Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 16, 1910, Page 18, Image 18

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All Improved, fruit, garden truck, neat,
well pain tad house, near 'beautiful stream
and car. 30-mlnute ride. $1500 or $2000 down
will take ltt balance can be paid off by
selling part In a short time; property In
brush across street selling for as much
per acre; best suburban line out of town;
nice place for a home as well as a great
speculation and an Income producer from
$200 PER ACRE.
Small orchard of finest shipping ap
ples and crop goes with place ; pkenty of
water; apples in this section cannot be
. excelled; you will be with other apple or
chardists, not Isolated, a point you must
note; an hour's ride from Portland, right
on the electric Una. If you don't pick up
one of these tracts at once they'll be
We have many other tracts to suit from
1100-acre grain ranches to 1-acre subur
ban homes.
Room 209 Gerlinger Bldg., Aider St.,
Near Second.
78 acres, only 4 mile to Brush Prairie,
Clark Co.. Wash.. 40 acres under the plow,
land lays rolling, fine creek through a
corner of the place; fenced with wire and
board; 0 fruit trees; 5-room house,
painted; 2 barns; fine school only Vi mile
away; 6 tore, post off ice ; a fine water sys
tem could be maintained from creek. This
place must be seen to be appreciated ; price
only $u,CH0, ca3h, balance to suit. Let
my agents. D. S. Cameron Reahy Co.. 510
Washington St.. Vancouver. Wash., show
. this place to you. ahd if you do not want
ali of it. I will cut it up for you.
Alberta wheat lands for five years have
produced the largest average yields of
wheat on the American Continent; our
booklets will give you facts and figures
and the names and addresses of numerous
farmers in Alberta who have grown 40
to 60 bushels of wheat. 80 to 120 bushels
of oats and 3 to 4 tons of timothy to
the acre and other crops in proportion;
Alberta is the finest stock country in the
world; stock graze the year around; write
or call at once for free literature.
$12 to $18 AN ACRE, all near rail
ways and towns. NEXT LOW-RATE EX
Colonization Agents Canadian Pacific
425-20-27-28 Lumhermens Bldg.
12,300 ACRES.
land in the Upper Sacramento Valley, Cali
fornia; well watered, well located ; good
railroad and steamship transportation fa
cilities; over 40O0 acres grain land, i 500
acres alfalfa land, balance land covered
with oak timber; excellent hog land; tim
ber worth considerable ; ranch fenced and
cross-fenced ; necessary corrals ; residence
of eight rooms, fair condition, cottage for
help, two large barns, good well and plenty
of living water for all purposes; about 2f0
oattle included In sale price; only $12.50
per acre; terms one-third cash, balance to
702 Market St.,
r Pan Francisco. Cal.
PVHEN you wish to buy a residence, do you
go to a timber dealer? When you want a
load of wood do you phone the laundry
man? When you conclude to buy or trade
for a wheat farm, why go to real estate
men, who know nothing about that class
of property? I am the best posted man.
In this line, in Oregon, owning, and farm
ing many thousands of acres, and having
options on many thousands more; why am
1 not the one to see? I have farms to sell,
some to exchange, also control several
thousand acres under proposed irrigation
K. MOORE, SIT Board of Trade. Portland.
150 acres, loo acres in crops. 5 acres
fine orchard. 10 acres in potatoes, balance
it grass and large timber, excellent soli,
lies well and is weH -watered with two
big springs and two good wells, fine im
provements; new. two-story. S-room house,
large barn, granaries, stocksheds and farm
machinery; horses, harness, wagons, etc. ;
16 miles from Portland. 2 miles from sta
tion ; everything. - crop included, goes to
buyer; good roads, phone and rural free
delivery; $12,500 will handle; good terms
on balance. See Jno. McCune. room 501
Merchants Truft Bldg.. 326tfc Wash, st.
"Here la your chance" if vou are look
ing for a home in the beautiful Willam
ette valley. "I have it." and will sell
cheap 25 acres of the best ONION land in
valley, with 40 lO-year-old English wal
nut trees. 3V fine variety apple trees,
20o choice cherry trees, 8-room house,
good barn, onion house. fruit and dry
house. Thla plaoe is within li miles of
small town on main line of S. p. For fur
ther information write R. M. Lewis, Box
S30, Woodburn, Or.
This is the very best name we can think
of for our 5-acre m u bd 1 v ifion. Mull noroah
Acres No. 2. A piece of land that will
grow anything; on one of these fine tracts
there is a mwll orchard, an old house and
a good well and barn, besides one acre of
strawberrrios: on another there is a very
large hophouse that an industrious worker
could convert into a very nifty house and
till have lumber eno-ugh for a good barn ;
on this piece there is also about one acre
of fine strawberries. Only 7 miles from
Courthouse, on good county road, milk
route, mail route, telephone; even your gro
ceries delivered to your door; only i mile
from carl i ne and 2 miles from a 7 c car
fare; $250 gives you poseslon. Smith
t Wagoner Co.. 811-312 Lewis- bldg.
Fine 3 -acre home, $1500.
40 acres best of farm land, good build
ings, close to railroad; $6600; 70 acres, 50
cultivated, fine dwelling, water system,
rich soil. You must come quick; $7500.
27-acre farm, house, barn, etc., mile
carline, with stock, tools, household goods;
$4200; J7 acres very rich soil; $4000.
The soil on all of above is guaranteed
to be the very best, and all are finely lo
cated. I also have the best 10-acre tracts
at from 100 per acre up, all cleared, that
you can find anywhens. You are foolish
to stick around Portland and pay the
prices you do. Come and see
Hubbard. Or.
for sale, trade or rent, list it with us for
quick returns.
110 2d St. Phone Marshall 1567, A 1567.
100x100 GROUND,
On paved street and choice location on
good house and room for good flats; will
ll for less than other like property has re
cently old for nearby.
fill Oerllnger Hldg.
Grand Trunk Pacific Railway terminal;
center richest farming area; banks, busi
ness establishments already purchasers;
lots $150 up. i cash ; farm ianda also
Northern Development Co., Vancouver,
B. C.
Choice comer on Went Side, 3 blocks
south of Morrison st.. with fine new flats,
under guaranteed lease at good rental; don't
overlook this.
Ml Gerlinger P. 1 dg.
FOR SALE u block, close in; Income.
Address D S75. Oregonian.
ISO ACRES, good land and having 3.250.000
reet tine timber, in Yamhill County; owned
bv Eastern party and compelled to sell at
once; only $1250. Call at once. 513 Cham
ber of Commerce. J
TIMBER lands wanted.
8Q4 McKay bldg.
C J. McCracken.
WE want 5, 10, 20, 40. SO and 160-acre
farms. We have the parties that have th
money If your price is right; we will sell
them at once. Full particulars In first
letter or call. Owners only Nlmmo &
Runey. 13 Hamilton bldg.
fOR fourth of crop, 1100-acre wheat farm
near Olax, Gilliam County. Oregon; abun
dant water. B. T. Cox. Sd sU, Port
land, Or.
This fine home. ooruri sting of 142 acres
of first-class1 eoil. with SO acres under culti
vation ; 30 acres can be cleared for $20 per
acre, balance in good green fir Umber: all
. newly fenced ; 6-room house, barn 48x50.
with sheda. good outbuildings; 2 acres of as
sorted orchard in full bearing; of a mile
from school ; living stream and good well ;
R. F. ' D. and telephone service; 2 miles
from railroad town and 6 miles froro Forest
Grove; 65 acre of this is fine bottom land
and cleared, 20 acres of beaverdam; an
Idea 1 ranch ; price $75 per acre ; will take
Portland property as part payment to the
amount of $350o; terms on balance to suit.
116 Second St., Portland,
National Bank Bldg., Vancouver, Wash.
GENERAL merchandise store right In the
heart of Portland, West Side, on main
thoroughfare, down town ; cash business
of last year. $40,000; this is a fortune
maker; we value stock and fixtures from
$10,000 to $12,000. Will exchange for
cash or livestock or acreage, farm land
or some good real estate in Portland. De
scribe your property in full. A3 855. Ors
gonlan. FOR EXCHANGE Property In city of Red
lands. 3-room house, one lot, all fenced ;
a few olive trees; water; would prefer
email chicken ranch in Willamette or
Rogue River Valley. Mrs. Jennie S. Wal
lace, 338 Webster st.
$4000 CASH and three fine lots, worth $40n0.
to trade for farm at not more than $40
per acre; no soapstone or white soil
wanted: at least halt cleared. AG 870.
EXCHANGE A general merchandise busi
ness in a live town, close to Portland; about
$25,000 stock; an old-established business;
will exchange for Portland property. Call
or write 51o-Sll Fenton bldg.. Portland.
TO TRADE Relinquishment, good home
stead, wheat land, for lot, improved or
otherwise; value $60O. Box !7. B"nd. Or.
FOR SALE or exchange, 160-acre wheat
farm In Morrow County. 253 H Washing
ton st., room 5.
YOU can trade any kind of property at
room 1013 Board of Trade.
WHAT have you to exchange foil an opal
worth Stop? Box 344. city. J
WILL exchange city real estate for farm' or
acreage. 52 6 i W as h . st .
WILL exchange automobile for cigar or
sma 11 grocery. C 1131
8 LOTS. $2400; $1 lot $750; 5 4 acres $4500;
total for I'vjrm or houses. Owner. Tabor 14.
If you want quick sale of your real
estate improved or unimproved, farms,
acreage or timber land, send us a descrip
tion. We have the buyers and get you the
J ust try us once.
421-426 Mohawk Bldg.
WANTED S-room cottage or bungalow, full
size lot. for about $2-j0; can pay fiuu
down and balance monthly to Jan. 1. 1010.
then will pay $1000; must be west of 50th
street. Main 8774. A 3321. H. W. Garland
& Co., iftl Fourth st. -
REAL ESTATE or equities In same bought
and sold. List with us.
722-723 Electric Bldg.
IF YOU have farm lands, city property
or business opportunities tor sale, traae or
rent, list it with us for quick returns.
The Card Realty & Investment Co.. 110
2d st. Phone Marshall 1507. A 1507.
LIST your property with me if you have
something to sen tnat is worm tne money.
613 Board of Trade bldg.
SMALL piece of acreage for country home.
not tar irom car ; smai i pay me n i qo w n ;
would prefer a piece with good creek ;
state price and terms. W 876, Oregonian.
5 OR ft-room modern bungalow, with fur
nace, on Improved street; state location
and price. AH 81. Oregonian.
LADY wishes to buy from owner an apart
ment or furnished first-class boarding
house. AE 879. Oregonian.
WANTED Farm relinquishment or acreage;
state lowest price and location. Newman,
526 H Washington st.
WANTED Real estate; have buyers coming
from the East. Alex Knives. 517 .fcjoara or
Trade Mdg.
PARTY wishes to buy bungalow or 8-room
house from owner. State lowest price.
AE 8 77. Oregonian.
WANTED Lot of equal value for $1800
mortgage. W 873. Oregonian.
SACRIFICE on timber; 160 acres cruising
8.225.000 feet, also land ia fine for fruit,
located in Yamhill County. Owned by
Eastern party, who is In needy circum
stances and is forced to sell this to raise
quick money; price only $1250; it is the
bat investment in the state. Call at
once. 513 Chamber of Commerce.
MILLSITE for sale, most desirable on Co
lumbia River; 01 acres; excellent racmtiea
for rail, foreign and coastwise shipping ;
price very low. For particulars inquire of
McCargar; Bates & Lively, 315 Falling
b 1 dg.. Portland, Or.
FOR SALE Good timber claim in Jooa
County, 4 M miles from tidewater ; esti
mated at 1 5. 04 Mk, OOO. om) feet. Edith 1
Jnhnsnn. Hettinger, N. D.
8,000.000 FEET of spruce and hemlock. 1
Illlica lit'lll iiucwoLri , jji ion 5i.u J ri iimu-
sand. Write to John W. Jennings, Tilla
mook. Or.
FOR SALE Timber license for 2000 acrea of
heavily-timbered land on wuatsino Bay., B.
C. Call 006 Oregonian bldg. Main S39. A
1839. for terms.
FOR SALE Three-quarter section timber
land containing about 18,000.000 feet of
fine yellow fir. Address owner, John F.
I'ettlngiU. Newberg. Or.
M'CRACKEN. 304 McKay Bldg.
We sell deeded improved farms, at lea 1
than the Cary act companies sell raw land.
We have land on both sides of the Deschutes
River and under each of the irrigation com
panies; our prices cannot be duplicated ;
splendid Irrigated farms with perpetual
water rights, at $30 to $50 per acre. CaU to
day or .send for descriptive price list; we
. make weekly excursions to Laidlaw, in the
heart of the irrigated district, of CenUal Ore
301-302 Buchanan Bldg., on Washington,
near 6th.
Horwew Vehlclew and Hnmeww.
WHY buy a second-hand vehicle when you
can get a new one from an old-established
wholesale house, 44 years in Oregon, at
almost the same cost? We are located
outside the high-rent district, own our
building, and can make the price. Ex
clusive agents for the old reliable line of
Michigan Buggy Co. fine vehicles, deliv
ery wagons, top buggies, runabouts and
farm wagons. Be sure and see us before
you buy. It may save you money.
R. M. WADE & CO.,
822 Hawthorne Ave., bet. East 1st and 2d-
FOR SALE Horses, harness and wagon.
Remember, we sell guaranteed horses and
mares. If not as represented they can be
returned. We also have on hand several
delivery, farm, vegetable and xniUc wagons
for sale. Hawthorne-Ave. Stables, 420
Hawthorne ave.
NATIONAL cash regiters new at dLseount ;
one- electric operation, check printer, lutes t
design ; one operated with handle, cheek
printer, with stub check. Phone Richmond
71 or inquire E. O. Magoon, 111 N. Jersey
M., St. John Or.
THE Woodburn Farms annual April horse
sale will be held at Woodburn, Or.. Sat
urday. April 16, 3 010. D. M. Ratcliffe,
manager and auctioneer.
A good light business wagon Vlth long
bed,' suitable for contractor or delivery;
a bargain for cash. Call at 426 E. Alder.
DRAFT and all-purpose horses for sale at
our barn at Gresham, Or.; take car at
East Morrison and Water streets,
FIRST-CLASS heavy draft and driving horses
always on hand; sold with guarantee as
represented. U. S. Stables. 248 Front.
FOR SALE -cheap. 2 Cyphers incubators
and 5 brooders. Chas. Stevens, Mil waukie,
AUCTION SALE 13th and Flanders: 24
head Eastern Oregon horses; lodav, 1
P. M. "
FOR SALE A team of matched draft
horses, weight 3500. just brought in from
the country. 761 East Yamhill st. B 1 704.
AUCTION SALE 13th and Flanders; 14
head Eastern Oregon horses; today. 1
P. M.
$140 RUBBER-Tf RE buggy, almost new,
$65. 335 1st st.
DR. L. G. STICKNEY, V. S. Office 409 E.
Burnside. E. 555; residence, E. 171.
HORSES, mares, rigs and 'harness of all
kinds for sale. 334 Front st.
FOR SALE Good riding norse. Call at 692
Harold st.. Sell wood carline.
ONE nearly new one-horse farm wagon ;
one sewing machine. Phone Sellwood 1000.
Horses Vehicles and Harness.
FOR SALE, Portland Stables, 26th North
15th st.
6- year-old team. 20O0 lbs.. $250.
9- year-old team, 27f0 lbs., $250.
7- year-old team. 2400 lbs., $35A.
5- year-old team. 200 lbs., $400.
6- year-old team. 2650 lbs., $375.
10- year-old t-r-am, 2200 lbs., $20.
6-year-old team. 2100 lbs., $3 00.
6-year-old team, 2S00 lbs., $400.
11- year-old mare. 1100 lbs., $100.
10-yoar-old gelding. 1150 lbs., $115.
8- year-old gelding. 1300 lbs., $155.
Ironclad guarantee on every horse I sell
to refund your money if they are not
exactly as I represent them. Bank and
business references furnished as to my
reliability. R. L. Evans.
$300 TEAM, mare and horse, weight 2500
lbs-, with new harness and light farm
wagon; will sell with guarantee; come and
try the team. East 12th and Madison,
cottage in park.
Best accommodations for travelers; ladies'
waiting-room; prices moderate. 248 Front.
SNAP 7-passenger, 6-cylinder Thomas
Flyer; thoroughly overhauled and painted;
ideal car for runji. Inquire 1 51 0th,
near Morrison, between 12 and 3 P. M.
A WHITE steamer runabout, Just the thing
for a doctor ; for sale or trade. What
have you got? Tabor 865. 1155 Belmont.
FOR SALE 4 cylinder Bulck, almost new;
a bargain if taken at once. Call Tabor
$900 BUYS five-passenger auto; top shield,
lamps and good tires, in best of condition. C
ft 77. Oregonian.
FOR SALE t-cyllnder Ford runabout, good
business car; price $450. 409 East Burn
slde st.
Pianos. Organs and Musical Instrument a.
PIANOS Bring our certificate or checks to
the old reliable Bush & Lane Piano Co., 386
Washington at., and wo will redeem them
for their real value; our store will be open
nights until lo o'clock for the balance of
the month of April.
certificate, but also have a piano; will dis
pose of certificate, to some worthy person
who wishes to use same. Box AF 881,
WILL accept $125 piano check at 2 face
value as part payment 011 5-acre orchard
traet. AN 85. Oregonian.
MY $75 check, good on reliable music store,
for sale at a reduction. Mrs. Gray. C 1274.
$125 CREDIT check on Graves' Music Store;
cneap. f none Jbast 51M.
PIANO in beautiful mahogany case ; must be
sum at once. Room lo Washington blug.
WILL sell my $50 chack. good on a piano,
at a reduction. A. .1. Moore, gen, del.
Birds, Dogs and Houx-hold Pet.
A GENUINE German S-pitz dog. Call for
landlady at Alexander Hotel, 10th and
BLOODED fox terrier pupa;, males. 210
warKei. near 1st.
M ucelxaneoxi.
10-foot counter with shelves, and 6
doors, top 18 inches wide, 12-foot rail
with base, posts, two gates, 6-foot rail,
20-inch top. Address American Life &
Accident Co., 615 Beck bldg. Telephone
Main 6552.
SEWING machines Do not fall to visit the
White sewing machine store THIS WEEK
SPECIAL SALES 120 drop-head machlqes.
slightly marred; all standard makes ma
chinos for rent and repairing. H. D. Jones,
Prop.. 420 Washington St.. corner 11th.
PIANOS Bring your certificates1 or checks to
the old reliable Bush & Lane Piano Oo., 386
Washington st., and we will redeem them
for their real value; our store will be open
nights until 10 o'clock for the balance of
the month of April.
PIANO CERTIFICATE I have a piano cer
tificate, but also have a piano; will dispose
of certificates to some worthy person who
wishes to use same.. Box AF 881, Ore
gonian. FOR SALE.
125-voIt, 150-K. W. General Eleetrlo
generator; belt type, complete with panel
and rail base. Address Room 201, -Ore
gonlan bldg.
SPECIAL prices on factory rebuilt machines;
very liberal terms; $10 to $60. is on n west
Typewriter Co.. M. 8870. 222 Abington
FOR SALE Second-hand patent Peterson,
also portable oven ; a bargain If taken at
once. Phone Main 5331, or address C
P78. Oregonian.
BEST dry fir and oak wood, either sawed
or 4-ft., at lowest possible prices. Kirk
Hoover, $13 Water st. Phone Main 7451,
A 0445.
FOR SALE Hart-Parr traction gasoline en
gine, good as new. R. T. Cox, 250 3d
st.. Portland. Or.
VKLVBT tapestry, Wilton carpets, feather
I illows; private residence. AH S76, Ore-gonlan.-
$50. Ask for catalog. Rebuilts $15 up. N.
M. Hayter Co., 9Q 5th U Main 5528.
FOR SALE Showcase. wallcaser, counters,
cheap. No. 222 Grand ave. Phone East 538.
VERY fine solid oak sideboard, cost new,
$75 ; will sell for $40 ; good as new. 684
East Taylor.
ONE 18x22 H. S. & G. lefthand engine; been
used 8 months. First class condition. Ad
dress AO 876, Oregonian.
FOR SALE: Soda fountain and complete
outfit at a sacrifice. Call News stand.
Union Depot.
SAFES 11 2d-hand safes very cheap; large
stock new safes sold on easy terms; call or
write today. Portland Safe Co... 87 5th.
60-POUND ice chest and mahogany dreis
cheap. 826 First st.
SIX counter showcases, four 4-ft., two
smaller. Apply P. O.. Canby, Oregon.
231 Stark St. Main 1407.
$12 CERTIFICATE on Graves Music Co.,
cheap. Inquire at 72 West Park St.
FOR SALE L C. S- German course; com-
pie to; $30 cash. M. E dily. 355 G rant st.
FOR SALE One-chair barber shop, $60.
550 Jefferson.
SHOWCASES new and second-hand. 313
Everett cor. 6th. - Also fixtures.
35-FOOT gasoline launch for sale or trade.
A. Badger. Toledo, Wash.
FINE insmlated cooler for sale cheap. Alex
Friedman, 295 1st.
$125 CREDIT check on Graves Music Co.,
for $10.50. V S76. Ortgonlan.
600 BUSINESS cards $1 if you bring this ad.
Rose City,Prlntery. 192 3d. near Taylor.
VIOLINS, ifanjos, mandolins, guitars at half
regular prices. Uncle Myers, 71 Sixth aU
WANTED Men's cast-o-ff clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings;
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal," 47 3d St.. North. Phone Main 9272.
WANTED Clothing, bast price paid for
ladles' and gents' second-hand clothing
and'shoes and bicycles. Main 2080. 290 1st.
HIGH EST price paid for men's cast-off
clothing, shoes, bicycles and all second
hand goods. 71 North 3d. Marshall 69.
SELL your second-hand furniture to the
Ford Auction Co. or you'll got learn.
phores: A 2445. Main 8051.
WILL exchange $100 lot. West Side, for good
office furniture, roll-top detk. eto. ; give par
ticulars. P. O. box 435.
WANTED Old or broken-down automobile;
price must be reasonable. W. R. Reynolds,
673 E. Oak.- Phone East 2575 after 6 P. M.
CALL up Marshall 1 029 if you have sec-ond-hand
clothes to roll.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phono East 1067.
A GOOD violin to trade for bedroom fur
niturc. V 875. Oregonian.
WANTED A second-hand safe. X 896, Ore-
WANTED Men's casnoff clothing, shoes for
highest price. pnono Main 4ti.
W" ANTED to buy. a small, 4-seated automo
bile. AE 878, Oregonian.
WANTED Two boys at once: good position.
WANTED Photograph coupon agents; jiew
offer; a winner. Cut-berth. Dekum bldg.
PATTERNMAKER wanted. Call 2y Cora
inorrial Club Bldg.
INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools,
j7 Marquam bldg.. or 30s McKay bldg.
FIRST-CLASS salesman; big wages; perma
nent. 215 Commercial Bldg.
WANTED Good carpenters and common la
borers. Portland Cement Co., Oswego.
W VNTED Commercial sign painter; $4.50
to $5 per day. J. P. Zirngrebel, 65 1st st.
HIGH-GRADE solicitor; strictly sober and
reliable. Houghton. 72 Selling-Hirsch bldg.
5 K1RST-CLAS salesmen wanted; steady work
guaranteed. Appiy an st. Parisian tallora,
WANTED 3 A-l pllcdriver men. Inquire
at East 9th ana Morrison. Phone A 4.150
Fl RT-CLASS machinist wanted. Call 22:
Commercial Clu-h bid p.
WANTED 3. hustling men; salary and com
mission. 214-215 Lewis bldg.
LADIES' tailor wanted. 447 Union ave N.
WANTED Band resawyers, $3; yard talley-
men. $2.7o and $3; man to grario aressea
lumber . in shed, $2.50; carriage-riders,
$2.50 up.
Ten millwrights.' $4 ; carpenters. $3.50;
carpenter's helpers. $2.25 and $z.50.
Crosscut saw filer, $2.
Man and wife, cooks, for small lunch
counter, $ro up.
Ten farmhands, $30 to $35.
Concrete mixers. $3.
Hundreds of other jobs.
Main Office. . 12 North Second St.
WANTED A bang-up, rattling, A-No. 1.
rapid-fire, sure-shot salesman cn a top
shelf proposition that will nay a good
man get-rich wages; the sniveling, weak
kneed, peevisn. confidence -lacking, lend-me-ten
kind of salesman need not come
around, as our office is full without him.
We are running no charity bureau, but
we have a proposition that any man who
Is ten pounds man to ten pounds meat can
soon get rich on. Apply between 9 and
11 A. M.
S03 Lewis Bldg.
TAILORS wanted, coatmakers to work in-
siae our shop. We have steady work Tor
you; come ready to work; also bushelman
to do alterations; first-class pay. Ryan
& O'Brien, Tailors, 367 Morrison st.
WANTED Able-bodied men for the U. S. Ma
rine Corps, between the ages of 19 and 35.
Must be sative born or have first paper.
Monthly pay $15 to $60. Additional compensa
tion possible. Food, clothing, quarters and
medical attendance free. After 30 years' serv
ice can retire with 75 per cent of pay and al
lowances. SVrvice on board ahin and ashore
in ali parts of the world. Apply at Breeden
bldg.. 3d and Washington a:s.. Portland, Or.
Ev.Ci?y yun man seeking employment or
desiring to better his condition, should
take advantage of the special employ
ment membership, and get In quick touch
with the advisory and employment sec
retary of the Y. M C A- Strangers our
pecialty. Good fellowaV.p, ood advice,
good position awaits you '
S A LES M EN To h a ml 1 e a 1 1 rac 1 1 v lota o n
monthly payments in cheapest, best
and easie-seUing addition in Portland.
Names of nro-neti,- hnvrt furnished.
Good commission, better than salary to live
man. kis Couch bldg.. 4th st.. near Wash
ington. ,
WANTED Solieltor, salesman or organizer,
capable of selling complete creameries or
canning factories on the co-operative
plan; low prices and liberal terms to pur
chasers. For particulars write O. Press
prich & Company, 103 Park Ave., New
MEN wanted for firemen and brakemen oa
nearby railroads'; experience unnecessary;
good vision; age 20-30; $75 to $100 monthly.
No strike; permanent employment; promo
tion; 40O men being sent to positions; state
age, weight, height. Send stamp monthly
Railway A-ssociaticn, care Oregonian.
10,000 POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men and women to learn barber trade in
- 8 weeks, help to secure promotion; gradu
ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert
Instructors ; tools free ; write for cata
logues. Mohler System of Collages, 35
North 4th t.. Portland. Or.
WANTED Ten high-grade salesmen who
ran invest a small amount of cash in a
legitimate proposition that will enable
them to make more money and make it
easier than thev ever have before. Apply
from 2 to 4 Sa t u rday and M on d ay. 436
Chamber of Commerce bldg. Mcl Ivain.
WA N T F3D Salesmen who are hustlers an d
can sell; no dead ones need apply. We have
good territory and proposition tor the right
parties. We furnish outfit free and pay
cash weekly. Write us. ALBANY NUR
SERIES. INC., Albany. Oregon.
SALESMEN In Oregon, to handle attrac
tive Eraser City townslte lots. The new
metropolis of Central British Columbia.
Good terms. Easy to sell. Apply or
write at once, O. E. Franzke. 50tt Perkins
LIVE agents everywhere to sell a new grain
separator- and seed cleaner to farmers,
mills and elevators; write for information
and particulars. Globe Grain Separator
Co.. 603 Worcester bldg.. Portland. Or.
SALESMEN wanted for office specialty,
you can make big wages with this. 2-U4
Chamber of Commerce.
MAN to work on my homestead with me;
can locate you on good homestead near
me in Rockland Valley, Idaho ; heavy
wheat country. Inquire 332 S. 3d for a few
day a. ,
600 MEN'S high-grade Spring suits direct
from New York; $35 to $40 values. $18.75;
$25 to $30 values. $14.75 ; $18 to $22.50
values, $12.75. . Jimroie Dunn, 315 Ore
gonian bldg.
WANTED A printer; he must be a good
makeup as- well as a 30b man; to a competent-
men a steady job and good wages
afgured. Address Xew-. Forest Grove, Or.
WANTED Tailors on busheling; also on
- coatfi, and good coat presser; wages $25
per week. Ryan & O'Brien, tailors, 367
Morrison st.
WANTED Young man. at once; small cap
ital secures fine paying proposition ; ex
perience unnecessary. 3264s Washington;
st., room 417.
WANTED Millinery floor man; one of good
experience and reference; young man pre
ferred. Address with full particulars. Box
223. Seattle, Wash.
WANTED Good salesman to handle side
line on commission; city and country.
Louisiana Rice Milling Co., 8-10-12 Front
st reet.
WANTED Competent salesman for coun
try; experienced man in our line prefer
red. Modern Confectionery Co., 13th and
mercial Club bldg.. waiit dry goods sales
man for country; stenographer-bookkeeper
for city.
WANTED Bandmen. especially cornet,
clarionet and baritone players. Address
all communications to Pres. M. W. A.
Band. J unction City, Or.
WANTED A flist-clasa planing mill man
who understands wood turning; steady Job
for first-class man ; no other need apply. C.
W. Sears & Son, Albany. Or.
WE aid our members to secure employment.
Constant demand for young men of ability
and integrity. Special employment mem
bershin. Y. M. C A.
MOTION-PICTURE operators earn $25
weekly; easy work, short hours; learn
business In short time. Motion Picture
Operating School. 626 'A- Wash, st.
Write for Portland examination schedule;
preparation free. Franklin Institute, Dept.
410 N., Rochester. N. Y.
YOUNG MEN wanted to prepare for railway
mall clerks, poetoff loe clerks, carriers, eto.
Write or call for Book 50. It's free. Pacific
States School, McKay Bldg., Portland. Or.
RELIABLE man wanted to help manage es
tablished Washington -st. cash business; will
pay $3o weekly; only requires investment
of -$25Q. Call 362 Wash I n gton st.. room .
BOOKKEEPING course. $5 ; 20 lessons.
301 Merchants Trust Bldg.
WANTED A good buggy washer and har
ness cleaner; top wages to right, sober
men. Kramer's N. Y. Club stables. 15th
and Alder sts.
WANTED Competent instrument man for
City Engineer's office. Apply City En
gineer. Salem, Or.
WANTED An expert shingle sawyer; out
of the city ; must be thorough man. A
S76. Oregon lan.
BOY 15-16 for position in R. R- office; good
chance for advancement. Address, giving
age, etc.. A S7, Oregonian.
EXr ERIENCED advertising solicitors, three
publications: commission, steady employ
ment. Benedictine pres?. ?odnousrh bldg.
WANTED Sign painter; $4.50 to $5 per
day. J. P. Zlrngiebel, 65 1st St., near
WANTED Experienced salespeople, male
and female. Penny Cash Grocery, 148 2d
st. Apply early.
WANTED Machinists to stay away from
Stockton, Cal. Strike on at Sampson Iron
W orks. '
YOUNG MAN, as assistant bookkeeper;
stenographer and typewriter preferred. 339
Sherlork bldg., 2 to 4.
$18 TO $35 week, few months only learning;
situations guaranteed. Watchmaking-En
graving School, box 182. Ashland. Or-
WANTED Cabinetmakers. Oregon Plan
ing lills. llth and Vaughn sts.
FOUNDRY helper, who can repair flasks,
vanted. Call 222 Commercial Club bldg.
WANTED Office boy; good chance for ad
var cement. AM 876. Oregonian.
FLOOR molder wanted. Call 222 Commercial
Club bldg. ;
women. wanted everywhere for The
Weekly Observer, the weekly magazine
review for the great Northwest. Two dol
lars a dav guaranteed to the right peo
ple. Apply, stating references and full
particulars -to Circulation Manager, The
Weekly Observer, Spokane, Wash.
positions to A-l instructors. 611 Swetland.
WA NT ED Cooks for boarding-house, $35
and $40 ; cook for hospital. $45.
0 Restaurant, cooks. $10 up per week.
Cook's helpers, $20 to $30; pastry- cook
- $30 and $26.
Waitresses. $25, $30 and $35 ; jani tress,
Three housekeepers, $15, $20, $25.
Girls for general housework, $20 to $35.
Large list of other plaoes.
Ladies' Dept. 205 Vi Morrison St.
FIRST-CLASS hands in the dressmaking de
partment; none other need apply. 11. B
Litt. 361 Washington st.
WE WANT ten good salesladies to work
Portland; prefer professional nurses; your
work will be with the ladles and will be
easy; salary no object, if you can do the
- work; answer today. Burt & lvey. room 17,
Hamilton bldg.. 331 Third at,
SALESWOMEN in stationery, etc., etc.. ex
perienced and competent. Apply to Olds,
Wortman & King.
WANTED A strong woman accustomed to
sewing to learn 'carpet sewing; $t per week
to- tart. Apply carpet department before 10
A. M. Saturday. I. Gevurtz & Sons1. 173-5
First st.
WANTED First-class dressmaker to take
charge of dressmaking department; also
apprentice for lady tailoring and divss
maklng. 447 Union ave., N.
SALE 3 ladies wanted; cloaks and suits;
must have reference; steady position for
right party. Gale Outfitting Co., 430 Was n-
incton st.
WANTED Saleslady for the best townslte
proposition in the Deschutes Valley; good
commission. Foreign Department Union
ank & Trust Co., 235 Htark st.
WANTED For work In an office, young
lady, well educated and about 13 years of
age; no experience required. AF 879,
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework, family of 3; $30 per month.
Call after 2 P. M., S:t2 Raleigh St., corner
25th. Phone Main 35Q5. .
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework and cooking for couple; German
girl preferred; references required. Phone B
WANTED Lady, married or single, to col
lect on monthly accounts; commission
paid and expenses; give references. Ad
dress P. O. Box 544. Oakland. Cal.
WANTED Refined, educated woman as
housekeeper for gentleman, in country
norms. St. Louis Agency, 303 Wash
ington St. Main 2039. A 4775.
MIDDLE-AGED woman as housekeeper;
small family. Apply mornings. 745 E.
EXPERIENCED alteration hands on skirts
and coats, also preseer; good, salaries. Sil
verfleld'e. 4th and Morrleon. -
AN EXPERIENCED lady solicitor for print
ing office ; state experience and former
employer. W 8 77, Oregonian.
WOMAN to help in home bakery and deli
catessen ; good position to right party.
Gilbert. 380 East 11th at.
WANTED Girl for general housework. S.
W. cor. 3th and Clinton sts. Take W. R.
car. Tabor 2O50.
EXPERIENCED chocolate dippers, best
wages, steady work, car fare paid. Good
Roblln Candy Co., Vancouver. Wash.
WANTED Head waitress, must be compe
tent and have experience In first-class
places. Apply after 10 A. M. Elton Court.
GIRLS, 16 years of age. wanted at once.
Apply to Olds. Wortman & King.
EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen
eral housework; small family; good wages;
references required. 295 West Park at.
OIR. for reneral housework; must be good
cook; good wages, small family and mod-
crn home. mh isortnrup at., cor.
WANTED Iron era on ladies clothes; Meady
work for experienced operators. . Pacific
Laundry Co-. 231 Arthur st.
WANTED Experienced salespeople, male
and female. Penny Cash Grocery, 148 2d
st. Apply early.
WANTED Girl for general housework,
small house, small family. 11S7 E. Yam-
hill. Tabor 806-1
GIRLS over 16 to work in bag factory.
Apply Ames, Harris, Neville Co.. 5th and
Davis. .
S26M Washington SC. Room 307.
Main 8836 or A 3266.
WANTED Girl for general housework; good
wages to right party. Apply L. Hoffman.
1 45-A 3d st. .
WANTED A young girl to assist an elderly
lady with light housework; two in family.
Call 778 Hoyt L
WANTED Girl for general housework, fam
ily of 3. Call forenoons. 375 East 21st
st. North; Broadway car.
43 Washington St., Cor. 7th, Upstairs.
phone Main 2692.
GIRL for general housework; small family,
good wages; out of citv during Summer.
177 East 17th st. Phone B 2678.
GIRL wanted for general housework. 446 East
19th st North. Flrst-claas wages. Take Irv-
rngton car.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Vlavl Co., 609 Rota
child bldg., 4th and Washington,
A FIRST-CLASS female cook for private
family; no laundry work. Phone A 4451
or Main 555; good wages.
GIRL for general housework; 4 in family.
555 Hawthorne Terrace, Portland Heights.
Phone A 3661. .
EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen
eral housework- 794 Irving St., cor. 84th.
Phone A 1182.
WANTED Shirt finiaher at once. Take "S"
car going south. Pacific Laundry Co., 231
Arthur M..
HOME for young girl or elderly lady; care
of little girl 2 years old; $10 month. 413
East Morrison.
WANT ED Experienced cook. Apply Mm.
W. M. Ladd, 243 West Park. Telephone
Main 472.
LADY demonstrator wanted to demonstrate
In city. Call East 1564 Saturday after
noon or evening.
EXPERIENCED coat and skirt hands.
Grand Leader, corner 5th and Alder sts.
WANTED Good reliable girl for light
housework. Phone East 1511.
NEAT girl as assistant to dentist. Apply
Saturday. U A. M. 308 Fleidner bldg.
WANTED A woman to help cook in small
restaurant at 3"7 1st st.
WANTED Waitress at Merchant Hotel, 3d
and Davis.
WANTED A girl for cooking and general
housework. 251 North 24th. Main 4102.
WANTED Experienced waitress. Alexan
dra Court. 53 Ella st.
COMPETENT lady's maid; must understand
a e w ing; references. L SSo. Oregonian.
WANTED Woman to make beds.
Biirnfiide st.. cor. 2d st.
33 s
GIRL for general housework, no cooking, no
laundry. Phone Main 5338.
WA NT ED Girl to assist with housework.
0o Lovejoy et.
WA NTED Young girl for light housework ;
no washing 815 West Park St., cor. Clay.
YOUNG girl wanted to work in cigar atore
and fruit stand. 127 Hi N. 6th.
WA NTED Good shirt hands. Appl y at 415
Wa s h 1 ngton st.
EXPERIENCED lady tailor wanted. 447 Union
ave. N.
TEN extra waitresses for Sunday at Council
Cr.'at Tavern.
WANTED Girl for second work. 653 John
son st
WANTED Good waitress to work in res
t au ran t. 106 Nort h 6t h st.
NET. quick waitress wanted. Stein's Res
taurant. 122 14th St.. near Washington.
APPRENTICE at the Elite hairdresslng par
lors. 109 7th st. Main 23 34.
WANTED Lady pianist, also singer. Call
5265 Wash, at. Main 8458.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework. 772 Everett, near 23d.
GIRL wanted for general housework. 560
Hoyt et.
COMPETENT girl for general housework and
cooking. $30 to $35. 354 10th. cor. Mill.
EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen
eral housework. Main 4152.
WANTED Sewing girls and apprentices.
Apply Mrs, lerrv. inrquam piQg,
LESSONS in Shorthand and Typewriting by
expert, $5 a month. 26tf 14th. Main 3893-
WANTED ix per te need
oa o?w-
alls, also learner.
75 1st U
FIRST-CLASS hands in the dressmaking de
partment; none other need aoply. H. B
Litt, 351 Washington st.
COMPETENT girl for general housework and
cooking; good wages to the right party.
741 Irving st.
GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory
No. 2. Grand ave. and East Taylor.
Bookkeepers mod Clerks.
A MAN of 16 years experience as detective
in the East wishes position with railroad
or corporation or private work; have rcf
erence. AJ 675, Oregonian.
EXPERT stereoptioon operator desires en
gagement; prices reasonable; strictly first
class. S S7?. Oregonian. '
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper desires position;
operates typewriter; best references. AE
S75. Oregonian.
MAN and wife wish position as cook; res
taurant or hotel. T S76. Oregonian.
MAN with many years' exierlence in manu
facturing, inventing, designing and improv
ing machinery and methods of doing work
would like to engage with a reliable com
pany as superintendent of plant or in some
of the other capacities here mentioned; best
of references. Address1 AB 871. Oregonian.
LAUNDRYMAN,- all-around. 25 years ex
perience, wlshea position; any kind of job.
Call or address. Room 14, Merchant Hotel,
Portland, Or.
EXPERIENCED collector with best of ref
erences and bond wants steady position
with firm. Have horse and buggy for
collections. AG 881, Oregonian.
YOUNG man attending business college wishes
p lace to work e vei 1 i ng s an d Sa t u rday ; no
objection to Sunday work. Y 87W, Orego-
B Y first-class carpenter foreman, with San
Francisco experience ; can also estimate
any class of buildings. AB 876, Ore-
GOOD, first-class chef and wife would like
a position In or out of city ; wife pantry
or chamber work. M rs. Chas. King, 354
7th and Mill st. No phone.
MAN and wife. German, would like position
as cooks; logging camp or mill boardlng
house preferred. AF 882, Oregonian.
A JAPANESE man desired as Janitor In
business house. Address Frank H., 107
Park st.. city.
MAN and wife (Americans) want work on
fruit ranch. preferablv Hood River;
strictly temperate. J. F. Wllliama. 348 4th.
WANTED By young man. educated, light
work day or night, allowing two hours
for study. B 877, Oregonian,
EXPERIENCED ail-around carpenter wants
contract, sub-contract or day work. Sellwood
WANTED A position as steamfitter'a help
er; 3 years' experience; stranger. X $79,
J A PANESE couple want position ; man to
do cooking, wife second work. A 877,
POSITION by flrst-clats watchmaker; R. R.
work a specialty; good all-around man. Lock
box S2. Linn ton , Or.
CARPENTER and builder, new and repair
work, day or contract. Phone Woodlawn,
JAPANESE wants position in tailor shop;
can mHKB suit wen. i bis, uregonian
JAPANESE Employment Co. will furnteh all
hlp. Main 4659, A 4073. 268 Everett.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
YOUNG lady from the East, who has held
responsible positions of f ice manager and
private secretaryship Is also stenographer,
is locating in Portland and would like to
secure position. C 75. Oregonian.
COMPETENT stenographer wants a posi
tion; wilr go out of town; $50 to start.
II 8S0. Oregonian.
COMPETENT stenographer deeires position.
$40 ; references given. Main 2206. A 3396.
AF 875. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED young lady wants position
as cannier or dook Keeper. AF 877, Ore
EXPERIENCED stenographer. Main 8113.
DreMm a kers.
ANGELES Dressmak'.ng Parlors. 326 Vfc Wash
ington St., suite 216. Main 9S2. A 5381.
STYLISH dresses. $5 up; waists, $1 up; fine
work; references. 52U E. Mill. East 5256.
WOMAN wants housework by hour or day;
experienced. Address ii32 First, near Mar
wet. Nurses.
PRACTICAL NURSE, can give massage
treatments. No maternity cases. Rates
very reasonaDie. can East sarj.
MIDDLE-AGED. experienced. practical
nurse; ail kinas cases; aoctors references.
A 2618.
YOUNG woman wants housework or washing
ny tne day or hour. inone A 45.
HOUSEKEEPERS, cooks, nurses, chamber
maids, waitresses, laundresses. St. Louis
Agency. 803 Wash. Main 2039, A 4 775
WOMAN dishwasher or chamber work;
home nights. Main 203i. A 477 5.
BY a neat woman, by the day. Phone Main
4378. or 4.VS 5th St.
WANTED Reliable men who can sell trees
for largest nursery In the West. For
further particulars address Oregon Nur
sery Co.. Orenco, Or.
SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash
weekly selling choice nursery stock; out
fit free. Capital City Nursery Company,
Salem. Oregon.
We furnish the renter, collect the rent,
pay taxes, insurance and keep un repairs
the same for you as though the property
was our own; references, any bank in
245 Vs Stark Et.
Phones A 35O0. Main 35.
WANTED May 1st, 8-room furnished house.
w est siqe ; references. a 873. oregonian
In private family, within 20 minutes'
walking distance of the Oregonian; where
, two gentlemen can enjoy some or the
privileges or a private iamiiy ; piano, etc.
AH 8S2. Oregonian.
WANTED I large room or 2 small rooms,
suitable for housekeeping for 1 person. B
87!. Oregonian.
GENTLEMEN desirous unfurnished room in
a. quiet house. -j--t a monm. s ore
Rooms With Board,
YOUNG gentleman desires room and board;
strictly private family. Not particular as
to location if within easy walking dis
tance. No boarding house need answer.-
AG 875, Oregonian.
BY gentleman, room . and board in private
family, in one 01 suouros on ast side.
AD 876. Oregonian.
AN Eastern woman desires room and two
meals in modern home, with refined peo-
Fnrnished Rooms.
th and Oak; large, handsomely furnished;
running hot and cold water; steam heat;
reasonable; permanent and transient.
HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main sts..
furnished rooma, single or en auite, at rea
sonable prices, modern conveniences. Op
postte the plaza.
ttivp furnished outside room for rnt
steam heat, hot and cold water, use of
bath; bricK l,u"u",-?-;' ween; suit-
able for one or two. 422 U ashington st.
LARRABEE HOTEL, 237-, Larrabee. near
Holladay ave. New brick bldg.; every con
venience; reasonable; permanent and tran-
BKilH- ,
o.rooM suite, nicely furnished, hot and
cold water, steam heat. brick building,
suitable for 2 or 4 people, $8 per week
12 "1 " a"'""" " "
THE MkiRCEDES. 20th and Washington; ele
antly furnished rooms; hot and cold run
ning water, moaern couveniences; $13 up.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
-furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 W
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Est em
GOOD cleaji sleeping rooms for 1 or 2
eentleroen; also furnished housekeeping
Fooms- 160 West Park st. A 2376. '
SINGLE sleeping-room for gentleman, $2.50
a week; walking distance. 431 Salmon,
near 11th.
Furnished Rooms.
268 Third St.. Cor. Jefferson St.
New fireproof building and furnishings
throughout ; aesirable neighborhood; four
minutes' walk to business center; rooms
and suites; large, light and airy; hot and
cold water; steam heat; gas and electric
liehts; call bells; free baths; clean porce
lain tubs; lavatories convenient Take S'
car at depot to uhird and Jefferson sts.
We aim to satisfy; that is why we pleass
TRONS. Rates $3, $5, $6. $7 per week.
A 7731 PHONES Main 863.
140 ROOMS.
New. modern, nrenroof building, ste
heated, hot and cold running water in all ,
rooms, richly furnished, finest beds that
money can buy, and it doesn't cost any
more than some cheap lodging-house; nice
large office on ground floor ; everything
first-class: rates. LOc, 75c and $1 per
day; $3.50 and up per week. Call and
see us. 128 6th st. North.
r Homelike. Homelike Homelike.
7th and An ken y sta.
Fre was their depot carriage,
I took it oa the spot;
There may be other houses Just as good.
A gulet home for quiet people.
88 North 5th St., S. E. Cor. Flanders.
New brick building, ateam heated, por
celain baths, fine large office on ground
floor, elegant beds, everything absolutely
new and clean; ratea only $2.50 and up
per week; 50c and 75c per day. ft blocks
from Union Depot.
131 Eleventh Street.
NEW. modern brick building; STEAM
HEATED, private baths, running water
in all rooms; TELEPHONES IN EACH
ROOM; special rates by the week and
month; TRANSIENT TRADE aolicited.
710 Washington, near; bath, hot
and cold water; phone, ateam heat in
every room; strictly modern; fine large
office, ground floor; by far the best in the
city for tne money; rooms $25 per month.
and up- Call and Inspect.
THE BARTON, 13th and Alder, Is now
undergoing a thorough renovation; 70
steam heated, electric-lighted rooms, all
outside. Rates 75c day ; $10 month up.
Suites with running water $20 month up.
Phones and bath free.
THE GLENLOR A- 19th and Couch, fur
nished rooms $2.50 per week and up; par
lor and piano; billiard and pool free to
guests; large shady lawn and veranda;
bost location In city.
422 Washington, cor. 11th.
Steam heat, trot and cold water, baths,
nicely furnished rooms, $3 per wsefe tu
transient rates, 76c up.
Fifth St., opposite City Hall.
New, beautifully furnished; steam heat;
hot. cold water in every room ; publio
and private baths. Permanent; transient.
Washington and 17 th. finst-claas furnished
rooms, tlngle or en wuite; all modern con-
yen lences; $3 weekly up. A 2647. M. 6647.
SUIT of 2 rooms suitable for 2 or 3 gentle
men; all convenances; very reasonable.
Aster House, 251 7th st.
FURNISHED rooms. Elm Place, formerly
Kit on Court Annex. 414 Yamhill and 11th.
THE REX Modern rooms. $2.50 to $& per
week. 543 V Washington at.
Furnished Rooms In Private Families.
ON Couch, near Grand ave., new modern
fist ; your choice of two desirable fur
nished rooms, suitable for two ladies or
gentlemen; will be vacant the ISth; can
bo seen at any time. Phono East 4543.
VERY pleasant. light, newly furnished
rooms, with all conveniences; walking
distance or 3-minute car service ; reason'
able; at 30 1st st. Phone A 732Q.
FIN E large corner room, newly furnished,
- for one or two gentlemen, private family;
5 minutes' walk from Postoffice. 201 lltb
st., cor Taylor. Main 1 759.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished room In privati
family, heat, electric light, use of par
lor, piano, both phones; 20 minutes' walk
from city,$12 per month. Call Kaat 1SS9.
ONE large, nicely furnished room, with
kitchen privilege, in private faml ly ; suit
able for one or two ladies. Phone Ja. si
TWO front rooms, all modern conveniences,
including electric light and gas ; private
familv, good location. 57 Trinity Place.
A 4724. M. 63:t7.
LARGE, cheerful front rooms, with every
convenience, in private family. 6d North
21rt st.
NICELY furnished room. $4 per week, witb
flreplae; two if dpsirt-d; fine tvith, phone and
hea t. 226 1 2t h st .. near Salmon.
COME and be at home in largo clean rooma
IStf 14th st.
NICE large front room for one or two;
reasonable : close in. Phone A 1 036.
N E WL Y- Ft'RN IS H K D room; modern. 30 N.
16th, near Wash. Mar-hall 14Q.
FURNISHED rooms in private family. 24 S
N. 20th. near Marshall. Phone Main 364U.
in. 4.-. 2 Mb.
iood, clean room, bath, close
FIN E room in new. stylish house, central
West Side, reasonable. Main 7219.
141 13TH KT. Nicely furnished room; gas.
bath and furnace heat; reasonable
BEAl'Tl Kl'LLY furnished front room on
ground floor, close in. 473 Alder st.
Unfurnished Rooms.
FOR RENT 24 small rooms in new brick
building on first floor, 8U-Q1 2d st. North.
Inquire 291 Morrison at.
Rooms With Isosvrd.
Ideal Summer home, beautiful grounds,
finest rooms, with best home cooking in
city; rooma with private bath, all mod'
ern conveniences; moderate rates.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 22d year, room,
with board, use of sewing-room and li
brary. 610 Flanders st. Miss Frances N.
Heath. Supt. Woman's Exchange. 186 5th,
st. Mrs. M. E- Bretherton, Supt.
THE COLONIAL, 163 and 167 10th. St.. cor
ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason
able rates.
IF you are looking for the best board and
a good room, call at 178 Ella sU, near
THE CALVARD Sulte&sor single. &$ Mor
rison, cor. 13th. .
654 COUCH Outside rooms, single and double.
Good home cooking; clean and convenient.
Rooms With Board In Private Family.
TWO elegantly furnished rooms, sleeping
porch if desired ; beautiful grounds, ideal
place for Summer; modern. 10 E. 6tb si-.
corner Washington. East 13tX
ROOM and board for one or two in pri
vate home; every modern convenience; 7
blocks from Postoffice; use of piano, etc
Main 4."04.
ROOM and board for two young ladles;
light airy room, pleasant neighborhood,
easy walking distance ; references ex
changed. 363 13th st.
NICELY furnished rooms, modern conven
iences: home cooking; terms reasonable.
314 Mill, corner 6th.
NICE front room for two; rates reasonable,
with board ; walking distance. 52 Lu
cretia st.. near 23d and Washington.
GOOD board and room, reasonable; home
cooking. Main 7016.
LARGE room suitable for 2; modern; choice
home cooking. 75 North 14th.
NICE rooms and good home cooking for one
or two office men. 591Vj Davis tit.
SINGLE room, with board in modern private
nome; references required. A 26S1.
N EW LY furnished rooms with board. 5V5
Kast Oak, corner 15th. Phone B 2619.
ONE room with board for 2. $20 each. 6Wi
Everett st-
FURNISHED rooms, suitable for two with
board at 230 10th st.
NICELY furnished rooms, with or without
board; modern apartment. 547 Yamhill.
2 and 3-ROOM newly furnished apartments
in new and strictly modern house, fine
neighborhood. East 1430. 228 East 20th.
21st and Flanders, One beautifully fur
nlshed front o-room apartment.
UNFURNISHED apartment, steam heat, pri
vate bath. Phone Main 5148, A 7363. Har
rison Court, 6th and Harrison sts.
FOR RENT 6-room steam-heated apart
ments. Sea Janitor. 325 11th su Main
5 435.
One front apartment for rent; rvery
thlng modern. 605 Lovejoy at. W car.
MORTON. 07 Washiny .on st. One unfur
nished 3-room apartzuent; best location in
THE KING DAVIS 3 and 4-room. corner of
King and Davis sts.. ; referen ce s.
IRIS APARTMENTS. 3d and Mill 1st of
April. 4 rooms, $32,