THE MORNING OREGONTAN, THURSDAY, ArillL 7, i:nu. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OKJEGONIAX TEIXPHOJfBS. Pacific State. Horn. Countlnr-room Main 7070 A 6095 City Circulation Main 7070 A 09S Manaslnc . Editor...; Main T070 A 05 Sunday Editor Main 7070 A 6095 Compoal Dc-room ........ -Main 7070 A 095 City Editor Main 707O A 6085 Supt. Building Main 7070 A 60 95 AMCSKMXXTg. ORPHEtM THEATER (Morrison, betweea Sixth and Seventh) Vaudeville. Till afternoon at 2:15. and tonight at 8:15. BAKER THEATER (Third, between Tam hlll and Taylor) 'The Red Mill." To-, nlsnt at 8:15. PORTLAND THEATER (Fourteenth and Washington) "Finneaan' Ball." Tonight at 8:10. GRAND THEATER (Park and Washington) Vaudeville. Thl afternoon at 3:15; to night at 7:30 and 9. STAR THEATER (Park and Washington) Motion picture. Continuous, from 1:30 to 10:30 P. M. Lack of Sewers Iei-ats Work. Coun cilman Rushlight explained to the "VVAverly-Richmond Improvement Club Tuesday night that delay of the Improve ment of rivlfidon street, between Bast Tenth and Bast Torty-flrat streets, was due to the want of sewers and water mains. He said that the Pacific Bridge Company has the contract to pave Divi sion street, but cannot proceed until the water mains and sewers have been laid. Contracts for the sewers have been let to Joplin & Geiblsh. A letter from George Blmon. of the Pacific Bridge Company, was read saying that the company was ready to rush the improvement of Divi sion street as soon as other contractors have laid sewers and water mains, the contracts for which expire May 1. It was; announced that Contractor Wakefield believes Madison-street bridge couldi be finished in four months. If not interfered with. The club decided not to take any action In view of the promise of the con tractor to rush the work. Elder Bunch . Coktbrence Head. Holder F. S. Bunch, president of the Western Oregon Conference of the Seventh-Day Adventists, was elected presi dent of the new Southern Oregon Con ference, organised at Rosburg the first of the week. Rev. W. F Martin and iEJIder Bunch returned yesterday. The new conference embraces more than 500 members. The northern border of Lane County Is the dividing line between "Western Oregon and the new Southern Oregon Conference. The new conference lias two academies. Headquarters will be located at Roseburg. Western Oregon Conference Is left with about 1200 mem bers and one academy. A new president to take Elder Bunch's place will be elected at the annual conference and campmeeting to be held in Portland, June 2 to 12. Prominknt T. W. C. A. Worker Coming. Miss Emma Hays, city secre tary of the National board of Y. W. C. A.. New York City, will arrive in Port land Saturday from Capitola, Cal., where vshe baa been attending the Southwest student and city conference of the Y. W. C. A. She will deliver two lectures before the Northwestern territorial com mittee of the National board of the Young Women's Christian Associations of the United States of America for Idaho, (Montana, Oregon and Washington. On April 13 she will conduct an all-day In stitute for voluntary Y. W. C. A. Workers. CusKanuN-PAMCER Taxes Pulpit. Rev. W. T. Jordan, former pastor of the Central Baptist Church, passed through (Portland yesterday on his way to San iKYanctsco. where he will All the pulpit of the First Baptist Church for the next six Central Church Rev. Jordan has been looking after his farm at Maryhill, on the Columbia River, near the North IBank Railroad. Rev. 3. C. Lapham. former pastor of the Second Baptist Church, from which the Central Church neceded, has also retired to a farm, his ranch being located at White Salmon. Miss Witerst to Spbak. Miss Esther iW. Wuerst, teacher of drawing In the public schools, will address the Mount Tabor Home Training Circle this after noon at the home of Mrs. W. N. Jones, on East Yamhill street, near West ave nue. "Pictures and How to Utilize Them," will be her theme. After the programme annual election of officers will be held. Arrest of Market Propriejtkr. Paul It. Spath, who was arrested Monday for having sold a pail of adulterated lard, is the proprietor of the Bay City Market, corner of Third and Yamhill streets. He Is not connected with the Palace Market, which Is located at Ftourth and Yamhill etreets. Dr. Chapman to Lecture. At the Wo man's Club tomorrow afternoon. Dr. Chapman will speak on. The Old and the Now In Literature." The day Is In charge of the literature and the current literature departments. Club members Jiave been Invited to bring their friends. Sbumas MacManus. of Donegal, Ire land, Masonic hall. West Park and Yam hill, Friday. 8 P. M.. "A Rollicking Ramble Round Ireland." 100 beautiful colored stereopticon views. Hear her poetry, humor and beauty, by one who known. Admission 25 cents. Abuse op Girl Costs JS. Thomas Nel son, a laborer, was fined 2 yesterday morning for disrespect to a girl employed in a shooting gallery, at 264 First street. Nelson was arrested Tuesday night by Patrolman Thatcher for using profane and abusive language. W. C. T. IT. to Hold Memorial. Meet ing. The Sunnyside- W. O. T. V. will hold a Frances Willard memorial and recep tion to new members Thursday, 2:30 P. M at Mrs. Walkers, 1100 East Morrison street. Mrs. Wood and Mrs. Additon will speak. Important (Notice. If you contemplate getting an Automatic Home- Telephone, apply at once so that your name will appear in the new direc tory. Telephone A 6221. Sam Simpson's Pobms Wanted. Agents in every city and town In Oregon. Wash ington and Idaho; liberal commission. Write W. Y. Burney, 618 Board of Trade bldg, Portland, Or. For Sals. 136-volt, 160-K. W. General Electrla Gen erator, belt type: complete, with panel and rail base. Address room. Jul Orego nlan bldg. New Sample Bros Shop, 150 Third St.. between Alder and Morrison, upstairs. All ladies' shoes, 2; all men's shoes, $2 60. No more, no less. e KUNOBNBERO-BlTmiAN CHAMBER Ml'IlC Concert, Tuesday evening, April 13, at t'nltarlan Chapel. Tickets at Sherman, Clay & Co. Rnv. Cora Kincannon Smith lectures Friday night. April 8, "The Spirit Mani festations in the Harps Family," S08i 3d. James McKinlbt, painter and decora tor, has moved to 101 Bast S3d street. Phones Tabor 17S6, B 164a "Domestic Help Problem Solved." Centenary Church, tomorrow evening. Admission 25 cents. For Sals. Acreage on Unnton road; very close in; level, cleared. Price $15,000. AB 86a. Oregonlan. Gibson and Christt pictures. Centen ary Church, tomorrow evening. Admis sion 25 cents. e Willamette Fuel, Co. has best old growth, dry. nr wood. Main 1236, A 122S. Swiss watch repairing. C Christensen. second floor Corbett bldg.. take elevator. Society Sats. roller skating Is the thing, at the Exposition Rink. O. El S. Club dancing party tonight. West Park and Yamhill. Fine insulated cooler ' for sale cheap. Alex Friedman. 296 First. , Ordix "Edel Brau" bottled beer. Phones Main 70S. A U2S. Dr. J. D. Chambers, children, Med. bid. . Woostek's day and night store. HELP THE CENSUS WORK. If you know of an absentee, or of anyone who is likely to be absent from Portland between April 15 and April 30, make a memorandum of it today. Save the memorandum and send the name or names to S. f C. Beach, Supervisor, 'Lumber I Exchange building, Second and J otant, or teiepnone luarsnaii 1422 or Home A 7213. Be sure to give the residence of such absentees. Citizens who intend to be away during the census period should leave with some' friend or relative their name and ad dress, or mail or telephone, it to the office of Supervisor Beach. Every citizen of Portland must be counted. Maid Accused op Thefts. Mm. ' Lena Selee, a maid employed in the Ellsworth apartments at 166 Lownsdale street, was held to await the action of the grand Jury yesterday morning by Judge Ben nett for alleged larceny. She Is accused of stealing 346 from Airs. A. W. Thomp son, to from Mies Ewing. one of the roomers, and a J30 diamond ring from Miss Olive McLeod, also a roomer. The domestic said she had bought the ring from a Morrison-street jeweler and that the money had been given her by her hifsband. The Jeweler could not identify the ring. Mrs. Selee's parents, Mr. and' Mrs. J. Moran, are residents of Mil waukie. Or. They attended the hearing and provided bonds for their daughter's release. , Rbaltt (Board to Visit Yards. Mem bers of the Realty Board will be given an opportunity to visit and Inspect the Swift Packing Plant and the Portland Union Stockyards at Kenton on the Pen insula on Saturday afternoon. At that time the Board will make its postponed trip and go over these plants under the guidance of C O. Colt, president of the Union Meat Company, and D. O. Lively, manager of the stockyards. The trip was originally scheduled for last Satur day afternoon, but was postponed on ac count of the serious Illness of Mr. Colt's child. The child has now practically re covered. The party will leave on a spe cial car, at Second and Washington streets, at 1:30 P. M., Saturday, and re turn to the city by 5:30 o'clock. Studt Club Closes Its Work. The Study Club connected with the Sellwood iH ranch Library for the last six months, closed its work with an entertainment and banquet in the clubhouse of the Sell wood Commercial Club last night. E. S. J. McAllister spoke on "Civic Righteous ness," and a short musical programme followed. Miss Lillian Rode, president of the club and librarian, also spoke. Rev. D. A. Thompson, founder of the branch library, presided. Pendleton Man Arretted. Charged with causing the 'delinquency of two young girls at Pendleton, Harry Heath man, an O. R. & N. brakernan, with headquarters In that place, was arrested on the street here last night by Deputy Sheriff Leonard and Special Agent E. B. Wood, of the O. R. '& N. Co. Heathman was locked up in the County Jail pending the arrival here of Sheriff Taylor of Umatilla County. 'Builders Meets Halt Temporarily. The regular Saturday night meetings of the Builders' Club In the auditorium of the Young Men's Christian Association will be omitted this week and next week. April 23. however, they will be resumed and carried on regularly, probably for several months. Considerable interest has already been aroused in the club and prominent speakers will be secured for its sessions. Sick Ark Recovering. Charles N. Rankin, who has been confined to his home on East Burnside street, with severe sickness for the last week, is re covering. W. H. Mall, real estate man, is also recovering from serious illness. MACMANUS TOJPEAK AGAIN Lecture Next Friday Will Aid Hi bernian Convention Fund. That shanochy of shanochys, Seumas MacManus, teller of Irish tales has been Induced to stay In Portland a few days by members of the Ancient Order of Hibernians and he will give a lecture at the Masonic Temple Friday night. A shanochy is iwhat the Celtterms one born with the gift of story-telling. It was as they gathered round the little echoolhouse Are at Glencoagh, County Donegal, that young "Shamus," as his name should be pronounced, first acquired the art of narration. Running around from cabin to cabin, he learned of the weirds and bogies that were supposed to inhabit the hogs; he picked up funny tales of the grandeur and doings of the Princes and Kings of Ireland, when Ire land was composed of numerous prin cipalities, each warring against another. His life's ambition was to be school master. When that was attained he found he had a new ambition to see his name in print. And although his first series of stories was paid for with the munificent sum of J2.50 for the series, it waa not many years before he was un able to supply the demand. Now he is one of the highest paid authors of short stories living. Every month, delightfully illustrated, his tales appear in the lead ing publications. All money that is charged by the lec turer will be used to defray the expenses of the 'National Hibernian convention that is to be held in Portland.. ORIENTAL RUGS. ' A large stock of Oriental Rugs' and Carpets is now on display at 147 Sixth St., .bet. Alder and Morrison. This stock comes direct from the East and will be offered to the public at prices never heard of before. We will be here for a short time only and we expect to sell a large part of this fine collection. Come, see our rugs and know our prices. THE ORIENTAL RUG CO.. 147 Sixth St.. Portland. Or. The boys and girls deserve the best opportunities that can be given them In the public schools, for few of them have a chance to get more education than is here furnished. If you pay taxes on one thousand dollars, you will pay four cents for training teachers to. put into these schools. Vote yes for Monmouth. J. B. ,V. BUTLER, Sec. Com. CARD OFTHASKS. To the host of friends and neighbors who by their constant kindness and comforting sympathy helped to soften our sorrow and distress during the Ill ness and death of our beloved husband and father, Andrew H. Hill, we ex tend our heartfelt thanks and sincere gratitude. MKS. ANNIE HILL. MRS. G. H. BLACKMUN. - ROBERT CORBET HILL. The bast bouse cml Liberty Coal Ice Ctk, exclusive agents. It NorUt Fourteenth street. Mala 1S SIM. A hat must set right to look well Oordon stiff hats in one - sixteenth sixes. .e Read about free excursion given by Woodburn Orchard Co. on page 7. Plant Sib son's Zcosea. Phone Sellwood K0. BITULITHIG IS LOWER MAYOR COMPELS REDCCTIOX OF 15 CENTS A YARD. Saving Will Apply to Several Hun dred Thousand Yards Other Materials Will Come Down. Mayor Simon has secured a reduction of 15 cents a square yard on bitulithic pavement. Representatives of the War ren Construction Company held a con ference with him yesterday in his office at the City Hall. For this class of work the lowest rate yet quoted was $2 a yard. The new price will be $1.85. Bitulithic has ranged in price from' S2 to 12.50 a yard for the past few years. It is laid in Portland by the Warren Construction Company and the Pacific Bridge Company. A great amount has been ordered. Jt is considered an ex cellent material, and Mayor Simon's rea son for demanding a reduction was that he believed the companies had been charging too much. Bids aggregating hundreds of thou sands of dollars for bitulithic pavements throughout the city are now being ad vertised for by direction of the executive board. When the new rates are'quoted In the proposals, as announced yesterday, the board will award contracts to the two companies handling this kind of material. Recently, because of the former price being asked, the board rejected the bids for a large amount of paving. Rates on all kinds of paving have now been greatly reduced since Mayor Simon entered office. Competition that was threatened by Eastern bidders on asphalt paving helped to put down the price on this material, so that it is now being laid as low as $1.44 a yard. It has ranged as high as. $2.40 in the past few years. Hassam pavement is facing competi tion also and a reduction would not be surprising. Concrete specifications have been ordered by the Council on certain streets, which indicates that an effort is being made in the Council to force this brand of paving to lower prices. BULL RUN BOND IS GIVEN Contractors for Pipeline Furnish Sureties for $1,259,782. . The bond for the fulfillment of con tract for the construction of the second pipeline to Bull Run River by the Schaw Batoher Company, of Sacramento, Cal., was prepared yesterday. It aggregates $1,259,782. Negotiations were conducted by W. J. Lyons, of W. J. Clemens & Co.. and Charles Hughes,, representing Hart man & Thompson. It is one of the largest bonds ever executed here. The contract was awarded recently by the Water Board. The hond was made up as follows: Fidelity & Deposit Company, represented by W. J. Clemens .& Co., $500,000; United States Fidelity & Guaranty Company, represented by Hart man & Thompson, $500,000; the Title Guaranty & Surety Company, represented by McCargar, Bates & Lively. $350,000: Aetna Indemnity Company, represented by Morgan & Robb, $97S2- Bonds for the construction of the pipe line have been ordered sold to the ex tent of $1,000,000 in the next .few months and bids are being called for now In the .various cities. The new conduit Is to be coirlpleted within a year. PASTOR WILL COME NORTH Rev. VV. B. Ifinson to Accept , Either Portland; or Vancouver Call. With the explanation that he would accept either the call to the White Temple of this city or a call made to him from Vancouver, B. C, the Rev. W. B. Hinson has resigned his position as pastor of the First Baptist Church of San Diego. Mr. Hinson has announced that he will come to Portland in time to All the pulpit at the White Temple, be-gining- April 24, and remain there until the matter of his acceptance has finally been determined. Members of the con gregation of the White Temple have expressed their confidence that Mr. Hin son will finally consent to become their pastor. Mr. Kineon is considered one of the best pulpit orators of the country, and during the two weeks recently spent by him In filling the White Temple pul pit he made a profound impression on the congregation, which voted unani mously for the call made for him. WHEREJTO DINE. AH the delicacies of the season at the Portland Restaurant. Pine private apart ments for ladles. 306 Wash., near 6th sc. Bankrupt Seeks Relief In Court. Naming but one creditor and no as sets, E. L. Whip, 1404 Hawthorne ave nue, yesterday filed a petition in bank ruptcy in the United States Court. T.e petition recites that Whip purchased meat from the Union Meat Company Banner Acres I There are many &cras Ixl tract on the Portland mar- w Xet and most, if not all f v them posses merit, and we believe the purchasers of 3 these tracts will make money. IXI Mow can it be otherwise when we see bow our city is ex- tt pandins, when we see outside Aj acreage tracts of only a year z or two Ago now cut into build in lots and selling as high as j 25 cen ts a square Xoo t. or Z S1250 per lot? THE BEST OF ALX. But we aver that oar Ban- 7$. Iter Acre land have more fS merits than any other acre- IjH age now effered, and we can prove this to the satisfaction of any viewer. Good roads, sightliness, good water, the 1 1 beet of soil, attractive iur- SL roundinRTs these are some of j the things we bank on to prove our assertions, and the I 1 price, VSy ONLY 9SS to 125 PER ACRE, j makes thLs the best acreage 3 buy now offered. Il F. 8. Holbrook Co. a Room. 1, k round floor. Wor- loj cester Jtmilding. c TN ANCIENT ROME a wife 1 could divorce her husband if his breath were impure. The daily thorough use of Dr. Lyon's . PERFECT Tooth Powder not onfy cleanses, preserves and beautifies the teetn without in jury, but imparts purity and fra grance to the breath, removing instantly the odor of tobacco. ttttitte pour tnqmrtes; for rinttng 2 S jftrgt ana (afc Streets Telephones: Main 165, A 1165 ' 1 rfv ""71 r? i The Pay Roll town. Write for free Booklet. 219-220 Com. Club. Bldg. MUDLAVIA Mud Cure 2: C"' ISS: Cures easily and naturally Rheumatism. Kidney. Skin and Nerve troubles. Big Ho tel open all year. Send for book. Address H. R. Kramer. Pres., Kramer. Ind. to the amount of $632.62, securing the indebtedness with promissory notes. He sold the meat and now desires to be relieved of the account through action of the court. See Wopdburn Orchards Co.'s adver tisement, papre 7, today's issue. Pull With the Tide Labor Less Better Results TP 1 -1 1 1 r. sit a wo nign - sraae salesmen 01 character and push are wanted to complete the finest agency force on the Pacific Coast connected with OregonTife. This is the company which did more business in Oregon in 1909 than any other life insurance com pany, and is now surpassing its own wonderful record of last year. The Only Company Exclusively Oregon Home Office, Corbett Bldg., Fifth and Morrison, Portland A.LMills LSamuel Clarence S. Samuel PRESIDENT GEN. MANAGER ASSISTANT MANAGER Cmrm NEW YORK STYLE - is fcothfrily-expressed Spring and Summer 1916 Models Benjamin ( fri mfi i" for MEN AND YOUNG MEN Made in New Y or k by Alfred Benjamin & Co. You may secure these autiientically styled and expertly tailored models as simply as you can purchase your favorite cigar. They are for sale here in your own city at our establishment. Buffum Pendleton 311 MORRISON STREET Opposite Postoffice linn i Q CONCORD with An-Kotab EVANSTON with Bauonbole THE NEW Arrow COLLARS FOR. SUMMER. High enough for looks low enough for comfort suk! plenty of room for the tie to slide in. 16c. emch.sforse- Cltiett, PobodT A Co. Arrow Cnftygfic Painless Dentistry ' "i ,1 IML W. ft. WW, hmn m Ntuan n run utuuMi rttnuB Out of tows people can have their plat and bridgeware; fin lsaea in one day We will give yao good 22k sold or porcelain crown for S3.5C Molar Crown 5. CO 22kBridgToeth3.50 Gold Filling. 1.00 ? Enamel Fillings LCD silver rilling i9U 1 Inlay Filling 2.50 Good Rubber nn PlatM O.Vil Bait Red Rub- n bar Plate 7.09 Palnlett Extr'tlen .50 AiiADiMTrirn wan is years Painleaa Extraction Free when platee or bridge work ordered. Oonenltation Free. Too cannot got bette pabilen work done anywhere. All work fully aruar- OLOaern BieCMW Wilutluwm. WW n Wise Dental Co. SjSMaSSS PORTLAND. OREGON 01IICS BOOKSt A. X. . M. esadan. X. YOU WALK In comfort when you wear a "WALK OVER" SHOE Get Sense. KNIGHT'S "Washington. Near Second Fred Prehn, D.D.S. Removed to 407 GerllnKer Blds 2d and Alder Sts. Phones: Main 2203, A 2202. Residence Phone, Main 4237. , ririi h r a i k i k n Of every descrtpcloa by stall. Amber, brier and meerschaum. Artificial coloring;. M sidiel St C 82 Sd tu Portland. IQCHWAB PRINTING CO iOSOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE a-"7i STARK STREET ALCDHOL-opiow-tobacco ia - noon fo-uuvely M Cared. Only aothorird K enter In- AM atifnta ( W-m. Uid, X I'll a UICIJUU. liM IW UllXgV tratd clrcnJar. Korfer Inetltnta, lt- ' 1th 1U rorttand. Oregon rim Full of Rich Nourishment This is the reason Olympia Beer has haduch a remarkable gTO'vrtli in popularity. Plump, nutritious barley malt and all of the best ingredients obtain able are used in making it. though, that imparts its dis- , 'ys!fifs v tinctive qualities, pure wl &mn?V$dttk water' Pumped from t Jirli'Altvn'B'llJkvf' famous Tumwater distrid wll te district. obtained Olympia Beer possesses the properties of a healthful. me-giving Deverage. it' a real tome. Why not order a case today? Just phone Main 671 or A. 2467. Olympia Beer Agency S30 Johnson St. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY Operates four trains each day to Tacoma and Seattle. PUGET SOUND LIMITED" The "crack" train to the Sound. Leaves Grand Central Station at 3:30 P. M. daily; is composed of modern high-back seat day coaches, new parlor cars, and new dining cars, in which it is a treat to dine. "TACOMA-SEATTLE EXPRESS" 7:00 A. M. "TACOMA-SEATTLE-VANCOTJVEB SPECIAL" 10:00 A. M. "PUGET SOUND LIMITED" 3:30 P M. "NIGHT EXPRESS" lS:ifi a. M. - Each complete in new and modern equipment. All trains electric-lighted. Passengers can board sleeping cars on "Night Express" at 9:30 P. M. Tickets and seat and' berth reservations at our ticket offices. City Ticket Office, 255 Morrison" Street. Depot Ticket Office, Grand Central Station. A. D. CHARLTON, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent, Portland. Main 244. Telephones A 1244. EXCEPTIONAL ADVANTAGES Whether your financial transactions are largo or moueraie in volume, a personal interview with -an official of the Merchants National Bank may reveal to you distinct advantages in havinsr a Bankinc con nection with this institution. You are cordially invited 1U uibcuss any matters in wnicn we can be of service to you. Yours very truly.