Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 27, 1910, Page 12, Image 12

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Clarence Darrow to Assist
Colonel Wood When Grand
Jury Investigates.
i . .
fJase Will Not Be Hurried, Says Dis
j tr,ct Attorney, to Suit Conveni
ent; vi uoisiae Attorney.
i t
Statement Is Made,
; .Clarence Zarrow. of Chicago, has been
rng&gred by Louis J. Wilde to represent
his interests in the investigation by the
Iistrtct Attorney now under way in
relation to the alleged wrecking of the
Oregon Trust & Savings Bank. Mr.
Iarrow arrived in this city yesterday,
e.nd has taken rooms at the Hotel Port
land. Associated with him in this case
Will be Colonel C. B. S. Wood.
Mr. Darrow was a visitor In Los An
freles on private business when the rumor
tf an investigation of Mr. Wilde and the
telephone bonds became current in this
t-lty. As a result of these rumors, con
sultation was had with Mr. Darrow, and
lils trip to Portland In the interests of
he telephone bond promoter followed.
Mr. Darrow defended William Hay-
ooa in Bis trial at Boise, Idaho.
Grand Jury Is Busy.
It is understood that the grand Jury
Jvill be unable to take up the active in
vestigation of Mr. Wilde's alleged con
nections with tlve Oregon Trust failure
this month. An unusual press of other
Criminal cases will occupy its time the
remainder of its .term. It is said, how
ever, In the District Attorney's office,
that as soon as is practicable In the fol
lowing grand Jury term the bond matters
nd those questions about which Mr.
NVilde may probably be asked to ac
count will be. gone into in detail.
Mr. Darrrow announced last night that
fie would leave the city today, but would
faturn to Portland as soon as definite
Action was taken by the District Attor
ney's office or the grand Jury in relation
Jo his client.
( Colonel Wood and Mr. Darrow called
bn District Attorney Cameron In refer
ence to the rumors concerning the in
vestigation of Mr. Wilde, and asked the
District Attorney either trf announoe to
the public that there was no sort of
Criminal liability xn the part of Mr. Wilde
pn account of the deal, or. If he believed
that there was any Just cause, at once
to present his case to the grand Jury for
indictment. They insisted that rumors in
t-onneotlon with the case were Injurious
to their client and his business and were
Case Will Await Turn.
Deputy District Attorney Fitzgerald,
jvho has in charge the probing into
Nvilde's bond deals with the bank, said:
fWe shall present the matter of Wllde'a
ronnectlon with this bank failure as soon
ts we get the evidence Into shape to
tiresent to the Jury. We can not hurry
h. case simply because an attorney has
lieen sent here to create a good impres
sion for his client. Mr. Wilde's guilt or
Jpnooence will be made known in due
time and we do not propose to be die
listed to by Mr. Wilde as to when his case
Vfill come up. It will be gone over before
Ihe Jury fully, however, as soon as the
ress of other matter before us and which
dp entitled to immediate attention is dis
hiosed of and we are ready with our evi
dence." "Mr. Wilde never at any time had any
Hbnnection, directly or indirectly, with the
Moms Telephone Company, whose bonds
3te sold to the Oregon Trust Company,"
nld Mr. Darrow. "With the exception of
jtjie Omaha bonds, all the bonds sold to
the Oregon Trust Company were under
written by the National Securities Com
pany, of Los Angeles. Mr.- Wilde was
ornployed by the Los Angeles company to
FPU these bonds and received for his
services under contract only the usual
gross commission of 10 per cent, out of
which he paid all his own expenses,
these bonds at that time were consld
sred good, safe, marketable security and
ere sold to various financial institu
tions in Portland and along the Pacific
Repurchase Clause Involved.
i i "The first issue of $200,000 that was sold
.to the Oregon Trust Company contained
n repurchase clause, providing that the
National Securities Company in Los An
peles should repurchase any unsold bonds,
Jf desired, upon notice, on or before
August 15. 19trr. This contract was made
(Urrober 6, 1905. The con-tract was not
made or signed by Mr. Wilde, but was
iJgned by William Mead, general man
iwfer of the National Securities Com
pany. t"A large amount of those bonds was
riild by the bank. Thereafter, In Decem
lr, 1906, a second contract was negotiated
Jiy Mr. Wilde for the sale of an addi
tional $200,000 of these telephone bonds.
"This contract released the original repur
chase clause on account of the sale of
former bonds and other considerations
fcjid provided that the National Securities
JJompany should repurchase the second
)t of bonds, or any remaining unsold, on
fi days' notice, on or before July 1, 1909.
1t"Thls contract was signed the National
fv-curities Company, by L. J. Beynon,
!-esident. Mr. Wilde's name was not
ginned to either of such contracts.
-"Afterward, on examination and inves
tigation of the bank, Mr. Wilde sold to
the Oregon Trust Company $500,000 worth,
'nr value, of the bonds of the Indopend-
nt Telephone Company of Omaha, This
p on tract contained no repurchase clause.
i;"Not more than half of the amount con
tacted for by the Trust Company was
ver paid on account of these bonds. The
lJance was paid in certificates of de
posit. Issued by tho Trust Company, which
certificates of deposit were outstanding
tnd unnegotiated at the time of the fail
ure of the bank. Of the bonds paid for
a large proportion was sold by the bank,
so that only a small part of the original
obligation entered into for the purchase
of bonds was ultimately paid in cash from
the funds of the bank.
t Deal Approved by Courts.
"After the failure of the bank Mr.
Wilde and his associates acquired
the stock of the German-American
Bank. This was done for the purpose
of snvlng the certificates of deposit
and taking care of the whole deal. The
purpose was to liquidate the indebted
ness of the Oregon Trust Company
through and with the assistance of the
German-American Bank. To accom
plish this the depositors of the Oregon
Trust Company took the bonds of the
telephone companies in lieu of the ob
ligations against the suspended bank
on account of their deposit. The stock
of the German-American Bank was
paid for by the certificates of deposit
held by the telephone companies and
issued by the suspended bank. A con
tract was then entered Into, with the
approval of the court, by which the
German-American Bank agreed to pay
the remainder of the depositors of the
suspended bank within two years,
without interest, thus taking- care of
the remaining debts against the bank.
v The management of the German
American Bank, at the making; of the
contract referred to, was placed In
hands entirely outside of Mr. Wilde or
the telephone companies. Under this
agreement the rest of the depositors
In the Oregon Trust Company were
paid; thus all the original depositors
or the Oregon Trust Company were
paid either In the bonds of the tele
phone companies, accepted by their
own contract, or In cash through the
contract with the German-American
Bank. The telephone companies, how
ever, which had received certificates
of deposit from the Oregon Trust Com
pany in exchange for their bonds, and
which afterwards turned in these cer
tlflcates of deposit in payment of stock
in the German-American Bank, re
ceived practically nothing either for
the certificates of deposit or the stock
into which they were transferred. As
a matter of fact, Mr. Wilde had noth
ing to do with the telephone compa
nies or their bonds, excepting to sell
them, as he had a perfect right to do.
Little Lo-hs Resulting'
Neither did the Oregon Trust Com
pany or its depositors lose any con
siderable amount by reason of the
transaction. The most of the money
they agreed to pay was either paid In
certificates of deposit which were
never made good or recouped by them
from the sale of the bonds.
"Mr. Wilde was never obligated to the
bank in any way upon any repurchase
agreement. He did not Induce deposi
tors to accept telephone bonds' in lieu
of their claims for the purpose of
avoiding any obligation and he had
nothing whatever to do with raising
the $300,000 by which the German
American Bank took care of the last
"The threats of indictment and . the
publications are a serious injury to
Mr. Wilde and his1 business, but if the
District Attorney believes that he has
violated any law and the grand Jury
shall Indict him, he Is confident that
he can prove his innocence to every
one concerned."
Pioneers Plan Observance of Anni
versary of Historic Event.
Next Monday, May 2, will be the 67th
anniversary of the birth of organized
American Government west of the Rocky
Mountains. It will he duly celebrated
at Champoeg for the tenth time.
P. H. DArcy, of Salem, vice-president
of the Oregon Pioneer Association, will
be the president of the day, and Willis
S. Dunlway, a native son of Oregon, will
deliver the annual address. Brief re
marks will be made by other prominent
pioneers. Good music will be a feature
of the occasion, and In1 the evening there
will be an anniversary ball at Butteville.
A trip to Champoeg at this time of year,
particularly on the part of strangers In
this country, is certain to be a delight
ful experience. Special excursion tickets
at reduced rates may be secured on the
Oregon steamer, leaving' the foot of
Taylor-street, at 6:46 A. through to
Champoeg. Returning, the boat will leave
Champoeg at 4 P. M. Those preferring
to go by the electric line, from the foot
of Jefferson street, should take the 9:15
A. M. car. This will plaee all passengers
at WilsonvlUe in time to catch the up
river boat to Champoeg. Parties from
the south by the electric line can also
connect with the boat at Wllsonvllle,
going and returning.
F. X. Mattlrieu, now In his 93d year
expects to be present to welcome
others to the spot upon which occurred
one of the most important events in the
history of the Pacific Coast, in which he
was a noteworthy participant and now
the only survivor.
Field Secretary Holt to Keep Busy.
Field Secretary W. S. Holt of the
Presbyterian Church Home. Mission
Board, has made the following engage
ments up to June 1:
Saturday, April 80, C9itcago. Illinois: Kay
1. Buahnell Illinois; M.y 2, Beaton; May 3.
Hock Island; Mar 4, Princeton; May s
Rusbvllle; May 6, Carthage; May 7-6. Alton;
May 8, Mount Sterling- May lO, Stanford;
May 11. Urban; May 12. Bhelbyvllle; May
13, Mount Vernon; May 14-16, Danville, de
livering addresses on the Home Mission
work of the Presbyterian Church; May 16,
Chicago; May 17-18. New York City; May
19-31, Atlantic City, N. X, in attendance
upon the General Assembly; May 22. Phila
delphia; May 23-25. Atlantis City; May 26.
Morrtatown. K. J.: May 27 -38. Atlantic City;
May 29, Philadelphia; May 30, New York
Elk City Downs Toledo.
TOLEDO, Or.. April 2S (Special.)
Toledo and Elk City opened the base
ball season on the grounds here today.
The final score was 6 to 4, In favor
of Elk City.
Chorus Beauties, to Checkmate Prying Reporters, Adopt Bright Idea
Advanced by Miss Rose Murray of "Gingerbread Man."
NOW that the chorus girls 'through
out the United States have formed
a union for mutual protection,
newspaper reporters are continually
blessing this vast army of feminine
beauty for news relating to the plans
for the future.
The officers of the union are being
put to considerable trouble to keep
from prying eyes the minutes of meet
ings and information contained in val
uable papers that is supposed to be
kept secret. Notwithstanding an un
usual degree of watchfulness on their
part, state secrets leaked out and the
executive board was at the wit's end
as to how it could be stopped. Secret
sessions have been called time and
again to devise ways and means but
to no purpose.
It remained for the Inventive mind
of Miss Rose Murray, who plays Mar
gery Daw in "The Gingerbread Man,"
company to help out her sisters in dis
tress. Miss Murray, as is well known,
Is far removed from the ranks of the
chorus but she takes a deep interest in
her less talented sisters and' is an in
defatigable worker in furthering any
movement that will add to their well
being. She heard several of "The Gin
gerbread Man" girls discussing the per
plexing problem and an ingenious idea
suggested Itself.
Not long since, she had a secret re
ceptacle made In the handle of her
umbrella In which she carried her
smaller jewels. Eraglarging on this
Idea she made the suggestion that they
have a secret drawer built In some ar
ticle of furniture large enough to con
tain all valuable papers, and entrust
the secret to only a few of the officers.
"A good idea," chorused the girls, "we
will act on it at once."
Murder will out, however, and so will
any feminine secret. The means of
concealment has been discovered, but
not the place. The president of the
union, acting on Miss Murray's sugges
tion, had built in the base of her piano,
near the pedals, a secret drawer, whi-:h
can only be opened by one note being
struck a certain number of times in
succession. So far the drawer has not
been discovered. The girls say that if
it is they will have a secret receptacle
In every article of furniture in the
room. The only way the right one
could be discovered would be to dyna
mite the flat and even a newspaper re-
-?& or
Compromise on Numbering
Thoroughfares May Pass
Muster Today.
Sewer Pipe Question Feature of
Meeting Alleged "Trust" Battle
On Between Administration
and Plumbing Inspector.
To change the numbering system so
there will be 100 to the block, and to call
the streets running east and west "ave
nues," but not to make the wholesale
changes in street names, contemplated
In City Engineer Morris' proposed plan,
seems to be the sentiment of the major
ity of the members of the Council, as
expressed yesterday.
faentiment seems to be the chief - factor
in the determination of the subject, as
many of the Councilmen believe it to
be a good plan to number the streets
running east and west, but they dislike
the idea of changing all of the historic
or pioneer names that have long been
familiar to Portland and Oregon people.
The plan to run 100 numbers to the block
seems satisfactory, but the changing of
street names is the weak point in the
plan, it is found.
Council Meets This Morning.
The City Council will meet at 9:30 this
morning to wrestle with thiB and other
problems. That there . should be some
Improvement on the numbering system,
seems to be the prevailing idea among
the Councilmen, and a good many of
them are willing to designate thorough
fares running east and west as "ave
nues," and some even favor Engineer
Morris' plan to the strict letter and will
vote for Its adoption.
Among those who oppose the proposed
changing of street names are Council
men Baker, president of the Council:
Watklns, Concannon, Menefee and Dev
lin. Councilman Rushlight says he will
vote for the plan in its present form,
and Councilmen Wallace and Kubli feel
kindly disposed toward it, but will make
no particular objection to returning . it
to the committee for further discussion,
it Is understood.
Councilman Ellis' proposed ordinance,
amending the specifications for sewer
pipe, will be one of the chief subjects
up for consideration today, as it has to
do with the fight the administration is
making to "open" Portland to rival sewer
pipe, made of cement, by a local com-
Rose Murray, Who Suggested
Keeping: Secrets of Chorus
Girls' Vnloa lu Plaso Leg.
porter would hesitate before going to
that extreme.
"Oh yes, our secrets are safe enough
now," chorused a bunch of beauties
when approached upon the subject.
It certainly looks as if they are!
f - I ' V
jfev -J
- (
' ! :
' '
( - ' f. !
:VV ii If r;
f - -I At is
(F-c. ...... ....... ... 1... .--Y, r '" -
Many mixtures are offered
as substitutes, for Royal.
None of litem Is the same In composition
effectiveness, so wholesome
nor will make such fine food.
Msiigj PowoLej?
Absolutely Puro
Royal Is the only Baking Powder made
from Royal Grape Cream oi Tartar
pany at Kenton. The ordinance probably
will be referred to the sewer committee
of the Council, as this committee has
tinder consideration other features of
this subject.
Sewer Committee Has Session.
At the meeting of the sewer committee
yesterday, the amendment was discussed
and finally laid on the table, but Mr. El
lis will Introduce the new one this
A feature of the meeting was the read
ing of a letter, .signed by City Engineer
Morris, but written by one of his dep
uties at the time, condemning cement
pipe. This deputy clashed with Mr. Mor
ris when the latter decided to change
the city's specifications so that the city
could use any kind of sewer pipe Instead
of terra cotta exclusively, and is now
seeking a new position. He resigned as
Mr. Morris sewer deputy.
Plumbing Inspector Hey Is accused of
fighting the battles .of the terra cotta
sewer pipe "trust."
Contrary to the known policy of Mayor
Simon, Hey has refused to permit the use
of cement sewer pipe for connecting
dwellings with main trunk sewers, and
has declared it to be unsanitary and
therefore unfit for use.
"Trust" Long Held Sway.
The alleged terra cotta pipe "trust" has
held the field against all competition un
til now, charging double the amount of
money for Its product as will be charged
by the cement pipe company. The cheaper
rate Is a great factor in having it intro
duced and in trying to get the ordinance
amended so as to allow It to be used
here. Naturally, the supposed combine
officials are bending every energy to keep
the ordinance Intact.
Another Interesting subject that will be
up for action is the proposed "safe and
sane" measure, forbidding the discharge
of fireworks of any description on the
Fourth of July. This probably will be
passed, to take effect one year hence,
as near as could be learned yesterday.
Owing to the fact that dealers In fire
crackers have laid in their stores, aggre
gating more than tlO0,000, and this would
be a great loss if they could not dispose
of the materials, it is probable the Coun
cil will not consent to "cut out" the "in
sane" celebration this time.
A report from the committee on com
merce, landings and wharves will be
presented, recommending the sale of
$500,000 worth of bonds for the construc
tion of public docks.
Clerk Wright Fears James Anderson
Is Perpetrating Joke Until "
Investigation; Is Made. ' .
One South American untamed mon
key succeeded yesterday in disturbing
the peace, and Is now In solitary con
finement. The Simian made his first public ap
pearance in the middle of the afternoon
on the window edge , of a court room
at the Hotel Seward. Happening to
glance out of his window opposite
the court, James Anderson, a contrac
tor, spied the animal, and immediately
called up Clerk Wright on the house
"Hello, Wright, who owns the mon
key on this floor?" inquired Ander
son. "Beg pardon," replied Wrigrht.
"Monkey monkey monkey, on the
third floor; sitting in the1 window and
making faces," phoned Anderson.
"Now, that Is all right. Mr. Ander
son," came the soothing voice of the
office man, whose business it is to
agree with the whims of any guest.
"Of course, we will have that attended
to right away. Monkeys are not al
lowed in this house, and we will eject
that one as soon as I can consult t.e
do I mean the porter and Mr. Seward.
Of course, there is a monkey up there.
'Just keep calm until I can have it
attended to."
"What's the matter with you,
Wright? There are no lizards and ele
phants in this menagerie. Just one
monkey, and he is raising the deuce
in. 322. I'm coming down.
Arriving at the office, Mr. Anderson
found Clerk Wright backed up in the,
corner farthest from the desk and
pounding g6ngs with both hands. After
looking at Anderson, Wright concluded
that maybe the matter needed investi
gation. Securing the porter and a party
of guests, an inspection was started.
The Simian was there all right.
In attempting to catch him, the ani
mal jumped from the third story to
the ground and escaped over the rear
fence. He was cornered in a nearby
house and claimed by Harry Wilbur,
of 146 Eleventh street, who has im
ported and is training 11 of the ani
mals. The monk escaped from his cage,
climbed a drain pipe to the third floor
and entered the room occupied by E.
J. Pyle, where he Investigated the con
tents of the room, removing most of the
toilet articles from the dresser and
confiscating a bottle of perfumery.
Good Consignment Finds Bidding
Lively, Though Attendance Small.
The tenth annual Spring combination
auction sale of the Portland Sale Com
pany began yesterday at the stockyards.
A small consignment of thoroughbred
shorthorn cattle was sold at fancy prices.
Although the crowd was email, the bid
ding was brisk. It was the opinion of not
only Colonel Harriman, the auctioneer,
but also of the buyers, that the con
signment was one of th.e best ever seen
on the Coast. Most of the cattle were
yearlings and the prices ranged from
1 fif
and eco
$50 to $250. All of the stock had long
pedigrees, their dams and sires coming
irom the greatest prize winners In the
United States, noticeable among them
was Golden Viscount, 323726, a yearling
ouu, wno was hid in at $250.
Morrow Boy, 333729. and Tod Goodsi
323744, both yearling bulls, brought $125
ana sao respectively. Rosebud IV, a
red cow and small calf, broueht S250.
Numerous others brought sums varying
irom u down to $50.
O. M. Plummer, of this city, waa the
largest buyer and J. B. Haines, of Mon-
tesano. Wash.; Bransfleld & Porter, of
enedds. Or., and Hunt & Lacy, of Port
land, were the principal bidders. About
100 persons were present.
The consignment of horses from
Brook Nook Farm, Home Park. Mont.
and belonging to C. X. Larrabee. of this
city, will be put up for auction this
morning at 10 o'clock. Following this
will be the sale of 30 other consign
ments, which will take the entire time
on Wednesday and Thursday. A herd of
registered Holsteins belonging to Theo
dore Kruse will te sold at 10 A. M. to
day. Owing to the high class of stock
there is an unusually large crowd of
buyers In the city. Many of these are
from the East and Middle Western
states. The sale is under the direction
of G. A. Westgate.
Morrison Goes to St. Paul.
George L. Morrison, traveling freight
agent for the Canadian Pacific Railroad
for the past two years and one of the
most popular railroad men on the "Row,"
has received the appointment of con
tracting freight agent at St. Paul. He
will leave Portland May 1.
E. L. Cardie, general agent of the road
at Portland, is awaiting a communica
tion from his headquarters at Vancou
ver, B. C, before appointing his suc
cessor. New Amusement Park Planned.
SPRINGFIELD, Or., April 26. (Spe
cial.) An amusement park in West
Springfield, accessible from Eugene by
the streetcar at a five-cent fare. Is
planned by local capital. There will be
Whatever may be
your estate, leave it
with our Company
with specific instruc
tions as to its disposi
tion. Absolute safety
and strict economy
assured. The millions
already with us attest
our satisfactory serv
ice. You can avoid ex
pensive and uncertain
probate proceedings.
Let us advise with
Sixth and Washington
Line of the
Portland and
Puget Sound
Is the
There are also two other very
popular passenger trains.
Dally Schedule!
O. & W. Local 9:00 A.M.
Shasta Limited 3:00 P.M.
O. & W. Owl 11:45 P.M.
Ask about , our "OWL" Sleepers.
Trains arrive and depart Union
Depot, foot of Sixth street.
City Ticket Office,
Third and Washington Sts.
C. W. STINGER, City Ticket Agt.
W. D. SKINNER, Gen. Pass. Agt.
I Fit Rain In Ilrrnd April 30.
i f "vr-... r sj; . z --f !
J f . i V- 4 t r A' I
L m J
A handsomely illustrated booklet on Portland,
in two colors an official map of the entire
city and a booklet on "Thirty Reasons Why"
the careful investor is more safeguarded by an
investment in Laurelhurst than in any other
residence district of Portland.
Cut Thia Out
Laurelhurst Co., 522 Corbett Bldg., Portland, Or.
Kindly send me by return mail the above de
scribed literature on Laurelhurst.
Name .......
Address . . ...
attractions similar to those of amuse
ment parks in the larger cities. There
is a large tract of land, with trees, that
This is what you have,
been waiting for. 79
May 2, 9
June 2, 17, 24
July 5, 22
August 3
September 8, 22
Chicago and Return. 9 72.50
St. Louis and Return .S 67.50
New York and Re
tarn 10R.NO
Boston and Retnrn. .$110.00
For further particulars, folders and sleeping-car reser
vations, call or address
Great Northern City Ticket Office
122 Third Street, Portland, Oregon.
11. DICKSOJf, C. P & T. A.
H. A. JACKSON, A. O. K. & P. A.
1 . Pnones Main 080 1 A 22S0.
and Mali to
:. ....... .
Chu. M. Burrowes. Ad Service.
can be used for few other purposes, ow
ing to the fact that the high water in
the winter covers the ground.
1 fm
L 50 -
St. Paul. Minneapo
lis, Dulnth, AVlnnl.
per, Omnha. St.
JoReph. K s d i a h
City and Return. . 410.00
i. fiiiiiMiiiuiiuuiiMimiiiiiiiuHumimimm
I hi i'ff ' il' lir.iiii.IU'1"!!! -lit! III . ! I J.: II,
il l f II ill ii litiLuilitU.llHiS. ILttUiiUiiriUiittliiiiiihiuuiiirtU 1
j I II hui iii iiiniuwuiiiiiiflUUWiiUHj!iiiaiiUffi