18 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL S87f " lOR SALE. Miscellaneous. . VOR HAT.E Flat top office desk, gas stove complete with water heater. &08 East r . WAJITEP MISCELLAMSOU3. " W I T..I - buv .'t-uauenct'r car. utandaxri make. in good repair, up to $1m.K) ; on install ment payment anrl give. real estate secur ' ity to protect payments. D 007, Orego nian. Wa.N'TEU Men's cast-off clothing- and highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair " Deal." 47 3d St.. North. Phone Main 272. 'WANTED Clothing, best price paid for ladles' and gents second-hand clothing .. and shoes and bicycles. Main 2030. 290 1st. livery wagon); must be in good condition; ii give description and lowest cash prioa. Address box 7, Wlnlock, Wash. r WANTED Shetland pony, sound and gen i: tie. medium size, for a child. 5 years old. Send description and prioe to Bushong & Co.. Portland. Or. HIGHEST price paid for men's cast-off clothing, shoes, bicycles and all second '' hand goods. 71 North 3d. Marshall 699. CELL, your second-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co. or you'll get leas. t Phones: A 2445. Main 8951. W ANT ED To contract for the cut of small T sawmill with water transportation. AD 913. Oregonlan. WANTED To buy a rifle; 30-30 caliber Savage preferred; state price and particu lars. Address B !os. Oregonlan. THREE I run bedsteads w'lth spring mat tresses, wood stove for kitchen and few strong chairs cheap. W 910. Oregonlan. CALL, up Marshall 1929 if you have sec- ond-hand clothes to sell. WANTED Second-hand roll-top deck and revolving chair. K Po7. Oregonian. WANTED To buv. a Runabout. 88 North Md st. Phone Main 4525. laPOT casn paid for your furniture; prpmpt attention always given. Phono East 106 7. 'SECOND-HAND roll top desk and chair; . musl be cheap. T 90.". Ore gonian. WANTED Men's caatoff clothing, shoes for highest price. Phone Main 4640. TTKLl WANTED MALE. WE have an extraordinary opening for 4 capable. wnergetfc salesmen who. can sell on commission high class tailor-made clothing under oua LIBERAL CREDIT con t rat-1. which makes payments easy, and includes repairing and pressing for one year; l0o to $150 per month easily : ; made. National Tailoring Co.. 291 Stark. .(SALESMAN WANTED A few high-class real estate salesmen, for a going street add It ion tract will be open for sale Sat urday. We have an Al proposition for good (closers). OA RTER-Dl'GA.V CO.. 820 Chamber of Commerce. CLOTHING. DRYGOODS AND GENERAL Mdse. Salesman for Country. Stenographer- Bookkeeper for City. COMMERCIAL ABSTRACT CO.. 107-4 OS-409 Commercial Club Bldg. W A NT ED Salesman to handle our line of gloves on commission in Eastern Oregon. Eastern Washington and Idaho. Portland Glove Works. :i2 4 Front st. WANTED Young man as bell boy. Apply to Commercial Club. 5lh and Oak sts.. superintendent's office, between 10 and 11 A. M. 'ENERGETTC enthusiastic salesman, with clean record, can find exceptionally prom ising position by addressing, with ref- , eronces. V 907, Oregonlan. PHYSICIAN wanted as assistant in doctor's office; good salary, steady employment for man registered in Oregon. Address J 912, Oregonlan. "WR aid our member to iecur mnlovmnt Constant demand for young men of ability and Integrity. Special employment mem bership. Y. M. C. A. FINE opening for young , man. experience unnecessary ; small capital required. Call afternoon. 326T,fr Washington st., room 417. WANTED Men who have had experience In industrial life Insurance Call at 219-220 Commercial Club hldg. cor 5th and Oak. LOCAL manager for large manufacturing cor poration; exclusive contract to capable man. W. F. A. Co.. Irtt'5 Gough St.. San Francisco. YOUNG MAN stenographer; lumber ex perience preferred ; situated near city. M 91 4. Oregonlan. 5A LESM A N WA NT ED Hat and furnlsh ing goods; man who can trim windows. Bowman Bros., 3rd and Burnslde sts. WANTED T icket and freight agent; not necessary to be telegraph operator. Call room 5Q2 Electric bldg. BOY wanted with wheel; can make $50 a , month ; $40 guaranteed. Apply 144 7th t t. upstairs. .WANTED Fifty good laborers; wages $2.23 per day. Apply East Yamhill and 37th sts. Jas. H- O'Brien. BOYS wanted to set pins at Oregon Bowling alleys. 84 7th st. ; good wes. Apply im mediately. GOOD, strong hoy; neat and clean, to run erranos. larne- w ooa wara Drug Co., 6th and Hoyt. See Mr. Thayer. W A NTED Laborers on concrete work, 25c per hour. Apply on waterfront at foot ' East Lincoln ft.. P. R. L. & p. Co. TWO bright enercetic boys to learn trade. Call 125 10th, between Alder and Washing ton. WANTED Good strong boy for shop boy, $0 li'per week. Apply Oregon Art Tile Co., 413 Alder st. WANTED Collector for furniture house; ' must have bicycle; give references. J 90S, Oregonlan. WA NTED Boy to drive grocery wagon; must furnish references. S 007, Oregon ian. WE have an opening for a good salesman, fine who means business. Call 9 to in M. 522 Worcester. $30 per inon t h with room and board. 309 Stark t. W A NTED Man for milk business; will pav you $ 25 weekly ; only $ 1 5ft r eq u 1 re d . P r ttculars 3VH'ti Washington, room 24. PRESSERS First-class men wanted at 1 once. Olds. Wortman & King. $18 TO $35 week, few months only learning; situations guaranteed. Watchmaking-E- graving School, box 1S2. Ashland. Or. WLIC1TORS No dust, best sweeping com pound ; household necessity ; sells on sight 253 Market st. Phone Main 1264. -WANTED Sailors for Europe. Australia and South Africa. Inquire Sailors Home cor. 2d and Gllsam sts. ' WANTED Young man to learn undertak- lng and do janitor work; salary. Call today. 414 E. Alder st. ARCHITECTURAL draughtsmen wanted; experienced men only. 606 Concord bldg city. WANTED Metal lathers, shlnglers and 2, experienced building laborers. East Pine and 12th sts. WANTED First-class butter and Ice cream maker. Address with references, stating wages desired, L. B. 626, Rosobu rg, O r. WANTED Experienced young man for do mestlc department. Apr-lv t once the New Golden Eagle. 3rd and Yamhill sts FIRST-CLASS sash and door machine man; also a good stock cutter. Oregon Plan ing M Ills. FIRST-CLASS furnishing and hat salesman. Anarcss w. ianziger Co., Astoria. Or. j v k d3 wanipn wnn wneeis; good waees. - Apply at l:U 10th st. ' W ANTED Ticket agent. Call room 502 Electric hldg. CARRIAGE painter wanted. Waite Motor Car Co.. 6th and Madison sts., top floor. :MEN for factory plant near Portland; mar ried men preferred. S31 Sherlock bldg. WANTED Photograph coupon agents; new offer: a winner. Cutberth. Dekum bldg. GOOD business, clearing $10 to $18 day, cheap Address G tM7. Oregonlan. .BLACKSMITH and helper wanted. City Iron Works. 3Q3 Front st. FIRST-CLASS salesman; big wages; perma nent. 21 Commercial Elder. WANTED Photo coupon agents, something entirely new pa vis. 3424 Washington st. BOY for clothing store: must have same experience. 76 N. fith St.. cor. Everett st. E.XPERIEN C E D presser ; Works. 226 3d st. Vienna Dye KHOVRLERS wanted at East' 30th and Tay 1 or. W A NTED An experienced janitor! Hotel Rainier. 12.3 N. 0th St. $10 TO $100 made daily in the motion plc ture business. Particulars 5264 Wash. BOY WANTED. F. W. Baltes & Co., printers, Fi rs t s nd t ak UOUD aenvery noy witn wneei. Must have references. 273 and 275 Morrison. TOBACCO-STRIPPERS wanted at 202 Washington st. WANTED Helper, pressing and mending. Tailor shop. 267 H Everett. WANTED Two carpenters. Ford St. Drive, ' south end of bridge. WANTED 2 good draftsmen. Apply 420 Worcester bldg. Portland Block Book Co. WANTED Nnonunion barber. 2oo 4th at. HELP WANTED MALE. SALESMEN, ATTENTION. You are perhaps not satisfied with your present Job or maybe you have no Job. The trouble Is not in the Job. it is in you. Now be frank about it are you doing the bert you can ? Are you making more money this year than last ? Have you advanced in any di rection ? If not. something Is wrong. It Is your fault If you stay in the same Job. Now "get out and get in line!" Advance or get another job! Perhaps you JTBAR the big job. Per haps you do not know where to find the big Job tha-t pays big money for the reaJy BIG MAN. Now that is where we can serve you. Convince yourself first that you WILL succeed, then WE want YOU. The BIG JOB is waiting. We will make a salesman out of you, but you must make the MAN first. The BIG SALESMAN makes BIG COMMISSIONS with THE JACOBS-STINEJ COMPANY. Largest Realty Operators on Pacific Coast. 146 Fifth Street. Call for Mr. Webb. C. R. HANSEN & CO. EMPLOYMENT AGENTS. 26 North Second st., Portland, Or. 424 Front ave., Spokane, Wash. 87-sy Fourth st., San Francisco, CaL Established 1876. Agents for The Utah Construction Co. Erickson & petterson. Twohy Bros. Company. Pacific Contract & Con. Co Portland Bridge & Building Co. O. R. & N. and S. P. R. lu Cos Pacific Coast Con. Co. C. A. Smith Lumber Co. Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. And other large employers. Ship cailv. Free fare. To Eastern and Southern Oregon and California for R. R. construction laborers. Work guaranteed. Transportation supplied. A general male and female employment business transacted. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 23 North 2d st. HIGHLY remunerative position for a hust ler who is willing to learn a system we are now Installing that has sold millions of dollars worth of property in the East, and which will pay several hundred, dol lars a month to salesmen while learning. Splendid opportunity for advancement. Stop drifting ; get in a business with a future. Call this morning before 10 o'clock. 4Q4 Couch bldg. FOR THE COPPER RIVER & N. W. R. R. CORDOVA, ALASKA. 1000 white laborers for surfacing and general railroad construction worK. Wages $3.8.j per day. Fare from Seattle to the work $15. Weekly shipments begin about May 1st. M. J. HEXET, Pier 2, Seattle Wash. WANTED Able-bodied men for the U. 3- Ma rine Corps, between the ages of Irt and 35. Must be native born or have first papers. Moathly pay $13 to $68. Additional compensa tion possible. Food, clothing, quarters and medical attendance free. After 30 years serv ice can retire with 7."V per cent of py and al lowances. Service on ooard ship and ashore In al parts 0 the world. Apply at Breeden bldg.. 8d and Washington sts.. Portland. Or. WE can use 15 first-class salesmen to call on department and general store trade In Washington, Oregon, California. Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and Utah, with a line of high-grade advertising specialties. Do not reply unless you are a live wire, with clean record. Commission basis, travel .5 expenses advanced. C. F. Morphew, --,u Mutton blk.. Spokane. W ash. EVERY young man seeking employment or desiring to better bis condition, should take advantage of the special employ ment membership, and et in quick touch with the advisory and employment sec retary of the Y. M C. A. Strangers our specialty. Good fellowship, good, advice, good position awaits you- MEN wanted for firemen and brakemen on nearby railroads; age 18 to 35; experience unnecessary; no strike, permanent employ ment; firemen $ 100 monthly ; brake inen $75; promotion to engineers, con ductors; 400 men sent to positions monthly, state age; send stamps. Railway Asso- - elation, care Oregonlan. BARBERS and apprentices in Oregon, are hereby notified that their annual cards ex pire April 30. The Board of Examiners .will be In session May 2. 3 and 4, at lt7V- First st., this city, for the purpose of renewing said cards.- Please give this your prompt attention. T. M. Leabo, Secretary, m SALESMEN To handle attractive lots os small monthly payments, in cheapest, best and easiest-selling addition in Portland. Names of prospective buyers furnished. Good commission, better than salary to live man. 315 Couch bldg.. 4th at., near Wash ington. 10,000 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade in 8 weeks, help to secure promotion; gradu ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert Instructors; tools free; write for cata logues. Mohler System of Colleges, SS North 4th bt, Portland. Or. WANTED Salesmen who are hustler aad can sell; no dead ones need apply. We have good territory and proposition for the right parties. We furnish outfit free and pay cash weekly. Write us. ALBANY NUR SERIES. INC., Albany, Oregon. WANTED A first-class groctry clerk; must be a good solicitor; none other need apply; good wages to right party; young man pre ferred, about 25 years of age; eteadv posi tion. Write at once. The James Peterson Co., Seaaide. Or. WA NTED An experienced bookkeeper. References required. State salary ex pected. Give phone number and address and where presently employed. Address V iHW, Oregonian. lOOO M EN to know of the grand variety of Spring and Summer sample suits. $35 to $40 values, $18.75; $25 to $30 values, $14.75; $18 to $22.5t values. $12 75. Knew Sample Suit Shop. 815 Oregonlan bldg. DISTRICT managers for the Yeomen ; splendid Washington lerritory ; $100 to $300 per month if you are willing to work. F. A. Case, State Manager, 1813 Boren ave.. Seattle, Wash. GOOD man for retail city wagon route; teas coffees, spices, etc ; route partially es tablished ; good pay to right party ; state reference, experience and phone number. D ;08. Oregonlan. WANTED Young man of ability to act as salesman and learn real estate business. Experience unnecessary; no money re quired. Call this morning before 10 o'clock. 404 Couch bldg. IF you are not making $200 a month and you have any ability as a salesman, call at 210-22O Commercial Club bldg., corner 5th and Oak. WANTED Young man with some experi ence In printing business; fine chance for right party. M. Jones, 149 3d st. Call after 1 P. M. CASH stores Owner wants reliable partner to wait on customers; must be satisfied with $25 a week from start ; $250 required. Call 417 Board of Trade. BOYS with wheel to deliver packages after school and Saturdays. Ask for Mr. Feller man at McAllen & McDonnell's, ad and MorrlFon sts. WANTED two active bright boys 16 to 20 years old, for work In advertising depart ment. Kerr Glass Manufacturing Co., 4th and Hoyt sts. WA NTED Sash and door packers, yard men and millmen for Rainier, Or. Ap ply W. P. Fuller & Co., 12th and Davis sts. WANTED Five flrat-clara clothing salesmen with knowledge of tailoring; steady posi tion and highest salary to exjerienced men. The Parisian Tailors. S4 3d st. YOUNG MEN wanted to prepare for railway mail clerks, post off ice clerks, carriers, etc Write or call for- Book 30, it's free. Paclflo States School. McKay Bldg., Portland, Or. WANTED Steady, sober man used to farm products; good salary and share of profits; small investment required. Call 2iSV stark st. WANTED Operator for moving picture the ater; must be strictly sober. Address stating lowest salary and where last em ployed. Lew F. Collins. The Dalles, Or. WANTED Young man about 18 years of age. Mt. Hood Shirt & Overall Factory, 2d and Couch. HELP WASTE!) FEM ALE. GIRL for general housework. $5 per week. :so 13th st. COMPETENT girl for general housework; good wages. 7Q9 Kearney st. WANTED Girl for selling candy and fruit 60' North 6th St. GIRL for general housework; good wages, Apply 454 7th st. cor. Jackson. WANTED An experienced girl to work in confectionery store. 2 25 North 23d st. JAPANESE girl for general housework. Phone Main 419S. Middle-aged lady for general housework 3 In family. 16il E. 13th. Phone Ski 11 wood 42 4. EXPERIENCED waitress for lunch and dinner work. 3SS Morrison. LADY barber wanted at 112 4th st. HELP WANTED FEMALE, WANTED Experienced laundry help In all departments; also good wages to bright girls who are willing to learn. PACIFIC LAUNDRY' CO., 231 Arthur st. WANTED Hand ironers. machine operators and girls to learn marking and sorting; only those wishing steady employment need apply. Yale Laundry, 500 East Morrison st. FAMILY of 2, who keep second girl, want young woman for general housework, prin cipally cooking; mut be loroughly experi enced. Wages $35- References. Telephone A 5250. STENOGRAPHER and secretary; young man with 10 years experience in high class work; good education; neat appear ance. J 90ti, Oregonian. WA NTED First-class operators for ladies' skirts. Highest wages. Take elevator. WESTERN RUCHING & MFG. CO., . ti3 5th at., cor. Pine. GIR L to assist general housework ; 2 in family; $15 month. 57fc E. 22d North; take Broadway or Alameda Park car to Knott st. COMPETENT stenographer and office man desires position; 5 years' experience; knowledge of bookkeeping. Excellent references. C 0Q5, Oregonian. MARRIED lady without children can have 3 furnished housekeeping rooms for car ing for rooming-house. Apply 364 North Sfith. "W" car to 2i3th. block north. EXPERIENCED girl, general housework, good wages ; only experienced holp need apply. Mrs. C. D. Brunn, 408 Alexander 'ourt. LA DY under 35 to assist gentleman travel ing, soliciting. advertising; permanent work; experience unnecessary; right party. L 90s. Oregonian. WAJVTED Girl or middle-aged woman for general housework on ranch at Hood River; good home and wages. Y 907, Oregonlan. SALESWOMEN First-class, in a number of our departments. OLDS. WORTMAN & KING. WA NTED Experienced lad v presser, at Willamette Dye Works, 266 3d st. Main 322. HATS, trimmings, coloring, remodeling, low prices, etc. ; try 227 Wash. cor. Second, room 27. Bring any old material. RELIABLE woman to take charge of office and direct employes; position permanent. AL 14, Oregonlan. COMPETENT girl for general housework and cooking, family of 2; modern flat. CalI P2-7j East Ankeny. cor. 30th. 4 LADIES for s-hooting galleries; married pre ferred!, between 20 and 35 years; good wages. Apply at 49 3d st. GI RL or woman for general housework ; family three; good wages; Broadway car. 4S3 E. 23th North. WANTED Neat, respectable woman house keeper in widower's famllv. out town. St. Louis Agency. 303 Wash. Main 2030. WANTED At once, operators for ladies' neckwear; highest wages. Western Ruch inc & Mfg. Co., 03 5th, cor. Fine st. WANTED at once, good reliable woman to care for 6-month-old boy. A 9oy, Ore gonian. YOUNG LA DY to share suite of nicely-furnished apartments. 34 Heinz apts. M. 7337. WANTED Skirt and waist helpers at 403 Jefferson st.; permanent place to good help. COMPETENT girl wanted for general housework in family of three; small home. A. Holtz, 711 Hojjt st. WANTED An experienced girl for house work and cooking; good wages. Inquire 680 Hoyt st. WANTED Girl for general housework in small private family. Apply 740 Hoyt St.. bet. 22d and 23d sts. COMPETENT girl wanted, general house work ; must be first-class cook. 1135 Thurman st. GIRLS over 16 to work in bag factory. Apply Ames. Harris, Neville Co., 5th and Davis. WANTED Girl to work in grocery store; one' wanting a home preferred. 2 Grand ave. COMPETENT girl for general housework. Phone A 242M. 1131 Franklin St., Will amette Heights. WANTED A girl for general housework in physician's family of 2. Phone Woodlawn 54J. COMPETENT second girr wanted; good wages; four in family. Phone Marshall 1229. S19 Johnson st. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES AGENCY. 826 Washington St., Room SOT. Main S836 or A 3266. WANTED Good pastry cook and bread maker for delicatessen ; must go home nights. Apply 317 RubscII st. WANTED Girl for cook and general house work; wages $30 per month. Inquire 6'j3 Wasco st. WA NTED Experienced coat hands or al teration workroom. Apply to cloak and suit section. Tull & Gibns. WANTED Two experienced waitresses and 1 pantry girl. Address Box 601, Hood River. Or. GIRL wanted for general housework and good cook.x Apply 1509 Belmont Bt.; Mount Tabor car. " WANTED 6 young ladles to learn fancy toe dancing. Call at once. 9 0 10h st., near Stark. WANTED Girl or woman, cooking, and general housework ; family of three. B 1634; Tabor 1768. WANTED Jap&nese girl for general house work; 1 in family. Apply 75 E. 16th, corner Stark. WANTED A good cook, good wages, small family, references required. 2V5 West Park st. EX PERIENCED coat and skirt hands for alteration room. Sllverf leld's, 4 th and Morrison sts. COLORED woman wanted; gentlemen's washing. Send address and when to call. I j 907. Oregonian. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 143 hi Washington SL. Cor. 7th. Upstairs. Phone Main 2692, WANTED Refined, capable woman for r sponslble position. Vlavl -Co., 609 Rota ehild bids-.. 4th and Washington. GOOD cook and assist general housework; good wages, small family. Main 2231, morning and evening. " WANTED Girl for general housework; no children; good wages. 381 lOth. cor. Mont gomery. WANTED Women and girls to work on shirts and overalls. Mt, Hood Factory, 233 Couch st. LESSONS in Shorthand snd Typewriting by expert. $5 a month. 26'J 14th. Main 3893. GIRL for general house work. Call in after- noon. 1Q22 Raleigh, near 29th. WANTED First-class drawer-ln and gen . eral mill help. Multnomah Mohair Mills, gellwood. MIDDLE-AGED woman as housekeeper; small family. Apply 737 East Madison. WANTED Experienced waitress at the New port restaurant, 53 3d st. 1 TEACHERS for mission school. Apply 206 Second at.. 7 o'clock P. M. W A NTED Experienced operators on ovtr a ! ig ali-v ie:irn-r. 75 lt St. GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory No. 2. Grand ave. and East Taylor. WANTED Girl for general housework! 655 Hoyt st. GI RL General housework, family 3. Ap- ply mornings. 663 Johnson st. WANTED A nurse maid; must have ref erences. 461 Hassalo st. WANTED Girl to assist with housework or school girl; wages. 362 Fargo st. MIDDLE-AGED woman to work in boarding house. $20 a month. 58 rclay str. GIRL for housework; small famllv; good wages. 733 E. Couch. Phone Ea'st 4019. WANTED Girl for general housework. 1054 Qulmby st. Main 47 82. GIRL for general housework. 658 LovT joy. Call after 12. A GIKL to cook and do general housework Apply 215 N. 20th st. GOOD millinery makers wanted. Apply Lowen gart & Co. - GIRL General housework. Apply morn Ingg. 6G3 Johnson st. JAPANESE girl for general housework, 2 in family. Call 692 East Ash st. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework; five adults ; $25. Phone Sell wood 816. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED Waitress, bellboy. Merchant Hotel. 3d and Davis. WANTED Office assistant. Co.. 471 Overton st. Oregon Fuel F1SK TEACHERS AGENCY offers good positions to A-l Instructors. 611 Swetland. PITCATIOX WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, with best of references, desires a set of hooks to keep during spare hours. K 905, Ore gonian -v YOUNG man desires position as bookkeeper; can furnish best of references; 6 years' ex perience. II 16, Oregonian, SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. YOUNG man. bookkeeper and stenographer, wLshe position at jreneral office work; ref erenreg. F 015. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. WANTED By married man from the East, a position as foreman on ranch; under stands the care of stock and farm ma chinery and can give good references. p 923. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN wants responsible position n mecnauicai line; technical training; expe- riencJ; ability ; $ 1 10. room 519. 1 ai. 1:. .v. A JAPANESE boy wants a position in Oregon aj a farmer boy : write kindly to the ad d ress. Mat 91 u, .302 Couch st. DAIRY or fruit ranch hand, understands mo tors for spraying and pumping; good milker N 92o. Oregonlan. WANTED By a reliable man, a legitimate position with a responsible firm. P 905, Oregonlan. ' LAUNDRYMAN, all-round worker, steady, competent, can come at once. Particulars first letter. AF 916. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN and wife want positions as janitors, care takers or in private service; best references. G 908, Oregonlan. POSITION as head waiter in first-class res taurant; experience from best restaurants Europe and New York. L 906, Oregonian. COMPETENT Japanese, well educated, de sires seady position at any kind of work in store, hotel or factory. 127 12th st. POSITION by steam fitter's helper; 3 years' experience: stranger. II 9". Oregonian. FATHER and son, good blacksmiths, want position. B 907, Oregonian. GENERAL house-cleaning by day, job or hour. Thompson. Main 5569. BAKER wanjts position In a bakery. E. Heyn. 332 Glisan st. JAPANESE Employment Co. will furnUh all hf'.t. Main 4659. A 4073. 2C3 Everett. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenograph e rs. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper desires po sition; references. Address ,G 919, Ore gonian FIRST-CLASS manicurist wants position. N 907. Oregonian. OrFKHiniKfre. Alterations, specialty on ladies' suits. Mrs. Mucklcr. 430 Columbia, Apt. 21. A 4709. ANGELES Dressmak'.ng Parlors. 326H Wasa ington St.. suite 216. Main 9S2. A 3381. PROFESSIONAL nurse will take charge in valid gentleman, lady, elderly, infant. Main 3388. CALL A-7162 for nurse. Confinement, chil dreji diseases a specialty. City references. MIDDLE-AGED, experienced practical nurse; dooor'g references. A 2618. Housekeepers. REFINED, middle-aged widow wants posi tlon as housekeeper. AF 919, Oregonian. PLACE as housekeeper, small family, plain cook. Main 4821. WOMAN competent cook wants position in private family. C 9m t. Oregonian. Domestics. A GOOD, plain cook and housekeeper wants position immediately. 223 Market st. Phone Main 6048. A GIRL wants work cooking and house work. Address SK4 E. Davis st. Miscellaneous. BRIGHT, attractive girl, age 17. willing and capable, wants situation in small private family. Phone between 10 and 12 only. Main 748S. EXPERIENCED German teacher wishes few more pupils; rapid progress guaranteed ; terms reasonable. P 920, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED young widow would like charge of rooming-house or hotel. Will leao city. L 90 5. Oregonlan. CAMP COOKS, housekeepers, nurses, cham bermaids, pastrycook. St. Louis Agency, 303Va Washington. Main 2039. A 4 775. WOMA N wants sweeping and cleaning Thursday, Friday and Saturday. East 4620. Room 5. BY experienced lady pianist, position in or chestra, dance or concert; no objection to leaving city. L 90'4. Oregonian. GI RL (German , experienced In any work, wants position ; good home with nice pco ple preferred. T 906. Oregonian. LACE curtains washed and stretched, 40c a pair. Main 5723 or A 5514. 0 GIRIvfl wanted ; pood place. Address 321 N. 17th st. WANTED Cooking by the day. 430 Burn side st. AN experienced woman wants day work. Phone Main 24'il. GOOD laundress, take work home or go out by the day. Call Marshall 1462. LADY wants work by day or hour. Phone Seliwood ISO. t YOUNG lady gives piano lessons; 5c per lesson. References given. Main 8183. WANTED AGENTS. MEN and women to take orders for a house hold necessity that sells at sight when properly presented. Hustlers can easily average $8 per day. Give your address, references and phone number In answer ing for interview. C 222. Oregonlan. SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash weekly selling choice nursery stock; out fit 'free. Capital City Nursery Company, Salem. Oregon. WANTED Reliable men who can sell trees for largest nursery in the West. For further particulars' address Oregon Nur- sery Co.. Orenco. Or. WE positively have the fastest-selling house hold patent on the market. Wooiverine Co., Pittsburg, Pa. WANTED Good agents, for office specialty; auttifnatic telephone receiver-holder; good territory. Acme Holder Co., Spokane, Wash. WANTED TO KENT. Bouses. THE demand for good places to live still keeps up; if you have such a place, we have the tenant. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Rent Dept., Chamber of Commerce. BUSINESS man, wife and mother desire 6 room furnished house, flat or apartment In good neighborhood. West Side. Ad dress with particulars, Post of flee box 6 7 5. WANTED 7-room furnished house. West Side, within 5 minutes of postof rice. Ad dress M"r$. C. K. Jenkins, care Barr Ho tel, 6th atid Glisan sts. WANTED To rent 8 or 9-room modern house. West Side, small family of adults; will accept any time from May 1 to Aug. 1. E. 90 6. Oregonian. WANTED Modern furnished bungalow, or furnished apart ments; must be nrst-class. Apply mornings, between 10 and 11. Main 8101. WANTED Modern small furnished house or cottage ; rent must be reasonable. Phono Main 77. WANTED Neatly furnished rooming-house in housekeeping uites. from owners. X 906. Oregonian. WANT to rent a good modern 6 or 7-room house on West Side. Address 202 23d st. North. 1MM EDI AT ELY. unfurnished house with 8 room or more, walking distance, reason able. T 907. Oregonian. WANTED Well furnished bungalow for mother and daughter; Portland Heights preferred. Call M. 746S. WANTED By May lo, small cottage or 3 or 4 unfurnished rooms; gas and yard; close in. West Side, reasonable. R 910. Oregonian! WANTED To rent 9 or 10-room house, fur nished. Room 19, Montgomery bldg., E. Sth and Morrison sts. ' Apartments. WANTED By young man and mother, fur nished apartment or cottage for few months or longer; will give very be?t of care; state ( kcatlon and terms. Address X 907, Ore- gonian. Rooms. WANTED At once. 3 housekeeping rooms in private family for 6 months; West Side; close in. Address Asa Catt. gen. del. Rooms Witn hoard. WANTED Good home for child of 5 years, good pay. C 907 Oregonian. FOB RENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL- SAVON. 131 Eleventh Street. NEW. modern brick building: STEAM HEATED, private baths, running water In all rooms; TELEPHONES IN EACH ROOM ; special rates by the week and month; TRANSIENT TRADE solicited. THE WEAVER. 710 Washington, near King; bath, hot and cold water ; phone, steam heat in every room ; strictly modern; fine large office, ground floor; by far the best in the city for the money; rooms $25 per month and up. Call and inspect. HOTEL BAKER, Fifth St.. opposite City Hall. New, beautifully furnished; si earn heat; hot, cold water lu every room; public and private baths. Permanent; transient. FOB KENT. Fui-.isb.ed Rooms. NEW MODERN CLEAN THE MOODY HOUSE 26S Third St.. Cor. J ef lei son St. New fireproof building aud furnishings throughout; u iirable neighborhood; four minutes walk to business center; rooms and suites; large, light and airy; hot and cold water; Atam heat; gas and electrio lights; call belis; free bat us; clean porce lain tubs; lavatories convenient. Take "" car at depot to ohird and Jefferon sts. We aim to sa-Usly; that is why we please our TRANSIENT AND PERMANENT PA TRONS. Rates $3. $5, $6, $7 per week. A 7731 PHUN-73 Main 8639- HOI EL RAINIER. 140 ROOMS. 1 BLOCK. FKuM DEPOT. New, modern, fireproof building, steam heated, bot and cold running water In ail rooms, richly furnished, finest beds that money can buy, and it doesn't cost any more than some entrap lodging-house; nice large office on crouiid floor; everything first-class ; rates. COc, 75c and $ 1 por day ; $3.50 and up per week. Call and see us. 12S 6th st- North. Homelike. Homelike Homelike. "IN THE HEART OF TH.KJ CITY." NEW SCOTT HOTEL, 7th and Ankeny sts. Free was their depot carriage I took it oa the spot; There may be othvr houses Just as good. But X guesn nou A yulet home for quiet people. HOTEL ANTLERS. 404 Washington, corner 10th. Modern brick building, steam heated, private baths, runuing water in rooms, electric light, free pnune; special rates by week or month ; the most convenient lo cation in the city; transient trad- solicited at $1 up. HOTEL MINNESOTA. 8S North 6th St., S. E. cor. Flanders New brick building, ""steam heated, por celain baths, fine large office on ground floor, elegant beds, everything absolutely new and clean; rates only $.50 and up per week; 50c and 75c per day. it blocks Irom Union Depot. THE BARTON, 13th and Alder, is now undergoing a thorough renovation; 70 steam heated, electric-lighted rooms, all outside. Rates 75c day; $10 month up. Suites Willi running water 20 moat a ui. Pnones and bath free. HOTEL BRSSLLN. 422Vfc Washington, our. nth. 6teain heat, hot and cold water, baths, a.cely lurnished rooms, $3 per week up; tt AOb.ent rates, 75c up. HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3il and Main i"tsl, furnished rooms, single or en suite, at rea sonable prices, modern conveniences. Op poMie the Plaza. LARRABEB HOTEL, 227 ft Larrabee, near Hollauay ave. New brick bldg.; every con venience; reasonable; permanent ana traa stent. HOTEL BUSH MARK, Washington and 17Ui, first-class furnished r)oins, single or en suite; all modern con ven iences; $3 wockiy up. A 2647, M. 5647. NICELY furnished rooms, all conveniences, close in ; nice yard. $3 and $4 a week. Amor House. 251 7th at. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths fiee. 327 Stark, corner oth. Mrs. Maud J. Estea The Mercedes, 20th and Washington ; el ele gantly furnished rooms; hot and cold run ning water, modern conveniences; $12 up. FURNISHED rooms. Kim Place" formerfy Elton Court Annex. 414 Yamhill and 11th. lhE REX Modern rooms, 2.5u to $5 pr week 548 J Washington gL Furnished Rooms in Private Family. BEAUTIFULLY furnished front rooms, single or en suite; heat, light, bath and phone; tine location : $1 tand $12 per month. 575 Couch st., northeast cor. ltsth. West Side Telephone A 52SO. VERY desirable vacancy for gentleman only ; newly furnished house ; home cook ing ; walking distance to town. 646 East Alder. B 295 2. ONE nicely furnished room in private fam ily of two ; modern ; West Side; closo in; J 10. A 4239. TWO clean, well-furnished rooms in nat; all conveniences; rent reasonable. 547 Y'um hill st. Call for Miss B':: kor. TWO bedrooms, one with alcove ; every modern convenience. 736 East Main st. Phone East 5047. FOR RPiNT 2 nicely furnished rooms in pri vate family ; reasonable. ;!SS Jefferson, be tween West Park and 10th. $10 LARGE, light, airy room, with mod ern conveniences; will serve breakfast and evening dinner. Main 7785. PLEASANT rooms for one or two gentle men. central and reasonable. 292 12th st. FURNISHED rooms, modern house, walking distance. 671 Glisan st. FURNISHED rooms, private family. 24 S N. 20th. Main 36 IK ATTRACTIVE room or suite; no other rooin i era; strictly private family. Main 9002. FURNISHED room, private family. 956 Williams ave. LIGHT sunny room, free phone and bath; walking distance. 327 West Pa rk s t. VFJRY pleaant room. every convenience, walking distance. Main 3312. 361 loth. $3 PER WEEK, newly furnished front room for two. 94 11th st. Rooms With Hoard. THE MAGNOLIAS. 617 KEARNEY ST. Ideal Summer home, beautiful grounds, finest rooms, with best home cooking in city; rooms, with private bath, all mod ern conveniences; moUerate rates. 33 17TH SV. N. One block off Washington; fine neighborhood; walking distanco; well furnished corner suite; also single rooms; board optional. PORTLAND Women's Union. 22d year, room with board, use of sewing-room and library. 5lo Flanders st. Miss Frances N. Heath, Supt. BEST TABLE; best rooms in the city; snap py suite; 2 or in one; transient, $f.o0 a week will do. Main 2118. The Waldorf 147 loth st. LAMBERSOX 554 rouch st., cor. 17th7 one block from Washington. Desirable, rooms single or double for gentlemen. Oood home cooking. WANTED Room and board" May 1st, in private family, by married couple with little girl. K 90H. Oregonlan. THE COLONIAL, 165 anti 167 10th st, cor ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reaaoa able rates. LARGE front room, next to bath; open fire; $5 a week: also small room, $4 a week. 5th and Jefferson. LARGE airy room, nicely furnished, with good hoard, reasonable. 178 Ella st. NICE rooms with excellent board. The . Mai. itqu,261 13th st. Moderate prices. THE CALVARD Suites or single. 452 Mor rison. cor. 13th. Choice accommodations. Rooms With Board luiriyate Faai ily. TWO elegantly furnished rooms, sleeping porch if desired ; beaut if ul grounds, ideal . place for Summer; modern. 9 E. sth St., corner Washington. Phone East 1390. LARGE front bay window room with alcove and private balcony, suitable for 2 ; all modern conveniences ; will serve break fast and evening dinner. Main 7785. ROOM with breakfast and dinner for 1 or 2 young ladies; piano, phone and bath; pri vate home. Phone Seliwood 1374. ROOM and board for one or two. In private home; every modern convenience; 7 blocks from Postof flee; use of piano, etc. Main 4 504. LARGE sunny 1 00m with board, home cooking ; all conveniences; reasonable, lot loth St.. naar Flanders. Main 5513. NICE rooms and good board in private family for one or two gentlemen. 591 Davis st. VERY pretty front room, suitable for one or two people; good location, walking dis tance ; terms reasonable . M a I n 328 o. FURNISHED room suitable for 2.; refer ences ; with board. 2.io lOth st. DEisIRABLE room and board, home cook ing. East Side. 644 East Alder. B. 2U31. SINGLE room, with board, in modern pri vate home; referencesjrequired. 2S4 Va Park. PLEASANT room, choice board, business p eo p lo. 712 Hoyt st. LARGE sunny room with board; home cook Ing : modern. 75 North 14th. NICE room in private family; good board; reasonable rates. M a i n 7016. 653 WASHINGTON ST.. room and board ; larg-a 1 00m. suitable for two gentlemen. LARGE neatly furnished front room with or without board. 168 10th st, Apartments. THE IRVING. 21st and Irving sts. May 1. 4-room apartment; all outside rooms; rea sonable rent. 4- ROOM completely furnished apartment, janitor, piano, sewing machine, silver, etc Apt. 31. Marlborough Apts. W' EST FALL, between Harrison, and Hall St., 1 3 - room apartment on May 1. FOR RENT Furnished apartment. The Morton. Washington and King. IRIS APARTMENTS. 3d axt-i Mill. 1st of April, 4 rooms, $32. FOR RENT. Apartments. THE PAGE APARTMENTS East Sth and Burnside. Open May 1. New. white pressed brick, beautifully finished, mod ern in every detail, reception hall, fire places, laundry, steam drier in basement. 2 and 3-room apartments, elegantly fur nished, private baths, private telephones, janitor service. Rent reasonable ; a few unfurnished apartments. ANGELA APARTMENTS :tO Trinity Place, between 19th and 20th; sts., near Wash ington ; 2 3 or 4-room apartments, new pressed brick building just completed; every modern convenience including tele phone exchange and elevator; close to business centers; very reasonable prices and excellent service. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia, 4 blocks from Morrison St.; new brick building, completely first-class, furnished in 2, 3 and 4-room family apartments, pri vate oatn. reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone ; some unf ur nished; janitor service; rent reasonable. ORDE LEIGH APARTMENTS. 82 Grand Ave., S. E. cor. E. Stark. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Beautifully furnished 3-room apart ments; modern ; no objection to children; $2S to $35 per month. East 300. HA.NOVER Apartments, corner K.mg and Washington sts., 3-room Apartments, have every modern convenience, including steam heat, hot water, private bath, free pnones and Janitor service ; rent very reasonable. THE LAURETTE apartments. 220 11th; new brick building, one choice, elegantly furnished front apartment;' modern; 5 minutes' walk from Postof nee. Both phones. "ON EON T A" APARTMENTS, 1S7 17th, Yamhill (V car at depot). 2, 3 and 4 near rooiu 1 and week furnished suites; hot and cold, phone: baths free ; $20 per niont re, and up. ?aain 46t'7. A 4739. per WELLINGTON COURT. 2, 3 OR 4 -room apartments, up to date in every respect, walking distance from business center; furnished and unfurnished. 15th and Everett sts. Phone Main 1245. FOR RENT MAY 1 Swell new apartment. 5."j3 Ladd ave.. modern, living-room, dining-room, beamed ceilings; den, music room, 4 bedrooms, screen porch ; long leaso. Apply contractor, next door. WILL sell furniture of new furnished 3 room apartment at a sacrifice; every thing ready for housekeeping. Love joy, near 22d. Phone A 1650. STEAM-HEATED 5-room apartment, mod ern and desirable; 525 Everett st. Apply Morgan. Fleidner & Boyce, 503 Ablngtoa tldg. FOR RENT Modern 4-room apartment. King's HelghLs Apartment House, cor. King and Wayne sts.; furnished. $55; un furnished, $40. Apply janitor. THE SHEF1ELD, 7th and Jeilerson sts. ; unfurnished apartment with bath, every convenience; desirable location; reasua able rent. Main 2oUti. A 3149. KEELER APARTMENTS, 14th and Clay sts. The finest in Portland. These beautiful 3 and 4-room apartments will be ready for occupancy May 1. HARRISON COURT. 5th and Harrison. Unfurnished apartment, 2 rooms and bath, all modern improvements. Phone Main 5 148. A 7363. FIVE-ROOM, steamheated, modern apart ment with janitor service (.partial base .nient), finest in city for the money. Ap ply to janitor, 21st and Kearney. THE MERCEDES Elegantly furnished 2 room apartments, hot and cold running water and all modern conveniences; $14 to $30. Corner 20th and Washington sts. COMPLETELY furnished 6 -room corner apartment; janitor. The Marlborough, 2lst and Flanders. 6 -ROOM corner apartment, every conveni ence. Brain tree Apartments, 295 12 th st. Main 7741. . ST. CKOIX Apartments, 170 St. Clair st. Modern unfurnished 3-room apartments; tine residence location and reasonable rent. HARRISON COURT 3-room furnished ap partment. every convenit--r.ee. steam heat and janitor service. Main 51 4fv 3-ROOM furnished apartment, sleeping porch, 2 large closets, phone and bath. 551 East Yamhill. East 17lO. THE Rfi-L'KAN MOST EXCLUSIVE FUR NISHED APARTMENTS IN THE CITY. BOTH PHONES. 624 MARSHALL ST. THE BERYL. One front apartment for rent; very thing modern. 695 J-ovejoy st. W car. Flats. MUST be sold 2 nice homes on Portland Heights. Owner has Instructed us to sell Thursday, April 2?. at 11 A. M. sharp, at public auction to the highest bidder. Sale will take place on premises at 469 and 471 Chapman St., corner of Clifton. Your opportunity to get a home in the best res idence sec: t ion of Portland. One-tnird cash, balance to suit. Those flno homes will be so I d se Da ra t e I y . M . E. Lee, 411 Corbett Bldg. If you want to make money,, ai1ud our aurtion sa'es. FOR RENT New and strictly modern 6 ruom fiats on 20th and Laurel sts.. Port land Heights, rent $40. Apply WAKEFIELD. FRIES St CO 85 Fourth st. FOR RENT UPPER FLAT. rooms, modern, tiew; attic room, sloep ing porch; 2 blocks West Side High School. Inquire 175 16th. cor. Yamhill; adulls. FOR RENT FLATS. $22 An excellent modern flat at 328 H Ross st. R. H. : Blossom. 316 Chamber of Commerce. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co. Main lolS, A 1984. All covered wag una, all experienced men. MODERN lower flat. 6 rooms, walking dis tance: adults. 32SVs Mill. Reasonable to right parties. East 2302. MODERN 5-room flat, on carline; 15 minutes walk from town; rent $25. 400 Ew 12th and Division. Phone A 3383. ONE new 6-room modern ntt; "S" and "F" carline. Inijulre at drugstore. Front and Gibbs sts, FOR SALE New furniture of 3-room, new apartment; fine porch and closets; near Upper Washington. $185. Phone A 73i. MODERN 5-room lower corner flat, 47 street. WEST SIDE 58 Vfe u p per Hat ; $16. 1 th st.. 4-room modern llwood 1390. MODERN 5-room, downstairs flat, with s in a 1 1 yard. Apply at 8Q4 Front st. 730 OVERTON Modern flat, 6 sunny rooms, re fermces. M.'.in 850. NEW 5-room f lar. 1 sth and E. Ash St., $32.5Q. Phone B 2Q06. MODERN fiat. 6 rooms and bath. 731 1i Hoyt st. Inquire 132 6th st. Main 6278. 6-ROOM modern flat; furnace, gas range, water heater. Inquire 363 14tn Housekeeping Rooms. TH E BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts. Newly furnished for housekeeping, includ ing gas range, electric lights, hot water, baths, laundry, reception-room, all ree; furnished apartments $15 per month up; single housekeeping rooms. $2.50 week up; best in city for money; short distance from Union Depot. 'S" or lGth-st. cars north, get o at Marshall st. No dogs allowed. WEILL-FURNISH E D housekeeping rooms, 2 $8 month. 3 for $12; cottae, 4 rooms, $2o; 364 26th N. I West Side, V car from depot. an or y orrwon to zmn, diock- nortn NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms, rea sonable. Wendhurst, 545 Washington, near 10th. $1.25 TO $2.00 week, clean, furnished house keeping rooms; laundry, bath, phone, gas, furnace heat. 406 Vancouver ave. THE COLLINS 503 H Alder St., furnished housekeeping rooms, with all conveniences. THE ELMS 2 and 3-room apartments; fur- niFhed. 101 14 th st. SINGLE) and housekeeping rooms, strictly modern; reasonable. 4 'jo Morrison st. NICE furnished houseKeeping rooms, $14. C31 k Washington St.. cor. 20th. $1.25 week, clean fur. housekeeping rooms, heat, laundry, bath. 203 Stanton. "U" car. NEWLY-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 175 N. 1 7th st. and Johnson. TWO well furnished housekeeping rooms with private bath. , Call 555 Morrison. $1.50 w.e. large, clean furn. housekeeping rooms ; laundry, bath, gas. 1 84 Sherman. TWO desirable unfurnished housekeeping rooms, walking distance. 39 J 1, tith. Hounekeeping Rooms in Prlva-.te Family. TWO to five un furnished rooms; ground floor; garden, nice yard; reasonable. "B-L" car to 17th. block so u t h . 60 it Ed g a r . DESIRABLE two and three-room unfur - nished suites. Fifth st.. 305 V4 Jefferson, Bea nt If ul central location. 41"t T A Y LOR. housekeeping suite, ground floor, modern; no children. FURNISHED or unfurnished; in suburbs; on car line. Phone Seliwood 30. SUITE, completely furnished. $10; gas range, walking distance. 146 N. 16th. Main 5173. FINELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 211 11th st. FOUR rooms for rent, bath and phone. 945 Belmont st. Phone Tabor 103. TWO or three furnished housekeeping rooms front, sink, phone. 260 College st. CLEAN well-furnished housekeeping rooms. 395 tith st. LIGHT housekeeping room. $2 week; sk?ep-ing-room. $1.75; short walk. 292 10th. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; gas, hath; $12.r.0 month. 692 Front. FLATS of two or three furnished house keeping rooms; yard. 450 Yamhill. FOR KENT. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. $12 50 A BEAUTIFUL suite of fully fur nished rooms. for couple; overlooking riwr; walking distance, line neighborhood, 564 East 6t h st. Phone Seliwood 110U. 33 FURNISHED rooms, with lease, well lo cated; must sell at once and will sac rifice; no reasonable offer refused ; will accept part trade. M a li5 1 4 S . A 3 6 3 LARGE front room nicely furnished; kitchen gas. range ; new modern house ; walking distance. 6"2 Belmont st-, cor. East l&th. Phone B 2S7ii. TWO nice clean furnished rooms suitable for housekeeping, in small family; 15 minutea' walk. 703 1st st. TWO, three, four-room suue-s. swell furnished housekeeping rooms; gas range, sink; beau tiful location; walkingdistance. Main M'5- 2 SUIT ES of extra nice front furnished housekeeping rooms; every convenience and reascnuoic. 117 N. ISth st. SUITE completely furnished housekeeping rooms: lO-minute walk: cas. bath, base- meni; no children; $17.oQ. 526 Kearney au Houses. NOTICE: 2 good homes, one 6 and one S rooms, on Portland Heights, to be sold at public auction Thursday at 11 A. M. sharp. Sale on premises at 40i and 47 1 Chap man st.. corner of Clifton. Terms of salt:, one-third casn, balance to suit. These fine homes are to be sold separately. If you would like to have a home in tho lest section of Portland and only 15 min utes' walk to postof flee, attend this sale. M. E. Lee, 411 Corbett Bldg. If you want t o make m oney . attend our auction sales. M UST be sold 2 nice homes on Portland Heights. Owner has instructed us to sell Thursday, April 2S. at 11 A. M. sharp, at public auction to the highest bidder. Sale will take place on premises at 460 and 471 Chapman st.. corner of Clifton. Your opportunity to get a home in the best res idence section of Portland. One-third cash, balance to suit. These fine homes will be sold separately. M. E. Lee. 411 Corbett Bldg. if you want to make money, attend our auction sales. WHEN you move you'll need new furniture. Buy it Judiciously and the saving will ex ceed your moving expenses. Our NO-RENT PRICES made us one of the largest furniture houses in the cltyt two years. Lookers shown same courtesy as buyera. MORGAN-ATCHLEY FURNITURE CO. Oi-75 Grand Ave., Cor. East Stark St. E t Ankeny and Ruasell-Shaver carline pass our door. TH U RM A N STREET. I will rent a 5-room house, including furniture, to right party for $30 a month. GEO. D. SCHALK. 228 Stark St. Main 392, A 2392. CALL at our office (do not phone), make your wants known and we will do our best to please you. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Rent Dept.. Chamber of Commerce. MODERN 6-room corner house for rent in Sunnyside; 2 blocks from S. S. car. A. J. GANTNER, 6 IS Board of Trade Bldg. Main 3875. 6-ROOM cottage with one acne of land; ex cellent well and some fruit; near Oregon Citv carline; $10 per month. H. G. Stark weather. H. F. D.. Milwaukie, Or. Phone Oak Grove black 1 7. HAWTHORNE Park. 9-room modern house, good condition, fine lawn, near two cai -lines, immediate entry. 570 East Madison st. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co. Main ltilS, A 19S4. All covered wag ons, all experienced men. EAST half of modern double houss. B6J East Madison (Hawthorne Park); 7 rooms; rent $:10. Phone East 4961. HOUSE TO RENT. 7-ROOM HOUSE. 26S 14th.. near Jefferson. 7 ROOMS, large yard, fruit and flowers; terms reasonable. 724 Gantenbein ave, Woodlawn 102O. 7-ROOM house on East Ankeny st., $30. GEO. D. SCHALK. 228 Stark St. Telephones ; A 23 92. Main 392. MODERN, 9-room house; good surround ings; yard; near Hawthorne on E 2 Sth. Key at Stit Hawthorne ave. 332 17 TH, unfurnished 5-room house ; bath and gas. Key 446 Clay. Main 6255. SEVEN-RoOM house, $27. 50 per month. 53C . Flanders st. ' LOVELY modern cottage near 23th and East Irving st. East 5. B 1404. 5-ROOM cottage; 4S3 West Park st. Inquire 4S1 West Park. Phone A n3S2. $S 120 East 74th, 5-room cottage. 3u0 Ooodnough bldg. Mni'i 555S. MODERN, 5-room cottage. Just completed, 514 E. 21st st. IRVINGTON. 6-room modern house ; f urni-tui-fl for sale. East 3PS1. MOOERN S-room house, cor. 1 1 th and Har rison: walking distance. M. 2556. Rent $4". Furniwhed Houses. COTTAGlvS, weJ I furnished. $17.5. $20; housekeeping suites, furnished. $S to $l month. Apply 304 N. 26th; W. car from depot, on 3d or Morrison to 26 th. block north. FOR RENT A furnished house with ! rooms, with laundry; nice lawn and dow ers; at Eat 27th and Hawthorne ave. Ap plv Mrs. Smith, room 714 Board of Trade building. FURNISH ED bungalow, near two car lines, modern, to responsible couple for board and room for lady and child of four; references. K W'O Oregonian. N E W modern 6- room house, newly f ur nished complete, close to Steel bridfiv.-, walking distance. Call 251 Dupont t-, after 6 P. M. E. 2163. "L" car. FOR RENT Five-room cottage. modern, partly furnished. No. 4 St. Helens Court, Portland Heights. Telephone Rieh raond 522. FOR RENT 3-room furnished cottage. 1041 East Lincoln, between 34th and Margue rite; no bath; no children; $20 per month. Call today at h ouse. NEW 6-room bungalow , completely f ur n ish od. Call 2 to 5 P. M. 268 E. 23d- P"Q"S B 1 ' 503 MARQl'AM BLDG.. furnished flat, "West Side location, handy, reasonable. Main 2219. PART of furnished home for rent to de sirable couple. 71 Belmont st. ; Sunny- sjde car. 3- ROOM furnished flat, gas, bath; adults. 514 E. 21st st.. WR car. 4- ROOM, nicelv furnished cottage; reason able. 504 4th st. 5- room cottage. 027 Williams ave., $25. Phone East 1554. COMPLETELY furnished modern 8 -room, home. East Side. $50. C. 1S2S. flour for Kent. Furniture for Sale. 12-RUOM SNAP. Good 12-room hou.e on 15th St., rent only $35. with a rooms rented for $77. leaving 4 rooms for family ut; furniture is good and for sale at a bargain; $5o0 for quick sale; this is a nap. SWELL FLAT. MILL ST. "Furniture of a swell 7-room flat; rent $37.50, with all spare rooms rented at a good price; furniture is fine and for sals at $65o; $3O0 cash and balance monthly. GRUSST & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. FLAT for rent, furniture for sale; new, modern, lower 6-room flat, furniture in good condition; price very reasonable; "W" car passes the door. Apply after 5:30 P. M. 149 21st st. North, near Hoyt. NEARLY new, first-class furniture of seven rooms, corner flat, facing park. Complete, clean home, ready for occupation. Phone, Main 3oo2. 32SV SECOND i?T.. very desirable upper 6 room flat, light and pleasant; 3 rooms al most pay rent, leaving 4 for family; very cheap, as must soli this week; owner. FOR SALE New furniture of 3-room new apartment; fine porch and closets; near Upper Washington. $185. Phone A 739."i. F I : RN 1TURE of 6-room hou se for sa 1 e rea sonable; house for rent; in good location. 318 College st. SNAP Good furniture, piano, lot or piece; make offer. Heinz apts., 35. 14th and Columbia. ELEGANT furniture of 7-room house. $285, cheap rent. Phone Tabor 1 28. FOR SALE Rug. dresser. dining table, chairs, desk, bookcase. 307 3d st. SNAP 5-room cottage, modern furniture, nearly new. Inquire 371 3d st. FURNITURE of 6-room upper flat, 3 rooms rented ; West Side. Phone A 7364. FURNITURE of 7-room house, upstairs all rented; close In; $2ot. 3Q9 7th Bt. MODERN 5-room flat. Clay st. ; new fur niture ; bar-ain. Call Main 4 4 IS. Summer Resorts. SEVERAL modern cottages for rent for sea son; some may be occupied at once for the same price ; also cottages and other properties for sale at reasonable prices. Alx. Gilbert & Son, Seaside, Or. FOR KEN X 5-story brick building. 2d and Ash; also large brick building suitable for automobile garage. Apply R. T. Cox, Main 422. STOR E with living-rooms, on West Side, suitable for grocery and ice cream, rent $15 month. 446 :td st. Main 3753. A 1 725. ONE new storeroom. 25x60. left in new block. Apply at drugstore, boO Front mu Either "F" or "S" car. FIN E located storos. M t. Scott carline. Particulars 626 Va Washington st.