THE 3IOKXIXG OKEGOXIAX, SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 1910. 17 FOB sjENT. Apartments. hINZ APARTMEXW. 14th and Columbia, 4 blocks from Morrison su ; new brick building, completely jirst-class. furnisiied In 2. 3 and 4-room family apartments, pri vate oatn, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, eievator, free phone; some unfur nliiipj; janitor service; rent reasonable. BROAIW'AY apartments. 4 rooms, completely furnij-nd : n-w. modern, hot water htat; walking distance from bits-ine?" center. 377 Vancouver av. Ph'nn East 2.r5. jfiaf. FOR RENT New and strictly modern 6 roonk fiats on 20th and Laurel sta. Port land Height, rent $4. Apply WAKEFIELD, FRIES At CO., 83 Fourth st. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co. Main G1S. A 1084. All covered wag oni all experienced men. ONE new fl-room modern nsu; "S" and "F" carline- Inquire at drugstore. Front and Glbbs sts. 6HX-ROOM flat. 5 blocks of P. O. Inquire 327 Mohawk bldg. MODERN 5-room, downstairs flat, with tmall yard. Apply at M'l Front st. LOWER flat, rooms, adults. 2302. Key 3--H Mill st. Phono Eat A MODERN 0-room fiat. 604 Fast Alder. Phone Main 053.. PL'RXJSHKI flat close in; 1002. A 536tf- references. Main -ROOM furnished modern ; tance. $45. 4Q . Clay st. walking dis- MODEliN uuper corner flat. 5 rooms, good attic and basement. No. 4T5'.fc 7th st. NOB H ILL flat. 5 rooms, modern ; furnace. fireplace. H. A. Webber. Main 20S8. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts. Newlv furnished for housekeeping, includ ing gas range, electric lights, hot water, baths, laundry. ricept inn-room. a!l free; furnished apartments $15 per month up; single housekeeping rooms, 2.50 week up; bct In city for money; short distance from Union Depot. S" or ICth-st. cars north, get off at Marshall Bt. No dogs allowed. ON EON T A. IS" 17 th, near Yamhill ; take "W" car at depot; furnished 2. 3 and 4 room housekeeping suites by week $i.50, br month $20 and up; hot and cold water, baths and phone free. Main 4097. A 4730- WELL-FI RMSHED housekeeping rooms. 2 $8 month, 3 for $12; cottage. 4 rooms, 1(20; 364 2tith. North (West Side), "W" car from depot, 3d or Morrison to 26th, block: ' north. LARGE, clean, well furnished housekeeping rooms, suitable for small families, gas. bath and phone. $2.5u to $5. 140 Vi Front st. 11.25 TO $2.00 week, clean, furnished house keeping rooms; laundry, bath, phone, gas, L furnace heat. 400 Vancouver ave. "NEWLY-furnished housekeeping apartment, both phones, free bath ; no children. The Partem. 13th and Alder. THR EE-ROOM apartment, modern. heat, light, phone: first floor, phone A. 4107, or call 20QU, 12th st. 401 E. MORRISON, cor. E. 8th Completely furnished housekeeping suites, reasonable. TWO and thr;e very house keoping rooms. nice large. 4U3 2d. 3s" I C B furnished house keepin a; rooms, 631 H Washington St.. cor. 20th. $14. $1.25 week, clean fur. housekeeping rooms, heat, laundry, bath. 2Q3 Stanton. "U" car. (1.50 week, large, clean f urn. housekeeping rooms; laundry, "bath, gas. 184 Sherman. THE MILNE R, 350 Morrison, cor. Park. Home apartments, all conveniences. THE ELMS f urnlsh.-d. 2 and 3 -room 191 14th st. apartments ; Ifouaekeeping Rooms in Private Family. FOR RENT on Portland Heights. 2 or 3 large, well lighted partly furnished house keeping rooms ; gas, water, etc 48 21st st. Phone M. 22o". Address 1 13.S0 NICELY furnished suite of house keeping rooms. in good location, near car, walking distance. West Side, large lawn and roses. Phone Seliwood 1 1 00. NICE 3-room furniHhed apartment; nice lo cation, 1 block Sunny side car; very rea sonable. Phone Tabor 13r2. 1070 East Morrison. 1 1 1 A MONT H, basement, furnished for housekeeping, suitable for two or three working girls or married couple; must be respectable; private entrance. SS 1st st. ONE large furnLshed housekeeping room, email room attached; woodshed, la rge yard. lnk and neeesary requirements; $3 a week or $12 per mouth. 3o2 &t Ml'ELY furnished housekeeping rooms. $2.o0 per week up. gas. bath and phone. log 12th, near Washington. 2 AND 3-room newly furnished apartments Jn new and strictly modern house; tine neighborhood. East 1430. 22S East 20th. ' SWELL rooms, every housekeeping privileges, off Wash. accommodation; 46 N. 21 si St., iil FURNISH ED housekeeping rooms in private family. In fine locality; no other roomers. 434 Harrison Jt. 'TWO large housekeeping rooms nicety fur nished; water in kitchen; walking dis tance. 235 12th st. J20 5 ROOMS furnished, free phoiif. etc.; sightly and ht'althy. 5lM Madison st. Phone Main 7S."2. W EL. I j furnished suite, furnace neat, gas range, electric lights, phorw, bath. $14 per month. ivy Johnson st., near loth. TWO, 3 and 4-room suites of housekeeping rooms; modern and reasonable. 4 So Clay street. NEWLY pajvered housekeeping1 looms. llth. near Washington Bt. Phone A 4 TWO tine 141 N. unfurnished housekeeping rooms. iMh st.. corner or lloyt. OPPORTUNITY for housekeeping for nice couple. jui i:ttn st. .Mam vyy. TWO or throe desirable housekeeping-rooms, all convenlenreg, ytS and $2.3. 347 Hull su CLE A N . Merit, well-f urn Ished housekeeping rooms", rtasnnaiiie. ;:m tun sr.. ROOMS. 440 East 2iUh st. North, near TuinmnoK. Broadway car to Tillamook. 2 HOUSEKEEPING suites and 24 13 North 10th. jingle rooms. JS'ICE front housekeeping suites, lndow. 421 7th st. with, bay 1RV INGTON' cozy, clean, completely nlshed apartment. East 3US 1 . 2?L" RN 1SUED housekeeping rooms, rur water. 140 13th at., near Morrison. BUITe. $16. completely furnished. 146 N. loth; walking distance, phone Main 0173. DESIRABLE rooms completely furnished for housekeeping ; modern. r4 1 tith st E W iY furnished room, every eon venlen dose In. gent lemm only. Phone A 7til3. Houses. "WHEN you move you'll need new furniture. Buy it Judiciously and the savings will ex- ceea your moving expenses. Our NO-RENT PRICES made ua one of tne largit furniture houea in the cityt la two eais. lookersi shown same courtesv as buyer MORGAN-ATCHLKY FU RN ITU HE CO. 6U-7S Grand Ave.. Cor. EUst Stark St. Eaet Ar.keny and Ruasll-shaver carllnes pass our door. yOR RENT 1 -story house, 7 rooms, bath and basement: 50 -foot lot ; 4C7 10th near Jackson. Inquire of F. J. Hun ting. l.'iu r.ast i am n in st. i none s iasj. 2Ew. mudeiu, 6-rootn houces. bath, shades combinat Ion fl xt ures, fruit tree, good view; warning aistunee; rent jib. TUiamook st. Take "l"' car. ,4'ORTLA N D Heights, modern 7-room house with attic, located on Spring and 21st sts. A beautiful place. Phone O. F. Cooke, Main ic4 6-ROOM house, 43 E. 17th st., 1 block from Waverly-Woodstock car. Phone East 1 fiW ir'OR R EN T House, stable, chicken house, .1 lot. k. A. layior, E. 4Lttrt and Haw Thome. H irlfl. V'HtN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co. Main 1G1S, A U4. All covered wag or.s. ail experienced men. FOR R E N T Co 1 1 age at COO Salmon st. on 232 Stout st. Key 5-ROOM modern 62i Williams ave ROOM cottage. Phone Tabor ;t: 33 S East 4 4 ih ii Monday. - ROOM house for ren t t'OTTAii ES, well fu in ished. $ -2(i anot her unfurnished, $ U; house keep in suites, furnished. ?S to S12 month. AppI 3".4 North 26th; W car from depot, on 3 or l orrison to 20 th. block north. Furnl !lied Houw. N attractive fl-room furnished bunealow prettiest part of lrvingion; large yard; no cMi.-iren. 7'." ci-.ier t. PfKne C l'.l8. tIX-ROOM furnished house, I'niversity Park. Invrlv new home ver reasonable, $1 M a i n' 4-V7 t.l. Board of Trade. - ROOM modern house. 440 E. 14th st tlrvtngton). Inquire Louis Salomon. Stark St.. near 2d. HI-ROOM furnished house. S. 2d and East Burn-ine. Address K. 1 he W heeldon, spt. y. Phone A t4.. (MP1.ETE1.Y furnished 3 or 4-room flat modern. Call mornings. Main .00. 242 V lav t . FURNISHED 4-room ccttape. ele bath; central. Inquire 273V i N K'E LY furnished, til.o lor-atlop. 7 7 f-room house: muer:i ; E. Taylor. E:v WII.I-AME1 TE HEIGHTS, new 5-room bun galow completely furnished; $tjo. A 22S. BUR RE NX. Fnrnisbed House. FOR RENT for about six months, modern 5-room steam-heated corner flat, nicely furnished, piano; within walking dis tance; 1 block; to two car lines; possession riven about April 10. Phone Main 2445 The Ames Mercantile Agency, 416 Ablng- ton .bldg. 6-OOM, 2-story house with furnace, com pletely furnished with piano, on Kelly st.; 125. 317 Board o Trade bldg. Phone Mam 7432. A 44U1. Hnu(.fi for Rent. Fgrntturp for Sale. SWELL FLAT. MILL ST. Furniture of a swell T-room flat, rent $-7.:jo, with all spare rooms rented at a good price : furniture is fine and for sale at $050; $iiOO cash, and balance monthly. f S-ROOM HOUSE. ' Good, 8-room house, on iSurnside St., rent $;tr. with $05 worth of rooms rented; furniture is for sale at a bargain; $300, easy terms. GRUSSI & ZADOW, '17 BoaH of Trade Dldg.. 4th and Oak. RENT paid up to 1912 New cottage. 1 acre of ground, partly cultivated, free wood. Mack walnut piano. Majestic range, sani tarv cot. rug. linoleum, kitchen and dining-room tables. dishes and numerous other articles. All for $475. Call 26C Pine st. SEVEN-ROOM furnished house for rent or yale; a snap; parties leaving city. Call :t:i."i San Rafael st. ; 3t min. walk from Steel bridge. WANTED BEACH HOUSE or Summer home to rent or manage; must be suitable for beat patronage. Mrs. E. A. Percy, S NS7, Oregonian. ' ALMOST new furniture of 7 -room house at a bargain ; 3 rooms upstairs pay rent; close to business center. Inquire 620 Chamber of Commerce. ON account of sickness will sell my room ing house cheap; money-maker, close in. Call 329 Mohawk bldg. FIRST-CLASS furniture ft-room house; good location, something good, only $850. $250 cash, balance easy. W S60. Oregonian. HoUSB of 5 rooms, newly papered and paint ed ; tine locality; furniture for aaie. 434 Harrison at. 0-ROOM house for sale; cheap rent; furni ture for sale. 352 2d st. Summer Reaorts. FOR RENT OR SALE A nice 5-room cot tage, furnished, at Sea View, Wash. Call Main SS2. FU R N I SH ED 5-room cottage. Seaside, year. pea-son or month. Phone B H87. Stores. STEAM-HEATED, well-lighted and ventilated iore in new building. Washington sr., near lWth, suitable for groceries, drugs or delicat essen. Arrangements can be made which, would assure splendid trade. Rent very reasonable to commence. Might, help finance capable people. W. L MORGAN, 503 Abington bldg. FOR RENT The Arlington Club buliaing. West Park and Alder streets, win o leased, entire, as It now stands, for five years ; or ground floor space remodeled for business occupancies. Apply to R. T. Co x. 2 o 2 Third st. SMALL .store for rent In new briclc build ing, suRable for barber shop or luncn counter. 03 N. 2d st. ; only $10 a month rent. Inquire 201 Morrison st. FOR RENT l-story and basement brick More building, 100x165 S. 1C corner iToni ana Pine ats. Apply C. A, Dolph, Mohawlc bldg. ; . FoR RENT 5-story brick building, 2d and Ash; also large brick building suuaoie tor automobile garage; small store, 25x65, 249 Madison at. Apply R. T. Cox. Main 422. PART of store. 46 Washington st., near loth, modern, steam heat; very oesiraoie, rent cheap. STORE for rent in new briclc building. A N. 2d st.; rent only $'ja a montn. inquire 201 Morrison st. ONE new storeroom, 25xti0, left in new block. Apply at drugstore. Sou Front st. JMtner "F" or "S" car. THIRD store for rent, near Jefferson, G. Cox. L'22 Failing bldg. $30. 1 STORE ROOM, or office space, facing 10th t.. r.ear Wash. W -4. oregonian. Offices. W ASHIXGTON STREET. Columbia bldg.. corner of West Park st. Desirable offices, singly or en suite. Es pecially adapted to professional people. Apply to superintendent of building. TWO very desirabta offices for rent in Inquire 43 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Chamber of Commerce bldg. FLOOR space, 40x60. suitable for light manufacturing or printing orxice; aiso swell office rooms for rent- Inquire of A. G. Chm ehley. photographer. 145 3d st. NICELY furnished office for rent; use of botri phones. Inquire at room 40a, 10 to 12 A. M ., Oregonian bldg. TWO nice office rooms on Second floor Mohawk bids- Inquire Land Dept., port land Ry., Light & power Co. FOR RENT A few office in Couch bids. Apply 003 Lewis bldg. CORNER with use of desk and type P. Land Co.. 133 1st St. ivriter. BALLROOM, good location. In good condi tion reasonable. B. F. Jones. 800 Front. V a re h. nunc. FOR RENT OR LEASE Brick warehouse, with elevator and large offices; 50x100; three stories and basement. Corner 4th and Gllsan sts. Apply to D. G. Woodward, 104 2d fit. TO LKASE. WILL lease for a terra of 20 years one of the finest hotel sites outside of Port land, on carline and river bank at Mil waukie, Or.; also have line sites for fac tories or business buildings. Address John li. Kelso. Milwaukie. Or. RUSrXESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR sale at a marked sacrifice, the es tablished business and good will of the Walla Walla Pressery. the only estab lished and money making clothes clean ing, pressing and remodeling establish ment here; an unusual business oppor tunity; pays upwards of $20OO annually net in addition to operating coat and liv ing expenses ; its patron are the most select and it controls the ' better clasa of wo: k here in French, dry and steam cleaning; no club work; ladies' fine gar ments a soecialtv: onlv competent parties need apply. Object in selling explained through correspondence. if lnteresteu ana for full particulars, address H. H. Curr, 317 East Sumach st.. Walla Walla, Wash. FEED STORE. Good feed business on the West Side, in a store room looxl50 with a lease at $t'5 per month; business is on a pay ing basis and can be large Iv increased ; owner must sell and will invoice al.out 9 loOO. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4 Hi and Oak. .RESTAURANT, $250. Nice, dean restaurant, in waiting-room of a Portland depot, rent only $4u, with 2 months paid In advance included in the price, witn lease; place is completely i -Ornish ed and must be sold this week ; a snap at $2.0; $1O0 cash, balance monthly. GRUSSI &. ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. BIG dividends for anyone desiring to invest a00 or more In buildlnx nronosition where' by investor will get his or her share of profits according to money Invested at houses are sold. Call 808 Rothchlld bldg RESTAURANT, for sale where there are lots of laboring men. in a wholesale district; a pood business; owner going to California the first or May. vo.-4t4 ousan su ; Cheap rent. .Ktu'ERY store in eooa payroll town: good business, good location; price, invoice, if t;iken before April 1. U S54, Orego- ii i a n. FOR SALE Established business, will clear 100 to 51n0 monthly; must be sold at once on account of other business. Phone E 7t'3; B 1231. FO R 8ALE A general merchandise store, invoice about $4 500. doing $100 per day. near Portland; cheap rent. Phone Wood lawn L'434. 1 WANT a partner in my old-eKabliihed rea! estate and furniture baniKCT; good opv-ortunliy: onlv $2"Q requlrtKl. 3j5 3d st. MAM' FACT I' RI NO business wants reliable partner; win pay goou salary ana proms. 417 Hoard of Trade. L RGE skvt-.irht room. dark room in con necti-m. suitable for photographer. Inquire at Rogers. Hart. Gibson IQ-. 1 ad st. -,, Grocery- and confectionery ; excellent lo cation ; cheap rent. Address W Sol, Ore- g-'n'.an. EX PR ESS business, single and double rlars, steady trade; dissolution partnership rea- s"n soiling. inquire & -onn bin st. NOTICE. If you have anything of value to sell or rxt'hangi call at room N ob2 ashmgton. FOR SALE M EAT MARKET complete, cheap, good io. atlon; snap if taken , at moo. Apply 06 GHsan st. FOR SALK Bakery; a luoky eCand; will bear investigation. 3s E. Clay . BARBER SHOP for sale; io.-ati.!i. 413 Morrison St. chair; good FOR SALE One-chair barber shop, $60. .".lit ,i offf rs'tn st. BARBER shop for rr-Tit "2 3d st. sale; three chairs; low CARPENTER shop for sale; vheap. 310 Burns! de- good; BrsrvEss opportunities. ONE-HALF tntere.t in g'-nd retail business, well ejnablif-t.-ed and in excellent location of business district. Will net you about $30 per month and will bear fullest Investigation. Will invoice between $.V0 and $jOOo; cam arrange term if necessary. KAUFMAN N . MOORS, 314-325 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE! One of the finest equipped barber shops in city, center of business district. West Side, doing fine business; owner not well, wants to retire; equipped for 31 chairs; furnishings all new and of the very best. Sold on easy terms or will take improved propertv. HENRY AT WATER. 310-311 Merchants Trust Bldg.. Corner Sixth and Washington Sts., Portland, Or. THR only Saratoga chip factory in Oregon, shipping goods all over the state, all through South and Eastern Washington and parts of Idaho; grated horseradish our speclaltv. and the business is growing last; established 7 years; sic-kness compels me to sell. Am asking $ 30OO cash. If ou have thla amount and wish to in vestigate. Call at 3H2 Schuyler st. after noons between 2 and 5. E. G. Williams. "WANTED A reliable tenant for a hotel building just completed ; all conveniences. Including at earn heat, electricity and gas, hot and cold water, electric bells, etc.; 20 room upstairs with ladies' and gents' baths and wash rooms, also dining hall and office on first floor, also 2 store rooms and full basement. Address C. C. Arnold. 2i3 E. 10th st.. Vancouver. Wash. A HALF Interest in the best mercantile bus iness In the Valley ; having ouuside busi ness that requires a great deal of my time, I will sell a half interest to party who can furnish Al "reference and is ca pable of looking after the business; might take part in farm land or Portland prop erty. Address William Allen. P. O. Box SQ7. McMlnnville. Or. CIGAR STORE. MORRISON ST. First-class corner cigar store, making $2O0 per month clear above all expenses, in a brick building with nearly 3 years lease, reasonable rent with a No. 1 busi ness location on MorrLson St., right down town; price Ko. GRL'SSI & ZADOW, SI 7 Board of Trade Blrtg., 4th and OaJc. RESTAURANT BARGAIN. Owner has too much other business; central location : doing $2000 business a month; equipped complete; desirable lease on room; -for a few (lava only at slum. THE CARD REALTY AND INVEST MENT CO.. 110 2d st. Phone Marshall lf.67. A 1 567. t NICE little business for a man and -wife or one man; will make a salary of $100 a month and living, housekeeping rooms and all together; rent cheap; parties go- lnir awav. This is a Dressing ana clean Ing business; your own price. Apply 529 Giisan street. SHO W MEW ATTENTION. Road show complete, known as THE HOUSE OF NONSENSE, for sale at a bar gain. Apply to THE CARD REALTY AND INVEST MENT CO.. HQ 2d st. phone Marshall 1567. A 1567. FINE, OPENING for hotel at Parkdale. the terminus of the Mt. Hood Railroad, in the heart of the famous Upper Hood River Val ley. Ideal location. Fine tourist trade. For further particulars write R. J. Mclaaac, Mt, Hood P. Q.. Oregon. MOVING oictura films. machines Every thing for moving picture business for rent or sale. If vou are nlannlng to open a show we are ready to assist you. Write for our best offer. Laemmle Film, Serv- ice. Partages bldg., Portland. Or. IF YOU tave some capital which you would like to invest in a bona iiae proposition, where It will net you big returns, I have such a proposition, which will stand the closest investigation. Correspondence strictly confidential. Ji. 16. Oregonlan. CONTROLLING Interest in state bank in Oregon in prosperous community; pays 20 tier cent dividends and prospects fine; everything guaranteed and requires about ii,uoo t.o nanuie. Aoaress m. nowaru. 514 McKay bldg.. Portland. Or. ESTABLISHED architect has fine opening lor reliable man; wants partner to look after office and correspondence. He will guarantee SlOO per month salary and share profits. Particulars 248 Stark st. MOTION picture theaters bought, eold or ex changed: interests purcnaed or eoia; thea ters financed; sketches furnished; plans drawn. Call or write, 513 Kothchild bldg. Portland. FOR SALE My shares of stock in a wood company; position with same; tearing the city. Call at 300 Oregonian bldg., phone Main 1034. Before BUYING or SELLING any MINING, OIL. WIRELESS or LNUUJsTiUAL, etOCK get , our prices. Davidson & Co., Lewis bldg. Phone Marshall 7i8. BAKERY for sale in factory town, equipped with macninery, s living rooms, an rur nished, 2 horses, 2 wagons, good trade. Price 33QOO. Aii aba, oregonian. DO YOU want supplies or rent fllraT We are lnaepenaeui, ao uui ueioug io iuo trust. Pacific Film Co., 303 Rothchlld bMar.. Portland. Or. SAWMILL, planer and quarter section timber for sale ; mm in eooa oraer: pacity 20 M; no agents. Address 1012 East Main St.. Medford. Or. ONE storeroom, 20x60. in new block, suit able lor ooniectionery. ice cream ana fruit. Apply at drugstore. Front and Gibbs st. FOR SALE) Grocery, delicatessen, bakery, ice cream parior; maKing Dig money goldmine; will consider some trade. AJ HOP, oregonian. FOR SALE Well-estabiisned general mer chandise Dullness n a-j. w niameue vai ley town : stock about $1S.OOO: annual profits 3-'ovo. t-au ji a i . j l n u S0x50 OR 33x70 feet floor space. 16th and Alder, for iinsnop, piumomg snop, pami shop, auto repair, etc Inquire 808, Ore gonian blag- Deiween zs, ana o cioca. HAVE fine proposition for young- man de sirlne to locate witn very nttie money investigate this before investing. R S91 Oregonian. READY MONEY That's California Oil. Write for our monthly paper: it gives full particulars; it's free. SAG AR-LOOM 13 CO.. 710-711 Phelan bldg.. San Francisco. (HARDWARE business for sale in prosper ous v aiiey Town; no opposition; stocK win Inventory about f4(H. Full particulars, F. A. Jackson. ai!T Failing bidgf PARTNER wanted to help in store, pay ac tive man $i;o montn: very itttie mone required as can arrange terms. Call 248 stark st. RESTAURANT doing business daily; good location; price ioou. owner. 4lHift Wash lngton st. COUNTRY store, well located on carline cash payment, balance on terms or trade for city reai esiaie. wu, oregonian. MANUFACTURING business wants rellabl partner he can depend on ; will pay good salary and profits. 417 Board of Trade. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Telephone and other bonds bought and sold Fletcher Inv. Co.. 225 Abington RESTAURANT On Wash. lease, good thing; 3."0. 321 Lumbermens bldg. st.. 5 years Hall & Powell, BAKERY clearing $200 per month ; good brick oven ; fine location; cheap rent. See Gray. McLean & Percy. 42 Front st. F you want to be located in business, call and let George show you his list of business chances. 221 Henry bl!g. GROCERY STORE West Side, corner, fine location, all CASH trade; $700. Hall & Powell. 321 Lumbermens bldg. LIST vour property and business chances for quick action with Geo. S. Allen Realtj Co.. Henry bldg. CASH grocery, clean stock and fine busi ness: $730 if taken at once. Call 24S 'a Stark st. FOR SALE Restaurant, doing $. business daily; good location; price 100. Call and see owner. 400 Washington st. CONFECTIONERY store. good corner, 4 living-rooms; $450. Hall & Powell, 321 Lumbermens bldg. WANT to sell -n interest in candy tand, cheap; making $-20 to ;'.0 week; must sell. 242 Alder. All Phop toolj? that needed. AT invoice, an old-established general store "up-to-date, good business. P. O. box 4tt7l Arleta. Or. FINE, established motion-picture theater in Portland ; near Kern Park. See New man. S20 Wash, st.' General store, good town close to Portland, net profit over S20o a month, at invoice. Hall A Powell. 321 Lumbermens bldg. A YOUNG, honest man. married. Gentian, wishes position as caretaker for residence! S Oregonian. WANTED Honest, bright young man with little money as partner, to show property Room 617, Swetland bidg. FURNITURE and hardware store, rent $25; good location; $700. Hall & Powell. 321 Lumbermens h!dg. SPACE for luneh counter in good saloon; rent right. 16Q Grand avenue. DRUG STORE for aaie. doing good cash business. R fl. Oregonian, GOOD business house. 267 Union i lj-ronm bearding ve. an 11 Bt SI? OPPORTUNITIES. YOUNG MAX! STRANGER! Make careful investigation at expense of seller before you invest money in any proposition. Advisory Department, Y. M. C. A. ROOMING -HO USES. FURNITURE of seven-room, house on lltn street one block off ot v asmngion ior sale for jr"0 ; rent $27; four rooms sub let as furnished rooms to permanent ten ants ; a steady Income for small invest ment. JENNINGS & HOWE. 122 West Park St.. near Wasnington. MUST SELL Furniture of 0-room. modern, clean, ele gantly furnished house on loth st-; 7 rooms rented; rent $30; easy terms. East - J- Owner. A GOOD BUY One of the best located and best paying rooming-houses in Foniana, landlady in poor health; 2 rooms, nicely furnished. ' If you want good proposition, add rers owner. O S.2. Oregonian. 10 ROOMS, housekeeping and transient, best location on ashington st. ; gooa iurni ture; rent $30. Particulars 428 & Wash ington st. X.) r SALE by owner. 50-room wotkingman's hotel : full; big money-maKer; mnetiy moa ern; T04X. very easy terms; am leaving city. Xj8,.-4. Oregonian. TWO rooming-houses, 8 and IOt-ooim; must be stld at once, owner going away, Dekum bldg. Phone Main S646. i -ROOM house. y the owner; all full: clears $75 per month; lease and terms. 3S7 Taylor St. ' 46 ROOMS, best location in the city; cheap rent; will take 2200; terms, 4oS vvasn- ingLon st. 10-ROOM house, best location, nice f urni- ture. Inquire 4'-'?s Washington st. LOST AND FOUND. THE following articles remain uncalled for in our lost ana rouna aepartmeni, navm been listed prior to April 1 : 2 Sunday school cash books. 36 pairs glov-es. 11 odd gloves. 22 ladies' umsrellas, 13 gents' um brellas, S books and magazines, 3 note books. 9 veils. 2 handkerchiefs. 8 packages, 3 cards tpost). 12 pins. 3 checks, 4 hats (.gents'), 1 purse, t belts, 1 collar, 1 pair glasses, 1 lunch box, 1 bracelet, 1 card case. 1 picture. The Civ; am Store, 38 S 390 Washington St. BOY MISSING Name Joe; age 12 years; rather small for his age ana very xnin; light complexion. Left home Monday, March 28; wore short, dark-blue pants, brown ptriped coat, ' blue shirt, white stripes, black shoes and stockings; Italian descent ; speaks good English. Reward will be paid for any Information regard ing his whereabouts. Call A 3675 or call at SS West Park st., Portland, Or. FOUND Where you can buy genuine hair mattresses retail at wnoiesaie prices; w renovate mattresses and return same day. Portland Curled Hair Factory, H- M etager, 228 Front. Phone Main 474. A 1374. LOST Either oa East Ankeny car or bet. 2oth and East Ankeny, or 21st and East Davis, a black leather handbag, contain- ins money and gold watch. Phone East 1 ion. Reward. FOUND Where watches, diamond and Jew elry are sold for amount loaned, ana one month's interest. Uncle Myers Collateral Bank. 71 6th st, near Oak st. LOST A charm, horseshoe shaped, good luck on front; Initials J. S. on back; lib eral reward. Call Oregonian business of fice. LOST Signet ring with blood stone, in Meier & Frank' store Monday aiternoon; reward. at3 1st. Marguiees urocery. LOST Thursday, a circular pearl brooch. 2S peans. j? muer please return to t zz n,iec- tric Ruilding; reward. LOSTT Purse containing $25 in gold. Finder will be rewarded at room d Board or Traae bldg. FOUND Gentleman's overcoat. The Cream Store. 3SS-S90 W ashington st. FOX terrier, white, head black, crippled. Call tor reward. 533 Washington su SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited . MULTNOMAH COUNTY COURTHOUSE. Electrical Work. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of Whidden & Lewis, architects. 701 Corbett Building, Portland, Oregon, until 12 o clock noon, on b rlaay, April lo, ltflu for the electric wiring and for such other work as called for in specifications, lor the east wing of a new Courthouse to be erected for tne county oi aiuitnoinan, State of Oregon. Plans and specifications may bo ob tained at the office of the Architects. No proposal or- bid will be considered unless accompanied by a check payable to the order of the County Court of Mult nomah County, certified by a responsible bank, for an amount equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate proposal, to be forgeited as fixed and liquidated damages in case the bidder neglects or .refuses to enter Into contract and provide a suitable bond for the faithful performance of said work. in the event the contract is awarded to bim. The right to reject any and all bids Is hereby reserved. F. S. FIELDS, County Clerk. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR North Yakima, Wash., April 1. 10HJ- Sealed pro posals will be received at the office of the Project Engineer, United totates Rec lamatiun Service, North Yakima, Wash, until 2 P. M. April 22. lJlO. for the ex cavation of about 40 miles of sub-laterals, Tieton unit of akima project. For par ticulars address the United States ltec lamation Service, Fourth ave. and B st.. North Yakima, wasn. J. fc. CONWAl Project Engineer. ; SEALED BIDS will be received at the office of School Clerk. City Hall, until 5 P. M. Thursday, April 14, for fuel to be fur ni&hed schools for the year 1910-1911. Specifications may be had at the office of the Clerk. - The Board of Directors re serves the right to reject any and all bids. R. H. 1 nomas. Clerk. Miscellaneous. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice is hereby given to the stockholders of the Bunker Hill and touiiivan Mining anc Concentrating Company tan Oregon cornora- tion having its principal office at the City of Portland, Oregon), that a special meeting of the stockholders of aid company W.1U bs held at its principal office. Rooms No. 501- 504 Chamber of Commerce Building, in the City of Portland, Oregon, on Thursday, the Fourteenth day of April, 1110, at the hour of eleven o'clock iu the forenoon, for the follow lug purposes : To consider and take action on Increasing the capital stock of ihi company and the disposal of such increase ana to transact such other business an may come before aid meeting. Said meeting is called and this notice li given as required by the Board of Director! of said company at a meeting thereof dulv called and held on the twenty-first day of March laiw, ana m aue accordance with Section 6. of Article IX, of the By-laws of said company. Dated at Portland, Oregon, this twenty GEKJRGB F HOLM AN Secretary of the Bunker Hill and Sullivan Mining ana uonceniratmg company. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON. IN AND FOR MULTNO MAH COL Nix is ma li. Pickett, plain tiff. vs. John "i. Pickett, defendant, sum mom: To John i . Pickett, defendan above named: in the name of the IS Lata of Oregon. You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in tne above entitled i -within ten weeks from the date of first publication of this notice on which first date of publication is March 1, 101 0, and if you fail to so appear and answe for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to said court for the relief demanded in her complaint- Tho relief demanded in said complaint is for a decree against you dis solving the marriage contract existing between piainim ana you ana sucn furthe relief as the couprt may deem nirht am the plaintiff may be entitled to in equity. this summons is puuiianea oy oraer o. the Honorable Robert G. Morrow, Judge of the above entitled court, dated -this llth day oi Marcn. juiu. The date of first publication of this surx muui is &iarcn i. miu. JAMES G. WILSON. Attorney for plaintiff. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Staled bids will be received by the Fur nish Ditch Co., at Stanfield, Oregon, up un til Tuesday noon, April 12. 1910. for the building of a storage reservoir on the Umatiiia River, including about 140. ouo cubic yards earth excavation. 3.oo0 cubic yards solid rock excavation and cubic yards concrete work. Mu-pa, plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the- Furnish Ditch Co.. at Pendieton, Oregon, or at the office of the Furnish Ditch Company, Beck bidg.. Fort land Oregon. The Furnish Ditch Co., by W . J. Furnish, president. bKALED BIDS wll be received at office of K- H. Thomas, School Clerk, City Hali, Portland, Or., until . 5 P. M.. April 14. 1S10, for .Jefferson High School labora tory equipment. Specifications and list of materials may'be seen at above men tioned office. Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. R. H. Thomas. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan Reai Estate. MONEY to l(.n on improved city and farm property. 4Q6 Henry bidg. LOANS ON INSIDE CITY PROPERTY. TO 7 PER CENT. 814 LEWIS BLDG. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOC1S SALOMON, 23 STARE. T. FINANCIAL. Money to Loa -Real Estate. MONEY to loan on improved property. It i fnr- KniMlnr nnmnat Interest dol DOt commence until actual disbursement ot , f-m1, i i K.r, Twnnvmfnt outions. Co lumbia Life A. Trust Co.. 14 Lumber x- .hange bldg. idOO-ooo imnrovml citv or farm property; iiuHdin or small loans at lowest rates: large loans a specialty. J. M MclLinxie ; Co.. 514-15-16 Gcrllncer bldg. FIRST ind aneond mortKSies and contracts purchased on Oregon and Washington lands, sw L. Devereaux. Fen ton bids, eth st. i ki:v rnr- fl,,h ifhr flrst or second mort gages or sellers equity in contracts- of sale on real estate in Oregon or Washing ton. H. E. Noble, Lumbermens ouig. PLENTY of money to loan at and J Pw cnt on real estate security. DW. P. MALL COM PANT, 300-316 Aolngton Bldg. MORTGAGE loans on Portland real estate and Oregon farms for Dorrower or wnu- er. Gibson c Holllday. au4 and & Ger- i linger bldg. V4 ov r v insnd bull din s: Durpoics, If con- suited before nuiiaing Begins, aw bldg. S'.(4 to siooo on srood real estate securi ties: no commission cnarKco. aa. gonian. . HAVE $2u.o0o to loan on city realty, im proved, in amounts iwv uj. t ?- gonian. lUMtUIATE loans from 5 to S500, oa aU securities. V . jl. uaiuawaj, twu Washington bldg. Phone Mam SQ2. WILL loan $0000 or less real estate secur ity, if arnngton, io wuiuw;ti bldg. MORTGAGH loans on city property; lowest rates, a. . oirrvu v-w-, s 3d and Stark. Xo LOAN, large loans a specialty i building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Lecii. 312 Failing Dldg. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mn- moNEY loaned on furniture, etc. Kooiu u waiim-uu uiuS. kUaS on wneat lanoa L. Moure, si 4 Board 01 xrauo, jt ui 1 ... nn rwii. ucrsunai, tnanei or coital- erai wcuruj. - - - - 1AOR.TGAGE LOANS AT REASON AB Liu uav p:v lasned. va ral uialo mortgage contracts VV . rtunn, cMmiwv;.. ux. WILL loan S30OO or less, real estate. Hltch- cock, am nomcmiu. omg- uoNKY to loan; mortgages bought. Wm. Holl, 9 vv asnington oiug., m aim glOUO, f500, FOR Central Eaat Side. lay. v ara, iv Aa ma. WE BUY bank accounts, securities, zoreiga mtnuy ; loans, a - ix. jwwm, o uiu(. 5c 1 1 a fund Loaned. 6 ner cent. W. E. Thom as state agent. Munnomna -j., iuw v MONEY to loan, any amount, to 8 ptr cent. Good nous h & tooitz. us uumu ot imue. $1000 TO $2000 to loan without commission, W. S. Moore, Corbett bld. Money to Loan L'huttels and Salaries. $$$ ARE YOU LOOKIA'U FOR MONEY? If you would know how easy our terms Don't be bothered with a lot of small uF ALL KINDS; out of town a specialty debts; let us furnish the money to settle Waiaou Merc berviceWMioa Lewis biUfe. WE LOAN ON Real Estate, Furniture and Pianos (with out removal) , t tor age iteceipts, ai -in surance Policies. Horses, jew eiry, iia monds, and all kinds of securities, on easy weekly or monthly payments. We Buy First ana second Mortgages, aii nininii Atritlv Confidential. U. S. REAL EST AT IS 4c BROKERAGE CO. 12 Hamilton Bldg., lit so. atain sss$c$$s$$$$ $$$$$$$$ MONEY FOR EVERYBODY. 6PECLAL RATES FOR SPRING. SEE US TODAY. CHATTELS OR SALARY. Lowest rates and quickest service in tho city. ABSOLUTELY NO PUBLICITY. HUTTON CREDIT CO., 5Li Dekum Bldg Main 2J0i. $$$$$$$$ $ $ $ STATE SECURITY CO. $ $ $ I ii-ti.-U-xi--rJ-ri.-a SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. SIO TO $100 UjAKST HaTPK IX PORTLAND. $lo, repaid' in installmenus of........$ 145 2U, repaid ic installnients of ....... .$ -W I 50, repaid in installments of.- $2.00 Larxer amounts in oro portion. We do not advertise nu leading terms or rates, but give you our cnarges in plain figures. Business strictly confidential. STA T h X RPI : KIT Y CO.. $ $ $ $ aoa Failing Bldg. $ $ $ $ WEI loan, money on watchesu diamonds, seal- jtrkins, mink, overcoats, trunas, dress suit cats and musical Instruments. UNCLE MERS, 71 Sixth at. Between Oak and Pine sta. Main U10. CHl TT W. I . LOAN'S. Installment loans on pianos, furniture warehouse receipts, norses, insursoice p cles and ail kinas of securities; REAL JiS- XATE LOANS from $3000 up. NEW ERA LOAN tic MTU. CO, 41d Abington Bldg. MONEY advanced salaried people, house keepers and others upon their own names , without security ; cheapest rates, easiest navments: ofhees In tiO principal cities; save yourself money by getting my terms nrst. i. uiijiArt, u iuu-yoi c.ii.uttiio. WE loan money on diamonds and Jewelry at reasonable Interest for long or short time. A. fc M. Deiovage, jeweiar, 2t W as h lngton st. LOANS negotiated on a good security, GRAY-CUNN1NGH AM-GRAY, 722-723 Electric Bldg. ALARY loans, confidential, easy to gee. easy to pay. F. A- Newton, oia mnry piag. LOW rates; and Jewelry. t loan monev on diamonds Marx Sc Bloch. 74 3d st. A LOAN for the asking, salary or whatteL The Loan CO.. i uenua mug. MONEY to loan on diamonds, watches) and lew eiry. utrniitu-ti. a uu s Wku. Loans Wanted. v iviPRnvRi) ciiv nropertv or for build- 'i nnninaeg: 3 to 5 years' time; liberal repayment privileges; money advanced as building progree. no iuuouio - ings & Loan Association. 240 fatark st. WANTED Loan of $12,000 to J15.0OO on Portland property; close in. Address eoO, Oregonian. ; vidst mnrtime'R. & years. 6 per cent. for sale. What am I offered? Address AM 804. Oregonian. FARM loans of $7M). $000 and 42OO0; ample security. bi-U nom;Him WANTED, to borrow one thousand dollars. on gooa security. y ouv. vi rSyuiu. PERSONAL. SWEDISH TRAINED WUttan. ueiiaingiors Sk isnrdAn. under nhysician's directions; hatha No. 7 East Eleventh street, second Srtor south from East Ankeny carline. phone East 260, B 1SQ3. LADIES Ask your arugglst for cnichesters Diamond Brand Pills. For 25 years known as the best, safest. Reliable. Take no other. Cnichesters Diamond Brand Pills ara sold by arugEJJLS qvcrywic " OR. D. L. LEWIS. Diseases of women and children ; electric n Afltment of nervous ailments; private hos pital Rooms 50&-5j6 Commonwealth bldg., Kth and Ankeny. Phones- Main 4Q47. A 2411. DRESS suits for rent, all sizes, 1.5U montn v, vour clothes cleaned, pressed, but tons sewwd on, rips sewed, prompt calls and dedveriea Unique Tailoring Co., so Stars: st. -t't ttm AN wishes acquaintance work- !ng girl or young widow lady; object mat rimony. . - b'-". uci., city. tv-A2$1,ED' The name -of the tailors who cave credit to BUI Georges, alias Peter oeonte. Address Louis Drakopulos, P. O. Box 21 Portland- tr WALKER, specialist, quickly cures v,innri and skin ailments, kidney and blad der ailments and pils. lai 1st st. Port- land: . FAMOUS Battle Creek Baths, better than medicine, day or night. B. L. Turney, Drexel, 2d and Yamhill. M. or A 1038. Mme. Courtwright, skin and scalp treat ments, facial deformities corrected, plas tic surgery. Sll Flledner bldg. M 5042. DR. LORE.N8' NERVE TONIC TABLETS. 25c box. restore ioi otipe, xay- lor Diuc Co.. 289 Morrison st. THERAPEUTIC treatments given by grad- uate nurw. xwm 1D e-hhu, iiu Washington st. Phone Main 4l.'i.". i -r 1 1-1 mined free of charge when mst-i3i. are purchased from The Bill Millinery Par lors, room - ' rru.rng-n ii-. n oig. FINNISH masseurs, Mr. and Mrs. Jurvt, IBS union - , v. uos. BALM OF FIGS Kemeaies for dlseaaea of women, o aviuawu, n.n asw PERSONAL DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. TtisH. n-Amn n children, ear tery; chronic and nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods, up-to- aate electrical appliances, private noi'" accommodations; confinement cared 'or consultation free. Room 10, Grand, The- ater bldg. Mam S02S. A 560t. . CLEARANCE SALE hair goods, barrettes ana combs; special prices oa an latest styles in bair dressing; school of liairdressing, manicuring and hospital la connection with parlors. Asa H. Ribbicke, v-nina Ltaaer, otn ma Aiaer. FEUVKT & HANEBLT Leading wig and toupee makers, finest stock of human hair goods, switches from $1. SO up. Up-to-date, parlors for hairdreaeicg, manicuring, tce and scalp treatment. 14? i Ut-iwt-en Morrison and Aiaer. I YOUNG mill, 24, wishes act? u'iiutauce of re spectable, neat-appearing, reimeo youus laoy: object matrimony. Jb, orego nian. DR. ISABELLA MACK.IE, Private hospital for women, 31K) East 3Uth st. Tabor aOtf. OCCULT, New Thought; liberal, scientific door. Jones' ijook a-ture, oaa st. MOLES, wrinkle, superfluous bair removsa sirs. XL. o. 1111. 49 i- ueaner oiag. sft- . BV SIN KSS D1RECTO K Y. Accountants. E. H. COLLI3 & CO., ACCOUNTANTS, Commercial. County ana Municipal. Auditing, Investigating and Systematizing. p-4 Worcester Jblock. Pnono Main 6C0 . SALL sets books kept, systems Installed; auuiting aoue evenings ; 1 cnauuuio by expert accountants. A,&o , urct;oimm. Assurer and Anali U PORTLAND ANALYTICAL LABORATOltY, t2 Worcester bldg., 3a and oaK, at. aaou. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testin g work. 1 ao Morrison si. Wills & Proebstel, mining engineers, chem- ists and assaj e rs. 2U4 -ra wasmngton su Architects. D. B. FLICKING ER, designer of ideal homes. azz Moiiawk. plug, puone . -. Main I002. Attorneys at Law. H. H. R I UDELL, attorney-at-law, 735. Cham ber or Commerce. Main io-. a , . Awnings and Tents. PACIFIC Tent & Awning Co., tents, awnings anq sails. 7 In 1st, aiam mm a aq-i.. ISicyclca and Mot or eye 1 cs WE buy, sell, exchange or repair. Hummer lirass and Machine Vorka HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass castings and machine work, pub N. am- jm.. v. Chiropody WM". KSTELLE and Flossie Deveney. mo only scientihc cniropouisi-s an Parlors 3ui Gerlinger bldg., S. W. cor. 2d and Aider, phone Main 1301- Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. p.-Hill, room 4u Jb ueaner plug, ruuiia i jm. CHIROPODY, manicuring and scalp. Mra ptnton. 040 Washington.Marshali 132U. Collections and NETH & CO.. COLLECTORS tUULtA t CH ARISE. 35 Worcester blug., Portland. PHYSICIANS and dentists collections omy. L. Pinckney wnite, m a iun. Commission aterchants TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO., ship brokers, com- mission merchants. anenoca um i, . Curios. SUN SOON HU1E, CHINESE .0,0IM'Tr' TING. S1L1 AiN Lf C L-iixo. v- - Dancing. FOUR DANCING LESSON'S $1. t,...- u.-ai vi.' i : ' nunc-inic school 25c per lesson, lncluulng teacners, music with each iesaon every morning, afternoon and eve.; guarantee to teach anyone to dance or reiund money. Selling-Hlrsch- Hall, 3K6i Washington, near loth sL Phones. WESTERN ACADEMY, dancing dept.. Prof. Rlngler, principal ; u u-uw. - sons daliy p.ranutmm OaiicinK teacher. Western Academy, 2U, Morrison. Dog and Horse Hpttai rhown. U. V. S-. D. C M. ontce fi. Flanaers st. Electric Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors fur rent or sale. 213 2a su Feed Store. Z1GLER & MISNifiH. nay. srrain. Ti.H.nt. Sltingiea. - - t Furs. - f.w. .nr tip SOn Furs ar- at reasonable rate, now N M Ungar 406 Merchants irmi oms- . janitor Supplies. Tin? WRUTERN Sales Co.. 44 2d st. Janitor ami nuiiaiuti ouyyi'"- Launches. lu-FT. 3-11. P.. iw; ip-r j... o-xx. aim. ii. Leather and Findings. CHVa 1. MASTICK & CO.. 74 Front, leather mvatv description, taps, mfra findlnga. J A STROWHRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tabllshed I Front it Machinery. R TRENKMAN Sc. CO. Hydraulic and spe cial niues. screens, logging, mining ma ,, rv All kinds of repairs. 104 N. 4th. Musical. 4 x-ti nnd orchestra instruments, musical .unririrf Victor talking machines, record! Seiberllng-Lucas Music Co.. 1 ZQ. st. MIL TRN, violin teacher pupU of Sevclk. tfOO-OOl Marquam bldg. A 4100. M. C. SMITH, teacner ot piaw, L Aiain v""'" J Osteopathic Physicians tvh R. B. NORTHRCP. 415-16-17 Dekum Bldg-, Third and Wash ri.nce. East or B 102t. LeKoy smith, gr aauuie . . oo, noSt EraU. UWI. OJ-a w. g. paints. Oils and Glass. RASMUSSEN & CO., Jobbers, paints, ous. g lags, aatu w J Patent Attorneys. "WEIGHT, domestic and foreign pat- R. C. enu Infringement caaca. ieituni. . lil Lab be b da- pensions . ilim Paving. twit Barber Asphalt Paving Company, 603 Xrtu virto- Oscar Huher. Portland a f.,eci.iH' ivr o w km construction onoei paving, WARREN o rosswalka 317 Rcw hlri a, n :iifcg - Pawnbrokers. UNCLE MYERa ,ou.t- v years an Fflrtianu. - Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and Th lr 24th K. and York sta. M. 3183. printers. I nDrnH( MMB CO.. Book. ratin commercial. 142 4th St. Main Sltt, A loa- wwtTR &. CO.. commercial printers; work ' iVranteed. 102 lt st. M. oOO, A 2315. Rug Weavers. voRTHWEST RUG WORKS Rugs from old carpet. o - -e- rfl, fr3 union ave., near E. Morrison. Rub ber Stamps. . , t;0 seals, stencns, oince stationery, etc. ,'nnn nsnai" . " " Safes. n- up MOSLER SAFE CO., 10S 2d st. Safes tihnwraHW. Bank and Store Fixture. v LUTKB MFG. CO., branch Grand VtanlOS duu". ' - -n . Kin ami T.r.tke. Mgr. tt AST PORTLAND STORE AND OFFICE P XTtna w- " . . "7 etc ,02 Grand ave. a. rnope East 5aa. vw ana secou . -"is. o., ca J V. . rt T 1 TIM -KM- 1 - a . . n n (1 k ouiii. - ..v nui. . s, v. Ma n 'itVA 'ahmut Storage and Transfer. PICK, rraiwiw oc oiurBj (o., oillce house, separate iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuablea N. W. cor. 2d and pine sta pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping. j-iain o-jp, a mot;. ni.rfKS.HOE TRANSFER CO.. n.nal transferring and storaee: safes. nianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. 2oy Oak st., bet Front and 1st. TClepoOPP jria-in ini ji a OREGON lKA.str,n c.iauiisiiea &, Office 3lO Hoyt st.. between 5th and tttn. Phones aiam q-j, a now. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfei I Co.. mui aa4 I wagons, all experlerrceq men. STOVES connected and repaired. 1 110 014 Front. Therapeutic Physicians. DR. FOSTER, master mechanic of the hums: mrhfn chiropractic, vibration. roiuAza. sic ctx leal and others combined. 418 FUcdnsr. BT SIN Fiet PI RECTORY. Wall Paper. ERNEST MILLER CO., 172. 1st St., w hols sal and retail. Santples mailed free. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS, ail makes. $JO to S60. fully guaranteed; easy payments; rentals. Si per month, pacific Stationery At printing Co.. 2d St. WE ARE the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex change. 2S7 -1 Washington st. NEW. rebuilts, second-hand, rentals at cut rates, p. D. C- Co.. 2il Stark. M 1407. CKAXQ CENTRAL STATION. Southern, l'swlflc. Leaving Portland Ashlaa Passenger , Robeburg Passenger S ha ml a Limited allverton passenger California Express Sa n Francisco Express. ...... . S:S0 a. nu 4:13 p. nu o:0O p. m. 0 :20 p. m. 7 :45 p. m. 1:3U a. iu. 7 :20 s. m. 4 :00 p. nu 8:o0 a. m. 1 :U0 p. m. 5:10 p. nu 7:S0 a. m. 10:O0 p. m. 5:30 p. m. 1 1 : 0O a. nu 2:30 p. m, U;30 a. in. 6:20 p. m. 10 :oO a. nu 8:00 a. m. 11 :C0 a. nu 4 :40 p. nu orvailis Passenirr heridan Pa.ispti,r Forest Grove passenger orest Grove Passenger....... orest Grove passenger.. mvjng portlana regon Express shland Passenger .......... osebure Passenger or t land Kxureu basta Limited il erion Limited ....... M. . . orvallls Passcnicr Sheridan Passenger torest Grove Passenger Forest Grove Passenger urrst urove 1'assencer Northern Pacific. Leaving Portland I orth Coast Limited via Pugetl Sound no on a. North Coast Limited via North! j'ik. 7:00 p.m. Atlantic Express via Puget Sound ,12:15 a, m. Atlantic Express via North Bank. I 0:00 a, m. ny express via Pugetl Sound . . 1 n -art r m. Twin City Express via Northf Bank i Eastern Express via Puget Sound,12:13 a. m. Eastern Express via North Bank. 0 :0O a. m, Missouri River Express via Pugetf Sound ;10:00 a. m, Missouri River Express via North! Bank J 7;00 p. m. Portland, Tacoma and Seattle! express. Grays Harbor. Olymplal and South R'nrf hranchps . 1 T-OO s m. Portland-Vancouver Special J 10:00 a, xn. i-usci oounu Limnea, Grays Har bor and South Bend branches.. 3:30p.m. Tacolt Passenger 4 :00 p. m. Arriving Portland North Coast Limited via North Bank 8:15 p. nu North Coast Limited via Pugetf o una i 7:30 a.m. Northern Pacific Express viai North Bank 1 S:OOam. Northern Pacific Express viaf Pucet Cnund 1 R SS n m. Pacific Coast Express via North Bank 8:15 p. nu Pacific coast Express via Puget Sound 7:30 a. m. Western Express via North Bank 8:13 1). in. Western Express via puget Sound, 10:30 p. m, Missouri River Express via North Bank 1 6:00 a. m Missouri River Express via Pugetf Sound I 4:00d.hl Fortland-Tacoma-Seattle Express) unu irom oiympia, feouth ienai and Grays Harbor 1 4 :00 o. m. Puget Sound Limited .....I 8:35 p.m. Vancouver-Portland Special 10:30 p. nu Yatolt Passenger ..." j 0:00 a. m. Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. Leaving Portland Pendleton Passenger 7 :40 a. in. Oregon- w asnington Limited .. The Dalles Local Soo-Spokane-Fortland -. 10.-OO a. nv 4 :00 p. nu 7 :H) p- nu 7 :00 p. m. 6:00 p. xn. 7 :50 a m. 10:13 a. nu 10:80 a. m, 9:00 a. nu tt:30 p. nu 8:0Q p. nu ap.t Man ( coach portiana The Dalles) Oregon Express Arriving r ortiana Fast Mall (no nassensrersi . . The Dalles Local Oregon Express Soo-Spokane-Portland .Pendleton Local Passengor. ... . Oregon-Washington Limited .. Astoria A Columbia River. Leaving Portland 1 Seaside Express 1 8:00 a.m. Astoria express ................ i OMup.m. Rainier I'assenger ............. .4 1:13 p. uu Rainier passenger ............. 6;K p. rru Arriving portiana i Portland Express ..112:15 p. m Portland Express 10:00 p. m. Rainier and Portland Passenger . 10:23 a. m. Rainier ana portiana passenger..; &:UP- m, Canadian Pacific Railway Co. Leaving Portland C. P. R. Short Line via Spokane 7:00 p. nu 12:15 a. xn. Via Seattle Arriving Portland C. P. R. Short Line via Spokane 9:00 a, m. 7 :00 a. rru Via Seattle Orexon & W ashington Railroad Company. Leaving Portland Seattle Passenger I 9:00 a.m. Shasta Limited a:oop. nu Owl Ill:4op. m Arriving portiana i Owl 7:13 a m. Shasta Limited i o:o p. m, oitland Passenger I oop.m. JKFFERSON STltKET STATION. Southern Pacific Leaving Portland Dallas Passenger Dallas Passenger ..... . 7:40a. m, I 4:30 p. nu Arriving portiana Dallas Passenger ..... ..10:13 a. m. . . I 5:53 p. nu Dallas Passenger . ELEVENTH AND, HOYT STREETS PA- Spokane. Portland & Seattle Railway Co, T.avinfir Portland- Inland Empire Express 9:00 a.m. For Chicago. l. raui, uirmun, ftiistw City St. Louis. Billings, Spokane. Cheney, Lamont. Washtucna. Kahlotus, Pasco, Roosevelt, Granddalles, Goldendale, Lyle. White Salmon, Stevenson, Vancouver and tntarmocllata stations. Columbia River Local 4:30 p.m. North iiana iiim ucu .w v. xn. For Chicago. St. Paul. Omaha, Kansas City St. Louis. Billings. Spokane. Cheney, Lamont, Washtucna. Kahlotus. Pasco, Roosevelt, Granddalles, Lyle. White Sal mon, Stevenson, Vancouver and intermedi ate stations. Arriving Portland No-th Bank Limited 8:00 a.m. From Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha. Kansas City St. Louis, Billings. Spokane, Cheney, Lamont. Washtucna, Kahlotus. Pasco, Roosevelt, Granddalles, Lyle, White Sal mon. Stevenson, Vancouver and intermedi ate stations. Columbia River Local 12:23 p. m. Inland Empire Express 8:13 p. m. From Chicago, St. Paul. Omaha, Kansas ' City St. Louis, Billings. Spokane, Cheney, I am'ont, Washtucna, Kahlotus. Pasco, Roosevelt, Granddalles, Lyle. White Sal mon Stevenson, Vancouver and interniedi- ate stations. TUne Card Oregon Electrlo Railway Co. Leaving Portland for Salem and Int. stations 6:30. 7:50, 11:00 A. M-: 2:00. 3:&0. 6 30 8:40 P. M. Limited for Tualatin and Salem W:15 A. M- Local for Wllsonviiie and Int. stations 5:10 P. M. Daily except Kundav for points on the Salem. Falls City & Western Ry- via SSlem. 6:30 A M-, 2:Od P M. Sunday only, 11:00 A. M. 'Leaving Portland for Forest Grove and. Int stations 7:05. 8:30. IO:ao A. M.; 12:10. 2 10. 3:30. 6:30. 8:26 P. M. Saturday only. li-30 P. M. Arriving at Portland from Salem and Int. stations 8:40. 11:00 A. M.-. 1:15, 4:00, 6:00. 8 0 10 :50 P. M. Local from Wilsonvill and "int. stations. 6:40 A. M. Dally except Sunday. 7:33 A. M. Arriving Portland from Forest Grove and Tnt stations 8:00, 9:50. 11:40 A. M.; 1:30. 2-50 5:20. 8:10 P. M. Saturday only, lliOH P M. Sunday only. 4:40 P. M. Portland Railway, Light A Power Company Cars Leave. Ticket Office and Wal ting-room. First and Alder and East Water and East Morrison Streets. CARS LEAVE EAST WATER AND MORRISON STREETS. Oregon City 4 :0o, 0:30 A. M. and every SO minutes to and including 9 P. M.. then 1000 11 :00 P. M. : last car midnight. Gresham and intermediate points 6:33, 7 45 8:45. 9:40. 10:45 A. M.. 12:46, 2:45. 345 '4:45. 5:45. 6:45. 11:33 P. M. Fairview and Troutdale 6:55, 7:45, 8:45, 9-45 10:45 A. M-. 12:45. 2:45, 3:45, 4:45. 545. 6:45. P. M. Caxadero and intermediate points 6:55, 8-45 10:45 A. M.. 12:45. 2:45. 4:45, 0:43 P. M. For Vancouver Ticket office and waiting-room. Second and Washington sireeis. a M. 6:15. 6:50. 7 :25, 8:00, o..r.n 10-30. 11:10. 11:50. 8:35. 9:10. "t -m 1-:.10. 1:10. 1:50. 2:30. 3:10. 3:50. 4:30. 5:10. 5:50. 6:30. 7:05. 7 40, in-as 11:45. 9 On thlrcr Monday in every month the lasfi car leaves at 7:05 P. M. Daily except Sunday. Daily except Monday- BANKS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Portland, Oregon. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $1,500,000, GERMAN AMERICAN BANK COR. SIXTH AND WASHINGTON ST 3.. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. ISSUES DRAFTS AVAIL ABLE IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE; 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON SAV INGS ACCOUNTS. SAFETY .DEPOSIX .VAULTS-