THE 3rOKXIXG OKEGONIAX, THURSDAY, AFKIX. 14, 110. LETTER BY Butterick fashion Book for Summer on Sale i DISMAYS LEADERS ur nnua Bevival of Money Issue Comes as Surprise at Jefferson Day Love Feast. MERCHANDISE OF MERIT ONLY ishi FREE! ouserurnisnm BRYAN o A SPRING S g OPPORTUNITY IS KEYNOTE Speaker at Banquet Revive Hope of Victory Nebraska States man Indorses Fight on Can non at Jeffersonian. TXrIA"APOLI9. April 13. Gathe ring here today to celebrate the birthday of Thomas Jefferson as the guests of the Indiana leaders of the party, Democrats from many states united in declaring that the day of Democratic opportunity "was at hand. Representative Sulzer struck this key note in his address at the banquet to night. The sensation of the occasion, from the party point of view, was the letter sent by, William J. Bryan, who re pealled the silver issue of 18f6. to the dis may of many. Mr. Bryan declared that :th "quantitative theory" of money had ,:been established by recent explanations nade by Republican to account for in creasing prices, leaving the way open for 'the discussion of other questions from the Democratic viewpoint. Letter Written in Brazil. The letter was written in Brazil In the 'Course of Mr. Bryan South American tour, and the writer took occasion to say that even In that country the In fluence of Thomas Jefferson was felt In the manner and the form of govern ment. John "W. Kern, who ran for Vice-President In the last election, was the toast master at the banquet tonight. Other ad dresses were as follows: James Hamilton Lewis, of Chicago, "The Nation's Foreign Policy;" John J. Lents, of Ohio, "Jefferson, the Radical;" Joseph W. Polk, of Missouri. "Progres sive Democracy: Governor Thomas R MarehaU, of Indiana. "Evolution and De parture From State's Rights; Lafayette Pence, of Colorado, "The Income Tax Struggle." Sulzrr Sees Hopes. 'Democratic Opportunity was the subject of Mr. SuJzer's speech. The speaker declared that, the Republican party had failed to redeem its' prom . I sea. He added: I ' "The weak and wobbling EUid incom petent administration of National aX fairs by the Republicans supplies ua with all the political arguments we want; and if we will present the facts of Republican vacillation. Republican inconsistency and Republican broken promises earnestly and fearlessly to the A merit; an electorate, I feel confident 'our cause will be sustained. "The Republican party stands for tariff taxation that makes living a struggle for existence; for subsidies that rob the many for the few ; for economic heresies that paralyze indus trial freedom; for centralization in government at "Washington that de stroys the in i ! i ' 1 1 1 j of the state; for political usurpations that subvert the Constitution; for reckless extravagance that Is little less than criminal; for political policies that create monopoly and enslave the masses; for special legislation that trampled under foot the right of man, and for a restrictive military government In our insular poFsessions that violates the basic principle of the Declaration of Inde pendence," Jefferm Influence Everywhere. Mr. Bryan's letter -was as follows: "I thank you for the Invitation to the Jefferson Day banquet. While I shall not return to the United States In time to attend. -I can join with you In spirit the more heartily because of what I have learned by visiting other countries, "I have .ren everywhere the Influ ence exerted by his teachings. In the Nation in which I am just now so journing I find illustrations of his Idea of conquest. He contended that we should conquer the world with our Ideals rather than with our arms, and In this sense we are effecting a con quest of Brazil. Her constitution is modeled after ours ; she has copied from us the Federal system of govern ment which unites state control of af fairs with national supremacy; her flag, like ours, has a star for each Ktate, and her school system is being made to conform more and more to ours. "These victories, too. cement friend ship Instead of arousing enmity. Hail to Jefferson, the world's schoolmaster, whose views continue their majestic march around the earth! "But in our country, as well as abroad, his principles axe triumphing. "He taught that the art of government !s the art of being honest, and each new Investlprntlon proves the folly of thoe who refuse to learn of him. KtVrt on Cannon Indorsed. "He was the foe of monopoly In every form, and his name is the one which can, with most propriety, be Invoked when the trusts are attacked and when a contest is being waged for the ap plication of the- principles of popular government. "I am so far away from home that I am not fully informed as to the most recent events, but I have just read of one Jeffersonian victory, namely, the selection of an investigating committee by the House instead of by the Speaker and. better still. ea.h party selected its members of the committee. This es tablishes an important precedent, which, if followed, will make investi gations real and effective. "I notice atto that we seem likely to win a victory against the met trust. Monopoly1 prices have at last provoked a popular protest and now that the peo ple are looking for a remedy. there is hope that they will accept the Demo cratic remedy. It Is not unnatural that they should use the boycott, even if they punish themselves while they are inflicting punishment on their oppres sors; but I am sure they will in the end nnd legislation more satisfactory than abstinence from meat and join the Demo crats In declaring a private monopoly not the meat trust only, but every pri vate monopoly indefensible and intoler able. Silver Issue Revived. "But there Is another Item of news w Wi has just come to my attention. Yjm jpiCGNIC OPEflAfl 'Ugpc-RAND. OPERA Season Tickets for Yourself and Family That's what you have when you buy a Victor Talking Machine. Not only one season of entertainment, but many seasons. And you don't have to go to crowded theaters or go out in bad weather. You can stay right at home and enjoy in perfect comfort whatever kind of entertainment you are in the mood to hear the best music and entertain ment of every sort, The Lipman, Wolfe & Co. plan provides the easiest way to own one. It suits your purse you don't feel the expense. Get one today. We will deliver a Victor Talking Machine and one dozen records to your home for $1. The balance on a weekly-payment plan of $1 a week. President Taft in his Lincoln ppeech et New York, February 12, attributes the present high prices, mainly to the in crease in the production of gold and th consequent enlargement of the volume of money. This unexpected indorsement of our party's proposition in when we demanded more money as the only rem edy for falling prices1, is very gratifying. How valuable that admission would have be?n to us If It had been made during the campaign of that year when the Re publican leaders were denying that the volume of money had any Influence on prices and asserting that it did not mat ter whether we had much money or lit tle, proi-ided It was all good. "We may now consider the quantita tive theory of money established beyond dispute, and proceed to the consideration of other questions. But the President and hiw predecessors have admitted the correctness of the Democratic position on so many questions that further argument is hardly necessary on any subject; we may now take judgment against the Re publican party by confession. League Elects Officers. The National league of Democratic Clubs In convention in this, city today elected the following officers for the en suing year: President, "W. C. L.iller, Indianapolis; ilrst vice-president, John W. K.ern, In dianapolis; secretary, R. J. Beatty, Ohio; treasurer, K. S. Clark, Indianapolis; ex ecutive committee, Lafayette Pence, Ore gon; Governor John Shafroth, Colorado; R. S. Hudspeth, New Jersey ; A. K. Bnriggff. Montana; J. V. Shea, New York; J. H. Caldwell, Pennsylvania; J. J. L-entz Ohio; Whitford Tuck. Massa chusetts; G. W. Blake, New York; t. E. Chamberlain, Oregon: I. T. Jones, Iowa; John Burke. North Dakota.; G. G. Heif ner, Washington. The speakers declared that the pros pect for a National Democratic victory was bright and Governor Shafroth, of Colorado, added: "It is1 unnecessary for us to argue that the Republican party h.s broken it.f pledge to reduce the tariff. Republican orators, like Senator Beveridge, are doing that for us." SCOPE OF RAILWAY BILL IS 'WIDENED AH Persons Interested Permit ted to Appear Before Com merce Court. OPPONENTS WIN VICTORY Supporters Make Concession, and Test Vote Is Avoided Inter est of Whole Community in Suits Is Urged. WASHINGTON, April 13. The Senate today resumed consideration of the rail road, bill, section by section, giving at tention to amendments offered by Chair man Elkins, of the Interstate Commerce Commission, The only amendment adopted was one permitting the inclusion of complainants in suits before the proposed court of commerce growing out of orders of the Interstate Commerce Commission. In this the opponents won a victory. The committee's original proposal was to per mit the appearance of complainants only through counsel. As agreed upon today, the provision permite all persons interested to become FREE SILVER'S EXPONENT WHO TRIES TO REVIVE THAT ISSUE, AND THREE SPEAKERS AT JEFFER SON DAY BANQUET. 4 f V yv. A gT. - .-war?? fit f t.i iriiyiraii-h"-BT-' ' V, i I '1 : ,.:J , ... ,. to . , Y . J, BrTfln. J. V. Folk. T . - ? ir 1 1 i Muin Hiiiii uMiitriifcfJiaifti-inniittiiiiwl - - V - ' 1 uxjlA This sale affords extraordinary opportunities to buy desirable house furnish ings at a substantial saving. That this sale has attracted great attention is proven by our busy week. It continues until Saturday night. Dralle Illusion A dainty floral essence without alcohol in Lily of the Valley and Rose. PRICE $1.24 Room-Size Wilton Rugs $67.50 Anglo -Persian $55 $60 Anglo -Indian $46.25 $55 Royal Worcester $41.50 $55ArtLoomSeaml's$39.95 $50 Bigelow Bagdad $3 7. 50 100 selected Wilton Rugs, in beautiful patterns, exact duplicate patterns of the real Oriental rugs with all their beauty of colorings and silky finish, at one-tenth the price. Every rug bears a mark of fine gentle craftsmanship. These rugs are noted not only for their beauty, but their extreme serviceability and lasting quali ty. We are showing a large and well selected stock of these rugs at special prices for this sale. COLONIAL RAG RUGS $5.00 Colonial, 4x7, $3.45 $9.00 Colonial, 6x9, $6.45 $12.50 Colonial, 8x10, $8.95 $17.50 Colonial, 9x12, $11. 95 Made in hit-and-miss designs, in blue and white, pink and white, green and white and tan and white, with pretty bor ders, especialy adapted for bedrooms and Summer homes. CREX GRASS RUGS $1.59 Grass Rugs, 30x60, 98c $2.00 Grass Rugs, 36x72, $ 1 .39 $3.50 Grass Rugs, 4x7, $2.45 $6.50 Grass Rugs, 6x9, $4.45 $ 1 0.00 Grass Rugs, 8x 1 0, $6.45 $1 2.50 Grass Rugs, 9x12, $8.45 Grass Fiber Rugs, the ideal floor cov ering, being very closely and solidly woven. It lies compactly on the floor without curling. It does not hold germs or dust and is absolutely sanitary. $2.50 Carpet Sweepers S1.95 $5.00 Vacuum Cleaner. $3.95 40c Japanese Matting .23 MATTRESS SALE $25.00 Hair Mattress $16.45 $14.00 Hair Mattress.. S8.45 $18.00 Silk Floss Mattress S11.75 $6.50 Cotton Mattress S3.95 $7.50 Steel Springs ...$4.75 $3.00 Stand Springs 2,25 $175 Bathroom Rugs SI. 23 $2.50 Bathroom Rugs .$1.95 $4.00 Bathroom Rugs $2.85 $1.25 Cotton Blankets..... 95 $2.50 Cotton Blankets .. ..... . $1.79 $4.50 Wool Blankets. .".......,.$3.19 $6.50 Wool Blankets : $4.75 $12.00 Wool Blankets $8.45 $3.00 Comforters $2.25 $2.00 Feather Pillows $1.39 $3.00 Feather Pillows $2.19 $4.00 Feather PiUows ..$2.95 $5.00 Feather Pillows.. $3.75 $6.00 Feather Pillows.., $4.50 $8.00 Feather Pillows $5.95 $4.50 Lace Curtains $2.85 $5.50 Lace Curtains $3.75 $7.50 Lace Curtains $5.50 $10.00 Lace Curtains .'..$7.50 $15.00 Lace Curtains , $1.0.95 $1.75 Lace Curtains 98 $2.25 Lace Curtains ,...$1.45 $3.00 Lace Curtains $2.39 $4.00 Lace Curtains $2.95 $5.00 Lace Curtains $3.75 $6.00 Lace Curtains $4.75 75c Printed Linoleum 45" $1.50 Inlaid Linoleum $1.10 $25.00 Brass Beds $13.75 $30.00 Brass Beds . $18.75 $40.00 Brass Beds $24.85 $45.00 Brass Beds $27.45 $50.00 Brass Beds... $29.85 $75.00 Brass Beds $46.85 Dralle Illusion A dainty floral essence without alcohol in Lily of the Valley and Rose. PRICE $1.24 $4.50 Enameled Beds ..$2.95 $5.50 Enameled Beds ,. .$3.95 $7.50 Enameled Beds. $4.75 $10.00 Enameled Beds ..$G.85 $12.50 Enameled Beds ,. ..$7.95 $15.00 Enameled Beds $9.95 Arts and Crafts Rugs $16.00 Art Craft Rugs ..$12.45 $18.00 Art Craft Rugs .$1395 12i2c Silkolines 18c Curtain Swiss 1-V'2c 25c Swisses, Scrims -1.9 30c. Curtain Nets 19? 30c Art Cretonnes 17 50c Art Cretonnes... -....23 25c Figured Scrims ?x7 75c Madrases v47 $1.25 Curtain Nets T9 75c Monks Cloth .53 $4.00 Utility Boxes $2.65 $2.50 Couch Covers -$1.95 $4.00 Couch Covers .$,2.95 $5.00 Couch Covers $3.95 $6.50 Couch Covers :...$4.95 $7.50 Couch Covers .$5.95 $10.00 Couch Covers .-.,. $7.45 $6.50 Portieres $4.95 $7.50 Portieres , $5.05 EOc Window Shades .28 5c Extension Rods 3 10c Extension Rods 7 15c Extension Rods. 9 20c Extension Rods..... 12V2C 25c 'Extension Rods 19 40c Extension Rods 29 $4.50 Card Tables $3.19 Curtain Stretchers $1.25 Stretchers ...79 $1.50 Stretchers 98 $3.50 Stretchers $1.95 . Rug Specials $35.00 Body Brussels $24.95 $35.00 Axminster $21.95 James Hamilton Lewis. (ovrrnor Marshall. parties to the suit. The more liberal provision was conceded by the supporters of tho bill and there was no voting di vision. In response to a question from New lands. Cummins said that he would at tempt later to have the bill modified to have the Interstate Commerce Commis sion continue in its present relationship of suitor. Newlands strongly advocated such a course. Hughes criticised the amendment as not going far enough. Ho would have it require the- presence in court of all who would be affected by the decree. He argued that an indi vidual might be placated and induced to withdraw, while an entire community was Interested In the result. Bacon sug gested a modification of the provision to meet Hughes views, which was adopted. Elkins then formally offered his amendment, striking out the provision requiring the court of commerce to take into consideration the effect upon pub lic interest of any proposed consolida tion of railroads in passing in advance upon agreements looking to such con solidation. Cummins sought to enlarge the Scope xt the amendment ty striking out the entire provision authorizing advance action by the court on such agree ments. He said he thought "the tail should go with the hide." Elkins introduced, an amendment withholding from the Interstate Com merce Commission the right to estab lish through routes and Joint rates when a satisfactory and reasonable route by rail and water exists. Bristow opposed the new amendment on the ground that It would permit monopoly. He contended that it would prevent an Independent steamship line frpm being established where the rail roads already had a 'line. Elkins said the provision had been suggested at the instance of the water carriers. The amendment was pending when the Senate adjourned. SOFT-DRINK MEN ARE FINED Heavy Penalty Imposed on Two for Selling Liquor. MERRILL, Or., April 12. (Special.) John Ratliff and Charles Murphy each plt.ded guilty to the charge of selling liquor in violation to the local option law and the latter was fined $100 and re quired to pay an old fine of the same, amount on the charge of selling soft drinks without a bond. Ratliff was fined $2v. Bot h f i ne s were pa id. Ed Bloom ing camp, charged with, the same offense, asked for and was granted a continuance. All three of these men are propridtors of soft drink parlors. were convicted of simple assault on J. M. Toney by a Jury late last night. The Jury was out four hours, Judge Cleland finishing his instructions and giving the case to them at 5 o'clock last night. Toney was terribly cut January 20 in a melee at the door of a saloon at Second and Couch streets. A gash 10 Inches long was cut in his abdomen and a small cut made on the side of his head. C. E. Shafer. the policeman who found the injured man after the tussle, told on the witness stand of his con dition, saying his statement was taken because they were afraid he would die. The Jury which tried the case was as follows: J. R. Selllck, George L, Yost, Milton York, W. B. Barr, Harry Key, O. K. RIeger, E. H. Hobbs, C. M. Rogers, Nathan "Wilcox, James Peterson, J. W Armstrong and 1. W. Watts. GROW5 mE GET INTO A ROY TOWN IN THE HEART OF A NEW COUNTRY OPENED CP BY A NEW BAU20AO LINE. Here tm hsra slmowt certain fortune nan. Use fui iniltrt no take MM(fl of an opponunirr when ra ele&riy nee it- WU know tfcnx n New Cwnnir tm TUB Gonntrr . NEW Town ts THR Tows. We know, mimo, tie a new niliwd line maJcen tora or Beo"T wmni, OTHELLO baa tbe mast promlstne tsure o t ton nn the In land Empire of Baetern Wwirfngton. It la In a NEW COOKTRI on tbe Kate Line at a StVT RAXlr RQAD. ' Cltv property pui c. t.meil here now. at tike "gtuiuid floor" prtoea. will mee.B IndecewVem a Uttta later, wfcen OtaeUo bee reached tbe Blxe of Nortli Taktoa ana other towne. a tt to mvm eventually to do. Ton may pomhaae lnan a train 1U to and pay tor tbem upon small monthly payments vMoti yo w4U aaaraery nouoe at all. By tbe time yonr lots are paAd (or yoa may tata dovMed yov mooey. Call or write for farther lorormattoo, in tbe form at lBAotrated booklet. JlT OMCK. Moat good opporCiankttaa are mlml by "patting It oft." OTHELLO IMPROVEMENT COMPANY COMMERCIAL CI. I B BI.IK;.. FIFTH AM) OAK STS. P. B. KEWKIRK, Manaslnjr Director. BCO CONVICTED OF ASSAULT Saloon Melee Results In Conviction. Jury Out Four Hours. John Petterson -and George &lolar oc K. (Ready for delivery on and after April 16.) Sl.OO PER DOZEN QUARTS Bottle. Excbansr.d. Free Delivery. WInea and Llquora for Family and Medicinal Lae at Wholesale Pricea. Spring Valley Wine Co. Phones, A 1117. Main .1KB. Portland's Greatest Family Liquor Store, 244 YambllJL. Itear Second. Talk No. S BY THOMPSON. EYE SPECIALIST. 1 Ten Ycvn la Portland nnrf th LargfMt lraptlo In the l'aclfltf IMorthw-est. CROSS-EYES Think of the cruelty heaped upon the cross-eyed child through no fault of his own. If the thought less parents of these little ones knew the humiliation heaped upon their children, which in time must leave its unpleasant mark on the sweetest disposition, they would, use every effort to relieve them. Kear of an operation deters many from taking the first step, but the new methods now at the command of a competent specialist possessing- the necessaiy equipment for his work are such that nine out of ten children under 16 years of age can be entirely relieved without any manner of operation or In any wise painful treatment. If at any time in one year I can Improve the vision no extra charge Is made for the changing of lenses. If you break your frames or mountings I will repair them lor you without cost. One Charge Oovrr-j Entire Cos of Kimlnllon, Olanae, Kramen. THOMPSON Eyesight Specialist SECOXD PLOOH CORBETT BLDG.. FIFTH ASD MOKRISOX. The Limit and Best Kq nipped Optical Parlors la Oregon. r