Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 21, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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Alleged Husband-Slayer Files
Insanity Plea.
"Won van, rt Stand, Portrays. Past
lAfe as Wife of Idaho Man Wlioni
She Slew Children ot Al
lowed In Miwow Courtroom.
MOSCOW. Ida.. April 20.
Mrs. Loura. Ioftus, on trial In the
District Court charged with murrlerinj?
her husband last December, with a
double-barrelled ehotgut, took the wit
ness stand in her own defense to-day
end portrayed her life history to Jus
tify her plea, of temporary Insanity.
Between sobs in the crowded court
room. Mrs. Loftus told of or first
marrlasre in Ohio, -and how afterwards
phe wan forced to saw wood to obtain
food for herself and two small chil
dren, on account of her "worthless"
husband refusing- to work, that neigh
bors drove him out of the country and
she never Jcnew what became of him.
Ulrs. Loftus is now 35 years old and
came to Troy, Ida., and there married
"William . Loftus who she killed "in
"He cursed and abused me contin
ually till I could stand it no longer,"
she said.
"After he had kicked me out of the
cabin I went and got the shatgun. but
1 have, no recollection of what hap
pcnol after this until I was helping
to carry him in the house to lay him
on the bed where he died."
"Mrs. Loftus' mother and one uncle
died in the Athens, Ohio, insane asylum
and it is now thought she may not be
convicted of first degree murder, al
though defense admits the killing was
after the quarrel in the cabin and at
a time when not in sell-defense.
Charles V. Hickman, .whose three little
motherless children were cared for by
Mrs. Loftus. testified how William Loftus,
the murdered man, and Laura K. Loftus,
his curse each other, besides using
much indecent language. Just prior to the
A noticeable feature of Hickman's tes
timony was that William Loftus, the mur
dered man, fiO years old, was staggering
Judue Steele Issued instructions to the
bailiffs not to allow any children under
18 years of age in the courtroom during
the trial and cautioned women spectators
of the nature of the bad language they
would 1e confronted with in the trial and
expressed the idea they would- be doing
the right thing to stay away.
aievengc Is Planned hy 1910 Class
and Vacuity . Starts Hunt
for Offenders.
; Lincoln High School students are
trying to ferret out a mystery con-
cerning the sudden appearance of a
. set of clashs numerals of the class of
" J!U0 Of Portland Academy which now
adorn the east entrance of the old high
-school building. When the high school
students went to school on Monday
morning they were horrified to find
'spilled on the steps at the entrance a
.'great blotch of vivid blue paint. Then
on the floor at the very entrance of
' the building appeared the inscription
! in glaring yellow paint, "P. A. 1910."
;rwhile in a third - place someone had
writtei on the wall at the entrance a
'dauBy yellow "P. tA."
;' First of all, the students of the class
; of 1910 of the Lincoln High School have
) taken it upon themselves to solve the
mystery and find out who the Portland
Academy students were, if indeed it
were students from that institution,
that had wrought the deed. Don Rice,
president of the class, says he has
every member of the class at work, and
gives ordinary revengs as the motive.
How the revenge will be accomplished
lie refuses to say. The faculty mem
bers of the Lincoln High School are
also on the train of the offenders, but
revenge, as believed in by the stu
dents, does not appear to be the mo
tive for the curiosity shown by the
teachers. So far no real clue has been
unearthed either by student or faculty.
(Investment Company Purchases
Moore Ranch for $8000.
GOLDENDALE, Wash.,. April 20.
'(Special.) Sales of Klickitat realty in
the vicinity of Goldendale still con-,
tinue. W. C. Moore has sold his tract
of 160 acres on Mill Creek, near the
old Shurtz mtllsite, nine miles north
west of Goldendale. for $8000. The pur-
chase was made by the Fairly Invest,
ment Company, of Colorado. Mr. Moore
bought a relinquishment on the land
six years ago for $300 and filed a
homestead on it himself. The tract
lias six acres of bearing orchard on it.
The same people purchased the
ranch of A. I. Baker, in the Spring
iCree-k country, near Blockhouse Butte,
for $6500. Mr. Baker is a pioneer ap-ple-grower
of Klickitat County and is
known as "Apple" Baker. Several
,ales of smaller tracts in the rine Fruit
'Belt of the Slmcoes have been made
(this month.
CContlnued from Page 1.)
.complete and effective. The Roosevelt
rrallroad rate act has always been en ut
1ler farce, and everybody who knew any
thing about the subject knew when it
fpasfed that it was a farce and would be a
(failure. , It might have been meant to be
a failure.
"At any rate, Mr. Hepburn, the gcntle
inan who was selected by the Roosevelt
Administration to stand sponsor for that
Dblll in the House had been but lately
liung in effigy by his constituents for
tan great friendliness1 to the railroads.
"Would you have returned that kind
-of man, tagged with that kind of testi
monial, to frame that Rind of bill? And
can you Imagine Mr. Roosevelt, the Dio
genes of politics, hunting through the
House of CiJngress. lantern in hand, to
find an honest man and seleting this
executed effigy as the fittest one to
.frame the people's railroad bill?"
Mr. Hearst says that President Taft Is
trying to stiffen into active force the
'spineless railroad bill" of the Roose
frelt administration. He gives M"r. Taft
Hggqit for the prosecution of criminal
trusts, and for thvowing his powerful
Influence behind many' needed laws,
among them the corporation tax bill,
the over-capitalization bill, a bill pro
viding for postal savings banks, the
parcels post measure, and the Income
Tax Bill. ' ,
"All these measures are good." he
continued. "Some of them the Roose
velt ' Administration wilfully omitted,
others it merely neglected. Some it
discussed, but never accomplished.
"If the people want more of achieve
ment than Taft is giving tuey must turn
to another party, for I do not believe
t!-ere is another man in the Republican
party who will do more or as much.
ost certainly people want
the tariff modified they must turn to
anovuer party, for the tariff will never
t6 modified by Its beneficiaries. And
its beneficiaries control 4he Republican
Mr. Hearst closed his statement with
the declaration that the American poo
pic need look for no tariff reform. He
signed his full name at the end of the
Hydrographic Office Advises Ship
masters to Watch Deflection
of Compass Xeeille.
Although Halley's comet has not as yet
appeared to the naked eye, as a skyrocket
tearing through the heavens, the astron
omers1 all over the country are busily
making" notes of the gyrations of the ce
lestial wanderer.
Of the reports, being circulated over the
country among the most authentio are
those furnished by the Hydrographic Of
fice, which is furnishing this information
to all who desire it.
The following .report was Cumlshed by
John McNulty of the local hydrographic
office. The report follows: j
It Is poF-slble that during the approach
and recession of Halley's comet unuxual
electro-magnetic phenomena may occur.
Klectrd-niaprnel Ic waves may e set up by
electrical discharges or meteoric particles.
In which ease disturbances would be ob
served In the receiving: apparatus of wireless
The maximum effect will be observed be
tween the lath and 2th of May. and partic
ularly on May 18. It is requested- that wire
less operators pay particular attention to
ftatlc effects during this period and note
anything unusual. The occurrence of me
teorites should be loKed by the watch offi
cer, with details of time, size, direction and
duration. The operator hearing unusual
noises In the telephone should note the time
and see whether there were any meteorites
observed at that time; also the ship's head
and the direction of the antennas at the
same time.
As the compass may also be affected, a
close watch should be kept for unusual de
flections of the needle, noting1 their exact
time, amount, whether periodical, etc.
In addition to the above it is requested
that all shipmasters who view the comet
will Inform the hydrographic office of the
brightness of the object as compared with
bright stars In the heavens; the angular
length of the tall, comparing the length
with the angular distance between bright
stars near it; its form and color. To mak
these observations it is suggested that ship
masters use their binoculars, spyglasses, or
the low-power eyepiece of their sextant.
The announcement is also made that
from time to time the Hydrographic Of
fice reports in pamphlet form information
that, has appeared in pilot chart bulletins.
Masters and officers may obtain these on
application to any branch hydrographic
office. The titles of those so far issued
Port facilities. North Atlantic ice move
ments, use of oil to cal mthe Bea, port fa
cilities No. 2, submarine sound signals, com
pass work on the Great Lakes, port 'facilities
No. v.. questions and answers,, the origin and
mission of the Hydrographic Office, the use
and interpretation of charts and sailing di
rections, production of navigational chart.
Great Lakes port facilities.
Ocean-Golns Boats In New York I'n-
equal to Demands Upon Tliem.'
NEW YORK. April 20. Down on the
New Tork waterfront it was declared
today that there was an unprecedented
demand for ocean-going excursion
boats for June 18, when Theodore
Roosevelt returns from Europe. Ship
ping men expect to reap a harvest
twice as great as that reaped by the
various steamboat-owners during the
Hudson-Fulton celebration. The price
of tickets is likely to mount to $10 a
Nearly every organization patriotic,
political and social in the city, and
scores of other cities, have engaged
or expect to engage, steamers for June
18. and there is a good chance that
there will not be boats' enough to go
around at any price.
Some of the greeting parties plan to
go far to sea, and It is expected there
will be a race to be the first to meet
Colonel Roosevelt. Most of the ships
will be equipped with wireless, and
some of the welcoming organizations
'are planning to distinguish themselves
by the addition to the equipment of
unique noise-making instruments, such
as fog-horns and siren whistles. While
it is not known whether any war ves
sels will come here to take part in the
naval parade, a movement is already on
foot to have the fort at the harbor
entrance salute the homecomer as ho
steps upon the dock.
Mansion and Galleries In Gotham
Go to Real Estate Firm.
NEW YORK. April 20. The mansion
and art gallery of- the late Charles T.
Yerkes, at Sixty-eighth street and Fifth
avenue, were sold today at public auc
tion to a real estate firm.
The price paid was $1,239,000.
Capital Increase Asked.
PHILADELPHIA, April 20. At a
meeting of the board of directors of the
Lehigh Valley Railway Company here
today a resolution was adopted recom
mending to the stockholders that the
capital stock be increased from $40,330.
000 to $80,000,000. A meeting of the
stockholders has been called for June 22
to act on the resolution.
Natural Laxative
Quickly Relieves:
Sick Headache,
Stomach Disorders,
ON (
Avoid SaDstltatea
Cotton Broker Backs Govern
ment's Inquiry.
Contention of Bulls Entirely Mis
taken, Statement Being Denied
That Gotham Is "Cheapest
Market" Bears Xot Cause.
NEW YORK, April 20. David H.
Miller, a member of the' New York Cot
ton Exchange and one of those sub
poened In the Qoevrnment's .inquiry
into the alleged bull pool of raw cot
ton, issued a statement tonight com
mending: the Government's action and
denying: the investigation was induced
by cooiplants of the bears.
He also absolves the New York Cot
ton Exchange from any offical connec
tion with the matter. The statement
says in part:
"There is no question as to the
transaction on or methods of the New
York Cotton Exchange involved n the
inquiry, which is very mistakenly
called a "fishing excursion." The idea
that the action of the government has
been In luced by bear speculators Is an
Insult to the administration and attorney-general.
Matter X"p to "Bull Clique.""
"Why Ho not the members of the so
called 'bull clique' show Lie world they
have made no improper agreements by
publishing all those actually made.
"I have no hesitation In saying that
many of the contentions of the bulls
seem to mee entirely mistaken from a
cotton point of view. For example: It
is stated New York is 'still the cheap
est market.' No one- with any knowl
edge of the prices at which cotton can
be bought to-day In Bremen and Havre
could make suchc a statement. The
New York market is to-day the high
est in the world relative to spinning
"I am speaking from no speculative
point of view. I have no interest In
ootton and I do not intend to haye any
until the present artificial situation in
New York is corrected."
Dealing lu Futures Doomed.
The Federal grand Jury investiga
tion of the so-called cotton pool was
not In session today, but the Govern
ment prosecutors are preparing for &
busy session tomorrow.
The most important development of
the early morning was the official an
nouncement that the present investiga
tion is the first move of the Federal au
thorities toward ending all dealings in
futures on staple commodities, whether
cotton or food products. Attorney-General
Wickersham is said to have
adopted the present course in lieu of
the anti-option legislation whiel has
so often been proposed of late, but
which has met with powerful opposition.
so much of it was exported. Mr. Smith
asserted, the Attorney-General was not
dealing fairly in taking any steps that
would play into ' the hands of those
who would depress the prices. He ob
jected to cotton, the "chief commodity
of a section particularly unfriendly to
the Administration, being selected for
the prosecution.
The resolution was under discussion
for two hours, but was not acted upon.
Musician's Wife and Bahe Narrowly
Escape From Mysterious Blaze.
ABERDEEN, Wash., April 20. (Spe
cial.) Following a series of threat
ening letters, the home of John Bo
blnski, a musician, was burned to the
ground in the Polish settlement last
The flames spread so rapidly that
the man and his wife barely had time
to escape with their ba'by. The Infant
was 111 and Mrs. Bobinski had been up
caring for it when Bhe noticed the
flames. Had they been asleep, it . is
believed they would have perished.
The police are looking for the sus
pected Incendiary. Not long ago a
house on an adjoining lot burned under
similar suspicions circumstances.
Ralph Frary Will Officiate at Open
ing In Spokane.
SPOKANE. Wash., April 20. (Spe
cial.) At the conclusion of the two-day
conference with the Northwestern
League umpires in his room at the St.
Nicholas Hotel this morning. President
Lucas announced that he had assigned
Ralph Frary to bo the official for the
opening series In Spokane, and that C
E. (Rasty) Wright would go to Seattle
for the opening series on the Coast.
"I have instructed the umpires to en
force the rules to the full - letter." said
Mr. Lucas. "Frary has worked foj- me
three years now and he has satisfied
me, as well as the fans of all the cities
where he has worked.
"Wright can hardly -be called a 'be
ginner' as an umpire, and In view of the
perfect confidence the directors and I
have In his ability to handle the Job, we
are starting him in at a bigger salary
than any other Northwestern Lmgue
umpire got for his first year with us."
Bears Selling Product at Lower
Price Than Secured In South.
WASHINGTON, April 20. Incidental
to the discussion In the Senate otday
of the resolution authorizing the ex
penditure of $654)00 to extend the work
of the special cost of living committee.
Senator Smith, of Souht Carolina, re
ferred to the indictment of cotton spec
ulators In New York.
He declared the Attorney-General
had been made the victim of a plot
to depress the price of cotton in the
foreign markets. Mr. Smith said the
bears had sold cotton at a lower price
than cotton was bringing in the South.
They would have to go to the planters
to get the cotton and they would find
they could not get it because the farm
ers were looking after their own in
terests. Contending every American citizen
was interested in the price of cotton
Former Boss Sees Xatlon-Wide Re
sult Front Haven's Election.
NEW YORK. April 20. Richard
Croker, the retired Tammany leader,
seldom allows himself nowadays to ex
press any opinions on political matters.
But the victory of James S. Havens,
the Democratic nominee for Congress
man in Rochester, led the ex-chieftaln
to transgress his rule, and make a brief
statement before leaving America tor
day for his Irish estate.
"It is a great victory," said Mr.
Croker, "and augurs a brilliant future
for Democracy in New York State a
greater victory, in fact, than many
realize, for it will have its effect
throughout the Nation. It looks as if
the Democrats will succeed in placing
a governor at Albany.
"The people are getting tired of a
Republican administration. They have
had enough of it, and are beginning to
see that Democratic rule would be far
better. This is;the turning point. You
will soon see the Republican leaders
falling one by one, until Democracy
will again be in the saddle."
WOMAN owes it io her
self, her family and pos
terity to be beautiful well
kept teeth lend an added
charm of beauty to the face
Or. Lyon's
cleanses, preserves and beauti
fies the teeth, prevents tooth
decay and imparts purity
and fragrance to the breath.
Tooth P
t!on mlgrht be given to the removal of
other obstructions or the improvement
of the channel at other places if desired.
Senator Finds Rochester Election
"Lacks Charm of .Novelty."
WASHINGTON, April 30. Senator Root
passed nearly an hour with President
Taft at the "White House today. The
Senator expects to sail for Europe on
May 21. He would not say today whether
he would see former President Roose
velt on the other side before the latter
sailed for New York, where he is due
June. 17. Senator Root goes to The
Hague as one of the American repre
sentatives in the Newfoundland fisheries
dispute. When asked for an opinion on
the result of the Congressional election
at Rochester, Senator Root declared it
"lacked the charm of novelty."
New Directors Named.
ALBANY, N. Y.. April 20. Stockhold
ers of the New York Central & Hudson
River Railroad at the annual meeting to
day, at which 1.500,000 shares were
voted, elected Lewis Cas Ledyard itr.d
William K. Vanderbllt, Jr., of New York,
and Marvin Hughltt. of Chicago, as di
rectors to succeed HV McK. Twombley,
E. H. Harriman and D. O. Mills, de
ceased. The surviving members of the
old board were re-elected.
Ir. George Hale Honored.
WASHINGTON, April 20. Dr. George
Hale, of Pasadena. Cal.. was today
elected foreign secretary- of tbe National
Academy of Sciences, succeeding the late
Professor Alexander Agasslz. of Cam
bridge. Mass.
Senate Amendment Now Includes
All Channel Obstructions.
ington, April 20. The Senate amend
ment to the rivers and harbors
bill providing for the preliminary ex
amination and survey of the Willamette
River between Portland and Oregon
City, together with the present project
which contemplates the improvement of
the Willamette up to Ross Island, will
cover all desired Improvements In the
Willamette above Portland, . including
surveys at Sellwood and Mllwaukle.
This amendment was Intended particu
larly to apply to the removal of the
Clackamas Rapids below Oregon City,
but the provision has been extended to
apply to the Willamette from Portland to
Oregon City, in order that consldera-
By virtue of unequaled blood
purifying, nerve - strengthening,
stomach - toning, appetite - restor
ing properties, is the one Great
Spring Medicine.
It has kept on selling because)
it has kept on curings and it has
kept on curing because its high
standard of merit has been con
scientiously maintained.
Get tt today in usual liquid form or
tablets called Sarsatabs. 100 Doses $U
and miserable. If you have Kidney
or Bladder trouble, dull head pains, dlzKl
ness, nervousness, pains In the, back, and
feel tired ail over, get a package of Mother
Gray's AL'STRAI.IAN-I.KA-, the pleasant
herb cure. It never fails. We have maay
testimonials from prateful people who have
used this wonderful remedy. As a regula
tor It has no equal. Ask for Mother Gray's
Australian-Ieaf at DruKKists Or sent by mail
for 50 cents. Sample FREE. Address, Th
aiotner tiray Co.. iKoy, N. T.
the Music Question jjPij II
A Few Frank Statements From vf&Jl i II
Z-. Oregon's Foremost jnf 11
S. Concern ' 11 if
piano. H S 1 9 B
, We'll not waste time discussing the point as to whether or not you need i
You know you do, and so do we.
A musical instrument Is a necessity at this day and age.
Home is not home without one, and your children are denied the. privileges
ethers enjoy If you do not have It. .
Our business is that of SELLING PIANOS AVO OROAS. We might follow
along the beaten path of trade and sell the ordinary commercial pianos that have
been sold and are now being sold by others. But that's not the way we do It. We
sell only the most reliable and the most prominent makes of pianos. The unrivaled
Chickering of Boston. "The Oldest in America, the Best in the World"; the now
world-famous Kimball of Chicago, the most progressive and up-to-date piano of
them all.
Such pianos never disappoint, nor does a Lester or a Hazelton, or a Hobart M.
Cable, or a Htory & Clark, or a Hallet & Davis, and we know if you come here and
get one of these instruments, it will alwavs be a source of satisfaction and pleas
ure to you, and you will always be a friend of Eilers Piano House. You will bring
your relatives here, and tell your friends about us and about our good pianos.
Of course, we also carrv quite an assortment of less expensive instruments
here are the Whitney, the Decker, the Marshall & Wendell, the HInze. Schilling &
Sons, etc. All of them thoroughly reliable and fully warranted.
Concerning prices, we have Just a word to say. It Is this: Statements and
claims often look different when stood In a row with downright facts. There isn't
a store in this country, from the largest dealer down to the "tackiest" little fake
branch affair, that will not and perhaps in good faith, too claim to sell you
cheaper than any one else can possibly hope to do.
We have sold and are today selling more fine pianos than all the rest of the
Portland stores combined. We handle the very largest volume of business, at the
very lowest possible expense. This would point to Eilers Piano House as the place
where you can do the best.
As to terms of payment, we ask you to make a careful and Intelligent study of
Eilers Piano House's responsibility and methods before you buy.
And, in conclusion: Don't expect to hear of the good qualities of Chickering and
Kimball and our other makes of pianos from people who are trying to compete
with ns. They have pianos of their own to sell.
353 Washington Street, at Park
eans New Style Here
Models of Chesterfield
Suits and Topcoats
In latest mode of fashion,
nothing freakish, but
genteel style for the gen
tleman; better tailored,
better fitting; more ex
clusive style, that's what
you want. Chesterfield
guarantee: If front of
coat breaks or loses
shape in one year's wear,
customer can have a new
suit FREE. Suits and
Goats priced $20 to $50.
If you knew how good
they are you would be
our customer sure.
11 1
i w w vi u a. - m
O L.
273-275 Morrison at Fourth Street
sses opecia
There is one advantage in dealing with tis that appeals to all our
It is the speed with which we make repairs.
We keep special men for this purpose, whose first work is to rush
out emergency orders.
Sometimes we are able to furnish a new lens in less than an hour,
and seldom do we take over two hours, unless the g-Iass is a Kryptok.
Frame repairs are made while you wait, and others with propor
tionate speed.
Every one cannot afford "an extra pair of glasses for emergency
use; so we've perfected this quick-repair department, which obviates
the additional expense of two pairs of glasses.
Prepare for future comfort by getting your first glasses here.
133 Sixth Street
Finest Hotel on Great Lake!
combines the restful quiet of the country and seashore
with the gaieties of a great summer resort city. Only ten
minutes ride by express trains separates the theatre and
shopping district from this delightful spot. Here, sur-
, i i i flmaror.lvria. tennis courts.
etc., you can enjoy the cool, refreshing breezes of Lake
tA ftw.t.Aa tho amnnth. sandv beach is near
me vt.. " f .
, Avan!nar qHHa tn the rielicht of Drome-
nearlv l.UUU leer 01 Droau cnuiua. j
rnnmt 250 Drtvate Dams. l aoie uiicalciicu.
hni.l rilrtin thesrreat soutn rar ayirem, lamuu.
if link. kvm. lakes, boulevards, and many
horticultural attractions. The tourist, transient or sum
mer sruest is welcomed wiiu uuo .w..... .,-...w: ... 'jtyrSS. f
Slit Givo. uu snvm m- - ' - ' -
Chicago - , . ' - '
by. Or
First Class, Including: Meals and Berth. ,
Second Class J5.00)
S. S. ROSE CITY (E. W. MASON; Master)
31. J. nm II r.. i . i'. At
142 Third St.
Main 168. A 102.
J. W. HAJiSOM, Dork Acrent,
PHONES - Main 168, A 1231.
a:x fhaacisco foktlaxd stea mship company.