THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1910. 16 TOR SALE. I1noo. Organ and Musical Instruments. TO anv one wishing to buy a piano, for sale, my $125 check, good on any piano at Gravea MupIo Store, f'T $5'. Act quirk. Main 3151. BRAXD-XEW $5o0 piano, cheap, leaving town. 447 6th at. $200 cash. Birds, Dogs, pet Stocks I'OR SALE Pheasant eggs, $2 per doz. G. KHers. K. F. D. No 3. box 6fl, Aurora, Or. Mic rl tan eons. 8CRBW STEAMER FOR SALE. Dimensions Length SO feet, beam 13 it. 6 In., depth 4 ft. 2 In., gross tons 71; 2 engines 8xS, high pressure of 70-horse-power, speed 14 miles; fitted for burning oil or wood; oil tanks and all machinery 6 months old; a strong towboat or suit able for freight and passengers. Apply to Anderson & Crowe, 243 Ash St., Port land. , OFFICE FURNITURE. 10-foot counter with shelves, and 6 doors, top 18 inches wide. 13-foot rail with base, posts, two gates, 6-foot rail, it 0-inch top. Address American Life Accident Co., 15 Beck bid?. Telephone Main 6552. SEWING machines Do not fail to visit the White sewing machine store THIS WEEK. bFKCIAL SALES 120 drop-head machines, slightly marred; all standard makes ma chines for rent and repairing;. H. I. Jones, Prop., 420 Washington at., corner 11th. NATIONAL cash registers new at discount; one electric operaxion, check printer, latest design; one operated with handle, check printer, with stub check. Phone Richmond 71 or Inquire E. O. Magoon, 111 N. Jersey St.. St. Johns. Or. WANTED Best bid on 110,000 feet of fir lumber of following dimensions: 16 feet long. 1 In. thick by 12 in. wide. Bur faced on one sida and grooved. A bar gain. Amity Light & Power Co. LAUNCH 24 feet long, 5-ft. beam, 7-horse-power. Cushman engine, 12-passenger; ran be seen at Washington-street dock Sunday morning from 10 to 12; price $375. A 9i1, Oregonian. m FOR SALE. 125-volt, 150-K. W. General Electric generator; belt type, complete with panel and rail base. Address Koom wi, - gonian bldg. WE do first-class upholstering, all the new f nishfc nut on- all Kiiias oi rurniture re paired. Don't huv new, make over the old. Phone. East 337. fcPECIAL prices on factory rebuilt machines; very liberal terms; $10 to $60. Northwest Typewriter Co., M. 8870. 222 Ablngtoo bldg. . VEPV nrettv houseboat of 4 rooms at ha rhA rnnt of the material: this is a bargain and one of the nicest on the river. 505 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1063. BEST drv fir and oak wood, either sawed or 4-ft.. at lowest possible prices. Kirk Hoover, 313 Water st. Phone Main 7451, A 5443. CITY MAP for sale; large 1902 city map for salo cheap. Inquire 317 Board of Trade bldg.. 4t.h and Oak. "For kale Hart-Parr traction easollne en gine, good as new. R. T. Cox. 2504 3d St.. Portland. Or. BLICKENSDERFER TYPEWRITERS. $40 $50. Ask for catalog. RebuJlts $15 up. N M. Hayter Co.. 90 5th St. Main 5528. 3DR SALE Showcase, wallcasoo, counters, cheap. No. 222 Grand ave. Phone East 538. 6TRICTLY At Edison combination Triumph phonograph outfit; cost $70; will sell for ! .so. .tH4 r l an a ern st. riiune .viam on. CAFES 11 2d-hand safes v$ry cheap; large stock new safes soia on easy terms; can or write today, Portland ware jo.. &i otn- flNB soda fountain, complete with glass holders, spoons, etc. is. 3a st. (0-POUND ice chest and mahogany dresser cheap. 3116 First st. SHOWCASES Everett cor. new and second-hand, 6th. Also fixtures. 312 JUNE insulated cooler for Bale cheap. Friedman. 235 1st. 00 BUSINESS cards $1 If you bring this ad. Rose City Prlntery. 192 3d, near Taylor. VIOLINS, banjos, mandolins, guitars at half recii la r prices. Lncle Myers, 71 tclxtn iu TYPEWRITER 231 Stark St. BARGAINS. Main 1407. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WOULD like to take care of a good T- seated car for the Summer; state kind of car and rent wanted. AD 897, Ore gonian. WANTED Men's cast-art clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnish me 3 highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal.'.' 47 3d St., North. Phone Main 8272. "WANTED 4000 feet of 1 or 1-inch second hand pipe; must be In serviceable con dition; quote price to T. J. Cartwright, 4 1 0 T' ernwpii block. Spokane, Wash. WANTED Clothing, best price paid for ladies' and gents second-hand clothing and shoes and bicycles. Main 2u80. 290 1st. WANTED Second-hand pool table; must be cheap; state price and condition. C. C btambaugh, gen, del., Portland. Or. HIGH EST price paid for men's cast-off clothing, shoes, bicycles and all second hand goods. 71 North 3d. Marshall 639. WANTED TO shares Telepost stock, series A or li. Stato lowest price. Q 9t)J, Ore gon ian. CELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co. or you 11 get less. Phones: A 244a. Main 9ol. CALL up Marshall 1929 if you have sec ona-nann ciotnes to sen. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phono East 10S7, WANTED Men's caetoff clothing, shoes for hignest prtce. Phone Main 4640. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Man for milk business: ca make $2. weekly; amiall Investment, $150. 1, a 11 gu.s v asmngton. room 24. WANTED Reliable man to help in store will pay S25 week : small investment re quired. Particulars 248 j Stark st. PHYSICIAN to work in specialist's office must be registered in Oregon. O 905, Pregonlan. TAILORS wanted, coatmaker and bushel man, steady work. James Y. Work, 245 5th si WANTED Man to manage steam laundry; good wages to right man ; reference re quired. AE 894. Oregonian. WANTED A young man to learn under taking' business. Call East Thirteenth and Umatilla ave. WANTED An assistant gardener for a pri vate place. Apply R. H. Lacey, room 7, at 25Hg Third Rt. P E VER A L car pen t ers ; 1 hour f rora town. Wages $3.50; board $4 per week. D 00O, Oregonian. 1 WANTED Young man with little money to show property and work in office- 42 Fifth st. WANTED First-class barber for Dayton, Wash. Apply Le wis-Stenger Barber "iSup ply Co. WANTED 2 boys to work on stuffing ma . chine in mattress1 shop. Carman Mfg. Co.. ISth and Upshur. W A NT ED Experienced solicitor; salary and commission. Berlin Dye Works. 332 Third st. BOOKKEEPERS and stenographers; men. ail lines, city and country. Wash., room IS. sales- 313, WANTED Reliable man to chock goods, etc.; pay $25 week; small investment re quired. Particulars 2483 Stark st. 33ARBKK wanted, good man, 165 N. 0th st. steady job. WANTED Competent second cook for place in Eastern Oregon. Apply at S2- Oth t. WANTED First-class advertising solicitor. 317 Henry bldg. WANTED Two boys with wheels, good wages. Apply 131 lOth st., near Wash, st. TWO young men to carry dishes; also one ff'shwa'-her. Peerless afetena, 104 5th st. W A NT two pa i n t ers at 11th and Hall sts. Call on painter at premises. WANTED -A man that understands sewing ana laying carpets. a ppiy iw l.sth st. WANTED Girl to cook and do general nouseworK. 445 Morrison, cor. 12th. WANTED First-class all-around pressor at rsroaaway uye vvurKa, joj union ave. JN. BOY about IS to work in merchant tailoring store. aaonarcn i anors. 141 mn st. SALESMAN In a merchant tailoring store Apply Monarch Tailors. 141 ftth st. WANTED Boy at once. UOo Russell st. Phone East Ldhl'. BARBER wanted, ir n. flth st. good man, steady job. WANTED First-class barber for Yreka, CaL ' Apply Lewis-stenger earner faupply Co. BOY wanted for grocery help at 472 Weid- ler. near yth st. PATTERN-MAKER wanted. mrcial Ciub bldg. Call 222 Com BARBER wanted, steady job. son st. 1S0 Morri- W ANTED Experienced plumber's p van Bros.. 54i Will lams ave. digger ANTED Janitor. Apply 10 o'clock. yO 5th -treot.. WANTED Five goo.I olli-itors on an proj5it!-n. Call 514 Swetlapd bMg. BARBER WANTBD Must ho flrst-clasa. per week. H. S. Bart. 364 N. 23d st. $17 AABDR wanted steady Job Second sty HELP WANTED MALE. C. R. HANSEN & CO. EMPLOYMENT AGENTS. 2ft North Second st., Portland. Or. v 424 Front ave., Spokane, Wash. 7 -SO Fourth st.. San Francisco, Cal. Established 187. Agents for The Utah Construction Co. Erickson & Petterson. Twohy Bros. Company. Pacific Contract & Con. Co. Portland Bridge & Building Co. O. R. & N. and S. P. R. R. Cos. Pacific Coast Con. Co. C. A. Smith Lumber Co. Booth-Kelly Lumber" Co. And other large employers. Ship daily. Free fare. To Eastern and Southern Oregon and California for R. R. construction laborers. Work guaranteed. Transportation supplied. A general male and female employment business transacted. C R. HANSEN" & CO., 26 North 2d st. BOY 16 years of age and over to work in factory. Apply at once. Ames, i-iarns, Neville Co.. 5th and Davis. WANTED Young men to attend to coat- room; also one bellboy. Apply Portland Commercial Club. 5th and Oak sts. Super intendent's office, between. 10 and 11 A. M. EVERY younf man seeking employment or desiring to Detter cia condition, saoutu take advantage of the special employ ment membership, and get in Quick touch with the advisory and employment sec retary of the Y. M C. A- Strangers our specialty. Good fellowship, ftjoocl advice, good position awaits you- MEN wanted for firemen and hrakemen on nearby railroads; age 18 to 00; experience unnecessary; no strike, permanent employ ment; firemen $100 monthly; brake men $75: promotion to engineers, con ductors; 400 men sent to positions monthly, state age; send stamps. Railway Asso cjatlon, care Oregonian. WANTED First-class, steady waiter, $60 per month and board; also 2 good dinner waiters. Apply Portland Commercial Club, 5th and Oak sts. Superintendent's office. WANTED Young man. 18 years of age or over, who has knowledge or tetegrapny ana can take at least 15 words per minute, and wishes to advance; must be steady and will ing to help around office and shop. Ad dress Postal Telegraph Co., C. G. Raw Hngs. Manager, Albany, Oregon. SALESMEN To handle attractive lots on smau monthly payments in cheapest, Dean, and easiest-selling addition In Portland. Namea of prospective buyers furnished. Good commission, better than salary to live man. 316 Coach bldg., 4th aU. near Wash ington. WANTED Solicitor, salesman or organizer, capable of selling complete creameries or canning factories on the co-operative plan; low prices and liberal terms to pur chasers. For particulars write O. Press prich & Company, 103 Park Ave.. New York. 10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade in 8 weeks, help to secure promotion; gradu ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert Instructors; tools free; write for cata logues. Mohler System of Colleges. 85 North 4th St., Portland. Or. WANTEJD Salesmen who are hustler and can sell; no dead ones need apply. We have good territory and proposition for the right parties. We furnish outfit free and pay , cash weekly. Write us. ALBANY NUR SERIES. INC., Albany, Oregon. SALESMEN In Oregon, to handle attrac tive raser City townslte lots. T he new metropolis of Central British Columbia Good terms. Easy to selL Apply or write at once, O. E. Franzke, 508 Perkins Hotel. WANTED A first-class salesman on a prop osition upon which one inexperienced man is now making over $700 a month. Apply between 9 and 1 1. JONES & SHERMAN. 302-308 Lewis Bldg. MAN with small family wanted as team ster and General helDer in flourlnar mill: house and garden plot furnished free. Call at Oregon Hotel. Inquire for J. E. Lo gan, 3 :3Q o'clock Thursday afternoon. MAN and wife who want to buy apple land at Mosier, and pay for it by work, can learn of good proposition by calling; on me at once ; prefer man with own team. Thos. McCusker, 329 Lumbermens bldg. 500 MEN'S high-grade Spring suits direct from New York; 535 to 40 values, $18.75 $25 to $30 values, $14.75; $18 to $22.50 values, $12. 75. Jlmmle Dunn. 315 Ore- gonlan bldg. WANTED Eandmen, especially cornet, clarionet and baritone players. Address all communications to Pres. M. W. A. Band, Junction City, Or. $10 TO $100 made daily in the motion pic ture business; small capital makes you a fortune. Particulars .Newman, Yash- lngton st. WANTED First-class sausage-maker, with some experience cutting meat ; a married man preferred. Address Box 700, Eu- gene. Or. WANTED Blacksmith, wages $3.50; will pay more to first-class all-around man if he suits. Address W. P. Scrlver, Hepp- ner. Or. WE aid our members to secure employment. Constant demand for young men of ability and integrity. Special employment mem bershlp. Y. M. C A WANTED First-class bus helm an; need apply. Good wages. no other HYAN & Tailors, 3l7 Morrison st. INDUSTRIOUS partner wanted for cash store; must te satisiiea with 5Z5 to $30 a week ; $250 required. Call 417 Board of Trade. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYES WANTED Write for Portland examination schedule; preparation free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 410' N.. Rocnester. in. i . WANTED Laborers to ""hovel dirt, 25c per hour ana transportation. apdiv to w S. Barstow & Co., East Ankeny and 28th st-. car barns. PREISER, LADIES' TAILOR. First-class men wanted at once. OLDS. WQRTMAN & KING. IF you are not making $20O a month and you nave any aouuy as a salesman, can at 210-22O Commercial Club bldg., corner 5th and Oak WANTED Good men at the E. I. DuPont de Nemours Powder t:o.. oupont. Wash.; $;;.2fi per day with chance for advance ment. YOUNG MEN wanted to prepare for railway mall cierK.9, posioriice cieras, carriers, etc Write or call for Book 30, jfs free. Pacitio States School, McKay Bldg.. Portland. Or. YOUNG man to work in wholesale tobacco house ; only experiencea ana can furnish good references need apply. 29 N. 1st st. BLACKSMITH One angle smith aud one tool man ; must we aj. Apply In person. Marine Iron Works. St. Johns. Or. WANTED Salesman to hsndle staple. State age and experience. Rodgera -Paper Co., Salem. Oregon. WANTED Man for milk business; can make $25 weekly; small investment, $150. Call 30314 Washington, room 24. MAN and wife wanted, man as engineer and wife to take charge of boarding-house. H 90O, Oregon ian . EXPERIENCED cabinetmaker. Apply im mediately. Gevurtz Bros., Union ave. and East Burnside WANTED Strong boy in cake department, night work. Royal Bakery, llth and Everett. WANTED Men who have had experience in industrial life Insurance Call at 219-220 Commercial Club bldg. cor 5th and Oak- BIG money for solicitors; three wanted; 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Bonville Publishing Company. 216 Marquam bldg. BOOKKEEPING course, $5; 30 lessons. 301 Merchants Trust Bldg. WANTED A first-class barber; $18 per wek guaranteed. Nampa, Idaho. O K Barber Shop. WANTED An experienced boy to drive grocery wagon: must furnish A-l refer ences. AJ 911. Oregonian. WANTED Machinists to stay away rrom Stockton, CaL Strike on at Sampson Iron Works. $18 TO $35 week, few months only learning; situations guaranteed. Watchmaklng-En- gravng School, box 1S2. Ashland. Or. WANTED Boy Kelly Shoe '( Goddard- MAN to run vacuum cleaner $75 required; x.- per day. Address L 0Vt Oregonian. WAN TED laborers at East 12th and Sul livan Oulch bridge: $2.50, 9 hours. WANTED First-class horseshoer at once. J . jQoodfellow Ore sham, O-y HELP WANTED MALE. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. WANTS Camp blacksmith. $100 month. Machine hop blacksmith, city. $3.50. Country shop blacksmith. $3.50. Donkey engineers, $3; hook tenders $4.oO op. Millwrights, city and country, $4. Ratchet setter, small mill. $3. . Three carriage riders, $2.t-0 and Planer feeders, $2.50. Gang edgerman, $4. Offbearers and cutoff sawyers, $2.75. Millhands. $2.50 to $3. Edgerman, small mill. $3. Pond man, email mill. $2.50. Box factory nailers, $2.50 up. Door patchers, sash and door factory, $2-50 up or piece work. Rip sawyers for box factory. $2.50 up. Bov;v for box factory, and planing mills and box factories, wages $1.75 to $2. Toamoton RO 11 tl. Three waiters. $25 month and $11 week. Deckhands for river steamers. $35. Twenty loggers. $2.75 to $5. Ten farmhands, $30. $35 and $40. Concrete mixer. $3 up. Wood cutters. $1.23 cord. Cook for hotel at the beach. $60 up. Man and wife cook for boarding-house near city. $60 up. HUNDREDS OF OTHER JOBS. We ship North. South. East and West every day. Free fare and advanced fare- PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Main Office 12 North 2d St. WANTED Ahle-bodied men for the U. S- Ma rine Corps, between the ages of 19 and 35. Must be native born or have first papers. Monthly pay $15 to $69. Additional compensa tion possible. Food, clothing. Quarters and medical attendance free. After 30 years' srv loe cau retire with 75 per ceat of pay and al lowances. Service on board ship and ashore m all parts of the world. Apply at Breeden bldg.. fld and Washington ft.. Portland, Or. TWO steam shovel engineers, 1 craneman. free fare. Chef, small first-class resort. up. close in. Baker, coffee house, $18 a week. Kitchen help of all kinds; camp flunkies. 1 first-class cafe waiter. C. R. HANSEN &: CO. 26 N. 2d St. DRY GOODS SALESMEN WANTED. Experienced salesmen In dress goods, silks, linens and domestics wanted for the McAllen & McDonnell closing out sale. 3d st. entrance, ask for Mr. Fellermann. CAMP blacksmith, $3.50. Dump car repairer, $--zo. Loggers, millmen, farm help, city labor. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 26 N. 2d St. waxtkd First-nlaxfl uoholsterer and car pet man ; must -be able to sen gooos ana give estimates; srood thing for right party, X S99, Oregonian. WANTED A Japanese boy for housework and dining-room in a private lamuy; gooa wages. Apply R. H. Laoey, room 7, at -IdO1, Third st. STENOGRAPHER Bookkeeper, permanent position, advancement for young man nav ins some experience. Commercial Ab stract Co., 408 Commercial Club. TOT'vn tnnn with cxneripnce in retail bust nesa; wages $40 a moatti to start; gooa chance for advancement must reside with parents. Address kj hw, oregonian, WANTED presser and buahelman or Hoff man press operator for our dry cleaning department, opera House baunary. WANTED Office boy in wholesale house. good chance for promotion. Address m own handwriting. B OQ5. Oregonian. PRACTICAL solicitor. $15 per week and commispion. standard Chemical to., jo Hawthorne ave, STRONG young man to drive wagon, one familiar with maKing ireignt snipments. Inquire for Mr. (iooqwin, in 4tn st. ELDERLY man for small dairy; moderate work, some milking; Doara ; moaerate pay. S7 West Skldmore st. Russell-Shaver car. WANT live, experienced young man In real estate business ; no investment required. AJ 914. Oregonian. WE require the services of a few bright young men as salesmen. Appiy ioreuuuua, Jno. P. Sharkey Co. WANTED at once, two young men to learn to repair and drive automoDiies; posi tions awaiting. Call 50-52 North 7th st. BOY to clean up shop and make himself generally useful. Apply foruana irint- ing House Co., 388 Taylor Bt WANTED A eroom for a private stable. Apply ft. H. Lacey, room 7, at zoo Third street. WANTED 2 good carpenters for inside finish at 33d and Clinton. WANTED Immediately, a man to assist In care of invalid. i:au j-q 01 dps st. CABINET-MAKER Oregon Planing Mills, 19th and augnn WANTED 2 spinners at Bandon Woolen Mills. Bandon, or. WANTED Experienced dishwasher. Apply 4Ofi-408 E- Morrison st. YOUNG man to learn barber trade, or address A. Barker. Arleta, Or. WANTED Janitor or all-around man Rainier Hotel. 128 N. 6th st. WANTED Young man to learn the busi ness. TurKisn jaatns. loroeit. Diag. SMALL job-maker wanted. Address A Dyno. tailor, Hoqulam, Wash. WANTED An experienced priceman foi wholesale drug house. AL 899. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED pre r on ladles' cloaks and suits. Eastern Outfitting Co. WANT three number-one carpenter flniah ers: job at 56tb st. and Sandy road. WANT to let contract to clear land, ton. 515 Chamber of Commerce. Wai- BO Y w a n t ed over 1 6 287 Morrison st. years. Clarke Bros., LABORERS wanted. Independent Foundry Co., 23d and York ta. WANTED Photograph coupon agents; new offer; a winner. Cutberth, Dekum bldg. FIRST-CLASS salesman; big wages; perma nent. 315 Commercial Bldg. WANT a good plasterer at 11th and Hall sts. Call on carpenter a.t building. 5 FIRST-CLAS eelesmen wanted; steady work guaranteed. Apply S4 3d st. Parisian tailors. ART glass salesman wanted. Pacific Art Glass Works. 151 Front st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Respectable girl or woman over 20 to do housework in country boarding house, steady job and good home for re liable one. Write Lock Box 58. Under wood. Wash. AN xDerlenced pastry woman who can make salads; good wages for a first-class woman. Elton Court, llth and Yamhill. GIRL for general housework : must be good cook; good wages, email ramuy and mod em home. 800 Northrup st.. cor. 24th. WANTED At once, experienced fitter, out of city; good wages; steady employment. Call A 1246. WANTED Yamhill -Seamstress for shop work. 345 WANTED Good experienced hand lroners. Yale Laundry Co., 60O E. Morrison fit. WANTED Experienced girl for housework and cooking, good wages. Call 680 Hoyt st. WANTED A girl for second work at 163 1 2th and Morrison sts. GIRL for second work In small family. 760 Northrup st. Main zio&. WANTED Experienced general housework glru t-all 3 Hi N. Jtmn. xei. Main 8473 WANTED Girl to assist with care of baby. 5!5 Marshall st. FIRST-CLAS finishers on men's coats once. B. & S. C. Tailors, 142 4th st. WANTED Girl to assist with housework small family. 48 Market st. WANTED First-class laundress for hand laundry at 403 Jefferson st. WA NTED Woman or girl for housework 249 Va Haisey st. Eait 4311. COMPETENT girl for general housework and cooking. $a to $3. 304 mtn, cor. Mill. GIRL to assist with housework. son. 828 John- G1RL to do housework for two at Seaside, Or. AN 89 1 . Oregon ian. WANTED First-class millinery saleslady at the Crown nat io., .v.. aaornson st. WANTED Girl for cooking and house work. 251 N. 24th st. general YOUNG woman for light housework in small family. pnone j WANTED Good reliable girl housework. Phone East 1511. for light WANTED chlldren. -A girl for general housework; no Apply 381 Tenth st. APPRENTICE at the Elite hairdressing par lors WANTED Young girl for light housework. 60S Clinton. Sell wood 2g GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory No. 2. Grand ave. and East Taylor. WANTED Girl for light housework. 626 Third st. GIRL wanted to assist in general housework. Telephone Tabor 1975. , W NTED A girl for general housework. 5x0 Gilsan. GIRL to assist with general housework; wages $20. 388 Salmon st. lor cafeteria work 66 6th st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Cooks, waitresses, cook' help ers, chambermaids, housekeepers, shoot ing gallery girls, girls for general house work, etc. Good wages. NEW PLACES ALL THE TIME. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladles' Dept., 2o5s Morrison St. COOK, country hotel. $10 week; cook, boarding-house. $35; French governess. $30; s pantry woman, $30; chambermaids, $30 and $25; waitress (out of city), $30 and $25 ; restaurant waitress. $S and $9 ; fam ily cook. $45; helpers, $20 and $25; house keeper, $15. HANSEN'S LADIES" AGENCY, 345 a Washington St.. Room 7. WANTED Experienced girls to make shirts and overalls: also a few learners. Mount .blood Factory, 233 Couch. SALESWOMEN WANTED. Experienced saleswomen wanted In all departments for the McAllen & McDonnell closing out sale. 3d st. entrance, ask for Mr. Fellermann. WANTED Woman solicitors to work on commission; write Crystal Springs r inisn lngr Works, 76) Umatilla ave., Portland, Or. JACKET. SKIRT AND GOWN HANDS. Experienced, first-class workers. Apply at once to Olds. Wortman & King. REFINED, educated woman, over 30 years. understanding plain sewing, to care tor el derly lady. Must have some knowledge of music. H 903, Oregonian. WANTED Lady, married or single, to col lect on monthly accounts; commission paid and ' expenses; give references. Ad dress P. Q. Box 544. Oakland. Cal. 60CIETY editor for weekly publication ; social standing and some financial DacK Ing required. Address Hotel Topics, 503 Pioneer bldg.. Seattle. Wash. WANTED" Girls over 16, steady employ ment, good wages. Take elevator to third, floor. Western Ruching & Mfg. Co., 63 Fifth st. t WANTED Young lady to call on postcard aeaiers witn new line or postcaras; saiary or commission. Apply today, 512 Ger- linger bldg. WANT a good, steady lady to assist in house. garden and cow-keeping ; gooa nome to right party. Will pay small wages. B 004. Oregonian. t WANTED Cooks. $40 to $50; waitresses. $8 to $9 week. $25 month; chambermaids. Howe's Ladies' Agency, room 307, 326 H Washington st. WANTED Experienced girl or young wom an for general housework and cooking, family of 2; references required. Call B 2618. WANTED A neat, reliable young girl to . assist in general housework; none but re sponsible party need, apply. Address M 002, Oregonian. WANTED Agents to solicit in country and towns: liberal commission. Write Crystal Springs Finishing Works, 760 Umatilla avenue. Portland. Or. WANTED Stronar -irl for Keneral housework; must be plain cook. 795 Irving St.. corner 24th. ELDERLY woman to do cooking and general work on a farm, near Council crest, u y, Oregonian. BUSINESS firm desires a woman not under 80 who is trustworthy and energetic. K LADY clerk for. dry goods; experienced; city references required. Aiexanuer, .ia ana Thurman. fiTRIii ovr IK to work in has factory Apply Ames. Harris, Neville Co., 5th and Davis. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. 826 Washington St., Room 807. Main 8836 or A 3266. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 6434 Washington St., Cor. 7th, Upstairs. Phone Main 2692. WANTKD Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. viavi co., ouv nou' child bldg., 4th and Washington. WANTED An experienced girl for general -housework ; innnisn girl preierrea. Aa dress M 3. O re gonian. WANTED Experienced girl for housework and cooking; good wages. 741 Irving. Main I EXPERIENCED eirl wanted in confection ery store and light iuncnes. wasn- ington st. WANTED A first-class waist and skirt hand at Mrs. M. Bagley's. 230 Fliedner bldg. WOMAN wanted for plain country house work; none but steady need apply; tier- man preferred. Box 33, Cathlamet, wash. FOUR girls for shooting galleries, between and years; gooa wages, a ppiy io 250 First st. WANTED A ladv stenographer and book keeper for a hard wa re store. Address w . tJ. IJ.. yox inaepenaence, kjtk&.'u. WANTED Ladies, we bleach, sew, dye and remodel hats, dye plumes at price, aioaei Millinery, 387 Yamhill. A CiTHRATE tvoewrlter for abstract work steady position and advancement. Atj ewo. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen eral housework; small family; good wages; rc;erenCes required. 295 West Park st. PRIVATE lesson in bookkeeping; day or nisrht: terms reasonable, in. h.. corner or 13th and Belmont. East 1484. WANTED Experienced sewing girl. RYAN & uhkikm, laiiors 367 Morriswn st. tv a vtkd Good, bright, younsr Kirl for en eral housework m small family and home. A. Holtz, 711 Hoyt. EXPERIENCED girl, general housekeeping, good wages. East 4790. 731 Hawthorne: cor. 22 d. WANTED Gtrt to do second work. 893 West Park. WANTED Girl for general housework by el derly lady alone. 54i 7th st. GOOD miliinery-makers wanted. Apply Low engart & Co. COMPETENT trl eeneral housework: sma family; good wages. Call A. M .. Hrz Overton WOMAN wanted to do baking and help i kitchen. Apply 386 e. Burnside. FINISHERS wanted on men's neckwear. Columbia Neckwear Mfg. Co., 291 Vz Stark WANTED Girl to work in fruit stand. North 4th. A 5029. WANTED Girls for mangle departmen Yale Laundry. 500 East Morrison. LESSONS in Shorthand and Typewriting by expert., o a muimi. i? itvu. Jiam oo,o WAMTF.n 3 exoerienced arlrls for dionln; chocolates: good wages. 383 Burnside st. W ANT&D Experienced operators a ils & ln learners. 75 1st st. on ovw- GIRL about 16 to help with housework good home. 9Q1 Williams ave. GIRL for housework, small family, good wages. 733 E. Couch. Phone E. 401. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. MAN or woman with $150 can make $6 to $10 day; full Investigation desired. Suite 506 Goodnougn Diag. - GOOD live solicitors, ladles or gents, be tween 2 and 4 o'clock. 110 Union ave. FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY offers good positions to A-l instructors. 611 S wetland. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. WANTED By young business man of abil ity and first-class record, employment ii anv line: would prefer jcrocery or whole sale commission connection; Al references. Address M 899, uregonian. WANTED By capable young man. position as assistant oooKKeeper, cuiiector or any tning witn a ruture. jesx rererencea. 901. Oregonian. TRAVELING salesman wants position witn hardware or machinery supply house; 3 years experience on road; references. AJ 904, Oregonian. YOUNG man bookkeeper-stenographer wants position; beet of references. J 902. Ore gonlan. Miscellaneous. SALESMAN of character and force, who Is familiar with Portland realty values, de sires to associate himself with a high grade real estate concern; can furnish references as to character and ability. S R6, Oregonian. PROFESSIONAL chauffeur wants position; ran keen car out of shop; references. 1025 E. 14th st. N. YOUNG man wishes to care for country place ; sober, experienced. A J 903, Ore- n gonian. EXPERT milker wishes job on dairy. G 901, Oregonian. POSITION wanted by experienced steam fit ter's helper; stranger. M 901, Oregonian. WANTED Position garden work by good experienced Japanese. AL 898, Oregonian. MAN and wife want position together; wo man first-class cook. E 901. Oregonian. CARPENTER foreman wants situation; can get results. Phone Woodlawn 2633. GRADUATE male nurse wishes employment, as such; sober. J 901. Oregonian. JAP A NESS Bmploym-nt Co. will furnish ail feelpt -fain, 4659, A -073. 263 5verett m SITUATION WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. YOUNG man. just arrived from the East (New York City), wishes position with elec trical contractor; years' experience with all makes of electric elevators. Last position held as inspector for electrical concern. He ply to G. Anderson. 201 Crosby st. WANTED Work in a fruit orchard by a young single man, Swede, with some iperience, sober and steady; not afraid of work ; good mechanic, handy with tools. M 900, Oregonian. . POSITION WANTED Young man, already employed, desires an office position for part time. Good education. Speaks German and English. Experienced in dealing with the public. Phone Main 7285. CHAUFFEUR wants position, private family; steady, sober, attentive to duties; 18 months experience; can do own repairing. Call 695 B. Everett, between 8:30 and 10.30 CONSTRUCTION foreman, 6 years one company, desires to locate in Portland; best of references. Address C 901 Orego Tiian. YOUNG married man wishes position as fireman for oil burner; thoroughly ex perienced: References. H. Frenna, 87ft Ross st'. I LIKE Portland, but I must work; what have you to offer to exchange for hustle 1 and ability t c tfuu. oregonian. JAPANESE man desired as janitor in business house. Address Frank H., 107 Park st., city. COOK wishes nosition In hotel or boarding- house, city or country; experienced dinner 1 and oaKing. jsewman. L'a Mortn da si. MAN and wife went job cooking in Summer resort or Doaroing nouse. u wu. ore gonian. GOOD Japanese boy desires position at nousework in the country. 1 - ito, f. j. Box 226. city. GOOD experienced Japanese wants position to do second work in private iamii recommendations. AL SO", Oregonian. LAWYER. 25. 2 years' business office work. desirea position in abstracting or insurance office, to learn business. E Wf, oregonian. BUTCHER, good beef dresser and bologna- maker, wants position. Address i icaer- quell. Hotel Rheinpfalg. Front st. CHAUFFEUR Experienced Japanese wants position in Vancouver; goca reierences. 121 15th north. OAPARI.R woman desires wash inc. ironing. cleaning. Invalid nursing: cooks. St. Loin? Agency. 803 H Wash. Main 2039, A 4i POSITION .as chauffeur and repairman; 9 years experience. ttest recommendations. Packard preferred. AE 907. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers anj Stenographers. POSITION wanted bv a first-clasa bookkeep er and stenographer; best or reterenoes. u 902. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER High School graduate. best reference, desires permanent situa- tion. E 9Q4. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer with business ability would like position in hotel at sea- ehore for the season. AiS. 910, uregonian. POSITION wanted by bookkeeper; references. 610B. Ash st. Phone B 1320. EXPERIENCED stenographer wants posi- tion. pnone c isn alter 0:0. YOUNG LADY desires position as cashier I or bookkeeper. A J 905. Oregonian. Dressmakers. PLAIN sewing, prices reasonable; children's cresses a specialty, pnone aeii. we "make thUigs fit." ANGELES Dressmaking Parlors. 826 Wash ington st., snite 216. Main 983, A 03St. WA NTED First-class dressmaking and sewing oy the day. Phone Tabor 483. STYLISH dres!es, $5 up; waists, $1 up; fine work: references. o2 iJ. mui st. t.ast ozro. Norses. PRACTICAL NURSE, can give massage treatments. no maternity cases. itaiea very reasonable. Call East 3372. MIDDLE-AGED. experienced, references. A practical nurse; doctors' Hon&ekeeperg. REFINED Englishwoman wants a situation as housekeeper; good cook; and references. Address F. Stanton, 1275 riawtnorne ave. YOTTNrt ladv would like nositlon as house keeper lor old coupie. vvo. uregu- nian. CAPABLE woman wishes a position as house keeper in the country. AK B04, uregonian. POSITION as housekeeper or chamber work in lodging-house. li VHn, oregonian. Domestics. STRONG experienced German girl wants washing, ironing; no half days. Main 4Mg. Miscellaneous. LADY -going East desires- to chaperon young or old person, or aare ior mvaua, xor ex- pensc, F S77. Oregonian. SWEDISH cirl wants general housework; exoerienced. 193 iiortli litn. uau irom 9 to 12 A. M. TRUSTWORTHY lady wishes care of home in absence of owners ior room rent, tan personally. 73" Overton Bt. LADY'S maid. French; good seamstress. hairdresser, or with cniinren ; Phone A 8132. ISO 17th st. can teach. WOMAN wants work by day; no half days; reference. Phone East WANTED House cleaning, ironing or wash- lng. sell wood 14pu. LADY wants place sweeping or cleaning by dav or hour, t; uregonian. YOUNG lady would like position in small store. m F 9Q2. Oregonian IF YOU have any washing or scrubbing to do. phone Tabor 4t:. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Reliable men who can sell trees for largest nursery in ttie west. For further particulars address Oregon Nur- sery Co.. urenco, ur. SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash weeklv selline choice nursery stock: out fit free. Capital City Nursery Company, Salem. Oregon. SALESMAN making Eastern Oregon to carry sideline mens neckwear on commis sion. Columbia Neckwear Mfg. Co., 2914 Stark st. WE positively have the fastest selling house hold patent on the market. Woolverine Co.. Pittsburg, pa. LADIES and gentlemen for staple article. sells like wildfire; big commissions. North- west Distributing Co.. 4im Main st. AGENTS wanted," every county In the state. to sell the best household article ever manufactured. 41 Union ave. East 654. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT. About May 1, modern 7 or 8-room house. with furnace, good-size yard. East Side preferred. Like Rose City Park. State location and rent, unfurnished. References given. Address AD S9. Oregonian. Houses. WANTED To rent by responsible family of I 3 adults, modern nouse, nrsi-ciass neigh borhood, .on 1111 or roruana iieignts. Address ir. u. pox 4. WANTED to rent furnished 4 or 5-room house, close in, rent not more than $25; no children. purnfiae st.. room 7. WANTED 3 or 9-room modern house on West Side ; desirable neighborhood. E 894, Oregonian. WANTED Furnished apartment or house, 4 rooms, close in, nrsi-ciass. o 94, Ore- gonian. WANTED A seven or eight-room house on West Side; furnished or unfurnished. AK 907. Oregonian. MODERN unfurnished house by reliable ' party; West Side. A POO. Oregonian. Apartments. COMMENCING about May 5. couple of cosy housekeeping rooms, suitable for bachelor not over $10 per montn. ewst Side. N 902. Oregonian. Rooms With Board. 33 17TH ST. N. One block off Washington ; fine neighborhood; walking distance; well- 1 furnished corner suite; also single rooms; hoard optional. ROOM and board, close in. by month: pri vate family; not over $25. N 900, Ore- aronian. WANTED By an elderly lady, sunny room with board, on East Side, preferably in Irv ing ton. H 902. Oregonian. YOUNG LADY employed, wishes room and board among refined people; references. Address O 901, Oregonian. FOR RENT. furnished Rooms. THE VALLAMONT, cor. Yamhill and West Park; steam heat; all outside rooms; fine furniture; table board if desired; free bath, pnone, parior. LARRABEE HOTEL, 227 Larrabee, near Holladay ave. New brick bldg.; every con venience; reasonable; permanent and tran stent. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 H tark. corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes. THE KING, 309 Jefferson Nicely furnished rooms, modern conveniences, central, $2.50 per week and up. including bath. "NICELY furnished rooms. 490 Burn side c; $2 -per week ad up. Phone Mala 6613 FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. NEW MODERN THE MOODY HOUSE CLEAN 268 Third St.. Cor. Jefferson St. New fireproof building and furnishings throughout; desirable neighborhood; four minutes' walk to business center; rooms and suites; large, light and airy; hot and cold water; steam heat; gas and electric -lights; call bells; free baths; clean porce lain tubs; lavatories convenient. Take S" car at depot to Ohlrd and Jefferson sts. We aim to satisfy; that Is why we please our TRANSIENT AND PERMANENT PA TRONS. Rates $3. $5, $6. $7 per week. A 7731 PHONES Main 8639- HOTEL RAINIER. 140 ROOMS. 1 BLOCK FROM DEPOT. New,, modern, fireproof building, steam- j heated, hot and cold running water in all rooms, richly furnished, finest beds that money can buy. ana it aoesn t cose any more than some cheap lodging-house; nice large office on ground floor; everything first-class; rates, COc. 75c and $1 per day; $3.50 and up per week. Call and ! see us. 128 6th st. North. Homelike. Homelike Homeilke. "LN THE HEART OF THE) CITY." NEW SCOTT HOTEL 7th and Ankeny sts. Free was their depot carriage, I took It os the spot; There may be other houses Just as good. But X guess nou A 4utet home for quiet people. SOME SWELL ROOMS? YES. Hot and cold water, and phones in all rooms, risrht in heart of fit v. where your friends can visit you ; modern fireproof buildintr : rent from $4.50 week up; iree phones, free baths, and all-night elevator service. 246 Vx Yamhill St., near Third. Drexel Hotel. HOTEL MINNESOTA. 88 North 5th St.. S. K. Cor. Flanders. New brick building, steam heated, por celain baths, fine large office on ground floor, elegant beds, everything absolutely new and clean: rates only 2.50 and up per week; 50c and 75c per day. 3 blocks irora Union Depot. HOTEL SAVON. 131 Eleventh Street. NEW. modern brick building: STEAM- HEATED, nrivate baths, running water in all rooms: TELEPHONES IN EACH kuujj ; special rates by tne wees: ana month. TRANSIENT TRADE solicited. THE WEAVER. 710 Washington, near King; bath, hot and cold water; phone, steam heat In every room ; strictly modern ; fine large office, ground floor; by far the best in the city for tne money; rooms $25 per month and up. can and inspect. HOTEL ANTLERS, 404 hk Washington St. Modern brick building, steam-heated. private batns, running water in rooms. electric light, free phone; special rates by week or montn; transient trade so- ncited THE BARTON. 13th and Aider, is now undergoing a thorough - renovation; 70 steam heated, electric-lighted rooms, all outside. Rates . 75c day; $10 month up. Suites with running water $20 month up. yaones ana oatn tree. - HOTEL B RES LIN. i 4 Washington, cor. llth. Steal a heat, hot and cold water, baths, nicely furnished rooms, $3 per week up transient rates, 70c up. HOTEL BAKER, Fifth St.. opposite City Hall. New. beautifully furnished; steam heat; hot, cold water in every room; public and private batns. permanent; transient. THE GLENDORA, 19th and Couch, fur nished rooms, $2.00 per weeK. and up; par lor and piano; billiard and pool free to guests ; large shady lawn and veranda; best location in city. HOTEL BUSHMARK. Washington and 17 th, hrst-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern con vent e ncca; $3 weekly u p. A 261 1. M . 5 64 7 . HOTEL IRVING. - 6th and Oak: large, handsomely furnished: running hot and cold water; steam heat; reasonable ; permanent and transient. FINE furnished outside room in brick build ing, suitable tor 1 or 2; sieam heat, hot an4 com ULtr, um 01. uaLu. 4g ajtningt.on bi. NICELY furnished suite of 2 rooms, suitable for 2 to 4 peopie; not and cold water, steam heat, bath; brick building. $ per week. 422 1 wasnington st. HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main 1 furnished rooms, single or en suite, at rea sonable prices, moaorn conveniences. Op- poslte the piaza, FURNISH ED rooms. Elm Place, formerly Elton Court Annex. 414 xamnui and llta. T.K7 R X Modern roams. $5u to 45 per week. 548 wasmngtou st. ANTLER HOTEL. 10TH AND WASHINGTON REASONABLE RATES. BJSST LOCATION NICE furnished rooms. $1.50 per week; free pnone. nam. Z is. mn, cor. iurnside st. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. VERY desirable rooms in fine neighbor hood; quiet, tresn air; not and cold water; suitable tor one or two gentlemen. 7 2i Prospect Drive, Portland Heights. Phone' Main H57. THREE elegantly furnished rooms In mod ern flat; electric lights, gas and bath. every modern convenience. Main 4929. 1SS 15th st- VERY pleasant, light, newly furnished rooms, with an conveniences : walking distance or 3-minute car service; reasoo able; at 590 1st st. Phone A 7320. NICELY furnished front room ; piano, fire place, electric iignis. iso. 41 t;na ?t., cor. Washington ; for one or two gentlemen ; both telephones; walking distance. FOR RENT Furnished front room, suitable for lady, with or witnout board; walk ing distance and terms reasonable. 210 Vi 14th st. VERY nicely furnished large room, largo closet, o windows, line surroundings, iu minutes' walk; reasonable. Phone Main 2S16. SPLENDID practically new furniture of 7- room flat: nice home; everything cora- plete. 3Q2 Park. TWO nice clean, well -furnished rooms, all conveniences. no.inii:noma.n jiud. o44, Yamhill st. t-aii tor -mus tiecKer. 1 iVKGE. cheerful front rooms, witn every ! convenience, in private tamuy. tu -Norm : 2 let st. ONE large front room downstairs in pri vate house, suitable tor two; large yard; $2.50 per week. 332 1st at., near Market. $2.25 PER week, newly furnished room. Eleventh st. $8.56 MONTH Nice pleasant, room, bath; v minutes w a 1 k . w wi r l. NICELY furnished bedroom, $9 per month. 26 12th st. NICELY furnished room, bath, phone, home comforts, a NICELY furnished room $-; bath and phone. 315 12th st. TWO good rooms, new. modern house. West Side, reasonable, central. Main 2219. NEATLY" furnished room for rent. $6 a month. 618 Qulmpy at., near 1 tfL.n. NICELY furnished front room for young couple or two gentlemen. .ortn llth. NIC ELY furnished rooms, walking distance. private r:imny. i uuhb a N ("ELY new furnished room suitable for Phone East 2401. 4 4 East 17t h s t. FOR RENT Beautifully room. 360 1 Park st. furnished front fnf nrnlshed Rooms. THREE unfurnished rooms, with bath, nicely decorated, fine location, at $12. Adults only. 537 Montgomery. Phone M. 1018. UNFURNISHED housekeeping rent. 311 Cherry st. East 5250. Rooms With Board. rooms lur THE MAGNOLIAS, 617 KEARNEY ST. tmi Summer home, beautiful srrounds. finest rooms, with best home cooking in ciiy rooms. wi- u .n. muu erii conveniences; moderate rates. PORTLAND Women's Union. 22d year, room with board, use of sewing-room and li-va-v kio Flanders st. Miss Frances N. Heath, Supt. Woman's Excnange. 1&6 5th Bt. Mrs. i- tU' J1 pupt. aa 17TH ST. NORTH, one block off Wash ington well frnished corner suite; also single rooms; board optional. THE COLONIAL, 105 and jtj7 10th St., cor- ner Morrison. Select xamily hotel; reason- able rates. 554 COUCH Outside rooms, single and double. Good home cooking: clean and convenient. THE CALVARD Suites or single. 452 Mor- rison. cor. 13th. Choice accommodations. Rooms With Board In Private Family. KICELY turnisneo room, an modern, no other roomers, gooa car service; break fast if desired. 1105 East Yamhill at. VERY desirable room and board. East Side, newly rurnianu, moKing. $ GOOD board and room, cioklrg. Main 7016. reasonable; home ROOM and board, one or two gentlemen, in private amuy. tn oo. aiKct si. 2-ROOM suite: also single room ; choice board. 71'- Hoyt st. COZY room, with good home cooking, for Wo -NOi Jo. -XI u -urrot wu- ooo FOR RENT. Rooms With Board In Private Family.k young lady employed rrtrf rninnflhiA' no other boarder. East Ankenv carline. near 2Mh. Home phone, B 12ss. LARGE room with board, pleasant suburhan home, reasonable, near car. .cai cor. Tavlor. Phone Tabor 207. ROOM and board for 1 or 2 men; front room. everything modern. West siae, wi-"k - tance. Main 32ft. NICELY furnished rooms, with or w tnoui board; modem apartment. o4i lamnm. SINGLE room with board in modern private home ; references requirea. -g-t :-z Apartments. ANGELA APARTMENTS 39 Trinity Place. between 19th and 20to sts., ner - -i i.mnm aoartments, new pressed "brick building just completed; every modern convenience- phone exchange and elevator; close to business centers; very reasonable prices md excellent service- .. HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia. 4 blocks from Morrison st. ; new 01 building, completely first-class, furnished in 2. 3 and 4-room family apartments, pri vate oatn, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone ; some untur niahod; janitor service; rent reasonable. OR DE LEIGH APARTMENTS. 82 Grand Ave., S. E. cor. E- Stark. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Beautifullv furnished 3-room apart ments; modern; no objection to children; $JS to $35 per month. East 300. BAN u VER Apartments, corner King tnd v as til dk ton sts., i-room -pm every modern convenience, including steam neat, not water, private ram, and janitor service; rent very reasonable. WELLINGTON COURT. 2, 3 OR 4-room apartments, up to aat in every respect, walking distance from business centfcr; furnished and unturnisnea. 15th and Everett sts. pnone 31am 10. STEAM-HEATED 5-room apartment, mod ern and desirable; 525 HTverett t. appu Morgan, Fleldner & Boyce. 503 Ablngtoa bldg. FOR RENT Modern 4-room apartment. King's Heights Apartment House, cor. King and Wayne sts.; furnished, $55; un furnished, $40. Apply janitor. THE SllEFlfiLD, 7th and Jefferson sts.; unfurnished apartment with bath, every convenience; desirable location; reason able rent. Main 2o0ti. A S149. THREE and 4-room unfurnished apartments; telephone, heat, hot and hold, water, jani tor service. Madison Park Apts., Park and Madison. FIVE-ROOM, steamheated. modern apart ment witn janitor service (partial case ment), finest in city for the money. Ap ply to janitor, 21st and KLearney. THE MERCEDES Elegantly furnished 2- room apartments, hot and cold, running water and all modern conveniences; $14 to $30. Corner 2tfth and Washington st JEFFERSON IAN Apartments, loth and Jef ferson; lurnished 2 or 3-room apartments, clan and modern; rent $ 20 or $ 25 . ST. CROIX Apartments. 170 St. Clair St. Modern uniurnlshed 3-room apartments; fine residence location and reasonable rent. THE LAXUOKK, 2SS 10th, near Jefferson; perfectly new 3-ruom suite, completely fur ntehed for housekeeping; sleeping porch. 3-ROOM furnished apartment, sleeping porch. 2 large closets, pnone ana neau oj. Yamhill. East 17U. THE RE-UK AN MOST EXCLUSIVE FIR- N I SHED APARTMENTS IN Iriitf till. BOTH PHONES. 6114 MARSHALL ST. THE HARTFORD. 21st and Flanders. One beautifully fur- Tiished front 3-room apartment. THE BERYL. One front apartment for rent; every thing modern. 695 Lovejoy st. W car. IRIS APARTMENTS, 3d and. Mill. 1st of April, 4 rooms, 32. FOR RENT Completely furnished apartment. to 2 adults, pnone a 4dws mornings. MORTON, 697 Washington st. One unfur- niched 3-room apartment; best location. 6-ROOM, steam heated apartments. bee janitor 325llth st. Main 5495. HANDSOMELY furnished 6-room corner apart ment. The Marlborougn. lt ana lanoers. FOR RENT New and strictly modern 6- rooru flats on 20th ana aurei sis., -rors-land Heights, rent $40. Apply WAKEFIELD. FRIES CO- 85 Fourth st. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co. Main 1615, A 1WS4. JVii coverea -wm.' ons. alt experienced men. MODERN furnished 4-room flat, steam heat. walking distance, easonaoio r.ent. couei Drug Co. ONE new 6-room modern f it; S" and "S" carline. Inquire at drugstore, front ana ,f.ibbssts. 6-ROOM UPPER FIAT. Grand ave. and Oregon; house new; va cant May 7; adults. Phone East 471. STRICTLY modern 6-room upper fiat on Johnson st-, near 4tn. pnone oiain iom. .50 Alder St. w 4-ROOM lower fiat, newly furnished, papered and cleaned. 2i3 Montgomery st. mono A 539. MODERN lower 5-room flat, sleeping porch. 60 4 E. Alder, pnone aiaintoo. t 5-ROOM strictly modern fiat; good location. 2'K Cherry st. pnone mo. MODERN 5-room. downstairs flat, with small yard. Apply at S04 Front st. NOB HILL flat, o rooms, mouern- rurnace. fireplace. it. A. weooer. mam -uqp. A STRICTLY modern upper outside 5-room flat. 773 1 Mississippi ave. Take L car. NICELY furnished corner flat, walking dis tance ca 1 1 per ore t f- ai. w ,a v- MODERN flat, 6 rooms and bath. 731 Hoyt st. InuOlre 132 6th st. M ain 627S. . FLAY of 8 rooms and bath; hot-air fur- n ace. 598 Salmon st. Key 600 Salmon st. rf r rooms: bath.. hot-air furnace. 60S Sa 1 mon st. Key OttQ Salmon Bt. 739 OVERTON; modern flat, 6 sunny roomsi references. Main 859. m 328 PARK ST. Furnished fiat for couple. Housekeeping Rooms. tuit nwiVF.. 12th and Marshall sts. Newly furnisn;a tor nouscfteoyjus, mciuu-ins- afl.4 ranee, electric lights, hot water. baths, laundry, reception-room, all free; furnished apartments $15 per month up; single housekeeping rooms. $2-50 week up; best in city for money; short distance from Union Depot. "S" or 16th-st. cars north, get off at Marshall st. No dog- allowed. "ONKONTA" APARTMENTS, 187 17th. near Yamnlll VV car at uruij. o nu i-imn furnished suites; hot and cold, phones and baths free; $20 per month, $5 per week and up. Main 46!7. A 4739. $1.26 TO $2.00 week, clean, furnished house keeping rooms; iuun y, ua m, puuu, furnace heat. 406 Vancouver ave. CAMBRIDGE BLDG. 3d and Morrison St., furnisned room xr (ju----ijiiib. room 36. SUNNY, clean housekeeping, single or en suite ; $ per ween ana up. au ovt ai der st. Phone A 4282. DESIRABLE two and three-room unfur nished suites, ruin a,., vo i euerson. Beautiful central luCRtion. UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms for rent; electric ngnis, 1 u-uuig water. i i; n i on ave. East 654. NICELY furnished front housekeeping suite; close in. 4MV-3 wasn. THE MILNER, S&v siorrison, cor. Park. Home apanmenia, a. 11 uuuveniBnce-. THE ELMS 2 and S-room apartments; fur- nlsried. -J- x-m NICE furnished nouseiceeptnK rooms. $1- 631 H wasnington uor. in. TWO or 3 very nice large modem house M st. keeping rooms. pm $1.25 week, clean fur. housekeeping rooms. neat. launm J . uam- .-vo j i -.limn. -jj car. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; walking d istance. s 1 aimon, near 1 itn. IRV1NGTON A 4-room well furnished apartment ; vara. cast i. $1.50 week, large, clean furn. housekeeping rooms; launury. Dam, gas. , x4 bnerman. SINGLE and housekeeping rooms, strictly modern; reasonable. 490 Morrison st. THE COLLINS 503 Alder st.. furnished housekeeping rooms, with all conveniences. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Pamilj-. 4 NICELY furnished conuecting rooms on lsl floor, suitable for 2 families. 194 17th st. X. 1 THREE modern outside housekeeping rooms. newly furnished. In beautiful new home. Fnst !4:;o. - CLEAN suite housekeeping rooms; a!so one single. rirtn st.. near Htrrlson. S-ROOM suite in private home; heat, light and water. r.iHi Eaat Burnside. FRONT alcove, furnished for light house keeping. 4ou lamnin st. COMFORTABLE single housekeeping room, lurnace m-m, n, pimim. -ro StarK St. TWO nicely furnished front housekeeping r 00 m 3 ; goon 1 of a t ion : -i o m t s. 262 14 th sr. 5tm FLANDERS, bet. 14th and 15th. fur- nlshcd housekeeping rooms. SUITE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. r nun si. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms modern cottage. 271 Market st. ROOM completely furnished yaiklng distance. 146 w lath, .v- i f in