Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 13, 1910, Page 12, Image 12

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Absence of Bank President
Delays the Solution of
Missing Money..
Careen and Charles Script Baffle
Officials, Who Profess Bewilder
ment That Stranger Secured
Access to Bank's Vaults.
In the absence of B. G. Reed, president
of the German-American Bank, no par
ticulars can be obtained from bank offi
cials as to the progress made towards
solving the Identity of the mysterious
man who entered the bank deposit vaults,
giving the name of A. B. Carsen, and
induced President Reed to chisel open
the drawer rented by Mr. and Mrs. B. R.
Charles, under the name of Carsen.
That Mr. Charles and his wife, under
the name of Mr. and Mrs. Carsen, were
known personally to both of the clerks
in charge of the deposit vaults appears
', Offlcals Keep Mum.
Who tfie clerk was who refused to open
the box and referred the Inquirer to Pres
ident Reed cannot be obtained at the
bank, the simple statement, "we have no
Information," being all bank officials will
The sources from which the informa
tion regarding the box could have been
divulged are three, vis: the bank offi
cials and Mr. Charles and his wife.
Neither Attorney Seabrook nor Attorney
Etott were aware of the location of the
box or had a key that would open the
On the morning of January 11 Attorney
Seabrook gave Mr. Charles J7000, which
he took out of his own box. After in
troducing Mr. Charles to the bank under
the name of A. B. Carsen, Mr. Seabrook
left the bank and Mr. Carsen made his
own arrangements for the leasing of the
The name Ctersen was chosen by Mr.
Charles, after Mr. Seabrook suggested it
was beter to have a name that could be
remembered and suggested one that could
be Indicated by the first three letters, of
the alphabet.
Charles, Not Carsen, Says Iiavrye'r.
According to Attorney Seabrook, there
is absolutely no possibility that Mr.
Charles oould, himself, have been the
mysterious visitant who disappeared with
the JSOOO contained in the box. $2000 having
been previously drawn out. Charles has a
most prominent and distinctive (ace, with
a red Vandyke beard, but the man who
appeared, giving the name of Carsen,
was a short, dark and chubby personage.
Banlf officials and those possessing in
formation on the robbery say that a large
sum in gold was observed in the box by
President Reed when he opened It with
the chisel.
It was evidently Intended by the bank
men that the signature of Carsen should,
be a means of Identification. As the signa
ture the man gave was in no respect like
that of Charles when he signed the name
of Carsen, other bank officials profess
themselves bewildered that the box was
opened for a stranger.
When Mr. Charles visited tha bank
with his key and announced the robbery
of the money, he was asked for his sec
ond key. He did, not have it with him.
but told the bank men where it could be
found in his residence, also where the re
ceipt for the box was. A bank man ac
companied Mr. Charles to his residence,
1164 Patton avenue, and found the key
and receipt In the stated position.
Feline's Actions Result in Rescue
of "Woman.
NEW YORK. April 12. A cat crying
and scratching on the inside of the
door to Mrs. Henrietta Banker's flat
on the third floor of an apartment
house at 198 Brook avenue. The Bronx,
attracted the attention of Isabel
B-reen, who was passing by. Miss Breen
is 19 years old and lives with her
mother on the top floor. She Is study
ing to become a trained nurse. Mrs.
Axelson, on the first floor, is ill and
the Breens have been caring for her.
Miss Breen knocked on the door, but
the only response she got was more
scratching and louder meows from Topsy,
the cat. She ran down stairs to her
mother and told her about it. and then
she went out on the fire escape and
clinrbed to this third floor back. The
window was locked, so Miss Breen kicked
her foot through, cutting her leg severely.
When she got into the room she dis
covered that It was filled with gas.
Mis Breen threw all the doors and
windows open. In the kitchen she tripped
aver a chandelier which had fallen. She
looked Into an adjoining room and saw
Mrs. Banker lying on the floor uncon
scious. ; While the girl worked over Mrs. Banker
neighbors who had come in attempted
to check the flow of gas. but were un-
Ruiwasiui ona were rorceci to leave. As
soon as an ambulance arrived from Lin
coln Hospital Miss Breen stuffed a cork
Into the pipe, which was effective until
the gas was shut off entirely.
Mrs. Banker was taken to the hospital,
where they said that she had excellent
chances of recovery. Dr. Baker said that
he had never heard of a finer young
person than Miss Breen. Topsy, the cat.
was pretty badly overcome, too, and It
took the girl some tfme to revive her.
Sees- House Afire in Vision and
Jumps From Porch Roof.
STAMFORD, Conn.. ' April 13. Oeorge
McOuire, .50 years old. is in a hospital
here with a broken back, received In a
fall from his porch roof while walking
in his sleep.
"I dreamed that the house was afire
and that I had to Jump to save myself."
he told his sons, after the accident- He
is not expected to recover.
Nephew Trace Man Who Slew Un
cle in Ohio Long Ago.
TOLEDO. O.. April 13 Charging Jo
seph Shanberger' with a murder com
mitted near Watervllle SO years ago.
an affidavit was signed In the County
Prosecutor's office ty Frank Kohll,
nephew of the victim. John Kohll.
Frank Kohll was a little boy when the
murder was committed.
Shanberger is tinder arrest atStur-
gis, S. IX, and the Prosecutor's office
has begun proceedings to bring him
to Lucas County. The facta were re
vealed in a series of anonymous letters
from Sturgls to the Prosecutor's of
fice. Thirty years Lgo John Kohll lived In
a little house near Watervllle. The
nephew slept In a loft in the house.
One morning he climbed down the lad
der to find his uncle unconscious, hav
ing fceen beaten with a club. Later the
man died. Joseph 'Shanberger disappeared.
Risks Life to Save Baby Sister Af
ter Father Failed.
NEW YORK, April 1L Fanny Gold
man. 12 years old. was burned about
the face while rescuing her sister So
phie, 2 years bid. from their burning
flat at 126 Clinton street. A curtain
which caught Are frm the stove blew
Into a can of benzine and set the place
afire. Jacob Goldman. Fannie's father,
was burned about the body while try
ing to reach his children in the rear
room. Fannie threw herself flat on the
floor and crawled under the flames and
brought her sister -out. - - -
Mrs. Goldman returned from her mar-
4 &liLTXXl WJjUUJJNli A-N.N1 VilSAK,X.
rr yy
Mr. and Mm. NeUon F. Rom. 'ather and mother of Mrs. A. "W. Vincent, of
St. Johns, celebrated their 60th wadding anniversary Monday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Vincent in St- Johns. Several of their sons and daughters
were present.
Mr. Ross was born In Vermont;; Mrs. R ossein Canada. They were married
In Lexington. Mich.. April 4. 1850.
Mr. Ross served under General Sherman in hie march to the sea. He Is
proud of the fact that his great grandfather, George Ross, was a signer of the
Declaration of Independence. When he was In the Army his wife supported
the family by weaving cloth for the neighborhood, and was considered the best
weaver in the district.
In 1876 the Rosses settled at Rooster Rock on the Columbia River and a
son now Uvea on the old home farm, while the old folks make their home with
the youngest daughter, Mrs. A. W. Vincent.
There are 42 grandchildren and eight great grandchildren, besides two
daughters and five sons, living.
Those present at the dinner and reunion were Dan W. Ross, Cleone. Or.;
Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt C. Ross and three children. Gresham; James W. Ross
and daughter, of Rooster Rock; Mrs. Josephine 8 tap let on and daughter; Mrs.
Mary Haynea. Mrs. B. F. Davey, Mrs. Snow, Dr. L. H. Vincent. Mr. and Mrs.
Willis Fisher, Portland; Dr. and Mrs. S. R. Vincent and two sons, of Sher
wood. Or.; B. P. Reynolds, of Cleone; Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Valentine. Dr. and
Mrs. A- W. Vincent, St. Johns.
ketlngr to find her home in flames. She
rushed In and brought out her son Hy
man. Jacob was taken to Govemeur
Hospital. The others were not seriously
burned. The fire did about 11000 dam
Money I7sed for Furnishings, So Fair
Members Make Bargain for t
Further Improvements.
BURLINGTON, N. J., April 12. Lest
a campaign for church improvement be
halted by a lack of funds, a dozen
prominent women members of St. Bar
naba's Protestant Episcopal Church have
undertaken the job of painting the ex
terior of the edifice.
Headed by the wife of the Rev. Phil
ip Smith, the rector, and Miss Florence
Stewart the women astonished residents
this morning; by appearing: with lad
ders, paint pots and brushes and brave
ly setting to work.
By noon they had completed a 30-foot
section, from the eaves to the ground.
They decla-re they will finish the Job
before the week ' ends. The women
balked- at climbing: ladders on the front
of the church facing: St. Mary's street,
and after a consultation formed a pin
money fund to employ a man to do
that section. No crowds stopped to
g-aze at a mere man up a ladder.
"We had used so much money on the
new guild houses and their furnishings
that it looked as if the church would
have to wait until Kail for 'a new coat
of paint, said one of the women today.
"We talked it over with Mrs. Smith and
she suggested that we women do the
painting, if the men would furnish the
"We made the bargain with the men,
who didn't seem to think we would live
up to our contract. Well, we are do
ing our party, and we expect also to
help grade the lawn and make the new
flower beds, Mrs. Smith will direct
us, as she can use a paint brush, spade,
hammer or saw as well as any man."
When a new roof was put on the
church recently the contractor declared
a certain section had not been included
in the bid. When a squabble seemed
Imminent, Rector Smith brought about
peace by donning overalls and finishing
the disputed section unassisted.
Catholics to Build Rainier Church.
RAINIER. Or., April 12. (Special.)
The Catholics of this city have given
out the contract for a $3000 church
building to be made at once. The build
ing will be modern, and in slie 33x70.
This will make the fourth religious
denomination of Rainier to erect a
church building, the other three- being
the Methodist. Congregational and
Ten town lots In Rozelle given away.
6et page fi.-
Oregon Trust Official Will Turn
State's Evidence.
Testimony to Be Csed Against W.
Cooper Morris, Who Is Said to
Have Sought Same Privilege.
Lytic to Testify, Too.
W. H. Moore, ex-president of the Or
egon Tnjft & Savings Bank, will plead
guilty today to one of the five Indict
ments with which he Is charged. Mr.
, yf' K
' 5 -M, . r
Moore will appear before Presiding
Judge Morrow this morning and will
plead guilty to a charge of having ac
cepted deposits when the bank was in
solvent. This plea is the result, it is be
lieved, of an Informal agreement en
tered Into by District Attorney Cam
eron, on behalf of the state and
Charles W. Fulton, representing Moore.
Mr. Fulton communicated with Mr. Cam
eron yesterday and Informed him his
client would make the plea of guilty.
That by this means the united evi
dence of Moore and E. 1. Lytle may be
obtained against W. Cooper Morris
seems assured. By Moore's making a
plea of guilty, he -may be used to give
state's evidence.
Such a plea will result In Moore es
caping Imprisonment, but it Is believed
he will receive the maximum fine,
The state believes that Moore is In
possessioin of evidence that will as
sist materially In convicting Morris.
It is said that prior to the reported
agreement with Moore, Morris previ
ously had approached District Attor
ney Cameron to obtain the same priv
ileges that It now is said that Moora
will obtain.
The trial of Morris has been set for
May 3, and it is said 'both E. E. Lytle
and Moore will appear against him.
District Attorney Cameron considers
that with Moore's eviHence he had a
greater amount of evidence . against
Morris than against any other officer
of the bank.
Judgment Against Timber Company
Awarded, Second Suit Settled.
Hans Jorgensen, whose leg was
broken while he was at work for the
Chapman Timber Company, recov
ered $3500 damages In the Circuit
Court yesterday morning by the verdict
of a jury in Judge Cleland's depart
'ment. He sued for $5000.
At the time of the accident in which
Jorgensen was injured, September 28,
1908, he was loading logs. A trip line
attached to a heavy cable became en
tangled about a log, and caught him.
breaking his leg. Attorneys John F.
Logan and John H. Stevenson were
Jorgensen's counsel, waile Dolph, Mal
lory. Simon & Gearln represented the
Attorneys Logan and Stevenson yes
terday settled the damage suit of John
Warmuth against the Portland Rail
way, Light & Power Company. War
muth sued for $20,000. alleging that a
Waverly-Woodstock car was started
forward with a jerk as he was board
ing It the morning of January 22. 1909.
His foot was crushed under the wheels.
The accident happened at the crossing
of the Woodstock line with Vivian
y -
Personal Property Is $46,760;
Wlnslow Accounting Made.
The appraisement of J. Couch Flanders'
estate shows It to be worth $$5,947.43, of
which $79,427.46 of property is m Mult
nomah County and the remainder in
Clatsop County. The Clatsop County
property was appraised by Dan J. Moore.
Alex Gilbert and W. S. Hennlnger. It
consists of 186.28 acres in three tracts.
The real property In Multnomah County
Is valued at $32,666.66. six lots in block
310. Couch Addition being appraised at
$3250 each, and two lots In the same
block at $4000 each. Of the personal
property, valued at $46,760.80, Mr. Fland
ers' interest In the law firm of. Williams.
Wood & Lintblcum la valued at $6000.
The appraisement In this county was
made by L Q. Davidson, George Dekum
and H.. E. Reed.
Alice S. Winslow and Wirt Minor filed
in the County Court yesterday their sec
ond semi-annual account as executors of
C. R. Wlnslows estate. It shows the re
ceipts during the last six months to have
been $6239, the disbursements, $1674.20
and the cash on hand, $4,664.86.
. Grand Jury Urged to Act.
Presiding Judge Morrow instructed
Deputy District Attorney Page yesterday
to convey to the grand jury the sugges
tion of the court that It take action In
the case of Grant C. Carder, either re
turning a true bill or a not true bill.
Carder's attorney said his client had
been in Jail for some time, that the
prosecuting witness is not acting in good
faith and that Carder . wanted to be at
work instead of - In jail. Carder was
bound over to the grand jury March 3.
He Is charged with being connected with
the recent Hindu riots in St. Johns.
Conviction Is Ground for Divorce.
Following her recent action In with
drawing her divorce complaint from the
Circuit Court. Mrs. Martha E. Dicker
eon filed a supplemental complaint yes
terday In which - she makes the convic
tion of her husband of manslaughter for
the shooting of Harry A. Garrett a
ground for divorce. She says she mar
ried R. T. Dlckerson a second time Feb
ruary 13-. 1909. but that he is now serv
ing a three-year sentence 4n. the Peni
tentiary, his appeal to the Supreme
Court having been dismissed.
Lack of Guardian Bars Suit.
The suit of A. Ralph Hammer against
the Sanitarium Company and the Sani
tarium Association has been dismissed
because no guardian had been appoint
ed for him. It appears that at the time
he swore to the complaint charging at
tendants at the Crystal Springs Sani
tarium with having treated him bru
tally he had been committed to the
Salem insane Asylum. The court there
fore held the complaint invalid, unless
a guardian ad litem were appointed on
or before March 1..
Walker Is Acquitted.
Augustus Walker was acquitted In
10 minutes yesterday morning by the
jury In Judge Bronaugh's department
of the Circuit Court which has been
trying him for alleged obtaining of
money by false pretenses. It was
alleged that Walker secured $1000 from
John Rometsch on a $16,000 mortgage
to Washington land, that the land was
not worth over $600 and the mort
gage worthless.
Suit for $1500 Filed.
E. W. Garver filed ' suit yesterday
against Ernst A. Lang to recover $1500
on an alleged contract for the pur
chase of a shoe business at 133 Kll
llngsworth avenue. Garver says he
paid $1500 when he contracted to pur
chase the business from Lang, but that
the agreement has now been rescinded.
Railroad Concession Granted.
LONDON. April 12. Information
reached the British foreign office today
that the concession for the financing of
the construction of the Chinchow-Algun
Railroad, sought by a syndicate of Brit
ish and American capitalists, has been
granted by China.
Lawsuit Opens on Thomas Estate.
The lawsuit of Conrad Green, adminis
trator of J. L. Thomas' estate, against
B. Tannter and Minnie Tannler for $504
Baying a piano without thoughtfully measuring and investi
gating its merits, without knowing to a certainty the character
of its makers, the materials used in its construction, and its
reputation for durability and permanent usefulness, is an un
wise and dangerous experiment.
Most pianos -look much alike, and to the unskilled buyer
sound much the same. Differences in case design, in ornamen
tation and general appearance .have, unfortunately, little bear
ing on the real quality of the instrument, and an extravagantly
embellished case usually is a mark of indifferent quality.
Always our aim has been to supply our buyers with the best
possible pianos at the price which they feel they should pay,
giving a value that is as good as can be had for the money ex
pended in any city in the United States, and backing the piano
purchased with a guarantee that insures satisfaction for all
time. We invite a most careful scrutiny of our pianos, be
cause each and every instrument is built to stand a most search
ing investigation, and thereby to prove its quality.
Save for the addition of .Eastern freight, every piano on our
floors is marked at the same identical price at which the same
instrument would sell on the retail floors of its manufacturer.
Terms for easy' monthly payments may be arranged if desired.
Between Fifth and Sixth
Has Just arrived. This year's Pabst's Milwaukee
Bock. Is of such , excellent quality and in such
demand that we can, hardly supply the demand
S. A. Arata & Co. 104 Third
69-7i sixth Arata Brothers
Agents for Pabsfs Draught and Blue Ribbon Bottled Beer
taken under advisement by Judg
Gatens in the Circuit Oourt yesterday.
Man Sentenced to Penitentiary for
Passing Small Forged Check.
Joseph Johnson, alias John Moore,
was sentenced by Presiding Circuit
Judge Morrow yesterday to serve five
years In the Salem Penitentiary for
knowingly, uttering a forged oheck for
$3.60. The check was passed February
18, Johnson having made it payable to
himself, signing it Charles D. Lom
bard. The paper was drawn on the
Scandinavian-American Bank.
A. A. Dixon was arraigned before the
presiding judge yesterday afternoon
on the charge of obtaining money
by false pretenses. It is alleged that
he- passed a $16 cheek on M. Hyman
March 12, the paper being drawn on
the bank of French A Company, at
The Dalles.
The Third Car
The Supreme Court has . recently ratified
the franchise for the Fifteenth-Street exten
sion of the Irvingrton carline.
Work on the extension is under way now
and cars will be running- this Summer.
Prices on property along: this line will
double. So NOW is a grood time to buy.
Buy before the prices soar.
Notice the map at the top of this announce
ment. It is a map of Irving-ton. The sec
tion blocked off has been completely im
proved. It is the finest improved residence
section of Portland. Improvements are fin
ished and bonded.
When the Fifteenth-Street extension is fin
ished this section will be fed by two excellent
service carlines. A line on either side.
As it is now this section has the best ser
vice carline of any residence section of Port
land. Cars every three to five minutes.
Only a twelve-minute ride to the lots blocked
off on the map.
In anticipation of the increase the Fifteenth
Street extension will cause, we are raising
the prices on all unsold lots in this section.
Present prices will hold until May '1st. when
they will be advanced $200 on every lot
remaining- unsold at that time.
Comers, : 100x100, $3000 $3400
Inside Lots, 50x100, $1250
1 0 Pfcr Cent Down and 2 Per Cent Per Month
Come out and look over the ground. Walk
over to Fourteenth Street. Notice the lay of
the land. Figure out for yourself the prices
these lots will be bringing six months from
now, after the 15th- St. extension is completed.
Take Woodlawn or Alberta or any other car
running out Union Avenue, get off at Knott
Street, walk one block east and you are on
the most valuable section of Irvington. The
highest ground the best improved the
lowest priced. Our Irvington office is at Sev
enth and Knott Mr. Mumford is in charge.
Rountree &l Diamond
Downtown Office 241 Stark
Mar 1st