Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 13, 1910, Page 13, Image 13

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"SaHlin" Perfect Form Corsets "Marquise," Royal Worcester, Bon Ton, Renp'o Belt and "Howd" Corsets
Richardson Linens, M erode Underwear, Onyx Hosiery, Home Journal Patterns, Standard Sewing Machines
Greater Oldt
Census to Begin Friday, Men
Inspect Their Districts
to Facilitate Count.
WedhniescSlsiy ggMouirl Sales" inn AH IDe-pts.
From 9 to lO A. M.
From lO to 11 A. M.
From 11 A. M. to 12
From 11 A. M. to 12
From 12 to 1 P. M. I From 1 to 2 P. M
Supervisor Beach and 127 Opera
tives to Combine to Register
All Houseboat Dwellers All
Information to Be Secret.
No arrangement has yet been an
nounced from Washington for the. ap
pointment of census Inspectors and In
terpreters. It is probable, however,
that the appointments will be made a
few days after the enumeration has
In two days the count will be on.
Many of the enumerators are already
in the field making themselves famil
iar with the district to which each
has been assigned. Most of the men
will be remunerated on a basis of
three cents a name and they are en
deavoring to plan their work so as to
pay visits by day or night as will be
most successful in finding: residents of
their districts home. Within two weeks
after Friday the count will be com
It is believed that the population of
the various scow towns, houseboats
nd dwellers among: the wharves along
the water, front will reach at least
H000. All of them are employed as
laborers in the various industries of
the river. It Is proposed to round up
nil the 127 enumerators and, headed
by Supervisor Beach, one day and night
will be devoted to an endeavor to lo
cate every resident of the river abodes.
Announcement of the date of this
rally will be made later.
Supervisor Beach yesterday re
ceived further instructions from the
Washington office as to the degree of
secrecy to be balntained concerning: the
returns made by the enumerators. No
Information of any character may be
revealed, and the banker or farmer
who has bad occasion to conceal from
the Assessor any Information as to
his worldy accumulations may own up
to the census man wltlfout fear. The
matron of 45 who looks younger than
her oldest daughter may tell the whole
truth as to her age without a qualm,
ft will be as safe with the enumerator
as In the hands of her pastor or father
A great aid to the enumeration will
be afforded, says Supervisor Beach, If
Hie 725 school teachers of Portland ex
plain to their classes that the object
rf the census Is to secure data for
the Information of the Government as
to the occupations and the financial
orogress of each family. Teachers
whose classes include children of for
Mgn parentage may aid the count ma
terially by asking: the youngsters to
explain at home what the census Is all
J. S. DellltiRpr, editor of fh Artortan
t Astoria, Joined the crowd In the Im
perial lobby last night.
F. W. Jones, manager of the Hotel
Nelson at Seattle, Is spending his vaca
tion at the Seward.
Cokmel F. H. Ray, of New York, and
rr. C. R. Ray, of Medford, arrived at
the Portland yesterday,
Charles H. Wood, one of the beBt
known merchant at Waghougal. Wash.,
Is registered at the Perkins.
C. B. Grant and Mrs. Grant, of Seat
tle, arrived at the Lenox yesterday on a
visit to old Portland friends.
W. E. Crews, known as one of the
leaders among the lawyers at Seattle,
reached the Seward yesterday.
tr. M- F- Kem. among the well known
physicians of Pendleton, Is among the ar
rivals at the Oregon yesterday.
Q. C Flavell, a noted salmon packer
at Astoria, ' came to the Portland last
night and is accompanied by his wife.
M. H. Eggleston, ex-City Treasurer of
Spokane, is becoming acquainted with
Oregon politics by association at the
R. Lee Stelner, superintendent at the
State Asylum for the Insane, was among
the Salem visitors who reached the Im
perial yesterday.
Edwin Twohy, brother of Judge Twohy,
of Spokane, arrived at the Portland last
night en route to his Washington home
after a visit to California.
James Grant Is among The Dalle
merchants who came down yesterday for
an interview with Portland wholesalers.
He Is registered at the Kortonla.
H. S. Moody, among the Washtngton
ians who are Interested In the lumber
woods of Oregon, arrived from Spokane
yesterday and registered at the Eamapo.
Dr. V. H. Stlckney, a leading prac
tlctoner of Dickenson, N. X., is making
a first visit to Portland and the North
west, and Is registered at the Cornelius.
M. H. Mulligan and J. P. McCarthy,
representing the Pitt Lumber Company,
of Oregon City, are staying at the
Perkins while investigating shipping con
ditions. Dr. J. E. Engis tad arrived at the Cor
nelius yesterday from Minneapolis, Minn.,
and is investigating Medford fruit lands.
He is accompanied by his wife and fam
ily. J. M. Kennedy, who comes to Oregon
from Chicago to take charge of tunnel
construction work on the line of the Ore
gon Electric Railroad, secured quarters
at the Ramapo yesterday.
John T. Stevens, president of the Ore
gon Trunk Railway, returned yesterday
to the Nortonta from a visit to Chicago,
where he attended a meeting of the di
rectors of the Rock Island system.
E. T. Allen left last night for New
Orleans as the sole representative of the
lumbermen of the Northwest to the con
vention of lumbermen or the United
States, meeting April 19 and 20. Mr- Al
len wtll speak on the subject of "Fire
Prevention and Control."
Dr. J. V. Telgarhouse. E. C Huff. J.
nd D. Van Geeln formed a body of Erie.
Pa., capitalists who passed through Port
land yesterday en route to nermlston,
where they will Investigate Irrigation
conditions and land investments. They
were Joined at the Hotel Portland bv N.
R. Kellum. of Hermlston.
8AN FRANCISCO. April 12. The fol
lowing persons from Portland regis
tered at the Palace Hotel today: B.
Harvey. N. A. Soule, O. W. Boeschke.
w. w. uorrin. j. r. irKeilly, Thomas
Wilcox and wife. M. L. Flanders. Miss
C. W. Flanders. G. H. Flanders. J. C.
Alnsworth and wife, B Lourts and wife,
L. M. Harris. William J. Mulr and wife,
T. H. Patten.
CHICAGO. April 12. (Special.) Mr.
and Mrs. 6. Morton Cohn, of Portland,
are at the Lasalle.
I I 9 to IOah
$1 BacR Combs at 43c
9 to 10 A. M. today, Back Combs,
gold inlaid in fancy designs, novelty
mountings, extra fine quality horn
comb, will not tarnish; good assort
ment; regular values up to A
$1, on social sale at, ea. x3 C
$5.QO Curtains $3.75
9 to 10 A. M. today, new Scrim
Curtains, in fancy open lace, check
and stripe effects, finished with fine
Cluny lace, 40 inches wide, 3 yards
long; regular $5 val- rf
ues, special, the pair p ) 3
Childs' 25c Hose 5c
9 to 10 A. M. today, a sale of chil
dren's Hose in fine quality lace
and ribbed lisle; colors black, tan,
red and pink; sizes 4 to Ty;
actual values to 25c, the pair J C
35c Beauty Creaml2c
9 to 10 A. M. today.. Shop by the
hour all day. Mme. Marion Burton's
Soleta Beauty Cream; use instead of
powder; removes shine and gives a
soft, velvety look to com- "l f
plexion ; regular 35c value X i O
$1.50 Meat Safe 99c
9 to 10 A. M. today. Shop' by the
hour, stay in the store rll day. The
third lloor kitchen goods store of-
lers a lot of regular $1.50
Meat Safes, this hour,
Sale Women's Pumps
$4 Values $2.49 Pair
9 to 10 A. M. today, new lines of
women's pumps, patent and gunmet
als, hand-turn or extension welt
sewed soles, with straps; four styles.
Our regular values to rf A f
$4, special, the pair p Tc5
From 2 to 3 P. M.
Ladies' Wash Waists
$3.5Q Values at $1.23
2 to 3 P." M. today, sale of 250
Wash Waists in new Spring styles,
lingerie and tailored, tucked, plaited
and lace-trimmed styles; excellent
values to $3.50; spe- d 'I O O
cial for this hour, ea. X a 3
Women's Combina
tions $1.25 Vals. 79c
2 to 3 P. M. today, women's good
nainsook combinations, corset cover
and drawers combined; nicely trim'd
in lace and embroidery; our regular
$1.25 values, special sale f
price one hour, the suit 5 C
$1.25 Gloves Pair 84c
2 to 3 P. M. today, women's wash
able Chamois Gloves in one-button
styles, Paris point backs; nat
ural and white colors; also English
Cape Walking Gloves, Dent style,
one-clasp; regular $1.25 Q A
values, for one hour, pair OttG
$25 Hair Switch $11
2 to 3 P. M. today. ' An extra spe
cial sale of blonds, reds and. drabs,
in extra weight and natural wavy
Switch, 28 to 30 inches long; our
regular $25.00 values, on J 1
special sale for one hour 1 X
2Qc Box Paper at 9c
2 to 3 P. M. today, the station
ery store offers supc.fine wedding
plate Writing Paper, 24 sheets and
24 envelopes; fabric finish; square
cut, note size ; regular 20c f
value, special price, the box C
$1.75 Juliets 99c Pair
2 to 3 P. M. today, in the shoe
store, a sale of women's comfort
Juliet Slippers, soft black kid, elas
tic sides, rubber heels; the kind that
sell regularly at $1.75 the AA
pair, special for one hour J J C
$2.75 Boilers at $1.85
2 to 3 P. M. today. Shop by the
hour. Here's a lot of heavy copper-
oottom Wash Boilers, guaranteed
anti-rust, our regular
$2.o sellers, at, each
Hato Ham
$2.25 Petticoats $1.17
10 to 11 A. M. -".oday, women's
percale and fancy gingham Petti
coats; stripes or checks; pink, blue
gray and black and white; nicely
tailored; our regular A w
$2.25 values, for, ea. j) X X
5c Safety Pins at lc
10 to 11 A. M. today. "Save the
pennies; the dollars," etc. you
know. Here's Safety Pins, nickel
and black, 12 on a card; double Du
plex; regular 5c sellers, on '
special sale this hour for, ea. X C
35c Veiling 12Vac Yd.
10 to 11 A. M. today. Hexagon
and plain meshes and chenille dot
ted Veilings; in black, white, navy,
brown and good assortment of col
ors; our regular stock "t Ql
values to 35c, sp'l., yd. X L2C
$9 Hair Braids at $4
10 to 11 A. M. today. Very fine
grade, natural hair Braids, natural
wavy; every shade, in strictly sanitary-stock;
our regular $9.00 d f
values, special this hour, each JX
Ladies 20c Vests 11c
10 to 11 A. M. today, women's fine
quality . Ribbed Vests, in low neck,
sleeveless or low neck, short sleeves ;
white only, finished with beading;
sizes 4, 5 and 6; regular "fl
values to 20c, for one hour X A C
Ladies' Tan Oxfords
$4.QO Values $2.98
10 to 11 A. M. today, sale of wom
en's tan Oxfords; blucher, button or
pump styles ; heavy or light soles, all
sizes; vals. to $4, spe- tf f f Q
cial, one hour, pair p 4 Cf
From 3 to 4 P. M.
Men's Four-in-Hand
Ties $1.50 Vals. 55c
3 to 4 P. M. today. A beautiful
assortment of men's pure silk open
end 4-in-hand Scarfs, in the most
popular shades and patterns ; all
good, classy stuff; re-i- F? r?
lar values to $1.50 for, ea. J3 3 C
We offer new bargains every hour.
75c Collar Pins at 39c
3 to 4 P. M. today. Shop by the
hour. Here 's Dutch Collar Pins, rich
stone-set novelties, in rose, Roman
and Egyptian gold finish; plain or
engraved ; regular values O f
to 75c, on sale for e- h J C
Applique Center
Pieces -30c Vals. lOc
3 to 4 P. M. today. Watch the
clock; shop by the hour all day.
Here's a line of applique Center
Pieces, 18x18, good qual- f
ity;' regular 30c values, at X vJC
Children 35c Dozen
3 to 4 P. M. today. Sale Children 's
School Handkerchiefs in plain white
and white with colored borders; our
regular 5c stock. valr '3 C
on special sale at, doen J 3 C
Ladies' 35c Vests 17c
3 to 4 P. M. today. Sale women's
Vests, fine qualitv jersey ribbed, low
neck, sleeveless; white only; extra
and regular, sizes from 4 to 9; our
regular stock values up to "7
35c; special sale price, ea. X C
2Qc Memo BooKs 12c
3 to 4 P. M. today, in the station
ery department, a sale of Memo
randum Books, imitation leather cov
ers; size 5x8 inches; has 10" leaves,
ruled; reg. 20c sellers, ty
special .for one hour, ea. X C
85c Garden Sets 63c
3 to 4 P. M. today A one-hour
sale in the hardware tore, third
floor. Four-piece Garden Sets, rake,
hoe,spad and fork; our
regular 85c value, the set DO C
y 1 v
(U 3 to I 4rm
IV 12m
Corset Covers at 79c
11 A. M. to 12 today. Women's
Corset Covers of sheer French nain
sook ; yokes trimmed in Valenciennes
lace, disc of embroidery and inset of
insertion ; our best regular Ai
$1.25 values, special price JJ C
25c Hair Pins for 12c
11 A. M. to 12 today. A sale of
Cabinet Hair Pins, all sizes, straight
or crimped; contain 500 good wire
pins, extra quality smooth finish;
our best regular 25c val- r
nes, special price, cabinet X t C
$25 Hair Switch 12.50
11 A. M. to 12 today. Watch the
dial ; new bargains appear every
hour. Three separate strand Switch.
extra fine natural wavy, 28 inches
long regular $25
values, for, each
Extra Special 9 to 11 A, M.
50c to 85c Wash Goods
Extra Special
35cSocKs at 12'2C
11 A. M. to 1 P. M. today. A special
two hours' sale of men's fancy cot
ton Socks, in very pretty patterns
and colors ; about 50 Jozen in the
lot. Don 't overlook it. Don 't for
get it ; lay in a supply for the future.
Regular 25c and 35c val- w
ues, special price, 2 pairs 3 C
Extra Special 3 to 4 P. M.
M$k 111
worth less
worth $50.
Extra Special 3 to 5 P. M.
Hats at $2.98
Today, from 3 to 5 P. M. only, a
two hours' sale of fine tailored
Hats such as Phipps, Gage, Gear
heart and Olds-Wortman-King pro
ductions. A collection of neat cre
ations, snch as were never shown
in the West for such a low price.
Imported braids, etc., modeled into
a hundred shapes, trimmed with
quills, wings,, ribbons, silks,' etc.
An unusual .-ssprtment of tailor-
mades. Values np
to $9.98, sp'L, each
TrN 12 m
75c Center Pieces 29c
11 A. M. to 12 today. Shop by
the hour; stay in the store all day.
Here's Centerpieces and Scarfs,
stamped on jute, in a variety of de
signs and colors;' regular f X
75c values, special at, ea. C
35cVenise Bands 19c
11 A. M. to 12 today. Watch
the clock -, shop by the hour. Here 's
Venise Lace Bands, in "white, cream
and ecru; widths up to 2 inches; our
regular stock values up to
35c, special for one hour
$4 Fancy Vests $1.45
11 A. M. to 12 today' A lot of
men's fancy Vests, mercerized or
flannel ; not all sizes of a kind, but
nearly all sizes in the lot our best
regular values to $4,
special for one hour
Sale 29c yd.
9 to 11 A. M. today, a great sale
for two hours only. Come Early.
A wonderful bargain. Don't miss
it. An assorted lot of fine Wash
Goods, such as- Scotch ginghams 48
inches wide, white with colored bor
ders, Wash Foulards in good shades
and patterns, 50c to 85c val
ues, special these two hours
11A.M. to 1 P.M.
$1.25 SilK at 79c
11 A. M. to 1 P. M. Two hours of
spirited selling will be the result of
this announcement "of new ship
ment of yard-wide black taffeta
Silk, the best made for hard wear.
Our best regular $1.25 quality, on
sale tor one hour at this
special low price, the
For One Hour Only
3 to 4 P. M. Most extraordinary sale. A
special purchase of a sample line of beautiful
Silk Dresses that bespeak the character and
fineness of our Garment Store. New satin
foulards, plain taffetas, diagonal tussahs,
rough pongees, plaid taffetas, natural im
ported Shantungs, messalines, etc. Only 35
in the lot and sizes 36 and 38 only. Not one
than $30, some
Special this hour
See window. The feature item of the day.
- retell...'
v 2j
5Qc Cuff LinKs at 19c
12 to 1 P. M. today. Gold-plated
Cuff Links, rose and gree gold f '
ish, for men or women; vals. to 50c
a pair ; on special sale for v
one hour at this price, pr. X C
5Qc Supporters 29c
12 to 1 P. M. today, ladies' Hose
Supporters, clasp too, silk elasc,
cushion button, side 6urrorters, in
black and colors ; regular
50c values, special, the pr. t 5 C
$2.75 BlanKets $2.1Q
12 to 1 P. M. today. Sale Cotton
Fleece Blankets, fawn color; best
quality, large size, good waight, and
bound with silk; blue and tink bor
ders; regular $2.75 fl r r
values, special, pair p . 1 J
Ladies 20c Hose 12c
12 to 1 P. M. today. Sale women's
fine quality Hose, ia medium weight
cotton, deep ribbed, garter top, and
seamless ; fast black ; sizes BYt to 10 ;
our regular stock values 1 O
to 20c pair, special pric i - A 4 C
Lawn Mowers $3.69
12 to 1 P. M. today. Hardware
department offers ball-bearing lawn
Mowers, 8-inch wheels, four blades,
the machine for a close shave; our
regular $4.75 value, tf O J Q
on special sale at, ea. a Q j
Ladies' $3.5Q White
Canvas Oxfords 99c
12 to 1 P. M. today, choose from
16 different styles of women's white
canvas Oxfords, low or high heels,
blucher or button, heavy or light
soles ; any style you want : our regu
lar values up to $3.C0, on AA
special sale one hour, pair j C
From 4 to 5 P. M.
One-Piece H o i s
Dresses $3 Vals.$1.19
4 to 5 P. M. today. A one-hour
sale of one-piece House Dresses, in
broken lines, only one or two of a
kind; all sizes in the lot; our regular
stock values to $3.00, I "j
special, one hour, ea. X 1 5
$1.75 Petticoats $1.1Q
4 to 5 P. M. today. One-hour sale of
women's cambric Petticoats, India
linon flounce, with four rows of tor
chon insertion and edge to match ;
clusters of hemstitched tucks above
insertion; $1.75 val- tf f
ues, special at, each p X X V3
Come early, stay in the store all day.
Women's Fancy 25c
NecKwear, Sale 12ac
4 to 5 P. M. today, a choice se
lection of fancy Neckwear, ' Dutch
collars, jabots, stocks, fancy lace
trimmed stocks, bow.-, etc. ; also
Wash Belts with neat pearl buckles ;
our regular 25c values, "C O
special price for 1 hour X 2C
Come early, stay in the store all day.
$35 Hair Switch $18
4 to 5 P. M. today. Shoi bv the
hour. The natural-hair store, second
floor, offers largest switch made,
natural wavy, 36 inches long, weight
four ounces; regular $35 1 O
value, special price, each X J
Come early, stay in the store all day.
Boys 25c Caps 7c
4 to 5 P. M. today, a sale of boys'
Eton and College Caps, of fine qual
ity worsted and twe-d, medium and
dark colors; sizes 64 to 6
only; regular 25c values, for C
Come early, stay in the store all day.
4Qc Sauce Pans 27c
4 to 5 P. M. today. If you don't
patronize these hourly sales vou're
the loser. Here's 3-quart blue and
white Sauce Pan;, our regular 40c
values, on special sale for C J
this one hour only at, ea.
Come early, stay in the store all day.
$1.75 Handbags 98c
1 to 2 P. M. today. Sale women's
Handbags in goat seal, black, brown,
green, blue ; large and medium sizes,
strap handles; also drawstring Iags
in all colors ; values to Q
$1.75, on special sale for J O C
Child's Dresses 69c
1 to 2 P. M. today. Shop by the
clock. New bargains every hour.
Frenob and Buster Dresses for chil
dren 2 to 6 years; figured percales,
trim'd in contrasting col
ors; regular $1.00 values Oi C
Child's 20c Hose lOc
1 to 2 P M. today. Sale children's
Hose in good quality medium weight
ribbed cotton, fast black, seamless
foot; sizes 6 to 9; regu- f
lar 20c value, 1 hour or" X J C
lOc Linen Tablet 4c
1 to 2 P. M. today. The station
ery store offers a spirited one-hour
sale of Tablets, extra good quality
linen paper; white, ruled, note :ize;
our regular 10c sellers, sale A
price for one hour, at, each
1 to 2 P. M. today, the hardware
store, third floor, offers a one-hour
sale of extra strong Shovels for
heavy work ; our regular O
75c sellers, special, each 33 C
and Oxfords at $1.98
1 to 2 P. M. today, in V- shoe
store, a sale of women's pumps and
oxfords, an immense ass6rtment, em
bracing patent, 1 own kid cr gun
metal, with or without straps; val
ues to $3.50 and some O r Q
$5.00 odds and ends X O
From 5 to 6 P. M.
Men's JfegligeeShirts
75c Values 49c Each
5 to 6 P. M. today. For just one hour
only the men 's f urnishinf store will
sell Negligee Shirts in tan and blue
chambray, all sizes, one of the best
work shirts made for 75c A
sellers; special, one hour x C
Children's Dresses
$1.75 Values for 98c
5 to 6 P. M. today. Sale children's
percale and chambray Dresses in
light and dark eoloi : high neck,
long sleeves, or square neck and
short sleeves; ages 6 to 14 years;
our regular values up to r Q
$1.75; special this hour -t iOC
65c Ctirtain Rods 43c
5 to 6 P. M. today. Brass telescope
Curtain Rods, ',-inch size; extends
from 43 to 78 inches long; best qual
ity brass; complete with knobs and
brackets; regular 65c val-
43 c
ues, on sale for one .hour
25c Talc. Powder lOc
5 to 6 P. M. today. In the drug sun
dry department is offered a great
one-hour sale of Pond's Extract An
tiseptic Talcum Po der, our regu
lar 25c seller; special for " f
the one hour only, tL - can X J C
Come early, stay in the store all day.
Boys' $3 Oxfords $2
$1.5Q Oxfords $1.00
5 to 6 P. M. today. Bring in the
little fellows and let th. big ones
come along. Don't miss this sale of
boys' oxfords; fi-e styles, one-third
off; $3 grades for $2; $1.50 J -
grades, for one hour, the pair P X
Come early, stay in the store all day.
5 to 6 P. M. today. A sale of lit
tle marksman's Toy Guns, perfectly
harmless ; for indoor or outdoor
sport. Old will enjoy one as well
as the young; regular 75c J'Q
values; special, one hour'TriG
Come early, stay in the store all day.
( I 5 to 6 p m
- I ; ; .