Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 27, 1910, Page 13, Image 13

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-Portland's Greatest Corset Store Royal Worcester, Bon TonHowd, Ia. Beau Front Lace, SaHlin Perfect Form and Rerago
Belt Corsets, Warner Bros.' Corsets, Marquise Corsets, Etc. Expert Fitters to Serve You Ladies' Home Journal Patterns
sites" im All 3Dep ax"tm'ts
Every section of tKe store must contribute to tKis sale event There's Keen rivalry between the
different depts. to see wKicb can give tHe best bargains You reap tKe benefits of tKeir efforts
Goods of tKe KigKest standard quality at lowest possible prices New bargains every hour Stay in store all day
b Girsk4eir ;OIl(dls
From 9 to 10 A. M.
$1.5Q Drawers 79c a Pair
9 to 10 A. M. today, shop By the clock.
Here's a sale of women's Drawers, of fine
nainsook or cambric, wide flounce tucked
in clusters, with edge of lace or
embroidery, vals. to $1.50 pair
20c Wash Belt's for lOc
9 to 10 A. M. today, unusual bargains
abound in the center aisle. White em
broidered Wash Belts, fitted with the fresh
water pearl buckles, our regu- f
lar 20c values ; special at, each A J C
Shop by the clock. Stay in the store.
3 PacKages Pearllne 25c
9 to 10 A. M. today, shop by the hour
all day, bargains abound in all depart
ments. Pearline in large packages; the
greatest washing powder known;
priced special, 3 packages for i 13 C
Ladies' 2Qc Hose 9c Pair
9 to 10 A. M. today, a sale of ladies'
fast black, seamless, medium weight Hdse,
good quality cotton, 2-ply heels and toes,
sizes 8V2 to 10 ; our regular 20c stock
values; special tomorrow, the pair J C
Shop by the clock. Stay in the store.
$3.QO Pumps $1.98 Pair
9 to 10 A. M. today, the Shoe Store
offers a remarkable sale of women 's Pumps,
three styles, patent or gunmetal, one and
'two strap; our regular $3.00 rt f-v q
values; special, the pair p X yJ
From 2 to 3 P. M.
$l.QO to $1.50 SilRs 52c
2 to 3 P. M. today, in the Silk Store,
a sale of fancy Silks suitable for almost any
purpose; pieces of from 2 to 20 yards, 1240
yards in the lot ; usual $1.00 to lO
$1.50 values; special this hr., yd. C
Shop by the clock. Stay in the store.
$3.5Q Corsets at 49c Pair
2 to 3 P. M. today, watch the clock.
New bargains every hour. Here's odds and
ends in high grade Corsets, sizes .broken,
but excellent values to $3.50; A
special this hour, only, . eachiC
$2 Cups and Saucers 1.25
2 to 3 P. M. today, in the Crockery Store,
third floor, good quality German- white
china cups and saucers, reg- A
ular $2 values ; special, doz. J) J, O
$1.5Q Kid Gloves 59c Pr.
2 to 3 P. M. today, a sale of odd lines
of ladies' Kid Gloves, damaged by being
tried on; some have been mended; all kind
and prices up to $1.50 a pair; r"
special this hour only, the pair Oi C
15c Coat Hangers 8c Ea.
2 to 3 P. M. today, folding webbing
coat hangers, the most perfect made; con
forms to the shape of the coat; Q
our regular 15c sellers; special, each Q C
Shop by the clock. Stay in the store.
From lO to 11 A. M.
85c Corset Covers at 47c
10 to 11 A. M. today, in the big white
store, second floor, a sale of fine nainsook
Corset Covers, yokes of lace or embroidery,
also medallion inset; our regular A
85c values ; special this hour only C
40c Window Screen 29c
10 to 11 A. M. today. Fly time is not
far off. Better keep them out in the
first place. Here's good Window Screens,
24x41 inches ; our regular 40c sellers ;
priced .special tomorrow for this f
hour at this very low price J C
50c Embroideries at lOc
10 to 11 A. M. today, a great sale of
short lengths of Swiss nainsook and cambric
Embroideries, edges and insertions, from 1
to 4 yards in a piece; regular "1 f
vals. to 50c ; special, the piece A J C
65c Union Suits at 29c
10 to 11 A. M. today, ladies' elastic
ribbed Spring and Summer' weight Union
Suits, low neck, sleeveless, lace trimmed,
umbrella style or tight knee length, sizes
4, 5 and 6; values to 65c the OO
suit ; tomorrow at this low price J C
$1Q Press SKirts at $4.95
10 to 11 A. M. today, a sale of woman's
serge and panama Dress ' Skirts, black, gray
and blue colors, only 45 in the lot our
regular stock values to $10 tf vf Q
special for this hour only p t J 3
From 3 to 4 P. M.
rY A
tf 3 to 4pm
n fc h
85c Taffeta SilK 39c Yard
3 to 4 P. M. today, a one-hour sale of
two-toned effects in checked taffeta Silk
the latest for serviceable Summer dresses,
shirtwaists, children's dresses, etc; real
values at 85c a yard ; special for O
this hour only tomorrow, yard J C
25c White Madras 15c Yd
3 to 4 P. M. today, the Domestic Store
offers a sale of white Madras for shirt
waists and children's dresses, checks, dots
and dainty patterns; our regular
25c quality; special at, the yard X 3C
$1 Doz. Fruit Saucers 75c
3 to 4 P. M. today. Lay in a supply
of German White China. These fruit sau
cers are excellent values at $1.00 J
dozen ; priced special, the doz. C
Chamoisette Gloves 19c
3 to ' 4 P. M. today, a great bargain in
a much wanted article, Chamoisette Gloves,
in good quality plain lisle, black, white or
gray colors; our regular values "1 f
to 35c ; special aj, the pair X C
25c Binders Tar .Soap 9c
3 to 4 P. M. today, a sale of binders'
tar, an antiseptic soap; a compound of tar
and vegetable oils; removes all obstruc
tions from the hair cells; a medical
soap" for the skin; 25o values, cake
From 11A.M. to 12 H From 11 A. M. to 12
$3 Curtains $1.75 Pair
11 A. M. to 12 today, white Irish
Point Lace Curtains, fine quality, plain
centers, with small, neat borders, also
fancy scroll centers; five patterns to
choose from; 42 inches wide, 2x2 yards
long ; our regular $3.00 d 1 "7 rf
values; this hour sale at P X O
Women's Juliets 99c
11' A. M. to 12 today the shoe store
offers women's comfort Juliets, elastic
sides, rubber heels and hand-turn soles,
kid tip; the hospital friend.
Regular $1.75 seller, the pair
$3.75 Chemise at $1.89
11 A. M. to 12 today, a one-hour sale
of women's Chemise with yokes of com
bination lace and embroidery, fitted
back, plain hem or trimmed skirt; our
regular values to $3.75 (5 "I Q
special this hour sale at X
Remnants at Half Price
11 A. M. to 12 today, an hour sale of
remnants of all kinds of wash goods, cut
tings left from our best selling num
bers. ' The accumulation of about three
weeks reduced for this s"!e ONE-HALF
Shop by the clock. Stay in the store.
Extra Special From 1Q A. M. to 12 M.
$12 Leghorn
Shapes $5-45
From 10 A. M. to 12 M. today, the
Millinery Store will sell high-grade im
ported Leghorn Shapes, untrimmed, me
dium and large; the best for a Summer
hat. You can save enough on the shape
to buy nice Irimmings and have your hat
made to your own liking. CC
Values to $12.00. Special at POHrO
ill' tE"
7 $ s .S"'?
Extra Special From 1 to 3 P. M.
Girls' $1.75 Dresses at 98c
1 to 3 P. M. today, a two-hour 6ale
of girls' chambry and percale dresses,
light and dark colors, plain or figured,
piped in white or red; ages 6
to 14 years; priced special, ea.
1 to 3 P. M. today, a sale of girls'
bloomer dresses, also French dresses,
styled in various patterns, for children
J to 6 years of age; our reg.
$1.75 Tals., special this hour
Extra Special From 3 to 4 P. M.
$25.00 Dresses
Special at $Q.Q5
3 to 4 P. M. today, an hour !s sale that will
prompt all quick-witted women to be here when
the clock strikes 3. A sale of Taffeta Silk and
Nunsveiling Dresses, all the newest style3, in
tunio effect and plain plaited skirt, neatly de
signed with yokes and cuffs or sleeves of lace,
also plain styles in all solid colors or stripes.
A great collection of novelties that rival those
at twice the price; actual values to $25.00 in
i v irk '4
the very best one-piece dresses;
priced special, this hour, only
Extra Special From 3 to j P. M.
$5 Hair Crown $3.5Q
$12 Hair Switch $6.00
3 to 5 P. M. today. The natural hair
store, second floor, offers a very new
line of German hair crowns, containing
18 puffs ; use no turban with it ; place
switch around either twisted or braided
and you have up-to-date AJ
hair dress; reg. $5 values ipO OU
Switch of natural hair, natural wave,
all shades, can match your hair almost
perfectly, no matter what color; ft
a regular $12.00 value, this sale p J
f ' i i i
$4- Cambric Petticoats
Unusual Value at $2.12
3 to 5- P. M. today, a sale of white
petticoats, made of good quality cambric,
with 18-inch flounce of India linon, with
clusters of tucks inlaid with two rows
embroidery insertion or four rows of
Valenciennes insertion, edged to match,
also plain hemstitched edges of eyelet
embroidery: some with trimmed under
flounce; regular values f f
to $4.00; this sale at Cp J.
Shop by the clock. Stay in the store.
From 12 to 1 P. M.
$2.75 Cotton BlanKet 2.10
12 to 1 P. M. today, the Fourth Floor
Bedding Store offers a line of large size,
very heavy fleece cotton Blankets, tan color
with borders of pink or blue, ready sell
ers at $2.75 ajiair; special tf O 1 f
torhorf ow at this hour, pr. tP t A vl
$1.25 Brassieres for 49c
12 to 1 P. ,M. today, in the Corset De
partment, second floor, -a sale of Brassieres
or bust confiners, several styles, lace or
embroidery trimmed; our regular A
vals. to $1.25; special this hour XiS C
60c Doz. Tumblers 3c Ea
12 to 1 P. M. today. "Watch the clock.
New bargains every hour. Here's a line of
good quality thin-blown tumblers; regular
bOc a dozen values. Take elevator
to third floor. Buy a supply, each
5Qc Trimmings at 5c Yd.
12 to 1 P.-- M. today, Venice lace bands
and fancy gimp trimmings, quarter-inch to
one-inch wide; good range of colors. Some
are short lengths; regular to 50e a
yard. Special for this hour 6ale at J)C
$4 Oxfords. Pumps $2.98
12 to P. 51. today, a sale of women's
low heel oxfords- and pumps, especially
suitable for young ladies; patent kid and
tan leathers, hand turn and extension soles.
Our regular values to $4.00 ; C Q Q
special this sale the pair t (j
From 4 to 5 P. M.
-4-to 5 pm.
Q5c Press Goods at 33c
4 to 5 P. M. today, a sale of 5000 yards
of Panama, diagonals, cheviot and mohair
dress goods, all colors and neat mannish
effects. Regular 50c and 65c O O
value, .this sale the yard only C
35c Veiling at lOc a Yard
4 to 5 P. M. today, a good strong mesh
veiling, plain, Tuxedo and hexagon mesh,
dotted or plain, in colors, black, white,
navy, brown and two-tones ; reg- f
ular 35c a yard ; special this hour X J C
$1.5Q Doz. Pie Plates $1.10
to 5 P. M. today the big China Store
offers neat shapes in Pie Plates of German
white china, good quality; i 1 f
regular $1.50 dozen, for A X J
$2.25 Hat Pins $1.19 Each
4 to 5 P. M. today. Shop by the clock.
New bargains every hour. The jewelry
store offers a sale of elegant rhinestone
Hat Pins, round, square, spike and ball
tops; values to $2.25; spe-
cial for this hour sale, each -4) X X J
Women's $6 Waists $2.85
4 to 5 P. M. today in the big garment
store, second floor, a sale of 250 lingerie
and tailored waists, all new styles and all
sizes. Our regular values O Of?
to $6 ; special for this hour p Cj 3
From l to 2 P. M.
25c Fancy NecKwear lOc
l to 2 P. M. today, a sample line of
ladies' Dutch collars, with or without
jabots, lace rabats, wash stock collars, em
broidered linen collars, lawn rabats, jabots,
etc. Some are slightly soiled from ft
being shown; values to 25c, each X V-l C
Scott's 75c Bustle for 19c
1 to 2 P. M. today, a sale of Scott's Hip
Pads and Bustles, all sizes, in gray or black;
the best skirt form made, sells
reg. up to 75c; special this hour X S C
Shop by the clock. Stay in the store.
lOc Castile Soap 5c CaRe
1 to 2 P. M. today. Every time the
clock strikes new bargains appear. Here's
Palm Olive, Spanish Castile Soap, the El
Parnaso .brand, one of the best reg
ular 10c cakes, special this hour O C
75c Underwear for 37V2C
1 to 2 P. M. today, a sale of broken lines
in light-weight underwear, "Porosknit," in
blue and pink, fancy lace stripe Und light
ribbed; not all sizes, but real O Tl
values to 75c; special this hour O 2C
Women's $5 Shoes $2.98
1 to 2 P. M. today, a sale of women's
Summer-weight shoes, all have light flexible
hand-turn soles, patent tips and different
height heels ; all sizes and fl f f Q
real values to $5.00 pair, at Pm70
Shop by the clock. Stay in the store.
From 5 to 6 P. M.
( I 5 to 6 pm
$9 Couch Cover at $6.85
5 to 6 P. M. today. Shop by the hour.
Here's a line of Oriental Couch Covers in
very fine, heavy quality; a broad range of
patterns in rich colorings ; tf Q
regular $9.00 values, each J) 13 (j
25c Ribbons at lOc Yard
5 to 6 P. M. today, a very unusual sale
of plain taffeta, Dresden and satin taffeta
ribbons, not all colors in each line, but a
good line of shades in the lot, 3 " f
to 4V2 inches wide, values 25c X 3 C
2.75 dz. DinnerPlatesl.90
5 to 6 P. M. today. China specials
every hour. For this hour we offer good
quality German white china f
dinner plate, $2.75 doz., at P X 2J
$2.25 Combinations $1.13
5 to 6 P.' M. today, women's Corset
Cover and Drawer Combinations, made of
fine nainsook, yoke of several rows of
Valenciennes insertion, also medallions of
embroidery set in body, lace 't 1 O
trim, drawers, $2.25 values p 1 1 3
$2.QO Handbags 98c Ea.
5 to 6 P. M. today, a one-hour sale of
200 Hand Bags, medium size, in good goat
seal stock, black, brown and tan colors; our
regular values to $2.00 ; special QQ
for this hour sale only, each C
Frontage Near Rainier Being In
spected Prior to Purchase.
RAINIER, Or., April 26. Special.
One of the largest land deals of the
month Is now being completed at Rainier.
This deal . Includes about six miles of
water frontage at Rainier and the entire
Dean Blanchard estate of 600 acres in
and adjoining Rainier. The Dean Blanch
ard estate and part of the waterfront
were sold last Summer to Wrlg-ht & Son,
bankers, of Buffalo, for J25O.OO0. The
deal now pending involves between
1250.000 and J300.000.
L E. Thomas has Just returned from
a three months' visit in the East, where
he Interested men who are now in
Rainier Investigating the land. Seattle
men are also Interested, and the deal is
expected to be closed shortly.
The water frontage included in the
daal Is all the available harbor between
Prescott and a point below Rainier.
Along nearly the entire length there is
water to the depth of 40 feet. By a de
flecting current all the drift and debris
is carried to the Washington side of the
river, leaving this harbor protected at
all times.
The prospective buyers Intend to use
the land for harbor purposes. The town
lots will be improved.
New Rate Gets Approval.
SALEM, Or., April 26. The Railroad
Commission has given the Southern Pa
cific Company permission to make a
rate of 10 for a 100-ride commutation
ticket from Portland to Clackam&s.
This rate has been established by the
Southern Pacific Company In order to
accommodate the Oregon National
Guard, which makes weekly trips to
Clackamas to practice at the rifle
Use of tobacco is tmiversat In the Orient
and th word cheroot and its ne come from
Madras. T"he flrst cigars ween by Colum-bus
were wrapped with corn shucks.
Near Completion of Transcontinen
tal Road In South America.
(A translation from the Spanish made by
Major Alfred F. Sears, of this city.)
Chile and " Argentina, the southernmost
states of this Western Continent, are
rejoicing in the approaching inaugura
tion of a great transcontinental and
trans-Andine railroad. The construction
of an important link, the tunnel of Cara
coles, was initiated many years ago by
the brothers, Matthew and John Clark,
natives of Chile, who encountered tre
mendous obstacles in their grand ambi
tion to rival the Northern American con
tinent by piercing mountains and giving
the South a railroad connecting the two
great oceans of the globe, their most
formidable enemies being their own coun
trymen. N The Clarks became bankrupt
after working ' 20 years and the work
was undertaken by a new company,
founded on the spoils of the Clark wreck;
and now the magnificent work sees suc
cessful accomplishment in the comple
tion of the tunnel, 9942 feet long, at an
altitude of 10,500 feet above sea level.
A finished line has long existed on the
Pacific Bide from Valparaiso, 130 miles to
Los Andes, a city of 16,000 people, 1625
feet above sea level; and from Mendoza,
at the eastern base of the mountains, in
Argentine," to Buenos Aires, about 730
miles. But there remained the formid
able portion of nearly 50 miles, high
up in the heart of the Andes. From the
terminus of the Chilian line, Los Andes,
to the mouth of the tunnel, is 44 miles,
with a rise in this distance of 7875 feet,
or about 18Q feet per mile, with places
so steep that a third rail has been used
in the constructing work. The. tunnel
will be finished to permit inauguration
of regular traffic over the entire length
of 900 miles from Valparaiso to Buenos
Aires, in May. It Is purposed to make
the run in 36 hours, of which 16 will be
occupied in reaching Mendoza, from Val
paraiso, a distance of only 170 miles, or
about 11 miles per hour, while from Men
doza to Buenos Aires, a rate of more
than. 36 miles may be maintained.
The express train will be luxurious,
provided with every comfort of dining
cars and sleepers, with staterooms for
families. The price of through passage
has been fixed at J60, and of breakfasts
and dinners at $1.15 each.
The President of . Chile, with his com
mittee of representation to the approach
ing International Congress in Buenos
Aires, will make an official trip over the
line to assist in opening the Congress and
inaugurating the railroad.
Mood River Box Factory Sold.
HOOD RIVER," Or., April 26. The
Stanley-Smith " Lumber Company' has
bought the machinery and box-making
apparatus of the Hood River Box Com
pany, and will move the plant west of
town to its Belmont planer, where It will
be operated in the manufacture of fruit
North Alblna Club Sends Committee
to Urge Action.
Residents in North Albina and the
Peninsula are alarmed over the condition
of the Steel bridge. Some fear that it
will fall down before it is replaced. J.
H. Nolta. H. A. Ruble. S. L. Osborn and
L. B. Held have been, appointed a com
mittee from the North Alblna Improve
ment Club to urge the Council to expedite
the construction of the Broadway bridge
so that the use of the Steel bridge may
be stopped. A resolution was adopted at
the meeting of the club Monday night
urging that more energy be thrown into
the Brodway bridge project.
The club also took steps to Insist that
the City Engineer advance the plans for
sewerage in the district north of Killings
work avenue. It was reported that pave
ments are to be laid on Patton avenue
and other streets on the Peninsula, but
the work cannot be done until the sewi
ers have been laid. J. H. Nolta said that
sewers were asked for on the Peninsula
three years ago, but that nothing had
been accomplished.
Drowned Man's Body Recovered.
ASOTIN. Wash.. April 26. (Special.)
The body of J. A. Harrington, a sur-.
veyor in the employ of the Gilmore &
Pittsburg Railroad, was recovered yes
terday by James Chapman in the Snake
River, opposite Asotin. The drowning
of the man was caused by the capsiz
ing of a small boat while shooting the
dangerous rapids of the Salmon Rive?
with two companions on February 25.
The body was sent to Butte, Mont.,
for burial, that place being his former
Chamberlain's Stomach and Live.
Tablets will clear the sour stomach,
sweeten the breath and create a healthy
aDnetite. They Dromote the flow
i gastric Juice, thereby inducing good
aigBBiion. ouia Dy an aeaiers, mw