Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 13, 1910, Page 18, Image 18

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I wish to ret in touch with the owner of
an Improved or unimproved farm, near
ireham or Orciton City. Price must be
cheap for large caih payment. Something
from SO to 2O0 acres preferable. R 872,
"Want 40 to 60 acres, some timber and
running -water; good aoil, house and barn,
some fruit; must be on good. wagon road,
either railroad station or electric road.
m 84 Fourth t.
WE want G. 10. 20. 40. SO and 160-acre
farms. We have the parties that have the
money If your price Is right; we will sell
them at once. Full particulars in first
letter or call. Owners only. Mmmo &
Runey. 13 Hamilton bldg.
TIMBER lands wanted.
304 McKay bids.
C. J. McCracken.
Homes Vehicles and Harness.
"WHY buy a second-hand vehicle when you
can get a new one from an old-established
wholesale house, 44 years in Oregon, at
almost the same cost? We are located
outside the high-rent district, own our
building, and can make the price. Ex
clusive agents for the old reliable line of
Michigan Buggy Co. fine vehicles, deliv
ery wagcns, tup buggies, runabouts and
farm wagons. Be sure and see us before
you buy. It may save you money.
322 Hawthorne Ave., bet. East 1st and 2d.
i'URTl.AXD STABLE3. 26 North loth St.
-1 head of horses from f years to 12 in
ae and $75 to $1'L'5 in price; some of these
are blemished, some sure, some sound;
but 1 tell nu the truth about every
horse and I bark it up with a written guar
antee to refund your money if they are not
as 1 represent them, inquire of the Port
land Trust "(., whr I bank, as to my
reliability. R. I.. Evans.
FOR SALE Horses, harness and wagons,
liememoer, we sell guaranteed horses and
mares. If not as represented they can be
returned. We also have on hand several
delivery, farm, vegetable and milk wagons
for sale. Hawthorne-Ave, Stables, 420
Hawthorne ave.
THE Wondburn Farms annual Api 11 horse
sale will be held at Woutiburu, Or., Sat
urday. April 10. IP 10. D. M. Ratcliffe,
manager and auctioneer.
A good light business wagon with long
bed, suitable for contractor or dellverv;
a bargain tor cash. CM! at 4,6 E. Alder.
DRAFT and all-purpose horses for sale at
our barn at Gresham, Or.; take car at
East Morrison and Water streets,
Best accommodations for travelers; ladles
waiting-room; prices moderate. U43 Front.
FOR SALE cheap, fine young ma-e. also
top buggy; solid rubber tires and hor
nes s. C all at O. K. Stables. 230 Jefferson.
TEAM brown mare. weight 14o jbs. each;
just off the farm; $44 :o ian. 242 East Grand
FIRST-CLASS haavy draft and driving horses
always on hand; sold with guarantee as
represented. L. S. Stables. 248 Front.
FOR SALE Good, young, sound, 2 700-lb.
team horses, almost new harness, all $.100
. owner leaving city. Call 2SW Harrison st.
FOR SALE Good ctiunkv 25O0-1 h. Ipam
roan hursts, harness $150; trial given.
all 3M Mill st.
WILL seM my fine driving team of matched
bay or will trade for real estate. Call 324
f'l.amher of Commerce bidg.
FOH SALK A team of matched draft
horses, weight Hiioo. Just brought in from
. the country. 701 East Yamhill st. B 1 7'M.
DR L. G. STICKNEY, V. S. Office 40S E
Burnaide. E. 550; residence. E. 171.
EXPRESS wagon and team with work
cheap; stand 143 N. nth, or 247 N. 38th st.
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all
kinds for sale. 334 Front st.
SMITH PREMIER typewriter No. 10. visible
new . $H5. Phone Woodla w n 2657. '
For sali
7th N.
-Light delivery wagon. 906 K.
GOOD work or delivery horse. 700 E. Stark.
VAD1LLAO 30. 1909 mociel. not the abused,
worn-out kind, and offered at half the
original cost, but an excellent car which
has had a child's care and runs samo as
a new one. If you are interested and
have the money to pay cash you can ob
tain a bargain by answering this ad. D
Ml. Oregonian.
5-passenger louring car. almost as good
as n-;w; will trade, for Improved or un
improved residence property. Y 884 Ore
sonlan. A WHITE steamer runabout, just the thing
for a doctor; for sale or trade. What
have you go ? Tabor 865. 1155 Belmont.
BUICK, model in runabout, iftou model in
excellent condition; $60O cash. AL 8S4
TOl'RINO car. 'OP, balance cash, on $6000
ranch. 60 acres. 18 miles from Portland.
X SS5. Oregon tan.
MAXWELL. JR.. ifioH. 1 E0.-d an new; ff,
cash today: hurry if you want it Pacino
Auto Co.. 266 Eleventh t.
ALMOST new 30-h. p. 4-seated auto: JII&O
Geo. R. Flora. 470 E. Bui nsirte st.
Pi "now. Organs and MusfcalImtriimgntw.
PIANOS Bring your certificates or checks to
the oM reliable Buh & Iine Piano Co., 3SS
W ashlngtort and we will redeem them
for their real value; our store wlil be open
night until lo o'clock for the balance of
ICBDIX cneck n Graves Piano Houw,
7,1 3- F x- No- Vancouver. Wash..
Hot 26.
I25 CHECK on Graves MiupIc Co. for sale
cheap. loftfl E. Main.
MAKE offer for $125 credit on piano at
'.raves Music Co. P. :t17 Henry bldg.
F?.? A:bT??l,y ran,i reasonable.
1 none it 1 ItU.
FOR SA LE Piano check for $125 on
(.rave3 p. Main 42 20 .
A "neek chP If taken at onoa.
A 8 S3, Oregon! an.
A CREDIT for $U5 good at Graves Music
More. Pee Mrs. Vincent, 571 E. ISth sL
$125 i'H ECK on Graves piano; Tabor 7ts
Also 2 good chairs for sale very cheap
if taken immediately. v 8- Orego
10-foot counter with shelves, and 6
doors, top is inches wide, 12-foot rail
with base, posts, two gates. 6-foot rail
SO-Inch top. Address American Life &
Accident Co., tilo Beck bldg. Telephone
Main 552. 1
fe;::wi.u machinei Ho not fall to visit the
White sewing machine store THIS WEEK.
T , :AIj SALES l:it drop-head machine,
slightly marred; all standard makes ma
chines for rent and repairing. H. D. Jones,
. I rop.. 420 Washington st.. corner 11th.
riANOS Bring your certificate or checks to
the old reliable Huoh Lane Piano Co., 3S6
awhinKtoii m.. and we will redeem them
lor their real value; our store will be open
nigM until lo o'clock for the balance of
. the month of April.
123-volt, inO-K. W. General Eleotrlo
generator; belt type, complete with panel
and rail base. Address Room 201, Ore-
gonlan Mdg.
SPECIAL prices on factory rebuilt machines;
very liberal terms; 10 to $(50. Northwest
Typewriter Co.. M. 8S70. 222 Ablngtoo
BEST dry fir and oak wood, either sawed
or 4-ft., at lowest possible prices. Kirk
Hoover. 313 Water st. PUons Main 745L
A 34o.
foR SALE Hart-Parr traction gasoline en
gine. Rood as new. R. T. Cox. 250 4 3d
at.. Portland. Or.
S0. Ask for catalog Rebuilts Jlj up N.
M Hayter Co., w ,"t h s t . Main -s .
l-tR SALE Soda fountain and complete
outfit at a sacrifice. Call News stand,
1 'r.ion IH'pot.
CHEAP Tit nee show cases. Howe counter
S'-.ile, Ice chwt. Angeles Trust Co., S'i
Was'i ingtn t.. roo.-n 4 1 7.
bAFES 11 2d-hand safes very cheap; large
stock new safes sold on easy terms; call or
t write today. Portland Safe Co.. ST 5 th.
60-FOLND ice chest and mahogany dreaser
IS-GAL. air tark. gauge nd whittle for sale Kurt T7.
t I'Ul Stark St. Main 1407.
M 2-3 YARlS Axminster carpet, nearly new.
. 74S Baleigh st. 1'hnnw Main SS2
bH OWC ASKS new and second-hand, 313
Everett cor. flih Also fixtures.
FINE Iraulatrd cooler for sale cheap. Alex
Frieflmn. 2t t
Boo BUSINESS cards $1 If you bring this ad.
Rose City Printery. 19? 3d. near Taylor.
IU H ,LY TREF for sil cheap. SellwooJ
o 5. 11M Holgate st.
One 10x13 logging engine with line.
One 8xlft logging engine with line.
One 8ixlO double-cylinder hoisting en
gine. One 6x10 double-cylinder hoisting en
gine. One 12-h. p. stationary gasoline engine.
74 First St. Both Phones.
VIOLINS, banjos, mandolins, guitars at half
regular prices. Uncle Myers, 71 gtxth st.
SET abstract books for sale. M. L. Hoskin
son. Moro. Or.
FOR SALE -Showcases, wallcases, counters,
cheap. No. 222 Grand ave. Phone Eat fWi-S.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings;
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
jeai. j jq at., ortn. pnone Main 92.2.
WANTED Contractor to do small job of
grading and take h!s pay In lota.
3'2-a03 Lewis Bldg.'
WANTED Clothing. beat price paid for
ladies' and gents' second-hand clothing
and shoes and bicycles, main 080. T90 1st.
HIGHEST price paid for men's cast-off
clothing, shoes, bicycles and all second
hand goods. 71 North 3d. Marshall 699.
SELL your second-hand furniture to the
Ford Auction Co. or you'll get less.
Phones: A 2445. Ma In 8051.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phono East 1067.
HIGH EST price paid for m-en's cast off
clothing, shoes. Phone Main 4640.
WANTED A second-hand scfe. X S&fi, Ore-
gon ian.
WANTED At once, boys over 16 years for
special delivery. Roberta Bros., 3d and
WANTED Three good salesmen to sell Era
ser City Towiwite lots, the new metropolis
of Central British Columbia. Call or phone
O. E Franzke, Perkins Hotel, bet. lu and
"2 A. M. Room 508.
WANTED A first-class plater, one who can
buff and finish his own work and used
to stove work; also a good stove mounter.
A pply to Albion Stove Works, Ltd., Vic
toria, B. C.
WANTED Moulding stickerman and stock
ctitter; only first-glass operators need ap
plv. Chehalis Fir Door Co.. .Chehaiis,
AMBITIOUS boy with knowledge of short
hand and typewriting; A I chances for
rlsrht party; no drones need apply. AB
SM. Oregonian.
WANTED A firstt-elass planing mill man
who understands wood turning: steady Job
for flrst-claaw man; no ether need appiy. C.
W. Seare & Sn. Albany. Or.
SHOE salesman, experienced; steady work
and best pay to good, live man. Address,
wlih reierences and salary expected. Box
L SS2. Oregonian.
WE aid our members to secure emplcyment
Constant demand for young men of ability
and integrity. Special employment mem
bershlp. Y. M. C A
CARPET cutter, layer and sewer; one that
can do upholstering work ; good wages,
steady job; send references. Queen City
Furniture Company, Baker City, Or.
WANTED Coatmaker, $9 up; pantsmaker,
$3 up; vestmaker, $2 up; to take place
of men that have been with me two years.
D- I. Peters. Walla Walla. W ash .
WE want several experipneed subdivision
salesmen to handle a choice West Side
property. Straight 10 r er cent and bonus.
Chapin .v Herlow. 3H2 Chamber of Com.
SALESMEN wanted for the tx'ft new town site
in the DeK-hutea Valley; in town and out
of town. American Trust Co., 2oO Chamber
pf Commerce hldg.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper for machinery
house; must be competent and worker
for advance; good salary; bond required.
Y J?JM, Oregonian.
W A NTED Experienced grocery delivery
man for East Side store; young man pre
ferred; steady job. Inquire 333 Union
avenue nort h.
GENERAL merchandise and drygoods sales
men for large wres. near city. Commer
cial Abstract Co., 408 Commercial Club
MOTION-PICTURE operators earn $25
weekly; easy work, short hours; learn
business in short time. Motion Picture
operating hcnooi. 0-0 4vash. at.
Write for Portland examination schedule;
preparation free. Franklin Institute. Dept.
41Q N.. P.ochester. N. Y.
WANTED Reliable men who can sell trees
for largest nursery In the West. For
further particulars address Oregon Nur
aery Co.. Orenco, Or.
YOUNG MEN wanted to prepare for railway
mail clerks, postofflce clerks, carriers, etc
Write or call for Book 30, it's free. Pacific
States School. McKay Bldg., Portland. Or.
WANTED A young man with some carpet
business experience, to act as helper or
porter. Apply to Mr. Wheeler, second
floor. I. Gevurtz & Sons. 1735 1st st.
WAN and wife wanted to work on fruit
ranch in Hood River. Exceptional op
portunity for right party, p. a. Smith,
414 Mill st.
EXPERIENCED dinner wanted. stead v
work. Apply Portland Woolen Mills, 9u
Jthns. Oregon.
TAILOR wanted, bushel man, steady Job for
steady man; best wages paid. Ryan &
O'Brien. 37 Morrison st.
OFFICE and delivery -boy, Ifi years old; per
manent position; salary $6 a week. Rem
ington Typewriter Co..
young man. Commercial Abstract Co., 4oS
Commercial Club.
SOLICITOR Pleasant work, good pa v. Call
room 75 Minnesota Hotel. North 5th. 10
this A. M.
WANTED iFlrft'lap solicitor for granite
and marble works. Call room ft8 Portland
Hotel, 4 to 0 P. M.
WANTED Reliable man to help In store;
will pay $25 week : small investment re
quired. Particulars 248 Stark s t .
W A NTED Steady man for light work and
do some collecting ; small investment re-
quired. Call 30S-a Washington, room 2 4
YOUNG man, well educated and about 20
years of age, wanted for office work. N 8S4,
EXPERIENCED caller and solicitor for view
work. Sunset Photo Co., Grand ave. and
East Anlteny st.
BOY between 16 and 17. Apply at once to
Olds. Wort man & King.
WANTED Experienced shoe salesman to
help out Saturdays, afternoon and eve
nlng. Apply Eastern Otuntting Co,
$18 TO $35 week, few months only learning;
situations guaranteed. Watchmaking-Ea-graving
School, box 182. Ashland. Or.
WANTED First-class salesman; need have
no special knowledge of our line. Apply
manager's office. 4S1 tilisan st.
WANTED Two first-class clothing sak.s
men. Apply Parisian Tailors. S 4 3d st.
WANTED One first-class bushelman. Ap
piy Parisian Tailors. 84 3d st.
301 MER-
FARMHAND who understands teaming. Call
3u8 E. Morrison after 1 P. M.
WANTED Photograph coupon agents; new
offer; a winner. Cutberth. Dekuni bldg.
BOYS wanted to set pins. Oregon Bow ling
Alleys. S4 7th st. Apply immediately.
PATTERNMAKER w an ted. Call 222 Com
mercial Club Bidg.
WAN1ED First-class agents. Davies Stu
dio. Morrison, near Third.
WANTED Good apprentice boy, about 17
vearS old. 1 4tJ Pace St.
WANTED -Young man on farm. Apply be
twopn 1 and 11 o'clock, 2i'y McKay bldg-
INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools,
2o7 Marquam bldg., or 3 1 S M c K a y b I d g.
WANTED Baker at Seven th-sT bakery,
Oregon City.
SALESMAN wanted. Apply after 9 A. M. to-
da-y. Boyd Tea Company. 2t9 Salmon st.
FIRST-CLASS salesman: big wages; pernia-
nent. 215 Commercial Bldg.
WANT b-l ) First-clajss all-around baker mar
ried man preferred. 46 arH 4'S E. Morrison.
WANTED Cabinet- makers. Oregon Plaa
ir.g Mill, linh and Vaughn sts.
W.V NTED -Alteration help on jackets and
skirts. Gumbct-t's. 334 Washington sr.
A GOOD, steady, all-around baker w anted.
At' SI. t res on inn.
BOY over 18 cars wanted. Apply Silver
S.eM. 4th ard Morrison.
EXPERIENCED man for saoun porter
r tod wages. 40Q East Morrison st.
MANAGER and cook for country hotel Call 4
to ft P. M . . room 54S Port '.a p d Hrel.
FIRST-CLASS stenographer. Call 4 to 6 P. M
r-om 54S Port la -id Hotel.
W A XTK1 Experienced pantsmakers. Nic-
oll. the tailor. ;id st.
TAILOR wanted. Apply Garrert rffc Young
Stearns bldg.. city.
JANITOR wanted. 90 5th at.
WANTED Man and wife fr hotel at the
beach ; good wages ; s-e party here.
Millwrights. $4 ; carpenters. $3.50.
Gang eilpernian, city,- $4.
Rind resawyer. 93.
Yard tallymen. $.75.
Concrete mixers. $3 up.
Ten men to work in nursery, $1.25 per
day and board.
Cook for hotel In country, $60 to $75.
Main Office. 12 N. 2d St.
WANTED A bang-up. rattling. A-No. 1.
rapid-fire, sure-suot salesman -n a top
shelf proposition that will Day a good
man get-rich wages; the sniveling, weak
kneed, peevish, confidence-lacking, lend-me-ten
kind of salesman need not come
around, as our office is full without him.
We are running no charity bureau, but
we have a proposition that any man who
is ten pounds man to ten pounds meat can
soon get rich on. Apply between 9 and
1 1 A. M.
303 Lewis Bldg.
ANTED AMe-bodiea men for the U. 9. Ma
rinp Corps, between the ages of 19 and 34
Must be n alive born or have first papers.
Mopthly pay $15 to $ti3. Additional compensa
tion possible. Food, clothing, quarters and
medical attendance free. After SO years senr
ice can retire wita 75 per cent of pay and al
lowances. Service on board shin and ashore
In all part of the world. Apply at Breeden
bldg-.. 31 a r.i Washington sts. . Portland. Or.
WANTED at once, a young man, 21 to 25
J ears of age. possessing a good education
nd some business experience; must oe of
good addrets and of absolutely correct
habits; position permanent and offers an
exceptional opportunity for advancement
to right party. Salary to start $75. Apply
In own hand-writing, stating age and
length and nature of experience. K. &bl.
Or scnhin.
EVERY young man aeeklng employment or
desiring to better his condition, should
taka advantage of the special employ
ment membership, and g-ot in quick touch
with the advisory and employment sec
retary of the Y. M C A. Strangers our
r pecial ty. Good f e 21o w sh ip, goo d advice,
good position awaits you
SALESMEN To handle attractive lots oti
small monthly payments in cheapest. beft
and easiest-selling addition in Portland.
Names of prospective buyers- furnished.
Gowi commission,, better than salary to live
man. 810 Couch bldg., 4th St., near Wash
ington. ,
MEN wanted for firemen and branemen on
nearby railroads; experience unnecessary;
good vision; age 20-30; $75 to $100 monthly.
No strike; permanent employment; promo
tion; 4'jO men being eent to positions; state
age. weiTU, height. Send stamp monthly
Iiaiiway Association, care Oregonian.
10,000 POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men and women to learn barber trade in
8 weeks, help to secure promotion; gradu
ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert
instructors; tools free; write for cata
logues. Mohler System of Colleges, 35
North 4th St.. Portland, Or.
500 M EN to know of the consignments of
high grade suits (.sample and cancella
tion arriving dailv from the East; men's
Spring suits. $35 to $40 values, $18.75; $25
to 3c0 alues. $14.75. Knew' Sample Suit
Shop. 315 Oregonian bldg., Jimmie Dunne,
WANTED Salesmen who are hustlers and
can sell; no dead ones need apply. We have
good territory and proposition for the right
parties. We furnish outfit free and pay
cash weekly. Write us. ALBANY NUR
SERIES. INC.. Albany, Oregon.
WANTED Steady man to help manage hne
paying casn business ; clean work, tasy t
larn; hours 8 to 5; experience not required;
will pay you $125 monthly; only requires in
vestment of $250. Call 302 Washington
st.. room 9.
LIVE agents everywhere to sell a new'grain
separator and seed cleaner to farmers,
mills ind elevators; write for information
and particulars. Glo1)e Separator
Co.. 60a Worcester bldg.. Portland, Or.
FIRST-CLASS automobile repair man; must
he thorough mechanic. Covey Motor Car
WANTED Good girl for general housework,
willing to go to beach ; no washing. 313
East 12th st. N.
COMPETENT, experienced children's nurse,
city references required ; good wages. 691
Hancock st. phone O 1 3Q6. East 234S.
TUTOR wanted by young woman ; grammar
(.socially : evening; reasonable. V b4,
WANTED Young girl to help with house-
work. Address 4&y 21st., Portland Heights.
Phone M. 257.
EX PERIENCED seamstress and anorentlce
Rir! for dressmaking establishment. 171 '
1 1th st. I
E X PE R I E N C E D gi rl for cooking an d gen-
eral housework, small familv; Rond wages.
Main 2i2:. 4t4 2oth. Portland HetghLS,
WANTED Competent second girl. Apply
Mrs. Thompson. 21st and Carter sts. Ref-
erences. Main 2053.
WANTED Several energetic solicitors:
must have references. Call 60S Couch
WANTED Experienced hairdresser, hair
weaver anil manicurist; white or colored.
4nli'2 Morrison st.
WA NTED At Howe's Ladies' A gency
Cooks, chambermaids, second girls, wait
resses. Room 32'W-a Washington bL
MILLINERY apprentice, small pay while
learning ; good opportunity to advance.
Fraley Bros.. 214 3d.
WANTED A good reliable wom:m for
kitchen work in private sanitarium from
S to ft: wages $25. D .S,X2. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED alteration hands on skirts
and coat-, also good salaries. Sil
vornehi's. 41 h and Morriin.
GIRL for general housework and cooking;
small family, no washing, good wages.
Tm E. Taylor st.
WANTED Three experienced girls for dip
ping chocolates; good wages. Eastern
Ondy Works. 3S3 Burnside St.
GIRLS wanted on power sewing machines.
' Pai-ific Tent & Awning Co., 27 First St.,
EXPERIENCED chocolate dippers. best
wages, steady work, car fare paid. Good
P.oblln Candy Co.. Vancouver. Wash.
COMPETENT girl, general housework, small
family; good wages. Call mornings, 812
G1RIS over 16 to work in bag factory.
Apply Ames, Harris. Neville Co.. 5th and
GIRL to assist with general housework in
small family. Phone East 5400. Call 436
East 24th St.. N.
TEACHERS for Chinese Mission. 28t Tavlor
.vt. 7:30 to 9:30 P. M.
WANTED Lady pianist, nlso singer. Call
52fi' Wash, st. Main S4."8.
WA NTED Experienced girl for chocolate
dipping. Call 330 Sd st.
WANTED Girl, experienced pants finisher.
Call at 204 Stark St., room 1.
GIRL for general housework in small family;
good wages. 7P2 Lovejoy st.
GIRL for fruits, cigars and ice cream coun-
ter. :i? N- 4th st.
WANTED A girl for general housework. 381
H'th st.
LESSONS in Shorthand and Typewriting by
expert. $5 a month. 2rt:t 14th. Main 3S93.
WANTED Girl to do general housework.
447 10th st.
GIRL to wash dishes in small restaurant at
2Sou Yamhill st.
LADIES to travel. $75 month, city $2.50
day. Room 9. 249 Holladay ave.
COOK'S helper in private boarding-house.
735 Hoyt st. r
WANTED Cashier for Model Theater. 69
North 3d st.
LADY cashiers, amusement park. Address,
with full particulars. Lock Box 419. city.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework.
717 Madison st. Main 2717.
WANTED Experienced coat and skirt hands
at J. Harris'. 1 29 xz 5th st.
WAITRESS wanted in boarding house. 350
Glisan st.
GOOD girl for general housework, family
of three. tt!7 Flanders st.
WA NTED First-class agents.
Studio. Morrison, near 3d.
WANTED Competent girl to do second
work.. Apply 141 223 st. North.
WANTED Lady, well acquainted, to sell
r-al estate: big money. 411 Corbett bldg.
WANTED Experienced operators
on ov
siiS. also .earners. ,o ist st.
WANTED A girl to sow on pants. 69'
First st.
NEAT respectable woman housekeeper St
Louis Agency. 303 Wash. Main 20C&.
PRIVATE lessons in bookkeeping 3 nicats
in week. $5 rer month. "Phone vm, -i ,
GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory I
'n flraid ive. and Kart T.vini. !
GIRL for general housework. 73S Main st
bet "tying rtr.d Ford. '
OI RL to assist with general housework. Ao
rly 706 Flanders. "
WANTED Experienced waitress. Alexan
dra Court. 53 Ella st.
WANTED Competent girl for second work.
Ca!! t.".. Johnson st.
GIRL wanted for housework. Apply 307
Grant St.
LADY wanted for men's tailoring. Phone
M. 542 L
COOKS, city. $"t week and up; cooks for
country boaniing-houes. $4 up.
Waitress, cum try town. $35, fare paid.
Chamberniair'tf. $2 up.
Shooting gallery girl. $l.5'
Giris for general housework. $2t to $35.
Large number of ot hers.
Laditg" Dept. Morrison st.
W" ANTED At once, experienced salesladies
for suit and waist departments; also no
tions. Roberts Bros., 3d and Morrison.
HOTEL COOK. $40; boarding-house. $40; 4
waitresses tout of city) $33. fare paid; 2
waitresses (.cilyt. $35; m2 chambermaids,
$25 and -2ii; 2 second girls. $25; kitchen
helper. $30; camp helper. $30. Hansen's
I-adles' Agency. 345 Wash, st., room 7.
WILL furaish vgry desirable office space
in one of -best buildings, close to eleva
tor, to an Al stenographer, who will in
return keep office open and answer phone
durirfg my absence; will ay for work done
for myself; plenty of work in the bulld-ing-
AB SS2, Oregonian.
AN experienced saleswoman in shirtwaists;
one capable to take charge of depart
ment and assist in buying. Address, stat
ing experience and salary expected, H
SSI. Oregoiilan.
NEAT waitress and helper for small logging
camp; good wages and work not hard and
steady employment ; experience not neces
sary; give phone and street number. S
v4. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED demonstrator for toilet arti
cles; must understand massage and hair
treatments and be willing to travel ; good
was es a nd all expends. Write, slat ing ex
periencc. y S81. Oregon ian.
INFANT'S nurse, second girls, family cooks,
waitresses, chambermaids. housekeepers.
St. Louis Agency, 303 Washington st.
Main 2039.
MIDDLE-AGED woman to- take full charge
of road house 0u miles In country; one child
6 to 12 years old no objection. Address N
&S1. Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED woman for general house
work in family of two adults, in country;
good home to right party. AE ssl, Ore
gonian. WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework, small family, good wages. Ap
ply after 2 P. M. at 32 Raleigh street,
corner 25th. Phone Ma In 3505
WANTED Elderly Christian lady, fond of
- children to assist with housework, for $15
per month and splendid permanent home.
503 E. 3rtth St., W.-R. car.
32.tJa Washington St., Room 30T.
Mam SS3fl or A 3266.
FIRT-CLASS waitresses for the new SIOO.
000 hotel at The Dalles, Or. Address Ho
tel Dalles.
EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen
eral housework; good wages. N. E. corner
Mill and 10th. .
hiZh Washington St., Cor. 7th. Upstalrsv
Phone Main 2092.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavi Co.. 609 Rotn
ehlld bidg., 4th and Washington.
EN PERIENCED girl for cooking and gen
eral housework. 794 Irving St.. cor. 24th.
Phone A 118-!.
EXPERIENCED saleslady for dress goods
and silk ; permanent position. Kenard &.
Adams. 539 Williams ave.
WANTED Competent girl for cooking and
general housework, family two adults. 458 E.
"et N.. near Thompson.
WANTED Girl for general housework; good
aees ; references required. 620 East
An ken y st.
GJ KL wanted lor general housework. 471
Ainsworth avenue, corner East Eighth.
. Woodlawn car. Phfne, Woodlawn 1738.
ENERGETIC, sensible woman over 25 for
position in wholesale house. Experience
unnecessary. Q sK. Oregonian.
WANTED At once, girl for light house
work in small family. Phone A 7243. 38
N. -1 st st.. just off of Washington st.
COMPETENT lady's maid; mu3t understand
sewing; references. L 8SO. Oregonian.
HA TS reshaped and trimmed,
ing. Main 31. room 3.
Call mornr
women, wanted everywhere for The
Weekly Observer, the weekly magazine
review for the great Northwest. Two dol
lars a day guaranteed to the right peo
ple. Apply, stating references and full
particulars to Circulation Manager, The
Wcekly Observer. Spokane, Wash.
positions to A-l instructors. 611 Swetland.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
YOUNG man, 25 years of age. 11 years ex
perience In diygoods. furnishing goods and
general merchandise, desires location In
Central or Eastern Oregon. Y S3, Ore
gonlan. YOUNG man, single, sober, wants position
an salesman or outside man for relia-ble
firm; best of local references, moderate
salary while making good.. K 883, Orego
nlan. TH OROl'G H accountant in all branches de
sires a few sets of books to keep: cor
poration work a specialty ; best of city
references. K S70, Oregonian.
WANTED Position by a young man 22 with
college education, a knowledge of book
keeping, experience in collecting and office
w.-.rk. V W83. Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER A-l experienced young man;
industrious, good habits; now employed, but
for satiisfactory reasons desires change.
References. A E tOH), Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED office man and accountant
wants work from 12 to 2 o'clock afternoons;
alio from 5, to 8 o'clock evenings. S 8b3,
YOUNG man 28 years age. 4 yeans experience
as bookkeeper in gen. mdse., wants work.
A C 870. Oregon ian.
POSITION as traveling salesman by ex
perienced lumber salesman; references. AJ
S.3. Oregonian.
POSITION as shipping clerk with wholesale
lumber concern, by experienced man; good
references. AM 854. Oregonian.
YOUNG man, 18 years of age, wishes po
sition; office preferred. K. 880, Orego
niarf. Miscellaneous,
AIAN with many years experience in manu
facturing, inventing, designing and improv
ing machinery and methods of doing work
would like to engage with a reliable com
pany as superintendent of plant or in some
of the other capacities here mentioned ; "best
of references'. Address AB 871. Oregonian.
STATIONARY engineer wants position, city
or country; do own repairing; best of ref
erences as to character and ability. T
?'2. Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS Japanese cook wants position
as cook in large hotel; have good experience.
Apply Seattle House office. 30sa Third t.,
fiiy. Phone A 105O.
PARTY with first-class double stereopticon
outfit desires an engagement with respon
sible promotion enterprise. X 883. Ore-
JAPANESE- young man wants position at any
kind of work in office or more; speaks good
English; have recommendation. P 880. Ore-
WANTED By young man, educated, light
work, day or night, allowing two hours
study. W 8S2. Oregonian.
POSITION as janitor by man and wife; Ger
man; middle age. References. F 884, Ore
gonian. YOUNG married man, good collector, office
man and bookkeeper, desires a pillion of
any kind. Address Y 873, Oregonian.
LARGE 5-room cottage, 2 bedrooms; bath,
gas, good lawn; cheap If taken at once. 903
E a j? F 1 3 n de rs .
GOOD gardener wants position to take care
of private greenhouse. Apply 345 Clay st,
M 4904.
POSITION by first-class watchmaker: R. R.
work a specialty; good all-around man. Lock
bvx 82. Linnton. Or.
ENGINEER, thoroughly exjerieneed. steady,
sober, wants position; references. O 8a3.
A YOUNG, honest man. married, German,
wishes 1. sit ion as caretaker for residence.
S SSI. Oregonian.
CARPENTER and builder, new and repair
work, day or contract. Phone Woodlawn.
AN experienced sawfller wants steady posi-
Tior.. AD 8M. Oregonian.
YOUNG Japanese wanted, position at gen
eral housework. X SSL Oregonian.
J A PA N ESE Employment Co. will furnish all
heip. Main 4jo. A 4Q73. 2S Everett.
RELIABLE, first-class engineer and janitor
wishes work. L 883. Oresonian.
Book keepers and feitenograpDcrm.
YOUNG, conscientious girl, experienced, wishes
position as bcokkeeier and stenographer in
a plat-e where a trurtwort hy woman Is need-
A B 73. Oregonian.
COMPETENT stenographer wants a posi
tion: will go out of town; $50 to sxart.
H 80. Oregonian.
Bookkeepers and Menographera.
YOL NG girl 23 years old wishes position as
private secretary t-o elderly lady or gentle
man who would appreciate" honttv ana con-
srlentiousTiess. AB S74. Oregonian.
HONEST, educated young woman desires
office work, where stenography or book
keepmg not required. W va. 'Oregonian.
BY lady stenographer, o years' experience
in general office work. L SSI, Oregonian.
Dreavm altera.
ANGELES Parlors. 326 H Wuh
ing ton at., suite 21u- Mala )S2f. A 533 1.
STYLISH dresses. $5 up; waists. $1 up; fine
work; references. 5'JJ E. Mill. East 5"i5ti.
SEAMSTRESS would like few more engage
ments by the day. Phone East 1308.
DRESSMAKER, competent, would like sew-
ing by day. Phone Main 3u4. '
MIDDLE-AGED woman wishes position as
housekeeper, to take full charge in home
of respectable, refined people, either elrter
Iv couple r widower; wages reasonable;
reference exchanged. AB 87o. Orego
nian. LADY" of ability, marrired. no children, would
like management of first-class rooming or
apartment-house or would rent same. Y 881,
EXPERIENCED, careful woman would like
care of bachelor's apartments. T &M. Ore
gonian. MIDDLE-AGED working housekeeper, rooming-house
or hotel ; respectable. X SS0.
LADY of experience would like the manage
ment of a family I-.oteJ or apartment-
house. West Side. P 871. Oregonian.
W OMAN wants housework bv hour or day;
experienced. Address 332 First, near Mar-
POSITION as housekeeper or care of. in-
vaiid. AB SS3, Oregonian.
GOVERNESS (German), experienced in sew
ing, some light housework, wants posi
tlon. T SS3, OreRonian.
TRAINED nurse w ill eare for invalid for
small salary and home for girls 3 and 5
years. AB 872. Oregonian.
CALL A 7162 for nurse, confinement and
children' diseases a specialty. City refer
ences. MI DDLEf-AGED practical nurse; best refer
ences. A 2til 8.
SW EDISH girl wants general housework.
36S North 19th st.
YOUNG woman wants housework or washing
by the day or hour. Phone A 4252.
NORWEGIAN woman wants day work. Phone
after 7 P. M Main tI87.
Miseel la neons.
MIDDLE-AGED, will assist about home;
handy about sewing, no hard work, no
children; companionable people; small
wages. W 84, Oregonian. '
RELIABLE lady wishes day work, wash
ing, ironing, sweeping, dusting or house
cleaning. Miss L. Valentine. Phone, Wood
lawn 142.
WOMAN, just in from country, w ishes work
for first four days of the week ; laundry
w-ork preferred; can give city references. D
?vt4. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED woman wants washing,
ironing or cleaning, full days only. Main
SCANDINAVIAN woman wants work by the
day. washing, cleaning. Mrs. Youngren,
221 East 7th st.
COLORED lady wants day work. Phone
Main 4532.
A LADY wants work by hour or day. T 8S0,
BY a neat woman, by the day. Phone Main
4378. or 458 5th st.
WOMAN wants day work. Call phone Main
8'.t78, room 25.
A RELIABLE woman wants work in cafe
teria or restaurant. Phono Main 478S.
STEADY employment or spare time work is
offered to a few reliable men and women in
every community; the entire West is read
ing with intense interest the story of the
Southern Pacific Railroad, now appearing
in HAMPTON .S MAGAZINE. Thousands of
subscriptions will be mailed to us every day;
we offer a guaran teed sala ry and com mis
sions to a few agents In every' community
to collect and forward these subscriptions to
us. Write at once, giving age and references
to sales department. HAMPTON S MAGA
ZINB. 66 West 35th St.. New York, N. Y.
HIGH-CLASS "salesmen wanted to sell a
money-saver; pays for Itself in a month,
lasts for years; nothing like it on the mar
ket; demand In every household; fine propo
sition for good street man: big profits.
Write, giving experience and references, M
SSI . Oregon lan .
Wanted, agents in every city and tyn
in Oregon, Washington and Idaho; liberal
commission. Write W. Y. Burney. 513
Board of Trade bldg.. Portland, or.
SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash
weekly selling choice nursery stock; out
fit free. Capital City Nursery Company,
Salem. Oregon.
WE positively have the fastest selling
household patent on the market. Wolver
Ine Co.. Pittsburg. Pa.
WANTED A man who is well acquainted
In the city to sell real estate; big money.
411 Corbett bldg.
FURNISHED houseboat for several weeks be
glnning April lo. P 681, Oregonian.
WANTED New 4-room furnlehed cottage on
East Side. AC 882. Oregonian.
THREE unfurnished rooms for housekeep
ing, by lady employed; reasonable. AO
SSQ. Oregonian.
TO RENT 2 connecting rooms, one furnished,
one unfurnished. AC 871, Oregonian.
Rooms With Hoard.
WHO wants to care for a healthy baby boy,
$10 per month? Phone Home A 2181, room
YOUNG man out of town part of time wants
room in private family and meals when
in town. AF HfiO, Oregonian.
ROOM and board for child 6 years old, and
room for mother, who Is employed during
day. References. J 881. Oregonian.
YOUNG man wants room and board, pri
vate family, $20 per month. Phone East
Furnished Rooms.
Fifth St., opposite City Hall.
New, beautifully furnished; steam heat;
hot. cold water in every room; publlo
and private hatha Permanent; transient.
THE BARTON, 13lh and Alder, Is now
undergoing a thorough renovation; 70
steam heated, electric-lighted rooms, all
outside. Rates 75c day ; $10 month up.
Suites with running water $20 month up.
Phones and bath free.
EXTRA large, finely furnished outside room,
with steam heat and hot and cold water, in
corner brick building, downtown; suitable
for 2 or morey $tf per week; also nice fur
nishes outsiclsT room for 1 or at $5. 422-ii
Washington st.
THE GLEN DORA. 19th and Couch, fur
nished rooms $2.50 per week and up; par
lor and piano; billiard and pool free to
guests; large shady lawn and veranda
best location in city.
6th and Oak; large, handsomely furnished;
running hot and. cold water; steam heat;
reasonable; permanent and, transient.
HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main sts.
furnished rooms, single or en suite, at rea
sonable prices, modern conveniences. Ou-
poslte the Plaza.
Washington and 17th. first-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modem con
veniences ; $3 weekly up. A 2647. M. 5647.
LARRABEE HOTEL. 227. Larrabee ne7r
Holladay ave. New brick bldg.; every con
venience; reasonable; permanent and tran-
THE MERCEDES, 20th and Washington- -hl
santly furnished rooms; hot and cold run.
ning water, modern conveniences; $12 up.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonablo-nTw
furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 vt
Stark, corner Cth. Mrs. Maud J. Estea.
GOOD, clean sleeping rooms for 1 or 2
gentlemen ; also furnished housekecDinr
rooms. 10'J West Park st. A 237H
THE Cambridge building. 3d and Morrison
furnished housekeeping rooms, , single or
en suite. Apply room 36. I
SUIT of 2 rooms suitable for 2 or 3 gentle
men; all conveniences; very reasonable.
Aster House. 251 7th st. "
FURNISHED single sleeping or housekeep
ing; reasonable; walking distance, 431
Salmon St.. near 11th st.
FURNISHED rooms. Eim Place, formerly
Elton Court Annex. 414 Yamhill and llth.
THE REX Modern rooms. $2.50 to $5 Dmr
week 548 Washington st.
Furnished Rooms.
268 Third St.. Cor. Jefferson St.
New fireproof building and furnishings
throughout; desirable neighborhood; four
minutes' walk to business center; rooms
and suites; large, light and airy; hot and
cold water; steam heat; gas and electrio
lights; call bells: free baihs; ciean porce
lain tubs; lavatories convenient. Take "S"
car at depot lo Ohlrd and Jefferson sts.
We aim to satisfy; that is why we please
Rates $3. $5, $6. $7 per -week.
- T731 PHONES Main
140 ROOMS.
New. modern, fireproof building, steam
heated, hot and cold running water in ail
rooms, richly furnished, finest beds that
money can buy. and it doesn't cost any
more than some cheap lodging-house; nice
large office on ground floor; everything
first-class ; rates, toe. 75c and $ 1 per
day; $3.50 and up per week. Call and
see us. 128 ttth il North.
Homelike. Homelike Homelike.
7 th and An ken y sts.
Free waa their depot carriage,
I took it on the spot;
There may be other houses Just as good.
A iulet home for quiet people.
88 North Cth St.. S. E. Cor. Flanders.
New brick building, steam heated, por
celain baths, fine large office on ground
floor, elegant beds, everything absolutely
new and clean ; rates only $2.50 and up
per week: 50c and 75c per day. 3 blocks
from Union Depot.
131 Eleventh Street.
NEW, modern brick building; STEAM
HEATED, private baths, running water
in all rooms; TELEPHONES IN EACH
ROOM; special rates by the week and
month; TRANSIENT TRADE solicited.
710 Washington, near King ; bath, hot
and cold water ; phone, steam heat in
every room; strictly modern; fine large
office, ground floor; by far the best In the
city for the money; rooms $25 per month
an ana ins pecx..
Washington, cor. llth.
Steam heat, hot and cold water, bathe,
nicely furnished rooms, $3 per weg up;
transient rates. 75c up.
Flirnibhed Rooms In Private Families.
NEWLY furnished rooms; everything new;
large, light rooms with every convenience;
suitable for two; also smaller rooms; low
rents: one block , from two cai lines; 10
minutes walk to P. O. 175 17th St..
PRIVATE room, private entrance, in pri
vate family, large and quiet, 5 minutes
from postofflce; no other roomers; first
class board can be secured next door;
suitable for young man. Call 2i3 13th st.
1 in'iie --V1 Hill m m .
LRi pleasant, light, newly furnished rooms,
with all conveniences; walking distance or 3-
. minute car service; reasonable; at 5U0 1st
st. Phone A 7320.
$2.25 PER week. newly furnished room;
bath, telephone ; walking distance. -94
1 1 th.
LARGE, cheerful front rooms, with every
convenience, in private family. &a North
21st st.
FINE, large room on corner of street, 3 win
dows, all modern conveniences; Jo minutes'
walk. Phone Main 2wlti.
3 ROOMS, nicely furnished; private bath
Phone, light and heat; walking distance.
21pia 12th st.
FURNISHED room for 1 or 2 gentlemen, on
2 carllnes; price reasonable. Phone A 1 03 1.
LIGHT, ploasant front room, close In; gas,
hath. Phone East 14S4.
ROOM in stylish, up-to-date house. West
Side, central, reasonable. Main 221i.
50d FLANDERS, bet. 14th and Llth. Neatly
furnished room. $G per month.
LARGE front room, bay window, nicely fur-
nished. close In. 473 Alder st.
EXCELLENT board, private familv. for one
or two gentlemen. 284 Park" st.
COME and be at home in large clean rooms.
ISC 14th st.
NICELY furnished bedroom, $9 per month.
266 12th at.
$: MONTH Good clean room. bath, close
In. 4.2 Cth pt.
FURNISHED rooms in pri var f.miilv. i'4S
N. 2 -t h . nca r Ma rsha 1 1 . Phon e Main :104.
$2 WEEK Pleasant small front room,
choice neighborhood, close in. 2!2 lOth st.
Unf uxnished Rooms.
FOR RENT 24 small rooms in new brick
building on first floor. S'J-91 2d at. North.
Inquire 291 Morrison st.
Rooms Witn board.
Ideal Bummer home, beautiful grounds,
finest rooms, with best home cooking in
' city; rooms, with private bath, all mod
ern conveniences; moderate rates.
PORTLAND Women's Union, 22d year, room
with board, use of sewing-room and li
brary. 510ianders st. Miss Frances N.
Heath. Supt Woman's Exchange. 1SG 5th
st. Mrs. M. E. Bretherton, Supt.
THE COLONIAL, 165 and 167 10th St., cor
ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason
able rates.
THE VALLAMONT Room and board, free
phone and bath, home cooking, corner
Yamhill and West Park. Phone Main 703t.
THE CALVARD Suites or single, 452 Mor
rison, cor. 13th.
554 COUCH Outside rooms, single and double.
Good home cooking; clean, and convenient.
Rooms With Hoard in Private Family.
VERY large, light room, suitable for 4 young
men; newly furnished; with board, very rea B 252.
NICELY furnished rooms, modern conven
iences ; home cooking; terms reasonable,
oil Mill, corner 6th.
VERY desirable newly furnished rooms, ex
cellent table, walking distance to town. 14
block from Morrlsun-st. car. Phone B 2052.
A LARGE sunny room, nicely furnished,
suitable for two; all modern conveniences
and good home cooking. Main 3280.
NICE front room for two; rates reasonable,
with board; walking distance. 52 Lu
cretia St., near 3d and Washington.
GOOD board and room.
reasonable ; home
cooking. Main 7016.
LARGE room suitable for 2-; modern; choice
home cooking. 75 North 14th.
ONE room with board for 2. $20 each Ctt5
Everett St.
NICELY furnished rooms, with or without
board ; modern apartment. 5 4 7 Yamhill.
NICE front room for 2 gentlemen; good
home cooking. 509 Morison st.
LARG E. comfortable room, bath, phone,
private family, close In. 632 Flanders.
flpan ments.
THE LAN DO RE, 288 10th, near Jefferson;
perfectly new 3-room suite, completely
furnished for housekeeping ; sleeping
porch. "
STEAM-HEATED 5-room apartment, mod
ern and desirable; 525 Everett st. Apply
Morgan, Fleidner & Boyce, 503 Abington
FOR RENT Modern 4-room apartment.
King's Heights Apartment House, cor.
King and Wayne sts.; furnished. $55; un
furnished, $40. Apply janitor.
THE SHEF1ELD. 7th and Jefferson stsT;
unfurnished apartment with bath, every
convenience; aesirabie location; reason
able rent. Main 2506, A 3149.
THREE-ROOM modern apartment (two) with
bath, heat, telephone, etc. 23d and Thurman
3d and Stark. Main 2.t2.
THE MERCEDES Elegantly furnished 2
room apartments, hot and cold running
water and all modern conveniences; $18
to $30. Corner 20th and Washington sts.
2 and 3-ROOM. newly furnished apartments
in new and strictly modern house, fine
neighborhood. East 1480. 228 East 20th.
NICE 3-room unfurnished suite, with bath,
cheap. Stephenson Court, 515 Mill at
Phone Main 51 lo.
21st and Flanders. One beautifully fur
nished front3-roora apartment.
5-ROOM corner apartment, every conveni
ence. Brain tree Apartments, 295 12th st.
Main 7741.
FOR RENT 4-room furnished apartmer is,
with bath and pantry and other conven
iences. Phone Woodlawn 942.
UNFURNISHED apartment, steam heat, pri
vate bath. Phone Main 514$. A7.13. Har
rison Court. 5th and Harrison sts.
One front apartment for rent ; every
thing modern. 6if3 Lovejoy st. W car.
MORTON. 697 Washing ;on st. One unfur
nished 3-room apartHjent; best location In
IRIS APARTMENTS. 3d and Mill. 1st of
April. 4 rooms. $32.
THE KING DAVIS 3 and 4-room, corner of
U1IU - ' " Pig... IClCICIICCa.
NORDIC A. strictly modern, furnished. Grand
ave. and Belmont. $20 up-
Apart men t s.
82 ('rand Ave. S. E. Corner E. Stark.
Bcautitully furnished 3-room euites;
hat lis. & team heat ; very reasonable rates.
Phone, East 'Jo.
HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia,
4 blocks from Morrison st. ; new brick
building, completely first-class, furnished
In 2, 3 and 4-room family apartments, pri
vate oatn. reception hall, steam heat, hot
water, elevator, f re phone ; some unfur
n 1 shed : janitor service : rent reasonable.
HANOVER Apartments, corner Ring and
Washington sts.. 3-iorn upMrtmenis, have
every mouei n convenience, inducing steam
heat, hv-t water, private bath, free phones
and janitor service; rent very reasonable.
"ONEONT.V APARTMENTS, 187 17th. near
Yamhill fW car at depot. 2, 3 and 4-room
furnished uites. Hot and cold, phones and
baths -free. $22 pvr month. $6 per week and
np. Main 4;i.7. A 4730.
$20 Au excellent modern flat of 5 rooms
at 3S Ross st.; now vacant.
An excellent modern fiat of 5 rooms
at 32SS Ross St.; will be vacated April
14. R. h. Blossom. ai6 Chamber of
FOR RENT New and strictly modern -room
flats on 20tii and Laurel sts., Port
land Heights, rent $40. Apply
85 Fourth st.
STR1C1 I.Y modern 5-room upper flat, rea
sonable to right party ; walking distance.
fi4 N. st.
WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer
Co. Main 1013, a l'JS4. All covered wag-
ons. al' experienced men.
ONE new 6-room modern rtsu; "S" and "'F
carllne. Inquire at drugstore. Front and
Glbbs sts.
MODERN 5-room. downstairs flat, with
small yard. Apply at SP4 Front st.
MODERN upper corner fiat, 5 rooms, good
attic and basement. 475 ' j 7th st.
NOB HILL flat, 5 rooms, modern; furnace.
fireplace. H. A. Webber. Main 2088.
MODERN flat, 6 rooms and bath. 7311a Hojt
si. Inquire 132 ui h st. Main C27S.
MODERN lower 5-room fiat, sleeping porch.
('.01 K. Alder. Phone Main t535.
32S PARK ST. Furnished fiat, with or with
out boarding. Owner.
lo u wc k te pi 11 g Booms.
THE BEAVER. 12th. and Marshall sts.
Newlv furnished for housekeeping. Includ
ing gas range, electric lights, hot water,
baths. laundry, reception-room, all free:
furnished apartments $15 per month up;
single housekeeping rooms. $2.50 week up;
best in city for money; short distance from
Union Depot. "S" or 10th-8t. cars north,
get off at Marshall st. "o dogs allowed.
Well-furnished housekeeping rooms. 2 $9
month, 3 for $12; cottage. 4 rooms, $2o ;
3f,4 2th. N.. (Wist Slde. V car from
depot. 3d or Morrison to 26th. block north.
LIGHT housekeeping rooms in large, roomj
Nob Hill lesidtnce; modern; free bath,
phone; references. 667 Everett. Phone M.
DESIRABLE two and three-room unfur
nished suites. Fifth st.. 305 Jefferson,
Beautiful central location.
FOR RENT A suite of 3 nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms, reasonable. 42ii
M;iin st.
461 EAST MORRISON, cor. East 8th. com
pletely furnished housekeeping rooms rea
sonable. NKWLY furnished housekeeping rooms, rea
sonable. The Wendhurst, 545 V Washing
ton, near lth.
TWO newly furnished modern lmusekeepins
suite; bath, plumes : no children. The
Barton. 1 :tth and Alder sts.
$1.5 TO $.00 week, clean, furnished house
keeping rooms; laundry, bath, phone, gas,
furnace heat. 406 Vancouver ave.
N EWLY-f urnished housekeeping apartment,
both phones, free bath ; no children. Th
Barton. 13th and Alder.
THE MILNER, 30 Morrison, cor. Park.
Home apartments, all conveniences.
THE. ELMS 2 and 3-room apartments; fur
nished. 101 llth st.
NICE furnished housekeeping rooms, $14.
C:;i T4 "Washington St.. cor. 20th.
$1.25 week, clean fur. housekeeping rooms,
heat, laundry, bath. 203 Stanton. "U" car,
$1.50 week, large, clean furn. housekeeping
rooms; laundry, bath, gas. 184 Sherman.
TWO and three very nice, large, modern
r housekeeping rooms. 4'3 2d.
lit V1NGTON 4-room, completely furnished,
clean apartment. East 30-S1.
Hontekeeping Room h in Private Family.
WHOLE lower floor. parlor. dining-room,
kitL-hen and pantry, with fireplace, bath, gas,
sttel range, gas for cooking, sink, hot and
cold waier. yard and basement. 231 E. 6th,
near Salmon.
MODERN furnished front housekeeping
suites, running water; also single house
keeping rooms; gas. bath and phone; $3
and $4.5Q per week. 173 N. 17th at.
HOUSEKEEPING suites, first floor; steam
heat, hot water, free phone; rent by week
or month; centrally located. 350 Alder
st.. cor. Park.
THREE newly and handsomely furnished
rooms for housekeeping in first-class pri
vate family : heat, bath and phone; $30
a month. 407 Clay st. Main i3Q4.
$13.50 FULLY furnished, 2 large, beautiful
rooms and pa n try ; bath, toilet, woodshed,
lawn, roses; nice location, close in. West
Si,e. Phonr Sellwcod 1KW.
2 SWELL furnished rooms with light
kitchen privilege, steam heat, walking;
d istance, beautiful home and location.
Main 8075.
TWO cool, shady rooms In cottage; gas,
phone, bath: close in. between Kith and
17th. 5;ti Morrison st.
I NOW have 3 well furnished rooms, vacant,
one $5. one $S, one $lo per month. 311
Main ft., bet. 5th and 6th.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms,
electric lights, gas range, free bath and
phone; 5 minutes from P. Q. 260 Clay .
HANDSOMELY furnished room, privilege for
light housekeeping, $10 per month. Call
32 16th st.. near Washington.
2 NEWLY furnished rooms in strictly new
and modern house, room-size sleeplng
porch adjoining. East 1430.' 228 E. 20th.
TWO well furnished rooms, porcelain sink,
gas range, clean, quiet neighborhood; bath,
light, phone; reasonable. 412 10th st.
FURNISHED housekeeping room, every con
venience and reasonable. 117 North 18th
st. Phone A 5-022.
$1S TWO clean, nicely furnished house
keeping rooms and kitchenette, with piano.
Main 6S45.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, first
" floor; also front alcove room. 4."- Yamhi II.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, gas,
bath, phone. 108 12th st.. near Wash, st.
2 NEAT housekeeping rooms for 3 adults. 346
Hall St., lower flat.
TWO pleasant rooms for housekeeping; no (
object urns to children. 32 North 1 1th st. '
SINGLE housekeeping rooms; furnace heat,
gas, bath and phone. 405 Stark st.
TWO nice rooms, very homelike, close in;
bath, light and water. v 214 13th st.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 67
N. llth st.. bet. Davis and Everett.
TWO rooms, furnace heat, gas range, phone,
bath, $14. 5QH1 Johnson st.
WHEN you move you'll need new furniture.
Buy it judiciously and the savings will ex
ceed your moving expenses.
Our NO-RENT PRICES made us one ot
the largest furniture houses In the cityt la
two years. .
Lookers shown same courtesy as buyers,
6i-75 Grand Ave., Cor. East Stark St.
Bast Ankeny and Russell-Shaver carllnes
pass our door.
MODERN 7-room house with sleeping bal
cony; close to river; very reasonable ; ; walk
ing distance of city. 541 E. 6th st. Brooklyn
MODERN 6-room house, 543 E. 17th St., 1
block from Waverly-Woodstock car. Phone
E:ist ItiOO. $18.
$40 PER MONTH New modern 8-room res
idence, with nice yard; walking distance.
6VU East Washington st.
WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer
Co. Main 1618. A 1084. All covered wag
oni. ail experienced men.
22 ROOMS, close in, suitable for boarding
or rooming house or sanatorium. Main
WIUOM house with bath, gas, in good cuo-
dition. 612 Petty grove
N E W 7 rooms. 305 Wheeler, near Halsey,
near Steel bridge. U car; moderate rent.
8- ROOM modern cottage 124 East 15th
Phone Main 6535.
MODERN K-i-oom corner house, 3:5 llth st.
Phone Main 2556; rent $40.
7-RCOM house; gas. bath. 268 14th St., neat
Jefferson ; $.'i5 per mo. Mai n 3870.
5-ROOM cottage, $16. Phone C 1607. C28
Williams ave.
$16 6-room house with yard; Jefferson at.
near Stout st. Call 26Q Stout st.
Furnished Houttes.
7-ROOM furnished house, or furniture for
sale ; bargain. 335 San Rafael, between
TO and 2 A 24'tO.
FURNISHED 4-room cottage, electric lights,
bith; central. Inquire 273 H 7th. .