Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 15, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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Young Schulz Sure He Caught
Glimpse of Man Charged
With Mother's Murder.
Telegram From Mcintosh Warns
Sheriff, hut Suspect' Has Chance
for K scape Before Officers
; Keacli Depot Vards.
fACOMA, Wash.. April 14. Spe
rial.) The hunt being? conducted by
the police and Sheriff's office for
Charles J. Wesler, of Portland, wanted
for the murder of Mrs. FYedericka
Bchulz, grew exciting- this afternoon.
For a time the officers had visions of
getting him.
The pursuit was started by Henry
Bcljulz. a son of the murdered woman,
who came, here from San Francisco to
attend the funeral yesterday. Schula
was on the Shasta Limited yesterday
on; hlB way to Portland. He knows
Wesler well.
At Mcintosh station, 35 miles south
of Tacoma, at 2 P- happening to
ffiance out the car window, Schulz
saw a man he is sure was "VVezler
looking- out the window of a north
bound train, a special "show" section
of 4No. 308, bound to Tacoma. Rushing
out of his train, Schulz was not in
time, however to get on the special.
He. a.t once went to the telegrapli office
at MclntoBU and wired to Sheriff
The "show" section' of the train ran
direct into the Half-Moon yards, and
the telegram arrived, too late for the
Sheriff's men to Intercept It until after
it nad arrived. Inquiry from the the
atrical company brought the assertion
that none but members of their com
pany had been on the train.
Schulz returned to Tacoma on the
next train, and insists absolutely he
sa w VVezler on that train at Mcin
tosh. very steamship on the Alaska
Coast has been notified by wireless of
the crime, the description of Wezler
and the $750 reward being offered.
( Other developments today in the
search for the murderer of Mrs. Scllulz
are a verdict by the Coroner's Jury,
reached at noon, finding Charles J.
Wezler guilty of the crime; the story
of Eugene S. Twadell, telling of a con
versation with the murderer while the
latter was on his way to kill Mrs.
Schulz; confirmation of the theory that
Wezler is a user of drugs, and a posi
tive statement of Inspector H. A. Ax
telle, of the Tacoma Railway & Power
Company, that he saw Wezler in Ta
coma later than 4:30 o'clock P. M. on
the day of "the murder. If Axtelle's be
lief Is correct, the supposition that
Wezler had a. confederate in Portland
Be ems established.
Eugene S. Twadell, a carpenter, said
he rode on the steamer to Gig Harbor
with Wezler a short time before the
Itiiw Fooder l'lnds Hcaltli Vastly
., . Hotter Without Meat.
Gooii Housekeeping.
To the uninitiated It sounds brutal
raw food! The first question they
ask is: "Hnw ran you eat meat raw?"
Hut the uncooked .food devotees eat no
flesh: they find their health is vastly
better without It. and so they live on
all; manner of uncooked things that
nr really marvelously tempting. The
raw food people never have colds,
fever, stomach trouble, torpid livers,
nervousness, or a lot of common, ev
eryday ailments that the out-of-date,
ordinary cooked food eater has.
The amount that a raw fooder eats
at a meal is small. He is quickly
filled. The reason is that the stomach
seems to know when it has had enough
of ; the elemental thtngrs from which
it "draws its strength, and telegraphs
the fact to the taste, and the cater
finds himself satisfied. On the other
hand, with cooked food he goes on
eating and eating, and the stomach
deLays its message, as it has to receive
a vast bulk of stuff, largely waste
matter, because of the life being cook
ed out of the food by tire.
Saw onions arc esteemed highly as
a cleanser of the system, as well as
a ortlfter in other ways, and onion
is wblenued into things so subtly that
one does not detect its flavor. For
example, a dish is made from the soft.
Inside part of figs, grated raw onion,
ollye oil, and grated nuts, in the pro
portion of five parta fig, one part
onion, two parts olive oil; one part
prated Brazil or protoid nuts, and one
part lemon juice. The ingredients are
carefully blended, and the taste of the
onion is not detected. The flavor of
the dish Is delicious.
The raw fooder dotes on raw vege
tables, and one of his favorite ways of
preparing them is In the form of sal
ads. A favorite dessert with the raw
fooder is made of uncooked' pot cheese,
with a large quantity of seeded,
chopped raisins beaten into It. and &
generous amount of orange and lemon
Juice and a very little of the grated
orange peel. This is rich and nutri
tious, and of a novel and delicious
(Continued From Flrot F&ge.l
the locks, to loosen the shackles of the in
cubus that now holds the Valley.
. Southern Pacific Scored. '
Fo-llowlng Mr. MoFadiien's speech
the locks were discussed briefly by
E. Itofer. of Salem, O. M. Kem. of' Cot
:age Orove, and J. R. Cartwright. of
:larrlsburg. Mr. Cartwright attacked
Jhe Southern Pacific without mincing
words, and declared the railroad not
only raised rates, but Impeded navi
gation of the Willamette.
T. H. Bingham. of Eugene. State
Senator from Lane County, spoke on
.An Open River From Portland South."
He said that the manner In which the
itatp had allowed a private corpora-lion-
to control the locks' at Oregon
?ity - was. the worst blot on Oregon's
J- D. Matlock, Mayor of Eugene, T.
T. Ryan, of Oregon City. and Max
3'Huren. of Palen. spoke on the same
H. S. Glle. of Salem, spoke on "Res
:oration of the Old Freight Rate." H
laid there was- no competition by river
low, and that this fact caused the
ibollshment of the old arbitrary
'relght rate. To get the old rate
igaln. he said, the valley must restore
;he conditions which gave If and f dr
aish river competition, and valley
fuslneaa men must buy out the pres
ent line or establish a steamboat line
of their own.
Attorney Harold M. Sawyer, of Port
land, delivering the last address of the
afternoon, reviewed freight conditions
In the Willamette Valley when the
Southern Pacific and O. R. & N. were
competing lines and the former com
pany maintained a line of boats on the
Willamette River.
He said an independent steamboat
line would not ' remedy the existing
condition, and told the convention Its
remedy lay in going before the Inter
state Commerce Commission. He said
a rate which has existed as- long as
the old 3 0-cent arbitrary rate came to
be regarded in law as a reasonable
rate which the railroad company was
bound to maintain.
Captain A. B. Graham, of the Oregon
City Transportation Company, and
Harvey E. Lounsbersv of the Southern
Pacific, attended. Oswald West, of the)
State Railroad Commission, was an
other interested spectator of the after
noon's proceedings.
Organizers Are Xamed.
The Open River Convention named the
following committee to perfect the perm
anent organization of the Open River As
sociation: H. F. Thielsen and Max O. Buren. of
Salem: Victor Holt and F. A. Rankin, of
........ ........... ...... t
t . ' t
1 f f ' u
I ? " 'I
t s- ' I
t J I. ' ?4 1 1
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Phntnirranh nf f h rl J. "W V
photograph of Charles J. Weiler
Taken In Vancouver,,
B. C, In
Eugene; C. C. Hazleton and A. I Brings,
of Cottage Grove; L. E. Hamilton and
H. H. Hewitt, of Albany; T. F. Ryan and
W. A. Sliewrnan, of Oregon City; H. H.
Hilleary and H. "Wayne . fftanard, of
Brownsville; E. M. Fanning and O. H.
Lehman, of Sheridan; A. B. Fletcher,
of McMinnville; E. C. Oiltner. of Port
land; M. J. Lee, of Canby, .and T. L.
Lugger, of Scio.
Applicant Flees, However, AYhen
Told of First Requirement. . .
WALLA WALLA. Wash., April 14.
(Special.) With all the assurance of
the stronger sex, and, with a deter
mination to enlist that would have won
for her, had not tests prescribed by
Uncle Sam included a "stripping down"
requirement, a young lady entered the
local office of the military branch of
the Navy today and applied for admis
sion In the marines.
$30,000 Policy Obtained in Case
Accident Bars Contest.
cial.) From today, until It is time
for James J. Jeffries and Jack John
son to step into tlijB ring at Emery
ville the afternoon of July 4, the two
heavyweights will carry insurance
that will guarantee Rickard and Glea
son against loss in event that any ac
cident happens to either - fighter.
The insurance was placed yesterday
through local agents by which the
promoters will be compensated iin the
sum of J30.000 If there should be any
hitch In the arrangements. This guar
antee will be carried -by Lloyd's, of
london, and for the Insurance, Tex
Rickard has already written his check
for $2300.
When Rickard ' announced a month
ago that ho would insure the fighters
to protect himself against loss, there
were many who thought it was a mat
ter of press agent work. But Rickard
was in earnest.- He figured out, as
would any business man, that If either
fighter should die or be taken sick or
suffer an accident that would" call off
the big fight, he would be out the
money used in the way of financing
the battle.
Before the duo steps Into the ring,
Rickard estimates that he will have
spent largely In excess of the $30,000
Insurance he is carrying, but he says
that will be something in the way of
protection. As the policy Is written.
$30,000 will be paid only In event of
the fight being called off on July 4
due to accident to either man or sick
ness or death. The promoters are to
be paid only a sufficient amount to
cover their losses to the date of post
ponement. For this protection, Rick
ard had to pay at the rate ot Hi per
Bill Would Give All Veterans $30 a
."Month; Officers More.
WASHINGTON. April 14. A pension
bill of sweeping provisions under which
all surviving volunteer officers of the
United States Army who served six
months or more would receive retired
pay according to length of service, and
all honorably discharged enlisted men
ovr 76 years old and suffering a certain
decree of disability, would receive a
straight pension of $30 a month, was
reported to the House yesterday by Rep
resentative Prince, of Illinois, from the
committee on military affairs.
The scale of retired pay for volunteer
officers as fixed by the bill is one-third
of the Initial active pay of corresponding
regular officers for those who served two
years or more, and for those of less time
of service the pay is in proportion. Offi
ce re who lost an eye or limb in the line
of duty or incurred disability as prison
ers of war would receive the full 'benefits
of the act without regard to length of
service. No officer who served more than
six months would receive less than $400
per annum and no officer may receive
more than two-thirds of the present pay
of a Captain of the regular Army.
A Healthful Hint.
A bottle of the Hood Brewing Com
pany's famous Bock Beer to ward off
that tired feeling. Phone B. 139, B.- 131S.
John T. Rockefeller would go broke
If he should spend his entire income
trvlng to prepare a better medicine
than Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
piarrhoea Remedy for diarrhoea, dysen
tery or bowel complaints. It is simply
Impossible, and so says every one that
Km used It. Bold, by ail deal
Fourth anct waai.ingt.on Streets
Friday and Saturday
Drug Bargains
10o Chloride Lime, pound for. ...8
50c Formaldehyde, pint, at.... 33
10c Lye, Babbitt's, pound for. ...9
15c Washing Ammonia, bottle 9
25c Crude Carbolic Acid, pint..l7
65c coarse Wool Sponges at.... 33
25c Denatured Alcohol at 23
25c Rose Water, bottle, sale at. .14
25c Bay Rum and Glyc, bottle.. 17
25c Spirits of Camphor, bottle. .17
25c Sweet Oil, bottle, on sale at.l9
25e Castor Oil, bottle, price. .. .16
35c Absorbent Cotton, pound . .29
10c Sassafras, pkg., on sale for.. 5
10c Moth Balls, package, sale at..5J
10c Sewing Machine Oil, sale at.. 5
$1 Earthquake Cleaner, pkg 69
Full lb. Peroxide of Hydrogen .. 19
Savings on Fine
Toilet Articles
$1.00 Herpieide, on salt for. . . . 57
50c Capillaris, sale price, at....30
50e Espay's Cream, on sale for. .29J
50c La Blanc Powder for only. .28
25c Satin Skin Powder, sale at. .14
25c Graves' Tooth Powder for.MOj
50e Camelline on sale for ...26
50c Lempre Giovine on sale at.. 27
Angina Pectoris, Aggravated ly
Grief at Daughter's Death, .
Endangers His Life.
NEW YORK. April 14. Samuel L.
Clemens (Mark Twain) returned to
New York from Bermuda today. It was
said when the steamer Oceana, on
which he was a passenger, came into
port, that Mr. Clemens was confined
to his berth, suffering from heart trou
ble and tnat he had been indisposed
Ten Town Lots
Each 100x100 Feet
Will Be
505-50S Henry Bldg., 4th and
11' -1
Watch for Our Big Picture Sale Ad. Sole Agents for Cross Gloves
Friday and Saturday, t ountain
Pen and Clip,
guaranteed, on
sale at only. .
Friday and Saturday
Hair Bargains
All Guaranteed Goods
$12.00 Switches on sale at low price of $9.98
$10.00 Switches on sale at low price of $8.00
$ 7.00 Switches on sale at low price of $5.98
$ 6.00 Switches on sale at low price of S4.78
$ 8.00 Coronation Braids at low price $4.00 '
50c Turbans, during this sale at 36
25o Turbans,-fine assortment, on sale,..15J
35c Braid Pins on sale for low price of. . 2o
50c Braid Pins on sale at low price of..37
$1.00 Braid Pins on sale at low price of 78
75c Braid Pins on sale at low price of . -69
$1.00 Combs on sale at the low price of. .78
$1.50 Combs, fine assortment, at, each.S1.27.
$1.00 Hand Mirrors
On Sale at, Each 48c
$5.50 M. & B. Al
cohol Cook Stove
$1.25 Weather Cot
tages on sale at only I C
$1.00 Hand Mirrors
during1 sale for only TtOC
$1.50 and $1.75 tf " OQ
Watches on sale V 10
$1.00 Watch Chains
our selling price at C
90c Auto Coat Tarine Q
Moth - Proof Bag at OUC
15c -lb. pkg. Lawn
Grass Seed on sale at
5c pkg. Mixed Sweet -J
Pea Seeds on sale for X C
25c can Varnish only 0
10c Varnish Brush "only G
75c Athletic Supporter 5T
Mr. Clemens, the sudden death of
whose daughter last Winter told se
verely on him, went to Bermuda in the
hope of regaining his health.
Ir. Edward S. Quintard, who has
been Mr. Clemens' family physician for
years, was summoned by wireless to
meet the Oceana at the pier. He 'was
accompanied by Dr. -Robert H. Ilalsey.
"I have made merely a superficial
examination of Mr. Clemens," said Dr.
Quintard ''When he sets home we
will make a thorough examination of
his heart. He .has angina pectoris,
which Is a dangerous state for him to
be in. He looks much better .than I
expected. He is now enjoying a re
freshing sleep.'1
of court will begin April 25. At that
during the entire trip northward,
time Judge Harris wil' be here to pre
side, as the cases against the local
railway belonging to the Southern Pa
cific will be heard. Judge Coke was
formerly Interested as attorney and
consequently cannot hear the cases.
The suits against the railroad have
been set for several other terms, but
did not come to trial, always being
Seaside No Longer Obliged to Walt
for Tide to Travel.
SEASIDK, Or., April 14. (Special.)
Hug1 Point is no lonsrer a terror to
those traveling the road between here
and Nelialem. The county has com
Court at Marshfield April 18.
MAR9HF1ELJ5, Or., April 6. (Spe
cial.) An adjourned term of the Cir
cuit Court will convene at Coquille
City April 18 with Juge Coke, of this
county, presiding. The regular term
GIVEN AWAY to the Next
Already Planted
Excursion and Dinner ori Sunday, April 17
or Call for Particulars
Oak Sts. Phones: M 8304,
3! IT5
Friday Savings on
Rubber Goods
12.25 No. S Best White Rub- - QQ
ber Water Bottle, on sale wliO
J1.85 No. 2 Maroon Water J 1 ACk
Bottle during sale at only DA'xl7
$3.00 No. 3 Comb. Water CJO oo
Bottle and Spray Tube only iViJJ
$2.00 No. 1 Best Rubber tf OO
Fountain Syriniee at only w X
J2.15 No. 3 Maroon Foun- 1 CQ
tain Syringe on sale only
1.25 Family Bulb Syringe on Q y
sale at low price of only, each O f C
$1.50 Douglas Nasal Douche, AQ
during this sale at only, each t?OC
$L.a Atomizer, 3 hard rubber CQ
tips, on sale at bargain price
25c Rubber Complexion Brush
during this sale at low price of
Friday and Saturday
Wines and Liquors
$1.25 James E. Pepper Bourbon, CkA
bonded, on sale at low price of 7C
$1.50 Yellowstone, full qts., d 1 Q
bonded, during this sale at wl10
$1.25 Overholt Rye, full jf 1 fA
quarts, bonded, for only P X mSjT
$1.25 W a t s o n's No. 10 d1 - o
Scotch on sale at only... vlilu
$1.00 Gordon Dry Gin. dur- Q'T
ing sale at low price of only OlC
$1.35 Holland 100 Proof Gin 7Q.
during this sale at low price
$i.uo uaaiornia ranay 7Q
during this sale price Is only
Is only msx
$1.25 Rum, bonded, during sale 88tf
$1.25 7-y"r-old Blackberry Wine 7f
75c Virginia Dare Wine, qts., at 62
25c California Claret ljjci 3 for 50
$1.00 Apple, Strawberry, Rasp- r?
berry. Pineapple Cordials only3"C
25c Box of Fine Linen
Stationery.. Box 1 6c
75c Linette Playing Cards, Friday
only (free, 2 dozen score cards Ay
witli each package) for onlyTfcC
60c Denntson's Game Counters 49c
10c Steamboat Playing Cards for 8
$1.50 Post Card Album, holds
400 cards, during sale at only C
$1.00 Bridge and Five Hundred fZ 7 g
Score Pads in leather cases at " C
25c Hurd's Linen Tablets plain) 1T
100 Calling Cards printed for 25c
Friday and Saturday
Brush Bargains
25c French Toothbrush on sale 12
85c Assorted Celluloid Combs for' 59
$2.25 17-row Stiff Bristle, best qual
ity Rosewood Back Hair- tf? f Q
brush during this sale only wX.tI?
25c Stiff Bristle Cloth Brush for 9
50c Bonnet Broom on sale only ?1?
pleted the work of cutting- a roadbed
out of the solid rock at thia point.
The road, formerly passable only at
ebb tide, can now be traveled at high
water without danger.
Contractor a. V. Duncan and his
crew of workmen arrived here tonight
and the mail stage to Nehalem will
leave tomorrow without the usual pre
caution of timing its departure by the
tides. The mail will now arrive at Ne
halem several hours earlier.
"The"rock crusher purchased by
Clatsop County for the improvement
of local streets and roads was received
here today.
Surveyors have established the
course of the county road running
through the town limits, and the road
is to be macadamized for several miles.
IUihee Club at Salem Is Looted.
SALEM, Or., April 14. (Special.)
Salem's exclusive organization, the Till
Ten Purchasers of a Five or
Already Planted
Send for Our Art
A 7473
Office Open All
If sunn s
Russian: Hand
Hammered Brass
Russian Hand-Hammered Brasses for Friday,
including a large assortment of Trays, all
sizes, beautiful shapes in Jardinieres and
Tern Dishes, largest assortment in the city.
Candlesticks and Hanging Baskets J4 OFF
Special on Hand-Hammered full size Umbrella
Stands, both in the bright and satin finish.
$13.00 Umbrella
$12.00 Umbrella
$10.00 Umbrella
$ 8.00 Umbrella
$ 7.75 Umbrella
$ 6.00 Umbrella
Stand, spocial, each.. 7.75
Stand, special, each. .Jj56.50
Stand, special, each . .jj7.00
Stand, special, each. .5.50
Stand, special, each..5.50
Stand, special, each. .$3.95
Low Prices on
$5.00 Spring Bags, in
all shades, new bar
handles, on sale at,
each S2.23
Values from $1.00 to f tO,fj?wJ.f
aV .
pig, levant and seal,
ii . i j :
in an Minps anu sizes yfey
50c Safety Jewel Pockets, for traveling. .29
$2.00 Music Rolls, in calf and seal, black and
tan, fine assortment 1.26
50c Tailored Belts, in tan, brown and black,
during this sale, each 19
Every department of our store is in imme
diate reach of your home by phone. Call
the department you want, place your
order and we will deliver at once free.
hee Club, lost a quantity of cigars and
liquors , and a considerable sum of
money when the clu brooms were bur
glarized this morning. No arests have .
been made.
Sunnyside Defeats Kerns.
The Sunnyside Grammar School de
feated the Kerns team Wednesday, th
score being 11 to 7. at Kast Salmon and
East Fiftieth streets. The line-up was
as follows:
Sunnyside. Position. Kerna.
Simons P Blum
McCarty C Kertson
Koth IB Manarv
Clare CP . . . . Frulht
Hoss -2U Jewell
Ialy RF Scrourh
Powell . Ss Trawb
Scott :(B Ford
Clearwater LF Schoof
Since coffee labels have been required to
tell the truth there is only one sound of
Mocha coffee sold In New York where thera
were half a hundred pounds sold before.
Adjoining the Wood
burn Orchard Co. Tracts
Ten - Acre
CO., Inc.
Day and Evenings from 7:30 to 9