Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 21, 1910, Page 13, Image 13

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Complete Line Warner Corsets, All Styles and Sizes "Max-ctvtise," Royal Worcester, Bon Ton, Howd "Front Lace" Corsets
"Onyx" Hosiery Merode Underwear Richardson's Linens "E,. (Zl W. SHirts for Men Ladies' Home Journal Patterns
iSaturda y
09 Eeoinioinni 2sdl
XShe Store
A. Kutire
.Parties who are in
good standing are
invited to open
charge accounts
with us. Apply at
our credit office on
the Third - Floor.
Children's 25c Hose at lSWc
Women's 35c Hose at lQc
For tomorrow and Saturday, a sale of children's fine qual
ity lisle thread and cotton hose, all-over lace; "I ty'yr
black, tan and white, sizes 4x2 to S1 ; 25c vals. A fci C
Women's Hose, in an assortment of good things, including
"Burson" seamless hose with shaped ankle; also Maco split
foot and a big line of lace hose in boot effects, and all
overs; fast "Hermsdorf" "black, tan and whiteT" Q
sizes 8Y2 to 10 ; values to 35c, this sale, per pair
Lingerie and Tailored
2.75 Waists at 98c
Tomorrow and Saturday the
garment store will place or
sale a lot of 5QO lingerie arid
tailored waists A special picK
up by our New YorK buyer,
exceptional values, lace or
embroidery trimmed or styled
with. tucKs and plaits that looK
so neat and fit with becoming
grace It's a pity that only 5QO
women can share this fortu
nate purchase, but that's all
there was in the lot and early
comers will get the
plums Vals. to $ 2. 73
For tomorrow- and Saturday, 'the neckwear
store will offer a lot of fancy neckwear,
such as lace trimmed Dutch collars, Dutch
collars with jabots attached, bows, jabots
in assorted designs, Windsor ties, stocks,
embroidered linen collars. Actual 25c to
35c values; special for this "I 01
Economy Day Sale only, each JL 2C
IV2 Yard Veil Lengths
35c Valvies at Only 15c
Something just a little out of the ordinary. A great assortment of factory endsof
veiling, IV2 yards in a piece. Hexagon and plain mesh, black, white, navy, modore,
myrtle, rose and all other wanted colors. Put up in neat veil lengths; IP
values to '35c a piece; special while they last for this great economy sale AOC
Apron Day
4Qc Val. 29c
Real Economy, a line of women's large
gingham aprons, cut very full, " made
with pockets and wide , strings ; also
large lawn aprons with or without bibs,
good wide strings and pockets; OQ
our regular 40c values, special C
Reg. $1.25 Belt
Pins BucKles
49c Each
Tomorrow the jewelry store will place
on sale 1000 Belt Buckles and Belt Pins,
oxidized silver and green gold finish,
made plain or with stone settings.
Our regular stock values to y
$1.25; Economy price, each HrG
15c Valenci'nes
$2 Flouncing
at 89c the Yard
Here's Economy indeed. A big showing
of wash Valenciennes laces, widths ud to
?i-inch in a good range of patterns; C
actual vals. to 15c yard, special at
Flouncing A special showing of flounc
ings, 27 inches wide, in fine materials,
open or closed work, real Oft
values to $2.00; special, the yd. OJC
4Qc Hair Bow
Ribbon 25c
Special good qualities of taffeta ribbon
in black, white, pink, blue, navy, cardi
nal, etc., full 6 inches wide, OC.
values to 40c, this sale, at
Great Sale of $5 to $85Q
Real Oriental Rugs
A tremendous cut in prices of all size Oriental Rugs and runners. Included are soft,
rich Gervans, Sehnas, Kermanshahs, Dagestans, Bohharas, Anatolians, Khivas, etc.
Everything from $5.00 to $850.00 reduced proportionately in this great sale.
$10.00 values selling at only 7.85 $100.00 values selling at only 75.00
$30.00 values selling at only $22.50 $850.00 values selling at only $637.50
Women's 85c Jersey Ribbed Union Suits 59c
Women's 25 c Jersey Ribbed Vests 15 c Each
Cbildren's 25c Knitted Waists, Special at 15c
Women's $1.5Q Gloves 79c
65c Chamoisette . Gloves, the Pair 4&c
For tomorrow and Saturday, ladies' kid
gloves, wash chamois and English cape
stock, in a good assortment of colors and
sizes; also a lot of $1.50 quality 16-but-ton
black silk gloves in size 6. A big
assortment of styles and qual- 7Ck
ities; vals. to $1.50, special, pair
Tomorrow' and Saturday we offer a line
of chamoisette gloves . for ladies. Good
washable quality for wear on any occasion,
natural or white colors. The best substi
tute for kid gloves. Don 't fail to get a
pair tomorrow. They are . actual A Q
J 65c values. .. Economy price, pair
5 Dresses Sll.5
One-Piece Styles in
SilK or Wool Goods
Tomorrow and Saturday we
offer a lot of lOO women's one
piece silK and wool dresses
which our Miss Bernard bought
at a great sacrifice while in New
YorK The materials are Taffeta
silRs and nuns veiling The
silRs are in accordion plaited
styles or with the new tunic ef
fect sKirt, some with the plain
plaited sRirt. yoRe and sleeves
are trimmed with lace or self
materials A full line of sizes,
all the new colors, including
stripes . and checKs The most
artistically designed dresses it
has yet been our pleasure to
show at such a price Don't fail
to avail yourself of this very ex
ceptional opportunity to secure
a dress of good material, styled
in the very latest approved
fashion and worth cfr f f
$2Q to $25 for only pll.V
Out of town patrons
can shop satisfac
torily through our
most reliable mail
order deparement.
Try it. Order now.
35c Fancy Neckwear 12V2C
New $2.5 O Parasols $1.98
A big showing of parasols is now ready
for your critical inspection. Some of the
rarest novelties ever shown in Portland.
Just to start the season we will offer tan
parasols with neat colored borders, Dres
den borders, dotted borders and some dotted
covers; extra strong frames, QQ
neat handles; $2.50 vals., sp'l pl50
$1.25 Cambric Pettic'ts 79c
$5 Corsets Special $3.98
85c Drawers
Special at4c
Women's cambric
petticoats with India
li nen flounce, rows
of insertion and lace
edge to match, un
der flounce and dust
ru f fie $1.25 j f-
values, spec'l C
HEATHERS LOOM and satine petticoats
in blacR only, styled with a tailored
flounce and stitched bands or
tucRs Our reg. values to $1.75 for
WOMEN'S DRAWERS of excellent qual
ity cambric or nainsboR, lace or em
broidery trimmed flounce, cir-
cular or plain styles 85c val. fory vC
CORSETS in up-to-date models, long
hip, medium high bust, ribbon or lace
finished top, with hose supporters at
tached, all good values at $5
Special for Economy sale
25c Washable Belts 12V2C
$1.75 Collars &. 98c
$1 AtHletic Underwear 69c
Men's SilK Neckwear at 25c
For tomorrow and Saturday, the men's furnishing goods store
offers a sale of athletic underwear in white, nainsook, tan,
Soisette ; knee length, no sleeves. The ideal Summer ?Q
underwear; reg. $1.00 sellers, special economy prico OiC
Men's Neckwear A most extraordinary offering of men's
high-grade silk four-in-hands. Ail the newest OC
patterns. See our Washington-street window; each 3C
3.50 VMes $1.98
A new shipment Just received and they
are gems, every one From the lot we
set aside 3QO of the greatest values we
have ever offered-Medium and large
sizes, finest quality of goat seal, gilt, gun
metal or German silver frames, leather
lined and fitted with fine quality coin
purses See Washington-street window
There's not one in the lot worth less than
$3.50 When you see them you'll won
der at our ability to sell Jj -a g- q
them at this low price, ea. fj)X 15
iQ Pumps audi
Oxfords $3.19
For tomorrow and Saturday. Here's genuine economy for women who want good
footwear. A lot consisting of 300 pairs of high-grade samples in pumps and Ox
fords of every description, in limited sizes, also a lot of our regular stock of pumps
and Eclipse ties, with or without straps. Some have heavy soles for street wear and
others are light hand-turned effects for evening wear. Several special lines made with
Baby Week
suitable heels for young ladies. Sizes to fit any foot. Fitted with same
guarantee as though we asked regular price; values to $6; your choice
Woudln't you give 25c for two belts if
you knew they were worth 25c each?
Here's a line of embroidered wash' Belts,
fitted with neat detachable pearl buckles.
Every one 25c vals. The best assortment
we have ever shown at this " Olj
special Economy Sale Drice 2C
Venice lace Dutch collars and yokes, in
a big assortment of patterns. All new,
stylish patterns, the very cream of this
season's productions. All grouped in one
big lot, values up to $1.75 each. Priced
special for our great two days' QQ
"Economy Sale" at only, each
$1.35 Taffeta SilK 83c yd.
$1.5Q Satin Pongee 69c
The great general sale of
dress goods is "drawing to
a close One-fourth off the
regular price of any piece
dress goods in our im
mense stocK except Lands
downe Materials for ev'ry
purpose, from the finest
French novelty weaves to
the good substantial staple
cloths- -The Regular J
prices nave peen
Taffeta SilKs in blacK only.
yard wide Rich',' lustrous
quality for dresses, suits,
waists, petticoats, etc. Our
regular $1.35 value 3 cy
.Special, the yard, 03C
SATIN PONGEE, the best
cloth made of its Rind,
beautiful assortment of
shades to choose
from Our regular
$1.50 grade
special for
a ,.SV
31.5Q Dresses for 98c
$3.QO Dresses at $1.89
Economy in the baby store for tomor
row, a line of Mother Hubbard Dresses,
slips, short and long skirts, made of fine
sheer materials, .trimmed with fine lace
and insertion; regular $1.00 CQ
values; special for this sale at OJC
Regular $1.25 values, special at 79
Regular $1.50 values, special at Q87
Also a big line of hand-made slips, short
dresses, long and short skirts, trimmed
with fancy embroidery, yokes of fine
tucks or lace; our regular 11 QQ
$3.00 values, special this sale P
$2.25 Receivi'
Blankets $1.78
Finest quality soft nonirritating full
finished blankets, which for the purpose
have no equal. Be sure to see them.
Baby Shoes and moccasins, of ACk
good quality kid, all colors, pair T"C
Economy Sale
ID limines
ets n
A timely sale of various graded of china
dinner sets.. The third floor crockery
department,' largest and most complete
in the city, offers values that will
prompt all economically inclined people
to investigate. A few specials mentioned:
66-piece gold band china Q &f
dinner sets, reg. $26.55 val. P O.OU
99-piece white and gold decorated Ger
man china set, regular CJI A f
$20.10 values, for this sale 'Pl'r.UU
50-piece English porcelain dinner set,
clover leaf design; regular CP
$8.92 value, this sale only pO.OO
35-piece pink rose pattern Onondaga
china, $9.50 value, special, set $5.95
42-piece white and gold set $2.65
Economy sale of women's
good quality, jersey ribbed
vests, full elastic knit,
low neck and short sleeve.
Regular and out sizes up
to 9. 25c values, " C
special, this price AiJC
Women's fine quality jersey
ribbed union suits, low neck,
sleeveless, knee length, style
in the umbrella effect, lace
inmmea at knee; our regu-
Jar ooc values; spe
cial at this sale
Here 's economy in Chil
dren 's wear, a fine line of
Children's knitted waists,
very cool and comfort
able. Taped at sides and
arms; regular 25c 1 C
values, for, each XOC
4 V v
' 4- Sit?'
$1Q Broad French
In Millinery Department
Sale extraordinary of Plumes
K Vi&V.fcYY.sJ ' AiJ ftou6n' toy oxxt- Mr. Edwards.
MlfiMkP' A Jtt,t returned Tx-om a flying trip to
H tK I the Eastern marKet Fine broad
TtliK.jr sti VK French curl, male stocR, full 19
li '? ft'C iVA inchM lon-BlacR. white and all
M WjPH VSr tne wanted colors Heavy droop.
r.Tl v , , i V V VI 8, in Heads, fwll drooping body You
Sv-o M t- hTve never seen them before, they
are new corners, direct from New
YorK, hardly acquainted with them
' ourselves Best and most remark
ame values, actually g mm -y
worth $1Q. special at TJj y
Naptha Soap 4c the Cake
23c Powdered Borax 17c
Johnson's Naph'tha Laundry Soap, the best and only naphtha soap that can be A
used in hot water; makes the clothes clean and white; special this sale, cake TrC
Powdered Borax, 20-Mule Team brand, put up in large one-pound sifter top- 1 T
cans; our regrular 25c quality. For this great economy sale, special, the can A C
20-Mule Team Borax, perfumed for the toilet and bath, an excellent substi- "1 Q
tute for soap. All its elements are pure. Our regular 25c quality for C
$2.5Q Cotton Robe BlanKets, Special $1.85 Each
$7.5Q Lace Curtains $3.95 17c Drapery Scrim 13c
Fine cotton fleeced bath
robe blankets, large as
sortment of new patterns
in choice colorings. One
blanket is sufficient to
make any size robe. Our
regular $2.o0
values, special
Art drapery scrim, in pop
ular patterns and colorings;
nice for side drapery with
lace curtains, or for small
window curtains; very good
quality, 36 inches wide; reg
ular 17c value, this 1 O,
sale at only, yard C
White cluny lace curtains
at an economy price.
Cluny lace edge and in
sertion, mounted on the
best French net; full 45
inches wide and 3 yards
long; . regular
$7.50 vals., pr.