THE rORXIXG OREGONIAN, WEDXESDAT, APRIL 6, 1910. Take Lunch in Our Tth-FIoor Tea Room, Good Music Artistic Picture Framing to Order Agents Perrin's and Trefousse Kid Gloves Portland Headquarters for Nemo and Warner Corsets Exclusive Agents for Gossard Lace-Front, Madame Irene andEstelIe Corsets 20 Tlie Greater Meier ? Frank-Store's Wednesday "Pick Up9' Sales Combine With Furniture Sale, Hosiery Sale and Graniteware Sale Demonstration of Omo Dress Shi'lds An expert brought here for the purpose will give a demonstration on these famous dress shields this week, and we invite all our friends to tome and learn the features of the OMO that are not possessed bv other shields. They are posi tively odorless, absolutely imperv ious to moisture, readily cleansed, hygienic and very durable. You'll be interested in the many points of excellence in the Omo. Let the demonstrator explain the points to you and show you the different styles of Omo Dress Shields for different requirements. Remem ber that Omo shields contain no rubber;- they have instead the cel ebrated Omo odorless interlining. Workmanship and finish are the best possible. The prices on these shields range from 20c to 50c pair. See the demonstration in the arch way, main aisle, on the first floor. Regular $10.50 Trunks at $8.80 34-inch Canvas Covered Trunks, waterproof, painted and art cloth ' lined, fully covered tray, ' two leather straps, 34-inch size;' reg ular $10.50 values; QJQ Qfl special for this sale PO.OU Duck Covered Trunks, 32-inch size, waterproof painted and full cloth lined, two trays and two leather straps, brassed trimmings. Excel sior lock; reg. $12.50 din n values, special atPl"" Leather Suitcases, linen lined, with shirt fold, brass lock and bolts, 24 inch size ; regular $5.50 Af value, special at only PTTw 24-inch Keratol Suitcases, in imi tation horn alligator, linen lined, with shirt fold; regular $4.50 value; special at V'OO 24-inch Keratol Suitcases, linen lined, with shirt fold, regular $4.25 value; special at, GJO OA during this sale, only POVr 1 0,000 Pieces of Women's Neckwear Regular 15c to 50c Values 9c Here's a remarkable Wednesday sale and large quantities, as well as great values, are concerned. These collars come in embroidered linen and Buster Brown styles; women's and children 's f sizes, 12 to 15. Slightly soiled from display and handling; regularly 15c to 50c each, special at iC Taffeta Silk Ribbon 12c to 20c Values 5c 20,000 yards of All-Silk Taffeta Ribbon, in all colors, 1 to 2 inches wide; regularly 12c. to 20c the yard; special for this sale at, yard 3 C Reg. 50c Silk Gloves Today at 43c Pair Women's 2-clasp Silk Gloves, in black or white, sizes 5Y2 to 8 ; regular 50c values ; spe- A o cially priced today for only, the yard TTOG Wo m e n's Children's Handkerchiefs 2V2c 20,000 Women's and Children's 'Kerchiefs, plain hemstitched border with 14-ineh hem ; r l regularly 5c each; 27c the dozen, or ea. 'C Women's Underwear 50c Values for 21c Women's Vests and Pants, in Summer weight; lace-trimmed garments ; regular values y - up to 50c the garment ; special, this sale JL C Great Savings on Umbrellas A sale that offers savings on Men's, Women's and Children's Umbrellas. Economies too good for you to overlook. Tast color coverings, absolutely rainproof, and large assortment of handles. Regular $1.50 values, special 93 Regular $3 and $4 values S1.93 Regular $6 and $7.50 vals. $3.95 Children's 35c Umbrellas at XT Children's Umbrellas, jj1.50 and $1.75 values; special, each..78c Regular $2 and $2.50 vals. S1.49 Regular $4 and $5 values $3.49 $8 to $15 Umbrellas now at HALF Children's 75c Umbrellas at 43d' Children's $2 to $2.50 vals. $1.49 DEMONSTRATION JELLO To make quick and easy desserts, Jello is a boon to many a hurried housekeeper. It 's delicious, too. Comes in several flavors. See dem onstration in the grocery section. IHg Rejuvenation of Aunt Mary $1.18 One of the best books ever written. A sparkling story of bright, crisp humor bv Anne Warner. Soon to be played at the Bungalow by May Kobson. Read up. The price is now only The Furnace of Gold, a new story of the Nevada mining C1 camps. The price is P1" The Fortune Hunter, a new book by Louis Jos. Vance. JJ1 ?C The price is now, only X.M Women's $3.50 Oxfords at $2.65 2000 pairs of seasonable footwear for women, Oxfords, button and Bluchers, Elite Ties and ankle strap Pumps; come with extension or turn soles, in black or brown kid, gunmetal, patent colt and tan calf leathers; all sizes; JJO regular price $3.50, spl P"viJ First A 1 Spring Sale M en's, Women's and Children's Hose A bargain event that has surprised the town with the values offered Prices so attractive that our aisles have been crowded since the opening of the sale Savings for all members of the family Take advantage of this opportunity $1.50 Silk Hose at 89c Pure silk legs with mercerized lisle tops and double lisle soles. Come in black, white or pink; look as well as the more expensive silk; wear .better on account of the lisle foot and top ; regular Q -v .$1.25 and $1.50 values; the pair OiC Infants' Cashmere Hose 1 8c These Hose are made with silk heel and toe and come in black, white and colors. Fine soft fin ish, just the right weight. 3fe values at, the pair 18c Misses, Child's Hose 12Vzc Ribbed Spring weight cotton Hose, in extra long leg, double heels and toes, seamless and elastic. Colors black or tan; regular " 01, 20e pair, sale price 2C Men's35cHoseI7c Fine mercerized silk lisle hose, guaranteed for wear, come in solid, colors only, black, gray, tan, green, helio, burgundy, jfade without seams. ' Regular 35c; y extra special for this sale, pair. X C Women's 35c Lisle Hose 1 8c 500 dozen plain black lisle Hose for women. Full fashioned with Maco split sole. A hose espe cially designed for hard service. Fast black, soft finish. Regularly 35c values, to be had at, pair 18 Shawknit Hose 17c Perfect Shawknit Hose, always sell for 25c the pair and are one of the best hose values made at that. These have alight defects ; therefore, we sell 6 pairs j . for Jjjl.OO, or one pair for only X C Misses' Hose 3 Pair for 50c Fine black lisle Hose, seamless, with double heel, sole and toe, ex tra long, all sizes, gartered elastic tops, regular price 25c the pair; special for this, 17 the Cf) pair, three, pairs for only Indestructible Hose at 17c 500 dozen pairs of ' the famous boys ' ' ' Indestructible Cotton Hose," fast black, lxl rib, made from the best long thread Maco yarn, seamless, extra longl "7 and elastic; reg. 35c vals. JL C 75c Lisle Hose at 36c "Women's Imported Lisle Hose, in fancies, silk lisle, embroidered boot effects and in a large line of Spring colorings. Regu lar 65o and 75c values; special price dur ing this sale at only, the pair O? take advantage of this offering OOC Ladies Ontsize Hose 39c 100 dozen women's outsize Hose in plain, gauze lisle, with four-inch double tops, extra high spliced heel and double toes, Herms- O Q dorf dye, 65c vals., at OJC Children's 35c Hose at 22c Fine ribbed lisle thread Hose, silk mercerized, finish, soft, pliable and elastic Just right for Spring Wear, come in black and tan, all OO sizes ; 35c values at, the pr. ' ' iC The Furniture Sole Is Planned to; Attract 5000 New Customers Our big Furniture Section, occupying the entire Fourth Floor of both buildings, and filled to thd brim with new goods only is a scene of wonderful activity these days Shrewd shoppers know that this big modern department store will sell for lowest possible prices and the prices we quote in this special sale are proof of this statement Seven sample values mentioned here See our Contract Department and arrange trm fy .. L 5 O " J "'fi AUIUICUIC Ull U191CU111CI11 UaV Hid 1 La Turkish Rockers $ 1 1 .98 4 i Mr 41 See these big, luxuriously easy chairs, just like cut, try them and you'll make up your mind in a mo ment that you want one for your leisure hours Rich looking enough for the finest homes, yet priced so low that anyone may own one Upholstered in imitation leather, steel spring con- g 1 l QO struction $22.50 values, today P 1 1 70 $20 Extension Table at $ 1 4.98 An unrivaled bargain in a table that will add greatly to the looks of your dining room and one that will give deeidedlv eood service. Quartered oak in trolden or English oak d1 l nn finish, substantially made, regular $20 val., today W,nn 1i!:K m $?.00 Iron Beds, Special $5.25 jjj iiuii ocuo, iuu siie, green or wmie enamel, neavy CJC T posts and brass rails; $7.00 value, special at, only pO.O Davenport $19.9fl The cut shows the style, but you must see the splendid finish and the quality of velour with which this is upholstered before you can appreciate the value Comes in golden or fumed oak finish, has ward- gn ITtQ robe under seat, $27.5Q vals. 7 O Kitchen Cabinets $ 1 0,49 Take advantage of the special sale prices and se cure one of these indispensable kitchen requirements at a very low price This is the Meier & Frank Special, exactly like cut on right, well made and has plenty of drawer room-r-At the regular price $12.50 they are better than C 1 A f Q ordinary values, today only at P 1 vJTptr $12.75 Solid Oak Rockers $9.24 Handsome and easy chairs, in golden, Early English or wax oak finish, and upholstered in No. 1 leather; good, CQ Ol comfortable chair, strongly built; $12.75 val.; spec. $27.50 Solid Oak Buffet $20.49 Buffet, of solid oak, finely polished golden oak finish, made with beveled edge, French plate mirror; regular l?0"l A Q price $27.50; special for this big sale, only PVF.I ISttll A Tremendous Four-Day Sale of Good Kitchen Utensils at Great Reductions ROYAL CRAY GRANITE-WARE AND BLUE AND WHITE ENAMEL-WARE-SEE THE TWO DISPLAY WINDOWS AT FIFTH AND ALDER STREETS AND NOTE THF. TMSPl av pit -rFctr THE SALE STARTS THIS MORNING AT EIGHT O'CLOCK AND THE BASEMENT SECTION WHERE THESE GOODS ARF f-APPnrn qitpit oir a PcVn, . "1. " .. CDS n ovo rirtt, rKJXVl I tin, OFENING BELL l 1 t ... .. ROYAL GRANITE STEEL WARE 10,000 pieces of this high-grade Gray Graniteware offered at an enormous saving. As a kitchen utensil, it is unexcelled for durability, excellence of finish and general workmanship. . Anticipate your wants for beach and Summer home ; take a4vantageof sale. (0c 3-qt. Tea Kettles, sp'l this sale48' 70c 5-qt. Tea Kettles, sp'l this sale 55? 80c 7-qt. Tea Kettles, spl this sale 59 (Joe li-fjt. Kiee Boilers, special at 52c 0c 2Vl-qt. Rice Boilers, special at 72 $15 4-qt. Rice Boilers, special price 99 17c 2-qt. Liped Sauce Pan, special 14c 120c 3-qt. Lipped Sauce Pan, special 16 25c 5-qt. Lipped Sauce Pan, special 19c 35c 8-qt. Lipped Sauce Pan, special 27c 25c 2-(t. Covered Sauce Pan, special 19c 50c (-qt. Covered Sauce Pan, spec'l 39 75c 10-qt. Covered Sauce Pan, spec'l 59 40e 10-qt. Dish Pan, for 4-day sale 31c tre 10-quart covered Berlin Kettles 59 7e 14-quart Granite Milk Pan, at 5c 10o i-ijuart Granite Milk Pan, at Sc 12c li2-lart Granite Milk Pan, at 9 i:c 2-ijuart Granite Milk Pan, at lOc 18o 4-iuart Granite Milk Pan, at 14 20c 5-quart Granite Milk Pan, at 16c 2.V; 6-quart Granite Milk Pan, at 19c oOc 8-quart Granite Milk Pan, at 24 50c 14-qt. Dish Pan, sp'l for this sale 39c 60c 17-qt. Dish Pan, spl for this sale 48 75c 21-qt. Dish Pan, sp'l for this sale 59c 90c 10-qt. Chamber Pail, for this sale 72c $1.00 12-qt. Chamber Pail, special at 79 50c 10-qt. AVater Pail, for 4-day sale. 39? 65c 12-qt. Water pail, for 4-day sale 52 65c 3-qt. "Water Pitchers, special at 52c 27c 3-4-qt. Coffee Pots, for this sale 22c 30c 1-qt. Coffee Pots, for 4-day sale 24c 35e lV-qt. Coffee Pots, special price 28c 40c 2-qt. Coffee Pots, for this sale at 32 45c 3-qt. Coffee Pots, sp'l, this sale 36 27c i-qt. Tea Pots, for the 4-day sale 22c 35c 1-qt. Tea Pots, for the 4-day sale 28? 40c Ho-qt. Tea Pots, spec'l, this sale 32c 45c 2qt. Tea Pots, for the 4-day sale 36 75c 7-qt. Covered Stove Pots; special 59 $1.10 14-qt. Covered Stove Pots, sp'l 87c 90c 8-qt. Coffee Boilers, for this sale 71c 10c i2-iuart Pudding Pan, special 8c 12c 1-quart Pudding Pan, special 9 13c ll2-quart Pudding Pan, spec. 10 15c 2-quart Pudding Pan, special 12c 17c 3-quart Pudding Pan, special 14c 18c 4-quart Pudding Pan, special 15c Oc o-nuart Pudding J"an, special 16c 2,"c 6-quart Pudding Pan, special 19 Come Early $1.00 10-quart Bread Raiser, spec. 79c $1.15 14-quart Bread Raiser, spec. 92 . 15c Xo. 10 Candle Stick, special 12 10c No. 2.5 Pieeed Cup, special at 10c No. 010 Drink Cup, special at 8r 30c No. 20 Granite Cuspidors, at 24c 15c Granite Soup Ladle, special 12 20c No. 112 "Windsor Dipper, spec. 16c 15c No. 60 Wall Soap Dish, only 12c 30c Granite Coffee Flask, special 24c 20c 3-qt. Lipped Kettles, for this sale 16 23c 4-qt. Lipped Kettles, for this sale 18 25c 5-qt. Lipped Kettles,1 for this sale 19c 30c 6-qt. Lipped Kettles, for this sale 24c 40c 10-qt. Lipped Kettles, special at 32 10,000 pieces of Blue and White Enamelware, extra heavy steel body with four coats of enamel A high-grade, four-coat ware that is sanitaryand durable. Don 't fail to attend this great 4-day sale. 30c Lipped Preserving Kettles, spl 24 45c Lipped Preserving Kettles, sp'l 36? 60c Lipped Preserving Kettles, spl 48c 85c Lipped Preserving Kettles, spl 67c 50c Lipped Sauce Pan, spl this sale 39e 85c Lipped Sauce Pan, sp'l this sale 67c $1.00 Berlin Sauce Pan, for this sale 79 $1.75 Berlin Sauce Pan, special at $1.39 85c Berlin Sauce Kettles, special at 67c $2.00 Berlin Sauce Kettle, special $1.59 M.&F.Coffee23clb. 5000 pounds of tV; superb Meier & Meier & Frank blend of coffee on sale today at this low pride. : It is the 40c kind of coffee. Come today OO. and buy all you want, pound 30c Granite Oblong Stove Pan, at 24 45c Granite Oblone: Stove Pan. at 3fi 25c Granite Bread Pan, special at 19 20c Square Jelly Cake Pan, spec 12c Granite Egg Pans, for this sale 9 20c Granite Fry Pans, for this sale 16 30c Granite Fry Pans, for this sale 22 i 30c Eight-hole Muffin Pans, spec. 24 45c Twelve-hole Muffin Pans, at 36 $1.25 Rice Boilers, for the 4-day sale 99 65c Coffee Pots, special for this sale 52 75c Coffee Pots, spec'l for 4-day sale 69c $1.00 Coffee Pots, sp'l for four days 79 $1.25 Coffee Pots, sp'l for four days 99 65c Tea Pots, spl for this 4-day sale 52? 75c Tea Pots, spl for this 4-day sale 59c 90c Tea Pots, sp'l for this 4-day sale 71 $ $1.00 Tea Pots, for this four-day sale 79 $2.00 Tea Kettles, "this 4-day sale S1.59 35c Pudding Pans, spl for this sale 28 45c Pudding Pans, spl for this sale 36 60c Pudding Pans, spl for this sale 48 $1.35 Dish Pans, for the 4-day sale $1.08 40c Wash Basins, for this 4-day sale 32? $1.25 Water Pails, spec, for this sale 99c $2.00 Slop Pails, for the 4-day sale S1.57 40c Dippers, sp'l for the 4-day sale 32 20c Spoons, special for the 4-day sale 16c 20c Skimmers, special for 4-day sale 16c 30c Sii-hole Corn Cake Pans, at 24 45c Nine-hole Corn Cake Pans, at 36 10c Granite Pie Plates, special at 8c 13c Granite Pie Plates, special at 10 10c Granite Match Safes, special 8 40c 5-quart Covered Berlin Kettles 32c 60c 8-quart Covered Berlin Kettles 48 15c Granite Flat Skimmer, special 12 8c 10-inch Basting Spoon, special 6 1"