. 16 THE MORNING OREGOMAX, SATURDAY APRIL 9, 1910. REAL ESTATE. For ISaJe Farms. $5 PER ACRE. $5 PER ACRE. 100-ACRE FARMS IN MEXICO. Great wheat country in the rich delta of the Sonora River, near American line, be tween Southern Pacific and sea; most ex cellent climate; deep garden soil, corn, wheat, cotton, beans, alfalfa. dates, lemons, oranges, ail vegetable products; good market: 1 frO.OuO acres now opened to American farmers; first 10.OO0 acres at per acre; half cash; this Is really $100 land.. See or write us immediately. C. M. WOOSTER COMPANY, 702 Market St.. San Francisco. CaL Z HAVE for sale very cheap one of the best combined stock and grain ranches in Eastern Oregon : also other stock and (Train farms, and timber lands. M. 5. Maxwell Hard man. Or. M Isce I lanevm. ALBERTA WHEAT LANDS. 12 TO $13 AX ACRE; lO YEARS' TIME. Your opportunity to purchase these low priced wheat lands of the Canadian Pa cific Railway is fast slipping away. Thou sands of acres are being disposed of dally. Our excursions are going every ten days. Investigate now. Write or call for liter ature. IDE-M'CARTHT LAND COMPANY. Colonization Agents Canadian Pacific Railway. 42.lt.-2'.-27-2S Lumbermen bldg. IP you have FARM LANDS, CITY PROP ERTY or BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES for ale. trade or rent, list It with us for quick returns. THE CARD REALTY & INVESTMENT OO. 110 2d st. Phone Marshall 1567. A 1567. IF- YOU ARE LOOKING FOR Close-in acreage, a wheat ranch or small, well-improved farm, at low price and on most liberal terms, see roe. I handle my own properties. J. O. ELKOD. 520 Corbett Bldg. TO EXCHANGE- EXCHANGE PROPOSITION. A valuable piece of city property to exchange for land. Can use wheat land, fruit land or an irrigation proposition. The city property consists of 9x40 feet. 2 brick buildings, 90x1 20. one story, that rent for $050 per month; balance of ground can be rented f'r $2100 per year net. Parties leasing will pay ail taxes and insurance. Price $ 1 40,000. MOORE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Henry Bldg., or L. K. Moore, Board of Trade Bldg. GENERAL merchandise store right In the heart of Portland. West Side, on main thoroughfare, down town; cash business of last year. J4O.O00; thLs Is a fortune maker ; we value stock and fixtures from $l.0i0 to $12,000. Will exchange for cash or livestock or acreage, farm land or some good real estate in Portland. De scribe your property in full. AB S55. Ore gonian. TO EXCHANGE Rogue River Valley un improved fruit lands, either or all three tracts. 20, 80 and 100 acres, value $600 0, for modern house In Portland or a small tract of improved land near city, well located. H. H. Basler, owner. Grants Pap. Or. EXCHANGE A general merchandise busi ness in a live town, close to Portland; about $20,0(10 stock ; an old established business; will exchange for Portland prop erty. Call or writ 510-511 Fenton bldg.. Portland. FOR EXCHANGE Lot and fraction in Seat tle. 7o aere Polk Co. timber land, oOOO shares high-grade mining slock. What have you to offer? C. M. Crittenden, Hubbard, Or. EXCHANGE Hood River fruit ranch, one mils from town, 8 acres in trees, some bearing; 3 acres pasture; want Portland property ; will assume ; owner Box 175 jood River. Or. CLOSE-IN acreage to trade for city prop erty to amount of $1 2.500; suitable for subdividing; fine soil and location; on pro posed electric, line. What have you? R M4. Oregonian. )."0 Sea view. North Beach ; good 5-room house, furnished; corner lot; will take acreage or city property. Apply W 855. Orogonlan. CORNER lot. with it-room house, warehouse district, on trackage. 8 per cent income; trade for acreage or residence site, value S5UQQ. Phone Sellwnod 1 515. FO R SA LE OR K XC HAXGE $100 certifi cate on piano or player piano at Graves Co. and one business lot in Opal City. Address Fred G. Omlry, Co t ta g e Grove, O r. So ACRES. Idaho, good 4-room ho us, barn, fine well 3 miles Cambridge, Idaho; for home or lots in city. Chism, 6L5 Couch bldg. MT. TABOR home, six lots, $13,000. third cash, balance real estate and mortgage. Holmes. 4Q1 Oregonian Bldg. Main 5742. NEW 15-.1eweled. filled Waltham watch for oi-i0 Winchester; must be in good con dltlon. AJ S51. Oregonian. . TO exchange, first-class Chicago residence property for improved city or suburban property la Portland. V 885. Oregonian. 40 ACRES good fruit land to exchange for good auto; must be in good condition. Address Comb, box .'12. Dallas, Or. EQUITY of $16.1 in good lot in Portland. t trade for anything of value. AG 49 Ore gonian. YOU can trade any kind of property at room 1019 Hoard of Trado. 5 Ai'RES. 3 in past ure, near Jennings Lodge: $2Mt. Or.S East Taylor. PROPERTY In Med ford. Or., to trade for residence in Portland. 88 North th st. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED A good tract of fruit land, in Willamette or Umpqua valley, from 3000 to MO0 acres In a body, suitable for colonization, at a price averaging between $10 and $40 per acre. Send full descrip tion ttrst time. Ba.sler Realty Company, Grants Pass, Or. VANTF3U We have a ciitomr for a piece of close-In proHrty, either improved or un improved, price from $ 10,00 to $20,000; we alo have a party for a piece who will pay as much as $30.LiH. No agents. HHOXO-STEKhH CO, Lew is Prtg. . iroun J FI oor. WANTED Information regarding large tracts of agricultural and timber land in Southern. Central or Sou t hea.stern Oregon; will buy if suited. Address, giving full information and price. il S'4. Oregon i a n. REAL, ESTATE or equities In same bought and sold. List with us. GRAY-CUNNING HAM-GRAY, m 722-72-3 Electric Bldg. WANTED Farm relinquishment or acreage; state lowest price and location. Newman. 5219 Washington st. 1 WANT a genuine snap In a house and lot; fine vaoam lot ami some cash as first payment. V S95. Oregonian. ftoxHro Corner preferred. southwest portion or cil- V P-egL-r.tan. "YA ISH to purchase fin; on e.t Side; pre fer tjouth of Sal iron it. W SS5. Oregonian. V'AN'TF.D Teams for grading work. Call Tabor 1011. evenings. I KKMi ATKO LAXD. DESCHUTES VALLEY LAND. We sell Improved irrigated farms in the famous OtJH-hute Valley of Central Oregon at prices lower than the Carey Act companies sell raw land. Prices are $30 to $100 per acre. P'M cied w ht at lands in the Madras country nt $17.50 to $23 per acre. 320-acre homesteads. loo-acre home steads that em be irrigated and 320-acre desert claims. DESCHUTES VALLEY LAND & IN VESTMENT CO.. S01-3O2 Buchanan Bids., on Wash ington, near Kifth. FOR SALE TIMBER LAXDS. 320 AC K ES timber land. 14.00o,0o0 feet, Washington County. good location for small sawmill. For terras and full par t'culara appiy A H. PIRREt.L CO.. 2n2-204 McKay Mdg.. 3d and Stark sts. TIMBER LANDS. BO U G H T AN D S O LD. C- J. M CRACKEN, 304 McKav Bldg. FOR RENT FARMS. BIX acres fruit, full bearing; good house, barn and other buildings, just outside city limits. Jf:i5 ;t month in advance. Room 3 Hotel W infield. TOt -it h st. FO R fourth of crop, 11 0O-acre wh eat farm near Olex. Gilliam County, Oregon; abun dant water. R. T. Cox. 250 V 3d st-. Port land, or. FARMS WANTED. WE -p-ant 5! lo , 40. So and 100 -Sure farms. We have the parties that have the money If your price is riKht; we will sell them at once. Full particulars in first letter or call. Owner, only. Nimmo & Itunay. 13- .Hamilton bide. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER lands wanted. 304 McKay bldg. - C J. Mccracken, FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. PORTLAND STABLES. 2 NO. 15TH ST. All horses listed below guaranteed as represented or your money promptly re funded. Call up my bank, the Portland Trust Co.. and see if my guarantee is good. Then look at these bargains from Umatilla County; One team bay mare, sorrel horse, 2300 lbs.. 122 Z : one team bay horse, sorrel mare 2700 lbs.. 1375; one team, bay horse, sorrel mare, 2200 lbs., $225; one team. bay horse, bay mare. 2100 lbs.. $300:. one team, black horse, sorrel horse. 2500 lbs.. $275; one team, bay horse, brown horse, 270O lbs., $375; one team, sorrel horses, 20OO lbs., $40O; one team, sorrel horse, bay horse. 24O0 lbs., $375; one team, brown horse and bay horse 2700 lbs., $285; one team, bay horses. 2HK lbs., f 275. WHY buy a second-hand vehicle when you can get a new one from an old-established wholesale house, 44 years in Oregon, at almost the same cost ? We are located outside the high -rent district, own our building, and can make the price. Ex clusive agents for the old reliable line of Michigan Buggy Co. fine vehicles, deliv ery wagons, top buggies, runabouts and farm wagons. Be sure and see us before you buy. It may save you money. R, M. WADE & CO.. 322 Hawthorne Ave., bet. East 1st and 2d. PAIR of matched brown mares. 7 and 8, sound and true, will be guaranteed every way; chesnut horse, weighs 1350, S years old. chunky built, heavy bone, mare, sound and true; 12Hj-lb. bay horse, 7 years, broke single and double, for city or country ; 1 100-lb. black horse, city broke, works any piare. Call and see this l'unc h in harness. 334 Front st. FOR SALE Horses, harness and wagons. Remember, we sell guaranteed horses and mares. If not as represented they can be ro turned. We also have on hand several delivery, farm, vegetable and milk wagons for sale. Kawthorne-Ave. Stables, 430 Hawthorne ave. TEAM of stylish driving horses, one brough ham, one park phaeton, double harness. Will sell all at a bargain. Ask for Mr. Morris team. Fashion Stables, Washing ton st.. bet. 19th and 20th. MATCH team bay mares, weight 2400 lbs.; guaranteed sound and true workers; 3 and 9 years old; $225. East 12th su and Madlfion, Hawthorne Park Cottage. $325 buys pair of gray mares, weight 2050, with good farm harness complete. Owner unst sell at once; can be seen at 334 Front, st. Mr. Hawk. -FOR SALE. A good light business wagon with long bed. suitable for contractor or delivery; a bargain for cash. Call at 426 E. Alder. DRAFT and all-purpose horses for sale at our barn at Gresham, Or.; take car at East Morrison and Water streets. THOMPSON & FLEMING. GOOD 28.0-lb team of mares, 7 years old; I mare for farm work. 1028 East Alder st. Tabor 74-'i. ONE CARLOAD fine Eastern Oregon horses for sale from $25 up, at Union Stock Yards. FOR SALE One 3-year-old registered Alt amont stallion; one 5-year-old Altamont gelding. Tabor 830. U. S. FEED AND TRANSIENT STABLES. Best accommodations for travelers; ladies' waiting-room; prioes moderate. 248 Front. FIRST-CLASS heavy draft and driving horses always on hand; sold with guarantee as represented. LT. S. Stables. 248 Front. WILL sell my fine driving team of matched bays- or will trade for real estate. Call 324 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ONE CARLOAD fine Eastern Oregon horsea for sale from $25 up, at Union Stock Yards. AN S5 Edison phonograph, with 18 rec orrte; bargain. Apply 504 Flanders ;t. DR. L. G. STICKNEY. V. S. Office 409 E. Burnslde. E. 555; residence, E. 171. HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all kinds for sale. 334 Front st. ONE team of mares, 6-7 years old. with rrar- nvwa, for sale chrap. 351 Burnslde st. HORSE for farm or scraper. 1100 pounds, $rQ. End Montavilla car. Villa Market. Automobiles. 1 7-8-PASSTNOEit auto, the very bet stago line; new top. magneto, in fact in perfect condition; will demonstrate; guaranteed as represented: price $2500; will take some trade. M7 Chamber of-Commerce. TOURING car. '0. balance cash, on $0000 ranch. 00 acres, 18 miles from Portland. X N5. Oregonian. FIVE-PASSENGER touring car, nearly new, fully equipped; leaving city; $750. C 851. Oregonian. WANTED Seven-passenger car in good con dition. In exchange for realty. C. P. Wells, 414-415 Lewis bldg. ALMOST new 3h. p. 4-eeated auto; $1150. Geo. R. Flora. 470 E. Burnside at. Planoe, Organs and Musical Instruments. PIANO in mahogany case will be sold at a bargain if taken at once. Room 10 Washington Bldg. A 45 COLUMBIA Graphophone -with 60 rec orris, for $:'.5. Phone East 5-300. FO R SA LE Baby grand piano, reasonable. No dealers Phone B 1161. Birds. Dogs, Pet Stock. FOR SALE 1 pure white female bull ter rier is months old, royally bred; 14-month Scotch skyeterrier, female; 1 coach, 8 mos. old; 1 chesepeake setter, 20 months old; can be seen 131 Lownedale st., near Alder. Main 3841; A 42S7. ENGLISH bull terrier puppies. Call 244 East 24th, bet. Main and Madison. MlsceUaneo. BUILDERS. CONTRACTORS, PLUMBERS. We have purchased all the steam and hot water radiators from the WUliams ave. school; all of these radiators are In first-class condition and we will sell them at ridiculously low prices. J. SIMON & BRO., 244 Front st. SEWING machines Do not fall to visit the White sewing machine store THIS WEEK. SPECIAL SALES 120 drop-head machines, slightly marred : all standard makes ma chines for rent and repairing. H. D. Jones, Prop., 420 Washington St., corner 11th. FOR SALE. 125-volt. 150-K. W. General Electric generator; belt type, complete with panel and rail base. Address Room 201, Ore- gonlan bldg. SPECIaL prices on factory rebuilt machines; very liberal terms: $10 to $00. Northwest Typewriter Co., M. SS70. 222 Abington bldg. BOX BALL alleys; three 30-foot alleys at $50 each, or $130 for the lot,- crated ready for shipment. Address D. T. Gerdes, Houlton. Or. 4 BEST dry fir and oak wood, either sawed or 4-ft., at lowest possible prices. .Kirk Hoover, 3lS Water st. Phone Main 7451, A 5445. FOR SALE Hart-Parr traction gasoline en gine, good as new. R. T. Cox. 2304 3d st.. Portland. Or. NEW tuxedo suit, tailor made,, size about 3S: too small for owner; for sale cheap. AK N."2. Oregonian. - FOR SALE One five-ton icemaking plant, complete. City Market Ice Co., Hazel wood bide- 3d and HoyC . DIAMOND clustor ring, 16 diamonds set in platinum ; worth $IT5 ; will sell for $30. .s mi'. Oregonian. FIRST mortgage. 5 per cent discount if sold by April 9. Property is Insured In favor of mortgagee. Home phone B 117S. SAFES 11 2d-hand safes very cheap; large stock new safes sold on easy terms; call or write today. Portland Safe Co.. 87 5th. SECOND-HAND drop-head White sewing machine for sale cheap. Room 25 The Nordica Apartments, cor. Grand ave. and Belmont st. W ANTED -z or karat steel blue or blue v hite diamond ; must be perfect and cheap. AC S30. Oregonian. FOR SALE Two houseboats. complete, cheap. Phone Exchange 19. VIOLINS, banjos, mandolins, guitars at half rotular prices. Vncle Myers, 71 Sixth st. 5o-POUND ice chest and mahogany dresser cheap. 326 First st. TYPEWRITER BARGAINS. 231 Stark St. Main 1407. 00 2-3 YARDS Axminater carpet, neariy new. 74i Raleigh st. Phone Main SHS2. FOR SALE Good Smith-Premier typewrit er, only &10. 211b Oak st. SH OW CASES new and second-hand. 312 Everett cor. fith. Also fixtures. SIX tables for restaurant; 42x42 inches. In qutre 427 Washington. 5J SHARES of Portland Concrete Pile stock; answer Immediately. T 31, Oregonian. FINE iatulated cocler for sale- cheap. Alex Urie liran. 215 ljst. BOO BUSINESS cards $1 if you bring this ad. Rose City Printery. 152 H 3d. near Taylor. W A N T ED M ISC HL1 , A NHXHT S. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East 1067. WANT about fix units weatherd oak sec tional bookcase. S Oregonian. WANTED A second-hand safe. X 66 Ose-gunian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED MetTs cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings; highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 47 3d St.. North. Phone Main 9272. WANTED Contractor to do small Job of grading and take his pay in lots. V. VINCENT JONES. 302-303 Lewis Bldg. WANTED Clothing, beet price paid for ladies' and gents" second-hand clothing and shoes and bicycles. Main 2080. 250 1st. HIGHEST price paid for men's cast-off clothing, shoes, bicycles and all second hand goods. 71 North 3d. Marshall 65 &. WANTED An 8 or 10-inch Byron Jackson centrifugal pump In good condition; pay cash. J 868. Oregonian. SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co. or you'll get less. Phones: A 2445. Main 895L WANTED Piano; electric Peerless, good as new, cheap. R &03. Oregonian. HELP W.ANTEI -MA1B. WANTED Five yard tallymen. city and country. $2.75; mill tallyman. T-t: ten rough carpenters. $3.50: gang edgerman, $3.50 to $4.oO; planerman, $3.30. HUNDREDS OF OTHER JOBS. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, Main office. 12 X. 2d St. 500 MEN to know of the consignments of high grade suits (sample and cancella tion') arriving daily from the East; men's Spring suits, $35 to $40 values, $18.75; $25 to $;-iO values, $14.75. Knew Sample Suit Shop, 315 Oregonian bldg., Jimmie Dunne, manager. SALESMAN Must be a goxl, live man ; experience not necessary; to pell attractive lots on small monthly payments; better than salary to a man willing to hustle Room 315 Couch bldg.. Fourth St., near Washington. WANTED Salesmen who are hustlers and can sell; no dead ones need apply. We have rood territory end proposition for the right parties. We furnish outfit free and pay cash weekly. Write us. ALBANY NUR SERIES, INC., Albany. Oregon. SALESMEN who are covering the following territories can secure good packing-house account as side line: Southern Pacific, Northern Pacific. O. R. & N..' S. P. & S., Coo Bay territory and Eastern Oregon. Address AE 84. Oregonian. WANTED -A first-ci ass machinist who Is competent to erect engines1, boilers, etc. ; must understand pipe work and be able to install power plant. ; want a hustler and worker: good position for the right man. X fe. Orfgonian. BARBERS' State Board of Examiners of Oregon will be In session April 11. 12, 13, at 167 h 1st st.. this city, to examine all applicants holding permits. T. M. Leabo. secretary. GENERAL MERCHANDISE SALESMAN, CLOTHING SALESMAN. DRY GOODS SALESMAN. COMMERCIAL. ABSTRACT CO.. 407-S-9 COMMERCIAL CLUB BLPO. WANTED One Industrious man to eell and collect; must furnish security bond and ref erences; man who can furnish horse pre ferred. 402 Washington st. Call between 8 and 10 A. M. FAST CARD-WRITER, for Seattle; give ex perience and salary expected ; only good workman rwed write;" steady position. Ad dress J. C. Corey, SO Columbia St.. Se attle. WANTED A flnst-class planing mill man who understands wood turning; steady job for. first-class man; no other need apply. C. W. Sears & Son, Albany, Or YOUNG man, hustler, for store work, col lecting and soliciting; good salary; mut have some security. Owner R 805, Ore gonian. WE aid our members to secure employment. Constant demand for young men of ability and integrity. Special employment xnem bership. Y. M. C. A. TH REE- ROOM furnished apartment in ex change for light janitor service night and morning. 37 1 Vancouver ave. Phone East 2-5S5. - SALESMEN wanted to sell new 1910 cen sus map of Washington and Oregon; good men are making from 30 to $50 per week clear. 322 - Stark st. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper for machinery house : must be competent and worker for advance; good salary; bond required. Y 894, Oregonian. WANTED Man to decorate department store windows and. write cards. Sell in lothing department when needed. Swank Co.. Vancouver. Wash. WANTED Steady, sober man acquainted with farm produce; pay $25 per week; small investment required. Call 24b Stark St. "CARPET MAN," good, all-round workman; steady work, wages $21 per week. Send references. Queen City Furniture Com pany. Baker City. Or. WANTED Linotype operator; married man preferred ; steady position ; state expe rience end wages wanted. Address Coun try. B 850. Oregonian. MOTION-PICTUTiE operators earn $25 weekly; easy work, short hours; learn business in short time. Motion Picture . Operating School. 526 1 Wash. St. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYES WANTED Write for Portland examination schedule; preparation free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 41Q N., Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Reliable men who can sell trees for largest nursery in the West. For further particulars address Oregon Nur sery Co., Qrenco. Or. YOUNG MEN wanted to prepare for railway mail clerks, post of flee clerks, carriers, etc Write or call for Book 30, it's free. Paclfio States School. McKay Bldg., Portland. Or. WANTED Good strong boy, -neat and cleani to run errands. Apply Mr. Thayer. Clark Woodard Drug Co., if Lh and H ovt sts. FINE business opportunity for young man with few hundred dollars; salary and pro fits ; state experience. X 8S7, Oregonian. TWO bright, energetic boys, about 18 years old. Clarke. Woodward Lrug Co., 9th and Hovt sts.. 3d floor. WANTED First-class bushelman; none oth er need apply ; permanent position ; give references. M S52, Oregonian. BOY wanted to sponge clothes and learn trade. Broadway Dye Works, 353 Union avenue N. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper who can give bond and city references. Address Tariff AF 852. Oregonian. WANTED First-class, all-around awning man; state experience. C. H. Jones & Son, Vancouver, B. C. BOOKKEEPING Private tuition In book keeping by an accountant. 301 Mer chants Trust bldg.. 6th and Washington. WANTED Position of trust; energetic and tactful; reliable firm only; personal unless requested. A H 854. Oregonian. WANTED Japanese for cooking and gen eral housework. Call 515 Tillamook St. East 4 SOL WANTED Experienced machine searcher. Ap ply .Star Laundry Co., Union ave. and E. Ankeny. $18 TO $35 week, few months only learning; situations guaranteed. Watch making-lin-gravlng School, box 1S2. Ashland, Or. WANTED Boy. well recommended; good steady position: good wages. Apply 131 loth st.. between Wash, ar.d Aid e r. WANTED First-class salesman ; need have no ppecial knowledge of our line. Apply manager's office. 4M Gllsan st. IF you have $;yjO to invest you can make from $5 to $50 da:ly in the motion picture busine-ga. Particulars 526U Washington st. GOOD delivery boy, who understands gro cery business, with good reference. Call at New York Grocery, 420 Morrison st. COOK wants partner; good proposition ; must have $2w. Apply York, room 322 Franklin Hotel, from lo to 12 A. M. or 5 to 7 P l. YOUNG man wanted for office work; must understand German ; man with shipping experience preferred. V 851. Oregonian. WANTED 2 boys, steady work. Carman Manufacturing Co., ISth and Upshur sts. FIVE good solicitors at once ; good propo sition: no real estate. 610 Swetlanc bid g. WANTED Machine man and bovs for wire mattresses. 15th and Thurman' sts. WANTED Barber at once. 12to Macadam street. FOUR good carpenters wanted. Apply Gor don & Pearson. E. 2Qth and Brooklyn. WANTED 2 bus boys. See head waiter. between S and 11 A. M. Commercial Club. WANTED Office boy; good chance for ad vancement. 717 Electric Bldg. BOOKKEEPING CLASSES. C H A N TS" TRUST BLDG. 301 MER- WANTED Photograph coupon agents; new offer: a winner. Cutberth. Dekum bldg. BAKER'S helper wanted at once. 66O Al berta st. PRINTER wanted, typesetter: $15 to begin with. Enterprise. White Salmon. Wash. BARBER wanted; St. Charles Hotel. Front a n d M orrison. COLORED boy to help do housework. 4 75 Morrison st. EXPERIENCED shoo salesmen. Apply be fore 7:3Q A- M-. :u Washington st. OFFICE bo j- for woody ard. South Portland Slabwc.od Co.. foot Lincoln st. FIRST -CLASS salesman; big wages; perma nent. 215 Commercial Bldg. EXPERIENCED collector of delinquent ac counts; state experience. AC S51. Oregonian. WA-N-TEOj Non-ujaiou barber. 206 4th st. HELP WANTED MAXJt. THREH EXPERIENCED TOWNSITB SALESMEN FOR CITY SELLING. We have thousands of inquiries to follow before April 2o. Two salesmen cleared $400 In 10 days. Lane County salesman made $100 in one day. Low prices, easy terms, unique selling plan and very liberal commission. Apply any time this morning. C. W. DAVIS & CO.. Sixth Floor. Commercial Building. WANTED Able-bodied men for the L S. Ma rine Corps, between the ages of 19 and 35. Must be native born or have first papers. Monthly pay $15 to $68. Additional compensa tion possible. Food, clothing, quarters and medical attendance free. After 30 year serv ioe can retire with 75 per cent of pay and al lowances. Service on board ship and ashore in all parts of the world. Apply at Breed en hWg.. 3d and Washington sts.. Portland. Or. WANTED A man who can sell a good proposition, if you have a good record, come and see me. If you have had no ex perience, but still are confident that what ether men are doing you can. do, come and see me. I can refer you to dozens of men in Portland who have made bis money on my proposition. Call d to 11. V. VINCENT JONES, 302-303 Lewis Bldg. 8 ROUGH carpenters. $3.25. 1 band re saw man. $3.25. 1 ratchet-jitter. $3. 15 rigging-Rangers, $3. 5 chasers., $.3. Wagon teanwter. city, $2.50. New Jobs every dy. CANADIAN EM P. CO.. 21 X. 2d St. EVERY young man seeking employment or desiring to better his condition, should take advantage of the special employ ment membership, and get in quick touch with the advisory and employment sec retary of the Y. M. C. A. Strangers our specialty. Good fellowship, good advice, good position awaits you- WANTED ON MOOD RIVER APPLE ORCHARD, good, strong man and wife,' not afraid to work long or short hours, as occasion demands; steady employment by the year to the right people; state ages and num- her in family. R SSS, Oregonian. SALESMEN for city and vicinity who want to earn big money and can sell a gilt edge public utility Investment; we have the proposition, and If you can deliver the goods the amount you can mako Is prac tically unlimited; references required. W S59, Oregonian. MEN wanted for firemen and brakemen on nearby railroads'; experience "unnecessary; good vision; age 20-30; $75 to $100 monthly. No strike; permanent employment; promo tion; 400 men being sent to positions; state age, weififit, height. Send stamp monthly Railway Association, care Oregonian. LIFE insurance stock salesmen and sales women wanted for Oregon. Traveling ex penses. Must be Roman Catholics. Send, application in own handwriting with gen eral character recommendations. Address R 902. Oregonian. WANTED A clean-cut young colored man to do porter work and make himself use ful around store. Ryan & O'Brien, tai lors, 307 Morrison et. 10,000 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade in 8 weeks, help to secure promotion; gradu ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly: expert instructors ; tools free ; write for cata logues. Mohler System of Colleges, 25 North 4th St., Porfland, Or. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WILL give respectable working girl good home for light services morning and even ings. Phone B 1375. GOWN HANDS Firpt-claes workers wanted at once. Olds. Wortman & King. WELL-EDUCATED young lady wanted for work in an office: no experience required; email salary. AF 54, Oregonian. LADY to work in physician's office; expe rience not necessary. Call after 10 A. M., room S. 250 Alder st. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. ?,43 Washington St., Cor. 7th. Upstairs. Phone Main 2692. GIRL to assist with housework and cooking in small apartment; good wages. Madison Park Apartments. Apartment 6- WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Co., 609 Rotn cfclld bldg.. 4th and Washington. WANTED Experienced chocolate dippers. Ideal Candy Co., 1O0 10th. Phone Main 5450. A 3210. WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap ply 471 Ains worth ave.. cor. East 8 th. Phone Woodlawn 173S, take Woodlawn car. WOMAN for general housework ; must be good plain cook; good wages to right party. V 891. Oregonian. WANTED Good strong girl for general housework ; good wages. Call 7SO John ston BtMainSm GOOD girl for housework; must be neat and clean and know how to cook. 740 Schuy ler. Phone East 1842. WANTED Experienced chamber maid. In quire housekeeper Nortonia Hotel. Do not telephone. Good room and board. GIRL for general housework and light cook ing; small family; good home. Call 284 Park st. WANTED Experienced saleslady, in milli nery. Inquire at once to Wonder Millinery en., corner Morrison and 1st. GIRLS to work In candy factory; expe rienced hands preferred. Apply at 44 East fith st. North. GIRLS over 16 to work in bag factory. Applv Ames, Harris, Neville Co., 5th and Davis. WANTED 3 experienced girls for dipping chocolates ; good w ages. 383 Burnslde st. GIRL to assist with care of baby. 595 Mar shall st. Main 4125. W OM AN t o cook an d do ge n e ra 1 ho use wo rk ; good place, good wages. Phone East 1438. WANTED Cook in private family. .623 Everett st. TWO lady solicitors at once. 610 Swetland bldg. WANTED Girl for general housework. Apply 6S0 Love joy St. ' GIRL for general housework in small family; good wages. 792 Iovejoy st. W N'TED Three experienced waitresses. Address Box r.Oi Hood River. Or. GOOD cook for family of 2. 709 Northrup t.. between 23d and 24th sts. Main 2105. RELIABLE young girl aseiit general ho use - work: 3 in family. East 1366. LESSONS In Shorthand and Typewriting by expert. $5 a month. 269 14th. Main 3S93. GIRL wanted for general housework. Phone Main 4152. GIRL to assist in housework; small fam ily. S52 Overton st. WANTED Girl to do general housework. 447 10th st. GIRL wanted to do housework; no children. Call 2 1 "i Gerlingor bldg. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. 'r, Madison st. Main 2717. ALTERATION hand for country More. Call today. 40S Commercial Club bldg. FIRST-CLASS help on coats; irood wages. 270 ,a Washington St., room 35. WANTED Girl to assist with housework; small family. 733 E. Ankeny. LADIES to travel, 175 month, city $2.50 day. Room 0. 249 HoUaday ave. COMPANION to elderly invalid lady ; some light housework. Y SS5, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced operators on over alls also learners. 75 1st st. WANTED A reliable middle-aged colored woman for house work. B 174. GIRL for general housework; family three. Apt. I. 6O6 Flanders st. HOl'SEKEEPER tor widower's family. Call after 6 P. M. or Sunday. 641 Thurman. WANTED First-class, experienced waitress In restaurant. Address E. Morrison st. WANTED A good cook. Phone Main '6iJ6. Address 794 Lovejoy. PRIVATE lessons in bookkeeping 3 nights In work. $" per month. Phone East 14S4. WAITRESS wanted at 404 E. Burnside. Apply at once. . GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory No. 2. Grand ave. and East Taylor. WANTED First-class skirtmakers and helpers at M. & A. Shogren, 394 Yamhill. WA NTED Experienced woman cook, $40. S'.-S Wash., room 14. Main 2Q39. GIRL for general housework. 73S Main St., bet King and Ford. G1KL ia ssFi.L w ith general housework. Ap ple 7' Flanderg. W A N T ED A good cook, f ami I y of two. Phone Main 535 S. GIRL to assist with small general house work. 4b 15th st. North. FIRST-CLASS hairdresser and apprentices. 7th st. Main 2334. WANTED Honest girl at rolling ball. Council Crest. HELP WA NT ET FEM ALE. WANTED Cooks, city and country. $40 to $45; waitresses. $25 and $35; pantry giri. city, $30, room and board Chambermaids. $8 and $9 week; three housekeepers. $20 month; nurse. $30 to $35. room and board; shooting gallery girl. $1.50. Girls for general housework $20 to $35. LARGE LIST OF OTHER PLACES. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladles' Dept., 205 Morrison St. GIRLS, to work In candy department. Pa cific Coast Biscuit Co.. 12th and Davis. JACKET AND SKIRT WORKERS. Thoroughly experienced, first-class. Ap ply at once to Olds. Wortman & King. STOUT, active girls can secure steady em ployment at good wages; no experience re quired. Troy Laundry Co., SOI Bast Water street. WANTED A stenographer, one who can handle general office work; must be neat and accurate. Answer in own handwrit- . ii-g. Address V 897. Oregonian. WANTED An experienced girl with ref erences for second work. Call at 38 Montgomery, between 1 and S P. M.. or phone Main 5243. A 1199. ' WANTED 8000 women to buy sample suits at half price $12.50. $15, and $20. Wor rell's Sample Cloaks A Suits. 154 6th at. cor. Aider. Opposite Oregonian. GOOD place im offered girl for general housework; 'wages $35 for competent help. Phone mornings. Main 3729 or A 5315. "MILLINERY saleswomen; must be thoroughly experienced and capable; also apprentices wanted. . FRALEY BROS., 214 Third. MILLINERY Reasonable reshaping, coloring. Bring any old material. 227 Washington. room 27. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. 826 Washington St., Room 307. , Mam S836 or A S266. WANT KLD Young lady stenographer who un derstands booking; references required; good c nance for advancement. 26 Hamilton Diag. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen eral housework; good wages. N. E- corner Mill and 10th. WA NTED Girl to sew on power machine. Carman Manufacturing Co. 18th and Up shur EIS. WANTED Colored woman for cooking and general housework. Call 515 Tillamook st. East 4891. HELP WANTED MAI.B OB FKMALB. WANTED 'Bright young man or woman to assist In printing office; some knowledge of bookkeeping and experience on type writer required ; state experience and sal ary expected. AM 851. Oregonian. WANTED Man and wife to work, on Hood River fruit ranch, $40 for man and. $30 for wife. Apply 808 Lewis Bldg. FISK TEACHERS AGENCY offers jjood positions to A-l Instructors. 611 Swetland. SITUATION WANTED MA1.K Bookkeepers and Clerks. POSITION wanted by competent man as manager or assistant manager ; has had over 15 years experience as buyer and manager of general merchandise business; can furnish best of references; no objec tlon to country. G 853, Oregonian. SITUATION Expert collector, solicitor and salesman. 12 years' experience; excellent references; will leave city if desired. S 880, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER would like small set of books to kp during spare time. AM So 2, - Oregonian. POSITION as traveling salesman by ex perienced lumber salesman; references. AJ" K.y-t. Oregonian. POSITION as shipping clerk with wholesale lumber concern, by experienced man; good, references. AM 854. Oregonlaru WANTED A set of books to keep evenings; salary no object. X 888. Oregonian. WANTED Position as clerk, 20 years cx peiience ; references. AK SB6. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. EX PERIENCED shoe man. age 82 years. Canadian, wishing to settle In the vicinity of Portland, wishes position either whole sale or retail manager; 18 years at the trade as traveler and salesman; at present employed in Toronto, Canada. Write to H. E. Hendry, care Garside & White, To ronto, Canada, or E. T. Avison, Oregon City. Box S4. YOU NO man, aged 30. desires locate In Portland; have position with large tirm; nrst-clasa references from employers for ability and honesty; 10 years' inside and outside experience In building materials. Ohas. L. E. Rebert, 3848 La Salle ave, Los Angeles', Cal. FIRST-CLASS colored chef, equipped In all branches hotel, restaurant and grill, re cently from New York City. Address O. R. Johnson, 511 Flanders st. Phone Main 4710. FARMER, German, single, 30, desires work on a large farm; understands general farming and all machinery; also steam and gas engines;' make repairs. Address AG S52, Oregonian. FRENCH ENGINEER, first-class mechanic, full knowledge theoric and practice of aeroplane and automobile wishes to find good position. E 854, Oregonian. WANTED By middle-aged American man as assistant engineer or watchman; has 20 years experience with steam boilers. Address A. L. Horton. 263 5th t. EXPERIENCED oftice man and accountant wants work from 12 to 2 o'clock after noons; also from 5 to 8 o'clock evenings. S 893. Oregonian. EARLY morning hours work wanted by Japanese boy, any kind Job. Phone A 41 3u. E 851. Oregonian. AN A-l donkey engineer; can make own re pairs, and will go anywhere. Y 891, Ore gonian. COOK, 2S years experience, dinner orders, baking, wishes steady position in country hotel. Newman. 28 N. 3d st. EXCELLENT Japanese who has had expe rience as a cook wishes position In family. N 851, Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR, careful and sober, 5 years experience, can make repairs, wants po- sition. F 850, Oregonian. GOOD Japanese boy wants to do porter Jn saloon or store. 12 to 6 o'clock P. M. Fran k M. H. X 893. Oregon lan. NICE, strong Japanese boy wants to do por ter in the saloon or office, 5 to 10 o'clock P. M. X 892. Oregonian. WANTED By builder, to superintend frame or small brick building. Address AL 853, Oregonian. YOUNG man wants position as watchman, day or night, allowing two or three noura ror stuay. x- s-jit, oregonian. COOK, young German, experienced, wishes situation in hotel or boai-ding house. Country preferred. S S94, Oregonian. YOUNG Japanese wants Janitor, porter or housework; can speak good English. AL Si'.t, Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR. 3 years experience, desires position; private family preferred. AG 853. Oregonian. CARPENTER and builder, new and repair work, day or contract. Phone Woodlawn. 1236. WANTED Situation as janitor by exper lcnccd man and wife. AC 858. Oregonian. JAPANESE wnta jb between 10 and 3 o'clock daytime. W 88O. Oregonian. JAPANESE first-class cook wants position ; hotel or noaraing-nouse. s 885. Oregonian. JAPANESE boy wants work In morning or v Ani- A .-iOftl! WANTED Position as watchman. AM 849, Oregonian. WANTED Position as night-watchman; un deratand care of boilers. AC 852. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS stickerman or first-class planer man wishposJtjonRS02Oreonian. EXPERIENCED dishwasher wishes work; ref-erenc-g. Y &9iy, Oregonian. JANITOR work by sober. Industrious man; references. A. Slder, 6 Revere st. . SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Boolikeepem and Stenograpners. TH?3 advertiser desires an office position where experience and "know how" will count for something. Can do more than "take down" shorthand I can "get It up." Am not too proud to say I want work. Telephone Main 564 or writs to V S3 1. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER wants permanent posi tion; references,, good education, expe rience, accurate, speaks German; salary reasonable. R 892. Oregonian. YOUNG lady wishes position in office. Ex perienced on Comptometer; references. Phone Tabor 537. EXPERIENCED private exchange operator wishes position. Inquire Main 5237; hours TO to 4. BY good stenographer at reasonable sal ary; good speller. Phone A 544t. Honkpfpf rw. VOING widow. 2 children, deslren cooking, ra.mp, or housekeeper widower's family. 3o3 Wash, at., room 14. Main 2u39. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED fashionable dressmaker, de signer of evening and party gowns, at home or by the day. Phone A 49S2. AN G ELKS Dressniak'.ng Parlors, 326 Wash ington st.. suite 216. Main 9S2, A B3S1. STYLISH dresses. $5 up; waists. $1 up; fine work: references. 529 E. Mill st. East 5250. Nurses. CALL A 7102 for nurse, confinement and children's disease a specialty. City refer ences. MIDDLE-AGED practical nurse; best refer- er.ces. A 2618. Domestlrd. REFINED girl wishes position to act as com panion to Iad3' or take charge of child. V S89. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. . EDUCATIONAL. Experienced young lady teacher will as sist backward or sickly children, at th?tr homes, or will read to Invalids or elderly persons. AN S53. Oregonian. WANTED Position In real estate office; year's experience; have managed an of fice: give me a trial; do anything in the real estate line. K SO. Oregonian. A FIRST-CLASS girl, comptometer operator and first-class clerical work; reasonable. AC 854. Ort gonian. A SWEDISH girl wants day work any kind; washing and cleaning. .208 7th st. A 37S1. GIRL wants position for cooking and gen eral housework; wages $35. 815 E 7th No. Phone C 2701. GIRL wishes position as companion to lady evenings in whole or part payment of board and room. AG 854. Oregonian REFINED girl wishes position to act as companion or take charge of one child. E 853. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS laundress wants work. Tues day; references; no half days. Woodlawn 3 011. FINNISH girl wants housework. 312 17th. st. North, bet. Pettygrove and Qulmby. WOMAN wantjt day work. 324 First St. WOMAN wants work by day ; Phone Tabor OOO. WOM AN wants work for Saturday ; ref er encfa: no half days. Woodlawn Jftll. PIANO player wants position at moving ptcture show. AK S54. Oregonian. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS WANTED. Agents make $5 a day taking subscrip tions for the largest and best Southern California magazine; write for proposition. West Codst Magazine, Los Angeles, California- SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash weekly selling choice nursery stock; out fit free. Capital City Nursery Company, Salem. Oregon. SALESMAN making Eastern Oregon to carry side line of men's neckwear on commis sion. Columbia Neckwear Co., 291 Stark st. MEN wanted to sell a patented article to offices and houses; great seller; good commission. AK 842. Oregonian. WANTED TO KENT. WANTED TO RENT. We furnish the renter, collect the rent, pay taxes. Insurance and keep up repairs, the same for you as though the property was our own; references, any bank in Portland. . THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 245 Stark St. Phones A 3500. Main 35. Bonset. WANTED 4 or 5-room furnished house be tween Hawthorne ave. and Waverly-Rfch-mond line; must be reasonable. Call East 2305. Kooms. A SINGLE man desires large, airy room, furnished for light housekeeping; room with family with no children, or widow preferred. AK 850. Oregonian. A YOUNG physician desires a large, sunny room or suite In a new. high-class private residence; references exchanged. Address Dr. S.. P. O. box 435. RoortiA With Board, YOUNG man. good habits, wants board and room. Prefer strictly private family; state location, terms, etc. R 890. Ore-g'-nian. WANTED By respectable young man, room and board In private family; unfurnished room preferred. Phone M. 5755. ROB RE NX. Furnished Rooms. JCEW MODERN CLEAN THE MUUU y HOUSE 208 Third St.. Cor. Jefferson St. New fireproof building and furnishings throughout; desirable neighborhood; four minutes' walk to business center; rooms and suites; large, light and airy; hot and cold water; steam heat; gas and electric lights; call bells; free baths; clean porce lain tubs; lavatories convenient. Take "S" car at depot to Oliird and Jefferson sts. We aim to satisfy; that is why we please our TRANSIENT AND PERMANENT PA TRONS. Rates $3. $5, $0, $7 per week. A 7731 PHONES Main 8639. HOTEL RAINIER. 14U ROOMS. 1 BLOCK FROM DEPOT. New, modern, fireproof .building, steam heated, hot and cold running water in all rooms, richly furnished, finest beds that money can buy, and it doesn't cost any more than some cheap lodging-house; nice large oftice on ground floor; everything first-class ; rates, C0c, 75c and $1 per day ; $3.50 and up per week. Call and see us. 12S 6th st. North. Homelike. Homelike Homelike. "IX THE HEART OF THE CITY." NEW SCOTT HOTEL 7th and Ankeny sts. Free was their depot carriage, I took it oa the spot; There may be other houses just as good. But I guess not. A tuiet home for quiet people. HOTEL MINNESOTA. 8S North 5th St. S. E. Cor. Flanders. New brick building, steam heated, por celain baths, fine large oftice on ground floor, elegant beds, everything absolutely new and clean ; rates only $2.50 and up per week; 50c and 75c per day. 3 blocks from Union Depot. HOTEL SAVON. 131 Eleventh Street. NEW, modern brick building; STEAM HEATED, private baths, running water in all rooms; TELEPHONES IN EACH ROOM ; special rates by the week and month; TRANSIENT TRADE solicited. THE WEAVER. 710 Washington, near King; bath, hot and cold water; phone, steam heat in every room ; strictly modern; fine large office, ground floor; by far the best In the city for tne money; rooms $25 per month and up- Call and inspect. HOTEL BAKER. Fifth St., opposite City Hall. New, beautifully furnisneu; steam heat; hot. cold water in every room; publio and private baths. Permanent; trausient. THE - BARTON, 13th and Alder, Is now undergoing a thorough renovation; To steam heated, electric-lighted rooms, all outside. Kates 75c day; $lu month up. Suites with running water $20 month up. Phones and bath free. HOTEL BRESLIN. 422 Washlnatoa, cor. nth. Steam beat, hot and cold water, baths, nicely furnished rooni. par week up; transient rate. 75c up. HOTEL BUSH MARK. Vashlngton and 17ih, nrst-ciass furnished ooms, single or en suite; all modern con- eniences; 3 weeiti up. a 20-47, M. 5347. llOTiiL IRVING. 6th and Oak; large, handsomely furnished running hot and cold water; steam beat reasonable; permanent and transient. HOTEL LENOX, corl 3d and Main sts. furnished rooms, single or en suite, at rea sonable prices, modern conveniences, Od posite the Plaza. " Larrabee Hotel, 227 Larrabee St., near Hol Uoay ave. New brU:k bldg.; every conven lence; reasonable. Permanent and transient. THE MERCEDES. 20th and Washington; ele gantly furnished rooms; hot and cold run- plllg wntw . " ' "i-wKB, ; sia up. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free. Z'7 Stark, corner titn. Mrs. Maud J. stea FURNISHED rooms, Eim Place, formerly Elton Court Annex. 414 Yamhill and lltb IhB REX Modern rooms, $2.5u to $i por WeeK. MODI O mi-. HOTEL ROYAL. 10b 4tn u; rooms $2 $5 per week; 50c to 1 per tlay. THE ANTLERS. IOTH AND WASHINGTON REASONABLE RATES. BE-TT LOCATION. Rooms With Board in Private Famil j 258 13TH Nicely furnished rooms, house new, every convenience; gentlemen o n 1 y . K E WLY-FU RN ISH ED room; modern. 30 N. lith St.. near Washington. Marshall 2240. LIGHT, pleasant front room, close in gas. fuel. Phone East 148 4. $1 1 MONTH, good front clean room, fcath, close in. 452 5th- FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. NEWLY furnished rooms; everything new; large, light rooms with every convenience; suitable for two; also smaller rooms; low rents: one block from two carlines; 10 minutes' walk to P. O. 175 17th St.. North. NEWLY furnished room for one or two gentlemen, in private home, six blocks from Portland liotel ; bath and phone. 2ul 51th. cor, Taylor. Main 1759. 333 MONTGOMERY, one large south alcove r-om; several other nice rooms $9 up; modern: 10 minutes walk. Main S957.- LARGE, cheerful front rooms, with every convenience. In private frunliy. 09 North 21c-t st. VERY nicely furnished room In modern flat, with s-team heat. 471 Jefferson st., flat B. Phone Main 754. 44ti TAYLOR, nesr 12th. very pleasant front room for gentleman; modem conveniences; reasonable. 497 CLAY ST.. newly furnished room la private familv; bath and furnace heat. Main 9304. LARGE front room, light and airy, mod ern, bath, private family; no other room its; close In. 54 Kearney st. A PLEADS ANT front room; walking distance to Burnside and Morrison bridges; board close by. 41 East xth st. Phone E. 49:.. $10 Small furnished front room in modern steam-heated apartment. Flat D, 469 Jeffer son st. Main 7594. EAST Portland Heights' furnished room ; Junction two car lines. Phone Sellwood 2 S9. 590 COUCH Private house, rooms with or without board; home privileges; horn cook ing. NICELY furnished room, home privileges, reasonable. 1S6 14th st. FX' RN ISH ED rooms in private family. 248 m N. 20th, near Marsha 11. Phon eM a i n3649; 141 13TH st., corner Alder, nicely furnished room; gas and bath and furnace heaU SMALL pleasant room; gas, bath, phone; 57 month. 475 Clay st. 500 FLANDERS, between 14th and 15th neatly furnished room; $0 per month. LARGE front room, suitable for 2; also 1 smaller room. 424 6th st. Unfurnished Rooms. FOR RENT 24 small rooms in new brick building on first floor, S9-91 2i st. North. Inquire 291 Morrison st. THREE unfurnished rooms. 2QQ 13th st. Rooms With Isoard. THE MAGNOLIAS. 017 KEARNEY ST. Ideal Summer home, beautiful grounds, finest rooms, with best home cooking in cUy; rooms, with private bath, all mod em conveniences; moderate rates. PORTLAND Women's Union, 22d year, room with board, use of sewing-room and li brary. &IO Flanders st. Miss Frances N. Heath. Supt. Woman's Exchange. 186 5th st. Mrs. -i . . ureineaon, aupi. THE COLONIAL, 163 and 167 10th St., cor ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason able rates. 1 SUITE of rooms with board; hot and cold water; also single rooms; reasonable rates; table board the bfst. 147 13th St. Main 2178. THE CALVARD Suites or single. 452 Mor- rison. cor. I3th. LARGE room with board, suitable for two persons. The Hollywood. 446 3d St. 554 COUCH Outside rooms, single, and double. Good home cooking: clean and convenient. CHOICEST of table board ; elegant room for one or two on Parking. 374 Park. Rooms With Board In Private Family. TWO elegantly furn ished rooms, sleeping porch if desired: b-ea.ut.iful grounds. Ideal place for Summer; modern. P0 E. 8th St., corner Wash Ing t in. East 1390. ' LARGE, well-furnished front room and good, board, suitable for 2. gentlemen or mar ried couple. 605 East Salmon st- Phone East 5030. A PLEASANT front room with first-class board for two gentlemen, with home priv ileges in private family; walking dis tance, or take I' car. 310 E. 1st st. N. VERY large, light room, suitable for 4 young men; newly furnished; with board, very rea- yonable. E 2952. NICELY furnished room with choice board. In private home for young man; con venlent. reasonable. Phone East 143. BOARD and room for two gentlemen; bath. phone, home cooking ; $22.50 each. 19L -llth st. Phone Main 5903. 1 SUITE of rooms with hoard; hot and cold water; also single rooms; reasonable rates; table board the best. 147 13th st. Mai n2 1 IS. YOUNG man wanted to room and board with, private family ; $2t per month. Phone East 1915. A 1 HOME for young lady to room and. board with mother and grown daughter. Call 42Q College st. Main 4427. ROOM and board at 2 OS. Broadway; take "L" car; close In, between Benton and Ross. NEATLY furnished rooms for gentlemen. 2 meals at $22. 0O each. Phone A 3875. Call 549 Yamhill st. 'E room for two gentlemen, $25 per .month, with board ; one single room. 392 ialmon. corner 10th. Main 3213. VERY desirable newly furnished rooms, ex cellent table, walking distance to town, Hir..-! sjssss ivtv''T''-7)"-st. car. Phone B 2952. NICE furnished room for two young men, board If desired. 44 E. 7th st-. or phone East 2410. NEWLY furnished rooms with board. 595 E. Oak, corner 15th. Phone B 2619. GOOD board and room, reasonable; home cooking. Main 7016. ROOM AND BOARD. C55 Irving St. NICE front room for 2 gentlemen; good home cooking. 509 Morlson st. YOUNG man wants first-class room and board in private home. V SitS, Oregonian. Apartments. ORDE LEIGH apartments, new brick, S2 Grand ave., cor. E. Stark; well furnished 3 -room apartments, possessing every mod ern convenience:. Including steam heat, hot water, private baths and phones; rents very reasonable. Phone East 300. FOR RENT for 3 months a well-furnished 4-roomed apartment, including piano. In one of the must centrally-located and best arranged apartment-houses in the city; referenoes required; rent $55. Address J S54, Oregonian. HANOVER Apartments, corner King and Washington sts.. 3-room apartments, hav every modern convenience, including steam heat, hot water, private bath, free phones and Janitor service; rent very reasonab le. THE ALTAMONT. Corner 5th and College. Phone Main 60S0. 1 4-room; janitor; ciubroom. Free phone. Strictly modern. 1 basement, 3 room, $25. ST. CROIX APARTMENTS. 170 St. Clair st., unfurnished 3-rooin apartments; all modern conveniences; private porches; reasonable rent. STEAM-HEAT ED 5-room apartment, modern-and desirable; 525 Everett st. Apply Morgan. Fleidner & Boyce. 503 Abington bldt FOR RENT Modern 4-room apartment. King's Heights Apartment House, cor. King and Wayne sts.; furnished. $55; un furnished, $40. Apply janitor. THE SHEF1ELD, 7 th and Jefferson sts.; unfurnished apartment with bath, every convenience ; desirable location ; reaon abie rent. Maln25u6, A 3149. THE ALTAMONT Fifth and College. Main 0080. New brlclt st rictly Hrst-class ; all modern coovn lences; one 4-room; walking d is tanc e. THE MERCEDES Elegantly furnished 2 room apartments, hot and cold running water and all modern conveniences; $18 to $30. Corner 20th and Washington sts. THE IRVING. 21st and Irving sts., April T 3 4-room unfurnished apartment; heat, hot and cold water, gas range, refrigerator, etc. Apply janitor. 2 AND 3-room newly furnished apartments in new and strictly modern house, fine neighborhood. East 143Q. 228 East 20th. THE STANLEY 4-room. unfurnished apart ment for rent, on first floor; Washington SirtCl, aui'ajlP '-' o unite. FOR RENT 4-room furnished apartments, with bath and pantry and other con ye n lences. Phone Woodlawn 942. WAUNITA 325 11th St., very nicely fur nished 2-room modern apartment; new brick building, close In; janitor service. THE MARLBOROUGH 2lst and Flanders sts. 5-room apartment; reasonable. Main 7510. THU KrLK AN M OS T EXCLUSIVE FUR NISHED APARTMENTS IN THE CITY. BOTH PHONES. 624 MARSHALL ST. " THE BERYL. One front apartment for rent; every thing modern. 695 Lovejoy at. W car. MORTON, 697 Washington st, One unfur nished 3-room apartix.ent; best location In city. NORDICA Apartments. UranC vt. and Bel mont; strictly modern; reasonable. IRIS APARTMENTS. 3d and MilE 1st of April, 4 rooms. $32. THE KING DAVIS 3 and 4-room, corner ol King and Davis sts.. ; references. HOUSEKEEPING rooms and suites; strictly modern: reasonable. 4iK) Morrison st. FOR RENT Furnished apartment. Th Mor ton, Washington axui King sis.