THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY APRIL, 8, 191AK V FOB RENT. Housekeeping Room in Private Family. FOH RENT on Portland Heiehts. 2 or 3 large, well lighted partly furnished house keeping rooms; gas. water, etc Address 4W9 21st at. phone M.2267. TWO beautiful furnished housekeeping: rooms, porcelain bath, modern heat, phone and water, in private family of 2; West . Side, close In. A 4230. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms and bath, reasonable ; f ine view, large grounds, fruit. Tabr Height. 170L Bate Line. Phone Taoor 37 S. B 1445. $13.80 NICELY furnished suite of house keeping rooms. In good location, near car. walking distance. West Side, large lawn and roses, t-hone Sellwood 1100- TWO niceiy furnished housekeeping rooms, private family, close, reasonable. B 2432. 4fi) Kasi Davis st. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. $2.50 per week up, gas, bath and phone. 1 OS 1 2t h, near Washington. TWO lovely furnished housekeeping rooms, .sink, water, bath, phone. 5SG Petty grove. 2 AND 3-room newly furnished spartmenta In new and strictly modern house; tine neighborhood. East 1460. 22S East 20th. 6 WELL. rooms, every accommodation; housekeeping privileges. 46 N. 21st St., off Wash. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms in private f am i 1 y. 1 'J4 17th. cor ner Kearn y. M ain b i 35. 189 13TH - pleasant rooms, completely furnished; gas range, bath. $18; adults. SL'ITe. $1. completely furnished. 146 X. lQth; walking distance, phone Main 5173. Ilouei. W HEN you move you'll need r.ew furniture. Buy It Judiciously and the savings will ex ceed your moving exjnses. Our NO-HENT PRICES made ua one of the largest furniture, houses in the cltyt la two years. Iokeri shown same courtesy as buyers. MOKGAN-ATCHLEY FL'RNITL'HB CO. 09-75 Grand Ave., Cor. East Stark St. Et Arisen y and Russell-Shaver carline pass our door. FOR RENT 1-story house, 7 rooms, bath and basement; 60-foot lot; 467 10 th st., near Jackson. Inquire of F. J. Bunting, I-'IO East Yamhill st. Phone B 15S2. NEW, modern, 6-room houses, bath, shades, combination fixtures, fruit trees, good view; walking distance; rent $lti. 241-243 Tillamook st. Take "I"' car. PORTLAND Heights, modern 7-room house with attic, located on Spring and 21st sts. A beautiful place. Phone O. F. Cooke, Main 9542. FOR RENT G-room modern house on E. JOth st.. $2U per month. 61 S Board of Trade Bldg. Main 375. 6-ROOM house, 543 E. 17th st., 1 block from Waverly-Woodstock car. Phone East 160O WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co. Main 1618. A 19S4. AU covered, was ons. all experienced men. FOR RENT Cottagt at 600 Salmon st. on 232 Stout fit. Key ABOUT May 1, modern elftht-room house, 74S Raleigh st. Phone Main Sua 2. 7-R OM house for rent oM Front st. Furnished Houses. FOR RENT for about six months, modern A-room steam-heated corner flat, nicely furnished, piano; within walking dis tance: 1 block to two carlines; possession given about April 15. Phone Main 2443. The Ames Mercantile Agency, 416 Abing ton bldg. ROOM, 2-story house with furnace, com pletelv furnished with piano, on Kelly sr.; $25. 317 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Main 7 4. -.2. A 4401. (AN attractive 6-room furnished bungalow; prettiest part of IrvingUm; large yard; no chl 1 d rn 72a Weldler st. Phone C lu&8. 7-ROOM modern house 1 Irving ton . Inquire Stark St., near 2d. 440 E. 14th st.. X. Louis Salomon, 2.13 COMPLETELY furnished B-room house ; nice yard and fruit trees; close In on East Side. phone B H87. Mi'ELY furnished cor nor flat, central loca tion, reasonable. &03 Marquam bldg. Main 2219. COMPLETELY furnished 3 or 4-room flat; modern. Call mornings, Main 8509. 23i2 'lay st. FURNISHED 4-room cottage, electric lights, bath; central. Inquire 2736 7th. 30 7-ROOM House; car and si-hool. C well furnished; near 1132. 12-KOOM furnished house. $t. 2 2d and East Burnslde. AdJws K. Wh e eld on, a pt. 5. Honffii for Rent, Furniture for Sale. SWELL FLAT. 1TH ST Modern -5-room flat, rent $.10 ; furni ture is exceptionally swell and for sale at $250 less than cost, price $ftTU; in a tine location on 12th st. 10-ROOM HOUSE. MONTGOMERY ST. Id-room house, near Hrd and Mont gomery, rent $:;. per month, with SloO v orth of rooms rented, mostly house k eepi n g : f u rn 1 1 u re Is good and for sa le for $Su- K4..0 cash, balance monthly, ourssi & ZADOW, ;i17 Hoard of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. $7t0 WORTH nearly new, massive, oak fur niture; insured for $000; insurance paid three vears: 7-room house, 0 rooms ftir nUlied and rent paid to May 1; rent $ 1; prl.e $: !". 1 Mi one Tabor 12K. ALMOfT new furniture of 7-room house at a bargain ; 3 rooms upstairs pay rent; close to business center. Inquire 6 -0 Chamber of Commerce. ON -account of sickness will sell my room ing house cheap; money-maker, close in. Call 329 Mohawk bldg. FIRST-CLASS furniture 9-room house; good locution, something good, only $h50, 250 cash, balance easy. W SO . Qregonla n. HOl'SB of 5 roonu. newty papered and paint ed ; rlne locality ; furniture for sale. 434 Harrison at. Fl KN1SHED 5 -room cottage. Seaside, year, season or month. Phone B K'S7. -KM).l house ture for sale. sale; cheap rent; furni- Simimer Resort. FOR KENT OR SALE A nice S-room cot tage, furnished, at Sea View. Wash. Call Main S its 2 . stores. BTGAM-HEATEl). well-ligh le.t and ventilated ttore in new building, Washington st.. near 19th. sultnble for groceries, drugs or delicat essen. Arrangements can be made which would AMrure splendid trade- Rent very reasonable to commence. Might help finance capable people. W. I MORGAN, 503 Abington bldg. F R R ENT Fine large stores In new buildings, just completed, at East Burn si do n nd in ion a e., and also at Eat Morrison and 8; h st.. Both are growing business centers. Low rent, long lease. Apply to 1. Gevurts A Sons, 173-173 1st FoR RENT The Arlington Club building. W es t Park ail d Alder s t ree t s. will be leased, entire, as H now stands, for five yean; or ground floor space remodeled for business occupancies. Apply to R. T. Cox. S',0,t Third 9t. TO RENT Store on Main street. Eugene. Oregon, adapi able for cafeteria or any other business; only store on Main street in let. Inquire Box I. Eugene, Oregon. SMALL store tor rent In new brick build ing, suitable for barber shop or lunch counter. IK! N. 2d st.; onlv $10 a month rent. Inquire 201 Morrison st. FOR RENT 4-mory and basement brick at ore building. 100x166 S. E. corner Front and Pine at. Appiy C. A. Dolph, Mohawk bldg. FOR RENT Fine store suitable tor dress making parlor; owner will put In par titions. Apply to Jones, druggist, cor. Front and Glbbs sts. FOR RENT 5-story brick building. 2d and Ash; also large brick building suitable for automobile garage; sma'l store, 26x65. 240 Madison st. Apply R. T. Cox. Main 422. STOR ES T. 7 I'nion ave.. near Ankeay ; yard; reasonable rent; near Pumside bridge. Anknr car. Apply Rodger3, Hart. Gibson, i4 ad st. FOR RENT A fine store 20x70 feet in new brick building at 14th and W ashing to nJ ts. Apply Gevurtz.8fc Sons, 173-1. j 1st PA RT of store, 406 Washington St., near 10th, modern, steam heat; very desirable rent cheap. STORE for rent in new brick building. N. 2d st.; rent only 25 a nionih. Inquire 201 Morrison st. ONE) new storeroom. 25srt left In new Apply at drugstore, bin) Front st, "F" or "S" car. block. Either ONE new storeroom. C.'ixriO. left in new block. Apply at drugstore, SO0 Front st. 0 Kit her "F" or 'S" car. ThRD st. store for rent, near Jefferson. $:;o. W. G. Cox. 222 Failing bldg. STORE ROOM; best location, facing lOth St., nonr Wash. W ST-4 Ortgoniun. TWO very deslrabk offices for rent in "hamber of Commerce bldg. Inquire 432 Chamber of Commerce blug. FLOOR space, 40x60. suitable for light manufacturing or printing office: also well office rooms for rent. Inquire of A. G. Churchley. photographer. 1451 Sd sU FOR RENT A few offices in Couch, bldx. Anrdv rt03 Lewis bldg. OFF1CK ROOM. Tarlors. 3t!3 W Apply at Harvard Dental ishington st. CORNER office, with use of dsk and type writer, O. W. F. Land Co., lJa 1st mi EOR RENT. Offices. WASHINGTON STREET. Columbia bldg., coriwr of West Park st. Desirable ofiices. singly or en suite. Es pecially adapted to professional people. VERY desirable office or desk-room in good location for real estate or brokerage busi er; both phones, heat and light furnisnea. 'HB CARD REALTY & INVESTMENT CO. T 110 21 st Phone Marshall 1667, A 1567. BALLROOM, good location. In good eondl- T?on. reasonable. B. F. Jones, 600 Front. WareliDOse. FOR RENT OR LEASE Brick warehouse, with elevator and large offices; 30x14)0; three stories and basement. Corner 4th and Gllsan sts. Apply to X. O. Woodward. 104 2d st. TO LEASE. I WILL lease for a term of 20 years one of the finest hotel sites outside of Port land, on carline and river bank at Mil waukie. Or.; also have line sites for fac tories or business buildings Address John R. Kelso. Milwaukle. Or. LOST AT) FOUND. BOY MISSING Name Joe; age 12 years; rather small for his age and very thin; light complexion. Left home Monday. March 1 ; wore short, dark-blue pants, brown striped coat. blue shirt, white stripes, black shoes and stockings; Italian descent; speaks good English. Reward will be paid for any information regard ing his w hereabouts. Call A 3U7" or call at SS West Park st.. Portland, Or. LOST From E. 33d ft. and Slough Road, 2 punier, one roan mare, blind in right eye; one black horse, with hair clipped and mane cut r,ort. Reward offered. Please call up Wood lawn 2.1. Address? E. Bauman, box No. ICo. R. F. P. route No. 1. Portland, Or. LOST A Roman mosaic brooch, design a green beetle set In white stone, with blue and white border: valuable as a keepsake for 4) years. Return to Mrs. J. H. Houghton, tl2 Kearney and recei ve reward. FOUND Where you can buy genuine hair mattresses retail at wholesale prices; we renovate mattresses and return same day. Portland Curled Hair Factory, H. Metzger, 22 Front- Phone Main 474. A 1374. LOST Brown bulldog with white on breast; wears collar with square brass spikes; ears and tail trimmed. Return to 1789 Dwight st., or call Woodlawn 13S4 and receive liberal reward. , m LOST Ladles" gold watch 19-jewel Elgin) eiLher on JefK-rson, Main, 14th or in Mad ison Park. Finder return to 262 14th. Re ward. phone Main 26&6. FOUND Where watches, diamonds and Jew elry are sold for amount loaned and one month's Interest. Uncle Myers Collateral Bank. 71 6th st. near Oak st. LOHTLadys gold watch and chain; watch has gentleman's picture In case and M. J. i-n case. Return to 247 6th st. and receive reward. LOST 2 plain gold rings, between Court House and Trinity Church. Reward. Phono E. 6100. LOST Signet ring with blood stone, in Meier & Frank's store Monday afternoon; reward. n:3 1st. Marguieea Grocery. LOST Oval -shaped gold stickpin, mono gram "C. A. W." Return to HIS Ganten bftin ave. Reward. FOl " N I Ta n leather s ui tcaae. Wo i lawn M 7 Owner phone FOX terrier, white, head black, crippled. Call for rewawl, 5" 3 i Washington Bt. FEMALE fox terrier, name "Tinie. Call for reward nt 633 g Washington St. LOST Smal I cameo brooch ; Johnston st. Main 4113. FOI'N D A pu rse with some change in it. AH fssn, Oregon fan. RUSIXESS OPPORTUNITIES. A SMALL party of people interested la Central Oregon realty will leave Portland Saturday morning at 7:40 A. M. for the Deschutes country. They will investigate the possibilities for investments In '-his much talked of country. This party will be under the direction of the Thomp son Company (ground floor, Henry bldg.), who will have the exclusive, handling of the townsites of Madras and Bend. Any one wishing to join may do so by appll cntlon to the office of the company. FOR SALE: BARGAIN. One 2-story sawmill 30 feet In width, 342 feet long, with 90-horse engine, ISO horse boilers, one planer with blower saw dust conveyer; all necessary machinery complete for running, including buildings. About 10,HKK.0t0 foot timber accessible to mill at reasonable stum page; mill Is lo cated near L'nited Railway line, good local t rnde. price, $;iroo on very easy terms. Will trade for Bmall farm. L. X. TOMPKINS. Hlllsboro. Or. 65-ROOM hotel in most central- location in city : all outslrie rooms, new and modem throughout; telephones, hot and cold run ning water in every room; high-grade car lets smd furniture; turning people away every day; long leas1; guaranteed profits of per mo.; p'SJse.ssion given for $7500. Particulars cheerfully given. P. I. AUSTIN & CO., Original Exclusive Hotel rrokers. Suite S, 3t2 Washington. RESTAURANT, $250. Nice, clean restaurant, in waiting-room of a Portland depot, rent only $40. with 2 months paid in advance included In the price, with lease; place is completely fur nished and must be sold this week; a snap at $2."0; $100 cash, balance monthly. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. PARTNER WANTED. Young, active partner for wholesale and retail oi! and gasoline business, estab lished 17 years; pays over $300 per month clear profit. We will give a trial before buying ; price $1000. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. RESTAURANT, doing good business, on 3d street; owner forced to leave town; tf .you ever saw a bargain, there is one; everything brand new and complete; $125. HOM ES E ElvERS LAND CO., U'.2 North Sixth St. 10 ROOMS, RENT $27.60. West Side; completely furnished; Ax minster and Brussels carpets ; clears $00 month above r II expenses ; leaving city ; must be sold at sacrifice: $."(X, half cash. IL E. JAMES, S8 10TH ST. BIG dividends for anyone desiring to Invest $nO0 or more In building proposition where by investor will get his or her share of profits according to money invested as houses are sold. Call 3U8 Rothchild bldg. WOULD you invest In a machine shop and manufacturing plant that will make owner rich " Thoroughly equipped and no bet ter location; will consider time payments or clear Oregon realty. X SIM, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN! STRANGER! Make careful invest! gat ion at expense of seller before you invest money in any proposition. Advisory Department. Y. M. C. A. 5 KOOMS. close expenses : t ii is leaving city ; sfi piano, for $22 Call SS lOth. in; rooms rented, pays all must be sold this week, orifice; furniture, including i; will make easy terms. FOR SALE A general merchandise store, invoice about $4f00. doing $100 por day, near Portland; cheap rent. Phone Wood lawn 'Z i ;. , WANTED To Invest $10,000 and services in lumber business with party furnishing equal amount; five years' experience. H. L. Shape. Perkins Hotel. BARBERS! LOOK! Two-chair shop, swell location, good trade, cheap rent; other business; your own price. Tabor 12S. GROCERY store in good payroll town; good business, good location ; price, invoice-, if taken before April 10. D S54, Orego- nian. FOR SALE Established business, will clear $100 to ?l."i0 monthly; must be sold at once on account of other business. Phone E 73; B 1231. LONG established grocery in down-town business section ; will invoice J10.0OO; terms, spot cash; no agent. Address T s.4. Oregonian. I WANT a partner in my old-established real estate and furniture busines; good opt-ort unity; only $2'Q required. 3o6 3d st. LA Rii E r.ectior skylight room, dark room In con sult aide for photographer. Inquire crs. Hart. (Jibon L'o.. Jttt Sd St. S,VjO Grocery and confectionery": excellent cation : cheap rent. Address W Sol. Ore- gor.lan. EXPRESS business, single and double rigs, steady trade; dissolution partnership rea son selling. Inquire 53 North tth st. $oOO CASH will give you etock, fixtures and leases of machinery house worth much more. Call C 1132. NOTICE. If you have anything of value to sell or ext-hangw call at room 8. Washington. BEAUTY parlors and Turkish baths, well pairouized. for sale. D ..;, Oregonian. FOR SALE Bakery; a lucky stand; will bear investigation. E. Clay rt. LUNCH COUNTER Can clear $5 .day, for salP cheap. Call 28 '- MarK st BARF E U 'o.' n t ion. SHOP for sale; 2 chairs; good 4 1 J .Morrison St. 1 CASH grc eery. on! $7-: clean stock. iin U Stark et. - SiiMntSS. Call 24!- FOR SA l.F One-chair barber shop. $60. ' ."'" .1 f ff ej-son St. BARBER shop for sale; three chairs: low rent. 302 iia st. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. ONE-HALF interest In good retail business, well established and in excellent location of business district. Will net you about $-t"U per month and will bear fullest investigation. Will invoice between 5o"0 and $60w; can arrange terms If necessary. KAITMANN & MOORfTT" (C24-325 Lumber Exchange. LIVERY STABLE. A fine livery business, on a paying basis, clearing $2O0 per month; 13 horses. 11 rigs, harness, saddles. In fact, fully equipped; includes livery barn, 100x120 and a modern 10-room house, on a lot Ssxl0O; this is a fine business and the only barn in a good town not far from Portland; price, including land and every thing, $12,000, part cash. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. THE only Saratoga chip factory in Oregon, shipping goods all over the state, all through South and Eastern Washington and parts of Idaho; grated horseradish our specialty, and the business is growing fast; established 7 years; sickness compels me to sell. Am asking 3u00 cash. If you have this amount and wish to In vestigate, Call at 3L2 Schuyler st. after noona between 2 and 5. E. G. Williams. WANTED -A reliable tenant for a hotel building just completed; all conveniences, including steam heat, electricity and gas. hot and cold water, electric bells, etc.; 20 rooms upstairs with ladies' and gents baths and wash rooms, also dining hall and office on first floor, also 2 store rooms and full basement. Address C. C. Arnold. 203 E. loth St.. Vancouver. Wash. A HALF interest In the best mercantile bus iness in the Valley ; having outside busi ness that requires a great deal of my time, I will sell a half interest to party who can furnish Al reference and is ca pable of looking after the business; might take part in farm land or Portland prop erty. Address William Allen, P. O. Box :i07. McMinnville, Or. RESTAURANT. $323. Nice, clean restaurant, on Madison et., good business location, clearing -$3th) per month, rent only $."0 per month, with lease. A nice business paying big income. Price only $325 for a few days only. Own er must leave the city. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. A Fl5"E location for a butcher shop on North Bank R. R a great inducement for the right man. Have a good offer for a man to start a livery barn on North Bank R. R. G. W. BOWMAN. 1015 Board of Trade. SALOON AND HOTEL. Beat transient house in Portland; 50 rooms, well 'furnished, beautiful bar, am ple stock, good lease; this business is clearing over $10,000 annually; for price and terms call 2S0Vi Washington St., room CI 2. HAVE a few hundred dollars to Invest, with services, in some profitable business; have neid respons-lhie ortice positions inr years, and am holding one now, but would like to get into something for myself. AG 850, Oregonian. . FINE OPENING for hotel at Parkdafe, the terminus of the Mt. Hood Railroad, in the heart of the famous I noer Hood Liver vai ley. Ideal location. Fine tourist trade. For further particulars write R. J. itcisaac, int. Heod P. P.. Oregon. WELL-ESTABLISHED, responsible, real es tate dealer will difrpose of half interest to acceptable man; no better opportunity in Portland ana snouia easily bvi.rc $200 net'per month; references exchanged. Ca.ll 2K6 ifr Washington st.. room 012. vi ivivi: nii-tnrA films, machines Every thing for moving picture business fr rent or sale. If vou are planning to open a show we are ready to assist you. Write for our best offer. Laemmle Filna Sery ice. Pantages bldg.. Portland, or. IF YOU have some capital which you would like to Invest in a bona Iiae proposition, where it will net you big returns, I have BiTfh a. -nroiiositlon. which will stand the closest investigation. Correspondence strictly confidential. N. 1,- Oregonian. GENERAL merchandise store, near Portland, on electric line, clearing $4o per monin no competition, no dead stock, low rent: at invoice, about $6(HK: will accept Port land property. Particulars 2S Washing ton St.. room 612. i NICE little grocery on I'nion ave. ; new but lain g; ail nxt tires, aiso gooa organ rent. 20: nrice. $6.'iO; 3 years' lease. Mu tual Realty Co., 3j3 Washington st.. room ;. ESTABLISHED REAL ESTATE BUSINESS. Owner is alone, wants partner in pret erence to hired help. This Interest will stand investigation and pay a montn. Call 417 Board or Trade mag. RELIABLE architect wants interested help ; experience not necessary be yon a n h I H 1 1- tn tpnil ofPlee rorrPsnonH en ce etc.: he will guarantee $100 month salary and share profits. Particulars -i Mark st. MOTION uicture theaters bought, sold or ex changed: interests purchased or eld; thea ters financed; sketches furnished; plans drawn. Call or write, &I3 Rothchild bldg, Portland. . FOR SALE My shares of stock in a wood company; position with same; tearing the city. Call at 300 Oregonian bldg., or phone Mam IU34. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE $100 certifi cate on piano or player piano at Graves Co. ana one nusiness tot in vjpai t.ny. dress Fred. G. Conley. Cottage Grove. Or. Before BUYING or SELLING any MINING, Oll WIRBLES3 or INDUSTRIAL stock. get our prices. Davidson & Co., Lewis bldg. Ftione .viarsnaii io. BAKERY for sale in factory town, equipped with machinery, 8 living rooms, all fur nished. 2 horses, 2 wagons, good trade. Price $3000. AB 862. Oregonian. DO YOU want supplies or rent film 7 We are Independent, do not belong to the trust. pacific 11m. t-o.. rtoiocano bide.. Portland, or. 8AWMILI planer and quarter section of 9 timber for sale; mill In good order; ca pacity 20 M ; no agents. Address 1012 East Main at-. Jieuioiu. ur. M A NUFACTURI NO business, wants reliable partner he can depend on; will pay good salary and profits. Call 417 Board of Trade. ovr storeroom. 20x60. in new block, suit able for confectionery, ice cream an. fruit. Apply at drugstore, front ana Glbbs st. FOR SALE-Grocery, delicatessen, bakery, ic cream parlor; making big money: a goldmine: will consider some trade. AJ St5. Oregonian. FOR SAIE Well-established general mer chandise business In A-l Willamette Val iv town: stock about Sin.ooO: annua profits $ tip 00. Call or address 8T Cth st. 90x50 OR 33x70 feet floor apace, 16th and Alder, for tlnshop, plumbing shop, paint shop, auto repair, etc. Inquire 80S, Ore gonian DlUg.- D!U J H.UU A V CIOC&. t a RTNKR wanted to heln in store: will pay active man $150 month; requires very Il tt te money, mm v. c niu u rujiso lerms. Call 24S' tarK St. READY MONBY Thafs California OH vrit! -for our monthlv naoer: it elves full particulars; It's free. SAGAR-LOOMI3 J.K., I lU-ili r iicinn uiur., can r muciscu. 5, IO AND 15-cent store, fine location, clean stock ; a gooa. ciea-n, paying ousmess. Bloch Realty to., --J Aum perm ens bldg. RESTAURANT doing $50 business daily; good location: nrioe $1000. Owner. 49ui4 Waah- Ineton st. mrSTRY store, well located on carline cash payment, balance on terms or trade JOT Ci 1 rri - v'tgi-uiaii. 11IXINB AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Telephone and other bonds bought and sold yictcner in v. o.. ao ADington. IF vou want to oe locaiea in Dullness, call and let George show you his list of business chances. 221 Henry bldg. siti.iaRLE merchant wants nartner: ore fers office man; profits very large; money fully secured. lau &tarK st. SPECIAL. Steady young man with $230 cash as partner in cash business ; salary S j, 1 a ween. . an 4i or iraae. t ; a ft confectionery and poolroom. St vears" lease, cheap rent; a bargain at $3M. Bloch Realty Co.. -21 Lumoermeni bldg. LIST your property and business chances for quick action wua vjo. o- Alien -rte&ny CO.. enry oiug. S-CHAIR barber shop at your own price have other business. See Ritter, 226 Lum Exchange oiag. FOR SALE Restaurant, doing $50 business daily; good location; price $10o. Call and see owner. 4tn j asn.ngton St. AT invoice, an old-established general store, up-to-date, good butnet. P. O. box 417, A net a. ur. iROCRRY STORE West Side, corner, fine location, good- cash trade. Bloch Realty "v t n: v. established motion-picture thentef in Portland ; near Kern Park. See New- man. aao v wa. i. WANTED Honest, bright young man with little money as punmr, 10 snow property ROOMING-HOUSES. 16 ROOMS Nice furniture. NEAT AND CLEAN, close in: price 912Z.U. Call 20 Washington St., room 612. ROOHING-HOUSE2. ROOMING-HOUSE. To lease for term of years. 118 Rooms. Second and third 000 Burkhart building. East Burnside. between Union and Grand avenues; now be ing remodeled; not and cold water each room, besides several bath rooms installed. Location central, close to West Side, with best car -..service in city in all directions. M'CARGAR, BATES & LIVELY. 316 Failing Building. 20 ROOMS on Washington- st.. apartment. iirst-ciass furniture ana carpets; goou. lease; a snap at $12"50. 10 rooms, housekeeping and single; good furniture and carpets: low rent; a neat place, only $450 cash required. 11 rooms, furniture nractlcallv new. in cluding piano; all goes for $4oO. See this at once. PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO., 313 Henry Building. ' BARGAIN HUNTERS. LOOK!!! 15 rooms, near 11th and Washington sts.; well and completely rumisned; gas, furnace. porcelain bath, mostlv housekeeping; rent onlv 6u. with lease: DON'T DELAY; the PRICE le ONLY $750. $4J0 casn. balance monthly. Receipts from rooms $100. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO.. 32fitA Washington St.. Rooms' 201-202. SS ROOMS, elegant furniture, absolutely new. New corner brick, modern through out, hot and cola water, private paths, 5-year lease, low rent. House is filled with tenants and making big money, Never on the market before. PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO., 313 Henry Bldg. FURNITURE of seven-room house on 11th street one block off of Washington for sale lor $;ku; rent szi ; iour rooms bud let as furnished rooms to permanent ten ants; a steady income for small invest ment. JENNINGS & HOWE. 122 West Park st.. near Washington. ROOMING-HOUSE BARGAIN. 40 rooms. well furnished and well lo cated: this place can be made to pay $200 ner month net prorit at very uttie ex penee. At the price offered is a genuine snap; terms. GOODXOUGH & SEITZ, 718 Board of Trade. LEAVING city, sacrifice furniture 11 rooms, fine house, extensive lawn and vara, trees, shrubbery, flowers, fruit trees. ful of nice roomers; clearing hi aoove expenses price $750. easy terms. BUSINESS INVESTMENT 0., 2'7 Fenton Bldg.. 84 0th St. MUST SELL Furniture of fl-room, modern, clean, ele gantly furnished house on 10th st. ; 7 rooms rented; rent $30; easy terms. East 2 7 0. O w n er. A GOOD BUY One of the best located and best paying rooming-nouses m Portland ; landlady in poor health; 25 rooms, nicely furnished. If you want good proposition. ad o ress owner. j aoz. uregonian. A MONEY-MAKER, good furniture of 79- room house, w ashinxton street, brick building ana long ieae. price 1X00 t erms. Call 417 Board of Tra le Bid g. 10 ROOMS, housekeeping and transient, best location on Washington St.; good furni ture; rent $85. Particulars 428 Mi Wash Ington st. GOOD transient house, 12 rooms, fine fur niture, price oO; terms. Call 417 Board of Trade. 10 ROOMS, housekeeping and transient, best location on w asn ington st. ; good f urni ture; rent $35. Particulars 42S- Wash ington st. TWO rooming-houses. S and 10 rooms; must be sold at once, owner going away. 414 Dekum oidg, rnone Main o&to. 4ti ROOMS, best location in the city; cheap rent: will taKe 2uu; terms, wash- ington st. SACRIFICE, swell furniture of 11 -room house, close in. Price fion, hair cash. A money-maker. all 41T Board of Trade. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. MULTNOMAH COUNTY COURTHOUSE. Electrical Work. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of Whidden & Lewis, architects, 701 Corbett Building, Portland, Oregon, until 12 o clock noon, on Friday, April la, 191U, for the electric wiring and for such other work as called lor in sp educations, 10 r the east wing of a new Courthouse to be erected for the county of Multnomah, mate or Oregon. Plans and specifications may bo ob tained at the office of the architects. No proposal or bid will be considered unless accompanied by a check payable to the order of the County Court of Mult nomah County, certified by a responsibl-a bank, for an amount equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate proposal, to be forgeited as fixed and liquidated damages In case the bidder neglects or refuses to enter Into contract and provide a suitable bond lor the faithful performance of said work, in the event the contract is awarded to him. The right to reject any and all bios is nereoy reserved. F. S. FIELDS, County CI e r k. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR North Yakima. Wash.. April 1. 110. Sealed pro posals will be received at the office of tne project engineer. Lnitea mates nee lamation Service, North Yakima, Wash, until 2 P. M. April 22. 1010, for the ex cavation of about 40 miles of sub-laterals. Tieton unit of icKima project. For par ticulars address tne united states Rec lamation Service, Fourth ave. and B North Yakima. Wash. J. S. CONWAY, Project Engineer. SEALED BIDS will be received at the office of School Clerk, City Hall, until 5 P. M. Thursday. April 14, for fuel to be fur nished schools for the year - 191O-1011. Spec! flea t ions may be had at the office of the Clerk. The Board of Directors re serves the right to reject any and all bids. R. H. Thomas. Clerk. Miscellaneous, STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. Notice is hereby given to the stockholder of the Bunker Hill and Sullivan Mining and Concentrating Company tan Oregon corpora tion having its principal office at the City of Portland, Oregon), that a special meeting of the stockholders of said company will be held at its principal office. Room No. 501 504 Chamber of Commerce Building in the City of Portland, Oregon, on Thursday, the Fourteenth day of April, 1910, at the hour of eleven o'clock In the forenoon, for the following purpose: To consider and take action on Increasing the capital stock of this company and the disposal of such increase ana to transact such other business as may coma before eaid meeting. Said meeting la called and this notice Is given a required by the Board of Director of said company at a meeting thereof duly called and held on the twenty-first day of March 1910, and in aue aceoruance with taction 9, of Article IX, of the By-law of said company. Dated at Portland, Oregon, tht twenty first day of March, 1910. GBORGB F. HOLM AN, Secretary of the Bunker Hill and Sullivan Mining and Concentrating Company. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will be received by the Fur nish Ditch Co., at Stanfleld, Oregon, up un til Tuesday noon, April 12, 1910. for the building of a storage reservoir on the Umatilla River, including about 140,000 cubic yards earth excavation. 3,UiH cubic yards solid rock excavation, and l,2oo cubic yards concrete work. Maps, plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the Furnish Ditch Co.. at Pendleton. Oregon, or at the office of the Furnish Ditch Company, Beck bldg., Port land, Oregon. The Furnish Ditch Co.. by W . J. F urn ish , presiden L SEALED BIDS will be received at office of R. H. Thomas, School Clerk, City Hall, Portland, Or., until 5 P. M., April 14. 110, for Jefferson High Sohool labora tory equipment. Specifications and list of materials may be seen at above men tioned office. Board reserves the right to reject any and all bid. R. H. Thomas. ALASKA OIL & GUANO CO. The annual meeting of stockholders of the above company will bc held at the office of the company. Concord bldg.. on Wednes day, the 2oLh day of April. 1910, at 12 noon, B. H. N I COLL. Secretary. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan Real Estate. MONEY to loan on improved city and farm property. LOANS ON INSIDE CITY PROPERTY, TO 7 PER CENT. S14 LEWIS BLDG. MORTGAGE LOANS, AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON. 2S3 STARK ST. tiooo TO $2OO0 to loan without commission. W. S. Moore, Corbett bid. FINANCIAL. Money to Loa -Keal Estate. MONEY to loan on improved property. If lor building purposes, interest uus commence until actual disbursement or funds. Liberal repayment options. Co lumbia Life & Trust Co. 2.1 Lumbar Eix- nange bldg. $5u0.vOO ON improved city or farm property; large loans & specialty. J. M. McKanxie Co. 514-1S-16 Gerlln&er bldg. FIRST and second mortgages and contracts furchaed on Oregon ana wuuiubi-uu aads, . L. Dtvercaux, Fenton bidg. bt eth st. 1 BUY for cash either first oc second mort gage or sellers equity in contract sale on real estate in Oregon or Wasntng ton. H- E- Noble. Lumbermen bldg. PLENTY of. money to loan at fi andv J per cent on real estate security. EDW. P. MALL COMPANY. 309-31O Abington Bldg. MORTGAGE loans on Portland real estate and Oregon farms for borrower or ienu er. Gibson &. JdollidayUO-i and 5 Ger linger bldg. - TO LOAN. To loan. 401K at 6 per cent on arproved security. Inquire G. H. Thomas, 207 Oak st.. room 2. MONEY loaned, building purposes, if con sulted beiore ouiiain-g oegm ov neufj bldg. $5u0 TO $100o on good real estate securi ties; no commission charged. AK 853, Ore- gonian. IMMEDIATE loans from $5 to $500, on all securities. W. A. iatuawa, ruoui Washington bldg. Phone Mam 302. WILL loan $5000 or less real estate secur ity. Farrington, 410 commercial duo bldg. , MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates, l. r. iiiiu uwa u 3d and Stark. 2AJ0.00O IO LOAN, large loans a specialty; building loans, loot rates. W. U. Beck, 312 Failing bldg, tiUVATii money loaned on rtai estate nwri-tf-n H. Miiey . room 204 Gerlinaer bldg. LuA.NS on wneat laaos. L. K. Muora, I iioard oi xraue. ruomuu, LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security. ""en, ooo- reuiuu. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE KATES, r . it- i-n. wia. a w 1a MONEY loaned on real estate niurLtcj wr - w W niin 44H 9nriui:i; iild. ILL loan $;iuuo or less, real estate. Hitch.- cock, 010 Rothcniia mag. MONEY to loan ; mortgages bought. Wm. Holl, 9 Washington bldg., 4th and Waan. looo, $5oo, FOR Central East Side. , No ue- WE BUY bank account, securities, foreign mcney; loans. F. H. Lewis. 3 Lewis bldg. State funds loaned. 6 per cent. W- Jsi. as state ageui. aunnuumn u., MONEY to loan, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent Go od nougife&3Uz;718BoardofT Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. i $$$$$$$$$ $4 $ $ ARE YOU LOOKING FOR MONEY? If you would know how easy our term are you would not be short of money. Don't ha bothered with, a lot of small debts; let us furnish. th money to settle them. WE LOAN ON Real Estate. Kurmture and Piano (with out removal), storage Receipts, Life In surance Policies, Horses. Jewelry. Dia mond, and ail kind of securities, on easy weekly or monthly payments. We Buy First and becond Mortgage. All Business Strictly Confidential. TJ. S. REAL ESTATE A BROKERAGE CO 13 Hamilton Blug.. 131 id. Main 2084. $$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ MONEY FOR EVERYBODY. SPECIAL RATES FOR SPRING. SEE US TODAY. CHATTELS OR SALARY. Lowest rates and quickest service in tue city. ABSOLUTELY NO PUBLICITY. HUTTON CREDIT CO.. 512 Dekum Bldg.. Main 2itia. !$$$$$$$ $ S PATE SECURITY CO. $ B-R-O-K-l-rt-S SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. flu TO $100 lAlWRriT H. ATRS IN PORTLAND. $10, repaid in installments of ....-$ -45 $20, repaid ir Installments of.... -90 5o, repaid in installments of $2.00 Larger amount in proportion. We do nut advertise niileadmg term or rate, but give you our charges in pi tig urea. Business strictly confidential. STATK KKl'IiklTV CO.. $ $ $ $ 30b Failing Bldg. $ $ WH ln?n mon v on watches, d iamonds. eal skins, ' mink, overcoats, trunks, dreas suit cae and musical instruments. UNCLE MYERS, 71 Sixth st. Between Oak and Pine sis. Main 910. rM ATTKI. LOANS. ' Installment loans on pianos, furniture, warehouse receipts, horses, insurance poli cies and all kinds of securities; REAL Jd- A. AT E LOANS from $3uW up. NEW ERA LOAN & MTG- CO.. 416 Abin&ton Bldg. MONEY advanced salaried people, house keeper and others upon their own name without security ; cheapest rates, easiest payments ; office in 00 principal citie; save yourself money by getting my term first- TULMAin, an iumoer cxcuilubp. wr ionn monev on diamonds and Jewelry at reasonable interest for long or short time. A. & M. Delovage, jeweldr 269 W ashlngton st. LOANS negotiated on a good security. GRAY-CUNN INGHAM-GRAY, 7-2-7-3 Electric Bldg. SALARY loan, confidential, easy to get. easy to pay. IT. a. isewton. oio aenrj om. LOW rates ; wo loan money on diamond and J ewe try. jaari pm;n. m fc- A LOAN for in asking, salary or tthatt!. Tne Loan 1.0.. ueauiu "m. MONEY to loan on diamonds, watches and jewelry. nerpnarai a ixm 11 1 ic, 00 om. Losn Wanted- WE H AVK clients who want to borrow Provident investment te. 1 rustei Co., Ti24-2 Board of Trade Bldg. Phone Marshall 4o. c- crt QR & vears. 6 ner cent, for sale. What am I offered? Address AM ho-4. Oregonian. FARM loans of $7-0. $iK and $2000; ampl security. 010 ttuun-unu WANTED, to borrow one thousand dollars, on gooa security. v ow, WANTED to borrow, $00 on good real estate. Phone Manor n. PERSONAL. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Heilsingfor graduate; ruui"""i uu" h isnrriars. under ohysician' directions baths. No. 7 East Eleventh street, second door south from East Ankeny carlina. Phone East xdu, jwo. Tt,-nT?wla man of 23. educated and re fined, would like to meet working girl o: suitable age matrimonially inclined ; on 1 3 those in earnest and thoroughly respect able neeq anew et. o-j, uicBmnan LADIES Ask your druggist for Chichester Diamond Brand pill. For 25 year known sb the best, safest. Reliable. Tak no other. Chlcheters Diamond Brand Pill are sola by arusgun c vci y w urc DRESS ult for rent, all sizes, $1.00 montn Keepg your twiuw .co.uu, v cvu, uuv vud on. rips sewed, prompt call! and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 30 Etark st. DR. WALKER, specialist, quickly cure blood ana sain uiBcaaw, wic, uittf swollen glands, kidney, bladder and piles. 1S1 1st St.. roruanu. INGROWING NAILS. Tri!ttve. nainless cure sent anywhere. twenty-five cents (silver). Prof. Sydney, Box 9'J-. icim J - . ' L.-1 v t 1 w.w A N wishes acquaintance work ine erlrl or young widow lady; object mat city. FAMOUS Battle Creek Baths, better than medicine, uny wi "'b'"-. .- j. uj uc, 221 Drexel, 2d and Yamhill. M. or A 1938. Mme. Courtwright. skin and scalp treat ments, iaciai ucwi -ul 1 tic surgery, ail Fliedner bldg. M SQ42- Liv LORENS- NERVE TONIC TABLETS. 23c box, restore lost vitality. Slip. Tay lor Dug Co.. 289 Morrison t. w ATS trimmed free of charge when material 2re purchased from The Billa Millinery par lora. room 29, 9eillr.g-Hlrsch bldg. THERAPEUTIC treatment given by grad uate nurse. Room 10, The St. Elmo, 410 Washington st. Telephone Main 4155. FIN N ISH masseur. Mr. and Mrs Jurv. 195 Union ave.. N East Q42, C 175S BALM OF FIGS Remedies for disease of women. 629 Belmont st. East 249a OCCULT, New Thought; liberal, scientifio book, Jone Book. Store, Oak. u PERSONAL. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children, sur ery; chronic and nervous disease treated according to the latest method, up-to-date tiectrical appliances, private hospital accommodations; confinement cared for; --onsuuatlon free. Room 10. Grand Ths ater bldg. Main 392S. A 5607. , CLEARANCE SALE hair goods, barrette ana combs; special prices on an worm, latest style in hair dressing; school of nairdressing. manicuring and hopital In connection with parlors. Asa H, B-ibblck. Grand -Leader. 5th and Alder. FEBVET & HANEBUT, Leading wig and toupee maker, finest stock of human hair gooos. switches from $1.50 up. Up-to-date parlor for hairdressing. manicuring, face and scalp treatment, 147 7th s; . , between Morrison and Alder. DR. G. V. KETCHUM. Diseases of women and chronic maladies orly. 170 Vi Sd U Hour A M. to o P. M. DR. ISABELLA MACKIE, Private hospital for women, oOO Kast 50th st. Tabor b'J'J. MOLES, wrinkle, superfluous hair removed Airs. Ai. i. jdin. 4S iieaner oiag. st. oi- Bt SUN ESS LIKKCTOH. Accountants. E. H. COLL1S si CO.. ACCOUNTANTS, Commercial, County aad Municipal. AudiLin. investigating aud teysLeiuatiasing. a4 Worcester Llouk. Pnoae Main t5tit. SMALL sets book kept, systems installed ; auditing done evenings; reasonaoie rate. by expert accountant , oregoman. Assaycr and Aniih U PORTLAND ANALYTICAL LABORATORY. 622W orcester biug., a d ana uak. M. om MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testiugwork. lfrtf Mo r naon si. W tils dt. Proebstel. mining engineers, chem- l&is and assaera. W 4i.&nington - . Architects. D. B. FLlCKiNGER. designer of ideal homes. Mohawk blug. I'uwue A .. x xaoo, Main 19U2. . - Attorney at Lw. H. H. R1DDELL, attorney-at-law. 730. Chain- Ler of Coinmei ce. Main -iio-t. a 0.- AwningH and Tents. PACIFIC Tent & Awning Co., tents, awnings and saws. 27 N. isi. Mam aiiu a moi. Hticjclca and Motorcycle WE buy, sell, exchange or repair. Hummer Bicycle Ex.. luth st. tvH; Bntbs and Machine Works. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass castings and machine work. 1O0 is. otn. maiuam.. C'hiropody. WM. ESTELLE and Flossie Deveney. tne only scientific cniropouisis in um Parlors 302 Geriinger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 130L Chiropouy and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. HilU room 429 Fliedner b 1 u a olly. a 1 " CHIROPODY, manicuring and scalp. Mr. Dtntun. 049 Washington. Marsnau Collection and JLaw OF ALL Ki.N'Dri; out of town a specialty. Watson Merc. Service, tsuj-ouo A-eis C o llec t ion bp ecialiat. PHYSICIANS and dentists collection only. Pinckncy White, Main uu -i. a t Ctfumi i fes i o nM e rch ant . TAYLOR, YOUNG &, CO., ship brokers, com- SUN SOON HU1E. CHINESE GUUUS, wai- TING, SILK. AND CLltiuo. m w-i-u. Dancing. vtT o r & vrivft LESSONS $1. Prof. Wal Wilson dancing school, 25c per lesson, incluaing teachers, music with ,., L-E,.n -t-v morninif. afternoon and eve.; guarantee to teach anyone to dance or refund money. Beuiin-nnnu . 3 s 6 s W ashington, near luth st. Phones. r.pivsTRrtM. dancing teacher, west ern Academy, ao. anu " daily. i- L-u-r u mt v irinKMY. danclntc dept.. Prof. Ringler, principal; a auu. mwosuu, o suns uauy. lrafting and Iesi gning. ENGINEERING, drafting and designing, mechanical and constructional. Phone A 17so or by letter. J. H. Morton. P. O., Portiano. Dog and Horse Hospital DR. BROWN, D. V. S.. D. C. M. Office 824 Flanders st. Main uoo. a Klectrio Motor. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO- Motors for rent or sale. 213 2d st. Feed store. Z1GLER & MISNER, hay. grain, feed., ce shingles. 294 Grand ave. E 4S2 , . . - t , . 1 . ,. f- fiirini' season. Furs a u ..t n., ,-mo.leled. reoaired and stored at reasonable rates now. N. M. Ungar 4Uo Merchants Trust blag. Phone Marshall iq j. Janitor Supplies. THE WESTERN Sales Co., 44 2d st. Janitor and building supplies, r-nong aia.u la-TTT 3-H. P.. $150; 1S-FT.. 3-H. P.. $2U0. Reierson Mach. Co.. 1S2 Morrison St. Lea t her a nd Finding. CHAS. 1- MA STICK & CO.. 74 Front, leather Cf every qescnyim. Ji "'" J. A. bTROWB RIDGE LEATHER CO. Es- tahiisnea xao. Machinery. J3 TRENKMAN & CO. Hydraulic and spe cial nipes. screens, logging, mining ma chlnery. All kinds of repairs. 104 N. -tth Musical. BAND and orchestra instruments, musical sundries, victor Seiberiing-i-ucaja "-' SMIL THE1LHORN, violin teacher, pupil of bevciK.. aw-j" mnv4"" - M C SMITH, teacher of piano, 452 Salmon Bt. Main 7340. Conservatory course. Osteopathic Physicians DR. R. B. NORTHRUP, Dekum Bldg-. Third and Wash incton sts. Phone, oflice. Main 319; resi dence, Eastor 1U2S. LeRoy Smith, graduate Kirksville Mo., 169S, post gran, avt- " " Paint, Oils and Glass. UASMUSSEN & CO., jobbers, paints, oils, "I-hTss. sash and doors Cor. 2d and Taylor. Patent Attorneys. H C WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents, inirinsemein. w-x icnum, r uithsi-HHEIMBR, counsel lor-at-law pensions and patents. 21 Labbe bldg. n-.-T. u0rh.r AsDhalt Paving Company. 605 h Electric blug Oscar Huber, Portland warren Construction Co. Street paving, . ,i-njks and crosswalks. 317 Beck bldg. Pawnbrokers. UNCLE MYERS--Collateral Bank. 40 years in vort ana. Fipe PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24h N. and York sts. M. 84S9. Printers. r-i-T ArsSE-PRLDHUMMK CO., Book, Catalog ttiAUBBCi ' H-L 4th r. Main U 1 and coiii4J.wi. A 155a. tvMITE & CO., commercial printers; w irajiteed. 102 1st st. M. 53UO, A 2i ork A 2315. Rug Weaver. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS Rugs from oii carpets, colonial rag rugs, silk por- tieres. 153 Union ave., near E. Morrison, Rubber Stamps. i go seals, stencils, office stationery, etc. V.nnlr.i.-ham's. 231 Stark. Main 1407 THE MOSLER SAFE CO., 10S 2d t. Safe at iactory u' showcaHW, Bank and Store Fixture. THE i UTKE MFG. CO.. branch Gran Rapids Showcase Co., tith and Hoyt. i Lutke. Aig'. EAST PORTLAND MUKtJ AND OFFICE FIXTURE CO- eimwcjwcB iui wan case. New and second-hand I. S. M. Mfg. Co., 4ti and CQUCn. J'""' ' -,miiet worn. Storage and Transfer. C O. PICK. Transfer & Storage Co., office and commodious four-story brick ware house, separate iron rooms and fireproof vanit for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. piano and furniture moved and packed ior snippm. mo.iu to, w ni.EX-ROE TRANSFER CO.. rzneral transferring and storaee: safes. pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. 2i9 Oak st., bet Front and OREGON TRANSFER CO., established 1S70. Transfer ana rorruiB :iiii storage. Office 310 Hoyt st.. between 5th and tith, P nones aiain pa. a udj. W'HEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co.. Main mis, a ie- ah covered wagons, ail wpeneiiL-cu men. STOVES connected and repaired. Mai llio. 611 Fror.t. Therapeutic physician. iiR. FOSTER, master mechanic of the humai machine: chiropractic, vibration, massage. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Wall paper. ERNEST MILLER CO.. 173 1st St.. whole sale and retail. Sample mailed free- Typewriter. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $20 to $t0. fully guaranteed; easy payments; rentals, $.; per month, pacific Stationery As Printing Co.. 23 2d St. WE ARE the exchange for the largest .type . writer concern on this Coast; investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex change. 2S7 Washington st. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand, rentals at cut rates. p. D. C. Co.. 2.U Stark. M 1407. C R-VND CENTRAL STATION. Southern Pacific. 1 .ma mg Portland Ashlai Roseb nd Passenger S:30 a. rru 4:15 p. m. 0:tH) p. nu 0:2O p nu 7'.45 p. m. l:oO a. m. 7 :20 a. m. 4 :U0 p. m. b;50 a. m. 1 :00 p. m. 5:40 p. nu 7 :30 a. m. 10:00 p. m. 5:3U p. m. 11 :in a. nu .2:30 p. m. 9:30 a. m. 6:20 p. m. 10:30 a, nu 8:00 m. 11:50 a. nu 4:40 p. nu urg Passenger . Shast . Limited Silvert v. i -i ma caicss ...... San Francisco Express. Calito i ma r.xpres Wes Si tie Corva lis Passenger Sheridan passenger Fores Fores Fores Grove Passenger.. : Grove Passenger., ivinc Port la n.l Arr Oreg on Express ........ A shl. and Passenger ...... burg Passenger ..... iana Express ....... ta Limited ......... rton 1 .Imita Rose Port! Shast Silve W est Side """ Porv His Passenger ..... ian Passenger ..... Sherid Forest Fore Fore st Grove Passenger. . Northern Pacific. Leavine Portland North Coast Limited via Puget Sound 110:00 . m, m. nu m. m. m. m. m. North Coast Limited via North Bank I 7:00 n. Atlantic Express via Puget Sound 12:15 a, Atlantic express via North Bank.i 9:uO. 1 win City Express via Pueetf sound 1 3:30 n. Twin City Express via North! Bank 1 7:00 n. Eastern Express via Puget Soundil2 : 1 5 a. taaiern express via Nortli .rfanK.l y;uv Missouri River Express via PugetJ 10K)0 a. Missouri River Express via North Bank Portland. Tacoma and Seattle; 7:00 p. i Express. Grays Harbor. Olympia and South Henri hranches 7:00 a- i Portland-Vancouver Special 10:00 a. i rusei counu L,imnea, Grays jtiar- Dor and South Bend branches.. 3:30 p. 4:Od p. m. nu Y'acolt Passenger Arriving Portland North Coast Limited via North Bank 8:15 p. 7:30 a. S -.OO a. m, m. zn North Coast Limited via Puget Sound Northern Pacific Express vlai North Bank Northern Paciflo Express via PuKet Sound S:39 p. i S:15p. : Pacific Coast Express via North Bank Pacific Coast Express via Puget Sound 7:30 a. 8:15 p. 10:30 p. rru nu m. Western Express via North Bank Western Express via Puget Sound Missouri River Express via North! Bank ;.. Missouri River Express via Puget 8:00 a. i 4:00 p. l oouna Portland -Tacoma-Seattle Express and from Olympia. South Bend ana uravs Harbor -4:00 p. 8:35 p. 10:30 p. 9:00 a. m, nu Puget Sound Limited Vancouver-Port land Special . i ,n v i l laast'iigcr ............. Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. Leaving Portland Pendleton Passenger 40 a. m. :0O a, m :00 p. m. :00 p. nu :O0 p. nru :00 p. nu :50 a. nu :15a. rru :30 a. m. :00 a. ru. uregon- asnington Limited . . . The Dalles Local Soo-Spokane-Portland r ast Man (coacn portiana t The Dalles Oregon Express Arriving port land- Fast Mail (.no passengers).,..,. The Dalles Local Oregon Express Soo-Spokane-Portland Pendleton Local passenger. ... . . Oregon-Washington Limited ... :30 p. m. :OQ p. nu Astoria & Columbia River. Leaving Portland I Seaside Express ...... . . Astoria Exjtress ................ Rainier Passenger ......... Rainier passenger .............. 8:00 a. m. 6:30 p. nu 1:13 p. in. 0:10 p. m. 12:15 p. m. 10:00 p. nu 10:25 a. m. 5:20 p. nu t Arriving Portiana 1 Portland Express .............. Iortland Express Kaimer ana iortiana passenger.. Rainier and Portland passenger. . Canadian Pacific Railway Co. Leaving Portland C. P. R- Short Line via Spokane 7 : 00 p. ITU, 12:15 a. m. Via Seattle Arriving Portland C. P- R- Short Line via Spokane 9:00 a. m. 7 -.00 a. m. via Seattle Oregon & Washington Railroad Company. Leaving Portland I Seattle Passenger ..I 9:00 a. rru Shasta Limited I 3:O0p,nu Owl 111:45 p. m, Arriving Portiana I Owl - . . I 7:15a. rru Shasta Llmltea ......l o:u p. m, Portland Passenger I 5:OQ p. m. JEFFERSON STREET STATION. Southern pacilic. Leaving Portland Dallas Passenger .... Dallas Passenger . . . . . Arriving Portland . Dallas Passenger . Dallas Passenger . 7:40a. rru 4:fu p. m. 10 :15 a. rru 5:55 p. m. ELEVENTH AM) HOYT STREETS PAS SENG ER STATION. Spokane. Portland & Seattle Railway. Co. Leaving Portland Inland Empire Express -..9:00 a.m. For Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City St. Louis. Billings. Spokane, Cheney, Lam'ont, Washtucna. Kahlotus, Pasco, Rocsevelt. Granddalles. Goldendale, Lylo, White Salmon. Stevenson, Vancouver and intermediate stations. Columbia River Local. ... ... .....4:30 p. m. North Bank Limited .7;00 p. m. For Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansaa City. St. Louis. Billings, Spokane. Cheney. Lam'ont, W'ashtucna. Kahlotus, Pasco, Roosevelt, Granddalles. Lyle. White Sal mon, Stevenson. Vancouver and intermedi ate stations. " Arriving Portland North Bank Limited 8:00 a. nu From Chicago. St. Paul. Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis. Billings. Spokane. Cheney. Lamont. Washtucna. Kahlotus. Pasco, Roosevelt, Granddalles. Lyle. White Sal mon. Stevenson, Vancouver and Intermedi ate stations. Columbia River Local 12:25 p. m. Inland Empire Express 8:15 p.m. From Chicago, St. Paul. Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis. Billings, Spokane. Cheney, Lamont, W'ashtucna. Kahlotus, Pasco, Roosevelt, Granddalles. Lyle. White Sal mon, Stevenson, Vancouver and intermedi ate stations. . Time Card Oregon Electric Railway Co. Leaving Portland for Salem and Int. stations 6:30, 7:50, 11:00 A. M-: 2:00, 3:50. 6 30 8:40 P. M. Limited for Tualatin and Salem 9:15 A. M. Local for Wilson ville and Int. stations 5:10 P. M. Daily except Sunday for points on the Salem, Fall City & Western Ry. via Salem. 6:30 A. M., 2:00 p M. Sunday only, 11:00 A. M. Leaving Portland for Forest Grove and Int stations 7:05, 8:30, 10:20 A. M.;. 12:10. 2 10, 3:30. 5:30.-8:25 P. M. Saturday only. li-30 P. M. Arriving at Portland from Salem and Int. stations S:40. 11:00 A. M.; 1:15, 4:00. 6:00. 8 20, 10:50 P. M. Local from Wilsonvllie and Int. stations. 6:40 A. M. Daily except Sunday. 7:35 A. M. Arriving Portland from Forest Grove and Int stations 8:00, 9:50. 11:40 A. M.; 1:30. 2-50 5:20, 8:10 P. M. Saturday only. 11:00 p M. Sunday only. 4:40 P. M. Portland Railway, Light & Power Company Cart Leave. Ticket Office and Waiting-room. First and Alder and East Water and East Morrison Street. CARS LEAVE EAST WATER AND" MORRISON STREETS. Oregon City 4:00. 6:30 A. M. and' every 30 minute to and including 9 P. M.. then 10 00 11:00 P. M-: last car midnight. Green am and intermediate points 6:55. 7-45 8:45, 9:45. 10:45 A. M-. 12:45, 2:45 345 4:45. 5:45. 6:45. 11:35 P. M. Fairview and Troutdale 6:55, 7:45, 8:45. 9-45 10:45 A. M., 12:45. 2:45. 3:45, 4:45. 5:45! 6:45. P- M. Cazadero and Intermediate points 6:55. 8 45 10:45 A. M-. 12:45. 2:45. 4:45. 6:45 P. M. For Vancouver Ticket office and val ting-room.. Second and Washington streets. v. M. 6:15, 6:50. 7:25. 8:09. 8:35, 9:10, ft-50 10:30. 11:10. 11:50. P M 12:30. 1:10. 1 :50. 2:30. 3:10. 3:50, 4 30 5:10. 5:00. 6:30. 7:05. 7:40. 8:15, 9:25. 10:35. 11:45. On third Monday in every month, the last car leaves at 7:03 P. M. Daily except Sunday. Dally except Monday. BANKS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Portland, Oregon. CAPITAL AND 6TJRPLUS $ 1,500.000b GERMAN AMERICAN BANK COR. LIXTH AND WASHINGTON SI S TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANK1NO BUSINESS, ISSUES DRAFTS AVAIL ABLE IN ALL PRINCIPAL CTTI EK OF THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE; 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON SAVi INOS ACCOUNTS; SAFETY DEPOSIT VAXXTS, 109.0