Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 22, 1910, Page 20, Image 20

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Every day and see how many pood
bargains will be offered in this space.
A valuable piece o't deep waterfront
property in Vancouver. Wash., 30O i feet
frontage, about 3 acres ; will trade for
wheat, fruit, dairy or timber land.
A 1200-acr farm in Klickitat County.
"Wash., near North Bank road; this is a
combination (Train and stock ranch; will
also prow fruit; only $12 per acre, on easy
terms, or will exchange fr city property,
0 acreage, small fruit or dairy farm.
We are selling agents for the SU
BURBAN HOME ACRES tract near Lents,
on O. W. P. line, 10c carfare; this Is the
nicest acre tract near the city; price rea
sonable and terms good ; the streets are
graded and water piped to each lot. You
better see us about this, as the price will
be advanced soon.
On the Oregon Electric, from one acre
to 20; good soil, good water, first-class
fruit and vegetable land; right on R. R. ;
Oak, Park station on the tract; land cheap
and terms to suit.
A dairy and fruit farm near Ne where;
471 acres, well Improved; price $1H per
acre; will take wheat land for about
one-half and give long time on balance.
3-story building, lot SOxlOO. value $16
000; will trade for wheat land,
304-305 Henry bldg.
Hornes Vehicles and Harness.
Anual Spring sale of 175 tine horses will
be held A prit 27-2S-20 at Port land Fair
Grounds; standard breds, Mugann, saddlers
and a lot pf grade Pcrrherons will be
cold; the imported Belgian stallion Zeph
erin and the imported Spanish jack Zo-bror,-
will be sold ; shorthorn sale April
26 at Union Stockj-ards. Holstetns sold
April 29 at Portland Fair Grounds; cata
logues on application ; buyers can get
what they want at this sale.
873 Yamhill St., Portland. Or.
WHY buy a second-hand vehicle when you
can get a new one from an old-established
wholesale house, 44 years in Oregon, at
almost the same coat ? We are located
outside the high -rent district, own our
building, and can make the price. Ex
clusive agents for the old reliable line of
Michigan Buggy Co. fine vehicles, deliv
ery wagons, top buggies, runabouts and
farm wagons. Be sure and see us before
you buy. It may save you money.
R. M. WADE & CO.,
322 Hawthorne Ave., bet. East 1st and 2d.
FOR SALE, Portland Stables. 20 N. 15th
st ; I have 20 head of horses for sale,
30 mares from 105M to 14oo tbs. and geld
ings from 10(H) to 14M( lbs. Prices run
from $75 to $2io per horse. In t he lot
are a number of well-mated teams. A
written guarantee to refund your money
if horses are not as represented ks with
very horse I sell. Inquire of Portland
Trust Company, where 1 bank, as to my
l yyliability. R. L. Evans.
On new buggies, harness and wagons;
the second largest stock in the city to
select from. New, guaranteed, well-known
buggies with leather trimmings, fino
leather quarter tops, for $5S.50. Big sales
and small profits.
C. L. BOSS & CO..
FOR SALE Horses, harness and wagons.
Remember, we sell guaranteed horses and
mares. If not as represented they can be
returned. We also have on hand several
delivery, farm, vegetable and milk wagons
for sale. Hawthorne-Ave. Stables, 420
Hawthorne ave.
DRAFT and all-purpose horses for sale at
our barn at Gresham, Or.; take car at
East Morrison and Water streets.
BLACK team, weight 2400 lbs.. 5 and 7 years
old, sound and gentle, with good work har
ness; price $265. Ask for bakery team. 14
Union ave.
A COLD-NOSE SNAP, if ever there was
Fine young team, 2000, got to be sold. Lis
ten, a new harness, too, $450. 33d and Pre
cott. Take Alberta car. J. T. Wilson.
FOK SALE 1 span of heavy work horses.
Oregon & Washington Lumber Co., foot
of Hamilton ave. Phone Main 2l'63.
X FINE, large young draft teams. 3 single
drivers, several sets of double harness, 2
heavy delivery wagons, at barn, JHh and
Couch st. L. C. McCormick, Mgr.
FIRST-CLASS heavy draft and driving horses
always on hand; sold with guarantee as
represented. U. S. Stables. 2 48 Front.
Best accommodations for travelers: ladles'
waiting-room; prices moderate. 248 Front.
YEAR-OLD horse, weight 1150, single
driver. Inquire 318 Graham ave.
DR. L. G. STICKNEY. V. S. Office 40 E.
Burns Ide. E. 655 ; residence, E. 171.
FOR SALE One team well matched horses,
weighing 2S00. 220 Russell st.
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all
kinds for sale. 334 Front St.
HORSE for sale cheap; 6 years old, gray
mare. $850. 710 E. Morris. B. 5342.
WANTED To buy good up-to-date late mod
els automobiles, runabouts' and touring cars;
must be in first-class condition; wilt pay
cash value for good cars; no junk whatso
266 Eleventh St.
Ford runabout, Buick model 10. four-passenger,
Reo lOi'l and a few 5-passengers at
exceptional bargains. Call and see them or
phone Main 112.
260 Eleventh St.
SIX-CYLINDER 84 H. P. Thomas Flyer;
thoroughly overhauled and painted. Call
j;h ttn st.
Pianos, Orga-ns and Musical Instruments.
This Is the attractive price (at which
the Wiley B. Allen Co. offers, on attrac
t ive terms, an instrument of superb mu
sical qualities.
In buying a piano, think not of today
alone, but of tomorrow and of the many
tomorrows which are to come.
This is all the more necessary if you do
not wish to expend much money on your
304 Oak St.. bet. Mh and 6th.
ONE $50 and one $100 check, good on anv
new piano in almost any music store in
Portland, for sale or will exchange. What
have you? S 90S. Oregonian.
GOING abroad: will sacrifice for cash my
Kranich & Bock piano; paid $50i for it
just 1 months ago. AN in'4. Oregonian.
$125 PIANO check as payment on lot or
other real estat-o; or discount for cash.
Phone East 2017.
FOR RENT New Chlekerln piano, reason-
able. Inquire 355 6th st.
WILL sell my $50 chack. good on a piano,
. at a reduction. A. J. Moore, gen, del.
MY $75 check, good 00 reliable music store.
for sale at a reduction. Mrs. Gray. C 1274.
BRAND-NEW $5itO piano, cheap. $200 cash.
leaving town. 447 Mh st.
$125 PIANO check for sale cheap. Phone
Marshall 1199.
M Iwcellaneoqa.
FINE soda fountain, complete with glass
holders, spoons, etc. 33 N. 3d st,
FOR SA LE f'HEAP Large, handsome
K h jva rug. Phone Main 2T.95. 167 Ifith st.
CO-POUND Ice chest and mahogany dreser
cheap. 320 First st.
BAEtGAIN Portable engine and boiler, 16 b.
p., ood .order. 103 Burnside a.
Dimensions Length SO feet, beam. 13 ft.
6 in., depth 4 ft. 2 in., gross tons 71 ; 2
engines fex8. high pressure of 7U-horse-power,
Hpeed 14 miles; fitted for burning
oil or wood; oil tanks and all machinery
6 months old; a strong tow boat or suit
able for freight and passengers. Apply
to Anderson Crowe, 245 Ash, t.p Fort
land. HARDWOOD LUMBER (KD) Mahogany
44 5464 84 27c 40c E. Maple 44
54 04- IDeK. 14(1, Oak 17c. Walnut
05c Philippine Mahogany 2ro. Alder 7o,
Maple 7c, Oak 4 4 54 8 4 1 0c. 1 4d
44 54 12,c. Maple Dowels 34 oS
12 710 3 8516 14 3c 10c. B. F.
Mfg. Co.. 12th and Hoyt.
10-foot counter witn shelves, and ft
doors, top 18 inches wide. 12-foot rail
with base, posts, two gates, 6-foot rail,
20-inch top. Address American Life &
Accident Co., 615 Beck bids- Telephone
Main. 6552. ; '
SEWING machines Do not fail to visit the
White sewing machine store THIS WEEK
SPECIAL SALES 1-0 drop-head rnacniues,
slightly marred ; all standard makes ma
chines for rent and repairing. H. D. Jones,
Prop.. 420 Washington St.. comer 11th.
NATIONAL cash registers new at discount;
one electric operation, check printer, latest
design ; one operated with handle, check
printer, with stub check. Phone Richmond
71 or inquire E. O. Magoon, 111 N. Jersey
t., St. Johns. Or.
LAUNCH 24 feet long, 5-ft. beam, 7-horsepower,
Cushman engine, 12-passenger;
can be seen at Washington-street dock
Sunday morning from 10 to 12; price $375.
A H3, Oregonian.
125-volt. 150-K. W. General Electrlo
generator; belt type, complete with panel
and rail base. Address Room 201, Ore
onlan bldg.
SPECIAL prices on factory rebuilt machines;
very liberal terms; $10 to $60. Northwest
Typewriter Co., M. 6870. 222 Abingtoa
BEST dry fir and oak wood, either sawed
or 4-ft., at lowest possible prices. Kirk
Hoover, 313 Water st. Phone Main 7451,
A 5445.
FOR SALE Hat-Parr traction gasoline en
gine, good as new. R. T. Cox, 250 d
st.. Portland. Or.
$50. Ask for catalog. Rebullts $15 up. N.
M. Hayter Co.. 00 5th st. Main 5528.
FOR SALE Showcase, wallcares, counters,
chea p. No. 222 Grand ave. phone East 538.
FOR SALE 1 24-in. double drive planer. 1
30-in. sandpaper machine in good condition.
1 5th and Thurman. M nln 2iflks.
FOR SALE Large houseboat with furniture
cmipletf. .Phone M M A 44J. P. M., M.
6351, c' address 45 2 H oyt.
Cub bear, 2 months old, very playfuL
Phone K. fiOQ7 or call 263 Morris st.
FOR SALE Latest model National Cash
Register; in use 3 months; a bargain. 166
Hamilton ave.
SAFES 11 2d-hand safes very cheap; large
stock new safes sold on easy terms; call or
write today. Portland Safe Co.. 87 5th.
6HOW CASES new and second-hand. 312
Everett cor. 6th. Also fixtures.
FINE insulated cooler for sale cheap. Alex
Friedman. 205 1st.
600 BUSINESS cards $) if you bring this ad.
Rose City Prlntery. 192 3d. near Taylor.
TWO frv-sh cows for sale cheap right away.
093 East 33d and Yamhill. Tabor 1803.
231 Stark St." Main 1407.
WANTED Men's cast-o-AT clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings;
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal." 47 3d St.. North. Phone Main 9272.
WANTED Clothing, best price paid for
ladies' and gents sucond-hand clothing
and shoos and bicycles, main 20S0. 290 1st.
WANTED Typewriter machine for renting or
purchase; Underwood preferred. 503 Lum
berman's bldg.
HIGH EST price paid for men's cast-off
clothing, shoes, bicycles and all second
hand goods. 71 North 3d. Marshall 6t)9.
WANTED lO shares Telepost stock, series
A or B. State lowest price. G U03. Ore
gonian. SELL your second-hand furniture to the
Ford Auction Co. or you'll get la.
Phones: A 2445. Main 8951.
CALL up Marshall 1029 if you have sec-ond-hand
clothes to sell.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phono East 1067.
WANTED Men's castoff clothing, shoe for
highest price. Phone Main 4040i
WANTED Secondhand top buggy ; must be
cheap. S33 Mississippi ave.
Camp blacksmith, $3-50; general black
smith, $3.5o.
Band rsawyer, $3; carriage riders. $2.50
and $2.75; .planer-feeders, $2.00 and $2.75.
Lumber graders. $2.5u, $2.73 and $3.
Millwrights. $4.
"oncrete men, $3.
Ten farmhand., $30 to $40.
Hundreds of other jobs.
Main Office. 12 N. 2d St.
Wanted, A-l salesman with executive
capacity to invest his services and $15O0
In branch agency of mortgage and bu'ld
ing company; this is a permanent propo
sition of merit and is meant to attract
only those of high-grade ability; the in
vestment, while necessary, is the minor
consideration; a commissiou contract with
guaranteed salary is offered; in answering
state age and experience. AB 1)00, Orego
nian. WANTED Two men with single horses and
wagons to advertise with big signs; will pay
$3.5' per day; eight hours' work. Call at
National-Theater, between 11 and 12 today.
Mr. Winn.
W X X T E D T w o live men to do business
among the best people in tha city; salary
to start, $1S per week. Call before 9 A.
M. and between 4 and 6 P. M., 400 Ore
gonian bid g.
THREE first-class clothing and furnishing
good salesman wanted at once. Apply to
the Brownsville Woolen Mill Store, 3d and
Stark sts.
WANTED A young man between 16 and IS
years of age to make himself generally use
ful in office and otherwise. Address; D 914,
a competent salesman for their men's
clothing department. ApDlv to Supt.,
at 8 A. M.
$18 TO $35 week, few months only learning;
situations guaranteed. Watchmaking-En-graving
School, box 1S2. Ashland. Or.
WANTED Young man for delicatessen and
bakery: take cash, small investment. Call
30314 Washington, room 24.
SOLICITOR for commercial photographer,
salary and commission; references, p 931,
WANTED 2 barbers, ladies or gentlemen, for
Saturday; no apprentices need apply. 66 4th
WANTED Man for bakery goods route; will
teach you the route; little money needed. Call
m.iiH Washington st., room 24.
WANTED First-class ba-ber for Dayton,
Wash. Apply Lewls-Stenger Barber Sup-
ply Co.
W A NTED 2 boys to work on st u ff in g ma
ehine in. mattress shop. Carman Mfg. Co.,
ISth and Upshur.
WANTED Presser and biishelman or Hoff
man press operator for our dry cleaning
department. Opera House Laundry.
WE require the services of a few bright
young men as salesmen. Apply forenoons.
.Ino. P. Sharkey Co.
WANTED at once, two young men to learn
to repair and drive automobiles; posl
tlons awaiting. Call 5Q-52 North 7th st.
young- man to drive lle-ht de
livery wagon. Apply Van Horn Transfer
BOY to deliver and work in store; Chris
tian boy preferred; give references. East
WANTED A baker. Inquire A. Schrader,
Oregon City.
CABIN ET-M A K E R Oregon Flar.ingr M ills.
19th and Vc.ughn.
BOY wanted for grocery help at 472 Weid
lcr. near 0th st.
PATTERN-MAKER wanted. Call 222 Com-
mrcial Ciub bldg.
WANTED 2 first-class shinglers. Call 514
Swet'and blip.. morning.
WAITER wanted for coffee houte. 3V North
2 1 et.
A BOY to learn the hardware business.
74 Sixth st. m
YOUNG man to learn barber trade. Call
or address A. Barker. Arleta,. Or.
WANTED Photograph coupon agents; new
offer; a winner. Cutberth. Dekurn bldg-
BOY wanted, with wheel ; good wages. Ap
t)v 144 7th st.. upstairs.
WAN'IED Two boys with wheels, good
wagps. Apply 131 loth st.. near Wash, st.
WAN! ED Two bright boys with wheels,
good wages. Apply 131 10th, near TfV'astu
20 North Second St., Portland, Or.
424 Front ave., Spokane, Wash.
87-89 Fourth St., San Francisco, Cal
Established 1S76.
Agents for
The Utah Construction Co.
Erickson & Petterson.
Twohy Bros. Company.
Pacific Contract & Con. Co.
Portland Bridge & Building Co.
O. R. & N- and S. P. R. R. Cos.
Pacific Coast Con. Co.
C. A. Smith Lumber Co.
Booth-Kelly Lumber Co.
And other large employers.
Ship daily.
Free fare.
To Eastern and Southern Oregon and
California for R. R. construction laborers.
Work guaranteed. Transportation supplied.
A general male and female employment
business transacted.
26 North 2d st.
BOY 1 rt year? of nge and o.rer to work In
factory. Apply at once, Ames. Harris,
Neville Co.. 5th and Davis.
I00O white laborers for surfacing and
general railroad construction work. Wages
$8.85 per day. Fare from Seattle to the
work $15. We-ekly shipments begin about
May 1st.
M. J. HENEY, Pier 2. Seattle Wash.
EVERY young- man seeking: emoioyment or
desiring to better his condition, should
take advantage of the special employ
ment memberfihiD. and g-at in Quick touch
with the advisory and employment sec
retary cf the Y. M C. A. Strangers our
specialty. Good f ellowscvip, 5004 advice,
good position awaits you .
MEN wanted for firemen and hrakem"n on
nearby railroads; age 18 to 35; experience
unnecessary; no strike, permanent employ
ment; firemen $100 monthly; brake
men $75: promotion to engineers, con
ductors; 400 men sent to positions monthly,
state age; en.j siamps. Railway Asso-
. elation, care Oregon! an.
SALESMEN To handle attractive lota on
small monthly payments, in cheapest, best
and easiest-selling adailion in Portland.
Names of prospective buyers f urn-shed.
Good commission, better than salary to live
man. 315 Couch bldg.. 4th st.. near Wash
ington. WANTED Solicitor, salesman or organizer,
capable of selling complete creameries or
canning factories on the co-operative
plan; low prices and liberal terms io pur
chasers. For particulars write O. Presa
prich & Company, lu3 Park Ave., New
WANTED Al thoroughly competent dry
goods man to take full charge of buying
and selling, town about 10.600; good sal
ary to riprht man with references ; must
bo first-class ; no other need apply. In
' quire clerk. Oregon Hotel, between 10 and
1 today.
lo.uoe POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men and women to learn barber trade in
6 weeks, bolp to secure promotion; gradu
ates eari from $15 to $25 weekly; expert
instructors; tools free; write for cata
logues. Mohler System of Colleges, 35
North 4th fat.. Portland. Or.
WANTKD Salesmen who are hustlers and
can sell; no aead ones need apply. We have
good territory and proposition for the right
parties. We furnish outfit free and pay
' cash weekly. Write us. ALBANY NUB
SERIES. INC.. Albany, Oregon.
MOUNT TABOR-$5oyO; beautiful new 7room
home; street impixivementa in and paid; sta
ble, cement walks, full basement, furnace,
n replace, built-in china case, cool closet, etc.;
U-rms. Owner, 24 East 53d st. Phone Tabor
WANTED A first-class salesman on a prop
osition upon which one inexperienced man
is now making over $7u0 a month. Apply
between 9 and 11.
3U2-3Q3 Lewis Bldg.
WANTED Experienced machine men. sash
and door factory. -Single and double end
ten oners nel raiser, stickers and uni
versal wood worker. Diamond Match Co.
chico, Cal.'
1)1 ST RICT managers for the Yeomen;
splendid Washington territory; $100 to
$300 per month if you are willing to
work. F. A. Case, State Manager, 1S13
Bren ave.. Seat tie, Wash.
GEN ERA L merchandise and drygouds sales
men for country; stenographer, bookkeeper,
for city. Commercial Abstract Co., 40$ Com
mercial Club. '
WE aid our members to secure employment.
Constant demand for young men of ability
and integrity. Special employment mem
bershlp. Y. M. C A.
YOUNG MEN wanted to prepare for railway
mall clerks, postoffice clerks, carriers, etc.
Write or call for Book 30, it's free. Paciflo
States School, McKay Bldg., Portland, Or.
HAVE an exceptionally good proposition for
one who can sell high-class residence lots;
only desire to meet one of experience. P
9 liK. Oregonian.
WANTED A man to take charge of city
department in an established real estate
office. C. Hughes Land Co.. Portland, Or.
4QS-409 Lewis bldg., phone" Marshall 239.
Write for Portland examination schedule;
preparation free. Franklin Institute, Depu
410 N.. Rochester, N. Y.
First-class men wanted at once.
SALESMAN making Eastern Oregon to
carry sideline men's neckwear on commis
sion. Columbia Neckwear Mfg. Co.. 201
Stark st.
SOLID manufacturing business; owner wants
reliable partner who is willing to work;
investigate this; it's a money-maker. Ca.ll
417 Board of Trade.
IF you are not making $2uO a month and
you have any ability as " a salesman, call
at 21W-220 Commercial Club bldg.. corner
5th and Oak.
WANTED Oood men at the E. I. DuPont
de Nemours Powder Co., DuPont, Wash.;
$2.25 per day with chance for advance
ment. WAITED Several cabinetmakers. Apply
Oregon Furniture Manufacturing Co.,
Macadam road.
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, city;
salesman, general store, country. 313 H
Washington, room IS.
STENOGRAPHER Young man; state speed
and wages wanted ; must be -willing to
help around store. O 934. Oregonian.
TWO or three young men to act as ushers
at theaters. Apply 513 Rothchild bldg.;
high school boys preferred.
WANTED, by -wholesale house, capable ship
ping clerk. Best of references required.
C 011. Oregonian.
WANTED Bdy to run errands, with chance
for promotion. Alvln S. Hawk, Ptg. Sc
Pub. Co., SS4 Third st. -
I NEED 5 more real estate solicitors; no
money required; liberal commission.
BLACKSMITH One angle smith and one
tool man; must be Al. Apply in person.
M a rlne Iron Works. St. Johns. Or.
WANTED Salesman to handle staple. Se
age and experience. Rodgers Paper Co.,
Salem. Oregon.
GROCERY delivery, young man 20 to 24
year?, with some experience; give phone
number. B 914. Oregonian.
WANTED Reliable man used to farm pro
duce; pay $25 week; small investment re
quired. Particulars. 24.! Stark st.
WANTED 2 first-class carpenters. Rose City
Park, 5oth at., between Stanton and Arme-da-
a 13. Apply to foreman.
WANTED First-class carpenter foreman.
F. E. Bowman & Co., cor 22d and Bra
zee streets.
WANTED Ten first-class carpenters; steady
work and good wages. A. E. Petersen,
172 10th st., Astoria. Or.
WrANTEI Men who have had experience in
industrial life insurance Call at 219-220
Commercial Club bldg. cor 5i h and Oak.
WANTED- Barber for Saturdays ; steady
job later on. E. Busby. Pond I e ton. Or.
FIRST-CLASS chamois man. Apply Stude
baker garage. Chapman and Alder sts.
WANTED Laborers at East 12th and SuN
11 van Gulch bridge; $2.50. 9 hours.
$10 TO $100 made daily in the motion pic
ture business. Particulars 526 Wash.
WANTED 9 sailors. Apply at once. 295
2d S.. room 4.
ERRAND boy wanted. Butler, Schulze Co.,
68 otb st.
OFFICE boy and messenger 1ft years of uge.
Call at 217 Bock bldg.. Friday.
PRESSFBEDER, with some experience. Chrie-tie-H'ye
Co.. 12SU - Second st.
MACHINIST The Mechanical Engineering
Too! Works. 240 E. 7th s t .
WANTED Pliot o coupon agem s. something
entirely new. Da v' 2 l-a Washington at.
BARBER wanted, 221 Madison St.. between
1st and 2d,
WANTED Able-bodied men for the U. S. Ma
rine Corps, between the axes of 10 and 33
Must be native born or have first papers.
Monthly pay $15 to $ti9. Additional compensa
tion possible. Food, clothing, quarters and
medical attendance free. After 30 years' serv
ice can retire with 75 per cent of pay and al
lowances. Service on board ship and ashore
in all parts of the world. Apply at Breeden
bldg.. 3d and Washington ats.. Portland. Or.
WA NTED Experienced employment office
12 X. 2d St.
FIRST-CLASS salesman; big wages; perma
nent. 215 Commercial Bldg.
BOY wanted in grocery store. 203 1st st.
WANTED GIRL to assist In general house
work. Three in family; good wages with
Increase later. Apply 4S1 Hancock, 4J
WANTED Respectable girl or woman over
20 to do housework iu country boarding
house, steady job and good home for re
liable one. Write Lock. Box ob. Under
wood, Wash. '
WANTED A lady of wide city acquaintance
to give part or all time assisting me in
selling high-class residence lots ; only one
who has lived in city some time need In
vestigate. P 92 7, Oregon Ian.
WANTED First-class sewers on Rose Carni
val costumes; al girls to spangle. Call at
Hi A. M.. 3JSK Morrison st. Alto cleaners and
WANTED A competent girl for general
housework ; must be good cook ; good
wages. Call mornings and evenings, 779
Glisan st. Main r4."S.
WANTED A neat young lady for clerical
work, one who has bad experionce as a
stenographer preferred. Y 900, Ore
gonian. WANTED Lady, married or single, to col
lect on monthly accounts; commission
paid and expenses; give references. Ad
drcss p. Q. Box 544. Oakland. Cai.
SOCIETY editor for weekly publication;
social stanciV.-.g and some financial back
ing required. Address Hotel Topics, 503
Pioneer bldg., Seattle, Wash.
WANTED Experienced girl or young wom
an for general housework and cooking,
family of 2; references required. Call B
261 S. .
WANTED Girl to work in cigar tore; -permanent
position for capable person ? give age,
experience and salary desired. B 113, Ore-
WANTED Young girl, assist housework;
small family; must Bleep home. 4SS Mar
ket st. t
WANTED Gir!; 4S hours' work a week ; half
holiday Saturdays; pays well when learned.
Mt. Hood Shirt Factory, 2d and Couch.
WANTED Body ironers; also bright girls
who arc willing to learn ; good wages to
start. Pacific Laundry Co.. 231 Arthur St.
BIG strong girl fr general housework;
one used to children. Phone Tabor 828;
residnco, IMS E. Salmon.
EXPERIENCED girl for second work and
children; must have good city references.
Davis st.
WANTED Middle-aged lady to help In board
ing house "for her and her husband's room
and hnard. Phone East 378. 1-1 Russell st.
WANTED Immediately, experienced child's
nurse ; references required. Apply 01 I
Hancock st.. or phone C 1306.
WANTED All kinds of laundry help ex
perienced and inexperienced. Opera-Hou&a
Laund ry.
WANTED At once, operators for ladies'
neckwear; highest wages. Western Rucli
1ng & Mfg. Co.. a 5th, cor. Pine st.
GiKL for general housework; no children;
no laundry; good wages. 306 Grand ave.,
North. Phone C 231 L.
WANTED Girl for general housework; no
washing; small family, good wages. Call
forenoons, 70'. Taylor st.
WANTED Competent cook for small fam
ily. 341 East 12th St., North. Phone
East 33i6.
GftOD plain cook. Riverside Hotel, St.
Johns. Phone Jersey 911. S 901, Ore
gonian. WANTED Girl to do housework near the
city; wages $r a week. Address 2ol Rose
mount st. Phone Tabor l:i;il.
GOOD young girl to assist with housework,
small family. Call at J0tf9 Thurman St.,
cor. 2d, Willamette Heights.
Gl RL for general -housework : must be good
cook; good wages, small family and mod
ern home. SoO Northrup yt., cur. 24th.
COMPETENT girl wanted, general house
work; must be first-class cook. 1135
Thurman st. ,
EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen
eral housework; small family; good wages;
references req uired, 205 West Park st.
GIRLS over 16 to work in bag factory.
Apply Ames, Harris, Neville Co.. 5th and
THOROUGHLY reliable domestic wanted;
good wages. Apply Juston restaurant, 7th
and Alox'r sts. .
826 ft Washington St., Room 30T.
Main SS36 or A 8206-
Z4$hk Washington St., Cor. 7th, Upstair.
Phone Main 2092.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for r
cponible position. Viavi Co., 609 Rota
child bldg.. 4th and Washlngton.
W A NTED Neat colored woman to work 3
. hours forenoon every day ; general house.
Address P 926, Oregoniam
WANTED Girls to wait on table. Apply
Rebe Confectionery, 4J4 Washington at., bet.
loth and 11th.
WANTED Ladies, we bleach, sew, dye and
remodel hatff. dye plumes at price. Model
Millinery. 387 Yamhill.
PRIVATE lesson in bookkeeping; day or
night; terms reasonable. N. E. corner of
Uth and Belmont. East 1484.
COMPETENT woman for cooking and house
work; second girl kept. 315 East 16th
st.. North. Irvington car.
EXPERIENCED girl, general housekeeping,
good wages. East 4700. 731 Hawthorne,
cor. 22d. .
WANTED A young nurse-girl or elderly
woman to assist with children. Main 5843.
332 North 23d st.
WANTED Girl for general housework; help
well with cooking; small family. Call
mornings. 321 tHh st.
WANTED Experienced dining room girl.
The Waldorf. 147 I3th st.
WANTED Cook and second girl. Apply
1 9 SKln g st.
EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen
eral housework. Main 4152.
WANTED Girl to work in fruit stand. 33
North 4 th. A 5020.
COMPETENT girl general housework; small
family; good wages. Call A. M., 812 Overton.
WANTED Women at once to -wash by the
day Call C3 Glisan.
LESSONS in Shorthand and Typewriting by
expert. $5 a month. 26'J 14th. Main 3893.
WANTED Experienced operators on ora
g;!r learners1. 75 1st St.
TWO good tinters and painters. Apply at
church. Go to 283 Taylor st.
WANTED An apprentice for dressmaking. 310
loth st.
WANTED Middle-aged lady to help in board-
Ing-house. B 260.
SERVICES of retoucher in exchange for free
rent. P I30, Oregonian.
WANTED Good girl for general housework.
773 Johnson st. Main 2"i.
WANTED A girl for general housework. 731
Kearny st.
APPRENTICE for alteration room. Silver
field's, 4th and Morrison.
WANTED A strong woman to work in
kitchen of hotel. Phone Woodlawn 1899.
WANTED Girl for general housework. 1054
Q ui mby st. Main 4782.
CHAMBERMAID wanted at once. Ill N. Tth
WANTED A girl for second work at 103
1 2th and Morrison sts.
WANTED Girl for housework. 696 Ever
ett st. '
WANTED Girl . to take care of baby. 69
Everett St.
WANTED Girl for cooking and general
house worK. aiu 1 a..viM i. aiam d()48.
WANTED Girl to, assist with care of baby.
f05 Marshall st.
SCHOOLGIRL to help for room and board;
some wages. Ea3t 248S.
GIRL to assist with housework. 82$ .John
WANTED A girl for general housework; good
ivr Phone C
wNTED Girl for cooking and general
house work. 2r,l N. 24th st.
G1KLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory
No. - uranu ... " J
Fl NISH ERS wanted on men's neckwear.
Columbia "Neckwear Mfg. Co., 201 u Stark.
WANTED Girl for light housework. 626
Third st t
WAITED Girl for general housework, small
family. Apply at once. 7"fl Kearney st.
W X NTED An experienced waitress at once.
2tV. 14th. The H1H.
WAITRESS wanted, short hours. 227 Alder.
MAN or woman with $160 can make $6 to
$10 day : full Investigation desired. Suite
oQB Gocdnough bldg.
positions to A-l Instructors. 611 Swetland.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
EXPERIENCED accountant, rapid ledger
man, now employed, but desires change,
wants permanent position; highest creden
tials. Q 876. Oregonian.
RAIL'ROAD traffic man. 27 years; well edu
cated ; good address; for established com
mercial houso; highest references. O 929,
Oregonian. -
POSITION as bookkeeper or cashier, city
or country ; experience grocery store; city
references. S 900, Oregonian.
TOITNG man bookkeeper-stenographer wants
position; best of references. J iR2. Ore
gonian. EXPERIENCED meatcutter wants a po
sition in or out of city. Y 901. Oregonian.
POSITION WANTED Young msn. already
employed, desires an office position for part
time. Good education. Speaks German and
English. Experienced in dealing with the
public. Phone Main 7285.
-EXPERIENCED stenographer and competent
office man, now employed, but -desires change,
wants permanent position; good penman; ex
cellent reference both from present and pairt.
. employers. Q 931, Oregonian.
RESPECTABLE German couple with refer
ences, no children, man tradesman and
wife first-class cook, want position in first
class private family, or take care of apart-ment-houae.
O 932, Oregonian.
CHAITPEUR wants position, private family;
steady, sober, attentive to duties; 18 montiur
experience; can do own repairing. Address B
i)12. Oregonian.
LA W YER, 2, 2 years business office work,
deire3 position in abstracting or insurance
office, to learn business. E (K2. Oregonian.
CHAUFFEUR Experienced Japanese wants
position in Vancouver; good references.
121 north.
JANITOR wants position by May 15 or June
l; very best Portland references. A lu,
I LIKE Portland, but I must work; what
have you to offer to exchange for hustle and
ahlli ty ? C tKM. Oregon Ian.
PROFESSIONAL chauffeur warns position;
can keep car out of hop; references. 1025
E. 14th st. N.
WANTED Situation, housework and garden,
by good experienced Japanese; rccommenda
tlon B 014. Oregonian.
ELDERLY man wishes job an night watch-
man 1 city references. Phone Main 378.
CARPENTER foreman wants situation: can
get results. Phone Woodlawn 2t33.
YOT7NG man desire position as chauffeur,
experienced. H 013, Oregonian.
GRADUATE male nurse wishes employment,
as such; sober. J 001. Oregonian.
JAPANESE Employment Co. will furnish all
help. Main 46T.9. A 4073. 2C3 Everett
Bookkeepers and St enogra pliers.
YOUNG lady with thorough experience in
general office work, can assist in book
keeping; would like position ; can furnish
the best of references. Tabor 2047. A 14,
POSITION wanted by a firwt-class bookkeep
er and stenographer; best of references. D
W2, Oregonian. ;
EXPERIENCED young lady stenographer
would like permanent position or substitute
work. Main 42o4.
AN experienced stenographer wishes posi
tion. Phone before 10:30 or after 3:30,
M. 4732; will leave town.
STENOGRAPHER High School rraduate,
best reference, desires permanent situa
tion. E V)o4. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stenographer with business
"ability would like position in hotel at sea-
snore iur 1110 bcaauii. amtl. ojv, v'i ia.ii.
YOUNG woman wants position in office
while learning stenography; will work for
$5 a week. Al) Oregonian.
COMPETENT stenographer desires position.
Phor.e Main 6890. "
YOUNG lady desires position as bookkeeper
or cashier; references. N 03O, Oregonian.
ANGELES Dressmaking parlors. 326 H Wash-
I OtA Main U O K1UI
KTY'LISH dresses, $5 up; waisLs, $1 up; fine
work; references. 529 Et Mill st. East 0266.
N urses.
PRACTICAL NURSE, can give mtssagi
treatments. No maternity cases. Kati
very reasonabl e. Call East 3372.
YOUNG lady would like position as house
keeper for old couple. F 903. Orego
nian. SITUATION wanted by two experienced
girls, housework. A 911. Oregonian.
REFINED educated lady, over 30, would
like position as companion for elderly
ladv; can furnish best of references. Phone
Tabor 2047, or A 913, Oregonian.
LACE curtains washed and stretched. 40
cents a pair, called for and delivered.
Phone Main 3965.
LADY going East desiree to chaperone young
or old person, or care for Invalid, for ex
penpes. F 877, Oregonian.
YOUNG lad would like position in small
store. F JK.'. Oregonian.
WOMAN wants day work or chamber work.
332 First st., near Market.
LADY wants housework by the day. Phone
East 554.
WOMAN wants work .Saturday, no half
days; references. Woodlawn 1611.
WANTED Reliable men who can sell trees
lor largest nursery in the West. For
further particulars address Oregon Nur
sery Co.. Orenco, Or.
OUR new patent device for window, wall
cleaning and many other things; a seller
for agents, demonstrate and the outfit
is sold; gents or ladies. 110 Union ave.
SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash
weekly selling choice nursery stock; out
fit free. Capital City .Nursery Compapy.
Salem. Oregon.
WE positively have the fastest selling house
hold patent on the market. Woolverine
Co.. Pittsburg, Pa.
About May 1, modern 7 or 8 -room house,
with furnace, good-size yard. East Side
preferred. Like Rose City Park. State
location and rent, unfurnished. References
given. Address AD 808, Oregonian.
RESPONSIBLE couple, no children, want to
rent furnished cottage or three or four fur
nished rooms on East Side; references fur-
nlshed: wtate price. vzv, oregonian.
WANTED To rent by responsible family of
3 adults, modern nouse, nrst-ciass neign
borhood. Nob Hill or Portland Heights,
Address t. O. box 438.
BUSINESS man, wife and 'mother desire six
room furnished house, flat or apartment in
good neighborhood, West Side. Address with
particulars. Pomofftce box 675.
WANTED Furnished cottage or flat by re
enaible couple; no children. B 011, Ore
gonian. SEVEN or 8-room house, within 20 minutes'
ride and in good neighborhood. A. X.
Andrews. Phono Main 42 6a.
COMMENCING about May 5, couple of cosy
housekeeping rooms, suitable for bachelor
not over $16 per month. eWst Side.
N 002. Oregonian. r
8 OR 9 -room modern house, on West Side ;
d es.rabi-a neighborhood. E 8 9 4 , Oregonian.
Rooms With Board.
BOARD Young man wants room and board
in congenial private family: references
given. Address T 904, Oregonian.
Fu-nis bed It 00 ma.
FI N E furnished outside room in brick build
ing, suitable tor 1 or 2; steam heat, hot and
"cold water, use of bath. $b weekly. 422
Washington at.
NICELY furnished suite of 2 rooms, suitable
for 2 to 4 people; hot and cold water, steam
heat, bath:- brick building. $7 per week.
422 -Va Washington st.
HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main sts..
furnished rooms, single or en suite, at rea
sonable prices, modern conveniences. Op
poslte the Plaxa.
LA R R ABE E HOTEL, 227 Larrabee, near
Holladay ave. New brick bldg.; every con
venience; reasonable; permanent and tran
stent THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 327
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estea
FURNISHED rooms, Eim Place, formerly
Eiton Court Annex. 414 Yamhill and lltn.
1SL SIXTH, opposite Portland Hotetl; transient
roomers aolieited; doors open all night.
Fumiished Rooms.
268 Third St,, Cor. Jefferson St.
New fireproof building and furnishings
throughout: desirable neighborhood; four
minutes walk to business center; rooms
and suites; large, light and airy; hot and
cold water; steam beat; gas and electric
lights; call bells; free baths: clean porce
lain tubs; lavatories convenient. Take "S"
car at depot to Outrd and Jefferson sts.
We aim to satisfy; that is why we please
Rates $3, $5, $6, $7 per week.
A 7731 PHONES Main 8639.
140 ROOMS.
New, modern, fireproof building, steam
heated, hot and cold running water in ail
rooms, richly furnished, finest beds that
money can buy. and it doesn't cost any
more than some cheap lodging-house; nice
large office on ground floor ; everything
first-class; rates. C0c. 7oc and $1 per
day;, 3-50 and up per week. Call and
see us. 12S 6th iu North.
Homelike. Homelike Homelike.
7th and Ankeny jt.
Free wan their depot c-xriage.
I took it oa the spot;
There may be other bouses Just aa Bood.
I -
A ulet home for quiet people.
404 V Washington, corner 10th.
Modern brick building, steam heated,
private baths, running water in rooms,
electric light, free pnone ; special rates by
week or month ; the most convenient lo
cation in the city; transient trade solicited
at $1 up.
83 North 5th St., S. E. Cor. Flanders.
New brick building, steam heated, por
celain baths, ttue large 01 lice on ground
floor, elegant beds, everything absolutely
new ana clean ; rates only $2.o0 and up
per week; 5Uc ana 75c per day. & block
Irom Union Depot,
131 Eleventh Street.
NEW. modern brick building; STEAM
HEATED, private baths, running water
ROOM; special rates by the week and
month; Tt AN aIENT TRADE solicited.
710 Washington, near King; bath, hot
and cold water; phone, steam heat in
every room; strictly modern; fine large
office, ground floor; by far the best in the
city for tne money; rooms $25 per month
and up. call and ins p ec t.
THE BARTON. 13th and Alder, la now
undergoing a thorough renovation; 70
team heated, electric-lighted rooms, all
outside. Rates 75c day; $lo month up.
Suites with running water $20 mouth up.
Phones and bath free.
422 Vi Wasningtoo, cor. 11th.
Steam beat, hot and cold water, baths,
nicely furnished rooms. $3 per weet up;
transient rates. 75c up.
Fifth St.. opposite City Hall.
New,- beau 1 nuliy furnished ; steam heat ;
hot, cold water in every room; public
and private baths. Permanent; transient.
THE GLEN DORA, 10th and Couch, fur
nished rooms, $rK per week und up; par
lor and piano; billiard and pool tree to
guests; large shady lawn and veranda;
best location in city.
392 E. Stark, cor. Grand ave. ; elevator.
art-am neat, not water, private oatn; Ji, and $25 per auite. Eat iHtio. 14 2888.
Washington and 17tn. bri-cia39 furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modt-rn con
venlencea; $3 weekly up. A 2t47, M. uti-7.
6th and Oak; lare, handsomely furnished;
running hot and cold water; steam heat;
reasonable ; permanent and transient.
THE MERCEDES. 20th and Washington ; ele
gantly furnished rooms; hot and cold run-
lting water, mouarn conveniences; $12 up
THE REX Modern rooms, 2.50 to $5 per
weea. 0.9 vvasnington st.
lrurnlshed Koouia in Private Family.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished, large front
rooms, single or en suite, spit-mild ven
tilation, large lawn, fine view point. Heat.
light, baths and phone ; modern conven
iences. A 52?'J or 575 Couch St., N. E.
cor. 18th. -West Side.
VERY desirable rooms in fine neighbor
hood; quiet, fresh air; hot and cold water;
suitable for one or two gentlemen. 720
Prospect Drive, Portland Heights. Phone
Main 1057.
TWO swell furnished front rooms en suite,
wit h bath, hot and cold water, electric
lights, phone, furuace heat, very close in.
188 15th st.
VERY nicely furnished large room, largo
closet. 3 windows, line surroundings, 10
minutes' walk; reasonable. Phone Main
LARGE, nicely furnished room, private fam
ily ; large closet, steam heat, hot water,
bath; West Side, walking distance. O 137,
SEVERAL nicely furnished rooms; gas, bath,
phone ; S2.o. $2.50, $3.00 a week. 169
East 14th st.
VERY pleasant room. every convenience,
walking distance. Main 3312. 301 loth
st. ;
TWO nice, clean, well-furnished rooms, all
conveniences. Close M ui t noinah Club. 547
Yamhill st. Call for Miss Lecker.
LARGE, well furnished room, suitable fur
1 or 2 poisons, all conveniences. 223
We s t Pa r k, s t .
NICELY furnished bedroom, $ i per month.
266 12th st.
STEAM heated room, close In, West Side;
rent $12.oU- per month. Phone Main 409S.
COSY new room, modern, 3o North 16th su
near Washington. Marshall 1 24 u.
NICELY furnished rooms, walking distance,
private family. Phone A 3.
5O0 FLANDERS, bet. 14th and 15th; neatly
f urntshed room, $6 p er month.
NEWLY furnished rooms; every convenience;
gentlemen. 311 11th st. Phone A 7613.
NICELY new furnished room, suitable for 2.
Phone East 241Q. 44 East 7th st.
Furnished Rooms.
UNFURNISHED 2 rooms for small family.
JG per month ; electric lights, bath and
water. Phone Wood law n 2 ii 3 3
Koomg With Board.
Ideal Bummer home, beautiful grounds, f1
finest rooms, witn dcbi nome cooking in
city; rooms, with private bath, all mod
ern conveniences; moderate rates.
33 17TH 9T. N. One block off Washington;
fine neighborhood; walking distance; well
furnhd corner suite; .also single rooms;
board optional '
THE COLONIAL. 15 and 16T 10th St.. cor
ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason
able ratfts.
&54 COUCH Outside rooms, ingl and double.
Good home cooking; clean and convenient.
THE CALVARD Sultea or single. 4o2 Mor
rison. cor. 13th. Choice accommodations'.
Rooms With Board In Private Family.
NICELY furnished room, every modern con
venience, beautiful grounds, sleeping porch
if desired: ideal place for Summer; board
optional. UO East bin street, corner Wash
ington. PUR TLA N D Women's Union. 22d year, room
with board, use of sewing-room and library.
51 Flandere st. Miirs Frances N. Heath,
Supt. .-'
LARGE sunny room with board, home
cooking; all conveniences; reasonable. Iu7
ltith at., n-ear Flanders. Main 5ol3.
ROOM and board for one or two in private
home; every modern convenience; 7 bloc ks
from Poatoft'Ice; use of piano, etc. Main 45Q..
VERY nice front room with board, walking
distance, pleasant surroundings ; modern ;
West Side; reasonable. Main 3280.
NICELY furnished reom, all modern, no
other roomers, good car service; break
fast If desired. 1105 East Yamhill st.
VERY desirable room and board. East Side,
newly furnished, home cookin g. H 2r 2.
ROOM and board in private home for 2
gentlemen. rtl Davis at.
2-ROOM suite; also single room; choice
board. 712 Hoyt st.
COZY room, with good home cooking, for
two. Nob Hill district. Main 54Sfi.
NICELY furnished rooms, with or without
board; modern apartment. R47 Yamhill.
SINGLH3 room with board in modern private
hom-; referen-eg requited. 2S4 V. Park.
DESIRABLE room and board, homo cook
ing. East Side. 644 East Alder. B. 2031.
NIE room in private family; good board;
reason able rates. Main 7016.
FURNISHED room with board; sleeping porch.
35 11th st. A 1630.
MORTON. 697 Washington st. One unfur
nl.hed 3-room apartment; best location.
THE STANLEY. unfurnished apartments
for r-nt. oi wasnington st. Main 7ti53.
6-ROOM. steam heated apartments. See
janitor 325 11th st. Main
Apart ments.
between lth ana -uin bls., .
lngton; 2 3- or 4-room apartments, new
pressed brick building just completed;
every modern convenience including tele
phone exchange and elevator; close to
business centers; very reasonable- price
and excellent service.
HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia.
4 blocks from Morrison st. ; new uul
building, completely nrst-ciass. furnished,
in 2, 3 and 4-room family apartments, pri
vate oatn, reception hali. steam heat, hot
water, elevator, free phone; some unfur
nished; janitor service; rent reasonable.
82 Grand Ave. S. E. cor. E. Stark.
Beautifully furnished 3-room apart
ments; modern; no objection to children;
$'s to $30 per month. East 300.
HANuVEH ApartinenLs. corner iving and
Washington stsv, 3-room apartments, have
every modern convenience, including steam
heat, hot water, private bath, irt pnone,
and janitor service; rent very reasonable.
2, 3 OR 4 -room, apartments, up to date
in every respect, walking distance from
business center; furnished and unfurnished.
15th and E v e rc 1 1 s t s. Phone Main 124o.
STEAM-HEATED 6-room apartment, mod
ern and desirable; 52s5 Everett at- Apply
Morgan. Fleidner & J3oyce. 503 Abington
FOR RENT Modern 4-room apartment.
King's Heights Apartment House, oor.
King and Wayne sts.; furnished. o5; un
furnished. (40. Apply janitor.
THE SHEF1ELD, 7 th ana Jenerson st.;
unfurnished apartment with bath, every
convenience ; desirable location; reason
able rent. Main 2oUt. A 314!.
THREE and 4-room unfurnished apartments;
telephone, heat, hot and hold water, jani
tor service. Madison Park Apts., Park
and Madison.
FIVE-ROOM, steamheated. modern apart
ment with janitor service .partial base
ment), finest in city for the money. Ap-
ply to jan ltor. 21st an d Kearney.
THE MERCEDES Elegantly furnished 2
room apartments, hot and cold running
water and all modern conveniences;
to ISO. Corner ::oth and Was hint; tou ata.
ST. CROIX Apartments, 170 Est. Clair St.
Modern unfurnished 3-room apartments;
nne residence location and reasonable rent.
j Jt.f h bK.-iu.N 1 a .n Apartment, join ano jener
son; furnished 2 or 3-room apartments; clean
anil modern; rent $2 and .iP.
5-ROOM cornet, apartment, every conveni
ence, it rain tree Apartments, 2i5 12 th st.
Main 741.
Modern brick apartment, janitor, phone,
h-at, water, etc. oth anu ulk-ge.
S-ROOM furnished apartment, sleeping porch,
2 lai'Ke closets. Pnone and. heat. o01 E.
Yam hill. Ea j t 1 7 H t.
21st and Flanders. One beautifully fur
nished front 3-room apartment.
One front apartment for rent; every
thing modern. 0U& Love joy at. W car.
ltia APARTMENTS, 3d auu "ikiUi. 1st o
April, 4 rooms. $32.
TH E MORTON Washington and King sts.
FUR RENT New and strictly modern 6
room flats on 2Uth and Laurel sta. Port
land Heights, rent $40. Apply
8 j Fourth st.
WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer
Co. Main 1G18, A 1US4. All covered WA.g"
QU3. aii experienced men.
ONE new 6-room modern n t; "S" and "F"
carline. Inquire at drug-tore. Front and
G i bba sts.
FOR RENT 3-room modern flat, walking du-
tiiiR-e. riie ; rent only $10. M. E. Lee,
4 ! 1 Corbet t b iu g.
Grand ave. and Oregon; house new; va-
cant May 7; adults. phone East 4i7 1.
N E W lower corner flat, strictly modern,
I 'ina Un a! ion. Coi ner of tft-h and Mill.
Key at 3ra tith at.
MODERN lower 5-room Hat. sleeping porch.
t'.0 4 E. Aider. Phone Main tiOo j.
5-ROOM strictly modern flat; good location.
2o Cherry -st. Phone Ea s t 141
MODERN 5-room, downstairs flat, with
small yard. Apply at sol Front st.
NOB HILL flat, 5 rooms, niuiicrn ; furnace,
h replace. H. A. Webber. Mam -.'UfeS.
MODERN lower flat, 6 rooms, walking uis-tatu-e;
adults. 32S Mill. East 2302.
73t OVERTON; modern flat, ti sunny rooms;
references. Ma in ''J.
NICELY furnished corner flat, walking dis
tance Call betore 7 P- M. iW ',. Clay.
MODERN flat, 6 rooms and bath. 731 3 Hoyt
st. Inquire 132 tith st. Main t27S.
FLAT cf S rooms and bath; hot-air fur
nace. oOS1. Salmon st. Key GOO Salmon at.
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVER, 12th a.d Marshall sts.
Newly furnished for housekeeping, includ
ing gaa range, electric lights, hot water,
baths, laundry, reception-room, all free;
furnished apartments $15 per month up;
single housekeeping rooms. J2.50 week up;
best in city for money; short distance from
Union Depot. "S" or lOth-st. cars north
get off at Marshall st. No dogs allowed.
ON FONT A" APARTMENTS, 187 17th, near
Yamhill (W car at depot). 2, 3 and 4-room
furnished suites; hot and coid. phones and
baths free; $20 per month, $5 per weefac
and up. Main 4ii. a
THREE elegantly furnished rooms in mod
ern flat; electric lights, gas and bath,
every modern convenience. Main 402U.
iss 15th st.
N IC E 3-room suite, unfurnished, with pri
vate bat it, very reasonable. Stephenson
rourt. 5i: Mill. Main DUO.
fl.2E TO $2.00 week, clean, furnished house
keeping robms; laundry, bath, phone, teas
furnace heat. 400 Vancouver ave.
CAMBRIDGE BLDG, 3d and Morrison St.,
furnished rooms for housekeeping. Apply
room 30.
SUNNY, clean housekeeping, single or en
suite; $2.r per week and up. Cu.ll 5oH Al-d-er
si. Phone A 42.2.
DESIRABLE two and three-room unfur
nished suites, Fifth st.. 30a& Jefferson
Beautiful central location.
THE MILNER, 350 Morrison, cor. Parity
Home apartments, all conveniences.
THE ELMS 2 and 3-room apartments; fur"
ntahed. 101 14th st.
401 E. .Morrison t.. newly furnished house
keeping suite and si fe ping-room; reasonable.
SINGLE and housekeeping rooms, strictly
modern ; reasonable, 41K Morrison st. .
NICE furnished housekeeping rooms. $!
031 V. Washington st.. cor. 20th.
$1.25 week, clean fur. housekeeping rooms.
heat, laundry, bath. 2J3 Stanton. ,fU" car,
$LS0 week, large, clean furn. housekeeping !
rooms; laundry, bath, gas. 184 Sherman
THE COLLINS 503 Alder St., furnished
housekeeping rooms, with all conveniences.
Ilounekeeping Rooms in Private Family.
2. ROOMS, young or middle-aged couple, no
children. 440 East 20th st. near Tilla
mook. Broadway car.
2 DESIRABLE rooms completely furnished
for light housekeeping; modern. 641
6th st.
2 N 1GELY furnished front housekeeping
rooms, desirable location; no children. 26i
14 th st.
THREE bright, neatly furnished rooms, bath,
gaj, telephone, porch and yard. Rent rea-.
sonable to responsible couple. 403 Hail st.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms,
$2.50 and up; free gas. bath and phone,
los 12th st.. near Wash st.
TWO swell suites housekeeping rooms, steam,
heat, walking distance, beautiful location,
from $22. Main 8u7o.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms en suite;
reasonable; walking nistance; every conven
ience. 117 N. ISth st. Phone A &t'22.
TWO to five unfurnished rooms; ground
floor, garden, nice yard ; reaonable. U
car to 17th. block south, to Edgar.
$1.8 Two large furnished housekeeping
rooms, bath, gas, electric. 051 Kast
Morrison st.
$10 TWO bright nicely furnished house
keeping rooms, large front room, sewing
mnrhino. Hi'. Porter st.
THREE clean, light, furnished housekeep
ing rooms; gas, bath ; $15 monthly. H;3
TWO clean housekeeping rooms; modern,
rea-sonable. TOO N. Ifrth st.
SUITE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms.
340 Front st.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms 34
E. 13th N.
W H EN you get discouraged eusewhere, call
2: 12-h. Private bath, phone.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms for
rent. 5S8 East Sth.
NICELY furnished housekeeping room. 447
Main st.
3-ROOM suite in private homo; heat, light
and water. 0f0 East Hurnsidf.
FLAT o :t rooms, completely furnished, first
floor, yard, phone. 4,'iQ Yamhill.
ROOM completely furnished. $10; ri8 range,
walking distance. 14ft N. 10th. Slain 5173.
PLEAS -X NT. cheap housekeeping; gas, phone,
laundry, shady yard. 82 X. 11th.