Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 26, 1910, Page 16, Image 16

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Blrda. log and Household Pets,
Yon sa
i At once. 10 good milch cows.
Reuben, Or.
Dimensions length 80 feet, beam 13 ft.
-fn . depth 4 ft. 2 in., groan tons 71 ; 2
.. engines 8x3, high - pressure of 70-horse-'
power, speed 1 4 miles; fitted for burning
oil or wood : oil tanks and all machinery
.6 months old ; a strong towboat or suit
able for freight and passengers. Apply An
demon & Crowe, 245 Ash sc. Portland.
44 54 4 S4 27c 40c; E. Maple 44
54 G4 10c; E. d Oak 17c; Walnut
So; Philippine Mahogany 25c; Alder 7c;
Maple 7c; Oak 44 54 S4 10c, id
- 44 54 12Hc; Maple Dowel 34 5fi
12 716 38 61614 He 10c. B. F.
Mfg. Co.. 12th and Hoyt.
10-foot counter with shelves, and
doors, top IS Inches wide, 12-foot rail
with base, posts, two gates, 6-foot rail,
2u-lnch top. Address American Life A
Accident Co., 615 Beck bldg. Telephone
Main 6552.
fcJSWlNQ machines Do not fall to visit the
White sewing machine store THIS WEEK.
SPECIAL HALES 12Q drop-head machines,
slightly marred ; all standard makes ma
chines for rent and repairing. H. D. Jones,
Prop.. 420 Washington at., corner 11th.
125-volt, 150-K. w. General Electrle
generator; belt type, .complete with panel
and rail base. Address Room 201. Ore
gonlan bldg.
FOR .SALE 12 Wesco electric desk fans
. alternating current, used only one sea
son, $10 each. Woodward, Clarke & Co..
. 4th and Washington.
BPECIAL prices on factory rebuilt machine;
very liberal terms; $10 to $00. Northwest
Typewriter Co.. M. 8a 70. 222 Abingtoa
FOR SALE Two new National cash registers,
one style 442 E. L, one 444 A. IJberal dU-
. count. B. O. Vagoon, St. Johns, Vr. Phone
Richmond 71.
FOR SALE Hart-Parr traction gasoline en
. gine, good as new. R. T. Cox, 230 3d
' St.. Portland. Or.
$50. Ask for catalog. Kebuilts $15 up. N
. M.' Hayter Co.. O0 5th at. Main 5523.
FOR SALE Showcase, wallcases'. counters,
cheap. No. 222 Grand ave. Phone East 538.
SODA fountain and complete outfit; cost $4O0;
new last year; sacrifice for $2u0. Call news
stand. Union Depot.
T AM leaving city, and will sell my complete
office furniture eneap if taken at once.
' Room 2ol, Rothehild bldg.
FOR SALE 1 24-in. double drive planer, 1
30-In. sandpaper machine In good condition,
15th and Thurtnan. Main 2900.
FOR SALE latest model National cash
register; In use .1 months; a bargain. 166
Hamilton ave.
FOR- SALE A 400 h. p. engine, good as new;
iialf price if sold this week. C 138, Ore
gonlan. SHOWCASES new and second-hand. Sia
Everett cor. '6th. Also fixtures.
FINE inflated cooler for sale cheap. Alex
Friedman, 215 lat.
LARGE new rugs and household furniture
for Bale, it 5 5 Sixth.
3 GOOD almost new shelf ovens suitable for
a small bakery. 331 17th st.
too BUSINESS cards $1 If you bring this ad.
Rose City Prlntery, 192 3d. near Taylor.
6-H. P. motorcycle. Inquire elevatorboy,
3 5th at.. Phoenix bldg.
VIOLINS, banjos, mandolins, guitars at half
regular prices. Uncle Myers, 71 Sixth st.
"' 231 Stark St. Main 1407.
FINE soda fountain, complete with glass
holders, spoons, etc. 33 N. 3d st,
A $450 SODA FOUNTAIN for sale very cheap.
Call up Main 1869 or A 4809.
WANTED Address of Mrs. Kelley, who
gave testimonials at First Christian
- Science Church, Portland, Or.; answer
prepaid; give address and phone number.
w nil. Oregonlan.
MRS. I. KELLEY'S address is 350 Salmon st.
Phone Main 4100.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings;
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal." 47 Sd St.. North. Phone Main 9272.
WANTED Clothing, best price paid for
, ladles' and gents second-hand clothing
and shoes and bicycles. Main 2080. 290 1st.
JV" ANTED To buy a 3-seated hack (or
, livery wagon); must be in good condition;
t. give description and lowest cash prioe.
Address box 7, Wlnlock, Wash.
HIGHEST price paid for men's cast-off
clothing, shoes, bicycles and all second-
hand goods. 71 North 3d. Marshall 6&9.
SELL your second-hand furniture to the
Ford Auction Co. or you'll set less.
. Phones: A 2445. Main 895L
WANTED To contract for the cut of email
sawmill with water transportation. AD
" 013, Oregonlan.
CALL up Marshall 1929 if you have sec-
: ond-hand clothes to sell.
POT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phono East 1067.
WANTED To buy steamer trunk; state
price, kind. K 924, Oregonlan.
WANTED To buy Columbia River fishing
boat. Address Kenyon, 724 Union ave.
WANTED Men's castoff clothing, shoes for
. highest price. Phone Main 4640.
Bright young man having served two-
thirds time apply foreman. 373 Yamhill st.
WANTED at once, two young men to learn
to repair and drive automobiles; posi
tions awaiting. Call 50-52 North 7th st.
WANTED Men who have had experience la
industrial life insurance Call at 219-220
Commercial Club bldg. cor 5th and Oak.
LOCAL manager for large manufacturing cor
poration; exclusive contract to capable man.
' W. F. A. Co.. W5 Gough St., San Francisco
"YOUNG MAN stenographer; lumber ex
perience pr-ef erred; situated near city. M
an, t reon ihii
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, salesman,
. general store, country; young, man, gro
ceries, city. 313 Vj Waeh., room 18.
WANTED- Thoroughly experienced janitor for
laj.artment-house; reference required. E
J17, Oregonlan.
WANTED Ticket and freight agent; not
necessary to he telegraph operator. Call
i room 502 Electric bldg.
EXPERIENCED dishwasher wanted. $10 a
week and board if first-class man. 400
snd 40ft East Morrison.
WANTED Fifty good laborers; wages $2 25
per day. Apply East Yamhill and 37th
f- Jas. H. O'Brien.
EXPERIENCED specialty salesman to work
, grocery trade, permanent position If sat
isfactory. Apply 12 Front st.
ARCHITECTURAL draughtsmen wanted;
. experienced men only. 606 Concord bldg !
WANTED 2 young men, muRt be handy
un lumii. v Jimmt-iie tent & Awning
'Co., 23 N. Front st.
TWO boys wanted with wheels; good waew.1
PRESKKR wanted, women's .suits and coats.
R. M Gray. 4th and Morrison sts.
BOY wanted for elevator. Silverf leld's, 4-th
and Morrison.
MAP draughtsman wanted. 606 Concord
bldg.. city.
GOOD strong hoy wanted to learn horse
' shoeing and deliver horses. 49 N. 4th st.
WANTED Stlckerman at Williams ave.
, planing mill.
BOY wanted to learn printing and stamp-
Ing. 316 Dkum bldg.
WANTED At once, fli-st-rlass barber; also
good porter. Perkins Hotel barber shop.
PLATEN pressfeeder with some experience
Chrlstie-Hoge Co.. 128 Second st.
WANTED Boy to work in engineer office;
advancement. 3"4 Beck bldg.
WANTED Ticket agent. Call room 502
r. iPL inc I'm g.
PATTERN-MAKER wanted. Call 222 Com-
merclal Ciub bldg.
PAINTERS wanted at once. 5th and Gll
i nan sts.
M EN for factory plant near Portland; mar
' ried men preferred. B39 Sherlock bldg.
WANTED A man to help in kitchen. 53
North lftth St., comer Davis.
WANTED Photograph coupon agents; new
offer: a winner. Cutberth. Pekurn bldg.
WANTED Carpenter to enact partition. 591
Tburman st.
GOOD business, clearing $10 to $16" day, cheap.
Address G 017 Oregonlan.
BIjACKSMTTH and hIper wanted.
City Iron
FIRST-CLASS salesman: big wages; perma
; nent. 2d 5 Commercial Bldg.
yOl'NG man to work in garden, etc. 512
WANTED Photo coupon agents, something
' - entirely new. Ivia S42& Washington at.
Main Office, 12 N. 2d st.
Millwrights. $4.
Mill blacksmith, city, $3.50.
General blacksmith, country shop, $3.50.
Ratchet setter. $3.25.
Ghiik odcerman, larjre mill, $4.
Trlmmerman, one saw. $3 up.
Band resawyer, city. $3.
Grader on sorting table. $3.
Mill tallyman, city, $2.75.
Yard tallyman, city, $2.73.
Man and wife, man to work in woods,
wife to cook for 15-16 men, $15 up.
Flunkey for small camp, $35.
Janitor, city, $35, room and board.
Teamsters, lumber yard, $2.50.
Porters, $30 up; dishwashers, $30 up.
4 Farmhands, $30 to $40.
Loggers, $2.75 to $5.
Hundreds of new jobs every day.
Main Office, 12 X". 2d st.
1000 white laborers for surfacing and
general railroad construction work. Wages
$3.S5 per day. Fare from Seattle to the
work $15. Weekly shipments begin about
May 1st.
M. J. HEXEY, Pier 2. Seattle Wash.
WANTED Able-bodied men for the U. S. Ma
rine Corps, between the ages' of 19 and 35
Murt be satlve born or have first papers.
Monthly pay $15 to $09. Additional compensa
tion possible. Food, clothing, quarters and
medical attendance free. After 30 years' serv
ice can retire with 7ft per cent of pay and al
lowances. Service on board ship and ashore
In all parts of th worl.i Anniv at Breed en
Mdg.. 3d and Washington mtm.. Portland. Or.
WE can use 15 nrst-class salesmen to call
on department and general store trade
In Washington. Oregon, California, Idaho,
Montana, Wyoming and Utah, with a line
of high-grade advertising specialties. Do
not reply unless you are a live wire, with
clean record. Commission basis, travel
ing expenses advanced. C. F. Morphew,
425-426 Button blk., Spokane, Wash.
EVERY young man laeklnir employment or
desiring to better his condition, should
take advantage of the special employ
ment raambersnlp, and g-at in quick touch
with the advisory and employment sec
retary of the Y. M C A. Strangers our
specialty. Good fellowship, good advice,
good position awaits you-
Mfc-N wanted for firemen and brakemen on
nearby railroads; age 18 to 35; experience
unnecessary; no strike, permanent employ
ment; firemen $100 monthly; brake
men $75; promotion to engineers, con
ductors; -40O men sent to positions monthly,
state age; send stamps. Railway Asso
elation, care Qrcgonian.
SALESMEN To handle attractive lots o
inall monthly payments in cheapest, best
and easiest-selling addition in Portland.
Names of prospective buyers furnished.
. Good commission, better than salary to live
man. 315 Couch bldg.. 4th u, near Wash
ington. 10,000 POSITIONS for graauates last year;
men and women to learn barber trade in
8 weeks, help to secure promotion; gradu
ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert
instructors; tools free; write for cata
logues. Mohler System of Colleges. 3S
North 4th t., Portland. Or.
WANTED Salesmen who are hustlers and
can sell; bo dead ones need apply. We hav
good territory and proposition for the right
parties. We furnish outfit free and pay
cash weekly. Write us. ALBANY NUR
SERIES, INC.. Albany. Oregon.
WANTED A first-class grocery clerk; must
be a good solicitor; none other need apply;
good wages to right party; young man pre
ferred, about 25 years of age; mead v. posi
tion. Write at once. The James Peterson Co.,
Seaside. Or.
Iwo MEN to know of the grand variety of
Spring and Summer sample suits. $:0 to
$40 values. $18.75; $25 tc S'AO values, $14.75;
$18 to $22.50 values, $12.75. Knew Sample
Suit Shop. 315 Qrcgonian bldg.
WANTED Experienced machine men, sash
and door factory. Single and double end
tenoners panel raiser, stickers and uni
versal wood worker. Diamond Match Co.,
Chi co. Cal.
and elsewhere, established corporation;
salary and commission to energetic men
who Invest $1000; investment guaranteed;
state experience. F OuS, Qregonian.
DISTRICT managers for the Yeomen;
splendid Washington territory; $100 td
$300 per month if you are willing to
work. F. A. Case, State Manager, 1813
Boren ave.. Seattle, Wash.
WANTED Young man of ability to act as
salesman and learn real estate business.
Experience unnecessary; no money re
quired. -all this morning before 10
o clork. 404 Couch bldg.
WANTED Registered pharmacist to take full
charge of drugstore in email town 30 miles
out of Portland ; married man preferred;
references required. Apply to or address
Huntley Brothers Co., Oregon CI ty.
WANTED Young man with experience in
retail business; wages $40 a month to
tart; good chance for advancement; must
reside with parents. Address A 105, Ore
gonlan. IF you are not making $200 a month and
you have any ability as a salesman, call
at 210-22O Commercial Club bldg., corner
5th and Oak.
WANTED Young man with J200 cash as
partner to show property and woric in
office, owner is tired of hired help. 242
Fifth st.
5-ROO.M house and lot. lO East 51st tit. ;
house is in good condition; lot ' "."ixl59
feet ; an abundance of fruit. F. S. Akin,
U2't Chamber of Commerce.
WANTED To rent S- or 0-room house,
West Side, .small family of adults ; will
accept any time from May 1 to Aug. 1.
E !Kf. Qrcgonian.
CASH store Owner wants reliable partner to
wait on customers; must be sat titled wiih
$25 a week from start; $250 required. Call
417 Board of Trade.
WANTED Sash and door packers, yard
men and millmen for Rainier, Or. Ap
ply W. P. Fuller & Co., 12th and Davis
WANTED Two salesmen, accustomed to
meeting business men; $75 to $50 per
week easily made. Call 617 Worcester
Bldg.: mornings.
WANTED Operator for moving picture the
ater; must be strictly sober. Address,
stating lowest salary and where, last em
ployeti, Uw F. Collins, The Dalles, Or.
PHYSICIAN wanted as assistant in doctor's
office; good salary, steady employment for
man regusxerea in re,gon. Address J 912,
WE aid our members to secure employment
Constant demand for young men of ability
and integrity. Special employment mem
bershlp. T. M. C. A.
YOUNG MEN wanted to prepare for railway
mail clerks, postoffice clerks, carriers, etc
Write or call for Book 50, it's free. Paclfio
States School, McKay Bldg.. Portland. Or.
Write for Portland examination schedule;
preparation free. Franklin Institute, Dept.
410 N.. Rochester. N. Y.
WANTED Competent feed packer, accus
tomed to attrition mill. Apply Olympic
warehouse, 325 East Stark.
WANTED Good strong boy for shoo hov. rt
per week. Apply Oregon Art Tile Co., 413
Amor st.
WANTED Two errand boys, chance for
advancement later. Apply to R. A. Camp,
Marshall-Wei Is Hardware Co.
WANTED Young man wanted as solicitor
at Portland Cleaning Co., 486H Wash.
Highest commission paid.
$18 TO $35 week, few months only learning;
situations guaranteed. Watch making-Ea-graving
School, box 182. Ashland. Or.
SOLICITORS No dust, best sweeping com
pound ; hou.ehold necessity ; sells on sight
233 Market st. Phone Main 12Q4.
WANTED Reliable man to help In store;
will pay $25 week; small investment re
qulred. Particulars 24Sy Stark st.
PREf SER experienced on ladies garments.
Piatt, Carlson & Ram age, 2S1,s Union
ave.. North.
FIRE INSURANCE soiocitor wanted: salary.
Call between 10 and 11 o'clock, room 226,
Oregon Hotel.
A FINE opportunity for a man with $250;
a tinner or electrician preferred. 652?
Third at.. South.
A YOUNG man to work In grocery store;
will give board; must have references.
Apply 406-$ East Morrison St.
8 CARPENTERS. Apply to Arthur & Son,
T7n ion ave. and Wasco ; good wages ;
long Job.
WANTED All-round blacksmith; good
wages to right man. Call 32a Su Charles
Hotel between 12 and 1.
WANTED Experienced trunkmaker. Reply sX
once. Eastern Trunk Factory, 521 Main ave..
Spokane, Wash.
WANTED Sailors for Europe. Australia
and South Africa. Inquire Sailors' Home,
t cor. 2d and Gllsam sts.
WANTED Boy to drive light delivery wa
gon ; must be well acquainted with city
39 Stark.
WANTED Japanese for cooking and
housework. 4' Ella st. Apply at once,
$10 TO $100 made daily in the motion pic
ture business. Particulars 526 Wash.
WANTED Hwstlinx salesmen, neat appear
ance. Call in to 12. 30S Marguatn bldg.
GIRL General housework. Apply , morn
ings. 63 Johnson st.
26 North Second St., Portland. Or.
424 Front ave., Spokane, Wash.
S7-SO Fourth st.. Pan Francisco, CaL
Established 1870
Agents for
The ltah Construction Co.
Erickson & petterson.
Twohy Bros. Company.
Pacific Contract & Con. Co.
Portland Bridge & Building Co.
O. R. & x. and S. P. R. R. Cos.
Pacific Coast Con. Co.
C. A. Smith Lumber Co.
Booth-Kelly Lumber Co.
And other large employers.
Ship daily.
Free fare.
To Eastern and Southern Oregon and
California for R. R. construction iaborers.
Work guaranteed. Transportation supplied.
A general male and female employment
business transacted,
. 26 North 2d st, '
HIGHLY remunerative position for a hust
ler who is willing to learn a system we are
now installing that has sold millions of
dollars worth of property in the East,
and which will pay several hundred dol
lars a month to salesmen while learning.
Splendid opportunity for advancement.
Stop drifting; get in a business with a
future. Call this morning before 10
o'clock. 4o4 Couch bldg.
$50 a week salary, to handle the most at
tractive stock proposition on the market. J.
H. Qrnwby, Fay bldg., Los Angeles, Cal.
LATHERS wanted at 40th and Broadway st.
WANTED Chambermaid, $S0; cooks, $40
up; waitresses. $25 to $M0; girls for gen
eral housework, $20 to $.15
New places every day.
Ladies Department. 205 Vz Morrison st.
A RE LI A BLE elderly lady or young girl
to take care of two babies; can stay
home at night if desired. Call 151V- N.
tth St., room 19.
GOOD home for tii id die-aged woman, care
ol eiaerjy woman ; remuneration if satis
factory ; must be recommended. Phone
East 1143.
HOUSEKEEPER with child or man and wife
wanted on farm near Dallas. Or., for 2
men. Inquire Young Women's christian
Association, hours 10 to 4-
MARRIED lady -without children can have
Z furnished housekeeping rooms for car
ing for rooming-nous.;- Applv 3fi4 North
2fith. "W" car to 2fth. block north.
HOUSEKEEPER Refined middle-aged wo
man, iu small family, in good country
home: permanent place to right party. AN
11 7. Qregonian.
HATS, trimmings, coloring. remodeling,
low prices, etc.; try 227 Vz Wash. cor.
Second, room 27. Bring any old material.
EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen
eral housework, good wages. 770 Over
ton st.
RELIABLE woman to take charge of office
and direct employes; position permanent.
AL 914. Oregonlan.
COMPETENT girl for general housework
and cooking, family of 2 ; modern flat.
Call U27V2 East Ankeny, cor. 30th.
WANTED At once, operators for ladles
neckwear; highest wages. Western Ruch
ing & Mfg. Co., 63 5th, cor. Pine st.
WANTED at once, good reliable woman to
care for 0-month-oid boy. A i00, Ore
sontan. YOUNG LADY to share suite of nicely-furnished
apartments. 34 Heinz " apts. M.
WANTED An .experienced girl for house
work and cooking. Good wages. Inquire
flO Hoyt st.
GJRL for general housework. 1074 East
41st st., Woodstock. Phone Sellwood
GIRL to assist with light housework, in
exchange for room and board. 67 East
llth st. North. B 26 60.
COMPETENT girl wanted for general
housework In family of three ; small
homo. A. Holtz, 71 1 Hoyt st.
WANTED Experienced salesladies. Apply
at once. Wonder Millinery, Morrison and
COMPETENT girl wanted, general house
work ; , must be first-class cook. 1135
Thiirman st.
GIRLS over 16 to work In bag factory.
Apply Ames, Harris, Neville Co., 5th and
W A N T ED A g i rl for general ho us5 wo rk i n
physician's family of 2. Phone Wood lawn
MIDDLE-AGED lady for general hou.Mfuork, 3
in family. 10G1 E. 13th, or phone Sellwood
FI KtfT-"LAS chain be rnifi Id, who can cook
and take charge of rooming-house. G 9JS,
WANTED Woman . to come to and do
washing one day in week. Iti4 21st, X.,
near Irving.
23 Washington St., Room 30T.
Main 8S36 or A 3266.
WANTED Japanese girl for gonernl house
work; -1 In family. Apply 75 E, 16th, corner
WANTED Girl for general housework ; good
wages. Inquire at 500 E. Taylor st., or
T'lione Eat. 723.
WA NTED Young man about 1 R years of
age. Mt. Hood Shirt & Overall Factory,
2d and Couch.
WANTED A good cook, good wages, small
family, references required. 205 West
Park ft.
CHAMBERMAID, must be experienced and
neat ; can sleep at home ; good wages.
"h11 at laiu N. Uh St., room 13.
EXPERIENCED coat and skirt hands for
al t era t ion room. Silver-field's, 4th and
Morrison sts.
43 Washington St.. Cor. 7th, Upstair.
Phone Main 2082.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavi Co., 609 Rotq
ehild bldg.. 4th and Washington.
A GIRL for general housework and cook
ing: no washing. 769 E. Taylor st. phone
East 1652.
WA NTED Girl for general housework r no
children; good wages. 3S1 lOth. cor. Mont
po iti e ry.
WANTED Women and girls to work on
shirts and overalls. Mt. Hood Factory,
2.:?- ("ouch st.
EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen
eral housework. Main 415 2.
LESSONS In Shorthand and Typewriting by
expert. $5 a month. 200 14th. Main 3S93.
WANTED First-class drawer-ln and gen
rial mill help. Multnomah Mohair Mills.
EXPERIENCED ironer at Jefferson Hand
laundry. 000 Jefferson st.
WOM A2jf to do plain sewing for a few daya.
M ain 5 2 S3.
GIRL to assist with housework. 655 Irving
'MIDDLE-AGED woman as housekeeper;
small family. Apply 737 East Tdadison.
VV a N T ED Bncperi en ced opera tors on over
h 1 ! a 1 si ) Pa rners. 75 lat St.
WANTED A' girl for second work at 163
12th and Morrison sts. .
GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory
No. 2. Grand ave- and East Taylor.
WANTED Girl for cooking and washing. 241
North 22d st.
WANTED Girls at ice cream counter, 248
Couch st.
WANTED Young girl for housework, small
family. fall mornings. 321 tit h Bt.
WANTED A girl to assist with general
housework, small family. 733 Kearney st.
ASSISTANT chambermaid wanted. Hotel
Hart. 305 H Burnslde gt. .
WANTED Chambermaid, experienced in
hotel work, at the Hill, 23d and Wash. sts.
WANTED A nurse maid ; must have ref
erences. 461 Hassalo st-
DRESSMAKER helper wanted. 24-S Mill st"
apartment 24. Main ftlPl.
3 GIRLS wanted: good place. Address 821
X. 17 th st.
COOK. $40; second girl. $30. St. Louis
Agency, 303 H Wash. Main 2030.
GIRL for housework : small family; good
wages. 73 3 E. Couch. Phone East 401 9.
WANTED An experienced waitress. Apply
at once. Union Depot Restauran t.
WANTED Girl for general housework. 1054
Quimby st. Main 47S2.
GOOD plain cook. Riverside Hotel, St. Johns.
Phone Jersey 911. -
GIRL for general housework. 65S Love
joy. Call after 12.
GIRL to assist in general housework. 712
H ovt at.
COMPETENT girl for second work. 113 X.
22d. cor. Gltean.
WA NTED 3 experienced girls for dipping
chocolates. $12 week. 8 S3 Burnslde st.
BARBER wanted, 231 Alder fit.
WANTED First-class hands on waists and
gowns In alteration room. Bartholomew
Co., 400 Washington st.
WANTED Respectable girl or woman over
20 to do housework in country boarding
house, steady lob and good home for re
liable one. Write Lock Box 5b, Uader
wood, Wa s h.
ALTERATION hands on suits and coats
and experienced salespeople for all depts.
are wanted at the closing-out sale of the
McAllen & McDonnell Store, 3d and Mor-
rison; 3d st. entrance.
WANTED Hand ironers, machine operators
and girls to learn marking and sorting;
only those wish ing stead v employment
need apply. Yale Laundry, 500 East
Morrison st.
WE will teach ladies either millinery or
dressmaking In a few weeks; for particu
lars apply to Boston School of Millinery
and Dressmaking, 274 Williams ave.,
Portland. Phone East 345.
FAMILY of 2, who keep second girl, want
young woman for general housework, prin
cipally cooking; must be thoroughly experi
enced. Wages $35. References. Telephone
A 5256.
WANTED A girl for companion to assist
with housework; no children; out .of town.
Apply 524 Clay St., between 5 and 6 P. M.
Phone Main 5400. -
GIRL to assist general housework; 2 in
family; $15 month. 578 E. 22d North ;
take Broadway or Alameda Park car to
Knott st.
A GIKL to cook and do general housework
Apply 215 X. 2QtU St.
PRESSER wanted. Apply Silverfleld. 4th
and Morrison.
WANTED Seamstress at 545 Yamhill st.
MAN and wife, woman to assist with
housework, man to care for horses, etc.
300 Stark St.-
REPRESENTATIVES in. near cities; either
sex; little money required for supplies; a
lot of ginger; big returns. 7u3,Oregonian.
WANTED Waitress. bellboy. Merchant
Hotel. 3d and Davis. .
positions to A-l instructors. 611 S wetland.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
YOUNG MAN bookkeeper and stenograph-sr
wants position at general office work; ref
erences. M 911, Qregonian.
YOUNG man desirea position as bookkeeper;
can furnish best of references; 6 years ex-
penence. li u 1 1, ore go n i a n
YOUNG man. bookkeeper and stenographer,
-wishes position at general office work; ref
erencea. F 015. Qregonian.
BY young married man, grocery clerk or
delivery man, city or country. AC 013,
YOUNG man, eight years' experience with
large manufacturing corporation in the
East, as cost man, traveling salesman,
sales correspondent, bra.nch manager, da
sires position in the Northwest; references.
AF 915, Oregonlan.
WANTED By married man from the East,
a position as foreman on ranch; under
stands the care of stock and farm ma
chinery and can give good references.
0 023. Qregonian.
CHAUFFEUR, mechanic. -4 years' driving ex
perience, expert on Studebaker and Packard
cars. I save you money on tires and all re
pair bills; best references. M Sj24, Ore
gonlan. YOUNG MAN wants responsible position in
mechanical line; technical training: expe
rience; ability; $llo. K. G, room 510.
Y. M. C. A.
A JAPANESE boy wants a position in Oregon
as a , farmer boy; write kindly to the ad
d rcss. Matsu, 302 Couch st.
DAIRY or fruit ranch hand, understands mo
tors for spraying and pumping; good milker;
N 02i,. Oregonlan.
LAUNDRYM AN, all-round worker, steady,
competent, can come at once. Particulars
first letter. AF 016, Oregonlan.
GOOD Japanese wants position at house
work in private family. Start to work
May 1. Wages $35 up. L. 021 Oregonlan.
YOUNG MAN and wife want positions as
Janitors, care takers or in private service;
best references. G i'OS, Qregonian.
COM PETE NT Japanese, well educated, - de
sires seady posit ion at any kind of work
in store, hotel or factory. 3 27 1 2th st.
GOOD experienced Japanese wants to do
cooking and housework. H 273, Burn
side. POSITION by steam Otter's helper;- 3 years'
experience: stranger. H 0"S. Qregonian.
FATHER and son, good blacksmiths, want
position. B 907, Qregonian.
GENERAL, house-cleaning by day, job or
hour. Thompson. Main 55HO.
JAPANESE Employment Co. will furnish all
help. ' Main 4659. A 4073. 2C3 Everett.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper desires po
sition ; references. Address G 010, Ore
gonlan. ' -
room and board.
will exchange work for
O 920. Qregonian.
STENOGRAPHER desires position; willing
worker ; reasonable salary. Phone A 5440.
Alterations, specialty on ladies' uits. Mrs.
Muckler, 430 Columbia, Apt. 21. A 4700.
ANGELES Dressmaking parlors. 326 Wash-1-gton
st.. suite 216. Main 9S2. A 53SI.
UNDERGRADUATE nurse wants to care
for invalid lady or gentleman; confinement
or fever cases taken. Phone A 2629.
UNDERGRADUATE, competent nurse in all
kinds, wishes care invalid, elderly, infant,
gentleman or lady. Main 3
CA LL A-71H2 for nurse. Confinement, chil
ilren diseases a specialty. City references.
PLACE as housekeeper by widow with child
2' years. 2i Borthwiok.
TWO young ladies wish position as general
housekeepers. Apply 24 Guild .ave.
REFINED, middle-aged widow wants posl
t ion as housekeeper. AF 010, Qvegonlan.
A YOUNG LADY spea.klng French, German
and English wishes situation as nursery
governess to one or two children only;
would be willing to give lessons or would
travel. Write to Miss R Merz, 305 Ste
phens St., Portland.
LADY wants nositlon in pressing rarlor as
seamstress or pressing, not less than 25c
hour. A B t'regonian.
COLORED woman wants steady place for
Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Main 7008,
room 14. .
EXPERIENCED German teacher wishes few
more pupils: rapid progress guaranteed ;
terms reasonable. P 20, Qregonian.
EX PER I KNOEO woman wants washing,
ironing, cleaning; no half -days. Phone
Main 450S.
CAMP cooks, housekeepers nurses, cham
bermaids, past rycook. St. Louis Agency,
303 li. Washington. Alain 2030. A 4775.
YOUNG eirl wants a place for light hoi if
work and take care of small chtia. Inquire
524 Tioga st.. t. Jonna, or.
THREE girls want general housework. Call
at 545 Savier st.
LACE curtains washed and stretched. 40o
a pair. Main 5723 or A 5514.
LACK CURTAINS washed and .stretched, 40c
pair. HIS Quimby, near i0tn st.
MEN and women to take orders for a house
hold necessity that sells at sight when
properly presented. ' Hust lers can easily
average $8 per day. Giv your address,
references and phone number in answer
ing for interview. C 222. Qregonian.
SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash
weekly selling choice nursery stock; out
fit free. Capital City Nursery Company,
Salem. Oregon.
WANTED Reliable men who can sell trees
for largest nursery in the West. For
further particulars address Oregon Nur
sery Co.. Qrenco, Or.
WANTED Agents to sell high-class realty
bonds. Call 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. 910
Lewis bldg
WE positively have the fastest-selling house
hold patent on the market. Woolverlne Co.,
Pittsburg. Pa.
WANTED Good agents, for office specialty;
automatic telephone receiver-holder; good
territory. Acme Holder Co., Spokane, Wash.
WANTED Well furnished bungalow for
mother and daughter: Portland Heigh ts
preferred. a'l ,M.
WA NTED By May 10. small cottage or 3 or
4 unf urnis-hed rooms: gas-ana yard; close in
West- &ide reasonable R 910, Oregonlan.
We furnish the renter, collect the rent,
pay taxes, insurance and keep up repairs
the same for you as though the property
-was our own; references, any bank; la
245 Stark St.
Phones A 350O. Main S5.
7-room, modern, fireplace; extra room fin
ished in basement; on corner Commercial
and Blandtna sts. $2o per month. XO min
utftf out on Miss:ss:tpi-ave. ear.
Main 35. A 351:0. , 245 Stark St.
THE demand for good places to live still
nceps up; 11 you nave sucn. a place, we
have the tenant.
Rent Dept.,
Chamber of Commerce. '
Owner of fractional lot will sacrifice
2 fine bungalow sites for the money ;
price low and location very desirable.
See party at 503 Corbet t bldg.
BUSINESS man, wife and mother desire tV
roora I urn Is lied house, Mat or apartment
in good neighborhood. West Side. Ad
dress with particulars, Postoffice box 675.
WANTED Desirable couple, lady and gen
tleman, nb children, will take furnished
home for Summer; state terms. A 9iKJ,
WANTED To rent 9 or lO-room house, fur
nished. Room 10, Montgomery bldg., E. th
and Morrison sts
WANTED Small furnishfed flat. 10 minutes
walk to Postoffice; state price, location,
rooms. Address P. O. Box 204,, city.
A pa ft men ts.
TWO ladies wish 2 or 3 unfurnished or
partly furnished housekeeping rooms on
5 -cent car line ; state price. J tH5, Ore
go ni an.
WANTED Room by gentleman: must be
close to Washington St.; reasonable. F 900,
Rooms WitH Board.
REFINED GENTLEMAN desires modern
room with 2 meals; private family pre
ferred ; give lull particulars and terms;
also phone number. F 007, Qregonian.
WANTED 3 or 4 unfurnished housekeep
ing rooms or small ilat; West Side; de
sirable people; children must be q.uiet;
reasonable. A 007. Oregonlan.
YOl'NG man wants room and board on
West Side, within walking distance of
Front st. F 910. Oregonlan.
lurnished Rooms.
268 Third St., Cor. Jefferson St.
New fireproof building and furnishings
throughout; desirable neighborhood; four
minutes' walk to business center; rooms
and suites; large, light and airy; hot and
cold water; steam heat; gas and electric,
lights; call bells; free baths; clean porce
lain tubs; lavatories convenient. Take t
car at depot to Ohird and Jefferson sts.
We aim to satisfy; that is why we please
TRONS. Rates 3, $5, $6, $7 per week.
A 7731 PHONES Main 8639.
140 ROOMS.
New, modern, fireproof building, steam
heated, hot and cold running water in all
rooms, richly furnished, Anest beds that
money can buy. and it doesn't cost any
more than some cheap lodging-house; nice
large office otv ground floor; everything
rt-class; rates. CQc, 75 c and $1 per
day ; $3.o0 and up per week. Call and
see us. 128 0th st. North.
Homelike. Homelike Homelike.
7th and Ankeny ant.
Free was their depot carriage.
I took it on the spot;
"There may be tt.vr houses just as good.
A uulet home for quiet people.
404 'i Washington, corner 10th.
Modern brick building, steam heated,
private baths, running water in rooms,
electric light, free phone; special rates by
week or month; tho most convenient lo
cation in the city; transient trado solicited
at $1 up.
83 North 5th St., S. E. Cor. Flanders.
New brick building, steam heated, por
celain baths, fine large oftice on ground
floor, elegant beds, everything absolutely
new and clean ; rates only $2.50 and up
per week; -50c and 75a per day. 2 blocks
from Union Depot.
131 Eleventh Street.
NEW. modern brick building; STEAM
HEATED, private baths, running water
ROOM; special rates by the week and
month; TRANSIENT TRADE solicited.
710 Washington, near King; bath, hot
and cold water ; phone, steam heat in
every room ; strictly modern; fine large
oixice, grouna iiour; Dy iar tne best in the
city for the money; rooms $25 per month
ana up. can ana inspect.
Fifth St.. opposite City Hall.
New, beautifully furnished; steam heat;
hot. cold water In every room; public
ana private Datns. permanent; transient.
WANTED 1 or young ladies, with or with
out some furniture, to share new 3-room
bungalow, kiso City r"ark district; rent very
reasonable exclusive use of kitchen. Call
Stenographer, Main 6710, between hours of
v ana it.
THE BARTON, 13th and Alder, is now
undergoing a thorough renovation; 70
steam heated, electric-lighted rooms, all
outside. Rates 75c day; $lo month up.
Suites with running water $20 mouia up.
Phones and bath free.
422 Washington, cor. 11th.
Steam heat, hot and cold water, baths,
nicely furnished rooms, 44 per weej up)
HOTEL LENOX, cor. $3, and Main eta.
imuiDucu uui"p '-'6'u i rea
sonable prices, modern conveniences. Ob-
LARRABEE HOTEL. 227 H Larrabee, near
uoiiaaay ave. .New uhck Diag.; every con
venience; reasonable; permanent and tran
Washington and 17th. nrst-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modem coq
venienees; weeKiy up. a t4.i, Al. 5647.
6th and Oak; large, handsomely furnished;
running hot and cold water; steam heat;
reasonable; permanent and transient.
X1CELV furnished rooms, ail con veniesces.
close In; nice yard. $3 and $4 a week-
Astor House. .01 itn
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; txm-or
furniture, telephone and baths free.
Thn Mercedes. 20th and Washineton i
gantly furnished rooms; hot and cold run-
ning water, moaern conveniences ; $12 up,
FURNISHED rooms. Eim Place, formerly
Kit on court Anuei. -ti lamniu ana 11th.
THE REX Modern rooms. $2.50 to $5 per
week. 548 Washington mt.
Furnished Rooms In Private 1-amlly.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished front rooms, sin
gle or en suite; neat, light, bath and
phone; fine location; $10 and per
month. 55 coucn st., nortnea-st cor. lbth.
West isitie. or puone a ,.au,
TWO clean, well-furnished rooms in fiat; all
conveniences; rent reasonable. 547 H Yam
hill st. t an ror .miss t;cKnr.
FRONT room, suitable for two gentlemen
modern conveniencea. 235 11 to. Phone Main
FOR RENT 2 nicely furnished rooms in pri
vate family; reasonable. 388 Jefferson, be
tween West Park and i"tn.
PLEASANT rooms for one or two gentle
men, central and reasonable. 292 12th st.
NICELY new furnished room, suitable for 2.
Phone East 4io. tam. izn gt.
NICELY furnished bedroom.. $9 per month.
2Brt 12th st.
NEWLY furnished room, every convenience
gentlemen. 311 11th st. Phone A 7013.
FURNISHED rooms, modern house, walking
distance. mi jusau hi.
FURNISHED rooms, private family. 248
N. 2Qth. ain .nii'j.
NICELY furnished front room. 360 Vi Park
FURNISHED room, private family. 956
Williams ave.
VERY pleasant room, every convenience.
wal King Qisiaiu-e. wain oju. 00 1 jytn.
Rooms W 1 1 h Board.
REST TABLE; best rooms fn the city: snao-
py suite; 2 . or mone; transient, $6.50 a
week win ao. wain at 13. x ne Waldorf,
14 7 1 3 th st.
LARGE airy room, nicely furnished, with
good board, reasonable. 1 iS Ella st.
554 COUCH Outside rooms, single and double.
Good home cooking: clean and convenient.
THE CALVARD Suites' or single. 452 Mor
rison, cor 1JU. rKico accommodations.
Rooms With Board.
Ideal Summer home, beautiful grounds,
finest rooms, with best home cooking in
city; rooms, with private bath, all mod
ern conveniences; moderate rates.
33 17TH ST. N. One block off Washington;
fine neignoornooa; waiting aistance; well-fumis-hed
corner suite; tilso single rooms;
board optional.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 22d year, room
with board, use of sewing-room and library.
5lo Flandera st. Miss Frances X. Heath,
Supt. ;
THE COLONIAL, 165 and ltiT 10th St., cor
ner Morrison, select family hotel; reason
able rates.
LARGE front room, next to bath; open tire;
$5 a week; also small room, $4 a, week.
5th and Jerferson.
Rooms With Board in Private Family.
TWO elegantly furnished rooms, sleeping
porch if desired; beautiful grounds, ideal
place for Summer; modern. 1K E. fSth, St.,
corner Washington. Phone East 13QQ.
LARGE sunny room with board, home
cooking; all conveniences; reasonable. 10 7
16th st., near Flanders. Main 6513.
NICE rooms and good board in private
family for cne or two 591 Vs
Davis st. t
NICELY furnished rooms, with or without
board ; modern apartment. 547 Yamhill.
FURNISHED room suitable for i
ences; with board. 230 10th st.
$20 PLEASANT room and board; all mod
ern conveniences. 4TO Mam st.
DESIRABLE room and board, homo cook
lng. East Side. 644 East Alder. B. 2031.
SINGLE room, with board, in modern pri
vaie home; references required. 264 V Park.
PLEASANT room, choice board, business
peoplo. 712 Hoyt st.
LARGE sunny room with board; home cook
inft; modern. 7. North 14th.
NICE room in private family; good board;
reasonable rates. Main 7016.
HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia,
4 blocks from Morrison St.; new brick
building, completely first-class, furnished
In 2, S and 4-room family apartments, pri
vate oatn, reception hall, steam heat, hot
water, elevator, free phone; some unfur
nlshed janitor service ; rent reasonable.
t mnvi .K.IP.H a PA RTMENTS.
82 Grand Ave.. S. E. cor. E- Stark.
Beautifully furnished 3-room apart
ments; modern; r.o objection to children;
$2S to $35 per month. East 300.
HANOVER Apartments, corner King and
Washington ats., 3-room apartments, have
every modern, convenience,. inoluditHC steam
heat, hot water, private bath, free phones
and Janitor service; rent very reasonable.
"ONBONTA" APARTMENTS, 1S7 17th, near
Yamhill W car at depot). 2, 3 and 4-room.
furnished suites; hot and cold, phones and
baths free; $20 per'month, $5 per week
and up. Main 4607. A 4730.
2, 3 OR 4-room apartments, up to date
in every respect, walhing distance from
business center; furnished and unfurnished,
loth and Everett sts. Phone Main 1245.
ELEGANTLY furnished modern 5-room apart
ment, reasonable. Myself and wife wiii re
tain room and board If agreeable. Call after
6 P. M. 4o3 12th st.. near Montgomery.
STEAM-HEATED 5-room apartment, mod
ern and desirable; 525 Everett st. Apply
Morgan. Fleldner & Boyce, 503 Abingtoa
FOR RENT Modern 4-room apartment.
King's Heights Apartment House, cor.
King and Wayne sts.; furnished. $55; un
furnished, $40. Apply janitor.
THE SHEF1ELD, 7th and J oH or son sts.;
unfurnished apartment with bath, every
convenience; uesirabie location; reason
able rent. Main 20O6. A 3149.
BEST 3-room furnished apartment in town;
tine view mountains and entire city; rent
reasonable. Harrison Court. Main 514S, A
KEELER APARTMENTS, 14th and Clay sts.
The finest in Portland. These beautiful 3
and 4-room apartments will be ready for
occupancy May 1.
HARRISON COURT. 5th and Harrison.
Unfurnished apartment, 2 rooms and
bath, all modern improvements.- Phone
Main 5149, A 7303,
FIVE-ROOM, steamheated, modern apart
ment with janitor service (partial base
ment), finest in city for the money. Ap
piy to janitor, 21st and Kearney.
THE MERCEDES Elegantly furnished I
room apartments, hot and cold running
water and all modern conveniences; $13
to $30. Corner 2oth and Washington sts.
AN elesantly furnished apartment of 3 rooms
and bath in new residence; nicely situated,
on West Side, close in. G OOP. Qregonian.
THE new brick Stanley apartments. King
and Washington sts.; 3.. 4 and 6 rooms,
$U7.50 per month and up.
475 SALMON, corner 14th. nicely furnished
apartments, under new management ; eiec
tric elevator, private bath and phone.
5-ROOM corner apartment, every conveni
ence. Braintree Apartments, 295 12th st.
Main 7741.
SIX-ROOM corner apartment, every conven
ience: janitor. Thu Marlborough, 21st and
Flanders jts.
ST. CROIX Apartments, 170 St. Clair st.
Modern unfurnished 3-room apartments;
fine icsidence location and reason a b le rent.
S-ROQM furnished apartment, sleeping
porch, 2 largo closets, phono and bath.
551 East Yamhill. East 171Q.
One front apartment for rent; every
thing modern. 605 Love joy st. V car.
THE IRVING, 2 1st and Irving sts. May 1.
4-rounl apartment; all outslue rooms; rea
sonable rent.
TH E MORTON Furnished apartment, with
or without piano. Washington and King.
THE STANLEY, unfurnished apartments
for rent. 701 Washington st. Main 7053.
FOR REXT Furnished apartment. The
M orton, Washington and King.
April, 4 rooms, $32.
FOR RENT New and strictly modern d
room flats on 20th and Laurel sts.. Port
land Heights, rent $40. Apply
85 Fourth st.
$22 An excellent modern flat at 328 '4
Ross st. R. H. Bloasoin, 31tt Chamber of
WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer
Co. Main 1018, A 1084. All covered Wft
otis. alt experienced men. !
MODERN 5-room flat, on carlin 15 minutes
walk from town; rent S25. 40i E. 12th and
Division. Phone A3383.
NEW 5-room modern flats, good location
and good car service, $2o and $22.50.
Phone East 6317.
ONE new 6-room modern ft; "S" and "F
carllne. lnaulre at drugstore. Front and
" Gibbs Bts.
FOR SALE New furniture of 3-room, new
apartment ; tine porch and closets; near
t pper w asningiou. in. rnnne A 1 6 J
MODERN lower 5-room flat, sleeping poroh,
ttn v.. Alder. Phone Main 6535.
NEW, modern. 5-room flat, 4o7 East Couch.
ki.l-oo Jir Veller. 34 19 Enst Stark
MODERN 5-room lower corner flat. 475 7th
MODERN 5-room, downstairs flat, with
small yard. Apply at 804 Front st.
739 OVERTON Modern flat, 6 sunny rooms,
references. Main 850.
NEW 5-room flat. Ith and E. Aeh . St..
$32.50. Phone B 2Q06. -
FOR. RENT 4-room fiat, very nica. 120
:l0; st.. N- E. cor. Glisan; $2n.
NOB HILL flat, 5 rooms, mouern; furnace
fireplace. H. A. Webber. Main 20S8.
MODERN lower flat, 6 rooms, walking dis
tance; adults. 32S',& Mill. East 23u2.
NEW, modern 5-room corner flat, B. 11th and
H. Harrison: close in. $25. Phone E. 2245.
MODERN flat, 6 rooms and bath. 731 Hoyt
st. Inquire 132 0th st. Main 6278.
Housekeeping1 Rooms.
2 SUITES of extra nice front furnished
housekeeping rooms; every convenience
and reasonable. 117 N. ISth sf,
NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms, rea
sonable. Wendhurst, 545 Va Washington, near
91.25 TO $2-00 week, clean, furnished house
keeping rooms; laundry, bath, .phone, gas,
furnace heat. 406 Vancouver ave.
NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms, rea
sonable. Wendhurst, 545 Vb Washington.
near 10th.
THE COLLINS 603 Alder at., furnished
housekeeping rooms, with all conveniences.
gas and bath. Phone Main 9o53. 721
THE ELMS 2 and 3-room apartments; fur-
nished. 101 14 th st.
SINGLE and housekeeping rooms, strictly
modern: reasonable. 40O Morrison at.
NICE furnished housekeeping rooms, $14.
631 H Washington St.. cor. 20th.
$1.25 week, clean fur. housekeeping rooms,
heat, laundry, bath. 203 Stanton. "U" car.
$L50 week, large, clean turn, housekeeping
rooms; laundry, bath, saa. is. Sherman.
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall ---Newly
furnished for housekeeping, includ
ing gas range, electric lights, hot water,
baths, laundry, reception-room, all free;
furnished apartments $15 per month up;
single housekeeping rooms. $2.50 week up;
best in city for money; short distance from.
Union Depot. "S" or 16th-st. cars north,
get off at Marshall st. No dogs allowed.
WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 2 $8
month. 3 for S12; cottage, 4 rooms, $2;
Ro4 20th N. (West Side), W car from depot,
3d or Morrison to 2oth, block north.
461 EAST MORRISON, a suite of rooms suit
able for housekeeping, and single room,
Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family.
NICELY furnished front room, free gas,
bath and phone; also other rooms, $2.50
a week and up. luS 12th, near Wash
ington st.
FURNISHED housekeeping pjoms; bath,
phone, tine yard. 498 Xehalem ave., Sell-
TWO nice clean tarnished rooms suitable for
housekeeping, in small family; 15 minutes'
walk. 7n3 1st st.
TWO. three, four-room suites, swell furnished
housekeeping rooms; gas range, sink : beau
tlful location; walking distance. Mai n So75
THREE very nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms. 32 V N. 10th street, or Phone
Main 0000.
SUITE completely -furnished housekeeping
rooms; lu-minute walk; gan, bath, base
ment; no children; $17.50. 526 Kear n e y st.
TWO to five unfurnished rooms; ground floor;
garden, nice yard; reasonable. "B-L" car to
1 7th. h:olt south. 6."P Edgar.
ROOM with breakfast and dinner for 1 or 3
young ladies; piano, phone and bath;, prl
v a te home. Phon e Sellwood 1374.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. $10
mon th . 052 W II Hams. W oodlawn 1932. No
CLEAN, well-furnished housekeeping rooms,
free bath and phone, rent reasonable.
305 0th st.
ONE or 2 furnished housekeeping rooms, gas
and sink. 4SS Everett st.
415 TAYLOR, housekeeping suite, ground.
floor, modern : no children.
FLAT of 2 or 3 furnished housekeeping;
rooms. 4."Q Yamhill st.
FRONT housekeeping suite; gas range, bath,
laundry, phone. M)." Stark st.
FURNISHED or unfurnished; in- suburbs;
on car line. Phone Sellwood 30.
SUITE, completely furnished. $ltj; ga range,
. walking distance. 140 N. 10th. Mailt 51 7 3.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms. 5SS E. Kth st. Take R. L. car.
FINELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 21t
11th st.
gas and bath. Phone Main 9053.
WHEN you move you'll need new furniture.
Buy it Judiciously and the savings will ex
ceed your moving expenses.
Our NO-RENT PRICES made us one ot ,
the largest furniture houses la the cltyt ta
two years.
Lookers shown same courtesy as buyers,
60-75 Grand Ave., Cor. Hast Stark St.
East Ankeny and Russell-Shaver carllne!
pass our door.
MUST be sold 2 nice homes on Portland
Heights. Owner has instructed us to sell
Thursday. April 2ft. at 13 A. M. sharp, at
public auction to the highest bidder. Sale
will take place on premises at 400 and 471
Chapman st.. corner of Clifton. Your
opportunity to get a home in the best res
idence section of Portland. One-third
cash, balance to suit. These fine homes
will be sold separately. M. E. Lee, 411.
Corbett bldg. If you want to make money,
attend our auction sales.
WE have an extraordinary opening for 4
capable, energetic salesmen who can pell
on commission high class tailor-made
clothing under our LIBERAL CREDIT
contract, which makes payments easy,
and Includes repairing and pressing f o
one year; $100 to $150 per month easily
made. National Tailoring Co., 21 Stark,
I will rent a 5-room house. Including:
furniture, to right party for $30 a month
GEO. D. SCHALK. 22S Stark St.
Main 392. A 2392.
MODERN tl-room house, almost new, 2 lots,
$20; adults. 761 Williams ave. Phon
Wocfllawn 410. '
WHH.N moving call up Van Horn Trans f "J
Co. Main 1013. A 1084. All covered, was.
on. all experienced men.
2QW 14th.. near Jefferson.
7 ROOMS, large yard, fruit and flowers!
terms reasonable. 7-4 Gantenbein ave
Woodlawn 1020.
7-ROOM house on East Ankeny st., $30.
GEO. D. SCHALK. 22S Stark SL
Telephones ; A 2392. Main 392.
332 17TH, unfurnished 5-room house ; bat It
and gas. Key 440 CM ay. Main 6255.
MODERN 6-room house. 41 Haleey st. Stoke
& Zeller. 3t0 Kast Stark.
MODERN eight-room house, near 2 carlinoa
cor. 20th and E. Hoyt. Phone Eat 5707.
NKW 6-room cottage, 869 Hood su Inquir
426j Sixth st.
SEVEN-ROOM house, $27.50 per month. 63?
Flanders st.
LOVELY modem cottage near 2th and Eas
Irving st. East 5. B 1404.
$H 4 20 East 74th, 5-room cottage. 30?
Goodnough bldg. Main 5553.
$1S 6-room house, modern conveniences,
largo yard. S4U E. Stark St.. iwar 28th.
7-ROOM house, near Sunnyslde, $20 ; phon
included. Phone 15St.
MODERN S-room house, corner 11th and Har
ri?on: walking distance. Main 2550. Rent $4'
Furnls-bed Houses.
For the summer. Immediate possession
7-room house in Irving! on. completely
furnished: every convenience; an ideal
place. Rent $00. References required.
Phone E HH0.
COTTAGES. well furnished. $17 50, $201
housekeeping suites, furnished. $S to $ t'i
month. Apply 304 N. 2;th ; W. car from
depot, on 3d or Morrison to 2"Oth, blocW
FOR RENT A furnished house with 11
rooms, with laundry ; nice lawn and dow
ers; at East 27th and Hawthorne ave. Ap
ply Mrs. Smith, room 714 Board of Trada
FURNISHED apartment; handy; West
Side, location ; reasonable. 0u3 Marquam
bldg. Main 2210.
NEW 6-room bungalow. completely fur
nished. 'a1l 2 to 5 P. M. 26S E. 23d.
Thone B 1 54Q.
FURNISHED house of eicht rooms; owner t4
retain one room, with breakfast and dinner.
Call room IS. 231 Morr3onst.
NIC'E. clean, 6-room furnished house. 309
East .'i.'td. Bath, gas, nice yard. In
qiiire 106 E. .t:td.
PART of furnished home for rent to de
sirable couple. 701 Belmont st. ; Sunny
side cr.r.
4- ROOM. nicelv furnished cottage; reason
aide. 504 4th St.
5- room cottage. 127 Williams ave., $25.
phone East 1554.
MODERN furnished 6-room house; large
yard. East :S1.
COMPLETELY furnished modern 8-room
home. East Side. $50. C. 1S2S.
FURNISHED or unfurnished, any number.
Phone Sellwood HO.
NINE-ROOM furnished house, all modern;
carlineja. Call at 745 Northrup st.
FURNISHED HOUSE for rent, with piano.
544 7th st.
Houses for Rent. Fnrnltrqre for Sale.
Modern 5-room flat, rent $30; furniture
is exceptionally swell and for sale, for $250
less than cost; price $65u; In a fine location
on 32th st.
10-rom house, near 3d and Montgomery?
rent $",5 per month, with $10O worth ot
rooms rented ; mostly housekeeping rooms;
furniture is good and for sale for $600, $150
cash, balance monthly.
317 Board of Trade PTdg.. 4th snd Oak.
NEARLY new, first-class furniture of seven
rooms, corner flat, facing park. Complete,
, clean home, ready for occupation. Phone,
Main 3oP2.
ROOMS, furniture for sale, close in, 2
rooms rented, pays rent; call mornings.
335 ? Main, cor. 7th.
FOR SALE New f urn it ure of 3-room new
apartment: fine porch and closets; near
Upper Washington, ?1S5. Phone A 73 9 n .
FURNITURE of 7 rooms for sale, close in.
Call Monday if you want a snap at $200.
3QQ 7th st. ,
SNAP Good furniture, piano. lot or piece;
make offer. Heinz apts., 15. 14th and
ELEGANT furniture of 7-room house, $2S5,
cheap rent. Phone Tabor 12S.
SNAP 5-room eottawe, modern furniture,
nearly new. Inquire S71 3d st.
FURNITURE of 6-room upper flat, 3 rooms
rented; West Side. Phone A 7364.
FURNITURE of 7-room house, upstairs all
rented : cto3e in $2QO. 300 7th st.
FURNITURE for sale, flat for rent Call
after 5:3Q P. M., 14i 21si st. North.
9-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sal J
cheap rent. 352 2d st.