18 THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, WEDXESDAT, APRIL 6, 191C PURCHASEOFKAMM BLOCK IS DECIDED Board of Education Expects Complainants to Help Sell Former Site. OPTION IS AUTHORIZED Chairman Klelsohner's Wonderful Kat Trap Offered Gratis to Clear Jcfferwn High School or Visitation of Pests. At a special session yesterday after noon, the Board of Education voted to buy from Jacob Kamm the block bounded by Market, Mill, Seventh and Park streets, to be used for the new Lincoln High School for the West Side, to cost approximately $350,000. It is the desire of the directors to sell the Mock now owned by the district, be tween Seventeenth, Eighteenth, Couch and Davis streets, which was bought lor $95,000 last year. The members of the board. Directors T'lefschner, Sabin, Campbell, Beach and SSitton, had some hesitancy about pur--haslnf? the Kamm block, owing to the fact that the block they now wish to sell Is not told, but they recalled the fact that people living in the neigh borhood of the site bought last year volunteered to sell It If the board would withdraw its published intention of ronstructing the West Side high school "building thereon. Complainants Kspeeted to Act. "If the board decides to build the Jilgh school' building elsewhere," said Chairman Fleischner, "probably the people who complained at the action of the directors- In purchasing that Wock will sell it for us. I am strongly f the opinion that we should own the Kamm block and that it will make an excellent site for the proposed high school." It Is probable the board will con struct a high school building of about four stories and basement, and it now looks as if It would be built on the Kamm block. This site is In a place which brings it into a direct line with the proposed civic center contemplated by the city beautiful plan. By formal vote the board gave to the building committee power to se cure an option for 60 days on the Kamm block, if possible, and if not, to pur chase it outright at the best obtainable terms. Rats have Invaded the aristocratic Jefferson High School, the most ele frant school building on the Pacific Coast, and a general campaign was ordered to eradicate them. The chief Instrument for death-dealing will be provided gratis by Chairman Fleisch ner. who has a trap that is a novelty, according to his statement to his col leagues yesterday. "There are rat in Jefferson High," wald Mrs. Sitton. the only woman mem ber of the board, when Chairman Fleischner asked if there were further Items of business for discussion. Kemarkable Trap Offered. Instantly there was attention from 11 the members, as It was a surprise that rodents should find lodgment in euch a handsome building. "I will lend the janitor my trap," volunteered Chairman Fleischner. "I suppose I have the most remarkable trap ever invented. The cheese hangs to one side to entice the rat or mouse, and. to get the cheese, the rat must 11 m b a little ladder, and his weight springs the trap. Mr. Rat is then au tomatically transferred to a pan of water and is drowned, after which the trap resets itself and is ready for the next victim. This process can go on ell night." Great interest was evidenced in Mr. !Fleischner's wonderful trap. Director Teach remarking that be would think puch a trap would need a whole lake of water. That reminds me of another great Invention." said Mr. Fleischner. "I riave Just read in a New York paper that a man has contrived a device which accurately weighs the fish that cet away. You put it on the end of the rod and it does the rest." "No one would ever buy one," said Xirector Sabin. "A better plan than the one you read about is to weigh the fish by the scales on their back," remarked Di rector Campbell. "The board stands adjourned," or dered Chairman Fleischner. PERSONALMENTION. I,. O. Palmer, of Willamina, is at the Perkins. George W. Needy, of Spokane, is at the Nortonia. EL M. fmith, of Eugene, is registered t the Oregon. i John Callahan, of Albany, is an ar rival at the Ienox. Mrs. F. FT. P. MrMain, of Seattle, is Bit the New Portland. J. "B. Cartwright. of Seaside, came to Ihe Imperial yesterday. Frank B. Tuttle, of Astoria, will be Itt the Nortonia today. M. A Baker, of McMlnnville, arrived fit th Imperial yesterday. B. S. Snelllng, of Oathlamet, Wash., is fit the Imperial for the week. F. S. Harmon, of Tacoma. was a late arrival at the Oregon last night. R. F. Lytle. residing at Hoquiam, reached the Cornelius yesterday. H. F. Davidson, of Hood River, is at the Perkins for an indefinite stay. I-erny Park and Mrs. Park, of The Dalles, are registered at the Seward. J. C Berry, of Vancouver, B. C, is spending his vacation at the Seward. Dr. C. B. Slncoe and wife, of Jefferson City. Mo., are located at the Nortonia- C. D. Hartman came in from Silver ton yesterday and registered at the X.enox. Fred Fischer, operator of a lumber mill at Marcola. is among the arrivals at the Cornelius. Tl. H. Sanborn, one of the large sal mon canners at Astoria, reached the Portland yesterday. J. T. Peters, connected with the Gov ernment Administration at Cascade Locks, is at the Oregon. O. I. Peterson, a packer of salmon at Astoria, came to Portland last night and found Quarters at the Seward. Fj. T. Allen, operating with the lumber men of Oregon and Washington in con servation work, went to Tacoma yester day. Captain Al Betts. one of the oldest pilots of the Lower Columbia River, and a resident of Astoria, arrived at the Perkins yesterday. C. K. Xeal, among the best known ruining men of the Coeur d'Alene dis trict and residing: t Spokane, is the guest of the Norman brothers at the Portland. Senator F. H. Caldwell, of Newberg, is among the politicians at the Cornelius. He is accompanied by Dr. H. A. Little field and John Larkin. George B. Homans, state forester for California, and his assistant. "Bill" Hodge, passed through Portland last night, en route to Tacoma. A. C. Goerig, engaged in railroad con struction work in Washington and Ore gon, came down from Seattle yesterday and is located at the Oregon. Ben Norman, accompanied by his brother, came to Portland yesterday and attended a business meeting of the owners of the Portland Hotel. F. Y. Mulkey. engaged in securing 10.000 eigners to a petition for the re-establishment of a state normal school at Monmouth, .reached the Perkins last night. C. S. Chapman, district forester, ac companied by his assistant, George H. Cecil, went to Tacoma yesterday to at tend the meeting of the Washington and Oregon Forestry and Conservation Asso ciation. George C. Johnson, of Nahcotta: H. S. McGowan. owner of the town and ship ping facilities at McGowan, and S. W. Holmes, of Oetrander, were among the prominent merchants of Southwestern Washington registered at the Imperial. D. B. Bronson. personal insDector for the Forester at Washington. D. C, and who has been in the city for two weeks. STEAMER INTELUGENCB. Dae to Arririk Kim. From. Dat. Ramona. . . . ...Coot Bar.-.. In port Rose City. ... ..Ban Francloc In port Santa Clara.... Ban Francisco Apr. S Golden Gate... Tillamook. ... Apr. 7 Sue H. Elmora. Tlliamooic. ... Apr. 9 Geo. w. Elder. .San Pedro. Apr. 10 HyJa Otaru Apr. 10 KauiM City. Ban Francisco Apr. 11 Falcon San Franclaoo Apr. 13 SelJa Honskonz. .. .Apr. IS Roanoke. .. ....San Pedro... Apr. 17 Hentik Ibsen. ..Honekonr. .. June 1 Hercules Hongkong-. . ..June 4 Scheduled to Depart. Kama. For Date. Ramona Coos Bar. ....Apr. 6 Golden Gate. ..-Tillamook. ... Apr. S Santa Clara. . -San Francisco Apr. 9 Rose City San Francisco Apr. 9 Sue H. EI mora. Tillamook... Apr. VJ Geo. W. Btder. .Ban Pedro. ..Apr. 12 Kansas City. . . Sun Franclaoo Apr. 1 Rygja Hongkong.-. . .Apr. 17 Falcon. ....... San Pedro Apr. 17 Roanoke. ... ...San Francisco Apr. 19 Bel J a Honekonc... Apr. 22 Henrik Ibsen. . Honekons;. .June 12 Hercules Hongkonc .. . June 15 Entered Tuesday. Rose City. Am. steamship (Mason), with general cargo from San Fran cisco, t Roanoke. Am. steamliip (Dun ham), with general cargo from San Pedro. Ramona. Am. steamship (Nelson), with general cargo from Coos Bay. Hoquiam, Am. eteamshtp (Reinert sen ). with general cargo from San Francisco. Shna-Yak, Am. steamship (Hut ton), with, general cargo from San Frar. clsco. Cleared Tuesday. Roanoke. Am. steamship 4 Dun ham ), with general cargo for San Pedro. Ramona, Am. steamship (Nelson), with general cargo for Coos Bay. Hoquiam, Am. steamship (Reinert sen). with ballast for Grays Harbor. Shna-Yak, Am. steamship (Hut ton), with 750,000 feet of lumber for San Francisco. returned to "Washington yesterday. Mr. Bronson was appointed from Portland t,o his present position. Clarence Cunningham, of Alaska coal land fame, passed through Portland yesterday en route to Seattle. Mr. Cun ningham refused to be interviewed as to the proceedings before the Congres sional committee in the Balllnger case. He has not decided the question of a trip to Alaska this season. 5AN FRANCISCO, April 5. (Special.) Portland arrivals at the Palace are; F. Pitlock and family, Mra Ada Hertsch, P. A. Spencer and wife. W. F. Wood ward and wife. Miss Woodward, J. C. Yancey, Lj. M. Block, J. C. iewis, Ur. i. Mays and O. H. Jackson and wife. y. NL G. A. HERE CLIMBS 1010 CliASS ENROLLMENT IS . ALREADY 918. Record Excels All Pacific Northwest Branches Winter Term Closes This Week. With a registration of 918 students so far this year, the educational de partment of the Young Men's Christian Association is this week closing Its Winter terms. The Spring- term is to open next Monday and it is believed that, the registration at that time will be increased to at least 1000. The enrollment is now greater than the educational department of the Seattle Y. M. C. A. and considerably in ex cess of any other association In the Pacific Northwest. This week examinations and regis tration are progressing simultaneously. The examination papers are furnished by the international committee of the Y. M. C. A. at New Tork City, and a letter from there has been received saying that the requests for papr show the Portland association to be In the very front rank among the T. M. C. A-s of the country. After the examinations the papers are marked here and all receiving a grade of more than 65 are forwarded to New York. There they are regraded and those ob taining 75 per cent or better are con sidered as passing. For the Spring term the courses are to be changed to a certain extent, so that they will correspond with those of the three other leading associations in the Northwest. A decision to stand ardize the courses in the four insti tutions was reached at a conference a few weeks ago. New classes are to be formed In English for foreigners, sheet-metal work, outdoor sketching, plumbing, chemistry, carpentry, archi tecture and other subjects. An addi tion to the factulty will be H. C. Fer guson, an Eastern Oregon teacher, w..o will have charge of secondary high school subjects. The educational department has also decided to conduct a Summer school this year. It will be the first time that a Summer course has been af forded by the local Y. M. C. A. for several years. This school will open the first Monday after July 4 and run for six weeks. The Summer school will specialize In normal school work, preparing both men and women for the state examina tions. College preparatory work and all high school subjects are to be- in cluded. . Talk. About PurlfylnK. If you want to purify your svstem for the Spring season, use Bark Tonic the remedy that drives all Impurities out of the system, and that cures rheumatism In 4 to 10 days. Price ?5c a bottle, at the J. A. Clemenson Drug Co., cor. Front and Morrison sts., Port land. Or. This is the store that sells all the old-time remedies at the lowest cut rates, and that carries all the latest remedies as well. Wuouburn. Orchard Co. on case 9. 4' BARK TAKES GRAIN ! Cargo of Altair, 132,197 Bush els Worth $132,200. APRIL SHIPMENTS BEGIN Vessel to Proceed to United King dom Three Spot Ships Cnder Charter Month's Outlook Rosy Marine Notes. With 132,197 bushels of wheat, val ued at J132.200, the British bark Altair, Captain Hughes, was cleared for Queenstown or Falmouth for orders ' yesterday afternoon. The Altair was dispatched by Kerr, Gifford & Co. She will be ready to leave down stream tomorrow morning. Captain Hughes will sign the remain der of his crew this morning and the Ocklahama will go alongside t day light. The clearance of the Altair marks the opening of the grain shipments for April. At present there are about 500. 000 bushels in sight for April foreign exports. The British ship Brabloch 13 moored at Montgomery Dock No. 2 and will begin loading tomorrow morning. The Arctic Stream has been chartered for outward loading by the same firm and will be ready before the middle of the month. The British bark Donna Francesca has been fixed for grain after being on the disengaged list for more than two years. The Donna Fran cesca will leave Astoria Friday and will be piaced on the Oregon Drydock for cleaning and painting. The dock has been engaged for Tuesday of next week. In addition to the wheat exports from Portland for April, there will be con siderable flour shipped abroad. Two steamships, the Rygja and Selja, of the Portland & Asiatic Steamship Com pany, are due to arrive and sail be fore May. The Rygja is due April 10 from Ostaru via Honolulu. The Selja is due five days later. The Selja will bring general cargo from Hongkong and Yokohama. Lumber shipments, both coastwise and foreign, will also show up well. There is a strong demand for lumber in California and steam schooners are unusually active. The foreign market is holding up and shipments will con tinue heavy until well into July. NEWPORT ON REGULAR RUN Vessel Will Operate Between Port land and Goquille River. Equipped with passenger accommo dations, the steamship Newport will be placed in regular service between Port land and Bandon, on the Coquille River. It is announced that the service will begin April 15 and that the Newport will make the run direct, not stopping at Coos Bay on either the north or south trips. The Newport has been tied up at Eureka for two months un dergoing repairs. Bandon has been drawing freight by way of Coos Bay by the Myrtle Point railroad and river steamers and also by gasoline schooner from Marshfield. Since the withdrawal of the schooner Wilhelmina from the run between Marshfield and Bandon and the subse quent hauling oft of the steamship Alliance from the Portland-Coos Bay run, all the freight must be forwarded by way of Myrtle Point. This condi tion left a good opening for the New port. REALS GETS LOADED CIGAR Weather Man Lights "Weed" Which Contained Powder. Five days after "All Fools' day" a loaded cigar got in its work. The victim was none other than District Forecast Official Beats and the explo sion resounded in the office of the Weather Bureau. Captain E. W. Mason, master of the steamship Rose City, who made the presentation to Mr. Beals, has disap appeared. Captain Mason was a wit ness to the pyrotechnic display. On April Fool's day a number of loaded cigars were passed around on the waterfront. One of the weeds was kept in circulation until it fell Into the hands of a reporter several days later. He passed it to Captain Mason. The steamship master placed it in his cigar case with several others, totally unaware of the explosive it contained. Yesterday Captain Mason paid a visit to Mr. Beals and proffered a cigar. Mr. Beals drew the loaded one. R. E. McDonald Now Local Agent. R. E. McDonald has been Installed as local agent of the Pacific Coast Steam ship Company and will hereafter rep resent that company at Portland in the freight and passenger traffic W. R. Andrews, general agent of the passen ger department of the Pacific Coast Company, was in Portland yesterday and wound up the affairs incident to the opening of a new office. Mr. An drews left for Seattle last night. Repairs to Tallac Finished. After a thorough overhauling at the Oregon Drydock and the Willamette Iron & Steel Works, the steam schoon er Tallac is practically ag-ain ready forservice. She will take wheat in the hold and lumber on deck, loading to commence Saturday. The Tallac has een out of commission for more than three weeks. Plan Aetoria Harbor Improvements. ASTORIA, Or., April 5. (Special.) A LINIMENT FOR EXTERNAL, USE. No woman who bears children need suffer during the period of waiting, nor at any time of baby's com ing, if Mother's Friend is used as a massage for the muscles, tendons and glands of the body Mother's Friend is a pene trating, healthful liniment which strengthens the ligaments, lubricates and renders pliant those muscles on which the strain is, greatest, pre vents caking of the breasts by keeping the ducts open, and relieves nausea, backache, numbness, nervousness, etc Its regular use will prepare every portion of the system for the safety of both mother and child and greatly reduce the pain and danger when the little one comes. Mother's Friend is sold at drug stores. Write for our free book containing valuable information for expectant mothers. THE BRAD FIELD GO.. ATLANTA, GA. Sick or Afflicted Men! I WANT YOU TO KNOW WHAT I AM DOING EVERY DAY WITH JUST SUCH CASES AS YOURS A weak and debilitated nervous system is the underlying- cause of lost manly vitality. Nervous debil ity Is due to lack of nerve power. There Is no excuse for the multi tude of men who are unequal to en-Joying- the health of man in the highest stage of perfection. It was never Intended that man at any time should be lacking- in the essential elements that constitute a robust man, nor would any mas ever suffer those mortifying and embarrassing consequences If his nervous system did not become weak and shattered. Since the nervous system controls trie action of all organs, and is the motor from which all power of the body is derived, it is evident that the proper and only successful way to bring back vim, vigor and vitality is to treat the nervous system. I re vive the vim of strength in treating men by a system that recharges the nerve force, and when I dismiss the sufferer there will never again be a sign of weakness, except brought on by Imprudence. . No Incurable Cases . Taken There Is no risk, for I do not treat incurable cases under any considera tion. 1 DO NOT EXPERIMENT NOR USE INJURIOUS DRUGS TO RUIN YOUR SYSTEM. I Do for My Patients All I Promise Them My treatments are mild, my results quick. I successfully treat Acute, Chronic and Nervous Ailments, Blood Poison. Varicose Veins, Catarrh. Skin Diseases, Stomach and Bowel Troubles, Piles. Fistula, Kidney and Bladder Aliments, Nervous Debility, and many other ailments of men not mentioned here. No business address or street number on our envelopes or packages. Consultation and advice free. If you cannot call at office, write for self-addressed blank many cases cured at home. Medicines $1.50 to $ 6.60 per course. HOURS 8 A- 91. TO S P. M., AND SUNDAYS FROM lO TO 12. ST. LOUIS MEDICAL CO. Inc. CORKER SECOKD AND YAMHILL. PORTLAND, Or. The Port of Astoria Commission, at its meeting this morning, directed Attor ney Norblad to prepare an ordinance providing a heavy tine for throwing rubbish into the river within the Juris diction of the port. A public meeting was called, to be held on the evening of April 15, for the purpose of discuss ing plans for the future improvement of the harbor. STEAMER BEAK READY SOON San Francisco Admires Craft to Join Local Run in Month. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.. April 5. (Special.) The steamer Bear will un dergo a cleaning and overhauling here preparatory to taking the Portland run in about one month from now. Captain Charles F. Austin, formerly chief officer of the Pacific Mail steamer Mongolia, and later in command of the Hill liner Minnesota, is in command of the Rear and will retain the position on the San Francisco and Portland route. He speaks highly of the seaworthiness of the Bear. She is one of the handsomest as well as one of the largest steamers that has come to this port, and crowds of peo ple were admiring her today. The steamer is fitted with oil-burning apparatus, and will use oil for fuel on this Coast. Marine Xotcs. With general cargo, from San Fran cisco, the steam schooner Casco ar rived yesterday afternoon. With passengers and freight for San Francisco and San Pedro the steam ship Roanoke sailed last night. For Tillamook Bay ports the steam ship Sue H. Elmore sailed yesterday afternoon. She carried a full cargo of general freight. , From St. Helens with passengers and a full load of lumber the steamship Klamath sailed yesterday for San Pedro. With a full cargo of lumber for San Francisco the steam schooner F. S. Loop sailed yesterday. The steam schooner Hoquiam will load lumber on Grays Harbor for San Francisco. Arrivals and Departures. PORTLAND, Or., April 5. Arrived Steamship Casco. from San Francisco ; schooner "Luzon, from San Francisco. Sailed Steamship Sue H. Elmore, for Tillamook: steamship Hoquiam. for Grays Harbor; steamship Tamalpaia, for San Francisco; steamship Klamath, from St. Helens, for San Pedro; steamship F. S. Loop, for Ban Francisco. Astoria. Or., April 5. Condition at the mouth of the river at 5 P. M., moderate; wind, northwest 14 mites: weather, raining-. Arrived down during the night and sailed at 10 A. M. Steamer Falcon, for San Francisco. Arrived down at 2 A. M. Schooner Hugh Hofcan. Left up at 5:30 A. M. Schooner Luzon. 'Arrived at 7 and left up at 8:30 A. M. Steamer Casco, from San Francisco. Salted at 7 A. M. Steamer Washtenaw, for Port San Luis, and schooner Mafcal Gale, for San Francisco. Arrived at 3:30 P. M. and left up Steamer Saginaw, from San Francisco. Arrived at 6 A. M. Steamer Shasta, from San Francisco. San Francisco, April 5. Arrived at 12 Boon Steamer Rainier, from Portland. Ar rived last nlg-ht Steamer Kansas City, from Portland. Sailed at 2 P. M. Steanwr Johan Poulsen, for Portland; British ship Dunsyre In tow of tug; Hercules, for Astoria Point Reyes, April 5. Passed at 1 P. M. Steamer Yellowstone, from Columbia River, for San Pedro. Monterey. April 5. Sailed at 9 last night Steamer W. S. Porter, for Portland. Pen an g. April 4. Arrived Cyclops, from Liverpool, via Jedda. for Tacoma. Shanghai, April 5. Arrived previously Amiral Fourlchon, from Antwerp, via Mar seilles and Genoa, for San Francisco. Liverpool, A pril 5. Arrived Lusitanla, from New Tork. Yokohama. April 2. Sailed Protesila. for Vancouver. New York. April 5. Sailed Xieuw Am sterdam, for Roterdam; Kaiser Wllhelm II, for Bremen. San Francisco, April R. Arrived Steam ers Admiral Sampson, from Seattle; Rainier, NOT A DOLLAR NEED BE PAID UNTIL CURED from Columbia River: schooner A. B. John son, from Grays Harbor. Sailed .Ship Duny syre. for Astoria; barkentine Belfast, for Tacoma: schooner Philippine, for Tacoma: schooner Spokane, for Gamble; barkentine Echo, for Coos Bay; steamers Redondo. for Coos Bay; Harold Dollar, for Seattle: Nann Smith, for Coos Bay: Umatilla, for Victoria: Nippon Mam. for Hongkong: Johan Poul son, for Astoria; U. S. transport Sherman, for Manila. Tides at Astoria Wednesday. High. Lo-. 10:02 A. M 7.7 feet4.27 A. M 3.3 feet 11:10 P. M. ... 7.7 feotl 4:45 P. M . . . . 0. 7 foot THAT ARE WEAK, NERV OUS AND RUN DOWN. Come to Me and Be Cured Pay When I Cure You or pay me as 70a eet tlie benefit ot THE DOCTOR my treatment. THAT CURES FEB FOR A CUBE: is lower tban any specialist In tno city, half that others charge you. and no exorbitant charge for medicines. I am an expert specialist. Have had SO years' practice in the treatment ot diseases of men. Mr offices are the best equipped in Portland. My methods are modern and up to date. My cures are quick and positive. I do not treat symptoms and patch up. I thoroughly examine each case, find the cause, re move it and thus cure th. disease. I CURE Varicose Veins. Piles and Specific Stood PoUivd and all AUmeau of Men. SPECIAL AILMENTS Newly con tracted h-nd chronic cases cured. All burning. itching and intiammation stopped in 24 hours. Cures effected in seven days. insures every man a lireiong cure, vita out taking medicine Into the stomach. Examination free. If unable to call, write for list of questions. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sun days, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. DR. LINDSAY SECOND ST, COR. OP ALDER, PORTLAND, OR. C. Gee Wo THE CHINESE DOCTOJ This creat ChloM dootor Is well known Ibrooshiot ths NortbwMt bcsoi r "him woudarful and marveloi cures, and la today bar aided by al! nU patients as lbs rfistwt of nls kind. Us treat- any and all diseases with powerful Cain ass roots, barbs and barks that are sntlrely unknown to ths medical sclonca of this country With thee harm 1 era remedies be nxarantoos to cure catarrh, asthma, lonjr troubles, rhearaattatii, nervoasaoss, stomach, liver and kidney troubles, also private diseases of men and vomes, CONSULTATION FBE. Patients outside of city writs for blanks and circulars, inclose 4c stamp. The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co. 162Vi First St., Near Morrlsoa, Portland. Or. INJECTION ROU Gives Prompt and Effectual Relief without inconvenience, in the MOST OBSTINATE CASES No other treatment required. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. .irfililiiuiiitu OHiliritttliirfS PILL . THE DIAMOND BR&KD, - 'BSC A A J V MR VF 19 UHJIAJ, Ladle I Aak yoar DrwcgUt f Fills la Kd and fclold KetaUic rii,i.s, for Xj - aest, Alwsy Reliable SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERib'UR Bllllslj hi S3 -TED'S EN'S AILMENTS I Have Cured Hundreds of Cases Like Your Own There is no economy in employing' an amateur to do an expert's task. Nine times in ten failure follows. In a largre percent age of instances the result is harm. The average physician is an amateur in the treatment of men's ailments. He does not treat enough cases to learn a great deal about them. His time is so fully occupied in treating: a full assortment of human ills that he cannot devote spe eial study to any particular branch of nractice. Most ailments are sufficiently sjmple as to require no special training' other thjm that received in the medical colleges and that afforded by experience in general practice. The more complex and perplexing ailments the family practitioner seldom cares to. treat. He prefers to be relieved of tasks beyond his training, though he cannot, without fear of injur ing a patient ?s confidence in his ability, recommend the services of a specialist instead of his own. The true specialist is a physician who is absolutely expert in the treatment of a few ailments. He knows all about the few ailments he treats, and he treats the most common ailment. For 25 years I have been treating men's ailments only. I began my special work after thorough preparation at the best medical colleges and hospitals of the country, and have cured more men than any other specialist in the West, some of whom were themselves physicians. If afflicted with any of the ailments constituting my specialty, seek an expert's and not an amateur's services. You can come to me knowing that I have treated hundreds of cases exactly like your own and thousands of others very similar. You can rest assured that I will know just what to do will not make a single misstep in the treatment of your case and that a complete and permanent cure will follow. I Am Always Willing to Wait for My Fee Until a Cure Is Effected CONTRACTED AILMENTS Be sure your cure la thorough. Not one of my patients has ever had a relapse alter being dis charged as cured, and I cure In less time than the ordinary forms of treatment require. SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON No dangerous minerals tb drive the virus to the interior, but harmless, blood-cleansing reme dies that remove the last poisonous taint. OBSTRUCTIONS My treatment is absolutely painless, and perfec t results can be depended upon in every in stance. I do no cutting: or di lating whatever. Seek Expert Medical Aid NOW CONSULTATION AND DIAGNOSIS FREE I do not charce for advice, examination or diagnosis. If you call for a private talk with me, you will not be urged to begin treatment. If impossible to call, write. The DR. TAYLOR Co. 234y2 Morrison Street, Portland, Or. CORNER MORRISON AND SECOND STREETS. Office Hours 9 A. M. to 9 P. M.; Sundays 10 to 1 Only. Greatest Nerve No. 2 I have given per sonal inspection to the working of M. I. S. T. on the human system, and must say that it entirely meets with my pro fessional sanction. D. H. LOOMIS, Late Demonstrator of Anatomy. Philadel phia Medical College ' 1. 1. 1 T. , What We Guarantee H.I.S.T. Ho. 2 Will Cure TJTTir'mLrA'rTcn . ...... u iuMr uuw luoir stanainR. Any case of inflammation of the Bladder or Enlarged Prostate Gland, no matter if the pa tients have been for years forced to use a catheter. BLOOD POISON IN ANY STAGE. ANY CASE OF DIABETES. It Is no stimulant. Its effects are pertnanen and lastine. Will cure any case of Stricture without local treatment. Will remove entirely from the system Cancer and Cancerous Germs In addition to the above, M. I. s. T. No. S has cured many cases of Paralysis, Locomotor Address Rl. I. S.T. ADDRESS EBEN PERRY, Mgr., 332 Sherlock v. tbm iwr r ninpe Hprcmin. Phone Main 7934. BXNG CHOONG. CHXNESE DOCTOR. 3LtuWUX4UBa UIU K- 133 H Firstl St., room 11, and 22C Alder St. Chinese Root and Herb Medicines. Cures Cancer, Rheuma tism, Consumption. Dropsy, Catarrh. Stomach, Lung, Liver and Kidney Trni Iai All Chronic ailments oi men ana wom- i;n. tamination ii&i Flanders St, FREE "-- in nun -- .f m J? IK, TAYLOR, landing: Specialist. VARICOSE VEINS Its Complete Cure Without Surgery. Under my treatment the most aggravated cases of varicose veins are cured in a few days' time. There is no cutting, no pain, and it is seldom necessary that the patient be detained from his occupation. Normal circulation is at once restored and the natural processes of waste and repair are again es tablished. If you are afflicted with varicose veins, consult me at once. Delay can but bring on aggravated conditions and nerv ous complications that will im pair the general health. and Blood Tonic PJ0.2 AtATla. Sninnl Trnnhl. i i . . ; , "1'i'fliL-y Li j incur able diseases-of the nerves. M. I. S. T. has been on the market for over 30 years, and has cured thousands of sufferers It Is prescribed by leading physicians all over the country. It is pleasant to take and absolutely sale. It never Increases or diminishes the action of the heart. If you are suffering from any chronic disease you are urged to write to us. no matter how many doctors or kinds of medicines you have tried without relief. WE That yon may judge of the value of the Great Specific for your self, we will send you one week's treatment by mail FREE ?J? J,?fiDenftwhen,i!ured yourself you will recommend U to others. Write confidentially to our medical department giving symptoms, tl Mr hoi. nr i-r hn,.. f, i enl" CO., Toledo, Ohio Bldg, Third and Oak Streets, Portland. Oregon Hours, s A. M. to 8 P. M. Open Sunda-a lO A. M. to 1 P. 3L.. Woman a Specialty The well-known Chinese DR. B. It. CHAN', with their Chi nese remedy of herbs and roots, cure wonderfully. It has cured many sufferers when all other remedies have male -srj-tfi.iVW private sWS-iR failed. Sure cure for male and female, chonlc. diseases. nervousness. diooq mnnn . ...... poison, rheumatism, asthma In lid. a A. unAfl pneumonia, throat, lun trouble, consump tion, stomach, bladder, Kidney and diseases of all kinds. Remedies harmless. No oper ation. Honest truatment. Examination for ladies by MRS. 8. K. CHAN. Call or write ft. K- CHAN CHI& MEDICINE CO.. 226 W Alorrifioa 6U, iieu Ut aud 2d, f ortlaad, o VW' ' W V 1 s i