Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 16, 1910, Image 1

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VOL. Li. NO. 1 ."5,409.
Race for Interior Ore
gon Starts.
ttoad to Open 10,000,000
Acres of Fine Grazing Land-
Wort Already TTndcr Way Points to
Ietermination of East and West
Llno'n Entry J. P. O'Brien
on-CommULl on Report.
VALE. Or, April 15. (Special.) De
termined on being the first railroad
Jnto Harney County, the Harrlman in
terests Jumped Into Vale this morning:
iwlth a force of 100 railroad laborers
and. started construction work on the
Oregon & Eastern, the survey for
which extends westward across the
state from this point to a connection
with the Natron-Kllamath line at Odell.
Material yards have been established
In which 90 carloads of ties are al
ready piled up,' In addition- to several
mllea of 70-pound steel rails. Engi
neering parties are now setting the
grade, stakes along the line of the sur
vey and are camped as far west as
the Harper ranch 25 miles from Vale
'.n Malheur County.
Malheur Canyon Kirst Point Hit.
It Is believed here that energies will
be devoted at first to covering the
survey In the Malheur River canyon,
where engineering parties, working for
the Boise & Western, ' said to be a
Hill road, have been operating for
(om tune.
The construction of 160 miles of
road will put the Oregon & Eastern
"in the clear.- That Is, It will take
the road through the Malheur canyon
and into the Harney Valley to a point
on Malheur Lake. From there to the
connection near Odell, the country is
more or less open and the danger of
Interference by rival lines is not a
matter for serious consideration. It is
reported here that work on this 150
miles will be prosecuted vigorously
this Summer.
"It Is Harney Valley or bust" is the
expression used here today by Engi
neer Ashton. who has been looking
after right of way matters for the com
pany. Engineer F. S. Osborne is now
In Pocatello rounding up railroad la
The force at work today has laid the
Sret mile of track th.t will be needed
to connect the Oregon Short Line
branch from Ontario to this point with
the construction work on the survey
of the Oregon & Eastern. Tracks are
being laid in order to get materials on
the ground1 expeditiously, while
twitch is under construction to facili
tate the handling of materials in the
Survey Covers AVide Territory.
The survey of the Oregon & Eastern
extends from Vale up the Malheur River
to Malheur Lake, and, as at present
staked, leaves the town of Burns 18 or
20 miles to the north. The road swings
around the base of Wagon Tire Moun
tain, enters the Christmas Lake Valley,
passes through the Silver Lake and
Kort Rock countries and out through
a gap between timber-covered hills at
the western end of the Fort Rock Val
Construction work from Malheur
Lake westward is comparatively light,
the survey extending for many miles
along land in the Christinas Lake coun
try almost as level as a floor. In the
latter countries there has been a rush
of homesekers under1 way since last
Fall, hundreds of whom have taken
up desert land claims and regular
homesteads. The road will serve the
. great Harney Valley, containing more
than 10,000,000 acres, it is estimated, of
high grade agricultural land, devoted
now in the most part to stock grazing.
In Vale work on a new depot to cost
$20,000 is to begin at once, and a deal
for the purchase, of railroad yards at
the foot of Main street has Just been
closed. All indications point to a de
termination on the part of the Harrl
man road to be the first to interior
Oregon with an east-and-west line.
The Oregon & Eastern Railroad is a
Harrlman corporation, in the list of
officers of which J. P. O'Brien is given
as president.
i i Mr. O'Brien, last night, said that he
had no information concerning the
commencement of work at the eastern
terminus of the road's survey. He de
t: lined to express any opinion on the
report or say whether immediate con
struotlon of the road had been under
Lake Valley Lose. $100,000 in
Damage to Fruit.
LAKE CITY, April 15. Damage
t in Salt Lake Valley from the
ist night will aggregate J100.000.
apricot crop has been almost en
destroyed and. peaches, pears.
h and early apples suffered severely.
se of emud gre -rots saved several or-
A r-
Court Appoint You.1'
Guardian, Thereby Pe r
"Church of God" of Estate.
EVERETT, Wash., April 15. W. P.
A Howay was appointed guardian of his
father and mother toy the Superior
Court today In order to prevent the
father, W A. Alloway. a wealthy farm
er of this county, from giving all his
property to the Church of God Society,
a religious colony formerly located
near here but recently migrated to
Southern California,
Evidence introduced during the hear
ing for the appointment of a! guardian
showed that Alloway has sent (20,000
to a Mrs. Weise, head of the colony,
for which he has received no securi
ties, v
Alloway admitted that he has been
giving his property to the society, but
said he acted in accordance with the
command of God, with whom he con
versed, as with a man.
Important Subjects Are Up for Con
sideration at Denver.
DENVER, April 15 An important
railroad conference is scheduled to be
held in Denver tomorrow. Darius Mil
ler, president of the Chicago, Burling
ton & Qulncy Railroad, and Charles H.
Schlaoks, vice-president of the Denver
& Rio Grande Railroad, were expected
to arrive in Denver tonight, while the
following railroad officials arrived to
day: H. E. Byram of Chicago, vice-presi
dent of the Burlington; George W.
Holdredge of Omaha, general manager
of the Burlington; J.- W. Dean of
Pueblo superintendent of the Denver
& Rio Grande: R. J. Parker of La
Junta, general superintendent of the
Santa Fe, and C. W. Jones of Chicago,
general superintendent of the Rock
It Is thought a traffic arrangement
between the Denver & Rio Grande and
the Western Pacific, on the one side.
and the Burlington and other HJll
roads, on the other side, may be in
Another matter to be considered Is
the' proposed H. 00000 addition to the
Denver Union Depot.
Fairbanks Men Say Flag Will Prove
Mountain Waa Conquered.
FAIRBANKS, Alaska. April 15 The
committee in charge of the Fairbanks
Mount McKinley expedition desires
that the United States Government
shall detail Signal Service men from
the point nearest Mount McKinley to
make a trip to the. vicinity of the
mountain, and report whether an
American flag is flying on the summit.
Thomas Lloyd, leader of the expedi
tion, and who knows the great moun
tain well, having lived the year through
in the foothills, repeats that March is
the safest month of the year for the
ascent, the snow being then firm over
the crevasses, and there being no ava
lanches. After the snow begins to
melt, the great crevasses open, and
there are slides of vast masses of
B. W. Griffin and Captain Barnette,
of this city, offer to wager $100,000
with any responsible person who doubts
the truth of the report brought back
by the expedition. The Summer expe
ditions now planned will verify the re
port of Mr. Lloyd, his backers say.
Newark Rioters Defy Police in Dem
onstration Over Prices.
NEWARK, N. J.. April 15. That every
butcher shop in this city will be closed
In 34 hours, to stay closed until the
wholesale , dealers lower the prices of
meat, was the declaration today of the
president of the Butchers' Association In
commenting on the meat boycott move
ment. Crowds throng Prince street, the
center of the meat and grocers' trade to.
day. Turbulent demands have been fre
quent in the last 24 hours. A mob of 7000'
men. women and children marched down
Prince street last night, defying the po
lice. Men who attempted to hold open air
meetings were frustrated by police but
some agitators harangued the crowds
from second-story windows. Five are
under arreet charged with inciting riot.
The most serious demonstration oo-
curred late last night when rioters cap.
tured a butcher wagon loaded with stock
and poured kerosene over the contents.
Attempts were made to set fire to the
wagon but the police prevented it.
Force of Arms to Prevent Future
War, Soldier Thinks.
CHICAGO, April IB. Lord Kitchener
of Khartoum became "Kitchener o
Chicago" for exactly one hour and 30
minutes yesterday. "My whole view
of the future is one made peaceable by
force of arms. Even with an interna
tional agreement for peace some force
must exist to punish offenders," he
said. Hundreds of persons, chiefly
Englishmen, crowded the station plat
form when the distinguished visitor
Senator Offers to -Resign if Bribery
Elected Him.
JACKSON', Mlss April 15. In an ad
dress before the session of the Legis
lature, United States Senator Leroy
Percy today declared he would resign
rather than hold a' commission that In
the opinion of the members of the
Legislature had been obtained by fraud
and corruption. ,
Resolutions will be Introduced it.
both houses of the Legislature pro
JLvldins for a special primary.
Is in Police Court as
Carl Wagner.
Recognized by Mrs. Freeman,
but Denies Knowing Her.
Arrested for Carrying Firearms,
His Resemblance to Maji Wanted
for Gig Harbor Murder Strikes
Police He Appears Dazed.'
SAN FRANCISCO, April 15. (Special.)
Charles J. Wezler, wanted by the au
thorities- of Tacoma on suspicion of the
brutal murder of Mrs. Henry Schulz, his
divorced wife's mother, at Gig Harbor,
Wash., on April 4 was found in Police
Judge Shortall's dock this morning.
where he was awaiting trial on a cliarge
of carrying concealed weapons under the
name of Carl Wagner.
When, it became suspected that Wagner
was the man wanted, in Washington.
Judge SbortaU instantly ordered him into
custody and raised his bonds to $5000.
Woman Recognizes Rim and Swoons
Detectives then brought to the City
prison Mrs. Alma Lottie Freeman, wife
of Charles F. Freeman, a deserter from
the Navy, whose pardon she had ob
tained by a personal plea to President
Taft "Wexler had lived with this woman
in Portland and had written many let
ters to her address In this city.
When Mrs. Freeman was confronted
with the man who gave the name Wag
ner, she instantly said: "That is Wezler,'
and then fell fainting and was caught In
the arms of a detective.
Wezler Denies Identity.
Wezler denied for ome time that he
knew the woman and maintained sulkily
that he was not Wezler and had never
been known by that name. Notwithstand
ing hte first-denials, the police say he later
admitted his identity and they maintain
they are absolutely positive the prisoner
Is Wezler, and are holding him pending
the arrival of detectives who are already
on the way from Tacoma.
The local police . were aroused to a
search for Wezler 1n this city on read
ing a press dispatch from Portland in
which Vt was said that the Portland police
were convinced Wezler was either in San
Francisco or on his way here to see a
woman known as Mrs. Alma Lottie Free
man, with whom he was infatuated. This
dispatch stated that Wezler had written
many postal cards and had received
many in reply from this woman.
Detectives Locate Woman.
Two pieces of Information came to the
detectives almost simultaneously Thurs
day, which enabled them to locate the
rooms of Mrs. Freeman, who was living
with her husband. They also found the
room of a man who somewhat answered
the description of Wezler.
Both rooms were placed under survefl-
ance. It was a vagrant boy named James
McGrath who reported to the Harbor
Station that' he had been the companion
of a man who seemed to have committed
a crime. Detectives Geimann and Becker
(Concluded on Page fl. )
S A l J
'1 VIM (
The Weather.
TE8TBRDA.T,8 Maximum tmperatUlA
degree; minimum. 41 degrees.
TODAY'S Vnlr and cooler; westerly wind
Roceevelt Is received by Emperor Fraud -
j'Mepa -wit a Honor au reigning
ign. Face L.
Rejectlon of Polndexter recommendation for
fiostmaster at Wenatchee Clow at traao
or Senatorship. Page 6. '
National. ,
Representative. Martin ronewi attack on War
impertinent, alleging JUUQ o xriar lanca
to sugar trust. Pare 2.
Assistant Secretary Pierce testifies Ballin-
arer did not disturb his rulings. Page o.
Senator Jiurton continues opposition to pres.
ent system or Improving waterways
I Page 0.
Congressman Foss calls on Insurgents to
come over to Democrats. Page 0.
Western railroad presidents say proposed
long .end short-haul clause of commerce
act would cut oft Faciflc Coast. Page 1.
Charles J. Wezler, accused of murder of his
mother-in-law, found In Ban Francisco,
and admits identity. Page 1
Jury secured to try Dr. liydo, aocused. ex
pects fair trial. Page 2.
Los Angeles man gets new Jaw from calf,
father of which gored, his. face. J 'age i.
Two more auto speedway records broken at
Plaa del Re. Page S.
Paclflo Coast League results: Portland n.
Sacramento 1; Oakland 9. Los Angeles e;
San Francisco S. Vernon 3. Page 8.
Jeffries works hard at training.- Page a.
Pnclflo Northwest.
Teamsters strike at Vancouver: Sheriffs
deputies preserve order. Page 7.
Harrlman interests rush line into Harney
Oounty, tapping 10.000,000 acres of fine
land. Page L
Commercial and- Marine.
Manipulation of ooast barley market.
Page 21.
Better feeling lit Eastern wool trade.
Pare 2Ju
Slight gain in wheat at Chicago. Page 21.
Crop, trade and Industrial reports are bet
ter. Page 21.
Selling checks rise in stocks. Page 21.
Steamer sen-ice to Eureka, will cuntlnue.
Page 2U.
Portland and Vicinity.
Cfensus count may mean new Congressman,
as first days results enow; lair return.
Page 0.
.Dairying and frultralslng occupies Grange
Institute at Qresham. Page 14.
School Roard discusses teachers' practice of
resigning in order to wed. Page 9.
Limit of Tft placed on business men's ex
cursion south. Page 12.
Second Hull Run pipe line to be completed
toy November. Page X2.
Halter's oomet seen by Portlanders from
Council Crest in early morning hours.
Page 14.
Lewis Van Vleet. pioneer of two states, dies.
Page lL
Hen's eggs convey tuberculosis, says State
Veterinarian. Page 3 6.
Oregon Kleotrlo purchase three blocks in
South Portland. Page 30.
Government preparing for trial of suit next
week in tlmber-lana cases, rage H.
Unimproved Apple Land Near The
Dalles Brings High Eigure.
THH DALLES, Or, April 15. (Special.)
dal.),N1n lmndrti and thirty aov 3 of
Dutch Fiat unimproved apple land has
just been sold for 430,000 by the Chesebro
Investment Company to The Dalles
Home Orchard, Syndicate Company, of
Portland and Ashland interests. The land
is already being divided into ten-acre
tracts to be put on the market-
The soil is fine volcanic arfh, the same
soil In wnich the Hood River apples are
grown. The Dutch Flat apple rands are
on the uplands about six miles south of
town and the Chesebro Company Is
planting 10.000 trees this Spring on 1S8
acre b of the flat land which has been
9o!d In small tracts.
Railroad-Builders1 Swept Away in
Quebec Eight Bodies Found.
ST. ALPHON8B, Quebec, April 15.
An immense landslide, started by a
blast of dynamite, today carried' a
score of men down the side -of a steep
hill and burled the construction camp
of the Haha Bay Hallway under tons
of earth and rock. Not a workman in
the camp escaped, and almost every
one of the gang working on the hill
was Injured.
Up to a late hour a rescue party had
taken out eight dead, including Ladis-
las Gagne, of St. Joseph, Quebec, chief
engineer In charge of the work; hi
assistants, W. O. Brown and Joseph
Jennings, of Toronto, Ont. . Seven are
Emperor Receives Him
in Splendor.
Francis. Joseph Will Personal
ly Return Visit.
During Afternoon American Pays
Visit to Capuciiin Church.
XSoosevelt Angered by Fake Re
port He Will Be Candidate.
VIENNA, April 15. Colonel Theodore
Roosevelt was received at the Austrian
capital today In a manner almost like
that accorded a reigning coverign.
The punctilious Austrian court, the
most ceremonious of Europe, had ar
ranged the programme and left nothing
undone that could emphasize the unpre
cedented honor being paid the visiting
As a special mark of his personal es
teem, the aged Emperor-King, Francis
Joseph, received Colonel Roosevelt In his
private apartments at the Imposing Hof
burg palace. Instead of in the regular
audience chamber.
Emperor to Return Visit.
The monarch who was attired in an
Imperial uniform, was extremely gracious
to the American and kept him in conver
sation for 35 mliiutes-
What interested subjects they found
to discuss were not made public, as
they were alone, and Colonel Roose
velt , naturally has declined to reveal
the slightest detail of the conversation.
Emperor Francis Joseph Intends per
sonally to return Mr. Roosevelt's call
on him. Such an honor as a return
visit from the mperor Is only ex
tended to reigning sovereigns.
Theodore Roosevelt and his son Ker
mit arrived here at 6:45 o'clock this
morning. Mr. Roosevelt was met at
the station by Herr von Mueller,
principal Secretary of the Foreign Of
fice, who was there as the representa
tive of the Austrian Government; Amer
ican Ambassador Kerens and others of
the stan! of the American Ambaesy and
Consulate, and Baron Hengelmuller von
Hengervar, Austro-Hungarlan Ambas
sador at Washington. After' an ex
change o( greetings, Mr. RToosevelt and
Mr. Kerens entered a court carriage
and drove to the Hotel Krane.
After breakfast with Henry White,
ex-American Ambassador to France,
who came from Silesia especially to
meet him, Mr. Roosevelt received sev
eral Americans who had awaited him
at the hotel, and then drove in th
ecourt carriage to the Foreign Office
on the Ball-Platz, and made an official
call on Count von Aehrenthal, the
Austro-Hungarlan Foreign Minister.
Returning to his hotel the ex-President
received a call from Baron Hengel
muller. The Baron remained for lunch
eon, Mr. Kerens and Mr. White being
also- In the party.
At 3 o'clock this afternoon, Mr. Roose
elt again entered the court carriage and
drove to the Hofburg . Palace, where he
was received in audience by Emperor
Francis Joseph.
Capuchin Church Visited.'
From the palace. Mr. Roose-elt visited
the Capuchin Church in the vaults of
which rest the bones of the Hapsburgs.
There he placed wreaths on the tombs
(Concluded on Page 2.)
Peculiar Operation Performed to
Build Fp Human Face Gored
by Bovine,
1X53 ANGELES, April IB. The new
oral surgery department of the Los An
geles County Hospital, said to be the
first of its kind In "any county institu
tion In tho country, was inaugurated
today - with an operation which sup
plied John Schilhelmer. a Long Beach
rancher, with part of a calf's lower
Jaw to replace maxillary bones that
were destroyed when the calf's father,
a Jersey bull, gored the man and but
ted him in the face last November.
Dr. Carl Delchmiller, head of the
new department, performed the opera
tion. Dr Delchmiller first picked out &
sheep to supply the . needed front por
tlon of the lower jaw. but Schilhelmer,
who had ordered the bull slain imme
diately after it had gored him, carried
his revenge onto the offending animal's
offspring. He could not talk, but made
JUs wish known with pad and pencil.
"Let the sin of the father be visited
upon the son." too wrote, "Kill the Jer
ey calf."
It was slain this morning, an hour
hefore the operation, ao the living cells
In the calf bone would knit with those
of the human. Three hours later
Schilhelmer emerged from the anaes
thetics with everything under the flesh
of his chin made of calf and his face
bound In a cast to hold his toothless
gums articulated.
In two months it is expected he will
be fully recovered and able to eat
without the tube he now uses.
Iloffgtot Raises Technical Point
Against Extradition.
ALBANY, N. Y April IB. Frank N
Hoffstot, president of the Pressed
Steel Car Company, appeared before
Governor Hughes today to oppose ex
tradition from this state under the
warrant Issued by Governor Stuart of
Pennsylvania, on the request of the
Pittsburg authorities, charging him
with conspiracy and bribery of Pitts
burg councilmen.
Counsel for Hoffstot contended that
he was not a fugitive from Justice,
inasmuch as the supposed crime took
place In New i ork.
Governor Hughes interrupted to say
that In dealing with the question he
would not question the Intention of
the authorities of Pennsylvania, but
whether Mr. Hoffstot was a fugitive
from justice.
At the suggestion of Governor
Hughes, Mr. Hoffstot was sworn. He
denied having been in Pennsylvania on
June 3, 1908, and said he was in New
York that' day. He admitted that ha
had attended a meeting of the board
of directors of the German National
Bank of Pittsburg on May 28, 1908
and another meeting on June 29.
Governor Hughes gave counsel on
both sides until Monday to submit
briefs on the points of law raised.
Strangest Play Ever Written Will
He Staged Monday.
MADISON", W1b April 15. (Special. )
A two-act comedy. In which the dra
matis personae are all potrayals of va
rious germs, will be given Monday night
by a company consisting entirely of girls
attired in the strangest costumes ever
put upon the American stage.
The garbing of the actresses "in germ-
land" will be the well-known types of
bacilli of pneumonia, tuberculosis and
The play, which was written and copy
righted before "Chanticleer" was heard
of, is the work of a man woll known to
the stage world, W. H. Machette, for
years a conductor of grand and comic
opera in Canada and the United States.
The essential point of the play Is a war
between the denizens of germland and
the human race, but ltnerwoven with this
Is the strangest Jove story ever dreamed,
the wedding : of Teddy, en up-to-date
young fubercule, to Besie Bacillus, a
stenographer of the world of Pathogenic
Boy of 13 Accidentally Shoots
Girl of 15.
SAN DIEGO. April IS. Louise Flick,
a crippled 15-year-old girl, daughter
of Silas P. Flick, a lawyer of Norfolk,
Va, was accidentally shot and killed
this evening by Chandler Loomis, 13
years old. who is also a cripple and
has suffered besides from mental mal
adies. The boy and girl were playing, when
young Loomis found a revolver under
a bed. While playing with It. the
weapon was discharged, the bullet
striking little Miss Flick In the abdo
men. She died a few minutes after
Lewis County Will Organize Asso
ciation at C'hehalis Today.
CH EH A LIS, Wash., April 15. (Special.)
The meeting to be held In Chehalis to
morrow to organize a Lewis County
Good Roads Association promises to be
well attended. There will be morning,
afternoon and evening sessions.
Governor Hay, State Highway Commis
sioner Bowlby, John C. Lawrence, presi
dent of the State Good Roads Association,
and others will be In attendance. Samuel
Hill was expected, but yesterday word
was received that he had been suddenly
called East. In his place it la expected
R. H. Thomson. City Engineer of Seattle,
will deliver an address In the evening.
Would Cut Off Coast,
Say Presidents.
Unpopularity of Lobby Checks
Move on Washington.
Explanation Made That All Trans
continental Rales Are Based on
Infraction of Rule Xov
Favored by Committees.
CHICAGO, April IS. (Special.) The
note of alarm was sounded by the West
ern railroad presidents today regarding
the proposed amendment to the Inter
state commerce act removing all ex
ceptions to the long and short haul clause
of the law.
Should such an amendment set has been
approved by -the Senate and House com
mittees become a law. It is said that the
commercial map of the country would be
changed and" the PaoiQo Coast would be
cut off from railroad communication, so
far as freight la concerned. The confer
ence of the Western presidents wa
called with a view to discussing the sit
uation and determining whether or not
anything could be done to prevent the
proposed amendment.
Lobby Would Bo "Unpopular.
The only remedy that could be thought
of was to send a lobby to Washington ta
try to show Congress the folly of such a
move. Owing to the fact that the Ad
ministration and tho people have decided
that the railroads should keep out of
politics and cease lobbying, the Western
presidents concluded titers was nothing
they could do.
The clause referred to prohibit Ilia
railroads from charging more for a short
haul than, for a long haul, but all trans
continental rates are built upon the in
fraction of this rule.
Water Competition Met.
Rates from the Atlantic seaboard, for
Instance, are less, to Portland and Seattle
than they are to Spokane. 400 miles In
land. The reason-for this adjustment
is to be found in water competition. To
secure any business from the seaboard,
the railroads are compelled to meet the
competition of boats from New York to
New Orleans, plus the rail route from
there to the coast, and. also to meet all
water rates around the Horn.
Seaside Wonders if Town Can Stand
Expense of Construction.
SEASIDE. Or., April 15. (Special)
Is Seaside to have a water systemT
This question puzzles both the Com
mon Council and the Commercial Club.
While agreeing that the present sup
ply is inadequate, there is a divided
opinion regarding the advisability of
bonding the town to the extent re
quired for the installing of a new sys
tem. Before the members of the Commer
cial Club Alex Gilbert. Sr., made the
startling announcement that he had
filtered nearly a quart of sand and
filth from the mains In an incredibly
short time.
Engineers employed by the town to
locate a source of supply have reported
the south fork of the Necanlcum River
as the most desirable. To utilize the
water from this stream will necessi
tate a greater outlay than the town
can stand, says the more conservative
Beautiful Team Left by Wealthy
Woman Is Chloroformed.
CHICAGO, April 15. Two handsome
black horses, property of the late Mrs.
Beatrice Smith, of Chicago, mother of
the " late James H. ("Silent") Smith,
were chloroformed here today, in ac
cordance with the dying wish of their
owner, who preferred that they be
killed rather than to fall into the
hands of someone who might mistreat
them. .
The "horses had been owned and used
by Mrs. Smith for 15 years, the age of
one being 25 and the other 21 years.
Mrs. Smith's affection for her horses
Ik shown In her refusal to purchase an
automobile. Although age had ren
dered the team of but little use, she
refused to allow a machine to sup
plant it.
Passes Comfortable Night and Bay,
Say His Physicians.
REDDING, Conn.. April 16. Samuel L.
Clemens (Mark Twain), who arrived at
his country home here last night, fa
tigued from his long Journey from Ber
muda and very 111, passed a comfortable
night and it was said at the house this
morning his general condition was en
couraging. It was declared by his attending phy
sician? that Mr. Clemens had passed a
comfortable day, with no appreciable
change in his condition, and was holding
his own fairly w!