VOL.. L.-XO. 15,407. PORTLAND, OREGON, TIITTRSDAT, APRIL. 14, 1910. PRICE FIVE CENTS. v ILLINOIS CENTRAL VICTIM OF FRAUD Leak Traced to Bill for Repairs. LOSSMANYHUNDREDTHOUSAND Charges by Osterman Com pany Said to Be Excessive. STOCK HELD BY WORKMEN Petorttve Burns, of Land-Fraud Fame Unearths Conspiracy, Which Bids Fair to Assume Gigantic Proportions. CHICAGO. April 13. (Special.) Detec tives in the employ of the Illinois Cen tral road for the last two months are ?ald to have disclosed a conspiracy to de fraud by which the company has lost a large sum of money. It Is declared, and not denied by offi cials of the company, that a number of arrest?, will eoon be made." President Harahan refused either to e-tfairm or deny that there had ben an Investigation, or that the company had been defrauded. It was learned positively that an in vest isatlon has been in progress for some time by the National Detective Agency, at the head of which 1s W. J. Burns, the man who investigated the San Pran clsiro fraud cases. Fraud Is Far Into Thousands. The best information obtainable to night was that the company has been defrauded out of several hundred thou sand dollars in connection with repair work. In what manner the fraud was commit ted is not known, but it Is believed to be by means of fraudulent bills which were permitted to go through the audit MG department, either purposely or through carelessness. When business all over the country was resumed with a trernendous ru9h and there was a great cry for freight cars to meet the demand for transporta tion, the. Illinois Central had 34,000 bad order cars piled up and there was no time to wait for their repair in the shops of the company. It was therefore de cided to "farm' out a large portion of the cars, and it Is understood that the Osterman Manufacturing Company pro cured 12.000 cars for repairs. Charges For Lumber Excessive. The Illinois Central had not gotten far. with its large collection of bad order cars before it was discovered that the Osterman Manufacturing Company was charging The company big prices for the lumber used. Lumber consti tutes the largest item of bills for re pairs. After a consultation of .officials of tho Illinois Central Road, it was decid ed that no more cars should be given to ;the Osterman Manufacturing Com pany, unless that company would en ter Into a contract to permit the pur chasing agent of the Illinois Central to huy the lumber. The manufacturing company demurred, but finally con sented either to order from the pur chasing asrent of the Illinois Central or to biiy at prices stipulated by him. Shopmen All Stockholders. Abiiit this point, it Is said, some complaints were made as to the repairs, and an investigation -was begun. It is said to have resulted in the discovery that Certain Illinois Central- shopmen held stock in the Osterman Manufactur ing Company. They were either sum marily dismissed or compelled to give up their stock. How much of the bill is Questioned, if any. by the company is not known. The Investigation was begun months ago. MOFFAT ROAD PARALLELED 1'iiloii Paciric Surveys Follow Idne of Present Hallway. DENVER. Aprlf 13. The Post says: T.e Union Pacific Hallroad is pre paring to build a new line into Colo rado, invading the territory of the Mof fat road in Routt County and con structing an extension of the new branch from Steamboat Springs, the present western terminal of the Mof fat line Into Salt Lake by way of Provo and other Utah common points, parelleltng the proposed line 04. the Moffat road the whole distance. John B. Mallng. a Chicago promoter, who has Just come from Routt County, is authority for the statement. Ac cording to him, the Union Paciflo al ready has made surveys for a line of the Union Pacific in Wyoming, down the Snake River Valley to a point par alleling the the Moffat road and from there on to Salt Lake. Engineers re cently in that country. who were though to be working for the Denver A Rio Orande. were in reality, Mallng says. Union Pacific surveyors and lo cators. Mallng la convinced that the Gould and Harrtman interests are opposing the Moffat road at every turn- Astoria Mills Busy. ASTORIA. Or.. April 13. Local lum ber mills are working full capacity and some of them are turning down orders. Two of the mills have orders to keep til em busy for the next four months. GIRL-MOTHER S PUZZLET0D0C"lS RECORDS SHOW CHILD WA. BORN' DECEMBER 14, 1899. Pliysiciaji In Charge of Hospital Says Similar Case Unheard of Except in Tropica. CHICAGO, April 13. (Special.) Chicago physicians declered today that the birth of a baby girl to Annie Epp, 10 years 4 months old, at the County Hospital, Is "without precedent in medical records for a resident of other than tropical or Ori ental lands. Specialists In caring- for children were skeptical of the age given, and insisted, that en investigation -would disclaee a greater number of years in the life of the child-mother than the figure she gives. County Hospital records show she -was born December 14. 1899. Dr. I. A. Abt, frpectalist In children's, diseases at the Michael Reese Hospital, -was interested. "I never have heard, in all of my ex perience," he aid today, "of en instant of maternity 1n so young: a person out-i side of tropical zones. Surely there must be some mistake in her age. I have known instances of maternity In girls nearly as young as that, bat it was in an Oriental country or in the tropics." Physicians at the hospital, concurring Jn Dr. Abt's assertion that it is. the most unusual case on record, declared today the young mother and her baby were "doing nicely," and would be discharged from the hospital in a few days. MERGER MAY BE FOILED Ohio Attorney-General Alms to Stop C. & O. Combine. COLUMBUS, O., April 13. Attorney General Denman last night issued an or der to the Chesapeake & Ohio, the Lake Bhore, the Nickel Plate, the Hocking Valley, the Toledo & Ohio Central, the Zanesvllle A Western and the Kanawha & Michigan railways. requiring their officials to appear before him April 19 and show cause why suits In ouster should not be brought against them, as a result of the recent sale of the Hock ing group to the Chesapeake & Ohio and the Lake Shore. Hocking Valley minority stockholders several days ago filed complaint against the transfer, declaring it constituted a violation of charter rights as it was sought to bring competing lines zander one ownership. Merger Plans Denied. CHICAGO, April 13. "I certainly do not aspire to be known or regs-ded as the suocessor to Edward H. Hurrlman In the railroad world." This Is the reply of Edwin Hawley, of New York, to a query as to his purpose in acquiring control of railroad systems aggregating over 15.000 miles of lines. Mr. Hawley and the president of the Chesapeake & Ohio confirmed the re port that the latter road is contemplating purchasing the Chicago, Cincinnati & Louisville road and merging that line with the Chesapeake & Ohio and the Hocking Valley. TIME ALLOWS MARRIAGE Mrs. Depew and Captain Potter Wed Yhen Limit Passes. COLORADO SPRINGS. Colo., April 13. After a delay of 48 hours, due to legal complications, Mrs. Grace Goodyear Depew and Captain Ashton Potter were married at the bride's residence here to night. The wedding was set for Monday night, but It was discovered that through a delay in the California courts the final decree of divorce. permitting Captain Potter to wed again. had not been signed. The decree was signed today. Mr?. Potter, a daughter of Robert Goodyear, of Buffalo, was formerly wife of Ganson Depew, nephew of Senator C. M. Depew. of New Vork, from whom elie was divorced In January, 1909. Cap tain Potter is a nephew of the late Bihop Potter and was divorced ' from his former wife, who was Miss Mary Louise McNutt, of San Francisco, April 10. 1S09. Captain and Mrs. Potter left Immedi ately after the ceremony for New York. POST'S SALE CRITICISED Department Blamed for Money Spent at Fort Walla Walla. WASHINGTON. April 13. The War Department today came in for condemna tion at the hands of several Senators in connection with a bill which was passed providing for the sale to Whitman Col lege at Walla Walla, Wash., of the lands embraced In the old Walla Walla mili tary reservation. It was charged that the price fixed was much less than the value of the land and buildings. Senators Scott, Burkett and Brlstow were among the critics of the measure. It was shown that within three years $130,000 had been expended for the con struction of new barracks on the reser vation, notwithstanding that the aban donment of the post had been recom mended previously. The payment for the barracks was made out of a lump sum and the Kan sas and Nebraska Senators took advant age of the opportunity to attack the lump system of making appropriations. New York to Try Goats' Meat. NEW YORK, April 13. Independent co operative meatshops are to be tried on the East side by Jewish housewives, in an attempt to enforce their strike against tne Koaner outcners. Two hundred Jew ish women will contribute from one to five dollars apiece to set going the first next Friday. The high price of beef and mutton has led East Bide butchers to offer goat's meat as a substitute. The meat is said to give satisfaction and the price is from 6 to 7 cents a pound lower than mutton. 630O Trainmen Get Raise In Pay. SCRANTON. Pa.. April 13. The Dela ware. Lackawanna & Western Railroad Company today announced a 6 per cent increase in wages to all employes op erating Detween Hoboken and Buffalo numbering about 6500. The switchmen are given an increase of 3 cents an hour, loOO being affected. STEAMER SINKING HFF HUMBOLDT BAR Santa Clara in Peril, Passengers Leave. TUG HASTENS TO RESCUE THEM Vessel Strikes Bar 'and Gives Signal of Distress. WATER QUENCHES FIRES Starting From Kurrka. for San Fran cisco, tSeamer Is Thought to Be Hopeless Loss Boats Seen to Have Saved All. EUREKA, Cal.. April IS. With 60 passengers on board and carrying a crew of about 25 men, the steamer Santa Clara, bound from Portland for San Francisco, struck the bar fn pass ing out from Eureka harbor this after noon and is In jdlstress six miles south of here. Jn response to a wireless call for assistance the tug Ranger went out and Just before darkness fell It could be seen passengers were being trans ferred to the tug. The sea is rough and the work dangerous. The steamer is anchored about a half mile off shore and it seems that ths tug has a line to her. A very high sea Is running, which made the task of transferring the passengers In two small boats, that could be made out passing back and forth between the steamer and the tug, one of great dif ficulty and danger. The Santa Clara Is believed to have sprung a bad leak In crossing the bar when she left here shortly after 2 o'clock this afternoon, and 'apparently her fires are out, as all efforts to com municate with the vessel after the re ceipt of the distress signals have failed. 'Therfaet that the passengers are be ing transferred while there Is such a rough sea is taken here as an Indica tion that the steamer Is in danger of sinking. On account of the sea that is rolling ovef the Humboldt bar. it will be im possible for the tug to come In tonight. The steamer Santa Clara belongs to the North Pacific Steamship Company. She is 223 feet In length. Is a vessel of 1588 tons and was formerly the James Dollar. When the Santa Clara left here her passenger list numbered only 33, of whom all but ilx were booked for Eureka, and are assumed to have left the steamer there. The remaining six are: R. W. Haines, for San Francisco, resi dence unknown. J. R. Campbell, for San Francisco, from Portland. H. L. Parry and wife, for San Fran cisco, residence unknown. L. S. Shaw, for San Francisco, from Portland. C. Hughes, for San Francisco, from Portland. L. S. Shaw, one of the passengers, was to have gone south on the steamer Roanoke, which left down Tuesday one week ago. He missed tt by a few min- (Coneluded on Pane 2.) i: INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. TESTERDAT'S Maximum temperature, 1 degrees; minimum. 42 degrees. TODAY'S Fair, with light frost In the early morning. Warmer during the after noon; westerly winds. Foreign. Ex-PreHdent Roosevelt discusses Honey d fpat for EHstrict Attorney with Ex-Mayor Phelan. Page National. House Committee tables l.aflan bill. Taxe Senate amends railroad bill to enlarse svope of Court provision. Page 3. Marine League's secretary denies money was spent to influence Congress. Page 2. Iosneatlc. Illinois Central is victim of costly con spiracy. Page X. , Steamer" ant& Olara m distress and prob ably sinking off Eureka; passengers res cued. Page Xm Sport. Pitcher Krapp wins fourth victory In. suc secclon for Portland. Page S. ' Cec-& tu M...F.t lgh nenutMJol a a Gymnasium belong; fixed. Jeffries eases train ing to oatch. trout. Page 8. CX. A- C beats Idaho 11 to 4 In baseball at Corvallis. Page 6. Five new speedway records made by autos at Playa del Hey. page 6- Paciflo Northwest. State I&nd Commlsslonre Ross of Washing ton not smirched by probe of hia office. Page 6. Member of Bureau of Inspection says In quiry may show that state is In Oil In spector Clark's debt. Page 6. Albany Is host today to open River conven tion. Page 7. Furnish Coe Company lets contract for con. structlon dam costing XI 10.010. Page T. Gottlelb Keller returns to Vancouver be cause trip to fewltserland disappointed. Page 7. Portland and Viclinty. Citizens of Drain Initiate movement for new County of Williams. Page Ex-Sheriff Plummer named Judge Williams. "Garnd Old Man of Oregon," In conven tion at Astoria- Page Amateur aviator falls attempting to turn in wind. Page Ex-Banker Moore, who pleads guilty and pays flue, denies any "deal" with prose cution. Page Oregon Trunk to order grading or 40 more miles to northern end of Klamath Lake. Page City Auditor will fine delinquent contractora Page Fraud cases to lead to thorough probing of all state timber land acquisitions. Page Portland business men back. "Safe and Sane" fourth plan. Page Attorney F. B. Rutherford sues for divorce alleging hla wife has been fault-finding for five years. Page New executive committee of Commercial Club named by President. Page Charles J. Wezler-s disappearance baffles police. Page Grand Jury may Investigate Louis J. Wilde's sale of telephone bonds to Oregon Trust & Savings Bank. Page PLATT MANAGEMENT TO GO Mrs. Harrlman to Help In United States Express Shake-Up. N7.W YORK. Ap-il 13. (Special.) Mrs. K. H. Harriman has started housecleaning and the old Piatt man agement of the United States Express Company is to be cleaned out. The) widow of the railroad man is the most powerful stockholder in the corpora tion and now she means business. Independent stockholders who have been for years fighting to oust the Piatt control are now confident that with the aid of Mrs. Harrlman they will not only get representation on the board of directors, something they have not had for many years, but that a new president will be elected to suc ceed the late Thomas C. Piatt who will be satisfactory to all parties concerned. The Harriman estate controls 20,000 snares of United States Express Com- pany stock, which gives Mrs. Harrl man an Important voice in the man agement of the company. Capitol Scandal Grows Apaee. HARRIS BURGv Pa, April 13. At the trial today of Joseph M. Huston, the Capitol architect cnarged with defraud ing the state. Deputy Attorney-General Cunningham offered to disprove state ments made in a letter by Huston to the effect that he had reduced bills for desks for the new 'building. The letter was written, to Hampton L. Carson when he. as attorney, was Investigating the Capitol scandal. DISCOURAGING THE GRAVEYARD BUSINESS. 40 MORE MILES OF PDimmin nnnrnr" Oregon Trunk to Build to Klamath Lake. LINE TO HIT NORTHERN END Klamath Falls May Not Be Goal This Year, or at All. 273 MILES ROAD'S EXTENT President Stevens Says Halls Are Likely to Reach Lake This Year. Steamer Service From Lower End Is Probability. The contracts for the construction of 0 miles of railroad grade In addi tion to that for which bids will be opened April 18. will probably ba let before long, wag declared yesterday by John F. Stevens, president of the Ore gon Trunk; Line, who returned in the morning from a business trip to Chicago. The construction of tho 0 additional miles will taka the rose, to tho north end of Klamath Lake. "It is out of tho range of possibilities that the road will be built to Klamath Falls this year, if we decide to go to that point at all," said Mr. Sevens yes terday. "It has already; been published that we will soon open bids for the grad ing from Madras south to the- northern boundary of the Klamath Indian Res ervation. If reasonable bids are sub mitted the contract for this work will be let. Trunk Line surveyors are now working in the reservation and so soon as they report on available routes, contracts will probably be let for con struction work through to some point on the northern shore cef the lake. The engineers will then be called In and we will determine how much money has been expended and how much is required for the completion of the work in hand. 2 73 Miles Its Extent. "The construction of this additional 40 miles will give the Oregon Trunk Line Railway about 273 miles of rail road, which is pretty good for one year's work. It may be that rails can not be laid for the entire distance this year, but after we get a few miles south of Bend the work is light and I believe the work can be completed through to Klamath Lake before the end of the year. Of course, this con struction work will depend on the condition of the money market, but so far we have experienced no trouble In that way." hlle Mr. Stevens said nothing con cerning the possibility of establishing a steamer service on the lake; a con nection of that kind with Klamath Falls upon the completion of the 273 miles of railroad, is well within the range of possibilities. A steamer con nection with the lower end of the lake would put the Trunk Line on a competitve basis with the Southern Pa cific for Klamath freight business. (Concluded on Page 12.) TWO JAPS FIGHT GORY PISTOL DUEL OXE DEAD, OTHER DYING IX HOSPITAL FROM WOUNDS. Long-standing Feud Settled for Good When. Enemies Meet in North End IOdping-House. One killed and an other mortally wounded was the toll of a pistol duel fought between S. Murakami and K. Ogata. Japanese canners, in a rear room of a lodging house at 371 Ever ett street at 9 o'clock last night. ' Murakami fell with a bullet in bis heart and died before be could be placed in an ambulance. Ogata Is hov ering between life and death at the Good Samaritan Hospital. A bullet en tered to the left of bia heart and plowed Its way through bis body. The wound. It Is believed, will prove fatal. A second bullet pierced his right cheek and left an ugly flesh wound. Half a dozen Japanese who were found in rooms In the lodging-house are held by the police pending an Investigation of the shooting. No witnesses of the duel could be found. Friends of both Japa nese say that both men, who were sworn enemies, retired to the room and fought to their death. Evidences of a terrible struggle were found by Patrolman Martlne, who was frfft to arrive on the scene. ' Tables were upturned and bric-a-brac shattered.. It was evident that both had engaged in a hand-to-hand conflict before the deadly vollleys- were fired. The room was filled with powder smoke. HARTRIDGE LOSES SUIT Perjury Cliarge May Be Brought Against Thaw's Former Attorney NEW YORK. April 13. Clifford W. Hartridge, one of the attorneys who defended Harry K. Thaw In his first trial for the murder of Stanford White, failed today in his efforts to collect from Mrs. Mary Copley Thaw, the prisoner's mother, a balance of $92,000 for counsel fees and disburse ments. More than that. Judge Holt, of the United States Circuit Court, in deny ing a motion to set aside the sealed ver dlst of the Jury which had heard Hart ridge's suit' against Mrs. Thaw, made the sensational statement that an in quiry was called for regarding the pro fesslonal conduct of Hartridge and to determine whether ground existed for a perjury prosecution. Hartridge had already been nald 32 000. His suit for 192,000 and interest, which he claimed to be due as a bal ance, has been on trial for several days. The Jury took the case yesterday after noon and a verdict was ordered. During the trial Mrs. Thaw and Harry maw lestinea as witnesses for the de fense. Hartridge was a witness in his own behalf. He recounted numerous payments he claimed to have made to women In smoothing out certain stories concerning Thaw. In his charge to the jury. Judge Holt characterized Hart ridge's bill of expenses as "extra ordinary." BABES RECORD RUNAWAYS Children of 3 and 4 found on Way to Blue Mountains. PATTON, Wash.. April 13. (Special.) Buster Royse, aged S. and Virg- Mo Morris, aged 4. hold perhaps the world's record as "soldiers of fortune." Yes terday they g-ot their small heads to pet her and conceived a plan for leav Ing home and "seeing a bit of the country. Taklnpr an express wag-on. with which they intended to haul one an other, the Infants started, without farewelL Hours afterward the di tracted parents, accompanied by large posse, found the boys headed for the Blue Mountains. The little Mn Morrls boy explained to his father, William McMorrls, a well-known grain buyer, that he and his pal" had in tended to come back, home some day after they had satisfied their explora tlve curiosity. CODY RESENTS PENNIES Order From Postoffice Department EmbarraiSses Business Men. CODY, Wyo., April 13. Cody has a grievance and its against your Uncle Sam. The Government has forced pen nies on Cody a place which has no more use for pennies than Nome has for fans in January. It has Instructed its postmaster here to make ohange In pennies and the arrange ment embarrasses business men. Nobody wants the penny and Invariably it drifts to the bank and there It sticks. Not until comparatively recently were dimes and nickels recognized as real money in Cody. WIFE'S ALIMONY DOUBLED Husband's Voluntary Act Makes a Precedent for Colorado. DENVER, April 13. William Rogers, a mineowner, probably established a precedent today when he voluntarily doubled the amount of alimony for which his wife was suing:. Attorneys and principals for both sides were in court when Mrs. Rogers announced that she wanted $50 a month alimony. "Why, that isn't, enough," exclaimed Rogers. "I'll double that amount. Little difficulty was experienced in settling- the oase. X.abor Controls in Australia. STDXEt, Australia, April 13. Elec tions for members of Parliament were held throughout Australia today, and returns already received assure a working- majority for the Labor party in both houses. The voting was very heavy, and intense interest was taken because for the first time a coalition party opposed tha Labor party. PARDON STIRS OLD TENNESSEE GOALS Colonel Cooper, Slayer of Carmack, Free. GOVERNOR'S LIFE THREATENED Nashville Roused When Act Follows Sentence Approval. TRIAL NOT FAIR AVERRED Patterson, State Executive, fndci Guard, Violent' Feared" Ke Icae May Change Political Aspect Foes Bitter. NASHVILLE. Tenn.. April 13. Colonel Duncan B. Cooper, convicted of- killing ex-Senator E. W. Carmack and sen tenced to serve 20 years' imprisonment, was granted a full pardon today by Governor Patterson just after the Ten nessee Supreme Court had reaffirmed his sentence. Robin, son of Colonel Cooper, con victed with his father, was remanded for a new trial by the Supreme Court. In the younger man's case, the Supreme Court was divided. Chief Justice Beard reading a dissenting- opinion. Governor Patterson's pardon of Colonel Cooper has aroused Nashville and Tennessee as nothing ever did be fore. The most intense excitement pre vails throughout the city tonight. Whole City Roused. All through the afternoon and early part of the night the street corners, hotel lobbies and other places where crowds normally congregate have bewi the scenes of the most heated discus sions. Wild rumors of the Governor re signing, of an attempted assassination, a plot to lynch Colonel Cooper, have fairly filled the air slr.ee the pardon was Issued. The effect of the pardon has. been to draw even tighter than before the par tisan politicians in the state. Apparently, from the discussions on the streets, not a hundred persons In Nashville have changed their views. Friends of the Governor have a new standard to rally about, they have a ' new call to battle. In consequence they are more loyal and devoted than be fore. The admiration of his courage is given unbounded expression. Foes Denounce Governor; On the other hand, his political op ponents are more bitter than ever be fore In their denunciation of him and all of those close to him. Thej- are aroused to a pitch that they never reached before, even on the night of the killing of Senator Carmack. Noth ing like it was ever seen here before. "Czar," "infamous scoundrel." 'crook,' are among the epithets applied to him. Captain G- T. IMtzhugh, of Memphis, of counsel for the state In the trial, gave a statement tonight characteriz ing it as disgraceful haste, shocking every sense of decency. He said: 'Sworn to execute the laws construed by the highest court, the Governor with out a petition from any one, tramples the law under foot and Beta aside tho court's decree for a cold-blooded murder er, whose influence with the Governor is and has been far more potent than the Interests and safety of the people of this great commonwealth." Vilest Names Applied. District Attorney Jeff McCarn charac terized the Governor by the vilest epi thets used by men. The Governor's bodyguard, a private detective, haa been with him constantly . for a week past, and it Is feared that some fanatic will attempt to assassinate him. The political effect of the pardon will be decided in the November election. The Governor has not yet announced his In tentions, but it Is- almost certain that he will stand re-election for a third term. He will not be opposed for the nomina tion, the anti-administration element hav ing declined to go into the primary called by the Democratic state executive com mittee for June 4. The general impression seems to be that the old alignments will hold. The Governor's friends approve of his action, and his enemies denounce it. Trial Unfair Alleged. Governor Patterson's pardon for Col onel Cooper declares: "In my opinion neither of the defend ants Is guilty and they have not had a fair and impartial trial, but were con victed contrary to the law and evidence." A reversal in the case of Robin is based on an order In the trial judge's failuni to charge separately as to Robin Cooper's plea of eelf-defense, the linking of the defense of the two defendants together, excluding of testimony of Governor Pat terson, as to talks with defendant, Robin Cooper, and advice given him before the tragedy: and the admission of cross-examination of Robin Cooper a ato the in tent of certain state's witnesses in testi fying as to certain Incidents, Cooper at Capitol. Colonel Cooper waa still at the Capitol when the pardon was entered In the Sec retary of State's office. He was at once surrounded toy a crowd of friends seek ing to congratulate him. He was cs3m Concluded on Pajre 3- V