15 THE MORNING OREGOXIAN, SATURDAY, APRIL. 9, 1910. AMtSEJIENTS. BUNGALOW? THEATER th and Morrison Phones: Main 117. "A" 4224. Two Performance Today Special Price Lajt Time Matinee 2:15. Tonight 8:15. MAY ROBSOS In the nellBfatful Comedy "The Rejuvenation of Annt Mary." veningi,: Sl.5. to 50-. Matinee: I to 25c .THEATER ' Main 2. A 0380 Ueo. L. ftsaicer. Manager Matinee Today; Tjwt Time Tonight. Victor Herbert's celebrated musical comedy "THE KED MILL." Splendid company and chorus. One or tna big things of the season. JSvenlngs, 2;.c. 50c. 75c, $1. Sat. Mat.. 2Sc. 60c Next -wepk, starting tomorrow Matinee, "The Man from Mexico." ff( iuilNXS EvLix" DAT. 15-25-500 WKRK APRIL 4 Helen Orantley, Goi Ed wards "Night Birds." Ixxkivood and Mac Oarty, Gus Bruno, Lanoton Lucier & Co., Ia Clair and Sampson, Crefesy and Dftjiw, Or eheatra. Pictures. Portland Theater Phones A 7085 Russell & Drew. Main 44.'t. Managers. All Week, with Wednesday and Saturday Matinees. OUle Mack And SS Musical remedy Artists In FIN'MGAN'S BALL. The Show That Has caught the Town. Greatest Dancing chorus Ever Here. Ktht 20c. 800. 40u, Matinees 25c Next Sunday "Around the Town.' GRAN D Week April 4, 1910 First American Tour THE LAGAARDS TBOCPE An acrobatic feature without a peer. The Berinls, Meier and Mora. Edwin Winchester, L. A. Street, Granda scope. Matinee every day. 2:00: any seat. 15c Even! n g ptrfonnan cea. 7 .30, 9 : 15 : balcony. 1 ttc ; lower floor. 25c; box seats. 50o- HYMAN In Oakland, Cal., April 7, to the wife of A. Hyman nee Hazel Abraham r son), a daughter. M EETI'G NOTICES. OREGON' LODGE NO. 101. A- F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Saturday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Masonic temple. Work in E. A. degree. Visiting brethren cor dially Invited. By order W. M. A J. HANDLAX, Sec. PYTHIAN SISTERS "300" and dance to night (Saturday). April fl, at Pythian Castle, tEleventh and Alder. Admission, 15c. IIE1. COODAM, In this city. April 8. at St. Vin cent's Hospital, Perry G. Good all. aged 27 p- years. 4 months. 29 days. BROTH Died at Washougal, Wash.. Adolph Roth, aged 79 years. FUNERAL- NOTICES. GLENN In this city April 7. at his late residence. 4H5 Clackamas St., Alexander Wooderson Glenn, aged 76 years. 3 months and 22 days. The funeral services will be held at the parlors of J. P. Flnley & Son. at 3 P. M. today (Saturday). Friends Invited. Interment River View Cemetery. 6UXTON The funeral services of the Jate David F. Buxton will be held from his late residence, Troutdale, Or., at 10 A. M. today (.Saturday). Friends invited. The funeral will arrive at Lone Fir Cemetery at 12:30 P. M. BARNARD Mrs. Lillian Barnard passed away at 11 o'clock Friday morning. April 8 The funeraT will be held Sunday after noon. April 10, at the residence of her daughter. Julia Munger. Chicago papers please copy. WAUGH April. 7. at 907 Kirhy street. Rob ert Kills, ace 9 months, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Waugh. Funeral services will be held at Speller-Byrnes parlors today (April 9). at 3:30 p. M. Friends Invited. Interment at liiverview. GOODALL Friend, are rfvspectf ully invited to attend the funeral of the late Perry G. Goodall, from Hoi man a undertaking chapel. Third and Salmon sts.. at 3 P. M. today (Saturday). April 9. if E WELL Friends are invited to attend the funeral services of. the late L. P. Newell, Sunday. April 1. at 2 P. M-. at iSeller J tryi.es parlors, Williams avenue. In terment nt ltellinhnm. Wash. Dunning & McEntee, Funeral Directors. -7th and line. Phone Main 450. Lady as sistant. Office of County Ccroner. ZELLEK-BY KNE8 CO., Funeral Directors, 94 Williams ave.; both phones; lady attend ant; niowt modern establishment In the city. EDWARD IIOLMAN CO., Funeral Direct ors, 220 3d at. Lady Assistant. Phone M. 507. J. P. FIX LEY SON, 3d and Madison. JLady attendant. Phone Main 0, A 1599. EAST 8 IDE Funeral Directors, successors to F. 3. Dunning. Inc. E. 52. B 2525. ERICKON CO. ant. 409 Alder. Undertakers; lady asslst M. 6133, A 2235. LERCII, undertaker, cor. East Alder and 6th. Phones 781. B 1888. Lady assistant. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY PBESIDENT. Main Sit. SECRETARY, Main S9. Ill M A.N t OFUCEB, Enst-477. NEW TOO AY. Holladay's Addition The one BEST place in Portland to Tuiv. r.KOGKArHlCAL CENTER and JHOST DESIRABLE residence property of the city. SFKIr. IS RKLIKVIXfS BETTER gro and pee the many CHOICE resi dences under construction and the im provements going on. The Oregon Real Estate Company jCRAXD AVR. AT M1LTSOJIAH ST. THE HYLAHQS OF YAMHILL 320 acres 160 acres ready to plant, balance oak grubs; adjoins extensive orchard plantings; splendid improve ments. 2 miles from town and electric line survey. A beautiful tract; $35 per acre if taken'nefore the 15th inst. Ad joining and nearby tracts held at $65 to $liO per acre. Will take you to see tract in automobile. tiEO. K. MA(;r.OER, 123 Board of Trade. A Good Investment 633 acres at railroad station near In dependence ; good improvements; $ per acre. CARTKR-Dl (iAX COMPAQ" V, Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON 100x100 N. K. cor. ISth and Brazee. ISS60. Two lots on 16th facing east, near Knott, $1$00. Phone E 5242. W. It. STEELE, JR. Great Bargain One of the best view lots In Green way, on Portland Heights, for sale very cheap for a few days only, by the owner, V. VINCENT JONES ' 3l-3U:t Lents MldR. OEOROS BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branches.) Ill Worcester Bids. Phonu Main .171. A 4011. INVESTORS Call on owner's Realty Asa'tt for timber, acreage, business, realdenc. and apartment properties. 05 Abincton. NKW TODAY. $35,000 50x100 oa Ninth AND Flanders It is improved with a two-story frame, bringing in a good rentaL This is a good buy; investigate it. KEASEY, HU MASON f,." AfiE JEFFERY 14 CHAMBER OP COMMERCE ACREAGE For Subdivision Ss TO BE MADE IN SUBDIVIDING This beautiful tract of 435 acres, all rich garden and fruit land, 400 acres of which has been cultivated, 30 acres green fir timber, balance of 5 acres occupied by buildings, orchard and yards; 6-room cottage, 3 barns, stone dairyhouse and out buildings; spring water forced to house by ram, never-failing stream through land; 400 acres perfectly uevel, deep, black soil; balance red fir land; place adjoins country town, church, store, blacksmith shop, P. O.. etc.: 2 miles from electric carline. which is surveyed through this tract, and 8 miles . from Van couver. This tract Is Ideal for subdividing into 5, 10 and 20 - acre tracts and will sel readily at from $175 to $200 per acre. PRICE 0O PEH ACRE. This is without a doubt the best subdivision tract in the Northwest. See it. THOMPSON 8 SWAN 110 Second St., Portland, Or, and IVatSonal Bank lildg Vancouver. Wanh. Acres With City Water SIO DOWN, S5 PER MONTH Cadwell.'s Acreage Facing on Main street, just a few minutes' walk north from Lents Station. All cleared, level, city water, 5-cent fare. PRICES advanced 25 per cent after the 10th of April. Buy now and get the benefit of the increase. This is the last chance at present prices, and by making your selection before Monday next you will make the profit, if you wish to resell. Agent at Cadwell's acres from 10 A. M. until 4 P. M. . LAMBERT - WHITHER COMPANY 70) fourth Street, 401 East Alder Street. r T7r? r DALE OPPORTUNITIES Six lots, commanding finei view. 82750 cash. Ten exceptionally fine lots in one tract, $6000 CASH. 5- room cottage, lot 50x100, S1250. TERMS. 6- room cottage, lot 100x200, S4oOO. HALF CASH. CHAPIN& HERLOW 332 Chamber ol Commerce. One Block From Washington 100x100 or 50x100 Only available corners right close in. Gcldschmidt's Agency 25312 Washington. Room 5. Fine East Front CORNER ON Vancouver Ave. 100 on Vancouver by Si on Skid more. For price and terms see JAS. D. OGDEN, 848 Mississippi Ave. Woodlawn 202 or C 2003. THE HYLAHDS OF YAMHILL S00 acres subdivided Into 10-acre tracts. 1 mile from town, electric lino survey, near larsre orchard tracts of H. K. Miller and Professors Lake, Lewis, Corderly, Bexell and Scudder, of Agri cultural College. No irrigation. With out doubt the choicest apple and wal nut land in the state and near Port land: Will make low price and easy terms. See owner, IKO. E. WAGGOXER, Board of Trade. PARTIES desiring homesteads In the famous Christmas Lake and adjacent valleys of Central Oregon, call room 205, St. Charles Hotel, from 4 to 6 and 7 to S P. M. Special rates and quick service given to parties of four or more NEW MODERN HOUSES, Also vacant lots In Irvington. Office at 16th and Brazee. R, B. and S. T. lilce. Phones East 658, xiw TODAY. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON The Model- Home Addition PRICES ADVANCE $200 MAY 1 LOTS $1100 to $1250 The largest and most beautiful resi dence district in the city. Irvington and Broadway cariines run -through the "district. Asphalt streets, and every modern convenience. - . - - Remember the date, on May 1. eirery unsold lot in Irvington will be raised 2(J0 per lot. If you miss this opportunity, you will be compelled to pay $2000 for the same lots before January 1, 1911. Irvifigton Investment Co. OWNERS, 331 Chamber of Commerce. Phones, Main 3177, A 4450. TO LOAN To loan, 4000 at 6 per cent drt ap prove! securitv. Inquire G. H. Thomas, 267 Oak et.. room 2. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Andrews, F.V. & Co.M.3349. 30 Hamilton bids. Beck. JVilllam G., 312 Falling bids. BirrelL A. H. Co., 202-3 McKay bldg. Real estate. Insurance, mortgages, loans, etc. Brutaker & Benedict. 502 McKay bids. M. 549 CARD REALTY & INVESTMENT CO.,- 110 SECOND ST. MARSHALL 1567. A 1567. CTnapln & Herlow. 332 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. S. & Co.. 503 Corbett bldg. Jennie gs & Co., Main 183. 206 Oregonlan. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P.. 213 Commer cial Club bldif. Scnalk. Geo.D.. 223 Stark st. Main 802. A 2392 SHERMAN. F. A. & CO.. 322 Henry bldgi BHINDLER & HALL. 205 Abington bldg. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand are. and Multnomah st. (HoUaday Addition). M. E. - Thompson Co. cor: 4th and Oak sta. Walker. S. T.. 004 Corbett bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Lota. LAURELHURST LOTS. 2 of the best located lots In the entire addition, high and ?lghtly, one block from Monta-vlJla car, at prioeg materially lower than any adjoining property ; terms 10 per cen down and 2 per cent per month. H. P. PALM ER-JON EiS CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. OWNER MUST SELL Valuable s4 block between Williams and Union, good for business or flats; owner has bought farm and must sell H block at once to complete deal; 4 block easily worth $3000; will sacrifice for ?2750. Call room 510 Ablnpton bldg. $40 CASH BUYS fine 4lxKM lot on East 20th wt.. near good carline, 10 minutes from new bridge, city water, best soil, near Reed Institute; balance of price. $SfiO, payable $10 month ly; complete abstract. Call at once, 516 Abington bldg. $4."0 WILL buy a block of land containing 0 large lots In center of town of La Cen ter and on the bank of the Lewis River. Several big fruit trees on the land, would make a lovely little home; half cash, bal ance to suit. Address Thomas Kastnussen, T-a Center. Wash. EAST PORTLAND HEIGHTS LOT. Nice lot fiOxlOO. east front, between two nir-e houses. l."0 feet from car. on East 33d and Clinton; a fine place to build. or a gooa speculation ; price ssuu. terms. GHUSvl & ZAOOW, VA7 Board of Trade Lids'.. 4th and Oak. SNAP. 10AxH0. PIEDMONT. $19o. PERIEY B. LENT. 417 CORBETT BLDG. . $40o SACRIFICE. I will sell my choice block In Rose jity jr-arK. on sanrty i(ouievarl, for $luOO; this is 50 less than I naid 4 years aeo. and will pay all back taxes and lnter- est. k Hiu uregonian. MT. TABOR RESIDENCE SITE. 87x117 feet, 1 block from Belmont and carline; has good view and is in re stricted district among fine homes. Price iuou on terms. THE VAN DERRAL COMPANY, SIR Board of Trado. Marshall 468. LOTS $65.00. . On Oregon City carline. new addition. 5 minutes from business center: good soil: price $65 each lot; terms $15 down, $2 per month payments. National Realty & Trust jo., stj-2 w asmngton. room oio. ALAMEDA PARK. LOTS. Are high and sightly, overlooking Irvlntr ton; near Broadway carline; best city im provements; priced 25 per cent blow the market. Ir.oulr AlamerlA J J nil imninv. market. Inquire Alameda, Land jjrz tjoroett hldg. SI 70. lOOxlOO and 50x100. two comers on 13th and Manhattan: I will ee the 3 lota for $150; SloO under the market price. GEO. r. SCHALK 2'JS Stark St. Phones Main and A 2M02. M Y double view lot on the Alameda Rose Cit y park, two street fronts, unobstructed view. - f?to uown, smni thirty nays, bal ance to suit. Price $1600. S 8SS, Orego- man. $15..Vto CORNER lot, 50 by 100 feet, south west comer of 3i and Hall sts. Choice apaxtment-house site. FARRISH. W ATKINS & CO. 250 Alder t. FOR SALE Bv owner; lot 5xlOO feet, with two good houses and fruit trees, paying goon income; iour diockb north or Wash ington and west of 10th st. ; price $12,000. i Mjs. oregoman. FOR SALE Lot r0xl0O. 4 block from Hawthorne carline; level, 18 inches above street ; 15 large fruit trees; Xo?0 17j $10 per month. Will Bloch, Elks Club. Phone A ti'jlK. $250 for 2 lots, end of "W-W carline ; $50 paid on contract: will sell for $."i5. pay ments $R per month; bought November 2, lrtt3; need money. 226 Lumber Exchange bldg. - AN ideal location, near Park entrance for an apartment house or small stores: lot l'MxlOO, on corner; street improved; a bargain if sold at once. R SflQ. Qregonian. PIEDMONT. 50x100 corner, .outh and east face, $1100, $." cah. bal. 3 years. 6. Pf!RLEY B. LENT. 417 Corbet t Bldg. EIGHT Uaurelhurst lots at $1.50 under price of the Iaurelhurst Co. ; best lots in the tract and a snao; improvements, con tracted Aug. 1. AL 851. Qregonian. CHOICE lot in Rose City Park for $525; very easy terms. JOHN" L. HURLEY, 518 Board of Trade bldg. WHY buy m. lot when you can get a half acre Inside the city with all the advan tages tor the same price ? 420 Lumber mans Bldg. cor. 5th and Stark. FOR PALE Joining Kenton Addition. 4 lots, one corner lot, lOoxloO; cheap if sold at once; will take easy payments. Address M. E. M.. 143 Webster St.. city. A FEW choice lots at 3Jt Tabor, 2 blocks f rom Mfethodist Church, by D. W. Walker, t; h and Pelmont sts. 'aTl a.fter 6 P. M. TEN lots. iiOxTH) feet, facing river, adjoin ing Golf Links; $10,000; best buy on the market. i nim. oio loucn bldg. $14.0 CHEAPEST inside 5"'Xl00 on West Park. Vanduyn & Walton. 515 Chamber of ( "ommcrce. FOR SALE Finest houe in Irvington, cor ner lOOxloO; rooms. oa.k floors, sun parlor sleeping porch. Phone C 2421. FOR SALE or rent, modern S-room house. $;.20tl; terms. 832 Milwaukie. Sell wood i;4. LA I'RE LH URST. Laurelhurst lot; car one block: $900 for mme-tlate gale. Y SS6. Oregonlan. FOR SALE 2 corner lots, each 5Ox90. Lents. 2 blocks from carline; $7O0. SSS. 'Oregonlan. WALKING distance, modern 6-room house, S42."rt; $1.V cash. ;Q7 Crosby st. FIVE Rose City Park lots at $100 less Than regular prices. AL 850. Qregonian. TWO Peninsula lots; corner; cheas for cash, it &7, Oregonian. REAL ESTATE. For Sale A. B. W1DNEY. 822 Board of Trade, S0xi:7 on Ladd ave-. near 12th st. and Hawthorne ave. One of the finest resi dence locations. All public improvements In and paid for, $5000. Similar property In Los Angeles sells for $10,000 to $14,000. 50x100 on Colonial Heights. $2500. 2 lots near 24th and Division sts.. in Murray mead, $9 50 each. Also a number of other lots In same tract for $1150 to $1550. a These properties are close in and up-to-date; street improvements are now constructed; proper restrictions secure the best conditions for this as residence prop erty. There Is money profit In all of the ' above lots and no risk of loss. Call and see what we have. A. B. WIDNEY. Main 6974. 822 Board of Trade, DO YOU WANT A HOME? Let your money earn It. - 2 Int. paid on check accounts- 2 Int. paid on 10-day call certifi cates. 8H Int. paid on 30-day call certificates. 4 Int. paid on l0-day call certificates. Small check accounts received. 23 years banking experience In Portland. We -will help you buy a home. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY BANK Third and Oak Sts. IRVINGTON LOTS. Below values. Adjoining best location Xor home sites. 2Jth AND SCBTUYLER 6TS. lOOxlOO. south front; price for short time only $2500, half cash, balance on easy terms. 31st AND SCH1TYLER STS. 1 OOrl OCV PH S2400. Notice this: Corner lth and Brazee sts. Swell location, 100x100, cheapest quarter In that section. $4000. M. E. THOMPSON CO. (D) Henry Bldg.. Fourth and Oak Sts- Main 60S4 A 5327. SNAP THESE UP. ti7.1 TKACTH Two lots, 40xlO0 each. 100 feet from the tV.virlv-"iVrtrvlMtrtlr rline near Ho 1 Kate st. This property is high and sightly, and U in tne vicinity or tne .eea iwiuulo. . lots across street are held at $1200, and lota in Lenox Addition, Just across streetcar line, Ann valii at SfVlft. to XTfiO. I can re-list these for. you and sell them cor in 30 aays. M. B. THOMPSON CO.. S.) Henry bldg., 4th and Oak sts. Main 6084. A 3327. NITr-W WW TsTOTxT HOME. New, strictly modern, 2-story, 6-room VimiM with tram ar.H lr:trlcltv. fumace and- fireplace, full cement basement, nice bath, 2 toilets, on a nice lot 50x100 oa East 15th street near Alberta, east rront. price $4250. part cash, balance m a yea. GRUBSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. RET.MriVT RI IT.nTV SITE. Fully improved with hard-surface and on west slope of Mt. Tabor site 174x117 feet. This is among fine homes and in restricted district. Price $8000, or will divide In 2 pieces at $4000; half cash, balance 6 per cent. THE VAN DERSAL COMPANY. 516 Board of Trade BEAUTIFUL corner lot 50x100 feet, with 6-foot concrete walks. 10-foot parKing. ce merit curb, graveled street and city water all In and paid and Included In the price of $1200 on terms. This lot is on the comer of 40th and Tillamook sts.. In re stricted district, overlooking Laurelhurst, and is close to carline. Phone Marshall 468, B 20SO. MT. TABOR. Beautiful building site on west slope of Mt. Tabor 87x117 feet. 1 biocK irom Belmont. This site Is among fine homes ana is restricted. Price $3000; nan casn. Daiance 6 per cent. THE VAN DERSAL COMPANY, 516 Board of Trade. ALAMEDA PARK. Must dispose of two choice Alameda lots1; very cheap; all improvements inciuaea; terms. Y 887. Oregonlan. For Sale -Hoa A COUNTRY GENTLEMAN'S HOME. Highest class Improvements, clean, up-to-date property. 4 acres In pink of condition, tf-room beauti ful house; large barn, fruit trees, berries, lawn, shrubs, roses, etc. An ideal suburban home, close to city, in fine location, good environ ment. For price, terms and particulars see us. M E THOMPSON CO.. Fourth and Oak sts., Henry Bids;. (D) EASY PAYMENT IN BEAUTIFUL WIBERG HEIGHTS. 7 fine, large rooms. Thoroughly modern: fireplace. built-in bookcases, etc; HARDWOOD floors, paneled wans, oeamea ceilings, a ino. l f l tt.N a tx full cement basement, launary trays, etc O0X1UO lot, J&AST rKUft X NEW. Only $4000. $500 cash, $40 per mo. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Board of Trade Bid g.( 84 4th St, BUILDING IS OUR BUSINESS. We have from 10 to 15 jobs going at one time. We can afford less profit on a single contract tnan tne smaii contractor. You also get just what you order and take no risk. Plans and estimates free. If vou own lot we will furnish the money. PORTLAND REALTY & CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, 402-403 Lewis, Bid g.. 4th and Oak Sts. KftxfiO AND nice 7-roomed modern rest dence on East Ankeny, between 20th and 21 st streets; nne neignDornooa. 50x100, modern 7-room house (almost new) on Clifton, between 16th and 17th streets; will be sold at less than cost, owner leavlne city. 50x63 corner of Clifton and 10th streets; good house, nne location and cheap. UNION BANK & TRUST CO.. 235 Stark, corner 2d. ARB you looking for a snap? 6-room house bath, pantry, large woodshed. 3 nne lots 50 lOo each, east front, large porch, one block to car; 16 bearing fruit trees, plenty of loganberries, 5K strawnerry plants, nne va riety roses and shrubbery; beautiful lawn, s-ood srarden nlanted: must be sold at once. owner going on a farm; price $1800, $1000 down. bal. terms- J. H. Dorm an. Flrland station. Mt. Scott car. . SACRIFICE. MUST BE SOLD QUICK. A complete home In Irvington. 29th and Hancock, soutneasi corner; lot yux strictlv modern. Nice lawn, roses an trees. A new place. Just ready to en joy. Offered below cost. See us for par ticulars. M. E. THOMPSON CO. (D) Henry Bldg.. Fourth and Oak sts. Main 6084 A 3327. WE ARE BUILDING MORE HOUSES THAK ANY CONTRACTOR 1?J THE CITY. THERE IS A REASON; WE SAVE OUR CUSTOMERS MONEV. BUILD WELL. BUILD TERMS TO SUIT. IF YOU OWN THE LOT WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY TO BUILD. PLANS AND EST! MATES FREE. OREGON BUILDING & TRUST CO., 30S-9-10 Henry bldg . 4th and Oak. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Several new 5 and 6-room bunrralows select neighborhoods; fine view, ranging in price- irom oou ig esw; very conven ient terms. JOHN W. CROSSLEY. 520 Corbett Building, Ph ones: Main 6173 or A 3624. AT Oak Grove, 30 minutes out, new cottage, 3 rooms, corner 100x138; 2 blocks from car, lawn, roses and firs. A good buy at $1800; terms. -C. D. SMITH. Care Oldg, Wort man & King. SPLENDID modern home, 8 rooms, corner, one block north of Hawthorne ave., in neighborhood of fine homes; walking dis tance; all Improvements paid; bargain at S5500 ; ssiHHj casn. r'none owner. B 2301 FOR SALE by owner, a 10-room bungalow in TTnlladav Addition, close to car lines: strictly monern; full basement and large attic. Call at 308 Rothchlld bldg. w MODERN 10-room house. South Portland, H ful grounds; view unsurpassed. Main 2655 CARTER-DUG AN COMPANY. City real estate, acreage ana farms. 820 Qbamber oi BUY of owner, corner lot lOOxl 0O. 1 4-roora house, near canme. i oju umatllj, ave. IF you have some money, will build on lot Eastman Co., Inc. 303 Abington Main 3236. your bldg. HOLLADAY ADDITION -Modern 6-room house, ?ww. -cl 111 - - n. iota, n c ;o?e to x. g"u A SNAP By owner. juusi sell my new. modern w-room nouw adjoining Laurel hurst; terms. voo r.. tjusan st. FOR SALE 7-room house with lot. strictly modern- fVJ " ' o.. car. IRVINGTON 8-room modern bungalow for S47(JU. fry ownci. J uuur $100 CASH. $20 monthly. $2700, new bunts- lOW. r.Ai. jmu BOxlOO LOT and 4-room house, cheap. 903 B. iiverett sc., 2 jmocs wtbi or xtureuiurst. RJEAL ESTATE. For Sale -rtouses. THESE THREE HOMES MUST BEJ SOLD IN 10 DAYS AT A SACRIFICES. $6000 Beautiful new 8-room residence, on 12. oist sc. 4 Diocas irom suuv bor car. This Is high and sightly ; woodwork Is all hardwood and fin ished beautifully: furnace and all modern oonveniencea. The lot Is 66x 1S5 feet and has 12 fruit trees. $3650 6-room to use, 2 years old. and lOOx 100-foot grounds; modem, and ar ranged for comfort and convenience, on B. 18th st. North and Wygant, Vernon district; good chicken-house and yard, strawberrrles and other small fruit. The lots alone are worth $2O00 and the bouse coat about $2000. If you want the house and one lot, 50x100. on the corner, we will sell It for $2850. $3750 One of the best homes in Hawthorne district, near E. 32d and Hawthorne avenue. Strictly modem and up to date in every particular: 7 rooms and den ; full cement basement. Terms on all three residences. Remember, we have others. M. E. THOMPSON Sc. CO., Henry Bldg., Fourth and Oak 9ta. Main 6064. A 3327. SEE THIS. K--rwm hrarn -now Tnurt rslOW. laTKO re ception halL large, roomy bathroom, full basement, spienaia closets, jjutcn Kitcnen, eood Dlumblnr. snlendid location, east front lot, and every thin g necessary for an up-to-a ate nome. xsx not uuy where until you have seen this place. Price oly $25QO; $600 to $100 casn; Dai ance easy terms. REPASS A WOOD YARD. 300 Henry Bldg. IRVINGTON. By owner, a fine home, 8 rooms, mil rnoaern improvements; sweii location; corner, 52x100; $8000; terms. 420 East 15th St., Cor. Tillamook. Phone C 1275. IRVINGTON. By owner, finest home In Irvinsrton. 100x100 corner. 11 rooms. Including fur niture, fixtures, library bric-a-brac, paint ings, Turkish rugs, hand-painted china, also 1900 automobile, etc. 433 E. 15th st.. North. Phone East 1275. $22,000. $2650. Will buv nice home on B. 57th 4 blocks from Glencoe school: good 5 room house, chicken house, etc-; large grounds. 75x159 feet; choice: fruit trees, all In full bearing. F. S. AKIN. 623 Chamber of Commerce. NICE HOME ON LOT 1 OOxlOO. Nice 6-room, 2-story house, electrlo lights, run cement basement, nice bath, cement floor in basement, on 2 lota lOOx 100. nice lawn and In a gooa neighbor hood on Ainsworth ave., near East 12th, in Highland: price only $4000, $500 cash ana per montn. GRUSSI & ZADOW. SI 7 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. LAST DAY FOR $2700. Nearly new 6-room modern house, 170 J.ast ssth st.. only 100 feet from Bel mont; good neighborhood; best car service in tne city. CHEAP LOT. ONLY 1550. 45x90, East 10th St., Brooklyn Heights. 506 Commercial Block. 2d and Washington. BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW. Just completed, risrht on best carMne. swell locality, furnace, fireplace, polished uoudib rioors, enameiea oatn. attic, porches, laundry, cement basement, paved street, sewer, all ready to move into. Will sell to right party $300 down, balance monthly. Call early, room 516 Abington piag. SUNNYSIDE COTTAGE. $500 CASH. Good 5-room cottage, cement basement. gas ana nice oatn on a lot 33 1-3x100 south front on E. Salmon near !Uth price only $2350, $500 cash and $16 per montn. mis is a snap, ana beats paytn GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. $50 HOME. 5-room bungalow, lot 75x110, Oregon vny carunfl, ou minutes irom DUSinesi center; best soil on earth; price $1850 -cxy men 1 ou cnen, exo per montn. Na tional Realty & Trust Co., 826 Wash mama pi-, noora 010. OVERLOOK SNAP. A 7-room modern house, with hardwood floors and the very best of plumbing; i block from car. $200 cash, terms. If you want a Dangajn, se9 u iif r xjus weeic. S22 CAPITOL AVE. NEW. MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE. Only $1400: lot 50x100: t block to r-r- why pay rent when you can buy on theee terms. iw casn, Daiance io per monthT THE WILLIAMS INVESTMENT CO., 605 Lumbermans Bldg. 2 ACRES 25 MINUTE? FROM CITY. Block south Stiver Springs (Oregon City line; . new noutr-, wen, oemes, garaen; BARGAIN; LEAVING CITY. F. De tamo re. ai 1 iwauKie. rjr. 6-ROOM bungalow, W. W. carline; lot 50x 100, j-utcn Kitcnen, Dasement, oath, etc. casn X3uu, Daiance Sso per month. Nt tional Realty & Trust Co., 826 H Wash lngton st. room dip. 1 THE best buy in Holladaya. Two modern 6-room houses on corner. 1 block from Grand ave., waiKing a i stance; &5r77K Term s. a - " nuier, zzo uim oer ex- change blag. a 2-STORY S-room frame house, now lo cated at 801 West Park St.; house cost over $2"'00 to build, for sale very chean if removed before May 3. For particulars write IS gi. uregumaii. SUNNYPIDE bargain, 6-room cottaaa mod ern. nice yard, fine location. 12 minutes out; siuuv casn, Daiance on time. 1032 K. Morrison at. K.ey next coor. Phone 2152- BUY a home from us on easy terms; your cnoice 01 ou new raw. 0. x. v meant On . 420 Lumbermeni bldir. Main RS&o 7488. or East 43d st. and Sandy road. Tabor aiea. 5-ROOM new modern bungalow, near Haw thorne ave., szuu casn, Daiance like reni CIIAO Kaiit triil lawn vns ... basement, bath. gas. electricity, fine finish lnsia-a. .au ii tn st, BY OWNER Modern 5-room cottage, two lots, one block from carline. near Arista rwiomlTIr and nubile school: X2fiJV term or discount for cash. Phones Main 1752, A 1752. mrm rale 2 lots on Council Crest. t exposure ; finest view in Portland ; will Sell at a Darga.in. dob owner, Ki. a. Brack' ett. White uarage, ota ana mm ison. 1UUX1W nci W AUBM11 St., $2oOO; easy terms. This is a bargain, on close-in property. See Attorney at 410 Falling bldg. 5-ROOM bungalow, modern, good basecent, Dutch .kitchen, fireplace, tinted; lot 50x 100; garden, fruit trees, roses; $2950; $1950. cash. 985 E. 21st. N. SEE AND BE CONVINCED. 5-room bungalow, first-class in every re spect; can be seen by calling at 480 Going st. By owner. Terms. FOR SALE by owner, a 6-room residence be ing erected in Hancock Addition; will finish to suit purchaser; thoroughly mod ern Call 308 Rothchlld bldg. FOR SALE, in Woodstock, modern 5-room cottage ; owner leaving city : snap. $500 cash required. For information phone Sellwood 1036. HEW", strictly modern 6-room house on Wood stock carline, fine view of city; easy pay ments. Owner, phone Sellwood 816. WHEN moving cali up Van Horn Transfer Co.. M. 1618. A 1984; all covered wagons and experienced men. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, very cheep t choice of five cars; it will pay to investi gate. G 85 1. Oregonlan. VERNON home. 5 rooms finished, upstairs unfinished; corner lot; $2000. 969 E. 22d st.. N.. or phone owner. A 5733. ATTENTION, M. P. CARMEN. Modern 6-room house, easy terms- 1401 East Glisan st. Tabor 1463. FOR SALE by owner, 7-room modern house, close In. Call 810 E. Yamhill or phone East 996. CORNER lot. with 4 cottagas. fine loca tion, close In; Alblna; good income prop erty. Inquire 784 York st. Owner. FOR SALE By owner, the handsomest bungalow in Ir-rlngton. 496 East 20th st North, Call and see REAL ESTATE. SPECIALS. IF YOU WANT TO BUY A HOME! LOO K T HES E O VE $2000 Cosy 3-room cottage, paved street. cement walks, (wxiw-root lot. o mvw cherry trees, near 34th and EL Lin coln. $3000 7-room strictly modern house, first class finish, cement basement, lota of roses and garden, close to West moreland. $2800 2-story. 5-room residence, Hawthorne district, modern, corner lot, 50x100; 8 fruit trees. $4200 Walking distance, on H 7th and Davis. 8 rooms modern . $2650 Mt, Tabor district: 7-room house and 75xlSO feet of ground; plenty fruit. This is a splendid buy. $5000 Rose City Park. 8 rooms, modem; up to date In every particular, mag nificent view: will sell comDletely furalshed for $6000 including $-50 piano. $4300 Lovely 8-room home, near E. 28th and Belmont; modern; full cement basement and furnace. $4700 Large. 8-room house, close in. on E. Everett St.. full basement, lot 60x100. We have Trots of nice homes on our list Msuies these, at reasonable prices. M. B. THOMPSON CO. S.) Henry Bldg., Fourth and Oak 9ts. Main 6084. A S32T. Bnslnees Property. NEW STEEL RAILROAD BRIDGE LOCATION. Investors, catch this opportunity now ! We offer 75xOt feet on Oreeon st. and Grand ave.. close to new upper deck of the splendid new roadway, a fine loca tion for stores and apartments. Will pay handsome profit. This property will ad vance $5000 when bridge is opened. See us for price and particulars. xvo teie- d hones taken on this. M. E. THOMPSON CO. D) Henry Bldg.. Fourth and Oak Sts. 120x540 FEET river front. Linn and Grand ave.; cheapest buy in city at ssoou. Chism, B15 coucn biag. Acreage. 10-ACRE TRACTS. Of Yamhill County's best fruit land on following terms: $10 cash, $10 per montn. 1 en acres rree with every tentn purchase of 10-acre tracts. Call and get Information. We are making special ar rangements to show this land- Office open Tuesday. Wednesday. Friday and Saturday evenings for benefit of working people, iso phone information. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 832 Chamber of Commerce. A BEAUTIFUL HOME. At Forest Grove, fine -college town on electric and steam lines. New. modem Queen Ann house 8 rooms, plastered, with not ana coia water ana batn, etc.. new harn 14xJ0, new chicken-house. etc stands on 3H acres, splendid black land 6 blocks from college campus; two acres in fruit, berries and garden, balance in clover; price $4250; terms. Will take im proved property to amount of $3000. This land alone Is worth $2000. Inquire HENRY ATWATER, 810-811 Merchants Trust Bldg.. Corner Sixth and Washington Sts., Portland, Or. ONE ACRE AT COURTNEY. The best and most sightly single acre tract, all under cultivation, near Court ney Station on the Oregon City carline; price only $1000; some terms. GRUSSI & ZADOW. SIT Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. $1500. Finely cultivated 1-acre tract on Oregon City Electric, at Courtney Station. $300 down, balance $20 a month. Phone M. 1310. THREE and 5-acre tracts, exceptional good DU3. close to fortiana. on electric llnej all level; running water and springs; $175 per acre; easy terms. Brown. 411 Couch LET me sell you a half acre or more In side the city ; Bull Run water, paved street, building restrictions, etc 420 Lurtbermans Bldg.. cor. 5th and Stark. 5 ACRES. 4 plowed; 4 blocks Multnomah depot, $3250. 66S East Taylor. Homeet eads. $33 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35 EXCURSION EXCURSION EXCURSION TO CENTRAL OREGON'S RICH VIRGIN WHEAT LANDS, TUESDAY, APRIL 12. See these fine 320-acre tracts, ad joining the new railroads; good water 6 to 20 feet; stores, schools, poetofflce, sawmills, phones, etc FINE COM MUNITY. DESHON & HAWK, Surveyors, 407 Lumbermena Bank bldg. HOMESTEADS under Irrigation ditch. 160 acres each; special low rates for Crook. Lake and Harney counties; 5 fine home steads on the coast; 2 timber claims. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. 82-page book explaining what each of the 84 counties is best adapated for; gives amount of Government land open to home stead in each county; map attached, 21x28, showing new R. R, and towns. Including Eastern and Central Oregon; counties In dif ference colors; drawn to March 1, 1910; latest mas in U. S. ; price 25o. Nlemmo A Runey. 13 Hamilton bldg. FORTUNE AWAITS YOU IX CENTRAL OREGON". Go with us Tuesday to Lake County; we will give you quick service end satisfaction. Tne claims we are locating will soon be gone. One of these 320-acre claims will make you Independent for life. See us today. W. B. HARTLEY, 411 S wet land Bldg.. Corner Sixth and Washington. Sts. 1 HOMESTEADS. We can locate you on 320 acres of rich Government land In Southeastern Oregon, In the section about to be opened up by the Hill and Harriman lines, and afford ing the best opportunity left in the U. S. to get a homestead. Our agent has been living in the neighborhood of these claims for the past four years, and Is well posted on conditions and knows the country well. For further particulars call at our of fice. THE HART LAND CO.. 146 2d St. WE have a buyer for a farm of not less than 80 acres; price not to exceed $350O; give full particulars, lowest price and terms at once to THE CARD REALTY AND INVEST- M ENT CO.. 110 2d st. Phone Marshall 156T. A 1567. PARTIES desiring homesteads in the famous Christmas Lake and adjacent valleys of Cen tral Oregon, call room 205, St. Charles Ho tel from 4 to 6 and 7 to 8 P. M. Special rates and quick servioe given to parties of four or more. WE will locate you on 320 acres of the best land in Southeastern Oregon. Call for our booklet of details. Piggott & Robin ett, 14 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Mor rlson. For Sale Fruit Lands. NOTICE. To those In the market for a splendid lo-acre fruit tract, convenient to Port land, all under cultivation, ready for the trees. I offer 10-acre tracts within half a mile of North Yamhill station, at from $140 to $150 per acre; most convenient terms. THERE ARE NO BETTER FRUIT TRACTS TO BE HAD IN OREGON FOR DOUBLE THE MONEY. I want to satisfy prospective buyers of this fact and I hereby extend an Invita tion to those Interested to become my guest on a trip to North Yamhill and return. I WILL FURNISH FREE TRANSPORTATION BOTH WAYS AND DINNER AT NORTH YAMHILL, and no one need feel under any obligations to buy property. My representative. Mr. J. W. Crossley, will leave Portland for North Yamhill NEXT SUNDAY MORNING. APRIL 10th, at 7 :20, via Southern Pacific train, re turning to Portland in time for supper. Those desiring to accompany Mr. Cross ley on this trip will kindly call at this office and register, to the end that trans portation arrangements may be made. ' This trip to North Yamhill, into the beautiful Willamette Valley, will be a revelation to those who have never made the trip and I will verify my claim that "ELROD 10-ACRE FRUIT TRACTS" AT FROM $140 TO $3150 PER ACRE, are tha equal of any in the state costing double the money. J. O. ELROD. Owner, 520 Corbett Building-. ONE MORE BARGAIN. 26 acres: 24 acres in high state of cultiva tion, 60 young fruit trees; 5 minutes' to 10 trains dally; good bam. old house, and only 2 miles from good country town, and lees than I hour from Portland. For a quick sale this farm goes for $4O00; $2000 cash, balance easy terms at 6 per cent interest. Try us. J. STROUD ft ON, 434 Chamber of Commerce. A McMINNVILLB ORCHARD. A 5-year-old 20-acre apple orchard of Spltaenbergs, Baldwins and Jonathans, ad joining the town of McMlnnvlUe. $12,000. Y 889. Oregonlan. 1Q-ACRB orchard tracts, unimproved, on rail road, 25 miles from Portland; best soil; no rock: $40 en acre, easy trms; arrange with us to go svnd make selection; round trip same day. 810-811 Corbett bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Fruit I-ands. 40-ACRE fruit and nut farm for sale ty owner; would divide; fine locality, tint soil. Address R- L Austin, Vancouver, Wash. BARGAINS in fruit and farm lands; fines. on the market; close to Portland ana 01 railroad; also several real snaps In cit j property. Phone Main 5053. 25 W. Park. For Sale Farms. 2 ACRES AT GARDEN HOME. AN IDEAL HOME. All In cultivation, 7-room house, modern, good bearing orchard, lies in corner two county roads, cheap est and best suburban property to Portland. 38 cars stop daily, 1 mlnute ride to city; terms to suit. JOHN DICK. 626 Henry Bldg., 4th and Oak Sts. FORT GEORGE FARMS. British Columbia will make you rich. W have very choice ones practically within walking distance of this coming metropolis, near the Junction of 1O0O miles of navigabln rivers and several lines of railway to b built. Prices very cheap on easy terms. The safest investment and the very best specu lation in British Columbia. Buy now and sell for $100 an acre after the railway ia running. Splendid climate, pure air and water; big crops of wheat, oats, hay and barley; best for cattle, cshicken raising and dairying. Markets will increase faster than farmer, can produce. Independent fortunes for those who will buy now. Do not delay. Call or write "NORTH COAST LAND COMPANY, LTD. Vancouver, B. C. Selling agent. T. R. Phillips, 308 McKay bldg.. Portland, Or. 12,300 ACRES. $12.50 PER ACRE ONLY. Best GRAIN, CATTLE". HOG and SHEEP land in the Upper Sacramento Valley. Cali fornia; well watered, well located; good railroad and steamship transportation facili ties; over 4O0O acres grain land, 5iK acres alfalfa land, balance land covered with oali timber; excellent hog land; timber worth considerable; ranch fenced and cross-fenced, necessary corrals; residence of eisht rooms, fair condition, cottage for help, two larga barn a good well and plenty of living watex for all purposes; about 250 cattle included In sale price; only $12.50 per acre; terma one-third cash balance to suit. C. M. WOOSTKR COMPANY, 702 Market St., San Francisco. Cal. FARMS IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. I have the exclusive sale of many good farms In the Valley. I sell direct from the farmers. Do not buy real estate of agents who claim to own their own farina, for the price is "padded" for speculation. I will allow any buyer to price the landtt I offer direct from the owner. C. HUGHES LAND CO-. 408-9 Lewis Bldg. Portland. Or. Phone Marshall 2ofl. GOOD. SMALL. CHEAP FARM. 44 h acres. 7 miles f 10111 Oregon City and oh a Macadam roid, 4 miles from New Era. 4i miles from Canby; 26 acres in high state of cultivation, S acres creek: bottom. 5 acres in timber, all liea fine and very rich soil, fair house and other outbuildings. R. F. D. and phone; 1 mi la to school ; this is a big snap at $3ooo, part cash. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bids.. 4th and Oak. ALBERTA WHEAT LANDS. $12 TO $18 AN ACRE; 10 YEARS' TIME. Your opportunity to purchase these low priced wheat lands of the Canadian Pa cific Railway Is fast slipping away. Thou sands of acres are being disposed of daily. Our excursions are going every 10 da vs. Investigate now. Write or call for liter ature. IDE-M'CARTHT LAND COMPANY. Colonization Agents Canadian Pacifla railway. 425-26-27-23 Lumbermans bldg. 680 ACRES rich productive soil in Willam ette Valley, 1H miles from R. R. station, with good stores. Hazel wood creamery, churches, good schools and excellent so ciety of all American people. Only 40 acres of timber, 550 acres ready for plow. Fine land for apples and pears. Price. t45 per acre on terms of cash, balance years at 6 per cent, or will take good. Portland property in part payment. Geo. Melvln Miller, Eugene, Or. 45 ACRES. 16 miles from Portland, on Tua latin River; R. F. L, milk route, phonm in house; 25 acres under cultivation; 300 fruit trees, 8 years old, half apples; 7 room house, 2 years old ; large barn and sheds, other buildings, 2 good wells; red shot soil, north slope; 7 fresh cows, good team, 75 chickens, all crops in. including 10 acres spuds: will trade for city prop erty; $6000; terms. 226 Lumber Exchange nag- 2060-ACRB grain and stock farm, 5 miles from Heppner. Or. ; 60 acres farm land, 2"0 acres now in grain; 17 ares in alfalfa un der irrigation; 2 family orchard?, good nous, bam and large sheep barn; 5000 acres leased Summer range go with the property if wanted. Price $12.50 pr acre. JAMES MANNER & CO. Hamilton bldg., 131 3d st. 20-ACRE tracts, unimproved. 25 miles by rail from Portland ; suitable for f rult-rals-lng and chicken ranches; well watered, plenty of timber for all purposes, best of soil, no rock or gravel; $15 to $25 an acre; easy terms. These are the cheapest tracis on the market and will bear Inspection. Call and arrange to go and eee them. 310 and 311 Corbett bldg. DAIRY FARM ON BASE LINE ROAD. 60 acres. 40 improved, buildings worth $4000. barn 8ftx72. concrete basement, spring water piped throughout the barn, house and yard, all good land, ? miles from railroad station, Ifi cattle, 3 horses, all machinery. $200 per acre. See tha First State Bank. Gresham. Or., at once. HOP FARM. 37 acres bottom land, near Harrisburpr, Or.; 20 acres in hops; rented for 1 year a4 4 crop In bale. At present prices and indi cations will net buyer $HKX or more firs! year. Price $3250. JAMES MANNER & CO. Hamilton bldg.. 131 3d t. 1 OF the best alfalfa and stock ranches in Eastern Oregon; 8H0 acres; alfalfa bottom land; 960 acres yellow pine and 3000 acres range land; out range for 14.000 sheep; un limited free water for irrigation; gravity system; elevation 1600 feet. Inquire of J, C. Fowler, Shanlko, Or. Care E. O. Bank ing Company. DOUGLAS COUNTY. OR. FOR SALE 1700 acres choice land on good county road, 3 miles from railroad and good town; this land is very suitable for platitng and is at present in good condition ; price $25 per acre. For particulars and terms apply to William MacMaster, 302 Worcester block. Portland, Or. 1 ACRES at a sacrifice, if sola In 10 days; the south V of northeast V4. and north of the southeast i. Sec. J3, T. 4 South, range 4 East. W. M., Union County, Ore gon ; price $750 cah. Dean Land Co. 61 Chamber of Commerce. Portland, Or. FOR SALE CH EAP Fine farm ; SO acres, on Washington side Columbia River, about 50 minutes from Portland; 15 acres in fruit trees; house, barn. etc. For full particulars call or write E. C. Meats, IfilT Board of Trade bldg. Phone Main 3154. 160 ACRES, four miles from Yamhill, 70 acres in cultivation, house, barn, etc., on place; $50 per acre; $4000 cash bal ance easy terms. Address Frank Beck, owner. Yamhill. Or. 10-ACRE orchard traets. unimproved, on rail road. 25 miles from Portland; best soil; no rock; $40 an acre, easy terms; arrange witli us to go and make selection ; round trip same day. 310-311 Corbett bldg. 75 ACRES 55 clear; 15 miles to Portland; railroad, R. F. D., phone, near electrlo line- 7-room house, barn, orchard- clay soil; $125' acre; terms. Owner, O 851, Qregonian. FOR choice homesteads, improved and un improved farm lands in Central Oregon, call upon or address Henderson Invest ment Co., Prinevillo Hotel bldg., Prine ville. Or. IF you want a farm anywhere in Oregon, see me. My list Is a 32-page pamphlet. Ask for It. W. J. Smith, 438 Chamber of Com in ere e. FOR SALE Fine 20-acre farm, also 2 acre home ; ten-acre tracts, brush land and other good places. C. M. Crltten den. Hubbard. Or. BEND for our list of Willamette Valley farms before buying: land shown free. 0 1m stead I. a n el Co.. F alem. Or. 2fv-ACliE dairy price $50 per room 5. farm, acre. , mc.uaing 203 -rj Wa 0 cows sh. st.. FOR SALE by owner, large farm close to city; fine proposition to cut up. 410-11 Lum bermen bldg. Allen & Wright,