Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 22, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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Reg. $1. 75 Gloves for $1. 2 7 Pique Kid Gloves at $1.25
2-clasp ladies' Dress Kid Gloves, iclasp Pique sew, Paris point
Paris point stitching in black, white,
and colors. stitching, . in white only. In all sizes.
Washable Chamois $1.15 Ladies? 35c Neckwear 25c
Chamois Gloves, the washable kind, In Dutch collar effects. Tl-abs, rabats,
in natural shades only. All sizes. Fit- jabots and wash stock styles. Worth
ted at counter. 35c Cach, at ...25$
Agents for the Best Trade- Butterick Patterns, Nemo Corsets and Royal Society Art Packets and Cottons
Cloth Capes
3 Different Styles
Friday $6.00
Regular $10.00 Styles
CLOTH CAPES, the-ever-ready
woman's gar
ment. They are always
in demand and fill a place
in a woman's wardrobe
that allows of no substi
tute. For evening wear over m
light lingerie dresses to
the theater to and from
dances for traveling
automobiling for a hun
dred and one different pur
poses there is nothing so
handy, so dressy or more
comfortable than these
cloth capes.
They are made 58 inches
long with standing collars.
Trimmed with fancy but
tons and satin. In pretty
shades of wistaria, cataw
ba, raisin, reseda, marine,
tan and black.
If there are any left Fri
day night we will certain
ly be surprised for we feel
we are offering the biggest
value in capes that we
have seen for a long time.
Economy Club Bargains
Real $1.50 Shirts $1.15
Men's fine madras Shirts in plain or
pleated styles with attached cuffs.
This season's patterns and colorings,
such as are shown by the most exclu
sive shirtmakers, and worn by men of
the most discriminating ideas on prop
er dress.
Another Lot of Shirts 5 9c
Men's cambric shirts with plain
or pleated bosoms in white or fancy
colorings, stripes, figures and dots.
Both light and dark grounds.
Neckwear Friday 3 for $ 1
Imported silk neckwear. Light
and dark colors. Handsome flow
ing ends and four-in-hands. Medi
um and narrow widths.
1 lmely
Ladies' Ribbed Vests
Special 65c
The Kayser Swiss
Ribbed Vests, low neck, no
sleeves. Trimmed yoke.
Ladies' Vests
Special, Each 25c
Ladies Swiss Ribbed
Vests, low neck, no sleeves,
plain or fancy trimmed.
45c Ladies' Vests
Special, 3 for $1. 00
Extra fine quality Swiss
ribbed Vests, plain or fancy
45c Ladies' f Drawers
Special, 35c, r 3 for $1
Ladies fine ribbed, lace
trimmed Drawers.
$1.25 Ladies' Union
Suits, Special 95c
Ladies Swiss ribbed
Union Suits; low neck,
tight knee; also lace-trimmed
and trimmed yoke.
English Madras
Waistings at 1 7c
One thousand yards, all
pure white, fully mercer
ized, neat designs, dots,
sprigs and figures. Spe
. cial 1 7c yard.
Hosiery for
Friday Special
35c Ladies' Black .
Stockings, Special 25c
Ladies' imported fast
black cotton Stockings,
with split foot or all white
foot. Full fashioned and
double heels and toes.
50c Lisle Stockings
3 for $1.00 or Pair 35c
Ladies' imported black or
tan lisle thread stockings,
with lace boots,, full fash
ioned and guaranteed dye.
50c Ladies Lisle
. Stockings, Special 39c
Ladies' full gauze black
lisle thread Stockings, full
fashioned and : double toe,
heel and soles. Herrnsdorf
25c Children's Stockings
v Special 3 for 50c
Children's f i n e grade
ribbed black cotton stock
ings. Seamless foot and
leg. Fast black. ' "
Pillow Tops 25c
Regular Price 50c
Imported Tapestry
Pillow Tops. Figure ana
verdure patterns. Regu
lar 50c val. Special 25c.
B urlap Pillow Bags.
Hand-stenciled. Just the
thing fo r hammocks,
porches and canoe ' pil
lows. Regular 50c value.
Now for the Busiest Friday's Selling
Unprecedented Bargains
158 Hats .Go Out $1.95
Values Easily Up to $4.50
A hitherto unknown price to our store. A price that, while
foreign to our regular trade, is made possible by this reduction.
We have selected these 158 Hats from the various popular
priced, tables, and made into one lot. We could get more for
them, but they must go out quickly. We need the room.
Hence this sale. In blocked straw shapes, prettily trimmed in
flowers and ribbons.
$4g-$5.95-$6.75 Hats $3.45
Many small and medium Tailored Hats in black and
colors, together with a very choice assortment of trim
med styles; materials are first class, making this sale
one of exceptional value.
$7.50-$8.75-$10 Hats $4.95
-For this price we have taken about 75 sample hats. . No two
alike. These hats were sent us for a stock order and should
have reached us two weeks ago. We have decided to close
them all out, so bunched them together at one price. So Fri
day you get your choice of these 75 hats at $4.95
In both tailored and trimmed styles, no other store in Port
land can offer you the equal at anywhere near this price.
Here Are Fine Flowers Friday 25c
Values from 50c to $1 .25 Bunch
A big stock like ours is bound to accumulate a great
many odds and ends in flowers. For instance we find
ourselves with three bunches of violets, a dozen gerani
ums, eight bunches of roses and so on throughout the en
tire flower garden.
In all we have some 500 bunches, they take up space
that is needed for our more complete assortment, so we
have marked them irrespective of their former selling
prices for a big Friday Bargain Sale at 25c a bunch.
Many sold for 50c and others for 75c, $1 and $1.25.
That other stores ask. from
$1.95 to $2.75 for at
1 98
The most popular millinery
trimming of the year. The large
full pompons in the new red,
champagne, black and new blues
These pompons are very effect
ive and extremely stylish on
sailors and other girlish shapes.
$1.50 Piece of QQ
12 Yards . . . JVC
'n black only, no more than six
pieces to one customer.
Longcloth at $1.08
Longcloth, 36-inches wide.
12 yards to a piece. Absolutely
free from starch. Ready for the
needle. Special $1.08 piece.
LADIES' NIGHT ROBES made with high, square, circular or "V" neck. Prettily trimmed
with lace, insertion, embroidery, beading, ribbon and medallions. Long and short sleeves.
Regular $1.50 values, special $1.19.
LADIES WHITE PETTICOATS deep embroidery flounce, others with deep flounces
trimmed with embroidery and insertion, or lace and insertion. Some with beading. Values
to $4.00, SPECIAL $2.98.
T . Ti u 1 O 1
immense v ciiucs in inis nair uooas oaie
50c Pompadour
Hair Rolls . .
1 5.
All around Hair Rolls, soft and
fluffy, net covered. Dark shades.
25c Turban Hair
Pads, Special . .
Made from soft, fluffy floss
strictly sanitary. Over a covered wire
b-ame, light and comfortable. Come
ri all shades.
75c Real Hair
Turbans, Sale
These Hair Turbans are made of
real hair. Strictly sanitary, in per
fect shape and are a real necessity.
They come in all shades.
Switches Made to Order. Our
Prices I Are Lowest. Oui
Work Guaranteed the Best.
Coronet Braid Pins
These pins add to the beauty
of the Coiffure. We have them
in shell and amber in many dif
ferent styles in either plain or
mounted designs at Friday Bar
gain Prices.
15c Coronet Pins 10c , "
20c Coronet Pins 14c
25c Coronet Pins 17c
--35c Coronet Pins 22c
45c Coronet Pins 31c
65c Coronet Pins 39c
Sale of Switches
For Friday we offer the follow
ing specials in fine switches:
$ 5.00 Switches $ 3.48
$10.00 Switches $ 7.98
$15.00 Switches $ 9.98
$22.50 Switches $15.00
- Notion Specials
3 boxes Carpet Tacks
sixes 3, 4, 6, 8, for . . 5c
Collar Supporters 4c
Howard's Mending Cotton
Extra fine quality , . . 4c
Large Glass Salt and
Pepper Shakers ... 7ViC
15c Peninsular Furniture
Polish, bottle . .... 7c
10c Washing Powder ... 7c
25c Hat Fasteners ..... 15c
40c Sopplin Enamel ... 29c
Manicure Articles
Are rapidly finding
favor in Portland. We
have an expert demon
strator who will give a
free manicure with
every 25 cent purchase.
Eclipse articles are eco
nomical and inexpensive
and at the same time
superior in quality.
Notion Specials
10c Liquid Stove Polish . . 8c
10c Collar Buttons . . . . 7c
10c Iron Holders . ..... 5c
10c Imperial Cement . . . 7c
Heminway's Darning Silk . 5c
35c Skirt Gauges 19c
25c Can Burnshine . . . . 18c
5c Coat Hanger, three for 10c
10c Trouser Hangers ... 7c
40c Feather Dusters . . .23c
35c Box Pins ....... 24c
Tailored Suits
and Braided Suits
At $18.95
That Sold to $35.00
In this offering you get
the choice of plain tailored
suits in plain fabrics and
quiet Spring shades, or
novelty braided suits in
both the staple and pastel
In this collection the va
riety of styles and trim
mings is so broad that in
this limited space it is im
possible to describe them all,
but we feel confident that
in this sale you will find a
higher class and a better
tailored and better quality
Suit than is generally of
fered at Friday sales.
There is a touch of dis
tinction to these Suits that
places them above the regu
lar sale suit. They are Suits
of refinement and character,
so easily distinguished from
factory turned-out garments.
W. B. Corsets
LaVida Corsets
Lots of Good Service in Th
House Dresses
Regular Price $1.50
They are just in. Pretty
new models. In figured,
striped and checked per
cale and chambray house
dresses. Made high neck,
turnover collar, plaited
and full fronts. Others in
square cut, Dutch neck.
Very substantially made
and nicely finished. In
navy, gray, blue and black.
The Lipman-Wolfe Owl Cut Rate
Drug Store. Not Owned by a Trust
Big Friday Rubber and Sundries Sale
25c Willow Spearmint Tooth
Powder, Owl sale 19
$1.00 Ideal Hair Brushes. ,79
35c Flexible Nail Files 19
85c Extra Long Buffers.. 69
25c Whisk Broom 15
65c Hair Brushes 39
$1.50 Hair Brushes 98
65c Bath Brushes.. 55
25c Washable Chamois. ...19
25c Pure Rice Talcum Powder,
sale, two for 25J
15c Pears' Unscented Toilet
Soap H
10c Peroxide Bath Soap 6
30c cake Castile Soap
25c Squibbs Talcum Pwdr.l6?
25c Rubifoam, two for. ...25J
50c Theatrical Cold Cr'm.36
25c Tiz, for tender feet...l9
75c Tumbler Holders 59
35c Tumbler Hldr., miss'n.S9
75c Combination Tumbler and
Soap Dish 59
65c Tub Soap Dish 48
$1.25 extra heavy Tub Soap
Dish 98
$1.00 Triple Rods for Wash
Cloths 85
50c nickel-plated Shaving Brush
Holder 35
75c Sponge Holders 59
50c Stand Soap Dishes. .. .40
$1.00 Triple Rods 79
$1.25 double Towel Rings.. 98
$2.50 Glass Shelves $1.98
$2.00 Knickerbocker Bath
Sprays $1.59
$3.00 Knickerbocker Bath
Sprays $2.39
$1.00 De Miracle 69
$1.25 Oriental Cream 93
50c Dr. Charles Flesh Fd..23
75c Pompeiau Massage Cr.59
10c Fluffs Moquet Powder for
the hair Q
25c Pond's Vanishing Cr. .18
35c Java Rice Powder 37
50c Ingraham's Milkweed
Cream . . . -3ti
25c Wash Cloth Case and Tooth
Brush Holder 15
$2 Winner's Water Bot.jjjl.59
$2.50 3-t. Water Bot..$1.7
$2.25 Winner's Fountain. Syr
inge. 3-quart size J51.69
$1.35 Maroon Fount. Syr..98
$1.35 Maroon Water Bot..98
$2.50 Bulb Spray Syr.. $1.69
$1.50 cover Water Bot. .$1.29
$2.00 Combination Water Bot
tle and Syringe, sale. 51. 59
$2.50 3-qt. combination $1.79
$1.50 Bulb Syringe. $1.29
$2 white rubr. Syringe $1.59
$1.00 Sal Hepatica, sale. .G9
50c size Sal Hepatica at.. 29
$1.00 Pinaud's Eau de Quinine,
during sale at 66
$2.00 Henderson 's Compound
Sarsaparilla, sale at 83J
10c package Moth Balls 5
10c Sassafras Bark, sale..'. .5
25c Rose Spray, per pint. -18
50c quart Rose Sprav at..35
50c Wyeth's Lith. Tablets 29
25c Hunyadi Water, sale..l8
.$1.00 Glyco Thymoline 677
n.00 bottle Herpicide at. .59
45c roll Absorbent Cotton. 29
75c pint Olive Oil. sale. .49
$1.00 quart Olive Oil at..89
lM U I d Friday 1 4c
College Yell Jack in the Box Bud Rag Heart
Fancies Waltz Dream of the Flowers, Vocal Have
you got another girl at home like Mary My Little
Honey Bee Oh You BlondyDown Among the
Sugar CaneChiribiribin If you only will)Cubanola
Glide A collection of favorite home songs.
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