
reference, experience and phone number.
D It OS. Oregon i an.
"WANTED, at once, competent bookkeeper,
about 3i yearn of age; onf who has had
. or more years' experience in a larg
w holesale house; state salary expected. S
92P, Oregonian.
WANTED Young man of ability to net as
salesman and learn- real estate business.
Experience unnecessary ; no money re
quired. Call this morning before 10
o'clork. 404 Couch bldg.
WANTED Two live men to do business
among the best people In the city ; sal
ary to start $1 per week Call 40 Orego
nian bldg., before 9 A. M. and bet. 4 and
5 P. M.
"YOUNG man to invest $50 where experi
ence is unnecessary; best money maker on
Coast ; Investigate at once. Call 10 A. M.
or 3 P. M., Room 19, Hotel Savon. 12a
Itth st.
WANTED Young man as bell boy. Apply
to Commercial Club. 0th and Oak sts.,
superintendent's office, between 10 and,
11 A. M.
PHYSICIAN wanted as a-s1stant in doctor's
office; good sttjary, steady employment for
man registered In Oregon. Address J 012.
WE aid our members to secure employment
Constant demand for young men of ability
and Integrity. Special employment mem
berahlp. Y. M. C A.
WANTED Young man for shipping cr
and clerical work in warehouse or" larye
electrical concern ; state experience. S
023. Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER We want live, capable man
that can think and we will pay the price.
Don't answer unless you are tirst class and
can show us. X 023, Oregonian .
WANTED Young man with $200 cash aa
partner to show property and work in
office, owner is tired of hired help. 242
Fifth st.
$5o a week salary, to handle the most at
tractive stock proposition on the market. J.
H. Ormaby, Fay blcg.. Los Angeles. Cal.
IF you are not making $2i0 a month and
you have any ability as a salesman, call
at 219-229 Commercial Club bldg.. corner
5th and Oak.
CASH store Owner wants- reliable partner to
wait on custom ere; must be satisfied with
$25 a week from start; $25o required. Call
417 Board of Trade.
BoYS wit h wheel to deliver jiackage after
school and Saturdays. Ak for Mr. Feller
man at McAllen fc McDonnell's, 3d and
Morrison sts.
WANTED Sash and door packers, yard
men and mil linen for Rainier, Or. Ap
ply W. P. Fuller & Co., 12th and Davis
WANTED Five flrst-clas-. clothing salesmen
with knowledge of tailoring ; steady posi
tion and highest salary to experienced men
The Paris! a n Tat In ra. 84 3d st .
YOUNG MEN wanted to prepare for railway
mail clerks, postoffice clerks, carriers, etc
Write or call for Book 30, it's free. Paciflo
States School. McKay Bldg., Portland. Or.
FIN E opening for young man. experience
unnecessary ; small capital required. Call
afternoon. 3 2fl1a Washington St., room 4 17.
WANTED Men who have had experience in
industrial life insurance Call at 219-220
Commercial Club bldg. cor 5th and Oak.
LOCAL manager for large manufacturing cor
poration; exclusive contract to capable man
W. F. A. Co.. 1605 Oough St.. San Francisco."
YOUNG MAN stenographer; lumber ex
perience preferred; situated near city. M
914. Oregonian.
WANTED Fifty good laborers; wages $2.25
per da v. Apply Eaft Yamhill and 37 th
sts. Jas. H. O'Brien.
WANTED Laborers on concrete work, 25o
per hour. Atfply on waterfront at foot
East Lincoln st.. p. R. jJm & p. Co.
FRES8ERS First-class men want-ad at
once. Olds. Wortman & King.
WANTED Man for milk business; will pay
you good wages; small capital. Call SOo'a
Washington St.. Room 24.
WA NTED A coat maker, pants and vest
man. also a bushelman. Club Tailors,
Kelso. Wash.
and teams to plow land 12 miles from
City Hall. Apply 244 Stark st. Main
16 TO $35 week, few months only learning;
eit nations guaranteed. Watchraaking-Ea-
graving School, box 182. Ashland. Or.
WANTED First-class furniture polisher
and finisher. Apply J. G. Mack & Co.,
Sth and Stark sts.
Pt LlCITORS No du. best sweeping com
pound; hou2ehold necessity: sells on sight
233 Market st. Phone Main 1264.
WANTED Sailors for Europe. Australia
and South Africa. Inquire Sailors' Home
or. 2d and Ullsam sts.
WA NTED Experienced waiter to go to
Rend. Oregon; fare paid. Pacific Employ
ment Co., 12 N. 2d st.
TWO ranch hands, husky, temperate good
milkers. See Chapman. 382 Chamber of
ROUGH CARPENTERS wanted bv the
month. Apply Friday and Saturday aftar-
noon. Merrill. 7th and Oak sts.
WA NTED Young man to work In grocery
store and drive delivery wagon. 25th and
Thurman st.
WANTED Reliable man. used to farm pro
duce: pay $25 week; small investment re
t quired. Particulars 248 . Stark st.
WANTED Neat appearing bright hov, with
wheel, for delivery. Purity Cream Co.,
270 H 3d st-
WANTED Man to take contract for clear
ing laid at coast resort. Mc Adams 2
Lumbermen's building.
WILL let contract to clear 5 or 10 acres of
land 12 mi lew from Portland. Call 221
Morrison st.. room ft.
PRESSMAN or feeder on platen presses,
non-union. Room 12 Mulkey bldg., Sec-
ond and Morrison.
ARCHITECTURAL draughtsmen wanted;
experienced men. only. 606 Concord bldg
W A VTKD TTM rat win mm t
" , . , auu u renin :
maker. Address with references, stating '
wages desired. L. B. 626, Roseburg, Or
WANTED Assistant lco cream maker for
city. Address, st&tLng experience, Y 020,
YOUNG- man with little electrical knowledge
can get little work with me every week.
r 322 Henry bldg.
FIRST-CLASS sash and door machine man
also a good stock cutter. Oregon Plan
Ing Mills-
WANTED Several good cabinetmakers. Ap
ply Oregon Furniture Manufacturing Co.,
Macadam road.
WANTED Experienced combination shirt
machine operator; good position. Elliott
Bay Laundry. Seattle. AVash.
WANTED Window demonstrator to dem
onstrate pew fftyle safety razor. Apply
The Owl Drug Co. "
WANTED Live talesmen to sell investment
bonds; big commissions. Strong Com
pany. 910-911 Lewis bldg.
WANTED Young man about 18 vears of
are. Mt. Hood Shirt A Overall Factory,
2d and Couch.
TAILOR lor alteration on men's clothing;
steady place. Call on J. L. Bowman &
Co.. and Alder st.
WANTED Boy at Standard Factory No. 2,
Grand ave. and East Taylor st.
BOY wanted, to learn automobile painting.
N. P. Paint Shop. 4th and Hoyt.
CARRIAGE and automobile painter. N. p.
Paint Shop. 4th and Hoyt.
iiOY with wheel. Nau's Pharmacy, Portland
WANT laborer at 11th and Hall St., at new
building. G. H. Dammler.
WANTED A bottler, at Mt. Hood Soda
Works, flr.ft 2nd st. .
WANTED Boy to drive grocery wagon ;
must furnish rfrences. 14 Srd st.
20 North Second St., Portland, Or.
424 Front ave., Spokane, Wash.
87-SJ Fourth st., San Francisco, CaL
Established 1876.
Agents for
The I'tah Construction Co
Lrickson & petterson.
Twohy Eros. Company
Uacific Contract & Con. Co
Portland Bridge & Building Co.
O. R. & n. and S. p. R. R. Cos.
Pacific Coast Con. Co.
C. A. Smith Lumber Co.
Booth-KeUy Lumber Co.
-And other large employers.
Ship call.
Free fare
To Eastern and Southern Oregon and
California for R. R. construction laborers.
Work guaranteed. Transportation supplied.
A general male and lemaie employment
business transacted-
SQ North 2d fit.
How long would it take you
to put a keen edge on your
knife with a sponge? Now. how
long will it take you to become
wealthy In that "soft Job"?
If you put an edge on your
knife, you do it with a grind
stone it takes grit to mane the
"Keen Edged" tool.
Now, if you expect to get
ahead in the world, you must
have grit sufficient to do big
things. Get Out of the rut:
. Lead the procession!
You can find the KEEN
EDGED proposition with good
commissions at
Largest rea Uy operators on the
Pacific Coast.
146 5th St.. Portland.
Call for Mr. Webb.
1O00 white laborers for surfacing and
general railroad construction work. Wages
$3.85 per day. Fare from Seattle to the
work $15. Weekly shipments begin about
May 16.
M. J. HEX BY, Pier 2, Seattle, Wash.
HIGHLY remunerative position for a hust
ler who Is willing to learn a system we are
now installing that has sold millions of
dollars' worth of property in the East,
and which will pay several hundred dol
lars a month to salesmen while learning.
Spiendid opportunity for advancement.
Stop drifting; get in a business with a
future. Call this morning before 10
o'clock. 4Q4 Couch bldg.
WANTED Ahie-boJIea men for the V. S- Ma
rine Corps, between the ages of 19 and 35.
Must be native born or have first papers.
Monthly ptty $15 to $69. Additional compensa
tion possible. Food, clothing, quarters and
medical attendance free. After 30 years' serv
ice can rat ire with 76 per cent of pay and al
lowances. Service on ooard ship and ashore
In all parts of the world. Apply at Breeden
bldg.. 3d and Washington stK. . Portland. Or.
WE can use 15 first-class salesmen to call
on department and general store trade
in Washington, Oreg on,' California, Idaho,
Montana, Wyoming and Utah, with a line
of high-grade advertising specialties. Do
not reply unless you are a live wire, with
ciean record. Commission basis, travel
ing expenses advanced. C. F. Morphew,
425-426 Hutton blk., Spokane, Wash.
EVERY oung- man seeking employment or
desiring to better his condition, should
take advantage of the special employ
ment membership, and g-&t in quick touch
with the advisory and employment sec
retary of the Y. M C. A. Strangers our
specialty. Good fellowship, good advice,
good position awaits you
MEN wanted for firemen and brakemen on
nearby railroads; age IS to 35; experience
unnecessary; no strike, permanent employ
ment; firemen $100 monthly; brake
men $75; promotion to engineers, con
ductors; 400 men sent to positions monthly,
state age; send stamps. Railway Asso-
elation, care Oregonian
BA RBERS and apprentices In Oregon, are
hereby notified that their annual cards ex
pire April 30. The Board of Examiners
will be in session May 2, 3 and 4, at
167H First st., this city, for the purpose
of renewing said cards. Please give this
your prompt attention. T. M. Leabo,
SALESMEN WANTED A few high-class
real estate salesmen wanted for GOING
STREET ADDITION; tract will be opened
for sale Saturday. April ;iO; we have an
A-l proposition for good "closers."
ft 20 Chamber of Commerce.
SALESMEN To handle attractive lota o
small monthly payments in cheapest, best
and easiest-selling addition in Portland
Names of prospective buyers furnished.
Good commission, better than salary to live
man. 315 Couch bldg.. 4th at., near Wash
ington. 1 0 ,000 POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men and women to learn barber trade in
8 weeks, bolp to secure promotion; gradu
ates earn from $15 to (25 weekly; expert
Instructors; tools free; write for cata
logues. Mohler System of Colleges. 35
North 4th st.. Portland. Or.
WANTED Salesmen who are hustlers and
can sell; no dead ones need apply. We have
good territory and proposition, for the right
parties. We furnish outfit free and pay
cash weekly. Write us. ALBANY NUR
6ERIE3. INC.. Albany. Oregon.
competent salesmen for their hoys' cloth
ing department; also a young man to
print cards; must understand tvpe set
ting. Apply to the supt., on 6th floor
Annex. 8 A. M.
WIDEAWAKE, steady man wanted; will
pay you $125 monthly, clear; short hours,
clean work, easy to learn, experience
not necessary, only requires an invest
ment or $175. Call 326 t Washington
st.. Room 314.
WAXTE IV A first-class grocery clerk; roust
be a good solicitor; none other need apply;
good wages to right party; young mao pre
ferred, about 25 years" of age ; stead y, posi
tion. Write at once. The James Peterson Co..
Seaside. Or.
GOOD, strong boy; neat and clean, to run
errands. Clarke-Woodward Drug Co.. 6th
and Ho3't. See Mr. Tlia ye r.
GIRL for general housework, $5 per week
t00 13th st.
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
good wages. 7O0 Kearney st.
WANTED Girl for general housework. 560
Hoyt st.
JAPANESE girl for general housework.
Phone Main 4199.
FIRST-CLASS lroners wanted at State
Laundry, 395 Broadway; good wages.
WANTED A first-class waitress; steady
work. 173 X. 6th.
WANTED Girl for housework, 8:30 to 2;30.
302 Jackson st. Phone Main 67SU.
WANTED Girl for treneral housework. ft09
Holly Bt., Ladd Addition. Phone East 1557.
MIDDLE-AGED woman to assist in house
work. Apply 500 Couch at.
WANTED Olrl for housework. 241 N. 22d
street. '
FIRST CLASS Jacket hands. Women's sam
ple cloaks and stilts. 134 6th st., cor Alder.
RELIABLE girl for light housework; no
cooking. 4:i 7th. ;
PASTRY cook fon Portland Delicatessen.
18H ThinL
TEA CH ER S for mission school. Apply 2064
Second gt., 7 o'clock P. M.
GIRL wanted for general housework; 3 In
family; $25 per month. Phone East 5312.
EXPERIENCED skirt hands wanted at the
Portland "Outfitting Co.. 195 3d st.
WANTED Experienced operators us ovmr-
siis mIs' earr-r 75 Igt sa.
A GIRL to cook and do general housework.
Apply 215 J"Tti St.
LADY wanted. 3 hours afternoons. T 924,
Oregonian or C 24."4, mornings.
LESSONS In Shorthand and Typewriting by
expert. $5 a month. 26 14th. Main 3S93.
GIRL for general house work. Call In after
noon, iuj. n;iifin, ntjg.1- ihii.
GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory
No. 2. Grand ave. and East Taylor.
WANTED Girl for general housework! 655
Hoyt si
GIRL for general housework. 60S Love
joy. Call after 32.
GOOD millinery makers wanted. Apply Lowen
gart & Co.
GIRL to asslft with housework In family of
two. 24S N. 2 Oth st.
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
family of 3. 607 Flanders st.
GI HL General housework, family 3. Ap
ply mornings. 663, Johnson st.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework:
five adults: $25. Phone Sellwood 816.
OTRL wanted for housework. 307 Grant a t .
LADY barber wanted at 112 4th st.
MANICURIST wanted. 112 4th st! "
COOK Country hotel, $40; chambermaid.
$4o, $Uo and $20; family laundress, 30;res
taurant waitress. $y week; hotel waitress
(out of city). $:t5; second girl. 30; fam
ily places, 435, ,$0 and $25; housekeeper,
34 5 Wash. St.. Room 7.
WANTED Two w:u tresses for country
hotels; $30; fare paid.
Lades' Dept., JOo Morrison.
WANTED Hand lroners, machine operators
and girls to learn marking and sorting;
only those wishing steady employment
need apply. Yale Laundry, 500 "East
Morrison st.
FAMILY of 2. who keep second girl, want
young woman for general housework, prin
cipally uooking; mut be thoroughly experi
enced. Wages $35. References. Telephone
A 5256. .
CAPABLE girl or woman wanted for cook
ing and general housework, working
housekeeper preferred; good wages. For
full particulars phone Main 5671 or call
V0 Flanders st.
WANTED First-class operators for ladies'
skirts. H ighest wages. Take elevator.
63 5th st.. cor. Pine.
GIRL to a ssi fit general housework; 2 in
family; $15 montn. 5 7S E. 2L'd North ;
take Broadway or Alameda Park car to
Knott st.
SALESWOMEN First-class, in a number
of our departments.
MARRIED lady, without children, can have
3 furnished housekeeping rooms for ear
ing for rooming-house. Apply 364 North
26th. "W" car to 26th, block north.
EXPERIENCED, girl, general housework,
good wages; only experienced help need
apply. Mrs. C. D. Brunn, 53 Ella St.,
room 4QS. -
WA NTED Refined, motherly woman, some
experience sickness ; light work ; good,
permanent place; give telephone. T 921,
Oregonian. '
WA NTED Girl for second work and care
infant. German or Scandinavian preferred.
Call 726 Northrup st. Telephone Main 2440,
A 5728
WA NTED Experienced lady presser, at
Willamette Dye Works, 266 3d st. Main
HATS, trimmings, coloring. remodeling,
low prices, etc.; try 227 Wash. cor.
Second, room 27. Bring any old material.
COMPETENT glr! for general housework
and cooking, familv of 2; modern fiat.
Call 27Va East Ankeny, cor. 3Qth.
4 LADIES for shooting galleries; married pre
ferred, between 20 and 35 years; good wages.
Apply at 40 3d st.
GIRL or woman for general housework;
family three; good wages ; Broadway car.
4 S3 E. L'Oth North.
WANTED At once, operators for ladies'
neckwear; highest wages. Western Ruch
ing & Mfg. Co.. 63 5th, cor. Pine stu
WANTED fikirt and waist helpers at 4 03
Jefferson St.; permanent place to good
GIRLS over 16 to work In bag factory.
Apply Ames, Harris, Neville Co., 5th and
COMPETENT second girl wanted ; good
wages; four in family. Phone Marshall
129. S19 Johnson st.
WANT ED Good pastry cook and bread
maker for delicatessen r must go home
nights. Apply 317 Russell st.
WANTED Girl for cook and general house
work; wages $30 per month. Inquire 693
Wasco si.
WA NTED 6 young ladles to learn fancy
toe dancing. Call at once. V0 10th St.,
near Stark.
WANTED A good cook, good wages, small
family, references required. 205 West
Park st.
32UH Washington St.. Room 3"7.
Main 8S36 or A 3266.
643 Washington SC.. Cor. 7th. Upstair,
Phone Main 2093.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for r
sponelble position. Ylavt Co., 009 Rottt
rhlM hlcig. 4th and Washington,
WA NTED Experienced finishers on coats.
213 Wash, st., upstairs. Public Market.
Apply tailor shop.
GOOD cook and assist general housework;
good wages, small family. Main 2231,
morning and evening.
WANTED Girl or woman, cooking, and
genera! housework; family of three;
wages $25. B 1634. Tabor 1768.
WANTED Girl for general housework; no
children; good wages. 381 lOth, cor. Mont
gomery. WANTED Women and girls to work on
shirts and overalls. Mt. Hood Factory,
233 Couch st.
WANTED Thoroughly experienced cham
bermaid. Call room 306, Seward Hotel.
10 to 12.
MIDDLE-AGED woman to cook on farm
near th3 city: references required. Room
1'06 Board of Trade bldg.
WANT a good, steady lady, willing to milk
one cow and help in house, in suburbs,
on carline. Call 450 11th. up stairs.
WANTED First-class drawer-in and gen
eral mill help. Multnomah Mohair Mills.
EXPERIENCED cook, good wages, small
family. Phono Main 6428. 113 N. 20th at.
cor. GUsan
WANTED -Girl in lunchroom from 12 till
2. except Sundays. Apply Haines, Second
' and Alder.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework;
wages $35. Phone A 2420. 1131 Franklin
n.. Willamette Heights.
WANTED Experienced mangle girls, both
feeders and folders. Also body ironer.
Pacific Laundry Co., cor 1st and Arthur.
GOOD millinery makers. Applv Lowengart
& Co.
WANTED Dressmaker for about a week.
Call phone East 3012. '
WANTED Whito laundress, take washing
home. Call before noon. 1S8 West Park.
WANTED Man and wife, no children, to
work on farm and housework. Young
English-speaking German preferred. Ad
dress F. P. Reddaway, Rlckreall, Or.
positions to A-l Instructors. 611 Swetland.
ltookkeepera and Clerks.
STENOGRAPHER and secretary; young
man with 10 years' experience in high
class work ; good education ; neat appear-wn-e.
J 1H6. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, with best of
references, desires a set of books to
keep during spare hours. K 005, Ore
gonian. COMPETENT stenographer and office man
desires position ; 5 years experience;
knowledge of bookkeeping. Excellent
references. C 9Q5, Oregonian.
POSITION aa stenographer, young man;
beginner; no previous experience. W &2L
YOUNG man desires position as bookkeeper;
can furnish best of references1; 6 years' ex
perience. H W16, Ore gon I an .
YOUNG MAN wants responsible position In
mechanical line; technical training; expe
rience; ability; $110. R. G., room 510,
Y. M. C A.
FII.ST-CLASS machinist, competent to
erect engines, boilers. Understands pip
ing and installment of power plants. P
921. Oregonian.
A JAPANESE boy w-ants a position in Oregon
as a farmer boy: write kindly to the ad
dresa. Matsu, 302 Couch si.
WANTED By a reliable man, a legitimate
position with a responsible firm. p 905,
LAUNDRTMAN, all-round worker, steady,
competent, can come at once. Particulars
first letter. A F 916, Oregon i an.
ENGINEER Experienced In steam, electric
and refrigeration; married; wants posl
tiou. AC 90S. Oregon ian.
BL'TTERMAK ER wants employment ; first
class references. Address S 922, Ore
gonian. FARMER wants steady work as farm hand
or milker; state work and wag-as. a.
Johnson. Deer Island. Oregon.
POSITION as head waiter in first-class rcs
taurant; experience from best restaurants
Europe and New York. L &u6, Oregonian.
WANTED -Situation hy married man with
family of three, farm preferred. Good
teamster. J. L. J ames. Springfield. Or.
POSITION by steam fltter's-helper; 3 years
experience; stranger. H i"S. Oregonian.
FATHER and son, good blacksmiths, want
position. B 907, Oregonian.
GENERAL house-cleaning by day, job or
hour. Thompson. Main 5569.
SITUATION WANTED by strictly first-class
all-arovnd baker. P 924. Oregonian.
I STILL like Portland; offer me a legitimate
job and I'll stay. X 924. Oregonian.
JAPANESE Bmployment Co. will furnish all
help. Main 46o&, A 4073. 2ZZ Everett.
WANTED By married man from the East,
a position as foreman on ranch ; under
stands the care of stock and farm ma
chinery and can give good references.
O 923. Oregonian.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper offires po
sition; references. Address G 919, Ore
gonian. STENOGRAPHER, experienced in law work,
desires position. P 122. Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS manicurist wants position. N
t07. Oregonian.
Alterations, specialty on ladies' suit a Mrs.
Muckler. 430 Columbia, Apt. 21. A 4709.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaker win go out by
day or take work home, phone A 7721.
PLAIN' sewing by the day; children -or
grown-up folks. Phono A 4150.
ANGELES Dressmaking Parlors. 326 W Wash
ington st.. suite 26. Main 982. A 533L
UNDERGRADUATE. much experienced
nurse will care for sick, invalids., aged,
infant; city, country; reasonable. Call
Main 33SS.
EXPERIENCED child's nurse position; May
25 ; exceptional qualifications. Salary,
$ 1 - .50 per week. A R 9 2 0, Oregonia n.
CALL A-7162 for nurse. Confinement, chil
dren diseases a specialty. .City references.
MIDDLE-AG ED, experienced practical nurse;
doctor's references. A 2618.
SITUATION wanted by intelligent, reliable
children's nurse. S 924. Oregonian.
GERMAN woman wishes position as house
keeper in German family in country. An
swer in German. AD 905. Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes position as
housekeeper for widower without children,
or bachelor. AD 9Q6. Oregonian.
PLACE as housekeeper, small family, plain
cook. Main 4821.
WO MA N competent cook wants position in
private family. C 906, Oregonian.
A GOOD plain cook wants position In private
family. Address 91 North Ijth.
HOUSEWORK girl desires situation family
of adults; $3Q. Main 2039. A 4775.
GIRL wishes general housework and cook
ing. Address 22S West ave.. North.
COOK First-class, wants position hotel or
boarding-house. AC 907. Oregonian.
WANTED Situation- as teacher of fancy
needlework, burnt wood. 'etc. ; references
furnished as to ability; prefer a large
store which handles goods in that line.
T 92Q, Oregonian.
TRUST WORTH Y. competent woman wishes
nursing and very light housework by the
day. Address Sisters of Mercy Home, 36th
and Couch sts. or phone Main 2451.
LACE curtains washed and stretched. 40
cents a pair; called for and delivered.
Phone Main 3965.
EXPERIENCED German teacher wishes few
more pupils ; rapid progress guaranteed;
terms reasonable. P 920. Oregonian.
SCANDINAVIAN girl wants washing. Iron
ing and cleaning by the day; 25c per
hour. Phone East 722.
CAMP COOKS, housekeepers, nurses, cham
bermaids, pastry cook. St. Louis Agency,
3o3 Washington. Main 2039. A 4775.
FIRST-CLASS laundress wants fine wash
ing at her home; references. Woodlawn
WOMAN wants work Friday; references; no
half day. Woodlawn 161 1.
GOOD la-undress, take' work home or go
out by the day. Call Marshall 1462.
PRACTICAL nurse wishes engagements. Can
give massage. Telephone East 3372.
DAY work wanted by experienced women.
Phone Main 6S31.
NORWEGIAN woman wants day work.
Phone Main 8887.
JAPANESE woman with school girl wants
general housework. V 952, Oregonian.
MEN and women to take orders for a house
hold necessity that sells at sight when
properly presented. Hustlers can easily
average $8 per day. Give your address,
references and phone number in answer
lng for Interview. C 222. Oregonian.
SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash
weekly selling choice nursery stock: out
fit free. Capital City Nursery Company,
WANTED Reliable men who can sell trees
for nursery in the West. For
further particulars address Oregon Nur
sery Co.. Orenco, Or.
WE positively have the fastest-welling house
hold patent on the market- " Woolverine Co.,
Pittsburg. Fa.
We furnish the renter, collect the rent,
pay taxes, insurance and keep up repairs,
the same tor you as though the property
was our own; references, any bank In
245 Stark St.
Ph on es A 35O0. Main 35. (
THE demand for good places to . live still
keeps up ; if you have such a place, we
have the tenant.
Rent Dept.,
Chamber of Commerce.
WANTED To rent 8 or 9-room modern
house. West Side, small family of adults;
will accept any time from May 1 to Aug.
1. E. 906. Oregonian.
COTTAGE, or four or five well-furnished
housekeeping rooms, will take care of
house for Summer. Good reference. Three
adults. AG 922, Oregonian .
MAN and wife and grown daughter want
furnished flat or bungalow ; must be
modern, on West Side. Addross P. O.
Box 63. giving particulars.
WA NTED Modern furnished bungalow, or
furnished apartments ; must be first-class.
A pply mornings, between 10 and 11.
Main 8101.
WANTED Well furnished bungalow for
mother and daughter; Portland Heights
preferred. Call M. 746S.
WANTED By May 10, small cottage or 3 or
4 unfurnished rooms; gas and yard; close In
West Side, reasonable. R 010, Oregonianl
WANT to rent a good modern 6 or 7-room
house on West Side. Address 202 23rd st.
Rooms Wltn Isomrdu
WANTED By young man and moth-ar, fur
nished apartment or cottage for few
months or longer; will give very best of
care; state location and terms. Address X
907. Oregonian.
NERVOUS lady desires room and board in
, quiet refined home. Suburbs preferred. R
920, Oregonian.
WANTED Room and board May 1st, In
private family, by married couple with
little girl. K POS, Oregonian.
BOARD and room. Heights or suburbs, for
lady; sleeping porch or tent. Y 921, Ore
gonlan. WANTED Good home for child of 5 years,
good pay. C 907 Oregonian.
YOUNG man wishes room with private Cath
olic family; permanent, moderate; refer
ences. F 913. Oregonian
LADY employed wants housekeeping room,
walking distance. W 9u6. Oregonian.
Business Places.
WANTED Desk room with use of phone;
state price. T 923, Oregonian.
Furnished Rooms.
404 Va Washington, corner 10th.
Modern brick building, steam heated,
private baths, running water In rooms,
electric light, free phone : special rates by
week or month ; the most convenient lo
cation in the city; transient trade solicited
at $1 up.
89 North 5th St.. S. E. Cor. Flandera.
New brtck building, steam heated, por
celain baths, fine large of nee on ground
fioor, elegant beds, everything absolutely
new and ciean; rates only $2.50 and up
per week-; 50c and 75c per day. 8 blocks
from Union Depot.
THE BARTON, 13th and Alder, is now
under -ruin a tb oroush renovation ; 70
stream heated, electric-lighted rooms, all 1
ouuiue. v uny . xo nionin up.
Suites with running water- $20 month up.
Phones and bath free.
131 Eleventh Street.
NEW. modern brick building: STEAM
HEATED, private baths, running water
ROOM; special rates by the week and
month; TRANSIENT TRADE solicited.
Fifth St., opposite City Hall.
New. beautifully furnished; steam heat;
hot. cold water in every room; public
and private baths. Permanent; transient.
Framhthed Rooms.
268 Third SU. Cor. Jtrfferson St.
New fireproof building and furnishings
throughout ; aeirable ueiyuoorhood; four
minutes' walk to business center; rooms
and suites; large, ligiit and airy; hot and
cold water; steam heat; gas and electric
lights; call belts; free baths; clean porce
lain tubs; lavatories convenient. Take S"
car at depot to Ohird and Jefferson sts.
We aim to satisfy; thai is why we please
TRONS. Rates $4, (5, $6, $7 per week.
A 7731 PHONuJS Main 8639.
140 ROOMS.
New. modern, fireproof building, steam
heated, hot and cola running water in all
rooms, richly furnished, finest beds that
money can buy, ana it doesn't cost any
more than some cheap lodging-house; nlcs
large office on ground floor; everything
flrst-class ; rates. COc, Joe and $1 per
day; $3-50 and up per week. Call and
see us. 12S 6th su North.
Homelike. Homelike Homelike.
7th and Ankeny sts.
Free was their aepot crr;ae,
I took it oa the spot;
There may be othr houses Just as good
A s,uiet home for quiet people.
T10 Washington, near King; bath, hot
and cold water; - phone, steam heat In
every room; strictly modern; fine largs
office, ground floor; by far the best in the
city for the money; rooms $25 per month
and up. Call and Inspect.
422 hk Washington, cor. 11th.
Steam heat, hot and cold water, baths,
nicely furnished rooms, $3 per wee up;
iian&Ient rates. 75c up.
HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main sts..
furnished rooms, single or en suite, at rea
sonable prices, modern conveniences, op
poslte the plaxa.
LARRABEE HOTEL, 227 Vs Larrabee, near
Holladay ave. New brick bldg.; every con
venience; reasonable; permanent and tran
Washington and 17th. tlrst-clase furnished
rooms, single or en aulte; all modem oon-
venlences; $3 weekly up. A 2647. M. 5647.
NICELY furnished rooms, all conveniences,
close in; nice yard, $3 and $4 a week.
Astor House. 251 7th St.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; nsw
furniture, telephone and baths free. 33,7
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Est.
THE KING. 309 Jefferson stTj nicely fur
nlshed rooms, modern conveniences, central,
t 9 2.50 per week and u p.l nclud ing bath.
The Mercedes, 20th and Washington; ele
gantly furnished rooms; hot and cold run
ning water, modern conveniences; $12 up.
FURNISHED rooms, Eim Place, formerly
Elton Court Annex. 414 Yamhlil and 11th,
l'H REX Modern rooms. $2.50 to $ per
week 548 Washington st.
FOR RENT Room, newly furnished, at
im reasonable pi lces.727E. Stark, near 20th.
Furnished Rooms in Private Family.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished front rooms, sin
gle or ensuite; heat, light, bath and phone;
tine location; $10 and $12 per month. 575
Couch St., northeast cor. 13th, West Side.
1 eiepnone A oapu.
TWO clean, well-furnished rooms in fiat; all
conveniences; rent reasonable. 547 Yara
hlll st. Call for Miss Backer.
TWO bedrooms, one with alcove ; every
modern convenience. 736 East Main it.
Phone East 6947.
NICELY furnished room, hot h phones, elec
tric light, bath. 40 Ella St.; walking dis
PAR LOR on second floor of modern steam
heated apartment. Flat D, 469 Jcftcr&on
gt Phone Main 7594.
ROOMS; single or en suite, $8 up; house
keeping suite of 2 or 3, with kitchen.
fifiS Irving.
LARGE room, for 2 or more gentlemen,
sleeping porch If desired, fine location.
West 1'ark. Main 9O0O.
ATTRACTIVE room or suite; no other
roomers; strictly private family. Main
TWO nicely furnished bedrooms, bath and
gas, at 672 Belmont st. $8 monthly.
FURNISH ED room, modern house, walking
distance. 671 GUsan Bt.
FURNISHED rooms, private family. 248
N. 2Qth. Main 3649.
FURNISHED room, private family. 956
Williams ave.
LIGHT sunny room, fre
e phone and bath;
walking distance. 327
west Park st.
VERY pleasant room,
walking distance. Main
every convenience,
3312. 361 10th.
SLE EP1 NG room with
modern and low rent.
bath, Wwt Side;
Phone Main 40!S.
NEAT furnished rooms
phone and bath. 151
in residence
NICELY new furnished
2. Phone East 2410. 44
room, suitable for
East 7th st.
Rooms With Hoard.'
Ideal Summer home, beautiful grounds,
finest rooms, with best home cooking In
city ; rooms, with private bath, all mod-
ern conveniences; moderate rates.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 22d year, room
with board, use of sewing-room and library.
61o Flandera st. Miss Frances N. Heath,
LAMBERSON 554 Couch St., cor. 17th,
one block from Washington. Desirable
rooms single or double for gentlemen.
Good home cooking.
THE COLONIAL, 165 anti 167 10th St.. cor
ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason
able ratea. '
LARGE front room, next to bath: open fire;
$5 a week; also small room, $4 a week.
5th and Jefferson.
LARGE airy room, hot and cold water,
fireplace ; rooms for light housekeeping ;
single room. 3Q0 Jefferson st.
NICE rooms with excellent board. The
Manltou. 261 13thst. Moderate prices.
THE CALVARD -Suites or single. 452 Mor
rlson. cor. 13th. Choice accommodations.
Rooms With Hoard in Private Family.
NICE rooms and good board in private
family tor one or two gentlemen. 591V
Davis st,
NICE room in private family; all home
conveniences; hoard if desired. 32k N.
SINGLE room, with board. In modern pri
vate home; references required. 284 Vi
PLEASANT room, choice board, business
peo p U. 712 Hoyt sU
LARGE sunny room with board; home cook
in gjinoUejj-u
NICE room in private family ; good board;
reasonable rates. M aln 701 6.
653 WASHINGTON ST.. room and board ;
I argo room, suitable for two gentlemen .
LARGE neatly- furnished front room with
or without board. 16s 2 10th st.
YOUNG man to room and board, $21 per
month. Phone East 1915.
WELL-FURNISH ED room suitable for two
men; two meals. Main 2U7L
MUST sell today at 11 A. M., sharp, at pub
lic auction to highest bidder, one 6-room
and one 8-room strictly modern house, be
ing Nos. 469 and 471 Chapman St.. corner
Mift n ; if you want a home In the best
residence section of the city at your own
price, attend this sale; 1-3 cash, time to
suit on balance; sale on the premises. M
E. Lee, 411 Corbett bldg. If you want to
. make money a tte n d ou r auct t on sales.
Burnside. Open May 1. New, white
pressed brick, beautifully finished, mod
ern in every detail, reception hall, fire
places, laundry, steam drier in basement,
2 and 3-room apartments, elegantly fur
nished, private baths, private telephones.
Janitor service. Rent reasonable; a few
unfurnished apartments. '
between 10th and 20th sts., near Wash
ington; 2 3 or 4-room apartments, new
pressed brick building Just completed;
every modern convenience including tele
phone exchange and elevator; close to
business centers; very reasonable prices
and excellent service.
HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia,
4 blocks from Morrison tft. ; new brick
building, completely first-class, furnished
In 2, 3 and 4-room family apartments, pri
vate oatn, reception hall, steam heat, hot
' water, elevator, free phone; some unfur
nlshed; janitor service; rent reasonable.
TH B new brick Stanley apartments. King
and Washington sts.; 3. 4 and 6 rooms,
$27.50 per month and up.
THE IRVING. 21st and Irving sts. May 1,
4-room apartment; all outside rooms; rea
sonable rentu
WESTFALL. on 5th, between Harrison and
Hall st., 1 3-room apartment on May 1.
nrt rrict Furnished anartmenL The
Morton. Washington and King.
THE CHETOPA. modern 4-room unfurnished
anartment. Apply to janitor. Both phones
IRIS APARTMENTS. 3d and MllL 1st of
April, 4 rooms, $32.
A part men ts.
82 Grand Ave., S. E. cor. K. Stark.
Beautifully iurnished 3-room apart
ments; modern; no objection to children;
$28 to $35 per month. East 3t0.
HANOVER Apartments, corner King and
Washington ats., 3-room apartments, have
every modern convenience. Including steam
heat, hot water, private batn, 11 ee phonts
and Janitor service; rent very reasonable.
"ONEONTA" APARTMENTS, 187 17th, near
Yamhill W car at depot). 2, 3 and 4-room
furnished suites; hot and coid, phones and
baths free; $20 per month, $5 per week
and up. Main 4697. A 4739.
2. 3 OR 4-room apartments, up to date
In every respfect. walking distance from
business center; furnished and unfurnished.
15th and Everett sts. Phone Main 1245.
FOR RENT MAY 1 Swell new apartment,
653 Ladd ave.. modern, living-room, dining-room,
beamed ceilings; den. music
room, 4 bedrooms, screen porch; long
leas?. Apply contractor, next door.
STEAM-HEATED 5-room apartment, mod
ern and desirable; 525 Everett st. Apply
Morgan, Fleldner & Boyce, 503 A bin g ton
FOR RENT Modern 4-room apartment.
King's Heights Apartment House, cor.
King and Wayne sts.; furnished. $55; un
furnished, $40. Apply Janitor.
AN elegantly furnished apartment of three
rooms and bath in new residence ; mag
nificent view with no climb. Kjnt, $3j ;
West Side, close in. A 3S S4, mornings.
THE SHEFIELD. 7th and Jefferson sts.;
unfurnished apartment with bath, every
convenience ; desirable location; reason'
able rent. Main 2506. A 3149.
KEELER APARTMENTS, 14th and Clay sts.
The finest In Portland. These beautiful 3
and 4-room apartments will be ready for
occupancy May 1.
HARRISON COURT. 5th and Hacrlaon.
Unfurnished apartment. 2 rooms and
bath, all modern Improvements. Phone
Main 5148, A 7363.
FIVE-ROOM, steamheated, modern apart
ment with janitor service (partial base
ment), finest in city for the money. ' Ap
ply to janitor, 21st and Kearney.
THE MERCEDES Elegantly furnished 2
room apartments, hot and cold running
water and all modern conveniences; $16
to $80. Corner 20th and Washington sts.
COMPLETELY furnished 6-room corner
apartment; Janitor. The Marlborough, lst
and Flanders.
5-ROOM corner apartment, every conveni
ence. Braintree Apartments, 295 12th st.
Main 7741. .
ST. CROIX Apartments, 170 St, Clair st.
Modern unfurnished 3-room apartments;
fine residence location and reasonable rent.
HARRISON COURT 3-room furnished ap
partment, every convenience, steam heat
and janitor service. Main 5148.
3-ROOM furnished apartment, sleeping
porch, 2 large closets, phone and bath.
551 East Yamhill. Ea s tl 7 U).
One front apartment for rent; cvery
thing modern. 605 LoveJoy st- W car.
6-ROOM steam heated apartments. See Jaiii
tor. 325' 1 1th st. Main 5405.
4-ROOM completely furnished apartment.
King Hill. King st.. near Washington.
MUST sell today at 1 1 A. M-. sharp, at pub
lic auction to highest bidder, one 6-room
and one S-room strictly modern house, be
ing Nos. 469 and 471 Chapman st., corner
Clifton ; if you want a home in the best
residence section of the city at your own
price, attend this sale; 1-3 cash, time to
suit on balance ; sale on the premises. M.
H. Lee, 411 Corbett bldg. If you want to
make money, attend our auction sales.
FOR RENT New and strictly modern tt
room flats on 20th and Laurel sts.. port
land Heights, rent $40. Apply
85 Fourth sC
6 rooms, modern, new; attic room, sleep
ing porch; 2 blocks West Side High School.
1 nqutre. 175 16th. cor. Yamhill ; adults.
$22 -An excellent modern flat at 328
Ross st. R. H. Blotiaom, 316 Chamber of
FOR RENT Nice, modern. 3-room flat,
with gas range, linoleum, shades, etc.;
within walking distance; on I v $16 per
month. M. E. Lee, 411 Corbett bldg.
WHEN moving call up Van Horn 1 rmnsfer
Co. Main 1618, A 1984. All covered wtf
ona. all experienced men.
MODERN 6-room tlat. Fifth, near Jackson.
West Side, 10 minutes' walk. Main or A
VERY desirable 4 and 5-room flats, good
neighborhood, 26 E. 13th at., near East
MODERN 5-room flat, on carline; 15 minutes
walk from town; rent $25. 4tH E. 12th and
Division. Phono A 3383.
ONE new 6-room modern fun: "S" and "F"
carline. Inquire at drugstore. Front and
Qlbba sts.
MODERN 5-room lower corner flat. 475 7th
WEST SIDE 588 a 7th st.. 4-room modern
upper flat; $16. Sellwood 1390.
NEW lower corner flat, 5 rooms; Btrictly mo
dern; fine location. 355 Sixth.
3, 4, 8-ROOM ED. modern flats, furnished.
unfurnished. Cor. 2d and Hall.
MODERN 5-room, downstairs flat, with
email yard. Apply at 804 Front st.
STRICTLY modern 5-room upper flat, rent
reasonable; walking distance. 94 N. 16th.
MODERN six rooms, live blocks from Post-.
office. Inquire 327 Mohawk bldg.
739 OVERTON Modern fiat, 6 sunny rooms,
references. Main t5'..
NEW 5-room flat. 18th and E. Ash st.,
$32.5Q. Phone B 2006.
MODERN Hat, 6 rooms and bath. 731 14 Hoyt
st. Inquire 132 6th st. Main 6278.
5-ROOM upper tlat. newly painted. 22d and
K earney sts.
UPPER iiw-rcwm flat, 9th and East
Ankeny : $15. Phone E. 503 5.
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts.
Newly furnished for housekeeping, includ
ing gas range, electric lights, hot water,
baths, laundry, reception-room, all free;
furnished apartments $15 per month up;
single housekeeping rooms, $2.50 week up;
best in city for money; short distance from
Union Depot. "S" or 16th-st. cars north.
get off at Marshall st. No dogs allowed.
Young couple want housekeeping rooms;
must have sleeping porch. AH 921, Ore
gon ian.
WBLL-FURNISRED housekeeping rooms, 2 $8
month, 3 for $12; cottage, 4 rooms. $20;
S64 26th N. (West Side), V car from depot.
iia or .m I'rnwj 11 10 n, o ick'k n ort n.
NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms, rea
sonable. Wendhurst, 54oV& Washington, near
$1.2 TO $2.00 week, clean, furnished house
keeping rooms', laundry, bath, phone, gas.
furnace heat. 406 Vancouver ave.
THE COLLINS 60S Alder at., furnished
housekeeping rooms, with all conveniences.
THE ELMS 2 and 3-room apartments; fur
nlshed. 191 14th st.
NICE furnished housekeeping rooms, $14,
631H Washington St.. cor. 20th.
$L25 week, clean fur. housekeeping; rooms,
heat. laundry, bath. 2Q3 Stanton. "TJ" car.
NEWLY-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms.
175 N. 17th st. and Johnson.
TWO front housekeeping rooms; phone and
bath, close. 439 Washington st.
$1.50 wiK, large, clean furn. housekeeping
rooms; laundry, bath, gas. 154 Sherman.
Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family.
TWO large, light. completely furnished
rooms; porcelain sink, gas stove; quiet
neighborhood; bath, light. Phone 412 loth
THREE very pleasant newly furnished
housekeeping rooms. No children. 27o
CI a v st., cor. of 4th.
FRONT housekeeping room, with alcove kit
chen, phone and bath, $14. 163 N. 16th
NICELY furnished housekeeping suite, run
ning water. $16.50; $25 for 3 rooms, light
and phone. 173 N. 17th st.
HOL'SEK EE PING suites for rent; large,
light rooms, good neighborhood ; walking
dfKtanc-. 315 12th st.
2 SUITES of extra nice front furnished
housekeeping rooms; every convenience
and reasonable. 117 N. !Hth st.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. ln
qnire 91 1st st., near Stark.
FLATS of two or three furnished house
keeping rooms; yard. 450 Yamhill.
FURNISHED or unfurnished; in Sjuburbs;
- on car line. Phone Sellwood 36..
SUITE, completely furnished, $16; gas range,
walking distance. 146 N. I6th. Main 5173.
SUITE of rooms complete for housekeeping,
with all conveniences. 3SS 11th st.
FINELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 211
11th s'.
FOUR rooms tor rent, bath and phone. 945
Belmont st. Phone Tabor 1 03.
CLEAN well-furnished housekeeping roomsT
395 6th st.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms;
gas, bath; $12.50 month. 692 Front.
Housekeeping Rooms In private Family.
I1U..-V0 a BEAUTIFUL suite of fully fur
nished rooms. for couple; overlooking
riwr; walking distance, hne neighborhood.
564 East 6th at. P h o ne Sell w ood 1109.
LARGE front room nicely furnished; kitchen
gas. range : new modern house ; walking
distance. 652 Belmont St., cor. East 16th.
Phone B 2S75.
TWO. three, four-room suite, swell furnished
housekeeping rooms; gas range, sink ; beau
tiful location; walking distance. M ainSo75.
TWO or three clean, convenient; bath.
phone, easy walking distance. 414 2d.
WHEN you move you'll need new furniture.
Buy It Judiciously and the saving will ex
ceed your moving expenses.
Our NO-RENT PRICES made us ona of
the largest furniture houses In the cityt la
- two years.
Lookers shown same courtesy as buyers
69-75 Grand Ave., Cor. East Stark St.
East Ankeny and Russell-Shaver .carline
pass our door.
MUST sell today at 11 A, M.. sharp, at pub
lic auction to highest bidder, one 6-room
and one Js-room strictly modern house, be-
iriK Nos. 4li and 471 Chapman St.. corner
Ciifum; if you want a home In the best
residence section of the city at your own
price, attend this sale; 1-3 cash, time to
suit on balance : sale on the premises. M.
E. Lee. 411 Corbett bldg. If you want to
make money, attend our auction sales.
7-room, modern; nreplace. extra room,
finished in basement ; on corner Commer
cial and Blandena sts.. $2v per month;
20 minutes out on M isissiuppl-ave. car.
Main 35. A 3500. 2 4 5 Vfr Stark St.
I will rent a 5-room house, including
furniture, to rljjht party fur $110 a month.
GEO. D. SCHALK, 228 Stark Su
Main 392. A 2392.
MODERN 6-room corner house for rent in
Sunnyside; 2 blocks from S. S. car.
618 Board of Trade Bldg.
Main 3S75.
6-ROOM cottage with one acna of land; ex
cellent wjII and some fruit ; near Oregon
City carline; $10 per month. H. G. Stark
weather. R. F. !., Milwaukie. Or. Phone
Oak Grove black 17.
11-ROOM house, strictly modern. Nob Hill
district, tine location for roomers, walk
ing distance, lawn and flowers; will lease
to responsible party. See owner. 52 Lu
cretia at., near Hill Hotel.
HAWTHORNE Park. 9-room modern house,
good condition, fine lawn, near two ear
lines. Immediate entry. 570 East Madison
$16 MONTH New. 7-room house; bath, ha
ment; corner lot; on East 15th st. North,
c.r. of Mason. Cull .221 V Morrison St., room
9. Phone Main 5256.
5-ROOM modern house. 166 E. 3oth St.;
J2 block south of Belmont ; new and
clean ; will be vacant May 1.
J. R. STIPE, 72Q Chamber of Commerce.
WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer
Co. Main 1613, A 1984. All covered wag
ons. all experienced men.
EAST half of modern double hous-a. 5 3
East Madison (Hawthorne Park); 7 rooms;
rent $30. Phone East 4 961.
268 1 4th.. ne arJe ft et son.
7-ROOM house on East Ankeny St., $30.
GEO. D. SCHALK, 226 Stark St.
Telephones; A 2392. Main 392. L
8 -ROOM ED. modern, exceptionally desir
able for home or roomers. Cor. 2d and
MODE RN. 9-room house; good surround
ings; yard; near Hawthorne on E 2Sth.
Key at S'tl Hawthorne ave.
NI'E 5-room cottage on South avenue and
East 17 th st. Wm. S. Gibson, llbo Mil
waukie ave.
382 17TH. unfurnished 5-room house ; bath
and gas. Key 446 Clay. Main 6255.
LOVELY modern cottage near 2Mh and East
Irving st. East 5, li 14U4.
6-ROOM cottage; 4S3 West Park st. Inquire
4S1 West Park. 1'hone A 5J62.
$ tji ttast 74th, 5-room cottage. 3u6
Goodnough bldg. Main 5558.
$18. THOROUGHLY modern 6-room bunga
low. E. 51st. near Hawthorne. Tabor 176S.
MODERN, 5-room cottage, just completed.
514 E. 21st st.
$12 4 large plastered rooms, bath, South
Portland: barn privilege. Main 867.
MO DERN 8 -room house, cor. 1 1th and Har
rlson : walking distance. M. 2556. Rent $40.
TWO five-roomed houses, not modern, near
Union Depot. Inquire 414 2d.
.Furnished Houses.
IN I R V I NGTON Will rent my 7-room
house, completely furnished, for the Sum
mer to responsible party ; immediate
possession ; thoroughly modern and has
every convenience. Phone E. 1099, morn
Ing or evening.
FOR RENT A furnished house with l"
rooms, with laundry ; nice lawn and Mow
ers; st East 27th and Hawthorne ave. Ap
plv Mrs, Smith, room 714 Board of Trade
FOR RENT Five-room cottage. modern,
partly furnished. No. 4 St. Helens
Court. Portland Heights. Telephone Rich
mond 522.
$30 5-ROOM modern house for 3 months;
references required; adults. 790 Cleve
land ave.
FOR RENT 5-room cottage, well furnished.
bv 1st of May. 1045 East Arnold t. Phonu
Tabor 274.
NEW 6-room bungalow, completely f u 1-
nished. Call 2 to 5 P. M. 26S E. 23d.
Phone B 154Q.
A VERY desirable 5-room furnished flat,
modern and .new. West Side, porch, ttre
place. etc." Address Y 922, Ore gonian.
3- ROOM furnished flat, gas, bath; adults.
514 K. 21 st st..- WR car.
4- ROOM, nicely furnished cottage; reasop
ahle. 594 4th st.
N ICELY furnished flats at Front and Mar
ket sts. Inquire Hall. 3 SO Front st.
THREE-ROOM cottage, furnished, $10. E.
75th t. Call 5461-; Washing ton s t.
5- ROOM modern flat, fine furniture, close
In; $4Q month. 3Q5 3d St.
t4usew fcr Rent. Furniture for Sale.
Modern 6-room liat. rent $35, with two
rooms rented for $35: very fine furniture
and for sale at a bargain. $5 00, $2.5 cash,
balance can be paid monthly; this hat is
ou 36th. near Couch.
15-room house, rent only $65, with $160
worth of rooms rented; furniture is first
class and for sale for $ 14u, part cash,
balance $25 per month; on Morrison st.;
fine location.
ni7 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak.
FOR a few days only, a modern 6-room flat,
rent $30, two rooms rent for $20 and one
room for $S; furniture practically ne,w and
can be had for $200; South Portland and
walking distance.
411- N. 6th St.
FLAT for rent, furniture for sale ; new.
modern, lower 6-room flat, furniture in
good condition ; price very reasonable ;
"W car passes the door. Apply after 5:30
P. M. 140 2 1 st et. North, near Hoyt.
WILL sell the furniture of a swell 5-room
flat at a big sacrifice if sold within 3
days; rent only $1H; price $425, easy terms.
417 Board of Trade bldg.
NEARLY new, first-class furniture of seven
rooms, corner flat, facing park. Complete,
clean home, ready for occupation. Phone,
Main 3iH2.
FURN IT IT RE of 6-room house for sale rea
sonable; hous for rent; in . good location.
34H College st.
STRICTLY modern furnished S-room flat;
10 minutes walk P. O. 404 Clay. Main
FOR SALE Furniture 8-room house, house
for rent, rooms all rented. Call 554 4th st.
from IP to 3.
FURNITURE of 7 -room house for sale; up
stairs rented, brings in rent; $200 takes it.
309 7th.
SNAP Good furniture, piano, lot or piece;
make offer. Heinz apts., 15. 14 th and
FOR RENT or for sale, furniture in an 8
100m modern house. Inquire at Louis
Sah.mon. 233 Stark st.
FOR SALE- Rug. dresser. dining table,
chairs, desk, bookcase. 307 3d st.
MODERN 5-room cottage, close in, fine
furniture; only $175. 35 3d.
SNAP 5-room cottage, modern furniture,
nearly new. Inquire 371 3d st.
FURNITURE of 6-room upper flat, 3 rooms
rented; West Side. Phone A 7364.
Summer Resorts.
SEVERAL modern cottages for rent for sea
son; some may be occupied at once for
the same price : also cottages and othci
properties for sale at reasonable prices.
Alex. Gilbert A Son. Seaside, Or.
FOR RENT 5-story brick building, 2d and
Ash; also large brick building suitable foi
automobile garage. Apply R. T Cox.
Main 422.
FOR RENT 4-story and basement brick store
building. 100x265 S. E. corner Front and
Pine sts. Apply C. A. Dolph. Mohawk
FINE located itorr Mt. Scott carline.
Particulars 626V Washington st.