Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 22, 1910, Page 17, Image 17

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Alavy West Not Confined to
Use of Home Full, For
eign Vessels Win.
'Representative Not Prepared to
Answer Questions in Debate on
Naval l-'uel Bonus Too Cost
lyAlaska Pinchot-Tied.
. Ington, April 21. With the coal resources
of Alaska still undeveloped, and their
' future wrapped in considerable doubt, as
a result of "Pinchot conservation." the
House of Representatives refused to In
sert in the naval appropriation bill a
provision requiring the Navy Department
to burn Pacific Coast coal exclusively in
; the warships' on the Pacific station.
Simultaneously, the Houfe turned down
the request of Representative Humphrey,
t V, T anil T eTra art t a t ir a
KBtin. or caltrornia, mat coai snipped
to the Pacific from the Atlantic Coast be
"transported exclusively in American bot-
... If. . t -. ....x.x.l . i 1 ,1 f .. 1al rf
votes, for both amendments were sub
mitted to the House and defeated on a
It has been established, beyond all
question of doubt, that much of the coal
tied up 1n Alaska Is superior to that
miner! In "Rrttlwh ivlnmhlfl nnd much su.
perior. for steaming purposes, to the
coal mined in the states bordering on the
Pacific. If this Alaska coal were beins
developed in commercial quantities, and
If the continued production was assured
through the patenting of Alaska coal
landn to Individuals and Corporations Pre
pared to market the product. It is quite
probable that Oonpress, in the interest
of economy, would require the depart
ment to purchase Alaska coal for its Pa
cific, fleet so long as that coal could be
obtained at a price below that now paid
for Pocahontas coal, that is transported
around the Horn from Newnort News,
foreign Ships Cheaper.
It was shown in the debates that the
Navy annually ships to 'the Pacific Coast
about 174.000 tors of coal .for the use of
Its Pacific fleet. Most of this coal now
Roes in foreign bottoms, because they
have contracted to deliver the coal at San
Francisco or Pugcet Sound for about $3.50
a ton. American ships refuse to handle
this coal for less than $7 to J7.25 a ton.
iiciii:e nave Deen reiusod tnis Dusiness.
The Navy Department is willing at all
times to pay the American ships 50 per
cent mora than Is asked by foreign
Steamers, which at present rates would
be $5.K a ton, but the American ships
maintain they cannot handle the freight
for this rate, and no longer compete.
When Representative Kahn offered
n amendment to the Naval bill, add
ing: $100,000 to the appropriation for
transportation of naval supplies, with
the idea that this amount should be
paid to American vessels for carrying
coal to the Pacific, a spirited debate
Ensued, and Chairman Foss, of tho
naval committee, opposed the amend
ment on the gTOund that It amounted
to a virtual donation of this amount
to American vessels, and would b.e a
deliberate waste of bo much Govern
ment money.
Plea for Shipowners Made.
"Kahn and Humphrey made impas
Honed pleas for the American ship
owners, who were, as they said, being-
' Irlven out of ' hiininefKe ,v tha mAt-
less competition of foreign ships. They
thought Congress should empower the
- j i ' - . " - 1 1 1 1 I II til
Bhips whatever price the American
shipowners maintained was fair for
carrying coal to the Pacific Coast, and
argued earnestly in support of their
contention. Not only did they object
io allowing foreign ships to engage In
loastwise trade, as the Navy . Depart
ment is doing in awarding them these
soal contracts, but they objected to
letting these foreign ships work their
fray to the Pacific Coast with cargoes
9f coal, so that they might depart with
ther cargoes to foreign lands, at rates
less than those quoted by American
vessels on the Coast. Against such
jompetltion. declared Mr. Humphrey, no
American vessel can contend. He said
lhat as a result of this practice the
Dnly cargo on the Pacific Coast that
Is left to American ships is lumber.
Bonus Too Expensive.
But these arguments fell upon deaf
ars. The House could see no justifi
cation for paying American vessels $7
r $7.25, or even more for shipping
Soal from Newport News to the Pacific
Coast, when it could ship the same
coal in foreign bottoms for $3.50. As a
matter of sentiment, the Humphrey
Kahn argument might have been
sound, but the House preferred to
deal with this question as a pure busi
ness proposition. It could not see its
way. clear to pay annually over $600,
000 to American vessels solely for the
purpose of shipping this Naval coal
under the American flag. The bonus
would amount to more than the neces
sary cost of transportation.
Taking ' up the other phase of the
Question, Representative Humphrey
"This bringing of coal from the Atlan
. fie to the Pacific ought not to be permit
ted at any event. There is no reason
why it should be done. There is coal
ipon the Pacific Coast fit to be used by
the Navy. It has been used by the Pa
cific Mail steamers; it . is used by all
other Government steamers. It Is good
enough for everybody except the Navy.
If the time should ever come when we
should need the Navy in an emergency
- upon the Pacific Coast, we would be
compelled to use Pacific Coast coal, and
it should be used now, and the Govern
ment ought to be prohibited frm send
ing any coal from the Atlantic around
to the Pacific Coast for that purpose."
Humphrey Not Prepared.
But when Mr. Humphrey was interro-
gated about the coal situation on the
Coast he was unable to prodix-e the facts.
He could not quote the prevailing price
r of Pacific Coast coal at San Francisco
' nrr Puget Sound. He did not know wheth-
er the ships now carrying Navy coal to
the Pacific were subsidized or not: he
charged, but did not know that these
ships employ Chinese crews, but it
turned out that none is subsidized, and
' Chinese are very scarce among the crews
of these tramp steamers.
The whole situation was summed up
"when Mr. Humphrey admitted he would
prefer to see the Navy use British Co
lumbia coal rather than Pocahontas coal
shipped around the Horn in foreign bot
toms, and if the Pacific Coast coal can
not be used, he would prefer to pay
American ships double the price asked
by foreign vessels, to have the coal trans-
ported under the American flag.
Upon this statement of the- case, the
House quickly readied a concluslon.-.and
voted down the Kahn amendment in
creasing the bonus to American ships,
and as quickly voted down the Humphrey
amendment prohibiting the shipment of
coal from the Atlantic to the Pacific
Act Opening Morrison Will Not Bo
' Vetoed or Signed.
Mayor Simon yesterday announced
that he will not veto the ordinance for
the opening of Morrison Street from
Chapman to Washington, but that he
will not sign it. He does not approve of
the assessments of damages and bene
fits, it is understood, although he did
not issue any statement on the subject.
The measure will, therefore, become a
law without his signature.
F. W. Mulkey and some others who are
assessed benefits for property east of
Fifth Street on Morrison intend to light
the opening in the courts, and Mr. Mulkey
is preparing his case to that end now.
1 i
John I.. Bate.
The disappearance from Estacada.
of John L.. Bates is still a mystery
to his friends. Mr. Bates had real
estate Interest and in addition to
that bad charge of a stallion, which
he left on April 7 in the custody of
Frank L. van Du ran while he went
on a trip to Portland, with the
avowed Intention of getting? figures
on the cost of an icehouse and stor
age plant which he contemplated
building for van Duran.
Krlends found on the bank of the
river near here a registry book used
by Bates, and a hat and coat, and
this has given rise to the belief
that Bates may have been mur
dered and thrown Into the river.
There U talk of offering a reward
for information about him, dead or
alive, but as yet no organized .effort
has been made to search for him.
He will allege that the viewers' report
is unfair, in all probability, although ho
may also, raise the question as to whether
the dedication of the street was ever
Mayor Simon also took action to cor
rect an ordinance granting to Alder
street firms the privilege of placing a
certain type of lamp-posts and support
ing brackets on that thoroughfare. In
advertently, the ordinance repealed an
other, relative to other streets, and he
vetoed this in order to have the error
corrected. "
Edward O'Dea, Aged 80, Passes at
. Family Home Here.
Edward O'Dea, aged 80 years, a resi
dent of Portland since 1865. died of
apoplexy yesterday morning. Mr.
O'Dea was the father of Rev. Edward
O'Dea, Bishop of the Catholic diocese
of Washington, with headquarters at
Mr. O'Dea was born in Limerick
County, Ireland, and came to the United
States early in life. He was married
to Miss Ellen Kelley, in Massachusetts,
and soon afterward moved to-Portland.
He was a tailor by trade and worked
at that craft both for hims if- and
others, until seven years ago, when .ie
retired. Hie widow and five children,
three sons and two daughters, survive'
him. They are: Bishop O'Dea, of Seat
tle. Thomas, of Seattle, and Joseph, of
Portland, and Mrs. John B. Coffey and
Mrs. Chris H. Jones, of Portland.
The funeral cortege will start from
the family residence, 695 East Main
street, at 8:45 o'clock' Saturday morn
ing, reaching St. Francis Church at
9 o'clock, where pontifical high mass
will "be sung. Interment will be in
Mount Calvary Cemetery.
Trap Kails to Catch Animal That
Has Kaided Seaside.
SEASIDE. Or., April 21. (Special.)
Three claws are all that can be captured
of a large black bear that has been har
assing farmers and dairymen on the out
skirts of the town for several weeks. On
various occasions the bear has made
visits within the town limits to secure a
fat pig and several calves belonging to
dairymen. Partly consumed carcasses
and telltale tracks mark the scene of his
nightly feasts.
Children have been warned to stay
close to the dooryards and several in
quisitive dogs have started out on fresh
bear trails and returned the worse for
their trips.
Frank Millard, the veteran trapper of
the Necanicum, set a cleverly baited trap
for the bear,, but the claws were all he
Attorney Must Stand Trial as Bogus
Check Operator.
R- A. Wade, an attorney, who 'was ar
rested in this city 10 days ago upon the
charge of Frank Hugan. a real estate
agent of White Salmon, Wash., who al
leged that Wade had passed a bogus
check upon him for $100, was extradited
yesterday and was taken to Klickitat
County. Washington, to stand trial.
Wade came to Portland four years ago
from Chicago, where he got into trouble
and was forced to serve six months in
the House of Correction. At the time of
his arrest lately the local authorities
were investigating his alleged connection
with a gang of automobile thieves oper
ating In Chicago. Wade had received
one of the stolen cars and It was seized
by the police and sent back.
Salem, Oregon. I have sold Hall's
Texas Wonder of St..' Louis, Mo., for
the last five years for kidney, bladder
and rheumatic troubles, and have never
had a complaint and cheerfully recom
mends, i.t. to the public. .J. C. Perry..
Sixur days' treatment in each, bottle.
f 3
1 A -
Every Man on College Team Except
One Gets Hit Another Game
WALLA WALLA, Wash.. April 21.
(Special.) In a slow game featured only
for the way WThitman clouted Henkle,
the local college nine won from the Uni
versity of Oregon by the score of 4 to 2.
Whitman started off in the first with
a three-bagger by Belt, the first man up,
and this was made good by a single by
Shubert, both men scoring. Every man
on the Whitman team save Perringer got
Just one hit. Belt and Borleske lined, out
three-baggers, Dunbar and Felthouse
Oregon was outclassed and was not in
the running. Her two Bcores came In the
sixth, when a base on balls, a sacrifice,
two errors and a hit brought two men
home. The same teams play again to
morrow. The score:
,. . AB R H PO A B
Belt. 3b. ..i .1 1 J O 0
Shubert. lb... 4 117 10
Stuth. cc... 3 1 1 1 !2
Borleske, p 4 1 1 1 13 1
Johnson, c. ......... 4 I O 8 3 0
Cox. If 4 1 o 1 0 0
Dunbar. 2b.......... 4 1 o t 1 O
Perlnger, rf 4 O O O 0 0
F' house, cf .,.3 1 0 8 0 0
Total S3 8 4 2T 19 6
Clark, cf -,.'.4 1 1 2 O 0
Chandler. If .. 4 2 0 3 0 o
Barbour. 2b......... 4 0 O 3 1 2
Van Marten, rf 4 0 0 0 0 0
Mcintosh. 3r 4 0 0 0 0 0
Taylor, ss . 3 0 0 3 1 1
Jamleson, lb 4 10 4 10
G'rlelson, c 2 0 1 It 1 3
Henkle, p . .. 3 O 0 0 10 0
Totals ............32 4 2 24 14 6
Whitman 202COOOO 0 1 S
Oregon OO 0 0 O 2 0 0 0 2 4 6
President lyjnch Want Xo Bur
lesque on National Game.
NEW YORK. April 21. President
Lynch, of the National League, hearing
that John G. Kling, the recalcitrant
catcher of the Chicago team, intended
to raise the $700 fine imposed upon him
by the National Commission for re
fusing to play with the Cubs last sea
son, by acting in vaudeville, announced
he has sent the following, telegram to
Chairman Herrmann of the National
Commission: .
"I suggest you take steps to stop
Kling's appearing in vaudeville. He
cannot make a burlesque of the Na
tional game. Insist on his reporting
to his club at once, or the commission
will take further action in 'his case."
If Kling defies the commission, Pres
ident Lynch will ask to have the case
Petrain's Talks on Current
Sporting Topics
MAC'S crowd made enough errors
yesterday to last t-em the rest of
the week. "With Steen on the slab the
aspect to-day is promising.
Gene Krapp had an off day, but he
was due for a beating and got it. Five
straignt wins was a good enough
string for the start.
That speedy double play from Netzel
to Rapps to Olson, killing off Wares
and Wolverton, was sufficiently excit
ing to -cause much comment on the
part of the fans. It was pulled off
quickly and accurately.
Poor Judgment on the bases as well
as at the bat deprived Portland of at
least one run when Buddy Ryan led
off in the fourth with a two base
smash that came within an ace of be
ing a home run hit.
The Oakland Club worked the hit-and-run
game most advantageously,
and yesterday they scored at least
three runs by the use of this play.
McCredie's boys don't seem to work it
at all.
Perle Casey was in uniform yester
day and made his presence known on
the coaching line. The doughty little
captain will probably be able to play
against San Francisco the latter part
of next week.
Veani Gregg is likely to be sent
against the Oaklanders tomorrow, for
McCredie is ready to give him a tryout
any time. If the home guard takes to
day's game, Gregg will surely make
his debut Saturday.
Sacramento brought the long string
of defeats to a close by -trimming the
Seals nicely yesterday, and as Los An
geles defeated Vernon once more, the
relative standing of the clubs is not
Gus Fisher was not in uniform yes
terday, for the star catcher pot a bump
on the shins the other- day which both
ers him some, and while it is not
serious, McCredie decided to give Mur
ray a trial back of the bat.- Tommy
has a pretty wing to second.
Jimmy Whalen,' the suspended Sac
ramento pitcher, is reported as making-
a yell about the injustice done
him. If he assaulted the umpire, no
matter how slightly, he has not been
treated half as severely as he deserves.
It is time the players learned to re
spect the officials.
Multnomah to Play Soldiers.
Opening the season for the club, the
baseball team from Multnomah will' play
the regimental aggregation from Vancou
ver Barracks on the local grounds tomor
row afternoon. The teams' are as follows:
Multnomah. Vancouver.
Stott 'CT Cashatt
Douglas or Morris.. P Giiman
Burton IB mm Ean
Twohy 2B Cooper
Campbell SS Bladen
Meyer SB Mills
Shearer LP Hardins
McPherson ....... .OF Si-hrlber
O'Brien RF Hemphill
Chehalis Firm Offers Ctin.
CHEHALIS. Wash.. April 21. (Spe
cial.) Hartman & Nathan, of this city,
have offered a silver loving cup to the
team in the Washington State league
which wins the baseball pennant for
the present season. The Chehalis club
is now engaging In daily practice. It
will have a preliminary . tryout with
the Eller team, of Seattle. Sunday.
Oregon Mile Runner Goes'South.
HOOD RIVER. Or., April 21. Chester
Huggins, the Hood River High School
wonder, who won the open championship
one-mile race at the Columbia University
track meet, in Portland. Saturday, left
Tuesday night for Stanford University.
California, to participate in the big inter-
By Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
- Jefferson, Iowa. "When my baby
was just two mom: n.3
old I was com
pletely run down
and my Internal or
gans were in terri
ble shape. I began
taking Lydia JE.
Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound, and
mother wrote and
told you just how I
was. I began to gain
at once and now I
1 lam real w e 1 1."
Mrs. W. H. Burger, 700 Cherry St..
Jefferson, Iowa.
Another Woman Cured.
Glenwood, Iowa. " About three
years ago I had falling and other fe
male troubles, and I was nothing but
skin and bones. I was so sick I could
not do my own? work. Within six
months I was made sound and well by
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound. I will always tell my friends
that your remedies cured me, and you
can publish my letter." Mr3. C W.
Dtjnk, Glenwood, Iowa.-
If you belong to that countless army
of women who suffer from some form
of female ills, just try Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound.
For thirty years this famous remedy
has been the standard for all forms of
female ills, and has cured thousands of
women who have been troubled with
such ailments as displacements, fibroid
tumors, ulceration, inflammation, ir
regularities, backache, etc.
If you want special advice write
forit toMrs.Pinkham.Ijynn.Mass.
It is free and always helpful.
scholastic track and field meet which
will be held Saturday at the - California
Contests Will Affect Standing of
Conference Teams Meets Mount
Angel Here on Saturday. ' -
LIME, Corvallis, April 21. (Special.)
The O. A. C. baseball squad, including-
twelve men, will leave here Friday,
April 22, for a tour of the Northwest.
While away the team will play six
games with Conference Colleges and
two with Non-Conference Schools.
The team is in exceptionally good
condition and expects to win a ma
jority of its games. The only fear is
that the eight games in eight days may
be too hard on the two pitchers. Both
men are strong, however, and it is
hoped that they will be able to hold
At the "present time O. A. C. has a
percentage of 625, having won two
games," lost one and played one tie
game. Fourteen conference games are
yet to be played and the men feel that
Fielder Jones will pull them through
near the top of the list. The result
of the present trip will decide in great
measure the standing of the local
club, as six of the remaining 14 games
will be played vhile on this tour.
The series will be started with a
game with the Albany College team
Friday afternoon. The team will then
proceed to Portland, where it will meet
the Mount Angel College men on Sat
urday. On Monday and Tuesday they
will cross bats with Washington State
College at Pullman, after which they
will go to Walla Walla for two games
with Whitman College. Friday and
Saturday, May 23 and May 24, the team
will cross bats with Idaho University.
The men who will go on the trip are
Captain Poff, Moore, Keene, Reiben,
Cooper, Horton, Crewe, Murray, Keck,
Carroll and Montague;
Western Chambers Bid T. It. and
Taft to Farm Congress.
From the secretary of the Spokane
Chamber of Commerce has come a re
quest to tile Portland Chamber of Com
merce, asking that the latter join with
similar commercial organizations of Los
Angeles. San . Francisco. Tacoma, Seattle
and Spokane, in inviting ex-President
Roosevelt and President Taft to at
tend th Dry Farming Congrew at Spo-
Trees and Shrubbery Being
Placed byP i 1 k i n g t o n
Bros. Other Improve
ments Prices Advance
May 1,
ALAMEDA PARK, which for a
considerable time was held with
a view to city park purposes, on
account of its natural beauty, is
to be none the less the residence
Park ol Portland.
by this section are being enhanced
by the Alameda Land Company
for the enjoyment of all residents
of the Park. ,
There are three separate pieces
of ground reserved within this
addition which will be dedicated
to the city for park purposes.
Besides, a whole block has been
set aside for a TENNIS COURT
u rrrfm
kane this Fall. The matter will be offi
cially considered. It is understood that
the plan involves a vlsdt of the cities
mentioned when tho convention has
The Chambers of Commerce of the
citlep mentioned have formed the As
sociated Chambers of Commerce of the
Pacific Coast, to which the matter will
probably be referred.
Trespasser on IJe Rock Property
Gocs to "de Rockplle.".
Anton Ar-ach, a foreign' laborer, -naively
informed Judge Bennett in the Municipal
Court yesterday that he would pay off a
fine of $25, imposed for trespass, at the
rate of $5 per month. "I guess you do
not understand the courts of justice," said
Judge Bennett. "We are not like the
f urniture" house, run on the installment
plan. It's strictly cash with the city. So
you will have to go to the rockpile."
Arvach was arrested for trespassing
upon the property of Mrs. F. De Rock,
305 Nortli Seventeenth street. During the
acBonce of the men of tho household,
Arvach had entered the house on sev
eral occasions, and at the time of his
arreft had gone up to the second floor.
His presence ptartled the women, whose
screams brought assistance from the
Clackames, Hood River, I. Inn and
Lane to Display Here.
M. Mosessohn, assistant secretary of the
Chamber of Commerce, who yesterday re
turned from a short trip to the Willam
ette and Columbia River valleys, an
nounced that four Oregon Counties will
maintain exhibits in the Chamber of Com-
The plan formerly, announced
of using flowering hawthorn trees
is now being put into effect.
These trees are being placed by
Pilkington Bros., the well-known
Ornamental CLUSTER
STREET LAMPS are. another
feature. These will be placed
throughout the Park at no ex
pense to lot purchasers.
29th and Mason streets, is rapidly
approaching completion. Regular
Broadway schedule will-be main
tained to this point, commencing
May 1.
All these features point to
CREASE in lot values, and
MAY 1.
Information may be had of the
Alameda Land Company, owners
of ALAMEDA PARK, 322. Cor
bett building. Agents at Eugene,
Or., Hammond & Duryea.
Addition with CMmcter
(T Real estate in some form is the basis of the wealth of
the Avorld. Residence property in growing cities is the
safest form of investment. There is no more land in
Portland today than there -was fifty years ago. There
will never be any more land, but there will be more
people every year. Real estate is the one commodity
of which there can never be an over-production.
Therefore, you had better buy some of it.
Laurelhurst is a superb residence tract, located close
in and surrounded by many of the finest homes in Port
land. Its restrictions bar any but equally fine homes.
Its improvements cannot be excelled, for the city is
installing every modern improvement.
Yet the prices of Laurelhurst lots are so reasonable
that they afford the man of moderate means an oppor
tunity of securing a home in a location which is bound
to increase in value, and amid environments which
usually only the wealthy can afford.
See Laurelhurst and see why its future is so much
brighter than other sections. See Laurelhurst and real
ize what an addition one mile long and three-quarters
of a mile wide will look like when equally improved
and equally restricted to only fine homes.
Montavilla and Rose City Park cars serve the
portion and the Sunnyside and Mount Tabor
the southerly portion.
merce exhibit rooms. These are Clack
amas, Hood River, Linn and Lane.
Mr. Mosessohn spent several days at
Albany, in Linn County, and Eugene, In
Lane, where, he says, conditions are
prosperous. The general prosperity, ho
declared, is reflected in the healthy, mil-
H r v i mi
bast tu aaaaaaa 3k xf
O or Ju SCHOOt
"DUY now, before prices advance. .
-LJ Prices will be raised $200 on every
lot remaining unsold on May 1st. The
lots referred to are located in the
blocked-off section of the map.
Present prices. May 1 prices
Corners, 100x100 .$3000 $3400
Inside lots, 50x100 ... $1250 $1450
10 per cent down, 2 per cent per month. Improvements bonded.
At present prices these lots are the big
gest buy in Portland. They are .much
lower than is being asked in other sec
tions of Irvington for property without
the improvements you get in this sec
tion. All of these lots are sightly the high
est elevation in Irvington, one block
from the Irvington School; every possi
ble improvement completed; close in,
only a 12-minute ride; cars every five
There is not another such improved res
idence section in Portland. Come out
and see it for yourself. When the Fifteenth-street
extension of the Irvington
carline is completed the prices in this
section will double. "Work is under way
now cars will be running this Sum
mer. We have no promises to make.
We offer you the actual realities.
Take Woodlawn, Alberta or any other
car running out Union avenue; get off
at Knott street, walk one block east to
our Irvington office, which is on the
property. Mr. Mumford is in charge
and is there all day every day.
Rountree & Diamond, 241 Stark Street
cars serve
522-526 Corbett Building
Phones Main 1503, A 1515
Chas. M. Burrowes, Ad Service.
ltant condition of the commercial bodies
of the two cities visited. The exhibit
tables will be maintained at a cost to the
counties of J25 a month. Their various
products will be processed and kopt in
their original state of preservation.
se t o mi