Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 12, 1910, Page 20, Image 20

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Take Lunch in Seventh Floor Tea Room Attend Demonstration of Omo Dress Shields 1st Floor Portland Agents Fay Stockings
We Are Portland Agents Men's Ramie Linen Mesh Underwear Gotham Shirts Nulife Shoulder Braces for Men, Women and Children
- - - TTTZTTT- : "
nternatiofiale afclEe Great
3b Frank St
Brings Forth Vast. Throngs of Keenly Mtereste
W men's Tailored Suits
Great Values, $ 10, $20
Correct attire for Spring and Summer at prices that
are pleasingly small. Our buyer put forth an extra
effort to secure garments to retail at these prices,
which would be unisual bargains. How well he suc-
ceeded will be apparent at a glance over the smart and
high quality suits we offer yon. Come to Portland's
leading cloak and suit store see these and many more.
Tailored Suits at $20 Each
In medium and short length coats, semi and tight-fitting;
plain tailored skirts, full plaited; materials are
plain and diagonal serge, also fancy worsteds; colors
are tan, gray, navy, black, fancy stripes CiOr fC
and mixtures; special price for this sale Pvr. W
Linen and Rep Suits at $10
Very recent arrivals. The linen suits are plain tailored,
in medium and short length coats, with full plaited
skirts. The rep suit coats are Taney tuxedo style, with
black moire collar and cuffs; colors blue, fljl f ff
leather shades and white; on sale at, suit P
It I it
H 'm il
Waists From Foreign
Lands $ 12.50 to $55
Newest creation in Japanese Silks, in pompadour and
Persian - design, made with short, sleeves and Dutch
neck, with narrow plaiting in collarette effect. We are
showing the very latest in various colored Dresden ef
fects. Something very new and decidedly chic in dotr
ted foulard, strictly tailor-made, with fancy jabot and
crochet buttons, long sleeve and high collar, finished
with knife plaiting. We wish to call special attention
to the many new models in pongee. The most effective
is a design in cluster tucks. Center front heavily em
broidered in pongee colors, finished with scalloped edge
and jabot. See them. Prices from $12.50 to $55.
50,000 Yards Embroideries
At Sensational Savings
Lot 1 27-inch batiste Flounces, designs
in eyelet and French work ; dj "I 1 Q
values to .f 4.00 the yard, sale P X 1 17
Bands to match, 2 to 4 inches in width,
values to $2.00 the yard, 98c; CQ
regular values to $1.25 yard at
Lot 2 27-inch demi-flounees on batiste,
Anglaise and baby Irish designs; QQ
vatues to $2.50 the yard, sale at 7C3C
Lot 3 22-inch allovcrs in eyelet and
blindwork for yokes and Russian blouses.
Regular values to $3.50 the P" OQ
yard, on sale at, special, yd. J'XOJ
Lot 4 Dimity allover Embroidery, very
suitable for lingerie waists; the '7tZr
values run up to $1.75 yard, sale "C
Lot 5- 27-ineh Swiss semi-flounces and
bands to match, in eyelet de- Q
signs; values to $1.25 yard; sale
Lot 6 10,000 yards of manufacturer's
lengths of embroidery edges and inser
tions on swiss, nainsook and cambric, for
children's and women's undermuslins, 1
to 9 ins.; 4V2 and 5-yd. lengths, QC
values to $2.50 a strip, special at 7oG
$7.50 Collapsible Go-cart $5.95
Special sale of Go-Carts for today. Good, strong, all-steel collapsible Go-Cart,
with adjustable back and dash, and self-adjusting hood. We especially djC QC
recommend this cart for size and unusual strength; regular $7.50, sp'l. POi0
The Glove Sale Continues
50,000 Pairs Included
Bargains, unrivaled, and assortments so great that
any glove want may be supplied at a pronounced
saving. We have the agency for some of ;the best
makes in the world, and this assures all purchasers
of better than usual qualities. Take advantage.
Women's two-clasp Kid Gloves, in black, white and
colors; all sizes; regular $1.25 values, on 7Q
special sale at this very low price, the pair ?C
Women's one and two-clasp Kid Gloves in cape,
chamois, mocha, suede and kid; all colors; QQ
regular $1.25 and $1.50 values, special, pair OC
Infants' and children's cape Gloves, in white and
tan; asres from 1 to lfi venrs: heat min.lor r
$1.25 values, for this sale, special at. Dair
Women's one-clasp cape Walking Gloves, in QQ
all sizes; regular $1.25 values, special, nairOIC
W omen s one-clasp P. X. M. cape Gloves, best Kasan
cape; come in all sizes, Perrin's make; J" QQ
regular $1.50 values, special price, pair pX
Perrin's 1, 2 and 3-clasp real Perrin Kid Gloves, P.
K. and overseam; white, black and col- d- QQ
ors; $1.50 and $1.75 values,' at, the pair P 1 .3i
Perrin's and Trefousse teal prime Kid Gloves. P. K
and overseam, all colors and sizes ; regu- fl " AC
lar $1.75 quality, on special sale at, pair
Ireland's washable Chamois Gloves for
women; one pearl button; come in white
ind natural colors; regular CP"! A Q
$1.75 quality, special, the pair P X TJ
Perrin's and Trefousse extra quality Kid
Gloves, including fancy stitched backs, in
all colore and all sizes; $2 and t'l Q'7
$2.25 qualities, special at, pair P X.O
Perrin 's and Trefousse extra quality P. K.
Kid Gloves, best make; regu- fljl QQ
lar $2.25 quality, special, pair PX.l70
Women 's washable Chamoisette Gloves, in
white and natural colors; all sizes; OQ
regular 50c vals., special, the pair OiC
It vii-"
white and natural, gray and mode; QQ
regular $1.25 values, special, rair 70C
Women's two-clasp Sik Gloves, double
finger tips; white and black; all A 7
sizes; regular 75c value, sp'l., pair C
Regular $1.00 value, special, pair, 79
Women's 2-clasp embroidered Silk Gloves,
Kayser make, all colors and sizes; QT,
regular $1.25 values, special, pair O C
Women's 16-button length Silk Gloves,
double finger tip, Kayser Niagara; come
in all sizes; regular $1.50 and $2QQ
values, on special sale at, the pair TOC
White and Colored Wash Goods
Thousands of Yards in This Sale
Savings worth while in imported lines of White Goods and Wash Goods. Low prices
for the Fete Internationale on some of the most-wanted fabrics. Let us show you.
Regular 50c Scotch Plaids at 1 9c the Yard
From Scotland 2000 yards fine 1 Q
Scotch Plaids, 50c values, special A7C
America 50,000 yards fancy white goods,
madras and cheviots, 25c and 35e 1 C
values, on special sale for, the yard XOC
25,000 yards 32-inch fancy Pop- "j Q
lins, regular 35c values, special at X 7C
America 25,000 yards 32-inch Pongee, all
colors, plain and stripes; regular "I Q
39c values, special price, the yard i C
From Ireland 25 pieces, 72-inch, extra
heavy Bleached Damask, reg- djl Cif
ular $1.35 values, special, yd. PXUii
From Germanv 200 doz. 20x40 nil-linen
Huek Towels, regular 35c values; OC-
special price for this sale, each
From Austria 25 8-4 Damask
Cloths, regular $9.00 values, at
28 8-10 Damask Cloths, regu
lar $11.00 values, on sale at
$5.50 and $6.00 Imported Curtains $2.85
25c American Scrim, Special 18c the Yard
French-made Cluny and Renaissance Lace Curtains, on gocjd French nets, with insert
ings and edges, made by hand by the peasants in the South of Franc ; 40 to 45 inches
wide, 2Y2 yards long; both Cluny and Renaissance, in white and ecru; regu- TQ or
lar $5.50 and $6.00 pair; special for this sale at very low price of. the pair VaOu
American-made printed Scrims, plain ecru, linen and cream grounds, with blue brown
green, rose and red figures, in art nouveau, floral and scroll designs. ..The greatest sue-
cess in printed materials ever produced ; 36 to 40 inches wide ; our best regular
On sale at, yard
25c quality. See our great display in the Fifth-street window.
Hahd'Embr 'd 'd Lingerie
On Sale One-Third Less
Special line of French hand-embroidered
underwear at a third off.- ALL NEW
STOCK. Some great bargains. See them.
Gowns range in price from $5.00 to $60.00
Drawers range from $3.50 to $10.00
Corset Covers range from $3.00 to $15.00
Chemise are priced from $5.00 to $20.00
Combinations range from $6.00 to $20.00
Skirts range in price from $6.00 to $25.00
Some very fine and attractive styles. Are
made of the best quality imported batiste
and nainsook; .some are lace trimmed:
Sale of Estelle Corsets
Special line Estelle Corsets, white only.
tor medium and stout ligures
values $2.50 and $3, for onlj
Women's 50c
Hose at 39c
Women's Hose, direct importation from Chem
nitz, Germany, made especially for Meier &
. Frank C o m p a' n y, under- their own name.
50c women's black, fu'.l-fashioned Hose, made
from best long sea island cotton, spliced hand
seam, high splieed heel and toe; usual OQ
50c hose; during rfhis sale at, the pairC
Women's imported black gauze lisle Hose,
double sole, high spliced heel, ull fashioned,
Hermsdorf dye, with extra wide double garter
proof top. An exceptional importa- C,,
tion; 6 pairs for $1.90, or, the pair JJC
65c and 75c women's imported colored lisle
Hose, in .all the new and staple Spring shades,
with silk embroidered boots, also black lisle
with lace boots of dainty, attractive AO,
patterns; both lines on sale at, the pair
Women's Dressing Sacques
$2.00 Values, Special $1.18
Specials in lawn Dressing Sacques, in flowered designs, stripes and figured; shawl col
lar or Dutch neck, made in poplin and loose-fitting styles, trimmed with embroidery
scalloped edge and one-inch satin band, in light and dark colors. Our jjl 1 Q
regular values up to $2.00, on sale at this unusually low price, the garment P X 1 O
W omen's Bath Robes, new line of Victoria Blanket Robes, inbeautiful designs and
colors; made with large square collar, trimmed with one-inch satin bands, (tC Cf
fastened with heavy cord and tassel; extra good value, on sale at, garment P5""
Women's Low Shoes $3. 1 9
Men's $4 Oxfords $2.95 Pr.
3000 pairs women's Summer footwear tan Russian calf, patent colt and patent -calf
oxfords, with cloth tops, button and blucher cut. Patent colt, tan and black calf and
suedes, ankle and strap pumps. Goodyear welt soles; short vamps, plain fcO in
and tipped toes." All new styles and lasts, on sale at the low nrice. rair
A special offering of men's oxfords black and tan vici kid, calf and patent leathers;
button and blucher lace. All have heavy single welt soles, with round or C0 QC
swing toes. Regular values up to $4.00 the pair, on special sale at, the pair
S Extra Special no &
SWi. .4-t . .
..: i
ffxjh a ocay Startmg
rOne Hundre'd';SuitsF
V- 100 Per Gent M
!? 1 1 1! ,
Ieo9s ClotWn
I ay
.50 Values at SI 2.45
need for Quick Selling
erif Always Sn M. F.' Offerings
To buy any one of these 100 suits positively means an actual savins of from $7.55 to $10.05 We rin not nPPri tr tU mnr
about this oflfer The offering and opportunity speak for themselves The suits are adapted to business or dress wear
and come in wool worsted, fancy worsted and cheviot in dark, medium and light materials, neat stripes and shadow
stripes, dark blues, grays, tans and slate They are cut in conservative three-button sack style, well tailored and have
first quality tailor trimmings Cut in regulars and stout The selling starts this morning at 9:00 o'clock and closes, at
6:00 o'clock this evening, but we expect to sell the entire allotment early in the day, so plan to be here early
Suits Are Well Worth $25, We Have Valued Them Regularly at $20 and $22,50, Today $ 1 2.45
$20.00 FALUES No Reservations Only 100 in Express Ship-
ment Sale Starts at 9 A. M See Window
Display Dept. on Third Floor 7 Elevators
First of a Series of M&-F. Clothing Offerings That Will Again Demonstrate Substantial Values