20 THE MORNING ORKuuNIAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2T, 1910. MERRILL INDICTED ON FIVE COUNTS Grand Jury Files Several Charges Against Road house Proprietor. HE ISSUES STATEMENT So Guiltier Than Kvery Hotel and Grill in Portland for Allowing Girls in His Dining-Room, He Declares Bitterly. Kred T. Merrill, proprietor of the Twelve-Mile House, was indicted on live counts by the grand jury last night, when it reported to Presldin Judge Morrow, of the Circuit Court. Merrll Is first charged with Belling liquor In less quantities than a gallon, without a. license. The particular sales for which he is haled into court were made, it is alleged, on February 27, to the following persons: K. It. Spranger, Tom Bechell, Peter Hobkirk, George bchaffer, Chris Messinger, Verne Rob erts, Krank Mulby, Charles Bracy, Marcella Rice, Nellie "Witthoeft, Clyde A. Goff and Walter A. Kenney. Two indictments charge him with selling liquor to minors, and two charge him with permitting a female under v 21 years of age in his saloon unac companied by husband or parent. These two girls are Nellie Witthoeft, 19 years old, and Virginia Ellers. 17 years old. Walter A. Kenney and Virginia Ellers are the minors to whom he is alleged to have sold whisky. Regarding the charges, Mr. Merrill said: "Immediately upon learning that I was indicted several times by the grand jury, I went to Sheriff Stevens' office with John F. Logan, my attor ney, and two bondsmen, but was to.j. there was no charge against me at that time, and to call again the next day. 1 seem to be the mark that sev eral people are shooting at, but I have the satisfaction of knowing that sev eral thousand of my friends, and strangers who visit my hotel and farms, know the character of the place I am conducting, and the difficulty we have in watching and heading oit drunken loafers and bad actors, both male and female, who try to enter our place. Many of them, we believe, are sent there to cause us trouble. "If they convict me of allowing girls under age to visit our dining-room, where liquor is sold, they could convict every hotel and grill in Portland hold ing a license on the same charge. But they don't want 'everyone,' just Fred Merrill." HEliT AND WILSOX ACCCSED One Indicted on Forgery Charge, Other on House-ltobbery. E. AV. Kelt and Edgar Wilson were indicted by the grand jury last night, Kelt on three counts, charging forging checks, and Wilson on two counts for alleged larceny in dwelling-houses. Wil son is alleged to have stolen a watch and other Jewelry from T. H. Denman. on April 16, and silverware worth $5 from Ron W. Goodwin. A check for $25, drawn on the First Na tional Bank, payable to O. B. Knight, and signed "H. E. Collier," is alleged to have been passed by Kelt on Roberts Brothers. Another check for J17.50 on the Canadian Bank of Commerce, signed "J. K. Murray," and payable to himself, is alleged to have been passed by Kelt on Edward Drake, and still another for 17.50. signed "David W. Wilson." on C A. Dibble. The grand jury also reindicted C. A. Tunnant and Bobby Pulliam on a stat utory charge. Tennant recently pleaded guilty to a similar charge under another section of the code, and Bobby Pulliam tiled a demurrer to the indictment. Ten nant posed as a detective, and the woman as an actress. A not true bill was returned against Augustus Walker, on the charge that he obtained money by false pretenses from J. H. Fletcher, by giving him a check for $19 on the First National Bank,' when Walker had no "funds therein. B. F. Smith was cleared of a charge of steal ing 15 logs from the Balfour-Guthrie Company, and Charles Crawford of hav ing contributed to the delinquency of 12-year-old Velma Jones. WIFE ARRESTED? IIl'BBY SUES Victor Aria nd Alleges Spouse Was Caught in Compromising Position. Alleging that his wife, Agnes B. Ar land. was arrested April 21, while In a compromising position with another man than her husband, Victor Arland has tiled a divorce suit in the Circuit Court. Ho says he married her at St. Paul, Minn., March 6, 1901. She has been in the habit, he says, of neglocting their 7-year-old daughter, and of coming home intox icated at early hours of the morning. He desires the custody of the child. John E. Stanton brought a divorce suit !3:ainst Sobrina Jane Stanton yesterday, and names Fred J. Epler as a party to the suit, as Mrs. Stanton's . property stands in Epler's name. Stanton says his wife has humiliated him in the eyes of his friends and neighbors by saying he is insane, and threatening to have him examined. He married her in Portland, T-ecember 1, last year. He asks a third interest in his wife's property In New lerg. Sues for $20,000 Commission. Accusing Anton Eckern of misrep resenting the condition of the Green Kfver Lumber Company properties in making a contract by which Harry H. t'loyes and John P. Ford were to obtain purchasers for 2000 shares of stock which Eckern held. Cloyes and Ford have filed suit in the Circuit Court to compel Eck ern to pay them $20,000 commission. They say that J. H. Johnson, E. G. Titus and Cloyes were ready to take the 2000 shares, but found Eckern's representations to have been false. Leisy Estate Valned at $11,34 1. The estate of Isaac Ielsy, an Oregon pioneer, who died on the East Side re cently, has been appraised at $14,341 by Lewis Powers, Jacob Schneider and N. H. Schiedelt. Property in Washington County is valued at $13,000. PERSONALMENTION. Antone Nolte, merchant , at Pasco, Wash., is at the Imperial. John Doumit. a merchant of Cathlamet, Wash., is Btaying at the Oregon. F. W. Settlemier came In from Wood burn yesterday and is at the Oregon. J. D. Cornitt and W. D. Porter, of Sliedds. are in the city, and staying at the Nortonia. &. L Harrison, of JBuncetoa ilo., .act ing as auctioneer at the stockyards an nual sale, is registered at the Cornelius.' J. R. Wyatt, Deputy United States At torney for Oregon, will leave tonight for Prineville, where he will be engaged in the trial of a case in the state courts. C. S. Chapman. District Forester for Washington, Oregon and Alaska, went to Olympia, Wash., yesterday, and will be absent several weeks. R. T. Reed, general superintendent for the Western Union Company, is here from Seattle, and staying at the Port land. C. E. Cochran, a La Grande attorney, reached the Imperial last night, and will be in the city the remainder of . the week. A. N. Courtway and Oday Purcell, pio neer cronies in the fruit belt at We natchee. Wash., arrived at. the Perkins yesterday. Sam Elmore, the well-known salmon, canner at Astoria, Is watching the fish war from the vantage ground of the Hotel Portland. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Klimoehl and Miss ITTAlirR INTELLIGENCE. Doe to Anirib Kams. From. TJat. Sella. .........Ronekonc... In port Rygja Otaru In port Hamona Coob Bay.... In port Kansas CUT... San Francisco In port Golden Oato... Tillamook.... Apr. 27 Sua H. lmon. TillamooK. ... Muy 1 Roanoke. San Pedro... May 1 Boso City ...... 6an FrancUccMay - Falcon San Francisco May 5 Oeo. W. Slider. .Ban Pedro. . M ay 8 Heniilc Ibsen. . Honckonic. ,. . I une 1 Hercules. .... ..HongkOEsT. ...June 4 Scheduled to Depart. Kama. For . Iata. Golden Oats. ..Tillamook.... Apr. 27 Ryg-Ja ...Uonikom. ...Apr. -J7 Ramona. ...... coot Bay.... Apr. '11 Kansas City. .. Ban Francisco Apr. & Bella. ......... HonKkonc. .. . Apr. 3 Roanoke. ... ...San Francisco May 3 Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook... May 3 Falcon. ........San Pedro... May 7 Rose City .San Francisco May Oeo. W. BMer. .San Pedro... May lo Henrlk Ibsea. . Honduras;. .. . June 12 Hercules Hongkong.... J una 15 Entered Tuesday. Herm. Nor. steamship (Zachans lea, with general cargo from Ant werp via San Francisco. Augustus. Ger. steamship (Triest). with general cargo from Antwerp via Kan -Pedro. Johann Poulsen, Am. steamship Lancaster), with general cargo from San Francisco. Hoqulam, Am. steamship (Reinert sen), with general cargo from San Francisco. Catania, Am. steamship Canby), with fuel oil from 6an Francisco. Kansas City, Am. steamship (No pander), with general cargo from San Francisco. Ramona, Am. steamship (NelBOn), with general cargo from Coos Bay. George W. Elder4 Am. steamship (Jessen), with general cargo from San Pedro and way ports. Cleared Tuesday. 4 Johann Poulsen, Am. steamship (Lar-.caster), with ballast for Asto ria. Hoqulam, 'Am. steamship (Relnert sen), with ballast for Grays Harbor. Catania, Am. steamship (Canty), with ballast for San Francisco. Ramona, Am. steamship (Nelson), with general cargo for Coos Bay. George W. Elder, Am. steamship (Jessen), with general cargo for San Pedro and way ports. E. Handley of Milwaukee, Wis., are in the city, having made an extended tour of the Pacific Coast. P. H. Holstein arrived at the Seward yesterday to take up the Oregon manage ment of the business of the Washburn Mills, of Minneapolis. Friends of Mrs. W. K. Smith were yes terday advised that she had sailed on April 23 for Naples, by way of Gibraltar. She was aboard the Berlin. Hugh Braumt, the well-known San Francisco contractor, and his wife, are spending several days in the city, being registered at the Hotel Lenox. H. L. Miller, superintendent of Brook Nook farm, at Home Park, Montana, went to the Cornelius, after housing his fancy animals at the stockyards. Mrs. W. D. Dickerson. wife of a Hood River real estate dealer, Is among the arrivals at the Nortonia, and is accom panied by Miss Grace A. Peck. M. J. Vernon, engaged in merchandis ing at Houlton, Wash., Is registered at the Perkins, and is accompanied by his daughter, Joyce, and Miss Eva Darling. Charles W. Mount, general agent of the O. R. & N. at Lewiston, Idaho, was a visitor on Railroad Row yesterday. Mr. Mount is in town to consult with his chief. Mrs. W. L. Archambeau. Miss Ruby Archambeau and Miss Elsie S. Barr sailed from the port of New York yes terday for Bremen, Germany, aboard the Kronprinzessin Cecille. J, M. Woodworth, clerk of Multnomah Camp, No. 77, Woodmen of the World, on the East Side, was stricken with serious illness Monday night, and an op eration may be necessary. W. D. Miller, connected with the en gineering department, and known as "Hill's railroad builder," was among the arrivals at the Seward yesterday, and Is believed to be awaiting the advent of the James J. Hill party, due on Saturday. Mrs. Anna Rix Militz, a well-known lecturer and author, on her way to British Columbia, will stop in Port land Wednesday and will be pleased to meet the New Thought people at 1 and 8 P. M. at 64 and 65 Selllng-Hirsch fouilding. CHICAGO. April 26. (Special.) Oregon people registered at Chicago hotels to day as follows: From Portland Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mic Nicholas at the Lasalle. From Medford Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Harris at the Great Northern. .From Pendleton Mr. and Mrs. W. C. E. Pruitt at the Great Northern. IMPROVED SERVICE Coos Bay Route via Steamer "Break water" Twenty Hours. Effective May 4, a new schedule will go into effect on the Portland-Coos Bay route. The steamer Breakwater, now leaving Portland at 8 P. M., will on Wednesday, May 4, 1910, leave Portland at 9 A. M., and every five days thereafter, and will arrive -at Coos Bay the next morning. 'Returning, the steamer will lea've Coos Bay points on Friday, May 6, at service of tide, giving a five-day sched ule from each port. This1 improved service should be highly satisfactory to Portland business men. af fording a daylhrht ride on the Columbia River, and the shortest and quickest route between Portland and Florence, Gardiner, Empire, Marshtield. North Bend, Coquille, Myrtle point, Bandon, Prosper. Gold (Beach, Port Oxford and Wedderburn. Fare from Portland $10 first-class. $7 second-class, including berth and meals. 'For tickets, reservations, sailing dates. etc., apply Ainsworth Dock or City Ticket Office. Third and Washington streets. Portland. John T. Rockefeller would go broke -' " - . . ) - . . i i urn inim income trying to prepare a better medicine than Vi a m Karlo t IaII. I. l - w.o-.a vi.-Mjut. a v-vntH nuiora ana Diarrhoea Remedy for diarrhoea, dysen- j tt uuuipmiuia. j. l ja simply iinpwoisjuic, u,iiu kkj any s every onQ tnat baa used it Sola by il dealerda. EXPORTERS FIRM Shipping Firms Not Willing to Increase Wage Scale. DOCK WORKERS NOTIFIED Grain Dealers Will Sign Contracts for Next Season on Basis of Old Wage Scale, but Refuse De mand of 15 Per Cent Raise. Exporting firms have offered to renew contracts with the members of the Grain Handlers' Union on the basis of 33 cents an hour for straight time and 50 cents an hour for overtime, the same scale as is now in force. What action the grain handlers will take has not been an nounced. The contract at present in force will not expire until May 15. Several days ago the grain handlers an nounced that they would demand a raise of 15 per cent, i which would mean 40 cents an hour straight time and 60 cents for overtime. Increased cost of living is given as the cause. At all. ports on Puget Sound open-shop conditions pre vail, and the wage scale for grain handlers is 30 cents an hour, and no extra pay for overtime. Each Spring the exporters are con fronted with the problem of pay for the grain handlers, and each year there Is the prospect of a strike. Should the dock workers decide to quit work, the long shoremen would probably Join in the mix-up. The latter are under contract to the local stevedoring firms for a term of years, and under one of the clauses of that contract they agree to refrain from participation in all strikes except those involving grain handlers The grain season practically ends with the expiration of the contract of the grain handlers. There will be little or no work after that date, and a settle ment of the wage scale may drag on for several weeks. BOATS BUMP OFF BAY CITY St. Helens and Vessel Believed to Be Sea. Foam Hit Without Injury. ASTORIA, Or., April 26. (Special.) The steam schooner St. Helens arrived this morning from San Francisco and will load lumber at Portland. Captain T. A. Jamieson. master of the steamer, reports that about 2 o'clock on Sunday morning, when Just outside the Golden Gate, his vessel collided with another craft that Is supposed to have been the steam schooner Sea Foam. The Si. Helens suffered no injury, and 1t is not believed the other steamer was damaged. Captain Jamieson says his mate was on the bridge at the time of the accident and that the Sea Foam ran directly across the bow of the St. Helens. As soon as the mate saw a collision was imminent he signaled full speed astern, and when Captain Jamieson arrived on dtck the St. Helens was backing up. As a result the collision was not a very heavy one. and little injury was'done. The steam schooner Oasco sailed today for San Francisco with a cargo of 550.000 feet of lumber loaded at St. Helens. The steam schooner Saginaw arrived to day from San Francisco with a general cargo for Portland, and will load lumber at the Hammond Lumber Company's plant. The steamer Newport sailed today for Coquille with a full cargo of general mer chandise from Portland. The steamer George W. Fenwick sailed today for San Pedro with a. cargo of 2,000.000 feet of lumber loaded at the Ham mond Lumber Company's mill. The tank steamer Washtenaw arrived today from California with a. cargo of crude oil for- Astoria and Portland. The new gasoline launch Mary B., built here for George T. Meyers & Co., and the launch Rover, built here for the Chlopeck Fish Company, cleared today for Seattle and expect to cross out tomorrow morning. The former is under the com mand of Captain D. J. McVicar, while the latter is commanded by Captain Pe ter Bae. Both vessels will be used for fish carriers in Southeastern Alaska. The tank steamer Asuncion sailed today for Port Richmond, after discharging her cargo of oil at Portland, KANSAS CITY IS UNLOADING Brown & McCabe Stevedores Are Discharging Coasting Steamer. On telegraphic .instructions from the head office of the San Francisco and Portland Steamship Company, at San Francisco, the longshoremen in the em ploy of Brown & McCabe began dis charging the steamship Kansas City at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Men work ing under direction of Brown & McCabe are members of Local Union No. 6. With the transfer of the business of the San Francisco and Portland Steam ship Company to the regular stevedores, the working existence of Local No. 5 has ceased. ' Members of the latter organiza tion struck last Saturday and refused to work the steamships Selja and Rygja, of the Portland' & Asiatic Steamship Company, because three men were sus pended by Foreman Johnson for visiting a. saloon during the hours they were sup posed to be on duty. Work commenced yesterday morning on the Oriental boats with gangs from Brown & McCabe. There Was no trouble, and the work progressed! without inter ruption. For a time it was feared that members of the defeated union would at tempt to intimidate workers from the other union. CAPTAIN SNYDER GETS LICENSE Supervising Inspector Decides in i Favor of Suspended Skipper. Levi P. Snyder, formerly master of the Ill-fated steamship Argo, which was lost on Tillamook Bar. November 26. lf09, and whose license was suspended for a period of one year by Local Inspectors Edwards and Fuller, had his papers restored by Supervising Inspector John Bermingham. The Argo foundered on Tillamook Bar on the night of November 26 of last year. There was a heavy sea on when the vessel hit. Four passengers were lost, and one member of the life-saving crew was drowned. Captain Snyder and a part of the crew, with several passengers, made the Columbia River Lightship in one of the ship's boats. . On arrival at Portland, Captain Snyder was called be fore the inspectors, and as a result of the investigation was suspended for a year. He v appealed to the supervising Inspector, and his license was returned. ALASKA BOOKINGS ARE HEAVY Excursion Traffic to North Will Equal That of Last Year. B. F. DeGraxidpre, commercial agent of the Pacific Coast Steamship Company, is spending several days in Portland, ar ranging matters in connection with the Summer excursion business to Alaska. Mr. reGrandpre will leave for Seattle thL-s evening. "The outlook fop excursion and pas- Talks on Teeth By the REX DE.XTAL CO., DENTISTS Price vs. Quality There is a large percentage of people who know that the very best is the cheapest in most things. There is a small per cent of people who buv the best. The majority will not. on account of the higher cost. But there are enough who are willing to buv the best and who would have nothing but the best in dentistry, we are glad to state, to keep us busy. A word to the wise Is sufficient. Take this advice from us: In dentistry, buy the best. Alveolar Teeth Where llrldjtework la Impossible. If only your front teeth are' left, say three or four or more, we can replace all those that have been lost on both sides, clear back, with-perfect Alveolar teeth whilst bridgework would be im possible even if you had eight or ten front teeth to tie to. If you have only two back teeth on each side, say mo lars, we can supply all the front teeth that are missing with beautiful, serv iceable, lifelike Alveolar teeth. This could not possibly be done by the bridge ro"te. And where bridgework is pos sible there is no comparison between the two. A very large percentage of pur work is taking out bridgework put In by supposedly higli-class dentists and replacing It with the beautiful and artistic Alveolar teeth. And. unlike bridgework in another respect, it is practically painless. No boring or cut Js 'to tne Sums, nothing to be dread ed. Now, then, prices being equal, which would von choose? CurliiK Pyorrhea (loose teeth), a dis ease given up by other dentists as in curable, is nnorliof nf ...... .,nn1nl;nB We cure it absolutely. It's a boastful statement to make, but we can do anv- UV"? 111811 13 Possible in dentistrv and What we do is alwavo r.f th vor:)i)i. est class. Our booklets. Alveolar Den-. ".', ait nee. write ror one it you cannot call. We have samoles of our work to show at all times and very best of references. Keep our address. THE HEX DENTAL CO., DENTISTS, .ill to J14 Abington bldg.. 106 3d St senger business to Alaska for the season of 1910 Is more than encouraging," he said yesterday. "Bookings for the sea son are even heavier than during the fair year and passengers were turned away at that time. The Pacitlc Coast Company will operate the same number of vessels this year as last and the service will be practically the same." The fair year was the largest known. Advance reports ot as good a. season are encouraging to both steamship companies and merchants of the Northwest." Marine Notes. With general cargo from San Francisco the steam schooner Shasta arrived up at 5 o'clock yesterday morning. With passengers and freight for Tilla mook, the steamship Sue H. Elmore sailed at 5 o'clock last evening. After discharging a small amount of general cargo at Portland, the steam schooner Johan Poulsen shifted to Pres cott yesterday. The oil tank steamship Catania is dis charging fuel oil at the associated tanks at Linnton. Captain Canty was accom panied by his wife and son on the pres ent trip. Two days late from San Pedro, San Francisco and Eureka, the steamship George W. Elder arrived up at 2 o'clock yesterday morning. She sailed for the South at 10 o'clock last night. Arrivals and Departures. PORTLAND, April 2(1. Arrived steamship Catania from San Francisco; steamship Oeoi-Ba W. Elder from San Pedro and wav ports: Norwegian steamship Herm from Antwerp via. San Kranclsco: steamship Shasta from San Francisco: steamship Sagi naw from San Krancisco; steamship St. He lens from San Francisco. Sailed: Steamship Sue H. Elmore for Tillamook; steamship Asuncion for San Francisco; steamship George W. Elder for San Pedro. Astoria, April i'li. CondlUon at the mouth of the river at 5 P. M.. smooth; wind West JO miles; weather, clear. Arrived down durliiff the nisht and sailed at !:: A. M. Steamer Casco for San Krancisco Ar rived at 7:43 and left up at 0:0 A. M. steamer St. Helens, from San Francisco. Arrived at lO and left up at 11 A. M. Steamer Saginaw, from San Francisco. Ar rived down at 31:30 A. M. Steamer New port. Arrived at 11:30 A. M. and left up Steamer Washtenaw, from Port San Luis. Arrived down at 1:20 and sailed at 3 P. M. Steamer Asuncion for San Francisco. Sailed at 8 P. M. Steamer Geo. YV. Fen wick. for San Pedro. Dunsenejss, April 4(l. Parsed yesterday French bark Vincennes. from Antwerp, for Portland. San Francisco, April 26. Sailed at 2 A. M. Steamer Nome City, for Portland. Ar rived at 8 A. M. Steamer Rosecrans; at 9 A. M. Steamer Northland. from Portland. Sailed at 12 noon Steamer J. B. Stetson, for Columbia River; at 2 P. M. Steamer Arpryll, for Portland. Arrived at 2 1. M. British steamer Inverkip. from Newcaslte. Australia. for Portland. Ji- -virelep DR. CHARLES FLESH P"OOD THE GREAT BEAUTIFIER is a sure remedy for Hoi low Cheeks, a i-lv Scrawny neck, ,C555i5? Thin Shoulders and Arms as well as "Crow's Feet" about the eyes and lines around the mouth, FOR DEVELOPING THE BUST and to restore those shrunken through nursing or sickness, making them plump and rounding them into a beau tiful contour, nothing equals this won derful preparation. ON SALE AT The OWL DRUG CO. FREE Just send us your name and address plainly written and we will send you a small sample of our Flesh Food, together with our useful little book, "Art of Massage," which explains by illustrated lessons just how to caro for your face and form. DH. CHARLES FIESH FOOD CO, 7S2 'ultom St.. Brooklyn. K. Y. BING CliOOXG. CHXNESE DOCTOR. Strowbridfte bids.. 133 V First St., room 11, and 225 Alder St. Chtneaa Root and Herb M e d i c i n t. Cures Cancer, Rheuma tism, Consumption, Dropsy, Catarrh. Stomach, Lung, Liver and Kidney Troubles. All Chronic ailments of men and wom en. Examination free. Drugstore, Z&5 Flanders St. Women a Specialty The well-known Chinese DR. 8. K. CHAN, with their Chi nese remedy of herbs and roots, cure wonderfully. It has curd many sufferers when all other remedies have failed. Sure cure for male and female. chrmir. nrlvate diseases, nervousness, VloorfMffS J If PflM poison, rheumatism, asthfria. niad,u,n,u,lHl1 pneumonia, throat, lunfr irounle. consump tion, stomach, bladder. kldn-y and diseases of all kinds. Remedies harmless. ,'o oper ation.. Honest treatment. Examination for ladies by M RS. SRCHAX. Call or write H. K. CHAN' CHINESE MEDICINE CO., liiiflH Morrison St.. Bet. 1st and 1M, Portland, Or. INJECTION BRO U Gives Prompt and Effectual Relief without inconvenience, in the MOST OBSTINATE CASES No other treatment required. SOLO BY ALU DRUGGISTS. 11 is!- 4 M I 1 V r H K tn l 1 El 11 1 hi II irE!tl l V 11 Men Cured Quickly Consult Us Today Free of Charge No Money Required to Commence Treatment If Honest and Responsible You Can Pay Fee When Cured X-RAY Examinations When Necessary Free THE RELIABLE SPECIALISTS Remember, There Is No Man Too Poor to Get Cured by Us We Treat Ailments of Men Only and Nervous Debility Cured In a few weeks. Improvement from the start. If you suffer from loss of energrr and ambition, feel tired when you arise In the morning, lame back diz ziness. spotB before the eyes, and feel vou are not the man you once were. I will cure you for life. Call and I will explain why it cures when all else falls. A friendly chat will oost you nothing. Call at once, and don't delay. Contracted Ailments We cure these ailments by a method peculiarly our own. Our cure removes every obstruction from the urinary passage, allays inflammation, reduces the prostate gland, cleanses and heals the bladder, kid neys. Invigorates and restores health and soundness to every part of the body afflicted with the disease. WE CURE PHOMPTI.r, SAFELY and THOROUGHLY and at tfc Lowest Overt, VARICOSE VEINS, WEAKNESS, BLOOD AND SKIN AILMENTS, KIDNEY and BLADDER TROUBLES, ULCERS. SORES, PAINFUL SWELLINGS, BURNING, ITCHING and INFLAMMATION, NERVOUSNESS, LOSS of STRENGTH and Ailments of Men. Our fees as specialists for cures are lean than those charged by family physicians or surgeons. Medicines furs, nished from our own laboratorv for the convenience and privacy of our patients, from $L50 to J8.&0 a course, it you cannot call, write for our FREE SELF-EXAMINATION BLANK AND BOOK. Hours, 9 A. SL to S P. M. Even, lngs 7 to 8. Sundays, 10 A. M. to 12 M. only. THE OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE l9 Steamer Beaver, from New York, for Port land, at noon yesterday ." North 1 10 West. Limerick. April 'Jti. Arrived April 2-4 Frenrh hark Nantes, from Portland. Redondo. April litJ. Arrived yesterday Barken tine Retriever, f rum Columbia itl ver. San Francisco, April 20. Arrived, steamer Rainier, from Mukilteo; laisy, from Wil lapa; Rosecrans. from Columbia River; Northland, from Columbia River; W. S. Por ter. Douglas Island ; Inverkip, from New castle, Australia: barkentine Archer, from Roche harbor. New York. April lift. Arrived: Steamship Krcnprlnz Wilbelm, from Bremen ; steam ship Potsdam, from Rotterdam. Sailed J. I. LuL'kenbach, for San Kran cisco; Kronprinzessin Cecilie, for Bremen; Ryndam, for Rotterdam. Kobe Arrived Capo Breton, from, Ta coma, for Calcutta. Antwerp. April 24 Sailed Kadames, for Taccma. Sailed Steamers Nome City, for Astoria; City of Puebla, for Victoria: J. B. Stetson, for Portland; Argyll, for Portland; Centralla, for Grays Harbor; schooners Lizzie Vance. for Orays H:i rhor; Mnhol Hnle fnr Portland ; clenttfic Specialists For Over Twmty Tears I Have Devoted All ly KneruU-M and Skill to Treatment of Allmentii of MEN ONLY I Guarantee a Cure of Kvery Cane I Take for Trcalment. Pay When Cured T offer not only FREK consultation anil advice, but of every case that conies to me I will make rf careful examination and diag nosis without charge. No ailinsr man. should neglect this oportunity to get expert opinion about his trouble. If afflicted, you can depend upon it that the service I offer you is the service you need, and is service such as can be rendered by no other physician. Maytoe you are one of the large number of case is incurable. Perhaps your own doctor has t be cured; but remember, that is only because h your ailment and could not cure you. It did not not get help from expert or experienced special I Cure to Stay Cured by a method that involves no painful process. Xo other physician em ploys a like method, and so thorough is my work that there need not be the sligrhtest fear of a relapse into the old condition. It is not a question of whether you can -be cured, but whether you will be cured. Don't wait until it is too late. My method is perfect and quick. The cure is absolutely certain. I especially solicit those cases where many so-called treatments have failed or where money has been wasted on electric belts and other appliances. A REAL MUSEUM THE LARGEST AND FIXEST MI'S BUM OP ANATOMY ON THE COAST Masks, Models. Plaster asts. Skulls. Skeletons, IMke-life Models In Wax; Also Many Natural Specimens Preserved tn Alcohol. FREE TO MEN THIS Ml'SEDI IS IN DISTINCT AND SI'PF.RIOR CLASS. ABOVE ANYTHING IIKKKTCIFORE SHOWN IN PORTLAND. There are over 500 pieces shown In this exhibit and it is entirely separate from our medical offices; it is interesting and instructive to a hish degree. All men visiting: Portland should see DR. TAY LOR'S FREE MISEIM. MEN ONLY. CONSULT ME FREE The DR. TAYLOR Co. S:t4!4 MORRISON STREET. PORTLAND, OREGON'. CORNER MOHRISON AND SECOND STREETS. OFFICE HOURS A. M. TO 9 P. M. SUNDAYS, lO TO 1 ONLY Varicose Veins I dallv demonstrate that - varicose veins cam b cured, in nearly all cases, by one treatment. In such & satisfactory way that a healthy circulation Is rapidly re-established, and Instead of the depressing- condi tions I guarantee you a cure or refund the money. Blood Diseases If you have sore throat,re or refund the- money, copper-colored spots, sores and ulcers, bone pains, fal. lng hair or any other symptoms of This ailment, yoi' should consult us and be forever rid of It. Our treats ment cleanses and eradicates every taint and everyi impurity of the blood and syBtem. All dansrer of trans-, mission or recurrence is removed. Why take poisonous drugrs for years when a thorough cure Dan be obtatne4 without T Consult us at once. power 'schooner Washcalor, for Columbia River. TU.es at Astoria Wednesday. High. Ix)v. 2 :00 A. M S.4 feet S:."ir A. M 0.2 foot 3:ltf P. M feetlx:3 P. M U.tJ feet Confessed Slayer Car Hold-Vp Man. SAN JOSE. Cai., April 26. Charles Chif ten, confessed murderer of Night watchman George Whybark, of Santa Clara, was yesterday identified by Con ductor Michael Fitzgerald, of San Fran cisco, as the man who held up a car near the San Francisco Presidio on the night of January 16 last and shot and killed Motorman Fred Smith. A touch of rheumatism, or a twinge of neuralgia, whatever the trouble Ts, Chamberlain's Liniment drives away the pain at once and cures the com plaint quickly. First application gives relief. Sold bv all dealers. I)K. TAYLOR, lie Lead I UK Specialist. men who think their old you you could not did not understand mean that you could ists. Guarantee Cures EN THAT ARE WEAK, NERV OUS A.N I RUN DOWN. Come to Me and Be Cured Pay When 1 Cure You or pay me as you Ket tne benefit of THE DOCTOR my treatment. THAT CURES FEE FOR A CURE Is lower than any specialist in the city, half that othera charge you. and no exorbitant charge lor medicines. I am an expert specialist. Have had 80 years' practice in the treatment ot diseases of men. My offices are th best equipped in Portland. My methods are modern and up to date. My cure are quick and positive. I do not treat symptoms and patch up. I thoroughly examine each case find the cause, re move it and tnus cure th disease. I CURE Varlcoae Veins, Piles and Specific Blood Poison and all Ailments of Men. SPECIAL AILMENTS Newly con tracted bad chronic .cases cured. All burning. Itching and inflammation stopped In 24 hours. Cures effected la seven days. insures every man a lifelong cure, witi , out taking medicine Into the stomach. Examination free. If unable to call, write for list of questions. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sua days, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. OR. LINDSAY X2SVa SECOND ST, COR. OP ALDER, PORTLAND. OR, C. Gee Wo THE CHINESE DOCTOI Tlila KTemt Chl&M doctor la wll known lbrQht t2i Northwest tcu f lila wonderful and xnavrvtjloua eortL iSrfO-: and t4y tier Wct2s5: patients as th rreatevt of ixlm kind. H trat nnv ncd nil diseases with powerful C Aloes roots, nerbe and barks that are entirely unknown to tee medical science of this country- With these harmless remedies he ruarantees to curs catarrh, asthma. Inner troubles, rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, liver and kidney troubles, sUss O rivals diseases of men and women, CONSULTATION FKlifi. Patients outs 1(3 s of city write for blanks and circulars. Inclose 4c stamp. The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co. I62V4 First St.. Near Morilmi. Portland. Or. . for w