Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 20, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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T f
i Walla Walla Men Offer $300
Per Acre for Reserva
tion Tract.
House Military Committee Gets Tel
egram When on Point of Re
porting Favorably Bill to
Sell at 3 1 50 Per Acre.
lngton, April 13. The House military
committee, at the conclusion of a hearing
today, was on the verse of favorably re
porting Senator Jones' bill directing- the
Bale of the Walla Walla miltary reserva
tion to Whitman College at $150 per acre,
when the chairman received a telegram,
signed by John Ankeny and one Johnson,
of Walla Walla, offering to buy the
reservation at $300 per acre.
This telegram prevented a report, but
to teat the good faith of the parties mak
ing the ofTer, they were instructed by
wire to put up a bond before Thursday,
as evidence of their intent to buy at the
price they name. If they do this, the
necessary increase in price will be called
for in the bill to meet their oiTer, or else
a sale authorized to others than Whit
man College. 'If Ankeny and Johnson
fall to put up the bond, the bill may be
reported at the next meeting of the com
mittee. Had their telegram been delayed
10' minutes the bill would have been re
ported to the House.
WAIJLA WALLA, Wash., April 19
(Special.) John Ankeny, who is one of
the signers of the telegram to the House
committee on military affairs, offering
$300 per acre for the Walla Walla mili
tary reservation lands, is a son of Levi
Ankeny, millionaire and ex-United States
Senator. R. H. Johnson and H. W. Mar
tin signed the telegram also, but it is
understood a syndicate of local men are
back of the move. The land is worth
$1000 per acre.
Portland IjRwyer "Wanted on Requi
sition by "White Salmon Officials.
SALEM, Or., April 19. (Special.)
Richard A. Wade, a Portland attorney,
if wanted in White Salmon, Klickitat
Cbunty, Washington, on a charge of
grand larceny, and the Washington au
thorities have made a requisition upon
Oovernom Benson for him. It is alleged
that Wade and Charles H George went
to White Salmon on March. 14, and that
the next day George called on Frank P.
Kgan, a real estate man in that city,
and told Kgan that Wade, who was
known to Kgan, was 111 in a hotel and
wanted to see him.
It is alleged that George- gave Egan
a letter that purported to have just ar
rived by mail, and that Kgan went to
.JVadeB room, where a phyBician was In
attendance and that ns soon as the letter
bad been handed to AV-ade by Kgan
AVade opened it and took out a check
- for $200.
After a short conversation, it is as
'"serted Wade fnduoed Kgan to take the
"check to a bank and cash it. The
check was protested and Kgan, who' had
indorsed it, was compelled to pay the
Governor Benson will hear arguments
Tomorrow. Wade will be represented by
McAllister & Upton and the State of
.Washington by District Attorney Darch
of Klickitat County.
Senate Grants Portland's Request.
f ... House May Concede More.
ington, April 19. All Northwestern
amendments to the river and harbor
bill made by the Senate commerce com
mittee -were agreed to by the Senate
-"-"J U11U. " lltll .-lie I'll vic n IU
- ference, will be supported by Repre
,-,r. , artrt .tr.An , a Vitll
' No effort was made to chanse the
' amendment regulating- draws in bridges
' at Portland so as to provide a two
""hour closed period In the .evening. As
' -this is a ,Senate amendment, it is
f 'A nuht f 111 whctlipp tha crm-
" mittee will be authorized to change
""'H provisions,' though if such chance
Js desired by' the people of Portland
" l Representative Ellis stands ready upon
receipt oz such advice to make an at
,"" tempt to secure a two-hour closed
period at night.
" Charge of Selling Beer to Boy
. Placed Against Dispenser.
. - MOSCOW, Idaho, April IS. (Special.)
,. A warrant was Issued today charging
Charles L. McCarter. a local druesrist.
, with having sold beer unlawfully to Fred
j.,-, Urton, under age.
i.-.T. Chief of Police James W. Blacker says
I- .. he has secured positive evidence against
-..the druggist, who pleaded puilty about a
nnnth afro to hAvintr old linnnr wlttiiut
'- a state and county license.
In the District Court the case against
v -Fred E. Dicus. a Genesee druggist, and
--.- EQmo O'Rellley, both charged with sell
' lng liquor illegally, was set for trial
April 29. The case against Editor J. J.
- ' Schick, charged with criminal libel, was
William lerry, or ivenoncK. on an ap-
peal from the Justice Court, for selling
liquor illegally. j
? - Farmer's Daughter,. Reprimanded
; - : by Mother, Drinks -I'olson.
ROSEBURG. Or., April 19. (Special.)
Reprimanded by her mother, and disap
pointed in love, Ida McGuire, the 23-year-
old daughter of a prominent Ollalla
farmer, swallowed a Quantity of poison
late yesterday with the intention of
frightening her parenta
The young woman was paved by the
timely aiTival of physicians.
Refuses to Say Whether State Secre
tary Should Be Elected.
OLTMPIA, Wash., April 19. (Spe
iIit1ii)ii iTnrlnrlnr that, as he believes.
there will be candidates for election
as Secretary of State this Fall, and
that as his office will have to appear
as counsel on one side or the other in
case of suit, Attorney-General W. P.
Bell tonight declined to render an
opinion whether or not such officer
should be elected.
He pointed out that if the procedure
of the McBride case was followed and
suit was started to force the Governor
to issue an election proclamation. Bell,
as legal adviser of the Governor,
would have to put up a legal fight con
tending there is no vacancy to be
filled, while if Governor Hay should
issue the proclamation and Secretary
I. M. Howell refuse to put the name
on the ballot. Bell would have to take
the contrary side of the argument.
On the resignation of Secretary of
State Sam Nichols, Howell was ap
pointed by Hay to serve "until his suc
cessor is elected and qualified."
Washington s laws contain no pro
vision for special elections of state
officers other than Judges. The Ore
gon Supreme Court, in a case involv
ing construction of a constitutional
provision which Is identical with that
of Washington's constitution, held that
the officer named at a special election
should hold the full term, four yea.
If that rule should be followed here
the Secretary of State would be elected
off-years from the rest of the state
RIVAIj weds woman, but di-
David Spencer, Jr., Rich British Co
lumbian, at Last Claims First
Love as ' Bride.
VICTORIA, B. C, April 19. (Special.)
David Spencer, Jr., a wealthy member
of the firm of David Spencer, Limited,
which conducts large department stores
in British Columbia, has won the woman
of his choice after all, though once she
put him aside for another. 1
She was Miss Gordon, an engaging
young woman from the prairies, who was
visiting relatives In Saanlch, a suburb
of Victoria, when they met each other.
They loved at first sight and became
Mr. Spencer was called to Europe on
a purchasing trip and In his absence
the young woman was wooed and won
by Captain R. Nelson, a real estate op
erator well known here. Mr. and Mrs.
Nelson did not live happily. The wife left
her husband and for a time lived with
her parents. Mr. Spencer heard of the
circumstances and renewed his court
ship. A divorce was obtained, it Is said,
in Chicago, and Mr. Spencer and Mrs.
Nelson were married in the United
Steps were taken later to have the
action of the courts In the United States
indorsed In Canada and a decree nisi
has been granted, -to become absolute in
Bix months. At the expiration of this
period It is said that there will be an
elaborate church wedding ceremony in
this city.
Crew Either Extending Short Line
or Blocking Rival Line.
LEWISTON. Idaho, April 19. (Special.)
A party of O. R. & N. engineers, under
Engineer H. N. Jones, arrived this morn
ing and will depart tomorrow for the
Upper Snake River, where work will be
Members of the party are reticent, but
the locality in which the work is to be
commenced leaves only two questions to
be solved. The work to be inaugurated
is either in the Interests of the extension
of the Short Line frdm Huntington to
iLewlston or the O. R. & N. will endeavor
to block the Gilmore & Pittsburg engi
neers now engaged in the location of a
line from the mouth of the Salmon River
to Lewiston. The Barriman Interests
have surveys on both sides of the Snake
River from Lewiston to the mouth of the
Salmon River, and it ts believed the party
will renew the location on the Idaho side
to embarrass the operations of the Gil
more & Pittsburg.
Thief Sentenced, Clothes Recovered.
VANCOUVER, Wash., April 19. (Spe
cial.) Wearing a suit he had stolen from
Michael Bolger's room In the Homewood
rooming-house, E. J. Jones, alias John
pon, was arrested last night by Officers
Gasoway and Golmore. He was sentenced
to ten days In Jail today and the clothes
were recovered.
Forest Grove to Be Lighted. .
FOREST GROVE, Or., April 19.
(Special.) The City Council has de
cided on a unnorm plan of street light
ing. - Every block throughout the city
Is to be illuminated with a 40-candle
power incandescent light. No pro
visions have as yet been made1 for
Illuminating the business section.
!........... . . . . . ....L. . . ....... ... . . . . . . . . ........ . .
Idaho Democrats Would Cen
ter on Governorship.
Nugent, Alexander, Bryan and
Pence Are Named as Available
Candidates Party Shies at
Prohibition as Issue.
BOISE, Idaho, April 19. Democratic
harmony is -being mixed in Idaho, hav
ing for its object the grooming of
prospective and available candidates
for offices.
The Democratic leaders apparently
allow their visions to extend no far
ther than the gubernatorial chair.
Four candidates said to contain guber
natorial timber are available to lead
the party this year and not one of
the quartet would fear the lightning
should he be struck. Pre-eminent
among these stands John Nugent,
Democratic state chairman, a foe
of the Dubois faction. Although
the latter want party harmony they
shy when the name of John Nugent
for Governor is mentioned.
Judge Bryan, of Caldwell, prominent
in the legal fraternity, thorn in the
side of neither faction and generally
recognized as a capable man, might
be classed as the second leader for
Idaho democracy, but he is only re
ceptive. M. Alexander, of Boise, who made
bo phenomenal a campaign against
Governor James H. Brady, is prepared
to lead his party against his same op
ponent this year. Democrats realize
that Alexander will make a hard fight,
but there Is an honest division of
opinion as to whether or not he would
make as strong a showing during the
next campaign as he did last.
Elected Mayor of Boise as the re
sult of a reform wave, backed by par
ty leaders who are willing to go
through most anything to push iilm po
litically, Joseph T. Pence is the fourth
Democratic possibility for Governor.
It is claimed by his friends he Is the
one man in the party who can cement
democracy in this state, and bring
victory out of chaos.
On the temperance question the
Democrats are satisfied with local op
tion. They refuse to stand for the li
quor Interests, yet shy at state-wide
prohibition. Yet this will be the pre
dominating issue In Idaho next Fall,
for It is being made such by the Re
publican party.
Aberdeen Candidates for Council
Liable to Arrest.
ABERDEEN, Wash.. April 19. (Spe
cial.) G. R. Haukeli, Harry Knowls, A.
8. Brecht. C. A. Pinckney, Andrew Lind
strom and K. S. Duffy, all Councilmanic
candidates from the various wards at the
last primary election, are liable to fine
and arrest for failing to file itemized
statements of their election expenses as
required by law.
Authorities are in a quandary as to
what steps to take. The law appears
plain in the matter, bo far as prosecution
goes, while there seems no way for trie
culprits to make amends, yet the promi
nence of the men has so far held back
any punishment. Action of some kind is
expected within a few days. The total
expenses of all other candidates, includ
ing aspirants for Treasurer and Clerk,
totaled in the neighborhood of but $353.
Dallas Woman Kills Herself.
BURNS. Or.. April 19. Mrs. Alice
Sellars. wife of W. W. Sellars, of Dallas,
Or., killed herself at the home of her
brothers,- Clyde and Van B. Embree,
Sunset Valley,' April 17, shooting herself
In the heart with a 32-callber revolver.
She was the oldest daughter of Dr. and
Mrs. T. V. B. Embree, of Dallas. Mrs.
Sellars came to Harney Valley In com
pany with her mother for her health,
and to visit with brothers and friends.
Province Will Have University.
VICTORIA. B. C, April 19. Under
authority of the legislation enacted at
the recent session of the Provisional
Legislature, the government of Brit
ish Columbia has named a special royal
commission to select a site and formu
late general plans for the establish
ment of a provincial university.
f,j'r. y . t
A handsome and serviceable SPRING
SUJT for just aa Such a Suit
can be easily ?v selected to suit
your taste from our immense stock.
We Guarantee Our Clothes for
Satisfactory Service
Septuagenarian Goes to Central Ore
gon Distant Frontier to Grow
Up With Country.
BEND, Or., April 19. A new record In
pioneering enthusiasm has been set for
Central Oregon by 75-year-old William
Offield who, from - Bend, has taken up
a homestead claim 79 miles from the
nearetrt town and there Intends to grow
up with the country.
The septuagenarian homeseeker drove
In to Bend from Hood River behind a de
crepit white maro apparently almost as
antique as her master, and from here
went to the southeast, where the home
stead lands are, in the same vehicle. The
old man's complete outfit on his new
sage-covered 320 acres Is a tiny canvas
tent and the simplest of camping equip
ment. His horse roams at large, and his
scanty supplies are stored in a crude
sage-brush shelter which he has thrown
together beside his little tent.
After having driven out to his claim
the homemaker found his equipment of
tools was insufficient to dig a well and
so came In the 79 miles to Bend for the
sole purpose of getting a pickax, with
which he returned to the work of well
making and land clearing.
Offield says he was in Portland, Rose
burg and Walla Walla before either one
of them was- os large as Bend now is.
In Portland, he declares, he could have
purchased acreage in the heart of the
present city at prices which now would
not buy even Central Oregon acres, 100
miles from a railroad. In all these places
he lost his chance, he say?, and now
means to stay with his new holdings,
grow up with the country, and reap all
the benefits of increased realty values
which . he expects to witness. The fact
that he is now almost 80 miles from a
town and 150 from a railroad affects his
belief in a prosperous future not at all.
Bend, he predicts, w-ill be as big aa the
present Portland, 15 years hence, and the
land which he is now homeateading will
by that time have become almost sub
urban to some other Central Oregon
Sebastian Giesy Lived in Pacific
County Fifty-five Years.
SOUTH BEND, Wash.. April 19.
(Special.) The funeral of Sebastian
Giesy, one of the first settlers of this
county, was held today at the family
residence on the Giesy ranch, near
Sebastian Giesy was born In Swltzer-
Third Street
land In 1823. In 1847 he came to this
country and settled In Missouri, but
sine? 1855, when he came with a Swiss
colony to Pacific Count', he had lived
on what has been known as the "Giesy
ranch." ne had been a widower since
1873. He leaves grandchildren and
other relatives. Dr. Giesy, of Port
land, was a nephew.
During- the Indian uprising, Giesy
built a blockhouse and stockade on the
ranch and- protected the few settlers
then living; in this section. Old-timers
still speak of the place as Fort Giesy.
Two- Girls Buying Therefore Have
Seller Arrested Spite, He Says.
ALBANY, Or., April 19. (Special.)
Sheriff Smith returned this morning
from Union County with R. S. Scott
wanted at Brownsville on a charge of
obtaining money under false pretenses.
Scott formerly operated a moving pic
ture show at Brownsville and recently
sold it to the Misses Susie and Gertie
Martin. They say Scott did not own
part of the property he represented to
be his, and they swore to a complaint.
Sheriff Smith found Scott at Union,
where he was operating a moving pic
ture show under the name of Hercu-
mer. He asserts he made no misrep
resentations; that the purchasers knew
the property was Incumbered and that
his arrest is due to spite work. He
accounts for the use of two names by
saying that he has played in vaude
ville and that Scott Is his stage name.
Ellensburg Council Provides for
Graduated Income to City.
ELLENSBURG, Wash.. April 19. (Spe
cial.) The City Council this evening
granted A. E. Wright, of Olympia, a 50
year franchise to sell gas for Illuminating
and fuel purposes In the City of Ellens
burg. The condition attached to the ordinance
Is that for the first five years the plant
may escape paying any of its revenue to
the city, from 1915 to 1920 it must pay
quarterly one-half of 1 per cent of its
gross receipts to the city, and from 1920
to 1930, 1 per cent of Its gross receipts,
and from 1930 to 1960, the time of the
expiration Of the franchise, the company
must pay 2 per cent of its gross receipts
to the city.
The franchise specifies 3 per thousand
as the maximum rate which could be
High Masons Visit Eugene En
Route to Roseburg Event.
EUGENE. Or., April 19. (Special.)
Four of the grand officers of the Ma
sonic Lodge of Oregon arrived in the
city today on an official visit to Eu
gene Lodge. No. 11, A. F. and A. M.
They were Grand Master Norrls P. Cox,
Grand Secretary J. F. Robinson, Grand
Tyler D. G. Tomasinl and Past Grand
Orator J. H. Ackerman.
They were entertained at a banquet
by the local lodge tonight and will ac
company the Eugene brethren to Rose-
burg tomorrow morning to participate
in the dedication of the new Masonlo
Temple at that place. Over 150 tickets
have been sold for the special from
here to Roseburg. which leaves at 8 A. M.
The grand officers will return from
Roseburg tomorrow night and proceed
from here to Albany.
Methodists to Build at Roy.
FOREST GROVE, Or.. April 19.
fSpclal.) Rev. W. C. Stewart, pastor
of the M. E. Church at Banks, is plan
ning to erect a Methodist church in the
Roy settlement. He has been holding
services there twice each month. The
contract is to e let May 1 and the
building is to be completed by Sep
tember 1. Subscriptions have already
been received for the new edifice. The
Catholics maintain a church and a
parochial school at Roy, with Rev.
Father Daum In charge.
Phelps Suspect Released.
ALBANY, Or., April 19. (Special.)
The man arrested at Harrisburg Sun
day on the suspicion that he was
Charles Phelps, a fugitive from justice,
wanted for & serious stabbing affray
at Buhl, Idaho, was released from the
County Jail here today. Upon receipt
of a more complete description from
the Sheriff at Twin Falls, Idaho, Sher
iff Smith found that the man In cus
tody was evidently not the man
Eugene Plans for Quiet Fourth.
JT,UGENE, Or.. April 19. (Special.)
The Merchants' Protective Association
has appointed committees for the cele
bration of the Fourth of July at Eugene
and the Commercial Club will appoint
committees at the regular meeting Mon
day evening. A big celebration will be
held here this year, but Eugene will join
the cities that want a safe and sane
time. The City Council will taite steps
A. Jthat will heU Insure jsuch, -a- celebration.
Prices Advan
Corners, 100x100
Inside lots, 50x100 . .
10 Down, 2PIo Per Month.
Prices nre being raised because
these lots are worth more money.
The prices we are unking are
lower than they should be. They
nre lower than In any other sec
tion ox imnKtOD.
The lot. we have for .ale are all
located in the blocked-off section
In the map of Irvlnscton at the
top of thl. announcement.
This Is the finest Improved resi
dence .ectlon In Portland. All of
the Improvement, are completed.
When on buy lot. la thl. Men
tion, you know exactly what you
are a-ettlnf;. The Improvement,
are thore to be seen and to be
u.ed. They are In use now.
Everyone of them.
There I. a difference In huylnir
property that Is already Improved
nd property where the Improve
ment, are only promised. Thlna-
can happen that inlKbt prevent
proml.e. beina carried out. It
take, completed Improvements to
cause values to increase.
We have nothing to oromlne. Yon
have nothing to gue. about.
When you buy a lot in tbe
blocked-off section, here la what
you icet. These are the things
that are there.
Kir lit of all your lot I. In IrvluK
ton tbe admitted .elect resi
dence .ectlon of the Knit Side.
Your lot I. In tbe bla-hr.t eleva
tion In Irvlngton. It Is beauti
ful view property. The a-round I.
rolliofc and alehtiy. You are eloae
In. Only a twelve - miuute car
ride from Fifth and Wuahinirton.
You have the heat car service of
any re.idence section In the city.
Car. every five minute, all day
Ions and every three minute a
durins; rush hour.. You are only
one block from the Irvina;ton
School one of Portland's finest.
You have wide paved street.
cement sidewalk, cement aut
ter. and cnrlM nine and one-half
feet of parking .ewer H-lnrh to
114-inch water main. 6-Inch and
R-inch sad main. 4-Inch. Serv
ice connection, have been made
with every lot. Everything 1. la
complete readiness for Immedi
ate home building.
This Is the section of Irvlngton
that I. to ee (treat advance, in
value.; A. It tand. now, It I.
the moat valuable, and the price,
w-e are a. kins; are very low a.
compared with price, that are be
ing; paid for other Irvlngton
property not as desirable. We
start to raise price, on May 1st.
Price. In thl. section are coins
to double, for thi. reason. Tbe
Kifteenth-strert extension of the
Irvlna-ton carllne 1. a.aured. The
Supreme Court baa ratified the
franchise and work I. In progrrr...
Car. will be runntns thi. Sum
mer. The time to buy la now, be
fore the prices advance. Buy be
fore tbe first of May and lire
-'UO right away.
Rountree & Diamond
Downtown Office, 241 Stark Street
Imitation Vanilla
is Poisonous !
It not only impairs the fla
vor of your desserts, but it
harms your digestion as wcIL
Burnett's Vanilla is not
only absolutely pure and
healthful, but it gives a rare,
rich, delicious flavor that is
decidedly different from any
other extract. It costs no
more than the ordinary vanilla.
Insist upon your grocer send
ing you
Burnett's Vanilla
Dentistry at Half Price
There Is hardly a town or village In
this or adjoining states that we cannot
refer to one or more patients who came
to us to have their dental work done by
the Alveolar Method, when It could have
been done in the ordinary way at home
by a dentist, and perhaps (?) a good one,
for half the price we charged. Each
one, if asked. I believe, will tell you
it's the best and most satisfactory in
vestment they ever made. Its teeth
comfort, teeth satisfaction, and teeth
Insurance for life. Do you suppose
people would pass up a home dentist,
mavbe friend or relative, travel 100 to
1000 miles pay railroad fare, hotel
bills and double price for the work, if
they were not convinced It was worth
it? Most of them will tell you that
they would not take double the cost,
possibly ten times the cost, and be
without the kind and class of work we
do. See their teeth and ask them.
We'll send you the names. If interest
ed, on application.
Alveolar Teeth Where Brlda-eivork I.
If only your front teeth are left, say
three or four or more, we can replace
all those that have been lost on both
sides, clear back, with perfect Alveolar
teeth whilst brldgework would be Im
possible even if you had eight or ten
front teeth to tie to. If you have only
two back teeth on each sloe, say
molars, we can supply all the front
teeth that are missing with beautiful,
serviceable, lifelike Alveolar teeth.
This could not possiblv be done by the
bridge route. And where brldgework
Is possible there is no comparison be
tween the two. A very large percent
age of our work is taktner out bridge
work put In by supposedly high-class
dentists, and replacing It with the
beautiful and artistic Alveolar teeth.
And. unlike brldgework In another re
spect. It Is practically painless. No
boring or cutting Into the gums,
nothing to be dreaded. Now. then,
prices being equal, which would you
Curlaa- Pyorrhea (loose teeth), a dis
ease given up by other dentists as In
curable, is another of our specialties.
We cure it absolutely. It's a boastful
statement to make, but we can do any
thing that Is possible In dentistry, and
what we do Is always of the very high
est class. Our booklets. Alveolar Den
tistry, are free. Write for onelf you
cannot call. We have samples of our
work to show at all times, and the
very best of reference, an array of
them in tnis ciiy ana state.
811 to 814 AWnrton Bid., 106!4 3d St.
Keep the Address.
Sundays, 10 to 13-
ce May 1
Present Mayl
Prices Prices
. . . $3000 $3400
... 1250 . 1450
Improvements Bonded
Kidney and Bladder
Diseases Are Fatal
In Many Cases Unless the Dead
ly Uric Acid Poison Which
Causes Them Is Removed.
The symptoms of uric acid poison, or
kidney and bladder disease, are many,
and easily recognized. Among them are
chronic weak and aching back (espe
cially in evidence when attempting to
lift something, or to rise suddenly from
a stooping position), sharp, stabbing
pains and hitches in the back, groin,
and limbs, muscular soreness, twltch
ings, etc.
Some of the more dangerous results
are gall-stones and gravel, inflamma
tion, painful, scalding sensation and
sediment In the urine, impure blood and
ts long train of evils, sciatica, dropsy.
chronic diabetes, Bright's disease, and
other fatal maladies.
DeWitt Kidney and Bladder Pills
very speedily and permanently rectify
any derangement of the kidneys and
bladder that Is not past help. They
operate at once, and directly, upon the
kidneys, bladder and liver, and are
especially soothing, healing, antiseptic,
purifying. reconstructive, tonic and
As an instance of the great good
which follows upon the use of these
marvelously beneficial Pills, note the
case of Mr. Geo. F. Gilmore. Jackson,
Ga., who writes: "I take great pleas
ure In rtating that DeWltt's Kidney
and Bladder Pills cured me of one of
the most aggravated cases of inflam
mation of the bladder I have ever
E. C. DeWitt Co.. Chicago. 111.,
want every man and woman who have
the least suspicion that they are af
flicted with kidney and bladder dis
eases to at once write them, and & trial
box of these Pills will be sent free by
return mall postpaid. Do It today.
A new city In the heart of a rich,
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