16 TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 1010. TUBERCULOSIS IS CARRIED BY EGGS Barnyard Hens Offer New Source, for Spreading Great "White Plagued W. H. LYTLE MAKES REPORT State Veterinarian Is Substantiated by Diagnosis of Dr. Mohler, of Federal BureauGerms Killed in Kggs Well Cooked. Errs laid by tubercular hens serve as a. mfdium to s"prearl tuberculosis, ac cording to "V H. Lytle, State Veterinar ian, whose report ha just been filed with Dr. Calvin White, secretary of the State Board of Health. This discovery la considered to be one of much im portance, and has opened up a new field of danger from tho "Kreat white plague." Dr. Lytic, however, asserts that if eggs are well cooked, there can be but little danger from them, following is his re port in this regard: "Tuberculosis in fowls lias been "dis covered in pome four centers throughout the mate. These being in widely sepa rated districts, both in the arid and humid sections of Oregon, we are at a loss to account for the introduction of this disease, unlets it be from a human or other animal source. Generally, the disease has been found to be closely associated with cases of human tuberculosis, and in the one case where this was not found to be the case, the Infected chicken had been recently purchased from a poultry farm where it was impossible to trace possible means of infection. Dlsea.sc Positively Diagnosed. "In four supposedly infected fowls, for warded from thie state by members of the local Bureau of Animal Industry to Dr. John H. Mohler. of the Pathological Division of the United States Bureau of Animal Industry, Washington, 1. C, for use at the International Congress on Tuberculosis, not only was the disease positively diagnosed In all on post mortem examination, but from two eggs Jaid from one of these hens after ar rival in Washington, and from the sub sequent inoculation of albumen, or white portion of the eggs, into guinea pigs, there was obtained in every instance a tubercular infection, opening up a here tofore unknown chapter of avian tuber culosis. "The inability to inoculate guinea pigs from portions of the yolks of eggs shows conclusively that the foetal envelope la tin almost complete barrier against hered itary tuberculosis, and that moderately well-cooked eggs, although previously carrying infection, should not be consid ered a dangerous article of diet. "The frequent use of raw egga in. the preparation of foods for lvalids is not viewed with danger when it is remem bered that some alcoholic beverage, of sufficient strength to kill the tubercle bacillus, 1s almost always used in the preparation of Invalid foods." , Cattle Ijoss $3,000,000. In his, report Dr. Lo"tle also treats' at length on tuberculosis in cows and among other things shows that aside from the danger to humanity, this disease In cattle is causing an annual financial loss of Hhout $3,000,000 in the United States. The following is taken from his report. "While the subject of bovine tuberculo sis and its transmlselbiltty to the human still remains an unsettled question In the minds of some people, along- with many others, -we ourselves believe that when tuberculosis is eradicated from cattle, and when thosa members of the human family afflicted are taught how not to give the disease to their fellow men, the gret barriers to the eradication of the 'white plague will have been done away with. "However, too often the public health aspect of the subject of the eradication of tuberculosis from cattle has been al lowed to overshadow the real important phase of this great question, which Is the economic problems involved In its rela tion to agriculture. "Dairymen have been assailed through the newspapers from the public health view only, leaving them to forget that tuberculosis unquestionably shortens the producing life' of the cow, reduces her anllk-secretlng efficiency, . causes her to consume a greater quantity of food, ren der her milk Infectious to hogs and other animals, thereby causing an estimated losa, in the United States alone, of $3,000, 000 annually, and when the existence "of the disease is detected, the market value of any animal is either greatly reduced or obliterated, and the reputations of all breeders of livestock are more or less In jured by a general knowledge of its ex istence in their herd." DESCENDANTS NUMBER 57 Former Salem Man. 6 7 Years Old, Is 4 4 Times a Grandfather. SALEM. Or., April 15. (Special.) Sam Kleffman. B7 years old. is grand father of 44 children and great-grandfather of four. For many years Kleff man was elevator man at the State house, and is well-known among those who had business at the Capitol prior to four or five years ago. He is now liv ing in Lexington. Neb., and a letter just received from him by Frank Frisbie, en gineer at - the Statehouee, gives the above interesting faots regarding Kleff man's family. The former Salem man is a veteran of the Civil War, serving four and one half years m the 47th Illinois, and losing only two weeks from the service during the entire war. He married as soon as he was mustered out, and reared a fam ily of nine children, all of whom are liv ing. His: Sum Spent for Iloads. OREGON CITY. Or., April 15. (Spe cial.) The semi-annual report of County Clerk Greenman, together with the re ports of Sheriff Beatie and County Treasurer Paddock, show the running ex penses of the county for the past six months to be $25,443.94, exclusive of the money that has been expended for the construction and repair of roads and bridges, which amounted to $59,817.02. The net Indebtedness of .the county is $41,690.45. During the past six months, $238,811.63 -was collected by Sheriff Beatie and on April 1, $125,209.49 was on hand. Unworthy Subscriptions Under Ban. SEASIDE, Or., April 15. (Special) That the practice of soliciting funds for an unworthy purpose shall be stamped out of Seaside is the dictum of the Seaside Merchants' .Protective Association. A committee of three has been appointed to Investigate thor oughly all subscriptions circulated and if unw.orthy of aid. the committee will condemn them. Private citizens have been asked to co-operate with, the association. TEST RIDE DAY . IS SET Vancouver Officers to Undergo Or deal May 9, 10 and 41. VANCOUVER BARRACKS, Wash., April 15. (Special.) A test ride for field officers who did not take the test last year has been ordered for May 9, 10 and 11, at this post. The ride will be 30 miles each day. Lieutenant-Colonel (Bingham will represent General Mails. Immediately before starting all partici pants will be required to pass a physical examination, and a second test will be made after each ride. The ride will be In Oregon. A camp will be pitched 30 miles from the Oregon landing of the Portland-Vancouver ferry and the officers will ride to this point. The following day they -will ride is miles out and return to camp, and they will return to Vancouver the following day. SALMON WILL BE HIGHER Half-Cent Additional Also Paid for Raw Fish. to Be ASTORIA, Or., April 15. (Special) While no meeting has been held by the Columbia River packers to take formal action regarding prices to be paid for raw .fish during the coming season, it is understood that the rates established by the Fishermen's Union, half a cent a pound in advance of last season's figures, will be approved. Those prices were indorsed at con ferences between representatives of the union and the Individual packers be fore being fixed by the union. That there will be an increase in the selling price of canned salmon is certain, but what the advance will be has not been announced. COUGAR'S PELT IS BIG ONE Laue County Hunter Exhibits Skin Six Feet Eight Inches Ixm. EUGENE, Or., April 15. (Special.) John Hooker came In from Crow yester day with his Winter catch of furs, which Included one cougar pelt measuring six feet eight inches from tip to tip. He also exhibited to the County Clerk for the collection of bounty, four large bobcat skins and the pelts of seven coons. After collecting the bounty he sent all the pelts to his brother-in-law, J. E. Miller, of Portland, who will have them properly tanned and mounted. Though there is a bounty of $10 on cougars, Mr. Hooker did not collect the money because the law provides that the Clerk must take off the front legs and claws before paying the bounty. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Simon H. Guild and wife to Aurllla Johnson, lots 7 to lti. block 20, North Mount labor $ K. McKenzle and wife to Fred A. Jacobs, lots 5 to 10, block 1; lots 1, 2. 3, block 1; lots 1 to 10, block 4; lots 1 to 5, block 5; lots 1, 2 and east half of lot 3, block . Electric Heights . A. E. Cooper and wife to Jennie M. Wlckes, lot 3, block 3, Peddicord A Humbert's Add Security Savings A Trust Co. to P. W. Lewis, lot 3. block 13. Bells Crest May r. Bronaugh and husband to A. H. Grohs et al., west half of lots ' . 10, block 37, Tremont H. W. Ternan and wife to T. r. Hay green, lots 10, 11, block S, Tabor slde - James D. Hart and wife to H. F. c'laypool. lots 21, 22, 34, 24. block 10 I 10 10 600 880 1.000 1 1.430 1 6.600 1 6V200 1, eoo 8,000 4.000 IT 375 675 10 260 1 1 10 14,836 10 10 1 10 1 850 1.840 1 u, Kensington ......... W. H. Metzger and wife to Laura J. Barnes, 100x100 feet in Sec 10, T. 1 S., R. 3 E. A. A. Kadderly to Clara M. Combs, part of lot 8, block 187, East Port land . ........ Laurelhurst Co. to P. S. E&sterday, lot 8, block 2, Laurelhurst O. P. Wolcott and wife to Charles Tt. Schmld, lot 8, ' block 13; South St. John John B. Davidson and wife to Martin Sattler et al., lot 12, block 18, Al blna Oak Park Land Co. to Mary Hea man, lot 4, block 3, St. John Park Add. to St. John Charles vJatta and wife to Jack Beig beder, lots 3, 4, block "D," Ca ruthers Add. to Caruthers Orlen K. Entriken and wife to Jen nie Green, lots e, 7, block 7, Colum bia Heights Add X. F. Noren and wife to George "W. Ford, lot 13, block 5. Severance Add. to St. John Warren E. Thomas and wife to Nellie B. Efringer, east 18 feet of lot 2, block 8, Nob Hill Terrace Same to Bessie de- Bevoise Nicola!, west 33 feet of lot 2. block 8, Nob Hill Terraces Title Guarantee & Trust Co. to Ja cob E. Shafer. lot 9, block 8. Lex ington Heights Robert I. Cook to D. S. Tobias, lot 7. block 14, South Sunnyslde Add . Josephine Kuenzll and husband to William J. Drawz, lots 15, 16, block 7, Williams Add. No. 2 Portland Heights Improvement Co. to Myra c. Brewster, lot 7. block "L." Greenway , B Arleta Land Co. to Glacomo Viviano! lot 6, block 12, Ina Park Mallnda J. Lyon to Fred A. Jacobs. 200x200 feet In Sec 31. T. 1 N., si 2 E. ....... .................. Helena J. Dando and husband to Sarah A. Stroud, lots 10, 12, block 23. Irvlngton Park Luolnda M. McKenzle to Henry p. Works, lot 9, blook: 1. Laurelhurst Park R. L. Stevens (Sheriff) to Hartmann Stein, block 56. Stephens Add F. E. Baker and husband to Soren Anderson, lot 2, block 2a, Vernon.. John R. Wood and wife to Trrank s Hallock, lot lO, block 1, Spanton.. George C. Yale and wife to H. L. German, north half of lots 1. 2. block S. City View Park ' . William D. Huckleberry to TE. T Miller, lots 12, 1.1, block 7, Vernon Hlbernla bavings Bank to W. M. Davis, easterly 75 fet of lots 1. 4. In fractional block 26, Couch Ad dition . Christine Q. Cannon to W." T. Buttle" lot 5, block 2, Beverly George A. Rlggs et al. to Jacob Fox. J.ntSK? J3'Jt,ock nd I01' 1. 20. block 3, Tetonka Park Add.... J. C Roberts and wife to Ida B. Peters et al.. east half of lots 1 a block 24. and west half of lots 7, 8. block 24. Hanson's Second Add.. Ida B. Peters et al. to W E. Hart mus. west half of lots 7, 8, and east half of lots 1, 2, block 24, Hanson's Add Alex Miller and wife to" Herbert" A. Hover, lot 11. block 2, Williams Avenue Addition No. 2.. Louis C. Otto et al. to Henry Dietrich et al.. lots 3, 4. block 2, Concord Heights J. P. Forrester and wife "to H." C Forbes, lot 16, Kent, except E. 00 fete Edwin J. Smith and wife" to" W.' "wl Zollars. lota 13. 14. block 23, Cen tral Alblna m W. W. Zollars and wife to W." S. Ore-" gory et al.. lota 13, 14. block 23. Central Alblna Investment Company to Charles" Staf ford et al., lots 1, 2. block 10, Pied mont . , Mary M. Henrlksen and husband "to J."rr,,n - lot block 13. Central Alblna . . ...J I. A. Peters and wife to John""" James. E. 68 feet of lot 1. block 158 City Central Trust & Investment" Comp'anv to W. D. McDonald et al., lot 8. block 1, Colonial Heights Mae E. Hitchcock and husband to James G. Pike. 40x100' feet begin ning 1124 feet north of north line of Wygant street. thence north along east line of East Ninth street North Frank C. Strong and wife to Lucy N. Coon, lot 8. blook 17. Multnomah Lucy N. Coon and husband to Andrew Swenson. lot 5. block 17. Multnomah Maxwell N. Hamilton to Mary Kee nan. lota 17. 18 and N. 6 feet of lot 18. block 33, Central Alblna. . Mary Keenan and husband to Mary Bagley, lot 4. block 14. Overlook. . Neppach TCstate Company to George E. Jacobs, lot 2 and S. E. of P. E. 4 of section 4. township 1 north, range 6 east P. P. Dainty and wlfa to George E. 10 1.1O0 10 3,500 10 10 2.400 10 80,000 2.660 2,500 1 2,500 s.ooo 1.000 800 AMTSEMEST8. THEATER Main 2. A 8360 Geo. L. Raker, aianager Matinee Today Tonight Last Time, Portland's Favorite Comedian. WILLIAM DILLS. In the Famous William Collier Farce "THE MAN FROM MEXICO." One of the greatest comedies ever written. Evening Prices: 2oc. 50c. 75c. Saturday Mat., 25c. 50c. Next week, starting tomor rom Mat-: "All the Comforts of Home." MAIN 6. A 100. MAX1XEE EVBI DAT. 15-25-500 NIGHTS THF.ATER 15-25-50-751! WEEK APRIL 11. Elita Proctor Otis In "Mrs. Runner's Bun." Matt llenson, Anna Laughlln. Marshall Montgomery, five Jug gling Normans, Fred Ray Players, La Rose and La Gusta, Pictures, Orchestra. Portland Theater Phones ,A 7085 Russell tk Drew. Main 443. Managers. All Week, With Wednesday and Saturday Matinees, Ollie Mack And 35 Musical Comedy Artists In "AROUND THE TOWN." The Show That Has Caught the Town. Greatest Dancing Chorus Ever Here. Night 20c 80c. 40c. 50c. Matinees 25c GRAN D Week April 11, 191Q MR. AND MRS. JAMES It. M'CAJlN & CO. In "Uncle Charles of Charleston." William E. Whittle, Fox and Ward. Mile. Nadje. Frank Whitman, Kay W. Snow, GnudaKope. Matinee every day. 2:30: any seat. 15o Evenlng performances, 7:30. 0:18: balcony. IBfv lower floor 25c: box seats. 50e Jacobs, lot 3, section 4. and E. Vt of N. W. and lot 1. section . township 1 north, range 6 east... 3,000 Title Guarantee & Trust Company - to Walter S. Ormandy, lot 14, block 40. Rossmere 660 Same to Ester Alice Ormandy. lot 13. block 40. Rossmere 650 Elizabeth Thomas to Columbia Trust Company, 62 acres In N. W. Vt. of section 4, township 1 south, range 2 east , . io Overlook Land Company to Agnes Algar. lot 8. block 6, Overlook.... 1,250 F. A- Miller and wife to Peter Schmeer. lot 2. Averlll 1,800 John H. James and wife to 1. A. Pe ters. W. of lots 1. 2. block 327, Hawthorne Park 7,20O Anr.ie E. Hill and husband to James k. Kiimanm, lots o, s. block 13, Southern Portland in Mary F. Cason and husband to A. A. Kaaaeriy, acres beginning 1321.5 feet north and 108 north 88 degrees 48 minutes -west of corner of sec tions 0, 10, 15, 1. township 1 south, range 2 east IMlfl Fannie B. Insley et at to John H. jyicuiung. lot , block 35, Irvlngton 1 M. C. Banfleld and wife to H. K. Sargent et al., easterly 14 of Tract "F." Grover's Addition except east 10 feet 4,500 E. F. ' Cooper to Isaac McCoy, lots 18. 19. block 42. Peninsular Addi tion 30 Charles W. Bauer and wife to Kyle K. Kaser. lot 11, Vance 2.000 Charlotte Beal et al. to Louis Rosen blatt. W. of lots 2, 3, block 181, Couch Addition 9,000 Jacob Hardung and wife to Karl Pauly et al., lot 4, block 6. Lincoln Park 1,184 James Sargent to Robert P. Lyle. lots 1. 2. block 15. Greenoe Helirhta 4X Joseph Mackin and wife to Edward W. Bonneou et al., lot 5, block 7, Alblna Homestead 3,700 E. B. Holmes and wife to Isaac Mo Coy, lots 10, 11. block 8. Murlark Addition 1,050 E. S. Brubaker et al. to W. T. Kerr. 1 acre being S. 44 of N. of a parcel of land In sections 31, ,32, township 1 north, range 2 east.... 1,075 Tyler Investment Company to Harry A. Farr. lota 10, 11, 12, block 23, Willamette Addition 52fl William A. Anderson to Clara Mark- ley, lot 5, block 2, su-bdl vision of W. of lot "L" In M. Patton Tract 1,300 Merchants Savings & Trust Company to Flora C. McEachern. lot 1, block 100, Irvlngton 1,250 M. M. Dlel et al to R. T. Driskill et al., north S3 1-3 feet of lot 5. block 1. Elizabeth Irvine's Addition , 3,500 Nanta Kmgsley and husband to Adella F. Jones, south t of lot 1, block 7. Tilton's Addition 3,500 Arthur West and wife to Arrilla Burkhart, lot 6. block 1, Belford . Addition 10 J. F. Gillmore and wife to W. P. Olds. lot -12. block S. South St. Johns.... 450 Charles Mortenson and wife to W. p. Olds, lot 11, subdivision of block 12, North St- Johns Addition to St. Johns , 450 Marv N. Wilde ana husband to W. P. Olds, lots 9. 10. block 3, subdivi sion of lots 1. 2. 7. 8, 9, to. North St. Johns 2,100 Gilbert Goodhue and wife to W. P. Olds, lot 20, blook 3, subdivision of lots 1, 2, 7. 8, 9, 10, North St. Johns 475 Rose City Park Association to H. H. Newell, lot 5. block 101, Rose City Park 750 Mabel E. Morrison to Herman George J oh an son et al., lots 37, 38, block 5, Railway Addition to Montavilla 800 Frances McDonald and husband to M. J. Hlckey, lots 15, 10, block 16, Cap itol Hill 10 Chares E. West to 8. E. Venard. lots 9. IO. block L Lochlnvar Addition, to Alblna 10 6. M. Venard and wife to J. H. Tom llnson, lots n 10. 11. block 1, Lochlnvar Addition 10 Merchants Savings & Trust Company to Millie A. Stevenson, lot 14, block 96. Irvlngton 118 Oregon Realty & Trust Company to Jacob Kamm, part of lot -5, tract "D." Smith's Addition 4.O0O Total -jf'- .$171,063 LAWYERS' ABSTRACT TRUST CtX. Room 6, Board of Trada bid. - A pi trap ta a specialty. GUARANTEED certificates of title and ab stracts made by Title & Trust Co.. Lewis bldg., cor. 4th and Oak sta.. Portland. Or. DAILY M KTKItOJUKil CAL REPORT. PORTLAND. April 15. Maximum temper ature, 72 degrees: minimum temperature. 41 degrees. River reading, 8 A. M.. 12.3 reel; change in last 24 hours, rise 0.5 foot. Total rainfall (5 P. M. to 5 P. M.). none: total rainfall since September 1, 3&.50 Inches; nor mal rainfall since September 1, 38.35 Inches; excess of rainfall since September 1, 0.15 Inches. Total sunshine April 14, IO hours 42 minutes; possible sunshine, 13 hours 30 minutes, jtjarometer (reaucea to sea levet at 8 P. M, 30.1a Inches. 1ST! Wind. C Ul ft . 2- "2. O 3 2- c " 0 STATIONS. 3 t c. 3? : ? : r : : . ; State of Weather Boston -.. Boise. ........... Chicago. ........ Los Angeles..... New Orleans.... New York. ...... North Head..... Portland . ....... Roseburg. ....... Sacramento ..... Salt Lake San Francisco... Spokane . . , St. Louis Tacoma Tatoosh Island.. Walla Walla.... Washington. . . . . I 72 0. 00 fi'NE OO'IO'NW on 12'SW Of) 12 -S 0O30SE 001 4'NB 00H2IW .001 4SW .001 4NVV OO1 4'E .OO' 6'NW OOJO'W 00' 8'S .Oil1 4-NE .OOllO'W iCIear NTIear Cloudy Clear vTlear Cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear iRaining Pt cloudy 'Raining 'Clear ICloudy 58 0. 780. "70. 82 0. 74 0. 86 'O. 72 0 7 O 7rtlo .1 isio I SO 0 : 62!o I 7rt O I 70 0 04 O I s'o I 84 IO .02.24 w 04 SW oo! o;sw WEATHER CONDITIONS. A small low pressure area is central over British Columbia and the barometer is again rising along the Washington and Oregon coasts. No rain has fallen during the last 24 hours in this district, except a small amount near Cape Flattery. The tempera ture has risen decidedly In nearly all por tions of Oregon. Washington and Idaho. Heavy frosts occurred this (Thursday) morn ing In Eastern Oregon. Eastern Washington and Idaho and light frosts occurred In the western portion of Oregon and Washington. The danger of frost forming Saturday morn ing la slight, except in Southern Idaho, where it will probably occur, but it will be too light to do any great amount of damage. The Indications are for fair weather In this district . Saturday, except along the Washington coast and extreme Northwest Washington, where showery conditions will prevail. It will be cooler In Western Ore gon, Washington and Northern Idaho and warmer in Southern Idaho. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Saturday, fair and cooler, westerly winds. Oregon Saturday, fair, cooler west por tion, except near the coast; westerly winds. Washington Saturday, fair, except show ers along the coast and in extreme north west portion: cooler, except near the coast; westerly winds. Idaho Saturday, fair, cooler north; warmer south portion. EDWARD A. BEALS, District Forecaster. VolapuM. one of the most pretentious at tempts at a universal language, was intro duced early in -the eighties. Many a "Rent paying" man reads a helpful, thoughtful article on the subject of "Rent saving", and investment, where the essentials Security of Capital Plus Surety of Profit are pointed out to him and he says, 'By George, that's fine I -then goes his way and forgets it the practice he thinks is for the other fellow and continues his rent paying habits, with the following net results : Prmo.10 yearsllo years20 years $ 8.00 10.00 12.00 15.00 18.00 $1265.35 1423.51 1898.02 2372.52 2847.03 3163.36 3479.70 3954.20 4745.04 $2234.48 $3,531.41 3,972.83 5,297.11 6,621.39 7,945.67 8,828.52 9,711.37 11,035.65 13,242.78 2513.78 3351.71 4189.64 5027.57 20.00 5586.10 22.00 6144.81 25.00 6982.73 8379.271 30.00 Change These Conditions there never was a better time than right now and there is no better place than MONTCLAIR, for any man with a job and T.wenty Dollars. 25 minutes on the East Ankeny-Hyde Park Car to the end of the line. The Jacobs-Stine Company . Largest Realty Operators on the Pacific Coast 146 FIFTH STREET Phones: Main 6869; A 6267 MONTCLAIM UNCALLED-FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS ARE HELD AT THIS OF FICE FROM THE FOLLOWING ANSWER CHECKS AND MAY BE HAD BT PRE SENTING TOUR CHECKS AT THE ORE GON1AN OFFICE: A 8.r.3. 854. 870. 873, 881. 8S2, 888. B 807. 829, 870, 872, 873. 882. 885. 888, 81. C 8SO. 851. 834. 870. 885. 887. 8SS. I 830, 868. 874, 8sa. E 871. 882. 8SS. V 8:JO. 841. 830. 6M, 8H7. 8S1J. G .106. SSS. 804. 862. 973. US3. H 852, 834. S80. J 449. 830. 863. 867. 881, 888. K 807, 851. 871. 872, 873, 874. 881, 883, 886. 1 832. 807, 868. 880. M 850. 852. 855. S58. 867, 880, 882, 886. 887. N 850, 881. 885. 802. O 808. 806. 880. 882. 886. P 869. 873. K 48S. 851, 832. 864. 870. 871, 872, 877, 881, 9O0. not. 892. 899. 8 844. 802. 837. 860, 874. 883. 884. 8S6. 892. T 850. SIMJ, Htl, 8S4, 8S0. 887. 895. 898. 899. V 48. 850. 851. 861. 872, 874. 880. 82. 884. 886. 895. 896. 897. 898. W 850. 854. 860. 870. 871, 872, 874, 876, 883. 888. 880. 891. 803. X 805. 872, 879. 881. 884. 889. 890. 895, 8i. Y 807. 870. 872. 873. 881. 883. 884. 891. 894. AB SIO. 858. 859. 870, 878, 882, 885. 890. 898. AC 840. 859. 875. 888. Al) S72, 878, 881. AK S49. 851. 873. 877. 879. 880. 887. AF 851, 852. 861. 870. 873. 874, 879, 882, 884. AG 81. 845. 852, 855, 875. 878. 879. 880. 830 AH 589. jS39. S48, 857, 859, 863. 873. 874. 879. 884. 887. AJ 829. 848. 831. 861, 863. 867, 872, 874, 880. 882. 885. 889. AK 835. 850, 852. 854. 856. 859. 867. 876. 877. 884. AL 7S3. 821. 84. 849, 839. 869, 877, 881, KS2. 887. 889. AM 619. 685. 835. 837. 843, 850. 853. 856, 863. 813. 853. 863. AN 844. 845. 857. 874. 888. If above, ans-wers are not called for w Ithln uc days same will ba aevtroyea. I HOTEL OREGON CORNER SEVENTH AND STARK STREETS ; Portland's New and Modern Hotel. Rates $1 per Day and Dp EUROPEAN PLAN J WRIGHT - DICKINSON HOTEL CO, Props. Z Mm Imm F. J. RlcbardsoB, Pre, The Imperial Oregon's Greatest Hotel 350 Rooms, 104 Suites, "With Private r sr' Baths. i WTW rTPTPRnnT1 RTTTT.TiTisrn :e Moderate Bates. Fbil Metschan & Sons, Props. THE PORTLAND PORTUNO, OR. XrCROI"EA2f PXAJf MOIEBS RESTAURANT OSX OHK MILLION Nortonia Hotel ELEVENTH, OFF WASHINGTON ST. BEAUTIFUL GRILL ROOM European l'tau - ftanrple Sultae with t MODERN COMFORTS Rate to Tannines Our Boa Meets All Trains .tha far Cvnuneresal Travelers. MODERATE PRICES 0. W. CORNELIUS. Proprietor. 5 SEWAE: Corner 1 Oth and Alder The leading hotel of Portland, opened 3i1y 1909. Modern In every detail, furnished la elegance. Most beautiful corner lobby 4n Northwest. Commodious sample rooms. European plan. Rates $1.50 and up. 'Bus meets all trains. W. M. SEWARD, Prop. OPENED SEPT.. 1909 HOTEL LENOX E. D. and V. H. JORGENSEN Props, and Mgn. COR. 3D AND MAIN STS. Hot and Cold Water. Eons; Distance Phone in Every Room. RATES $1.00 and up American Plan $2.50 Per Cay W. X. Wood, Slgrr. ytTyBRAl., ypTICES. M'KNIOHT In this city. April 15. at the family residence. 715 East AsH st.. Cla rlnda M. McKnljfht. aged 75 years 7 months and 4 days. Tha funeral services will be held at the above residence at 4 P. M. today (Saturday.) Friends In vited. Interment Sand Ridge Cemetery, near Albany, Or. VAX VLEET In this city, April 15. at his lat-a residence, 344 Graham ave., Lewis Van Vleet, aged S3 years 5 months and 25 days. The funeral services will be held at Oak Grove Farm, Wash., Sunday, April 17. GOETHE The funeral services of Matthias A. Goethe will be held from his late resi dence, 509 Columbia st., at 2 P. M. Sun day. April 17. Friends Invited. Inter- ment Rose City Cemetery. DunnlnftT 9t McEntec, Funeral Directors. 7th mnd Pine.. Phone Main 480. Lady m lant. Office of Comity Ccroner. ZELLER-BYRJiES CO., Funeral Oirectors, S94 Williams ave.; both phones; lady attend ant : mut modern establishment in the city. EDWARD HOI.MAN CO., Funeral Direct ors, ggO 3d St. Lady Assistant. Phone M. 507. J. P. FIN LEY A SOX, Sd and Madison. Lady attendant. Phone Main 9, A 15tfg. FAST SIDE Funeral Directors, successors to F. 8. Dunning, Inc. E. 02, B 8525. ERIC80N CO. Undertakers; lady assist ant. 409 Alder. M. 6133, A SZ3S. LERCH, undertaker, cor. East Alder and 6th. Phones 781. B 1888. Lady assistant. TONSBTH FLORAL CO.. MARQUAM BLDO. FLORAL DESIGNS. Phones. Main A 1102. "NEW PERKINS Fifth and "Washington Sts. Opened June. 1908. A botel In the very heart of Portland's business ac tivity. Only hotel equipped with wireless telegraph. Every convenience for comfort of commercial men. Modern in every respect. Raten $1.00 and up. Cafe and grill; musio during lunch, dinner and after theater. 2 4- S wetland. Sec. and Mrr. HEATtQrARTEKS IX K TOURJtSTM maA COMMK1K IAL r-TRAVItl.Fm Special ratea made to fmmllim mad ain a:le frentleroeift. Tba maiuc4ineDt will . be pleased at all tima to show rooms and Ye prices, A mod ern Turkish Bath establishment In the hotel. H. C. BOWEK8, Manager. DOIXAB8. to. a. a h 10&4jBLGL8u3 4 - OS X TT- 1 iXC-JC-v- .- ,'. :i ilfpSf THE CORNELIUS "The House of Welcome," corner Park and Alder. Portland 's newest and most modern hotel. European plan. Single, $1.50 and tip. Doable, $2.00 and up. Our omnibus meets all trains. H. E. FLETCHER. Manager. HOTEL RAMAPO Corner Fourteenth and Washington New Hotel. Elegantly FurnUhed Rates $1.00 and Up Special Rates for Permanent a European Plan. Bas Meets All Trains. Al. E. KOLEY. PROPRIETOR. PRIVATE BATHS YOU WILL LIKE THE WOODS HOTEL European Plan $1 & tl.SO Per Day "It's All Comfort." . Oar Table d'Hote Meala One Feature. In heart of business district, center of city, halt blooV from G. N. Ry. and N. P. Ry. lepot. close to all steam ship wharves and C. P. R. Depot.- VANCOUVER, B. C. MEETING NOTICES. ORG EON LODGE, NO. 101, A. F. AND A. M. Stated communi cation this (Saturday ) evening, at S o'clock. Masonic Temple. Visit ing brethren cordially invited. By order W. M. A. J. HANDLAN,.Sec. DIED. FLEISCHNER At his residence. 31 7th St., Jacob Fleischner, father of I. N. and Marcus Fleischner, Mrs. R. Goldsmith, Mrs. Sol Bluraauer and Mrs. George H. Davis, of San Francisco. Funeral notice later. MUNSON" At 46 East Stark St.. April 15, Oley Munson, a?ed 41 years. Funeral an nouncement lat-ar. Remains at the East Side Funeral Directors. East Alder and East Sixth streets. DARLING In this city, April 15. at the family residence. 5ST Yukon aw.. Linus W. Darling, aged 55 years 2 months 22 days. Announcement of funeral later. ROBERTS Tn this city. April 15. at the family residence, lO.'ta Williams ave., Amos- Martin Roberts, age 70 years IX months. Funeral announcement later. CLARK At her late residence, 54 Buchtel st., April 15. Louise F., wife of W. C. Clark Funeral notice later OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY PBESIUE.NT. Main 112. SECRETARY, Main S9. nUSL&HE OinCEK. East 77. NEW TODAY. WARNING 80xl20-FOOT TRACTS AT Public Auction Today, 2:30 P. M. Sharp, At Kusa Station, on Oregon Elect rie, Salem or Hillsboro line, , ONLY 20 MINUTES' HIDE This is one of the choicest tracts along the Oregon Electric Line. We advise parties wishing a location for home or investment to attend this sale today at our expense. Cars leave Jefferson street station at 2 :10 P. AL sharp. Call at the office or phone us if you can come. M. E. LEE 411 Corbett Building. Phone Main 6860. ost of Portland's Big .Fortunes have been ma-l in subdivision real estate. Many more will be made. No city on the Coast offers the op portunities for tho subdivision of city real estate as does Portland. There is a reason. We imve a num ber of most excellent chances for any one with an inclination to this form of invest ment. Any amount from a thousand up can be placed to good advantage. If you are looking for city acreage, see us. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY Board of Trade Ruildlnar. FRONT Residence Property West side of river, only 15 minutes from foot of Jefferson street. Fine trees; near station. 85x150, $2500 100x1150, 3500 Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce, $10,000 Easily Made on This APARTMENT SITE 100 Feet From Washington Street Tot 60x130, with a fine largre resi dence; will rent for $100 per month. Kxcluslve district: east of 22d at. Price for few days $23,000, cash. JOS. C. GIBSON 3O4-305 OcrllnKer Bids., Second and Alder Sts. $11,500 fiOxlOO on Glisan St., near 2:d. 8-roorm modern house. Kor particulars see GEO. D. S CHALK Main 3g. A 23!-'. 2s Stark S. WILLIAMS AVE.MK 1MKSTMHXT S13.000 Full business lot. frame building, stores below and rooms over; grood In come and part cash han dles. JACKSON" & DEKRIXG, 24U Stark St. 3-story brick warehouse, Marshall st. 322,000 CARTER-DUGAN COMPANY 820 Chamber of Commerce. OEOROE BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, (All Branches.) 1 $23 Worcester Bids". ' 1 Phosaa Halo S371. A. 401$. PORTLAND JH EIGHTS I-"or sale finest corner on Heights. Im proved, near car. Owner, Alain 4995. INVESTORS Call on owner's Realty Assn for timber, acreage, business, resldenc and apartment properties. 203 Ablngtoa, T3T TT LVJ rivers S